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AcaciasshittahEnglishnounA tree said in the Bible to have furnished the precious wood of which the ark, tables, altars, boards, etc., of the Jewish tabernacle were made; now believed to have been red acacia, of species Vachellia seyal (formerly Acacia seyal).
AcaciasshittahEnglishnounWood of this tree.
Acipenseriform fishvizaSlovenenounvisa
Acipenseriform fishvizaSlovenenounbeluga, European sturgeon (Huso huso)dialectal
Administrative divisionskecamatanIndonesiannoundistrict
Administrative divisionskecamatanIndonesiannounthe third-level administrative division in Indonesia, previously Dutch onderdistrict (“subdistrict”).government
Afterlife回老家Chineseverbto return to one's hometownliterally verb-object
Afterlife回老家Chineseverbto join one's ancestors; to pass awaycolloquial euphemistic figuratively humorous verb-object
AgemłodyPolishadjyoung (in the early part of growth or life; born not long ago; characteristic of such a person or thing)
AgemłodyPolishadjyoung; new, fresh (having been in a particular function or type of person for very few years)
AgemłodyPolishadjyoung (at an early stage of existence or development; having recently come into existence)
AgemłodyPolishadjnew (having grown in the current season)not-comparable usually
AgemłodyPolishadjyoung; immature
AgemłodyPolishadjyoung, budding
AgemłodyPolishadjyouth; earlyMiddle Polish relational
AgemłodyPolishadjinnocentMiddle Polish
AgemłodyPolishadjcrisp; perky; durableMiddle Polish
AgemłodyPolishadjdelicate, weakMiddle Polish
AgemłodyPolishadjjunior (having a lower position in a hierarchy)Middle Polish
AgemłodyPolishadjinexperiencedMiddle Polish
AgemłodyPolishadjThe meaning of this term is uncertain.Middle Polish
AgemłodyPolishnounyoung boycolloquial masculine noun-from-verb person
AgemłodyPolishnoundescendant (one who is the progeny of someone)Middle Polish masculine noun-from-verb person
AgemłodyPolishnounbridegroom, groom (man in the context of his own wedding; one who is going to marry or has just been married)masculine noun-from-verb person
AgemłodyPolishnounnewlyweds (newly married couple)in-plural masculine noun-from-verb person
AgricultureanswerenMiddle EnglishverbTo answer or respond; to offer a response: / To provide an explanation; to justify or refute.lawespecially
AgricultureanswerenMiddle EnglishverbTo answer or respond; to offer a response: / To explain oneself at the Last religion
AgricultureanswerenMiddle EnglishverbTo answer or respond; to offer a response: / To respond to a request for assistance.rare
AgricultureanswerenMiddle EnglishverbTo answer or respond; to offer a response: / To provide one's choice as a response.rare
AgricultureanswerenMiddle EnglishverbTo be responsible for (a task, another person): / To be liable for; to suffer religion
AgricultureanswerenMiddle EnglishverbTo be responsible for (a task, another person): / To be required to appear.rare
AgricultureanswerenMiddle EnglishverbTo match or correspond to (in number or nature)
AgricultureanswerenMiddle EnglishverbTo net; to provide sustenance.rare
AgricultureanswerenMiddle EnglishverbTo pay a tariff or fee on goods.rare
AgriculturefòrNorwegian Nynorsknountravelfeminine
AgriculturefòrNorwegian Nynorsknounfurrowfeminine
AgriculturefòrNorwegian Nynorskverbmisspelling of fór, past of faraalt-of misspelling
AgriculturefòrNorwegian Nynorskverbimperative of fòraform-of imperative
AgriculturemattockEnglishnounAn agricultural tool whose blades are at right angles to the body, similar to a pickaxe.
AgriculturemattockEnglishverbTo cut or dig with a mattock.
AgricultureخرمنOttoman Turkishnounharvest, crop
AgricultureخرمنOttoman Turkishnounthreshing floor
AircraftpikowaćPolishverbto dive in flying (to fly down a steep track towards the ground)imperfective intransitive
AircraftpikowaćPolishverbto sew together (two sheets of fabric with some insulation between them) in a patternimperfective transitive
AircraftpikowaćPolishverbto replant (seedlings) into larger flowerpotsimperfective transitive
AlcoholismprzepijaćPolishverbto outdrink (drink more than someone)imperfective transitive
AlcoholismprzepijaćPolishverbto drink away money, to spend money on alcoholimperfective transitive
AlcoholismprzepijaćPolishverbto sell or pawn something and spend the money on alcoholimperfective transitive
AlcoholismprzepijaćPolishverbto toast someone by drinkingimperfective transitive
AlcoholismprzepijaćPolishverbto overdrink (to drink too much)imperfective reflexive
Amaranth subfamily plants鎌柄Japanesenounsickle handle
Amaranth subfamily plants鎌柄Japanesenounpike gudgeon, Pseudogobio esocinus
Amaranth subfamily plants鎌柄Japanesenounoriental photinia, Pourthiaea villosa
Amaranth subfamily plants鎌柄JapanesenounSynonym of 露草 (tsuyukusa, “Asiatic dayflower, Commelina communis”)
Amaranth subfamily plants鎌柄JapanesenounSynonym of 葉鶏頭 (hageitō, “Chinese amaranth, Amaranthus tricolor”)
Amaranths and goosefootsborlónSpanishnountasselmasculine
Amaranths and goosefootsborlónSpanishnountype of fabric with tasselsmasculine
Amaranths and goosefootsborlónSpanishnounamaranthin-plural masculine
AmmonitesammoniteEnglishnounAny of an extinct group of cephalopods of the subclass Ammonoidea; a fossil shell of such an animal.biology history human-sciences natural-sciences paleontology sciences
AmmonitesammoniteEnglishnounAn explosive prepared from a mixture of TNT and ammonium nitrate; a form of amatol, popular in Eastern Europe and China.uncountable
Amputationtail-sheddingEnglishnountail autotomy, the defensive technique used by some animals (especially some lizards) of shedding their tail to escape a predatoruncountable
Amputationtail-sheddingEnglishnouna tail autotomy eventcountable
AnatomybawdWelshnounthumbfeminine masculine
AnatomybawdWelshnounbig toefeminine masculine
AnatomybawdWelshnounclaw (of crab or lobster)feminine masculine
AnatomybawdWelshnouna flaw or crack in the slatefeminine masculine
AnatomybawdWelshnouna bar projecting from rock face to which ropes are attachedfeminine masculine
AnatomybawdWelshnounpoints, turnoutsfeminine masculine
AnatomychestnutEnglishnounA tree or shrub of the genus Castanea.countable uncountable
AnatomychestnutEnglishnounA nut of this tree or shrub.countable uncountable
AnatomychestnutEnglishnounA dark, reddish-brown colour, as seen on the fruit of the chestnut tree.uncountable
AnatomychestnutEnglishnounA reddish-brown horse.countable uncountable
AnatomychestnutEnglishnounWood of a chestnut tree.uncountable
AnatomychestnutEnglishnounAn old joke; a worn-out meme, phrase, ploy, etc. so often repeated as to have grown tiresome or ineffective (often in the phrase "old chestnut").countable figuratively uncountable
AnatomychestnutEnglishnounA round or oval horny plate found on the inner side of the leg of a horse or other animal, similar to a birthmark on a human.countable uncountable
AnatomychestnutEnglishnounThe horse-chestnut.UK countable uncountable
AnatomychestnutEnglishadjOf a deep reddish-brown colour, like that of a chestnut.not-comparable
AnatomypahaMalaynounthigh (upper leg)
AnatomypahaMalaynouna fourth, a quartermathematics sciencesarchaic
AnatomypahaMalaynouna type of bird; Dicrurus aeneus malayensis
AnatomyprostownikPolishnounextensor (muscle)inanimate masculine
AnatomyprostownikPolishnounrectifier (device that converts alternating current into direct current)inanimate masculine
AnatomyvazioPortugueseadjdevoid of content; emptycomparable
AnatomyvazioPortugueseadjnot significant; insignificantcomparable
AnatomyvazioPortuguesenounvacuum (an empty space)masculine
AnatomyvazioPortuguesenounvoidastronomy natural-sciencesmasculine
AnatomyvazioPortuguesenounemptiness (state or feeling of being empty)figuratively masculine
AnatomyvazioPortuguesenounhypochondriumfamiliar masculine
AnatomyvazioPortuguesenounflankin-plural masculine
AnatomyvazioPortuguesenounflank steakmasculine
AnatomyvazioPortuguesenounyoung wether (castrated ram)masculine
AnatomyvazioPortugueseverbfirst-person singular present indicative of vaziarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
Anemoneae tribe plantsanemoneEnglishnounAny plant of the genus Anemone, of the Ranunculaceae (or buttercup) family, such as the windflower.
Anemoneae tribe plantsanemoneEnglishnounA sea anemone.
Angerblow a gasketEnglishverbTo become very angry or upset.informal
Angerblow a gasketEnglishverbUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see blow, gasket. To cause the seal made by a gasket to fail.
AngerзлойRussianadjwicked, evil, ill-natured
AngerзлойRussianadjmalicious, malevolent, spiteful
AngerзлойRussianadjangry, enraged, "mad"
AngerзлойRussianadjrabid, irate, venomous
AngerзлойRussianadjfierce, severe, bitter
AngerзлойRussianadjill, harmful, evil, bad
AngerзлойRussianadjpungent, stinging, painfully spicyfiguratively
AngerзлойRussianadjmalignantmedicine sciences
Animal body partsunguisLatinnounfingernail, toenailanatomy medicine sciencesdeclension-3 masculine
Animal body partsunguisLatinnountalon, clawdeclension-3 masculine
Animal body partsunguisLatinnounhoofdeclension-3 masculine
Animal soundsscreakEnglishnounshriek; screech
Animal soundsscreakEnglishverbshriek; screech
AnimalsмалпачкаBelarusiannoundiminutive of ма́лпа (málpa)diminutive form-of
Animalsকুকুৰনেচীয়া বাঘAssamesenounwolf
Animalsকুকুৰনেচীয়া বাঘAssameseclassifierMale = -টো, female = -জনী.
Animals動物界Chinesenounanimal kingdom
Apieae tribe plantstillEstoniannoundill (Anethum)
Apieae tribe plantstillEstoniannounpeniscolloquial
Apieae tribe plantstillEstonianintjding, tinkle (high-pitched sound of a bell)
AppearancebrawScotsadjfine, handsome, good
AppearancebrawScotsnounSunday bestin-plural
AppearancebutchEnglishadjVery masculine, with a masculine appearance or attitude.slang
AppearancebutchEnglishnounA lesbian who appears masculine or acts in a masculine manner.LGBT lifestyle sexualitycountable slang
AppearancebutchEnglishverbTo work as a butcher.intransitive nonstandard
AppearancebutchEnglishverbTo slaughter (animals) and prepare (meat) for market.nonstandard transitive
AppearanceguapoSpanishadjgood-looking; handsome, pretty (describes a man or a woman)
AppearanceguapoSpanishadjsmart or elegant
AppearanceguapoSpanishadjbold, fearless
AppearanceguapoSpanishadjangry, upsetDominican-Republic
AppearanceradiantEnglishadjRadiating light and/or heat.
AppearanceradiantEnglishadjEmitted as radiation.
AppearanceradiantEnglishadjBeaming with vivacity and happiness.
AppearanceradiantEnglishadjStrikingly beautiful.
AppearanceradiantEnglishadjEmitting or proceeding as if from a center.
AppearanceradiantEnglishadjGiving off rays; said of a bearing.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
AppearanceradiantEnglishadjHaving a ray-like appearance, like the large marginal flowers of certain umbelliferous plants; said also of the cluster which has such marginal flowers.biology botany natural-sciences
AppearanceradiantEnglishnounA point source from which radiation is emitted.
AppearanceradiantEnglishnounThe apparent origin, in the night sky, of a meteor shower.astronomy natural-sciences
AppearanceradiantEnglishnounA straight line proceeding from a given point, or fixed pole, about which it is conceived to revolve.geometry mathematics sciences
Apple cultivarsšafranasLithuaniannounsaffron (plant; spice)
Apple cultivarsšafranasLithuaniannounPepin Shafrannyi (apple variety)
ArachnidsскорпијаMacedoniannounscorpion (Any of various arachnids of the order Scorpiones.)
ArachnidsскорпијаMacedoniannounScorpioastrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
ArcheryธนูThainoun(คัน~) bow: strip for shooting arrows
ArcheryธนูThainoun(ลูก~) arrow.
ArcheryธนูThainame(astrology, astronomy) Sagittarius.
Architectural elementsgargouilleFrenchnoungargoyle (of water pipe)feminine
Architectural elementsgargouilleFrenchnoungargoyle (of a building)feminine
Architectural elementsgargouilleFrenchverbinflection of gargouiller: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
Architectural elementsgargouilleFrenchverbinflection of gargouiller: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Architectural elementsદાદરોGujaratinounstair, staircase, stairway, used to walk up and down
Architectural elementsદાદરોGujaratinounladder, a portable frame used for ascent and descent
ArchitecturefleringOld Englishnounflooring
ArchitecturefleringOld Englishnounstorey of a building
ArchitecturefleringOld Englishnouna stratum, layer
ArchitecturegrenierFrenchnounattic (space, often unfinished and with sloped walls, directly below the roof)masculine
Artbox artEnglishnounThe illustrations or photography on the box in which a product is packaged.uncountable
Artbox artEnglishnounThe artwork used to promote or represent a video game when it is distributed digitally, without physical uncountable
ArtmodelingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of modelUS form-of gerund participle present
ArtmodelingEnglishnounThe art of sculpting models from clay etc. to create a representation of something.US countable uncountable
ArtmodelingEnglishnounThe representation of depth in a two-dimensional image.US countable uncountable
ArtmodelingEnglishnounThe profession of someone who models clothes.US countable uncountable
ArtmodelingEnglishnounThe construction and use of a computer model of a physical system.mathematics sciencesUS countable uncountable
ArtmodelingEnglishnounThe learning of a new skill by copying other people.US countable uncountable
ArtillerygunnestonMiddle EnglishnounA cannonball; a missile used by a cannon.Late-Middle-English
ArtillerygunnestonMiddle EnglishnounA missile used by a trebuchet or similar device.Late-Middle-English rare
AsiaასჲაLaznamethe regions of the Asian continent excluding Turkey, the Middle East and Siberia; i.e. the central, southern and eastern parts of Asia
Asterales order plantsдзвоникUkrainiannounbell
Asterales order plantsдзвоникUkrainiannounbellflower (plant of the genus Campanula)
Astereae tribe plantsasteriFinnishnounaster (a plant of the genus Aster)
Astereae tribe plantsasteriFinnishnounasterbiology natural-sciences
AsteroidsEgeriaEnglishnameA nymph or minor goddess from Roman mythology.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman
AsteroidsEgeriaEnglishname13 Egeria, a main belt asteroid.astronomy natural-sciences
AsteroidsEgeriaEnglishnounA patroness.
AstrologyдеваBulgariannounmaiden, girl (unmarried young woman)archaic poetic
AstrologyдеваBulgariannouna Virgo (person with the zodiac sign)
AstronomyCallistoLatinnameCallistohuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek declension-4
AstronomyCallistoLatinnameCallisto (moon)New-Latin declension-4
AthletesbiegaczPolishnounrunner (athlete)masculine person
AthletesbiegaczPolishnounmessengermasculine obsolete person
AthletesbiegaczPolishnountumbleweedinanimate masculine
AthletesbiegaczPolishnounA beetle of the genus Carabusanimal-not-person masculine
AthletesskoczekPolishnoundiminutive of skokdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
AthletesskoczekPolishnouna small jump; a hopinanimate masculine
AthletesskoczekPolishnounknightboard-games chess gamesanimal-not-person masculine
AthletesskoczekPolishnounjerboa (dipodid)animal-not-person masculine
AthletesskoczekPolishnounany grasshopper belonging to the genus Omocestusanimal-not-person masculine
AthletesskoczekPolishnounany insect belonging to the suborder Auchenorrhynchaanimal-not-person masculine
AthletesskoczekPolishnouna jumper; an athlete specializing in jumpinghobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine person
AthletesskoczekPolishnounjob-hopper (someone who frequently changes jobs)masculine person
Atmospheric phenomenafogEnglishnounA thick cloud that forms near the ground; the obscurity of such a cloud.uncountable
Atmospheric phenomenafogEnglishnounA mist or film clouding a surface.uncountable
Atmospheric phenomenafogEnglishnounA state of mind characterized by lethargy and confusion.countable figuratively uncountable
Atmospheric phenomenafogEnglishnounA silver deposit or other blur on a negative or developed photographic image.arts hobbies lifestyle photographycountable uncountable
Atmospheric phenomenafogEnglishnounDistance computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
Atmospheric phenomenafogEnglishverbTo become covered with or as if with fog.intransitive
Atmospheric phenomenafogEnglishverbTo become obscured in condensation or water.intransitive
Atmospheric phenomenafogEnglishverbTo become dim or obscure.arts hobbies lifestyle photographyintransitive
Atmospheric phenomenafogEnglishverbTo make dim or obscure.arts hobbies lifestyle photographytransitive
Atmospheric phenomenafogEnglishverbTo spoil (film) via exposure to light other than in the normal process of taking a photograph.arts hobbies lifestyle photographytransitive
Atmospheric phenomenafogEnglishverbTo cover with or as if with fog.transitive
Atmospheric phenomenafogEnglishverbTo disperse insecticide into (a forest canopy) so as to collect organisms.transitive
Atmospheric phenomenafogEnglishverbTo obscure in condensation or water.transitive
Atmospheric phenomenafogEnglishverbTo make confusing or obscure.transitive
Atmospheric phenomenafogEnglishnounA new growth of grass appearing on a field that has been mowed or grazed.uncountable
Atmospheric phenomenafogEnglishnounTall and decaying grass left standing after the cutting or grazing season.UK dialectal uncountable
Atmospheric phenomenafogEnglishnounMoss.Scotland uncountable
Atmospheric phenomenafogEnglishverbTo pasture cattle on the fog (of), or aftergrass, of; to eat off the fog from (a field).transitive
Atmospheric phenomenafogEnglishverbTo become covered with the kind of grass called fog.intransitive
Atmospheric phenomenafogEnglishverbTo practice in a small or mean way; to pettifog.intransitive obsolete
Auto partsmaleterCatalannountrunk (space to carry luggage)masculine
Auto partsmaleterCatalannounluggage vendor or makermasculine
Auto partsmaleterCatalannounporter, baggage carriermasculine
Auto partswindshield wiperEnglishnouna device used to clear rain and dirt from a windshield; normally a pivoting arm with a rubber bladeCanada US
Auto partswindshield wiperEnglishnounAn exercise where the back is parallel to the ground (lying on it or hanging via the arms from a pull-up bar) and the legs are perpendicular to the floor so that the lower torso with the legs is rotated to target the Musculus obliquus externus abdominis, the Musculus quadratus lumborum and the Musculus rectus abdominis.bodybuilding hobbies lifestyle sports
Automotive行車Chineseverbto drive a vehicleformal
Automotive行車Chinesenounmoving vehicledialectal literary
AzerbaijanmanatPolishnounmanatee (marine mammal of the family Trichechidae)animal-not-person masculine
AzerbaijanmanatPolishnounmanat (currency of Azerbaijan)inanimate masculine
AzerbaijanmanatPolishnounmanat (currency of Turkmenistan)inanimate masculine
Baby animalsbudEnglishnounA newly sprouted leaf or blossom that has not yet unfolded.countable uncountable
Baby animalsbudEnglishnounSomething that has begun to develop.countable figuratively uncountable
Baby animalsbudEnglishnounA small rounded body in the process of splitting from an organism, which may grow into a genetically identical new organism.countable uncountable
Baby animalsbudEnglishnounPotent cannabis taken from the flowering part of the plant (the "bud"), or marijuana generally. / Cannabis that has been taken from the flowering part of the plant intended to be smoked.Australia Canada US countable plural-normally slang uncountable usually
Baby animalsbudEnglishnounPotent cannabis taken from the flowering part of the plant (the "bud"), or marijuana generally. / Marijuana.Australia Canada US slang uncountable usually
Baby animalsbudEnglishnounA weaned calf in its first year, so called because the horns are then beginning to bud.countable uncountable
Baby animalsbudEnglishnounA pretty young girl.countable dated uncountable
Baby animalsbudEnglishverbTo form buds.intransitive
Baby animalsbudEnglishverbTo reproduce by splitting off buds.intransitive
Baby animalsbudEnglishverbTo begin to grow, or to issue from a stock in the manner of a bud, as a horn.intransitive
Baby animalsbudEnglishverbTo be like a bud in respect to youth and freshness, or growth and promise.intransitive
Baby animalsbudEnglishverbTo put forth as a bud.transitive
Baby animalsbudEnglishverbTo graft by inserting a bud under the bark of another tree.transitive
Baby animalsbudEnglishnounBuddy, friend.Canada US informal
Baby animalsbudEnglishnounSynonym of guy, term of address for a man or person.Canada informal
Baby animalsvolpicinoItaliannoundiminutive of volpediminutive form-of masculine
Baby animalsvolpicinoItaliannounfox cub (young fox)masculine
Baby animalsяркаRussiannounchilver (a female lamb)
Baby animalsяркаRussianadjshort feminine singular of я́ркий (járkij)feminine form-of short-form singular
Baby animals大頭魚Chinesenounbighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis)colloquial regional
Baby animals大頭魚Chinesenountadpole (toad or frog larva)Hokkien Mandarin Quanzhou Yunnan
Bacterial diseasesветарSerbo-Croatiannounwind
Bacterial diseasesветарSerbo-Croatiannounerysipelas
BagsbakidCebuanonouna container for dry itemshistorical
BagsbakidCebuanonouna dry measure equivalent to the contents of such container; a cavanhistorical
BagsbakidCebuanonouna sackful
BagsbakidCebuanonouna sack
BagssacaPortugueseverbinflection of sacar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
BagssacaPortugueseverbinflection of sacar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
BagsторбинкаUkrainiannoundiminutive of торби́на (torbýna, “a small bag”)diminutive form-of
BagsторбинкаUkrainiannounhandbag, purse (A small bag used chiefly by women for carrying various small personal items)
BarnaclesarneiroGaliciannounacorn barnacle (Semibalanus balanoides)masculine
BarnaclesarneiroGaliciannounsandy placemasculine
BeddingprzewlecPolishverbto pass through, to reeve (to pull something long and thin through something else, e.g. a rope through a hole)perfective transitive
BeddingprzewlecPolishverbto drag, to relocate by draggingperfective transitive
BeddingprzewlecPolishverbto change beddingperfective transitive
BeddingprzewlecPolishverbto drag out, to lengthen, to protract (to extend in duration)perfective transitive
BeddingprzewlecPolishverbto delay, to postpone, to put offperfective transitive
BeddingprzewlecPolishverbto drag oneself along, to tramp, to trudge (to move slowly and with difficulty)perfective reflexive
BeddingprzewlecPolishverbto drag, to go on (to take longer than expected)perfective reflexive
Beescarder beeEnglishnounCommon name for any species of bee in the genus Bombus or in the family Wikipedia:Megachilidae, that collects plant fibre and processes it for nesting material, by activities resembling the carding of fibre.biology entomology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
Beescarder beeEnglishnounCommon name mainly applied to some Bombus species in the northern hemisphere, where they occur widely and are the most familiar species of bees that exhibit carding activity in their nest building, rather than genera such as Anthidium in the Megachilidae, some of which occur in the Northern hemisphere as well and similarly exhibit carding activity .biology entomology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
Beescarder beeEnglishnounIn the southern hemisphere, where Bombus species occur only exceptionally, the common name most familiarly applied to species of bees that exhibit carding activity in their nest building, and are members of genera in the Megachilidae, such as Anthidium, Immanthidium and Afranthidiumbiology entomology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
Beetlesagay-ayCebuanonounexcrement of insects
Beetlesagay-ayCebuanonounwood frass
Beetlesagay-ayCebuanonouna powderpost beetle
Beetlesagay-ayCebuanoverbto flow
BeetlescorcCatalannounworm (name given to the larvae of various beetles and butterflies which live in and consume wood, grains, fruits, etc.)masculine
BeetlesrębaczPolishnounminer extracting coal at the mine facemasculine person
BeetlesrębaczPolishnounone skilled with a sabre and fond of fightingarchaic masculine person
BeetlesrębaczPolishnounlumberjackmasculine obsolete person
BeetlesrębaczPolishnounany longhorn beetle belonging to the genus Rhagiumanimal-not-person masculine
Belarusкандидат наукRussiannounCandidate of Sciences (possessor of a Candidate of Sciences degree)
Belarusкандидат наукRussiannounCandidate of Sciences (first of two doctoral level scientific degrees in Russia and some of the Commonwealth of Independent States)
Belarusкандидат наукRussiannounCandidate of Sciences (first of two doctoral level scientific degrees in the USSR and Czechoslovakia)historical
BerriestungawtungawCebuanonounroseleaf bramble (Rubus rosifolius)
BerriestungawtungawCebuanonounfruit of this plant
BeveragesaguamielSpanishnounmead (alcoholic drink fermented from honey and water)feminine
BeveragesaguamielSpanishnounagave nectar (sweet liquid secreted by plants of the genus Agave)Mexico masculine uncountable
BeveragescacahuapinolliClassical Nahuatlnouna powdered beverage made from toasted and ground cacao beans and maizeinanimate
BeveragescacahuapinolliClassical Nahuatlnouna drink made with this powder; cocoainanimate
BeveragesвӹдWestern Marinounwater
BeveragesвӹдWestern Marinounsap
BeveragesвӹдWestern Marinounriver
BeveragesقهوةArabicnounwineobsolete uncountable usually
BeveragesقهوةArabicnounany psychotropic brew (e.g. qāt, as well as wine or coffee)obsolete uncountable usually
BeveragesقهوةArabicnouncoffee (the drink)uncountable usually
BeveragesقهوةArabicnouncoffee shop, cafécolloquial uncountable usually
Biblical charactersAndrewEnglishnameA male given name from Ancient Greek.countable
Biblical charactersAndrewEnglishnameThe first Apostle in the New Testament.countable uncountable
Biblical charactersAndrewEnglishnameA Scottish and English surname originating as a patronymic.countable
Biblical charactersAndrewEnglishnameA placename / A village in Alberta, Canada.countable uncountable
Biblical charactersAndrewEnglishnameA placename / A city in Iowa, United States.countable uncountable
Biblical charactersAndrewEnglishnameA placename / An unincorporated community in West Virginia, United States.countable uncountable
Biblical charactersAndrewEnglishnameThe Royal Navy.government military naval navy politics warUK countable slang uncountable
Biblical charactersIudasMiddle EnglishnameJudas
Biblical charactersIudasMiddle EnglishnameJude
Biblical charactersZachariahEnglishnameAlternative form of Zechariahalt-of alternative
Biblical charactersZachariahEnglishnameA male given name from Hebrew, variant of Zachary or Zechariah.
Biblical charactersשׂרהYiddishnameSarah (Biblical character)
Biblical charactersשׂרהYiddishnamea female given name: Sarah
Bicycle partscadreFrenchnounframe (of a door or picture)masculine
Bicycle partscadreFrenchnounbackbone (of an organization)masculine
Bicycle partscadreFrenchnounbox, square (on a printed page)masculine
Bicycle partscadreFrenchnounexecutive, middle managerbusinessmasculine
Bicycle partscadreFrenchnounscope, frameworkmasculine
Bicycle partscadreFrenchnouncadregovernment military politics warmasculine
Bicycle partscadreFrenchnouncontext, parametersmasculine
Bicycle partscadreFrenchnounframecycling hobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine
Bicycle partscadreFrenchnounenvironment, settingmasculine
Bicycle partscadreFrenchverbinflection of cadrer: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
Bicycle partscadreFrenchverbinflection of cadrer: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
BiologyjoangMokileseverbto cryintransitive
Birch family plantsშორდიMingreliannounleafy, freshly cut branch
Birch family plantsშორდიMingreliannounyoung alder
Birch family plantsშორდიMingreliannouncut branches; fallen leaves
BirdsandNorwegian Nynorsknouna duck (waterbird)feminine
BirdsandNorwegian Nynorsknounbreath, spiritfeminine
BirdsandNorwegian Nynorskverbimperative of andeform-of imperative
BirdsܕܪܓܐClassical Syriacnounstairway, step
BirdsܕܪܓܐClassical Syriacnounlevel, degree
BirdsܕܪܓܐClassical Syriacnounorder, rank
BirdsܕܪܓܐClassical Syriacnounstate, condition, situation
BirdsܕܪܓܐClassical Syriacnoundignity
BirdsܕܪܓܐClassical Syriacnounoffice
BirdsܕܪܓܐClassical Syriacnounplace
BirdsܕܪܓܐClassical Syriacnountype of bird; francolin, plover, pheasant, partridge, grouse
Bivalvestrùng trụcVietnameseadjround; plumpideophonic
Bivalvestrùng trụcVietnamesenounLanceolaria fruhstorferi
BlackskamagongTagalognounvelvet persimmon or mabolo tree (Diospyros blancoi)
BlackskamagongTagalognounwood of the mabolo tree
BlackskamagongTagalognounfruit of the mabolo tree
BlackskamagongTagalognounebony (color/colour)
BlacksmithingkowadełkoPolishnoundiminutive of kowadłodiminutive form-of neuter
BlacksmithingkowadełkoPolishnounincusanatomy medicine sciencesneuter
BluesCopenhagen blueEnglishnounA greyish blue colour.countable uncountable
BluesCopenhagen blueEnglishadjOf a greyish blue colour.not-comparable
BoasboaPolishnounboa (any snake of the genus Boa)animal-not-person indeclinable masculine
BoasboaPolishnounboa (type of long scarf; typically made from synthetic or real feathers (or occasionally fur), and usually worn by being draped across the shoulders with the ends hanging low, sometimes also with a loop around the neck)indeclinable neuter
Bodies of waterpuddleEnglishnounA small, often temporary, pool of water, usually on a path or road.
Bodies of waterpuddleEnglishnounStagnant or polluted water.dialectal
Bodies of waterpuddleEnglishnounA homogeneous mixture of clay, water, and sometimes grit, used to line a canal or pond to make it watertight.
Bodies of waterpuddleEnglishnounThe ripple left by the withdrawal of an oar from the water.hobbies lifestyle rowing sports
Bodies of waterpuddleEnglishverbTo form a puddle.
Bodies of waterpuddleEnglishverbTo play or splash in a puddle.
Bodies of waterpuddleEnglishverbOf butterflies, to congregate on a puddle or moist substance to pick up nutrients.biology entomology natural-sciences
Bodies of waterpuddleEnglishverbTo process iron, gold, etc., by means of puddling.
Bodies of waterpuddleEnglishverbTo line a canal with puddle (clay).
Bodies of waterpuddleEnglishverbTo collect ideas, especially abstract concepts, into rough subtopics or categories, as in study, research or conversation.
Bodies of waterpuddleEnglishverbTo make (clay, loam, etc.) dense or close, by working it when wet, so as to render impervious to water.
Bodies of waterpuddleEnglishverbTo make foul or muddy; to pollute with dirt; to mix dirt with (water).
Bodies of waterمحيطArabicadjwhole
Bodies of waterمحيطArabicadjoverall
Bodies of waterمحيطArabicadjthorough
Bodies of waterمحيطArabicnounocean
Bodies of waterمحيطArabicnounsurroundings
Bodies of waterمحيطArabicnounenvironment
Bodies of waterمحيطArabicnouncircumference
Bodies of waterمحيطArabicnounperimeter
Bodies of waterمحيطArabicnounentourage
Bodies of waterプールJapanesenouna swimming pool, a poolhobbies lifestyle sports swimming
Bodies of waterプールJapanesenounpool, a game at billiardsball-games billiards games hobbies lifestyle sports
Bodies of waterプールJapaneseverbpool, put together
Bodies of water大海Chinesenounocean; sea (as a whole)
Bodies of water大海Chinesenounlarge bowl or wine cupliterary
Bodily fluidscyprineFrenchnouna blue variety of vesuvianitechemistry geography geology mineralogy natural-sciences physical-sciencesfeminine
Bodily fluidscyprineFrenchnounvaginal lubrication, vaginal fluidlifestyle sex sexualityfeminine
Bodily fluidsfleumaPortuguesenounphlegm (historical: humour)feminine
Bodily fluidsfleumaPortuguesenountranquillity; calmnessfeminine uncountable
Bodily fluidsgolden showerEnglishnounA large, liberal bestowal of money or other financial benefits.
Bodily fluidsgolden showerEnglishnounThe plant species Cassia fistula.
Bodily fluidsgolden showerEnglishnounThe act of a person urinating on another, usually for the sexual gratification of one or both sexualityslang
Bodily fluidsgòmitEmiliannounvomiting, emesisModena masculine
Bodily fluidsgòmitEmiliannounvomit, sick, vomitusModena masculine
Bodily fluids피지KoreannameFiji (a country in Oceania)
Bodily fluids피지Koreannounsebum
BodysálOld Irishnounsalt water, brine, seawatermasculine
BodysálOld Irishnounsea, oceanbroadly masculine poetic
BodysálOld Irishnounheelfeminine
Body partsbalonikPolishnoundiminutive of balonaeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
Body partsbalonikPolishnounbreathalyzercolloquial inanimate masculine
Body partspānumAkkadiannounfront, front partmasculine
Body partspānumAkkadiannounsurfacemasculine
Body partspānumAkkadiannounlooks, appearancemasculine
Body partspānumAkkadiannounpast, past timemasculine
Body partspānumAkkadiannounwish, choice, intention, plan, purpose, concern, consideration, opinionmasculine
Body partspānumAkkadiannounreciprocalmathematics sciencesmasculine
Body partspānumAkkadiannounface, visagein-plural masculine
Body partspānumAkkadiannoundignity, prestigein-plural masculine
Body partspānumAkkadiannouna pānu (a large measuring basket)masculine
Body partspānumAkkadiannounbushel (a dry capacity measure, equal to 60 qûm in Old Babylonian and 36 qûm in Neo-Babylonian, i.e. 1/5 of a kurrum (“kor”))Babylonian masculine
Body partsuchtIrishnounchestmasculine
Body partsuchtIrishnounbreast, bosommasculine
Body partsuchtIrishnounlapmasculine
Body parts🍑TranslingualsymbolAn emoji representing a peach.
Body parts🍑TranslingualsymbolRepresents a pair of buttocks.Internet euphemistic
BonesطوپوقOttoman Turkishnounanklebone, talus, astragalus, the bone of the ankle
BonesطوپوقOttoman Turkishnounheel, the rear part of the foot, where it joins the leg
BonesطوپوقOttoman Turkishnounfetlock, the joint between the cannon bone and the pastern
BonesطوپوقOttoman Turkishnounsandbar, a ridge or spit of sand at the mouth of a river
Books of the BibleExodusGermannounexodus (sudden departure)masculine strong
Books of the BibleExodusGermannameExodus (second book of the Bible, following Genesis)lifestyle religionmasculine proper-noun strong
Boroughs in EnglandSouthamptonEnglishnameA city and unitary authority in Hampshire, in southern England
Boroughs in EnglandSouthamptonEnglishnameHampshirehistorical
Boroughs in EnglandSouthamptonEnglishnamea barony in the peerage of Great Britain
Boroughs in EnglandSouthamptonEnglishnameA place in Canada: / A rural community and parish of York County, New Brunswick.
Boroughs in EnglandSouthamptonEnglishnameA place in Canada: / A community of Cumberland County, Nova Scotia.
Boroughs in EnglandSouthamptonEnglishnameA place in Canada: / A community of Bruce County, Ontario.
Boroughs in EnglandSouthamptonEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Hampshire County, Massachusetts.
Boroughs in EnglandSouthamptonEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A neighbourhood of St. Louis, Missouri.
Boroughs in EnglandSouthamptonEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A township in Burlington County, New Jersey.
Boroughs in EnglandSouthamptonEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town and village in Suffolk County, Long Island, New York.
Boroughs in EnglandSouthamptonEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Upper Southampton Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
Boroughs in EnglandSouthamptonEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / Four townships, in Bedford County, Cumberland County, Franklin County and Somerset County, Pennsylvania.
Boroughs in EnglandSouthamptonEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A neighbourhood of Houston, Texas.
Boroughs in EnglandSouthamptonEnglishnameA parish in Bermuda.
BotanyescapoGalicianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of escaparfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
BotanyhlízaCzechnounHymenogaster, genus of fungi from the family Strophariaceaefeminine
BotanyhlízaCzechnounWakefieldia, genus of fungifeminine
BotanyjehliceCzechnounneedle (leaf of conifer)feminine
BotanyjehliceCzechnounknitting needlefeminine
BrainkōmālijMarshallesenouna brain
BrainkōmālijMarshallesenounmashed taro or potato
Brass instrumentstrompeFrenchnountrumpetfeminine
Brass instrumentstrompeFrenchnountrunk of an elephantfeminine
Brass instrumentstrompeFrenchnounsquinchfeminine
Brass instrumentstrompeFrenchverbinflection of tromper: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
Brass instrumentstrompeFrenchverbinflection of tromper: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
BreadsfiloneItaliannounseam, lode (thin stratum of coal or mineral)geography geology natural-sciencesmasculine
BreadsfiloneItaliannounthalweggeography geology natural-sciencesmasculine
BreadsfiloneItaliannouncultural tradition, genrefiguratively masculine
BreadsfiloneItaliannounVienna loafbaking cooking food lifestylemasculine
Breastfeedingwet nurseEnglishnounA woman hired to suckle another woman's child.
Breastfeedingwet nurseEnglishnounSomeone who treats someone else with excessive care.broadly figuratively
Breastfeedingwet nurseEnglishverbTo act as a wet nurse (in either sense).transitive
BroadcastingVTCVietnamesenameAbbreviation of VTC Digital Television.abbreviation alt-of
BroadcastingVTCVietnamesenameAbbreviation of Vietnam Multimedia Corporation.abbreviation alt-of
BrownstinalabanTagalogverbcomplete aspect of talaban
BrownstinalabanTagalognountawny colorobsolete
Building materialspebble dashEnglishnounA coating of small pebbles sprayed onto soft plaster or cement, used as decoration on exterior walls.countable uncountable
Building materialspebble dashEnglishverbTo apply pebble dash to a wall.
Building materials木頭Chinesenounwood; log; timber (Classifier: 塊/块 m; 根 m)
Building materials木頭ChinesenounAlternative name for 木頭人/木头人 (mùtourén).alt-of alternative name
Building materials木頭Chinesenouncoffindialectal euphemistic
Building materials木頭Chinesenounwooden clappers (small, rectangular, high-pitched wood block used in Jin opera)entertainment lifestyle musicJin
BuildingskazerneDutchnounbase (e.g. a fire station, or an army base, etc.)feminine
BuildingsmicrohouseEnglishnounA subgenre of house music strongly influenced by minimalism and 1990s techno.uncountable
BuildingsmicrohouseEnglishnounSynonym of microhomecountable
BuildingssineCebuanonounfilm; movie
BuildingssineCebuanonouncinema; movie theaterdated
BuildingsthápVietnamesenouna pagodaBuddhism lifestyle religionespecially
BuildingsthápVietnamesenouna tower
BuildingsthápVietnamesenouna temple or temple complexHinduism
BuildingsシアターJapanesenountheater (movie theater)
BuildingsシアターJapanesenountheater (playhouse)
BurialhypogéeFrenchadjfeminine singular of hypogéfeminine form-of singular
BurialpochowaćPolishverbto bury, to interperfective transitive
BurialpochowaćPolishverbto bury oneself (to hide in various places)perfective reflexive
BurialpochowaćPolishverbto bury oneself (to stop being visible)perfective reflexive
BurialthroughEnglishprepFrom one side of an opening to the other.
BurialthroughEnglishprepEntering, then later leaving.
