Category disambiguation evaluation against manual reference

This page shows the results from evaluating Category disambiguations against reference data that was annotated manually. Only words that had at least two alternatives in the disambiguation are included (for the others the result should be unambiguous). Thus, the correct percentage in the resulting data is much higher than this due to the many unambigious cases.

Latest Category evaluation

In the current data set, 0/1 cases (0.00%) were disambiguated correctly for all senses.

XXX TODO: trend data is collected, but graph is not yet generated

Error details

No errors.

Senses that could no longer be found using senseid

DruzeEnglishDruze-en-name-M3seg1AMA secretive religious community based mainly in the Middle East, specifically Lebanon, Syria, and Israel.
DruzeEnglishDruze-en-noun-IfvauEbcA member of this community.
DruzeEnglishDruze-en-adj-QIiMpPzpOf, relating to, or to this religious community.
batfishEnglishbatfish-en-noun-zZV1dGr7Any of several anglerfish of the family Ogcocephalidae
batfishEnglishbatfish-en-noun-QuRaGwjzAny of several spade-shaped, laterally compressed, reef-dwelling tropical fish of the genus Platax.
أذن الأرنبArabicأذن_الأرنب-ar-noun-fo9Inb1Psowbread (Cyclamen spp., especially Cyclamen latifolium the leaves of which are filled and eaten as rolls, the roots are used for saponin)
أذن الأرنبArabicأذن_الأرنب-ar-noun-8f-sZFa9rabbit ears (Ruttya fruticosa)
creditingEnglishcrediting-en-verb-ihPiA8dCpresent participle of credit
creditingEnglishcrediting-en-noun-J8NbZfzFThe act of making a credit in accounting.
departamentoSpanishdepartamento-es-noun-BrtTBpc5apartment, flat
werbenGermanwerben-de-verb-Wxk5S0Joto recruit; to enlist
werbenGermanwerben-de-verb-satAx5Geto promote, advertise
werbenGermanwerben-de-verb-amO9BUzNto attract, to woo
AfricaEnglishAfrica-en-name-en:Q15The continent that is south of Europe, east of the Atlantic Ocean, west of the Indian Ocean and north of Antarctica.
AfricaEnglishAfrica-en-name-yLDO3XRRsub-Saharan Africa
AfricaEnglishAfrica-en-name-GF05OghjA province of the Roman Empire containing what is now modern Tunisia and portions of Libya.
AfricaEnglishAfrica-en-name-Jt5m.83JA surname​.
warzywnikPolishwarzywnik-pl-noun-qddHMiUUvegetable grower; vegetable farmer
warzywnikPolishwarzywnik-pl-noun-5a5Bhdl2vegetable garden
áchVietnameseách-vi-verb-4nsKr2ixto stop
ܦܠܚܬܐClassical Syriacܦܠܚܬܐ-syc-noun-lhflBYOqservant, attendant, agent, minister
ܦܠܚܬܐClassical Syriacܦܠܚܬܐ-syc-noun-C3Ttf.Irartisan
ܦܠܚܬܐClassical Syriacܦܠܚܬܐ-syc-noun-4MCMKx9Tsoldier
ܦܠܚܬܐClassical Syriacܦܠܚܬܐ-syc-noun-WeXHC-02worker, peasant
ܦܠܚܬܐClassical Syriacܦܠܚܬܐ-syc-noun-a6TWexNavintner
ܦܠܚܬܐClassical Syriacܦܠܚܬܐ-syc-noun-4Bz.M8fXworshipper
ܦܠܚܬܐClassical Syriacܦܠܚܬܐ-syc-noun-h-unbn8xworker
ܦܠܚܬܐClassical Syriacܦܠܚܬܐ-syc-noun-OnVsQFg6tiller, cultivator, farmer, agriculturalist
ܦܠܚܬܐClassical Syriacܦܠܚܬܐ-syc-noun-GOnz6Ok6vintner, vinedresser
ܦܠܚܬܐClassical Syriacܦܠܚܬܐ-syc-noun-4Bz.M8fX1worshipper
ܦܠܚܬܐClassical Syriacܦܠܚܬܐ-syc-noun-CVIJX3KFkind of plaster
সারBengaliসার-bn-noun-8eAAvXq5pith, essence
সারBengaliসার-bn-noun-v2C3M90Kstrength, vigour, firmness
সারBengaliসার-bn-noun-zZUv9DV5manure, dung, fertilizer
Chinese田-zh-character-jYczVurWfield (area rich in mineral reserves)
Chinese田-zh-character-QO6WG6H-to till land; to cultivate
Chinese田-zh-character-Di39lovHto hunt
Chinese田-zh-character-Jt5m.83JA surname​.
