Chinese Wiktionary data extraction errors and warnings

Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags

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Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺'

黃酒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 黃酒

管理員 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 管理員

三位一體 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 三位一體

扭扭捏捏 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 扭扭捏捏

扭捏 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 扭捏

震音 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 震音

訂書釘 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 訂書釘

舞臺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 舞臺

海菜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 海菜

公開 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 公開

白蛋白 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 白蛋白

河鼓二 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 河鼓二

心宿二 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 心宿二

北落師門 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 北落師門

大陵五 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大陵五

大角星 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大角星

老黑 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 老黑

天津四 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 天津四

天狼星 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 天狼星

聲調數字 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 聲調數字

聲調符號 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 聲調符號

三八婦女節 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 三八婦女節

溢出 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 溢出

毛子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 毛子

奶媽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 奶媽

遠東 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 遠東

爺爺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 爺爺

從沒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 從沒

按乃近 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 按乃近

安乃近 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 安乃近

漢語水平考試 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 漢語水平考試

外國語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 外國語

馬賽克 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 馬賽克

冬瓜藤 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 冬瓜藤

夜盲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 夜盲

創辦 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 創辦

廢水 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 廢水

食單 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 食單

斯里蘭卡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 斯里蘭卡

菲律賓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 菲律賓

菜單 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 菜單

女皇 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 女皇

乳母 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 乳母

感激 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 感激

改編 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 改編

巡洋艦 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 巡洋艦

家伙 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 家伙

新鮮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 新鮮

星星 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 星星

洋洋 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 洋洋

也門 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 也門

兵隊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 兵隊

沙特阿拉伯 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 沙特阿拉伯

褲門 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 褲門

黎巴嫩 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 黎巴嫩

阿塞拜疆 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 阿塞拜疆

土庫曼斯坦 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 土庫曼斯坦

芝麻油 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 芝麻油

阿聯酋 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 阿聯酋

人類免疫缺陷病毒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 人類免疫缺陷病毒

白茶 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 白茶

多面體 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 多面體

多邊形 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 多邊形

祝賀 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 祝賀

拐點 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 拐點

開張 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 開張

迷信 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 迷信

皮肉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 皮肉

蠔油 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蠔油

處女 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 處女

梅花 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 梅花

提醒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 提醒

心胸狹窄 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 心胸狹窄

舌吻 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 舌吻

情人眼裡出西施 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 情人眼裡出西施

心胸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 心胸

身材 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 身材

概念 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 概念

混亂 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 混亂

品嘗 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 品嘗

草紙 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 草紙

抽屜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 抽屜

巴布亞新幾內亞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 巴布亞新幾內亞

哥斯達黎加 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 哥斯達黎加

可信 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 可信

合法化 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 合法化

末端 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 末端

貴國 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 貴國

科目 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 科目

前線 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 前線

多久 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 多久

口臭 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 口臭

泡妞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 泡妞

六角琴 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 六角琴

嫖娼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 嫖娼

禮儀 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 禮儀

失足 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 失足

女權主義者 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 女權主義者

女權主義 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 女權主義

女權 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 女權

免費 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 免費

一旁 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 一旁

倒替 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 倒替

銳角三角形 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 銳角三角形

紅玉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 紅玉

國際單位制 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 國際單位制

妖言 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 妖言

拋物線 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 拋物線

最小公分母 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 最小公分母

倒塌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 倒塌

泥沙 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 泥沙

石油化學 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 石油化學

操作者 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 操作者

公立學校 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 公立學校

放射性元素 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 放射性元素

電壓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 電壓

整形外科 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 整形外科

正多面體 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 正多面體

思想家 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 思想家

放射性 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 放射性

保守主義 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 保守主義

一次方程式 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 一次方程式

查問 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 查問

一夫一妻 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 一夫一妻

加拿大人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 加拿大人

燕尾服 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 燕尾服

定量分析 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 定量分析

水彩畫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 水彩畫

保護主義 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 保護主義

端緒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 端緒

羅曼蒂克 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 羅曼蒂克

分離主義 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 分離主義

感化院 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 感化院

正極 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 正極

分校 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 分校

細胞分裂 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 細胞分裂

慣性系 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 慣性系

日本銀行 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 日本銀行

下半身 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 下半身