BurialthroughEnglishprepSurrounded by (while moving).
BurialthroughEnglishprepBy means of.
BurialthroughEnglishprepIn consequence of; as a result of.
BurialthroughEnglishprepDuring a period of time; throughout
BurialthroughEnglishprepTo (or up to) and including, with all intermediate values.Canada US
BurialthroughEnglishadjPassing from one side of something to the other.not-comparable
BurialthroughEnglishadjFinished; complete.not-comparable
BurialthroughEnglishadjWithout a future; done for.not-comparable
BurialthroughEnglishadjNo longer interested; wearied or turned off by experience.not-comparable
BurialthroughEnglishadjProceeding from origin to destination without delay due to change of equipment.not-comparable
BurialthroughEnglishadjIn possession of the ball beyond the last line of defence but not necessarily the goalkeeper; through on goal.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsnot-comparable
BurialthroughEnglishadj(usually followed by "to") to achieve success in an exam, competition, etc. and progress to the next stage or a higher level.Commonwealth Ireland UK not-comparable rare
BurialthroughEnglishadvFrom one side to the other by way of the interior.not-comparable
BurialthroughEnglishadvFrom one end to the other.not-comparable
BurialthroughEnglishadvThroughout something; all the way across or into.not-comparable
BurialthroughEnglishadvTo the end.not-comparable
BurialthroughEnglishadvFrom beginning to end.not-comparable
BurialthroughEnglishadvOut into the open.not-comparable
BurialthroughEnglishnounA large slab of stone laid in a dry-stone wall from one side to the other; a perpend.
BurialthroughEnglishnounA coffin, sarcophagus or tomb of stone; a large slab of stone laid on a tomb.obsolete
Buttercup family plantsчернушкаRussiannounwoman or girl with a rich, dark complexion, dark-brown eyes and black hair
Buttercup family plantsчернушкаRussiannounblack cumin herb or flower (Nigella sativa), also called Roman coriander, black caraway, black seed, nutmeg flower or love in the mist
Buttercup family plantsчернушкаRussiannounmushroom of Russula adusta species
ButtonsjumpEnglishverbTo propel oneself rapidly upward, downward and/or in any horizontal direction such that momentum causes the body to become airborne.intransitive
ButtonsjumpEnglishverbTo cause oneself to leave an elevated location and fall downward.intransitive
ButtonsjumpEnglishverbTo pass by a spring or leap; to overleap.transitive
ButtonsjumpEnglishverbTo employ a parachute to leave an aircraft or elevated location.intransitive
ButtonsjumpEnglishverbTo react to a sudden, often unexpected, stimulus (such as a sharp prick or a loud sound) by jerking the body violently.intransitive
ButtonsjumpEnglishverbTo increase sharply, to rise, to shoot up.figuratively intransitive
ButtonsjumpEnglishverbTo employ a move in certain board games where one game piece is moved from one legal position to another passing over the position of another piece.intransitive
ButtonsjumpEnglishverbTo move to a position (in a queue/line) that is further forward.transitive
ButtonsjumpEnglishverbTo pass (a traffic light) when it is indicating that one should stop.transitive
ButtonsjumpEnglishverbTo attack suddenly and violently.transitive
ButtonsjumpEnglishverbTo engage in sexual intercourse with (a person).slang transitive
ButtonsjumpEnglishverbTo cause to jump.transitive
ButtonsjumpEnglishverbTo move the distance between two opposing subjects.transitive
ButtonsjumpEnglishverbTo increase the height of a tower crane by inserting a section at the base of the tower and jacking up everything above it.transitive
ButtonsjumpEnglishverbTo increase speed aggressively and without warning.cycling hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive
ButtonsjumpEnglishverbTo expose to danger; to risk; to hazard.obsolete transitive
ButtonsjumpEnglishverbTo join by a buttweld.arts crafts hobbies lifestyle smithworktransitive
ButtonsjumpEnglishverbTo thicken or enlarge by endwise blows; to upset.
ButtonsjumpEnglishverbTo bore with a mining quarrying
ButtonsjumpEnglishverbTo jump-start a car or other vehicle with a dead battery, as with jumper cables.
ButtonsjumpEnglishverbTo coincide; to agree; to accord; to tally; followed by with.obsolete
ButtonsjumpEnglishverbTo start executing code from a different location, rather than following the program counter.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciencesintransitive
ButtonsjumpEnglishverbTo flee; to make one's escape.archaic intransitive slang
ButtonsjumpEnglishverbTo shift one's position or attitude, especially suddenly and significantly.figuratively intransitive
ButtonsjumpEnglishverbTo switch locations on chromosomes.biology natural-sciencesintransitive
ButtonsjumpEnglishnounThe act of jumping; a leap; a spring; a bound.
ButtonsjumpEnglishnounAn effort; an attempt; a venture.
ButtonsjumpEnglishnounA dislocation in a stratum; a mining
ButtonsjumpEnglishnounAn abrupt interruption of level in a piece of brickwork or masonry.architecture
ButtonsjumpEnglishnounAn instance of propelling oneself upwards.
ButtonsjumpEnglishnounAn object which causes one to jump; a ramp.
ButtonsjumpEnglishnounAn instance of causing oneself to fall from an elevated location.
ButtonsjumpEnglishnounAn instance of employing a parachute to leave an aircraft or elevated location.
ButtonsjumpEnglishnounAn instance of reacting to a sudden stimulus by jerking the body.
ButtonsjumpEnglishnounA jumping move in a board game.
ButtonsjumpEnglishnounA button (of a joypad, joystick or similar device) used to make a video game character jump (propel itself upwards).
ButtonsjumpEnglishnounAn obstacle that forms part of a showjumping course, and that the horse has to jump over cleanly.equestrianism hobbies horses lifestyle pets sports
ButtonsjumpEnglishnounAn early start or an advantage.with-on
ButtonsjumpEnglishnounA discontinuity in the graph of a function, where the function is continuous in a punctured interval of the discontinuity.mathematics sciences
ButtonsjumpEnglishnounAn abrupt increase in the height of the surface of a flowing liquid at the location where the flow transitions from supercritical to subcritical, involving an abrupt reduction in flow speed and increase in turbulence.geography hydrodynamics hydrology natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
ButtonsjumpEnglishnounAn instance of faster-than-light travel, not observable from ordinary space.literature media publishing science-fiction
ButtonsjumpEnglishnounA change of the path of execution to a different location.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
ButtonsjumpEnglishnounShort for jump-start.automotive transport vehiclesUS abbreviation alt-of informal
ButtonsjumpEnglishnounClipping of jump cut.broadcasting film media televisionabbreviation alt-of clipping
ButtonsjumpEnglishnounSynonym of one-night stand (“single evening's performance”)entertainment lifestyle theater
ButtonsjumpEnglishadvExactly; preciselynot-comparable obsolete
ButtonsjumpEnglishadjExact; matched; fitting; precise.obsolete
ButtonsjumpEnglishnounA kind of loose jacket for men.
Byzantine EmpireВізантіяUkrainiannamethe Byzantine Empireuncountable
Byzantine EmpireВізантіяUkrainiannamegenitive singular of Віза́нтій (Vizántij)form-of genitive singular
Caesalpinia subfamily plantssennaEnglishnounAny of several plants of the tribe Cassieae, especially those of the genera Cassia and Senna, whose leaves and pods are used as a purgative and laxative.countable
Caesalpinia subfamily plantssennaEnglishnounThe dried leaves or pods of these plants (especially of Senna alexandrina, syn. Cassia angustifolia or Cassia acutifolia), used medicinally.uncountable
Caesalpinia subfamily plantssennaEnglishnounsenna glycoside, a laxative.medicine sciencescountable uncountable
Cakes and pastrieskartofelekPolishnoundiminutive of kartofeldiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
Cakes and pastrieskartofelekPolishnounrum ball (round sweet made of dense cake or biscuit flavoured with chocolate and rum)inanimate masculine
CamelidsalpacaCatalannounalpaca (animal, fiber, and textile)feminine
CamelidsalpacaCatalannounnickel silverfeminine
CanidsگدڑPunjabinouna coward; chickenfiguratively
Card gamesdziesiątkaPolishnounten (name of the number)feminine
Card gamesdziesiątkaPolishnounten (a set or group with ten elements)feminine
Card gamesdziesiątkaPolishnounsomething assigned the number ten: bus line, road, candidate on a ballot, etc.feminine metonymically
Card gamesdziesiątkaPolishnountencard-games gamesfeminine
Card gamesreshuffleEnglishverbTo shuffle something again, especially playing cards.
Card gamesreshuffleEnglishverbTo reorganize or rearrange something, especially government posts.
Card gamesreshuffleEnglishnounan instance of reshuffling, a reorganization
Card gamesrommiFinnishnounrum (liquor)
Card gamesrommiFinnishnounrummy (card game)
Card gamesчетворкаMacedoniannounfoursome
Card gamesчетворкаMacedoniannounfour (name of the number)
Card gamesчетворкаMacedoniannounB (grade)
Carnation family plantsherniariaSpanishnounplant of the genus Herniaria; rupturewort.feminine
Carnation family plantsherniariaSpanishadjfeminine singular of herniariofeminine form-of singular
Carnation family plantssweet williamEnglishnounA flowering plant, Dianthus barbatus, in the family Caryophyllaceae, native to the mountains of southern Europe from the Pyrenees east to the Carpathians and the Balkans.uncountable usually
Carnation family plantssweet williamEnglishnounVarious dogfish, especially when sold as food.uncountable usually
CattlejḥwEgyptiannounplural of jḥ (“ox”): cattleform-of plural
Celery family plantstrzebulaPolishnounAnthriscus gen. et spp.feminine
Celery family plantstrzebulaPolishnounScandix spp.feminine
Celery family plantstrzebulaPolishnounMyrrhis spp.feminine
Celestial inhabitantsSeleniteEnglishnounSynonym of Lunarian (“inhabitant of the Moon”).literature media publishing science-fiction
Celestial inhabitantsSeleniteEnglishadjPertaining to the inhabitants of Luna (Lunarians/Selenites).literature media publishing science-fictionnot-comparable
Cervidsmoose deerEnglishnounan elkarchaic
Cervidsmoose deerEnglishnounA moose (Alces americanus)archaic
CheeseschèvreFrenchnoungoat (species)feminine
CheeseschèvreFrenchnounshe-goat (individual female animal)feminine
CheeseschèvreFrenchnoungoat cheese, goat's cheesemasculine
Chemical elementskapaMaorinounteam, group
Chemical elementskapaMaorinounrow, line
Chemical elementskapaMaorinouncopper
Chemical reactionsreversibleEnglishadjAble to be reversed.not-comparable
Chemical reactionsreversibleEnglishadjAble to be worn inside out.not-comparable
Chemical reactionsreversibleEnglishadjCapable of proceeding in either direction.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesnot-comparable
Chemical reactionsreversibleEnglishadjCapable of returning to the original state.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsnot-comparable
Chemical reactionsreversibleEnglishadjCapable of returning to the original state without consumption of free energy and increase of entropy.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics thermodynamicsnot-comparable
Chemical reactionsreversibleEnglishadjProviding sufficient reason for a court decision to be overturned on appeal.lawnot-comparable
Chemical reactionsreversibleEnglishnounA garment that can be worn inside out.
Cheshire, EnglandWirralianEnglishnounAn inhabitant of the Wirral peninsula.
Cheshire, EnglandWirralianEnglishadjFrom or pertaining to the Wirral peninsula.
ChessskoczekPolishnoundiminutive of skokdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
ChessskoczekPolishnouna small jump; a hopinanimate masculine
ChessskoczekPolishnounknightboard-games chess gamesanimal-not-person masculine
ChessskoczekPolishnounjerboa (dipodid)animal-not-person masculine
ChessskoczekPolishnounany grasshopper belonging to the genus Omocestusanimal-not-person masculine
ChessskoczekPolishnounany insect belonging to the suborder Auchenorrhynchaanimal-not-person masculine
ChessskoczekPolishnouna jumper; an athlete specializing in jumpinghobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine person
ChessskoczekPolishnounjob-hopper (someone who frequently changes jobs)masculine person
ChessслонUkrainiannounbishopboard-games chess games
ChessਹਾਥੀPunjabinouncastle, rookboard-games chess games
ChessขุนThainounchief, lord, master, leader; ruler, administrator, person in authority, person in charge; monarch, sovereign; also used as an honorific.archaic
ChessขุนThainounthe Thai noble rank above หมื่น (mʉ̀ʉn) and below หลวง (lǔuang); holder of this rank.historical
ChessขุนThainounking.board-games chess games
ChessขุนThaiadjchief; leading; principal; main; major.
ChessขุนThaiverbto feed.
ChessขุนThaiverbto fatten.
ChickensakankoshiꞌChickasawnounegg (of a chicken)alienable
ChildrenschootkindDutchnouna small child, easy to take on an adult's lapneuter
ChildrenschootkindDutchnouna child which enjoys sitting on the lapneuter
ChildrenschootkindDutchnouna coddled, pampered childfiguratively neuter
ChildrenβρέφοςAncient Greeknounbaby, infant
ChildrenβρέφοςAncient Greeknounbabe in the womb, foetus/fetus
Chinese華語ChinesenounMandarin Chinese; (standard) ChineseIndonesia Malaysia Philippines Singapore Taiwan
Chinese華語Chinesenounthe language of China (華夏/华夏); Chinesehistorical
Chinese華語Chinesenounwords of praiseClassical
Chinese era names永樂Chinesename(historical) the Yongle Emperor (the third emperor of the Ming dynasty)
Chinese era names永樂Chinesenamethe Yongle era (a Chinese era name; the era of that emperor's reign, from 1403 to 1424)historical
Chinese era names永樂ChinesenameYongle Palace (built in Shanxi province during the Yuan dynasty)
Chinese era names永樂ChinesenameAlternative name for 長樂宮/长乐宫 (Chánglègōng, “Changle Palace, the Chang'an home of the empress dowager during the Han dynasty”).alt-of alternative name
Chinese era names永樂ChinesenameYongle (name of various towns in China)
Chinese era names永樂ChinesenameYongle (name of various towns in China) / Yongle (a town in Fengjie, Chongqing, China)
Chinese numeral symbolsChinesecharacterOnly used in 什麼/什么 (shénme).
Chinese numeral symbolsChinesecharacterten familiesobsolete
Chinese numeral symbolsChinesecharactertroop of ten menobsolete
Chinese numeral symbolsChinesecharacterset of ten poemsobsolete
Chinese numeral symbolsChinesecharacterAlternative form of 十 (shí, “ten”), usually used in fractions or multiples.alt-of alternative obsolete
Chinese numeral symbolsChinesecharactermiscellaneous; assorted
Chinese numeral symbolsChinesecharacterAlternative form of 雜/杂 (zá)alt-of alternative
Chinese numeral symbolsChinesecharactera surname
Chinese numeral symbolsChinesecharacterOnly used in 通什.
Chinese numeral symbolsChinesecharacterAlternative form of 啥 (“what”)Hokkien alt-of alternative
Chinese politicsCCPEnglishnameInitialism of Chinese Communist Party. (Communist Party of China)abbreviation alt-of initialism
Chinese politicsCCPEnglishnameInitialism of Cultural Center of the Philippines.Philippines abbreviation alt-of initialism
Chinese politicsCCPEnglishnounInitialism of critical control point.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Chinese politicsCCPEnglishnounInitialism of complete cleft palate.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Chinese politicsCCPEnglishnounInitialism of cubic close-packed.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism physical
Chinese politicsCCPEnglishnounInitialism of central financeabbreviation alt-of initialism
ChordatesstrunowiecPolishnounchordate (any animal of the phylum Chordata)animal-not-person masculine
ChordatesstrunowiecPolishnounstringed instrument, chordophone (musical instrument that produces sound from vibrating strings when a performer plays or sounds the strings in some manner)colloquial
ChristianitycrucifierMiddle EnglishnounOne who crucifies.Late-Middle-English
ChristianitycrucifierMiddle EnglishnounAn enemy of Christianity.Late-Middle-English figuratively
ChristianityсвященствоRussiannounpriesthood (the role or office of a priest)lifestyle religion
ChristianityсвященствоRussiannounpriesthood (priests, collectively)lifestyle religion
ChristianityсвященствоRussiannoundivine power, gracelifestyle religion
CichlidsSchmetterlingsfischGermannouna butterfly fish of the cichlid family Pantodontidaemasculine strong
CichlidsSchmetterlingsfischGermannouna butterflyfish of the family Chaetodontidaemasculine strong
Cities in the Parthian EmpireCharaxEnglishnameVarious former cities in Southwest Asia, including / A former city in Rhagiana, now within modern Iran.historical
Cities in the Parthian EmpireCharaxEnglishnameVarious former cities in Southwest Asia, including / A former city and seaport on the Persian Gulf, now within modern Iraq.historical
Cities in the Parthian EmpireCharaxEnglishnameVarious former cities in Southwest Asia, including / Former name of Aydin, a city in southwestern Turkey.historical
Climbingescalade sur glaceFrenchnounice climbingfeminine uncountable
Climbingescalade sur glaceFrenchnounice climbcountable feminine
ClothingalainIngriannounSynonym of alaisin (“anvil”)
ClothingalainIngrianadjbeing under ...not-comparable
ClothingalainIngrianadjdependent on...not-comparable
ClothingbaggyEnglishadjOf clothing, very loose-fitting, so as to hang away from the body.
ClothingbaggyEnglishadjOf or relating to a British music genre of the 1980s and 1990s, influenced by Madchester and psychedelia and associated with baggy clothing.entertainment lifestyle music
ClothingbaggyEnglishadjOf writing, etc.: overwrought; flabby; having too much padding.figuratively
ClothingbaggyEnglishnounA member of the 1980/90s British music and fashion movement.UK
ClothingbaggyEnglishnounA small plastic bag, as for sandwiches.
ClothingbaggyEnglishnounSuch a bag filled with marijuana.
ClothinglejbaPolishnounheavy rain, downpourdialectal feminine
ClothinglejbaPolishnounbaggy dresscolloquial feminine
ClothinglevitaCatalannounfrock coatfeminine
ClothinglevitaCatalannounLeviteby-personal-gender feminine historical masculine
ClothinglevitaCatalanverbinflection of levitar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
ClothinglevitaCatalanverbinflection of levitar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
ClothingsarkScotsnouna man's shirt
ClothingsarkScotsnouna woman's shift or chemise
ClothingsarkScotsverbto clothe in or provide with a shirt
ClothingsarkScotsverbto cover the rafters of a roof with wooden boards, line a roof with wood for the slates to be nailed on
ClothingsukněCzechnounlocative singular of suknoform-of locative neuter singular
ClothingternoSpanishnounset of three, triomasculine
ClothingternoSpanishnounthree-piece suitmasculine
ClothingternoSpanishnounsuit (set of clothes)Bolivia Chile Ecuador Peru masculine
ClothingternoSpanishnounswearwordcolloquial masculine
ClothingternoSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of ternarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
ClothingunderdressedEnglishadjInsufficiently dressed, as for cold weather.
ClothingunderdressedEnglishadjInsufficiently well-dressed, as for a formal event.
ClothingunderdressedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of underdressform-of participle past
ClothingтеніскаUkrainiannountennis shirt
CloudschmuraPolishnouncloudcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesfeminine
Cnidarians海松Japanesenounthe green sea or dead man's fingers, Codium fragile
Cnidarians海松JapanesenounShort for 海松色 (miruiro): a dark yellowish-green colorabbreviation alt-of
Cnidarians海松Japanesenouna pine tree on the seashore
Cnidarians海松JapanesenounSynonym of 海唐松 (umi karamatsu): a coral of the family Antipathidae
Cnidarians海松Japanesenounthe green sea or dead man's fingers, Codium fragilecolloquial
CoalgangerEnglishnounOne who or that which walks or goes; a goer; a walker.Scotland
CoalgangerEnglishnounA horse that goes quickly.
CoalgangerEnglishnounOne who oversees a gang of rail-transport railways transport
CoalgangerEnglishnounOne who is employed in conveying the coal through the gangways.
CoalgangerEnglishnounA length of chain, one end of which is fastened to an anchor when let go, when the other end is fastened to a hawser.nautical transport
CocktailsFourth of JulyEnglishnameThe national holiday of Independence Day in the United States, celebrated on the fourth day in July to mark the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain in 1776.
CocktailsFourth of JulyEnglishnounA cocktail containing one part grenadine syrup, one part vodka, and one part blue curaçao, reminiscent of the red, white, and blue colours of the United States flag, often poured in layers so that the colours do not mix when the drink is served.US
CoinscapitoLatinnounone who has a large headdeclension-3
CoinscapitoLatinnouna kind of mullet (fish)declension-3
CoinscapitoLatinnouna tree trunkMedieval-Latin declension-3
CoinscapitoLatinnouna kind of silver coinage under Louis XII of FranceMedieval-Latin declension-3
CoinscapitoLatinnounan andiron, a fire dogMedieval-Latin declension-3
CoinscapitoLatinverbsecond/third-person singular future active imperative of capiōactive form-of future imperative second-person singular third-person
CoinsdobrãoPortuguesenoundoubloon (former Spanish gold coin)masculine
CoinsdobrãoPortuguesenouna gold coin minted by the Portuguese in the early 18th centurymasculine
CoinsdobrãoPortuguesenouna copper coin formerly used in northeastern Brazilmasculine
CoinsdobrãoPortuguesenoundobrão (a small piece of hard material (often a coin or pebble) pressed against the string of a berimbau in order to change its pitch and timbre)entertainment lifestyle musicmasculine
CoinsdobrãoPortugueseverbObsolete spelling of dobram.alt-of obsolete
CollectivesbrygadaPolishnounbrigade (organized group of people)feminine
CollectivesbrygadaPolishnounbrigade (military unit)government military politics warfeminine
CollectivesmovementEnglishnounPhysical motion between points in space.countable uncountable
CollectivesmovementEnglishnounA system or mechanism for transmitting motion of a definite character, or for transforming motion, such as the wheelwork of a natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
CollectivesmovementEnglishnounThe impression of motion in an artwork, painting, novel etc.countable uncountable
CollectivesmovementEnglishnounA trend in various fields or social categories, a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals.countable uncountable
CollectivesmovementEnglishnounA large division of a larger composition.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
CollectivesmovementEnglishnounMelodic progression, accentual character, tempo or pace.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
CollectivesmovementEnglishnounAn instance of an aircraft taking off or landing.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
CollectivesmovementEnglishnounThe deviation of a pitch from ballistic flight.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
CollectivesmovementEnglishnounA pattern in which pairs change opponents and boards move from table to table in duplicate bridge.bridge gamescountable uncountable
CollectivesmovementEnglishnounAn act of emptying the bowels.countable uncountable
CollectivesmovementEnglishnounMotion of the mind or feelings; emotion.countable obsolete uncountable
CollectivesszpalerPolishnounallee, alameda, boulevard (tree-lined avenue)inanimate masculine
CollectivesszpalerPolishnountwo parallel rows of people that form a pathway through which other people may walk, e.g. during certain ceremoniesinanimate masculine
CollectivesvestryEnglishnounA room in a church where the clergy put on their vestments and where these are stored; also used for meetings and classes; a sacristy.
CollectivesvestryEnglishnounA committee of parishioners elected to administer the temporal affairs of a parish.
CollectivesvestryEnglishnounAn assembly of persons who manage parochial affairs; so called because usually held in a vestry.
ColorsdathIrishnouncolour, pigmentmasculine
ColorsmaputiIranunadjwhite (bright and colourless)
ColorsmaputiIranunnounwhite (colour)
ColorsιώδηςGreekadjviolet, purple, lilac, mauve
ColorsܡܝܩܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicadjindigo
ColorsܡܝܩܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounindigo (flower)
ColorsܡܝܩܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounindigo (colour)
ColumbidspigeonEnglishnounOne of several birds of the family Columbidae, which consists of more than 300 species.countable uncountable
ColumbidspigeonEnglishnounThe meat from this bird.uncountable
ColumbidspigeonEnglishnounA person who is a target or victim of a confidence game.Canada US countable informal uncountable
ColumbidspigeonEnglishnounA pacifist, appeaser, an isolationist, a dove.government politicscountable
ColumbidspigeonEnglishnounA person hired to transport film footage out of a region where transport options are limited.countable uncountable
ColumbidspigeonEnglishnounA weak or useless person.government military politics warAustralia countable slang uncountable
ColumbidspigeonEnglishverbTo deceive with a confidence game.transitive
ColumbidspigeonEnglishnounConcern or responsibility.UK archaic countable idiomatic informal uncountable
ColumbidsיונהHebrewnoundove, pigeon
ColumbidsיונהHebrewnoundove (pacifist)
ColumbidsיונהHebrewnameJonah (a minor prophet who was cast into the sea and swallowed by a great fish) / Jonah (a book of the Old Testament and the Hebrew Tanakh)biblical lifestyle religion
ColumbidsיונהHebrewnamea male or female given name, Yona or Yonah, equivalent to English Jonah
ComedylaughsterEnglishnounSomeone who laughs, or is laughing.rare
ComedylaughsterEnglishnounA comedian.rare
Communication公告Chinesenounannouncement; proclamation
Communication公告Chineseverbto inform the public; to declare; to proclaim; to announce
Compass pointsSEsperantocharacterThe twenty-second letter of the Esperanto alphabet, called so and written in the Latin script.letter uppercase
Compass pointsSEsperantonounAbbreviation of sudo (“south”).abbreviation alt-of
Compass pointsSEsperantopronAbbreviation of ŝi (“she”).Internet abbreviation alt-of
CompositesبهمنPersiannameBahman, the eleventh month of the solar Persian calendar
CompositesبهمنPersiannameName of the second day of any month of the solar Persian calendar
CompositesبهمنPersiannamea male given name, Bahman
CompositesبهمنPersiannounbehen, which is cultivated for its flowers and bitter, pungent and potent root vegetable / white behen (Centaurea behen)
CompositesبهمنPersiannounbehen, which is cultivated for its flowers and bitter, pungent and potent root vegetable / red behen (Limonium vulgare)
CompositesبهمنPersiannouncommon awn-grass (Stipa capensis)
CompositesἀψίνθιονAncient Greeknounwormwood (Artemisia absinthium)
CompositesἀψίνθιονAncient Greeknounvermouth, wine spiced by wormwood
ConservatismlebaiMalaynounone who knows a lot about religion; a religious expert.Islam lifestyle religion
ConservatismlebaiMalaynouna very devout person who practices his religion.Islam lifestyle religion
ConservatismlebaiMalaynounsomeone who forces people to follow a more conservative attitude, a know-it-all.derogatory slang
ConservatismlebaiMalaynouna member of PAS, a Malaysian conservative Islamist party, especially one who behaves in a hypocritical manner.government politicsInternet derogatory
ConservatismlebaiMalaynouna supporter of PAS.government politicsInternet broadly derogatory
Conspiracy theoriesmythicismEnglishnounThe scholarly opinion that the gospels are mythological expansions of historical religion theologycountable uncountable
Conspiracy theoriesmythicismEnglishnounThe habitual practice of attributing everything to mythological causes; superstition, the opposite of rationalism, or of realism.countable uncountable
Conspiracy theoriesmythicismEnglishnounThe creative potential for the creation of mythology; the faculty of mythopoeia.countable uncountable
Conspiracy theoriesmythicismEnglishnounThe view that a certain figure or event is unhistorical or mythical, chiefly in the context of pseudo-scholarship or conspiracy theories.countable uncountable
Conspiracy theoriesmythicismEnglishnounThe view that a certain figure or event is unhistorical or mythical, chiefly in the context of pseudo-scholarship or conspiracy theories. / The opinion that Jesus of Nazareth did not exist.countable uncountable
ConstructionadobeTagalognounadobe (brick)
ConstructionadobeTagalognounadobe stone; quarrystone
Construction vehiclesapisonadoraSpanishnounroad roller, steamrollerSpain feminine
Construction vehiclesapisonadoraSpanishnounbulldozer (one who bulldozes)colloquial feminine figuratively
ContainersBoxGermannounbox (rectangular container); but not as widely used as in English, perhaps commonest for plastic boxesfeminine
ContainersBoxGermannounloudspeaker (box-like encasing containing one or more loudspeaker devices)business electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsfeminine
ContainersBoxGermannouna stall for a horse (compartment in a stable); not used for a horsebox, which is Pferdeanhängerequestrianism hobbies horses lifestyle pets sportsfeminine
ContainersBoxGermannounpit (area for refueling and repairing)hobbies lifestyle motor-racing racing sportsfeminine
ContainersagbọnYorubanounpetulant person
ContainersagbọnYorubanounone who is wise or intelligent
ContainersagbọnYorubanounone that shakes, shivers, or trembles
ContainersakikOjibwenounkettle, pot, pananimate
ContainersakikOjibwenounpail, bucketanimate
ContainersakikOjibwenounengine, motoranimate
ContainersamanNorthern Kurdishnounvessel, container, potmasculine
ContainersamanNorthern Kurdishnoundishes, platesin-plural masculine
ContainersenvelopeEnglishnounA paper or cardboard wrapper used to enclose small, flat items, especially letters, for mailing.
ContainersenvelopeEnglishnounSomething that envelops; a wrapping.
ContainersenvelopeEnglishnounA bag containing the lifting gas of a balloon or airship; fabric that encloses the gas-bags of an airship.
ContainersenvelopeEnglishnounA mathematical curve, surface, or higher-dimensional object that is the tangent to a given family of lines, curves, surfaces, or higher-dimensional objects.geometry mathematics sciences
ContainersenvelopeEnglishnounA curve that bounds another curve or set of curves, as the modulation envelope of an amplitude-modulated carrier wave in electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
ContainersenvelopeEnglishnounThe shape of a sound, which may be controlled by a synthesizer or sampler.entertainment lifestyle music
ContainersenvelopeEnglishnounThe information used for routing a message that is transmitted with the message but not part of its contents.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences networking physical-sciences sciences
ContainersenvelopeEnglishnounAn enclosing structure or cover, such as a membrane; a space between two membranesbiology natural-sciences
ContainersenvelopeEnglishnounThe set of limitations within which a technological system can perform safely and natural-sciences physical-sciences
ContainersenvelopeEnglishnounThe nebulous covering of the head or nucleus of a comet; a coma.astronomy natural-sciences
ContainersenvelopeEnglishnounAn earthwork in the form of a single parapet or a small rampart, sometimes raised in the ditch and sometimes beyond it.
ContainersenvelopeEnglishverbTo put (something) in an envelope.rare transitive
ContainersenvelopeEnglishverbArchaic form of envelop.alt-of archaic
ContainerspuinIngriannounbarrel, vat
ContainerspuinIngriannounAlternative spelling of puinnaalt-of alternative
ContainerssitulaLatinnouna vessel used to hold water / a bucket or pail, especially one used to draw water from a welldeclension-1 feminine
ContainerssitulaLatinnouna vessel used to hold water / a vessel for holding holy waterEcclesiastical Latin declension-1 feminine
ContainerssitulaLatinnouna vessel used to hold water / a measure of capacity for liquidsMedieval-Latin declension-1 feminine
ContainerssitulaLatinnouna voting urn (for drawing lots or holding voting tablets); loosely, a ballot boxdeclension-1 feminine
ContainerssitulaLatinnouna voting urn (for drawing lots or holding voting tablets); loosely, a ballot box / a basin, jar, urn, vel sim. on a monumentdeclension-1 feminine
ContainerssitulaLatinnounnominative/accusative/vocative plural of situlumaccusative form-of neuter nominative plural vocative
ContainersterrinaPortuguesenountureen (dish of glazed earthenware for serving soup)feminine
ContainersterrinaPortuguesenounterrine (French forcemeat loaf similar to a pâté)feminine
ContainersноќвиMacedoniannounkneading trough
ContinentsUrkontinentGermannameFormer name of Pangäa (“Pangaea”).
ContinentsUrkontinentGermannameSynonym of Ur (“the paleocontinent of Ur”)
ContinentsUrkontinentGermannounpaleocontinent (a former continent that existed in the past)
Cookware and bakewarecavatappiItaliannouncorkscrewmasculine
Cookware and bakewarecavatappiItaliannouna type of pasta in the form of spiral macaronimasculine
Coronaviruscovid-wiseEnglishadvWith reference to or in terms of COVID-19.not-comparable
Coronaviruscovid-wiseEnglishadjSensible and safe regarding COVID-19.neologism
CorvidsсорокаRussiannounEurasian magpie (Pica pica) (Russians associate the magpie with unpleasant squawking, complaining, and especially thievery)
CorvidsсорокаRussiannumgenitive/dative/instrumental/prepositional of со́рок (sórok)dative form-of genitive instrumental prepositional
CosmeticsleppestiftNorwegian Nynorsknounlipstick (make-up worn on the lips)masculine
CosmeticsleppestiftNorwegian Nynorsknouna lipstick (stick of lipstick)masculine
CosmeticssonVietnameseadjunshakable; firmliterary
CosmeticssonVietnamesenounred cosmetic
CosmeticsᡶᡠᠨManchunoun0.01 yuan (or dollar, etc.); centhobbies lifestyle numismatics
CosmeticsᡶᡠᠨManchunouna unit of length
CosmeticsᡶᡠᠨManchunouncosmetics; rouge and powder
CosmeticsᡶᡠᠨManchunounthat person himself or herself, the person in question
CountriesPurtugaliaAromaniannamedefinite nominative of Purtugaliidefinite feminine form-of nominative
CrabsalimangoTagalognoungiant mud crab (Scylla serrata, a species of large black crab)
CrabsalimangoTagalogadjgibbous (of the moon)astronomy natural-sciencesfiguratively obsolete
CrimedzieciobójstwoPolishnouninfanticide (murder of one's own infant)neuter
CrimedzieciobójstwoPolishnounfilicide (murder of one's own child)neuter
CrimeincêndioPortuguesenounfire (occurrence of fire in a certain place)masculine
CrimeincêndioPortuguesenounarson (criminal fire)masculine
CrimemitchEnglishverbTo pilfer; filch; steal.dialectal transitive
CrimemitchEnglishverbTo shrink or retire from view; lurk out of sight; skulk.dialectal intransitive
CrimemitchEnglishverbTo be absent from (school) without a valid excuse; to play truant, to skive off.Ireland Wales intransitive transitive
CrimemitchEnglishverbTo grumble secretly.dialectal intransitive
CrimemitchEnglishverbTo pretend poverty.dialectal intransitive
CrimemuzzlerEnglishnounOne who or that which muzzles.
CrimemuzzlerEnglishnounA pickpocket working individually, apart from their normal gang.
CrimemuzzlerEnglishnounA wind from the intended direction of the vessel.nautical transport
CrimemuzzlerEnglishnounA punch in the mouth.slang
CrimemuzzlerEnglishnounA dram of spirits.slang
CrimeskraśćPolishverbto steal [with accusative ‘something’]perfective transitive
CrimeskraśćPolishverbto sneak up, to creep uparchaic perfective reflexive
Criminal lawlarcenyEnglishnounThe unlawful taking of personal property as an attempt to deprive the legal owner of it permanently.lawuncountable
Criminal lawlarcenyEnglishnounAn individual instance of such a taking.lawcountable
Crustaceans새우Koreannounshrimp, prawn (in general)
Crustaceans새우Koreannounspecifically, larger shrimp
Custard apple family plantspawpawEnglishnounAny of several types of trees having edible fruit: / Asimina, a genus of trees and shrubs native to eastern North America, especially common pawpaw (Asimina triloba).
Custard apple family plantspawpawEnglishnounAny of several types of trees having edible fruit: / Papaya (Carica papaya), a widely cultivated tropical fruit tree.
Custard apple family plantspawpawEnglishnounAny of several types of trees having edible fruit: / Mountain pawpaw (Vasconcellea pubescens), a fruit tree native to South America.
Custard apple family plantspawpawEnglishnounThe fruit of these trees.
Custard apple family plantspawpawEnglishnounGrandfather.colloquial dialectal
Cuts of meatalcatraPortuguesenounrump (cut of meat from the rump of an animal)feminine
Cuts of meatalcatraPortuguesenounbuttock (of a person)feminine vulgar
Cycle racingtorowiecPolishnounrailway worker who lays or maintains railway tracksmasculine person
Cycle racingtorowiecPolishnountrack cyclistcolloquial masculine person
CyclingcykelgataSwedishnounA bicycle boulevard; a space shared by bicycles and cars, on cyclists' terms.common-gender
CyclingcykelgataSwedishnounSynonym of cykelväg (“bicycle path”).common-gender obsolete
CyclingquadricicloItaliannounquadricycle (four-wheeled motorcycle)masculine
CyclingquadricicloItaliannounquadricycle (four-wheeled pedal-powered vehicle)dated masculine
Dairy productsшатэKabardiannouncream (oily part of milk)
Dairy productsшатэKabardiannounsour cream
DancestwistEnglishnounA twisting force.countable uncountable
DancestwistEnglishnounAnything twisted, or the act of twisting.countable uncountable
DancestwistEnglishnounThe form given in twisting.countable uncountable
DancestwistEnglishnounThe degree of stress or strain when twisted.countable uncountable
DancestwistEnglishnounA type of thread made from two filaments twisted together.countable uncountable
DancestwistEnglishnounA sliver of lemon peel added to a cocktail, etc.countable uncountable
DancestwistEnglishnounA sudden bend (or short series of bends) in a road, path, etc.countable uncountable
DancestwistEnglishnounA distortion to the meaning of a passage or word.countable uncountable
DancestwistEnglishnounAn unexpected turn in a story, tale, etc.countable uncountable
DancestwistEnglishnounA modern dance popular in Western culture in the late 1950s and 1960s, based on rotating the hips repeatedly from side to side. See Twist (dance) on Wikipedia for more details.countable uncountable
DancestwistEnglishnounA rotation of the body when diving.countable uncountable
DancestwistEnglishnounA sprain, especially to the ankle.countable uncountable
DancestwistEnglishnounA twig.countable obsolete uncountable
DancestwistEnglishnounA girl, a woman.countable slang uncountable
DancestwistEnglishnounA roll or baton of baked dough or pastry in a twisted shape.countable uncountable
DancestwistEnglishnounA small roll of tobacco.countable uncountable
DancestwistEnglishnounA material for gun barrels, consisting of iron and steel twisted and welded together.countable uncountable
DancestwistEnglishnounThe spiral course of the rifling of a gun barrel or a cannon.countable uncountable
DancestwistEnglishnounA beverage made of brandy and gin.countable obsolete slang uncountable
DancestwistEnglishnounA strong individual tendency or bent; inclination.countable uncountable
DancestwistEnglishnounAn appetite for food.archaic countable slang uncountable
DancestwistEnglishnounShort for hair twist.abbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
DancestwistEnglishverbTo turn the ends of something, usually thread, rope etc., in opposite directions, often using force.
DancestwistEnglishverbTo join together by twining one part around another.
DancestwistEnglishverbTo contort; to writhe; to complicate; to crook spirally; to convolve.
DancestwistEnglishverbTo wreathe; to wind; to encircle; to unite by intertexture of parts.
DancestwistEnglishverbTo wind into; to insinuate.reflexive
DancestwistEnglishverbTo turn a knob etc.
DancestwistEnglishverbTo distort or change the truth or meaning of words when repeating.
DancestwistEnglishverbTo form a twist (in any of the above noun meanings).
DancestwistEnglishverbTo injure (a body part) by bending it in the wrong direction.
DancestwistEnglishverbTo wind; to follow a bendy or wavy course; to have many bends.intransitive
DancestwistEnglishverbTo cause to rotate.transitive
DancestwistEnglishverbTo dance the twist (a type of dance characterised by twisting one's hips).intransitive
DancestwistEnglishverbTo coax.transitive
DancestwistEnglishverbIn the game of blackjack (pontoon or twenty-one), to be dealt another card.card-games games
Days of the weekGwenerBretonnameFridaymasculine
Days of the weekGwenerBretonnameVenus (planet)astronomy natural-sciencesmasculine
Days of the weekGwenerBretonnameVenus (Roman goddess)masculine
DeathbraynenMiddle EnglishverbTo fatally wound via a hit on the brain.
