bodkočiarka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bodkočiarka
bozk (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bozk
chren (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: chren
fajčenie (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: fajčenie
fajčiar (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: fajčiar
jaseň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: jaseň
košeľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: košeľa
lakeť (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: lakeť
obdĺžnik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: obdĺžnik
rušeň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: rušeň
lokomotíva (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: lokomotíva
šálka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: šálka
škorica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: škorica
škovránok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: škovránok
spálňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: spálňa
vaňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: vaňa
zemiak (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zemiak
cencúľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: cencúľ
cintorín (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: cintorín
kaštieľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kaštieľ
gombík (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: gombík
ponuka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ponuka
dopyt (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dopyt
dunčo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dunčo
lievik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: lievik
pečiatka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pečiatka
murár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: murár
kŕdeľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kŕdeľ
lienka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: lienka
korytnačka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: korytnačka
kaleráb (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kaleráb
pŕhľava (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pŕhľava
žihľava (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: žihľava
oblička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: oblička
ľadvina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ľadvina
srvátka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: srvátka
bicykel (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bicykel
bezpečnosť (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bezpečnosť
bosorák (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bosorák
ceruzka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ceruzka
chrípka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: chrípka
chrúst (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: chrúst
astronómia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: astronómia
chvastúň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: chvastúň
básnik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: básnik
debna (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: debna
bedňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bedňa
betón (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: betón
bodliak (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bodliak
bolesť (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bolesť
chlp (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: chlp
broskyňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: broskyňa
dráždec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dráždec
dvojbodka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dvojbodka
fakľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: fakľa
fazuľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: fazuľa
golier (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: golier
elektrina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: elektrina
cieľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: cieľ
cól (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: cól
diabol (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: diabol
gunár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: gunár
hodváb (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hodváb
ihrisko (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ihrisko
jarabica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: jarabica
kaderníčka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kaderníčka
kaderník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kaderník
korbáč (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: korbáč
krajčír (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: krajčír
krokodíl (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: krokodíl
pach (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pach
radlo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: radlo
prípad (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: prípad
práca (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: práca
štát (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: štát
informácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: informácia
zmena (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zmena
akcia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: akcia
úrad (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: úrad
obdobie (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: obdobie
priestor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: priestor
začiatok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: začiatok
väčšina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: väčšina
víťazstvo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: víťazstvo
pohľad (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pohľad
riaditeľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: riaditeľ
dumhach (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dumhach
dumhach (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dumhach
astát (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: astát
priehlavok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: priehlavok
bôľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bôľ
bruchomluvec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bruchomluvec
akuzatív (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: akuzatív
pĺž (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pĺž
spléachadh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: spléachadh
spléachadh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: spléachadh
vďaka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: vďaka
Dej (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Dej
frazeológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: frazeológia
Mário (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Mário
glg (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: glg
Valéria (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Valéria
hŕba (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hŕba
klk (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: klk
kŕč (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kŕč
sklz (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: sklz
strk (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: strk
šprt (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: šprt
tĺk (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: tĺk
tvrdza (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: tvrdza
vlha (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: vlha
vrš (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: vrš
kľuka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kľuka
vrecko (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: vrecko
kengura (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kengura
náter (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: náter
ľadoborec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ľadoborec
žbrnda (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: žbrnda
Jóna (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Jóna
chrbtica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: chrbtica
Böhm (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Böhm
Pap (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Pap
päta (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: päta
Hampel (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Hampel
bruneta (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bruneta
Moder (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Moder
nárečie (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: nárečie
Tóth (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Tóth
eorna (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: eorna
cruimh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: cruimh
Bernát (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Bernát
Meda (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Meda
divergencia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: divergencia
Bot (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Bot
darvinista (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: darvinista
deunamh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: deunamh
deunamh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: deunamh
gubernia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: gubernia
capina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: capina
súdruh (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: súdruh
chýr (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: chýr
jarok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: jarok
diakon (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: diakon
cibuľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: cibuľa
diaľnica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: diaľnica