成年者 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 成年者

咬傷 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 咬傷

一句 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 一句

一元論 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 一元論

憲兵隊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 憲兵隊

病情 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 病情

容量分析 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 容量分析

龜甲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 龜甲

慢性病 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 慢性病

封建主義 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 封建主義

催眠術 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 催眠術

描述 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 描述

殖民 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 殖民

家庭教師 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 家庭教師

撤回 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 撤回

名優 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 名優

哺乳動物 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 哺乳動物

一再 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 一再

美國夢 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 美國夢

明媚 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 明媚

味蕾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 味蕾

初等教育 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 初等教育

凹版 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 凹版

函人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 函人

除非 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 除非

深潭 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 深潭

名分 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 名分

史籍 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 史籍

天機 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 天機

凶事 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 凶事

南岸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 南岸

本科 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 本科

感染力 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 感染力

地層 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 地層

叢林 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 叢林

唯物主義 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 唯物主義

再臨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 再臨

善用 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 善用

病魔 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 病魔

女色 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 女色

包養 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 包養

巡警 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 巡警

淒慘 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 淒慘

凌雲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 凌雲

校訓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 校訓

盲鰻 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 盲鰻

高雅 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 高雅

放射 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 放射

超人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 超人

船籍 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 船籍

登極 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 登極

特務 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 特務

考量 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 考量

胸腔 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 胸腔

一向 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 一向

切要 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 切要

講評 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 講評

聖職 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 聖職

近海 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 近海

忸怩 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 忸怩

銅牌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 銅牌

脾臟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 脾臟

儒家 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 儒家

投射 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 投射

一目瞭然 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 一目瞭然

行間 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 行間

逗留 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 逗留

咫尺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 咫尺

牧畜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 牧畜

痛罵 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 痛罵

閉幕 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 閉幕

禁書 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 禁書

苗圃 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 苗圃

匿名 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 匿名

疑懼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 疑懼

斟酌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 斟酌

清白 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 清白

住居 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 住居

丁亥 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 丁亥

愚鈍 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 愚鈍

儼然 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 儼然

印璽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 印璽

同感 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 同感

菜園 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 菜園

可燃 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 可燃

守護 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 守護

調皮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 調皮

瑪瑙 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 瑪瑙

持續低音 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 持續低音

墓園 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 墓園

剿滅 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 剿滅

猜疑 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 猜疑

工業化 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 工業化

大山 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大山

取締 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 取締

孤島 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 孤島

家蠅 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 家蠅

壁龕 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 壁龕

上半 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 上半

容積 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 容積

別離 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 別離

黃海 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 黃海

反感 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 反感

上肢 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 上肢

燈火 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 燈火

校長 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 校長

死傷 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 死傷

前幾天 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 前幾天

密雲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 密雲

大綱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大綱

三門 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 三門

空襲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 空襲

生薑 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 生薑

北洋軍閥 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 北洋軍閥

野人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 野人

七曜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 七曜

結腸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 結腸

一打 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 一打

一審 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 一審

失策 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 失策

天魔 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 天魔

玉門 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 玉門

中軸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 中軸

防護 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 防護

夜曲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 夜曲

字面 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 字面

出櫃 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 出櫃

一味 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 一味

真摯 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 真摯

坑口 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 坑口

園丁 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 園丁

乳糖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 乳糖

主日 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 主日

誘導 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 誘導

世尊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 世尊

地盤 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 地盤

外勤 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 外勤

印章 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 印章

器物 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 器物

主軸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 主軸

生下 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 生下

多彩 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 多彩

報恩 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 報恩

四書 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 四書

專門 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 專門