DeathbraynenMiddle EnglishverbTo possess a brain.rare
DeathdeyenMiddle Englishverbto die (cease to be alive)
DeathdeyenMiddle EnglishverbTo dye or perform the process of dyeing.
DeathdeyenMiddle EnglishverbTo stain or colour by other means.
DeathukřižováníCzechnounverbal noun of ukřižovatform-of neuter noun-from-verb
Deathдо смертиRussianadvUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see до (do), смерть (smertʹ).
Deathдо смертиRussianadvto (one's) deathcolloquial
Deathдо смертиRussianadvutterly, extremelycolloquial figuratively
DeathအသေBurmesenouncorpse; dead body
DeathအသေBurmeseadvrigidly; inflexibly; fast
Death上路Chineseverbto start a journey; to set off
Death上路Chineseverbto learn the fundamentalsfiguratively
Death上路Chineseverbto dieeuphemistic
Death上路Chineseadjwell-behaved; goodslang
Death引決Chineseverbto kill oneself; to die by suicideClassical
Death引決Chineseverbto adjudicate; to rule; to returnClassical
Death狂死Japanesenoundying insane; a death marked by madness
Death狂死Japaneseverbto die insane
DemonymsInfantahinTagalogadjInfantahin (pertaining to Infanta, Quezon)
DemonymsInfantahinTagalognounInfantahin (someone from Infanta, Quezon)
DemonymsMilaneseEnglishadjFrom, or pertaining to, Milan.not-comparable
DemonymsMilaneseEnglishnounAn inhabitant or native of Milan.
DemonymsMilaneseEnglishnameA surname from Italian.
DemonymsOsakanEnglishadjOf, relating to, from, or characteristic of Osaka in Japan.
DemonymsOsakanEnglishnounAn inhabitant or native of Osaka.
DemonymsQuezoninTagalogadjQuezonian (pertaining to Quezon province)
DemonymsQuezoninTagalognounQuezonian (person from Quezon province)
DemonymsTai LongEnglishnounA certain Tai people.plural plural-only
DemonymsTai LongEnglishnameA certain Tai language.
DemonymsTai LongEnglishnameA village of South Lantao Rural Committee in Chi Ma Wan, Islands district, New Territories, Hong Kong.
DemonymsTai LongEnglishnameA village of Sai Kung Rural Committee, Sai Kung district, New Territories, Hong Kong.
DemonymsassamêsPortugueseadjAssamese (of or relating to Indian state of Assam)
DemonymsassamêsPortugueseadjAssamese (of or in the Assamese language)
DemonymsassamêsPortuguesenounAssamese (someone from Assam)masculine
DemonymsassamêsPortuguesenameAssamese (language)masculine uncountable
DemonymsbabazorroSpanishadjof Álavacolloquial derogatory mildly relational
DemonymsbabazorroSpanishnounsomeone from Álavacolloquial derogatory masculine mildly
DemonymsbascaCatalannounanxiety, uneasefeminine
DemonymsbascaCatalannounoppressive heatfeminine
DemonymsbascaCatalannounnauseafeminine in-plural
DemonymsbascaCatalannounfemale equivalent of bascfeminine form-of
DemonymsbascaCatalanadjfeminine singular of bascfeminine form-of singular
DemonymsbelmontensePortugueseadjof Belmonte, Portugalfeminine masculine not-comparable relational
DemonymsbelmontensePortuguesenounnative or inhabitant of Belmonte, Portugalby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymscantonêsPortugueseadjCantonese (relating to Canton)
DemonymscantonêsPortugueseadjCantonese (relating to the Cantonese people)
DemonymscantonêsPortugueseadjCantonese (relating to the Cantonese language)
DemonymscantonêsPortuguesenounCantonese (person from Canton)masculine
DemonymscantonêsPortuguesenounCantonese (language)masculine uncountable
DemonymsescurialenseSpanishadjof El Escorialfeminine masculine relational
DemonymsescurialenseSpanishnounsomeone from El Escorialby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsflamencOccitannounFlemish (language)masculine uncountable
DemonymshuasquinoSpanishadjof Huascorelational
DemonymshuasquinoSpanishnounsomeone from Huascomasculine
DemonymsjarabacoeñoSpanishadjof Jarabacoarelational
DemonymsjarabacoeñoSpanishnounsomeone from Jarabacoamasculine
DemonymskabulíCatalannounKabulifeminine masculine
DemonymsnueviteroSpanishadjof Nuevitasrelational
DemonymsnueviteroSpanishnounsomeone from Nuevitasmasculine
DemonymszarateñoSpanishadjof or from Zárate
DemonymszarateñoSpanishnounsomeone from Záratemasculine
DentistrymantachIrishadjinarticulate, indistinct (of speech)
DentistrymantachIrishadjgapped, chipped, indented
Dentistry洗牙Chineseverbto clean the teeth; to perform teeth scaling
Dentistry洗牙Chineseverbto brush one's teethEastern Hakka Min Northern Zhao'an
Departments of FranceHéraultEnglishnameOne of the départements in Occitanie, France (the department was named after the river). Capital: Montpellier (INSEE code 34).
Departments of FranceHéraultEnglishnameA river of that department.
DialectsAkokoYorubanameThe Akoko sub-group of Yoruba
DialectsAkokoYorubanameThe Akoko dialects of Yoruba, comprising of the western and eastern Akoko dialects and the Ào dialect.
DictionariesleksykonPolishnounlexicon (kind of specialized dictionary)human-sciences lexicography linguistics sciencesinanimate masculine
DictionariesleksykonPolishnounlexicon (vocabulary of an individual or a group)inanimate masculine
DiplomacydiplomaticEnglishadjConcerning the relationships between the governments of countries.
DiplomacydiplomaticEnglishadjExhibiting diplomacy; exercising tact or courtesy; using discussion to avoid hard feelings, fights or arguments.
DiplomacydiplomaticEnglishadjDescribing a publication of a text which follows a single basic manuscript, but with variants in other manuscripts noted in the critical apparatus.
DiplomacydiplomaticEnglishadjRelating to diplomatics, or the study of old texts; paleographic.
DiplomacydiplomaticEnglishnounThe science of diplomas, or the art of deciphering ancient writings and determining their age, authenticity, etc.; paleography.uncountable
DiplomacyконсульствоUkrainiannounconsulate (office of a consul, including as a diplomatic mission)
DiplomacyконсульствоUkrainiannounconsulate (rule by consuls, as during most periods of the Roman Republic or in France between 1799 and 1804)historical
DirectivestermEnglishnounThat which limits the extent of anything; limit, extremity, bound, boundary, terminus.
DirectivestermEnglishnounA chronological limitation or restriction, a limited timespan.
DirectivestermEnglishnounAny of the binding conditions or promises in a legal contract.
DirectivestermEnglishnounSpecifically, the conditions in a legal contract that specify the price and also how and when payment must be made.
DirectivestermEnglishnounA point, line, or superficies that limits.geometry mathematics sciencesarchaic
DirectivestermEnglishnounA word or phrase (e.g., noun phrase, verb phrase, open compound), especially one from a specialised area of knowledge; a name for a concept.
DirectivestermEnglishnounRelations among people.
DirectivestermEnglishnounPart of a year, especially one of the divisions of an academic year.
DirectivestermEnglishnounDuration of officeholding, or its limit; period in office of fixed length. / The time during which legal courts are open.
DirectivestermEnglishnounDuration of officeholding, or its limit; period in office of fixed length. / Certain days on which rent is paid.
DirectivestermEnglishnounDuration of officeholding, or its limit; period in office of fixed length.
DirectivestermEnglishnounWith respect to a pregnancy, the period during which birth usually happens (approximately 40 weeks from conception).
DirectivestermEnglishnounThe maximum period during which the patent can be maintained into force.
DirectivestermEnglishnounA menstrual period.archaic
DirectivestermEnglishnounAny value (variable or constant) or expression separated from another term by a space or an appropriate character, in an overall expression or table.mathematics sciences
DirectivestermEnglishnounThe subject or the predicate of a proposition; one of the three component parts of a syllogism, each one of which is used twice.human-sciences logic mathematics philosophy sciences
DirectivestermEnglishnounAn essential dignity in which unequal segments of every astrological sign have internal rulerships which affect the power and integrity of each planet in a natal chart.astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
DirectivestermEnglishnounA statue of the upper body, sometimes without the arms, ending in a pillar or arts
DirectivestermEnglishnounA piece of carved work placed under each end of the taffrail.nautical transport
DirectivestermEnglishverbTo phrase a certain way; to name or call.transitive
DirectivestermEnglishadjBorn or delivered at term.medicine sciencescolloquial not-comparable
DirectivestermEnglishnounA computer program that emulates a physical terminal.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesinformal
DirectivestermEnglishverbTo terminate one's employmentintransitive transitive
DirectivestermEnglishnounOne whose employment has been terminated
Distilled beveragesعرقArabicverbto strip of flesh, to nibble
Distilled beveragesعرقArabicverbto be emaciated
Distilled beveragesعرقArabicverbto sweat, to perspire
Distilled beveragesعرقArabicverbto make sweat, to promote perspiration
Distilled beveragesعرقArabicverbto water down, to dilute (a drink)
Distilled beveragesعرقArabicverbto grow roots; to take root
Distilled beveragesعرقArabicverbto be deeply rooted
Distilled beveragesعرقArabicverbto vein, to marble
Distilled beveragesعرقArabicnounverbal noun of عَرِقَ (ʕariqa) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
Distilled beveragesعرقArabicnounsweat, perspiration
Distilled beveragesعرقArabicnounarrack (a clear raisin liquor that turns cloudy when water is added)
Distilled beveragesعرقArabicnounplant stem, leaf stem
Distilled beveragesعرقArabicnounblood vessel
Distilled beveragesعرقArabicnounhereditary disposition
Distilled beveragesعرقArabicnounrace, stock, descent
Distilled beveragesعرقArabicnounerggeography geology natural-sciences
Districts of Indiaజమ్ముTelugunameThe southern portion of the former princely state of Jammu and Kashmir.
Districts of Indiaజమ్ముTelugunameThe city and district of Jammu, located on the banks of Tawi river, the winter capital of the Indian-administered part of Jammu and Kashmir.
Divinationนั่งเทียนThaiverbto perform a divination by sitting in front of a bowl of water and interpreting drops of melted candles that fall onto the water.
Divinationนั่งเทียนThaiverbto assume; to groundlessly assert or claim; to forge, to invent, to make up.derogatory slang
Divinationนั่งเทียนThaiverbto perform a sexual activity through a position in which a person sits on top of another person's penis or on top of a dildo or the like.slang
Donald TrumpGod EmperorEnglishnameA god-king; a sovereign worshiped as a god.
Donald TrumpGod EmperorEnglishnameA god-king; a sovereign worshiped as a god. / The Emperor of Japan.historical specific
Donald TrumpGod EmperorEnglishnameDonald Trump, American politician and 45th president of the United States.government politicsInternet US humorous
DragonsThanh LongVietnamesenamethe Azure Dragon
DragonsThanh LongVietnamesenameA commune of Hà Quảng district, Cao Bằng, Vietnam
DragonsThanh LongVietnamesenameA commune of Yên Mỹ district, Hưng Yên, Vietnam
DragonsThanh LongVietnamesenameA commune of Văn Lãng district, Lạng Sơn, Vietnam
DragonsThanh LongVietnamesenameA commune of Thanh Chương district, Nghệ An, Vietnam
DrinkingcòrnScottish Gaelicnoundrinking-horn, flagonmasculine
DrinkingcòrnScottish Gaelicnounfoldmasculine
DrinkingcòrnScottish Gaelicnounhorn (musical instrument)masculine
DrinkingresacaSpanishnounundertow, surf, backwash (outgoing wave)feminine
DrinkingresacaSpanishnounredraft, redrawingbusiness commercefeminine
DrinkingresacaSpanishnounhangover (illness caused by a previous bout of heavy drinking)feminine
DrinkingresacaSpanishnounsilt depositfeminine
DrinkingresacaSpanishnoundry stream bed; resacaMexico US feminine
DrinkingresacaSpanishverbinflection of resacar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
DrinkingresacaSpanishverbinflection of resacar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Dugongs and manateesתחשHebrewnouna kind of animal whose skin was used for the outer coverings of the tabernacleBiblical-Hebrew
Dugongs and manateesתחשHebrewnounsea cowModern-Israeli-Hebrew
Dugongs and manateesתחשHebrewnounbadgerhistorical obsolete
Dugongs and manateesתחשHebrewnoundachshund, from a clipping of כֶּלֶב תַּחַשׁ (kéleḇ taḥáš)Modern-Israeli-Hebrew
EcologycizopasníkCzechnounparasitebiology natural-sciencesanimate masculine
EcologycizopasníkCzechnounparasite, sponger, freeloaderanimate masculine
Education榮譽博士Chinesenounhonorary doctorate degree
Education榮譽博士Chinesenounhonorary doctorate degree holder
EggszabaioneItaliannounzabaglione (custard-like dessert made with egg yolks, sugar and Marsala wine)masculine uncountable usually
EggszabaioneItaliannouneggnogbroadly masculine uncountable usually
EggsܙܪܥܐClassical Syriacnounseed, grain
EggsܙܪܥܐClassical Syriacnounsemen, sperm
EggsܙܪܥܐClassical Syriacnounsowing
EggsܙܪܥܐClassical Syriacnounfield
EggsܙܪܥܐClassical Syriacnounyoung or immature offspring; egg, nestling
EggsܙܪܥܐClassical Syriacnounfamily, offspring, race
EggsܙܪܥܐClassical Syriacnoundescendantsin-plural
EggsܙܪܥܐClassical Syriacnounlineage, bloodline
EggsܙܪܥܐClassical Syriacnounsowinguncountable
EggsܙܪܥܐClassical Syriacnoundispersionuncountable
Eight八度Chinesenouneight degrees
Eight八度Chinesenounoctaveentertainment lifestyle music
ElectromagnetismdepermEnglishverbTo degauss or demagnetize; especially, to degauss a ship by dragging a large powered electrical cable along its side.nautical transporttransitive
ElectromagnetismdepermEnglishnounThe act or process of deperming.nautical transport
Elopomorph fishladyfishEnglishnounA coastal dwelling fish (Elops saurus), found throughout the tropical and sub-tropical regions.
Elopomorph fishladyfishEnglishnounSpanish hogfish (Bodianus rufus)
Elopomorph fishladyfishEnglishnounAlbula vulpes, one of the fish called bonefish.
EmberizidspenfelynWelshadjblond, fair-haired, yellow-haired, flaxen-hairednot-comparable
EmberizidspenfelynWelshnounblond, fair-haired or yellow-haired personmasculine
EmberizidspenfelynWelshnounyellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella)masculine
EmotionsardoreItaliannounardour, passion, firemasculine
EmotionsardoreItaliannounfervour, eagerness, glowmasculine
EmotionsbindenMiddle EnglishverbTo bind, fasten; to make a knot or fastening.
EmotionsbindenMiddle EnglishverbTo wrap; to enclose in wrapping.
EmotionsbindenMiddle EnglishverbTo secure, strengthen; to make strong: / To tie up; to strengthen with a knot.
EmotionsbindenMiddle EnglishverbTo secure, strengthen; to make strong: / To connect or link (especially by binding)
EmotionsbindenMiddle EnglishverbTo secure, strengthen; to make strong: / To remember; to keep one's mental connection secure.figuratively
EmotionsbindenMiddle EnglishverbTo secure, strengthen; to make strong: / To strengthen or provide proof for an argument.figuratively
EmotionsbindenMiddle EnglishverbTo take away one's agency; to enthrall: / To restrain a captive; to jail.
EmotionsbindenMiddle EnglishverbTo take away one's agency; to enthrall: / To enslave, subordinate, or force.
EmotionsbindenMiddle EnglishverbTo take away one's agency; to enthrall: / To enrapture or captivate.
EmotionsbindenMiddle EnglishverbTo take away one's agency; to enthrall: / To take into apprenticeship or training.rare
EmotionsbindenMiddle EnglishverbTo enter into a socially binding obligation or agreement: / To enter into a marital relationship; to marry.
EmotionsbindenMiddle EnglishverbTo enter into a socially binding obligation or agreement: / To copulate; to have sex.Late-Middle-English rare
EmotionsbindenMiddle EnglishverbTo force or compel (to perform an action): / To obligate; to be forced by societal pressure.
EmotionsbindenMiddle EnglishverbTo force or compel (to perform an action): / To force (into) a socially binding obligation or agreement.
EmotionsbindenMiddle EnglishverbTo force or compel (to perform an action): / To mete out or proscribe penalties.
EmotionsbindenMiddle EnglishverbTo force or compel (to perform an action): / To combine; to join; to make one.
EmotionsbindenMiddle EnglishverbTo decorate or adorn; to add ornaments on.
EmotionsbindenMiddle EnglishverbTo evacuate; to induce constipation.
EmotionsbindenMiddle EnglishverbTo unify or join; to make one.
EmotionsbindenMiddle EnglishverbTo enclose or surround; to fold as to completely conceal.
EmotionsbindenMiddle EnglishverbTo cohere; to enjoin with itself.rare
EmotionsbindenMiddle EnglishverbTo end or finish; to wrap up (for the sense, compare Modern English wrap up)figuratively rare
EmotionsdojmowaćPolishverbto pierce [with accusative ‘who’] (to affect deeply)imperfective literary transitive
EmotionsdojmowaćPolishverbto gripe, to vex [with accusative ‘who’]imperfective literary transitive
Emotionsemotional laborEnglishnounThe act of managing feelings and displaying certain expressions in order to meet the requirements of a job.uncountable
Emotionsemotional laborEnglishnounJobs which require such management and display.uncountable
Emotionsemotional laborEnglishnounThe display and management of emotion in non-professional, interpersonal relationships; emotion work.uncountable
EmotionsgameMiddle EnglishnounEntertainment or an instance of it; that which is enjoyable: / A sport or other outdoor or physical activity.
EmotionsgameMiddle EnglishnounEntertainment or an instance of it; that which is enjoyable: / A game; a codified (and often competitive) form of entertainment.
EmotionsgameMiddle EnglishnounEntertainment or an instance of it; that which is enjoyable: / Sexual or romantic entertainment or activity (including intercourse in itself).
EmotionsgameMiddle EnglishnounEntertainment or an instance of it; that which is enjoyable: / An amusing, joking, or humorous activity or event.
EmotionsgameMiddle EnglishnounAny kind of event or occurrence; something that happens: / An endeavour; a set of actions towards a goal.
EmotionsgameMiddle EnglishnounAny kind of event or occurrence; something that happens: / Any kind of activity having competition or rivalry.
EmotionsgameMiddle EnglishnounThe state of being happy or joyful.
EmotionsgameMiddle EnglishnounGame; wild animals hunted for food.
EmotionsgameMiddle EnglishnounOne's quarry; that which one is trying to catch.rare
EmotionsgameMiddle EnglishnounGamesmanship; gaming behaviour.rare
EmotionsgameMiddle EnglishnounThe reward for winning a game.rare
EmotionsgameMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of gamenalt-of alternative
EmotionshněvatCzechverbto angerimperfective
EmotionshněvatCzechverbbe annoyed, be angryimperfective reflexive
EmotionsiarghnóIrishnoungrief, anguishmasculine
EmotionsiarghnóIrishnounlament, elegymasculine
EmotionsperturbadoSpanishadjdisturbed, upset, agitated
EmotionsperturbadoSpanishverbpast participle of perturbarform-of participle past
EmotionsqualmMiddle EnglishnounPlague, disease or sickness; that which afflicts.
EmotionsqualmMiddle EnglishnounThe effects, fruits, or ravages of plague.
EmotionsqualmMiddle EnglishnounKilling (as a concept or as an instance)rare
EmotionsrozrzewnieniePolishnounverbal noun of rozrzewnićform-of neuter noun-from-verb
EmotionsrozrzewnieniePolishnounaffection, emotion (feeling of tenderness caused by something or someone)neuter
Emotions敬愛Chineseverbto adore
Emotions敬愛Chineseadjbeloved; cherished; dear
English cardinal numbersundecillionEnglishnum10³⁶.US
English cardinal numbersundecillionEnglishnum10⁶⁶.
English numeral symbols101EnglishadjBasic, beginner, starting from scratch.US not-comparable often postpositional
English numeral symbols101EnglishnumA large number, particularly the size of an exhaustively long list of examples, uses, applications, etc.
English unisex given namesTylerEnglishnameAn English surname originating as an occupation for a tiler.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesTylerEnglishnameA male given name transferred from the surname.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesTylerEnglishnameA female given name transferred from the surname, of 1980s and later usage.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesTylerEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / An unincorporated community in Florida.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesTylerEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / A city in Lincoln County, Minnesota; named for land agent and newspaper editor C. B. Tyler.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesTylerEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / An unincorporated community in Pemiscot County, Missouri; named for lumber businessman H. A. Tyler.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesTylerEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / A city, the county seat of Smith County, Texas; named for John Tyler, 10th president of the United States.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesTylerEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / An unincorporated community in Spokane County, Washington.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesTylerEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / A ghost town in California.countable uncountable
Equids福祿Chinesenounwealth and happiness
Essex, EnglandColcestrianEnglishadjOf or relating to Colchester.
Essex, EnglandColcestrianEnglishnounA person from Colchester.
Essex, EnglandColcestrianEnglishnounA pupil of Colchester Royal Grammar School.
EthicsutilitarianismEnglishnounA system of ethics based on the premise that something's value may be measured by its usefulness.human-sciences philosophy sciencescountable uncountable
EthicsutilitarianismEnglishnounThe theory that action should be directed toward achieving the "greatest happiness for the greatest number of people" (hedonistic universalism), or one of various related theories.human-sciences philosophy sciencescountable uncountable
EthicsutilitarianismEnglishnounPracticality, functionality, as opposed to e.g. aesthetics.countable uncountable
EthicsyvelMiddle EnglishadjMorally evil; iniquitous, malign
EthicsyvelMiddle EnglishadjCausing harm; injurious, damaging: / infected, abnormalmedicine pathology sciences
EthicsyvelMiddle EnglishadjCausing harm; injurious, damaging: / Causing trouble; tendentious, irascible
EthicsyvelMiddle EnglishadjNot pleasing; unpleasant, foul.
EthicsyvelMiddle EnglishadjWorthy of pity; pitiful, sorry.
EthicsyvelMiddle EnglishadjHaving bad fortune; unlucky, unfortunate
EthicsyvelMiddle EnglishadjOf poor design or manufacture; bad, shoddy
EthicsyvelMiddle EnglishadjDisparaging, negative, uncomplimentary.
EthicsyvelMiddle EnglishadjNot trusted; untrustworthy
EthicsyvelMiddle EnglishadjNot easy; challenging, hard
EthicsyvelMiddle EnglishnounMoral evil; iniquity, wrongness: / A sin or moral transgression.
EthicsyvelMiddle EnglishnounMoral evil; iniquity, wrongness: / An evil or malicious being.
EthicsyvelMiddle EnglishnounMoral evil; iniquity, wrongness
EthicsyvelMiddle EnglishnounHarm, injury, trouble: / Someone or something that harms or troubles.
EthicsyvelMiddle EnglishnounHarm, injury, trouble: / A malady or disease.
EthicsyvelMiddle EnglishnounHarm, injury, trouble: / Negative or uncomplimentary speech.rare
EthicsyvelMiddle Englishadvwickedly, evilly, iniquitously
EthicsyvelMiddle Englishadvbadly, sloppily, poorly
EthicsyvelMiddle Englishadvinjuriously, harmfully; in a damaging way.
EthicsyvelMiddle Englishadvhurtfully; in a way causing physical injury.
EthicsyvelMiddle Englishadvunfortunately, sadly, miserably.
EthicsyvelMiddle Englishadvwrongly, incorrectly; counter to fact.
EthicsyvelMiddle Englishadvsickly; having disease or illness.
EthicsyvelMiddle Englishadvin no way, hardly, insufficiently.
EthicsyvelMiddle Englishadvjust, barely; by a narrow margin.
EthnonymsçînîNorthern KurdishadjChinese (of or pertaining to China)not-comparable
EthnonymsçînîNorthern KurdishnameChinese (language)
EthnonymsপাঠানBengalinounPashtun, Pathan, Afghan
EthnonymsপাঠানBengalinamea surname, Pathan
EuagaricspinetellCatalannoundiminutive of pi (“small pine”)diminutive form-of masculine
EuagaricspinetellCatalannounSynonym of rovelló (“saffron milk cap”)masculine regional
EucalyptsfebrerCatalannounblue gum (Eucalyptus globulus)masculine
EuropeEuropaPortuguesenameEurope (a continent)feminine
EuropeEuropaPortuguesenameEuropa (Phoenician princess)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek feminine
EuropeEuropaPortuguesenameEuropa (moon of Jupiter)astronomy natural-sciencesfeminine
ExercisepakowniaPolishnounpacking room (place in a factory where goods are packed)feminine
ExercisepakowniaPolishnounfitness center, fitness club, gym, health club, health spa, weight roombodybuilding hobbies lifestyle sportsfeminine slang
Extinct languagesYukiEnglishnounA Native American people from northern California.plural plural-only
Extinct languagesYukiEnglishnameThe language of this people.
Extinct languagesYukiEnglishnameA female given name from Japanese.
Extinct languagesYukiEnglishnameA male given name from Japanese.
EyegoundyMiddle EnglishadjCovered in phlegm or gum.
EyegoundyMiddle EnglishadjHaving poor vision.figuratively rare
Eyeकूर्मSanskritnouna tortoise, turtle
Eyeकूर्मSanskritnounthe earth considered as a tortoise swimming on the waters
Eyeकूर्मSanskritnouna particular figure or intertwining of the fingers (mudra)
Eyeकूर्मSanskritnounone of the outer winds of the body (causing the closing of the eyes)
Eyeकूर्मSanskritnounVishnu's second incarnation (descent in the form of a tortoise to support the mountain मन्दर (mandara) at the churning of the ocean)Hinduism
FabricsvlnaSlovaknounwoolfeminine singular singular-only
Fabrics暖簾Japanesenouncurtain hung in doorways, etc. typically found in shops
Fabrics暖簾Japanesenoungoodwill, community standing (intangible benefits derived from a positive reputation)business
FacebrúnIcelandicnounbrow, eyebrowfeminine
FacebrúnIcelandicnounrim, edgefeminine
FacebrúnIcelandicadjfeminine singular of brúnn (“brown”)feminine form-of singular
FacenosKashubiannounnose (protuberance on the face housing the nostrils, which are used to breathe or smell)anatomy medicine sciencesinanimate masculine
FacenosKashubiannounbeak, bill (rigid structure projecting from the front of a bird's face, used for pecking, grooming, foraging, carrying items, eating food, etc.)inanimate masculine rare
FacenosKashubiannountip of a scythe bladeagriculture business lifestyleinanimate masculine
FacenosKashubiannounnose (in a wheelbarrow, the front part of the bar with a hole at the end, in which the movable wheel axis rotates)agriculture business lifestyleinanimate masculine
FacenosKashubiannounbeak (front part of a ship)nautical transportinanimate masculine
FacenosKashubiannounbrush bow (front part of the sled's skid is slightly bent upwards)inanimate masculine
FacenosKashubiannounremains of dry branches on a treein-plural inanimate masculine
FacenosKashubiannounstalk (blade of grass)inanimate masculine
Facial expressionsmutriaItaliannounsullen or surly facefeminine literary
Facial expressionsmutriaItaliannounhaughty expressionfeminine literary
Facial expressions眨眼Chineseadvin a blink
Facial expressions眨眼Chineseverbto wink; to blink
Fairy talesPollicinoItaliannameTom Thumbmasculine
Fairy talesPollicinoItaliannamea surnameby-personal-gender feminine masculine
FalconidsբազէOld Armeniannounhawk
FalconidsբազէOld Armeniannounfalcon
FalconryrousenMiddle Englishverbto shake one's feathersLate-Middle-English rare
FalconryrousenMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of rusenalt-of alternative
Familytani baʼKrisanounthe elder brother of one's father
Familytani baʼKrisanounthe husband of one's mother's elder sister
FamilyகுடிTamilverbto drinktransitive
FamilyகுடிTamilnoundrink, beverage
FamilyகுடிTamilnoundrunkenness, intoxication
FamilyகுடிTamilnounsubjects, citizens
FamilyகுடிTamilnounlineage, descent
FamilyகுடிTamilnouncaste, race
FamilyகுடிTamilnounhouse, home
FamilyகுடிTamilnountown, village
Family memberssunnCimbriannounsunLuserna feminine
Family memberssunnCimbriannounsonLuserna masculine
Fan fictionfan fictionEnglishnounAmateur fiction created by fans, incorporating the characters and concepts of a commercial media property, typically without permission from the author or owner.uncountable
Fan fictionfan fictionEnglishnounA work of fan fiction.countable
Fan fictionfan fictionEnglishnounFiction about fans and fandom created by members of fandom.lifestyledated slang uncountable
Fans (people)SparťanCzechnounSpartan (native or inhabitant of Sparta)animate masculine
Fans (people)SparťanCzechnouna player of a team called Sparta (usually AC Sparta Prague)animate masculine
Fans (people)SparťanCzechnouna fan of a team called Sparta (usually AC Sparta Prague)animate masculine
FantasyvampiresaSpanishnounfemale equivalent of vampiro (“vampiress”)feminine form-of
FantasyvampiresaSpanishnounvamp, seductressfeminine
FascismусташаSerbo-Croatiannounrebel, renegadehistorical literary
FascismусташаSerbo-Croatiannouna member of the Ustashe movement (Croatian fascist movement which ruled in Croatia during World War II)
FascismусташаSerbo-Croatiannouna Croatian far-right sympathizer (nationalist, chauvinist or fascist)colloquial derogatory
FascismусташаSerbo-Croatiannouna Croat or a person of Croatian descentbroadly derogatory ethnic slur
Fats and oilstaduntTarifitnounfatfeminine uncountable usually
Fats and oilstaduntTarifitnoungreasefeminine uncountable usually
FearscaryEnglishadjCausing fear or anxietyinformal
FearscaryEnglishadjUncannily striking or surprising.informal
FearscaryEnglishadjSubject to sudden alarm; easily frightened.US colloquial
FearscaryEnglishadvTo a scary extent; scarily.informal not-comparable
FearscaryEnglishnounBarren land having only a thin coat of grass.
FearбесстрашноRussianadjshort neuter singular of бесстра́шный (besstrášnyj)form-of neuter short-form singular
FecesమలముTelugunounAn excretion, especially applied to faeces, dung, dirt, filth, dregs, sediment.
FecesమలముTelugunounSin, pollution.
FelidshuiñaSpanishnounAndean catfeminine
FemaledemimondeEnglishnounA class of women maintained by wealthy protectors; female courtesans or prostitutes as a group.
FemaledemimondeEnglishnounA group having little respect or reputation.broadly
FemaledemimondeEnglishnounA member of such a class or group of persons.broadly
Female animalsdimmatoytaAfarnounmale catAfar Southern
Female animalsdimmatoytaAfarnounfemale catAfar Southern
Female animalskiarkManxnounfowlfeminine
Female animalskiarkManxnounhen, female (of birds)feminine
Female animalsvaccaCorsicannouncow (female cattle)feminine
Female animalsvaccaCorsicannounred-black triplefin (Tripterygion tripteronotus)feminine
Female animalsvaccaCorsicannouncline (Cristiceps argentatus)feminine
Female animalsvaccaCorsicannounpeacock blenny (Salaria pavo)feminine
Female animalsధేనుకTelugunounmilch cow
Female animalsధేనుకTelugunamethe name of a raga in Carnatic musicentertainment lifestyle music
Female childrendziewuszkaPolishnounlittle girlendearing feminine
Female childrendziewuszkaPolishnoungirl (young woman)colloquial feminine
Female family membersхадаTundra Nenetsnoungrandmother
Female family membersхадаTundra Nenetsnounnail, claw
Female family members娘娘Chinesenounlady (a term for use when addressing an empress or a consort)archaic
Female family members娘娘Chinesenounlady (a term for use when addressing a goddess)lifestyle religion
Female family members娘娘Chinesenounwoman; ladyarchaic honorific
Female family members娘娘Chinesenounmotherarchaic
Female family members娘娘Chinesenounpaternal grandmotherdialectal
Female family members娘娘Chinesenounfather's sister; paternal auntdialectal
Female family members娘娘Chinesenounmaternal grandmotherJin
Female peopleděvkaCzechnounwhorefeminine
Female peopleděvkaCzechnounmaidfeminine literary obsolete
Female peoplefyzičkaCzechnounfemale physicistfeminine
Female peoplefyzičkaCzechnounphysical fitness, physical condition, physical shapefeminine informal
Female peoplekonfidentkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of konfident (“confidant”)dated feminine form-of
Female peoplekonfidentkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of konfident (“informant, secret agent”)derogatory feminine form-of
Female peopleмазепинкаUkrainiannouna kind of headwear, histroically used by various Western Ukrainian armies; since 2015 part of Ukrainian military uniforms
Female peopleмазепинкаUkrainiannouna female Ukrainian nationalistderogatory historical
Female peopleовуляшкаRussiannounovulationinanimate informal
Female peopleовуляшкаRussiannounbreeder, brood mare (a woman who is preoccupied with becoming pregnant, giving birth, or rearing children)animate derogatory informal
FestivalsỌṣaraYorubanamea legendary wife of Oduduwa or Ọ̀ràm̀fẹ̀, she was deified as a river orisha of the town of Ifẹ̀
FestivalsỌṣaraYorubanamea river and fertility deity believed to be the wife of the fire deity Ọ̀ràm̀fẹ̀
FestivalsỌṣaraYorubanamea festival held in the town of Ifẹ̀ in the honor of the orisha Ọ̀ṣàràbroadly
Fictional abilitiesillusionEnglishnounAnything that seems to be something that it is not.countable
Fictional abilitiesillusionEnglishnounA misapprehension; a belief in something that is in fact not true.countable
Fictional abilitiesillusionEnglishnounA magician’s trick.countable
Fictional abilitiesillusionEnglishnounThe state of being deceived or misled.uncountable
Fig trees無花果Japanesenounfig tree
Fig trees無花果Japanesenounfig tree
Figwort family plantsemu bushEnglishnounAny of the Australian desert shrubs in the genus Eremophila, which have fruits that are eaten by emus.
Figwort family plantsemu bushEnglishnounAny of several other Australian shrubs with fruits said to be eaten by emus
Film攝影Chineseverbto take a photograph
Film攝影Chineseverbto shoot a film; to film
Film攝影Chinesenounshooting (of a film)
Film genreskomediodramatPolishnouncomedy drama, dramedy (theatrical work that combines features of drama and comedy)entertainment lifestyle theaterinanimate masculine
Film genreskomediodramatPolishnouncomedy drama, dramedy (film genre)inanimate masculine
FiredragonbreathEnglishnounThe breath of a dragon.uncountable
FiredragonbreathEnglishnounSynonym of bad breath.informal uncountable
FirekandeloEsperantonouncandela (base unit of luminous intensity)
FirearmsفشكOttoman Turkishnouncartridge for small arms
FirearmsفشكOttoman Turkishnounany kind of firework, such as squibs, rockets and firecrackers
FishfrogfishEnglishnounAny of several benthic anglerfish, of the family Antennariidae, having a frog-like mouth with a lure.
FishfrogfishEnglishnounAny of the benthic ray-finned fish of the family Batrachoididae (the sole family of order Batrachoidiformes), which are ambush predators and have a toad-like appearance.
FishfrogfishEnglishnounAny fish of genus Lophius.archaic
FishrubioSpanishnouna blond (or blonde) personmasculine
FishrubioSpanishnoungurnard (fish)masculine
FishφῦσαAncient Greeknounpair of bellows; smithiesin-plural
FishφῦσαAncient Greeknounbladderanatomy medicine sciences
FishφῦσαAncient Greeknounpouch of the beaver
FishφῦσαAncient Greeknounbreath, wind, blast
FishφῦσαAncient Greeknounwind in the body, flatus
FishφῦσαAncient Greeknounstream, jet
FishφῦσαAncient Greeknounbubble
FishφῦσαAncient Greeknouncrater of a volcano
FishφῦσαAncient Greeknouncalyx of φυσαλλίς (phusallís)biology botany natural-sciences
FishφῦσαAncient Greeknounkind of fish found in the Nile
FishφῦσαAncient Greekverbfeminine nominative/vocative singular of φῡ́ς (phū́s)feminine form-of nominative participle singular vocative
Fishinghī ikaMaoriverbto fish with a hook and line
Fishinghī ikaMaorinounangling, line fishing.
FlowersaconitumLatinnounAny of the poisonous plants of the genus Aconitum; wolfsbane, monkshood, aconite.declension-2
FlowersaconitumLatinnounA poison made from the poisonous plants of the genus Aconitum.declension-2
FlowersclavelletCatalannoundiminutive of clavell (“carnation”)diminutive form-of masculine
FlowersclavelletCatalannounDianthus hispanicusmasculine
FlowersperiwinkleEnglishnounAny of several evergreen plants of the genus Vinca with blue or white flowers.
FlowersperiwinkleEnglishnounSimilar plants of genus Catharanthus.
FlowersperiwinkleEnglishnounA color with bluish and purplish hues, somewhat light.
FlowersperiwinkleEnglishadjOf pale bluish purple colour.
FlowersperiwinkleEnglishnounA mollusk of family Littorinidae.
