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AbortionabortionistEnglishnounA person who performs abortions, especially illegally or secretly.offensive sometimes
AbortionabortionistEnglishnounA person who advocates for or supports the legality of abortion.derogatory
Administrative divisionsJapanesecharacterroad; waykanji
Administrative divisionsJapanesenounTao (the way of nature), Taoism
Administrative divisionsJapanesenouna region of Japan consisting of multiple provinces or prefectureshistorical
Administrative divisionsJapanesenamea surname
Administrative divisionsJapaneseprefixShort for 北(ほっ)海(かい)道(どう) (Hokkaidō)abbreviation alt-of morpheme
Administrative divisionsJapanesenouna way, a street, a road, an alley, a path, a pass for local traffic
Administrative divisionsJapanesenouna road, a pathfiguratively
Administrative divisionsJapanesenouna way of doing something
Administrative divisionsJapanesenamea female given name
Administrative divisionsJapanesenamea surname
Administrative divisionsJapanesenamea male given name
Administrative divisionsJapanesenamea female given name
AfricaWolofEnglishnameA West African people, mostly in Senegal.
AfricaWolofEnglishnameThe language traditionally spoken by those people.
AfricaWolofEnglishnameThe former realm of the Wolof, maintained from the 14th to the 19th centuries.historical
AfricaWolofEnglishnounAn individual member of the Wolof people.
AgriculturebileogIrishnounleafbiology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
AgriculturebileogIrishnounsheet (of paper)feminine
AgriculturebileogIrishnounhandout, leafletfeminine
AgriculturebileogIrishnounletter of freedom (to marry)colloquial feminine
AgriculturebóndiIcelandicnounhusbandarchaic masculine
AgriculturejesleCzechnounkindergarten-like institution for very young children, between ages 0 and 3feminine plural
AgriculturejesleCzechnounhayrack, cribfeminine plural
AgriculturejesleCzechnounnutmeg (the playing of the ball between the legs of an opponent)ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsfeminine plural
AgriculturejesleCzechnounnativity scenefeminine plural rare
AgricultureużytekPolishnounuse, usage (act of using something)inanimate masculine
AgricultureużytekPolishnounplot (area of land for a specific purpose)inanimate masculine
AgricultureużytekPolishnounplot (area of land for a specific purpose) / farmland (area of land dedicated to cultivation or that is capable of cultivation)inanimate masculine
AgricultureużytekPolishnounharvest (raw material obtained from developed land)agriculture business forestry lifestyleinanimate masculine
AgricultureużytekPolishnounprint run (number of individual prints of the same size obtained from one sheet of paper)media printing publishinginanimate masculine
AgricultureużytekPolishnounutility, use; benefit; advantagearchaic inanimate masculine
AgricultureużytekPolishnounincomeinanimate masculine obsolete
AgricultureużytekPolishnounlease (temporary ownership or usage or something)inanimate masculine obsolete
AircraftblimpEnglishnounAn airship constructed with a non-rigid lifting agent container.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
AircraftblimpEnglishnounAny large airborne inflatable.broadly
AircraftblimpEnglishnounAn obese person.slang
AircraftblimpEnglishnounA person similar to the cartoon character Colonel Blimp; a pompous, reactionary British man.
AircraftblimpEnglishnounA soundproof cover for a video camera.broadcasting film media television
AircraftblimpEnglishverbTo expand like a blimp or balloon; to become fat.intransitive slang
AircraftblimpEnglishverbTo fit (a video camera) with a soundproof cover.transitive
Aircraftọkọ ofuurufuYorubanounairplane
Aircraftọkọ ofuurufuYorubanounaircraft
Alcoholic beverages造酒司Japanesenamea 律令 (ritsuryō) position under the 宮内省 (Kunaishō, “Ministry of the Imperial Household”), responsible for brewing liquor for the courthistory human-sciences sciences
Alcoholic beverages造酒司Japanesenamea 律令 (ritsuryō) position under the 宮内省 (Kunaishō, “Ministry of the Imperial Household”), responsible for brewing liquor for the courthistory human-sciences sciences
Alcoholic beverages𑜎𑜰𑜫Ahomnounalcohol
Alcoholic beverages𑜎𑜰𑜫Ahomnounalcoholic beverage
AlgeriaoranésSpanishadjof Oran; Oranese (of or relating to Oran, Algeria)relational
AlgeriaoranésSpanishnounOranese (native or resident of Oran, Algeria)masculine
AlliumsküüslaukEstoniannoungarlic / A pungent plant with a bulb consisting of small, nail-like cloves, used in cooking and medicine (Allium sativum).biology botany natural-sciences
AlliumsküüslaukEstoniannoungarlic / The pungent and spicy part of a garlic plant as a food.
AlloysbrazenEnglishadjMade of brass.archaic
AlloysbrazenEnglishadjBrass-like in appearance or character; bright, ruddy, hard.figuratively
AlloysbrazenEnglishadjSounding harsh and loud, like brass cymbals or brass instruments.
AlloysbrazenEnglishadjExtremely strong; impenetrable; resolute.archaic
AlloysbrazenEnglishadjShameless or impudent; shocking or audacious; brash.
AlloysbrazenEnglishverbTo turn a brass color.intransitive
AlloysbrazenEnglishverbGenerally followed by out or through: to carry through in a brazen manner; to act boldly despite embarrassment, risk, etc.transitive
AlloysчеликMacedoniannountipcat (an archaic game in which the players hit, by means of a stick, a wood to each other, and the wood itself)archaic
AmphibiansdikkopDutchnounlarge-headed personmasculine
AmphibiansdikkopDutchnounstubborn personderogatory masculine
AmphibiansdikkopDutchnounbigwigBelgium figuratively masculine
AmphibiansdikkopDutchnounrunner doped up on human growth hormonehobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine
AnatomybodiTorres Strait Creolenounbody
AnatomybodiTorres Strait Creolenountree trunk
AnatomyqolAzerbaijaninounbranch (stream which flows into a larger river)
AnatomyqolAzerbaijaninounbranch, grouphuman-sciences linguistics sciencesfiguratively
AnatomyqolAzerbaijaninoungoal (act of placing the object into the goal)hobbies lifestyle sports
AnatomyturiTakuunounkneeanatomy medicine sciences
AnatomyturiTakuunounA small, black shore bird with a white breast and protruding eyes, probably a turnstone.
AnatomyлъынтфэAdyghenounA blood vessel: an artery or vein.
Anatomyओष्ठSanskritnounlip (generally in dual)
Anatomyओष्ठSanskritnounthe forepart of an Agnikuṇḍa
Anatomyओष्ठSanskritnounCoccinia grandis (to whose red fruits lips are commonly compared)biology botany natural-sciences
AnatomyनाचिकYakkhanounface, appearance
AnatomyསྣTibetannounnose, snout, proboscis
AnatomyསྣTibetannounface, tip, end
AnatomyསྣTibetannounkind, sort, variety
Ancient AfricaNumidiaEnglishnameAn ancient Berber kingdom located in northern Africa.
Ancient AfricaNumidiaEnglishnameA female given name.rare
AndorraAndorranEnglishnounA person from Andorra or of Andorran descent.
AndorraAndorranEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Andorra, the Andorran people.not-comparable
Animal body partsgaysaAfarnounhorn
Animal body partsgaysaAfarnounbow (weapon)
Animal body partsਤੱਕਲ਼ਾPunjabinounspindle
Animal body partsਤੱਕਲ਼ਾPunjabinounquill
Animal body partsਤੱਕਲ਼ਾPunjabinounshaft (of a Persian wheel)
Animal soundscacareoSpanishnouncacklingmasculine
Animal soundscacareoSpanishnouncock-a-doodle-doomasculine
Animal soundscacareoSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of cacarearfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
Animal soundsouvearGalicianverbto howl (a wolf or a dog)intransitive
Animal soundsouvearGalicianverbto howl (the wind)figuratively intransitive
Animal soundsouvearGalicianverbto howl, to wail (a person)figuratively intransitive
Animal soundsouvearGalicianverbto idlefiguratively intransitive
Animal soundswhoopEnglishnounA loud, eager cry, usually of joy.
Animal soundswhoopEnglishnounA gasp, characteristic of whooping cough.
Animal soundswhoopEnglishnounA bump on a racetrack.
Animal soundswhoopEnglishverbTo make a whoop.intransitive
Animal soundswhoopEnglishverbTo shout, to yell.transitive
Animal soundswhoopEnglishverbTo cough or breathe with a sonorous inspiration, as in whooping cough.
Animal soundswhoopEnglishverbTo insult with shouts; to chase with derision.obsolete transitive
Animal soundswhoopEnglishverbTo beat, to strike.informal transitive
Animal soundswhoopEnglishverbTo defeat thoroughly.informal transitive
AnimalsmacëAlbaniannouncatbiology natural-sciences zoologyfeminine
AnimalsmacëAlbaniannounbelligerent, wild womanderogatory feminine figuratively
AnimalsnēšumAkkadiannounLeo (constellation)astronomy natural-sciencesmasculine
AnimalsкыылYakutnounanimal, beast
AnimalsجاجةSouth Levantine Arabicnounhen, chickensingulative
AnimalsجاجةSouth Levantine Arabicnountin, can
Anteaters and slothskolmivarvaslaiskiainenFinnishnounthree-toed sloth (sloth of the genus Bradypus, the only genus in family Bradypodidae)
Anteaters and slothskolmivarvaslaiskiainenFinnishnounSynonym of bahianlaiskiainen (“pale-throated sloth, Bradypus tridactylus”).dated
Apieae tribe plantsկարոսMiddle Armeniannounparsley, Petroselinum
Apieae tribe plantsկարոսMiddle Armeniannouncelery, Apiumerror-lua-exec
ApodiformsbalinsasayawCebuanonounedible-nest swiftlet (Aerodramus fuciphagus)
ApodiformsbalinsasayawCebuanonounswift (bird)
AppearanceschrydenMiddle EnglishverbTo put on clothes on garments; to enrobe.
AppearanceschrydenMiddle EnglishverbTo equip garments or weapons; to gear up.
AppearanceschrydenMiddle EnglishverbTo decorate; to ornament.
Apple Inc.iPadFrenchnouniPad (the Apple iPad)masculine
Apple Inc.iPadFrenchnouniPad (a generic internet/electronic tablet)masculine
ArachnidsácaroSpanishnounorder of mitesbiology natural-sciences zoologyin-plural masculine
ArmorщитPannonian Rusynnounshieldinanimate masculine
ArmorщитPannonian Rusynnounfacade (front face of a building)inanimate masculine
ArmorخودPersiannounself, the self
ArmorخودPersianpronself, -selfreflexive
ArmorخودPersianpronone's own (in possessive constructions)emphatic
ArmorخودPersiannouna helmet
Arum family plantscaráSpanishnountaro (Colocasia esculenta)masculine
Arum family plantscaráSpanishnounsmooth-cheek eartheater (Gymnogeophagus gymnogenys)masculine
Arum family plantscaráSpanishnounchameleon cichlid (Australoheros facetus)masculine
Asparagus family plantsمكنسةArabicnounbroom, besom
Asparagus family plantsمكنسةArabicnounalso occurs in plant names, like English broom, but not for the same plants, comprising Centaurium, Kochia, Ruscus spp. and others
Asterales order plantsაბზინდაGeorgiannounabsinthe wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)
Asterales order plantsაბზინდაGeorgiannounbuckle
Astereae tribe plantscedowyddWelshnounfleabane (Erigeron or conyza)masculine uncountable
Astereae tribe plantscedowyddWelshnoungiant fennel (several plants of genus Ferula)masculine uncountable
AstronomygeocentrismEnglishnounA belief that the Earth is the center of the universe.uncountable
AstronomygeocentrismEnglishnounThe misbelief that the sun revolves around the Earth.informal uncountable
AthletesfencerEnglishnounA participant in the sport of fencing.
AthletesfencerEnglishnounA person who makes, installs, repairs, or maintains fences.
AtmospherespéirIrishnounsky; airfeminine
AtmospherespéirIrishnounairiness, brightness, lightfeminine
AtmospherespéirIrishnounsphere, circlefeminine literary
AtmospherespéirIrishnounorbitfeminine literary
Atmospheric phenomenabreezeEnglishnounA light, gentle wind.
Atmospheric phenomenabreezeEnglishnounAny activity that is easy, not testing or difficult.figuratively
Atmospheric phenomenabreezeEnglishnounWind blowing across a cricket match, whatever its strength.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
Atmospheric phenomenabreezeEnglishnounAn excited or ruffled state of feeling; a flurry of excitement; a disturbance; a quarrel.
Atmospheric phenomenabreezeEnglishnounA brief workout for a racehorse.
Atmospheric phenomenabreezeEnglishverbTo move casually, in a carefree manner.intransitive usually
Atmospheric phenomenabreezeEnglishverbTo blow gently.climatology meteorology natural-sciences weatherintransitive
Atmospheric phenomenabreezeEnglishverbTo take a horse on a light run in order to understand the running characteristics of the horse and to observe it while under motion.intransitive
Atmospheric phenomenabreezeEnglishverbTo swim near the surface of the water, causing ripples in the surface.intransitive
Atmospheric phenomenabreezeEnglishnounA gadfly; a horsefly; a strong-bodied dipterous insect of the family Tabanidae.
Atmospheric phenomenabreezeEnglishverbTo buzz.intransitive
Atmospheric phenomenabreezeEnglishnounAshes and residue of coal or charcoal, usually from a furnace. See Wikipedia article on Clinker.
Atmospheric phenomenadunderPolishnounthundercolloquial dialectal inanimate masculine
Atmospheric phenomenadunderPolishintjblast it, goddamn (used to show displeasure or disappointment)idiomatic
Atmospheric phenomenamotregenDutchnoundrizzle (light rain)masculine
Atmospheric phenomenamotregenDutchverbinflection of motregenen: / first-person singular present indicativefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
Atmospheric phenomenamotregenDutchverbinflection of motregenen: / second-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present second-person singular
Atmospheric phenomenamotregenDutchverbinflection of motregenen: / imperativeform-of imperative
Aulopiform fishkarahoCebuanonounoaf; idiot
Aulopiform fishkarahoCebuanonounklutz;
Aulopiform fishkarahoCebuanonoundick; dickhead (person)humorous sometimes
Aulopiform fishkarahoCebuanonounvariegated lizardfish (Synodus variegatus)
Aulopiform fishkarahoCebuanointjExpression used similarty to fuck! and shit!dated vulgar
AutomotiveDWIEnglishnounInitialism of driving while impaired.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
AutomotiveDWIEnglishnounInitialism of driving while intoxicated.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
AutomotiveDWIEnglishnounInitialism of diffusion-weighted imaging.medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
AutomotiveDWIEnglishverbInitialism of deal with it.abbreviation alt-of colloquial initialism
Automotiverunning boardEnglishnounA narrow board serving as a step beneath the doors of some cars.
Automotiverunning boardEnglishnounA narrow footway above the driving wheels of some steam locomotives, and along the sides of some diesel locomotives.rail-transport railways transport
Aviationहवाई अड्डाHindinounairport
Aviationहवाई अड्डाHindinounairfield, airbase
Baby animalscerwLower Sorbiannounmaggotanimal-not-person masculine
Baby animalscerwLower Sorbiannounwormanimal-not-person masculine
Baby animalsčrvSerbo-CroatiannounObsolete form of crv.alt-of masculine obsolete
Baby animalsčrvSerbo-CroatiannounwormKajkavian masculine
Baby animalsčrvSerbo-CroatiannounmaggotKajkavian masculine
BagspungDanishnounpurse (small bag for carrying money)common-gender
BagspungDanishnounscrotumanatomy medicine sciencescommon-gender
BagspungDanishnouna pouch in marsupials where it rears its young during their early infancybiology natural-sciences zoologycommon-gender
BasketballhoopsEnglishnounplural of hoopform-of plural
BasketballhoopsEnglishnounBasketball.US plural plural-only slang
BasketballhoopsEnglishverbthird-person singular simple present indicative of hoopform-of indicative present singular third-person
BeardsMilchbartGermannounmilk moustache (white residue on the upper lip after a deep sip of milk)masculine strong
BeardsMilchbartGermannoundowny beard of a youthmasculine strong
BeardsMilchbartGermannouna youth who has such a beard; immature manbroadly derogatory masculine strong
BeerschoonerEnglishnounA sailing ship with two or more masts, all with fore-and-aft sails; if two masted, having a foremast and a mainmast.nautical transport
BeerschoonerEnglishnounA glass for drinking a large measure of sherry.UK
BeerschoonerEnglishnounA glass of beer, of a size which varies between states (Wikipedia).Australia
BeerschoonerEnglishnounA large goblet or drinking glass, used for lager or ale (Wikipedia).US
BeerschoonerEnglishnounA covered wagon used by emigrants.historical
BeesرانیPunjabinounan honorific for women
BeesرانیPunjabinounthe queen bee
BeesرانیPunjabinounprincess; princess consort
BeesرانیPunjabinounprincess (often said to a daughter)endearing
BeesرانیPunjabinouna self-centred woman; majesty; queenderogatory
BeesرانیPunjabinouna queenboard-games card-games chess games
Beetlescailleach oícheIrishnounowlfeminine
Beetlescailleach oícheIrishnoundeath-watch beetle, deathwatch beetlefeminine
Beloniform fishgreenboneEnglishnounAny garfish (Belone or Strongylosura).
Beloniform fishgreenboneEnglishnounThe European eelpout.
Beloniform fishgreenboneEnglishnounA common food fish, Odax pullusNew-Zealand
BerriesdereńPolishnouncornel, dogwood (any tree or shrub of genus Cornus)inanimate masculine
BerriesdereńPolishnoundogberryinanimate masculine
BerriesitburnuAzerbaijaninounrose hip
BerriesmirtiloPortuguesenounblueberry (berry)masculine
BerriesmirtiloPortuguesenounblueberry (shrub)masculine
BerriesmirtiloPortuguesenounbilberry (berry)masculine
BerriesmirtiloPortuguesenounbilberry (shrub)masculine
BeveragesiriaKikuyunounplace where water is collected / lake, pondclass-5
BeveragesiriaKikuyunounplace where water is collected / seaclass-5
BeveragesvatnFaroesenounwater (H₂O)neuter uncountable
BeveragesvatnFaroesenounseanautical transportneuter
BeveragesvatnFaroesenounbody fluidneuter
BeveragesπορτοκαλάδαGreeknounorange juice
BibionomorphsMarch flyEnglishnounAny of the family Bibionidae of dark hairy flies.
BibionomorphsMarch flyEnglishnounAny of the bloodsucking horseflies of family Tabanidae.Australia New-Zealand
BibionomorphsMarch flyEnglishnounTipula hortulana (syn. Bibio hortulanus), now of family Tipulidae of crane flies.
Biblical charactersMartaSpanishnamea female given name, equivalent to English Marthafeminine
Biblical charactersMartaSpanishnameMartha (biblical character)feminine
Biblical charactersPēterisLatviannamePeter (Biblical figure)declension-2 masculine
Biblical charactersPēterisLatviannamea male given name from Ancient Greekdeclension-2 masculine
Biblical charactersРубенSerbo-CroatiannameReuben (Biblical figure)
Biblical charactersРубенSerbo-Croatiannamea male given name
Biblical charactersՔանանOld ArmeniannameCanaan (grandson of Noah)
Biblical charactersՔանանOld ArmeniannameCanaan (land)
Bicycle partsrogSlovenenounhorn, antler (growth on the heads of certain animals)
Bicycle partsrogSlovenenouncornucopia or other horn-shapes vessels
Bicycle partsrogSlovenenounhorn (musical instrument)
Bicycle partsrogSlovenenountentacles of a snailinformal
Bicycle partsrogSlovenenounanterior or posterior grey columnanatomy medicine sciences
Bicycle partsrogSlovenenounear of the maizeregional
Bicycle partsrogSlovenenounpointy peaks of mountains^([→SSKJ])plural-normally rare
Bicycle partsrogSlovenenounhandlebar^([→SSKJ])rare
Bicycle partsrogSlovenenounhorn (the hard substance from which animals' horns are made)dialectal uncountable
Bicycle partsrogSlovenenounbump (swell on the skin)rare
Bicycle partsrogSlovenenouncroissant^([→SSKJ])obsolete
BiochemistryTIMEnglishnameA nickname for the speaking clock.British
BiochemistryTIMEnglishnounInitialism of trans-identified male.abbreviation alt-of countable derogatory initialism offensive uncountable usually
BiochemistryTIMEnglishnounInitialism of time interval electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
BiochemistryTIMEnglishnounInitialism of triosephosphateisomerase.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
BiochemistryTIMEnglishnounAbbreviation of time-in-minutes.abbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
BiochemistryTIMEnglishnounTranslocon on Inner cellular Membranebiology cytology medicine natural-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
Biochemistry美國仙丹Chinesenounmiracle cure; wonder pill; panaceaTaiwanese-Hokkien
BiologyяблучкоUkrainiannoundiminutive of я́блуко (jábluko)diminutive form-of
BiologyяблучкоUkrainiannoungall (tumour-like growth on the surface of a plant)biology botany medicine natural-sciences pathology phytopathology sciences
BirdsbigeinScottish Gaelicnounrock pipitmasculine
BirdsbigeinScottish Gaelicnoungoldcrestmasculine
BirdsbigeinScottish Gaelicnounmeadow pipit (Anthus pratensis)masculine
BirdsbigeinScottish Gaelicnounany little wild birdmasculine
BirdsbigeinScottish Gaelicnounpenismasculine slang
BirdscolegialSpanishadjcollegiatefeminine masculine
BirdscolegialSpanishnounresident of a colegio mayormasculine
BirdscolegialSpanishnounaustral negrito, Patagonian negritoChile masculine
BirdscolegialSpanishnounbread puddingChile masculine
BirdsmerloSpanishnounbrown wrasse (fish)masculine
BirdsnonavianEnglishadjAlternative form of non-avian.alt-of alternative not-comparable
BirdsnonavianEnglishnounAlternative form of non-avian.alt-of alternative
Bodies of waterfjordNorwegian Nynorsknouna fjordmasculine
Bodies of waterfjordNorwegian Nynorsknouna big long lake in Eastern Norway (e.g. Tyrifjorden, Tunhovdfjorden, Randsfjorden, Tisleifjorden)masculine
Bodies of watergulfEnglishnounA hollow place in the earth; an abyss; a deep chasm or basin.
Bodies of watergulfEnglishnounThat which swallows; the gullet.obsolete
Bodies of watergulfEnglishnounThat which swallows irretrievably; a whirlpool; a sucking eddy.
Bodies of watergulfEnglishnounA portion of an ocean or sea extending into the land; a partially landlocked seageography natural-sciences
Bodies of watergulfEnglishnounA large deposit of ore in a mining
Bodies of watergulfEnglishnounA wide interval or gap; a separating space.figuratively
Bodies of watergulfEnglishnounA difference, especially a large difference, between groups.figuratively
Bodies of watergulfEnglishnounThe bottom part of a list of those awarded a degree, for those who have only just passed.
Bodies of watergulfEnglishverbTo engulf.transitive
Bodies of watergulfEnglishverbTo award a degree to somebody who has only just passed sufficiently.transitive
Bodies of waterChinesecharacterto anchor (a vessel); to moor
Bodies of waterChinesecharacterto stay for a while; to find refuge
Bodies of waterChinesecharactermodest; tranquil
Bodies of waterChinesecharacterAlternative form of 薄alt-of alternative
Bodies of waterChinesecharacterlake (large, landlocked stretch of water)
Bodies of waterChinesecharacterto parkCantonese
Bodies of waterChinesecharacterpoise (unit of viscosity)
Bodies of waterChinesecharacterUsed in 漠泊.
Bodies of waterChinesecharacterAlternative form of 洦 (pò)alt-of alternative
Bodily fluidsdjersëAlbaniannounsweatfeminine
Bodily fluidsdjersëAlbaniannounperspirationfeminine
Bodily fluidssanHaitian Creolenumhundred
Bodily fluidssanHaitian Creolenounblood
Bodily fluidsмалафьяRussiannounsperm, cumslang vulgar
Bodily fluidsмалафьяRussiannounthe penisslang vulgar
BodycałoKashubianadvunscathed, alive, safelynot-comparable
BodytraigOld Irishnounfootfeminine
BodytraigOld Irishnounstepfeminine
BodytraigOld Irishnounfoot (unit of measure)feminine
Body partsangúṛiPhaluranounfingerfeminine
Body partsangúṛiPhaluranountoefeminine
Body partscarrizoSpanishnounreedmasculine
Body partscarrizoSpanishnounany of various plants found in reed beds / Ammophila arenariamasculine
Body partscarrizoSpanishnounany of various plants found in reed beds / Arundo donaxmasculine
Body partscarrizoSpanishnounany of various plants found in reed beds / Elytrigia repensmasculine
Body partscarrizoSpanishnounany of various plants found in reed beds / Phragmites australismasculine
Body partscarrizoSpanishnoundrinking strawColombia Panama Venezuela masculine
Body partscarrizoSpanishnounpeniseuphemistic masculine
Body partsfwaHaitian Creolenounliver
Body partsfwaHaitian Creolenountime
Body partspungkayCebuanonounsummit; peak
Body partspungkayCebuanonounapex (highestor the greatest point of something)
Body partspungkayCebuanonounfemale genitaliachildish literary
Body partsأنٛدٕرَمKashmirinounan intestine
Body partsأنٛدٕرَمKashmirinounthe intestines
BonesተረከዝAmharicnounheel (of a foot)
BonesተረከዝAmharicnounheel (of a shoe)
BonesተረከዝAmharicnounheel bone
Book sizesquartoEnglishnounA size of paper (7.5"-10" x 10"-12.5" or 190-254 x 254-312 mm). Formed by folding and cutting one of several standard sizes of paper (15"-20" x 20"-25" or 381-508 x 508-635 mm) twice to form 4 leaves (eight sides).countable uncountable
Book sizesquartoEnglishnounA size of paper (7.5"-10" x 10"-12.5" or 190-254 x 254-312 mm). Formed by folding and cutting one of several standard sizes of paper (15"-20" x 20"-25" or 381-508 x 508-635 mm) twice to form 4 leaves (eight sides). / Quarto writing paper (10 inches x 8 inches)UK countable uncountable
Book sizesquartoEnglishnounA book size, corresponding to the paper printing publishingcountable uncountable
BooksDon QuixoteEnglishnameA famous 1605–1615 Spanish novel by Miguel de Cervantes (1547–1616), whose full title is El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha (The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha).
BooksDon QuixoteEnglishnameThe protagonist of this novel.
BooksDon QuixoteEnglishnounAny person or character who displays quixotism.also attributive
BooksgidPolishnounguide (someone who guides)literary masculine person
BooksgidPolishnounguide booklifestyle tourism transport travelinanimate masculine
BooksmaticaSerbo-Croatiannounqueen (insects)
BooksmaticaSerbo-Croatiannounsource, home (figuratively)
BooksmaticaSerbo-Croatiannounmainstream (also figuratively)
BooksmaticaSerbo-Croatiannounregistry, record book
BooksmaticaSerbo-Croatiannounnut, fastener (piece of metal)
BooksβοήθημαGreeknounhelp (usually financial), subsidy, handout
BooksβοήθημαGreeknounvade mecum, reference book
BooksхрбатSerbo-Croatiannounspine, backbone
BooksхрбатSerbo-Croatiannounridge, crest (hill, mountain, wave)
BooksхрбатSerbo-Croatiannounspine (narrow, bound edge of a book)
Books稗官Chinesenounpetty official responsible for reporting the talk of the town, stories, and local customs to the emperorhistorical
Books of the BibleDanielaHawaiiannameDaniel (in old versions of the Bible)
Books of the BibleDanielaHawaiiannamea male given name originating from the Bible, of 19th century usage
Books of the BibleJesajaDutchnameIsaiah (Israelite prophet, Biblical figure)Christianity Islam lifestyle religionJudaism masculine
Books of the BibleJesajaDutchnameIsaiah (book of the Hebrew Bible)ChristianityJudaism masculine
Boroughs in EnglandAshfieldEnglishnameA local government district of Nottinghamshire, England.
Boroughs in EnglandAshfieldEnglishnameA small village in Romsey Extra parish, Test Valley district, Hampshire, England (OS grid ref SU3619).
Boroughs in EnglandAshfieldEnglishnameA hamlet in Stirling council area, Scotland.
Boroughs in EnglandAshfieldEnglishnameA suburb of Sydney, New South Wales.
Boroughs in EnglandAshfieldEnglishnameA suburb of Perth, Western Australia.
Boroughs in EnglandAshfieldEnglishnameA town in Franklin County, Massachusetts, United States.
Boroughs in EnglandBraintreeEnglishnameA town in Essex, England.
Boroughs in EnglandBraintreeEnglishnameA local government district in Essex formed in 1974, with its headquarters in the town.
Boroughs in EnglandBraintreeEnglishnameA city in Massachusetts.
Boroughs in EnglandHambletonEnglishnameA place in England: / A former local government district in North Yorkshire, created 1 April 1974 and abolished 1 April 2023.countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandHambletonEnglishnameA place in England: / A village and civil parish in Wyre district, Lancashire (OS grid ref SD3742).countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandHambletonEnglishnameA place in England: / A hamlet in Bolton Abbey parish, North Yorkshire, previously in Craven district (OS grid ref SE0553).countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandHambletonEnglishnameA place in England: / A village and civil parish in North Yorkshire, previously in Selby district (OS grid ref SE5530).countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandHambletonEnglishnameA place in England: / A hamlet in Cold Kirby parish, previously in Ryedale district and Kilburn High and Low parish, previously in Hambleton district, North Yorkshire (OS grid ref SE5283).countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandHambletonEnglishnameA place in England: / A village and civil parish on a peninsula in Rutland Water, Rutland (OS grid ref SK9007). The village is also known as Upper Hambleton, the name used on OS maps.countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandHambletonEnglishnameA small town in Tucker County, West Virginia, United States.countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandHambletonEnglishnameA habitational surname from Old English.countable
BotanybuahBrunei Malaynounfruit (food)
BotanybuahBrunei Malaynounfruit (part of plant)
BotanybuahBrunei MalayclassifierClassifier for anything generally concretely big and has volume.
BotanyботаникаRussiannoungenitive/accusative singular of бота́ник (botánik)accusative form-of genitive singular
Brassicales order plantsكبرArabicverbto be or become bigstative
Brassicales order plantsكبرArabicverbto grow, to grow upstative
Brassicales order plantsكبرArabicverbto become famousstative
Brassicales order plantsكبرArabicverbto become too great (for something)stative
Brassicales order plantsكبرArabicverbto be too proud, to snub, to disdainstative
Brassicales order plantsكبرArabicverbto become too oppressive, to appear intolerable, to become too difficult, to become troublesomestative
Brassicales order plantsكبرArabicnounverbal noun of كَبُرَ (kabura) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
Brassicales order plantsكبرArabicverbto be older thanstative transitive
Brassicales order plantsكبرArabicnounverbal noun of كَبَرَ (kabara) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
Brassicales order plantsكبرArabicverbto enlarge, to make something biggercausative transitive
Brassicales order plantsكبرArabicverbto say اَللّٰهُ أَكْبَر (allāhu ʔakbar, “God is greatest”)intransitive
Brassicales order plantsكبرArabicnoungreat calamities
Brassicales order plantsكبرArabicnoungreatness, largeness
Brassicales order plantsكبرArabicnounmagnificence, majesty
Brassicales order plantsكبرArabicnounold age
Brassicales order plantsكبرArabicnounmajesty, glory, highness
Brassicales order plantsكبرArabicnounpride, presumptuosity, superciliousness, haughtiness, greed for glory
Brassicales order plantsكبرArabicnounleonine share, greatest deal, bulk
Brassicales order plantsكبرArabicnameKubbar, an uninhabited island in the Bay of Kuwait
Brassicales order plantsكبرArabicnouncaper (Capparis gen. and especially Capparis spinosa, as well as the edible buds from it)
Brassicales order plantsكبرArabicnoundrum, timbrelobsolete
BrassicasgorczycaPolishnounmustard (any plant of the genus Sinapis)feminine uncountable
BrassicasgorczycaPolishnounmustard (powder made from seeds of the mustard plant and used as a condiment or a spice)feminine uncountable
BrassicasgorczycaPolishnounmustard seedscountable feminine
BreadsBrotkastenGermannounbread box, breadbinmasculine strong
BreadsBrotkastenGermannounC64 home computer, especially the original modelcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescolloquial dated masculine strong
Brown algae감태Koreannounpaddle weed, kajime (Ecklonia cava)
Brown algae감태Koreannouna species of laver (Neopyropia tenera)
BrownsbrondeEnglishnounA hair colour intermediate between brown and blond.informal uncountable
BrownsbrondeEnglishnounA person having this hair colour.countable informal
BrownsbrondeEnglishadjHaving or relating to a bronde colour.informal not-comparable
BuildingsarenaEnglishnounAn enclosed area, often outdoor, for the presentation of sporting events (sports arena) or other spectacular events; earthen area, often oval, specifically for rodeos (North America) or circular area for bullfights (especially Hispanic America).
BuildingsarenaEnglishnounThe building housing such an area; specifically, a very large, often round building, often topped with a dome, designated for indoor sporting or other major events, such as concerts.
BuildingsarenaEnglishnounThe sand-covered centre of an amphitheatre where contests were held in Ancient Rome.historical
BuildingsarenaEnglishnounA realm in which events take place; an area of interest, study, behaviour, etc.
BuildingsstotisLithuaniannounstation (transportation)
BuildingsstotisLithuaniannounstation (place where workers are stationed)
Buildings and structureskioskEnglishnounA small enclosed structure, often freestanding, open on one side or with a window, used as a booth to sell newspapers, cigarettes, etc.
Buildings and structureskioskEnglishnounA similar unattended stand for the automatic dispensing of tickets, etc.
Buildings and structureskioskEnglishnounA public telephone booth.
Buildings and structureskioskEnglishnounA Turkish garden pavilion.
Buildings and structuresмачтаRussiannounmast
Buildings and structuresмачтаRussiannountowerbroadcasting media radio
Burmese cardinal numbersထောင်Burmesenounprison, jail
Burmese cardinal numbersထောင်Burmeseverbto stand
Burmese cardinal numbersထောင်Burmeseverbto set up (a business, etc.)
Burmese cardinal numbersထောင်Burmeseverbto set a trap or snare; to trap, frame (a person, etc.)
Burmese cardinal numbersထောင်Burmeseverbto be arrogant, proudfiguratively
Burmese cardinal numbersထောင်Burmesenumthousand
BusinessDönermannGermannouna male person who sells doner kebabGermany colloquial masculine strong
BusinessDönermannGermannouna snack bar in which doner kebab is soldGermany colloquial masculine metonymically strong
BusinesspirkumsLatviannounpurchase (the act of buying, purchasing something)declension-1 masculine
BusinesspirkumsLatviannounpurchase (that which was bought, purchased)declension-1 masculine
ButterfliesliszkaPolishnounvixen, female foxhobbies hunting lifestylefeminine
ButterfliesliszkaPolishnouncunning personfeminine
ButterfliesliszkaPolishnounchanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius)feminine
ButterfliesliszkaPolishnouncaterpillar, leafworm (larva of a butterfly or moth)biology entomology lepidopterology natural-sciences zoologycolloquial feminine
ButterfliesliszkaPolishnounodd number; uneven numberfeminine obsolete
ButterfliesliszkaPolishnounhazel (any plant of the genus Corylus)archaic feminine
ButtocksjellyEnglishnounA dessert made by boiling gelatine, sugar and some flavouring (often derived from fruit) and allowing it to set, known as "jello" in North America.Australia British New-Zealand countable uncountable
ButtocksjellyEnglishnounA clear or translucent fruit preserve, made from fruit juice and set using either naturally occurring, or added, pectin. Normally known as "jam" in Commonwealth English but see redcurrant jelly and jeely.Canada US countable uncountable
ButtocksjellyEnglishnounClipping of jelly coconut.Caribbean Jamaica abbreviation alt-of clipping countable uncountable
ButtocksjellyEnglishnounA savoury substance, derived from meat, that has the same texture as the dessert.countable uncountable
ButtocksjellyEnglishnounAny substance or object having the consistency of jelly.countable uncountable
ButtocksjellyEnglishnounA jellyfish.biology natural-sciences zoologycountable uncountable
ButtocksjellyEnglishnounA pretty girl; a girlfriend.archaic countable slang uncountable
ButtocksjellyEnglishnounA large backside, especially a woman's.US countable slang uncountable
ButtocksjellyEnglishnounClipping of gelignite.abbreviation alt-of clipping colloquial countable uncountable
ButtocksjellyEnglishnounA jelly shoe.colloquial countable uncountable
ButtocksjellyEnglishnounBlood.US colloquial countable uncountable
ButtocksjellyEnglishverbTo make into jelly.transitive
ButtocksjellyEnglishverbTo preserve in jelly.transitive
ButtocksjellyEnglishverbTo wiggle like jelly.
ButtocksjellyEnglishnounVitrified brick refuse used as metal in building roads.India uncountable
Byzantine EmpireeparchEnglishnounThe governor or prefect of a province.historical
Byzantine EmpireeparchEnglishnounThe ruler of an eparchy.
Byzantine EmpireeparchEnglishnounThe metropolitan bishop of a province or eparchy.
Caesalpinia subfamily plantsflame treeEnglishnounAny tree or shrub with yellow or bright red flowers from several species including: / Rhododendron arboreum (tree rhododendron), of southern Asia
Caesalpinia subfamily plantsflame treeEnglishnounAny tree or shrub with yellow or bright red flowers from several species including: / Brachychiton acerifolius (syn. Sterculia acerifolia, Australian flame tree, Illawarra flame tree, lacebark tree)
Caesalpinia subfamily plantsflame treeEnglishnounAny tree or shrub with yellow or bright red flowers from several species including: / Delonix regia (royal poinciana), native to Madagascar
Caesalpinia subfamily plantsflame treeEnglishnounAny tree or shrub with yellow or bright red flowers from several species including: / Alloxylon flammeum (Queensland tree waratah, red silky oak)
Caesalpinia subfamily plantsflame treeEnglishnounAny tree or shrub with yellow or bright red flowers from several species including: / Butea monosperma (flame of the forest), of southern Asia
Caesalpinia subfamily plantsflame treeEnglishnounAny tree or shrub with yellow or bright red flowers from several species including: / Embothrium coccineum (Chilean flame tree, Chilean firebush)
Caesalpinia subfamily plantsflame treeEnglishnounAny tree or shrub with yellow or bright red flowers from several species including: / Erythrina abyssinica, of eastern and southern Africa
Caesalpinia subfamily plantsflame treeEnglishnounAny tree or shrub with yellow or bright red flowers from several species including: / Erythrina spp. (coral trees), of most tropical and subtropical regions
Caesalpinia subfamily plantsflame treeEnglishnounAny tree or shrub with yellow or bright red flowers from several species including: / Koelreuteria bipinnata (Chinese flame tree)
Caesalpinia subfamily plantsflame treeEnglishnounAny tree or shrub with yellow or bright red flowers from several species including: / Nuytsia floribunda (Australian Christmas tree)
Caesalpinia subfamily plantsflame treeEnglishnounAny tree or shrub with yellow or bright red flowers from several species including: / Peltophorum spp. (African flame tree)
Caesalpinia subfamily plantsflame treeEnglishnounAny tree or shrub with yellow or bright red flowers from several species including: / Spathodea campanulata (African tulip tree, African flame tree)
Caesalpinia subfamily plantsflame treeEnglishnounAny tree or shrub with yellow or bright red flowers from several species including
Cakes and pastriespanetelaSpanishnounpound cakeCuba feminine
Cakes and pastriespanetelaSpanishnounAlternative form of panatelaalt-of alternative feminine
Cakes and pastriesпенгеErzyanounbillet, log, chock (of wood), wood block (for use as firewood)
Cakes and pastriesпенгеErzyanounlog-shaped cake, e.g. a Yule log
CalendarintercalateEnglishverbTo insert an extra leap day into a calendar in order to maintain synchrony with natural phenomena.
