Chinese Wiktionary data extraction errors and warnings

Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags

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Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺'

彈盡糧絕 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 彈盡糧絕

黨群 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 黨群

彈丸之地 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 彈丸之地

帝國主義者 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 帝國主義者

治庖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 治庖

聖詠經 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 聖詠經

後排 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 後排

媥姺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 媥姺

平步青雲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 平步青雲

機會性感染 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 機會性感染

國優 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 國優

國仇 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 國仇

國喪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 國喪

國格 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 國格

國宴 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 國宴

國腳 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 國腳

國醫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 國醫

國故 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 國故

力學篤行 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 力學篤行

前排 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 前排

且歌且舞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 且歌且舞

大命 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大命

勞心 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 勞心

國有股 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 國有股

稀世珍寶 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 稀世珍寶

對抗性 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 對抗性

一枝獨秀 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 一枝獨秀

國貿 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 國貿

人生七十古來稀 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 人生七十古來稀

國威 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 國威

勞心者治人,勞力者治於人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 勞心者治人,勞力者治於人

不獨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 不獨

耵聹腺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 耵聹腺

安格拉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 安格拉

料器 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 料器

躲開 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 躲開

金條 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 金條

那伽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 那伽

國魂 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 國魂

慎思 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 慎思

青山綠水 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 青山綠水

煩請 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 煩請

萊菔 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 萊菔

蘆菔 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蘆菔

拿取 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 拿取

生產合作社 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 生產合作社

年產量 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 年產量

公私合營 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 公私合營

對立面 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 對立面

全民所有制 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 全民所有制

優越性 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 優越性

登庸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 登庸

開宗明義 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 開宗明義

輪暴 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 輪暴

搜索枯腸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 搜索枯腸

人中豪傑 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 人中豪傑

福星高照 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 福星高照

水渦 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 水渦

綠水青山 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 綠水青山

全下 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 全下

河牌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 河牌

全押 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 全押

自取滅亡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 自取滅亡

平心而論 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 平心而論

公共牌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 公共牌

三點式 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 三點式

公用牌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 公用牌

知無不言 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 知無不言

尸位 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 尸位

詭計多端 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 詭計多端

尸位素餐 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 尸位素餐

古碑 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 古碑

借殼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 借殼

擴大化 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 擴大化

集體所有制 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 集體所有制

拉不出屎來賴茅坑 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 拉不出屎來賴茅坑

胸導管 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 胸導管

轉牌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 轉牌

淋漓盡致 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 淋漓盡致

亂中有序 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 亂中有序

痛快淋漓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 痛快淋漓

井然有序 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 井然有序

屋角 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 屋角

通力合作 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 通力合作

聲威大震 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 聲威大震

聲威 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 聲威

人民團體 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 人民團體

舉國上下 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 舉國上下

掩人耳目 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 掩人耳目

流彈 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 流彈

求雨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 求雨

顧此失彼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 顧此失彼

有錯必糾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 有錯必糾

雄心壯志 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雄心壯志

輾轉反側 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 輾轉反側

人民代表大會 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 人民代表大會

人民代表 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 人民代表

始作俑者 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 始作俑者

凶饑 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 凶饑

編印 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 編印

合作化 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 合作化

擇日館 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 擇日館

醉翁之意不在酒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 醉翁之意不在酒

水旱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 水旱

窮棒子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 窮棒子

登用 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 登用

巴蛇 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 巴蛇

螣蛇 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 螣蛇

聲勢浩大 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 聲勢浩大

古典自由主義 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 古典自由主義

勤政愛民 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 勤政愛民

罰抄 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 罰抄

墊片 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 墊片

勤有功,戲無益 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 勤有功,戲無益

辦社 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 辦社

餘糧徵集制 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 餘糧徵集制

艱難曲折 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 艱難曲折

運糧 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 運糧

社會民主主義 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 社會民主主義

餘糧 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 餘糧

農業合作化 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 農業合作化