vplyv (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: vplyv
klobúk (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: klobúk
bystrica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bystrica
svedomie (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: svedomie
černica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: černica
električka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: električka
klinec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: klinec
sobáš (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: sobáš
svokor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: svokor
vidiek (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: vidiek
vankúš (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: vankúš
hrianka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hrianka
rúž (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: rúž
bábka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bábka
cmar (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: cmar
garbiar (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: garbiar
baník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: baník
ďatelina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ďatelina
jesienka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: jesienka
sliepka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: sliepka
Charvát (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Charvát
žuvačka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: žuvačka
špargľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: špargľa
vretenica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: vretenica
zubáč (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zubáč
žerucha (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: žerucha
žmýkačka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: žmýkačka
tlačová konferencia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: tlačová konferencia
štopeľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: štopeľ
žreb (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: žreb
šťúr (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: šťúr
škorpión (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: škorpión
vrkoč (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: vrkoč
zápražka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zápražka
plecniak (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: plecniak
pokrievka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pokrievka
Rusin (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Rusin
zubár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zubár
infantka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: infantka
zväz (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zväz
tigriňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: tigriňa
diéta (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: diéta
xylofón (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: xylofón
orgován (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: orgován
hovädo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hovädo
atriail (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: atriail
fonéma (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: fonéma
chemička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: chemička
pecivál (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pecivál
víťaz (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: víťaz
rybár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: rybár
rybár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: rybár
dukát (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dukát
Horváth (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Horváth
moľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: moľ
kotol (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kotol
mlyn (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: mlyn
Kálmán (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Kálmán
robotník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: robotník
íver (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: íver
pásavka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pásavka
rozsobáš (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: rozsobáš
smetiar (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: smetiar
smrekovec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: smrekovec
skorocel (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: skorocel
kvapeľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kvapeľ
ligurček (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ligurček
prežúvavec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: prežúvavec
škrečok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: škrečok
chrček (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: chrček
svokra (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: svokra
prezývka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: prezývka
preteky (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: preteky
pretekár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pretekár
parochňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: parochňa
ostriež (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ostriež
nezábudka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: nezábudka
nevädza (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: nevädza
mravec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: mravec
mäsiar (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: mäsiar
lúč (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: lúč
kôstka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kôstka
klietka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: klietka
králik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: králik
králik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: králik
machuľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: machuľa
lastúrnik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: lastúrnik
modlivka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: modlivka
morka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: morka
moriak (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: moriak
moriak (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: moriak
nepárnokopytník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: nepárnokopytník
párnokopytník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: párnokopytník
pŕhľavka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pŕhľavka
utečenec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: utečenec
lekorica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: lekorica
hrab (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hrab
krvavnica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: krvavnica
jaternica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: jaternica
Hodža (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Hodža
Hodžová (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Hodžová
Cudová (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Cudová
pomorník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pomorník
zrkadlo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zrkadlo
živočích (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: živočích
Baka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Baka
Varga (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Varga
Molnár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Molnár
žurnál (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: žurnál
faerčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: faerčina
džús (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: džús
odpoludnie (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: odpoludnie
nočník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: nočník
čpavok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: čpavok
obora (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: obora
Asztalos (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Asztalos
dysgrafia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dysgrafia
Kubas (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Kubas
králica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: králica
pazucha (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pazucha
obrna (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: obrna
lyžica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: lyžica
chudák (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: chudák
básnička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: básnička
jazýček (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: jazýček
hadička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hadička
očko (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: očko
parčík (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: parčík
jebačka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: jebačka
éigean (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: éigean
príchod (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: príchod
strukovina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: strukovina
nádcha (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: nádcha
kôstkovina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kôstkovina
pičovina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pičovina
Török (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Török
nezmysel (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: nezmysel
chujovina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: chujovina
hovädina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hovädina
kúpeľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kúpeľ
klobúčik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: klobúčik
dráčik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dráčik
zrniečko (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zrniečko