CalendarintercalateEnglishverbTo insert an extra month into a calendar for the same purpose, such as for the Hebrew calendar.
CalendarintercalateEnglishverbTo insert a substance between two or more molecules, bases, cells, or tissues.
CalendarintercalateEnglishverbTo insert anything somewhere (especially between other things), such as an affix into a word. (Compare interpolate.)
Calendar滿月Chineseverbto have passed one monthverb-object
Calendar滿月Chineseverbto turn one-month old (of babies)verb-object
Calendar滿月Chineseverbto celebrate one month of a marriage (of married couples)verb-object
Calendar滿月Chinesenounfull moon
Calendar滿月ChinesenameManyue (a township in Kaizhou district, Chongqing, China)
CamelidsجملArabicverbto sum up, to summarize
CamelidsجملArabicnounverbal noun of جَمَلَ (jamala) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
CamelidsجملArabicnounplural of جُمْلَة (jumla)form-of plural
CamelidsجملArabicverbto be beautiful, to be pretty, to be graceful
CamelidsجملArabicverbto be handsome, to be comely
CamelidsجملArabicverbto be appropriate, to be proper, to be suitable
CamelidsجملArabicverbto make beautiful, to beautify, to embellish, to adorn
CamelidsجملArabicnounmale camel
CamelidsجملArabicnounellipsis of جَمَل الْيَهُود (jamal al-yahūd, “chameleon; mantis”).abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
Cantons of LuxembourgViandenEnglishnameOne of the twelve cantons of Luxembourg, located in the north-east of the country.
Cantons of LuxembourgViandenEnglishnameA municipality with city status of Vianden canton.
CapitalismboomerismEnglishnounAn optimistic form of American capitalism that focuses on one industry.uncountable
CapitalismboomerismEnglishnounThe behaviours and attitudes of baby boomers.uncountable
Card gamesquattroItaliannumfourinvariable
Card gamesquattroItaliannounfourinvariable masculine
Card gamessirdsLatviannounheart (the central organ of the circulatory system which causes the blood to flow through the blood vessels by means of rhythmic muscular contractions)anatomy medicine sciencesdeclension-6 feminine
Card gamessirdsLatviannounheart (the center of the human psyche, including emotions, character, personality, and their expression and manifestation)declension-6 feminine
Card gamessirdsLatviannounheart (main, central, most important part)declension-6 feminine
Card gamessirdsLatviannounheart (an object or drawing having the shape of a heart, typically stylized as a cardioid)declension-6 feminine
Card gamessirdsLatviannounhearts (one of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol ♥)card-games gamesdeclension-6 feminine
CarnivoresbearcatEnglishnounAny member of diverse species of the order Carnivora: / A binturong (Arctictis binturong, in the family Viverridae).
CarnivoresbearcatEnglishnounAny member of diverse species of the order Carnivora: / A giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca, in the family Ursidae).obsolete
CarnivoresbearcatEnglishnounAny member of diverse species of the order Carnivora: / A red panda (Ailurus fulgens, in the family Ailuridae).obsolete
Castile and LeónLeoneseEnglishadjFrom, or pertaining to León (a city and a province in northwest Spain).
Castile and LeónLeoneseEnglishadjFrom, or pertaining to the Kingdom of León, a former independent kingdom in the northwest of Iberia.
Castile and LeónLeoneseEnglishnameA Romance language spoken in the northwest of Spain, closely related to Asturian and Mirandese.
Castile and LeónLeoneseEnglishnounSomeone from León.countable
CatholicismabsolvereNorwegian Bokmålverbto absolve (to grant a remission of sin; to give absolution to)Christianity lifestyle religion theology
CatholicismabsolvereNorwegian Bokmålverbto absolve (to pronounce free from or give absolution for a blame or guilt)colloquial
CatholicismabsolvereNorwegian Bokmålverbto absolve (to take or pass an exam)obsolete
CatsiringCebuanonouncat meat (see usage notes)humorous often
CatsiringCebuanointjjust kidding
CatsiringCebuanointjexpression used as a reply expressing disapproval or disbelief to something heard
CaviomorphsnutriaEnglishnounThe coypu, Myocastor coypus.Canada US countable uncountable
CaviomorphsnutriaEnglishnounThe fur of the coypu.countable uncountable
CetaceansгорбачRussiannounhumpback (humpbacked person)colloquial
CetaceansгорбачRussiannounhumpback whale
ChairsܟܘܪܣܝܐClassical Syriacnounseat, chair
ChairsܟܘܪܣܝܐClassical Syriacnounthrone
ChairsܟܘܪܣܝܐClassical Syriacnounepiscopal seeecclesiastical lifestyle religion
ChairsܟܘܪܣܝܐClassical Syriacnoundiocese, jurisdiction
ChairsܟܘܪܣܝܐClassical Syriacnounauthority
ChairsܟܘܪܣܝܐClassical Syriacnounhead, leader
ChairsܟܘܪܣܝܐClassical Syriacnounpalanquin, litter, sedan chair
ChairsܟܘܪܣܝܐClassical Syriacnounpier, column, basearchitecture
CheesestwarożekPolishnoundiminutive of twarógdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
CheesestwarożekPolishnounany dish made from quark (dairy product)inanimate masculine
Chemical elementssudrabsLatviannounsilver (precious metal; chemical element, with atomic number 47.)declension-1 masculine
Chemical elementssudrabsLatviannounpure, clear, cleanadjectival declension-1 genitive masculine
Chemical elementsChinesecharacterOnly used in 鈳䥈/钶䥈.
Chemical elementsChinesecharactercolumbium; niobiumchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesobsolete
ChickensayamIndonesiannounA bird of the order Galliformes, generally refers to chicken (Gallus gallus) or fowl.
ChickensayamIndonesiannounThe meat from this bird eaten as food.
ChickensayamIndonesiannounslut, prostitute.colloquial derogatory
ChickenskurekPolishnountap (device to dispense liquid)inanimate masculine
ChickenskurekPolishnounhammerengineering firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponryinanimate masculine
ChickenskurekPolishnounchanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius)colloquial inanimate masculine
ChickenskurekPolishnouna figure of a roosterarchaic inanimate masculine
ChickenskurekPolishnounweathercock (a rooftop weather vane in the shape of a rooster)inanimate masculine
ChickenskurekPolishnoundiminutive of kuranimal-not-person archaic diminutive form-of masculine
ChickenskurekPolishnoungurnard, sea robin (marine fish of the family Triglidae)animal-not-person masculine
ChickenskurekPolishnoungenitive plural of kurkafeminine form-of genitive plural
ChickensroosterEnglishnounA male domestic chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) or other gallinaceous bird.Australia Canada Kent New-Zealand US
ChickensroosterEnglishnounA bird or bat which roosts or is roosting.
ChickensroosterEnglishnounAn informer.figuratively obsolete slang
ChickensroosterEnglishnounA violent or disorderly person.figuratively obsolete slang
ChickensroosterEnglishnounA powerful, prideful, or pompous person.figuratively
ChickensroosterEnglishnounA man.New-Zealand figuratively
ChickensroosterEnglishnounA wild violet, when used in a children's game based on cockfighting.US historical regional
ChickensroosterEnglishnounLegislation solely devised to benefit the legislators proposing it.US obsolete slang
ChildrengüiroSpanishnoungourdSouth-America masculine
ChildrengüiroSpanishnounguiroentertainment lifestyle musicSouth-America masculine
ChildrengüiroSpanishnounseaweedChile masculine
ChildrengüiroSpanishnounkidMexico masculine
ChildrenlasuFinnishnounchild protection (protection of children from violence, exploitation, abuse and neglect)colloquial
ChildrenlasuFinnishnounchild protection notificationcolloquial
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterstraight; upright in proper position; middle
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterright; proper; correct; upright
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterobverse; right
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterregular; standard
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterprecisely; directly; perfectly
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterprimary; chief; main; full
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterpure; unmixed; authentic; true
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterpretty; attractive; beautiful
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterawesome; fantasticCantonese
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterjust now; right now; in the process of
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterjust; exactly; precisely
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterto straighten; to make straight
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterto make right; to rectify; to correct
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterten duodecillion(10⁴⁰)numeral
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterregularmathematics sciences
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterpositive; plusmathematics sciences
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterpositivenatural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharactersharp; on the dottime
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacteronly; merelyHakka Teochew
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterjust; just nowHakka Teochew
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacteronly then; only afterHakka Teochew
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterUsed to emphasize that something is/is not.Hakka Teochew
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterright (direction)Min Southern
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharactera surname
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterfive (successive strokes of 正 are added in writing sequence to tally a count of five per character)
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterfirst (month of the lunar year)
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterbull's eye; centre of targetobsolete
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharactertarget; goalobsolete
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterOriginal form of 征 (zhēng, “to levy”).obsolete
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterOriginal form of 征 (zhēng, “to go on a punitive expedition”).obsolete
Chinese dynasties春秋Chinesenounspring and autumnliterally
Chinese dynasties春秋Chinesenounthe four seasonsmetonymically
Chinese dynasties春秋Chinesenouna year's time; yearfiguratively
Chinese dynasties春秋Chinesenounperson's agefiguratively
Chinese dynasties春秋Chinesenountime (as a general concept)figuratively
Chinese dynasties春秋Chinesenounannal; chronicle of events by yearfiguratively
Chinese dynasties春秋Chinesenamethe Spring and Autumn Annals (the chronicle of the state of Lu)
Chinese dynasties春秋Chinesenamethe Spring and Autumn period (770–476 BC)
ChristianityshriftEnglishnounThe act of going to or hearing a religious confession.countable uncountable
ChristianityshriftEnglishnounConfession to a priest.countable uncountable
ChristianityshriftEnglishnounForgiveness given by a priest after confession; remission.countable obsolete uncountable
ChristianityæristOld Englishnounrising or getting upcountable uncountable
ChristianityæristOld Englishnounresurrectioncountable uncountable
ChristianityաբեղաArmeniannounhermit, reclusefiguratively
Christmasbah humbugEnglishintjExpressing cynicism, disillusionment or distrustfulness; and specifically a dislike of Christmas and its celebrations and festivities.humorous
Christmasbah humbugEnglishverbTo utter the words "bah humbug"; to dismiss with the words, or sentiment, of the interjection.
CitiesNeapolisLatinnameNaples (a port city in Italy)declension-3
CitiesNeapolisLatinnameSimferopol (the capital of Crimea, generally recognized as part of the Ukraine, but currently controlled by Russia)declension-3
CitiesNeapolisLatinnameFormer name of Cabala, Kavala (a port city in northern Greece)declension-3 historical
CitiesNeapolisLatinnameVarious other cities in the Hellenistic world, including modern Nabeul, Tunisia, and Nablus, Palestine.declension-3
Cities in Cape VerdeRibeira GrandeEnglishnameA city and municipality of the Azores, Portugal.
Cities in Cape VerdeRibeira GrandeEnglishnameA Portuguese city in the Azores.
Cities in Cape VerdeRibeira GrandeEnglishnameA city in the northeast of Santo Antão, Cape Verde
Cities in Cape VerdeRibeira GrandeEnglishnameOne of the longest streams of Santo Antão, Cape Verde
Cities in SicilyΤυνδαρίςAncient Greeknamea daughter of Tyndareus; a female Tyndarid
Cities in SicilyΤυνδαρίςAncient GreeknameTyndaris, a city in Sicily
CleaningčistírnaCzechnouncleaners, dry cleaner (business)feminine
CleaningčistírnaCzechnouncleaning plant, purification plant, treatment plantfeminine
Clerical vestmentsmanipleEnglishnounA division of the Roman army numbering 120 (or sometimes 60) soldiers exclusive of officers; (generally, obsolete) any small body of soldiers.government military politics warAncient-Rome
Clerical vestmentsmanipleEnglishnounIn Western Christianity, an ornamental band or scarf worn upon the left arm as a part of the vestments of a priest in the Roman Catholic Church, and sometimes the Church of England.Christianityhistorical
Clerical vestmentsmanipleEnglishnounA hand; a fist.informal obsolete
Clerical vestmentsmanipleEnglishnounA handful.obsolete
ClimatologydroughtEnglishnounA period of unusually low rainfall, longer and more severe than a dry spell.countable uncountable
ClimatologydroughtEnglishnounA longer than expected term without success, particularly in sport.broadly countable informal uncountable
ClimatologydroughtEnglishnoundryness, aridness, dry heatarchaic countable uncountable
ClothingchukuQuechuanounhat, cap, helmet, headband, veil
ClothingchukuQuechuanounkerchief, bandage
ClothingdoubletEnglishnounA pair of two similar or equal things; couple.
ClothingdoubletEnglishnounOne of two or more different words in a language derived from the same etymological root but having different phonological forms (e.g., toucher and toquer in French or shade and shadow in English).human-sciences linguistics sciences
ClothingdoubletEnglishnounIn textual criticism, two different narrative accounts of the same actual event.literature media publishing
ClothingdoubletEnglishnounAn imitation gem made of two pieces of glass or crystal with a layer of color between them.
ClothingdoubletEnglishnounA word or phrase set a second time by printing publishingUS
ClothingdoubletEnglishnounA quantum state of a system with a spin of ½, such that there are two allowed values of the spin component, −½ and +½.
ClothingdoubletEnglishnounA word (or rather, a halfword) consisting of two bytes.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
ClothingdoubletEnglishnounA very small flowering plant, Dimeresia howellii.biology botany natural-sciences
ClothingdoubletEnglishnounA word ladder puzzle.
ClothingdoubletEnglishnounAn arrangement of two lenses for a microscope, designed to correct spherical aberration and chromatic dispersion, thus rendering the image of an object more clear and distinct.
ClothingdoubletEnglishnounEither of two dice, each of which, when thrown, has the same number of spots on the face lying uppermost.
ClothingdoubletEnglishnounA game somewhat like backgammon.obsolete uncountable
ClothingdoubletEnglishnounDipole antenna.broadcasting media radio
ClothingdoubletEnglishnounA man’s waistcoat.historical
ClothingdoubletEnglishnounA man’s close-fitting jacket, with or without sleeves, worn by European men from the 1400s to the 1600s.
Clothingriding hoodEnglishnounA hood intended for use by women while lifestylehistorical
Clothingriding hoodEnglishnounA kind of hooded lifestyle
ClothingsacsóCatalannountuck (stitched fold of fabric)masculine
ClothingsacsóCatalannounfat rollanatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
ClothingtricotFrenchnounsweater, jumpermasculine
ClothingtricotFrenchnounsea krait (snake)masculine
ClothingܫܩܠܐClassical Syriacnounburden, load
ClothingܫܩܠܐClassical Syriacnountribute, tax, impost
ClothingܫܩܠܐClassical Syriacnountakings, receipts, gainsin-plural
ClothingܫܩܠܐClassical Syriacnounrobe with a train
ClothingܫܩܠܐClassical Syriacnountaking, lifting up
ClothingܫܩܠܐClassical Syriacnountaking away, deprivation
ClothingܫܩܠܐClassical Syriacnounassuming
ClothingܫܩܠܐClassical Syriacnountoil, effort, pains, care, diligence
ClothingܫܩܠܐClassical Syriacnounevidence, argument
ClothingܫܩܠܐClassical Syriacnounconclusionhuman-sciences logic mathematics philosophy sciences
ClothingܫܩܠܐClassical Syriacnountaking in marriage, choosing a spouse
ClothingܫܩܠܐClassical Syriacnounburden, torture
ClothingܫܩܠܐClassical Syriacnountribute, payment
ClothingܫܩܠܐClassical Syriacnounpart, share, portion, provision
ClothingܫܩܠܐClassical Syriacnounprovince
ClothingܫܩܠܐClassical Syriacnounmortar (used with a pestle)
ClothingܫܩܠܐClassical Syriacnounsyllablegrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
ClothingܫܩܠܐClassical Syriacnounparadigm, verbal formgrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
CloudsScheppLimburgishnounshipnautical transportneuter
CloudsScheppLimburgishnouncirrusclimatology meteorology natural-sciencesneuter
CloudsScheppLimburgishnounboiler (metal container for boiling water in some old stoves and ovens)neuter
CloudsScheppLimburgishnounextension of the ploughtail to which the ploughshare is attachedagriculture business lifestyleneuter
CloudsScheppLimburgishnounbundle of flax that is used during rettingneuter
CoalbunkerEnglishnounA hardened shelter, often partly buried or fully underground, designed to protect the inhabitants from falling bombs or other attacks.government military politics war
CoalbunkerEnglishnounA compartment for storing coal for the ship's boilers; or a tank for storing fuel oil for the ship's engines.nautical transport
CoalbunkerEnglishnounThe coal compartment on a tank engine.rail-transport railways transport
CoalbunkerEnglishnounA hazard on a golf course consisting of a sand-filled hobbies lifestyle sports
CoalbunkerEnglishnounAn obstacle used to block an opposing player's view and field of hobbies lifestyle paintball sports
CoalbunkerEnglishnounA large bin or container for storing coal, often built outdoors in the yard of a house.British historical
CoalbunkerEnglishnounA sort of box or chest, as in a window, the lid of which serves as a seat.Scotland
CoalbunkerEnglishnounA kitchen worktop.Scotland slang
CoalbunkerEnglishverbTo load (a vessel) with coal or fuel oil for the engine.nautical transporttransitive
CoalbunkerEnglishverbTo take a load of coal or fuel oil for its engine.nautical transportintransitive
CoalbunkerEnglishverbTo steal bunker fuel by illicitly siphoning it off.nautical transportNigeria transitive
CoalbunkerEnglishverbTo hit (a golf ball) into a bunker; (chiefly passive voice) to place (a golfer) in the position of having a golf ball in a hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
CoalbunkerEnglishverbTo hit (a golf ball) into a bunker; (chiefly passive voice) to place (a golfer) in the position of having a golf ball in a bunker. / To place (someone) in a position that is difficult to get out of; to hobbies lifestyle sportsUK idiomatic informal transitive
CoalbunkerEnglishverbTo fire constantly at (an opponent hiding behind an obstacle), trapping them and preventing them from firing at other players; also, to eliminate (an opponent behind an obstacle) by rushing to the position and firing at extremely close range as the player becomes paintballtransitive
CoalbunkerEnglishverbOften followed by down: to take shelter in a bunker or other place.intransitive
CoalbunkerEnglishnounOne who bunks off; a truant from school.British slang
CoalbunkerEnglishnounThe menhaden, any of several species of fish in the genera Brevoortia and Ethmidium.US regional
CoalcokeEnglishnounSolid residue from roasting coal in a coke oven; used principally as a fuel and in the production of steel and formerly as a domestic fuel.uncountable
CoalcokeEnglishverbTo produce coke from coal.transitive
CoalcokeEnglishverbTo turn into coke.intransitive
CoalcokeEnglishverbTo add deleterious carbon deposits as a byproduct of combustion.aerospace astronautics automotive business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences transport vehiclesespecially
CoalcokeEnglishnounCocaine.informal slang uncountable
CoalcokeEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of Coke (cola-based soft drink, especially Coca-Cola).alt-of informal uncountable
CoalcokeEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of Coke (a serving of cola-based soft drink, especially Coca-Cola).alt-of countable informal
CoalcokeEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of Coke (any soft drink, regardless of type).Southern-US US alt-of informal
CollectivesatyafiságHungariannounrelationship, blood relation, kinshipcolloquial uncountable usually
CollectivesatyafiságHungariannounbrotherhoodcolloquial uncountable usually
CollectivesconsortEnglishnounThe spouse of a monarch.countable uncountable
CollectivesconsortEnglishnounA husband, wife, companion or partner.countable uncountable
CollectivesconsortEnglishnounAn informal, usually well-publicized sexual companion of a monarch, aristocrat, celebrity, etc.countable euphemistic humorous sometimes uncountable
CollectivesconsortEnglishnounA ship accompanying another.countable uncountable
CollectivesconsortEnglishnounAssociation or partnership.uncountable
CollectivesconsortEnglishnounA group or company, especially of musicians playing the same type of instrument.countable uncountable
CollectivesconsortEnglishnounHarmony of sounds; concert, as of musical instruments.countable obsolete uncountable
CollectivesconsortEnglishadjof a title, by virtue of one's (living) spouse; often contrasted with regnant and dowagernot-comparable postpositional
CollectivesconsortEnglishverbTo associate or keep company (with).intransitive
CollectivesconsortEnglishverbTo be in agreement.intransitive
CollectivesobszarnictwoPolishnounentirety of landownersneuter
CollectivesobszarnictwoPolishnounlandowner's businessneuter
CollectivesobszarnictwoPolishnounlandowning, smallholdings (portions of land belonging to landowners)neuter
CollectivesramatCatalannounflock or a herd of grazing animalsmasculine
CollectivesramatCatalannounpastor’s flockChristianityfiguratively masculine
CollectivesródKashubiannounbloodlineinanimate masculine
CollectivesródKashubiannounfamilyinanimate masculine
CollectivesródKashubiannounhouseinanimate masculine
CollectivesامانتUrdunountrust; deposit or possession entrusted to someone for safekeeping.
CollectivesامانتUrdunounlost and foundbroadly
CollectivesامانتUrdunouna trust (fund setup for a beneficiary)
CollectivesامانتUrdunountrusteeship; the office / department of an amin – trustee.historical
CollectivesامانتUrdunoundivine faith as revealed by God to man with which one can attain His abodelifestyle religion
CollectivesامانتUrdunounhonesty; integrity; trustworthinessliterally
CollectivesامانتUrdunounsafety; security
ColorscaesiusLatinadjbluish-gray, gray-eyed, blue-eyed, cat-eyedadjective declension-1 declension-2
ColorscaesiusLatinadjcutting, sharpadjective declension-1 declension-2
ColorsdoanManxadjbrown, brunette
ColorsdoanManxadjhazel (of eyes)
ColorsdoanManxadjswarthy, dark-skinned
ColorsgrysMiddle Frenchnoungraymasculine uncountable
ColorsgrysMiddle Frenchadjgraymasculine
ColorsrusakkaIngriannoundirty blond
ColorsrusakkaIngrianadjdirty blondnot-comparable
Colorsμπλε μαρένGreekadjof navy blue color/colourindeclinable
Colorsμπλε μαρένGreeknounnavy blue (the color/colour)colorindeclinable
Colors祖母綠Chinesenounemerald (colour)
Combretum family plantsburning bushEnglishnounA biblical object described in Exodus 3:1-22, used by Yahweh to communicate with Moses.ChristianityJudaism
Combretum family plantsburning bushEnglishnounAny plant of several species of Euonymus: / A winged spindle or winged euonymus (Euonymus alatus), with vivid magenta Fall foliage, native to eastern Asia common as an ornamental and invasive in North America.
Combretum family plantsburning bushEnglishnounAny plant of several species of Euonymus: / A western burning bush (Euonymus occidentalis), native to western North America
Combretum family plantsburning bushEnglishnounAny plant of several species of Euonymus: / An eastern burning bush (Euonymus atropurpureus), an ornamental shrub native to the midwestern US that bears a red berry.
Combretum family plantsburning bushEnglishnounA perennial herb (Dictamnus albus) which gives off so much essential oil that it can sometimes be lit and will burn briefly without harming the plant.
Combretum family plantsburning bushEnglishnounCombretum paniculatum, a plant native to Africa
Combretum family plantsburning bushEnglishnounBassia scoparia (syn. Kochia scoparia), a large annual herb in the family Chenopodiaceae, native to Eurasia, introduced to many parts of North America.
ComedyfarceEnglishnounA style of humor marked by broad improbabilities with little regard to regularity or method.uncountable
ComedyfarceEnglishnounA motion picture or play featuring this style of humor.countable
ComedyfarceEnglishnounA situation abounding with ludicrous incidents.uncountable
ComedyfarceEnglishnounA ridiculous or empty show.uncountable
ComedyfarceEnglishverbTo stuff with forcemeat or other food items.transitive
ComedyfarceEnglishverbTo fill full; to stuff.figuratively transitive
ComedyfarceEnglishverbTo make fat.obsolete transitive
ComedyfarceEnglishverbTo swell out; to render pompous.obsolete transitive
ComedyfarceEnglishverbAlternative form of farse (“to insert vernacular paraphrases into (a Latin liturgy)”)alt-of alternative
ComedyfarceEnglishnounForcemeat, food lifestyle
CommunicationnuntiumLatinnouna piece of news, a piece of informationdeclension-2
CommunicationnuntiumLatinnouna message, an announcementdeclension-2
CommunicationnuntiumLatinnounaccusative singular of nūntiusaccusative form-of singular
CommunicationκατήχησιςAncient Greeknouninstruction, especially oral
CommunicationκατήχησιςAncient Greeknouncommunication
Compass pointsEEnglishcharacterThe fifth letter of the English alphabet, called e and written in the Latin script.letter uppercase
Compass pointsEEnglishnumThe ordinal number fifth, derived from this letter of the English alphabet, called e and written in the Latin script.alt-of ordinal uppercase
Compass pointsEEnglishsymbolAbbreviation of everyone.abbreviation alt-of
Compass pointsEEnglishsymbolEast.
Compass pointsEEnglishnounThe drug ecstasy (MDMA), particularly in pill form.slang
Compass pointsEEnglishnounAbbreviation of estrogen or estradiol.LGBT lifestyle sexualityabbreviation alt-of
Compass pointsEEnglishnounThe grade below D in some grading systems. In most such systems, it is a failing grade.
Compass pointsEEnglishnounAbbreviation of episode. (installment of a series)abbreviation alt-of
Compass pointsEEnglishnameAbbreviation of religionabbreviation alt-of
Compass pointsEEnglishnameA state in ancient China of varying location in present-day Shanxi, Henan, and Hubei.history human-sciences sciences
Compass pointsEEnglishnameIts capital, also known as Echeng and Ezhou.history human-sciences sciences
Compass pointsEEnglishnameA surname from Mandarin Chinese.
Compass pointsEEnglishnameA Tai-Chinese mixed language spoken primarily in Rongshui Miao Autonomous County, Guangxi, China; Kjang E.
Compass pointsEEnglishnameA river in Highland council area, Scotland.
Compass pointsiwọ-oorunYorubanounsetting of the sun
Compass pointsiwọ-oorunYorubanounwest
Compass pointsνοτιοδυτικάGreeknounsouthwest
Compass pointsνοτιοδυτικάGreekadjNominative, accusative and vocative neuter plural form of νοτιοδυτικός (notiodytikós).accusative form-of neuter nominative plural vocative
Compass pointsνοτιοδυτικάGreekadvsouthwest
ComputingpobraćPolishverbto take, to grab, to receiveperfective transitive
ComputingpobraćPolishverbto downloadperfective transitive
ComputingpobraćPolishverbto marry (each other)in-plural perfective reflexive
CondimentspummarolaItaliannountomatoItaly Naples Southern feminine
CondimentspummarolaItaliannountomato sauce, especially for pastaItaly Naples Southern feminine
CondimentssirkeTurkishnounvinegar (condiment)
CondimentssirkeTurkishnounnit (egg of a louse)
ConifersjodełkaPolishnoundiminutive of jodładiminutive feminine form-of
ConifersjodełkaPolishnounherringbone (pattern)feminine
Conlangingconstructed languageEnglishnounAny language—whether a human language, a programming language, or markup language—that is not a natural language.
Conlangingconstructed languageEnglishnounA human language that has been consciously devised by an individual or a group, as opposed to having naturally evolved as part of a culture like a natural language.human-sciences linguistics sciences
Conlangingconstructed languageEnglishnounAny language used by people, as opposed to less civilized means of communication, such as the socialization between animals.human-sciences linguistics sciencesarchaic
ConservatismtradycjonalizmPolishnountraditionalism (adherence to traditional views or practices, especially with regard to cultural or religious matters)human-sciences sciences social-science sociologyinanimate masculine
ConservatismtradycjonalizmPolishnountraditionalism (continuation of theological rituals on the basis that the ritual has always completed, rather than the ritual being a manifestation of theology)lifestyle religioninanimate masculine
ContainersbìnhVietnamesenounvessel, container
ContainersbìnhVietnameseverbto declaim, to reciteliterary
ContainersbìnhVietnameseromanizationSino-Vietnamese reading of 平romanization
ContainersenvelopeEnglishnounA paper or cardboard wrapper used to enclose small, flat items, especially letters, for mailing.
ContainersenvelopeEnglishnounSomething that envelops; a wrapping.
ContainersenvelopeEnglishnounA bag containing the lifting gas of a balloon or airship; fabric that encloses the gas-bags of an airship.
ContainersenvelopeEnglishnounA mathematical curve, surface, or higher-dimensional object that is the tangent to a given family of lines, curves, surfaces, or higher-dimensional objects.geometry mathematics sciences
ContainersenvelopeEnglishnounA curve that bounds another curve or set of curves, as the modulation envelope of an amplitude-modulated carrier wave in electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
ContainersenvelopeEnglishnounThe shape of a sound, which may be controlled by a synthesizer or sampler.entertainment lifestyle music
ContainersenvelopeEnglishnounThe information used for routing a message that is transmitted with the message but not part of its contents.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences networking physical-sciences sciences
ContainersenvelopeEnglishnounAn enclosing structure or cover, such as a membrane; a space between two membranesbiology natural-sciences
ContainersenvelopeEnglishnounThe set of limitations within which a technological system can perform safely and natural-sciences physical-sciences
ContainersenvelopeEnglishnounThe nebulous covering of the head or nucleus of a comet; a coma.astronomy natural-sciences
ContainersenvelopeEnglishnounAn earthwork in the form of a single parapet or a small rampart, sometimes raised in the ditch and sometimes beyond it.
ContainersenvelopeEnglishverbTo put (something) in an envelope.rare transitive
ContainersenvelopeEnglishverbArchaic form of envelop.alt-of archaic
ContainerstazzaItaliannouncup, mugfeminine
ContainerstazzaItaliannountoilet bowlfeminine slang
ContainersбалонBulgariannounballoon (type of aircraft)
ContainersбалонBulgariannounballoon (type of child's toy)
ContainersбалонBulgariannounballoon (type of glass or metal vessel used in e.g. chemistry and physics)sciences
ContainersбалонBulgariannounballoon (component of certain types of breath alcohol test)
ContainersбалонBulgariannounspeech bubble
ContainersкошёлкаRussiannounbasket, woven bagcolloquial
ContainersкошёлкаRussiannoun(slang) bag, hag (referring to an ugly woman)colloquial
ContainersKoreannounbarrel, bucket, cask, pail, vat
ContainersKoreannounUsed in compounds to refer to body parts that resemble containers (being hollow, etc.), often with a colloquial nuance.
ContainersKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 통할 통 (tong-hal tong)) (MC reading: 通 (MC thuwng))(eumhun reading: 거느릴 통 (geoneuril tong)) (MC reading: 統 (MC thowngH))(eumhun reading: 아플 통 (apeul tong)) (MC reading: 痛 (MC thuwngH))(eumhun reading: 통 통 (tong tong)) (MC reading: 桶 (MC thuwngX|duwngX))(eumhun reading: 대통 통 (daetong tong)) (MC reading: 筒 (MC duwng|duwngH))(MC reading: 慟 (MC duwngH))(MC reading: 洞 (MC duwng|duwngH))(MC reading: 恫 (MC thuwng|duwngH))(MC reading: 樋)(MC reading: 筩 (MC duwng)) / 通: to pass through
ContainersKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 통할 통 (tong-hal tong)) (MC reading: 通 (MC thuwng))(eumhun reading: 거느릴 통 (geoneuril tong)) (MC reading: 統 (MC thowngH))(eumhun reading: 아플 통 (apeul tong)) (MC reading: 痛 (MC thuwngH))(eumhun reading: 통 통 (tong tong)) (MC reading: 桶 (MC thuwngX|duwngX))(eumhun reading: 대통 통 (daetong tong)) (MC reading: 筒 (MC duwng|duwngH))(MC reading: 慟 (MC duwngH))(MC reading: 洞 (MC duwng|duwngH))(MC reading: 恫 (MC thuwng|duwngH))(MC reading: 樋)(MC reading: 筩 (MC duwng)) / 統: to command
ContainersKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 통할 통 (tong-hal tong)) (MC reading: 通 (MC thuwng))(eumhun reading: 거느릴 통 (geoneuril tong)) (MC reading: 統 (MC thowngH))(eumhun reading: 아플 통 (apeul tong)) (MC reading: 痛 (MC thuwngH))(eumhun reading: 통 통 (tong tong)) (MC reading: 桶 (MC thuwngX|duwngX))(eumhun reading: 대통 통 (daetong tong)) (MC reading: 筒 (MC duwng|duwngH))(MC reading: 慟 (MC duwngH))(MC reading: 洞 (MC duwng|duwngH))(MC reading: 恫 (MC thuwng|duwngH))(MC reading: 樋)(MC reading: 筩 (MC duwng)) / 痛: to hurt
ContainersKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 통할 통 (tong-hal tong)) (MC reading: 通 (MC thuwng))(eumhun reading: 거느릴 통 (geoneuril tong)) (MC reading: 統 (MC thowngH))(eumhun reading: 아플 통 (apeul tong)) (MC reading: 痛 (MC thuwngH))(eumhun reading: 통 통 (tong tong)) (MC reading: 桶 (MC thuwngX|duwngX))(eumhun reading: 대통 통 (daetong tong)) (MC reading: 筒 (MC duwng|duwngH))(MC reading: 慟 (MC duwngH))(MC reading: 洞 (MC duwng|duwngH))(MC reading: 恫 (MC thuwng|duwngH))(MC reading: 樋)(MC reading: 筩 (MC duwng)) / 桶: bucket
ContainersKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 통할 통 (tong-hal tong)) (MC reading: 通 (MC thuwng))(eumhun reading: 거느릴 통 (geoneuril tong)) (MC reading: 統 (MC thowngH))(eumhun reading: 아플 통 (apeul tong)) (MC reading: 痛 (MC thuwngH))(eumhun reading: 통 통 (tong tong)) (MC reading: 桶 (MC thuwngX|duwngX))(eumhun reading: 대통 통 (daetong tong)) (MC reading: 筒 (MC duwng|duwngH))(MC reading: 慟 (MC duwngH))(MC reading: 洞 (MC duwng|duwngH))(MC reading: 恫 (MC thuwng|duwngH))(MC reading: 樋)(MC reading: 筩 (MC duwng)) / 筒: bamboo barrel
ContainersKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 통할 통 (tong-hal tong)) (MC reading: 通 (MC thuwng))(eumhun reading: 거느릴 통 (geoneuril tong)) (MC reading: 統 (MC thowngH))(eumhun reading: 아플 통 (apeul tong)) (MC reading: 痛 (MC thuwngH))(eumhun reading: 통 통 (tong tong)) (MC reading: 桶 (MC thuwngX|duwngX))(eumhun reading: 대통 통 (daetong tong)) (MC reading: 筒 (MC duwng|duwngH))(MC reading: 慟 (MC duwngH))(MC reading: 洞 (MC duwng|duwngH))(MC reading: 恫 (MC thuwng|duwngH))(MC reading: 樋)(MC reading: 筩 (MC duwng)) / 慟
ContainersKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 통할 통 (tong-hal tong)) (MC reading: 通 (MC thuwng))(eumhun reading: 거느릴 통 (geoneuril tong)) (MC reading: 統 (MC thowngH))(eumhun reading: 아플 통 (apeul tong)) (MC reading: 痛 (MC thuwngH))(eumhun reading: 통 통 (tong tong)) (MC reading: 桶 (MC thuwngX|duwngX))(eumhun reading: 대통 통 (daetong tong)) (MC reading: 筒 (MC duwng|duwngH))(MC reading: 慟 (MC duwngH))(MC reading: 洞 (MC duwng|duwngH))(MC reading: 恫 (MC thuwng|duwngH))(MC reading: 樋)(MC reading: 筩 (MC duwng)) / 洞
ContainersKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 통할 통 (tong-hal tong)) (MC reading: 通 (MC thuwng))(eumhun reading: 거느릴 통 (geoneuril tong)) (MC reading: 統 (MC thowngH))(eumhun reading: 아플 통 (apeul tong)) (MC reading: 痛 (MC thuwngH))(eumhun reading: 통 통 (tong tong)) (MC reading: 桶 (MC thuwngX|duwngX))(eumhun reading: 대통 통 (daetong tong)) (MC reading: 筒 (MC duwng|duwngH))(MC reading: 慟 (MC duwngH))(MC reading: 洞 (MC duwng|duwngH))(MC reading: 恫 (MC thuwng|duwngH))(MC reading: 樋)(MC reading: 筩 (MC duwng)) / 恫
ContainersKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 통할 통 (tong-hal tong)) (MC reading: 通 (MC thuwng))(eumhun reading: 거느릴 통 (geoneuril tong)) (MC reading: 統 (MC thowngH))(eumhun reading: 아플 통 (apeul tong)) (MC reading: 痛 (MC thuwngH))(eumhun reading: 통 통 (tong tong)) (MC reading: 桶 (MC thuwngX|duwngX))(eumhun reading: 대통 통 (daetong tong)) (MC reading: 筒 (MC duwng|duwngH))(MC reading: 慟 (MC duwngH))(MC reading: 洞 (MC duwng|duwngH))(MC reading: 恫 (MC thuwng|duwngH))(MC reading: 樋)(MC reading: 筩 (MC duwng)) / 樋
ContainersKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 통할 통 (tong-hal tong)) (MC reading: 通 (MC thuwng))(eumhun reading: 거느릴 통 (geoneuril tong)) (MC reading: 統 (MC thowngH))(eumhun reading: 아플 통 (apeul tong)) (MC reading: 痛 (MC thuwngH))(eumhun reading: 통 통 (tong tong)) (MC reading: 桶 (MC thuwngX|duwngX))(eumhun reading: 대통 통 (daetong tong)) (MC reading: 筒 (MC duwng|duwngH))(MC reading: 慟 (MC duwngH))(MC reading: 洞 (MC duwng|duwngH))(MC reading: 恫 (MC thuwng|duwngH))(MC reading: 樋)(MC reading: 筩 (MC duwng)) / 筩
CookingbavettaItaliannoundribble of molten metalfeminine
CookingbavettaItaliannouna type of spaghettifeminine in-plural
CookingbavettaItaliannounflank steakfood lifestyle meat meatsfeminine
Cookware and bakewarekamadoEnglishnounA traditional Japanese wood- or charcoal-fired earthen vessel used as a stove or oven.