FlowersranunculusLatinnouna little frog, polliwog, tadpoledeclension-2
FlowersranunculusLatinnounbuttercup, crowfoot (Ranunculus)declension-2
FlowersմեխակArmeniannouncarnation (flower)
FlowersմեխակArmeniannounclove (spice)
FluorinePFCEnglishnounInitialism of private first class.government military politics warabbreviation alt-of initialism
FluorinePFCEnglishnounInitialism of prefrontal cortex.anatomy medicine neuroanatomy neurology neuroscience sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
FluorinePFCEnglishnounInitialism of perfluorocarbon.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
FluorinePFCEnglishnounInitialism of preference for consistency.human-sciences psychology sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
FluorinePFCEnglishnounInitialism of power factor electrical electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsabbreviation alt-of initialism
Food and drinkरसोईHindinounkitchen
Food and drinkरसोईHindinouncooked food; dish; meal
FoodsbibingkaTagalognounbibingka (rice cake made from rice, coconut, and grated coconut, and wrapped in coconut leaves)
FoodsbibingkaTagalognounfemale genitaliaslang vulgar
FoodschacinaGaliciannounjerky; cured meatfeminine
FoodschacinaGalicianadjdry, curedarchaic feminine masculine
FoodsgạoVietnamesenoundehusked, uncooked rice
FoodsgạoVietnamesenouncotton tree
FoodsgạoVietnameseadjengrossed in studies
FoodsgạoVietnamesenouncyst such as those in Cysticerus cellulosae or those caused by Myxosporea in fish
FoodsleipeVoticnounbread (especially dark bread)
FoodsleipeVoticnounbread dough
FoodsleipeVoticnouncereal, grain
FoodssalgadoPortugueseadjsalty / tasting of salt
FoodssalgadoPortugueseadjsalty / salted (containing salt)
FoodssalgadoPortugueseadjsalty / preserved or treated with salt
FoodssalgadoPortugueseadjsalty / savory; nonsweet
FoodssalgadoPortugueseadjsalty / coarse, provocative, earthyfiguratively
FoodssalgadoPortugueseadjvery expensivecolloquial
FoodssalgadoPortuguesenounany snack, usually fried, that takes saltmasculine
FoodssalgadoPortugueseverbpast participle of salgarform-of participle past
FoodsբոկArmeniannounburnt khoriz (a filling that consists of flour, butter and sugar)dialectal
FoodsਅੰਨPunjabinounfoodstuff, victuals
FoodsਅੰਨPunjabinouncereal, grain
FoodsだんごJapanesenoun団子: sweet dumplings
FoodsだんごJapanesenoun談合: consultation; agreement
FoodsだんごJapanesenoun段碁: a ranked level of play in the game of go; a ranked player in the game of go
FoodsだんごJapanesename団吾: a male given name
Foods団子Japanesenouna dango (round sticky dumpling made from uruchi (non-glutinous) rice flour mixed with glutinous rice flour)
Foods団子Japanesenounsomething round as a ballbroadly
Foods団子Japanesenouna bunch, lumpcolloquial
Foods団子Japanesenouna bulletcolloquial
Foods団子Japanesenouna 家紋 (kamon, “family crest”) with designs of dango on skewers
Foods団子Japanesenounan inefficient clump of stonesderogatory
Foods団子Japanesenouna dango (round sticky dumpling made from flour)Kagoshima dialectal
Foods爆米花Chinesenounpuffed rice
FootwearshoestringEnglishnounThe string or lace used to secure a shoe to the foot; a shoelace.US
FootwearshoestringEnglishnounAn object that is long and thin, like a shoestring (sense 1).attributive figuratively often
FootwearshoestringEnglishnounAn object that is long and thin, like a shoestring (sense 1). / A long, narrow cut of a food; a food lifestyleattributive figuratively often
FootwearshoestringEnglishnounChiefly in on a shoestring: very little money; a tight budget.attributive figuratively often
FootwearshoestringEnglishadjOf a catch or tackle: made near the ground, close to a player's shoes.American-football ball-games baseball football games hobbies lifestyle sportsUS not-comparable
FootwearshoestringEnglishverbTo tackle (a player) using a shoestring tackle (“one made near the ground, close to a player's shoes”).American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
FootwearshoestringEnglishverbTo catch (a ball) using a shoestring catch (“one made near the ground, close to a player's shoes”).ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
FootwearܡܛܪܬܐClassical Syriacnounwatch(ing), guard(ing), vigil
FootwearܡܛܪܬܐClassical Syriacnounpost, station, camp
FootwearܡܛܪܬܐClassical Syriacnoungarrison, troopsgovernment military politics war
FootwearܡܛܪܬܐClassical Syriacnounsandal, shoe
ForestrywyrąbPolishnounfelling, clearing (cutting down of trees)inanimate masculine
ForestrywyrąbPolishnounclearing (open space created through the felling of trees)inanimate masculine
ForestrywyrąbPolishverbsecond-person singular imperative of wyrąbaćform-of imperative second-person singular
Forms of governmentmonarchizmPolishnounmonarchism (rule by a monarchy)inanimate masculine
Forms of governmentmonarchizmPolishnounmonarchism (advocacy of the monarchistic political system)inanimate masculine
FowlsjacutingaPortuguesenounjacutinga (Pipile jacutinga)Brazil feminine
FowlsjacutingaPortuguesenounpiping guan (any bird in the genus Pipile)Brazil broadly feminine
FowlsllocaCatalannounbroody hen, mother henfeminine
FowlsllocaCatalannounmother henfeminine figuratively
FowlsllocaCatalannounsomeone who harbours a criminalfeminine figuratively
FowlsllocaCatalannounpoppyValencia feminine
FowlsllocaCatalanadjbroody (of poultry)feminine masculine
FowlsllocaCatalanadjoverripe (of apples, pears, etc.)feminine masculine
FowlsმამულიLazadj(poultry) male
FowlsმამულიLazadj(fish, insects and plants) male
FowlsმამულიLaznouncock, rooster, cockerel
FruitsapelsīnsLatviannounorange (subtropical fruit tree of genus Citrus, esp. Citrus sinensis, with round, succulent, aromatic fruits)declension-1 masculine
FruitsapelsīnsLatviannounorange (the fruit of that tree)declension-1 masculine
FruitslámMacanesenounChinese olive (Canarium album)
FruitslámMacanesenounEuropean olive (Olea europaea)
FruitsorzechPolishnounnut (seed)inanimate masculine
FruitsorzechPolishnounwalnut (tree)inanimate masculine
FruitsorzechPolishnounwalnut (wood)inanimate masculine
FruitstrešnėLithuaniannounsweet cherry (plant of Prunus avium)
FruitstrešnėLithuaniannounsweet cherry (fruit of Prunus avium)
FruitsगिलासHindinounglass, tumbler
FruitsगिलासHindinounglass ofattributive
FruitsदृढबीजSanskritnoungum arabic tree (Vachellia nilotica, syn. Acacia arabica)
FruitsदृढबीजSanskritnounjujube (Ziziphus jujuba)
FruitsदृढबीजSanskritnounsickle senna (Senna tora, syn. Cassia tora)
Fruits花果Chinesenounflowers and fruits
Fruits花果ChinesenameHuaguo (a subdistrict of Zhangwan district, Shiyan, Hubei, China)
Fruits菠蘿蜜Chinesenounjackfruit; breadfruit
Fruits菠蘿蜜ChinesenounpineappleMandarin Min Northern Wu dialectal
FuneralпохороннийUkrainianadjfuneral (attributive), funerary, obsequialrelational
FungikolczakPolishnounany fungus of the genus Hydnuminanimate masculine
FungikolczakPolishnounspiny tree-rat (any spiny rat of the genus Echimys)animal-not-person masculine
FungikolczakPolishnounlanternshark (any shark of the genus Etmopterus)animal-not-person masculine
FungikolczakPolishnounyellow sac spider (any spider of the genus Cheiracanthium)animal-not-person masculine
FurnitureложеUkrainiannounbedobsolete poetic
FurnitureложеUkrainiannounwooden handgun stock (handle or stem to which the working part of an implement or weapon is attached)
GadiformsnawagaPolishnounAlternative form of nadwagaalt-of alternative feminine
GadiformsnawagaPolishnouneither of two species of cod in the genus Eleginus, especiallyfeminine
GadiformsnawagaPolishnouneither of two species of cod in the genus Eleginus, especially: / navaga (Eleginus nawaga)feminine
GaitscourenMiddle EnglishverbTo crouch, especially in fear; to cower.
GaitscourenMiddle EnglishverbTo hide or conceal oneself.
GemscarbuncleMiddle EnglishnounA carbuncle (garnet or other precious stone)
GemscarbuncleMiddle EnglishnounMaterial similar to carbuncle.
GemscarbuncleMiddle EnglishnounA carbuncle; a large abscess.medicine pathology sciences
GemsיהלוםHebrewnoundiamondscard-games games
GenderlalakiCebuanonounmale human, especially an adult; a man, boy
GenderlalakiCebuanonounmale loverbroadly
GenderlalakiCebuanonounmale animal or plantbroadly
GenderlalakiCebuanoadjmasculine, boyish
GenitaliacazzoItaliannoundick, cock, prickmasculine vulgar
GenitaliacazzoItaliannounshit (US), jackshit (US), sod all (UK), bugger all (UK)masculine vulgar
GenitaliacazzoItaliannounbusiness, affairin-plural masculine vulgar
GenitaliacazzoItalianintjfuck!, shit! (expressing frustration, surprise, or anger)
GenitaliacazzoItalianintjused as an intensifier, often replacing cosa or che, similar to "what the fuck".
GenitaliacazzoItalianintjgood grief
GenitaliacazzoItalianintjmy ass!
GenitaliacazzoItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of cazzarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
GenitaliachujekPolishnoundiminutive of chujanimal-not-person diminutive form-of masculine vulgar
GenitaliachujekPolishnoundiminutive of chujdiminutive form-of masculine offensive person vulgar
Genitaliatea bagEnglishnounAlternative spelling of teabagalt-of alternative
Genitaliatea bagEnglishverbAlternative spelling of teabagalt-of alternative
GeographyshpatAlbaniannounprecipice, slope, ravine, mountainsidemasculine
GeographyshpatAlbaniannounmountain forest, wood, wooded slopeArbëresh Arvanitika masculine
GeologypoggioItaliannounhill, hillockmasculine
GeologypoggioItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of poggiarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
GeologyనేలTelugunounland, ground, field
GeologyనేలTelugunounearth, world
GeometryelipsaCzechnounellipse (curve resulting from stretching a circle along a particular dimension)feminine
GeometryelipsaCzechnounellipsisgrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesfeminine
GnosticismδημιουργόςGreeknouncreator of original works, craftsman, artisan
Gourd family plantsampalayaTagalognounbitter melon
Gourd family plantsampalayaTagalognounselfish personfiguratively
Gourd family plantsтыкваRussiannounpumpkin, cucurbit
Gourd family plantsтыкваRussiannoungourd
Gourd family plantsтыкваRussiannounheadcolloquial derogatory
GovernmentdeficitEnglishnounDeficiency in amount or quality; a falling short; lack.
GovernmentdeficitEnglishnounA situation wherein, or amount whereby, spending exceeds (e.g. government) revenue.
GovernmentdepartementNorwegian Bokmålnouna department, or ministry (e.g. UK) (government department)neuter
GovernmentdepartementNorwegian Bokmålnouna department (administrative area in France)neuter
GrainsmoteSpanishnounmotto (heraldry)masculine
GrainsmoteSpanishnounhulled cereal, especially pearl barley and hominySouth-America masculine
GrainsporumbRomaniannounmaize, cornmasculine
GrainsporumbRomaniannounpigeon, dovedated masculine
GrainsبشنةArabicnoungoosegrass (Eleusine spp.)
GrainsبشنةArabicnounsorghum (Sorghum spp.)
Graphical user interfacesuurentaaFinnishverbto magnify, enlargetransitive
Graphical user interfacesuurentaaFinnishverbto increase, grow, enlargetransitive
Graphical user interfacesuurentaaFinnishverbto maximizecomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
Graphical user interfacesuurentaaFinnishverbthird-person singular present indicative of suurentaaform-of indicative present singular third-person
Greek letter nameszetaBasquenounThe name of the Latin-script letter Z/z.inanimate
Greek letter nameszetaBasquenounzeta (Greek letter)inanimate
Greek letter nameszetaBasquenounsilkinanimate
Greek mythologyNixEnglishnameOne of the moons of Pluto (named 21 June 2006.)astronomy natural-sciences
Greek mythologyNixEnglishnameA surname originating as a patronymic.
Greek mythologyPégaseFrenchnamePegasus (mythical winged horse)masculine
Greek mythologyPégaseFrenchnamePegasus (constellation)masculine
Greek mythologyⲕⲣⲟⲕⲟⲥCopticnounsaffron crocusFayyumic Sahidic
Greek mythologyⲕⲣⲟⲕⲟⲥCopticnameCrocus, a lover of the greek god Hermes.Fayyumic Sahidic
Green algaelukaylukayCebuanonouna seaweed, Caulerpa sertularioides
Green algaelukaylukayCebuanonounthe nasal septum
GreensverdoneItalianadjdark green
GreensverdoneItaliannoundark green (color/colour)masculine
GreensverdoneItaliannouna kind of green tomato used for saladsmasculine regional
GreensverdoneItaliannounEuropean greenfinch, greenfinch (Chloris chloris)masculine
GreensverdoneItaliannounSynonym of verdesca (“blue shark (Prionace glauca)”)masculine
GreensverdoneItaliannounSynonym of verdona (“common mora (Mora moro)”)masculine
GreensverdoneItaliannounSynonym of colombina verde (“green-cracking russula (Russula virescens)”)masculine
GreensverdoneItaliannounbuck (one US dollar)humorous masculine
GreensverdoneItaliannounplural of verdonafeminine form-of plural
GruiformstrompeterCatalannountrumpeter (someone who plays trumpet)masculine
GruiformstrompeterCatalannounlongspine snipefish (Macroramphosus scolopax)masculine
GruiformstrompeterCatalannountrumpeter (bird of the genus Psophia)masculine
Gun sportsskeetEnglishnounA form of trapshooting using clay targets to simulate birds in flight.uncountable
Gun sportsskeetEnglishnounA hand consisting of a 9, a 5, a 2, and two other cards lower than 9.card-games pokercountable
Gun sportsskeetEnglishnounThe ejaculation of semen.slang uncountable
Gun sportsskeetEnglishnounA young working-class person who may be loud, disruptive and poorly educated.Newfoundland countable slang
Gun sportsskeetEnglishverbTo shoot or spray.intransitive transitive
Gun sportsskeetEnglishverbTo ejaculate.slang
Gun sportsskeetEnglishnounA long-handled shovel or scoop.obsolete
Gun sportsskeetEnglishnounA scoop with a long handle, used to wash the sides of a vessel and formerly to wet the sails or deck.nautical transport
Gun sportsskeetEnglishverbTo wet the sails or deck of a vessel.nautical transportdated
Gun sportsskeetEnglishnounnews or gossipuncountable
Gun sportsskeetEnglishverbto look through the front windows of somebody else's house
Gun sportsskeetEnglishnounA post on the Bluesky social media platform.Internet
Gun sportsskeetEnglishverbTo create a skeet.Internet
HairdepilacjaPolishnoundepilation (act of pulling out or removing the hair; hair removal)feminine
HairdepilacjaPolishnoundepilation, epilation (process of refining and finishing fur pelts by mechanically removing stiff, protruding hairs)feminine
HairfrizziesEnglishnounplural of frizzyform-of plural
HairfrizziesEnglishnounUnkempt curly hair, especially of women.colloquial
HairkrulDutchnouna curl (in hair or writing)feminine masculine
HairkrulDutchnouna flourish of approval ; a curly loop as a symbol, used by teachers to mark answers as correctfeminine masculine
HairkrulDutchnouna scroll (e.g. of a violin)arts crafts entertainment hobbies lifestyle lutherie musicfeminine masculine
HairmarcelEnglishnounA hairstyle characterized by deep waves made by a curling iron.
HairmarcelEnglishnounA marcel wave.
HairmarcelEnglishverbTo wave (hair) by the marcel method.transitive
HairmarcelEnglishverbTo wave.figuratively transitive
Halloweenjack-o'-lanternEnglishnounA carved pumpkin whose top and stem have been cut out and interior removed, leaving a hollow shell that is then decorated to represent a face, illuminated from within by a candle. It is a symbol of Halloween.
Halloweenjack-o'-lanternEnglishnounA carved pumpkin whose top and stem have been cut out and interior removed, leaving a hollow shell that is then decorated to represent a face, illuminated from within by a candle. It is a symbol of Halloween. / A similar item made from a turnip
Halloweenjack-o'-lanternEnglishnounA will o' the wisp.archaic
Harry PotterHarry PotterEnglishnameA fictional young wizard from the popular Harry Potter fantasy books and movies.
Harry PotterHarry PotterEnglishnameSaid fiction series.
Harry PotterHarry PotterEnglishnameThe franchise of books, films, video games and other products featuring the wizard character Harry Potter; the Wizarding World.
Hawaii, USAHIEnglishnameAbbreviation of Hawaii.abbreviation alt-of
Hawaii, USAHIEnglishnounAbbreviation of high (“high gear or high range”).abbreviation alt-of uncountable
Hawaii, USAHIEnglishnounInitialism of hyperspectral imaging.abbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
HeadwearSchiffchenGermannoundiminutive of Schiff: little shipdiminutive form-of neuter strong
HeadwearSchiffchenGermannounside capbusiness clothing fashion government lifestyle manufacturing military politics textiles warneuter strong
HeadwearSchiffchenGermannounShort for Weberschiffchen: shuttlebusiness manufacturing textiles weavingabbreviation alt-of neuter strong
HeadwearплатокRussiannounhandkerchief, kerchief
HeadwearплатокRussiannounshawl, headscarf
HeadwearغفارةArabicnouncalotte, bonnet, kerchief
HeadwearغفارةArabicnouncoat, mantle, cloakobsolete
HealthbidráaguPhaluraadjill, sick
HealthbidráaguPhaluraadjthe sick (person)
HealthhertlesMiddle EnglishadjHaving no bravery or showing cowardice; fearful.
HealthhertlesMiddle EnglishadjUnknowledgeable; lacking knowledge or wisdom.
HealthhertlesMiddle EnglishadjDepressed; having malaise or lacking motivation.rare
HealthhertlesMiddle EnglishadjLacking vitality or life.rare
Healthcare occupationsakuszerkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of akuszer (“accoucheuse, midwife”)feminine form-of
Healthcare occupationsakuszerkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of akuszer (“initiator, instigator”) (person or phenomenon that somehow causes a state of affairs)feminine form-of literary
HearingsłychaćPolishverbto be able to be heard, to be audibledefective imperfective impersonal intransitive
HearingsłychaćPolishverbto be said about, to be known from hearsaydefective imperfective impersonal intransitive
HerbsbanewortEnglishnounAtropa belladonna, deadly nightshade.uncountable
HerbsbanewortEnglishnounRanunculus flammula, spearwortuncountable
Herbsbishop's-wortEnglishnounbetony (Stachys betonica, now Stachys officinalis)uncountable
Herbsbishop's-wortEnglishnounfennel flower or devil-in-the-bush (Nigella damascena)uncountable
HeronsbączekPolishnounany bittern of the genus Ixobrychus, especially the little bitternanimal-not-person masculine
HeronsbączekPolishnoundiminutive of bąk: / any horsefly of the genus Tabanusanimal-not-person masculine
HeronsbączekPolishnoundiminutive of bąk: / any bittern of the genus Botaurusanimal-not-person masculine
HeronsbączekPolishnoundiminutive of bąk: / bumblebee or other buzzing insectanimal-not-person masculine
HeronsbączekPolishnoundiminutive of bąk: / child, little oneanimal-not-person endearing masculine
HeronsbączekPolishnoundiminutive of bąk: / dinghy (boat)nautical transportinanimate masculine
HeronsbączekPolishnoundiminutive of bąk: / spinning top (toy)inanimate masculine
HeronsbączekPolishnoundiminutive of bąk: / fart (an emission of digestive gases)colloquial inanimate masculine
HeronsbączekPolishnoundiminutive of bąk: / young shoot of an onioninanimate masculine
HeronsbączekPolishnounbowstring knotinanimate masculine
HidesberánekCzechnoundiminutive of beran, small ram (male sheep)animate diminutive form-of masculine
HidesberánekCzechnounpaschal lamb (the lamb eaten at Passover)animate masculine
HidesberánekCzechnounJesus Christ, symbolized as a sacrificeanimate figuratively masculine
HidesberánekCzechnouna kind of sweet pastry in the shape of a lamb, traditionally prepared for Easteranimate masculine
HidesberánekCzechnouncumulus cloudinanimate masculine
HidesberánekCzechnounsheepskininanimate masculine
HidescammaPalinounhide, skin, leatherneuter
Hindu deitiesDurgaEnglishnameA powerful Indian female deity.
Hindu deitiesDurgaEnglishnameA female given name from Sanskrit, common in India. Another name of Parvati
Hinduismసంకురాత్రిTelugunounThe Hindu festival of Pongal.
Hinduismసంకురాత్రిTelugunamea surname
Historical and traditional regionsCyrenaicaEnglishnameA region of northeastern Libya.
Historical and traditional regionsCyrenaicaEnglishnameA province of the Roman Empire around Cyrene.historical
History of scienceNobelEnglishnameA surname from Swedish, especially referring to Alfred Nobel, Swedish inventor and philanthropist.
History of scienceNobelEnglishnounA Nobel Prize.
History of the United StatesStellaEnglishnameA female given name from Latin.
History of the United StatesStellaEnglishnameEllipsis of Stella Artois., a brand of beer; or a serving of such.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
History of the United StatesStellaEnglishnameA town in South Africa.
History of the United StatesStellaEnglishnameA village in Missouri.
History of the United StatesStellaEnglishnameA village in Nebraska.
History of the United StatesStellaEnglishnameA town in Wisconsin.
History of the United StatesStellaEnglishnameA suburban area in the Metropolitan Borough of Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, England (OS grid ref NZ1763).
History of the United StatesStellaEnglishnameA gold coin with a face value of $4.00 proposed for use in the United States in the 19th century.hobbies lifestyle numismaticsUS
History of the United StatesStellaEnglishnounA black woman who visits Jamaica as a sex tourist; named after the protagonist of How Stella Got Her Groove Back (1998).Jamaica derogatory slang
History of the United StatesStellaEnglishnoun2018, Bianca C. Williams, The Pursuit of Happiness, Duke University Press, →ISBN
History of the United StatesStellaEnglishnoun2018, Bianca C. Williams, The Pursuit of Happiness, Duke University Press, →ISBN: They often come thinking that Jamaican women are not going to like them, because they have heard from others in the United States that Jamaican women have a bad attitude and are upset that these “Stellas” are taking all of their men. / They often come thinking that Jamaican women are not going to like them, because they have heard from others in the United States that Jamaican women have a bad attitude and are upset that these “Stellas” are taking all of their men.
HomeзуухMongolianverbto bite (to hold in teeth, to attack with teeth)
HomeзуухMongolianverbto clench (teeth, lips...)
HomeзуухMongolianverbto grip, to clamp (with pliers or a similar tool)
HomeзуухMongolianverbto be stingy, thriftyfiguratively
HomeзуухMongoliannounhearth, oven, furnacehidden-n
HomeзуухMongolianverbOnly used in амь зуух (amʹ zuux, “to make a living”)
Home applianceslavamanosSpanishnounsinkmasculine
Home applianceslavamanosSpanishnounwashbowlmasculine
Horse gaitsvágtaHungariannoungallop
Horse gaitsvágtaHungariannoundash (short run)
Horse gaitsvágtaHungarianverbthird-person singular indicative past definite of vágdefinite form-of indicative past singular third-person
Horse gaitsvágtaHungarianverbverbal participle of vágparticiple
Horsesflog a dead horseEnglishverbTo attempt to get more out of something that cannot give more; to attempt to arouse fresh interest in something that is either hopeless or already settled.British idiomatic
Horsesflog a dead horseEnglishverbTo attempt to get extra work out of a ship's crew during the dead horse period.nautical transportdated
HorsesfoleMiddle EnglishnounA fool, idiot, or moron; somebody who is stupid or unthinking.
HorsesfoleMiddle EnglishnounAn entertainer or joker; somebody who is employed to provide amusement.
HorsesfoleMiddle EnglishnounSomeone who is incapacitated or shocked; someone whose idiocy is temporary.rare
HorsesfoleMiddle EnglishnounA victim of a scam or trick; someone who is fooled.rare
HorsesfoleMiddle EnglishadjFoolish, moronic, idiotic, ridiculous.
HorsesfoleMiddle EnglishadjEvil, iniquitous, malign, devilish.
HorsesfoleMiddle EnglishadjSexually deviant, immoral or sinful.
HorsesfoleMiddle EnglishnounA foal (a young horse).
HorsesfoleMiddle EnglishnounA horse regardless of its age.
HorsesfoleMiddle EnglishnounThe young of any other mammal, including the human being.
HorsesfoleMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of folen (“to foal”)alt-of alternative
HorsesfoleMiddle Englishverbinflection of folen (“to foal”): / first-person singular present indicativefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
HorsesfoleMiddle Englishverbinflection of folen (“to foal”): / first/second/third-person singular present subjunctivefirst-person form-of present second-person singular subjunctive third-person
HorticulturegumnyškoLower Sorbiannoundiminutive of gumnodiminutive form-of inanimate neuter
HorticulturegumnyškoLower Sorbiannounallotment (plot of land rented from the council for growing fruit and vegetables)inanimate neuter
Horticulture林園Chinesenounpark of trees and vegetation
Horticulture林園Chinesenounpark of trees and vegetation / Chinese landscape gardenspecifically
Horticulture林園ChinesenameLinyuan (a district of Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
HousingasuntoFinnishnounhome, residence, housing unit, dwelling unit, unit (any place, especially a constructed place, where one lives or can live)
HousingasuntoFinnishnounflat, apartment in a larger building
Human migrationbrain drainEnglishnounThe migration of educated or talented people from less economically advanced areas to more economically advanced areas, especially to large cities or richer countries.
Human migrationbrain drainEnglishnounA Jackson-Pratt drain.medicine sciencesinformal
HungarycsardasEnglishnounAn intricate Hungarian folk dance characterized by variations in tempo. The two main parts are called lassú (slow) and friss (quick).
HungarycsardasEnglishnounThe music for such a dance.
IceglacierEnglishnounA large body of ice which flows under its own mass, usually downhill.geography geology natural-sciences
IceglacierEnglishnounAn area of a mountain where snow is present year-round.hobbies lifestyle mountaineering sports
Ice creamchoc iceEnglishnounA block of vanilla ice cream with a chocolate (or chocolate-like) coatingUK
Ice creamchoc iceEnglishnounA black person considered to have assimilated into white culture; an Oreo.UK ethnic slur
IdeologiesинтернационализмRussiannouninternationalismgovernment politics
IdeologiesинтернационализмRussiannouninternationalismhuman-sciences linguistics sciences
IncestinbredEnglishadjBred within; innate.
IncestinbredEnglishadjHaving an ancestry characterized by inbreeding.derogatory often
IncestinbredEnglishadjDescribing a strain produced through successive generations of inbreeding resulting in a population of genetically identical individuals which are homozygous at all genetic loci.biology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciences
IncestinbredEnglishadjInsular or self-contained, primarily interacting with and drawing upon one another.figuratively
IncestinbredEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of inbreedform-of participle past
IncestinbredEnglishnounAn inbred individual.vulgar
IndividualsChingthangkhombaEnglishnameA Meitei male given name.
IndividualsChingthangkhombaEnglishnameA Meitei emperor of the Ningthouja dynasty, who ruled Kangleipak, in the 18th century CE.
IndividualsHeraclitusLatinnameAn ancient Greek given name.declension-2
IndividualsHeraclitusLatinnameThe philosopher Heraclitus.declension-2
IndividualsLaoziEnglishnameAn honorific title for the legendary Taoist philosopher Li Er, who supposedly lived in the 6th and 5th centuries BC and (Chinese mythology) has subsequently been worshipped as a Taoist god.history human-sciences sciencesChinese
IndividualsLaoziEnglishnameSynonym of Tao Te Ching.
IndividualsSéguierFrenchnamea surnameby-personal-gender feminine masculine
IndividualsSéguierFrenchnamea surname / Pierre Séguier (1588–1672), Chancellor of France (1635–1672)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
IndividualsバルトJapanesenounbeing Balticin-compounds
IndividualsバルトJapanesenameA transliteration of the French surname Barthes
IndividualsバルトJapanesenameRoland Barthes, French scholar
IndividualsバルトJapanesenameA transliteration of the German surname Barth
IndividualsバルトJapanesenameKarl Barth, German theologian
Individuals達磨Japanesenouna daruma: a hollow, round, Japanese traditional doll modeled after Bodhidharma, the founder of the Zen sect of Buddhism
Individuals達磨JapanesenameDharma, clipping of 菩提達磨 (Bodaidaruma, “Bodhidharma”)
Inheritance lawdziedzicPolishnounheir, inheritor, successormasculine person
Inheritance lawdziedzicPolishnounlandlord, laird, squiremasculine person
Inheritance lawtestamentPolishnountestament, will (formal declaration of one's intent concerning the disposal of one's property and holdings after death; the legal document stating such wishes)inanimate masculine
Inheritance lawtestamentPolishnounlegacy (artistic creation or spiritual message left behind after someone's death for future generations)inanimate masculine
InsectsmetabolitPolishnounmetabolite (any substance produced by, or taking part in, a metabolic reaction)medicine physiology sciencesinanimate masculine
InsectsmetabolitPolishnounmetamorph (any insect undergoing metamorphosis)biology entomology natural-sciencesinanimate masculine
InsectsקנײַפּערYiddishnounpliers (gripping tool which multiplies the strength of the user's hand)
InsectsקנײַפּערYiddishnounstingy person
InsectsحشرهOttoman Turkishnouninsect, any arthropod in the Insecta class characterized by six legs
InsectsحشرهOttoman Turkishnouninsect, bug, any small arthropod similar to an insectcolloquial
JudaismHolocaustEnglishnameThe systematic mass murder (genocide) of six million Jews perpetrated by Nazi Germany shortly before and during World War II.historical uncountable usually
JudaismHolocaustEnglishnameThe systematic mass murder (democide) of somewhere between eleven and fourteen million people, namely six million Jews and from five to eight million others (including Romanis, Slavs, homosexuals, and people with physical and mental disabilities), perpetrated by Nazi Germany shortly before and during World War II.broadly historical uncountable usually
JudaismHolocaustEnglishverbAlternative letter-case form of holocaust (“subject to a mass annihilation; destroy en masse”).alt-of
KitchenwareformaPolishnounform (one of the ways in which something appears; appearance; manifestation)feminine
KitchenwareformaPolishnounform (way in which a work is constructed)feminine literary
KitchenwareformaPolishnounform (specific type of works of art perceived due to their external structure or structure and a set of typical artistic means)feminine literary
KitchenwareformaPolishnouncast, mold, cake tin (kitchenware used for shaping batter or something similar)feminine
KitchenwareformaPolishnounpattern (paper or cardboard template from which the parts of a garment are traced onto fabric prior to cutting out and assembling)business manufacturing textilesfeminine
KitchenwareformaPolishnounform (particular shape or structure of a word or part of speech)grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesfeminine
KitchenwareformaPolishnounform (living organisms or products of nature characterized by a set of common features)sciencesfeminine
KitchenwareformaPolishnounstate, shape (physical or mental conidition)feminine
KitchenwareformaPolishnounshape (condition of personal health, especially muscular health)feminine
KitchenwareformaPolishnounform (arrangement of coordinated elements)feminine
KitchenwareformaPolishnounmold (hollow form or matrix for shaping a fluid or plastic substance)feminine
KitchenwareformaPolishnounform (inherent nature of an object; that which the mind itself contributes as the condition of knowing; that in which the essence of a thing consists)human-sciences philosophy sciencesfeminine
KitchenwareformaPolishnoununiform polynomialmathematics sciencesfeminine
KitchenwareformaPolishnountemplate (set of printing elements prepared for printing)media printing publishingfeminine
KitchenwareformaPolishnounpretend, act (something done for show)feminine obsolete
KitchenwareformaPolishnounbox placed in the focus on a bellows nozzle; opening in a furnacefeminine obsolete
KitchenwareformaPolishnounform (combination of planes included under a general crystallographic symbol)chemistry crystallography natural-sciences physical-sciencesfeminine obsolete
KitchenwareformaPolishnounchoirstallCatholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicismfeminine obsolete
KitchenwareformaPolishnounform (manner of conduct and behavior resulting from social conventions)feminine in-plural
KitchenwaregrajcarPolishnounkreutzer (former unit of currency of Austria)animal-not-person historical masculine
KitchenwaregrajcarPolishnounkreutzer (former unit of currency of Germany)animal-not-person historical masculine
KitchenwaregrajcarPolishnounkreutzer (former unit of currency of Switzerland)animal-not-person historical masculine
KitchenwaregrajcarPolishnouncorkscrewarchaic inanimate masculine
KitchenwaregrajcarPolishnoungun worm (corkscrew-like device used to remove unspent charges from the barrel of a gun)historical inanimate masculine
KitchenwarerendeSerbo-Croatiannoungrater for food preparationregional
KitchenwarerendeSerbo-Croatiannounsmoothing planeregional
KitchenwaretrzepaczkaPolishnounwhisk (cooking utensil)feminine
Korean punctuation marksKoreanpunctthe hyphen, ⟨-⟩
Korean punctuation marksKoreanpunctthe opening or closing parenthesis, ( ... )
Kyphosid fishmoonlighterEnglishnounA person who moonlights, working a second job on the side.
Kyphosid fishmoonlighterEnglishnounOne who serenades by moonlight.US regional
Kyphosid fishmoonlighterEnglishnounA moonshiner, who makes illicit alcohol.
Kyphosid fishmoonlighterEnglishnounOne of a gang who used violence, especially at night, to promote agrarianism in Ireland during the Land War of the late 19th century.Ireland historical
Kyphosid fishmoonlighterEnglishnounA southern Australian marine fish, Tilodon sexfasciatum.Australia
LandformsgladeEnglishnounAn open passage through a wood; a grassy open or cleared space in a forest.
LandformsgladeEnglishnounAn everglade.colloquial
LandformsgladeEnglishnounAn open space in the ice on a river or lake.
LandformsgladeEnglishnounA bright surface of ice or snow.
LandformsgladeEnglishnounA gleam of light.obsolete
LandformsgladeEnglishnounA bright patch of sky; the bright space between clouds.obsolete
LandformsklipDutchnounrock or cliff in or around sea waterfeminine
LandformsklipDutchnoundune, sandy hilldialectal feminine
LandformsklipDutchnounrock on land, e.g. used as a habitat by animalsarchaic feminine
LandformsklipDutchnounboulder, piece of rockfeminine obsolete
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo move or burst forth. / To appear.intransitive
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo move or burst forth. / To grow, to sprout.intransitive
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo move or burst forth. / To grow, to sprout. / To mature.UK dialectal intransitive
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo move or burst forth. / To arise, to come into existence.figuratively intransitive
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo move or burst forth. / To enliven.figuratively intransitive sometimes
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo move or burst forth. / To move with great speed and energy.figuratively intransitive usually
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo move or burst forth. / To be born, descend, or originate fromintransitive usually
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo move or burst forth. / To rise in social position or military rank, to be promoted.intransitive obsolete
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo move or burst forth.intransitive
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo cause to spring (all senses).transitive
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo cause to spring (all senses). / To cause to work or open by sudden application of pressure.transitive
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo breed with, to impregnate.obsolete
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo wetten, to moisten.obsolete transitive
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo burst into pieces, to explode, to shatter.intransitive usually
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo go off.government military politics warobsolete
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo crack.nautical transportintransitive perfective usually
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo surprise by sudden or deft action.figuratively transitive
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo come upon and flush out.
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo catch in an illegal act or compromising position.Australia slang
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo begin.obsolete
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo put bad money into circulation.obsolete slang
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo tell, to share.
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo free from imprisonment, especially by facilitating an illegal escape.US slang transitive
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo be free of imprisonment, especially by illegal escape.intransitive rare slang
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo build, to form the initial curve of.architecturetransitive
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo extend, to curve.architectureintransitive
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo turn a vessel using a spring attached to its anchor cable.nautical transporttransitive
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo pay or spend a certain sum, to yield.transitive
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo raise an offered price.intransitive obsolete slang
LandformsspringEnglishverbAlternative form of sprain.US alt-of alternative dialectal transitive
LandformsspringEnglishverbAlternative form of strain.US alt-of alternative dialectal transitive
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo act as a spring: to strongly rebound.intransitive obsolete
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo equip with springs, especially (of vehicles) to equip with a suspension.rare transitive
LandformsspringEnglishverbto inspire, to motivate.figuratively obsolete rare
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo deform owing to excessive pressure, to become warped; to intentionally deform in order to position and then straighten in place.intransitive transitive
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo swell with milk or pregnancy.UK dialectal intransitive
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo sound, to play.archaic transitive
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo spend the springtime somewhereintransitive
LandformsspringEnglishverbTo find or get enough food during springtime.
LandformsspringEnglishnounAn act of springing: a leap, a jump.countable
LandformsspringEnglishnounThe season of the year in temperate regions in which plants spring from the ground and into bloom and dormant animals spring to life. / The period from the moment of vernal equinox (around March 21 in the Northern Hemisphere) to the moment of the summer solstice (around June 21); the equivalent periods reckoned in other cultures and calendars.astronomy natural-sciencescountable uncountable
LandformsspringEnglishnounThe season of the year in temperate regions in which plants spring from the ground and into bloom and dormant animals spring to life. / The three months of March, April, and May in the Northern Hemisphere and September, October, and November in the Southern Hemisphere.climatology meteorology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
LandformsspringEnglishnounThe season of the year in temperate regions in which plants spring from the ground and into bloom and dormant animals spring to life.countable
LandformsspringEnglishnounThe time of something's growth; the early stages of some process.figuratively uncountable
LandformsspringEnglishnounThe time of something's growth; the early stages of some process. / a period of political liberalization and democratizationgovernment politicscountable figuratively uncountable
LandformsspringEnglishnounSomeone with ivory or peach skin tone and eyes and hair that are not extremely dark, seen as best suited to certain colors of lifestylecountable
LandformsspringEnglishnounSomething which springs, springs forth, springs up, or springs back, particularly / A spray or body of water springing from the ground.geography geology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
LandformsspringEnglishnounSomething which springs, springs forth, springs up, or springs back, particularly / The rising of the sea at high tide.geography natural-sciences oceanographycountable obsolete uncountable
LandformsspringEnglishnounSomething which springs, springs forth, springs up, or springs back, particularly / Short for spring tide, the especially high tide shortly after full and new moons.geography natural-sciences oceanographyabbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
LandformsspringEnglishnounSomething which springs, springs forth, springs up, or springs back, particularly / A mechanical device made of flexible or coiled material that exerts force and attempts to spring back when bent, compressed, or stretched.countable uncountable
LandformsspringEnglishnounSomething which springs, springs forth, springs up, or springs back, particularly / A line from a vessel's end or side to its anchor cable used to diminish or control its movement.nautical transportcountable uncountable
LandformsspringEnglishnounSomething which springs, springs forth, springs up, or springs back, particularly / A line laid out from a vessel's end to the opposite end of an adjacent vessel or mooring to diminish or control its movement.nautical transportcountable uncountable
LandformsspringEnglishnounSomething which springs, springs forth, springs up, or springs back, particularly / A race, a lineage.countable figuratively uncountable
LandformsspringEnglishnounSomething which springs, springs forth, springs up, or springs back, particularly / A youth.countable figuratively uncountable
LandformsspringEnglishnounSomething which springs, springs forth, springs up, or springs back, particularly / A shoot, a young tree.countable uncountable
LandformsspringEnglishnounSomething which springs, springs forth, springs up, or springs back, particularly / A grove of trees; a forest.countable uncountable
LandformsspringEnglishnounAn erection of the penis.countable slang
LandformsspringEnglishnounA crack which has sprung up in a mast, spar, or (rare) a plank or seam.nautical transportcountable obsolete
LandformsspringEnglishnounSpringiness: an attribute or quality of springing, springing up, or springing back, particularly / Elasticity: the property of a body springing back to its original form after compression, stretching, etc.countable uncountable
LandformsspringEnglishnounSpringiness: an attribute or quality of springing, springing up, or springing back, particularly / Elastic energy, power, or force.countable uncountable
LandformsspringEnglishnounThe source from which an action or supply of something springs.countable
LandformsspringEnglishnounSomething which causes others or another to spring forth or spring into action, particularly / A cause, a motive, etc.countable uncountable
LandformsspringEnglishnounSomething which causes others or another to spring forth or spring into action, particularly / A lively piece of music.countable obsolete uncountable
LandformsvalleSpanishverbinflection of vallar: / first/third-person singular present subjunctivefirst-person form-of present singular subjunctive third-person
LandformsvalleSpanishverbinflection of vallar: / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
LandformswychódPolishnounoutcropping, outcropgeography geology natural-sciencesinanimate masculine
LandformswychódPolishnounexpense, expendituredialectal inanimate masculine
LandformswychódPolishnounleaving, walking out, exitinginanimate masculine obsolete regional
LandformswychódPolishnounexitinanimate masculine obsolete regional
LandformsçayTurkishnountea (plant)
LandformsçayTurkishnountea (the dried leaves or buds of the tea plant)
LandformsçayTurkishnountea (the drink made by infusing these dried leaves or buds in hot water)
LandformsçayTurkishnounA small river, a brook.
LandformsसागरHindinounocean, sea
LandformsसागरHindinouna repository, store, or collection of somethingfiguratively
LandformsसागरHindinameSagar (a city in Sagar district, Madhya Pradesh, India)
LandformsसागरHindinameSagar (a district of Madhya Pradesh, India, containing the city of the same name)
LanguagesBagirmiEnglishnameThe language of the Baguirmi people of Chad, spoken mainly in the Chari-Baguirmi Prefecture.