slniečko (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: slniečko
chunta (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: chunta
škrupina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: škrupina
šatôčka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: šatôčka
čiapočka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: čiapočka
čiaročka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: čiaročka
bruško (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bruško
iskrička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: iskrička
iskierka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: iskierka
čižmička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: čižmička
tučniak (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: tučniak
tučniak (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: tučniak
jašterica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: jašterica
plameň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: plameň
polievka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: polievka
čiapka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: čiapka
starena (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: starena
ujček (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ujček
braček (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: braček
otecko (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: otecko
jazierko (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: jazierko
domček (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: domček
strecha (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: strecha
telefón (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: telefón
analógia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: analógia
lapka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: lapka
Viktória (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Viktória
žalúdok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: žalúdok
Uruguaj (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Uruguaj
fluorescencia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: fluorescencia
knižnica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: knižnica
jaskyňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: jaskyňa
Hora (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Hora
fernet (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: fernet
róba (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: róba
galéria (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: galéria
chlorid (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: chlorid
puchor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: puchor
Kiss (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Kiss
Lengyel (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Lengyel
Lakatos (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Lakatos
ideológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ideológia
zvyšok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zvyšok
bioluminiscencia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bioluminiscencia
Hegedűs (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Hegedűs
futbal (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: futbal
opát (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: opát
embólia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: embólia
prísudok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: prísudok
Vajda (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Vajda
minca (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: minca
kačka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kačka
Pintér (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Pintér
aragonit (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: aragonit
cadik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: cadik
jarmulka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: jarmulka
škandál (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: škandál
svieca (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: svieca
osol (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: osol
lekár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: lekár
stredník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: stredník
argóint (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: argóint
Pavlíček (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Pavlíček
Pavlík (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Pavlík
Vašek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Vašek
Kubíček (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Kubíček
Kubík (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Kubík
Vítek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Vítek
Pavol (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Pavol
Pavol (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Pavol
Paľo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Paľo
Drahomír (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Drahomír
Dobromil (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Dobromil
Ľudmila (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Ľudmila
Slavomíra (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Slavomíra
Vladimíra (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Vladimíra
Zlatica (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Zlatica
Ľubor (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Ľubor
Rastislav (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Rastislav
Želmíra (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Želmíra
salmonela (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: salmonela
Hajdú (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Hajdú
Hauser (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Hauser
Tichomír (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Tichomír
Vratko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Vratko
Zlatko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Zlatko
Milota (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Milota
Viera (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Viera
Vieroslava (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Vieroslava
Sláva (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Sláva
Timotej (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Timotej
Gašpar (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Gašpar
Zdenko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Zdenko
Albín (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Albín
Beňadik (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Beňadik
Izidor (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Izidor
Július (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Július
Estera (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Estera
Žigmund (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Žigmund
Žigmund (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Žigmund
Ingrida (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Ingrida
Žofia (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Žofia
Xénia (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Xénia
Sidónia (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Sidónia
Štefánia (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Štefánia
Jarolím (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Jarolím
Imrich (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Imrich
Ondrej (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Ondrej
Terézia (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Terézia
Dagmara (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Dagmara
Alžbeta (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Alžbeta
Slávka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Slávka
Uršuľa (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Uršuľa
Valentína (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Valentína
Aurel (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Aurel
Daňo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Daňo
Ruso (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Ruso
Petruška (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Petruška
popkorn (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: popkorn
Host (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Host
Kačka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Kačka
Kačena (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Kačena
Pravda (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Pravda
stalaktit (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: stalaktit
jačmeň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: jačmeň
nanosekunda (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: nanosekunda
klávesnica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: klávesnica
netopier (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: netopier
vozidlo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: vozidlo
ihličnan (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ihličnan
vlastné meno (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: vlastné meno
figovník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: figovník
hrozienko (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hrozienko
Zuba (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Zuba
komplot (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: komplot
hrôza (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hrôza
Balla (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Balla
searc (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: searc
Székely (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Székely
šťastie (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: šťastie
mýlka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: mýlka
jazvec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: jazvec
božtek (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: božtek
brhlík (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: brhlík