Cookware and bakewarekamadoEnglishnounA modern cooker in this style, often used for barbecues.
CoronavirusCOVIDTranslingualnounA coronavirus disease.medicine pathology sciences
CoronavirusCOVIDTranslingualnounAbbreviation of COVID-19. (all senses)abbreviation alt-of
CraftsgravenMiddle EnglishverbTo dig or excavate: / To bury, especially to inhume or entomb.
CraftsgravenMiddle EnglishverbTo dig or excavate: / To dig up the ground (for agriculture, excavation, etc.)
CraftsgravenMiddle EnglishverbTo dig or excavate: / To dig into one's hands.rare
CraftsgravenMiddle EnglishverbTo carve or adorn: / To carve or engrave (with inscriptions or carvings)
CraftsgravenMiddle EnglishverbTo carve or adorn: / To sculpt; to carve with a chisel.
CraftsgravenMiddle EnglishverbTo carve or adorn: / To adorn with precious metal.
CraftsgravenMiddle EnglishverbTo impress deeply on the mind.figuratively
Crickets and grasshopperscricketEnglishnounAn insect in the order Orthoptera, especially family Gryllidae, that makes a chirping sound by rubbing its wing casings against combs on its hind legs.
Crickets and grasshopperscricketEnglishnounAn insect in the order Orthoptera, especially family Gryllidae, that makes a chirping sound by rubbing its wing casings against combs on its hind legs. / In the form crickets: absolute silence; no communication.US humorous in-plural slang
Crickets and grasshopperscricketEnglishnounA signalling device used by soldiers in hostile territory to identify themselves to a friendly in low visibility conditions.
Crickets and grasshopperscricketEnglishnounAn aural warning sound consisting of a continuously-repeating chime, designed to be difficult for pilots to ignore.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesslang
Crickets and grasshopperscricketEnglishnounA game played outdoors with bats and a ball between two teams of eleven, popular in England and many Commonwealth countries.hobbies lifestyle sportsuncountable
Crickets and grasshopperscricketEnglishnounAn act that is fair and sportsmanlike.British uncountable usually
Crickets and grasshopperscricketEnglishnounA variant of the game of darts. See Cricket (darts).uncountable
Crickets and grasshopperscricketEnglishverbTo play the game of cricket.intransitive rare
Crickets and grasshopperscricketEnglishnounA wooden footstool.dialectal
Crickets and grasshopperscricketEnglishnounA relatively small area of a roof constructed to divert water from a horizontal intersection of the roof with a chimney, wall, expansion joint, or other projection.
CrimeraptorLatinnounA thief, robber, plunderer.declension-3 masculine
CrimeraptorLatinnounAn abductor, kidnapper.declension-3 masculine
CrimereincidentCatalanadjrecidivisticfeminine masculine
CrimereincidentCatalannounrecidivistby-personal-gender feminine masculine
CrimestealingEnglishnounThe action of the verb to steal, theft.uncountable
CrimestealingEnglishnounThat which is stolen; stolen property.archaic countable in-plural uncountable
CrimestealingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of stealform-of gerund participle present
CrimevoyeurismEnglishnounThe derivation of sexual satisfaction by watching unsuspecting people secretly, especially when those being watched are undressed or undressing, flashing, toileting, or engaging in sexual activity.uncountable usually
CrimevoyeurismEnglishnounThe derivation of satisfaction by obsessively watching or following sensational or sordid subjects.broadly uncountable usually
CrossdressingtravestirPortugueseverbto dress up in drag (as members of the opposite sex)
CrossdressingtravestirPortugueseverbto disguise, masquerade
CrucifersγιγγίδιονAncient Greeknouncarrot (Daucus gingidium)
CrucifersγιγγίδιονAncient Greeknoundittander (Lepidium latifolium)
CurrenciestwopenceEnglishnounA British or Irish coin worth two (old or new) pence.British Ireland countable uncountable
CurrenciestwopenceEnglishnounA cost or value of two pence.British Ireland countable uncountable
CurrenciestwopenceEnglishnounA small amount or value.British Ireland broadly countable uncountable
CurrenciesกีบThainounThe unit of currency in Laos, divided into 100 att, symbol ₭;kip.
CurrencydewizyPolishnounforeign currencybusiness financeplural
CurrencydewizyPolishnouninflection of dewiza: / genitive singularform-of genitive singular
CurrencydewizyPolishnouninflection of dewiza: / nominative/accusative/vocative pluralaccusative form-of nominative plural vocative
Cuts of meatlegMiddle Englishnounleg, limb
Cuts of meatlegMiddle Englishnounshank, shin
Cuts of meatlegMiddle Englishnounleg (cut of meat)
Cuts of meatlegMiddle Englishnounleg armour
Cuts of meatlegMiddle EnglishnounThe stem of a wine glass
CyprusNicosianEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus and Northern Cyprus.not-comparable
CyprusNicosianEnglishnounA person from Nicosia.
DancedejotLatvianverbto dance (to move rhythmically, usually following music)intransitive transitive
DancedejotLatvianverbto dance (a specific dance)intransitive transitive
DancedejotLatvianverbto play a part in a balletintransitive transitive
DancedejotLatvianverbto dance (to move playfully, rhythmically, frenetically, etc.)figuratively intransitive transitive usually
DancedejotLatvianverbto dance (to work in, to be a part of, a dance group)intransitive transitive
DanceszoukEnglishnounA style of dance music originating in the French Antilles, combining Latin American, African and Western disco rhythms; a dance to this musicentertainment lifestyle music
DanceszoukEnglishverbTo dance to zouk music.
DeathcốtVietnamesenounthe core
DeathcốtVietnamesenounthe essential; the reality
DeathcốtVietnamesenouna mediumhuman-sciences mysticism occult philosophy sciences
DeathdecompositionEnglishnounA biological process through which organic material is reduced to e.g. compost.countable uncountable
DeathdecompositionEnglishnounThe act of taking something apart, e.g. for analysis.countable uncountable
DeathdecompositionEnglishnounThe splitting (of e.g. a matrix, an atom, or a compound) into constituent parts.countable uncountable
DeathmartwicaPolishnounnecrosis (localized death of cells or tissue)medicine pathology sciencesfeminine
DeathmartwicaPolishnoundecline, disappearance, slump, stagnationfeminine literary
DeathmartwicaPolishnouninfertile soil beneath the topsoil, usually compacted and devoid of microorganismsagriculture business lifestylefeminine
DeathmartwicaPolishnounsinter (alluvial sediment)engineering geography geology metallurgy natural-sciences physical-sciencesfeminine
DeathmohloloNorthern Sothonounwidower
DeathmohloloNorthern Sothonounmiracle
DeathܙܩܝܦܐClassical Syriacnouncross, crucifix
DeathܙܩܝܦܐClassical Syriacnouncrucifixion
DeathܙܩܝܦܐClassical Syriacadjhigh, raised up
DeathܙܩܝܦܐClassical Syriacadjcrucified
DeathܙܩܝܦܐClassical Syriacadjarrogant, pompous
DeathܙܩܝܦܐClassical Syriacadjdifficult, arduous
DeathܙܩܝܦܐClassical Syriacadjopposed, set against
DeathܙܩܝܦܐClassical Syriacadjaffected
DeathܙܩܝܦܐClassical Syriacadjpronounced with a certain vowel (see ܙܩܦܐ)grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
DecadestensEnglishnounplural of tenform-of plural
DecadestensEnglishnounAn inexact quantity or number, typically understood to be between 10 or 20 and 100.plural plural-only
DecadestensEnglishnounA pair of tens.card-games pokerplural plural-only slang
DecadestensEnglishnounThe period from a year 100x + 10 to a year 100x + 19 (mostly referring to the 1910s or 2010s). The teens, the oneties.plural plural-only
DemocracydemocraciaGaliciannoundemocracy (rule by the people)feminine uncountable
DemocracydemocraciaGaliciannoundemocracy (government under the rule of its people)governmentcountable feminine
DemonymsAnglo-SaxonEnglishnameSynonym of Old English (language).archaic
DemonymsAnglo-SaxonEnglishnameProfanity, especially words derived from Old English.informal
DemonymsAnglo-SaxonEnglishnounA member of the Germanic peoples who settled in England during the early fifth century.
DemonymsAnglo-SaxonEnglishnounA person of English ethnic descent.US
DemonymsAnglo-SaxonEnglishnounA light-skinned and/or blond-haired person presumably of North European descent like British.US
DemonymsAnglo-SaxonEnglishadjRelated to the Anglo-Saxon peoples or language.
DemonymsAnglo-SaxonEnglishadjRelated to nations which speak primarily English and are influenced by English culture and customs; especially Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom and United States.
DemonymsAnglo-SaxonEnglishadjFavouring a liberal free-market economy.government politics
DemonymsAnglo-SaxonEnglishadjDescended from some other North European settlers like the British (English).US
DemonymsBasqueEnglishnounA member of a cultural and ethnic people living in the western Pyrenees and the Bay of Biscay between France and Spain.
DemonymsBasqueEnglishnameThe language of the Basque people.
DemonymsBasqueEnglishadjRelating to the Basque people or their language.not-comparable
DemonymsCanadienFrenchnounCanadian (male or of unspecified sex) (boy or man).masculine
DemonymsCanadienFrenchnameThe Montreal Canadiens hockey club.hobbies ice-hockey lifestyle skating sportsmasculine
DemonymsFrankfurterGermannounFrankfurtermasculine strong
DemonymsFrankfurterGermannouna Vienna sausageAustria especially feminine
DemonymsWestphalianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Westphalia region or its people and culture.not-comparable
DemonymsWestphalianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Westphalian Low German.human-sciences linguistics sciencesnot-comparable
DemonymsWestphalianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Peace of Westphalia of 1648 which established a new system of political order in Central Europe, based on the concept of co-existing sovereign states.government politicsnot-comparable
DemonymsWestphalianEnglishnounSomeone from Westphalia
DemonymsWestphalianEnglishnounOne of the major dialect groups of West Low German spoken in Westphalia.
DemonymsWestphalianEnglishnounA European phase of the upper Carboniferous period.geography geology natural-sciencesuncountable
DemonymsWestphalianEnglishnounA warmblood horse bred in the Westphalia region.
DemonymsanglésAragonesenounEnglish (language)masculine uncountable
DemonymsangreézPhaluranounEnglishman, Britishmasculine
DemonymschechenoSpanishnounChechen (person)masculine
DemonymschechenoSpanishnounChechen (language)masculine uncountable
DemonymsdalasitaSpanishadjof Dallas; Dallasite (of or relating to Dallas, Texas)feminine masculine relational
DemonymsdalasitaSpanishnounDallasite (native or resident of Dallas, Texas)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsgetaSpanishnounGeatby-personal-gender demonym feminine masculine
DemonymsludovicensePortugueseadjof São Luís, Maranhão, Brazilfeminine masculine not-comparable relational
DemonymsludovicensePortuguesenounnative or inhabitant of São Luís, Maranhão, Brazilby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsmacabeoSpanishadjhenpecked, whippedChile masculine
DemonymsmacabeoSpanishnounone who is henpecked or whippedChile masculine
DemonymsmacabeoSpanishadjof Macas (city in Ecuador)relational
DemonymsmacabeoSpanishnouna person from Macas (city in Ecuador)masculine
DemonymsmexiqueñoSpanishadjof Mexico Citynonstandard rare relational
DemonymsmexiqueñoSpanishnounnative or inhabitant of Mexico Citymasculine nonstandard rare
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr, in the department of Ardèche.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr, in the department of Manche.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr, in the department of Saône-et-Loire.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr, in the department of Vienne.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-de-Salerne, in the department of Eure.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-de-Valorges, in the department of Loire.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-des-Gâts, in the department of Vendée.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-du-Doret, in the department of Charente-Maritime.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-du-Gault, in the department of Loir-et-Cher.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-du-Ronceray, in the department of Calvados.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-en-Arthies, in the department of Val-d'Oise.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-en-Bourg, in the department of Maine-et-Loire.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-en-Talmondais, in the department of Vendée.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-en-Val, in the department of Loiret.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-la-Campagne, in the department of Eure.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-la-Lande, in the department of Deux-Sèvres.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-la-Rivière, in the department of Essonne.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-la-Roche, in the department of Corrèze.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-le-Chatoux, in the department of Rhône.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-le-Gravelais, in the department of Mayenne.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-les-Champagnes, in the department of Dordogne.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-les-Colons, in the department of Yonne.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-l'École, in the department of Yvelines.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-sous-Dourdan, in the department of Essonne.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire, in the department of Indre-et-Loire.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-sur-Menthon, in the department of Ain.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-sur-Mer, in the department of Var.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-sur-Morin, in the department of Seine-et-Marne.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-sur-le-Rhône, in the department of Rhône.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to other French communes with similar sounding names: / Of or relating to Saint-Ciers-d'Abzac, in the department of Gironde.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to other French communes with similar sounding names: / Of or relating to Saint-Ciers-sur-Gironde, in the department of Gironde.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to other French communes with similar sounding names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cirq-Madelon, in the department of Lot.
DemonymsteldenseSpanishadjof Teldefeminine masculine relational
DemonymsteldenseSpanishnounsomeone from Teldeby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymstumaqueñoSpanishadjof or from Tumaco
DemonymstumaqueñoSpanishnounsomeone from Tumacomasculine
DemonymsvinhaensePortugueseadjof Vinhaisfeminine masculine not-comparable relational
DemonymsvinhaensePortuguesenounnative or inhabitant of Vinhaisby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsСеверџанецMacedoniannounperson from North Macedoniaderogatory
DemonymsСеверџанецMacedoniannounperson who supports the name change to North Macedoniaderogatory
DentistryrăngVietnameseadvwhy; howCentral Vietnam
DessertsdultschRomanschadjsweetRumantsch-Grischun Sursilvan Sutsilvan masculine
DessertsdultschRomanschnoundessertSutsilvan masculine
DialectsandaluzSpanishnounsomeone from Andalusiamasculine
DialectsandaluzSpanishnounAndalusian dialectmasculine uncountable
DirectivesкыһанYakutverb(with dat.) to strive (for)intransitive
DirectivesкыһанYakutverbto care (about)
DirectivesкыһанYakutverb(with dat.) to need, to have a need (for)colloquial intransitive
DiseasemalencolikMiddle EnglishadjMade of or containing black bile or melancholy.
DiseasemalencolikMiddle EnglishadjUnder the influence of or governed by black bile.
DiseasemalencolikMiddle EnglishadjHaving one's mood changed by black bile; depressed or raging.
DiseasemalencolikMiddle EnglishadjDue to the influence or presence of black bile.
DiseasemalencolikMiddle EnglishadjAffected by a disease caused by too much black bile.rare
DiseasemalencolikMiddle EnglishadjHaving a proclivity to produce black bile.rare
DiseasesтымауBashkirnounrunny nose, rhinorrhea
DiseasesтымауBashkirnouncommon coldbroadly
Distilled beveragescalvadosEnglishnounAn apple brandy made in Normandy, France.uncountable
Distilled beveragescalvadosEnglishnounA glass of this spirit.countable
Divine epithetsMaiusLatinadjof Mayadjective declension-1 declension-2
Divine epithetsMaiusLatinnamethe month of May, Maydeclension-2 masculine singular
Divine epithetsMaiusLatinnamegreat god (epithet of Jupiter)declension-2 masculine singular
DogssleuthhoundEnglishnounA working dog who tracks or pursues e.g. a wanted criminal; a bloodhound formerly used in Scotland.
DogssleuthhoundEnglishnounA detective; a sleuth.informal
DogsvesikoiraFinnishnounwater dog
DogsvesikoiraFinnishnounA Spanish Water Dog or Portuguese Water Dog.
DragonsdragonkinEnglishnounA person who is partly descended from dragon(s).fantasy
DragonsdragonkinEnglishnounA dragon otherkin.neologism
Drinkingbeer ticketEnglishnounPaper money.colloquial humorous slang
Drinkingbeer ticketEnglishnounA slip of paper which entitles the bearer to obtain a serving of beer.
DrugslekPolishnounmedicine, drug (substance which promotes healing)medicine sciencesinanimate masculine
DrugslekPolishnounlek (currency of Albania)animal-not-person masculine
Education授業Japanesenouninstruction; teaching; school; lesson, class
Education授業Japaneseverbteach; to instruct; give a lesson
EggsbiałkoPolishnounwhite (the albumen of bird eggs)neuter
EggsbiałkoPolishnounprotein (large, complex molecule composed of long chains of amino acids)biochemistry biology chemistry microbiology natural-sciences physical-sciencesneuter
EggsbiałkoPolishnounprotein (class of food)bodybuilding hobbies lifestyle sportsneuter
EggsbiałkoPolishnounwhite (the sclera, white of the eye)anatomy medicine sciencesneuter
EggsbiałkoPolishnounpapers, document, criminal recordneuter slang
EggsglairEnglishnounEgg white, especially as used in various industrial preparations.countable uncountable
EggsglairEnglishnounAny viscous, slimy substance.countable uncountable
EggsglairEnglishnounA broadsword fixed on a pike; a kind of halberd.countable uncountable
EggsglairEnglishverbTo smear with egg-white.
EggsیومورطهOttoman Turkishnounegg, an organic vessel grown by birds, reptiles, insects, and other animals
EggsیومورطهOttoman Turkishnounspawn, the numerous eggs released or deposited into water by aquatic animals
ElectrodynamicsEPASwedishnameA chain of low-price (and sometimes low-quality) department stores that existed between 1930 and 1978.common-gender
ElectrodynamicsEPASwedishnounShort for EPA-traktor.abbreviation alt-of colloquial common-gender
ElectrodynamicsEPASwedishnounSynonym of A-traktorcommon-gender nonstandard
ElectrodynamicsEPASwedishnounESD protected areaneuter
ElectrodynamicsEPASwedishnouneicosapentaenoic acidcommon-gender
ElectronicspodsłuchPolishnounbug, wiretap (electronic listening device)inanimate masculine
ElectronicspodsłuchPolishnounbugging (electronic surveillance)inanimate masculine
ElephantsmastodonEnglishnounExtinct elephant-like mammal of the genus †Mammut that flourished worldwide from Miocene through Pleistocene times; differs from elephants and mammoths in the form of the molar teeth.
ElephantsmastodonEnglishnounAnything awkwardly large or unwieldy.figuratively
ElephantsఏనుగుTelugunounA rook; a chess piece shaped like a castle tower.board-games chess games
EmotionsangryMiddle EnglishadjAngry; displaying angriness (usually of actions)
EmotionsangryMiddle EnglishadjEasily annoyed or angered; irous or spiteful.
EmotionsangryMiddle EnglishadjSevere, vexatious, ferocious, painful.
EmotionshuraganPolishnounhurricane (severe tropical cyclone in the North Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or in the eastern North Pacific off the west coast of Mexico, with winds of 119 km/h (74 miles per hour) or greater, accompanied by rain, lightning, and thunder that sometimes moves into temperate latitudes)climatology meteorology natural-sciencesinanimate masculine
EmotionshuraganPolishnounoutburst (sudden display of emotion)figuratively inanimate masculine
EmotionshuraganPolishnounturmoil (violent event in the history of the world or in someone's life)figuratively inanimate masculine
EmotionsrepentantEnglishadjFeeling or showing sorrow for wrongdoing.
EmotionsrepentantEnglishnounOne who repents; a penitent.
EmotionsroosaEstonianadjrosy (cheerful, optimistic)figuratively
EmotionsroosaEstonianadjleft-wing (but not fully communist)government politics
EmotionstemerSpanishverbto fearintransitive transitive
EmotionstemerSpanishverbto dread
EmotionstemerSpanishverbto be afraid, sorry; to suspectreflexive
EmotionszawstydzićPolishverbto shame, to embarrass, to abashperfective transitive
EmotionszawstydzićPolishverbto feel ashamedperfective reflexive
Emotions夢想Chinesenoundream; hope; wish
Emotions夢想Chineseverbto dream; to fantasize
Emotions夢想Chineseverbto long for; to crave; to thirst for; to desire
Energyविद्युत्Hindinounbrilliant, electric, lightning
Energyविद्युत्Hindinounenergy, electrical, electricity
EnglandrialEnglishnounThe official currencies of Iran, Oman, and Yemen.
EnglandrialEnglishnounA former currency of Morocco and Tunisia
EnglandrialEnglishnounAn old gold coin of England.historical
Englandអង់គ្លេសKhmernameEngland, English
Englandអង់គ្លេសKhmernameGreat Britain, Britishbroadly
Englandអង់គ្លេសKhmernameEnglish person, British person
English diminutives of female given namesGillyEnglishnameA diminutive of the female given name Gillian.
English diminutives of female given namesGillyEnglishnameA surname from French.countable uncountable
English diminutives of female given namesGillyEnglishnameA suburban town in Charleroi municipality, Belgium.countable uncountable
English diminutives of female given namesGillyEnglishnameA municipality in Vaud canton, Switzerland.countable uncountable
English ordinal numberstwenty-seventhEnglishadjThe ordinal form of the number twenty-seven.not-comparable
English ordinal numberstwenty-seventhEnglishnounThe person or thing in the twenty-seventh position.
English ordinal numberstwenty-seventhEnglishnounOne of twenty-seven equal parts of a whole.
English unisex given namesArizonaEnglishnameA state in the southwestern United States, established 1912. Capital: Phoenix.
English unisex given namesArizonaEnglishnameA territory of the southwest Confederate (1862–1865) and United States of America (1863–1912), with its capitals at Tucson, Prescott, and Phoenix.historical
English unisex given namesArizonaEnglishnameA department of the northwest Second Mexican Empire (1863–1865), with its capital at Altar.historical
English unisex given namesArizonaEnglishnameA unisex given namerare
English unisex given namesArizonaEnglishnameArizona Beverage Company, which sells its products under the name AriZona.
English unisex given namesArizonaEnglishnameSeveral places named for the state or territory. / Arizona City, A census-designated place in Arizona, United States.
English unisex given namesArizonaEnglishnameSeveral places named for the state or territory. / An unincorporated community in Louisiana, United States.
English unisex given namesArizonaEnglishnameSeveral places named for the state or territory. / An unincorporated community in Nebraska, United States.
English unisex given namesArizonaEnglishnameSeveral places named for the state or territory. / A locality in Manitoba, Canada.
English unisex given namesArizonaEnglishnameSeveral places named for the state or territory. / A municipality of Atlántida, Honduras.
EntomologyokrywaPolishnounwrapper, cover, encasementfeminine
EntomologyokrywaPolishnouninvolucrebiology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
EntomologyokrywaPolishverbthird-person singular present of okrywaćform-of present singular third-person
EquestrianismcabalgataSpanishnounride (on a horse)feminine
EquidsܒܝܠܕܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnouncourier, mailman, postmaster
EquidsܒܝܠܕܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounpost-horse
EquidsܒܝܠܕܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounpost, mail
EthicsarvoteoriaFinnishnounvalue theory (theory of how people value things or concepts)human-sciences philosophy sciences
EthicsarvoteoriaFinnishnountheory of valueeconomics sciences
EthiopiaOromoEnglishnounA member of a people of eastern Africa, Ethiopia and northern Kenya.
EthiopiaOromoEnglishnameThe Cushitic language of this people.
EthnonymsmariHungarianadjMari (of or relating to Mari El, its people or language)not-comparable
EthnonymsmariHungariannounMari (person)countable uncountable
EthnonymsmariHungariannounMari (language)countable uncountable
EthnonymsнегрEastern Marinounblack, black person, Negro
EthnonymsнегрEastern Marinounhackfiguratively
EthnonymsнегрEastern Marinounslave
EthnonymsоросMongoliannounthe Russians (people)
EthnonymsоросMongoliannouna Russian (person)singulative
EuagaricspinetellCatalannoundiminutive of pi (“small pine”)diminutive form-of masculine
EuagaricspinetellCatalannounSynonym of rovelló (“saffron milk cap”)masculine regional
ExercisećwiczeniePolishnounverbal noun of ćwiczyćform-of neuter noun-from-verb uncountable
ExercisećwiczeniePolishnounexercise (any activity designed to develop or hone a skill or ability)countable neuter
ExercisećwiczeniePolishnounworkbookcolloquial in-plural neuter
FacemiVietnamesepronyou (second person singular pronoun, referring to a person held in low esteem)Central Vietnam derogatory dialectal
FacemiVietnamesepronyou (second person singular pronoun)archaic literary
FacemiVietnamesenounmi (third note of diatonic scale)entertainment lifestyle music
FacemiVietnameseverbto kissslang
Fairy talebajkowyPolishadjfairy talenot-comparable relational
Fairy talebajkowyPolishadjfabulous (very good; wonderful)
FalconidsmerlinEnglishnounA small falcon, Falco columbarius, that breeds in northern North America, Europe, and Asia.
FalconidsmerlinEnglishnounA cytoskeletal protein active in the suppression of tumors.biochemistry biology chemistry microbiology natural-sciences physical-sciencesuncountable
FalconrylawinTagalognounflying fish
FamilydayıTurkishnounmaternal uncle, one's mother's brother
FamilydayıTurkishnounmacho, a man exhibiting extreme behaviour or mannerisms considered typical of a maleinformal
FamilydayıTurkishadjgood, nicedialectal
FamilyģimeneLatviannounfamily (group formed by a couple and their children (if any) living together; larger group of relatives living together)declension-5 feminine
FamilyģimeneLatviannouna group of female animals descended from one breederdeclension-5 feminine
FamilyģimeneLatviannounfamily (a group of animals consisting of a male, a female and their offspring, living and eating together)biology natural-sciences zoologydeclension-5 feminine
FamilyσυμπέθεροςGreeknounrelation by marriage; (male) in-law
Family members兄弟姊妹Chinesenounsiblings; brothers and sisters
Family members兄弟姊妹Chinesenounsister-in-law (younger brother's wife)Bijie Jin Mandarin Xinzhou
Fan fictionDraco in Leather PantsEnglishnounAny fanon interpretation of the character Draco Malfoy that portrays him as a romantic "bad boy" or otherwise downplays his unfavorable qualities.lifestyleslang
Fan fictionDraco in Leather PantsEnglishnounAny fictional character written or reinterpreted by fans as appealingly roguish or evil.lifestylebroadly slang
FandomfanwankEnglishnounExplanations invented by fans (of a film franchise, television series, etc.) to gloss over mistakes in continuity.lifestylederogatory slang uncountable
FandomfanwankEnglishnounElements added to a television program or similar entertainment that appeal to avid fans but are of little interest to outsiders.lifestyleslang uncountable
FandomfanwankEnglishverbOf fans, to invent explanations to gloss over mistakes in continuity.lifestyleslang
FastenersszpilkaPolishnounpin (needle without an eye (usually) made of drawn-out steel wire with one end sharpened and the other flattened or rounded into a head, used for fastening)feminine
FastenersszpilkaPolishnounstiletto heel (heel of a shoe that is very high and narrow, at least 10 centimeters (4 inches))feminine
FastenersszpilkaPolishnounstiletto (woman's shoe with a tall, slender heel (called a stiletto heel))feminine
FastenersszpilkaPolishnounpins (sharp pain resembling that of stabbing the body in many places)colloquial feminine in-plural
FastenersقوپچهOttoman Turkishnounhook
FastenersقوپچهOttoman Turkishnounclasp
FastenersقوپچهOttoman Turkishnounbuckle
FearsobrecogerSpanishverbto surprise, catch in the act
FearsobrecogerSpanishverbto overwhelm
FearsobrecogerSpanishverbto scare, to appall
FearφόβοςGreeknounapprehension, awe
FearطبانسزOttoman Turkishadjsoleless, without a sole
FearطبانسزOttoman Turkishadjweak, cowardly, gutless
FelidsleeuwDutchnounliongovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsmasculine
FelidsleeuwDutchnounburial moundneuter obsolete
FelidsliunRomanschnounlionPuter Rumantsch-Grischun Surmiran Sursilvan Vallander masculine
FelidsliunRomanschnameLeoastrology astronomy human-sciences mysticism natural-sciences philosophy sciencesPuter Rumantsch-Grischun Surmiran Sursilvan Vallander masculine
Female animalsliszkaPolishnounvixen, female foxhobbies hunting lifestylefeminine
Female animalsliszkaPolishnouncunning personfeminine
Female animalsliszkaPolishnounchanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius)feminine
Female animalsliszkaPolishnouncaterpillar, leafworm (larva of a butterfly or moth)biology entomology lepidopterology natural-sciences zoologycolloquial feminine
Female animalsliszkaPolishnounodd number; uneven numberfeminine obsolete
Female animalsliszkaPolishnounhazel (any plant of the genus Corylus)archaic feminine
Female animalssviněCzechnounsow (female pig)feminine
Female animalssviněCzechnounswine, a contemptible personderogatory feminine
Female childrendziewkaPolishnoungirlarchaic feminine
Female childrendziewkaPolishnounservant (unmarried girl working as a maid in the countryside)archaic feminine
Female family membersmacioraPolishnounsow (female pig/suid)feminine
Female family membersmacioraPolishnounmotherfeminine obsolete
Female family membersniftOld Englishnounniecefeminine
Female family membersniftOld Englishnoungranddaughterfeminine
Female family membersniftOld Englishnounstepdaughterfeminine
Female peopledamkaPolishnoundiminutive of damadiminutive feminine form-of rare
Female peopledamkaPolishnoungirl's bicyclefeminine
Female peopledamkaPolishnounqueenboard-games chess gamescolloquial feminine
Female peopledamkaPolishnounking (piece that reached the farthest row forward, thus becoming crowned (either by turning it upside-down, or by stacking another checker on it) and gaining more freedom of movement)board-games checkers gamesfeminine
Female peopledjevojkaSerbo-Croatiannoungirl, maiden
Female peopledjevojkaSerbo-Croatiannoungirlfriend
Female peoplejubilerkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of jubiler (“jeweler, jeweller”)feminine form-of
Female peoplejubilerkaPolishnounthe trade of making jewellerycolloquial feminine
Female peopleдівчиськоUkrainiannounSynonym of ді́вчинка f (dívčynka, “girl, little girl”)colloquial
Female peopleдівчиськоUkrainiannounUsed in contexts where a young woman is being disparaged for foolishness, ignorance, inexperience, immaturity, etc.: girlderogatory
Female peopleоровоткаMacedoniannounfemale hora leader, one who leads the circle dance
Female peopleоровоткаMacedoniannounfemale ringleaderfiguratively
Female peopleሴትዮAmharicnounwoman, female
Female peopleሴትዮAmharicnounfemale individual
Female people送嫁姆Chinesenounwoman employed to wait on the bride on her wedding dayXiamen Zhangzhou-Hokkien
Female people送嫁姆Chinesenouncomic old female role in a traditional playZhangzhou-Hokkien
FeminismprefeminismEnglishadjBefore feminism.not-comparable rare
FeminismprefeminismEnglishadvBefore feminism.not-comparable rare
FeminismprefeminismEnglishnounThe prefeminist era.uncountable
FibersknyttyngeMiddle EnglishnounThe act or state of connection or linkage, especially of fibres or cords.
FibersknyttyngeMiddle EnglishnounJoining or unification; the making of multiple into one.
FibersknyttyngeMiddle EnglishnounSomething which joins, unifies, links, or connects.
FibersknyttyngeMiddle EnglishnounThe making of a mesh or netting.rare
FibersknyttyngeMiddle EnglishnounSealing; the act of making closed.rare
FibersknyttyngeMiddle EnglishnounAn end, finale, or termination.rare
Fictional abilitiesapparateEnglishnounapparatusobsolete
Fictional abilitiesapparateEnglishverbTo appear magically; to teleport to or from a place.fantasyintransitive
Fictional abilitiesonzichtbaarheidDutchnouninvisibility, state of not being visiblefeminine uncountable
Fictional abilitiesonzichtbaarheidDutchnounsomething that is invisiblecountable feminine uncommon
Fictional charactersScheherazadeEnglishnameA female given name from Persian.
Fictional charactersScheherazadeEnglishnameA fictional character, the wife and storyteller of the king Shahryar in One Thousand and One Nights.
Fictional locationsdullsvilleEnglishnounA fictional or generic location that is boring or dull.uncountable usually
Fictional locationsdullsvilleEnglishnounA state or condition of boredom or disinterest.uncountable usually
FifteenfünfzehnköpfigGermanadjof fifteen (people)not-comparable
FinancebattaEnglishnounAn exchange rate.India countable dated uncountable
FinancebattaEnglishnounThe discount on uncurrent coins.India countable dated uncountable
FinancebattaEnglishnounExtra pay; especially an extra allowance to an English officer serving in India.India countable dated uncountable
FinlandrunaPolishnounrune (letter, or character, used in the written language of various ancient Germanic peoples, especially the Scandinavians and the Anglo-Saxons)feminine historical in-plural
FinlandrunaPolishnounrune (Finnic or Scandinavian epic poem, or a division of one, especially a division of the Kalevala)communications journalism literature media poetry publishing writingfeminine in-plural
FinlandrunaPolishnouninflection of runo: / genitive singularform-of genitive neuter singular
FinlandrunaPolishnouninflection of runo: / nominative/accusative/vocative pluralaccusative form-of neuter nominative plural vocative
FirepyromancerEnglishnounOne who performs pyromancy
FirepyromancerEnglishnounOne who has a magical ability to conjure or control fire.fantasy
FireжарBulgariannounblaze, zest
FireжарBulgariannounglow (emitted by hot object)
FireжарBulgariannounblazing heat (condition of extreme hotness)
FireпламенSerbo-Croatiannounflame, blaze, fire
FireпламенSerbo-Croatianadjblazing, fiery
FirearmssilencieuxFrenchadjsilent (without sound)
FirearmssilencieuxFrenchadjquiet (not speaking)
FirearmssilencieuxFrenchadjquiet (with little sound)
FirearmssilencieuxFrenchnounsilencer, suppressor (for a gun)masculine
FirearmssilencieuxFrenchnounSynonym of pot d’échappement (“exhaust pipe”)North-America masculine
Firearms鳥銃Chinesenounfowling piece; hunting rifle
Firearms발포Koreannounpromulgation; proclamation; publication
Firearms발포Koreannounfiring; shooting
FishLactariusTranslingualnameA taxonomic genus within the family Russulaceae – milk-cap mushrooms.masculine
FishLactariusTranslingualnameA taxonomic genus within the family Lactariidae – false travallies (fish).masculine
FishkuoreFinnishnounEuropean smelt, sparling (Osmerus eperlanus)
FishkuoreFinnishnounsmelt; also freshwater smelt, true smelt to distinguish from saltwater fish of other taxonomic families in the order Osmeriformes (any fish of family Osmeridae)
FishkuoreFinnishnounherring smelt; more precisely called sillikuore in Finnish (any fish of the family Argentinidae)
FishmangangáPortuguesenounbumblebee (any of several species of large bee in the genus Bombus)biology entomology natural-sciencesBrazil masculine
FishmangangáPortuguesenounscorpionfish (any of the family Scorpaenidae of marine, venomous fish)biology natural-sciences zoologyBrazil masculine
FishrabadaGaliciannounswitch (hairy end of a cow's tail)feminine
FishingcannaItaliannounbarrel (of a gun)feminine
FishingcannaItaliannounrodfishing hobbies lifestylefeminine
FishingcannaItaliannountube, pipe (on a pump organ or a trachea)feminine
FishingcannaItaliannounjointfeminine slang
FishingcannaItaliannountraditional unit of measurefeminine historical
FishingcannaItalianverbinflection of cannare: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
FishingcannaItalianverbinflection of cannare: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
FivepentangleEnglishnounA pentagram.
FivepentangleEnglishnounA pentagon.rare
Flagshammer and sickleEnglishnounA depiction of a sickle crossed with a hammer, used as a symbol of communism and the Soviet Union.
Flagshammer and sickleEnglishnounSocialism or communism itself.metonymically
Flagsred, white and blueEnglishnameThe flag of the United Kingdom.UK
Flagsred, white and blueEnglishnameThe flag of the United States of America.US
Flagsred, white and blueEnglishnameThe flag of France.
Flagsred, white and blueEnglishnameThe flag of the Netherlands.
Flagsred, white and blueEnglishnameThe flag of Russia.
Flagsred, white and blueEnglishadjQuintessentially American.US
FlagsvexillumEnglishnounA flag, banner, or standard.
FlagsvexillumEnglishnounA company of troops serving under one standard.
FlagsvexillumEnglishnounThe sign of the cross.
FlagsvexillumEnglishnounThe upper petal of a papilionaceous flower.biology botany natural-sciences
FlagsvexillumEnglishnounThe rhachis and web of a feather taken together.biology natural-sciences ornithology
Flags五色旗Chinesenamea flag of five color
Flags五色旗Chinesenamethe first national flag of the Republic of China (1912–1928)historical
FlatfishbrillEnglishnounA type of flatfish, Scophthalmus rhombus.
FlatfishbrillEnglishadjClipping of brilliant; wonderful, amusing; cool.UK abbreviation alt-of clipping slang
FlatfishpasserLatinnounsparrowdeclension-3 masculine
FlatfishpasserLatinnounturbotdeclension-3 masculine
FlowersadoniumLatinnouna type of southernwood with a golden or bloodred flower (as if referring to the blood of Adonis)declension-2 possibly
FlowersadoniumLatinnouna method of gardeningdeclension-2 possibly
FlowersadoniumLatinnouna Adonic verse, a verse composed of a dactyl and spondeegrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesdeclension-2
FlowersgardeniaEnglishnounAny of various tropical evergreen small trees or shrubs, of the genus Gardenia, having glossy leaves and white flowers.
FlowersgardeniaEnglishnounThe flower of these plants.
Flowersmẫu đơnVietnamesenounpeony
Flowersmẫu đơnVietnamesenounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see mẫu, đơn.
Food and drinkKäücheLimburgishnounkitchen (room)feminine
Food and drinkKäücheLimburgishnouncuisine (cooking traditions)feminine
Food and drinkgastronomiaItaliannoungastronomyfeminine
Food and drinkgastronomiaItaliannoundelicatessen, delifeminine
FoodsfrieMiddle Englishnounfry (young fish)uncountable
FoodsfrieMiddle Englishnounroe (fish eggs)cooking food lifestylerare uncountable
FoodsfrieMiddle Englishnounoffspring, childrenLate-Middle-English rare uncountable
FoodsjuustEstoniannounelative singular of juuselative form-of singular
FoodsnyamaKikuyunounmeat, fleshclass-9
FoodsnyamaKikuyunounaardvarkclass-10 class-9
FoodsouCatalannounball, testiclecolloquial masculine
FoodsouCatalanintjwhoa! (command to an animal to stop)Mallorca
FoodsouCatalanverbinflection of oir: / third-person singular present indicativeValencia form-of indicative present singular third-person
FoodsouCatalanverbinflection of oir: / second-person singular imperativeValencia form-of imperative second-person singular
FoodspagliataItaliannounfodder made of crushed straw mixed with various vegetablesfeminine
FoodspagliataItaliannounthe jejunum of an unweaned calf (or, rarely, of a young ox) containing chyme, used as foodfeminine
FoodspagliataItaliannouna dish consisting of the above entrail cooked with onion, lard, parsley, celery, with addition of tomato sauce and white wine (also used as dressing for pasta)cooking food lifestylefeminine
FoodspagliataItalianadjfeminine singular of pagliatofeminine form-of singular
FoodspitaSerbo-Croatiannounpie (a type of pastry that consists of an outer crust and a filling)
FoodspitaSerbo-Croatianverbthird-person singular present of pitatiform-of present singular third-person
FoodsrellenoSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of rellenarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
FoodstaquitoSpanishnouna rolled-up tacomasculine
FoodstaquitoSpanishnoundiminutive of tacodiminutive form-of masculine
FoodsхъурмэAdyghenoundate palm
FoodsхъурмэAdyghenoundate palm tree
FoodsকইBengalinounGangetic koi, Anabas cobojius
Foodsகஞ்சிTamilnouncooked and soaked day old rice eaten with spiced spreads and condiments
Foodsகஞ்சிTamilnounconjee, gruel
Foodsகஞ்சிTamilnounsemen, jizz, spunkslang vulgar
Foodsโจ๊กThainouncongee: Cantonese-style rice porridge.