天下太平 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 天下太平

好奇害死貓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 好奇害死貓

靈活性 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 靈活性

缺糧 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 缺糧

富裕中農 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 富裕中農

下中農 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 下中農

徵糧 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 徵糧

區旗 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 區旗

刷劇 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 刷劇

貧下中農 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 貧下中農

困住 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 困住

累死累活 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 累死累活

生卒年 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 生卒年

離題萬里 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 離題萬里

財勢 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 財勢

購糧 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 購糧

朱門酒肉臭,路有凍死骨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 朱門酒肉臭,路有凍死骨

謀職 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 謀職

兩面性 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 兩面性

思想改造 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 思想改造

產糧 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 產糧

朱門 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 朱門

講習班 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 講習班

摘掉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 摘掉

妥協性 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 妥協性

狹隘民族主義 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 狹隘民族主義

工商業者 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 工商業者

青年團 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 青年團

馬勒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 馬勒

統籌兼顧 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 統籌兼顧

處在 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 處在

公方 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 公方

互相監督 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 互相監督

哥白尼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 哥白尼

唯心主義者 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 唯心主義者

過牌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 過牌

將信將疑 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 將信將疑

積重難返 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 積重難返

地方民族主義 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 地方民族主義

賽果 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 賽果

積習難改 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 積習難改

骨子裡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 骨子裡

展會 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 展會

棄牌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 棄牌

蓋牌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蓋牌

底池 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 底池

邊池 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 邊池

舍堂 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 舍堂

藝術界 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 藝術界

主池 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 主池

小圈子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 小圈子

鼻化 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鼻化

造謠生非 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 造謠生非

匈牙利事件 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 匈牙利事件

半無產階級 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 半無產階級

草率收兵 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 草率收兵

造謠生事 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 造謠生事

各方面 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 各方面

扯鈴 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 扯鈴

實不相瞞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 實不相瞞

赴難 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 赴難

基礎教育 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 基礎教育

財政寡頭 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 財政寡頭

矜育 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 矜育

財政補貼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 財政補貼

基礎代謝 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 基礎代謝

漁人之利 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 漁人之利

多數票 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 多數票

窮國 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 窮國

手工業者 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 手工業者

三反 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 三反

無黨派 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 無黨派

國民經濟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 國民經濟

盤式橋牌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 盤式橋牌

甘泉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 甘泉

前車覆,後車戒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 前車覆,後車戒

鋪張浪費 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鋪張浪費

單刀直入 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 單刀直入

平鋪直敘 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 平鋪直敘

小手工業者 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 小手工業者

勤儉建國 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 勤儉建國

鼻音化 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鼻音化

方塊舞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 方塊舞

戌月 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 戌月

子月 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 子月

碧波 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 碧波

遁逃 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 遁逃

露月 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 露月

申月 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 申月

酉月 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 酉月

厲行節約 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 厲行節約

外東北 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 外東北

冰月 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 冰月

寅月 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 寅月

陬月 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 陬月

大鯢 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大鯢

丑月 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 丑月

士為知己者死 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 士為知己者死

亥月 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 亥月

黑衣人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 黑衣人

複式橋牌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 複式橋牌

漨浡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 漨浡

攝提 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 攝提

黨鐵 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 黨鐵

鏗鏘有力 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鏗鏘有力

庶幾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 庶幾

未月 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 未月

門栓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 門栓

辰月 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 辰月

巳月 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 巳月

化敵為友 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 化敵為友

靛青 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 靛青

貝葉斯定理 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 貝葉斯定理

望塵莫及 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 望塵莫及

社會帝國主義 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 社會帝國主義

青天白日 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 青天白日

黨建 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 黨建

起雨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 起雨

其雨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 其雨

作雨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 作雨

神樂坂 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 神樂坂

蓼藍 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蓼藍

甲狀軟骨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 甲狀軟骨

柏拉圖式愛情 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 柏拉圖式愛情

擺渡車 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 擺渡車

柏拉圖式戀愛 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 柏拉圖式戀愛