Chinese田-zh-character-Ip50RACgpaddy field; wet field
Chinese田-zh-character-NBdvmtasfarmland in general; field
耕耘Japanese耕耘-ja-noun-93RBBIiVplowing and weeding
耕耘Japanese耕耘-ja-verb-U3TpVAQVto plow and weed
𐌰𐍃𐌰𐌽𐍃Gothic𐌰𐍃𐌰𐌽𐍃-got-noun-got:Q889514harvest (yield of harvesting)
𐌰𐍃𐌰𐌽𐍃Gothic𐌰𐍃𐌰𐌽𐍃-got-noun-7gR1w55fharvest (season of gathering the ripened crop)
𐌰𐍃𐌰𐌽𐍃Gothic𐌰𐍃𐌰𐌽𐍃-got-noun-got:Q1313summer (hottest season)
thởVietnamesethở-vi-verb-X-bWLOpmto breathe out; to exhale
thởVietnamesethở-vi-verb-s1u-KwnAto breathe
droneNorwegian Nynorskdrone-nn-noun-Hp-Zmh.Wdrone (male bee)
droneNorwegian Nynorskdrone-nn-noun-kKldYUSodrone (unmanned aircraft)
hecklerEnglishheckler-en-noun-Ht2np.hSOne who heckles; somebody who insults, makes fun of, or teases.
hecklerEnglishheckler-en-noun-k1LV2QzjAn aircraft flying attack missions at night.
hecklerEnglishheckler-en-noun-HjtnvD0zAlternative form of hackler (“worker who separates flax”)
coscorrónSpanishcoscorrón-es-noun-u03p779cnoogie (US)
coscorrónSpanishcoscorrón-es-noun-ms4D8-0Calcoholic beverage, usually tequila, mixed with soda and served in a little thin glass that is consumed in one shot after hitting the bottom of the glass against the table
貪杯Chinese貪杯-zh-verb-gAHT9wlpto drink to excess; to binge-drink
貪杯Chinese貪杯-zh-verb-HhRJXPSGto be excessively fond of drinking; to have a predilection for alcohol
روثةArabicروثة-ar-noun-8LcK0b3Esingulative of رَوْث‎ (rawṯ, “sharn”)
روثةArabicروثة-ar-noun-5nHc3LJ8narrow-leaved saltwort (Nitrosalsola vermiculata, syns. Salsola villosa, Salsola vermiculata)
amoebiasisEnglishamoebiasis-en-noun-nJLAqjRdDisease associated with the presence of amoebas.
amoebiasisEnglishamoebiasis-en-noun-v2MJV9RMAny of various such diseases; most especially
amoebiasisEnglishamoebiasis-en-noun-vBptWRYBAn infectious disease caused by the parasitic protozoan Entamoeba histolytica; amoebic dysentery.