Foodsโจ๊กThainounjoker.card-games games
Foodsโจ๊กThainounjoke; prank.colloquial
Foodsโจ๊กThainoun(ตัว~) joker, comedian; jokester, prankster; clown.colloquial
Foodsโจ๊กThainoun(ตัว~) funny person.slang
Foodsโจ๊กThainounthe sound of water dripping.
Foodsโจ๊กThaiadjcontaining too much water or liquid.
Foodsโจ๊กThaiadvtoo much.
Foods拉皮Chineseverbto have a facelift procedure (to tighten the skin, remove wrinkles, etc.)colloquial
Foods拉皮Chinesenouncold noodle salad (dish popular in Northeastern China)
FootwearcalçatCatalanverbpast participle of calçarform-of participle past
Forms of discriminationrockistEnglishnounOne who subscribes to rockism.derogatory
Forms of discriminationrockistEnglishadjRelated to rockism.
FortyfortyEnglishnumThe cardinal number occurring after thirty-nine and before forty-one.
FortyfortyEnglishnounA bottle of beer containing forty fluid ounces.slang
FortyfortyEnglishadjResembling or characteristic of a fort.
FourteenquattuordecillionEnglishnum10⁴⁵.Australia British US rare
FourteenquattuordecillionEnglishnum10⁸⁴.Australia British dated rare
FranceTrianonHungariannameTrianon (either of two royal palaces in Versailles, France)
FranceTrianonHungariannameTrianon (peace treaty after World War I)historical metonymically
FrogsphrogEnglishnounA person who secretly lives in another’s home without authorization.criminology human-sciences law sciencesslang
FrogsphrogEnglishnounDeliberate misspelling of frog.Internet alt-of deliberate humorous misspelling
FruitsciarkaPolishnounsloe (fruit of the blackthorn, Prunus spinosa)feminine
FruitsciarkaPolishnounchills, goose bumps, heebie-jeebies, horripilation (light shivers)medicine sciencesfeminine in-plural
FruitsrenklodaPolishnoungreengage (tree)feminine
FruitsrenklodaPolishnoungreengage (fruit)feminine
FruitstrześniaPolishnounsweet cherry, wild cherry, gean, mazzard (Prunus avium)dialectal feminine
FruitstrześniaPolishnounsweet cherry, wild cherry, gean, mazzard (fruit)dialectal feminine
FruitstugapCebuanonounmonkey jack (Artocarpus lacucha)
FruitstugapCebuanonounfruit of this tree
FruitsxocotlClassical NahuatlnounHog plum
FruitsxocotlClassical NahuatlnounA fruit.
Fruitsചക്കMalayalamnounjackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus)
Fruitsചക്കMalayalamnouna lucky incidentslang
FungiozorekPolishnoundiminutive of ozórdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
FungiozorekPolishnouna fungus belonging to the genus Fistulinainanimate masculine
FurniturecòmodaCatalannounchest of drawersfeminine
FurniturecòmodaCatalanadjfeminine singular of còmodefeminine form-of singular
FurnituretableEnglishnounFurniture with a top surface to accommodate a variety of uses. / An item of furniture with a flat top surface raised above the ground, usually on one or more legs.
FurnituretableEnglishnounFurniture with a top surface to accommodate a variety of uses. / The board or table-like furniture on which a game is played, such as snooker, billiards, or draughts.
FurnituretableEnglishnounFurniture with a top surface to accommodate a variety of uses. / A flat tray which can be used as a table.
FurnituretableEnglishnounFurniture with a top surface to accommodate a variety of uses. / A supply of food or entertainment.
FurnituretableEnglishnounFurniture with a top surface to accommodate a variety of uses. / A service of Holy Communion.
FurnituretableEnglishnounFurniture with a top surface to accommodate a variety of uses. / One half of a backgammon board, which is divided into the inner and outer table.backgammon games
FurnituretableEnglishnounA group of people at a table, for example, for a meal, meeting or game. / The lineup of players at a given table.card-games pokermetonymically
FurnituretableEnglishnounA group of people at a table, for example, for a meal, meeting or game. / A group of players meeting regularly to play a campaign.metonymically
FurnituretableEnglishnounA group of people at a table, for example, for a meal, meeting or game. / A group of diners at a given table or tables.metonymically
FurnituretableEnglishnounA group of people at a table, for example, for a meal, meeting or game.
FurnituretableEnglishnounA two-dimensional presentation of data. / A matrix or grid of data arranged in rows and columns.
FurnituretableEnglishnounA two-dimensional presentation of data. / A collection of arithmetic calculations arranged in a table, such as multiplications in a multiplication table.
FurnituretableEnglishnounA two-dimensional presentation of data. / A lookup table, most often a set of vectors.computing databases engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
FurnituretableEnglishnounA two-dimensional presentation of data. / A visual representation of a classification of teams or individuals based on their success over a predetermined period.hobbies lifestyle sports
FurnituretableEnglishnounThe top of a stringed instrument, particularly a member of the violin family: the side of the instrument against which the strings vibrate.entertainment lifestyle music
FurnituretableEnglishnounThe flat topmost facet of a cut diamond.
FurnituretableEnglishverbTo tabulate; to put into a table or grid.
FurnituretableEnglishverbTo supply (a guest, client etc.) with food at a table; to feed.archaic
FurnituretableEnglishverbTo delineate; to represent, as in a picture; to depict.obsolete
FurnituretableEnglishverbTo put on the table of a commission or legislative assembly; to propose for formal discussion or consideration, to put on the agenda.
FurnituretableEnglishverbTo remove from the agenda, to postpone dealing with; to shelve (to indefinitely postpone consideration or discussion of something).US
FurnituretableEnglishverbTo join (pieces of timber) together using carpentry construction manufacturingobsolete
FurnituretableEnglishverbTo put on a table.
FurnituretableEnglishverbTo make board hems in the skirts and bottoms of (sails) in order to strengthen them in the part attached to the bolt-rope.nautical transport
Furnitureтуалетный столикRussiannoundiminutive of туале́тный стол (tualétnyj stol)diminutive form-of
Furnitureтуалетный столикRussiannoundressing table (the diminutive form is more common)
GaitskóvályogHungarianverbto stroll, roam (to wander about aimlessly, at random)intransitive
GaitskóvályogHungarianverbto wheel (to float around, particularly in the air)intransitive
GaitskóvályogHungarianverbto whirlcolloquial figuratively intransitive
GaitskóvályogHungarianverbto swim, spincolloquial figuratively intransitive
GaitskóvályogHungarianverbto churn, feel nauseatedcolloquial figuratively intransitive
GaitsآدیمOttoman Turkishnounstep, pace, an advance or movement made from one foot to the other
GaitsآدیمOttoman Turkishnounpace, the distance covered in a step according to specific measurements
GaitsよたよたJapaneseadvwith a waddle
GaitsよたよたJapaneseverbbe waddling
GameskurikitCebuanonouna game similar to kick the can; where the it finds and tags the other players by calling out "kurikit" preceded or followed by the tagged person's name, the captured player can be saved by kicking or tipping the can
GameskurikitCebuanonouna species of banana
GemssaphirFrenchadjsapphire (color)invariable
GemssaphirFrenchnounsapphire (gemstone)masculine
GemsumbaliteEnglishnounA variety of garnet consisting of a mixture of pyrope, almandine, and spessartine, having the chemical formula Mg₃Al₂(SiO₄)₃-Mn²⁺₃Al₂(SiO₄)₃, exclusively found in the alluvial deposits of the River Umba, and having a light-pink to purple colour.uncountable usually
GemsumbaliteEnglishnounA gemstone consisting of the mineral umbalite.countable usually
GenresromanceEnglishnounA story relating to chivalry; a story involving knights, heroes, adventures, quests, etc.countable uncountable
GenresromanceEnglishnounA tale of high adventure.countable uncountable
GenresromanceEnglishnounAn intimate relationship between two people; a love affair.countable uncountable
GenresromanceEnglishnounA strong obsession or attachment for something or someone.countable uncountable
GenresromanceEnglishnounIdealized love which is pure or beautiful.countable uncountable
GenresromanceEnglishnounA mysterious, exciting, or fascinating quality.countable uncountable
GenresromanceEnglishnounA story or novel dealing with idealized love.countable uncountable
GenresromanceEnglishnounAn embellished account of something; an idealized lie.countable uncountable
GenresromanceEnglishnounAn adventure, or series of extraordinary events, resembling those narrated in romances.countable uncountable
GenresromanceEnglishnounA dreamy, imaginative habit of mind; a disposition to ignore what is real.countable uncountable
GenresromanceEnglishnounA romanza, or sentimental ballad.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
GenresromanceEnglishverbTo woo; to court.transitive
GenresromanceEnglishverbTo write or tell romantic stories, poetry, letters, etc.intransitive
GenresromanceEnglishverbTo talk extravagantly and imaginatively; to build castles in the air.intransitive
Geological periodsCampanianEnglishnameRelating to the region of Campania in Italy or its inhabitants.
Geological periodsCampanianEnglishnameThe fifth of six geological ages of the Late Cretaceous epoch, spanning the time from 83.6 ± 0.7 to 72.1 ± 0.6 million years ago. It is preceded by the Santonian and followed by the Maastrichtian.geography geology natural-sciences
Geological periodsCampanianEnglishnounSomeone from Campania.
GeologyżyłaPolishnounveinanatomy medicine sciencesfeminine
GeologyżyłaPolishnouncore; wire; conductor; a single thread of conducting material in a cablefeminine
GeologyżyłaPolishnounlode; vein of a mineralfeminine
GeologyżyłaPolishnounscrooge, meaniecolloquial feminine
GeologyżyłaPolishnouna person who demands too much from otherscolloquial feminine
GeologyżyłaPolishverbthird-person singular feminine past of żyćfeminine form-of past singular third-person
Geometrid mothscarpetEnglishnounA fabric used as a complete floor covering.countable uncountable
Geometrid mothscarpetEnglishnounAny surface or cover resembling a carpet or fulfilling its function.countable figuratively uncountable
Geometrid mothscarpetEnglishnounAny of a number of moths in the geometrid subfamily Larentiinaecountable uncountable
Geometrid mothscarpetEnglishnounA wrought cover for tables.countable obsolete uncountable
Geometrid mothscarpetEnglishnounA woman's pubic hair.countable slang uncountable vulgar
Geometrid mothscarpetEnglishverbTo lay carpet, or to have carpet installed, in an area.
Geometrid mothscarpetEnglishverbTo substantially cover something, as a carpet does; to blanket something.transitive
Geometrid mothscarpetEnglishverbTo reprimand.UK
GoatsZickeGermannounshe-goat, nanny goatfeminine
GoatsZickeGermannouna touchy, fractious or difficult person (usually, but not necessarily, female)derogatory feminine informal
GodTiarnaIrishnounLord (aristocratic title)masculine
GodTiarnaIrishnamethe Lord (God)ChristianityJudaism
Gossamer-winged butterfliesmodraszekPolishnounblue (any of the butterflies of the subfamily Polyommatinae in the family Lycaenidae)animal-not-person masculine
Gossamer-winged butterfliesmodraszekPolishnoungenitive plural of modraszkafeminine form-of genitive plural
GovernmentbureaucracyEnglishnounGovernment by bureaus or their administrators or officers.countable uncountable
GovernmentbureaucracyEnglishnounA system of administration based upon organisation into bureaus, division of labour, a hierarchy of authority, etc., designed to dispose of a large body of work in a routine manner.businesscountable uncountable
GovernmentbureaucracyEnglishnounThe body of officers and administrators, especially of a government.countable uncountable
GovernmentbureaucracyEnglishnounExcessive red tape and routine in any administration, body or behaviour.countable derogatory uncountable
GovernmenttresorieMiddle EnglishnounA treasury (repository for valuables)
GovernmenttresorieMiddle EnglishnounThe resources of a government.
GovernmenttresorieMiddle EnglishnounA treasury department; the department in charge of funds.rare
GrainsmilhoPortuguesenounmaize (seeds of the plant Zea mays)masculine uncountable
GrainsmilhoPortuguesenouna single maize seedmasculine
GrainsmilhoPortuguesenouna maize plant (Zea mays)masculine
GrainsmilhoPortuguesenouncorncob (an ear of maize)masculine
GrainsmilhoPortugueseverbfirst-person singular present indicative of milharfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
Grammatical moodsindicatiefDutchadjindicative, approximative, roughly estimated
Grammatical moodsindicatiefDutchnounthe indicative moodgrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesmasculine
Grape cultivarsloureiroEnglishnounA grape variety cultivated in Spain and Portugal, used in the production of white wine.countable uncountable
Grape cultivarsloureiroEnglishnounA variety of white wine made from this grape.countable uncountable
GrassescalamusLatinnouna reed, canedeclension-2 masculine
GrassescalamusLatinnounan object made from a reed, such as a reed pen, arrow, or fishing rodbroadly declension-2 masculine
GrassescalamusLatinnouna stalk, straw, bladedeclension-2 masculine
GrassescalamusLatinnounthe hollow arm of a candelabrumdeclension-2 masculine
GrassescalamusLatinnouna whistle or musical pipe; sometimes specifically a blown pipe with tone holesdeclension-2 masculine
GrassescawnWelshnounstalkscollective masculine
GrassescawnWelshnounreeds, reed-grasscollective masculine
GrassescawnWelshverbinflection of cael: / first-person plural present indicative/future/imperativeform-of
GrassescawnWelshverbinflection of cael: / first-person singular imperfect indicative/imperfect subjunctive/conditionalform-of
GrassestroskotSerbo-Croatiannoundogtooth grass (grass of the genus Cynodon)
GrassestroskotSerbo-Croatiannouncommon knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare)
GrassestroskotSerbo-Croatiannouncommon bent, browntop (Agrostis capillaris)
GrassestroskotSerbo-Croatiannouncouch grass (Elymus repens)
GreeceAmyrusLatinnameA river of Thessaly flowing into the Lake Boebeisdeclension-2 masculine singular
GreeceAmyrusLatinnameA town situated on this riverdeclension-2 masculine singular
GreeceΗράκλειοGreeknameHeraklion (capital and biggest city of Crete)
GreeceΗράκλειοGreeknameHeraklion (any other towns and villages with this name throughout Greece)
Greek letter namespiSlovenenounpi (Greek letter)
Greek letter namespiSlovenenounpi (mathematical constant)
Greensrifle greenEnglishnounA dark green colour, like that of the British Army rifleman uniform.countable uncountable
Greensrifle greenEnglishadjOf a dark green colour, like that of the British Army rifleman uniform.
Gregorian calendar monthsجونPersiannouncolloquial-un form of جانIran dialectal
Gregorian calendar monthsجونPersiannameJuneDari
Hair'abaOld Tupinounhead of hair
Hair'abaOld Tupinounfur; contour feather; plumage, when it grows on the head
HaircombMiddle EnglishnounA comb (toothed tool for holding or grooming hair)
HaircombMiddle EnglishnounAn instrument similar to a comb used for differing things.
HaircombMiddle EnglishnounA comb or wattle (usually of a rooster)
HaircombMiddle EnglishnounA honeycomb (hexagonal structure of bees)
HaircombMiddle EnglishnounThe top of a mount or rise.rare
HaircombMiddle EnglishnounThe palm or the analogous part of the foot.rare
HairsideboardsEnglishnounplural of sideboardform-of plural
HairsideboardsEnglishnounSideburns.British plural plural-only
HairsideboardsEnglishverbthird-person singular simple present indicative of sideboardform-of indicative present singular third-person
HaresHasenjungesGermannounleveret, young hareadjectival neuter
HaresHasenjungesGermannounpieces of hare meat too small for a roast; i.e. the lower legs, head, neck, heart, kidneys and liverAustria adjectival neuter
HareslepreItaliannounhare (mammal, meat)feminine
HareslepreItaliannounsymbol of speed, caution, or timidityfeminine
HareslepreItaliannounpace setter, pacemakerhobbies lifestyle sportsfeminine
HatredघृणाHindinounhatred, disgust
HatredघृणाHindinounaversion, scorn, loathing
HatredघृणाHindinoundisdain, abhorrence, repulsion
Heads of stateцоа̄ррKildin Saminounking
Heads of stateцоа̄ррKildin Saminountsar
Heads of stateประธานาธิบดีThainounpresident, presiding person, presiding officer; person in supreme authority, supreme chief, supreme lord.archaic
Heads of stateประธานาธิบดีThainounpresident: the highest executive officer of a modern republic.
HeadwearHelmGermannounhelmetmasculine strong
HeadwearHelmGermannounhelm roofarchitecturemasculine strong
HeadwearHelmGermannounhelmet, as shown above a coat of armsgovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsmasculine strong
HeadwearMitraGermannounmitre (headgear worn on solemn occasions by church dignitaries)feminine
HeadwearMitraGermannounmitregovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsfeminine
HeadwearcylinderSwedishnouna cylindergeometry mathematics sciencescommon-gender
HeadwearcylinderSwedishnouna cylinder (part of an engine)engineering mechanical-engineering mechanics natural-sciences physical-sciencescommon-gender
HeadwearcylinderSwedishnouna top hatcommon-gender
HeadwearkulichCzechnouna type of winter hatinanimate masculine
HeadwearkulichCzechnounlittle owl (Athene noctua)animate dialectal masculine obsolete
HeadweartiaraSwahilinounkite (lightweight toy carried on the wind and tethered and controlled from the ground by one or more lines)class-10 class-9
HeadweartiaraSwahilinouncrownclass-10 class-9
HeadwearذؤابةArabicnounlock, tress, wisp, curl (of hair)
HeadwearذؤابةArabicnouncoma of a comet
HeadwearذؤابةArabicnounlappet, pendent fabric of a headdress
HeadwearذؤابةArabicnountop tier, high pointfiguratively
HealthîndreptaRomanianverbto straightenconjugation-1 transitive
HealthîndreptaRomanianverbto mend, correct, improve, recoverconjugation-1 transitive
HealthîndreptaRomanianverbto change oneself for the betterconjugation-1 reflexive
HealthîndreptaRomanianverbto reorganiseconjugation-1 obsolete reflexive
HealthîndreptaRomanianverbto recover after sicknessconjugation-1 dated reflexive
HealthîndreptaRomanianverbto fill in after the wood swells with moistureconjugation-1 reflexive regional
HealthîndreptaRomanianverbto excuseconjugation-1 obsolete rare transitive
HealthîndreptaRomanianverbto headconjugation-1 formal reflexive
HealthîndreptaRomanianverbto direct to a placeconjugation-1 transitive
HealthîndreptaRomanianverbto point, direct, address something in a certain directionconjugation-1 transitive
HealthcaremanicomioItaliannouninsane asylum, lunatic asylum, mental hospitalmasculine offensive
HealthcaremanicomioItaliannounmadhouse (all senses)masculine
Healthcare occupationsmedykPolishnounmedical studentmedicine sciencescolloquial masculine person
Healthcare occupationsmedykPolishnounphysician, medical doctormedicine sciencesdated masculine person
Healthcare occupationsmedykPolishnounmedical schooleducation medicine sciencesanimal-not-person informal masculine
Hebrew letter namesheEnglishpronA male person or animal already known or implied.masculine nominative personal singular third-person
Hebrew letter namesheEnglishpronThey; he or she (a person whose gender is unknown or irrelevant).masculine nominative personal proscribed singular sometimes third-person
Hebrew letter namesheEnglishpronIt; an animal whose gender is unknown.masculine nominative personal proscribed singular sometimes third-person
Hebrew letter namesheEnglishpronA genderless object regarded as masculine, such as certain stars or planets (e.g. Sun, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter) or certain ships.masculine nominative singular third-person
Hebrew letter namesheEnglishdetSynonym of his
Hebrew letter namesheEnglishnounThe game of tag, or it, in which the player attempting to catch the others is called "he".uncountable
Hebrew letter namesheEnglishnounThe player who chases and attempts to catch the others in this game.countable uncountable
Hebrew letter namesheEnglishnounA male.countable informal uncountable
Hebrew letter namesheEnglishnounThe name of the fifth letter of many Semitic alphabets (Phoenician, Aramaic, Hebrew, Syriac, Arabic and others).
Hebrew letter namesheEnglishnounThe name of the first letter of the Old South Arabian abjad.
Hebrew letter namesheEnglishintjAn expression of laughter.reduplication uncommon usually
HematologysanguinaryEnglishadjInvolving bloodshed.
HematologysanguinaryEnglishadjEager to shed blood; bloodthirsty.
HematologysanguinaryEnglishadjConsisting of, covered with, or similar in appearance to blood.
HematologysanguinaryEnglishnounA bloodthirsty person.
HematologysanguinaryEnglishnounThe plant common yarrow, or herba sanguinaria (Achillea millefolium).
Hemp family plantsindicaEnglishnounAny of the indica subspecies of the rice, Oryza sativa, which (unlike the japonica or sinica subspecies) are non-sticky and long-grained.
Hemp family plantsindicaEnglishnounMarijuana of the species Cannabis indica.
HerbsбедреницаBulgariannounherb of genus Pimpinella (particularly Pimpinella saxifraga)obsolete possibly
HerbsбедреницаBulgariannouncreeping saxifrage, creeping rockfoil (perennial flowering plant of genus Saxifraga, native to Eastern Asia)
HinduismSatnamiEnglishnameAny of several Hindu sects.
HinduismSatnamiEnglishnounA member of one of these sects.
Historical and traditional regionsPontoSpanishnamePontus (pre-Olympian god of the sea)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek masculine
Historical and traditional regionsPontoSpanishnamePontus (ancient region and kingdom)historical masculine
Historical currenciesaltynEnglishnounAn obsolete Russian coin worth three kopeks.hobbies lifestyle numismatics
Historical currenciesaltynEnglishnounA proposed common currency for the Eurasian Economic Union.
Historical eventschasse aux sorcièresFrenchnounwitch-huntfeminine
Historical eventschasse aux sorcièresFrenchnounwitch-huntfeminine figuratively
Historical periodsЕдоUkrainiannameEdo River (a river in the Kantō region, Japan)indeclinable
Historical periodsЕдоUkrainiannameEdo (the former name of Tokyo, the capital city of Japan)historical indeclinable
Historical periodsЕдоUkrainiannameThe Edo Period (1603–1868).indeclinable
HistorypaquebotEnglishnouna mailboat
HistorypaquebotEnglishnouna postal marking or cancellation stamped on mail posted at sea or in a harbour for processing by the postal authorities at the next port of call. Mail so marked in one country will often carry the stamps of another country.
HistorypaquebotEnglishadjRelating to mail posted at sea.not-comparable
History of PolandendekPolishnounmember of National Democracygovernment politicscolloquial historical masculine person
History of PolandendekPolishnounnational conservatistgovernment politicscolloquial masculine person
History of the Czech RepublicHusPolishnameJan Hus (Czech theologian and philosopher who became a Church reformer and the inspiration of Hussitism, a key predecessor to Protestantism, and a seminal figure in the Bohemian Reformation)historical masculine person uncountable
History of the Czech RepublicHusPolishnamea male surname from Czechcountable masculine person
History of the Czech RepublicHusPolishnamea female surname from Czechcountable feminine indeclinable
History of the Czech RepublicHusPolishnameUz (one of the sons of Aram, son of Shem, according to the table of nations of Genesis 10 in the Hebrew Bible)biblical lifestyle religionmasculine person uncountable
HolidaysGuy Fawkes DayEnglishnameNovember 5, a celebration in England since the 17th century commemorating the failure of the 1605 Gunpowder Plot.UK
HolidaysGuy Fawkes DayEnglishnameSynonym of Guy Fawkes Night, the associated revelry, traditionally including bonfires, fireworks, and the burning in effigy of the pope, Guy Fawkes, and/or the Devil.UK
HolidaysHimmelfahrtGermannounascensionlifestyle religionfeminine
HolidaysHimmelfahrtGermannounShort for Christi Himmelfahrt (“Ascension Day, 40 days after Easter”)abbreviation alt-of feminine
HolidaysHimmelfahrtGermannounShort for Mariä Himmelfahrt (“Assumption of Mary, 15th August”)abbreviation alt-of feminine
HolidaysHimmelfahrtGermannounassumptionlifestyle religionfeminine
HomeпорогRussiannounthreshold, doorstep
HomeпорогRussiannounrapid (turbulent flow section in a river)
Horse tackповодRussiannounrein, bridle, bridle-rein
Horse tackповодRussiannouncause, ground, occasion
HorseshorseEnglishnounA hoofed mammal, Equus ferus caballus, often used throughout history for riding and draft work. / Any member of the species Equus ferus, including the Przewalski's horse and the extinct Equus ferus ferus.countable uncountable
HorseshorseEnglishnounA hoofed mammal, Equus ferus caballus, often used throughout history for riding and draft work. / Any current or extinct animal of the family Equidae, including zebras and asses.biology natural-sciences zoologycountable uncountable
HorseshorseEnglishnounA hoofed mammal, Equus ferus caballus, often used throughout history for riding and draft work. / Cavalry soldiers (sometimes capitalized when referring to an official category).government military politics warsometimes uncountable
HorseshorseEnglishnounA hoofed mammal, Equus ferus caballus, often used throughout history for riding and draft work. / A component of certain games. / The chess piece representing a knight, depicted as a horse.board-games chess gamescountable informal uncountable
HorseshorseEnglishnounA hoofed mammal, Equus ferus caballus, often used throughout history for riding and draft work. / A component of certain games. / A xiangqi piece that moves and captures one point orthogonally and then one point diagonally.board-games games xiangqicountable uncountable
HorseshorseEnglishnounA hoofed mammal, Equus ferus caballus, often used throughout history for riding and draft work. / A large and sturdy person.countable slang uncountable
HorseshorseEnglishnounA hoofed mammal, Equus ferus caballus, often used throughout history for riding and draft work. / A timber frame shaped like a horse, which soldiers were made to ride for punishment.countable historical uncountable
HorseshorseEnglishnounA hoofed mammal, Equus ferus caballus, often used throughout history for riding and draft work.countable uncountable
HorseshorseEnglishnounEquipment with legs. / In gymnastics, a piece of equipment with a body on two or four legs, approximately four feet high, sometimes (pommel horse) with two handles on top.countable uncountable
HorseshorseEnglishnounEquipment with legs. / A frame with legs, used to support something.countable uncountable
HorseshorseEnglishnounType of equipment. / A rope stretching along a yard, upon which men stand when reefing or furling the sails; footrope.nautical transportcountable uncountable
HorseshorseEnglishnounType of equipment. / A breastband for a leadsman.nautical transportcountable uncountable
HorseshorseEnglishnounType of equipment. / An iron bar for a sheet traveller to slide upon.nautical transportcountable uncountable
HorseshorseEnglishnounType of equipment. / A jackstay.nautical transportcountable uncountable
HorseshorseEnglishnounA mass of earthy matter, or rock of the same character as the wall rock, occurring in the course of a vein, as of coal or ore; hence, to take horse (said of a vein) is to divide into branches for a miningcountable uncountable
HorseshorseEnglishnounAn informal variant of basketball in which players match shots made by their opponent(s), each miss adding a letter to the word "horse", with 5 misses spelling the whole word and eliminating a player, until only the winner is left. Also HORSE, H-O-R-S-E or H.O.R.S.E. (see H-O-R-S-E on WikipediaWikipedia).US countable uncountable
HorseshorseEnglishnounThe flesh of a horse as an item of cuisine.uncountable
HorseshorseEnglishnounA prison guard who smuggles contraband in or out for prisoners.countable slang uncountable
HorseshorseEnglishnounA translation or other illegitimate aid in study or examination.countable dated slang uncountable
HorseshorseEnglishnounHorseplay; tomfoolery.countable dated slang uncountable
HorseshorseEnglishnounA player who has been staked, i.e. another player has paid for their buy-in and claims a percentage of any winnings.card-games pokercountable slang uncountable
HorseshorseEnglishverbSynonym of horse aroundintransitive
HorseshorseEnglishverbTo play mischievous pranks on.transitive
HorseshorseEnglishverbTo provide with a horse; supply horses for.transitive
HorseshorseEnglishverbTo get on horseback.obsolete
HorseshorseEnglishverbTo sit astride of; to bestride.
HorseshorseEnglishverbTo copulate with (a mare).
HorseshorseEnglishverbTo take or carry on the back.
HorseshorseEnglishverbTo place (someone) on the back of another person, or on a wooden horse, chair, etc., to be flogged or punished.
HorseshorseEnglishverbTo place (someone) on the back of another person, or on a wooden horse, chair, etc., to be flogged or punished. / To flog.broadly
HorseshorseEnglishverbTo pull, haul, or move (something) with great effort, like a horse would.transitive
HorseshorseEnglishverbTo cram (food) quickly, indiscriminately or in great volume.informal
HorseshorseEnglishverbTo urge at work tyrannically.dated transitive
HorseshorseEnglishverbTo charge for work before it is finished.dated intransitive
HorseshorseEnglishnounHeroin (drug).slang uncountable
HorsesrudasHungarianadjprovided with poles, bars, rodsnot-comparable
Horsesเบ๊Thainounhorse-mounted servant.archaic
Horsesเบ๊Thainounservant; slave; subordinate; attendant.derogatory slang
Horsesเบ๊Thainamea Thai Chinese surname, Ma
HorticulturekwiaciarkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of kwiaciarz (“florist”) (person who sells flowers)feminine form-of
HorticulturekwiaciarkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of kwiaciarz (“florist”) (person who cultivates flowers)feminine form-of
HorticulturekwiaciarkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of kwiaciarz (“person who manufactures artificial flowers”)feminine form-of
HousingchaloupkaCzechnoundiminutive of chalupadiminutive feminine form-of
HousinghouslesMiddle EnglishadjHomeless; having no home.rare
HousinghouslesMiddle food lifestylerare
HousingszałasPolishnounhut (small wooden shed)inanimate masculine
HousingszałasPolishnounshed, shack, shelter, hovel (temporary shelter made of branches)inanimate masculine
Human behaviourdéeidOld Irishadjidle
Human behaviourdéeidOld Irishadjcareless, carefree, at ease
HuntingbemeMiddle EnglishnounA trumpet (musical instrument)
HuntingbemeMiddle EnglishnounA hunting horn or warhorn.
HuntingbemeMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of beemalt-of alternative
HuntingмисливськийUkrainianadjhunting (attributive)relational
HuntingмисливськийUkrainianadjhunter's, huntsman's
IndividualsHuldaGermannameHuldah (biblical figure)
IndividualsHuldaGermannamea female given name, popular in the 19th century
IndividualsImmanuelFinnishnameImmanuelbiblical lifestyle religion
IndividualsImmanuelFinnishnamea male given name from Biblical Hebrew, rare in this form. Short forms: Immo, Manurare
IndividualsLiaItaliannameLeah (biblical character)feminine
IndividualsLiaItaliannamea female given namefeminine
IndividualsLiaItaliannamea surnameby-personal-gender feminine masculine
IndividualsPlatoEnglishnameA male given name from Ancient Greek.
IndividualsPlatoEnglishnameA male given name from Ancient Greek. / The Greek philosopher, 427–347 BC, follower of Socrates.
InsectsbangkukangTagalognouna species of beetle
InsectsbangkukangTagalognounAlternative form of bakokangalt-of alternative
InsectsܕܒܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounwasp, hornet, drone
InsectsܕܒܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounguide, leader
InsectsܕܒܘܪܐClassical Syriacnouncarrier, pallbearer
InsectsܕܒܘܪܐClassical Syriacnoundriver
InsectsܕܒܘܪܐClassical Syriacnouncharioteer
InsectsܕܒܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounrower
InsectsChinesecharacterinsect that eats through paper, clothes, wood, etc.
InsectsChinesecharacterinsect that eats through paper, clothes, wood, etc. / silverfishspecifically
InsectsChinesecharacterharmful person; verminfiguratively
InsectsChinesecharacterto erode; to eat away at
InsectsChinesecharactermoth-eaten; worm-eaten
Internet memesgroyperEnglishnounA large, green, cartoon toad with a strange mischievous expression, similar to Pepe the Frog.Internet
Internet memesgroyperEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of Groyper (“member of certain political groups”)alt-of
Islammoral policeEnglishnounVigilantes or groups that try to enforce their moral laws on others.plural plural-only
Islammoral policeEnglishnounA special police force in some conservative countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Malaysia that enforces religious laws by punishing sinners.plural plural-only
IslamshaiɗanHausanoundevil; Satan
IslamshaiɗanHausanounangry or ill-tempered person
IslandsIslands of the North AtlanticEnglishnameGreat Britain, Ireland and surrounding smaller islands; the British and Irish Isles.plural rare
IslandsIslands of the North AtlanticEnglishnameUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see islands, North Atlantic.plural
IslandsSiquijorCebuanonameSiquijor (a province of Central Visayas, Visayas, Philippines; capital: Siquijor)
IslandsSiquijorCebuanonameSiquijor (an island in the Bohol Sea, Visayas, Philippines)
IslandsSiquijorCebuanonameSiquijor (a municipality, the capital of Siquijor, Central Visayas, Visayas, Philippines)
ItalycalabrêsPortugueseadjCalabrian (of or from Calabria)
ItalycalabrêsPortuguesenounCalabrian (inhabitant of Calabria)masculine
ItalycalabrêsPortuguesenounCalabrian (language)masculine uncountable
JackfishchicharroSpanishnounAtlantic horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus)masculine
JackfishchicharroSpanishnoungoalball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportscolloquial masculine
JackfishchicharroSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of chicharrarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
Japanese male given namesJapanesecharactertransparentkanji
Japanese male given namesJapanesecharacterpermeable, porouskanji
Japanese male given namesJapanesecharacterpassable, (in the sense of objects spaced far enough apart to allow something in-between)kanji
Japanese male given namesJapanesenamea unisex given name
Japanese male given namesJapanesenamea male given name
Japanese numeral symbols𥝱JapanesecharacterHyōgai kanji no-gloss
Japanese numeral symbols𥝱JapanesenumA trillion trillion, 10²⁴, or a septillion of modern English in modern Japanese since 17th century.
JewelryకంటెTeluguconj(the fifth case ending) thangrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
JewelryకంటెTelugunounA carcanet or circlet of solid gold or silver, worn as an ornament round the neck by women and children.
KiltssettEnglishnounThe system of tunnels that is the home of a badger.
KiltssettEnglishnounThe pattern of distinctive threads and yarns that make up the plaid of a Scottish tartan.
KiltssettEnglishnounThe number of warp ends per inch in the manufacturing textiles weaving
KiltssettEnglishnounThe number of reeds or splits per inch – one half the number of ends per manufacturing textiles weavingEngland
KiltssettEnglishnounA small, square-cut piece of quarried stone used for paving and edging.
KiltssettEnglishverbObsolete spelling of set. (particularly as a simple past and past participle)alt-of obsolete
Korea棒子Chinesenounclub; stick (short and thick)
Korea棒子Chinesenouncorn; maizeMandarin dialectal
Korea棒子Chinesenounparticular duty or responsibility; batonTaiwan figuratively
Korea棒子ChinesenounbottleMandarin Northeastern
Korea棒子Chinesenounforeigner or someone of a particular occupationMandarin derogatory dialectal
Korea棒子ChinesenounKorean person; kimchiderogatory ethnic slang slur
Korea棒子Chineseclassifierbottle ofMandarin Northeastern
LGBTpamintaTagalognounclosetedLGBTderogatory figuratively slang
LGBTtransEnglishadjIn (or constituting, forming, or describing) a double bond in which the greater radical on both ends is on the opposite side of the bond.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesnot-comparable physical
LGBTtransEnglishadjIn (or constituting, forming, or describing) a coordination compound in which the two instances of a particular ligand are on opposite sides of the central atom.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesnot-comparable physical
LGBTtransEnglishadjOf the side of the Golgi apparatus farther from the endoplasmic reticulum.biology cytology medicine natural-sciences sciencesnot-comparable
LGBTtransEnglishadjTransgender or transsexual.not-comparable
LGBTtransEnglishadjAlternative form of trans* (“having any gender identity other than cisgender”)alt-of alternative not-comparable
LGBTtransEnglishnounA trans person.humorous informal offensive sometimes
LGBTtransEnglishverbTo cause to cross from one side to another of (gender, sex or similar).human-sciences sciences social-science social-scienceshumorous transitive
LGBTtransEnglishverbTo render (someone) transgender.Internet humorous offensive transitive
LGBTtransEnglishverbTo become transgender.Internet humorous intransitive offensive
LGBTtransEnglishnounClipping of transaction.abbreviation alt-of clipping
LGBTtransEnglishnounClipping of transmission.abbreviation alt-of clipping
LGBTtransEnglishnounplural of tranform-of plural
Labroid fishgaloTokelauanverbto be lostintransitive
Labroid fishgaloTokelauanverbto be forgottenintransitive
Labroid fishgaloTokelauanverbto be dead; to dieintransitive
Labroid fishgaloTokelauanverbto be out of sightintransitive
Labroid fishgaloTokelauannounroundhead parrotfish (Scarus globiceps)
Lamiales order plantsSpanish flagEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see Spanish, flag.
Lamiales order plantsSpanish flagEnglishnounThe flowering plant Lantana camara.