行雨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 行雨

鳩拙 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鳩拙

恨賊勒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 恨賊勒

午月 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 午月

環狀軟骨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 環狀軟骨

鼻甲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鼻甲

核分裂 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 核分裂

葭月 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 葭月

車把勢 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 車把勢

取才 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 取才

用色 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 用色

萬里無雲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 萬里無雲

戲劇感 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 戲劇感

工具格 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 工具格

剪出 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 剪出

久已 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 久已

土堆 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 土堆

異於 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 異於

湖澤 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 湖澤

封二 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 封二

封面裡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 封面裡

農民起義 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 農民起義

針線活 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 針線活

周秦 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 周秦

貢稅 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 貢稅

晴空萬里 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 晴空萬里

共贏 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 共贏

原始公社 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 原始公社

致以 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 致以

獲得感 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 獲得感

不孕症 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 不孕症

撬動 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 撬動

䡱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 䡱

卷首語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 卷首語

體驗館 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 體驗館

老泥 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 老泥

酒池肉林 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 酒池肉林

長風破浪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 長風破浪

戲劇家 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 戲劇家

放話 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 放話

圓領 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 圓領

V領 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: V領

校史 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 校史

集水 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 集水

沃地 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 沃地

蝶竇 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蝶竇

上頜竇 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 上頜竇

篩竇 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 篩竇

美洲旱獺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 美洲旱獺

北美土撥鼠 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 北美土撥鼠

仲家 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 仲家

破浪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 破浪

長風 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 長風

次要矛盾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 次要矛盾

對立物 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 對立物

商品經濟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 商品經濟

穿煲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 穿煲

主要矛盾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 主要矛盾

臨急抱佛腳 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 臨急抱佛腳

額竇 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 額竇

印痕 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 印痕

分設 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 分設

擺撥 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 擺撥

勞師動眾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 勞師動眾

割地賠款 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 割地賠款

福壽無疆 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 福壽無疆

拊手 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 拊手

無疆 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 無疆

死磕 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 死磕

頭臂幹 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 頭臂幹

掌聲雷動 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 掌聲雷動

割地 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 割地

裁判權 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 裁判權

皮爾遜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 皮爾遜

小巫見大巫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 小巫見大巫

頭臂動脈幹 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 頭臂動脈幹

孀婦 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 孀婦

孤嫠 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 孤嫠

孀妻 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 孀妻

通商港 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 通商港

英女皇 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 英女皇

手工業品 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 手工業品

蛇皮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蛇皮

寡妻 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 寡妻

紡織業 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 紡織業

九一八 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 九一八

擾人清夢 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 擾人清夢

芸芸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 芸芸

滿腹狐疑 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 滿腹狐疑

內河 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 內河

對外貿易 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 對外貿易

中心詞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 中心詞

曉諭 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 曉諭

孤孀 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 孤孀

已而 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 已而

寡嫠 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 寡嫠

中心語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 中心語

圓眼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 圓眼

刮鬍子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 刮鬍子

逗引 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 逗引

驪珠 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 驪珠

通商口岸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 通商口岸

蘊蓄 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蘊蓄

喊卡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 喊卡

龍目 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 龍目

爭持 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 爭持

引逗 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 引逗

飯來張口 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 飯來張口

愛筵 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 愛筵

炷香 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 炷香

用費 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 用費

邪靈 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 邪靈

原宥 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 原宥

悠長 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 悠長

洗衣球 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 洗衣球

國殤 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 國殤

鏤空 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鏤空

徵選 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 徵選

決斷力 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 決斷力

死會 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 死會

豺牙 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 豺牙

殘酷性 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 殘酷性

尖銳化 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 尖銳化

貧困化 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 貧困化

嘔心 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 嘔心

降火 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 降火

定當 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 定當

定當 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 定當