LanguagesBagirmiEnglishnameA family of languages which includes the Bagirmi language as well as Naba, Kenga, Fer, Beraku, Disa, and Goulai.
LanguagesBalochiEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Balochistan, a region of west-central Asia.
LanguagesBalochiEnglishnameA Northwestern Iranian language spoken mainly in SW Pakistan (80% of speakers), SE Iran and S Afghanistan. SIL standard divides Balochi into three related languages, Eastern Balochi, Southern Balochi and Western Balochi.
LanguagesFilipinoEnglishnounA citizen or local inhabitant of the Philippines and those descending from such, especially a male.
LanguagesFilipinoEnglishnounA male Philippine-born person of pure or majority Spanish descent.historical obsolete
LanguagesFilipinoEnglishnameThe national language of the Philippines, based on Tagalog.uncountable
LanguagesFilipinoEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Philippines or its peoples, languages, and cultures.not-comparable
LanguagesFilipinoEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Tagalog, the basis of the national language of the Philippines.not-comparable
LanguagesSchotsDutchnameScots (British language)neuter
LanguagesarabiskDanishadjArabic (of, from, or pertaining to Arab countries or cultural behaviour)
LanguagesarabiskDanishnounArabic (the language)neuter
LanguagesestiskDanishadjEstonian (of, from, or pertaining to the country of Estonia, its people or their language)
LanguagesestiskDanishnounEstonian (the Estonian language)neuter
LanguageshispaneEsperantoadvin the Spanish language
LanguageshispaneEsperantoadvin the manner of a Spaniard
LanguagesitalianoSpanishadjItalian (from or native to Italy)
LanguagesitalianoSpanishadjItalian (pertaining to Italy)
LanguagesitalianoSpanishadj(of a hot dog or a sandwich) having avocado, mayonnaise, and tomatoChile
LanguagesitalianoSpanishnounan Italianmasculine
LanguagesitalianoSpanishnounClipping of completo italiano, a hot dog (especially with avocado, mayonnaise, and tomato)Chile abbreviation alt-of clipping masculine
LanguagesitalianoSpanishnounItalian (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesmalaijiFinnishnounMalay (person)
LanguagesmalaijiFinnishnounMalay (language)
LanguagesrusseFrenchnounRussian languagemasculine uncountable
LanguagesserboItalianadjSerbian, Serb (of, from or relating to Serbia)
LanguagesserboItaliannounSerbian, Serb (native or inhabitant of Serbia) (male or of unspecified gender)masculine
LanguagesserboItaliannounthe Serbian languagemasculine uncountable
LanguagesserboItaliannounOnly used in in serbo
LanguagesserboItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of serbarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
LanguagessuecuAsturianadjSwedish (of or pertaining to Sweden)masculine singular
LanguagessuecuAsturiannouna Swede (person)masculine singular
LanguagessuecuAsturiannounSwedish (language)masculine singular uncountable
LanguagessvédHungarianadjSwedish (of, from, or relating to Sweden, its people or language)not-comparable
LanguagessvédHungariannounSwede (person)countable uncountable
LanguagessvédHungariannounSwedish (language)countable uncountable
LaoskipEnglishnounThe untanned hide of a young or small beast, such as a calf, lamb, or young goat.countable uncountable
LaoskipEnglishnounA bundle or set of such hides.countable uncountable
LaoskipEnglishnounA unit of count for skins, 30 for lamb and 50 for goat.countable obsolete uncountable
LaoskipEnglishnounThe leather made from such hide.countable uncountable
LaoskipEnglishnounA place to sleep; a rooming house; a bed.Ireland UK informal
LaoskipEnglishnounSleep, snooze, nap, forty winks, doze.Commonwealth Ireland UK informal
LaoskipEnglishnounA very untidy house or room.Ireland UK informal
LaoskipEnglishnounA brothel.Ireland UK dated informal
LaoskipEnglishverbTo sleep; often with the connotation of a temporary or charitable situation, or one borne out of necessity.UK informal
LaoskipEnglishverbTo snatch; take up hastily; filchNorthern-England Scotland dialectal transitive
LaoskipEnglishverbTo hold or keep (together)intransitive obsolete
LaoskipEnglishverbTo conduct oneself; actNorthern-England dialectal intransitive
LaoskipEnglishnounA unit of force equal to 1000 pounds-force (lbf) (4.44822 kilonewtons or 4448.22 newtons); occasionally called the kilopound.
LaoskipEnglishnounA unit of weight, used, for example, to calculate shipping charges, equal to half a US ton, or 1000 pounds.
LaoskipEnglishnounA unit of mass equal to 1000 avoirdupois pounds.nonstandard rare
LaoskipEnglishnounThe unit of currency in Laos, divided into 100 att, symbol ₭, abbreviation LAK.
LaoskipEnglishnounA piece of flat wood used to throw the coins in a game of two-up.gamesAustralia
LaoskipEnglishnounA basic skill or maneuver in artistic gymnastics on the uneven bars, parallel bars, high bar and still rings used, for example, as a way of mounting the bar in a front support position, or achieving a handstand from a hanging position. In its basic form, the legs are swung forward and upward by bending the hips, then suddenly down again, which gives the upward impulse to the body.gymnastics hobbies lifestyle sports
LaoskipEnglishnounA sharp-pointed hill; a projecting point, as on a hill.Scotland
LaoskipEnglishverbTo perform the kip maneuver.gymnastics hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive
Latin letter nameserLatinnounhedgehogdeclension-3
Latin letter nameserLatinnounThe name of the letter R.feminine indeclinable
Latin nomina gentiliaHeriusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaHeriusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Herius Asinius, a soldier of the Marrucinideclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaHeriusLatinnameA river of Gallia Lugdunensis mentioned by Ptolemy, maybe the Vilainedeclension-2
LawaitheascIrishnounverbal noun of aitheasc (“address; exhort; apostrophize”)form-of masculine noun-from-verb
LawaitheascIrishnounaddress, allocution, oration, speechmasculine
LawaitheascIrishnounexhortation, homily, sermonmasculine
LawaitheascIrishnounapostrophemasculine rhetoric
LawaitheascIrishverbaddress (court, etc.)transitive
Lawambulance chaserEnglishnounAn unethical attorney who solicits business at the scenes of accidents or in hospitals, in exchange for a percentage of the damages that will be recovered in the case.derogatory
Lawambulance chaserEnglishnounAn attorney who engages in unethical behavior.broadly
Lawambulance chaserEnglishnounAn unethical funeral director or person who engages in the unlicensed sale of services to those who do not yet require them in an attempt to increase business.derogatory
LawchalengenMiddle EnglishverbTo counter, oppose, argue, or be against (something or someone): / To insult, criticise, or reprehend (something or someone).
LawchalengenMiddle EnglishverbTo counter, oppose, argue, or be against (something or someone): / To make a (malicious and wrongful) accusation or allegation.
LawchalengenMiddle EnglishverbTo counter, oppose, argue, or be against (something or someone): / To act with undeserved malice towards someone.rare
LawchalengenMiddle EnglishverbTo counter, oppose, argue, or be against (something or someone): / To punish or penalise someone (for their behaviour)rare
LawchalengenMiddle EnglishverbTo claim a possession, right, or privilege: / To appropriate or expropriate; to take wrongfully or forcibly.
LawchalengenMiddle EnglishverbTo claim a possession, right, or privilege: / To forcibly request or order; to make a demand.rare
LawchalengenMiddle EnglishverbTo search or look for something; to seek out.
LawchalengenMiddle EnglishverbTo summon to a battle or duel.
LawchalengenMiddle EnglishverbTo win a conflict or engagement; to defeat one's enemies.rare
LawchalengenMiddle EnglishverbTo supply a reason for entering into a duel.rare
LawleySpanishnounlaw (a well-established characteristic of nature)feminine
LawleySpanishnounlaw (body of rules issued by a legislative body)feminine
LawleySpanishnounlaw (particular piece of legislation)feminine
LawleySpanishnounreligion, credence, worship of a godfeminine
LawܬܘܚܡܐClassical Syriacnountime limit
LawܬܘܚܡܐClassical Syriacnounresolution, determination
LawܬܘܚܡܐClassical Syriacnounorder, decree
LawܬܘܚܡܐClassical Syriacnounlaw, ordinance
LawܬܘܚܡܐClassical Syriacnoundefinition
LawกฎThaiverbto engrave, to inscribe; to mark down, to note down; to record, to register.archaic
LawกฎThaiverbto command, to decree, to direct, to instruct, to order, to ordain; to rule, to decide, to judge, to solve, to resolve; to enact, to legislate, to prescribe, to regulate.archaic
LawกฎThainounengravement, inscription; account, note, record, register.archaic
LawกฎThainouncommand, decree, edict, direction, instruction, order, ordinance, prescription, precept; decision, ruling, judgment, verdict, resolution, solution.archaic
LawกฎThainounlaw; statue; regulation; rule.
LawกฎThainounsecondary legislation.
Lawธรรมศาสตร์Thainame(พระ~) Dharmaśāstra, a genre of Indic legal treatises.Hinduism
Lawธรรมศาสตร์Thainame(พระ~) the name of a procedural law of Siam, enacted in 1805.historical
Lawธรรมศาสตร์ThainameThammasat University (a university in Thailand).
Lawธรรมศาสตร์Thainoun(พระ~) jurisprudence: legal science.archaic
Lawโจทก์Thainounprosecutor; prosecuting party.
LeaderscônsulPortuguesenounconsul (official residing in major foreign towns to represent and protect the interests of the merchants and citizens of their country)masculine
LeaderscônsulPortuguesenounconsul (either of the two heads of government and state of the Roman Republic or the equivalent nominal post under the Roman and Byzantine Empires)historical masculine
LeaderscônsulPortuguesenounconsul (any of the three heads of government and state of France between 1799 and 1804)historical masculine
LeadersprůvodceCzechnounguide (someone who guides)animate masculine
LeadersprůvodceCzechnounguide (document, book)animate inanimate masculine
LeadersprůvodceCzechnounwizard (program or script used to simplify complex operations)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesanimate inanimate masculine
LeadersprůvodceCzechnoundative/locative singular of průvodkadative feminine form-of locative singular
LeftismwokeEnglishadjAwake: conscious and not asleep.dialectal not-comparable usually
LeftismwokeEnglishadjAlert, aware of what is going on, or well-informed, especially in racial and other social justice issues.not-comparable slang usually
LeftismwokeEnglishadjHolding progressive views or attitudes, principally with regard to social justice.government politicsbroadly derogatory not-comparable often slang usually
LeftismwokeEnglishnounA person who is woke (holding progressive views or attitudes).countable derogatory often slang
LeftismwokeEnglishnounA progressive ideology, in particular with regards to social justice.derogatory slang uncountable
LeftismwokeEnglishverbsimple past of wakeform-of past
LeftismwokeEnglishverbpast participle of wakecolloquial dialectal form-of participle past
LegumeslupinaSlovaknoundandrufffeminine plural-normally
LegumeslupinaSlovaknounlupin, lupine (plant of the genus Lupinus)feminine
Light sourcesupaajMarshallesenouna fireplace
Light sourcesupaajMarshallesenounan open fireplace for cooking
Light sourcesupaajMarshallesenounashes
Light sourcesxiubboLoloponounmoonYao'an
Light sourcesxiubboLoloponounmonthYao'an
LinguisticslinguistikMalaynounScientific study of languages; linguistics.
LinguisticslinguistikMalayadjRelating to linguistics; linguistic.
LiquidsdewdropEnglishnounA droplet of water formed as dew.
LiquidsdewdropEnglishnounA slow pitch.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportsdated slang
LiquidsdewdropEnglishnounA plant of species Dalibarda repens.
LoonsnurPolishnounloon (any bird of the order Gaviiformes)animal-not-person masculine
LoonsnurPolishnoundive, plunge (jump into water)animal-not-person masculine
LoveErosEnglishnameThe god of love and sexual desire; son of either Erebus and Nyx or Aphrodite and Ares. His Roman counterpart is Cupid.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
LoveErosEnglishname433 Eros, an asteroid
LovebasiumLatinnounkiss, especially of the handdeclension-2
LovebasiumLatinnounkiss of the lips (esp. used this way in Catullus and Martial)declension-2 poetic
LoveszeretHungarianverbto lovetransitive
LoveszeretHungarianverbto liketransitive
LoveyuanyangEnglishnounA pair of mandarin ducks, one male and one female, as a symbol of faithful union.China countable uncountable
LoveyuanyangEnglishnounSynonym of yuenyeungcountable uncountable
LoveعشقArabicnounverbal noun of عَشِقَ (ʕašiqa) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
LoveعشقArabicnounliking with desire (lust), being in love; romantic love (particularly when very strong)
LoveعشقArabicverbto fall in love; to love excessively; to adore
LoveعشقArabicverbto join
LoveعشقArabicverbto connect
Machinescash registerEnglishnounA machine that tabulates the amount of sales transactions, makes a permanent and cumulative record of them, and has a drawer in which cash can be kept.
Machinescash registerEnglishnounA point of sale.
MachinesкондиціонерUkrainiannounair conditioner
MachinesкондиціонерUkrainiannounhair conditioner
MacropodsredEnglishadjOf a red hue.
MacropodsredEnglishadjHaving an orange-brown or orange-blond colour; ginger.
MacropodsredEnglishadjWith a red hue due to embarrassment or sunburn.
MacropodsredEnglishadjHaving a brown color.
MacropodsredEnglishadjOf the hearts or diamonds suits. Compare black (“of the spades or clubs suits”)card-games games
MacropodsredEnglishadjSupportive of, related to, or dominated by a political party or movement represented by the color red: / Left-wing parties and movements, chiefly socialist or communist, including the U.K. Labour party and the Social Democratic Party of Germany.government politicscapitalized often
MacropodsredEnglishadjSupportive of, related to, or dominated by a political party or movement represented by the color red: / The U.S. Republican Party.government politicsUS capitalized often
MacropodsredEnglishadjAmerind; relating to Amerindians or First Nationsderogatory offensive
MacropodsredEnglishadjOf the lower-frequency region of the (typically visible) part of the electromagnetic spectrum which is relevant in the specific observation.astronomy natural-sciences
MacropodsredEnglishadjOf a red color charge.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsparticle
MacropodsredEnglishnounThe colour of the setting sun; the colour which is evoked by the longest visible wavelengths (between about 625–740 nm), and a primary additive colour.countable uncountable
MacropodsredEnglishnounA revolutionary socialist or (most commonly) a Communist; (usually capitalized) a Bolshevik, a supporter of the Bolsheviks in the Russian Civil War.countable
MacropodsredEnglishnounOne of the 15 red balls used in snooker, distinguished from the colours.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle snooker sportscountable
MacropodsredEnglishnounRed wine.countable uncountable
MacropodsredEnglishnounAny of several varieties of ale which are brewed with red or kilned malt, giving the beer a red colour.countable
MacropodsredEnglishnounA red kangaroo.Australia countable informal
MacropodsredEnglishnounA redshank.biology birdwatching natural-sciences ornithologyUK countable informal
MacropodsredEnglishnounAn American Indian.countable derogatory offensive uncountable
MacropodsredEnglishnounThe drug secobarbital; a capsule of this drug.countable slang uncountable
MacropodsredEnglishnounA red light (a traffic signal)countable informal uncountable
MacropodsredEnglishnounRed lemonadebeverages food lifestyleIreland UK countable informal uncountable
MacropodsredEnglishnounOne of the three color charges for quarks.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable particle uncountable
MacropodsredEnglishnounChili con carne (usually in the phrase "bowl of red").US colloquial uncountable
MacropodsredEnglishnounThe redfish or red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, a fish with reddish fins and scales.countable informal uncountable
MacropodsredEnglishnounTomato ketchup.slang uncountable
MacropodsredEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of redearchaic form-of participle past
MacropodsredEnglishverbAlternative spelling of reddalt-of alternative
Madder family plantscoffeeEnglishnounA beverage made by infusing the beans of the coffee plant in hot water.uncountable
Madder family plantscoffeeEnglishnounA serving of this beverage.countable
Madder family plantscoffeeEnglishnounThe seeds of the plant used to make coffee, called ‘beans’ due to their shape.countable uncountable
Madder family plantscoffeeEnglishnounThe powder made by roasting and grinding the seeds.countable uncountable
Madder family plantscoffeeEnglishnounA tropical plant of the genus Coffea.countable uncountable
Madder family plantscoffeeEnglishnounA pale brown color, like that of milk coffee.countable uncountable
Madder family plantscoffeeEnglishnounThe end of a meal, when coffee is served.countable uncountable
Madder family plantscoffeeEnglishadjOf a pale brown colour, like that of milk coffee.not-comparable
Madder family plantscoffeeEnglishadjOf a table: a small, low table suitable for people in lounge seating to put coffee cups on.not-comparable
Madder family plantscoffeeEnglishverbTo drink coffee.intransitive
Madder family plantscoffeeEnglishverbTo give coffee to.transitive
Madder family plantsகடம்புTamilnounkadam, common bur-flower tree (Neolamarckia cadamba, syn. Nauclea cadamba)
Madder family plantsகடம்புTamilnouncommon putat (Barringtonia racemosa, syn. Eugenia racemosa L.)
Magic: The GatheringMTGEnglishnameInitialism of Magic: The Gathering.fantasyabbreviation alt-of initialism
Magic: The GatheringMTGEnglishnameInitialism of Marjorie Taylor Greene.government politicsUS abbreviation alt-of initialism
MalebabaShonanounfather (priest)Christianity
Maleప్రాణనాథుడుTelugunounepithet of Yama.
Male animalsboucFrenchnounbilly goatmasculine
Male animalsboucFrenchnoungoateemasculine
Male animalscockfishEnglishnounA male fish, especially a salmon or trout.
Male animalscockfishEnglishnounA callorhinchid fish, Callorhinchus callorynchus, native to South America.
Male animalscockfishEnglishnounA cyprinid fish, Hypselobarbus dubius, native to India.
Male animalscockfishEnglishverbTo deceive others by using fake photos of one’s genitalia.Internet vulgar
Male animalscockfishEnglishnounA person who cockfishes.Internet vulgar
Male animalsojciecPolishnounfather (human male who begets a child)masculine person
Male animalsojciecPolishnounfather (animal male that begets a child)masculine person
Male animalsojciecPolishnounfather (person who instigates something)figuratively masculine person
Male animalsojciecPolishnounfather (member of a church council)Christianitymasculine person
Male animalsojciecPolishnounterm of address for a priest; fatherChristianitymasculine person
Male animalsojciecPolishnounterm of address for a man; fathermasculine person
Male animalsojciecPolishnounfather (ancestory)in-plural masculine person
Male animalsojciecPolishnounprotectorendearing masculine obsolete person
Male animalsojciecPolishnounparentsdialectal in-plural masculine obsolete person
Male animalsojciecPolishnountype of party gamegamesmasculine obsolete person
Male animalsojciecPolishnoungreat actorentertainment lifestyle theatermasculine obsolete person
Male animalsojciecPolishnounstarostmasculine obsolete person
Male animalsojciecPolishnounhermitMiddle Polish masculine person
Male animalsojciecPolishnounfather (the Pope)ChristianityMiddle Polish masculine person
Male animalsojciecPolishnounpatronChristianityMiddle Polish masculine person
Male animalsojciecPolishnounscholar, theological writer (expert in the history of the Church and religion)lifestyle religion theologyMiddle Polish masculine person
Male animalstoroItaliannounbullmasculine
Male animalstoroItaliannounTaurusmasculine
Male animalstoroItaliannountorusgeometry mathematics sciencesmasculine
Male animalsовенRussiannounram (male sheep)archaic
Male animalsовенRussiannounan Aries (a person born with the Aries star sign)astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
Male family membersdadVlax RomaninounfatherBanatiski-Gurbet Gurbet Kalderaš Lovara Macedonian-Džambazi Sremski-Gurbet masculine
Male family membersdadVlax RomaninounstepfatherSremski-Gurbet masculine
Male family membersfearIrishnounman (adult male)masculine
Male family membersfearIrishnounhusband, male spousemasculine
Male family membersfearIrishverbto shed (a liquid)transitive
Male family membersfearIrishverbto excretetransitive
Male family membersplemmäänikkaIngriannounnephew
Male family membersplemmäänikkaIngriannounniblingsin-plural
Male family membersuncle-in-lawEnglishnounThe husband of one's uncle or aunt (parent's sibling).nonstandard
Male family membersuncle-in-lawEnglishnounThe uncle of one's spouse. / The uncle of one's husband.nonstandard
Male family membersuncle-in-lawEnglishnounThe uncle of one's spouse. / The uncle of one's wife.nonstandard
Male family membersпобратимUkrainiannounblood brother
Male family membersпобратимUkrainiannounbrother-in-arms
Male family membersსინჯაMingreliannounson-in-law
Male family membersსინჯაMingreliannounbridegroom
Male peoplecountrymanEnglishnounSomebody from a certain country.
Male peoplecountrymanEnglishnounSomebody from one's own country; a fellow countryman; compatriot.
Male peoplecountrymanEnglishnounA country dweller, especially a follower of country pursuits.
Male peoplecountrymanEnglishnounA settled person, as opposed to a traveller.Ireland
Male peoplekobylarzPolishnounone who skins horsesmasculine person
Male peoplekobylarzPolishnounhorseherdmasculine person
Male peoplekobylarzPolishnounlarge wolfanimal-not-person dialectal masculine
Male peoplekošťálCzechnounshort, thick stalk of certain vegetablesinanimate masculine
Male peoplekošťálCzechnounold mananimate informal masculine
Male peoplenomadaPolishnounmigrant, nomad, traveller (member of society or class who wander with their herds)anthropology human-sciences sciencesmasculine person
Male peoplenomadaPolishnounnomad (wanderer)literary masculine person
Male peopleposiadaczPolishnounholder, bearermasculine person
Male peopleposiadaczPolishnounowner, possessormasculine person
Male peopleposiadaczPolishnounproprietormasculine person
Male peopleгосподинMacedoniannounmister, sir, Mr. (polite, formal term of address to a man)formal term-of-address
Male peopleгосподинMacedoniannoungentleman (a man of a high rank or position)
Male peopleконярBulgariannounhorse herder, horse groomer
Male peopleконярBulgariannounstableman
Male people녀석Koreannoundude, fellowderogatory
Male people녀석Koreannounendearing term for usually young boys, similar to squirt or scampslang
Mallow family plantslime-treeEnglishnounA deciduous tree of the genus Tilia, especially Tilia × europaea; the linden tree.
Mallow family plantslime-treeEnglishnounAny of various trees of the genus Citrus that bear limes.
Mallow subfamily plantswild cottonEnglishnounA tall weed, resembling milkweed, with a ball-shaped seed pod, Gomphocarpus fruticosus (syn. Asclepias fruticosa) and Gomphocarpus physocarpus (syn. Asclepias physocarpa).Australia informal uncountable
Mallow subfamily plantswild cottonEnglishnounCotton grass (Eriophorum spp.).uncountable
Mallow subfamily plantswild cottonEnglishnounA shrubby herb (Gossypium thurberi) of southern Arizona and Mexico.uncountable
Mallow subfamily plantswild cottonEnglishnounAny of the cultivated cottons that have escaped and established themselves in the wild.uncountable
Mallow subfamily plantswild cottonEnglishnounAny of several plants of the genera Abutilon and Hibiscus, especially Hibiscus moscheutos.uncountable
Malvales order plantsastrucCatalanadjlucky, fortunate
Malvales order plantsastrucCatalannounflax-leaved daphnemasculine
Malvales order plantsurukuOld Tupinounachiote (Bixa orellana)
Malvales order plantsurukuOld Tupinounachiote (orange-red dye obtained from the anchiote seed)
MammalsagongosOjibwenounA squirrelanimate
MammalsagongosOjibwenounA Scandinaviananimate
MammalsbeverNorwegian Bokmålnouna beaver (aquatic mammal)masculine
MammalsbeverNorwegian Bokmålnouna beaver's furmasculine
MammalsbeverNorwegian Bokmålnouna 6- to 8-year-old member of the Scoutsmasculine
MammalsबैलHindinounox; bullock
MammalsबैलHindinounTaurusastrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
MammalsबैलHindinounan idiot, doltslang
MarriagehothusbandEnglishnounA husband who has sex with women other than his wife, with the wife's approval.slang
MarriagehothusbandEnglishverbTo participate in a hothusband sexual relationship.slang
MarriagekobietaPolishnounwoman (adult female human)feminine
MarriagekobietaPolishnounwoman (adult female human) / promiscuous womanMiddle Polish derogatory feminine
MarriagekobietaPolishnounwoman (wife or lover)colloquial feminine
MarriagekobietaPolishnounhired female workerfeminine obsolete
MarriageswatPolishnounmatchmakermasculine person
MarriageswatPolishnounthe father of one's child-in-lawmasculine person
Marriageทองแผ่นเดียวกันThaiadjconnected by friendship; having friendly relations.archaic idiomatic
Marriageทองแผ่นเดียวกันThaiadjrelated or connected by marriage.idiomatic
Marriageเข้าหอThaiverbto engage in consummation.idiomatic intransitive
Marriageเข้าหอThaiverbto move into a dormitory.idiomatic intransitive
Materials𐌳𐌰𐌹𐌲𐍃Gothicnounsoft, kneadable material, especially: / dough
Materials𐌳𐌰𐌹𐌲𐍃Gothicnounsoft, kneadable material, especially: / clay
MeatshaloufFrenchnounpork (bears a religious connotation, since pork bears a negative connotation in Islamic cultures)masculine
MeatshaloufFrenchnounpig, bacon (police)masculine slang
MeatspołećPolishnouna large chunk of salo or meatinanimate masculine
MeatspołećPolishnounside of an animalhobbies hunting lifestyleinanimate masculine
MeatssarmaTurkishnounverbal noun of sarmakform-of noun-from-verb
MeatssarmaTurkishnounAny dish made by rolling up vine, cabbage or chard leaves with rice-based stuffing.
MeatssarmaTurkishnounA handmade cigarette; a rollup.
MeatssarmaTurkishnounA chicken thigh.
MeatssarmaTurkishnounA king of leg clasp technique.government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war wrestling
MeatssarmaTurkishadjMade by rolling up.
MeatssarmaTurkishverbsecond-person singular negative imperative of sarmakform-of imperative negative second-person singular
Meats豬柳Chinesenounpork breakfast sausage patty
Meats豬柳Chinesenounpork fillet
MechanicsнапруженняUkrainiannounverbal noun of напру́жити pf (naprúžyty) and напру́житися pf (naprúžytysja): straining, tension, exertionform-of noun-from-verb
MechanicsнапруженняUkrainiannounsuspense, tensionhuman-sciences psychology sciences
MechanicsнапруженняUkrainiannounstresshuman-sciences psychology sciences
MechanicsнапруженняUkrainiannounstress, tensionengineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Medical signs and symptomskhüuleCimbriannouncoolnessSette-Comuni feminine
Medical signs and symptomskhüuleCimbriannoundairy cowSette-Comuni neuter
Medical signs and symptomskhüuleCimbriannoundiminutive of khuaSette-Comuni diminutive form-of neuter
Medical signs and symptomskhüuleCimbriannounsore wristneuter
MedicineRöntgenGermannounröntgen, X-rayneuter strong
MedicineRöntgenGermannamea surname, notably of Wilhelm Conrad Röntgenfeminine masculine proper-noun surname
MetallurgyokovSerbo-Croatiannounmetal piece used for shoeing, mounting etc.
MetallurgyokovSerbo-Croatiannounshackles, chainsin-plural
MetallurgyὄβρυζαAncient Greeknounassaying of gold
MetallurgyὄβρυζαAncient Greekadjnominative plural of ὄβρυζος (óbruzos) nform-of nominative plural
MetallurgyὄβρυζαAncient Greekadjaccusative plural of ὄβρυζος (óbruzos) naccusative form-of plural
MetallurgyὄβρυζαAncient Greekadjvocative plural of ὄβρυζος (óbruzos) nform-of plural vocative
MeteorologyregnNorwegian Nynorsknounrainneuter uncountable
MeteorologyregnNorwegian Nynorskverbimperative of regnaform-of imperative
MeteorologyregnNorwegian NynorskverbAlternative form of regna (“to rain”)alt-of alternative dialectal
Middle EasttalentEnglishnounA marked natural ability or skill.
Middle EasttalentEnglishnounA unit of weight and money used in ancient times in Greece, the Roman Empire, and the Middle East, equal to about 30 to 60 kg in various times and places.historical
Middle EasttalentEnglishnounA desire or inclination for something.obsolete
Middle EasttalentEnglishnounPeople of talent, viewed collectively; a talented hobbies lifestyle media sports
Middle EasttalentEnglishnounThe men or (especially) women of a place or area, judged by their attractiveness.slang
MilitarybatailleFrenchnounwar (card game)feminine
MilitaryfotmanMiddle EnglishnounA footman; a fighter who battles without a horse.
MilitaryfotmanMiddle EnglishnounOne who journeys or voyages on foot.
MilitaryfotmanMiddle EnglishnounA hireling or messenger who travels on foot.
MilitaryfotmanMiddle EnglishnounA melee fighter; one who fights without ranged weapons.rare
MilitarykosiarzPolishnounone who reaps crops; reapermasculine person
MilitarykosiarzPolishnounone who cuts grass; mower; haymakermasculine person
MilitarykosiarzPolishnounsoldier armed with a war scythehistorical masculine person
MilitarysoldoPortuguesenounsolidus (late Roman gold coin)hobbies lifestyle numismaticshistorical masculine
MilitarysoldoPortuguesenouna medieval Portuguese coinhobbies lifestyle numismaticshistorical masculine
MilitarysoldoPortuguesenounsalary or wage; any payment for a servicemasculine
MilitarysoldoPortuguesenounmilitary salaryBrazil masculine specifically
MilitarysoldoPortugueseverbfirst-person singular present indicative of soldarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
MilitaryбоецRussiannounfighter, soldier
MilitaryզորականArmeniannounsoldier, military man
MilitaryզորականArmeniannountroops, armycollective rare
MilitaryզորականArmenianadjmilitary, martial, war
MilitaryզորականArmenianadjrelated to an army or troops
Military御林軍Chinesenountroops responsible for protecting the capital or the emperorarchaic
Military御林軍Chinesenounelite troops or crack unitsderogatory
Military ranksheneralCebuanonouna generalgovernment military politics war
Military ranksheneralCebuanonounan admiralnautical transport
Military ranks將領Chinesenounhigh-ranking military officer; commander-in-chief; high-ranking commander
Military ranks將領Chineseverbto lead; to commandliterary
MilkachocolatadoPortuguesenounchocolate milkmasculine
MilkachocolatadoPortugueseadjchocolate (being similar in colour or shape to chocolate)
MilkachocolatadoPortugueseadjchocolated (having chocolate added in its composition)
MilkachocolatadoPortugueseverbpast participle of achocolatarform-of participle past
MilkmilkshakeEnglishnounA thick beverage consisting of milk and ice cream mixed together, often with fruit, chocolate, or other flavoring.
MilkmilkshakeEnglishnounA thin beverage, similar to the above, but with no ice cream or significantly less of it.Australia New-England New-Zealand
MilkmilkshakeEnglishnounA beverage consisting of fruit juice, water, and some milk, as served in Southeast Asia.
MilkmilkshakeEnglishnounAccidental emulsion of oil and water in an mechanical-engineering mechanics natural-sciences physical-sciencesinformal
MilkmilkshakeEnglishnounAn alkaline supplement administered to a horse to improve its racing performance.hobbies horse-racing horseracing horses lifestyle pets racing sportsslang
MilkmilkshakeEnglishverbTo administer an alkaline supplement to (a horse) to improve its racing performance.hobbies horse-racing horseracing horses lifestyle pets racing sportsslang transitive
MilkmilkshakeEnglishverbTo throw a milkshake at (a person).informal neologism transitive
Mobile phonesmobielDutchadjmobile
Mobile phonesmobielDutchnounEllipsis of mobiele telefoon; a mobile phone, cellphone, mobileNetherlands abbreviation alt-of diminutive ellipsis masculine usually
Mobile phonesmobielDutchnouna mobile (kinetic arrangement)masculine
MoldovalejaPolishnounAlternative form of lejalt-of alternative feminine
MoldovalejaPolishnoungenitive singular of lejform-of genitive inanimate masculine singular
MoneypocketbookEnglishnounA purse or handbag.US
MoneypocketbookEnglishnounA wallet for paper money.dated
MoneypocketbookEnglishnounOne's personal budget or financial capacity; the amount one can afford.figuratively
MoneypocketbookEnglishnounA small book, particularly (US) a paperback or (UK) notebook able to fit into a pocket (of any genre, from reference work to fine art).uncommon
MoneypriceEnglishnounThe cost required to gain possession of something.
MoneypriceEnglishnounThe cost of an action or deed.
MoneypriceEnglishnounValue; estimation; excellence; worth.
MoneypriceEnglishverbTo determine the monetary value of (an item); to put a price on.transitive
MoneypriceEnglishverbTo pay the price of; to make reparation for.obsolete transitive
MoneypriceEnglishverbTo set a price on; to value; to prize.obsolete transitive
MoneypriceEnglishverbTo ask the price of.colloquial dated transitive
MoneysponsorPolishnounsponsor, patron, backer (person or organisation with responsibility (especially with a religious or financial aspect))masculine person
MoneysponsorPolishnounsponsor (one that pays all or part of the cost of an event)colloquial masculine person
MoneysukliCebuanonounchange (balance returned after a purchase)
MoneysukliCebuanoverbto return change
Money負債Chineseverbto owe a debtverb-object
MonkeystitiFrenchnounstreet urchincolloquial masculine
MonkeystitiFrenchnountiti (New World monkey)masculine
MonthsSamhainScottish GaelicnameNovemberfeminine
MonthsSamhainScottish GaelicnameAll Saints' Dayfeminine
MonthsSamhainScottish GaelicnameAll Souls' Dayfeminine
Muscicapidsscrub robinEnglishnounAn Australian singing bird of the genus Drymodes.
Muscicapidsscrub robinEnglishnounAny of several African birds of the genus Cercotrichas.
Mushroomsblack chanterelleEnglishnounAn edible mushroom / Craterellus cornucopioides
Mushroomsblack chanterelleEnglishnounAn edible mushroom / Polyozellus multiplex (blue chanterelle)
MushroomsgoździeniecPolishnounany fungus of the genus Clavariainanimate masculine
MushroomsgoździeniecPolishnounIllecebrum verticillatuminanimate masculine
Musical genresjarabeSpanishnounsyrupmasculine
Musical genresjarabeSpanishnounjuicemasculine
Musical genresjarabeSpanishnounremedymasculine
Musical genresjarabeSpanishnouna form of traditional Mexican dance musicmasculine
Musical instrumentsgirafaPortuguesenoungiraffefeminine
Musical instrumentsgirafaPortuguesenounany member of the Giraffidae familybroadly feminine rare
Musical instrumentsgirafaPortuguesenouna very tall or long-necked individualBrazil colloquial feminine figuratively
Musical instrumentsgirafaPortuguesenounboom (movable pole used to support a microphone or camera)broadcasting film media televisionBrazil feminine
Musical instrumentsgirafaPortuguesenounClipping of piano girafa (“giraffe piano”)entertainment lifestyle musicabbreviation alt-of clipping feminine
Musical instrumentskanteleFinnishnounkantele
Musical instrumentskanteleFinnishverbinflection of kannella: / present active indicative connegativeactive connegative form-of indicative present
Musical instrumentskanteleFinnishverbinflection of kannella: / second-person singular present imperativeform-of imperative present second-person singular
Musical instrumentskanteleFinnishverbinflection of kannella: / second-person singular present active imperative connegativeactive connegative form-of imperative present second-person singular
MustelidsսամույրArmeniannounsable (animal)
MustelidsսամույրArmeniannounsable (fur)
Mythological creatureshellspawnEnglishnounA creature or creatures from hell.fantasy
Mythological creatureshellspawnEnglishnounAny monster; a vicious fiend or villain.broadly
Mythological creatureslemuresLatinnounshades, ghosts of the departeddeclension-3
Mythological creatureslemuresLatinnounghosts, spectresdeclension-3
Mythological creaturesวาสุกีThainameVāsukī, a nāga in Hindu mythology.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
Mythological creaturesวาสุกีThainounany nāga or dragon.poetic
MythologyміфBelarusiannounmyth (traditional story which embodies a belief regarding some fact or phenomenon of experience)
MythologyміфBelarusiannounmyth (commonly-held but false belief, a common misconception)figuratively
NarratologymotifFrenchnounpattern, designmasculine
NationalismДаунбассRussiannameThe Donetsk People's Republic.Ukraine offensive slang
NationalismДаунбассRussiannameThe pro-Russian separatists of the Donbass region in eastern Ukraine.Ukraine offensive slang
NationalitiesIrlandesTagalogadjIrish (pertaining to Ireland)
NationalitiesIrlandesTagalognounIrish (person)
NationalitiesIrlandesTagalognounIrish language
NationalitiesTurkmenEnglishnounA person from Turkmenistan or of Turkmen descent.countable
NationalitiesTurkmenEnglishnounA Turkic language of the Turkmen spoken mostly in Turkmenistan.uncountable
NationalitiesTurkmenEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Turkmenistan, the Turkmen people or the Turkmen language.not-comparable
NationalitiesTurkmenEnglishnounplural of Turkmanform-of plural proscribed
NationalitiesargentíCatalannounArgentineby-personal-gender feminine masculine
NationalitiesargentíCatalanverbfirst-person singular preterite indicative of argentarfirst-person form-of indicative preterite singular
NationalitiescostarriqueñoGalicianadjCosta Rican
NationalitiescostarriqueñoGaliciannounCosta Ricanmasculine
NationalitiesdanèsCatalanadjDanish; (of or relating to Denmark, or the people or language thereof)
NationalitiesdanèsCatalannounDane (an inhabitant of Denmark)masculine
NationalitiesdanèsCatalannounGreat Dane (a large breed of dog)masculine
NationalitiesdanèsCatalannounDanish Landrace (a breed of swine)masculine
NationalitiesdanèsCatalannounDanish (language)masculine uncountable
NationalitiessenegaleseItaliannounSenegaleseby-personal-gender feminine masculine
NationalitiesseychelliskaSwedishadjinflection of seychellisk: / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
NationalitiesseychelliskaSwedishadjinflection of seychellisk: / pluralform-of plural
NationalitiesseychelliskaSwedishnounSeychelloise, a woman from the Seychellescommon-gender
NationalitiesszudániHungarianadjSudanese (of, from, or pertaining to Sudan)not-comparable
NationalitiesszudániHungariannounSudanese (person from Sudan)
NationalitiesөзбекKyrgyzadjUzbek (pertaining to the Uzbek people or the Uzbek language)
NationalitiesөзбекKyrgyznounUzbek (by ethnicity)
Natural materialscéirIrishnounwaxfeminine
Natural materialscéirIrishnouncoating, stainfeminine
Natural materialsကျောက်Burmesenounstone, rock (hard earthen substance)
Natural materialsကျောက်Burmesenounjewel
Natural materialsကျောက်Burmesenounanchor
Natural materialsကျောက်Burmesenouncalculus, stonemedicine sciences
Natural materialsကျောက်Burmesenounsmallpox
Natural materialsကျောက်Burmesenounback of animalin-compounds
Natural materialsကျောက်Burmeseverbto kick
NaturetarlóHungariannounstubble (short stalks left in a field after harvest)
NaturetarlóHungariannounstubble field
NatureசெடிTamilnounshrub; small tree
NatureசெடிTamilverbto grow bushy, shoot out, as foliage
Nautical occupationsملاحUrdunounsailor
Nautical occupationsملاحUrdunounboatman
NavigationܦܬܘܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounwidth, breadth
NavigationܦܬܘܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounlatitude
NeckwearгалстукBelarusiannounnecktie, tie
NeckwearгалстукBelarusiannounneckerchief (scouts, pioneers)
New Year元旦Japanesenounthe morning of first day of a new year
New Year元旦Japanesenounthe first day of a new year; New Year's Day
Nobility𒉣Sumeriannounnoble, prince, ruler
Nobility𒉣Sumeriannounforemost, best
Nobility𒉣SumeriannounAlternative form of 𒉣𒆠 (Eridug)alt-of alternative
Nuclear warfarenuclear optionEnglishnounIn resolving a problem, the possible course of action that is considered the most extreme because of its collateral consequences.idiomatic
Nuclear warfarenuclear optionEnglishnounA procedure by which the United States Senate can decide any issue with a simple majority, rather than the usual supermajority.government politicsUS
NumberscuntasIrishnounverbal noun of cuntaisform-of masculine noun-from-verb
NumberscuntasIrishnounaccount (bank; narration; etc.)masculine
NutritionбелокRussiannounegg-white, albumen
NutritionбелокRussiannounsclera, white (of an eye)
NutritionбелокRussiannoungenitive/accusative plural of бе́лка (bélka)accusative form-of genitive plural
Nymphaeales order plantswocusEnglishnounA large yellow water lily (Nuphar polysepala) found in the northwestern United States.US regional
Nymphaeales order plantswocusEnglishnounThe seeds of this water lily, eaten by the Klamath and others.US regional
ObesityfläskigSwedishadjvery fat, fleshy (of a person or body part)
ObesityfläskigSwedishadjbig, powerfulslang
ObstetricsOB-GYNEnglishnounObstetrics and gynecology.medicine sciencesCanada US abbreviation acronym informal initialism uncommon uncountable
ObstetricsOB-GYNEnglishnounA physician in these specialties; an obstetrician-gynecologist.Canada US abbreviation acronym countable initialism uncommon
ObstetricsOB-GYNEnglishnoun(prefixed with the) A clinic or doctor's office with these specialties.Canada US abbreviation acronym countable initialism uncommon
ObstetricsܟܘܕܐClassical Syriacnounobstetrical haemorrhage/hemorrhage
ObstetricsܟܘܕܐClassical Syriacnouncaul
ObstetricsܟܘܕܐClassical Syriacnounplacentaanatomy medicine sciences
OccultcharmerMiddle EnglishnounA mage or spellcaster; an individual who uses magic.