LandformsIrishnounbaygeography natural-sciencesfeminine
LandformsIrishnounexpanse (of sea)feminine
LandformsIrishnounstrip (of thatch)feminine
LandformsIrishnounsympathy, likingfeminine
LandformsIrishnounverbal noun of báighform-of masculine noun-from-verb
LandformsIrishnounimmersion, inundationmasculine
LandformsIrishnounelisionhuman-sciences linguistics sciencesmasculine
LandformsIrishverbpresent subjunctive indicative of báighform-of indicative present subjunctive
LandformschochołLower Sorbiannounmoundinanimate masculine
LandformschochołLower Sorbiannounhill, elevationinanimate masculine
LandformschochołLower Sorbiannounpeak, top of the hillinanimate masculine
LandformschochołLower Sorbiannounany rounded surfaceinanimate masculine
LandformschochołLower Sorbiannounshort, thick hairinanimate masculine
LandformschochołLower Sorbiannounlong hair above the hooves of the horse's front legsbiology natural-sciences zoologyinanimate masculine
LandformschochołLower Sorbiannouncapbiology natural-sciences zoologyinanimate masculine
LandformschochołLower Sorbiannouncrest, feathers protruding from the bird's headbiology natural-sciences zoologyinanimate masculine
LandformsdeneMiddle Englishnounvalley
LandformsdeneMiddle Englishnumtennonce-word
LandformsdeneMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of den (“dean”)alt-of alternative
LandformsdeneMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of dynnealt-of alternative
LandformsdeneMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of deynen (“to disdain”)alt-of alternative
LandformskällaSwedishnouna source (of information, or other things)common-gender
LandformskällaSwedishnouna spring (where groundwater naturally emerges)common-gender
LandformskällaSwedishnouna well (with some other liquid or gas)common-gender
LandformskällaSwedishnouna source (of a river)common-gender
LandformskällaSwedishnouna source; a point where the divergence of a vector field is positivemathematics sciencescommon-gender
LandformslacusLatinnouna lake, pond, basin; reservoirdeclension-4 masculine
LandformslacusLatinnouna tank, tub, sink, vat, wine-vatdeclension-4 masculine
LandformsзаливSerbo-Croatiannounbay (body of water)geography natural-sciencesmasculine
LandformsзаливSerbo-Croatiannoungulfgeography natural-sciencesmasculine
LandformsурваBulgariannounsteep dale, precipice (geological formation)
LandformsурваBulgariannounchasm, abyssfiguratively
LandformsდობერაMingreliannounfertile, arable soil
LandformsდობერაMingreliannounvalley, field
LandformsJapanesecharacterforeign countrykanji
LandformsJapanesecharacterthe Westkanji
LandformsJapanesecharactervast, widekanji
LandformsJapanesenounan ocean
LandformsJapanesenounthe East (Orient) or especially the West (Occident)broadly
LandformsJapanesenamea surname
LandformsJapanesenamea male or female given name
LandformsJapanesenounAlternative spelling of 灘 (nada): the open seaalt-of alternative
LandformsJapanesenamea surname
LandformsJapanesenamea surname
LandformsJapanesenamea male or female given name
Language familiesAymaranEnglishadjOf or relating to the Aymara people or their language.
Language familiesAymaranEnglishnameThe family of languages spoken by the Aymara.
LanguagesAramaeanEnglishnounAny member of a West Semitic semi-nomadic and pastoralist people who lived in the Levant and later also in upper Mesopotamia (Biblical Aram) during the Late Bronze Age and the Iron Age. They spoke Aramaic.
LanguagesAramaeanEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Aramaeans or Aram.not-comparable
LanguagesAramaeanEnglishnameThe Aramaic language.
LanguagesDharrukEnglishnameAlternative spelling of Dharukalt-of alternative
LanguagesDharrukEnglishnameA suburb of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
LanguagesFaroishEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Faroe Islands, Faroish people or the Faroish language; Faroese.not-comparable
LanguagesFaroishEnglishnounA person from the Faroe Islands, Faroe Islander.
LanguagesFaroishEnglishnameThe language of the Faroe Islands, closely related to Icelandic, and more distantly to Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish.
LanguagesHupaEnglishnounA member of a tribe residing in the Hoopa Valley.
LanguagesHupaEnglishnameThe Athabaskan language which they speak.
LanguagesIcelandicEnglishnameA North Germanic language, the national tongue of Iceland.
LanguagesIcelandicEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Iceland; an Icelander.
LanguagesIcelandicEnglishnounAn Icelandic horse.
LanguagesIcelandicEnglishadjOf or relating to the North Germanic language spoken in Iceland.
LanguagesIcelandicEnglishadjOf or relating to the natives or inhabitants of Iceland.
LanguagesIcelandicEnglishadjOf, relating to, or originating from Iceland.
LanguagesKashubianEnglishadjOf or relating to the Kashubian people and their language.not-comparable
LanguagesKashubianEnglishnameA Slavic language spoken in the Pomeranian region of Poland.
LanguagesKashubianEnglishnounA member of the Kashubian people; a person from Kashubia.
LanguagesMamaceqtawEnglishnounThe Menominee people.plural plural-only
LanguagesMamaceqtawEnglishnameThe Menominee language.
LanguagesOkinawanEnglishadjFrom Okinawa.
LanguagesOkinawanEnglishadjOf Okinawan descent.
LanguagesOkinawanEnglishnounA person from Okinawa.
LanguagesOkinawanEnglishnameA Ryukyuan language of Okinawa.
LanguagesPlatduitsDutchnamethe Low German languageneuter
LanguagesPlatduitsDutchadjLow German
LanguagesSugboanonTagalognounCebuano (person from Cebu)
LanguagesSugboanonTagalognounCebuano language
LanguagesSugboanonTagalognounCebuano (speaker of Cebuano)
LanguagesSugboanonTagalogadjpertaining to the people and culture of Cebu
LanguagesSugboanonTagalogadjpertaining to the Cebuano language
LanguagesSugboanonTagalogadjpertaining to being a speaker of the Cebuano language
LanguagesTuscaroraEnglishnounA member of a Native American people with members in New York, Canada, and North Carolina.
LanguagesTuscaroraEnglishnameTheir Iroquoian language.
LanguagesTuscaroraEnglishnameAn unincorporated community in Frederick County, Maryland.
LanguagesTuscaroraEnglishnameAn unincorporated community in Elko County, Nevada.
LanguagesTuscaroraEnglishnameA town in Steuben County, New York.
LanguagesTuscaroraEnglishnameA census-designated place in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania.
LanguagesbosniàCatalanadjBosnian (pertinent to Bosnia, the people of Bosnia, or the Bosnian language)
LanguagesbosniàCatalannounBosnian; Bosniak (an inhabitant of Bosnia or a Bosniak)masculine
LanguagesbosniàCatalannounBosnian (a Slavic language of the Balkans)masculine uncountable
LanguageshongroisFrenchnounHungarian, the language of Hungarymasculine uncountable
LanguageshotentotskiSerbo-Croatianadjthe Hottentot languagesubstantive
LanguageshviderussiskDanishadjBelorussian (of or pertaining to Belarus)
LanguageshviderussiskDanishnounBelarusian (the language)neuter
LanguagesjapanskaSwedishadjinflection of japansk: / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
LanguagesjapanskaSwedishadjinflection of japansk: / pluralform-of plural
LanguagesjapanskaSwedishnounJapanese (language)common-gender uncountable
LanguagesjapanskaSwedishnouna female Japanese personcommon-gender
LanguagesmalgaskiPolishadjMalagasy, of Madagascarnot-comparable relational
LanguagesmalgaskiPolishnounMalagasy (language)inanimate masculine
LanguagesnorskaIcelandicnounNorwegian (language)feminine no-plural
LanguagesnorskaIcelandicadjinflection of norskur: / feminine singular accusative strong positive degreeaccusative feminine form-of positive singular strong
LanguagesnorskaIcelandicadjinflection of norskur: / masculine plural accusative strong positive degreeaccusative form-of masculine plural positive strong
LanguagesnorskaIcelandicadjinflection of norskur: / masculine singular accusative weak positive degreeaccusative form-of masculine positive singular weak
LanguagesnorskaIcelandicadjinflection of norskur: / masculine singular dative weak positive degreedative form-of masculine positive singular weak
LanguagesnorskaIcelandicadjinflection of norskur: / masculine singular genitive weak positive degreeform-of genitive masculine positive singular weak
LanguagesnorskaIcelandicadjinflection of norskur: / feminine singular nominative weak positive degreefeminine form-of nominative positive singular weak
LanguagesnorskaIcelandicadjinflection of norskur: / neuter singular nominative weak positive degreeform-of neuter nominative positive singular weak
LanguagesnorskaIcelandicadjinflection of norskur: / neuter singular accusative weak positive degreeaccusative form-of neuter positive singular weak
LanguagesnorskaIcelandicadjinflection of norskur: / neuter singular dative weak positive degreedative form-of neuter positive singular weak
LanguagesnorskaIcelandicadjinflection of norskur: / neuter singular genitive weak positive degreeform-of genitive neuter positive singular weak
LanguagespicardFrenchadjPicard (from Picardy)
LanguagespicardFrenchnounPicard (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagespolskNorwegian BokmåladjPolish (relating to Poland and the Polish people)
LanguagespolskNorwegian BokmålnounPolish (the language of Poland)masculine uncountable
LanguagesukrajinskiSerbo-Croatianadjthe Ukrainian languagesubstantive
LanguagesισπανικάGreeknounSpanish, the language of Spain
LanguagesισπανικάGreekadjNominative, accusative and vocative neuter plural form of ισπανικός (ispanikós).accusative form-of neuter nominative plural vocative
LanguagesալբաներենArmeniannounAlbanian (language)
LanguagesալբաներենArmenianadvin Albanian
LanguagesալբաներենArmenianadjAlbanian (of or pertaining to the language)
LanguagesহাজংAssamesenounHajong (ethnic group)
LanguagesহাজংAssamesenamethe Hajong language
Languages希臘文Chinesenounthe Greek language
Languages希臘文Chinesenounthe Greek alphabet
Latin nomina gentiliaHeriusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaHeriusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Herius Asinius, a soldier of the Marrucinideclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaHeriusLatinnameA river of Gallia Lugdunensis mentioned by Ptolemy, maybe the Vilainedeclension-2
LatviariguésSpanishadjRigan (of or relating to Riga, Latvia)
LatviariguésSpanishnounRigan (native or resident of Riga, Latvia)masculine
Laughterbag upEnglishverbTo put into a bag.transitive
Laughterbag upEnglishverbTo laugh heartily; crack up.intransitive slang
Laughterbag upEnglishverbTo be arrested or picked up by the police.US slang
LaughterhagikhikTagalognounoutburst of suppressed laughter; snicker
LaughterhagikhikTagalognounsound of sipping liquid
LawсудитлалташEastern Mariverbto be convicted, to be sentenced (by a court)intransitive
LawсудитлалташEastern Mariverbto be engaged in a lawsuit, to have legal proceedingsintransitive
LeadersnáčelníkCzechnounchief (leader of a tribe)animate masculine
LeadersnáčelníkCzechnounchief (head of an organization)animate masculine
LeadersnáčelníkCzechnounSynonym of čelenkaarchaic inanimate masculine
LeaderspotestatMiddle EnglishnounA powerful individual; a ruler or potentate.
LeaderspotestatMiddle EnglishnounA power (rank of angel).lifestyle religion theology
LegumeslucernaHungariannounalfalfa, lucerne (Medicago sativa)
LegumeslucernaHungariannounalfalfa, lucerne (any plant in the genus Medicago)
Legumesprairie cloverEnglishnounA genus, Dalea, in the family Fabaceae.uncountable
Legumesprairie cloverEnglishnounA species in that genus.countable
Legumesprairie cloverEnglishnounA plant of that genus.countable
LeprosymeaslesEnglishnounAn acute and highly contagious disease which often afflicts children caused by the virus Measles morbillivirus and causing red rashes, fever, runny nose, coughing, and red eyes.medicine sciencesplural plural-normally
LeprosymeaslesEnglishnounAny disease causing red rashes.medicine sciencesobsolete plural plural-normally
LeprosymeaslesEnglishnounUsed as an intensifier.obsolete plural plural-normally
LeprosymeaslesEnglishnounSynonym of cysticercosis: A disease of livestock or meat caused by the presence of tapeworm larvae.biology medicine natural-sciences pathology sciences veterinary zoologyplural plural-normally
LeprosymeaslesEnglishnounAny disease causing a tree's bark to become rough and irregular.biology botany natural-sciencesobsolete plural plural-normally
LeprosymeaslesEnglishnounplural of measle: a red spot forming part of a rash, (now) particularly those caused by M. morbillivirus.medicine sciencesform-of plural plural-normally
LeprosymeaslesEnglishnounplural of measle: any similar-looking red spot, particularly (printing) foxing.figuratively form-of plural plural-normally
LeprosymeaslesEnglishnounplural of measle: the individual cysts of cysticercosis.biology medicine natural-sciences pathology sciences veterinary zoologyform-of plural plural-normally
LeprosymeaslesEnglishnounplural of measle: the individual blisters in the surface of a diseased tree's bark.biology botany natural-sciencesform-of obsolete plural plural-normally
LeprosymeaslesEnglishnounA discreet assassination made to look like death from any natural cause.espionage government military politics warUS jargon plural plural-normally
LeprosymeaslesEnglishverbthird-person singular simple present indicative of measleform-of indicative present singular third-person
LeprosymeaslesEnglishnounplural of measleform-of obsolete plural
LeprosymeaslesEnglishnounAlternative form of mesels: Leprosy.alt-of alternative obsolete
LicearremeEastern Arrerntenounlouse
LicearremeEastern Arrerntenounlice
LightalightEnglishverbTo make less heavy; to lighten; to alleviate, to relieve.also figuratively obsolete transitive
LightalightEnglishverbOften followed by from or off: to get off an animal which one has been riding; to dismount; to descend or exit from a vehicle; hence, to complete one's journey; to stop.intransitive
LightalightEnglishverbOften followed by at, on, or upon: of something aloft: to descend and settle; to land, to lodge, to rest.also figuratively intransitive
LightalightEnglishverbTo come down or go down; to descend.archaic intransitive
LightalightEnglishverbOften followed by on or upon: of a blow, something thrown, etc.: to land heavily.archaic intransitive
LightalightEnglishverbOften followed by on or upon: to find by accident; to chance upon, to come upon.figuratively intransitive
LightalightEnglishverbTo arrive.intransitive obsolete
LightalightEnglishverbTo cast light on (something); to illuminate, to light up.also archaic figuratively transitive
LightalightEnglishverbTo set light to (something); to set (something) on fire; to ignite, to light.also archaic figuratively transitive
LightalightEnglishadjBurning, lit, on fire.not-comparable
LightalightEnglishadjOften followed by with: shining with light; luminous, radiant; also, brightly coloured; vivid.not-comparable
LightalightEnglishadjOften followed by with: shining with light; luminous, radiant; also, brightly coloured; vivid. / Of an electrical light source: switched on and emitting light.not-comparable
LightalightEnglishadjAglow with activity or emotion.figuratively not-comparable
LightalightEnglishadvChiefly in set alight: in flames, on fire; aflame.also figuratively not-comparable
Light sourcesflambeauFrenchnountorchmasculine
Light sourcesflambeauFrenchnouncandlemasculine
Light sourcesflambeauFrenchnouncandlestickmasculine
Light sourcesflambeauFrenchnounlight, flame as symbolic spirit of somethingmasculine metonymically
Light sourcesgiraAfarnounfirecollective
Light sourcesgiraAfarnounfirearmscollective
Light sourcesճրագArmeniannounlamp
Light sourcesճրագArmeniannounluminaryfiguratively
Liliales order plantspärskäjuuriFinnishnounfalse hellebore (a plant of genus Veratrum)
Liliales order plantspärskäjuuriFinnishnounthe genus Veratrumin-plural
LiquidsdewynMiddle EnglishverbTo sprinkle dew on vegetation; to dew.
LiquidsdewynMiddle EnglishverbTo cry visibly; to become teary.
LiquidsdewynMiddle EnglishverbTo replenish; to relieve, assuage or calm.rare
LiquidsdewynMiddle EnglishverbTo bring dew; to send out dew.rare
LiquidsdissolveEnglishverbTo terminate a union of multiple members actively, as by disbanding.transitive
LiquidsdissolveEnglishverbTo destroy, make disappear.transitive
LiquidsdissolveEnglishverbTo liquify, melt into a fluid.transitive
LiquidsdissolveEnglishverbTo be melted, changed into a fluid.intransitive
LiquidsdissolveEnglishverb(transitive) To disintegrate chemically into a solution by immersion into a liquid or other material.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesphysical
LiquidsdissolveEnglishverb(intransitive) To be disintegrated by such immersion.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesphysical
LiquidsdissolveEnglishverbTo disperse, drive apart a group of persons.transitive
LiquidsdissolveEnglishverbTo break the continuity of; to disconnect; to loosen; to undo; to separate.transitive
LiquidsdissolveEnglishverbTo annul; to rescind; to discharge or release.lawtransitive
LiquidsdissolveEnglishverbTo shift from one shot to another by having the former fade out as the latter fades in.broadcasting cinematography film media televisionintransitive
LiquidsdissolveEnglishverbTo resolve itself as by dissolution.intransitive
LiquidsdissolveEnglishverbTo solve; to clear up; to resolve.obsolete
LiquidsdissolveEnglishverbTo relax by pleasure; to make powerless.
LiquidsdissolveEnglishnouna form of film punctuation in which there is a gradual transition from one scene to the nextbroadcasting cinematography film media television
LiquidsмлакаBulgariannounmarsh, slough, miredialectal
LiquidsмлакаBulgariannounbackwater, puddle, pool (water that gathers temporarily in lowlands and valleys after heavy rain)dialectal
LiquidsпротекатьRussianverbto flow, to run
LiquidsпротекатьRussianverbto leak, to ooze
LiquidsпротекатьRussianverbto be leaky
LiquidsпротекатьRussianverbto elapse, to fly
LiquidsпротекатьRussianverbto progress
Liquids液汁Chinesenountree sap
Liquids液汁Chinesenounbodily fluid; biological fluid
LiteratureendeMiddle EnglishnounThe end or finishing of a thing; the terminal point of something: / The end of something'e presence; disappearance.
LiteratureendeMiddle EnglishnounThe end or finishing of a thing; the terminal point of something: / The end of one's life; death or passing away.
LiteratureendeMiddle EnglishnounThe end or finishing of a thing; the terminal point of something: / The end of a literary piece or work.
LiteratureendeMiddle EnglishnounThe end or finishing of a thing; the terminal point of something: / The last or final part of something.
LiteratureendeMiddle EnglishnounThe end or finishing of a thing; the terminal point of something: / The conclusion or aftermath of something.
LiteratureendeMiddle EnglishnounThe end or finishing of a thing; the terminal point of something: / The irrevocable or last destiny of something.
LiteratureendeMiddle EnglishnounThe end or finishing of a thing; the terminal point of something: / A successful conclusion or finishing.rare
LiteratureendeMiddle EnglishnounThe marginal or outlying part of something: / The extreme terminus or point of an object or thing (including something that was formerly one)
LiteratureendeMiddle EnglishnounThe marginal or outlying part of something: / The margins or surrounds of a nation or settlement; the border.
LiteratureendeMiddle EnglishnounA part of a settlement, province, or nation.
LiteratureendeMiddle EnglishnounThe limitations or boundaries of something.
LiteratureendeMiddle EnglishnounOne's ends, aims, goals, or purpose; the direction one chooses.
LiteratureendeMiddle EnglishnounA section or portion of something.rare
LiteratureendeMiddle EnglishnounA family member; one's kin.rare
LiteratureendeMiddle EnglishnounThe deeper facts or realness of something.rare
LiteratureendeMiddle EnglishnounWhat makes something important, purposeful or meaningful.rare
LiteratureendeMiddle EnglishnounOne of the four cardinal directions.rare
LiteratureendeMiddle EnglishnounA duck (usually referring to the female)
LiteratureendeMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of endenalt-of alternative
LiteratureromançoCatalannounromance (prose narrative focusing on extraordinary events)colloquial masculine
LiteratureromançoCatalannounparamourcolloquial masculine
LiteratureromançoCatalannounstory, tall talecolloquial masculine
LiteratureromançoCatalannounexcusecolloquial masculine
LiteraturetrópusHungariannountropics (region of the Earth lying between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn)geography natural-sciencesin-plural often
LiteraturetrópusHungariannountropic (either of the two parallels of latitude 23°27′ north and south of the equator)geography natural-sciencesarchaic
LiteraturetrópusHungariannountrope (a figure of speech in which words or phrases are used with a nonliteral or figurative meaning)dated rhetoric
LizardstabiliBikol Centralnouna skink; a lizard of the family Scincidae
LizardstabiliBikol Centralnounhouse lizard, common house gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus)
LogicمنطقArabicnounlogic, dialectic
LogicمنطقArabicnounspeech, language, dialect
LogicمنطقArabicnounexpression, articulation, utterance
LogicمنطقArabicnouneloquence, oration, rhetoric
LogicمنطقArabicnounconversation, dialogue, talk, discussion
LogicمنطقArabicverbto logicize, to formulate into coherent pieces or expressions, to articulate an argument or premises, to parse out, to delineatetransitive
LogicمنطقArabicverbto gird something construed with بِ (bi)transitive
LoveSAMEnglishnameAcronym of Sample Analysis at Mars. (a scientific instrument of the Mars Science Laboratory on board the Curiosity rover on Mars.)NASA aerospace business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences space-scienceabbreviation acronym alt-of
LoveSAMEnglishnounInitialism of surface-to-air missile.government military politics warabbreviation alt-of initialism
LoveSAMEnglishnounInitialism of self-assembled nanotechnology natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
LoveSAMEnglishnounInitialism of systolic anterior motion.cardiology medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
LoveSAMEnglishnounInitialism of single abstract method.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
LoveSAMEnglishnounInitialism of split attraction model.human-sciences psychology sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
LoveSAMEnglishnounInitialism of shared appreciation mortgage.abbreviation alt-of initialism
LovejelousteMiddle EnglishnounWrath, angriness; the state of being angry or furious.uncountable
LovejelousteMiddle Englishnounjealousness in a relationship.rare uncountable
MachineswałekPolishnoundiminutive of wałdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
MachineswałekPolishnounroller (anything that rolls)inanimate masculine
MachineswałekPolishnounroller (agricultural machine)inanimate masculine
MachineswałekPolishnounroll (that which is rolled up)inanimate masculine
MachineswałekPolishnounrolling pin (kitchen utensil)inanimate masculine
MachineswałekPolishnounbrayermedia printing publishinginanimate masculine
MachineswałekPolishnounlongitudinal protrusioncolloquial inanimate masculine
MachineswałekPolishnounfraud, scamcolloquial inanimate masculine
Mahabharataকর্ণBengalinounearanatomy medicine sciences
Mahabharataকর্ণBengalinoundiagonalgeometry mathematics sciences
Mahabharataকর্ণBengalinameKarna (character in Mahabharata)Hinduism
Mahabharataকর্ণBengalinamea male given name from Sanskrit
Male animalschłopakPolishnounboy (young male child)masculine person
Male animalschłopakPolishnounboy (son; male offspring)masculine person
Male animalschłopakPolishnounboy (young man)masculine person
Male animalschłopakPolishnounboyfriend; boy (male romantic partner, usually not married)masculine person
Male animalschłopakPolishnounboy (young man performing menial work in some place or plant)dated masculine person
Male animalschłopakPolishnounboy (male representative of an animal species, usually a dog)colloquial masculine person
Male animalschłopakPolishnounterm of address towards a male seen lower in a hierarchy; boymasculine person
Male animalschłopakPolishnouncylinder on a windlass with a necklike indentation on which a rope is woundinanimate masculine
Male animalscockfishEnglishnounA male fish, especially a salmon or trout.
Male animalscockfishEnglishnounA callorhinchid fish, Callorhinchus callorynchus, native to South America.
Male animalscockfishEnglishnounA cyprinid fish, Hypselobarbus dubius, native to India.
Male animalscockfishEnglishverbTo deceive others by using fake photos of one’s genitalia.Internet vulgar
Male animalscockfishEnglishnounA person who cockfishes.Internet vulgar
Male family membersamỹîaOld Tupinoungrandfather
Male family membersamỹîaOld Tupinounancestor; foreparent
Male family membersnephew-in-lawEnglishnounSomeone's niece's husband
Male family membersnephew-in-lawEnglishnounSomeone's nephew's husband (where same-sex marriage is recognised) / Someone's sibling's son-in-law / Someone's brother's son-in-law. (fraternal nephew-in-law)
Male family membersnephew-in-lawEnglishnounSomeone's nephew's husband (where same-sex marriage is recognised) / Someone's sibling's son-in-law / Someone's sister's son-in-law. (sororal nephew-in-law)
Male family membersnephew-in-lawEnglishnounSomeone's nephew's husband (where same-sex marriage is recognised) / Someone's spouse's sibling's son-in-law / Someone's wife's brother's son-in-law.
Male family membersnephew-in-lawEnglishnounSomeone's nephew's husband (where same-sex marriage is recognised) / Someone's spouse's sibling's son-in-law / Someone's wife's sister's son-in-law.
Male family membersnephew-in-lawEnglishnounSomeone's nephew's husband (where same-sex marriage is recognised) / Someone's spouse's sibling's son-in-law / Someone's husband's brother's son-in-law.
Male family membersnephew-in-lawEnglishnounSomeone's nephew's husband (where same-sex marriage is recognised) / Someone's spouse's sibling's son-in-law / Someone's husband's sister's son-in-law.
Male family membersnephew-in-lawEnglishnounSomeone's spouse's nephew. / Someone's husband's nephew. (Usually called a nephew.)rare
Male family membersnephew-in-lawEnglishnounSomeone's spouse's nephew. / Someone's wife's nephew. (Usually called a nephew.)rare
Male family membersθείοςGreeknoununcle (a parent’s brother or parent's brother-in-law)
Male family membersθείοςGreekadjdivine
Male family membersсꙑнъOld Church Slavonicnounson / about adopted and spiritual sonsfiguratively
Male family membersсꙑнъOld Church Slavonicnounson / about the angelslifestyle religionfiguratively
Male family membersсꙑнъOld Church Slavonicnounson / about the chosen ones of GodChristianityfiguratively
Male family membersсꙑнъOld Church Slavonicnounson
Male family membersсꙑнъOld Church Slavonicnoundescendant, offspring
Male family membersсꙑнъOld Church Slavonicnounbaby animal
Male family membersсꙑнъOld Church SlavonicnameSon (title of Jesus)Christianity lifestyle religion theology
Male family membersсꙑнъOld Church Slavonicnountowerarchitecture
Male family membersभ्रातृSanskritnouna brother
Male family membersभ्रातृSanskritnounkinsman, relativebroadly
Male family membersभ्रातृSanskritnounkinsman, relative / cousin (especially paternal cousin)broadly
Male family membersभ्रातृSanskritnounfriendfiguratively
Male family members婿Chinesecharacterson-in-law
Male family members婿Chinesecharacterhusband
Male peoplealcistaPolishnounalto saxophonistentertainment lifestyle musiccolloquial masculine person
Male peoplealcistaPolishnounviolistentertainment lifestyle musicmasculine person
Male peoplealcistaPolishnounalto (person with an alto voice)entertainment lifestyle musicmasculine person
Male peoplearcheologPolishnounarchaeologistarchaeology history human-sciences sciencesmasculine person
Male peoplearcheologPolishnounfemale equivalent of archeolog (“archaeologist”)archaeology history human-sciences sciencesfeminine form-of indeclinable
Male peoplebouxsaiZhuangnounman; male
Male peoplebouxsaiZhuangnounhusband (term of reference)
Male peopleczłonekPolishnounmember (one who belongs to a group)masculine person
Male peopleczłonekPolishnounmember; limb (arm or leg of a person or animal)anatomy medicine sciencesin-plural inanimate literary masculine
Male peopleczłonekPolishnounmember (male sex organ)euphemistic inanimate masculine
Male peopleczłonekPolishnounbody partMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
Male peopleczłonekPolishnounbody (collection of parts constituting an organism)Middle Polish in-plural inanimate masculine
Male peopleczłonekPolishnounjoint (part of a digit)anatomy medicine sciencesMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
Male peopleczłonekPolishnounorgananatomy medicine sciencesMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
Male peopleczłonekPolishnounmember (part of a whole) / article of faithChristianityMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
Male peopleczłonekPolishnounmember (part of a whole) / article, point (part of a law or legal act)lawMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
Male peopleczłonekPolishnounelbow (annular thickening on reed or stalk, ; where branches or shoots fork; sections, parts of the plant contained between these forks or elbows)biology botany natural-sciencesMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
Male peoplehorsmanMiddle Englishnounhorseman (mounted soldier)
Male peoplehorsmanMiddle Englishnounrider (one travelling on horse)
Male peoplehorsmanMiddle EnglishnounOne who is in change of horses; a groom.rare
Male peoplemałolatPolishnounadolescent, subadultcolloquial masculine person
Male peoplemałolatPolishnoungenitive plural of małolatafeminine form-of genitive plural
Male peoplenaturszczykPolishnounamateur actoracting broadcasting entertainment film lifestyle media television theatermasculine person
Male peoplenaturszczykPolishnounamateur (someone unqualified)masculine person
Male peopleszajgecPolishnounrascal, urchinmasculine obsolete person
Male peopleszajgecPolishnounnon-Jewish boymasculine obsolete person
Male peopleubožákCzechnounpoor man, wretchanimate masculine
Male peopleubožákCzechnounmoral crippleanimate derogatory informal masculine
Male peopleśpioszekPolishnoundiminutive of śpioch (“sleepyhead”)colloquial diminutive form-of masculine person
Male peopleśpioszekPolishnoungenitive plural of śpioszkaform-of genitive plural
Male peopleżydPolishnounJew (person of the Jewish faith)Judaism masculine person
Male peopleżydPolishnounpenny pincher, skinflint, scrooge, tightwadcolloquial derogatory masculine person
Male peopleпроизводительRussiannounmanufacturer (one who manufactures)
Male peopleпроизводительRussiannounstud (male animal used for breeding)
Male people𐰴𐰆𐰞Old Turkicverbto beg, wish, ask fortransitive
Male people𐰴𐰆𐰞Old Turkicnouna male slave, servant
MammalsслонBelarusiannounbishopboard-games chess games
MarriagepajëAlbaniannoundowry, bridewealthfeminine
MarriagetrigamistEnglishnounA person who has three spouses; someone who commits trigamy
MarriagetrigamistEnglishnounA person who has a third marriage
MarriageزفافArabicnounverbal noun of زَفَّ (zaffa) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
MarriageزفافArabicnounwedding, marriage feast
MarriageনওশাBengalinounyoung king
Martial artsсамбоRussiannounsambo (martial art)indeclinable
Martial artsсамбоRussiannounZambo (Afro-Indian)indeclinable
Massagemassage parlorEnglishnounA place where clients can pay for a massage.US
Massagemassage parlorEnglishnounA place that offers a happy ending (a hand job) after the massage; a front organization for a brothel.US
MathematicsàbacCatalannounan abacus (calculating frame with beads constrained to rows by grooves or wires)masculine
MathematicsàbacCatalannounin the Middle Ages, a mathematics textbookarchaic masculine
MathematicsàbacCatalannouna mathematical tablemasculine
MathematicsàbacCatalannounscore stringball-games billiards games hobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine
MathematicsàbacCatalannounan abacus (sand tray used for drawing or calculating)masculine
MathematicsàbacCatalannounan abacus (uppermost prismatic member of a column)architecturemasculine
MathematicsàbacCatalannouna checkerboard or a chessboardgamesmasculine
MathematicsàbacCatalannounan abacus (compartmented tray or table used to store valuables)furniture lifestylearchaic masculine
MathematicsàbacCatalannounMore generally, now used for any tablefurniture lifestylemasculine modern
MathematicsàbacCatalannouna sluice, especially one used for miningmasculine
MathematicsàbacCatalannounan abacus (plates of stone or metal used to cover a surface)business construction manufacturingmasculine
Mathematics가감Koreannounaddition and subtraction
Mathematics가감Koreannounadjustment, increasing and decreasing (a quantity), regulation
MealsпікнікUkrainiannounpyknicanthropology human-sciences sciences
MealsпікнікUkrainiannounpicnic (a meal eaten outdoors)
Meals早點ChineseadvUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see 早, 點/点 (diǎn): earlier; faster; more quickly; soon
Meals早點Chinesenounlight breakfast
Measuring instrumentsGeiger counterEnglishnounA device designed to detect radioactivity and measure its intensity.
Measuring instrumentsGeiger counterEnglishnouna feature of an RFID reader that emits a sound indicating the signal strength of an RFID tag that is being searched commerce retailbroadly
Measuring instrumentscaliperEnglishnounAlternative form of calipersalt-of alternative often plural plural-only
Measuring instrumentscaliperEnglishnounThe part of a disc brake that holds the brake pads.automotive transport vehicles
Measuring instrumentscaliperEnglishverbTo use calipers to measure the size of.transitive
MeatsbakaganCebuanonouna lobster
MeatsbakaganCebuanonouna crayfish
MeatsbakaganCebuanonounthe meat and bone left from a pig's head after the removal of the maskara
MeatschanchoSpanishnounpigLatin-America masculine
MeatschanchoSpanishadjdirtyLatin-America figuratively
MeatsfeyMiddle EnglishadjMarked, fated for, or destined for death; doomed.
MeatsfeyMiddle EnglishadjApproaching or near one's deathbed; about to pass away.
MeatsfeyMiddle EnglishadjTending to cause or leading to death; dangerous.rare
MeatsfeyMiddle EnglishadjHaving bad luck; frowned upon by fate or fortune.rare
MeatsfeyMiddle EnglishadjWeak, afflicted, or vulnerable.rare
MeatsfeyMiddle EnglishnounThe liver as used in cooking.rare
MeatsfläskSwedishnounpork (meat of a pig)neuter
MeatsfläskSwedishnounpork (meat of a pig) / thick-cut bacon or (as a generic term when a bit thicker, but usually not too thick) pork bellyneuter
MeatsfläskSwedishnounfat on a human bodyneuter
MeatssteakEnglishnounbeefsteak, a slice of beef, broiled or cut for broiling.countable uncountable
MeatssteakEnglishnounA relatively large, thick slice or slab cut from another animal, a vegetable, etc.broadly countable uncountable
MeatssteakEnglishnounA slice of meat cut across the grain (perpendicular to the spine) from a fish.countable uncountable
MeatssteakEnglishverbTo cook (something, especially fish) like or as a steak.
Medical signs and symptomsodwodnieniePolishnoundehydrationneuter
Medical signs and symptomsodwodnieniePolishnoundrainage, sewerage; system of draining rainwater from a structureneuter
Medical signs and symptomsodwodnieniePolishnounverbal noun of odwodnićform-of neuter noun-from-verb
Medical signs and symptomswodowstrętPolishnounhydrophobia (symptom of rabies)inanimate masculine
Medical signs and symptomswodowstrętPolishnounrabies (disease)inanimate masculine
MetallurgySchmiedeGermannounforge (workshop), smithyfeminine
MetallurgySchmiedeGermannounnominative/accusative/genitive plural of Schmiedaccusative form-of genitive nominative plural
MetalsկապարArmeniannounlead (metal)
MetalsկապարArmeniannouncaper, Capparis
MetalsܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacadjwhite, silvery; clear, bright
MetalsܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounwhite (color)
MetalsܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounsilver coinhobbies lifestyle numismatics
MetalsܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounwhite pepper
MetalsܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounvarious trees and plants: white alder, white vine
MetalsܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounwhite metal, tin
MetalsܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounsheep
MetalsܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounwhite garmentsin-plural
MetalsܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounsclera, white of the eyeanatomy medicine sciences
MetalsܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounvarious trees: white poplar, alder
MetalsܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnouncinder, burnt out coal
MetalsܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounyearling lamb
MetalsܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounvision, sight, gaze
MetalsܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounaspect, look, appearance
MetalsܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounspectacle
MetalsܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounpattern
MetalsܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounlikeness, example, model, copy
MetalsܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnountime
MetalsܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacadjenvious, jealous, gluttonous, greedy
MetalsܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounlook, glance, gazing
MetalsܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounconsideration, contemplation
MetalsܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounaim, intention
MetalsܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounhole, aperture
MeteorologyమించుTeluguverbTo surpass, excel.transitive
MeteorologyమించుTeluguverbTo shine, flash.transitive
MexicocuartillaSpanishnounA5 (a paper size)feminine
MexicocuartillaSpanishnouncuartilla, half-cuarto, quarter-fanega (a traditional unit of dry measure, equivalent to about 13.9 L)feminine historical
MexicocuartillaSpanishnouncuartilla, quarter-real (a former Mexican coin)feminine historical
MexicocuartillaSpanishnounpastern (of a horse)feminine
MilitaryamiraltéOld Frenchnounan admiral's command
MilitaryamiraltéOld Frenchnounadmiraltylaw
MilitaryamiraltéOld Frenchnounthe area of coast and sea under the control of an admirallaw
MilitarymšꜥEgyptiannouncampaign, military expedition
MilitarymšꜥEgyptianverbto marchintransitive
MilitarymšꜥEgyptianverbto campaignintransitive
MilkbaranPolishnounram (male sheep)animal-not-person masculine
MilkbaranPolishnounramskin, sheepskin (leather of this animal)animal-not-person colloquial masculine
MilkbaranPolishnounfrizz (very curly, short hair)animal-not-person colloquial masculine plural-normally
MilkbaranPolishnounram (image of this animal as used in coats of arms)government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsanimal-not-person masculine
MilkbaranPolishnountype of rabbitanimal-not-person masculine obsolete
MilkbaranPolishnounbattering ramanimal-not-person historical masculine obsolete
MilkbaranPolishnounpile driver (machine for forcing a pile, a long beam, into the ground)engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesanimal-not-person masculine obsolete
MilkbaranPolishnounmilk skin, skin (congealed layer on the surface of a liquid)animal-not-person masculine obsolete
MilkbaranPolishnounstag beetle (Lucanus cervus)animal-not-person masculine obsolete
MilkbaranPolishnounwagon hub, nave (the central part of a wheel of a wagon)animal-not-person masculine obsolete
MilkbaranPolishnountype of gameanimal-not-person masculine obsolete
MilkbaranPolishnounlong roll of straw; large saddle of straw on a roofanimal-not-person masculine obsolete
MilkbaranPolishnounlarge place (tool for smoothing wood by removing thin layers from the surface moved by two people)animal-not-person masculine obsolete
MilkbaranPolishnounram meatMiddle Polish animal-not-person masculine
MilkbaranPolishnounlarge sea fishMiddle Polish animal-not-person masculine
MilkbaranPolishnountype of corporal punishment deviceMiddle Polish animal-not-person masculine
MilkbaranPolishnounchurn (device for making butter)Middle Polish animal-not-person masculine
MilkbaranPolishnounlamb (virtuous person)Middle Polish animal-not-person masculine
MilkbaranPolishnounlamb (follower of Christ)Middle Polish animal-not-person masculine
MilkbaranPolishnounlift (device for raising heavy objects)Middle Polish animal-not-person masculine
MilkbaranPolishnouncrank stock; oil pressMiddle Polish animal-not-person masculine
MilkbaranPolishnounbonehead (idiot)colloquial derogatory masculine person
Mimosa subfamily plantspakayQuechuanounpacay (Inga feuilleei)
Mimosa subfamily plantspakayQuechuanounice-cream bean (Inga edulis)
Mimosa subfamily plantspakayQuechuaverbto hide, covertransitive
Mimosa subfamily plantspakayQuechuaverbto reservetransitive
Mint family plantsטימיאַןYiddishnounthyme (any plant of the genus Thymus)
Mint family plantsטימיאַןYiddishnounwild thyme (Thymus serpyllum)
MonarchyreinoPortuguesenounkingdom (nation having as supreme ruler a king and/or queen)masculine
MonarchyreinoPortuguesenounkingdombiology natural-sciences taxonomymasculine
MonarchyreinoPortugueseverbfirst-person singular present indicative of reinarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
MoneymenaSlovaknouncurrencybusiness financefeminine
MoneymenaSlovaknoungenitive singular of menoform-of genitive neuter singular
MonthsതുലാംMalayalamnounA traditional month roughly corresponding to October-November
MoonмесяцRussiannounmoon (the Earth's only permanent natural satellite, including a full moon)archaic
MoonмесяцRussiannounmoon (in modern Russian usually referring to a crescent or a gibbous moon, but not a full moon)
MothscossidEnglishnounA courier or messenger.