pererecaPortugueseperereca-pt-noun-ShWroACitree frog (frog of the family Hylidae)
pererecaPortugueseperereca-pt-noun-VyQI4PQgfemale genitals; vagina
ၜိုပ်Monၜိုပ်-mnw-noun-kP2K7e8Ran equivalent for Pali haṃsa / swan
ၜိုပ်Monၜိုပ်-mnw-noun-SjkALe7tan equivalent for Pali haṃsa / goose, duck
clovenMiddle Englishcloven-enm-verb-gO-oG-1upast participle of cleven (“to split”)
clovenMiddle Englishcloven-enm-adj-sWenbqDaSplit, cloven, separated, divided (used of anatomical features)
colannScottish Gaeliccolann-gd-noun-Iw2DWNyObody
colannScottish Gaeliccolann-gd-noun-y423867rflesh
colannScottish Gaeliccolann-gd-noun-pn7j1UA-carcass
fingerdocceOld Englishfingerdocce-ang-noun-x.TxUnUIfinger muscles
fingerdocceOld Englishfingerdocce-ang-noun-IqIWLimffoxglove Digitalis purpurea
fuvuSwahilifuvu-sw-noun-b-bcb99ga skull (bone of human head)
fuvuSwahilifuvu-sw-noun-DQXzzrCla shell (casing)
hakeNorwegian Bokmålhake-nb-noun-z0aZFwFia chin (bottom of the face)
hakeNorwegian Bokmålhake-nb-noun-Bkgpi0i-hook
hakeNorwegian Bokmålhake-nb-noun-cfzkQzM3barb
hakeNorwegian Bokmålhake-nb-noun-TgmcOP4Gcalk
hakeNorwegian Bokmålhake-nb-noun-uiuZWcHucatch, drawback
lymeMiddle Englishlyme-enm-noun-enm:limborgan, body part
lymeMiddle Englishlyme-enm-noun-k1Hc7rfOlimb, extremity of the body
lymeMiddle Englishlyme-enm-noun-pI4P-x.DAn extremity, branch, or extension.
lymeMiddle Englishlyme-enm-noun-NkawlhgjA good Christian.
lymeMiddle Englishlyme-enm-noun-S3SLV0--A devoted member of any other cause.
lymeMiddle Englishlyme-enm-noun-enm:quicklimelime, quicklime
lymeMiddle Englishlyme-enm-noun-bPd8-fsbbirdlime
lymeMiddle Englishlyme-enm-noun-AcTKBaTTmortar, grout
natisLatinnatis-la-noun-b7-Ln7Qirump, buttocks
natisLatinnatis-la-verb-BJT495qSdative masculine plural of nātus
natisLatinnatis-la-verb-TIjKZ0Zgdative feminine plural of nātus
natisLatinnatis-la-verb-XDnKhIEzdative neuter plural of nātus
natisLatinnatis-la-verb--O3PvvOjablative masculine plural of nātus
natisLatinnatis-la-verb-HOP8UTOtablative feminine plural of nātus
natisLatinnatis-la-verb-AxoMzFHKablative neuter plural of nātus
rũgaKikuyurũga-ki-noun-dacAWKAUsinew, tendon
teřichCzechteřich-cs-noun-b2A1rV9Vpaunch, potbelly
Japanese毛-ja-character-g6802yw2hair, fur
Japanese毛-ja-noun-g6802yw2hair, fur
Japanese毛-ja-noun-CSnziwIxone thousandth / one thousandth of a 寸 (sun) (approximately 0.0303 mm)
Japanese毛-ja-noun-Mv1mTtaAone thousandth / one thousandth of a 匁 (monme) (exactly 3.75 mg)
Japanese毛-ja-noun-L5PLgPAKone thousandth / one thousandth of a 割 (wari) (0.01 percent)
𐌷𐌻𐌴𐌹𐌳𐌿𐌼𐌰Gothic𐌷𐌻𐌴𐌹𐌳𐌿𐌼𐌰-got-adj-got:Q13196750left (west side of the body when one is facing north)
𐌷𐌻𐌴𐌹𐌳𐌿𐌼𐌰Gothic𐌷𐌻𐌴𐌹𐌳𐌿𐌼𐌰-got-adj-SAiGwyPnleft (left hand; the left side)
platónicoSpanishplatónico-es-adj-a0Z6keHsPlatonic (of or relating to Plato and/or his philosophical doctrines)
platónicoSpanishplatónico-es-adj-Ph16mtUIplatonic (non-sexual)
エルサレムJapaneseエルサレム-ja-name-er53W6akJerusalem (the claimed (and de-facto) capital city of Israel; the claimed capital city of Palestine)
エルサレムJapaneseエルサレム-ja-name-bTbF9s3zKingdom of Jerusalem (former Crusader kingdom of the 12th and 13th centuries, in modern-day Israel and Palestine)
kvestoroEsperantokvestoro-eo-noun-ivg7Q87Mquaestor; a Roman public official
baenawtäkiKhumi Chinbaenawtäki-cnk-noun-xRJxyF.lbuffalo horn
baenawtäkiKhumi Chinbaenawtäki-cnk-noun-lUMJjxcEhorn
gaysaAfargaysa-aa-noun-mT6VxyaRbow (weapon)
kotwiczkaPolishkotwiczka-pl-noun-ti1PugOXDiminutive of kotwica.