OccultcharmerMiddle EnglishnounOne who intrigues or interests others.rare
OccupationsapotekerDanishnounapothecary, pharmacistcommon-gender
OccupationsapotekerDanishnounindefinite plural of apotekform-of indefinite neuter plural
OccupationsaɛessasTarifitnounguard, security guard, watchmanmasculine
OccupationsbourreauFrenchnounexecutioner, hangman (the person)masculine
OccupationsbourreauFrenchnounindividual who lives extravagantlymasculine
OccupationsbíróHungarianverbpresent participle of bír: having, possessing, owningform-of participle present
OccupationsbíróHungariannounjudge (public judicial official)
OccupationsbíróHungariannounreferee, umpire (official who makes sure the rules are followed during a game)hobbies lifestyle sports
OccupationscastanyerCatalannounchestnut treemasculine
OccupationscastanyerCatalannounchestnut sellermasculine
OccupationsdemereMiddle EnglishnounA judge (person employed to preside over trials)
OccupationsdemereMiddle EnglishnounA person who discerns, discriminates, or judges.
OccupationsdemereMiddle EnglishnounA ruler as the fount of justice.poetic
OccupationsdemereMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of demure (“delay”)alt-of alternative
OccupationsdemereMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of demurenalt-of alternative
OccupationsgazierFrenchnoungasworker (a worker in a gasworks)masculine
OccupationsgazierFrenchnounLNG carrier (a ship that transports natural gas)nautical transportmasculine
OccupationsgazierFrenchnoundude, fellowmasculine slang
OccupationsgazierFrenchadjgas, natural gasrelational
OccupationsgidsDutchnounguide (person guiding others)masculine
OccupationsgidsDutchnounguide (text providing guidance)masculine
OccupationskömürcüTurkishnoundealer in coal or charcoal
OccupationskömürcüTurkishnounperson who throws or carries coal in a furnace
OccupationskömürcüTurkishnouncoalminer, one who mines for coal
OccupationslleteraCatalanadjfeminine singular of lleterfeminine form-of singular
OccupationslleteraCatalannounfemale equivalent of lleterfeminine form-of
OccupationslleteraCatalannounmilk churn (can for transporting milk)feminine
OccupationsmeasúnóirIrishnounassessor, assayermasculine
OccupationsmeasúnóirIrishnounreviewer, refereeeducationmasculine
OccupationsmážkaCzechnouna female magician, witch, sorceress, female magefeminine literary
OccupationsmážkaCzechnounfemale wizard (one who is especially skilled or unusually talented in a particular field)feminine
OccupationspisôrzKashubiannounwriter (person who writes, or produces literary work)masculine person
OccupationspisôrzKashubiannounclerk (in city offices, royal chancelleries, etc.: an official serving as a secretary)historical masculine person
OccupationspisôrzKashubiannouncopyist (person who makes copies of books)masculine person
OccupationsstatystykPolishnounstatisticianmasculine person
OccupationsstatystykPolishnoungenitive plural of statystykafeminine form-of genitive plural
OccupationsσκυτοτόμοςAncient Greeknounleather-cutter, worker in leather
OccupationsσκυτοτόμοςAncient Greeknounshoemaker, cobbler
OccupationsυποκριτήςGreeknounactorentertainment lifestyle theater
OccupationsυποκριτήςGreeknounhypocrite, dissembler
OccupationsпостBulgariannounfast (religious (usually Christian) abstinence from meat and other animal products)
OccupationsпостBulgariannouna day or time of the year when a fast is observedplural-normally
OccupationsпостBulgariannounpost, position, office (appointed position in an organization; job)
OccupationsпостBulgariannounpost, guard post (location or building where military guards are posted)
OccupationsпостBulgariannounarmed guard, or a group of armed guards
OccupationsпостBulgariannounpost (fulfillment of an armed guard's professional duties)
OccupationsпостBulgariannounpost (message posted in an electronic or Internet forum, on a blog, etc.)
OccupationsמנצחHebrewnounconductorentertainment lifestyle music
OccupationsמנצחHebrewnounwinner, victor
OccupationsמנצחHebrewverbMasculine singular present participle and present tense of ניצח / נִצֵּחַ (nitséakh)form-of masculine participle present singular
OccupationsমজুমদারBengalinounrecord keeper or revenue accountant of a district. This role used to be passed down hereditarily.
OccupationsমজুমদারBengalinamea surname, Majumdar
Occupations日雇いJapanesenounday laborer
Occupations日雇いJapanesenounemployment on a day-by-day basis
Occupations編審Chinesenounsenior editor
Occupations編審Chineseverbto read and edit
OncologyновотвірUkrainiannounneologismhuman-sciences linguistics sciences
OncologyновотвірUkrainiannountumormedicine pathology sciences
OrchidscalypsoEnglishnounA style of Caribbean music that originated in Trinidad and Tobago during the early to the mid-19th century and spread to the rest of the Caribbean Antilles and Venezuela by the mid-20th century. Its rhythms can be traced back to West African Kaiso and the arrival of French planters and their slaves from the French Antilles in the 18th century.countable uncountable
OrchidscalypsoEnglishverbTo perform calypso.intransitive
OrchidscalypsoEnglishnounA bulbous bog orchid of the genus Calypso, Calypso bulbosacountable uncountable
OrchidscalypsoEnglishnounA light blue color.countable uncountable
OrganizationsSASEnglishnameInitialism of Special Air Service.government military politics warAustralia British New-Zealand abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsSASEnglishnameInitialism of Scandinavian Airlines System; a joint Swedish, Norwegian and Danish airline company.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsSASEnglishnameInitialism of Serial Attached SCSI, a computer bus standard for mainly connecting hard drives, but also used for other devices, derived from the SCSI and SATA standards.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsSASEnglishnameInitialism of San Antonio Spurs, American basketball club.hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsSASEnglishnounInitialism of stability augmentation system.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsSASEnglishnounInitialism of special assistance school.educationAustralia abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsSASEnglishnounInitialism of secure attention sequence.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsSASEnglishnounInitialism of space adaptation syndrome.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsUSAEnglishnameInitialism of United States of America.US abbreviation alt-of colloquial initialism
OrganizationsUSAEnglishnameInitialism of United States Army.government military politics warUS abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsUSAEnglishnameInitialism of Union of South Africa.abbreviation alt-of initialism nonstandard
OrganizationsUSAEnglishnameInitialism of United Sabah Alliance.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsUSAEnglishnounAbbreviation of United States Attorney.abbreviation alt-of
OrgansuchoPolishnounear (organ of hearing)anatomy medicine sciencesneuter
OrgansuchoPolishnounear (organ of hearing) / ear (external part of the organ of hearing; the auricle)anatomy medicine sciencesneuter
OrgansuchoPolishnounear (ability to hear)broadly neuter
OrgansuchoPolishnounear (one who hears or listens)figuratively neuter
OrgansuchoPolishnounear, earflap (part of a hat that covers one's ears)neuter
OrgansuchoPolishnounorillon (semicircular projection made at the shoulder of a bastion for the purpose of covering the retired flank, found in old fortresses)architectureneuter
OrgansuchoPolishnounAugmentative of uszko (“kreplach”)augmentative form-of neuter
OrgansuchoPolishnoundog-ear (folded corner of the page of a book or other publication, either due to having been read many times or intentionally as a sort of bookmark)neuter obsolete
OrgansuchoPolishnounhandle (grip of a basket, kettle, etc.)neuter
OrgansuchoPolishnouneye (hole at the blunt end of a needle through which thread is passed)neuter
OrgansuchoPolishnounend of a bag from the edges for tyingneuter obsolete
OrgansuchoPolishnouneye of a net in which the upper and lower ends of a sprit are attachedfishing hobbies lifestyle nautical transportneuter obsolete
OrthographyprawopisPolishnounorthography (set of conventions for writing a language, including norms of spelling)human-sciences linguistics sciencesinanimate masculine obsolete
OrthographyprawopisPolishnounperson who compiles lawsmasculine obsolete person
PaindręczyćPolishverbto torment, to torture, to rackimperfective transitive
PaindręczyćPolishverbto bother, to trouble, to distressimperfective transitive
PaindręczyćPolishverbto worry, to grieve, to be troubledimperfective reflexive
PaindręczyćPolishverbto bother each otherimperfective reflexive
PaintingcatIndonesiannounpaint (a substance that is applied as a liquid or paste, and dries into a solid coating that protects or adds color/colour to an object or surface to which it has been applied)
PaintingcatIndonesianverbto paint / to apply paint to.transitive
PaintingcatIndonesianverbto paint / to apply in the manner that paint is applied.transitive
PaintingcatIndonesianverbto paint / to cover (something) with spots of colour, like paint.transitive
PaintingхолстRussiannounsackcloth, burlap
Palm treesarecFrenchnounarecabiology botany natural-sciencesmasculine
Palm treesarecFrenchnounareca nutbiology botany natural-sciencesmasculine
Palm treesܕܩܠܐClassical Syriacnoundate palm
Palm treesܕܩܠܐClassical Syriacnounsoaking or cleaning wheatagriculture business lifestyleuncountable
ParentsfaderSwedishnounfathercommon-gender formal
ParentsfaderSwedishnounfather, a term of address for a Christian priestcommon-gender
ParentsfaderSwedishnounfather, creatorcommon-gender
ParentsVietnamesenouncheekanatomy medicine sciences
ParentsVietnamesenounmother; momSouthern Vietnam
ParentsVietnamesenounrice seedlingsin-compounds
Pear cultivarsCadillacEnglishnameA brand of luxury automobile (founded as an independent but since 1909 a marque of General Motors).
Pear cultivarsCadillacEnglishnameA surname from French.
Pear cultivarsCadillacEnglishnameA placename / An urban area of Quebec, Canada
Pear cultivarsCadillacEnglishnameA placename / A village in Saskatchewan, Canada
Pear cultivarsCadillacEnglishnameA placename / A commune of the Gironde department, France
Pear cultivarsCadillacEnglishnameA placename / A city, the county seat of Wexford County, Michigan, United States.
Pear cultivarsCadillacEnglishnameA placename / A mountain in Maine
Pear cultivarsCadillacEnglishadjDescribing a brand representing the most luxurious or highest quality example in its class. (derived from the GM car brand Cadillac)US
Pear cultivarsCadillacEnglishnounAn automobile of this marque. Often used as an example of a luxury car or luxuriousness in general.
Pear cultivarsCadillacEnglishnounAlternative spelling of Catillac. A large variety of cooking pear.alt-of alternative archaic
PeopleMexicuntEnglishnounA Mexican.derogatory ethnic humorous slur vulgar
PeopleMexicuntEnglishadjMexican.derogatory ethnic humorous not-comparable slur vulgar
PeopleMuslimoidEnglishadjMuslimderogatory informal not-comparable slur
PeopleMuslimoidEnglishnounMuslimderogatory informal slur
PeopleWaxiangEnglishnameA variety of Chinese spoken in Hunan, China.uncountable
PeopleWaxiangEnglishnounA member of the ethnic group living in western Hunan, China.uncountable
Peopleambulance chaserEnglishnounAn unethical attorney who solicits business at the scenes of accidents or in hospitals, in exchange for a percentage of the damages that will be recovered in the case.derogatory
Peopleambulance chaserEnglishnounAn attorney who engages in unethical behavior.broadly
Peopleambulance chaserEnglishnounAn unethical funeral director or person who engages in the unlicensed sale of services to those who do not yet require them in an attempt to increase business.derogatory
PeopleanalfabetoSpanishadjunlettered, illiterate
PeopleanalfabetoSpanishnounilliterate personmasculine
PeopleassurerEnglishnounAn insurer; an underwriter.
PeopleassurerEnglishnounOne who takes out insurance.
PeopleassurerEnglishnounA person who or thing which assures.
PeopleaydauntMiddle Englishadjhelpful, assistingLate-Middle-English
PeopleaydauntMiddle Englishadjauxillary, supernumerarygovernment military politics warLate-Middle-English
PeoplecampaignerEnglishnounA person who has served in a military campaign.
PeoplecampaignerEnglishnounA military veteran.broadly
PeoplecampaignerEnglishnounA person who campaigns for a person running for political office or works, or supports, in an organised and active way towards a goal; an activist.
PeoplecampaignerEnglishnounSomeone with experience in a certain field.
PeoplecaptifMiddle EnglishnounA captive or hostage.
PeoplecaptifMiddle EnglishadjHeld captive; in slavery.
PeoplechámCzechnouncommoner, peasantanimate masculine
PeoplechámCzechnounsperm, semeninanimate masculine
PeopleexpatriateEnglishadjLiving outside of one's own country.not-comparable
PeopleexpatriateEnglishnounOne who lives outside one's own country, especially temporarily for a profession or education.
PeopleexpatriateEnglishnounOne who has been banished from one's own country.
PeopleexpatriateEnglishverbTo banish; to drive or force (a person) from his own country; to make an exile of.transitive
PeopleexpatriateEnglishverbTo withdraw from one’s native country.intransitive
PeopleexpatriateEnglishverbTo renounce the rights and liabilities of citizenship where one is born and become a citizen of another country.intransitive
PeoplefafiateEnglishnounA science fiction fan who has become inactive in the fandom community due to other literature media publishing science-fictiondated slang
PeoplefafiateEnglishverbTo (cause to) exit fandom and become inactive in fandom activity due to other obligations.lifestyledated intransitive slang transitive
PeoplefrancaPolishnounsyphilismedicine pathology sciencescolloquial feminine
PeoplefrancaPolishnounnagging, chronic illnessmedicine pathology sciencescolloquial feminine
PeoplefrancaPolishnounpimple, pustuledermatology medicine sciencescolloquial feminine
PeoplefrancaPolishnounblackguard, scoundrelderogatory feminine
PeoplegadSerbo-Croatiannouna repulsive person
PeoplegadSerbo-Croatiannounsnake; lizard
PeoplegammonEnglishnounA cut of quick-cured pork leg.countable uncountable
PeoplegammonEnglishverbTo cure bacon by salting.
PeoplegammonEnglishverbTo joke, kid around, play.dialectal
PeoplegammonEnglishverbTo beat by a gammon (without the opponent bearing off a stone).backgammon games
PeoplegammonEnglishnounA joke, trick; play, sport, merriment.countable dialectal uncountable
PeoplegammonEnglishnounA victory in backgammon achieved when the opponent has not borne off a single stone.backgammon gamescountable uncountable
PeoplegammonEnglishnounBackgammon (the game itself).countable rare uncountable
PeoplegammonEnglishnounA rope fastening a bowsprit to the stem of a ship (usually called a gammoning).nautical transport
PeoplegammonEnglishverbTo lash with ropes (on a ship).
PeoplegammonEnglishnounChatter, ridiculous nonsense.dated uncountable
PeoplegammonEnglishverbTo deceive; to lie plausibly to.colloquial dated transitive
PeoplegammonEnglishadjPretending; joking.Papua-New-Guinea
PeoplegammonEnglishnounA middle-aged or older right-wing, reactionary white man, or such men collectively.UK countable derogatory neologism uncountable
PeopleingordoItalianadjgreedy or avid (for)
PeoplekonzulCzechnounconsul (official residing in major foreign towns to represent and protect the interests of the merchants and citizens of their country)animate masculine
PeoplekonzulCzechnounconsul (either of the two heads of government and state of the Roman Republic or the equivalent nominal post under the Roman and Byzantine Empires)animate historical masculine
PeoplekonzulCzechnounconsul (any of the three heads of government and state of France between 1799 and 1804)animate historical masculine
PeoplekukiełkaPolishnoundiminutive of kukładiminutive feminine form-of
PeoplekukiełkaPolishnoundupe, front man, puppet, stooge, straw man (one who knowingly allows himself or herself to be used for another's profit)derogatory feminine
PeoplemeithealIrishnoungroup of people employed in the same agricultural work (e.g. making hay, cutting turf)feminine masculine
PeoplemeithealIrishnounband of reapersespecially feminine masculine
PeoplemeithealIrishnounwork party, gang (company of laborers)feminine masculine
PeoplemeithealIrishnouncontingent (quota of troops)feminine masculine
PeoplemeithealIrishnounteam (group of people)feminine masculine
PeoplenarkomanSwedishnouna drug addictcommon-gender
PeoplenarkomanSwedishnounan addict, an -aholic (of an activity or the like)common-gender figuratively in-compounds
PeoplenewbornEnglishadjRecently born.
PeoplenewbornEnglishadjBorn anew, reborn.
PeoplenewbornEnglishnounA recently born baby.
Peopleold maidEnglishnounAn old woman who has never married; a spinster.countable derogatory uncountable
Peopleold maidEnglishnounThe Madagascar periwinkle.countable uncountable
Peopleold maidEnglishnounThe common zinnia.countable uncountable
Peopleold maidEnglishnounAn unpopped kernel in a batch of popped popcorn kernels.countable uncountable
Peopleold maidEnglishnounA card game in which cards must be paired and one undesirable card is designated "old maid".uncountable
Peopleold maidEnglishnounThe unmatchable card in that game.countable uncountable
PeoplepaireMiddle EnglishnounA pair; a group of two similar, identical, or matching items or creatures: / Two people (often when in a romantic or sexual relationship).
PeoplepaireMiddle EnglishnounA pair; a group of two similar, identical, or matching items or creatures: / Two animals; a pair or duo of beasts or creatures.
PeoplepaireMiddle EnglishnounUsed with binary nouns, especially for tools or implements.
PeoplepaireMiddle EnglishnounA grouping or collection of matching or similar items.
PeoplepaireMiddle EnglishnounA number or multitude of things or items.
PeoplepayeFrenchverbinflection of payer: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
PeoplepayeFrenchverbinflection of payer: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
PeoplepayeFrenchnounsalary, payfeminine
PeoplepayeFrenchnounpayer, someone who paysdated feminine
PeoplepayeFrenchnounages, a long timecolloquial feminine
PeoplepersonalityEnglishnounA set of non-physical psychological and social qualities that make one person distinct from another.countable uncountable
PeoplepersonalityEnglishnounCharisma, or qualities that make a person stand out from the crowd.countable uncountable
PeoplepersonalityEnglishnounA set of qualities that make something distinctive or interesting.countable uncountable
PeoplepersonalityEnglishnounAn assumed role or manner of behavior.countable uncountable
PeoplepersonalityEnglishnounA celebrity, especially one with a strong media presence (e.g. an actor, singer, or sports player).countable uncountable
PeoplepersonalityEnglishnounSomething said or written which refers to the person, conduct, etc., of some individual, especially something of a disparaging or offensive nature; personal remarks.countable dated uncountable
PeoplepersonalityEnglishnounThat quality of a law which concerns the condition, state, and capacity of persons.lawcountable uncountable
PeoplepersonalityEnglishnounA set of female breasts; a rack; (also occasionally) an individual breast.Internet countable euphemistic humorous uncountable
Peoplephone zombieEnglishnounA distracted pedestrian who is only paying attention to their phone.colloquial
Peoplephone zombieEnglishnounA person who is addicted to their smartphone.
PeoplepintorCebuanonounan artist who paints pictures
PeoplepintorCebuanonouna laborer or workman who paints surfaces using a paintbrush or other means
PeoplepoltroonEnglishnounAn ignoble or total coward; a dastard; a mean-spirited wretch.
PeoplequadragénaireFrenchadjaged between forty and forty-nine
PeoplequadragénaireFrenchnouna person whose age is between forty and forty-nineby-personal-gender feminine masculine
PeoplesafranerCatalannounsaffron merchantmasculine
PeoplesafranerCatalannounrunawayderogatory masculine regional
PeoplesafranerCatalannountruant studentderogatory masculine regional
PeopleslaveEnglishnounA person who is held in servitude as the property of another person, and whose labor (and often also whose body and life) is subject to the owner's volition and control.
PeopleslaveEnglishnounA drudge; one who labors or is obliged (e.g. by prior contract) to labor like a slave with limited rights, e.g. an indentured servant.figuratively
PeopleslaveEnglishnounAn abject person.figuratively
PeopleslaveEnglishnounOne who has no power of resistance to something, one who surrenders to or is under the domination of something.figuratively
PeopleslaveEnglishnounA submissive partner in a BDSM relationship who consensually submits to, sexually or personally, serving one or more masters or mistresses.BDSM lifestyle sexuality
PeopleslaveEnglishnounA sex slave, a person who is forced against their will to perform, for another person or group, sexual acts on a regular or continuing basis.
PeopleslaveEnglishnounA device (such as a secondary flash or hard drive) that is subject to the control of another (a master).arts computing engineering hobbies lifestyle mathematics natural-sciences photography physical-sciences sciences
PeopleslaveEnglishverbTo work as a slaver, to enslave people.
PeopleslaveEnglishverbTo work hard.intransitive
PeopleslaveEnglishverbTo place a device under the control of another.transitive
Peopletear-mouthEnglishnounA blustering, boisterous person.obsolete
Peopletear-mouthEnglishnounAn overactor.acting broadcasting entertainment film lifestyle media television theaterobsolete
PeoplevezetőHungarianverbpresent participle of vezet: / leading, directing, managingparticiple
PeoplevezetőHungarianverbpresent participle of vezet: / conducting (material)natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsparticiple
PeoplevezetőHungariannounleader, head
PeoplevezetőHungariannounmanager, head, chief
PeoplevezetőHungariannounguide (a person or animal that guides)
PeoplevezetőHungariannounconductornatural-sciences physical-sciences physics
PeoplewaloncåzantWalloonnounWalloon speaker (one who speaks Walloon)masculine
PeoplewastrelEnglishnounOne who is profligate, who wastes time or resources extravagantly.countable dated
PeoplewastrelEnglishnounA neglected child.countable obsolete
PeoplewastrelEnglishnounRefuse; rubbish.obsolete uncountable
PeopleçifteliAlbaniannounçifteli (plucked string instrument, with only two strings, played mainly by the Gheg people of northern and central Albania and Kosovo)
PeopleçifteliAlbaniannounmadman, wildman; a grumpy, angry, bitter, rebellious, wild one/personfiguratively
PeopleçifteliAlbanianadjdouble, dual, twofold, binary, binate, coupled, paired, mated
PeopleçifteliAlbanianadjmad, grumpy, angry, bitter, rebellious, wildfiguratively
PeopleбойовикUkrainiannounmilitant, insurgent, fighter (a member of an armed group, especially an illegal or unofficial one)personal
PeopleбойовикUkrainiannounaction movie, action filmcolloquial inanimate
PeopleграбительRussiannounrobber, burglar (one who robs or steals)
PeopleлицеBulgariannounfrontal profile / face
PeopleлицеBulgariannounfrontal profile / physiognomy, countenance (facial appearance/expression)
PeopleлицеBulgariannounfrontal profile / facade, front (of a building, structure)
PeopleлицеBulgariannounfrontal profile / obverse (of a coin or a medal)
PeopleлицеBulgariannounfrontal profile / upper, vamp
PeopleлицеBulgariannounindividual / personmetonymically
PeopleлицеBulgariannounindividual / character (a being involved in the action of a story)literature media publishingmetonymically
PeopleлицеBulgariannounindividual / persongrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesmetonymically
PeopleлицеBulgariannounsurfacegeometry mathematics sciences
PeopleپارازىتUyghurnounparasite (organism that exists by stealing resources from another organism)biology natural-sciences
PeopleپارازىتUyghurnounparasite (useless person who always relies on other people's work and gives nothing back)derogatory figuratively
PeopleਅਭਿਆਗਤPunjabinounfakir, sadhu, monk, mendicant
PeopleਅਭਿਆਗਤPunjabinounstranger, visitor, unexpected guest
People師妹Chinesenounjunior female fellow apprentice
People師妹Chinesenoundaughter of one's master younger than oneself
People師妹Chinesenounfather's female apprentice younger than oneself
People顯要Chineseadjpowerful and influential
People顯要Chinesenouninfluential figure; important personage; VIP
People顯要Chineseverbto show off; to make a display of; to flaunt
People鮐背Chineseverbto have spots on one's back (a sign of old age)literary
People鮐背Chinesenounold person; old manliterary
Percoid fishcantharusLatinnouna large drinking vessel with handles hanging down, tankarddeclension-2 masculine
Percoid fishcantharusLatinnouna kind of sea-fish, possibly the black seabream (Spondyliosoma cantharus)declension-2 masculine
Percoid fishcantharusLatinnouna lug of a water-pipe in the form of a tankarddeclension-2 masculine
PersonalityeloquentEnglishadjFluently persuasive and articulate.
PersonalityeloquentEnglishadjEffective in expressing meaning by speech.
PersonalityeloquentEnglishadjRelating to areas in the brain that serve an identifiable neurological function, in which injury leads to focal deficits or disability.medicine sciences
PersonalitypessimisticEnglishadjMarked by pessimism and little hopefulness; expecting the worst.
PersonalitypessimisticEnglishadjPertaining to the worst-case scenario.
PersonalitypessimisticEnglishadjTaking out exclusive locks on data to prevent conflicts with other processes that might modify it.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Pharmaceutical drugslaudanumEnglishnounA tincture of opium, once widely used for various medical purposes and as a recreational drug.medicine pharmacology sciencesuncountable usually
Pharmaceutical drugslaudanumEnglishverbTo add laudanum to (a drink or the like).transitive
Pharmaceutical drugslaudanumEnglishverbTo cause (a person) to be high on laudanum.rare
PhilatelysellarSpanishverbto stamp
PhilatelysellarSpanishverbto seal (place a seal on a document)
PhilatelysellarSpanishverbto seal (close with a seal or hermetically)
PhilatelysellarSpanishverbto terminate, finish, end
PhilatelysellarSpanishverbto seal (hotly fry or cook a piece of meat for a short time)cooking food lifestyleArgentina
PhilatelytimbreSpanishverbinflection of timbrar: / first/third-person singular present subjunctivefirst-person form-of present singular subjunctive third-person
PhilatelytimbreSpanishverbinflection of timbrar: / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
PhotographyblenderNorwegian Bokmålnouna diaphragm (in a camera lens)masculine
PhotographyblenderNorwegian Bokmålnounaperture (the variable opening of the diaphragm)masculine
PhotographyblenderNorwegian Bokmålnouna blender (kitchen appliance)masculine
PhotographyсвітлинаUkrainiannounphotographUkraine Western
PhotographyсвітлинаUkrainiannounpictureUkraine Western
PhotographyсвітлинаUkrainiannounreflection, gleam, sheen, lustrerare
PhysicsblīvsLatvianadjdense, compact, thick (such that its parts are tight, very close to each other)
PhysicsblīvsLatvianadjtight, solid, compact, dense (without gaps; pressed, pulled tight, fitting tightly)
PhysicsblīvsLatvianadjdense, packed (where living beings are very close to each other)
PhysicsذرةArabicnountiny particle, speck, motesingulative
PhysicsذرةArabicnounatomchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences physicssingulative
PhysicsذرةArabicnoundurra, Indian millet (Sorghum bicolor)collective
PhysicsذرةArabicnounmaize, durum corn, Indian corn (Zea mays)collective
PigstorcIrishnounwild boar (Sus scrofa)masculine
PigstorcIrishnounportly, corpulent, person; man of substancemasculine
PigstorcIrishnountorque (braided necklace or collar)masculine
PigstorcIrishnountorquenatural-sciences physical-sciences physicsmasculine
PlacesfringeEnglishnounA decorative border.
PlacesfringeEnglishnounA decorative border. / A border or edging.broadly
PlacesfringeEnglishnounA marginal or peripheral part.also figuratively
PlacesfringeEnglishnounA group of people situated on the periphery of a larger community.
PlacesfringeEnglishnounA group of people situated on the periphery of a larger community. / Those members of a political party, or any social group, holding extremist or unorthodox views.also attributive
PlacesfringeEnglishnounThe periphery of an area, especially a town or city.
PlacesfringeEnglishnounThe periphery of an area, especially a town or city. / Used attributively with reference to Aboriginal people living on the edge of towns etc.Australia
PlacesfringeEnglishnounSynonym of bangs: hair hanging over the forehead, especially a hairstyle where it is cut straight across.UK
PlacesfringeEnglishnounA light or dark band formed by the diffraction of light.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
PlacesfringeEnglishnounNon-mainstream theatre.
PlacesfringeEnglishnounThe peristome or fringe-like appendage of the capsules of most mosses.biology botany natural-sciences
PlacesfringeEnglishnounThe area around the greengolf hobbies lifestyle sports
PlacesfringeEnglishnounA daypart that precedes or follows prime time.broadcasting media radio television
PlacesfringeEnglishadjOutside the mainstream.
PlacesfringeEnglishverbTo decorate with fringe.transitive
PlacesfringeEnglishverbTo serve as a fringe.transitive
Places of worshipܥܕܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounchurch (Christian house of worship)
Places of worshipܥܕܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounchurch, denomination (group of people who follow the same Christian religious beliefs)
Places of worshipܥܕܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnouncongregation, assembly, company
Plant anatomylegumeEnglishnounThe fruit or seed of leguminous plants (as peas or beans) used for food.biology botany natural-sciences
Plant anatomylegumeEnglishnounAny of a large family (Fabaceae, syn. Leguminosae) of dicotyledonous herbs, shrubs, and trees having fruits that are legumes or loments, bearing nodules on the roots that contain nitrogen-fixing bacteria, and including important food and forage plants (as peas, beans, or clovers).biology botany natural-sciences
Plant anatomylegumeEnglishnounA pod dehiscent into two pieces or valves, and having the seed attached at one suture, as that of the pea.biology botany natural-sciences
Plant anatomytentacleEnglishnounAn elongated, boneless, flexible organ or limb of some animals, such as the octopus and squid.biology natural-sciences zoology
Plant anatomytentacleEnglishnounOne of the glandular hairs on the leaves of certain insectivorous plants.biology botany natural-sciences
Plant anatomytentacleEnglishnounAn insidious reach or influence.figuratively
Plant anatomytentacleEnglishnounSomething like a zoological limb.figuratively
Plant anatomytentacleEnglishnounAn officer employed to drive out to troops and transmit back requests for support via a special radio link.government military politics warUK historical
Plant anatomytentacleEnglishverbto move like a tentacle
Plantain family plantsὄρτυξAncient Greeknouncommon quail (Coturnix coturnix)
Plantain family plantsὄρτυξAncient Greeknounharefoot plantain (Plantago lagopus)
PlantsepoYorubanounoil, palm oil, grease
PlantsepoYorubanounweeds, weed
PlantsepoYorubanounAny plant of species Annona senegalensis
PlantsepoYorubanounchemical, compound, solution
PlantsflawmeMiddle EnglishnounA flame; a visible tongue of gas and vapour forming part of a fire.
PlantsflawmeMiddle EnglishnounFire (in the abstract or an instantiation)
PlantsflawmeMiddle EnglishnounIntensity of belief or passion; the magnitude of one's emotional output.
PlantsflawmeMiddle EnglishnounA kind of flowering plant with fiery-coloured petals.rare
PlantsflawmeMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of flawmenalt-of alternative
PlantskahoyCebuanonouna tree
PlantskahoyCebuanonounwood; lumber; timber
PlantskahoyCebuanoadjmade of wood
PlantskahoyCebuanoadjas of made of wood
PlantslianNorwegian Nynorsknounlianamasculine
PlantslianNorwegian Nynorsknounany vinemasculine
PlantsnaniseʼNavajoverbvegetation grows around here and there
PlantsnaniseʼNavajoverbplants grow here and there
PlantswyrtOld Englishnounplantfeminine
PlantswyrtOld Englishnounvegetablefeminine
PlantswyrtOld Englishnounherb, spicefeminine
PlantswyrtOld Englishnounroot of a plantfeminine rare
PlantswyrtOld Englishnounwort (as in brewing)feminine
PlantsxieiroGaliciannouncold windmasculine
PlantsxieiroGaliciannounnorth windmasculine
PlantsxieiroGaliciannounintense coldmasculine
PlantsxieiroGaliciannouncold place; frosty placemasculine
Plants𑀯𑀁𑀲Prakritnounlineage, family; offspringmasculine
Plants𑀯𑀁𑀲Prakritnounname of various plantsmasculine
Plovers and lapwingskiluwiluwiSwahilinounlarvaclass-7 class-8
Plovers and lapwingskiluwiluwiSwahilinountadpoleclass-7 class-8
Plovers and lapwingskiluwiluwiSwahilinounplover (any of various wading birds of the family Charadriidae)class-7 class-8
Poetryకావ్యముTelugunounA piece of composition, whether in verse or ornamental prose: poem.
PoisonskʼaasdáNavajonounpoison, toxin
PoisonskʼaasdáNavajonounarrow poison
PolandzłotówkaPolishnounone zloty coinfeminine
PolandzłotówkaPolishnounzloty (currency of Poland)feminine metonymically
Polish animal commandspsikPolishnounsneeze (act of sneezing)medicine sciencescolloquial inanimate masculine
Polish animal commandspsikPolishintjachoo, atchoo (the sound of a sneeze)
Polish animal commandspsikPolishintjshoo (call directed at a cat to drive it away)
Polish animal commandspsikPolishintjused to imitate the sound made when someone sprays a substance in an aerosol or under pressure
PoliticsریاستPersiannoundirectorship; leadership
PolitiesorilẹYorubanounclan, lineage group
PolitiesorilẹYorubanounsociopolitical or linguistic entity; country
Post見舞いJapanesenounvisiting to ask after someone's health
Post見舞いJapanesenounletters or gifts presented when doing so
PrisonjailEnglishnounA place or institution for the confinement of persons held against their will in lawful custody or detention, especially (in US usage) a place where people are held for minor offenses or with reference to some future judicial proceeding.countable uncountable
PrisonjailEnglishnounConfinement in a jail.uncountable
PrisonjailEnglishnounThe condition created by the requirement that a horse claimed in a claiming race not be run at another track for some period of time (usually 30 days).hobbies horse-racing horseracing horses lifestyle pets racing sportsuncountable
PrisonjailEnglishnounIn dodgeball and related games, the area where players who have been struck by the ball are confined.countable uncountable
PrisonjailEnglishnounA kind of sandbox for running a guest operating system instance.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesuncountable usually
PrisonjailEnglishverbTo imprison.
ProstitutionwhoringEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of whoreform-of gerund participle present
ProstitutionwhoringEnglishnounSynonym of prostitution, having sex for money; (figurative) disgracing oneself for money; having promiscuous sex.countable uncountable
Prunus genus plantsslivovitzEnglishnounA type of rakija made mostly in Eastern European countries from distilled, fermented plum juice.countable uncountable
Prunus genus plantsslivovitzEnglishnounA serving of this alcoholic drink.countable
Pseudosciencenew ageEnglishnounA modern spiritual and religious movement, covering a wide variety of alternative spiritual and philosophical ideas, that developed towards the end of the 20th century.capitalized often uncountable
Pseudosciencenew ageEnglishnounNew Age music.uncountable
Pseudosciencenew ageEnglishadjOf or relating to the New Age movement.capitalized often
Pseudosciencenew ageEnglishadjOf or relating to New Age music.
PuppetslalaPolishnounAugmentative of lalkaaugmentative feminine form-of
PuppetslalaPolishnoundoll (toy made in the form of a person)childish feminine
PuppetslalaPolishnounpuppet (any small model of a person or animal able to be moved by strings or rods, or in the form of a glove)childish feminine
PuppetslalaPolishnounattractive womancolloquial feminine slang
PuppetslalaPolishnounBarbie, bimbo (physically attractive woman who lacks intelligence)colloquial derogatory feminine
PuppetslalaPolishintjAlternative form of lelaalt-of alternative
PurpleslilaIndonesiannounlilac: / a pale purple color, the color of some lilac flowers.
PurpleslilaIndonesiannounsmall cannons made of copper or bronzearchaic
PurpleslilaIndonesiannounDated spelling of rela.
PurpleslilacEnglishnounA large shrub of the genus Syringa, especially Syringa vulgaris, bearing white, pale-pink, or purple flowers.
PurpleslilacEnglishnounA flower of the lilac shrub.
PurpleslilacEnglishnounA pale purple color, the color of some lilac flowers.
PurpleslilacEnglishnounA cat having a lilac-colored (pale brown) coat.
PurpleslilacEnglishadjHaving a pale purple colour.
PurpleslilacEnglishadjOf a cat or its fur: having a pale brown colour, lighter than chocolate.
RacismwiggerEnglishnounA maker of wigs.