MothscossidEnglishnounAny moth of the family Cossidae.biology entomology natural-sciences zoology
Motor racingautomobilismoItaliannounmotor racing, auto racing, motorsport, autosporthobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine
Motor racingautomobilismoItaliannounautomobile industry, car industry, automotive industry, (UK) motorcar industryUS masculine
MotorcycleschopperEnglishnounA tool for chopping wood; an axe/ax.
MotorcycleschopperEnglishnounA knife for chopping food, especially one with a large oblong blade.
MotorcycleschopperEnglishnounA thick mitten, usually with yellow leather on the outside.
MotorcycleschopperEnglishnounA type of road motorcycle, especially as used by biker/bikie gangs.informal
MotorcycleschopperEnglishnounAny of various electronic switches used to interrupt one signal under the control of electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
MotorcycleschopperEnglishnounA crude tool with an irregular cutting edge formed by removing flakes from one side of a stone.archaeology history human-sciences sciences
MotorcycleschopperEnglishnounA high-bouncing batted ball.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
MotorcycleschopperEnglishnounThe penis.slang
MotorcycleschopperEnglishnounAn assault rifle or carbine, especially a fully-automatic one (e.g. an AK-47).slang
MotorcycleschopperEnglishnounThe bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix).Canada US
MotorcycleschopperEnglishnounA rapper who raps in a fast-paced rhyming style.
MotorcycleschopperEnglishnounA helicopter.informal
MotorcycleschopperEnglishverbTo travel or transport by helicopter.informal
Municipalities of Cebu, PhilippinesBoljoonCebuanonamea surname from Cebuano
Municipalities of Cebu, PhilippinesBoljoonCebuanonameA municipality of Cebu
MuseumsgalleryEnglishnounAn institution, building, or room for the exhibition and conservation of works of art.
MuseumsgalleryEnglishnounAn establishment that buys, sells, and displays works of art.
MuseumsgalleryEnglishnounThe uppermost seating area projecting from the rear or side walls of a theater, concert hall, or auditorium.
MuseumsgalleryEnglishnounThe spectators at an event, collectively.broadly metonymically
MuseumsgalleryEnglishnounThe part of a courtroom, often elevated and in the rear, where seating for the public audience is facilitated during
MuseumsgalleryEnglishnounA roofed promenade, especially one extending along the wall of a building and supported by arches or columns on the outer side.
MuseumsgalleryEnglishnounA browsable collection of images, font styles, etc.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
MuseumsgalleryEnglishnounA covered passage cut through the earth or masonry.fortification fortifications government military politics war
MuseumsgalleryEnglishnounA level or drive in a mining
MuseumsgalleryEnglishnounA channel that carries engine oil to parts of the engine that need lubrication, such as the main bearings.automotive transport vehicles
MuseumsgalleryEnglishnounThe production control room.broadcasting media television
MuseumsgalleryEnglishnounA part of a monocle–a projection off the ring holding the lens–which helps secure the monocle in the eye socket.
MuseumsgalleryEnglishnounThe boring trails produced by an insect in wood.biology entomology natural-sciences
MuseumsgalleryEnglishnounShort for gallery forest.abbreviation alt-of
MuseumsgalleryEnglishverbTo show off.Trinidad-and-Tobago
MushroomsμύκηςAncient Greeknounmushroom or other fungus
MushroomsμύκηςAncient Greeknounany mushroom-shaped object, hence: / chape or cap at the end of a scabbard
MushroomsμύκηςAncient Greeknounany mushroom-shaped object, hence: / penis
MushroomsμύκηςAncient Greeknounany mushroom-shaped object, hence: / fleshy excrescence, such as forms on wounds
MushroomsμύκηςAncient Greeknounany mushroom-shaped object, hence: / excrescence on treesbiology botany natural-sciences
MushroomsμύκηςAncient Greeknounany mushroom-shaped object, hence: / stump of an olive cut down
MushroomsμύκηςAncient Greeknounany mushroom-shaped object, hence: / snuff of a lamp-wick
MusicChinesecharacterto sing; to chant
MusicChinesecharactersong; tune (Classifier: 首 m c mn; 支 m c; 闋/阕 m; 隻/只 c w; 條/条 h mn; 塊/块 mn)
MusicChinesecharacterto praise
Musical genresAcidGermannounLSD, acid (drug)neuter no-plural slang strong
Musical genresAcidGermannouna musical genre marked by fast, often computer-generated rhythms; acidneuter no-plural strong
Musical genrespopFrenchadjpop (popular)
Musical genrespopFrenchnounpop, pop musicmasculine
Musical instrumentsharpaSwedishnouna harpentertainment lifestyle musiccommon-gender
Musical instrumentsharpaSwedishnouna grain sievecommon-gender
Musical instrumentskolovrátekCzechnoundiminutive of kolovratdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
Musical instrumentskolovrátekCzechnounbarrel organ, street organinanimate masculine
MusicianstrompetaCatalannounbigmouth, blabbermouthcolloquial feminine
MusicianstrompetaCatalannounhorn of plenty (Craterellus cornucopioides)biology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
MusicianstrompetaCatalannounangel's trumpet (Brugmansia arborea)biology botany natural-sciencesfeminine in-plural
MustelidsmuishondDutchnounweaselBrabant East Flanders South-Africa West masculine
MustelidsmuishondDutchnouncatmasculine obsolete
Myrtales order plantslila de las IndiasSpanishnounazedarachfeminine
Myrtales order plantslila de las IndiasSpanishnouncrape myrtlefeminine
Mythological creaturesполевойRussianadjfieldrelational
Mythological creaturesполевойRussiannounpolevoy, a field spirit or spritehuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
NationalismоккупантRussiannounoccupier, occupant, invader
NationalismоккупантRussiannounan animal that steals and lives in the nest of another animal.biology natural-sciences zoology
NationalismоккупантRussiannouna Russian soldier who takes part in the 2022 Russian invasion of UkraineUkraine derogatory specifically
NationalitiesCanadierGermannounCanadian (person from Canada)dated masculine strong
NationalitiesCanadierGermannounCanadian canoe, canoemasculine strong
NationalitiesMajPolishnounMayan (Maya person)masculine person
NationalitiesMajPolishnamea male surnamemasculine person
NationalitiesMajPolishnamea female surnamefeminine indeclinable
NationalitiesPanamanianEnglishnounA person from Panama or of Panamanian descent.
NationalitiesPanamanianEnglishnounA person from Panama City.
NationalitiesPanamanianEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Panama or Panamanian people.not-comparable
NationalitiesScotEnglishnounA person born in or native to Scotland.
NationalitiesScotEnglishnameA surname
NationalitiesScotEnglishnameA male given name transferred from the surname, of rare usage, variant of Scott.
NationalitiescroatCatalanadjhaving the shape of a crossobsolete
NationalitiescroatCatalanadjdecorated with one or more crossesobsolete
NationalitiescroatCatalannouncrusader (a Christian warrior who went on a crusade)government military politics warhistorical masculine
NationalitiescroatCatalannouncrusader (anyone engaged in a concerted effort to do good)masculine
NationalitiescroatCatalannouna silver coin of the County of Barcelona minted from 1285 to 1706 and worth 12 diners, so named on account of the large cross on the reversehobbies lifestyle numismaticshistorical masculine
NationalitiescroatCatalanadjCroatian (pertaining to Croatia, to the Croatian people, or to the Croatian language)
NationalitiescroatCatalannounCroat (an inhabitant of Croatia or an ethnic Croat)masculine
NationalitiescroatCatalannounCroatian (a Slavic language of the Balkans)masculine uncountable
NationalitiesfrancèsCatalanadjFrench (pertaining to France, the French people, or the French language)
NationalitiesfrancèsCatalannounFrenchman (a native of France)masculine
NationalitiesfrancèsCatalannounFrench (language)masculine uncountable
NationalitiesgeorgiarBasquenounA Georgian person (man or woman)animate
NationalitiestogolêsPortugueseadjTogolese (of or relating to Togo)
NationalitiestogolêsPortuguesenounTogolese (a person from Togo)masculine
Native American tribesChippewaEnglishnounA member of the Ojibwe people.US
Native American tribesChippewaEnglishnameThe Ojibwe language.US
Native American tribesChippewaEnglishnameAny of four rivers, one each in Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, and a river in Ontario.
Native American tribesErieEnglishnounA tribe of Native Americans.plural plural-only
Native American tribesErieEnglishnameOne of the Great Lakes of North America.
Native American tribesErieEnglishnameA small city, the county seat of Neosho County, Kansas, United States.
Native American tribesErieEnglishnameA city, the county seat of Erie County, Pennsylvania, United States.
Native American tribesErieEnglishnameAny of a number of other places in North America; see Erie (disambiguation) at Wikipedia.
Natural materialstuîukaOld Tupinounswamp
Natural materialstuîukaOld Tupinounmud
Natural materialstuîukaOld Tupinoundecay; deterioration
Nauticalcast adriftEnglishverbTo abandon a ship at seatransitive
Nauticalcast adriftEnglishverbTo place a person in a ship's boat or raft and leave themtransitive
Nautical occupationsناخداUrdunounsailor, seamannautical transport
Nautical occupationsناخداUrdunouncaptaingovernment military politics war
Nicknames of individualsBogeyEnglishnameA male given name
Nicknames of individualsBogeyEnglishnameHumphrey Bogart (1899–1957), American film and stage actor.informal
NightshadesbarabulăRomaniannouna big nosefeminine figuratively informal
NightshadeslyhtykoisoFinnishnounphysalis (plant of the genus Physalis)
NightshadeslyhtykoisoFinnishnounbladder cherry, winter cherry, Alkekengi officinarum (syn. Physalis alkekengi) (name species of the genus)
NightshadestabakoCebuanoverbto smoke tobacco
NineKoreancharacterhanja form of 구 (“nine”)form-of hanja
NineKoreancharacterhanja form of 규 (“to gather; to collect”)archaic form-of hanja
NintendoSMPEnglishnounInitialism of statutory maternity pay (“payments made by an employer to an employee who is absent from work due to their pregnancy”).British abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
NintendoSMPEnglishnounInitialism of symmetric multiprocessing.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
NintendoSMPEnglishnounInitialism of socialist millionaire problem.computing cryptography engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
NintendoSMPEnglishnounInitialism of single member plurality.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
NintendoSMPEnglishnounInitialism of support and maintenance package.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
NintendoSMPEnglishnounInitialism of system marginal price (“the marginal electricity price in a power system optimization”).abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
NintendoSMPEnglishnounInitialism of scalp micropigmentation.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
NintendoSMPEnglishnounInitialism of statement of monetary policy.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
NintendoSMPEnglishnounInitialism of shape-memory polymer.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
NintendoSMPEnglishnounInitialism of signal message processor.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
NintendoSMPEnglishnounInitialism of silyl modified polymer.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
NintendoSMPEnglishnounInitialism of slow-moving proteinase.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
NintendoSMPEnglishnounInitialism of stable marriage problem or stable matching problem.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
NintendoSMPEnglishnounInitialism of stable massive particle.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
NintendoSMPEnglishnounInitialism of surface-mount package.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
NintendoSMPEnglishnounInitialism of system modification program.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
NintendoSMPEnglishnounInitialism of survival gamingabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
NintendoSMPEnglishnameInitialism of Symbolic Manipulation Program (“a computer algebra system and predecessor of Mathematica”).computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
NintendoSMPEnglishnameInitialism of Supplementary Multilingual Plane, one of the sets of character codepoints in Unicode; formally known as Plane 1, and comprising the range of codepoints from U+10000 through U+1FFFF.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
NintendoSMPEnglishnameInitialism of Scale Model Products.abbreviation alt-of initialism
NintendoSMPEnglishnameInitialism of School Mathematics Project.abbreviation alt-of initialism
NintendoSMPEnglishnameInitialism of Shanghai Municipal Police.abbreviation alt-of initialism
NintendoSMPEnglishnameInitialism of Sipah-e-Muhammad Pakistan.abbreviation alt-of initialism
NintendoSMPEnglishnameInitialism of Sisters of Mary of the Presentation.abbreviation alt-of initialism
NintendoSMPEnglishnameInitialism of Standard Motor Products.abbreviation alt-of initialism
NintendoSMPEnglishnameInitialism of Simulation Model Portability.abbreviation alt-of initialism
NintendoSMPEnglishnameInitialism of SOTA Mapping Project.abbreviation alt-of initialism
NintendoSMPEnglishnameInitialism of Serial Management Protocol.abbreviation alt-of initialism
NintendoSMPEnglishnameInitialism of Saw Mill Parkway.abbreviation alt-of initialism
NintendoSMPEnglishnameInitialism of Shannonville Motorsport Park.abbreviation alt-of initialism
NintendoSMPEnglishnameInitialism of Super Mario Party.abbreviation alt-of initialism
NintendoSMPEnglishnameInitialism of Sounds of Mass Production or Synthesia Murder Program.abbreviation alt-of initialism
NintendoSMPEnglishnameInitialism of Send More Paramedics.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Nobility品位Japanesenoundignity; grace; nobility
Nobility品位Japanesenouna grade; a standard of quality; fineness
Nobility品位Japanesenouna 律令 (ritsuryō) ranking system for 親王 (shinnō, “princes”) and 内親王 (naishinnō, “princesses”)history human-sciences sciences
Nutsorzech arachidowyPolishnounpeanut (Arachis hypogaea)inanimate masculine
Nutsorzech arachidowyPolishnounpeanut (the edible part of the plant)inanimate masculine
OaksglanerCatalanadjglandiferous (bearing acorns)
OaksglanerCatalannounholm oakmasculine
OaksжирSerbo-Croatiannounacornscard-games games
OaksJapanesecharacterJinmeiyō kanji no-gloss
ObesitypaunchEnglishnounThe first compartment of the stomach of a ruminant, the rumen.
ObesitypaunchEnglishnounThe contents of this stomach in a slaughtered animal, viewed as food or a byproduct.
ObesitypaunchEnglishnounThe belly of a human, especially a large, fat protruding one.
ObesitypaunchEnglishnounA paunch mat.nautical transport
ObesitypaunchEnglishnounThe thickened rim of a bell, struck by the clapper.
ObesitypaunchEnglishverbTo remove the internal organs of a ruminant, prior to eating.
OccultbewitchEnglishverbTo cast a spell upon.transitive
OccultbewitchEnglishverbTo fascinate or charm.transitive
OccultbewitchEnglishverbTo astonish, amaze.transitive
OccultчаруватиUkrainianverbto use magic, to use witchcraft, to cast spells (on), to enchantliterally
OccultчаруватиUkrainianverbto charm, to enchant, to captivate, to fascinate, to bewitch, to enthral, to spellbindfiguratively
Occult呪法Japanesenounritual where incantations are chantedBuddhism lifestyle religion
Occult呪法Japanesenounblack magic
OccupationsbakałarzPolishnounbachelor (person with the first or lowest academical degree conferred by universities and colleges)educationmasculine person
OccupationsbakałarzPolishnounteacherarchaic humorous masculine person
OccupationsbladvändareSwedishnounpage-turner (person who turns sheet music pages for a soloist)common-gender
OccupationsbladvändareSwedishnounpage-turner (engrossing book)common-gender
OccupationsdeaconEnglishnounA designated minister of charity in the early Church (see Acts 6:1-6).Christianity
OccupationsdeaconEnglishnounBy extension, a modern day member of a church who handles secular and/or administrative duties in a priest's stead, the specifics of which depends on denomination.Christianity
OccupationsdeaconEnglishnounA clergyman ranked directly below a priest, with duties of helping the priests and carrying out parish work.Catholicism Christianity
OccupationsdeaconEnglishnounFree Churches: A lay leader of a congregation who assists the pastor.Christianity Protestantism
OccupationsdeaconEnglishnounAnglicanism: An ordained clergyperson usually serving a year prior to being ordained presbyter, though in some cases they remain a permanent deacon.Christianity Protestantism
OccupationsdeaconEnglishnounMethodism: A separate office from that of minister, neither leading to the other; instead there is a permanent deaconate.Christianity Protestantism
OccupationsdeaconEnglishnounA junior lodge officer.Freemasonry freemasonry lifestyle
OccupationsdeaconEnglishnounThe lowest office in the Aaronic priesthood, generally held by 12 or 13 year old boys or recent converts.Mormonism
OccupationsdeaconEnglishnounA male calf of a dairy breed, so called because they are usually deaconed (see below).US
OccupationsdeaconEnglishnounThe chairman of an incorporated company.Scotland
OccupationsdeaconEnglishverbFor a choir leader to lead a hymn by speaking one or two lines at a time, which are then sung by the choir.Christianity entertainment lifestyle music
OccupationsdeaconEnglishverbTo kill a calf shortly after birth.US
OccupationsdeaconEnglishverbTo place fresh fruit at the top of a barrel or other container, with spoiled or imperfect fruit hidden beneath.US slang
OccupationsdeaconEnglishverbTo make sly alterations to the boundaries of (land); to adulterate or doctor (an article to be sold), etc.US slang
OccupationsszószólóHungariannounspokesperson, spokesman, spokeswoman (one who speaks as the voice of another person or a group of people)
OccupationsszószólóHungariannounadvocate (one who speaks on someone's behalf, in someone's place, usually on their behalf)
OccupationsагентUkrainiannounagent (one who acts for, or in the place of, another)personal
OccupationsагентUkrainiannounagent (someone who works for an intelligence agency)espionage government military politics warpersonal
OccupationsагентUkrainiannounagent (an active power or cause or substance; something (e.g. biological, chemical, thermal, etc.) that has the power to produce an effect)inanimate
OccupationsагентUkrainiannounagentcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesinanimate
OccupationsդայակArmeniannounnanny, nurse
Occupationsماله‌جیOttoman Turkishnounmaker or seller of trowels
Occupationsماله‌جیOttoman Turkishnounplasterer, a person who plasters walls
OccupationsܩܫܝܫܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicadjold, elderly, aged
OccupationsܩܫܝܫܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounold man, elderly man
OccupationsवाहकMarathinounconductornatural-sciences physical-sciences physics sciences
OccupationsवाहकMarathinounconductor (of a public transport vehicle)
OccupationsवाहकMarathinouncarrier of luggage
OccupationsഇടയൻMalayalamnounbishop, priestChristianity
OccupationsഇടയൻMalayalamnounLord, Jesus ChristChristianity
Olive family plantslilaDutchnounlilac (color)neuter
Olive family plantslilaDutchadjlilacinvariable
Olive family plantslilaDutchnouna small, even shoulder-portable type of (colonial?) field gun, notably used in the East Indies
OneFirst NationEnglishnounAn indigenous settlement or band.
OneFirst NationEnglishnounThe indigenous peoples of Canada (not including Inuit or Metis).Canada plural-normally
OneFirst NationEnglishnounThe indigenous peoples of any country or region.Canada uncommon
OneFirst NationEnglishadjOf or pertaining to a First Nation or the First Nations.not-comparable plural-normally
OnealleenDutchadjalone, by oneself
OnealleenDutchadvonly, exclusively
OnealleenDutchadvjust, only, merely
Organic compounds𑜎𑜰𑜫Ahomnounalcohol
Organic compounds𑜎𑜰𑜫Ahomnounalcoholic beverage
OrganizationsCASCEnglishnounAcronym of community amateur sports club.UK abbreviation acronym alt-of
OrganizationsCASCEnglishnameInitialism of Cambodian Acid Survivors Charity.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrgansכבדאAramaicnoungall, bile
Otariid sealssea bearEnglishnounA polar bear, Ursus maritimus.
Otariid sealssea bearEnglishnounAny of a number of pinnipeds, but mostly fur seals, and especially the northern fur seal, Callorhinus ursinus.obsolete
Pain難受Chineseadjuncomfortable; difficult to bear
Pain難受Chineseadjill; unwell
Pain難受Chineseadjsad; unhappy
PaintingորմնանկարArmeniannounfresco (artwork made by applying water-based pigment to wet or fresh lime mortar or plaster)
PaperkalatasTagalognounletter (written message)archaic
PathologyтеріскенKazakhnounwinterfat, Krascheninnikovia
Pathologyబుడ్డTelugunoungroundnut, peanut
Pathologyబుడ్డTelugunounsmall, little
Pennsylvania, USAヨークJapanesenameYork
Pennsylvania, USAヨークJapanesenounyoke
PeopleHaymarket wareEnglishnounA prostitute, especially a low-class, on-street prostitute.British dated slang uncountable
PeopleHaymarket wareEnglishnoun1995, Evelyn Richardson, Lady Alex's Gambleuncountable
PeopleHaymarket wareEnglishnoun1995, Evelyn Richardson, Lady Alex's Gamble: "Women!" Christopher fumed. "They are nothing but vain parasites, every one of them after attention, wealth, or a title, or all three, and the worst of their sex are those in the ton. Give me honest Haymarket-ware anytime. At least with them you know what you are getting into. They only exact payment for services rendered, not for a lifetime[…]" / "Women!" Christopher fumed. "They are nothing but vain parasites, every one of them after attention, wealth, or a title, or all three, and the worst of their sex are those in the ton. Give me honest Haymarket-ware anytime. At least with them you know what you are getting into. They only exact payment for services rendered, not for a lifetime[…]"uncountable
PeopleHaymarket wareEnglishnoun2004, Blair Bancroft, The Harem Brideuncountable
PeopleHaymarket wareEnglishnoun2004, Blair Bancroft, The Harem Bride: She looked like Haymarket ware. A veritable trollop. Good God, she had chosen something Mrs. Daphne Coleraine might wear! / She looked like Haymarket ware. A veritable trollop. Good God, she had chosen something Mrs. Daphne Coleraine might wear!uncountable
PeopleHaymarket wareEnglishnoun2011, Anne Barbour, Escapadesuncountable
PeopleHaymarket wareEnglishnoun2011, Anne Barbour, Escapades: Melody's velvet gray eyes were transformed instantly into boiling little infernos of fury. "How dare you, sir! Do you think me Haymarket ware?" / Melody's velvet gray eyes were transformed instantly into boiling little infernos of fury. "How dare you, sir! Do you think me Haymarket ware?"uncountable
PeopleLutheranEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the theology of Martin Luther (1483–1546) or his followers, or the Lutheran church.Christianity
PeopleLutheranEnglishnounA member of any of the Christian churches which identify with the theology of Martin Luther.Christianity
PeopleMoonieEnglishnounA member of the Unification Church; a follower of its founder Sun Myung Mooninformal
PeopleMoonieEnglishnounA person who shows exceptional enthusiasm for a cause or organization, a zealot.informal
PeopleMoonieEnglishnounA nickname in English-speaking countries, sometimes for a person who moons around.informal
PeopleMoonieEnglishnounA fan of the Japanese manga and anime franchise Sailor Moon.lifestyleslang
PeoplePinocchioEnglishnameThe fictional boy made from wood whose nose gets longer with each lie he tells, protagonist of the story The Adventures of Pinocchio (1881–1883) by Carlo Collodi.
PeoplePinocchioEnglishnameThe popular fairy tale about Pinocchio.
PeoplePinocchioEnglishnounOne who lies often; a liar.
PeoplePinocchioEnglishnounOne who has difficulty hiding lies.
PeopleThatcheriteEnglishadjOf or relating to Thatcherism.government politicsUK
PeopleThatcheriteEnglishadjSupporting Thatcherism.government politicsUK
PeopleThatcheriteEnglishnounAn advocate of Thatcherism.government politicsUK
PeoplealarmisteFrenchnounalarmistby-personal-gender feminine masculine
Peoplebasement-dwellerEnglishnounAn adult who lives in their parents' house (stereotypically in their basement); often with implications of idleness or social awkwardness.derogatory informal sometimes
Peoplebasement-dwellerEnglishnounA nerd or geek; a person lacking a social life.Internet broadly derogatory informal
PeopleboarderEnglishnounA pupil who lives at school during term time.
PeopleboarderEnglishnounSomeone who pays for meals and lodging in a house rather than a hotel.
PeopleboarderEnglishnounOne who boards a vehicle.
PeopleboarderEnglishnounA sailor attacking an enemy ship by boarding her, or one repelling such attempts by an enemy.nautical transport
PeopleboarderEnglishnounSomeone who takes part in a boardsport, such as surfing or snowboarding. / Clipping of skateboarder.hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of clipping
PeopleboarderEnglishnounSomeone who takes part in a boardsport, such as surfing or snowboarding. / Clipping of snowboarder.hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of clipping
PeopleboarderEnglishnounSomeone who takes part in a boardsport, such as surfing or snowboarding.
PeopleboarderEnglishnounMisspelling of border.alt-of misspelling
PeopleborderlineEnglishadjNearly; not clearly on one side or the other of a border or boundary, ambiguous.
PeopleborderlineEnglishadjOf questionable taste or acceptability; approaching bad taste.
PeopleborderlineEnglishadjExhibiting borderline personality disorder.
PeopleborderlineEnglishadvNearly; not entirely but nevertheless to a great extent.not-comparable
PeopleborderlineEnglishnounA boundary or accepted division; a border.countable
PeopleborderlineEnglishnounShort for borderline personality disorder.abbreviation alt-of uncountable
PeopleborderlineEnglishnounA person who has borderline personality disorder.countable
PeopleborderlineEnglishverbTo border, or border on; to be physically close or conceptually akin to.transitive
Peoplebundle of joyEnglishnounA newborn baby or child of any age.idiomatic
Peoplebundle of joyEnglishnounA pet.idiomatic uncommon
PeoplebunkieEnglishnounFamiliar term of address.
PeoplebunkieEnglishnounbunkmate, someone with which one shares a bunk bed.
PeoplebunkieEnglishnouna small cabin with a bunk or bed(s), a free-standing bedroom or sleeping area separate from the main house or cottage, which may or may not have other facilities (a fully outfitted outbuilding with a kitchen or bathroom would be a guest house or accessory dwelling unit and not a bunkie)
PeoplecanvasserEnglishnounSomeone who goes through a region soliciting votes in an election, or conducting a public opinion poll.
PeoplecanvasserEnglishnounA person who scrutinizes the ballot in an election.government politicsPhilippines
PeoplecarnyEnglishnounA person who works in a carnival (often one who uses exaggerated showmanship or fraud).countable informal
PeoplecarnyEnglishnounThe jargon used by carnival workers.uncountable
PeoplecarnyEnglishnounA carnival.countable informal
PeoplecarnyEnglishverbTo cajole, wheedle, or coax.dialectal
PeoplecarnyEnglishverbTo lead.transitive
PeoplecatcherEnglishnounSomeone or something that catches.
PeoplecatcherEnglishnounThe player that squats behind home plate and receives the pitches from the pitcherball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
PeoplecatcherEnglishnounThe bottom partner in a homosexual relationship or sexual encounter between two men.US colloquial
PeoplecatcherEnglishnounA wrestler.archaic
PeopleconductorEnglishnounOne who conducts or leads; a guide; a director.
PeopleconductorEnglishnounA person who conducts an orchestra, choir or other music ensemble; a professional whose occupation is conducting.entertainment lifestyle music
PeopleconductorEnglishnounA person who takes tickets on public transportation and also helps passengers.rail-transport railways transport
PeopleconductorEnglishnounSomething that can transmit electricity, heat, light, or sound.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
PeopleconductorEnglishnounAn ideal of a ring that measures how far it is from being integrally closedmathematics sciences
PeopleconductorEnglishnounA grooved sound or staff used for directing instruments, such as lithontriptic forceps; a director.
PeopleconductorEnglishnounA leader.architecture
Peoplecunning linguistEnglishnounOne who performs cunnilingus.colloquial euphemistic humorous vulgar
Peoplecunning linguistEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see cunning, linguist.
PeopledeaconEnglishnounA designated minister of charity in the early Church (see Acts 6:1-6).Christianity
PeopledeaconEnglishnounBy extension, a modern day member of a church who handles secular and/or administrative duties in a priest's stead, the specifics of which depends on denomination.Christianity
PeopledeaconEnglishnounA clergyman ranked directly below a priest, with duties of helping the priests and carrying out parish work.Catholicism Christianity
PeopledeaconEnglishnounFree Churches: A lay leader of a congregation who assists the pastor.Christianity Protestantism
PeopledeaconEnglishnounAnglicanism: An ordained clergyperson usually serving a year prior to being ordained presbyter, though in some cases they remain a permanent deacon.Christianity Protestantism
PeopledeaconEnglishnounMethodism: A separate office from that of minister, neither leading to the other; instead there is a permanent deaconate.Christianity Protestantism
PeopledeaconEnglishnounA junior lodge officer.Freemasonry freemasonry lifestyle
PeopledeaconEnglishnounThe lowest office in the Aaronic priesthood, generally held by 12 or 13 year old boys or recent converts.Mormonism
PeopledeaconEnglishnounA male calf of a dairy breed, so called because they are usually deaconed (see below).US
PeopledeaconEnglishnounThe chairman of an incorporated company.Scotland
PeopledeaconEnglishverbFor a choir leader to lead a hymn by speaking one or two lines at a time, which are then sung by the choir.Christianity entertainment lifestyle music
PeopledeaconEnglishverbTo kill a calf shortly after birth.US
PeopledeaconEnglishverbTo place fresh fruit at the top of a barrel or other container, with spoiled or imperfect fruit hidden beneath.US slang
PeopledeaconEnglishverbTo make sly alterations to the boundaries of (land); to adulterate or doctor (an article to be sold), etc.US slang
PeopledieëwLimburgishnounmysterious manmasculine
PeopledieëwLimburgishnounmystery guestmasculine
Peopleevil geniusEnglishnounThe spirit each person is believed to have in attendance, according to certain religious or mythological traditions, which tries to negatively influence him, and is opposed by his good genius; loosely, someone who is a bad influence.
Peopleevil geniusEnglishnounAn intellectually brilliant person who excells at using his or her mental abilities for negative or harmful ends; especially a criminal mastermind .
PeopleflannelmouthEnglishnounOne who speaks in an unclear, muffled, or sluggish manner.dated informal
PeopleflannelmouthEnglishnounOne who speaks in a glib manner with the intent of deceiving or manipulating others.dated informal
PeoplegoayrManxnoungoatfeminine masculine
PeoplegoayrManxnounscadfeminine masculine
PeoplegoayrManxnounstoogefeminine masculine
PeopleinnherjiIcelandicnouninsider (person who has special knowledge of the inner workings of a company or other organization)masculine
PeopleinnherjiIcelandicnounan inside forward (including the inside left and inside right)ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsdated masculine
PeopleitkuriIngriannouncrier, crybaby (one who cries easily)
PeopleitkuriIngrianadjweepy (easy to cry)
PeoplekingsmanEnglishnounThe lowest enlisted rank in the Duke of Lancaster's Regiment of the British Army, equivalent to private in the rest of the British Army.government military politics war
PeoplekingsmanEnglishnounAlternative form of king's man.alt-of alternative
PeoplelașRomaniannouncoward, poltroon, dastardmasculine
PeoplelașRomanianadjcowardlymasculine neuter
PeoplemalcontentEnglishadjDissatisfied with current conditions; disaffected, discontented, rebellious.
PeoplemalcontentEnglishnounA person who is not satisfied with current conditions; a discontented person, a rebel.
PeoplemalcontentEnglishnounA state of discontentment or dissatisfaction; something that causes discontent.obsolete
PeoplemalcontentEnglishverbTo cause discontent or dissatisfaction.obsolete transitive
PeoplemortalEnglishadjSusceptible to death by aging, sickness, injury, or wound; not immortal.
PeoplemortalEnglishadjCausing death; deadly, fatal, killing, lethal (now only of wounds, injuries etc.).
PeoplemortalEnglishadjPunishable by death.
PeoplemortalEnglishadjFatally vulnerable.
PeoplemortalEnglishadjOf or relating to the time of death.
PeoplemortalEnglishadjAffecting as if with power to kill; deathly.
PeoplemortalEnglishadjHuman; belonging or pertaining to people who are mortal.
PeoplemortalEnglishadjVery painful or tedious; wearisome.
PeoplemortalEnglishadjVery drunk.Geordie Scotland slang
PeoplemortalEnglishadjCausing spiritual religion
PeoplemortalEnglishnounA human; someone susceptible to death.
PeoplemortalEnglishadvMortally; enough to cause death.colloquial not-comparable
PeoplenoiaCatalannoungirl, young womanfeminine
PeopleopportunivoreEnglishnounA person who subsists on still-edible food that has been or was going to be discarded.
PeopleopportunivoreEnglishnounOne who will generally eat whatever is available, having a diet that excludes few foods.
PeopleopportunivoreEnglishnounA person who actively seeks or takes advantage of opportunities.
PeoplepaletoSpanishadjuncouth, ignorant, unsophisticated, tasteless, illiterate, clumsy, country bumpkincolloquial derogatory
PeoplepaletoSpanishnounhick, yokel, hillbilly (illiterate person, clumsy with no style or manners, an unskilled peasant)colloquial derogatory masculine
PeoplepaverEnglishnounA flat stone used to pave a pathway, such as a walkway to one's home.
PeoplepaverEnglishnounOne who paves; one who lays pavement.
PeoplepentalingualEnglishadjWritten in or otherwise expressed through five languages.not-comparable
PeoplepentalingualEnglishadjAble to use five languages.not-comparable
PeoplepentalingualEnglishadjTranslated into five languagesnot-comparable
PeoplepentalingualEnglishnounA person who understands five languages.
PeopleprospectEnglishnounThe region which the eye overlooks at one time; view; scene; outlook.
PeopleprospectEnglishnounA picturesque or panoramic view; a landscape; hence, a sketch of a landscape.
PeopleprospectEnglishnounA position affording a fine view; a lookout.
PeopleprospectEnglishnounRelative position of the front of a building or other structure; face; relative aspect.
PeopleprospectEnglishnounThe act of looking forward; foresight; anticipation.
PeopleprospectEnglishnounThe potential things that may come to pass, often favorable.
PeopleprospectEnglishnounA hope; a hopeful.
PeopleprospectEnglishnounAny player whose rights are owned by a top-level professional team, but who has yet to play a game for said team.hobbies lifestyle sports
PeopleprospectEnglishnounA potential client or customer.
PeopleprospectEnglishnounThe façade of an organ.entertainment lifestyle music
PeopleprospectEnglishverbTo search, as for gold.intransitive
PeopleprospectEnglishverbTo determine which minerals or metals are present in a geography geology mining natural-sciences
PeoplesuffragistEnglishnounA person who promotes suffrage.
PeoplesuffragistEnglishnounOne who votes.
PeopleswonMiddle EnglishnounA pig-herder; one who tends to pigs.
PeopleswonMiddle EnglishnounA worker or farmer.rare
PeopleswonMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of swan (“swan”)alt-of alternative
Peopletear-mouthEnglishnounA blustering, boisterous person.obsolete
Peopletear-mouthEnglishnounAn overactor.acting broadcasting entertainment film lifestyle media television theaterobsolete
PeoplevewerMiddle EnglishnounA recorder or examiner, especially a legally ordained one.Late-Middle-English rare
PeoplevewerMiddle EnglishnounA surveyor employed by local government.Late-Middle-English rare
PeoplewarlockScotsnounthe Devil
PeoplewarlockScotsnounthe Devil / a devil; a fiend
PeoplewarlockScotsnounwarlock; a man who is thought to be in league with the powers of darkness and to have supernatural knowledge and means of bewitching and harming others / witch
PeoplewarlockScotsnounwarlock; a man who is thought to be in league with the powers of darkness and to have supernatural knowledge and means of bewitching and harming others / sorcerer, wizard, magician
PeoplewarlockScotsnounbewitched, magical, supernatural; malevolent, mischievousattributive in-compounds
PeoplewarlockScotsnounan old, ugly or misanthropic man; a mischievous or troublesome fellowderogatory
PeoplewarlordEnglishnounA high military officer in a warlike nation.
PeoplewarlordEnglishnounA local ruler or bandit leader usually where the government is weak.
PeoplezazzeratoItaliannounmoptop (long-haired person)masculine
PeopleシャークJapanesenounshark (animal)in-compounds
PeopleシャークJapanesenounshark (good poker player)
People總務Chinesenoungeneral affairs
People總務Chinesenounperson in charge of general affairs
People親人Chinesenounrelative; kinsfolk; one’s own flesh and blood
People親人Chinesenounperson with whom one has a close relationship; belovedfiguratively
Peppers鷹の爪JapanesenounGamblea innovans, a deciduous tree native to Japan, used for its wood (possibly so called for the way the leaves grow in groups of three, similar to a hawk's claws)
Peppers鷹の爪Japanesenouna kind of chili (Capsicum annuum) that is curved and slender, used for pickling (so called for the way the shape resembles a hawk's claw)
Peppers鷹の爪Japanesenouna kind of high-quality tea (so called for the way guests may decide to stay longer to partake, as if caught by a claw)
Peppers鷹の爪JapanesenounSynonym of 爪草 (tsumekusa, “Japanese pearlwort, Sagina japonica”)
Percoid fishspigolaItaliannounEuropean seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax)feminine
Percoid fishspigolaItalianverbinflection of spigolare: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
Percoid fishspigolaItalianverbinflection of spigolare: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
PerfumespatchuliPortuguesenounpatchouli (east Indian plant)masculine
PerfumespatchuliPortuguesenounpatchouli (fragrance produced from this plant)masculine
PeriodicalsweeklyEnglishadvOnce every week.not-comparable
PeriodicalsweeklyEnglishadvEvery week.not-comparable
PeriodicalsweeklyEnglishadjOf or relating to a week.not-comparable
PeriodicalsweeklyEnglishadjHappening once a week, or every week.not-comparable
PeriodicalsweeklyEnglishnounA publication that is published once a week.
PersonalitycolorfulEnglishadjPossessing prominent and varied colors.US
PersonalitycolorfulEnglishadjInteresting, multifaceted, energetic, distinctive.US
PersonalitycolorfulEnglishadjProfane, obscene, offensive (usually in the phrase colourful language).US euphemistic
Pharmacology製薬Japanesenounmanufacture of pharmaceuticals
Pharmacology製薬Japaneseverbto manufacture pharmaceuticals
Phaseoleae tribe plantssoojaIngriannounprotection
Phaseoleae tribe plantssoojaIngriannounthaw
Phaseoleae tribe plantssoojaIngriannounwarmth
Phaseoleae tribe plantssoojaIngrianadjwarm
Phaseoleae tribe plantssoojaIngriannounsoybean
Phaseolus beansstring beanEnglishnounAny long, slender green bean. / A common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
Phaseolus beansstring beanEnglishnounAny long, slender green bean. / An immature runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus)
Phaseolus beansstring beanEnglishnounAny long, slender green bean. / A yardlong bean (Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis)
Phaseolus beansstring beanEnglishnounAny long, slender green bean. / A hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus)
Phaseolus beansstring beanEnglishnounAny long, slender green bean.