專門 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 專門

一律 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 一律

外患 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 外患

大略 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大略

七星 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 七星

蚰蜒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蚰蜒

低落 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 低落

貧賤 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 貧賤

奉公 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 奉公

一層 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 一層

納米比亞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 納米比亞

佛得角 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 佛得角

毛里塔尼亞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 毛里塔尼亞

奠都 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 奠都

冬至 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 冬至

英英 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 英英

涼風 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 涼風

開展 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 開展

落花生 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 落花生

生吃 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 生吃

三P (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 三P

開幕 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 開幕

冬衣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 冬衣

說媒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 說媒

一口 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 一口

丁酉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 丁酉

狼藉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 狼藉

狡猾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 狡猾

真是的 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 真是的

夏衣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 夏衣

內戰 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 內戰

不敵 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 不敵

聖神 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 聖神

哪些 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 哪些

目標 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 目標

一天 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 一天

因果 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 因果

聖靈 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 聖靈

中庸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 中庸

食物中毒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 食物中毒

某處 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 某處

海貝 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 海貝

時態 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 時態

能源 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 能源

包圍 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 包圍

隨筆 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 隨筆

誤會 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 誤會

戶籍 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 戶籍

貢獻 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 貢獻

原則 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 原則

冤獄 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 冤獄

音樂療法 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 音樂療法

音樂家 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 音樂家

濕疹 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 濕疹

具備 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 具備

原子能 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 原子能

光榮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 光榮

氯仿 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 氯仿

壞處 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 壞處

害處 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 害處

南極洲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 南極洲

胞衣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 胞衣

撒尿 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 撒尿

圖騰 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 圖騰

新華 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 新華

山番 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 山番

尿急 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 尿急

片假名 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 片假名

平假名 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 平假名

旱冰 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 旱冰

遛狗 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 遛狗

下回 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 下回

涼拌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 涼拌

莫桑比克 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 莫桑比克

作弊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 作弊

好不好 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 好不好

可能性 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 可能性

事兒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 事兒

癩蛤蟆 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 癩蛤蟆

電視機 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 電視機

電視劇 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 電視劇

繃帶 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 繃帶

意大利語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 意大利語

意第緒語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 意第緒語

DVD機 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: DVD機

伊特魯里亞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 伊特魯里亞

還給老師 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 還給老師

馬里 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 馬里

埃塞俄比亞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 埃塞俄比亞

馬耳他 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 馬耳他

伊特魯里亞語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 伊特魯里亞語

伊特拉斯坎語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 伊特拉斯坎語

印度洋 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 印度洋

蘇丹 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蘇丹

3P (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 3P

多米尼加共和國 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 多米尼加共和國

宵禁 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 宵禁

馬爾他 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 馬爾他

毛里求斯 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 毛里求斯

格林納達 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 格林納達

符拉迪沃斯托克 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 符拉迪沃斯托克

利比里亞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 利比里亞

聖基茨和尼維斯 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 聖基茨和尼維斯

斯拉夫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 斯拉夫

笑點 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 笑點

剛果 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 剛果

大堡礁 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大堡礁

找死 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 找死

有害 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 有害

烏蘭巴托 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 烏蘭巴托

同源詞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 同源詞

都柏林 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 都柏林

馬尼拉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 馬尼拉

給……點兒顏色看 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 給……點兒顏色看

萬象 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 萬象

里斯本 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 里斯本

金邊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 金邊

簽訂 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 簽訂

紅衛兵 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 紅衛兵

出生率 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 出生率

誓言 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 誓言

太字節 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 太字節

千兆字節 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 千兆字節

拍它字節 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 拍它字節

兆字節 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 兆字節

千字節 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 千字節

科倫坡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 科倫坡

字節 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 字節

塔什干 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 塔什干

安卡拉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 安卡拉

阿斯塔納 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 阿斯塔納

大字報 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大字報

懷孕 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 懷孕

連續劇 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 連續劇

馬齒莧 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 馬齒莧

坐標 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 坐標

非法 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 非法

尿布 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 尿布

痛苦 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 痛苦

海嘯 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 海嘯

伯爵 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 伯爵

蟑螂 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蟑螂

青島 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 青島