沖繩語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 沖繩語

事無大小 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 事無大小

素餐 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 素餐

衣來伸手,飯來張口 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 衣來伸手,飯來張口

全盤否定 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 全盤否定

疑問副詞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 疑問副詞

矢口否認 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 矢口否認

疑問代詞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 疑問代詞

請人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 請人

打早 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 打早

臭小子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 臭小子

出新 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 出新

反編譯 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 反編譯

落葉歸根 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 落葉歸根

刀鋒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 刀鋒

四海之內皆兄弟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 四海之內皆兄弟

泡子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 泡子

泡子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 泡子

今個 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 今個

艱苦性 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 艱苦性

急性病 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 急性病

樂天知命 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 樂天知命

含糊其辭 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 含糊其辭

容光煥發 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 容光煥發

神采飛揚 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 神采飛揚

急於求成 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 急於求成

付之東流 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 付之東流

付諸東流 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 付諸東流

組合數學 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 組合數學

設身處地 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 設身處地

天網恢恢 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 天網恢恢

射人先射馬,擒賊先擒王 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 射人先射馬,擒賊先擒王

天網恢恢,疏而不漏 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 天網恢恢,疏而不漏

不得其死 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 不得其死

永不磨滅 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 永不磨滅

蕩然無存 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蕩然無存

大逆無道 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大逆無道

胸無點墨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 胸無點墨

座無虛席 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 座無虛席

付諸一炬 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 付諸一炬

叛國賊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 叛國賊

判決書 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 判決書

啼笑皆非 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 啼笑皆非

拒之門外 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 拒之門外

死無對證 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 死無對證

𠖄 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 𠖄

𠖂 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 𠖂

大逆 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大逆

循環論證 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 循環論證

急起直追 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 急起直追

搖蕩 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 搖蕩

驚為天人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 驚為天人

花花 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 花花

牛鼻子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 牛鼻子

居心叵測 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 居心叵測

成人內容 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 成人內容

分論壇 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 分論壇

巡行 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 巡行

作案工具 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 作案工具

整訓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 整訓

巡察 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 巡察

港媒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 港媒

謠諑 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 謠諑

撐警 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 撐警

大逆罪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大逆罪

一佛出世,二佛涅槃 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 一佛出世,二佛涅槃

狠狠 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 狠狠

𢱤 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 𢱤

回購 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 回購

外胎 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 外胎

紅歌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 紅歌

骺板 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 骺板

骨髓腔 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 骨髓腔

髓腔 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 髓腔

透明軟骨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 透明軟骨

肋間肌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 肋間肌

長骨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 長骨

纖維軟骨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 纖維軟骨

關節軟骨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 關節軟骨

面不改容 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 面不改容

皮開肉綻 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 皮開肉綻

被告人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 被告人

燃燒彈 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 燃燒彈

汽油彈 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 汽油彈

先覺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 先覺

多彩多姿 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 多彩多姿

海鞘 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 海鞘

不隨意肌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 不隨意肌

鬼才 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鬼才

遺烈 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 遺烈

塑料普通話 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 塑料普通話

狹促 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 狹促

腕管 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 腕管

婭奼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 婭奼

正中神經 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 正中神經

半月板 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 半月板

恥骨聯合 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 恥骨聯合

炸街 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 炸街

坍塌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 坍塌

蒸汽波 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蒸汽波

電子包漿 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 電子包漿

螃蟹過河——七手八腳 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 螃蟹過河——七手八腳

毫無顧忌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 毫無顧忌

容不下 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 容不下

再也 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 再也

如之何 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 如之何

泉流 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 泉流

韋伯斯特 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 韋伯斯特

關口 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 關口

上位詞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 上位詞

清泉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 清泉

拉住 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 拉住

合著者 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 合著者

守兵 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 守兵

財產性 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 財產性

想不通 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 想不通

宣明 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 宣明

遺算 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 遺算

預判 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 預判

投其所好 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 投其所好

丕承 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 丕承

相率 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 相率

遵法 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 遵法

姦人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 姦人

果腹 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 果腹