Phaseolus beansstring beanEnglishnounA tall and thin person.figuratively
PhilosophyanthropomorphicEnglishadjHaving the form of a human.not-comparable
PhilosophyanthropomorphicEnglishadjHaving attributes or characteristics of a human being.not-comparable
PhilosophyepistemologicalEnglishadjOf or pertaining to epistemology or theory of knowledge, as a field of study.
PhilosophyepistemologicalEnglishadjSynonym of epistemic (“of or relating to cognition or knowledge, its scope, or how it is acquired”)
PigsbutakalCebuanonouna herd boar
PigsbutakalCebuanonouna male pig; a boarbroadly
PlacesпустошSerbo-Croatiannounwasteland, desert
PlacesпустошSerbo-Croatiannounemptiness, solitude
Places in HenanShanEnglishnounA member of a people living primarily in the Shan State of Myanmar (also known as Burma), and in adjacent areas of China, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam, with about 6 million people.
Places in HenanShanEnglishnameThe language of this people, of the Kra-Dai language family.
Places in HenanShanEnglishnameA state of Myanmar.
Places in HenanShanEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Shan people or the Shan language.not-comparable
Places in HenanShanEnglishnameThe Shan Pass: a mountain pass in Shanzhou, Henan, through which the Yellow River flows into the North China Plain.
Places in ShanghaiSiccaweiEnglishnameAlternative form of Xujiahui, an area of Xuhui District, Shanghai, China.alt-of alternative obsolete
Places in ShanghaiSiccaweiEnglishnameSynonym of Xuhui, the larger district of Shanghai, China, surrounding Xujiahui.obsolete
Places of worshipkościółPolishnounchurch (Christian house of worship, usually with reference to Catholicism)Christianityinanimate masculine
Places of worshipkościółPolishnounchurch (Christian religious organisation)Christianityinanimate masculine
Places of worshipmarabutPolishnounmarabou, marabou stork, adjutant stork (Leptoptilos crumenifer)animal-not-person masculine
Places of worshipmarabutPolishnounfeather of a marabou storkinanimate masculine
Places of worshipmarabutPolishnounmarabout (tomb or shrine of a marabout)Islam lifestyle religioninanimate masculine
Places of worshipmarabutPolishnounmarabout (Muslim holy man or mystic, especially in parts of North Africa)Islam lifestyle religionmasculine person
Places of worshipեկեղեցիOld Armeniannounpeople (said of Hebrews)
Places of worshipեկեղեցիOld Armeniannounchurch, assembly of the faithful
Places of worshipեկեղեցիOld Armeniannounchurch building, temple consecrated to God
Places of worshipեկեղեցիOld Armeniannounassembly of any people
Places of worshipמקדשHebrewnountemple
Places of worshipמקדשHebrewnounsanctuary
Places of worshipמקדשHebrewverbMasculine singular present participle and present tense of קידש / קִדֵּשׁ.form-of masculine participle present singular
Planets of the Solar SystemNeptunPolishnameNeptune (god)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman masculine person
Planets of the Solar SystemNeptunPolishnameNeptune, a planet in the Solar Systemanimal-not-person masculine
Planets of the Solar SystemTranslingualsymbolthe planet Earth.astronomy natural-sciences
Planets of the Solar SystemTranslingualsymbolthe redeemed world (a symbol that was carried by depictions of Jesus and medieval Christian kings).Christianity
Planets of the Solar SystemTranslingualsymbolmarks a church.cartography geography natural-sciences
Planets of the Solar SystemTranslingualsymbolstibnite (antimony ore, Sb₂S₃).alchemy pseudoscience
Planets of the Solar SystemTranslingualsymbolthe fictitious planet Proserpina, which one Polish school of astrology identifies as the dwarf planet Eris.astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciencesrare
Plant anatomyplumuleEnglishnounThe first bud, or growing point, of a plant embryo, situated above the cotyledons.biology botany natural-sciences
Plant anatomyplumuleEnglishnounA down feather.biology natural-sciences zoology
Plant anatomyplumuleEnglishnounThe aftershaft of a feather.biology natural-sciences zoology
Plant anatomyplumuleEnglishnounOne of the featherlike scales of certain male butterflies.biology natural-sciences zoology
PlantsGrasLuxembourgishnounmarijuanainformal neuter
PlantsarboretoIdonounshrub, bush
PlantsbetaPortuguesenounbeta (all senses)feminine
PlantsbetaPortuguesenounbeet (plant)feminine
PlantsbetaPortugueseverbinflection of betar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
PlantsbetaPortugueseverbinflection of betar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
PlantsbàlsamCatalannounthe cat's claw or sour fig (Carpobrotus edulis)masculine
PlantsusoSamoannouna relative of the same generation and gender
PlantsusoSamoannounpith (the soft, spongy substance in the center of the stems of many plants and trees)
PlantsusoSamoannounroot of the kava plant (Piper methysticum)
PlantszoyateSpanishnouna type of palm tree (Brahea dulcis)masculine
PlantszoyateSpanishnounthe fiber of this tree, used to make ropemasculine
PoetryHorácioPortuguesenameHorace (Roman poet)masculine
PoetryHorácioPortuguesenamea male given name from Latin, equivalent to English Horacemasculine
Poetry荒ぶJapaneseverbto be wild, to become wild, to be harsh or excessively strongarchaic
Poetry荒ぶJapaneseverbto be neglected, to fall into ruin, to be uncivilizedarchaic
Poetry荒ぶJapaneseverbto lack ornamentation, to be simple, be plainarchaic
Pokerfull houseEnglishnounA hand that consists of three of a kind and a pair.card-games poker
Pokerfull houseEnglishnounA single player scoring a try, conversion, penalty goal and drop goal in the same match
Pokerfull houseEnglishnounA situation in which a place is filled with people to its maximum capacity.
Pokerfull houseEnglishadjHaving ammunition loaded to full allowable power, usually in reference to magnum handgun cartridges and shotgun firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponrynot-comparable
PolandtaternikPolishnounalpinist, mountaineermasculine person
PolandtaternikPolishnounmountain climber or guide in the Tatra Mountainsmasculine person
Pome fruitsmalusLatinadjunpleasant, distressing, painful, nasty, badadjective declension-1 declension-2
Pome fruitsmalusLatinadjunpleasant to the senses, sight, smell, taste, touchadjective declension-1 declension-2
Pome fruitsmalusLatinadjbad, evil, wicked, mischievousadjective declension-1 declension-2
Pome fruitsmalusLatinadjdestructive, hurtful, noxious, eviladjective declension-1 declension-2
Pome fruitsmalusLatinadjunkind, hostile, abusiveadjective declension-1 declension-2
Pome fruitsmalusLatinadjassociated with bad luck, unlucky, unfavourable, unfortunate, adverse, eviladjective declension-1 declension-2
Pome fruitsmalusLatinadjpoor in condition or capacity, ineptadjective declension-1 declension-2
Pome fruitsmalusLatinnounan apple tree; specifically, a plant in the genus Malus in the family Rosaceae.declension-2
Pome fruitsmalusLatinnouna mast of a shipdeclension-2
Pome fruitsmalusLatinnouna standard or pole to which the awnings spread over the theater were attacheddeclension-2
Pome fruitsmalusLatinnounthe beam in the middle of a winepressdeclension-2
Pome fruitsmalusLatinnounthe corner beams of a towerdeclension-2
PostP&PEnglishnounAlternative form of p&p (“postage and packing”)alt-of alternative uncountable
PostP&PEnglishnounInitialism of principles and parameters.human-sciences linguistics sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
PostP&PEnglishnameInitialism of Port and Policy.abbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable usually
PotassiumcyanideEnglishnounAny compound containing the -C≡N group or the CN⁻ anion.chemistry inorganic-chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencescountable
PotassiumcyanideEnglishnounSodium or potassium cyanide, used in the extraction of gold and silver or as a poison.chemistry inorganic-chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
PotassiumcyanideEnglishnounHydrogen cyanide, or cyanide gas, a poisonous gas.chemistry inorganic-chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesuncountable
PotassiumcyanideEnglishverbTo treat or poison with cyanide.transitive
ProstitutionrozkurwićPolishverbto destroy, to bust up, to killperfective transitive vulgar
ProstitutionrozkurwićPolishverbto kick assperfective transitive vulgar
ProstitutionrozkurwićPolishverbto piss offperfective transitive vulgar
ProstitutionrozkurwićPolishverbto snitchperfective reflexive vulgar
ProstitutionrozkurwićPolishverbto whore oneselfperfective reflexive vulgar
ProstitutionturbinerFrenchverbto churn
ProstitutionturbinerFrenchverbto bust a gut (work hard)colloquial
ProstitutionturbinerFrenchverbto walk the street, prostitute oneselfslang
ProtestantismOrangemanEnglishnounA member of the Orange Order, a Protestant society in the United Kingdom (especially Northern Ireland).
ProtestantismOrangemanEnglishnounAny Protestant unionist Irishman.
Provinces of ChinaAn NamVietnamesenameAnnam, a former colonial province of China, now part of Vietnam's present-day Tonkinhistory human-sciences sciences
Provinces of ChinaAn NamVietnamesenameAnnam, one of the French protectorates in Vietnam, located in Central Vietnamhistorical offensive sarcastic
Provinces of ChinaAn NamVietnamesenameSynonym of Việt Nam (“Vietnam”)historical offensive sarcastic
PsychologyabnormalCebuanoadjabnormal; deviating from the usual or normal type
PsychologyabnormalCebuanoadjretarded (having mental retardation)
PsychologyabnormalCebuanoadjstupid (lacking in intelligence)
PsychologyabnormalCebuanonounstupid person
Public administrationconsulshipEnglishnounThe office of a consul, in its various senses.countable uncountable
Public administrationconsulshipEnglishnounThe term of office of a consul.countable uncountable
Punctuation markskomaSwahiliverbto stop, cease, come to an end
Punctuation markskomaSwahilinouncommaclass-10 class-9
Punctuation marksцртичкаMacedoniannoundiminutive of црта (crta)diminutive form-of
Punctuation marksцртичкаMacedoniannounhyphenmedia publishing typography
PurplesсливовийUkrainianadjplum (color/colour)
Rabbitsទន្សាយKhmernounhare (probably Lepus peguensis)
RadioռադիոArmeniannounradio (technology)
RadioռադիոArmeniannounradio (appliance)
Rail transportationlokNorwegian Bokmålnouna loco (short for locomotive)neuter
Rail transportationlokNorwegian Bokmålverbimperative of lokeform-of imperative
Rail transportationсеткаRussiannounnet, netting
Rail transportationсеткаRussiannounmesh, gauze
Rail transportationсеткаRussiannounnethobbies lifestyle sports
Rail transportationсеткаRussiannounstring bag
Rail transportationсеткаRussiannounluggage rack (in a train)
Rail transportationсеткаRussiannoungrid, graticule
Rail transportationсеткаRussiannounscale
Rail transportationсеткаRussiannounreticulum, bonnet, the second compartment of the stomach of a ruminant
Rail transportationホームJapanesenounplatformlifestyle tourism transport travel
Rail transportationホームJapanesenounhomecomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Rainझड़ीHindinounshower, barrage of rain that last days
Rainझड़ीHindinouna barragefiguratively
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo produce an air current.intransitive
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo propel by an air current (or, if under water, a water current), usually with the mouth.transitive
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo be propelled by an air current.intransitive
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo direct or move, usually of a person to a particular location.figuratively transitive
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo create or shape by blowing.transitive
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo force a current of air upon with the mouth, or by other means.transitive
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo clear of contents by forcing air through.transitive
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo cause to make sound by blowing, as a musical instrument.transitive
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo make a sound as the result of being blown.intransitive
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo exhale visibly through the spout the seawater which it has taken in while feeding.intransitive
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo burst or explode; to occur suddenlyintransitive
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo cause to explode, shatter, or be utterly destroyed.transitive
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo blow from a gun.government military politics warhistorical transitive
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo cause the sudden destruction of.transitive
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo suddenly fail destructively.intransitive
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo recklessly squander.slang transitive
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo fail at something; to mess up; to make a mistake.idiomatic informal transitive
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo be very undesirable.intransitive slang stative
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo fellate; to perform oral sex on (usually a man).transitive vulgar
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo leave, especially suddenly or in a hurry.slang transitive
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo make flyblown, to defile, especially with fly eggs.transitive
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverb(of a fly) To lay eggs; to breed.intransitive
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo spread by report; to publish; to disclose.obsolete
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo inflate, as with pride; to puff up.obsolete
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo breathe hard or quick; to pant; to puff.intransitive
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo put out of breath; to cause to blow from fatigue.transitive
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo talk loudly; boast; brag.dated
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo slander, insult, critique or discredit (someone); to reprimand or scold (someone).dated slang transitive
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo expose, or inform on.UK archaic slang
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo sing.informal slang
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo leave the Church of Scientology in an unauthorized manner.Scientology lifestyle religionintransitive
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo flatulate or defecate.colloquial slang
Recreational drugsblowEnglishnounA strong wind.countable uncountable
Recreational drugsblowEnglishnounA chance to catch one's breath.countable informal uncountable
Recreational drugsblowEnglishnounCocaine.US slang uncountable
Recreational drugsblowEnglishnounCannabis.UK slang uncountable
Recreational drugsblowEnglishnounHeroin.slang uncountable
Recreational drugsblowEnglishnounA blowjob; fellatio.countable informal uncountable vulgar
Recreational drugsblowEnglishnounAn instance of using high-pressure air to empty water from the ballast tanks of a submarine, increasing the submarine's buoyancy and causing it to surface.nautical transportcountable uncountable
Recreational drugsblowEnglishintjUsed to express displeasure or frustration.intransitive
Recreational drugsblowEnglishadjBlue.Northern-England dialectal
Recreational drugsblowEnglishnounThe act of striking or hitting.uncommon
Recreational drugsblowEnglishnounA sudden or forcible act or effort; an assault.
Recreational drugsblowEnglishnounA damaging occurrence.
Recreational drugsblowEnglishnounA cut made to a sheep's fleece by a shearer using hand-shears.Australia historical
Recreational drugsblowEnglishnounAn outcrop of quartz from surrounding rock, thought to indicate mineral deposits below.Australia New-Zealand
Recreational drugsblowEnglishnounSynonym of button (“the punchy or suspenseful line of dialogue that concludes a scene”)broadcasting media television
Recreational drugsblowEnglishverbTo blossom; to cause to bloom or blossom.
Recreational drugsblowEnglishnounA mass or display of flowers; a yield.
Recreational drugsblowEnglishnounA display of anything brilliant or bright.
Recreational drugsblowEnglishnounA bloom, state of flowering.
Relativitydark matterEnglishnounMatter which cannot be detected by its radiation but whose presence is inferred from gravitational effects.astronomy astrophysics natural-sciencesbroadly uncountable
Relativitydark matterEnglishnounMatter which has mass but which does not readily interact with normal matter except through gravitational effects.astronomy cosmology natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsparticle uncountable
Relativitytime dilationEnglishnounThe slowing of the passage of time experienced by objects in motion relative to an observer; measurable only at relativistic speeds.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable uncountable
Relativitytime dilationEnglishnounThe perceived change in the speed of time experienced due to psychological stress, hormones, or drugs; the rate of time perception.human-sciences psychology sciencescountable uncountable
ReligionagnosticEnglishadjOf or relating to agnosticism or its adherents.
ReligionagnosticEnglishadjDoubtful or uncertain about the existence or demonstrability of God or other deity.
ReligionagnosticEnglishadjHaving no firmly held opinions on something.informal usually
ReligionagnosticEnglishadjUnaware or noncommittal regarding the specific nature of the components or input with which it interacts.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
ReligionagnosticEnglishnounA person who holds to a form of agnosticism, especially uncertainty of the existence of a deity.
ReligionlovyngeMiddle Englishverbpresent participle of loven (“to love”)form-of participle present
ReligionlovyngeMiddle EnglishnounA feeling of love or care: / Devotion to or adoration of God.Christianityuncountable
ReligionlovyngeMiddle EnglishnounA feeling of love or care: / Sexual or romantic love.uncountable
ReligionlovyngeMiddle Englishverbpresent participle of loven (“to praise”)form-of participle present
ReligionlovyngeMiddle EnglishnounPraise, commendation; the act or practice of glorifyingNorthern
ReligionlovyngeMiddle EnglishnounThe praise or worship of a deity.Northern
ReligionlovyngeMiddle EnglishnounWords for reverencing a deity; a hymn or prayer.Northern
ReligionproroczyPolishadjprophetnot-comparable relational
ReligionproroczyPolishadjprophesy; propheticnot-comparable relational
ReligionблагословенняUkrainiannounverbal noun of благословля́ти impf (blahoslovljáty) and благослови́ти pf or impf (blahoslovýty): / blessing, benediction (pronouncement invoking divine aid)
ReligionблагословенняUkrainiannounverbal noun of благословля́ти impf (blahoslovljáty) and благослови́ти pf or impf (blahoslovýty): / blessing (the act of declaring or bestowing favour)
ReligionблагословенняUkrainiannounblessing (something that someone is glad of)
ReligionблагословенняUkrainiannounblessing (approval)
ReligionпайғамбарлықKazakhadjprophetic, prophetical
ReligionпайғамбарлықKazakhnounprophecy, vaticination
ReligionἁγνίζωAncient Greekverbto make pure, to purify, cleanse away, especially by waterAttic Koine transitive
ReligionἁγνίζωAncient Greekverbto hallow the dead by fireAttic Koine transitive
ReligionἁγνίζωAncient Greekverbto hallow the dead by fire / to burn up, destroyAttic Koine transitive
Religion𐽰𐽳𐽶𐾁Old Uyghuradjwet, damp, moist
Religion𐽰𐽳𐽶𐾁Old UyghuradjSaṃsvedaja, fourth birth from moist in Mahāyāna Buddhism
RiversHelissonLatinnameA river in Arcadiadeclension-3
RiversHelissonLatinnameA town of Arcadia situated on Mount Maenalusdeclension-3
RoadsdragstripEnglishnounA paved straight racetrack used for automotive drag racing.
RoadsdragstripEnglishnounAny place for high-speed competitive activity.broadly figuratively
RoadsopłotekPolishnounprimitive fencing, usually made of wooden poles or brushwood fixed to wooden stakesin-plural inanimate masculine
RoadsopłotekPolishnounlane (narrow passageway or road between fences)in-plural inanimate masculine
RoadsopłotekPolishnounfenced area to which predators are luredhobbies hunting lifestylein-plural inanimate masculine
RoadsopłotekPolishnounhurdles, obstaclesfiguratively in-plural inanimate literary masculine
RoadsopłotekPolishnounoutskirts, peripheryidiomatic in-plural inanimate masculine
RoadspotSlovenenounway, pathinanimate
RoadspotSlovenenountrip, journeyinanimate
RoadspotSlovenenoundistancenatural-sciences physical-sciences physicsinanimate
RoadspotSlovenenounway (method or manner)inanimate
RoadspotSlovenenouncareer (general course of action or conduct in life)inanimate
RoadspotSlovenenounmessengeranimate masculine obsolete
RoadspotSlovenenouna mediator who buys things in other towns on demandanimate historical masculine
RoadspotSlovenenountime (instance or occurrence)inanimate rare
RoadszakolePolishnounmeander (of a river or road)neuter
RoadszakolePolishnounreceding hairlineneuter
Rocketryrocket scientistEnglishnounAn aerospace engineer.informal
Rocketryrocket scientistEnglishnounOne qualified to handle or understand things which are very complex or confusing; a very intelligent person.excessive idiomatic informal
RocksbrecciaItaliannounbreach, break, gapfeminine
RocksbrecciaItaliannounroad metal (crushed stone)feminine
RocksbrecciaItaliannounbrecciageography geology natural-sciencesfeminine
RodentsaavikkorottaFinnishnounSynonym of pohjoisafrikanjerbo (“Jaculus jaculus”).dated
RodentsaavikkorottaFinnishnounSynonym of aavikkojerbo (“rodent of the genus Jaculus”).dated
Roman CatholicismpapaLatinnounyum yum, num-num, food (especially pap)childish declension-1
Roman CatholicismpapaLatinnouna dad, daddy, fatherdeclension-1
Roman CatholicismpapaLatinnouna bishopEcclesiastical Latin declension-1
Roman CatholicismpapaLatinnouna pope (the Roman Catholic bishop of Rome)Ecclesiastical Latin declension-1
Roman CatholicismpapaLatinnouna patriarch (in primatial sees, notably Coptic Alexandria).Ecclesiastical Latin declension-1
RoomsciupaPolishnounprisoncolloquial feminine
RoomsciupaPolishnouna small roomcolloquial feminine
RoomsскладMacedoniannounwarehouse, depot, storeroom, storage
RoomsскладMacedoniannounaccordance, harmony, conformity
RoomsթառմաArmeniannounupper room in a house or a stable, made of wooddialectal
RoomsթառմաArmeniannounupper room in a church for womendialectal
RoomsթառմաArmeniannountrellis for vinedialectal
Rosales order plantsezzlCimbriannounnettle
Rosales order plantsezzlCimbriannounstinging nettle
Rose family plants小米花JapanesenounSynonym of 蜆花 (shijimibana, “Spiraea prunifolia”)
Rose family plants小米花JapanesenounSynonym of 雪柳 (yuki yanagi, “Spiraea thunbergii”)
Rose family plants小米花JapanesenounSynonym of 溝蕎麦 (mizo soba, “Persicaria thunbergii”)
Rose family plants小米花JapanesenounSynonym of 水蝋の樹 (ibota no ki, “Ligustrum obtusifolium”)
Rosesrhos y cŵnWelshnoundogrose plants (Rosa canina)collective masculine
Rosesrhos y cŵnWelshnounsweetbriers, eglantine (Rosa rubiginosa, syn. Rosa eglanteria)collective masculine
RowingveslováníCzechnounverbal noun of veslovatform-of neuter noun-from-verb
RussiaՌուսիաArmeniannameRus (medieval East Slavic state)
RussiaՌուսիաArmeniannameRussia (A transcontinental country in Eastern Europe and North Asia)Western-Armenian
SI units亨利ChinesenameHenry; Henri (name)
SI units亨利Chineseclassifierhenry (unit of inductance)natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
SadnessсумUkrainiannounsum, som
SalmonidsbluecapEnglishnounA bird, the blue titmouse.
SalmonidsbluecapEnglishnounA fish of the salmon kind with blue spots on its head.
SalmonidsbluecapEnglishnounA Scotsman.colloquial
SalmonidsbluecapEnglishnounA tiny blue-skinned fairy that inhabits a mine and helps the miners.
SandwichesgyroEnglishnounA gyroscope.
SandwichesgyroEnglishnounA gyrocompass.
SandwichesgyroEnglishnounAn autogyro.
SandwichesgyroEnglishnounSynonym of detangler.cycling hobbies lifestyle sports
SandwichesgyroEnglishnounA style of Greek sandwich commonly filled with grilled meat, tomato, onions, and tzatziki sauce.
Saucessauce bruneFrenchnounbrown saucefeminine
Saucessauce bruneFrenchnoungravyfeminine
Sawsreciprocating sawEnglishnounA power saw which moves the blade back and forth.
Sawsreciprocating sawEnglishnounA sawzall.
Scale insectsgranaCatalannounseedfeminine
Scale insectsgranaCatalannouncochinealmasculine
Scale insectsgranaCatalannounscarlet, carmine (color/colour)masculine
Scale insectsgranaCatalanverbinflection of granar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
Scale insectsgranaCatalanverbinflection of granar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Science fictionquimeraSpanishnounchimerafeminine
Science fictionquimeraSpanishnounchimera, pipe dream (something illusory or impossible to achieve)feminine
SciencesfonētikaLatviannounphonetics (branch of linguistics that studies the physical and articulatory properties of speech sounds)declension-4 feminine
SciencesfonētikaLatviannounphonetics (the set of sounds of a given language variety and their properties)declension-4 feminine
ScientiststeológusHungariannountheologian, theologist (one who is skilled, professes or practices of what relates with God)
ScientiststeológusHungariannounstudent of divinity (one who studies theology)
ScolopacidskulíchCzechnounEurasian woodcock (Scolopax rusticola)animate masculine obsolete
ScolopacidskulíchCzechnounAlternative form of kulík (“plover”)alt-of alternative animate masculine obsolete
Scorpaeniform fishstenbitSwedishnounmale lumpsucker, Cyclopterus lumpuscommon-gender
Scorpaeniform fishstenbitSwedishnounbrown trout, Salmo truttacommon-gender
Scorpaeniform fishstenbitSwedishnounAtlantic wolffish, Anarhichas lupuscommon-gender
SeaschambersEnglishnounA set of rooms in a building used as an office or a residential apartment.archaic plural plural-only
SeaschambersEnglishnounChiefly in in chambers: a judge's private office which is used for hearings that do not need to be held in open court.lawbroadly plural plural-only
SeaschambersEnglishnounOriginally, a set of rooms at an Inn of Court used by one or more barristers as an office and residence; now, the office of one or more barristers in any building.lawBritish broadly plural plural-only
SeaschambersEnglishnounEuphemistic form of chamber pot (“a container used for defecation and urination”); also, synonym of potty (“a small (chiefly plastic) pot used by children for defecation and urination when toilet-training”).euphemistic form-of plural plural-only
SeaschambersEnglishnounIn full king's chambers: parts of the sea next to the coast of England and Wales delimited by imaginary lines connecting headlands, over which the Crown asserted exclusive jurisdiction; these have now been superseded by the concept of the territorial sea.British historical plural plural-only
SeaschambersEnglishnounplural of chamberform-of plural
SeaschambersEnglishverbthird-person singular simple present indicative of chamberform-of indicative present singular third-person
SeasoningssahramiFinnishnounsaffron (spice)
SeasoningssahramiFinnishnouncrocus (perennial flowering plant of the genus Crocus)
SerranidswarsawEnglishnounA fish, the black grouper (Epinephelus nigritus).
SerranidswarsawEnglishnounThe jewfish or guasa (Epinephelus itajara).
SewingfuterPolishnounfodderinanimate masculine
SewingfuterPolishnounlining used to sew up a dressinanimate masculine
SewingfuterPolishnoungenitive plural of futroform-of genitive neuter plural
SewingweltEnglishverbTo roll; revolveintransitive obsolete
SewingweltEnglishnounA ridge or lump on the skin, as caused by a blow.
SewingweltEnglishnounA strip of leather set into the seam between the outsole of a shoe and the upper, through which these parts are joined by stitching or stapling.
SewingweltEnglishnounA strip of material or covered cord applied to a seam or garment edge to strengthen or cover it.
SewingweltEnglishnounIn steam boilers and sheet-iron work, a strip riveted upon the edges of plates that form a butt joint.
SewingweltEnglishnounIn carpentry, a strip of wood fastened over a flush seam or joint, or an angle, to strengthen it.
SewingweltEnglishnounIn machine-made stockings, a strip, or flap, of which the heel is formed.
SewingweltEnglishnounA narrow border, as of an ordinary, especially one which does not extend all the way around the ends of it (where it touches the edges of the shield) as a fimbriation would.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
SewingweltEnglishnounAny other feature resembling a welt (strip).
SewingweltEnglishverbTo cause to have welts; to beat.
SewingweltEnglishverbTo install welt (a welt or welts) to reinforce.
SewingweltEnglishverbTo decay.UK archaic dialectal intransitive
SewingweltEnglishverbTo become stringy.UK archaic dialectal intransitive
Sexhappy endingEnglishnounA clichéd conclusion in which all loose ends are tied up and all main characters are content.literature media publishing
Sexhappy endingEnglishnounA hand job, especially one provided by the masseuse to the client at or towards the end of a massage.euphemistic slang vulgar
SexlimageFrenchnounfiling (act of using a file)masculine
SexlimageFrenchnounpounding (sexual act)masculine vulgar
Sexménage à quatreEnglishnounA household or relationship whereby four people live together as lovers.
Sexménage à quatreEnglishnounA sexual act involving four people; a foursome.
SexismgenderistEnglishnounOne who discriminates based on gender.rare
SexismgenderistEnglishnounOne who studies gender.rare
SexismgenderistEnglishnounOne who believes in gender ideology or does not support traditional gender roles.derogatory uncommon
SexismgenderistEnglishadjPertaining to or exhibiting genderism, a belief that gender is rigid, binary, and determined by sex.
Shamanism만신Koreannounfemale trance possession shaman; priestess of historically northern traditions of Korean shamanism, the indigenous religion of the countryhonorific
Shamanism만신Koreannounthe whole body, the entire bodyuncommon
Shamanism승방Koreannoundormitories in Buddhist monasteries
Shamanism승방Koreannouna priestess of Korean folk religion from the southern coastline of the peninsulaJeolla Southern dialectal
Shamanism승방KoreannounBuddhist monasteryrare
ShapesܓܝܓܠܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounwheel (especially of a carriage, well, or mill)automotive transport vehicles
ShapesܓܝܓܠܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounpotter's wheel
ShapesܓܝܓܠܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnountorture device
ShapesܓܝܓܠܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnouncycle, circuit, circular course, orbit
ShapesܓܝܓܠܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounangelslifestyle religionfiguratively
ShapesܓܝܓܠܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnouncelestial sphereastronomy natural-sciences
ShapesܓܝܓܠܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounthistle stalksbiology botany natural-sciences
SheepskopiecPolishnouncastrated ramanimal-not-person masculine obsolete
SheepskopiecPolishnounwooden vessel used in the countryside to store milkarchaic inanimate masculine
Ship partsدومانArabicnounhelm, rudderdialectal
Ship partsدومانArabicnounsteering wheel, steering geardialectal
Shops마트Koreannounmarket; convenience store; shop/store; supermarket; mall/shopping centrebroadly
ShorebirdsostreroSpanishnounoystercatcher (bird)masculine
ShorebirdsostreroSpanishnounoyster farmmasculine
ShrikesgąsiorekPolishnoundiminutive of gąsior (“gander”)animal-not-person diminutive form-of masculine
ShrikesgąsiorekPolishnounred-backed shrike (Lanius collurio)animal-not-person masculine
ShrikesgąsiorekPolishnoundiminutive of gąsior (type of jug)diminutive form-of inanimate masculine
ShrikesgąsiorekPolishnoundiminutive of gąsior (type of roof tile)diminutive form-of inanimate masculine
ShrubsbrostaCatalannounsprout, shootfeminine
ShrubsbrostaCatalannounShoots, twigs, small branches, etc.collective feminine
ShrubsbrostaCatalannounfoliagecollective feminine
ShrubsbrostaCatalanverbinflection of brostar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
ShrubsbrostaCatalanverbinflection of brostar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
SikhismسيخيةArabicnounfemale equivalent of سِيخِيّ (sīḵiyy)feminine form-of
SikhismسيخيةArabicadjfeminine singular of سِيخِيّ (sīḵiyy)feminine form-of singular
SizeanchoSpanishadjwide; broad
SizeanchoSpanishnounwidth, breadth, spanmasculine
SizeanchoSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of ancharfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
SkeletončeljustSerbo-Croatiannounjawsin-plural literary
SkeletonهیكلOttoman Turkishnounany gigantic form or figure, colossus
SkeletonهیكلOttoman Turkishnounany huge or colossal building, especially a temple
SkeletonهیكلOttoman Turkishnounstatue, a three-dimensional artwork usually created by sculpting
SkeletonهیكلOttoman Turkishnounossature, the skeletal framework of the human body
Skinđồi mồiVietnamesenouna hawksbill sea turtle
Skinđồi mồiVietnamesenounliver spots
Skin주름Koreannounwrinkles, lines, furrows
Skin주름Koreannouncreases, rumples, pleats, folds, puckers, gathers, crimplesusually
SleeptiredEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of tireform-of participle past
SleeptiredEnglishadjIn need of some rest or sleep.
SleeptiredEnglishadjFed up, annoyed, irritated, sick of.
SleeptiredEnglishadjOverused, cliché.
SleeptiredEnglishadjOld and worn.
SleeptiredEnglishadjPlayed out, ineffectual; incompetentderogatory slang
SleeptiredEnglishadjAlternative form of tyred.alt-of alternative not-comparable
Smokinglight upEnglishverbTo illuminate, to bring light to something, to brighten.transitive
Smokinglight upEnglishverbTo start to emit light; to become activated as a light source.intransitive
Smokinglight upEnglishverbTo show an increase in activity or a brightening of mood.figuratively intransitive
Smokinglight upEnglishverbTo ignite.transitive
Smokinglight upEnglishverbTo light a cigarette, pipe, etc.intransitive
Smokinglight upEnglishverbTo make happy.transitive
Smokinglight upEnglishverbTo open fire on a target or group of targets, especially with rockets, a flamethrower etc.slang transitive
Smokinglight upEnglishverbTo shock (someone) with a stun gun.US slang transitive
Smokinglight upEnglishverbTo activate the emergency sirens on a police vehicle in order to pull someone over.US slang transitive
Smokinglight upEnglishverbTo loosen, slacken, or ease off.nautical transporttransitive
Smoking拍火機Chinesenounlighter (firemaking device)Teochew Xiamen
Smoking拍火機Chinesenounfire extinguisherHokkien Philippine Singapore
Soapberry family plantsvadgesztenyeHungariannounhorse chestnut (any of several tree species of genus Aesculus, especially Aesculus hippocastanum, common in temperate northern hemisphere)
Soapberry family plantsvadgesztenyeHungariannounhorse chestnut (the large nutlike seed of these trees)
SocietyfelaweMiddle EnglishnounA (male) partner, friend, or colleague; one linked with others: / A (male) co-worker; one who is employed in the same position as oneself or who works with oneself.
SocietyfelaweMiddle EnglishnounA (male) partner, friend, or colleague; one linked with others: / A member of an organisation, society, religious order/group, college, trade association, etc.
SocietyfelaweMiddle EnglishnounA (male) partner, friend, or colleague; one linked with others: / A (male) accomplice; one who assists another in criminal activity.
SocietyfelaweMiddle EnglishnounA (male) partner, friend, or colleague; one linked with others: / A (male) partner or partaker in revelry or one who likes doing so (i.e. is extroverted).
SocietyfelaweMiddle EnglishnounA (male) partner, friend, or colleague; one linked with others: / One who is in a close platonic relationship with another; a true companion.
SocietyfelaweMiddle EnglishnounAn adversary; one who is against oneself in physical combat.
SocietyfelaweMiddle EnglishnounOne who is equal or equivalent to another; a peer.
SocietyfelaweMiddle EnglishnounAn appellation used towards a man beneath oneself in society (either friendly or insulting)
SocietyfelaweMiddle EnglishnounA member of or a thing in a grouping, set, or bunch.
SocietyfelaweMiddle EnglishnounA sexual or marital partner (of a human or animal)rare
SocietyfelaweMiddle EnglishnounA male individual of low societal or moral rank.rare
SocietyfelaweMiddle EnglishnounAny male individual; a fella, guy, etc.rare
SocietyfelaweMiddle EnglishnounThat which acts as an intermediary force or agent.rare
SocietyplemięPolishnountribe (group of people)neuter
SocietyplemięPolishnountribebiology natural-sciences taxonomyneuter
SoundسسOttoman Turkishnounsound, a sensation perceived by the ear caused by the vibration of air
SoundسسOttoman Turkishnounnoise, various types of sounds, usually unwanted or unpleasant
SoundسسOttoman Turkishnounvoice, the sound uttered by the mouth, especially by human beings
SoundسسOttoman Turkishnountone, pitch, the perceived frequency of a sound or noteentertainment lifestyle music
Sound engineeringmicroFrenchnounmic (“microphone”); Clipping of microphone.masculine
Sound engineeringmicroFrenchnounmicro (“microcomputer”); Clipping of micro-ordinateur.masculine
Sound engineeringmicroFrenchnounmicroscope; Clipping of microscope.masculine obsolete
SoundscarrisquejarCatalanverbto grate, creak, squeakBalearic Central Valencia intransitive
SoundscarrisquejarCatalanverbto chirp, to sing (of insects)Balearic Central Valencia intransitive
SoundsstormeggiareItalianverbto swarm (move as a swarm)archaic intransitive
SoundsstormeggiareItalianverbto battle vigorously, to rage, to stormarchaic intransitive rare
SoundsstormeggiareItalianverbto sound a tocsin witharchaic transitive
SoundsstormeggiareItalianverbto rustle (of leaves or fronds)intransitive literary rare
Soviet UnionbolszewikPolishnounBolshevik (member of the majority faction of the Russian Social Democratic Party, which seized power in the October Revolution of 1917)masculine person
Soviet UnionbolszewikPolishnouna supporter of communismmasculine person
Spices and herbsnutmegEnglishnounAn evergreen tree (Myristica fragrans) cultivated in the East Indies for its spicy seeds.countable uncountable
Spices and herbsnutmegEnglishnounThe aromatic seed of this tree, used as a spice. / The powdered seed, ready for use.uncountable
Spices and herbsnutmegEnglishnounThe aromatic seed of this tree, used as a spice. / A whole nutmeg seed.countable
Spices and herbsnutmegEnglishnounA small moth, Hadula trifolii, feeding on plants and native to the Northern Hemisphere.countable uncountable
Spices and herbsnutmegEnglishnounA grey-brown colour.countable uncountable
Spices and herbsnutmegEnglishnounThe playing of the ball between the legs of an opponent.ball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportscountable uncountable
Spices and herbsnutmegEnglishverbTo flavour with nutmeg.transitive
Spices and herbsnutmegEnglishverbTo play the ball between the legs of (an opponent).hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
Spices and herbssafriWelshnounsavory (Satureja)biology botany natural-sciencesfeminine not-mutable uncountable
Spices and herbssafriWelshadjsavoury, umaminot-mutable
Spices and herbsआलेMarathiverbperfective of येणे (yeṇe, “to come”)form-of perfective
Spices and herbsआलेMarathinounginger root
SportsestafetėLithuaniannounrelay (race)hobbies lifestyle sports
SportsestafetėLithuaniannounobject passed from one to another in a relay race; usually baton
Sports equipmentбревноRussiannounlog, beam (trunk of dead tree, cleared of branches)
Sports equipmentбревноRussiannounlumberin-plural
Sports equipmentбревноRussiannounbeam, balance beamgymnastics hobbies lifestyle sports
Sports equipmentбревноRussiannouna stupid, heartless, emotionless manderogatory
Sports equipmentбревноRussiannoundead fish, cold fish (a very passive sexual partner)derogatory vulgar
SpurgesbanatoTagalognounkamala tree (Mallotus philippensis)
SpurgesbanatoTagalognounLeucosyke capitellata
Star TrektricorderEnglishnounA fictional futuristic handheld device used for scanning, which may be specialized for medical, technical, or other purposes.fiction literature media publishing
Star TrektricorderEnglishnounA real-world advanced handheld medical scanner.slang
StarlingskiyawCebuanonounPalawan hill mynah (Gracula religiosa palawanensis)
StarlingskiyawCebuanonounIsabela oriole (Oriolus isabellae)
StarlingsszpakPolishnounstarling (bird)animal-not-person masculine
StarlingsszpakPolishnoundark grey horseanimal-not-person masculine
StarsestelCatalannounkite (flying toy)masculine
States of the United StatesVTEnglishnameAbbreviation of Vermont, a state of the United States of America.abbreviation alt-of
States of the United StatesVTEnglishnounInitialism of ventricular tachycardia.abbreviation alt-of initialism
States of the United StatesVTEnglishnounInitialism of videotape.abbreviation alt-of initialism
States of the United StatesVTEnglishnounInitialism of video terminal (device that connected to a computer server remotely, which had little computing power of its own; has been uncommon since the mid 1990s).abbreviation alt-of dated initialism
States of the United StatesVTEnglishnounInitialism of vacuum tube (device that controls electric current flow in a high vacuum between electrodes to which an electric potential difference has been applied).abbreviation alt-of initialism
States of the United StatesVTEnglishnounAbbreviation of vault.gymnastics hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of
States of the United StatesVTEnglishnounInitialism of voice training.LGBT lifestyle sexualityabbreviation alt-of initialism
States of the United StatesVTEnglishadjInitialism of variable-time (WWII cover designation for the proximity fuse).government military politics warabbreviation alt-of historical initialism not-comparable
States of the United StatesVTEnglishverbInitialism of voice-train.abbreviation alt-of initialism
StatisticsludnośćPolishnounpopulation (all people living within a political or geographical boundary)feminine
StatisticsludnośćPolishnounturnout, attendance (number of people who attend or participate in an event)feminine obsolete
Stock charactersvillainEnglishnounA vile, wicked person. / An extremely depraved person, or one capable or guilty of great crimes.