武漢 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 武漢

兩班 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 兩班

依賴 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 依賴

重慶 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 重慶

城鎮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 城鎮

戴綠帽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 戴綠帽

西里爾字母 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 西里爾字母

漢語拼音 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 漢語拼音

一見鍾情 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 一見鍾情

西里爾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 西里爾

靴子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 靴子

使館 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 使館

領事 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 領事

帕勞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 帕勞

雙層床 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雙層床

認知心理學 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 認知心理學

噴嚏 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 噴嚏

惡作劇 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 惡作劇

心理學家 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 心理學家

省份 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 省份

代數學 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 代數學

貸款 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 貸款

旱災 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 旱災

雨量 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雨量

國有 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 國有

代數 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 代數

非甾體抗炎藥 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 非甾體抗炎藥

股票 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 股票

柴油 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 柴油

大眾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大眾

奇妙 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 奇妙

包圍圈 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 包圍圈

池塘 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 池塘

不對 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 不對

老毛子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 老毛子

降落傘 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 降落傘

村莊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 村莊

猜想 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 猜想

獅虎 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 獅虎

劍齒虎 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 劍齒虎

新西伯利亞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 新西伯利亞

石家莊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 石家莊

合肥 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 合肥

鄭州 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鄭州

甘肅 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 甘肅

貴州 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 貴州

昆明 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 昆明

同步 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 同步

瀋陽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 瀋陽

海口 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 海口

烏魯木齊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 烏魯木齊

江西 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 江西

長春 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 長春

廣西 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 廣西

摩納哥 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 摩納哥

聖馬力諾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 聖馬力諾

導致 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 導致

背心 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 背心

埃里溫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 埃里溫

第比利斯 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 第比利斯

講課 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 講課

稱呼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 稱呼

邊界 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 邊界

成都 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 成都

盧旺達 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 盧旺達

茶館 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 茶館

爆炸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 爆炸

蒙塞拉特 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蒙塞拉特

馬爾代夫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 馬爾代夫

糖果 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 糖果

瓦努阿圖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 瓦努阿圖

馬紹爾群島 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 馬紹爾群島

塞舌爾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 塞舌爾

不像話 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 不像話

證據 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 證據

特立尼達和多巴哥 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 特立尼達和多巴哥

必修課 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 必修課

里加 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 里加

衚衕 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 衚衕

烏拉圭 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 烏拉圭

標語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 標語

標誌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 標誌

巴庫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 巴庫

明斯克 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 明斯克

杜尚別 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 杜尚別

布拉格 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 布拉格

阿什哈巴德 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 阿什哈巴德

維爾紐斯 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 維爾紐斯

布拉迪斯拉發 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 布拉迪斯拉發

喀布爾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 喀布爾

華沙 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 華沙

克己奉公 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 克己奉公

拍攝 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 拍攝

排隊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 排隊

拍照 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 拍照

克制 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 克制

滅頂 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 滅頂

滅火器 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 滅火器

滅火 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 滅火

伯爾尼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 伯爾尼

滅口 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 滅口

門禁 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 門禁

門警 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 門警

門客 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 門客

門房 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 門房

門檻 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 門檻

熱浪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 熱浪

維也納 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 維也納

熱氣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 熱氣

膀胱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 膀胱

美利堅合眾國 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 美利堅合眾國

斯德哥爾摩 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 斯德哥爾摩

雙元音 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雙元音

馬克思主義 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 馬克思主義

死胎 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 死胎

雅典 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雅典

死產 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 死產

規準 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 規準

成風 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 成風

面孔 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 面孔

遞送 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 遞送

胸大無腦 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 胸大無腦

受潮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 受潮

受挫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 受挫

受罰 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 受罰

受害 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 受害

年薪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 年薪

閏年 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 閏年

參軍 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 參軍

年底 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 年底

年初 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 年初

馬其頓人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 馬其頓人

高科技 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 高科技

進步 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 進步

真才實學 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 真才實學

真誠 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 真誠

𢦏 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 𢦏

汪汪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 汪汪

形於色 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 形於色

形上 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 形上

形而上學 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 形而上學

摸門兒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 摸門兒

摸底 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 摸底

摸門 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 摸門