somarina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: somarina
Galla (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Galla
ergonómia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ergonómia
muflón (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: muflón
kôrka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kôrka
Végh (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Végh
zafír (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zafír
držgroš (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: držgroš
žgrloš (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: žgrloš
skupáň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: skupáň
skuhroš (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: skuhroš
cudzinka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: cudzinka
svätyňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: svätyňa
Kozma (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Kozma
airne (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: airne
chémia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: chémia
príroda (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: príroda
požiar (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: požiar
literatúra (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: literatúra
reštaurácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: reštaurácia
nórčina (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: nórčina
aistear (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: aistear
aistear (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: aistear
pažerák (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pažerák
éide (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: éide
prajazyk (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: prajazyk
útroba (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: útroba
pedagogika (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pedagogika
smotana (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: smotana
pracháč (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pracháč
pracháč (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pracháč
íl (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: íl
čremcha (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: čremcha
záclona (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: záclona
Mác (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Mác
kuchyňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kuchyňa
Belica (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Belica
Koška (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Koška
drogéria (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: drogéria
adjektívum (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: adjektívum
klobása (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: klobása
kašeľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kašeľ
imreasc (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: imreasc
tuilleamh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: tuilleamh
tuilleamh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: tuilleamh
tekvica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: tekvica
athriar (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: athriar
athriar (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: athriar
gólman (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: gólman
nález (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: nález
scenárista (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: scenárista
Šváb (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Šváb
acetaldehyd (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: acetaldehyd
podpňovka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: podpňovka
egreš (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: egreš
saturejka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: saturejka
uzbečtina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: uzbečtina
Barák (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Barák
Vydra (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Vydra
Škoda (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Škoda
Dudek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Dudek
hoľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hoľa
príklad (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: príklad
Macháček (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Macháček
dabing (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dabing
europoslanec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: europoslanec
exmanžel (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: exmanžel
milénium (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: milénium
Sobotka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Sobotka
Beránek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Beránek
xénia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: xénia
gravidita (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: gravidita
populizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: populizmus
diverzita (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: diverzita
Valent (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Valent
terorizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: terorizmus
rytier (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: rytier
kmeň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kmeň
extáza (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: extáza
drumbľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: drumbľa
Sopko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Sopko
Duda (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Duda
Bago (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Bago
anticyklóna (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: anticyklóna
víchor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: víchor
kremeň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kremeň
chlm (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: chlm
Víťazoslava (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Víťazoslava
zrenica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zrenica
tesť (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: tesť
cyklón (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: cyklón
Altman (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Altman
Sauer (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Sauer
odvlhčovač (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: odvlhčovač
aktualizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: aktualizácia
Landa (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Landa
Koller (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Koller
Caban (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Caban
Sokol (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Sokol
Mak (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Mak
Barta (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Barta
Danko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Danko
Pompa (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Pompa
basketbalistka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: basketbalistka
Korman (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Korman
Straka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Straka
Socha (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Socha
brunetka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: brunetka
Wiesner (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Wiesner
Behan (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Behan
Toman (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Toman
Stanko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Stanko
Tomko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Tomko
Balog (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Balog
Janda (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Janda
Mucha (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Mucha
Benda (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Benda
Timko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Timko
Malo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Malo
Mikula (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Mikula
Franko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Franko
Matula (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Matula
Biro (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Biro
Sova (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Sova
Beran (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Beran
Dula (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Dula
Kahan (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Kahan
Fekete (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Fekete
Heger (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Heger
Gula (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Gula
Kuchta (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Kuchta
Grell (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Grell
Ryba (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Ryba
Lipka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Lipka
Palko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Palko
Babus (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Babus
Buffa (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Buffa
Koza (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Koza
Markovic (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Markovic
Vida (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Vida
Vacek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Vacek
Bartek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Bartek
List Rimanom (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: List Rimanom
Maron (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Maron
Kostka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Kostka