徑道 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 徑道

深謀遠慮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 深謀遠慮

手拿 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 手拿

敗下陣來 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 敗下陣來

不成比例 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 不成比例

釁端 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 釁端

轉來轉去 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 轉來轉去

沙暴 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 沙暴

呆笨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 呆笨

長春藤聯盟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 長春藤聯盟

嬸兒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 嬸兒

常青藤聯盟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 常青藤聯盟

坎貝拉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 坎貝拉

單邊主義 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 單邊主義

匯率操縱國 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 匯率操縱國

食不果腹 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 食不果腹

解憂 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 解憂

得來不易 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 得來不易

學富五車 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 學富五車

暗三條 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 暗三條

底注 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 底注

蓬生麻中,不扶而直 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蓬生麻中,不扶而直

使氣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 使氣

現金桌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 現金桌

明三條 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 明三條

守喪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 守喪

特種軍 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 特種軍

觀劇鏡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 觀劇鏡

翻牌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 翻牌

導航員 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 導航員

軟磁碟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 軟磁碟

軟碟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 軟碟

切蛋蛋 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 切蛋蛋

國民待遇 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 國民待遇

名詞短語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 名詞短語

軟磁盤 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 軟磁盤

名詞片語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 名詞片語

國民收入 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 國民收入

坐具 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 坐具

至若 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 至若

治黨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 治黨

救藥 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 救藥

假連翹 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 假連翹

米田共 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 米田共

橫生枝節 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 橫生枝節

減壓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 減壓

玩水 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 玩水

開悟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 開悟

皮洛士式勝利 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 皮洛士式勝利

忠君愛國 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 忠君愛國

遞相 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 遞相

販夫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 販夫

忠黨愛國 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 忠黨愛國

手簡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 手簡

販夫走卒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 販夫走卒

吸風飲露 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 吸風飲露

穿耳 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 穿耳

手書 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 手書

迴圈經濟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 迴圈經濟

几案 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 几案

月黑風高 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 月黑風高

押後 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 押後

鍵程 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鍵程

若夫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 若夫

月明星稀 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 月明星稀

德不孤,必有鄰 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 德不孤,必有鄰

兩性人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 兩性人

好心好意 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 好心好意

殿後 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 殿後

相熟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 相熟

槍崩 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 槍崩

敲沙罐 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 敲沙罐

乃今 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 乃今

二性子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 二性子

過則勿憚改 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 過則勿憚改

生態農業 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 生態農業

招股 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 招股

詢價 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 詢價

應訴 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 應訴

蠷蝚 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蠷蝚

略論 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 略論

義蘊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 義蘊

意蘊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 意蘊

蠷螋 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蠷螋

福佬客 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 福佬客

約章 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 約章

腦力勞動 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 腦力勞動

運輸機 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 運輸機

送瘟神 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 送瘟神

喜娘 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 喜娘

體力勞動 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 體力勞動

祭灶 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 祭灶

腳船 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 腳船

日耳曼語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 日耳曼語

舥艚 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 舥艚

月缺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 月缺

原始日耳曼語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 原始日耳曼語

通俗拉丁語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 通俗拉丁語

二級消費者 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 二級消費者

總支 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 總支

普天同慶 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 普天同慶

不均 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 不均

能隙 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 能隙

神通廣大 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 神通廣大

黤黮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 黤黮

捨我其誰 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 捨我其誰

女蘿 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 女蘿

松蘿 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 松蘿

八面體 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 八面體

鹵化物 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鹵化物

薯餅 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 薯餅

蓎蒙 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蓎蒙

鈣鈦礦 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鈣鈦礦

䖡蚭 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 䖡蚭

遲滯現象 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 遲滯現象

普天 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 普天

視域 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 視域

視閾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 視閾

嵣㟐 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 嵣㟐

攫奪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 攫奪

方位格 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 方位格

兔缺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 兔缺

電偶極矩 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 電偶極矩

效度 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 效度

馬項圈 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 馬項圈

導修課 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 導修課