RacismwiggerEnglishnounA white person, typically young and male, considered to be overly infatuated with African-American or (UK) Afro-Caribbean culture, a cultural appropriator.derogatory ethnic slur
RacismwiggerEnglishnounA non-black person of any race considered to be inauthentically appropriating black culture and behavior.broadly
RacismwiggerEnglishnounA white person considered to be sincerely appreciative of black culture, as opposed to poseurs and wannabes.dated uncommon
Rail transportationferrovijaMaltesenounrailway, railroad (transporting system)feminine
Rail transportationferrovijaMaltesenountrain (vehicle)feminine
Rail transportationplatjaCatalannounbeachfeminine
Rail transportationplatjaCatalannounyardrailways transportfeminine
Rain糸雨Japanesenouna small amount of rain; a fine rain
RallidssothönaSwedishnounEurasian coot, Fulica atracommon-gender
RallidssothönaSwedishnounany bird of the Fulica genuscommon-gender
Recreational drugsAlkoholGermannounalcohol, ethanol (substance)masculine strong
Recreational drugsAlkoholGermannounalcohol, liquor (beverage containing the former substance)masculine strong
Recreational drugsrauchenGermanverbto smoke, give off smokeintransitive weak
Recreational drugsrauchenGermanverbto smoke (tobacco etc.)intransitive transitive weak
Regions of Europe中歐ChineseadjSino-European
Regions of Europe中歐ChinesenameCentral Europe
RelativityrapidityEnglishnounspeed, swiftness; the condition of being rapidcountable uncountable
RelativityrapidityEnglishnounA measure of velocity relative to the speed of lightnatural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable uncountable
RelativityrapidityEnglishnounA measure of the velocity of a particle in a beam relative to the beam's axisnatural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable uncountable
ReligionanamIrishnounsoulfeminine masculine
ReligionanamIrishnounlifefeminine masculine
ReligionanamIrishnounliveliness, spirit; breathfeminine masculine
ReligionbeannaitheachtIrishnounsacredness (of a place)feminine
ReligionbeannaitheachtIrishnounbeatitude; saintlinessfeminine
ReligionbeannaitheachtIrishnounpiety; sanctimonyfeminine
ReligionduchovníCzechnounclergymananimate masculine
ReligionpandemonismEnglishnounBelief that every object (animate or inanimate), idea (abstract or concrete), and action is inhabited by its own independent supernatural spirit; worship of such spirits.uncountable
ReligionpandemonismEnglishnounBelief in a universe that is infused with an evil spirit.uncountable
ReligionангелUkrainiannouna defender, a guardian
ReligionангелUkrainiannouna beautiful person
RestaurantssörözőHungarianverbpresent participle of sörözform-of participle present
RestaurantssörözőHungariannounpub, brasserie
RiversMenderesTurkishnamea male given name
RiversMenderesTurkishnamethe river Büyük Menderes (ancient Meander)
RiversMenderesTurkishnameA district of Izmir, Turkey
RiversMenderesTurkishnamea surname
RiversSpreaItaliannamethe river Spree, in Germanyfeminine
RiversSpreaItaliannamea surnameby-personal-gender feminine masculine
RiversSubangdakuCebuanonameA barangay of Mandaue, Cebu, Philippines
RiversSubangdakuCebuanonamea stream from which the barangay got its name
RiversЭрхүүBuryatnameIrkut, left tributary of the Angara River
RiversЭрхүүBuryatnameIrkutsk (a city in Russia)
Rivers in Oregon, USAClackamasEnglishnounA member of a Native American people of Oregon
Rivers in Oregon, USAClackamasEnglishnameA river in Oregon
Rivers in Oregon, USAClackamasEnglishnameAn extinct Chinookan language spoken by the Clackamas.
Rivers in the United StatesEagleEnglishnameThe Apollo Lunar Module of Apollo 11.
Rivers in the United StatesEagleEnglishnameA surname transferred from the nickname, from the name of the bird as a byname. See eagle.
Rivers in the United StatesEagleEnglishnameAny of a number of rivers in the United States and Canada.
Rivers in the United StatesEagleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city in Alaska.
Rivers in the United StatesEagleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town, the county seat of Eagle County, Colorado.
Rivers in the United StatesEagleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city in Idaho.
Rivers in the United StatesEagleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A village in Michigan.
Rivers in the United StatesEagleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A village in Nebraska.
Rivers in the United StatesEagleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town and hamlet in Wyoming County, New York.
Rivers in the United StatesEagleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A village in Wisconsin.
Rivers in the United StatesEagleEnglishnameA village in Eagle and Swinethorpe parish, North Kesteven district, Lincolnshire, England (OS grid ref SK8767).
Rivers in the United StatesEagleEnglishnounAn Eagle Scout.
Rivers in the United StatesEagleEnglishnounAn advancement to the Eagle Scout rank.
RoadsavingudaCatalannounspate (a river or ravine at flood stage)feminine
RoadscausewayEnglishnounA road that is raised so as to be above water, marshland, and similar low-lying obstacles, which in some cases may flood periodically (e.g. due to tides). Originally causeways were much like dykes, generally pierced to let water through, whereas many modern causeways are more like bridges or viaducts.
RoadscausewayEnglishverbTo pave, to cobble.obsolete transitive
RoadscrescentEnglishnounThe figure of the moon as it appears between its first or last quarter and the new moon, with concave and convex edges terminating in points.
RoadscrescentEnglishnounSomething shaped like a crescent, especially: / A curved pastry.
RoadscrescentEnglishnounSomething shaped like a crescent, especially: / A curved street, often presenting a continuous façade, as of row houses.
RoadscrescentEnglishnounSomething shaped like a crescent, especially: / A representation of a crescent, used as a symbol of Islam.Islam lifestyle religion
RoadscrescentEnglishnounSomething shaped like a crescent, especially: / The emblem of the waxing moon with horns directed upward, when used in a coat of arms; often used as a mark of cadency to distinguish a second son and his descendants.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
RoadscrescentEnglishnounA crescent spanner.New-Zealand
RoadscrescentEnglishnounAny of three orders of knighthood conferred upon foreigners to whom Turkey might be indebted for valuable services.historical
RoadscrescentEnglishnounA crescentspot butterfly.
RoadscrescentEnglishadjmarked by an increase; waxing, like the Moon.dated not-comparable rare
RoadscrescentEnglishadjShaped like a crescent.not-comparable
RoadscrescentEnglishverbTo form a crescent shapetransitive
RoadscrescentEnglishverbTo decorate with crescents.transitive
Rocketryengine-richEnglishadjPertaining to a condition where a rocket engine is being consumed and expelled as part of the rocket exhaust, where it is not a part of normal operations.
Rocketryengine-richEnglishadjPertaining to a condition where there is excessive fuel in the fuel-to-air ratio, in the running of an internal combustion engine.automotive transport vehicles
RockslapisLatinnouna stonedeclension-3 masculine
RockslapisLatinnouna milestonedeclension-3 masculine
RockslapisLatinnouna boundary stonedeclension-3 masculine
RockslapisLatinnoungravestone, tombstonedeclension-3 masculine
RockslapisLatinnounlapis manalis ("stone of manes"), which covers the gate of Hades or underworlddeclension-3 masculine
RockslapisLatinnouna stone platform at a slave auctiondeclension-3 masculine
RockslapisLatinnouna statuedeclension-3 masculine
RockslapisLatinnounjewel, precious stonedeclension-3 masculine poetic
RodentspacaItaliannounpacabiology natural-sciences zoologyinvariable masculine
RodentspacaItalianverbinflection of pacare: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
RodentspacaItalianverbinflection of pacare: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Roman CatholicismUrsulaghManxadjUrsuline
Roman CatholicismUrsulaghManxnounUrsulinemasculine
RoomsHexenkücheGermannounwitches' kitchen (room containing the cauldron)feminine literally
RoomsHexenkücheGermannounwitches' or wizards' cuisine (things which might be cooked up in a cauldron)feminine
RoomsHexenkücheGermannounwitches' cauldronfeminine
RoomsathenaeumEnglishnounAlternative form of Athenaeum: a temple primarily dedicated to Athena or her Roman equivalent Minerva.alt-of alternative
RoomsathenaeumEnglishnounAn association for the advancement of learning, particularly in science or literature.
RoomsathenaeumEnglishnounThe reading room or library of such an association; (by extension) any reading room or library.
RoomsathenaeumEnglishnounA literary or scientific periodical, especially one similar to the London Athenaeum.
RoomssaletaPortuguesenounsmall roomfeminine
RoomssaletaPortuguesenounwaiting room, foyerfeminine
RoomswashroomEnglishnounA room intended to wash the face and hands.
RoomswashroomEnglishnounA room with a toilet, particularly a public toilet.Canada US euphemistic rare
RoomsсарайRussiannounshed, storage building (small wooden construction)
RoomsсарайRussiannoununcomfortable, untidy room, pigsty
Root vegetablesbeetrootEnglishnounA normally deep-red-coloured root vegetable usually cooked or pickled before eating; Synonym of beet.Australia New-Zealand UK countable uncountable
Root vegetablesbeetrootEnglishnounThe edible part of the root of a beet plant, raw or prepared.uncountable usually
Root vegetablesbeetrootEnglishverbTo turn a bright red or purple colour.informal intransitive
Rosales order plantsթութMiddle Armeniannounmulberry (fruit)
Rosales order plantsթութMiddle Armeniannounmulberry-like sore, ulcer, hemorrhoidmedicine sciences
RussiaNashiEnglishnameA political youth movement in Russia.
RussiaNashiEnglishnameA northeast wind which occurs in winter on the Iranian coast of the Persian Gulf.
RussiaNashiEnglishnounA fruit, the Nashi pear, Pyrus pyrifolia.
RussiaNashiEnglishnounAlternative form of Nakhi (“ethnic group”)alt-of alternative plural plural-only
RussiaрушникUkrainiannounrushnyk, rushnik, ruchnik (traditional embroidered towel or cloth, used for ceremonies or holy sites)
SI units立方Chinesenouncubearithmetic geometry mathematics sciences
SI units立方ChineseclassifierShort for 立方米 (lìfāngmǐ, “cubic meter”).abbreviation alt-of
SandwichesmeltEnglishverbTo change (or to be changed) from a solid state to a liquid state, usually by a gradual heat.ergative
SandwichesmeltEnglishverbTo dissolve, disperse, vanish.figuratively intransitive
SandwichesmeltEnglishverbTo soften, as by a warming or kindly influence; to relax; to render gentle or susceptible to mild influences; sometimes, in a bad sense, to take away the firmness of; to weaken.figuratively transitive
SandwichesmeltEnglishverbTo be discouraged.intransitive
SandwichesmeltEnglishverbTo be emotionally softened or touched.figuratively intransitive
SandwichesmeltEnglishverbTo be very hot and sweat profusely.colloquial intransitive
SandwichesmeltEnglishnounMolten material, the product of melting.countable uncountable
SandwichesmeltEnglishnounThe transition of matter from a solid state to a liquid state.countable uncountable
SandwichesmeltEnglishnounThe springtime snow runoff in mountain regions.countable uncountable
SandwichesmeltEnglishnounA melt sandwich.countable uncountable
SandwichesmeltEnglishnounRock showing evidence of having been remelted after it originally solidified.geography geology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
SandwichesmeltEnglishnounA wax-based substance for use in an oil burner as an alternative to mixing oils and water.countable uncountable
SandwichesmeltEnglishnounAn idiot.UK countable derogatory slang uncountable
SandwichesmeltEnglishnounVariant spelling of milt, the semen of a male fish, used as food.countable uncountable
Sauceswhite sauceEnglishnounA simple sauce made from flour, milk and butter; Béchamel sauce.countable uncountable
Sauceswhite sauceEnglishnounMayonnaise.countable uncountable
SausagesroladaPolishnounroulade (slice of meat that is rolled up, stuffed, and cooked)feminine
SausagesroladaPolishnounroulade (sausage consisting of pieces of various types of meat, lard, etc., formed into a block)feminine
SausagesroladaPolishnounSwiss roll, roulade (type of sponge cake rolled up into a cylinder, typically but not exclusively with jam or chocolate filling)feminine
SausagesroladaPolishnounroulade (ice cream in the shape of a slightly flattened cylinder, made of two or more ice cream flavors layered toward the center)feminine
Saxifragales order plantsbreakstoneEnglishnounAny plant growing in stony places, especially in cracks in stone / Saxifrage (Saxifraga spp.)countable uncountable
Saxifragales order plantsbreakstoneEnglishnounAny plant growing in stony places, especially in cracks in stone / Parsley piert (Aphanes arvensis)countable uncountable
Saxifragales order plantsbreakstoneEnglishnounAny plant growing in stony places, especially in cracks in stone / Burnet saxifrage (Pimpinella saxifraga)countable uncountable
Saxifragales order plantsbreakstoneEnglishnounAny plant growing in stony places, especially in cracks in stone / Pearlwort (Sagina spp.)countable uncountable
SchoolsшколотаRussiannounschoolchildrencollective derogatory slang
SchoolsшколотаRussiannounan annoying online user who behaves in a very immature manner; a noobInternet derogatory slang
SciencesgeomorfologiaFinnishnounpartitive singular of geomorfologiform-of partitive singular
Sciencesเกษตรศาสตร์Thainounagricultural science.formal
Sciencesเกษตรศาสตร์ThainameKasetsart University (a university in Bangkok, Thailand)
SeasἰσθμόςAncient Greeknounneck, narrow passage of the body
SeasἰσθμόςAncient Greeknounneck, narrow passage of the body / pharynx, faucesanatomy medicine sciences
SeasἰσθμόςAncient Greeknounneck of land between two seas; isthmus / narrow ridge
SeasἰσθμόςAncient Greeknounneck of land between two seas; isthmus / strait, narrow channel (of the sea)
SeasoningssólPolishnounsalt (common substance, NaCl)feminine
SeasoningssólPolishnounsaltchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesfeminine
SeasoningssólPolishverbsecond-person singular imperative of solićform-of imperative second-person singular
SeasonsfómharIrishnounautumn, fall; harvest seasonmasculine
SeasonsfómharIrishnounharvest (of crop, work)masculine
SemanticssemánticaAsturiannounsemanticsfeminine uncountable
SemanticssemánticaAsturianadjfeminine singular of semánticufeminine form-of singular
SerbiaSerbEnglishnounA person of Serb descent (not necessarily from Serbia). (Compare Serbian.)
SerbiaSerbEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Serbs; Serbian.not-comparable
SexdojśćPolishverbto arrive, to reach, to get to (to get somewhere by foot) / to arrive, to reach, to get to (of vehicles or air, etc.; to reach somewhere)intransitive perfective
SexdojśćPolishverbto arrive, to reach, to get to (to get somewhere by foot) / to hit (of bullets, etc. to reach a target)intransitive perfective
SexdojśćPolishverbto arrive, to reach, to get to (to get somewhere by foot) / to arrive, to reach, to get to (of information, etc.; to be found out)intransitive perfective
SexdojśćPolishverbto arrive, to reach, to get to (to get somewhere by foot) / to arrive, to reach, to get to (sounds, visual stimulus, etc.; to be sensed)intransitive perfective
SexdojśćPolishverbto reach, to get to (to move in a specific way to reach a point in space)intransitive perfective
SexdojśćPolishverbto reach, to get to (to arrive at an addressee)intransitive perfective
SexdojśćPolishverbto reach, to get to (to reach a specific place by spreading in its own way)intransitive perfective
SexdojśćPolishverbto reach, to get to (to join or be joined to an already existing group of people, phenomena or things)intransitive perfective
SexdojśćPolishverbto reach, to get to (to achieve a certain kind of trait or state)intransitive perfective
SexdojśćPolishverbto reach, to get to (to achieve a certain kind of trait or state) / to finish (of foods, to finish cooking)colloquial intransitive perfective
SexdojśćPolishverbto get to, to make it to (to reach a particular point in a series)intransitive perfective
SexdojśćPolishverbto reach, to get to (to achieve some state after trying)intransitive perfective
SexdojśćPolishverbto come to (to be realized)intransitive perfective
SexdojśćPolishverbto approach (to make contact with the ball in order to make a throw or shot)hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive perfective
SexdojśćPolishverbto catch up withintransitive perfective
SexdojśćPolishverbto come to (to get something legally)intransitive perfective
SexdojśćPolishverbto reach, to come to (to formulate a certain kind of thought on some basis)intransitive perfective
SexdojśćPolishverbto come to (to find out or reach some conclusion)intransitive perfective
SexdojśćPolishverbto get to (to be able to be used by people, i.e. of food)intransitive perfective
SexdojśćPolishverbto come (to achieve orgasm)colloquial intransitive perfective
SexdojśćPolishverbto arrive at, to reach (to come to some border in space or time)intransitive perfective
SexdojśćPolishverbto reach (to come to some amount or number)intransitive perfective
SexdojśćPolishverbto come to (to be an addition to something)intransitive perfective
SexdojśćPolishverbto mature (of fruits, food, etc., to become ripe)intransitive perfective
SexdojśćPolishverbto get within shooting distance of the gamehobbies hunting lifestylecolloquial intransitive perfective
SexdojśćPolishverbto hit (to kill an animal)hobbies hunting lifestyleintransitive obsolete perfective
SexdojśćPolishverbto match, to equal, to measure up tointransitive obsolete perfective
SexdojśćPolishverbto go to the end of (to attend or go to something until the end of that thing)intransitive obsolete perfective
SexdojśćPolishverbto come to (to result in a particular negative situation)impersonal perfective
SexdojśćPolishnoungenitive plural of dojścieform-of genitive neuter plural
Sexgiggity-giggityEnglishnounSexual intercourse.humorous slang uncountable
Sexgiggity-giggityEnglishintjUsed as a nonsense catchphrase
Sexgiggity-giggityEnglishintjUsed to indicate sexual desire
SexgnéasaighIrishadjinflection of gnéasach: / vocative/genitive singular masculineform-of
SexgnéasaighIrishadjinflection of gnéasach: / dative singular femininearchaic dative feminine form-of singular
SexloveEnglishnounA deep caring for the existence of another.uncountable
SexloveEnglishnounStrong affection. / A profound and caring affection towards someone.countable uncountable
SexloveEnglishnounStrong affection. / Affectionate, benevolent concern or care for other people or beings, and for their well-being.countable uncountable
SexloveEnglishnounStrong affection. / A feeling of intense attraction towards someone.countable uncountable
SexloveEnglishnounStrong affection. / A deep or abiding liking for something; an enthusiasm for something.countable uncountable
SexloveEnglishnounA person who is the object of romantic feelings; a darling, a sweetheart, a beloved.countable
SexloveEnglishnounA term of friendly address, regardless of feelings.Commonwealth colloquial countable uncountable
SexloveEnglishnounA thing, activity, etc. which is the object of one's deep liking or enthusiasm.countable uncountable
SexloveEnglishnounSexual desire; attachment based on sexual attraction.countable euphemistic uncountable
SexloveEnglishnounSexual activity.countable euphemistic uncountable
SexloveEnglishnounAn instance or episode of being in love; a love affair.countable uncountable
SexloveEnglishnounUsed as the closing, before the signature, of a letter, especially between good friends or family members, or by the young.countable uncountable
SexloveEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of Love (“personification of love”).alt-of countable uncountable
SexloveEnglishnounA thin silk material.countable obsolete uncountable
SexloveEnglishnounA climbing plant, Clematis vitalba.countable uncountable
SexloveEnglishverbTo have a strong affection for (someone or something).intransitive sometimes stative transitive usually
SexloveEnglishverbTo need, thrive on.transitive
SexloveEnglishverbTo be strongly inclined towards something; an emphatic form of like.transitive
SexloveEnglishverbTo seek the good or honor of (someone), care deeply about, to be dedicated to (someone or something).intransitive sometimes transitive usually
SexloveEnglishverbTo derive delight from a fact or situation.ironic sometimes transitive
SexloveEnglishverbSynonym of heart (verb).Internet
SexloveEnglishverbTo have sex with (perhaps from make love).euphemistic transitive
SexloveEnglishnounZero, no score.ball-games billiards games hobbies lifestyle racquet-sports sportsuncountable
SexloveEnglishnounNothing; no recompense.uncountable
SexloveEnglishverbAlternative form of lofe (“to praise, sell”)alt-of alternative
SexprostituitoEsperantonounprostitutefeminine masculine
SexprostituitoEsperantonounsingular past nominal passive participle of prostituiform-of nominal participle passive past singular
Sexsmoke poleEnglishnounThe central, vertical pole of a teepee.
Sexsmoke poleEnglishnounA ridgepole.
Sexsmoke poleEnglishnounA firearm.slang
Sexsmoke poleEnglishnounA long stick or pole with a burning tip, used to repel insects.
Sexsmoke poleEnglishverbTo perform fellatio.rare slang
SexzmysłowyPolishadjsensual, carnal
SexքունեմOld Armenianverbto sleep
SexքունեմOld Armenianverbto pass away, to diefiguratively
SexքունեմOld Armenianverbto lie with, to sleep with a woman, to know her
Sexगच्छतिSanskritverbto go, move, go away, set out, comeclass-1 present type-up
Sexगच्छतिSanskritverbto go to or towards, approachclass-1 present type-up
Sexगच्छतिSanskritverbto go or pass (time)class-1 present type-up
Sexगच्छतिSanskritverbto fall to the share ofclass-1 present type-up
Sexगच्छतिSanskritverbto go against with hostile intentions, attackclass-1 present type-up
Sexगच्छतिSanskritverbto decease, dieclass-1 present type-up
Sexगच्छतिSanskritverbto approach carnally, have sexual intercourse withclass-1 present type-up
Sexगच्छतिSanskritverbto go to any state or condition, undergo, partake of, participate in, receive, obtainclass-1 present type-up
Sexual orientationspederastaPolishnoungay manderogatory masculine person
Sexual orientationspederastaPolishnounpederasthistorical masculine person
SexualityFrenchEnglishnameThe language of France, shared by the neighboring countries Belgium, Monaco, and Switzerland and by former French colonies around the world.uncountable
SexualityFrenchEnglishnameThe ability of a person to communicate in French.uncountable
SexualityFrenchEnglishnameFrench language and literature as an object of study.uncountable
SexualityFrenchEnglishnameVulgar language.euphemistic ironic often uncountable
SexualityFrenchEnglishnameA surname.countable
SexualityFrenchEnglishnounThe people of France; groups of French people.collective countable in-plural uncountable
SexualityFrenchEnglishnounSynonym of oral sex, especially sex sexualitydated slang uncountable
SexualityFrenchEnglishnounEllipsis of French vermouth, a type of dry vermouth.abbreviation alt-of dated ellipsis slang uncountable
SexualityFrenchEnglishadjOf or relating to France.
SexualityFrenchEnglishadjOf or relating to the people or culture of France.
SexualityFrenchEnglishadjOf or relating to the French language.
SexualityFrenchEnglishadjOf or related to oral sex, especially sexualityslang
SexualityFrenchEnglishadjUsed to form names or references to venereal diseases.euphemistic informal often
SexualityFrenchEnglishadjUsed to form names or references to an unconventional or fancy style.
SexualityFrenchEnglishverbAlternative letter-case form of frenchalt-of
SexualityallosexualEnglishadjExperiencing sexual attraction; not asexual.LGBT lifestyle sexuality
SexualityallosexualEnglishadjLGB; queer; non-heterosexual.LGBT lifestyle sexualityCanada uncommon
SexualityallosexualEnglishadjDirected toward or involving another person rather than (only) oneself.human-sciences sciences social-science social-sciences
SexualityallosexualEnglishadjInvolving or directed at the other biological sex; heterosexual; not isosexual.biology human-sciences natural-sciences psychology sciences social-science sociology
SexualityallosexualEnglishnounOne who experiences sexual attraction; one who is not asexual.LGBT lifestyle sexuality
SexualityfavnNorwegian Bokmålnounan embrace; outstretched arms (grip formed in space between the chest and more or less outstretched arms)masculine
SexualityfavnNorwegian Bokmålnounan embrace; outstretched arms (grip formed in space between the chest and more or less outstretched arms) / an embrace; intercourse (sexual intercourse involving humans)euphemistic literary masculine
SexualityfavnNorwegian Bokmålnounsomething that envelops, receives like an embraceliterary masculine
SexualityfavnNorwegian Bokmålnouna fathom (unit of length for water depth notionally based upon the width of grown man's outstretched arms but standardized as 6 feet (about 1.8 m))nautical transportmasculine
SexualityfavnNorwegian Bokmålnouna unit of mass measurement for firewood (equal to 2×2 meters with a length of 0.6 meters, originally 6×6 feet with a length of 1 cubit)masculine
SexualityfavnNorwegian Bokmålnounan embrace; intercourseneuter poetic rare
SexualityfavnNorwegian Bokmålverbimperative of favneform-of imperative
ShapesaxialEnglishadjRelating to, resembling, or situated on an axis
ShapesaxialEnglishadjBelonging to the axis of the body, or to the axis of any appendage or organanatomy medicine sciences
ShapesaxialEnglishadjIn the same direction as the axis, parallel to the axis.biology botany natural-sciences
ShapesaxialEnglishadjOriented parallel to the axis running through the centre of a cyclohexane ring, as opposed to equatorial. See Axial bond.chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencesphysical
ShapesaxialEnglishnounA flight feather that appears between the primaries and secondaries on some birds.biology natural-sciences ornithology
ShapesaxialEnglishnounA plane parallel to the surface of a tooth.dentistry medicine sciences
ShapespentagramaSpanishnounstaffentertainment lifestyle musicmasculine
ShapespentagramaSpanishnounpentagramgeometry mathematics sciencesmasculine
SheepܐܡܪܐClassical Syriacnounlamb
SheepܐܡܪܐClassical SyriacnameAries (constellation and zodiac sign)
SheepܐܡܪܐClassical Syriacnounorder, command
Sherlock HolmesDoylistEnglishadjFrom a real-world perspective; of or relating to an explanation outside the text; external to the narrative.human-sciences lifestyle linguistics narratology sciencesslang
Sherlock HolmesDoylistEnglishnounAn enthusiast of the works of Arthur Conan Doyle.
SixsixiesEnglishnounplural of sixieform-of plural
SixsixiesEnglishnounA call in any children's game, such as jacks, where six actions must be performed.
SizelowEnglishadjSituated close to, or even below, the ground or another normal reference plane; not high or lofty. / Pertaining to (or, especially of a language: spoken in) in an area which is at a lesser elevation, closer to sea level (especially near the sea), than other regions.
SizelowEnglishadjSituated close to, or even below, the ground or another normal reference plane; not high or lofty. / Below the batter's knees.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
SizelowEnglishadjSituated close to, or even below, the ground or another normal reference plane; not high or lofty.
SizelowEnglishadjOf less than normal height or upward extent or growth, or of greater than normal depth or recession; below the average or normal level from which elevation is measured.
SizelowEnglishadjOf less than normal height or upward extent or growth, or of greater than normal depth or recession; below the average or normal level from which elevation is measured. / Low-cut.
SizelowEnglishadjNot high in status, esteem, or rank, dignity, or quality. (Compare vulgar.)
SizelowEnglishadjHumble, meek, not haughty.
SizelowEnglishadjDisparaging; assigning little value or excellence.
SizelowEnglishadjBeing a nadir, a bottom.
SizelowEnglishadjDepressed in mood, dejected, sad.
SizelowEnglishadjLacking health or vitality, strength or vivacity; feeble; weak.
SizelowEnglishadjLacking health or vitality, strength or vivacity; feeble; weak. / Having few hit points remaining;
SizelowEnglishadjDead. (Compare lay low.)
SizelowEnglishadjSmall, not high (in amount or quantity, value, force, energy, etc). / Having a small or comparatively smaller concentration of (a substance, which is often but not always linked by "in" when predicative).
SizelowEnglishadjSmall, not high (in amount or quantity, value, force, energy, etc). / Depleted, or nearing deletion; lacking in supply.
SizelowEnglishadjSmall, not high (in amount or quantity, value, force, energy, etc).
SizelowEnglishadjSimple in complexity or development.especially
SizelowEnglishadjFavoring simplicity (see e.g. low church, Low Tory).
SizelowEnglishadjBeing near the equator.
SizelowEnglishadjGrave in pitch, due to being produced by relatively slow vibrations (wave oscillations); flat.
SizelowEnglishadjQuiet; soft; not loud.
SizelowEnglishadjMade with a relatively large opening between the tongue and the palate; made with (part of) the tongue positioned low in the mouth, relative to the palate.human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciences
SizelowEnglishadjLesser in value than other cards, denominations, suits, etc.card-games games
SizelowEnglishadjNot rich or seasoned; offering the minimum of nutritional requirements; plain, simple.archaic
SizelowEnglishadjDesigned for a slow (or the slowest) speed.
SizelowEnglishnounA low point or position, literally (as, a depth) or or figuratively (as, a nadir, a time when things are at their worst, least, minimum, etc).
SizelowEnglishnounA low point or position, literally (as, a depth) or or figuratively (as, a nadir, a time when things are at their worst, least, minimum, etc). / The minimum atmospheric temperature recorded at a particular location, especially during one 24-hour period.
SizelowEnglishnounA period of depression; a depressed mood or situation.
SizelowEnglishnounAn area of low pressure; a depression.climatology meteorology natural-sciencesinformal
SizelowEnglishnounThe lowest-speed gearing of a power-transmission system, especially of an automotive vehicle.
SizelowEnglishnounThe lowest trump, usually the deuce; the lowest trump dealt or drawn.card-games games
SizelowEnglishnounA cheap, cost-efficient, or advantageous price.slang usually
SizelowEnglishadvClose to the ground.
SizelowEnglishadvOf a pitch, at a lower frequency.
SizelowEnglishadvWith a low voice or sound; not loudly; gently.
SizelowEnglishadvUnder the usual price; at a moderate price; cheaply.
SizelowEnglishadvIn a low mean condition; humbly; meanly.
SizelowEnglishadvIn a time approaching our own.
SizelowEnglishadvIn a path near the equator, so that the declination is small, or near the horizon, so that the altitude is small; said of the heavenly bodies with reference to the diurnal revolution.astronomy natural-sciences
SizelowEnglishverbTo lower; to make low.obsolete transitive
SizelowEnglishverbsimple past of laugh.form-of obsolete past
SizelowEnglishverbTo moo.intransitive
SizelowEnglishnounA flame; fire; blaze.Scotland UK countable dialectal
SizelowEnglishverbTo burn; to blaze.Scotland UK dialectal
SizelowEnglishnounBarrow, mound, tumulus.archaic obsolete
SizelowEnglishnounA hill.Scottish archaic dialectal
SizelowEnglishverbAlternative form of 'lowalt-of alternative
SkinorususuTooronounskin (of humans)
SkinorususuTooronounflake of human skin
Slavescomfort girlEnglishnounA female sex slave; prostitute.euphemistic idiomatic
Slavescomfort girlEnglishnounA girl or woman who wears comfortable lifestyle
SleepઓથારGujaratinounsleep paralysis
SleepઓથારGujaratinounshelter, refuge
SleepὑπνηρόςAncient Greekadjdrowsy, sleepy
SleepὑπνηρόςAncient Greekadjsoporific
Sleep昼寝Japanesenounsiesta (afternoon nap)
Sleep昼寝Japaneseverbtake an afternoon nap
SmellodorEnglishnounAny smell, whether fragrant or offensive.US countable uncountable
SmellodorEnglishnounA strong, pervasive quality.US countable figuratively uncountable
SmellodorEnglishnounEsteem.US figuratively uncountable
SmellodorEnglishnounSomething which produces a scent; incense, a perfume.US archaic countable uncountable
Smokingnon-smokingEnglishadjHaving restrictions on smoking.not-comparable
Smokingnon-smokingEnglishadjUsing no tobacco products.not-comparable
SnakesοὐραῖοςAncient Greekadjof the tail
SnakesοὐραῖοςAncient Greeknounuraeus, sacred asp
Social justiceanti-SJWEnglishnounSomeone who opposes the zealous behavior and strict ideology of social justice warriors, especially someone who engages in activism against it.government politicsInternet
Social justiceanti-SJWEnglishadjOpposed to social justice warriors.government politicsInternet
Software火狐Chinesenounred fox (Vulpes vulpes) (Classifier: 隻/只 m)
Software火狐Chinesenounred panda (Classifier: 隻/只 m)
Sound暴雷Chinesenounthunderbolt; thunderclap
Sound暴雷Chineseverbto default on a large scale; to fail to repay the loan or deposit of many creditors or clientsverb-object
SoundsklikCzechnounpush-upinanimate masculine
SoundsklikCzechnoungenitive plural of klikafeminine form-of genitive plural
SoundssnapEnglishnounA quick breaking or cracking sound or the action of producing such a sound.countable uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounA sudden break.countable uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounAn attempt to seize, bite, attack, or grab.countable uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounThe act of snapping the fingers; making a sound by pressing a finger against the thumb and suddenly releasing to strike the hand.countable uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounA fastening device that makes a snapping sound when used.countable uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounA photograph; a snapshot.countable informal uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounThe sudden release of something held under pressure or tension.countable uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounA thin circular cookie or similar baked good.countable uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounA brief, sudden period of a certain weather; used primarily in the phrase cold snap.countable uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounA very short period of time (figuratively, the time taken to snap one's fingers), or a task that can be accomplished in such a period.countable uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounA snap bean such as Phaseolus vulgaris.countable uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounA backward pass or handoff of a football from its position on the ground that puts the ball in play; a hike.American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounA rivet: a scrapbooking embellishment.colloquial countable uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounA small device resembling a safety pin, used to attach the bait or lure to the hobbies lifestylecountable uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounA small meal, a snack; lunch.UK countable regional uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounA card game, primarily for children, in which players cry "snap" to claim pairs of matching cards as they are turned up.uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounA greedy fellow.countable obsolete uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounThat which is, or may be, snapped up; something bitten off, seized, or obtained by a single quick movement; hence, a bite, morsel, or fragment; a scrap.countable uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounbriskness; vigour; energy; decisioncountable uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounAny circumstance out of which money may be made or an advantage gained. used primarily in the phrase soft snap.archaic countable slang uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounSomething that is easy or effortless.countable slang uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounA snapper, or snap beetle.countable uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounjounce (the fourth derivative of the position vector with respect to time), followed by crackle and popnatural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable humorous uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounA quick offhand shot with a firearm; a snap shot.countable uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounSomething of no value.colloquial countable uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of Snap. / A visual message sent through the Snapchat application.countable uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of Snap. / Clipping of Snapchat (“user account on Snapchat”).abbreviation alt-of clipping colloquial countable uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounA package provided for the application sandboxing system snapd developed by Canonical.Linux computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences softwarecountable uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounA crisp or pithy quality; epigrammatic point or force.uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounA tool used by riveters.countable uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounA tool used by glass-moulders.countable uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounA brief theatrical engagement.countable dated slang uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounA cheat or sharper.countable dated slang uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounA newsflash.countable uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishnounAn insult of the kind used in the African-American verbal game of the dozens.countable slang uncountable
SoundssnapEnglishverbTo fracture or break apart suddenly.intransitive transitive
SoundssnapEnglishverbTo give forth or produce a sharp cracking noise; to crack.intransitive
SoundssnapEnglishverbTo attempt to seize or bite with the teeth, beak, etc.intransitive
SoundssnapEnglishverbTo attempt to seize with eagerness.intransitive
SoundssnapEnglishverbTo speak abruptly or sharply.intransitive
SoundssnapEnglishverbTo give way abruptly and loudly.intransitive
SoundssnapEnglishverbTo suffer a mental breakdown, usually while under tension.intransitive
SoundssnapEnglishverbTo flash or appear to flash as with light.intransitive
SoundssnapEnglishverbTo fit or fasten together with a snapping sound.intransitive
SoundssnapEnglishverbTo jump to a fixed position relative to another element.computing engineering graphical-user-interface mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesintransitive
SoundssnapEnglishverbTo snatch with or as if with the teeth.transitive
SoundssnapEnglishverbTo pull apart with a snapping sound; to pop loose.transitive
SoundssnapEnglishverbTo say abruptly or sharply.transitive
SoundssnapEnglishverbTo speak to abruptly or sharply; to treat snappishly; usually with up.dated transitive
SoundssnapEnglishverbTo cause something to emit a snapping sound, especially by closing it rapidly.transitive
SoundssnapEnglishverbTo close something using a snap as a fastener.transitive
SoundssnapEnglishverbTo snap one's fingers: to make a snapping sound, often by pressing the thumb and an opposing finger of the same hand together and suddenly releasing the grip so that the finger hits against the palm; alternatively, by bringing the index finger quickly down onto the middle finger and thumb.transitive
SoundssnapEnglishverbTo cause to move suddenly and smartly.transitive
SoundssnapEnglishverbTo take a photograph; to release a camera's shutter (which may make a snapping sound).transitive
SoundssnapEnglishverbAlternative letter-case form of Snap (“to send a visual message through the Snapchat application”).alt-of ditransitive
SoundssnapEnglishverbTo put (a football) in play by a backward pass or handoff from its position on the ground; to hike (a football).American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
SoundssnapEnglishverbTo misfire.
SoundssnapEnglishverbTo catch out sharply (a batsman who has just snicked a bowled ball).ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
SoundssnapEnglishintjThe cry used in a game of snap when winning a hand.
SoundssnapEnglishintj"I've got one the same!", "Me too!"Australia British broadly
SoundssnapEnglishintjRitual utterance of agreement (after the cry in the card game snap).British
SoundssnapEnglishintjUsed in place of expletive to express surprise, usually in response to a negative statement or news; often used facetiously.Canada US
SoundssnapEnglishintjRitual utterance used after something is said by two people at exactly the same time.Australia British New-Zealand
SoundssnapEnglishadjDone, made, performed, etc., quickly and unexpectedly, or without deliberation.attributive informal not-comparable
SoundswhirrEnglishverbTo move or vibrate (something) with a buzzing sound.
SoundswhirrEnglishverbTo make a sibilant buzzing or droning sound.intransitive
SoundswhirrEnglishverbTo cause (something) to make such a sound.transitive
SoundswhirrEnglishverb(of a panther) To make a vibrating sound in its throat when contented, much like the domestic cat’s purr.intransitive
SoundswhirrEnglishnounA sibilant buzz or vibration; the sound of something in rapid motion.
SoundswhirrEnglishnounA bustle of noise and excitement.
SoundswhirrEnglishnounThe vibrating sound made by a panther in its throat when contented.
South Levantine Arabic cardinal numbersألفArabicnounName of the first letter of the Arabic alphabet (ا / ا).
South Levantine Arabic cardinal numbersألفArabicnumthousand
South Levantine Arabic cardinal numbersألفArabicverbto be or become familiar with, to become accustomed, to share the yoke, to be or become amicable or tame
South Levantine Arabic cardinal numbersألفArabicnounverbal noun of أَلِف (ʔalif) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
South Levantine Arabic cardinal numbersألفArabicverbto unite, join, combine, put together
South Levantine Arabic cardinal numbersألفArabicverbto unite with the rest of the subjugated animals of man, to make familiar, to accustom, to tame
South Levantine Arabic cardinal numbersألفArabicverbto compile, compose, be the author of (a book)
South Levantine Arabic cardinal numbersألفArabicverbto form
South Levantine Arabic cardinal numbersألفArabicverbform-iv no-gloss
Soviet UnionsamizdatPortuguesenounsamizdat (underground publishing in the Soviet Union)masculine uncountable
Soviet UnionsamizdatPortuguesenounsamizdat (a samizdat publication)masculine
SpainespagnolFrenchadjSpanish, from or otherwise related to Spain, its people etc.
SpainespagnolFrenchnounSpanish languagemasculine uncountable
SpicesмащеркаBulgariannounwild thyme (Thymus serpyllum)uncountable
SpicesмащеркаBulgariannounthyme, any member of the genus Thymusbiology botany natural-sciencescountable
SportsтулупRussiannounsheepskin coat, overcoat, tulup (Russian-style long warm sheepskin/hareskin coat with a collar)
SportsтулупRussiannountoe loophobbies lifestyle sports
Sports equipmentpiłkaPolishnounball (object, generally spherical, used for playing games)feminine
Sports equipmentpiłkaPolishnoundiminutive of piła (“saw”)diminutive feminine form-of
Stock charactersBöseGermannounevil, malice, wickednessneuter strong
Stock charactersBöseGermannounangerneuter strong
Stock charactersBöseGermannounthe Evil Onemasculine weak
Stock charactersBöseGermannounbad guy, baddiemasculine weak
Stock charactersBöseGermannounbad boymasculine weak
Stone fruitskriekDutchnounmorello cherry Prunus cerasusfeminine
Stone fruitskriekDutchnounkriek (cherry beer)masculine
Stone fruitskriekDutchnouna cricket, insect of the family GryllidaeNetherlands dialectal feminine
String instrumentsក្រពើKhmernouncrocodile
String instrumentsក្រពើKhmernounalligator
String instrumentsក្រពើKhmernounkrapeu, a plucked, three-stringed zither in the shape of a crocodile used in classical Cambodian music; similar to the Thai จะเข้ (jà-kêe).entertainment lifestyle music
Succulentslizard's tailEnglishnounOne of various plant species. / Houttuynia cordata, chameleon plant, a herbaceous perennial plant native to Japan, Korea, southern China and Southeast Asia.