Kubala (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Kubala
Zima (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Zima
Benko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Benko
odborníčka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: odborníčka
Labuda (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Labuda
Sura (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Sura
Palka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Palka
Riha (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Riha
Kantner (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Kantner
Bulla (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Bulla
Kosek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Kosek
Gazda (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Gazda
čardáš (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: čardáš
bosorka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bosorka
Gonda (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Gonda
Vig (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Vig
Buchta (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Buchta
Zelenka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Zelenka
Repko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Repko
Marcinko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Marcinko
Bero (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Bero
Veverka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Veverka
niktoš (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: niktoš
Búr (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Búr
Hrubý (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Hrubý
hraboš (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hraboš
Holý (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Holý
Kapusta (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Kapusta
Králik (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Králik
Goral (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Goral
Grega (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Grega
Kotula (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Kotula
Lazor (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Lazor
Múdry (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Múdry
Leng (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Leng
Chovanec (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Chovanec
Chudý (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Chudý
Blecha (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Blecha
Balko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Balko
Boda (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Boda
Uher (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Uher
Franek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Franek
Brezina (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Brezina
Hanzel (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Hanzel
Bartko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Bartko
Rado (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Rado
Buza (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Buza
Psota (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Psota
Rojek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Rojek
Rataj (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Rataj
Smolka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Smolka
Badura (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Badura
Bula (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Bula
Machaj (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Machaj
Kupka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Kupka
Repka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Repka
Novosad (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Novosad
Kopka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Kopka
Krauter (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Krauter
Stano (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Stano
Biskup (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Biskup
Ficek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Ficek
Chudoba (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Chudoba
Biela (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Biela
Gomola (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Gomola
Senk (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Senk
Kubica (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Kubica
Kozub (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Kozub
Žila (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Žila
Žiak (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Žiak
Zachara (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Zachara
Michna (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Michna
stryná (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: stryná
Ferko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Ferko
Smyk (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Smyk
Duraj (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Duraj
Turok (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Turok
daniel škvrnitý (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: daniel škvrnitý
presbyterián (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: presbyterián
suterén (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: suterén
bonntáiste (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bonntáiste
jahňacina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: jahňacina
bobor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bobor
veľryba (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: veľryba
toponymum (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: toponymum
exonymum (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: exonymum
langoš (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: langoš
Bielik (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Bielik
satén (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: satén
Remeš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Remeš
List Korinťanom (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: List Korinťanom
List Galaťanom (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: List Galaťanom
List Efezanom (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: List Efezanom
List Filipanom (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: List Filipanom
List Kolosanom (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: List Kolosanom
List Solúnčanom (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: List Solúnčanom
List Títovi (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: List Títovi
List Hebrejom (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: List Hebrejom
Sobek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Sobek
céachta (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: céachta
siaha (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: siaha
Pytel (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Pytel
ovad (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ovad
Choma (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Choma
čepiec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: čepiec
imtheacht (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: imtheacht
maoidheamh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: maoidheamh
Mentel (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Mentel
bonbón (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bonbón
Kubis (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Kubis
Macek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Macek
Zipser (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Zipser
Komenda (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Komenda
Oravec (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Oravec
efedra (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: efedra
bakteriológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bakteriológia
nominatív (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: nominatív
precedens (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: precedens
Maro (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Maro
lyska (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: lyska
Obuch (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Obuch
réamhdhéanamh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: réamhdhéanamh
réamhdhéanamh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: réamhdhéanamh
comhdhéanamh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: comhdhéanamh
comhdhéanamh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: comhdhéanamh
Talian (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Talian
-och (Slovak suffix) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: -och
kanoista (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kanoista
traktorista (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: traktorista
exkavátor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: exkavátor
Jendruch (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Jendruch
Zelina (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Zelina
Frano (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Frano
Chovan (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Chovan
Jurka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Jurka
Jurko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Jurko
Harvan (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Harvan
Slivko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Slivko
Poliak (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Poliak
Pašek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Pašek
Paška (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Paška
Rojka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Rojka
Rys (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Rys
Ryška (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Ryška
Ryša (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Ryša