różekPolishróżek-pl-noun-43tVKPBzDiminutive of róg
różekPolishróżek-pl-noun-5mDFJHDEsmall horn (growth on the heads of certain animals)
stifleEnglishstifle-en-verb-HJKCOjmeTo make (an animal or person) unconscious or cause (an animal or person) death by preventing breathing; to smother, to suffocate.
stifleEnglishstifle-en-verb-wihMHzb6To cause (someone) difficulty in breathing, or a choking or gagging feeling.
stifleEnglishstifle-en-verb-l7V4T.QUTo prevent (a breath, cough, or cry, or the voice, etc.) from being released from the throat.
stifleEnglishstifle-en-verb-LjMabW8MTo make (something) unable to be heard by blocking it with some medium.
stifleEnglishstifle-en-verb-OFIbpzKoTo keep in, hold back, or repress (something).
stifleEnglishstifle-en-verb-yIhbsLGDTo prevent (something) from being revealed; to conceal, to hide, to suppress.
stifleEnglishstifle-en-verb-UhHsfxABTo treat (a silkworm cocoon) with steam as part of the process of silk production.
stifleEnglishstifle-en-verb-M2Bum5TkTo die of suffocation.
stifleEnglishstifle-en-verb-Zywzu38.To feel smothered; to find it difficult to breathe.
stifleEnglishstifle-en-noun-aWD3C3uDAn act or state of being stifled.
stifleEnglishstifle-en-noun-MtwBkmSAThe joint between the femur and tibia in the hind leg of various four-legged mammals, especially horses, corresponding to the knee in humans.
stifleEnglishstifle-en-noun-5Z9Abg4pA bone disease of this region.
stifleEnglishstifle-en-verb-zf4YfQC2To cause (a dog, horse, or other four-legged mammal) to dislocate or sprain its stifle joint.
brummogHungarianbrummog-hu-verb-VKJDZPD1to growl (to utter a deep guttural sound, as a bear or certain other animals)
brummogHungarianbrummog-hu-verb-R7SYRidKto growl (to produce a low-pitched rumbling sound)
brummogHungarianbrummog-hu-verb-sImo5shOto growl (to speak in a low-pitched voice)
brummogHungarianbrummog-hu-verb-WyZs9hkato growl (to utter something in a low-pitched voice)
rerdMiddle Englishrerd-enm-noun-QK0e93DMA sound of talking; heard speech; a voice.
rerdMiddle Englishrerd-enm-noun-tJdWl0PfA yelling or screeching sound; a yelp.
rerdMiddle Englishrerd-enm-noun-Ud86mOPLA loud noise or clamour.
కిలకిలTeluguకిలకిల-te-noun-3ZqZl6lesound of laughter.
కిలకిలTeluguకిలకిల-te-noun-shnDqQ9hchirping of birds.
fuglurFaroesefuglur-fo-noun-uCY863Optwo of hearts
camomileEnglishcamomile-en-noun--ZaNW5mTComposite plant with a fragrance reminiscent of apples: / Matricaria recutita (formerly known as Matricaria chamomilla), German chamomile or Hungarian chamomile, with fragrant flowers used for tea, and as an herbal remedy.
camomileEnglishcamomile-en-noun-5r6sBEvMComposite plant with a fragrance reminiscent of apples: / Chamaemelum nobile (formerly Anthemis nobilis), English chamomile or Roman chamomile, a ground cover with fragrant foliage.
camomileEnglishcamomile-en-noun-TKqkjj-5Any of several other similar plants. (See below)
camomileEnglishcamomile-en-noun-XF5OutJeShort for camomile tea.