Succulentslizard's tailEnglishnounOne of various plant species. / Crassula muscosa, rattail crassula, a succulent plant native to South Africa
Succulentslizard's tailEnglishnounOne of various plant species. / Saururus cernuus, a medicinal and ornamental plant native to eastern North America.
Succulentslizard's tailEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see lizard, tail.
SurgerycesàriaCatalanadjfeminine singular of cesarifeminine form-of singular
SurgerycesàriaCatalannounCaesarean sectionfeminine
SurgeryplicationEnglishnounAn act of folding.biology geography geology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
SurgeryplicationEnglishnounA fold or pleat.biology geography geology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
SurgeryplicationEnglishnounA surgical procedure in which a body part is strengthened or shortened by pulling together folds of excess material, and suturing them into place.medicine sciences surgerycountable uncountable
SwallowskalliopääskyFinnishnounEurasian crag martin, Ptyonoprogne rupestris
SwallowskalliopääskyFinnishnouncrag martin (bird of the genus Ptyonoprogne)
TalkingschwätzenGermanverbto chat, talk, babble, prateweak
TalkingschwätzenGermanverbto speak, talkGermany Southwestern weak
Talking練牙Chineseverbto chatXiamen Zhangzhou-Hokkien
Talking練牙Chineseverbto give a witty remarkZhangzhou-Hokkien
TasmaniaジョージタウンJapanesenameGeorge Town
TechnologymořitCzechverbto torment, to torture
TechnologymořitCzechverbto pester, to plague
TechnologymořitCzechverbto toilreflexive
TechnologymořitCzechverbto stain (to coat a wooden surface with a stain)
TechnologymořitCzechverbto pickle (to treat a metal surface to remove impurities)
TechnologymořitCzechverbto disinfectagriculture business lifestyle
TeethзъбецBulgariannoundiminutive of зъб (zǎb)diminutive form-of
TeethзъбецBulgariannountooth, cog, cam, prong
TelegraphyмолнияRussiannounzipper, zip, zip fastener
TelegraphyмолнияRussiannounexpress telegram
TelegraphyмолнияRussiannouncigarette lighterslang
Telephonytelephone operatorEnglishnounA person who operates a telephone switchboard.
Telephonytelephone operatorEnglishnounA person who provides assistance in establishing a connection, or who provides information or takes messages via the telephone.
TenдесеткаMacedoniannounten (name of the number)
TenдесеткаMacedoniannountenner, a banknote with a value of ten (in whatever currency)
TenChinesecharacterOnly used in 什麼/什么 (shénme).
TenChinesecharacterten familiesobsolete
TenChinesecharactertroop of ten menobsolete
TenChinesecharacterset of ten poemsobsolete
TenChinesecharacterAlternative form of 十 (shí, “ten”), usually used in fractions or multiples.alt-of alternative obsolete
TenChinesecharactermiscellaneous; assorted
TenChinesecharacterAlternative form of 雜/杂 (zá)alt-of alternative
TenChinesecharactera surname
TenChinesecharacterOnly used in 通什.
TenChinesecharacterAlternative form of 啥 (“what”)Hokkien alt-of alternative
TextilesthreadbareEnglishadjOf cloth, clothing, furnishings, etc.: frayed and worn to an extent that the nap is damaged and the warp and weft threads show; shabby, worn-out.
TextilesthreadbareEnglishadjIn poor condition; damaged, shabby; also, poorly equipped or provided for, inadequate, meagre, scanty.figuratively
TextilesthreadbareEnglishadjOf an argument, excuse, etc.: used so often that it is no longer effective or interesting; banal, clichéd, trite.figuratively
TextilesthreadbareEnglishadjOf a person: wearing clothes of threadbare (sense 1) material; hence, impoverished, poor.archaic obsolete
Textual divisionسفرArabicnoundeparture, journey, travel
Textual divisionسفرArabicnouncampaign, military expedition
Textual divisionسفرArabicverbto cause to journey, to put on board
Textual divisionسفرArabicverbto strip, to remove, to sweep away, to carry off in every directionarchaic
Textual divisionسفرArabicnounverbal noun of سَفَرَ (safara) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
Textual divisionسفرArabicverbto unveil, to put away one's shroudintransitive
Textual divisionسفرArabicnounverbal noun of سَفَرَ (safara, “to copy, to write”) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
Textual divisionسفرArabicnounwritten book
Textual divisionسفرArabicnouna book of the BibleChristianityJudaism
Textual divisionسفرArabicnountrace, mark, writingarchaic
Textual divisionسفرArabicverbto copy, to scribe, to writearchaic
Textual divisionسفرArabicnounmark, trace, vestige
Theodore RooseveltBull MooseEnglishnounA member of the Progressive Party (United States, 1912), an American political party formed by former President Theodore Roosevelt after a split in the Republican Party.historical
Theodore RooseveltBull MooseEnglishnameA township in Cass County, Minnesota, United States, named after the Bull Moose Party.
ThinkingbystryPolishadjsmart; bright; shrewd
ThinkingbystryPolishadjfast; swift; rapid; flowing with high speed
ThinkingbystryPolishadjfast and nimble
Thinking開悟Chineseverbto inspire; to enlightenliterary
Thinking開悟Chineseverbto comprehend; to grasp (something not easily understood); to realizeliterary
Thinking開悟ChinesenounenlightenmentBuddhism human-sciences lifestyle philosophy psychology religion sciences
ThistlescloteEnglishnounThe common burdock; the clotbur.obsolete
ThistlescloteEnglishnounThe yellow waterlily.biology botany natural-sciences
ThousandmilleFrenchnumthousand, one thousand, a thousandinvariable
ThousandmilleFrenchnounmile (abbreviation mi)masculine
ThousandmilleFrenchnounShort for mille nautique (“nautical mile”).abbreviation alt-of masculine
ThreeDreierGermannounthreemasculine regional strong
ThreeDreierGermannounthreesomecolloquial masculine strong
Timber industrywoodcutterEnglishnounA person who cuts down trees, especially as an occupation; a lumberjack.
Timber industrywoodcutterEnglishnounA person who cuts wood.
Timber industrywoodcutterEnglishnounA person who makes woodcuts.
TimebulanKelabitnounmoon (largest natural satellite of planet Earth)
TimebulanKelabitnounmoon (any substantially sized natural satellite of a planet)
TimebulanKelabitnounmonth (period into which a year is divided)
TimeechnosWelshadvthe night before last, the evening of the day before yesterday
TimeechnosWelshnounthe night before last, the evening of the day before yesterdayfeminine uncountable
TimeksãżëcKashubiannounMoon (Earth's natural satelite)inanimate masculine
TimeksãżëcKashubiannounmoon (any natural satellite of a planet)inanimate masculine
TimeksãżëcKashubiannounmonth (period into which a year is divided based on the phases of the Moon)inanimate masculine
TimesekundaPolishnounsecond (SI unit of time)feminine
TimesekundaPolishnounsecond (short moment)feminine
TimesekundaPolishnounarcsecond (1/3600th of a degree)geometry mathematics sciencesfeminine
TimesekundaPolishnounsecond (two half step intervals)entertainment lifestyle musicfeminine
TimeվայրկյանArmeniannounminuteArmenian Iranian Western-Armenian
TimeվայրկյանArmeniannounsecond (unit of angular measure)astronomy mathematics natural-sciences sciences
TimeվայրկյանArmeniannounmoment, second, instant, short amount of time
TimeעדנאAramaicnountime, age
Time少時Chinesenouninstant; short while; moment
Timekeepingmis EfenCornishadvin June (month)
Timekeepingmis EfenCornishnameJune (month)masculine
Times of dayзаряRussiannoundawn, daybreak
Times of dayзаряRussiannoundusk, nightfall
Times of dayзаряRussiannounreveillegovernment military politics war
Times of dayзаряRussiannountattoo, retreatgovernment military politics war
Times of dayзаряRussiannounoutset, start
Times of dayзаряRussiannounZarya (module of the International Space Station)
Times of dayзаряRussiannounZarya (type of Soviet directional mediumwave broadcasting antenna)
TogoTogoleesAfrikaansadjTogolese (of, from, or pertaining to Togo or the Togolese people)not-comparable
TogoTogoleesAfrikaansnounTogolese (person from Togo or of Togolese descent)
Toilet (room)cloakroomEnglishnounA room intended for holding guests' cloaks and other heavy outerwear, as at a theater or night club.
Toilet (room)cloakroomEnglishnounA room intended for holding luggage, as at an airport.British India Ireland
Toilet (room)cloakroomEnglishnounA private lounge next to a legislative chamber.
Toilet (room)cloakroomEnglishnounA lavatory, now particularly a small secondary lavatory or a men's room.British Ireland euphemistic
ToolscizallaSpanishnounbolt cutterfeminine
ToolscizallaSpanishnountin snipsfeminine
ToolscizallaSpanishnounthroatless shear, lever shears, brench shearsfeminine
ToolscizallaSpanishnounrotary trimmerfeminine
ToolscizallaSpanishnounshears, pair of shears, cutterfeminine
ToolscizallaSpanishverbinflection of cizallar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
ToolscizallaSpanishverbinflection of cizallar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
ToolscleșteRomaniannounclaw (mechanical device for gripping)masculine
ToolsflailEnglishnounA tool used for threshing, consisting of a long handle (handstock) with a shorter stick (swipple or swingle) attached with a short piece of chain, thong or similar material.
ToolsflailEnglishnounA weapon which has the (usually spherical) striking part attached to the handle with a flexible joint such as a chain.
ToolsflailEnglishverbTo beat using a flail or similar implement.transitive
ToolsflailEnglishverbTo wave or swing vigorouslytransitive
ToolsflailEnglishverbTo thresh.transitive
ToolsflailEnglishverbTo move like a flail.intransitive
ToolsguimbardaCatalannounjaw harp, mouth organfeminine
ToolsguimbardaCatalannounrouter planearts business carpentry construction crafts hobbies lifestyle manufacturing woodworkingfeminine
ToolshammerNorwegian Bokmålnouna hammer (tool)masculine
ToolshammerNorwegian Bokmålnounindefinite plural of hamform-of indefinite masculine plural
ToolskelniaSilesiannounladle (deep-bowled spoon)feminine
ToolskelniaSilesiannountrowel (mason's tool)business construction manufacturing masonryfeminine
ToolsklinPolishnounwedgeinanimate masculine
ToolsklinPolishnounwedge formationgovernment military politics warinanimate masculine
ToolsklinPolishnouna shot of alcohol drunk to overcome a hangover, hair of the dogcolloquial inanimate masculine
ToolskorpSwedishnouna raven (a bird, Corvus corax)common-gender
ToolskorpSwedishnouna pickaxecommon-gender
ToolskorpSwedishnounshort for korporationsidrott, sports teams formed by coworkers, co-sponsored by the employerabbreviation alt-of common-gender
ToolsprzekłuwaczPolishnounhole punch, perforator (tool or machine that makes holes, or perforates, materials such as paper and card)inanimate masculine
ToolsprzekłuwaczPolishnounear piercer, tool for ear piercinginanimate masculine
ToolsprzekłuwaczPolishnounpointed paleolithic stone toolarchaeology history human-sciences sciencesinanimate masculine
ToolsteleskopPolishnountelescope (any instrument used to observe distant objects)astronomy natural-sciencesinanimate masculine
ToolsteleskopPolishnountelescope (any instrument used to observe distant objects) / telescope (optical instrument that magnifies)astronomy engineering natural-sciences optics physical-sciences physicsinanimate masculine
ToolsteleskopPolishnountelescopic hydraulic cylinderengineering natural-sciences physical-sciences technologycolloquial inanimate masculine
ToolsteleskopPolishnountelescopic shock absorbertransport vehiclescolloquial inanimate masculine
ToolsteleskopPolishnountelephoto cameraarts hobbies lifestyle photographycolloquial inanimate masculine
ToolsteleskopPolishnountelescope (goldfish)animal-not-person masculine
Toolswalking stickEnglishnounA tool, such as a cane, used to ease pressure on the legs, and to aid stability, when walking.
Toolswalking stickEnglishnounA stick insect (order Phasmida).
Toolswalking stickEnglishnounA playing card with the rank of seven.card-games gamesslang
ToolsσκαπάνηGreeknounpickaxe, pick, pickax
ToolsσκαπάνηGreeknounarchaeological dig
ToolsψήκτραGreeknounbrush, combdated formal
ToolsψήκτραGreeknounspecial thin brush for cleaning laboratory glasswarechemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
ToolsψήκτραGreeknounspecial thin brush for cleaning gun barrelsgovernment military politics war
ToolsклинBulgariannounwedge, key, cotter, cleat
ToolsклинBulgariannoungore, gusset
ToolsклинBulgariannounspearheadgovernment military politics war
ToolsклинBulgariannounskiing trousers, leggings
Toolsၵိမ်းShannounscissors; pincers, any instrument which picks up things by pressing its two parts together
Toolsၵိမ်းShannounvessel for heating water
Toolsၵိမ်းShanverbto be curved equally inward and toward one another (as the horns of an ox)
TouchщупатьRussianverbto feel, to touch; to grope
TouchщупатьRussianverbto probe
TownsXalixcoClassical NahuatlnameXalisco, town in Nayarit.
TownsXalixcoClassical NahuatlnameJalisco, name of Mexican state.
Toy dogspugEnglishnounSenses relating to someone or something small. / In full pug dog: a small dog of an ancient breed originating in China, having a snub nose, wrinkled face, squarish body, short smooth hair, and curled tail.
Toy dogspugEnglishnounSenses relating to someone or something small. / In full pug moth, often with a descriptive word: any geometrid moth of the tribe Eupitheciini, especially the genus Eupithecia; a geometer moth.
Toy dogspugEnglishnounSenses relating to someone or something small. / In full pug hood: a hood, sometimes with a short cloak attached, worn by women around the middle of the 18th clothing fashion lifestyle manufacturing textileshistorical
Toy dogspugEnglishnounSenses relating to someone or something small. / In full pug engine: a small locomotive chiefly used for shunting (“moving trains from one track to another, or carriages from one train to another”).rail-transport railways transport
Toy dogspugEnglishnounSenses relating to someone or something small. / Also used as a proper name: any of various animals, such as a ferret, hare, squirrel, or young salmon. / Synonym of teg (“a sheep (originally a ewe) in its second year, or from the time it is weaned until it is first shorn”)UK archaic regional specifically
Toy dogspugEnglishnounSenses relating to someone or something small. / Also used as a proper name: any of various animals, such as a ferret, hare, squirrel, or young salmon. / An ape, a monkey; also (by extension) a human child.UK archaic obsolete regional specifically
Toy dogspugEnglishnounSenses relating to someone or something small. / Also used as a proper name: any of various animals, such as a ferret, hare, squirrel, or young salmon. / A fox.UK archaic obsolete regional specifically
Toy dogspugEnglishnounSenses relating to someone or something small. / Also used as a proper name: any of various animals, such as a ferret, hare, squirrel, or young salmon.UK archaic regional
Toy dogspugEnglishnounSenses relating to someone or something small. / A person or thing that is squat (“broad and short”).UK rare regional
Toy dogspugEnglishnounSenses relating to someone or something small. / A bun or knot of hair; also, a piece of cloth or snood for holding this in place.US regional
Toy dogspugEnglishnounSenses relating to someone or something small. / A small demon; an imp, a puck, a sprite.obsolete
Toy dogspugEnglishnounSenses relating to people. / Chiefly used by servants: A senior or upper servant in a household.UK historical
Toy dogspugEnglishnounSenses relating to people. / A mistress, or a female prostitute; also (generally, derogatory) a woman.obsolete
Toy dogspugEnglishnounSenses relating to people. / A term of endearment for a person, or sometimes an animal or a toy such as a doll.endearing obsolete
Toy dogspugEnglishnounSenses relating to people. / A bargeman.nautical transportobsolete
Toy dogspugEnglishnounSenses relating to people. / A cabin boy, a shipboy or ship's boy.nautical transportobsolete
Toy dogspugEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of PuG (“a group of players who are unknown to each other, grouped together to work toward a short-term goal such as completing a dungeon or a raid”)games gamingInternet alt-of
Toy dogspugEnglishnounThe footprint or pawprint of an animal; a pugmark.
Toy dogspugEnglishverbTo track (an animal) by following pawprints; also (by extension) to track (a person) by following footprints.British India obsolete rare transitive
Toy dogspugEnglishnounClipping of pugilist (“one who fights with their fists, especially a professional prize fighter; a boxer”).abbreviation alt-of clipping informal
Toy dogspugEnglishverbTo hit or punch (someone or something); also, to poke (someone or something).rare transitive
Toy dogspugEnglishverbTo fill or stop up (a space) with pug (noun sense 1), clay, sawdust, or other material by tamping; (specifically) to fill in (the space between joists of a floor, a partition, etc.) with some material to deaden sound, make fireproof, construction manufacturingtransitive
Toy dogspugEnglishverbTo mix and work (wet clay) until flexible, soft, and free from air pockets and suitable for making bricks, pottery, construction manufacturingtransitive
Toy dogspugEnglishverbOf cattle, etc.: to trample (the ground, a place, etc.) until it becomes muddy and soft; to poach.Australia New-Zealand archaic transitive
Toy dogspugEnglishverbTo pack or tamp (something) into a small space.England also archaic figuratively regional transitive
Toy dogspugEnglishverbTo pack or tamp into a small space.England also archaic figuratively intransitive regional
Toy dogspugEnglishnounClay, soil, or other material which has been mixed and worked until flexible, soft, and free from air pockets and thus suitable for making bricks, pottery, etc.; also, any other material with a similar consistency or function, especially (Australia) auriferous (“gold-bearing”) clay.countable uncountable
Toy dogspugEnglishnounShort for pug mill (“kind of mill for grinding, mixing, and working clay”).abbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
Toy dogspugEnglishverbTo pull or tug (something).England Scotland Wales Western transitive
Toy dogspugEnglishverbTo spoil (something) by touching too much.England Scotland Wales Western obsolete transitive
Toy dogspugEnglishverbFollowed by at: to pull or tug.England Scotland Wales Western intransitive
Toy dogspugEnglishnounThe residue left after pressing apples for cider; pomace.UK archaic countable regional uncountable
Toy dogspugEnglishnounOften in the plural: the husks and other refuse removed from grain by winnowing; chaff.UK countable obsolete regional uncountable
ToysbalaoninaMalagasynounhot-air balloon
ToysbalaoninaMalagasynounballoon (toy)
Trachinoid fishdiverEnglishnounSomeone who dives, especially as a sport.
Trachinoid fishdiverEnglishnounSomeone who works underwater; a frogman.
Trachinoid fishdiverEnglishnounloon (Gavia)Ireland UK
Trachinoid fishdiverEnglishnounThe New Zealand sand diver.
Trachinoid fishdiverEnglishnounThe long-finned sand diver.
Trachinoid fishdiverEnglishnounA passenger carrying vehicle using an underground route; specially, a diver tram, one using the former Kingsway tramway subway (1906-1952).London UK dated
Trachinoid fishdiverEnglishnounpickpocketobsolete slang
Trachinoid fishdiverEnglishnounA competitor in certain sports who is known to regularly imitate being fouled, with the purpose of getting his/her opponent penalised.hobbies lifestyle sports
Translingual diacritical marks◌᪰Translingualcharactera falling-rising-falling tone.IPA diacritic rare
Translingual diacritical marks◌᪰Translingualcharacteran over-long vowel, contrasting with long ⟨◌̄⟩ and half-long ⟨◌̂⟩.diacritic
TransportgareFrenchnounrailway stationfeminine
TransportgareFrenchverbinflection of garer: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
TransportgareFrenchverbinflection of garer: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
TrappinglaqueusLatinnounnoosedeclension-2 masculine
TrappinglaqueusLatinnounsnare, gin, trapdeclension-2 masculine
TrappinglaqueusLatinnounchains, catenadeclension-2 figuratively masculine
TreesaburaEnglishnounAny tree of species of genus Mitragyna: / A medium-sized tropical African tree, Mitragyna stipulosa (syn. M. macrophylla, nom. illeg.), from the family Rubiaceae.
TreesaburaEnglishnounAny tree of species of genus Mitragyna: / A large-sized tropical African tree, Mitragyna ledermannii (syn. Mitragyna ciliata)
TreesaburaEnglishnounThe soft pale wood from the abura tree.
TreesboxwoodEnglishnounThe box tree, Buxus sempervirens.countable uncountable
TreesboxwoodEnglishnounThe hard, close-grained wood of this tree, used in delicate woodwork and in making inlays.uncountable
TreesboxwoodEnglishnounAny tree of genus Buxus.countable uncountable
TreescollIrishnounthe letter C in the Ogham alphabetmasculine
TreesgranaattiomenaFinnishnounpomegranate (fruit)
TreesgranaattiomenaFinnishnounpomegranate, Punica granatum (tree, especially as species)
TreespochotlCentral Huasteca NahuatlnounKapok tree, silk-cotton tree.
TreespochotlCentral Huasteca NahuatlnounCeiba pentandra.
TreesulingonCebuanonounmampat (Cratoxylum sumatranum blancoi)
TreesulingonCebuanonounthe pink mempat (Cratoxylum formosum)
TreesɔdanAkannounroom, apartment
TreesɔdanAkannounstructure, building
TreesɔdanAkannoundahoma (Piptadeniastrum africanum)Asante
TreesчинорTajiknounchinar, oriental plane, Platanus orientalis
Trees大樹ChinesenameDashu (a district of Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
Trees大樹ChinesenameDashu (a town in Fengjie, Chongqing, China)
Trees大樹ChinesenounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see 大, 樹/树 (shù): big tree
TwelveduodecennialEnglishadjConsisting of twelve years, occurring in 12-year cycles.not-comparable
TwelveduodecennialEnglishadjOccurring once a duodecade, occurring every 12 years.not-comparable
TwodualistEnglishadjOf or supporting dualism.not-comparable
TwodualistEnglishnounAny person who supports dualism, the belief in absolute good and absolute evil.
TwodualistEnglishnounAny person who believes in or argues for the duality of something.
UkraineMakhnovshchinaEnglishnameSynonym of Makhnovismanarchism communism government human-sciences ideology philosophy politics sciences
UkraineMakhnovshchinaEnglishnameSynonym of Black Armyhistory human-sciences sciences
UkraineMakhnovshchinaEnglishnameSynonym of Free Sovietshistory human-sciences sciences
United StatesAmerikaLatviannameAmerica (the continents of North America and South America)declension-4 feminine
United StatesAmerikaLatviannameUnited States of America (a country in North America)declension-4 feminine
Units of measuredínIrishnoundynefeminine
Units of measuredínIrishnoungenitive singular of díonform-of genitive masculine singular
Units of measureizingaZulunounridge
Units of measureizingaZulunountree ring
Units of measureizingaZulunoungrade, level
Units of measureizingaZulunounquality, standard
Units of measureizingaZulunoundegree (unit)
Units of measureticalEnglishnounAn old Thai measurement of weight, the baht, of about 15 grams.
Units of measureticalEnglishnounA Burmese measurement of weight, the kyattha, of about 16.3293 grams (0.576 ounces).Myanmar
Units of measureticalEnglishnounThe baht, the currency of Siam (now Thailand).archaic
Units of measureticalEnglishnounA former currency of Cambodia.archaic
Units of measureпудKomi-Zyriannounpood (unit of mass equal to ca. 16.4 kg or 36.1 lbs)
Units of measureпудKomi-Zyriannounlot
Units of measureпудKomi-Zyrianpostpfor, instead of
UniversitiesVCUEnglishnameInitialism of Virginia Commonwealth University.abbreviation alt-of initialism
UniversitiesVCUEnglishnounInitialism of vascular compression unit.abbreviation alt-of initialism
UniversitiesVCUEnglishnounInitialism of video compression unit.abbreviation alt-of initialism
UniversitiesVCUEnglishnounInitialism of video codec unit.abbreviation alt-of initialism
UniversitiesVCUEnglishnounInitialism of video control unit.abbreviation alt-of initialism
UniversitiesVCUEnglishnounInitialism of vacuum control unit.abbreviation alt-of initialism
UniversitiesVCUEnglishnounInitialism of vehicle control unit.transportabbreviation alt-of initialism
UniversitiesVCUEnglishnounInitialism of vapor/vapour combustor/combustion unit.abbreviation alt-of initialism
UniversitiesVCUEnglishnounAbbreviation of verified carbon unit. (carbon credit)abbreviation alt-of
UraniumuranicEnglishadjContaining uranium in higher valences than uranous compounds.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesnot-comparable
UraniumuranicEnglishadjHeavenly, celestial; astronomical.historical not-comparable
UraniumuranicEnglishadjOf, related to, or characteristic of male same-sex erotic desire and relationships; homosexual.historical not-comparable rare
VaishnavismRamaEnglishnameA name of the goddess Lakshmi.Hinduism
VaishnavismRamaEnglishnameA female given name from Sanskrit mainly used in India.
VaishnavismRamaEnglishnameAlternative form of Rāma (“an incarnation of the god Vishnu in Hinduism”).alt-of alternative
VaishnavismRamaEnglishnameNickname for Oumuamua.
VaishnavismRamaEnglishnameA river in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and a major tributary of the Neretva.
VegetablesspinacioItaliannounspinach (Spinacia oleracea)masculine
VegetablesspinacioItaliannounspinach (as food)masculine plural-normally
VegetablesłopuchaPolishnounwild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum)feminine
VegetablesłopuchaPolishnounwhite goosefoot (Chenopodium album)colloquial feminine
VegetablesбушмаRussiannounrutabaga (see брюква (brjukva)) (inanimate)dialectal obsolete rare
VegetablesбушмаRussiannouna fat woman (animate)dialectal figuratively obsolete rare
VegetablesхулууMongoliannounpumpkin, squash
VegetablesхулууMongoliannoungourd, calabash
VegetablesآلوPersiannounplum, prune
VegetablesآلوPersiannounpotatoKazerun dialectal
Vegetables당파Koreannounpolitical party, political faction
Vegetables당파Koreannouna type of long spear with a three-pronged tipgovernment hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war
Vegetables당파Koreannouna type of traditional Korean martial arts performed with such a weapon
Vegetables당파Koreannounhitting and breaking (something)
Vegetables당파KoreannounSynonym of 쪽파 (jjokpa, “a small spring onion; chives”).Gangwon
Vegetables당파KoreannounSynonym of 양(洋)파 (yangpa, “onion”).Gyeongsang
Vegetables당파KoreannounSynonym of 김장파 (gimjangpa, “green onions grown for use in making kimchi”).Seoul
VehiclesbalonRomaniannounballoon (child’s toy)neuter
VehiclesbalonRomaniannounballoon; hot air balloonneuter
VehiclesbalonRomaniannounballhobbies lifestyle sportsneuter
VehiclesодарMacedoniannouna raised place, usually with wooden planks, along a wall in a room, used for sitting and lying down
VehiclesодарMacedoniannounbed (wooden)
Vehicles鑾輿Chinesenounimperial carriagearchaic
Vehicles鑾輿ChinesenounHis Majesty; the emperorarchaic
VesselssaganPolishnounlarge copper or iron vessel used to boil water or fooddated inanimate masculine
VesselssaganPolishnounheadcolloquial humorous inanimate masculine
VesselssaganPolishnounkettleinanimate masculine
VesselsurnaPolishnounurn (vessel for the ashes or cremains of a deceased person)feminine
VesselsurnaPolishnounballot box (sealed box with a slit, into which a voter puts a completed voting slip)feminine
Video gamesjump scareEnglishnounThe technique, typically used in horror films and video games, of having something occur suddenly and without warning to frighten the audience.human-sciences linguistics narratology sciences
Video gamesjump scareEnglishverbTo frighten (a film audience or video game player, etc.) by means of something that happens suddenly without warning.transitive
Video games試遊Japanesenountest play of a video game
Video games試遊Japaneseverbto test-play a video game
ViolencelaćPolishverbto pour (to cause to flow in a stream)imperfective transitive
ViolencelaćPolishverbto pour down; to rain heavilycolloquial imperfective intransitive
ViolencelaćPolishverbto beat up; to hitcolloquial dialectal imperfective transitive
ViolencelaćPolishverbto pissimperfective intransitive slang
ViolencelaćPolishverbto not care; to ignorebroadly imperfective intransitive slang
ViolencelaćPolishverbto pour forthimperfective reflexive
ViolencelaćPolishverbto fightcolloquial imperfective reflexive
ViolencestabbyEnglishadjhaving one or more sharp points
ViolencestabbyEnglishadjquick and thrusting
ViolencestabbyEnglishadjsudden and acute
ViolencestabbyEnglishadjpenetrating and hostile
ViolencestabbyEnglishadjacting in a violent and/or deranged mannerslang
ViolencestabbyEnglishadjprone to commit an act of stabbingslang
ViolencestabbyEnglishadjangry or irritatedbroadly slang
ViperscrotaloidEnglishadjResembling the genus Crotalus of venomous snakes, including the rattlesnake.biology natural-sciences zoology
ViperscrotaloidEnglishnounAny member of the Crotalinae, formerly known as Crotaloidae.biology natural-sciences zoology
Vipersവ്യാഡംMalayalamnounRussell's viper
Vipersവ്യാഡംMalayalamnouna wild animal
Vipersവ്യാഡംMalayalamnouna carnivorous animal
Viral diseasesyellow feverEnglishnounAn acute febrile illness of tropical regions, caused by a flavivirus (Yellow fever virus) and spread by certain mosquitoes, characterised by jaundice, black vomit and the absence of urination.medicine pathology sciencesuncountable
Viral diseasesyellow feverEnglishnounAn attraction to ethnically East Asian men or women, expressed by non-East Asian (especially white European male) people.figuratively slang uncountable
Viral diseasesyellow feverEnglishnounA lust for gold; an obsession with seeking gold ore.dated figuratively uncountable
VisiondalekowzrocznyPolishadjfarsighted, hyperopic
VisiondalekowzrocznyPolishadjfarsighted, provident
VisionkrótkowzrocznośćPolishnounmyopiamedicine ophthalmology sciencesfeminine
VisionkrótkowzrocznośćPolishnounshort-sightedness (quality of lacking considerateness about what might happen in the future)feminine
VulturesbuwitreTagalognoungreedy and ruthless personfiguratively
WarbeterenMiddle EnglishverbTo better; to implement improvements or make better.
WarbeterenMiddle EnglishverbTo attain victory or win against opponents; to have the upper hand.rare
WarschalkMiddle EnglishnounA male adult human; a grown man.
WarschalkMiddle EnglishnounA fighter or combatant, especially one of noble birth.
WarschalkMiddle EnglishnounA mythological or monstrous humanoid.rare
WarschalkMiddle EnglishnounAn attendant; one who acts as a servant.rare
WarschalkMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of chalkalt-of alternative
WatermaniiqSemaiverbto rain
WaterspryskaćPolishverbto sprinkle (to cover something by sprinkling a liquid on to it)perfective transitive
WaterspryskaćPolishverbto sprinkle (to settle in the form of droplets on someone or something)perfective transitive
WaterspryskaćPolishverbto sprinkle oneselfperfective reflexive
WaterspryskaćPolishverbto sprinkle each otherperfective reflexive
Water小水Chinesenounsmall flow of water
Water小水Chinesenounsmall flood
Water小水Chinesenounsmall pool
Water小水Chinesenounlarge closed lake
Water小水Chinesenounspring tides
Water dogswater dogEnglishnounA retriever type of gun dog bred to flush and retrieve game from water.
Water dogswater dogEnglishnounSynonym of seadog (“a sailor accustomed to the sea”).
Water plantsmilfoilEnglishnounCommon yarrow, Achillea millefolium.countable uncountable
Water plantsmilfoilEnglishnounAny of several similar pungent Eurasian herbs, of the genus Achilleacountable uncountable
Water plantsmilfoilEnglishnounAny plants of the genus Myriophyllum; water milfoil.countable uncountable
WatercraftkænaIcelandicnouna small boatfeminine
WatercraftkænaIcelandicnouna trough used to shovel water out of a boatfeminine
WatercraftkænaIcelandicnouna similar tool used to scoop water out of a wellfeminine
WatercraftnavoIdonounshipnautical transport
WeaponsmineNorwegian Bokmålnouna mine (excavation or explosive)feminine masculine
WeaponsmineNorwegian Bokmåldetplural of minform-of plural
WeaponsnỏVietnameseadvnotCentral North Vietnam
WeaponspommittajaFinnishnounbomber (aircraft)
WeaponspommittajaFinnishnounbomber (person)
WeaponsváknFaroesenounwhaling lanceneuter
WeaponsváknFaroesenounweaponneuter poetic
WeaponsگولیUrdunounbullet; pellet (gun ammunition)
WeaponsگولیUrdunounpill; tablet (medication)
WeaponsگولیUrdunounmarble; small ball
WeaponsگولیUrdunoundiminutive of گولا (golā)broadly diminutive form-of
Weapons𐎠𐎼𐏁𐎫𐎡𐏁Old Persiannounspearfeminine
Weapons𐎠𐎼𐏁𐎫𐎡𐏁Old Persiannounweaponfeminine
WeightliftingFFMEnglishnounAbbreviation of fat free mass.abbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
WeightliftingFFMEnglishnounInitialism of female female male. A sexual act between two females and one maleabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
West Virginia, USAWest VirginianEnglishadjOf, or pertaining to, West Virginia or its culture.not-comparable
West Virginia, USAWest VirginianEnglishnounA native or resident of the state of West Virginia in the United States of America.
WhaleshrefnaIcelandicnouna female ravenfeminine
WhaleshrefnaIcelandicnounminke whale, lesser rorqualfeminine
WhitesblancFrenchadjwhite color
WhitesblancFrenchadjblank, unused
WhitesblancFrenchadjblank, without expressionfiguratively
WhitesblancFrenchnounwhite (color)masculine
WhitesblancFrenchnounsilence while in a dialogmasculine
WhitesblancFrenchnounempty space, on a leaf of paper or in a formmasculine
WhitesblancFrenchnounwhite wineinformal masculine
WhitesblancFrenchnounwhite person, person with a white complexionmasculine
WhitesblancFrenchnounalbumen, egg whitemasculine
WhitesblancFrenchnounwhite meatmasculine
WhitesblancFrenchnouncorrection fluid, whiteout, Tippexmasculine
WiccawitchEnglishnounA person who practices witchcraft.
WiccawitchEnglishnounA person who practices witchcraft. / A woman who is learned in and actively practices witchcraft.
WiccawitchEnglishnounAn ugly or unpleasant woman.derogatory figuratively
WiccawitchEnglishnounOne who exercises more-than-common power of attraction; a charming or bewitching person.
WiccawitchEnglishnounOne given to mischief, especially a woman or child.
WiccawitchEnglishnounA certain curve of the third order, described by Maria Agnesi under the name versiera.geometry mathematics sciences
WiccawitchEnglishnounThe storm petrel.
WiccawitchEnglishnounAny of a number of flatfish: / Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (Torbay sole), found in the North Atlantic.
WiccawitchEnglishnounAny of a number of flatfish: / Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis (megrim), found in the North Atlantic.
WiccawitchEnglishnounAny of a number of flatfish: / Arnoglossus scapha, found near New Zealand.
WiccawitchEnglishnounThe Indomalayan butterfly Araotes lapithis, of the family Lycaenidae.
WiccawitchEnglishverbTo dowse for water.intransitive
WiccawitchEnglishverbTo practise witchcraft.intransitive obsolete
WiccawitchEnglishverbTo bewitch.transitive
WiccawitchEnglishnounA cone of paper which is placed in a vessel of lard or other fat and used as a taper.
Willows and poplarsaspEnglishnounA water snake.archaic
Willows and poplarsaspEnglishnounA venomous viper native to southwestern Europe (Vipera aspis).
Willows and poplarsaspEnglishnounThe Egyptian cobra (Naja haje).
Willows and poplarsaspEnglishnounAn evil person; a snake.figuratively
Willows and poplarsaspEnglishnounA type of European fish (Aspius aspius).
Willows and poplarsaspEnglishnounAn aspen tree.
Willows and poplarsaspEnglishnounInitialism of Act of the Scottish Parliament.lawUK abbreviation alt-of initialism
Wine bottlespinteFrenchnouna French-Canadian term for an Imperial quart, equal to ¹⁄₄ of an Imperial gallon, 2 Imperial pints, 40 Imperial ounces or 1.136 litersCanada feminine
Wine bottlespinteFrenchnouna French pre-metric measurement of capacity or volume equal to 0.952 liters. Under the monarchy its size varied depending on the region, with the Parisian pinte being equivalent to 0.93 liters. 1 pinte ("quart") = 2 chopines ("pint") = 4 demiards ("half-pint")France feminine obsolete
Wine bottlespinteFrenchnouna metric pint (0.5 liters). This was done to reduce confusion between the similar American pint [0.473 liters], Imperial pint [0.568 liters] or Système International metric "pint" [0.500 liters] and the French pinte [0.952 liters]. 1 pinte [0.5 liters] ("pint") = 2 demi-pintes or chopines [0.250 liters] ("half-pint")France feminine
Wine bottlespinteFrenchnounBottle of beer or wine with capacity of 50 centiliters, equivalent to ²⁄₃ of a standard wine or liquor bottleFrance feminine
Wine bottlespinteFrenchverbinflection of pinter: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
Wine bottlespinteFrenchverbinflection of pinter: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
WinterثلجArabicnounice cubecollective
WinterثلجArabicverbto snow (of the sky)
WinterثلجArabicverbto snow on/upon (the Earth, a person, etc.)transitive
WinterثلجArabicverbto be delighted, to be gladdened
WinterثلجArabicverbto freeze, to refrigerate, to cool down
WoodsjedlinaPolishnounfir (any tree of the genus Abies)feminine
WoodsjedlinaPolishnounfir woodfeminine
WoodsjedlinaPolishnounfresh fir branchesfeminine
WoodsحورArabicverbto be intensely white
WoodsحورArabicverbto make return
WoodsحورArabicverbto alter, to modify
WoodsحورArabicverbto turn about, to twist, to roll
WoodsحورArabicverbto whiten, to bleach
WoodsحورArabicnounverbal noun of حَارَ (ḥāra) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
WoodsحورArabicnounverbal noun of حَوِرَ (ḥawira) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
WoodsحورArabicnounverbal noun of حَوِرَ (ḥawira) (form I) / intense whiteness
WoodsحورArabicnounpoplar (Populus)
WoodsحورArabicnounintensely white, yellow or red hides of which receptacles are made or coveredcollective
WoodsحورArabicadjplural of أَحْوَر (ʔaḥwar)form-of plural
WoodsକୁଶୀଦOdianounthe arithmetical rule or method of calculating interest on a given capital
WoodsକୁଶୀଦOdianounusury; investment of money on loan
WoodsକୁଶୀଦOdianounred sandalwood
World War II八紘一宇Japanesenoununifying and controlling the whole world as a single house
World War II八紘一宇Japanesenounduring World War II, used as a nationalistic slogan to rationalize overseas expansion
Writing親筆Chineseverbto write in one's own hand
Writing親筆Chinesenounhandwriting; autograph
Yearstropical yearEnglishnounThe time that it takes for the Sun to return to the same position along the ecliptic, as viewed from the Earth, especially, completing a full cycle of seasons.
Yearstropical yearEnglishnounA vernal equinox year; the time between two successive vernal equinoxes.
Yearstropical yearEnglishnounThe time it takes for any astronomical object (such as a planet, dwarf planet, small Solar System body, or comet) in direct orbit around a star (such as the Sun) to make one revolution around the star, taking into account orbital precession.broadly
Zerozero-ratedEnglishadjSubject to no value-added tax when sold (but in which the supplier can still recover VAT attributable to it).British not-comparable
Zerozero-ratedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of zero-rateform-of participle past

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