Ryš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Ryš
Rybár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Rybár
Paško (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Paško
Rybárik (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Rybárik
Ondruško (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Ondruško
Ondrušek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Ondrušek
Ondruš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Ondruš
Ondrus (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Ondrus
Ondrejka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Ondrejka
Rakovan (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Rakovan
koitus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: koitus
smideadh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: smideadh
Dub (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Dub
Talaba (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Talaba
Klimaj (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Klimaj
feac (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: feac
sála (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: sála
halogén (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: halogén
kúpa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kúpa
agorafóbia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: agorafóbia
kurzor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kurzor
psychopatka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: psychopatka
Maga (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Maga
analfabetka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: analfabetka
šľachtic (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: šľachtic
potvora (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: potvora
čuch (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: čuch
cyprus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: cyprus
lyko (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: lyko
Pilát (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Pilát
praindoeurópčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: praindoeurópčina
pradedo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pradedo
praslovančina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: praslovančina
pragermánčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pragermánčina
gólmanka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: gólmanka
biofyzika (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: biofyzika
záujem (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: záujem
archivár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: archivár
Breatimeacht (Irish proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Breatimeacht
landgróf (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: landgróf
jelenica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: jelenica
chasidizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: chasidizmus
husitstvo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: husitstvo
hydronymum (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hydronymum
hvezdárstvo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hvezdárstvo
astrológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: astrológia
hvezdár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hvezdár
demokracia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: demokracia
hudobný nástroj (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hudobný nástroj
Golfský prúd (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Golfský prúd
prúd (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: prúd
gonáda (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: gonáda
traktoristka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: traktoristka
normálne rozdelenie (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: normálne rozdelenie
zmysel života (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zmysel života
kaňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kaňa
horstvo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: horstvo
štáb (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: štáb
úžera (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: úžera
diktát (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: diktát
štetka na holenie (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: štetka na holenie
konkubína (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: konkubína
konkubinát (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: konkubinát
kanoistka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kanoistka
fašistka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: fašistka
nacistka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: nacistka
Kloc (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Kloc
osla (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: osla
Matejko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Matejko
ponk (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ponk
hematológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hematológia
onuca (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: onuca
Kočan (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Kočan
šťuka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: šťuka
karpina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: karpina
registrované partnerstvo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: registrované partnerstvo
Janka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Janka
Ftáčnik (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Ftáčnik
kučera (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kučera
Atlantický oceán (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Atlantický oceán
epistemológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: epistemológia
iamh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: iamh
alternátor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: alternátor
chrapkáč poľný (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: chrapkáč poľný
blen (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: blen
chrupka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: chrupka
mních (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: mních
štart (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: štart
náprotivok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: náprotivok
cárovná (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: cárovná
pakľúč (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pakľúč
darvinizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: darvinizmus
Vika (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Vika
blbaňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: blbaňa
luhár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: luhár
Pozdech (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Pozdech
Kluka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Kluka
Afrim (Albanian proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Afrim
Afrimi (Albanian proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Afrimi
Afrime (Albanian proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Afrime
Afrimja (Albanian proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Afrimja
vôdzka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: vôdzka
smeť (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: smeť
slez (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: slez
slez (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: slez
zubor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zubor
zubrica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zubrica
ocot (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ocot
rolovacia dráha (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: rolovacia dráha
Zloch (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Zloch
Zlocha (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Zlocha
Zlochová (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Zlochová
piliar (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: piliar
piliar (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: piliar
Belaj (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Belaj
Kolesár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Kolesár
kolesár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kolesár
kolesár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kolesár
kolár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kolár
kozub (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kozub
Vrobel (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Vrobel
imelo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: imelo
divozel (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: divozel
Konrád (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Konrád
plameniak (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: plameniak
cárske časy (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: cárske časy
bremeno (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bremeno
kobec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kobec
Očenáš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Očenáš
krhla (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: krhla
jedľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: jedľa
morbidita (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: morbidita
drez (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: drez
svíb (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: svíb
sviňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: sviňa
byvol (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: byvol
Fišer (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Fišer
koronavírus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: koronavírus
Baša (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Baša
Brna (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Brna
