All languages combined Wiktionary data extraction errors and warnings

unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on

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unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on

ana (Akkadian preposition) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: ana

eli (Akkadian preposition) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: eli

umma (Akkadian particle) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: umma

ina (Akkadian preposition) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: ina

lū (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: lū

adi (Akkadian preposition) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: adi

patrum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: patrum

mutum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: mutum

kī (Akkadian preposition) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: kī

anāku (Akkadian pronoun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: anāku

mannum (Akkadian pronoun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: mannum

ša (Akkadian pronoun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: ša

asum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: asum

ilum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: ilum

šamû (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: šamû

bītum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: bītum

awīlum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: awīlum

bēltum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: bēltum

bēlum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: bēlum

kanākum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: kanākum

ālum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: ālum

amtum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: amtum

abum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: abum

ḫurāṣum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: ḫurāṣum

kaspum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: kaspum

mārtum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: mārtum

qaqqadum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: qaqqadum

šarratum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: šarratum

mārum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: mārum

šarrum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: šarrum

wardum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: wardum

ṣābum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: ṣābum

aššatum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: aššatum

emūqum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: emūqum

īnum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: īnum

išdum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: išdum

libbum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: libbum

šīpātum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: šīpātum

nārum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: nārum

ṭuppum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: ṭuppum

uznum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: uznum

ištu (Akkadian preposition) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: ištu

ištu (Akkadian conjunction) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: ištu

damāqum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: damāqum

mātum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: mātum

kašādum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: kašādum

aḫum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: aḫum

pûm (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: pûm

alpum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: alpum

šamnum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: šamnum

akalum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: akalum

matqum (Akkadian adjective) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: matqum

šikarum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: šikarum

kakkum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: kakkum

appum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: appum

napištum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: napištum

malkum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: malkum

šalāmum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: šalāmum

qištum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: qištum

maḫāṣum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: maḫāṣum

mār mārim (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: mār mārim

damqum (Akkadian adjective) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: damqum

maqātum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: maqātum

marāṣum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: marāṣum

ṣabātum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: ṣabātum

šakānum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: šakānum

qātum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: qātum

eqlum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: eqlum

balāṭum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: balāṭum

balāṭum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: balāṭum

gamārum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: gamārum

maḫārum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: maḫārum

eṭlum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: eṭlum

dannum (Akkadian adjective) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: dannum

tamkārum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: tamkārum

šaptum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: šaptum

burāšum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: burāšum

ikkarum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: ikkarum

ṣalmum (Akkadian adjective) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: ṣalmum

ṣalmum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: ṣalmum

lābum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: lābum

sīsûm (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: sīsûm

amārum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: amārum

malāḫum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: malāḫum

kalûm (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: kalûm

šadûm (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: šadûm

šadûm (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: šadûm

kimtum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: kimtum

narkabtum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: narkabtum

ḫarrānum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: ḫarrānum

kīma (Akkadian preposition) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: kīma

kīma (Akkadian conjunction) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: kīma

rubātum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: rubātum

rē'ûm (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: rē'ûm

annûm (Akkadian adjective) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: annûm

maḫrum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: maḫrum

libittum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: libittum

dūrum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: dūrum

inbum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: inbum

ezēbum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: ezēbum

sāsum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: sāsum

tittum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: tittum

danniš (Akkadian adverb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: danniš

šiqdum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: šiqdum

petûm (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: petûm

ašrum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: ašrum

errēšum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: errēšum

mītum (Akkadian adjective) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: mītum

mâtum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: mâtum

nâḫum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: nâḫum

šanānum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: šanānum

maṣûm (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: maṣûm

kīnum (Akkadian adjective) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: kīnum

waṣûm (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: waṣûm

nasāḫum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: nasāḫum

šeleppûm (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: šeleppûm

amurrum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: amurrum

šārum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: šārum

Amurrum (Akkadian proper noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: Amurrum

ṣiāḫum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: ṣiāḫum

šuāti (Akkadian pronoun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: šuāti

šebērum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: šebērum

šēlebum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: šēlebum

ṣillum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: ṣillum

targumannum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: targumannum

pūtum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: pūtum

arnum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: arnum

tīlum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: tīlum

bīt ilim (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: bīt ilim

wabālum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: wabālum

edûm (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: edûm

lē'um (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: lē'um

erretum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: erretum

šaḫāṭum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: šaḫāṭum

pušqum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: pušqum

rabûm (Akkadian adjective) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: rabûm

rīmum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: rīmum

šanûm (Akkadian adjective) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: šanûm

bānûm (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: bānûm

sikkatum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: sikkatum

dalālum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: dalālum

kânum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: kânum

šiṭrum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: šiṭrum

tiāmtum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: tiāmtum

šaṭārum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: šaṭārum

bašûm (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: bašûm

qīštum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: qīštum

qiāšum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: qiāšum

siparrum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: siparrum

išûm (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: išûm

kārum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: kārum

naṣārum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: naṣārum

akkadûm (Akkadian adjective) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: akkadûm

pašāḫum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: pašāḫum

izuzzum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: izuzzum

ūmišam (Akkadian adverb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: ūmišam

serdum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: serdum

titūrum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: titūrum

kurûm (Akkadian adjective) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: kurûm

mīnum (Akkadian pronoun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: mīnum

šapārum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: šapārum

šiprum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: šiprum

râmum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: râmum

ḫadûm (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: ḫadûm

šasûm (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: šasûm

rigmum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: rigmum

ṭepûm (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: ṭepûm

ûm (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: ûm

še'um (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: še'um

sāmum (Akkadian adjective) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: sāmum

māšum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: māšum

gamālum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: gamālum

le'ûm (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: le'ûm

peṣûm (Akkadian adjective) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: peṣûm

narūqum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: narūqum

ramānum (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: ramānum

madādum (Akkadian verb) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: madādum

kitûm (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: kitûm

Sîn (Akkadian noun) unrecognized head form: from Old Akkadian on Path: Sîn

This page is a part of the machine-readable All languages combined dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2024-09-22 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2024-09-20 using wiktextract (af5c55c and 66545a6). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.