sisiyQuechuasisiy-qu-verb-Hc7q6Jqrto spread; to propagate
sisiyQuechuasisiy-qu-verb-XI8rdxdfto assemble in large numbers to undertake a task
lerthAlbanianlerth-sq-noun-Pnl4YiHoivy (Hedera helix)
lerthAlbanianlerth-sq-noun-dPWpGCaifield garlic (Allium oleraceum)
estéticaSpanishestética-es-noun-I-OnCfWrhair salon, beauty shop
estéticaSpanishestética-es-adj-MoZ.rFLVfeminine singular of estético
pulchritudoLatinpulchritudo-la-noun-a7QSQyAbbeauty, attractiveness
pulchritudoLatinpulchritudo-la-noun-pfIdktG.a beautiful thing
գումարեմOld Armenianգումարեմ-xcl-verb-NHbpcnhqto assemble; to convoke; to gather together
գումարեմOld Armenianգումարեմ-xcl-verb-9j2tPedtto add, sum
գումարեմOld Armenianգումարեմ-xcl-verb-DRhwibzbto assemble together, gather together
գումարեմOld Armenianգումարեմ-xcl-verb-H-c62nB9to be astonished, amazed, surprised, confused
بلوتوArabicبلوتو-ar-name-lcY674s8Pluto (dwarf planet)
FMAEnglishFMA-en-name-X55K6Vk5Initialism of Filipino martial arts.
FMAEnglishFMA-en-name-zw9Bica6Abbreviation of Fullmetal Alchemist (“manga and anime series”).
Christmas bellsEnglishChristmas_bells-en-noun-IDVQdnsDA common name for sandersonias, native to South Africa.
Christmas bellsEnglishChristmas_bells-en-noun-UcKQCpNYA plant in genus Blandfordia, flowering plants native to Australia.
desert candleEnglishdesert_candle-en-noun-s5b4PK3fEremurus gen. et spp.
desert candleEnglishdesert_candle-en-noun-pRYTDpXvCaulanthus inflatus
desert candleEnglishdesert_candle-en-noun-OosumVTxEuphorbia abyssinica
шырышKazakhшырыш-kk-noun-Ym1Cj4XAfoxtail lily, Eremurus
EridianEnglishEridian-en-adj-NRcn4xuzOf or pertaining to the dwarf planet Eris.
EridianEnglishEridian-en-noun-A-WEQ0QTa theoretical inhabitant of the dwarf planet Eris
yá’ałníí’Navajoyá’ałníí’-nv-noun-EdorO.n0the zenith
yá’ałníí’Navajoyá’ałníí’-nv-noun-x89Jny4Xthe center of the heavens
bowlerEnglishbowler-en-noun-zLfcVSBJOne who engages in the sport of bowling.
bowlerEnglishbowler-en-noun-3cwGnewOThe player currently bowling.
bowlerEnglishbowler-en-noun-KquPs0S.A player selected mainly for his bowling ability.
bowlerEnglishbowler-en-noun-CVLQjoQUThe pitcher.
bowlerEnglishbowler-en-noun-bbz54kqjA bowler hat; a round black hat formerly popular among British businessmen.
برقPersianبرق-fa-noun-cvRAgjmPbrilliance, glint, flash, sparkle
برقPersianبرق-fa-noun-mNw4YMtbglaze, sheen
rain manEnglishrain_man-en-noun-D1jdrwnxAn autistic, or mentally and/or socially impaired person.
rain manEnglishrain_man-en-noun-sMXyc7cqA non-autistic or impaired person whose mannerisms are similar to such people.
rain manEnglishrain_man-en-noun-Y1sKdJwGAn expert at something.
rain manEnglishrain_man-en-noun-AVzFvf07A man who is believed to have power to control the rain.
rain manEnglishrain_man-en-noun-vTzgm5WpA spirit of the rain.