veľkomučenica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: veľkomučenica
prvomučenica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: prvomučenica
vratič (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: vratič
Košút (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Košút
spoluhláska (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: spoluhláska
Kovačič (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Kovačič
Boško (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Boško
autostráda (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: autostráda
zľava (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zľava
Šebek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Šebek
sudlica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: sudlica
bridlica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bridlica
steblo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: steblo
elektrolyt (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: elektrolyt
bralo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bralo
Doda (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Doda
epidemiológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: epidemiológia
krčmár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: krčmár
orech (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: orech
dračka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dračka
lyža (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: lyža
krík (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: krík
horčica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: horčica
sídlisko (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: sídlisko
stokár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: stokár
Cigán (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Cigán
Cigán (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Cigán
Migo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Migo
rýľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: rýľ
stupidita (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: stupidita
Slezák (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Slezák
slnovrat (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: slnovrat
cudzoložstvo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: cudzoložstvo
mucholapka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: mucholapka
prievan (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: prievan
fúz (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: fúz
fúzik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: fúzik
zamestnanec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zamestnanec
nabíjačka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: nabíjačka
prekážka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: prekážka
zbabelec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zbabelec
Ondo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Ondo
väzeň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: väzeň
zábradlie (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zábradlie
príves (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: príves
riasa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: riasa
Pataki (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Pataki
kľučka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kľučka
močiar (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: močiar
náušnica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: náušnica
pupienok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pupienok
dych (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dych
kanalizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kanalizácia
jedináčik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: jedináčik
hrobár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hrobár
šľacha (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: šľacha
strúhadlo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: strúhadlo
Torda (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Torda
kláštor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kláštor
knôt (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: knôt
obriezka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: obriezka
spolužiak (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: spolužiak
cuciak (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: cuciak
prameň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: prameň
pôdorys (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pôdorys
čapík (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: čapík
nemocnica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: nemocnica
slabina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: slabina
naberačka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: naberačka
pôda (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pôda
hlien (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hlien
strelivo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: strelivo
spolupáchateľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: spolupáchateľ
bylinožravec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bylinožravec
mäsožravec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: mäsožravec
páchateľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: páchateľ
lavína (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: lavína
ozvena (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ozvena
popolník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: popolník
cirok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: cirok
predsudok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: predsudok
polmesiac (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: polmesiac
spájkovačka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: spájkovačka
peľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: peľ
miešok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: miešok
erekcia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: erekcia
ohorok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ohorok
fúrik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: fúrik
batéria (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: batéria
žoldnier (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: žoldnier
besnota (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: besnota
Verba (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Verba
prstoklad (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: prstoklad
hrdza (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hrdza
kacír (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kacír
húsenica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: húsenica
konexia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: konexia
korunovácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: korunovácia
žlčník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: žlčník
mechúr (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: mechúr
kvetináč (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kvetináč
kvetina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kvetina
topoľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: topoľ
priezor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: priezor
výrobca (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: výrobca
pravek (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pravek
kresadlo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kresadlo
zapaľovač (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zapaľovač
ľadovec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ľadovec
okruhliak (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: okruhliak
sladovka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: sladovka
pytliak (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pytliak
šarkan (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: šarkan
šarkan (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: šarkan
šarkan (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: šarkan
menovec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: menovec
menovkyňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: menovkyňa
hríb (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hríb
súčasník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: súčasník
Hríb (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Hríb
Hríbová (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Hríbová
pečiarka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pečiarka
pasienok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pasienok
hodvábnica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hodvábnica
vláknica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: vláknica
hnojník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hnojník
miešačka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: miešačka
dubák (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dubák
tanečnica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: tanečnica
masliak (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: masliak
modrák (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: modrák
modrák (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: modrák
frajerka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: frajerka
epizóda (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: epizóda
bedľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bedľa
hrozno (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hrozno
hrádza (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hrádza
nepriateľka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: nepriateľka
This page is a part of the machine-readable All languages combined dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-02-12 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-02-02 using wiktextract (1c4b89b and 9dbd323). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.
If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.