不穩定性 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 不穩定性

貽笑大方 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 貽笑大方

嗟夫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 嗟夫

人贓俱獲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 人贓俱獲

煩亂 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 煩亂

高翻 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 高翻

照度 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 照度

項目式 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 項目式

聲名大噪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 聲名大噪

海螵蛸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 海螵蛸

短淺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 短淺

屢戰屢敗 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 屢戰屢敗

連戰皆捷 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 連戰皆捷

目光短淺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 目光短淺

人贓並獲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 人贓並獲

與有榮焉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 與有榮焉

失教 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 失教

表裡不一 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 表裡不一

副主編 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 副主編

氧幕 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 氧幕

屢戰屢勝 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 屢戰屢勝

急相 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 急相

先王 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 先王

白花 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 白花

昭然若揭 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 昭然若揭

氯化物 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 氯化物

抱住 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 抱住

軍樂隊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 軍樂隊

重歸於好 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 重歸於好

永不 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 永不

豔陽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 豔陽

古法語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 古法語

威爾斯語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 威爾斯語

科西嘉語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 科西嘉語

西西里語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 西西里語

分門別類 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 分門別類

凱爾特語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 凱爾特語

凱爾特 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 凱爾特

凱爾特語族 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 凱爾特語族

漏網之魚 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 漏網之魚

代際 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 代際

古諾斯語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 古諾斯語

西日耳曼語支 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 西日耳曼語支

施教 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 施教

行有餘力 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 行有餘力

訓誨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 訓誨

考克尼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 考克尼

春回大地 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 春回大地

方言連續體 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 方言連續體

法羅語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 法羅語

貽笑 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 貽笑

低地蘇格蘭語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 低地蘇格蘭語

加拿大英語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 加拿大英語

香港手語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 香港手語

美國手語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 美國手語

稀稀落落 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 稀稀落落

老吾老以及人之老 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 老吾老以及人之老

面色蒼白 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 面色蒼白

蘇格蘭英語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蘇格蘭英語

五絕 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 五絕

金毛 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 金毛

合兩為一 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 合兩為一

今音 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 今音

五言絕句 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 五言絕句

捨本逐末 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 捨本逐末

類書 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 類書

合而為一 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 合而為一

標誌性 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 標誌性

粵北 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 粵北

文明史 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 文明史

高等院校 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 高等院校

博古通今 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 博古通今

昭拍耶河 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 昭拍耶河

古音 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 古音

日甚一日 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 日甚一日

昭披耶河 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 昭披耶河

陸臺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 陸臺

燭照 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 燭照

暖武里 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 暖武里

重排 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 重排

正本清源 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 正本清源

千呼萬喚 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 千呼萬喚

奧馬哈撲克 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 奧馬哈撲克

交絕 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 交絕

惡言 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 惡言

罕覯 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 罕覯

超對 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 超對

全黨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 全黨

發癲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 發癲

三分球 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 三分球

底對 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 底對

續編 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 續編

合模線 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 合模線

頂對 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 頂對

君子交絕,不出惡聲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 君子交絕,不出惡聲

邊庭 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 邊庭

屬文 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 屬文

陽奉陰違 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 陽奉陰違

碎末 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 碎末

操作符 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 操作符

滔天大罪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 滔天大罪

風行草偃 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 風行草偃

傲慢不恭 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 傲慢不恭

駐外機構 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 駐外機構

貿易區 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 貿易區

搞亂 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 搞亂

合二為一 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 合二為一

明裡暗裡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 明裡暗裡

每逢 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 每逢

技術人員 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 技術人員

蓄謀已久 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蓄謀已久

指揮部 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 指揮部

濫發 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 濫發

不經意 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 不經意

心懷二意 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 心懷二意

消弱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 消弱

偶像化 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 偶像化

賢君 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 賢君

忤逆不孝 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 忤逆不孝

營私舞弊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 營私舞弊

中對 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 中對

安貧樂道 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 安貧樂道

汗褟兒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 汗褟兒

尊姓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 尊姓

汗褟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 汗褟