uitlaatDutchuitlaat-nl-noun-1CpKnoyRexhaust, system through which burned gases, steam etc. are vented or otherwise discharged; especially used for a car exhaust
uitlaatDutchuitlaat-nl-noun-5QpaVhiTany outlet, to relieve pressure, literally and figuratively
uitlaatDutchuitlaat-nl-verb-KUxxfp.Ffirst-, second- and third-person singular present indicative of uitlaten (when using a subclause)
گازPersianگاز-fa-noun-VAVujNwGgas, vapour
گازPersianگاز-fa-noun-2MqWNOJKaccelerator (accelerator pedal)
SelbstfahrerGermanSelbstfahrer-de-noun-AkDMZaWZa person who drives his or her own vehicle, rather than being driven by a chauffeur
SelbstfahrerGermanSelbstfahrer-de-noun-Kofu-klKan elevator that is operated by the passengers themselves, without the need for an elevator operator
SelbstfahrerGermanSelbstfahrer-de-noun-NphfCvSsany vehicle that a physically disabled person can operate without assistance
SelbstfahrerGermanSelbstfahrer-de-noun-R38F3lUnan automobile
put the pedal to the metalEnglishput_the_pedal_to_the_metal-en-verb-z-4tD73cTo press the gas pedal to the maximum extent.
put the pedal to the metalEnglishput_the_pedal_to_the_metal-en-verb-cDjjAOCwTo exert maximum effort.
стартерRussianстартер-ru-noun-yliXHOLbstarter (electric motor that starts an internal-combustion engine)
стартерRussianстартер-ru-noun-6V3ovJpZstarter (person who gives the signal to start)
MosquitoEnglishMosquito-en-name-fwW7.-xYA settlement in Newfoundland and Labrador
MosquitoEnglishMosquito-en-noun-wCzvB1CoThe De Havilland Mosquito, a Second World War military aircraft.
MosquitoEnglishMosquito-en-noun-fk8k4hp.Archaic form of Miskito.
WelpeGermanWelpe-de-noun-89INYPbXpuppy (male or of unspecified sex) (young dog)
WelpeGermanWelpe-de-noun-f5DwLNbBcub (male or of unspecified sex) (young of several wild animals)
arcIrisharc-ga-noun-HeJSS7gNdiminutive animal or person
arcIrisharc-ga-noun-s8SlXl-fAlternative form of earc (“lizard; reptile”)
leoncinoItalianleoncino-it-noun-fyyUOap8lion cub
leoncinoItalianleoncino-it-noun-U5gVaq8Lsmall lion
แบงก์Thaiแบงก์-th-noun-UZq0GLn4bank (financial institution).
TalisayCebuanoTalisay-ceb-name-YtLP-dtaA city in Cebu, Philippines
TalisayCebuanoTalisay-ceb-name-gYjLarkaa barangay in Santander, Cebu
PoblacionCebuanoPoblacion-ceb-name-jaTNmrZoa barangay in Aloguinsan, Cebu, Philippines
PoblacionCebuanoPoblacion-ceb-name-z4E0gcpRa barangay in Lambayong, Sultan Kudarat
PoblacionCebuanoPoblacion-ceb-name-twcmsvXaa barangay in Toledo, Cebu
PoblacionCebuanoPoblacion-ceb-name-ESHT8ubpa barangay in Samboan, Cebu
PoblacionCebuanoPoblacion-ceb-name-s5PSFgJJa barangay in Cordova, Cebu
barCzechbar-cs-noun-SR9UdNJRbar (a business selling beverages)
barCzechbar-cs-noun-SZCPE4Nvbar (the counter of such a premises)
barCzechbar-cs-noun-WM.MjsnQbar (a cabinet used to store alcoholic drinks in a private house or a hotel room)
barCzechbar-cs-noun-A.mdlyykbar, a non-SI unit of pressure equal to 100,000 pascals
unlanCebuanounlan-ceb-noun-MsOldjopa pillow; a soft cushion used to support the head in bed
unlanCebuanounlan-ceb-verb-TZ.D41Zsto lay one's head on a pillow or onto something used similar to a pillow
ludLower Sorbianlud-dsb-noun-pJuY.C2cpeople (group of persons forming or belonging to a particular nation etc.)
ludLower Sorbianlud-dsb-noun-ZfH3sDhIbee colony
billfishEnglishbillfish-en-noun-vaWKBFCPAny of several fish, of the families Istiophoridae and Xiphiidae, that have an elongated jaw.