鋼絲繩 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鋼絲繩

鋼絲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鋼絲

推行 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 推行

阿博特 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 阿博特

月報 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 月報

恆溫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 恆溫

月臺票 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 月臺票

月薪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 月薪

月臺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 月臺

月票 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 月票

瘋狂 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 瘋狂

瘋人院 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 瘋人院

𨭆 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 𨭆

晚年 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 晚年

阿德拉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 阿德拉

艾迪生 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 艾迪生

阿狄森 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 阿狄森

阿克曼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 阿克曼

艾狄生 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 艾狄生

苦惱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 苦惱

月餅 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 月餅

瘋子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 瘋子

老年 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 老年

駝峰 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 駝峰

瘋癲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 瘋癲

非正式 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 非正式

阿道夫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 阿道夫

艾伯特 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 艾伯特

阿利 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 阿利

阿利克 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 阿利克

安德森 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 安德森

安托瓦妮特 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 安托瓦妮特

安娜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 安娜

上升 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 上升

世博會 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 世博會

老齡化 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 老齡化

老齡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 老齡

證書 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 證書

解體 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 解體

隨著 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 隨著

談論 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 談論

頒發 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 頒發

幼兒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 幼兒

榮譽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 榮譽

下降 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 下降

祝福 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 祝福

渡船 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 渡船

巴比 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 巴比

阿特利 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 阿特利

巴比特 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 巴比特

阿姆斯特朗 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 阿姆斯特朗

抽樣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 抽樣

奧古斯丁 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 奧古斯丁

阿瑟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 阿瑟

面臨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 面臨

可塑性 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 可塑性

歇斯底里 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 歇斯底里

警鐘 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 警鐘

年限 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 年限

重重 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 重重

彈性 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 彈性

失調 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 失調

失調 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 失調

觀念 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 觀念

順口 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 順口

公費 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 公費

判斷 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 判斷

對象 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 對象

同一個 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 同一個

天安門 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 天安門

你叫什麼名字 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 你叫什麼名字

奮鬥 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 奮鬥

巴雷特 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 巴雷特

小兔子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 小兔子

小兔 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 小兔

巴里 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 巴里

美妙 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 美妙

發動 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 發動

公案 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 公案

發動機 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 發動機

巴尼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 巴尼

失業率 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 失業率

擔仔麵 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 擔仔麵

佔領 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 佔領

蘋果樹 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蘋果樹

戶均 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 戶均

開發商 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 開發商

負擔 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 負擔

飛漲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 飛漲

上漲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 上漲

興建 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 興建

跟班 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 跟班

開發 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 開發

哭泣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 哭泣

收入 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 收入

住宅 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 住宅

閣樓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 閣樓

失業 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 失業

跟前 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 跟前

跟前 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 跟前

求愛 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 求愛

私房 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 私房

私房 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 私房

中秋節 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 中秋節

拉肚子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 拉肚子

剛勁 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 剛勁

眨眼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 眨眼

平方米 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 平方米

可悲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 可悲

可憎 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 可憎

金雕 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 金雕

維修 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 維修

立方米 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 立方米

勸告 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 勸告

仰光 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 仰光

窮人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 窮人

剛正 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 剛正

半透明 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 半透明

不透明 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 不透明

解僱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 解僱

同類 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 同類

晚報 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 晚報

國有化 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 國有化

泡沫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 泡沫

購買 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 購買

白兔 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 白兔

本國 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 本國

本相 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 本相

本金 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 本金

本行 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 本行

本字 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 本字

本文 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 本文

嫦娥 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 嫦娥

本分 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 本分

預報 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 預報

距今 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 距今

回族 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 回族

軍團 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 軍團

分音符號 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 分音符號

更改 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 更改

摩天樓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 摩天樓

退出 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 退出

蕭蕭 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蕭蕭

玉門關 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 玉門關