蘇共 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蘇共

隱姓埋名 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 隱姓埋名

垂範 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 垂範

A書 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: A書

上姓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 上姓

跏趺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 跏趺

改名換姓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 改名換姓

碎屑 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 碎屑

七味粉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 七味粉

心醉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 心醉

姓甚名誰 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 姓甚名誰

明裡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 明裡

屋裡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 屋裡

單姓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 單姓

大姓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大姓

地方人士 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 地方人士

民主人士 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 民主人士

逋客 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 逋客

指印 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 指印

沖昏頭 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 沖昏頭

改革家 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 改革家

促步 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 促步

鱖鯞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鱖鯞

禍胎 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 禍胎

灌籃 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 灌籃

橫行直撞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 橫行直撞

斡耳朵 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 斡耳朵

圍龍屋 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 圍龍屋

沖昏頭腦 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 沖昏頭腦

投降派 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 投降派

小金庫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 小金庫

大資產階級 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大資產階級

橫衝直闖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 橫衝直闖

快步 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 快步

疾步 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 疾步

卞急 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 卞急

橫衝直撞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 橫衝直撞

急步 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 急步

𧢢 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 𧢢

卸磨殺驢 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 卸磨殺驢

陋巷 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 陋巷

懷想 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 懷想

迅急 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 迅急

迅疾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 迅疾

地界 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 地界

逋欠 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 逋欠

善心人士 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 善心人士

峬峭 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 峬峭

粗陋 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 粗陋

皕宋樓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 皕宋樓

大喚大叫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大喚大叫

大能 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大能

韛拐子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 韛拐子

風韛 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 風韛

𨃅子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 𨃅子

面有難色 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 面有難色

光榮革命 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 光榮革命

通渠 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 通渠

打鈴 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 打鈴

打鈴 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 打鈴

掛斷 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 掛斷

反光鏡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 反光鏡

作急 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 作急

引頸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 引頸

好生之德 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 好生之德

仍未 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 仍未

還沒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 還沒

羊鬚 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 羊鬚

攬炒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 攬炒

夷夏 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 夷夏

雨棚 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雨棚

通體 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 通體

尖角 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 尖角

逋逃 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 逋逃

墨魚丸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 墨魚丸

棣棣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 棣棣

扭力 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 扭力

組織性 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 組織性

覺悟性 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 覺悟性

僱傭勞動 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 僱傭勞動

攔劫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 攔劫

發急 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 發急

逋逃藪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 逋逃藪

直布羅陀海峽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 直布羅陀海峽

旅行靴 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 旅行靴

紀律性 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 紀律性

登山靴 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 登山靴

法蘭克 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 法蘭克

法蘭克人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 法蘭克人

法蘭克王國 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 法蘭克王國

霑醉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 霑醉

媚力 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 媚力

蠻族 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蠻族

百病纏身 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 百病纏身

收歸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 收歸

汽力 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 汽力

思高本 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 思高本

耳力 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 耳力

流寇主義 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 流寇主義

和合本 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 和合本

橢圓機 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 橢圓機

英王欽定本 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 英王欽定本

補苴 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 補苴

兩重性 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 兩重性

身受 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 身受

哥薩克人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 哥薩克人

合作經濟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 合作經濟

哥薩克 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 哥薩克

聯俄 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 聯俄

群眾性 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 群眾性

更定 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 更定

私營經濟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 私營經濟

私人經濟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 私人經濟

布爾什維克化 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 布爾什維克化

雙人滑 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雙人滑

不足為怪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 不足為怪

罰球線 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 罰球線

國營經濟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 國營經濟

忙裡偷閒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 忙裡偷閒

運輸業 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 運輸業

初出茅廬 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 初出茅廬

引以為戒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 引以為戒

撲克臉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 撲克臉

官僚資本主義 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 官僚資本主義

理解力 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 理解力

頂住 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 頂住

北日耳曼語支 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 北日耳曼語支