billfishEnglishbillfish-en-noun-gqe6RuCyOther fish with elongated jaws: / gars (Lepisosteidae)
billfishEnglishbillfish-en-noun-mGBhSUtCOther fish with elongated jaws: / saury (Scomberesocidae)
billfishEnglishbillfish-en-noun-1zU83YtmOther fish with elongated jaws: / silver gar (Strongylura maritima, Belonidae)
billfishEnglishbillfish-en-noun-igUWf-R9Other fish with elongated jaws: / northern pipefish (Syngnathus fuscus, Syngnathidae)
tarnośliwaPolishtarnośliwa-pl-noun-kUcfv2sfblackthorn (Prunus spinosa)
tarnośliwaPolishtarnośliwa-pl-noun-IMljo1M2sloe (fruit of Prunus spinosa)
vadszederHungarianvadszeder-hu-noun-16jjAsFvblackberry (a fruit-bearing shrub of the species Rubus fruticosus)
vadszederHungarianvadszeder-hu-noun-wNxauvZbblackberry (the soft fruit borne by this shrub, formed of a black (when ripe) cluster of drupelets)
sodaSpanishsoda-es-noun-F6BdDRwisoda (soft drink)
sodaSpanishsoda-es-noun-ATrXyzJjsoda (sodium hydroxide)
sodaSpanishsoda-es-noun-6s974KeScheap, casual restaurant
алкохолMacedonianалкохол-mk-noun-B4CKtiNxalcohol (organic chemistry sense)
алкохолMacedonianалкохол-mk-noun-nl9LsCBZalcohol, alcoholic drink (intoxicating beverage)
evangeliumNorwegian Bokmålevangelium-nb-noun-I98DLi8jgospel (the teachings of Jesus Christ)
evangeliumNorwegian Bokmålevangelium-nb-noun-xB20mO-MGospel (one of the first four books of the New Testament)
ЖүсіпKazakhЖүсіп-kk-name-yIMwZdmtA male given name from Arabic, Yusuf
ЖүсіпKazakhЖүсіп-kk-name-sNJUxl4nYusuf, a prophet in Islam, equivalent to Joseph (see Joseph in Islam)
ܒܥܠܕܒܒܐClassical Syriacܒܥܠܕܒܒܐ-syc-noun-1pCvEAlVenemy, adversary
ܒܥܠܕܒܒܐClassical Syriacܒܥܠܕܒܒܐ-syc-noun-Ht4y7YTUaccuser
ܒܥܠܕܒܒܐClassical Syriacܒܥܠܕܒܒܐ-syc-name-8oGAE0rcBeelzebub, the Devil
AbrahamMiddle EnglishAbraham-enm-name-ruXx5hBZAbraham (prophet)
AbrahamMiddle EnglishAbraham-enm-name-47Pm6euwA male given name from Hebrew, equivalent to English Abraham.
AdamNorwegianAdam-no-name-xXweXwVVAdam (biblical figure)
AdamNorwegianAdam-no-name-yDfLNrGiA male given name.
AdanCebuanoAdan-ceb-name-qrB7TwYpa male given name from Hebrew
AdanCebuanoAdan-ceb-noun-h-RdzeGna man
DinaNorwegianDina-no-name-fkdna2KgDinah (biblical character)
DinaNorwegianDina-no-name-DqvGaOONA female given name of biblical origin, also short for names like Bernhardine.
EvaCzechEva-cs-name-jIvIU3KCEve (wife of Adam)
EvaCzechEva-cs-name-b1svBRzJA female given name.
MariaDanishMaria-da-name-YxKCG8izMary (Biblical character)
MariaDanishMaria-da-name-44it7l9BA female given name
PaulusLatinPaulus-la-name-eMnE.NtQA cognomen of the Aemilius clan.
PaulusLatinPaulus-la-name-uu31ooQiPaul (biblical character).
RafaelSwedishRafael-sv-name-VNWb7Ig6Raphael (biblical character)
RafaelSwedishRafael-sv-name-ZAu25887A male given name from Hebrew of biblical origin; sometimes used as a Christianized form of Ragnvald.
ClintonistEnglishClintonist-en-noun-qsB3OMwBA supporter of Hillary Clinton or Bill Clinton.