Stock charactersvillainEnglishnounA vile, wicked person. / A deliberate scoundrel.
Stock charactersvillainEnglishnounA vile, wicked person.
Stock charactersvillainEnglishnounA low-born, abject person.archaic derogatory
Stock charactersvillainEnglishnounIn fiction, a character who has the role of being bad, especially antagonizing the hero; an antagonist who is also evil or malevolent.fiction literature media publishing
Stock charactersvillainEnglishnounAny opponent player, especially a hypothetical player for example and didactic purposes. Compare: hero (“the current player”).card-games poker
Stock charactersvillainEnglishnounArchaic form of villein (“feudal tenant, peasant, serf”).alt-of archaic
Stock charactersvillainEnglishverbTo debase; to degrade.obsolete transitive
String instruments해금Koreannounhaegeum; a traditional Korean vertical bowed string instrument with two silk strings, derived from the Chinese xiqin
String instruments해금Koreannounlifting a ban
Sumac family plantssumachIrishnounsumac(h)masculine
Sumac family plantssumachIrishnounAlternative form of somach (“plump youngster”)alt-of alternative masculine
Systemsstar systemEnglishnounA group of stars (and possibly smaller bodies such as planets or asteroids) that orbit one another.astronomy natural-sciences
Systemsstar systemEnglishnounA method of creating, promoting and exploiting movie stars in cinema, emphasizing on their images rather than acting.broadcasting film media television
TalkingobtańcowaćPolishverbto dance around (to move around something while dancing)colloquial perfective transitive
TalkingobtańcowaćPolishverbto dance around (to dance in succession many times; to have many dances in a row)colloquial perfective transitive
TalkingobtańcowaćPolishverbto chew out (to verbally criticize)colloquial humorous perfective transitive
TalkingpercakapanIndonesiannounconversation: expression and exchange of individual ideas through talking with other people; also, a set instance or occasion of such talking.
TalkingpercakapanIndonesiannounconversation: expression and exchange of individual ideas through talking with other people; also, a set instance or occasion of such talking. / dialog: a conversation or other form of discourse between two or more individuals.
TalkingpercakapanIndonesiannountalk: a conversation or discussion: usually serious, but informal.
TalkingpercakapanIndonesiannountalk: a conversation or discussion: usually serious, but informal. / chatter: especially meaningless or unimportant talk.
TalkingpercakapanIndonesiannounchat / informal conversation
TalkingpercakapanIndonesiannounchat / An exchange of text or voice messages in real time through a computer network, resembling a face-to-face conversation
TalkingpercakapanIndonesiannounspeech; talk; mention;
TalkingrolloSpanishnounboring talkcolloquial masculine
TalkingrolloSpanishnounnonsense, toshcolloquial masculine
TalkingrolloSpanishnounvibes, feelingcolloquial masculine
TalkingrolloSpanishnounfuck, shagcolloquial masculine
TalkingrolloSpanishnounfling, hookup, thing (a short casual sexual relationship)Spain colloquial masculine
TalkingrolloSpanishnounfuckbuddySpain colloquial masculine
Talking論戰Chinesenounpolemic; debate
Talking論戰Chineseverbto debate; to contend
TastedulcisLatinadjsweetdeclension-3 two-termination
TastedulcisLatinadjsweet-smelling, sweet-scented, fragrantdeclension-3 two-termination
TastedulcisLatinadjsweet-sounding, melodic, melodious, tunefuldeclension-3 two-termination
TastedulcisLatinadjagreeable, delightful, pleasant, soft, sweetdeclension-3 figuratively two-termination
TastedulcisLatinadjfriendly, charming, kind, dear, pleasant, agreeabledeclension-3 figuratively two-termination
TastetastefulEnglishadjHaving or exhibiting good taste; aesthetically pleasing or conforming to expectations or ideals of what is appropriate.
TastetastefulEnglishadjHaving a high relish; savoury.
TastetastefulEnglishadjGay; fashionable.colloquial
TaxationจังกอบThainountax on imports and exports of goods through a pass, equivalent to modern customs tariff.historical
TaxationจังกอบThaiverbto bind; to tie.archaic
TeatippyEnglishadjFashionable, tip-top.colloquial obsolete slang
TeatippyEnglishadjClever, neat, smart.colloquial slang
TeatippyEnglishadjOf tea, having a large amount of tips, or leaf buds.
TeatippyEnglishnounA dandy.colloquial obsolete slang
TeatippyEnglishnounSomething at the height of fashion, excellent, cool.absolute colloquial obsolete slang
TeatippyEnglishadjTending to tip or tilt over; unstable.Canada US
TechnologyasuIngriannountool, instrument
TechnologyasuIngriannoungalleassnautical transport
TelecommunicationsfrequentieDutchnounfrequency (rate of occurrence of anything)feminine
TelecommunicationsfrequentieDutchnounfrequency, measure of pulsation as in (radio) wavesfeminine
TelephonymobilNorwegian Bokmåladjmobile (capable of being moved)
TelephonymobilNorwegian Bokmålnouncell phone, mobile (short for mobile phone)masculine
TemperaturealgidezPortuguesenounalgidity (the state of being algid)medicine sciencesfeminine uncountable
TemperaturealgidezPortuguesenouncoldness (the state of being cold)feminine poetic uncountable
TenдесятокRussiannounten, set of ten
TenдесятокRussiannountens, ten's place
TenдесятокRussiannoundozens of, manyin-plural
TenдесятокRussiannoungenitive plural of деся́тка (desjátka)form-of genitive plural
TetraodontiformsumuTokelauannountitan triggerfish (Balistoides viridescens)
TetraodontiformsumuTokelauannouncooking house
Thai cardinal numbersร้อยเอ็ดThainumone hundred and one.
Thai cardinal numbersร้อยเอ็ดThainummany; a good many; a great many; numerous.archaic figuratively
Thai cardinal numbersร้อยเอ็ดThainameRoi Et (a city in Thailand)
Thai cardinal numbersร้อยเอ็ดThainameRoi Et (a province of Thailand)
Thai cardinal numbersร้อยเอ็ดThainameMueang Roi Et (a district of Roi Et province, Thailand)
TheaterwakashuEnglishnounA Japanese boy after early childhood but before his coming-of-age ceremony.archaic
TheaterwakashuEnglishnounA role in kabuki traditionally played by a boy of this age category.
TheaterwakashuEnglishnounA soldier of the oyabun in the yakuza hierarchy.
ThinkingideeEstoniannounidea (a sudden inventive thought or intention to do something)
ThinkingideeEstoniannounconcept (essential principle, main idea)
ThinkingmyslCzechnounmind, opinionfeminine
ThinkingнепониманиеRussiannounincomprehension, lack of understanding
ThistlesartichokeEnglishnounA plant related to the thistle with enlarged flower heads eaten as a vegetable while immature, Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus.
ThistlesartichokeEnglishnounA dull green colour, like that of an artichoke.
TimediesLatinnounA day / A solar or sidereal day of about 24 hours, especially (historical) Roman dates reckoned from one midnight to the next.declension-5
TimediesLatinnounA day / Daytime: a period of light between sunrise and sunset.declension-5
TimediesLatinnounA day / A set day: a date, an appointment.declension-5
Timenada másSpanishpronnothing else
Timenada másSpanishprepJust after, right after, uponformal
TimequadrennialEnglishadjHappening every four years.not-comparable
TimequadrennialEnglishadjLasting for four years.not-comparable
TimequadrennialEnglishnounA four-year period, a quadrennium.
TimetrzynastaPolishnounone o'clock (start of the fourteenth hour of the day; 1:00 p.m. (13:00))feminine
TimetrzynastaPolishnuminflection of trzynasty: / feminine nominative singularfeminine form-of nominative singular
TimetrzynastaPolishnuminflection of trzynasty: / feminine vocative singularfeminine form-of singular vocative
TimeundyddWelshnouna period of one daymasculine uncountable
TimeundyddWelshnouna short timeidiomatic masculine uncountable
TimeundyddWelshnounone day, some day (unspecified time in the past or future future)idiomatic masculine uncountable
TimeundyddWelshadjone-day, lasting for a single daynot-comparable
TimeundyddWelshadjephemeral, transientnot-comparable
TimevesproItaliannouneveningmasculine poetic
TimeсекундаMacedoniannounsecond (unit of time)
TimeсекундаMacedoniannounsecond (musical interval)
TimeсемигодиннийUkrainianadjseven-hour, seven-hour-long (both attributive), seven hours long (having a duration of seven hours)
TimeсемигодиннийUkrainianadjseven-o'clock (attributive) (starting, leaving or arriving at seven o'clock)
TimeوقتArabicverbto determine, define, or place a limit on a thing especially time
TimeوقتArabicverbto fix boundaries of duration, to set or appoint a time for something to occur especially the falling due of an obligation
TimeوقتArabicnounverbal noun of وَقَتَ (waqata) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
TimeوقتArabicnountime (as an abstract concept)
TimeوقتArabicnounperiod of time, time span
TimeوقتArabicnounmoment, instant
TimeوقتArabicverbto set a time, to appoint a time, to fix a time, to schedule
TimeوقتArabicverbto time
TimeوقتArabicverbto set a time limit
TimeوقتArabicverbform-i no-gloss
Time往跡Chinesenounpast event; the past; former happening
Time往跡Chinesenounthing of the past
Times of daynockaPolishnoundiminutive of nocdiminutive feminine form-of
Times of daynockaPolishnounnight shift, graveyard shiftcolloquial feminine
Times of daynockaPolishnounall-nightercolloquial feminine
Times of daynockaPolishnoungenitive/accusative singular of nocekaccusative animal-not-person form-of genitive masculine singular
TintinEnglishnounA malleable, ductile, metallic element, resistant to corrosion, with atomic number 50 and symbol Sn.uncountable
TintinEnglishnounAn airtight container, made of tin or another metal, used to preserve food, or hold a liquid or some other product.Australia British Ireland New-Zealand South-Africa countable
TintinEnglishnounA metal pan used for baking, roasting, storing food, etc.countable
TintinEnglishnounThe bottom part of the front wall, which is "out" if a player strikes it with the ball.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle sports squashcountable
TintinEnglishnounmoney, especially silver money.dated slang uncountable
TintinEnglishnouncomputer hardware.slang uncountable
TintinEnglishadjMade of tin.not-comparable
TintinEnglishadjMade of galvanised iron or built of corrugated iron.not-comparable
TintinEnglishverbTo place into a metal can (ie. a tin; be it tin, steel, aluminum) in order to preserve.transitive
TintinEnglishverbTo cover with tin.transitive
TintinEnglishverbTo coat with solder / To coat with solder, in preparation for soldering, to ensure a good solder jointtransitive
TintinEnglishverbTo coat with solder / To coat with solder, in order to consolidate braided wire, so as to make contact with all strands and reduce fragility of the fraying wiretransitive
TitlesCingetorixLatinnamea Latin proper name borrowed from Celtic/Gaulish male name / one of the leading chiefs of the Celtic tribe "Treviri"declension-3
TitlesCingetorixLatinnamea Latin proper name borrowed from Celtic/Gaulish male name / one of the leading chiefs of the Celtic tribe "Britons"declension-3
Titlesyli-insinööriFinnishnounsenior engineer, chief engineer
Titlesyli-insinööriFinnishnounan honorary title of the ninth rank granted by the President of Finland to accomplished engineers
Titlesท้าวThainounchief, lord, master, leader; ruler, administrator, person in authority, person in charge; person of dignity, person of rank, exalted person; monarch, sovereign; royal person; also used as an honorific or term of address.archaic
Titlesท้าวThainouna senior rank of a king's wife or of a woman of noble birth appointed to take charge of certain administrative affairs within the royal harem.historical
Titlesท้าวThainounman of royal or noble descent in Northeastern Thailand; also used as an honorific.historical
Titlesท้าวThaiadvshiveringly; tremblingly.
TobaccoκαπνόςGreeknountobacco (plant and its products)
ToolsbromMiddle EnglishnounBroom (shrub of the family Fabaceae)
ToolsbromMiddle EnglishnounA broom (device for sweeping)
ToolsfățuitorRomaniannounplane, smoothing planemasculine
ToolsfățuitorRomaniannounone who smoothes, planes, or levels with such a toolmasculine
ToolskrójPolishnouncut, cuttinginanimate masculine
ToolskrójPolishnounstyle, fashioninanimate masculine
ToolskrójPolishnouncoulter, colter (of a plough/plow)inanimate masculine
ToolskrójPolishverbsecond-person singular imperative present of kroićform-of imperative present second-person singular
ToolstrolloGaliciannounbog, mire, quagmiremasculine
ToolstrolloGaliciannounmud, silt, sludgemasculine
ToolstrolloGaliciannounpotato fieldmasculine
ToolstrolloGaliciannoununtidy placefiguratively masculine
ToolstrolloGaliciannountool composed of a shaft and a semicircular blade, used by bakers to distribute and clean ashes and embersmasculine
ToolstrolloGaliciannouna similar tool, used to smooth or level the groundmasculine
ToolstrânsitoPortuguesenountraffic (flow of pedestrians or vehicles)masculine
ToolstrânsitoPortuguesenountransit (the act of passing through or over something)masculine
ToolstrânsitoPortuguesenountransit (the passage of a celestial body across the observer’s meridian or across the disk of a larger celestial body)astronomy natural-sciencesmasculine
ToolstrânsitoPortuguesenountransit (surveying instrument similar to a theodolite)masculine
ToolstrânsitoPortuguesenounconnections (contacts with people who may be useful)masculine
ToolstrânsitoPortuguesenounpassing; deatharchaic masculine
ToolsχαρακτήρAncient Greeknouninstrument used for engraving
ToolsχαρακτήρAncient Greeknounperson who engraves, engraver
ToolsχαρακτήρAncient Greeknounimpress, stamp, seal
ToolsχαρακτήρAncient Greeknounreproduction, representation
ToolsχαρακτήρAncient Greeknounfigure, letter, character
ToolsχαρακτήρAncient Greeknouncharacteristic, character
ToolsχαρακτήρAncient Greeknounstyle
ToolsелектроінструментUkrainiannounelectrical tool, power toolcountable
ToolsелектроінструментUkrainiannounelectrical tools, power toolscollective uncountable
ToolsܬܫܡܫܬܐClassical Syriacnounserving, service
ToolsܬܫܡܫܬܐClassical Syriacnoundivision of priestsecclesiastical lifestyle religion
ToolsܬܫܡܫܬܐClassical Syriacnoungroup, work team
ToolsܬܫܡܫܬܐClassical Syriacnounreligious office
ToolsܬܫܡܫܬܐClassical Syriacnounoffice, ministry, administration
ToolsܬܫܡܫܬܐClassical Syriacnounrite
ToolsܬܫܡܫܬܐClassical Syriacnounworship
ToolsܬܫܡܫܬܐClassical Syriacnounattendance, ministration
ToolsܬܫܡܫܬܐClassical Syriacnounutensil, vessel
TourismtouristiqueFrenchadjtourist, tourist'srelational
TourismtouristiqueFrenchadjtouristy, touristic (which attracts tourists)
Toy dogspékinoisFrenchadjPekingese (of or from Peking (Beijing))
Toy dogspékinoisFrenchnounPekingese (dog)masculine
TransgendertransmascEnglishadjTransmasculine.LGBT lifestyle sexuality
TransgendertransmascEnglishnounA transmasculine person, a trans man or another person who was assigned female but whose gender identity is masculine.LGBT lifestyle sexuality
TransportdressenMiddle EnglishverbTo direct or aim oneself: / To move; to betake oneself.reflexive
TransportdressenMiddle EnglishverbTo direct or aim oneself: / To turn one's body towards (something).reflexive
TransportdressenMiddle EnglishverbTo direct or aim oneself: / To put oneself (in a position)reflexive
TransportdressenMiddle EnglishverbTo direct or aim oneself: / To think about; to ponder (something).
TransportdressenMiddle EnglishverbTo direct or aim oneself: / To focus on; to dedicate oneself to
TransportdressenMiddle EnglishverbTo direct or aim to another: / To guide or direct (a vehicle or animal)
TransportdressenMiddle EnglishverbTo direct or aim to another: / To put; to set (in a place or position).
TransportdressenMiddle EnglishverbTo direct or aim to another: / To teach; to counsel.
TransportdressenMiddle EnglishverbTo direct or aim to another: / To establish control or authority over.
TransportdressenMiddle EnglishverbTo direct or aim to another: / To address (a message or gift) towards.
TransportdressenMiddle EnglishverbTo arrange; to ready or tidy: / To adorn; to ornament.Late-Middle-English rare
TransportdressenMiddle EnglishverbTo arrange; to ready or tidy: / To prepare or ready food lifestyle
TransportdressenMiddle EnglishverbTo arrange; to ready or tidy: / To clothe or arm; to gear.
TransportdressenMiddle EnglishverbTo arrange; to ready or tidy
TransportdressenMiddle EnglishverbTo fix; to remove accumulated defects.
TransportdressenMiddle EnglishverbTo form; to create (a structure)
TransportdressenMiddle EnglishverbTo create; to cause (a situation)
TransportdressenMiddle EnglishverbTo address; to deal with.
TransportnástupCzechnoungetting on, boarding (entering a vehicle)inanimate masculine
TransportnástupCzechnounmuster (of soldiers)inanimate masculine
TransportпотягUkrainiannountrain (line of connected cars or carriages)
TransportпотягUkrainiannoundesire, urge
TrappingλίνονAncient Greeknounflax (Linum usitatissimum)
TrappingλίνονAncient Greeknounanything made of flax: / cord, fishing line, thread
TrappingλίνονAncient Greeknounanything made of flax: / thread of destiny spun by the Fatesfiguratively
TrappingλίνονAncient Greeknounanything made of flax: / fishing net, hunting net
TrappingλίνονAncient Greeknounanything made of flax: / linen cloths or garmentsin-plural
TrappingλίνονAncient Greeknounanything made of flax: / flax for spinning
Travel拄拐Chineseverbto walk with a cane or stick
Travel拄拐Chinesenounwalking stick; caneliterary
TreesbananierFrenchnounany species of bananas relating to the genus Musamasculine
TreesbananierFrenchnounboat or ship used to transport bananasmasculine
TreeslechosoSpanishnouna type of tree found in the Galápagos, in the genus ScalesiaEcuador masculine
TreespapierówkaPolishnounWhite Transparent (any of various cultivars of apple tree)feminine
TreespapierówkaPolishnounWhite Transparent (early-season cultivar of apple which is usually used for cooking due to its sharp taste)feminine
TreespapierówkaPolishnounpulpwood (wood of coniferous or deciduous trees stripped of bark, top, and branches, which are cut flush with the circumference of the trunk, used in industry for paper production and other purposes)feminine
Treesplane treeEnglishnounAny of various trees of the genus Platanus.
Treesplane treeEnglishnounAn ordered tree, a type of graph, in which the child nodes of each vertex have a definite number assigned.mathematics sciences
Treessorb appleEnglishnounA European fruit tree, Sorbus domestica, also called the service tree
Treessorb appleEnglishnounThe fruit of this tree, also called the sorb
TreesлимонBulgariannounlemon (fruit)
TreesлимонBulgariannounlemon tree
TurkeyTurco-EnglishprefixTurkey; Turk.morpheme
UnderwearunderkläderSwedishnoununderpants (boxers, briefs, panties, etc.) and bras: (in common informal usage) underwearplural
UnderwearunderkläderSwedishnounother clothes worn next to the skin, underneath outer clothingplural
Units of measurehideMiddle Englishnounhide (unit of land)
Units of measurehideMiddle Englishnounconcealment
Units of measurehideMiddle Englishnounhiding spot
Units of measurehideMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of hyde (“skin”)alt-of alternative
Units of measurehideMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of hythe (“landing place, port”)alt-of alternative
Units of measurehideMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of heed (“head”)alt-of alternative
Units of measurehideMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of hiden (“to hide”)alt-of alternative
Units of measureсаҡрымBashkirnounkilometer
Units of measureсаҡрымBashkirnounverst (unit of length equal to 1,066.8 m)historical
Utah, USADixieEnglishnameThe southern United States, especially the former Confederate States; the South.US informal
Utah, USADixieEnglishnameThe southwestern corner of Utah.US informal
Utah, USADixieEnglishnameA female given name transferred from the place name.US
Utah, USADixieEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A locality in Maricopa County, Arizona.
Utah, USADixieEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A census-designated place in Brooks County, Georgia.
Utah, USADixieEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Newton County, Georgia.
Utah, USADixieEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Elmore County, Idaho.
Utah, USADixieEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Idaho County, Idaho.
Utah, USADixieEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Harrison County, Indiana.
Utah, USADixieEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Henderson County, Kentucky.
Utah, USADixieEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Whitley County, Kentucky.
Utah, USADixieEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Caddo Parish, Louisiana.
Utah, USADixieEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Callaway County, Missouri.
Utah, USADixieEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Baker County, Oregon.
Utah, USADixieEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A historical community in Grant County, Oregon.
Utah, USADixieEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A historical community in Washington County, Oregon.
Utah, USADixieEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Fluvanna County, Virginia.
Utah, USADixieEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Mathews County, Virginia.
Utah, USADixieEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A census-designated place in Walla Walla County, Washington.
Utah, USADixieEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Harrison County, West Virginia.
Utah, USADixieEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A census-designated place in Fayette County and Nicholas County, West Virginia.
Utah, USADixieEnglishnameA neighbourhood of Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.
Utah, USADixieEnglishnameA rural locality in the Shire of Cook, northern Queensland, Australia.
VegetablesespigallCatalannounthe influorescence of cabbages and other leafy greensmasculine
VegetablesespigallCatalannounear (of maize)masculine
VegetablesespigallCatalannounan heirloom variety of kale cultivated principally in the Garrafin-plural masculine
VegetablesfinocchioItaliannounfennelbiology botany natural-sciencesmasculine
VegetablesfinocchioItaliannounqueer, poof, nancyboy, faggotderogatory masculine slang vulgar
VegetablesfinocchioItaliannounbungler (incompetent or worthless person)archaic masculine
VegetablespietruszkaPolishnounparsley (Petroselinum crispum)feminine
VegetablespietruszkaPolishnounparsley (edible root of this plant)feminine
VegetablespietruszkaPolishnounparsley (dried leaves of this plant)feminine
VegetablesravizzoneItaliannounswede (root vegetable)masculine
VegetablesravizzoneItaliannounrape, rapeseedmasculine
VehiclesautobusCzechnounbus, coach, omnibusinanimate masculine
VehiclesautobusCzechnounwoodlouseinanimate masculine
VehiclescharretEnglishnounA chariot.obsolete
VehiclescharretEnglishnounAlternative form of charrettealt-of alternative
VehiclesdropshipEnglishnounA flying transport that drops troops or equipment onto a planet, etc.literature media publishing science-fiction
VehiclesdropshipEnglishverbAlternative form of drop shipalt-of alternative
VehiclesfreCatalannounfrenulumanatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
VehiclesfreCatalannounbit (part of a bridle)masculine
VehiclespolewaczkaPolishnounstreet sprinkler (vehicle designed for spraying water on streets or other surfaces)colloquial feminine
VehiclespolewaczkaPolishnounpolice car equipped with a water cannon, used to disperse crowds during street riotsgovernment law-enforcementcolloquial feminine
VehiclespolewaczkaPolishnounwatering can (utensil for watering plants, consisting of a container with a handle and long spout, the spout sometimes being fitted with a perforated nozzle)colloquial feminine
VehiclestraysikadCebuanonouna pedicab; a bicycle with a mounted sidecar
VehiclestraysikadCebuanoverbto take a pedicab; to ride a pedicab
VehiclesчелнокRussiannouna small retail trader travelling from one place or country to another
VehiclesحنطورArabicnouncarriage, cart, stagecoach
VehiclesحنطورArabicnounconvertible, cabriolet
Vehicles高車Chinesenouna type of chariot, used in ancient China, with a tall canopy and a standing driver
Vehicles高車Chinesenountall chariot ridden by respectable people
Vehicles高車ChinesenameGaoche, an ancient ethnic group in China
Vehicles高車Chinesenamea surname
Vehicles高車ChinesenameGaoche (a township in Zhangzhou, Fujian, China)
Vehicles高車ChinesenameGaoche (a village in Gaoche, Zhangzhou, Fujian, China)
VertebratesLiguriannounwolfbiology natural-sciences zoologymasculine
Villages in Northumberland, EnglandCamboEnglishnameA village in Northumberland, England.
Villages in Northumberland, EnglandCamboEnglishnameA locality in Fife, Scotland.
Villages in Northumberland, EnglandCamboEnglishnameCambo-les-Bains, a town in the Basque area of France.
Villages in Northumberland, EnglandCamboEnglishnameA surname
Violencesexual violenceEnglishnounA broad term encompassing sexual assault, harassment, indecent assault, rape, and other sexual offences against a non-consenting victim.uncountable
Violencesexual violenceEnglishnoun(When contrasted with sexual assault.) A physical attack of a sexual nature involving penetration (as apposed to sexual assault which may not involve actual penetration).uncountable
ViolencełomotnąćPolishverbto batter, to poundcolloquial perfective transitive
ViolencełomotnąćPolishverbto clunk, to thudcolloquial intransitive perfective
Violence武鬥Chineseverbto engage in a struggle involving violence
Violence武鬥Chinesenounstruggle involving violence
Violence武鬥Chinesenounstruggle involving violence / violent conflicts involving different factions of red guards during the Cultural Revolution
VirusesNorwalk virusEnglishnounAny of several virus strains in genus Norovirus that cause acute gastrointestinal infection.countable uncountable
VirusesNorwalk virusEnglishnounThe disease caused by the virus.countable uncountable
VisionвзглянутьRussianverbto glance at, to look at
VisionвзглянутьRussianverbto take a look (at), to pay attention tofiguratively
WalesgalêsPortugueseadjWelsh (from Wales)not-comparable
WalesgalêsPortuguesenounWelshman (man who is a native or inhabitant of Wales)masculine
WalesgalêsPortuguesenameWelsh (language)masculine
Walls and fencesrailingEnglishnounA fence or barrier consisting of one or more horizontal rails and vertical supports.
Walls and fencesrailingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of railform-of gerund participle present
WarguerreroSpanishadjbellicose, warlike
WarsawprażaninPolishnounPraguer (inhabitant of Prague)masculine person
WarsawprażaninPolishnounPrager (inhabitant of Praga in Warsaw)masculine person
WaterдрагаSerbo-Croatiannounbay, gulf
WaterдрагаSerbo-Croatiannounsweetheart, beloved, love, darling, dear (female)
WaterзапрудаRussiannoundam, weir
WatercraftшайкаBulgariannouna kind of small boat of up to twelve cannons heavily used in the Black Sea, Tisa, Danube and Savahistorical
WatercraftшайкаBulgariannoungang of rogues, band of bandits
WaterfallscascadeFrenchnouncascade (waterfall)feminine
WaterfallscascadeFrenchnouncascade (series of event)feminine
WaterfallscascadeFrenchnouncascadearts hobbies juggling lifestyle performing-arts sportsfeminine
WaterfallscascadeFrenchnouna stunt performed for cinematic imitation or entertainmentfeminine
WaterfallscascadeFrenchverbinflection of cascader: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
WaterfallscascadeFrenchverbinflection of cascader: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
WeaponsblowpipeEnglishnounA narrow tube through which a jet of air is directed onto a flame; used in the analysis of minerals etc and in jewelry manufacture.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
WeaponsblowpipeEnglishnounA weapon through which darts may be shot by blowing; a blowgun.
WeaponsblowpipeEnglishnounA long narrow pipe, rotated in the hands, upon which glassware is blown.arts crafts glassblowing hobbies lifestyle
WeaponsblowpipeEnglishverbTo direct air through a blowpipe.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
WeaponsblowpipeEnglishverbTo shoot with a blowpipe (weapon).transitive
WeaponsgayungIndonesiannoundipper (a cup-shaped vessel with a long handle, for dipping into and ladling out liquids; a ladle or scoop)
WeaponsgayungIndonesiannounquarterstaff (a wooden staff of an approximate length between 2 and 2.5 meters, sometimes tipped with iron, used as a weapon)
WeaponsgayungIndonesiannounsinglestick (a one-handed wooden stick used for fencing in place of a sword)
WeaponsgayungIndonesiannouna blow given with a fist or a weapon
WeaponsgayungIndonesianverbto scoop up water with a dippertransitive
WeaponsgayungIndonesianverbto swing (to move (an object) backward and forward)transitive
WeaponsgayungIndonesianverbto punch (to strike with one's fist)rare transitive
WeaponsgayungIndonesianclassifierindicates a content or measure that has the volume of a dipper
WeaponsglizzyEnglishnounGlock, handgun.slang
WeaponsglizzyEnglishnounHot dog (food).US slang
WeaponsرصاصةSouth Levantine Arabicnounsingulative of رصاص (rṣāṣ): piece of leadform-of singulative
WeaponsرصاصةSouth Levantine Arabicnounbulletsingulative
WeatherestiñarGalicianverbto staunch
WeatherestiñarGalicianverbto dry
WeatherestiñarGalicianverbto cease to produce milk
WeatherestiñarGalicianverbto clear up, to clear (to stop raining)impersonal
WeathersnøNorwegian Bokmålnounsnowmasculine uncountable
WeathersnøNorwegian Bokmålverbto snow
West Yorkshire, EnglandLeodensianEnglishnounSomeone from Leeds in northern England.
West Yorkshire, EnglandLeodensianEnglishnounA pupil or alumnus of Leeds Grammar School.
Willows and poplarsdesert willowEnglishnounAny of several species of willow that grow in desert regions
Willows and poplarsdesert willowEnglishnounOther trees or shrubs that have willow-like leaves or weeping habit: / Chilopsis linearisUS
Willows and poplarsdesert willowEnglishnounOther trees or shrubs that have willow-like leaves or weeping habit: / Pittosporum angustifoliumAustralia
WindνότιοςGreekadjsouth, southerly (toward the south, from the south)
WindνότιοςGreeknounthe ostro (a southerly Mediterranean wind)formal
Wind회오리Koreannounwhirlwind, tornado
Wind회오리Koreannoundust devil
WinebełtPolishnounnock (base of an arrow in which feathers are placed)archery government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war
WinebełtPolishnounbolt (ammunition for a crossbow)
WinebełtPolishnounbum wine (cheap wine; portion of this)colloquial derogatory
WinebełtPolishnounfaff (unclear, incomprehensible statement)colloquial derogatory
WinebełtPolishnounturbulent liquid, especially water
WinebełtPolishnounsplash, plopobsolete
WinebełtPolishnounrod (pole with a knob at the end which fishermen use to swirl the water, driving fish into the net sometimes used as a kind of oar to push the boat in shallow, swampy or overgrown places)fishing hobbies lifestyleobsolete
WinebełtPolishnounstrait, sea isthmusinanimate masculine
WinebełtPolishnounhorizontal strut in a shaftbusiness mininginanimate masculine obsolete
WinebełtPolishnounblud (creature in Slavic folklore)animal-not-person masculine
WineכרםAramaicverbto prune
WineכרםAramaicnounabsolute state of כַּרְמָא (karmā)
Winter sportsbobSerbo-Croatiannounbroad bean
Winter sportsbobSerbo-Croatiannounhorse bean
Winter sportsbobSerbo-Croatiannounbobsled
WomeneilitIrishnoundoe, hind (female deer)feminine
WomeneilitIrishnountall, thin, badly dressed womanderogatory feminine figuratively
WoodskatmonTagalognounkatmon (Dillenia philippinensis; a species of tree endemic to the Philippines)
WoodskatmonTagalognounelephant apple (fruit from this tree)
WoodskatmonTagalognounkatmon wood
WoodssekwojaPolishnounredwood, sequoia (any tree of the genus Sequoia)feminine
WoodssekwojaPolishnounredwood (wood of the species Sequoia sempervirens)feminine
Woodwind instrumentszampognaItaliannounbagpipesfeminine
Woodwind instrumentszampognaItalianverbinflection of zampognare: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
Woodwind instrumentszampognaItalianverbinflection of zampognare: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
WritingexaroLatinverbto plough or dig up; till, cultivate, ploughconjugation-1
WritingexaroLatinverbto produce by tillage, raisebroadly conjugation-1
WritingexaroLatinverbto write, note or set down something on tabletsconjugation-1 figuratively
WritingexaroLatinverbto flog severelyconjugation-1 figuratively
WritingexscriboLatinverbto write out or off, copyconjugation-3
WritingexscriboLatinverbto write or note downconjugation-3
WritingexscriboLatinverbto take after, resembleconjugation-3
WritingkrzaczekPolishnoundiminutive of krzakdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
WritingkrzaczekPolishnoununderarm hairinanimate masculine plural-normally
WritingkrzaczekPolishnounmoonrunes (illegible characters; squiggle) / mojibakecomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences scienceshumorous in-plural inanimate masculine
WritingkrzaczekPolishnounmoonrunes (illegible characters; squiggle) / Chinese charactershumorous in-plural inanimate masculine
WritingkrzaczekPolishnounmoonrunes (illegible characters; squiggle)humorous in-plural inanimate masculine
WritingsinulatanCebuanonounhandwriting; the characteristic writing of a particular person
WritingsinulatanCebuanoadjhaving writings or scribbles
Writing寫字Chineseverbto write charactersverb-object
Writing寫字Chineseverbto practice calligraphyverb-object
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishnounSenses relating to a thin, pointed object. / A sharp stick used for writing on clay tablets or other surfaces; a stylus; (by extension, obsolete) an instrument used to write with ink; a pen.countable historical uncountable
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishnounSenses relating to a thin, pointed object. / A tool with a sharp point used in engraving; a burin, a graver, a stylet, a stylus.countable uncountable
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishnounSenses relating to a thin, pointed object. / The gnomon or pin of a sundial, the shadow of which indicates the hour.countable uncountable
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishnounSenses relating to a thin, pointed object. / The stalk that connects the stigma(s) to the ovary in a pistil of a flower.biology botany natural-sciencescountable uncountable
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishnounSenses relating to a thin, pointed object. / A kind of surgical instrument with a blunt point, used for exploration.medicine sciences surgerycountable uncountable
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishnounSenses relating to a thin, pointed object. / A small, thin, pointed body part.biology natural-sciences zoologycountable uncountable
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishnounSenses relating to a thin, pointed object. / A small, thin, pointed body part. / A long, slender, bristle-like process near the anal region.biology entomology natural-sciences zoologycountable uncountable
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishnounA particular manner of expression in writing or speech, especially one regarded as good.broadly countable uncountable
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishnounA particular manner of expression in writing or speech, especially one regarded as good. / A legal or traditional term or formula of words used to address or refer to a person, especially a monarch or a person holding a post or having a title.broadly countable uncountable
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishnounA particular manner of creating, doing, or presenting something, especially a work of architecture or art. / A particular manner of acting or behaving; (specifically) one regarded as fashionable or skilful; flair, grace.countable uncountable
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishnounA particular manner of creating, doing, or presenting something, especially a work of architecture or art. / A particular way in which one grooms, adorns, dresses, or carries oneself; (specifically) a way thought to be attractive or fashionable.countable uncountable
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishnounA particular manner of creating, doing, or presenting something, especially a work of architecture or art. / A visual or other modification to text or other elements of a document, such as boldface or italics.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishnounA particular manner of creating, doing, or presenting something, especially a work of architecture or art. / A set of rules regarding the presentation of text (spelling, typography, the citation of references, etc.) and illustrations that is applied by a publisher to the works it printing publishingcountable uncountable
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishnounA particular manner of creating, doing, or presenting something, especially a work of architecture or art.countable uncountable
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishverbTo design, fashion, make, or arrange in a certain way or form (style)transitive
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishverbTo call or give a name or title to.formal transitive
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishverbTo create for, or give to, someone a style, fashion, or image, particularly one which is regarded as attractive, tasteful, or trendy.informal transitive
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishverbTo act in a way which seeks to show that one possesses style.US informal intransitive
Writing instrumentsܩܢܝܐClassical Syriacnounreed, cane, stem
Writing instrumentsܩܢܝܐClassical Syriacnounstraw, stalk, haulm
Writing instrumentsܩܢܝܐClassical Syriacnounrope of twisted rushes
Writing instrumentsܩܢܝܐClassical Syriacnounreed pen, pen
Writing instrumentsܩܢܝܐClassical Syriacnounshaft, pipe, branch of candlestick
Writing instrumentsܩܢܝܐClassical Syriacnounvarious senses: arm, forearm; elbow; shoulder; scapula, shoulder blade, wingbone; trachea, windpipe; urinary tract, penisanatomy medicine sciences
Writing instrumentsܩܢܝܐClassical Syriacnounscale, balance, beam of balance
Writing instrumentsܩܢܝܐClassical Syriacnounmeasuring rod
Writing instrumentsܩܢܝܐClassical Syriacnounvarious units of measurement: cubit; 8 cubits; 6 fathoms; square rod
Writing instrumentsܩܢܝܐClassical SyriacnameLibra (constellation and zodiac sign)astrology astronomy human-sciences mysticism natural-sciences philosophy sciences
Writing instrumentsܩܢܝܐClassical Syriacnounpossessor, owner, purchaser
Writing instrumentsܩܢܝܐClassical Syriacnounrich man
Writing instrumentsܩܢܝܐClassical Syriacnounqualifier, indicatorgrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
Writing instrumentsܩܢܝܐClassical Syriacnountrophy
ZoologyanimalLatinnounanimaldeclension-3 neuter
ZoologyanimalLatinnounliving creaturedeclension-3 neuter
ZoologyjadPolishnounvenom (toxic secretion of an animal), atterinanimate masculine
ZoologyjadPolishnounhate speech, vitriolfiguratively inanimate masculine
ZoroastrianismاوستاPersiannamethe Avesta
ZoroastrianismاوستاPersiannounAlternative form of استاد (ostâd)alt-of alternative

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