極高 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 極高

受困 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 受困

工職 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 工職

閃米特語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 閃米特語

暹羅灣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 暹羅灣

群居 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 群居

堅韌不拔 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 堅韌不拔

密營 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 密營

盎格魯人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 盎格魯人

消費資料 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 消費資料

生活資料 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 生活資料

薩克森 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 薩克森

平角褲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 平角褲

撒克遜人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 撒克遜人

生活必需品 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 生活必需品

舞榭歌臺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 舞榭歌臺

四角褲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 四角褲

千難萬難 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 千難萬難

荷莫茲海峽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 荷莫茲海峽

下薩克森 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 下薩克森

泰國灣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 泰國灣

收復失地運動 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 收復失地運動

霍爾木茲海峽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 霍爾木茲海峽

勃蘭登堡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 勃蘭登堡

語言聯盟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 語言聯盟

我倆 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 我倆

布蘭登堡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 布蘭登堡

融安 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 融安

該人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 該人

公直 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 公直

狸狌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 狸狌

相比之下 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 相比之下

管狀 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 管狀

聯共 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 聯共

歌臺舞榭 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 歌臺舞榭

老底子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 老底子

民力 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 民力

大我 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大我

妖鬼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 妖鬼

划得來 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 划得來

教皇國 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 教皇國

海綿骨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 海綿骨

慎終追遠 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 慎終追遠

希伯來文 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 希伯來文

托頭 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 托頭

卜居 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 卜居

小我 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 小我

巴達克山 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 巴達克山

甘州 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 甘州

投籃 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 投籃

他朝君體也相同 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 他朝君體也相同

希臘文 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 希臘文

前爪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 前爪

押赴 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 押赴

運抵 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 運抵

名錶 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 名錶

妍美 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 妍美

手紋 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 手紋

藏緬語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 藏緬語

運達 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 運達

答道 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 答道

牙膏兒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 牙膏兒

米佐語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 米佐語

納西語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 納西語

無本生利 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 無本生利

昭著 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 昭著

氣數已盡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 氣數已盡

環江 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 環江

博彩公司 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 博彩公司

非要 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 非要

景頗 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 景頗

摘擋 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 摘擋

賽狗 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 賽狗

精魄 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 精魄

盎格魯-諾曼語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 盎格魯-諾曼語

風乾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 風乾

上側 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 上側

攻奪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 攻奪

急且 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 急且

撒丁語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 撒丁語

倉卒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 倉卒

鞋廠 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鞋廠

調擋 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 調擋

吐納 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 吐納

滴滴答答 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 滴滴答答

開槽鑲線 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 開槽鑲線

䃮石 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 䃮石

䃮石 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 䃮石

寧死不屈 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 寧死不屈

吐故納新 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 吐故納新

靈異 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 靈異

紅黑名單 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 紅黑名單

垂涎欲滴 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 垂涎欲滴

小米加步槍 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 小米加步槍

軍事委員會 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 軍事委員會

時潮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 時潮

六結 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 六結

大忠 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大忠

兼聽則明,偏聽則蔽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 兼聽則明,偏聽則蔽

迫於無奈 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 迫於無奈

二結 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 二結

玉光 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 玉光

匏崙 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 匏崙

白鵝 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 白鵝

吳沙 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 吳沙

林美 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 林美

約指 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 約指

迫於 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 迫於

別具特色 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 別具特色

化繁為簡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 化繁為簡

主刑 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 主刑

反其道而行之 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 反其道而行之

附加刑 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 附加刑

公私兼顧 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 公私兼顧

處子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 處子

生產者 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 生產者

閣員 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 閣員

神清氣爽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 神清氣爽

基隆河 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 基隆河

蘇格蘭蓋爾語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蘇格蘭蓋爾語

攘外安內 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 攘外安內

紅名單 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 紅名單

This page is a part of the machine-readable Chinese dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2024-09-22 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2024-09-20 using wiktextract (af5c55c and 66545a6). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.