藏人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 藏人

藏語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 藏語

爭取 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 爭取

日本腦炎 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 日本腦炎

鹿肉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鹿肉

信用卡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 信用卡

小心 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 小心

俯臥撐 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 俯臥撐

學士學位 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 學士學位

學前班 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 學前班

幼兒園 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 幼兒園

信用 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 信用

面對 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 面對

情書 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 情書

祈禱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 祈禱

謙虛 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 謙虛

午餐 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 午餐

袖子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 袖子

立竿見影 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 立竿見影

請便 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 請便

沖繩 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 沖繩

反之 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 反之

鄉下人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鄉下人

鐲子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鐲子

診所 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 診所

莫克沙語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 莫克沙語

土耳其人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 土耳其人

土耳其語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 土耳其語

修改 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 修改

土耳其文 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 土耳其文

占卜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 占卜

佔據 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 佔據

手鐲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 手鐲

插入 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 插入

半盲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 半盲

栩栩如生 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 栩栩如生

破壞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 破壞

菜心 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 菜心

稻粱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 稻粱

斷弦 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 斷弦

潺潺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 潺潺

大德 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大德

防腐劑 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 防腐劑

逼真 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 逼真

不常 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 不常

喘氣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 喘氣

便器 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 便器

嘈嘈 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 嘈嘈

鞭炮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鞭炮

雕刻 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雕刻

連翹 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 連翹

高清寬 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 高清寬

高等學校 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 高等學校

大姑娘 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大姑娘

漢越 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 漢越

宮保 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 宮保

歸類 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 歸類

地形 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 地形

黃鍾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 黃鍾

歡迎光臨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 歡迎光臨

會館 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 會館

公教 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 公教

江北 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 江北

丟臉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 丟臉

嫁妝 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 嫁妝

花旗國 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 花旗國

金黃 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 金黃

大同 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大同

還有 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 還有

公主 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 公主

海棠 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 海棠

枷鎖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 枷鎖

花旗 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 花旗

鳳梨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鳳梨

腐竹 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 腐竹

芭蕉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 芭蕉

是否 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 是否

金剛 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 金剛

幸災樂禍 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 幸災樂禍

空位 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 空位

耄耋 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 耄耋

旖旎 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 旖旎

踽踽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 踽踽

荒謬 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 荒謬

賬戶 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 賬戶

趑趄 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 趑趄

蹀躞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蹀躞

鳥巢 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鳥巢

漫步 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 漫步

派遣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 派遣

犯行 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 犯行

修復 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 修復

盜竊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 盜竊

捕夢網 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 捕夢網

有產階級 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 有產階級

階級鬥爭 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 階級鬥爭

解熱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 解熱

構成 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 構成

共感 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 共感

解禁 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 解禁

解散 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 解散

疝氣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 疝氣

主張 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 主張

沒藥 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 沒藥

文才 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 文才

文豪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 文豪

文案 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 文案

文面 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 文面

文筆 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 文筆

文責 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 文責

激論 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 激論

著者 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 著者

演劇 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 演劇

非難 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 非難

演習 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 演習

演技 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 演技

成算 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 成算

結末 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 結末

成因 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 成因

平年 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 平年

乖離 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 乖離

方形 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 方形

選集 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 選集

年表 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 年表

詩集 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 詩集

分離 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 分離

集束 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 集束

凝集 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 凝集

集成 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 集成

表決 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 表決

嫌厭 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 嫌厭

黑鬼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 黑鬼

改宗 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 改宗

修繕 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 修繕

作風 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 作風

群集 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 群集

明暗 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 明暗

農作 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 農作

集結 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 集結

修訂 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 修訂

修補 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 修補

修行 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 修行

代作 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 代作

照明 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 照明

花道 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 花道

操作 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 操作

補修 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 補修

耕作 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 耕作

克明 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 克明

奴隸主 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 奴隸主

奴隸制度 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 奴隸制度

意匠 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 意匠

敬意 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 敬意

意趣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 意趣

明快 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 明快

逆境 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 逆境

明晰 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 明晰

瓦解 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 瓦解

逆流 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 逆流

法案 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 法案

逆行 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 逆行

用意 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 用意

逆襲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 逆襲

明瞭 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 明瞭

酒窖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 酒窖

叢書 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 叢書

賞金 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 賞金

德才兼備 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 德才兼備

半真半假 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 半真半假

得過且過 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 得過且過

得饒人處且饒人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 得饒人處且饒人

貪得無厭 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 貪得無厭

新書 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 新書

得天獨厚 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 得天獨厚

得心應手 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 得心應手

暗箭傷人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 暗箭傷人

消防栓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 消防栓

歪七豎八 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 歪七豎八

書面 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 書面

八拜之交 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 八拜之交

得隴望蜀 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 得隴望蜀

百花齊放 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 百花齊放

得意洋洋 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 得意洋洋

追查 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 追查

貪婪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 貪婪

德藝雙馨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 德藝雙馨

角度 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 角度

聲名狼藉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 聲名狼藉

破爛不堪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 破爛不堪

泰然自若 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 泰然自若

若無其事 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 若無其事

私交 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 私交

依賴性 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 依賴性

德行 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 德行

魚死網破 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 魚死網破

同歸於盡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 同歸於盡

破鏡重圓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 破鏡重圓

護符 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 護符

護身 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 護身

加盟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 加盟

加護 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 加護

加持 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 加持

加熱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 加熱

設定 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 設定

添加 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 添加

守禦 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 守禦

明朝 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 明朝

明朝 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 明朝

宮院 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 宮院

備品 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 備品

強調 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 強調

白衣天使 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 白衣天使

黃道吉日 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 黃道吉日

監押 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 監押

白茫茫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 白茫茫

看護 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 看護

加減 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 加減

守備 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 守備

司鼓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 司鼓

百年好合 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 百年好合

步走 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 步走

西裝革履 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 西裝革履

大搖大擺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大搖大擺

東奔西竄 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 東奔西竄

百折不撓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 百折不撓

好幾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 好幾

小市民 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 小市民

鄙俗 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鄙俗

力氣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 力氣

夜壺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 夜壺

好玩兒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 好玩兒

好玩兒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 好玩兒

東逃西竄 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 東逃西竄

便壺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 便壺

很多 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 很多

控制 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 控制

好多 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 好多

搶擄 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 搶擄

宮嬪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 宮嬪

不由分說 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 不由分說

燃燒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 燃燒

好玩 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 好玩

好玩 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 好玩

裁定 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 裁定

不由 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 不由

田野 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 田野

政界 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 政界

條約 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 條約

東方人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 東方人

西方人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 西方人

分說 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 分說

遺言 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 遺言

自學 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 自學

擅權 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 擅權

㨖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 㨖

逆豎 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 逆豎

淫凶 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 淫凶

豺獺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 豺獺

赤心 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 赤心

渠魁 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 渠魁

後王 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 後王

閒缺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 閒缺

殄滅 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 殄滅

饑饉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 饑饉

綱維 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 綱維

剩水殘山 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 剩水殘山

苞桑戒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 苞桑戒

等閒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 等閒

苞桑 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 苞桑

黍離 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 黍離

太阿 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 太阿

欲速則不達 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 欲速則不達

金甌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 金甌

糜爛 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 糜爛

邀請 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 邀請

越來越 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 越來越

紅粉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 紅粉

山河 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 山河

行政 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 行政

神州 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 神州

判事 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 判事

教理 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 教理

代償 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 代償

代金 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 代金

代筆 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 代筆

This page is a part of the machine-readable Chinese dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2024-09-22 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2024-09-20 using wiktextract (af5c55c and 66545a6). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.