ClintonistEnglishClintonist-en-adj-CiKDs.UUPertaining to the politics of Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton or their supporters.
stymulacjaPolishstymulacja-pl-noun-N9vga4Xustimulation (pushing or goading toward action)
stymulacjaPolishstymulacja-pl-noun-gfTkHKQmstimulation (sensory input)
burungIndonesianburung-id-noun-KsVkuDx1bird (animal)
gangaEnglishganga-en-noun-8EbCdgz0The sandgrouse.
gangaEnglishganga-en-noun-DmxS5pJsAlternative form of ganja
gåsungeNorwegian Bokmålgåsunge-nb-noun-BhYz9NVza gosling (young goose)
gåsungeNorwegian Bokmålgåsunge-nb-noun-az4C832Pa catkin (on a pussy willow)
walaHausawala-ha-verb-DjQFg3.lto relax
ܩܪܩܣܐClassical Syriacܩܪܩܣܐ-syc-noun-qPCzl0-Ngreat vulture
ܩܪܩܣܐClassical Syriacܩܪܩܣܐ-syc-noun-y3o8G0kGraven, crow
ܩܪܩܣܐClassical Syriacܩܪܩܣܐ-syc-noun-dXkdUO7ljay, magpie
ܩܪܩܣܐClassical Syriacܩܪܩܣܐ-syc-noun-UphdkCyvchess pieces; draughts, checkers
ܩܪܩܣܐClassical Syriacܩܪܩܣܐ-syc-noun-6iaZ4XKYdriftwood
მამალიGeorgianმამალი-ka-noun-ToIGkkr0male animal, bird or insect
მამალიGeorgianმამალი-ka-noun-0GmjQ1Wacock, rooster
gladaSwedishglada-sv-adj-NDSf-h8Aabsolute singular definite and plural form of glad.
gladaSwedishglada-sv-noun-V49ODIOva kite (bird)
káněCzechkáně-cs-noun-VcqxckEIbuzzard chick
اسودMalayاسود-ms-adj-5EPpLOIQJawi spelling of aswad
اسودMalayاسود-ms-noun-5EPpLOIQJawi spelling of aswad
turkoosiFinnishturkoosi-fi-adj-ccZOvYs-Of turquoise colour.
turkoosiFinnishturkoosi-fi-noun-7ItTEwb7A turquoise.
turkoosiFinnishturkoosi-fi-noun-KAfzGf7EThe turquoise colour.
mjesečnicaSerbo-Croatianmjesečnica-sh-noun-qLfs6bFDsecured monthly wage
pooEnglishpoo-en-noun-ueJz4k6RAlternative spelling of pooh: an instance of saying "poo".
pooEnglishpoo-en-noun-OT7xHpZoA piece of feces or an act of defecation.
pooEnglishpoo-en-noun-thITdG2dCannabis resin.
pooEnglishpoo-en-verb-qGsHQfAvAlternative spelling of pooh: to say "poo".
pooEnglishpoo-en-verb-U4VrBKOpTo defecate.
pooEnglishpoo-en-verb-x0u0sDJ-To dirty something with feces.
pooEnglishpoo-en-intj-al5zpOgAAlternative spelling of pooh: Expressing dismissal, disgust, etc.
pooEnglishpoo-en-intj-vFAg8fhDExpressing annoyance, frustration, etc.: a minced oath for 'shit'.
pooEnglishpoo-en-noun-OOirzw3WShort for shampoo.
arsMiddle Englishars-enm-noun-rI3IauT0arse, anus
arsMiddle Englishars-enm-noun-Chkh8izvbottom, buttocks
arsMiddle Englishars-enm-noun-SaCeFLcRplural of art (“(area of) knowledge”)
agtangCebuanoagtang-ceb-noun-9IFFH4ZOthe forehead; the part of the face above the eyebrows and below the hairline
agtangCebuanoagtang-ceb-noun-aebXr02Mthe mons pubis
lapalapaCebuanolapalapa-ceb-noun-D.Gg6lOcthe sole of the foot
lapalapaCebuanolapalapa-ceb-noun-sJYW6qq2the bottom of a shoe or boot
ضهرSouth Levantine Arabicضهر-ajp-noun-sZjzzY5wnoon
ضهرSouth Levantine Arabicضهر-ajp-noun-1atjCzpnback (of the body)
flexEnglishflex-en-noun-tAv9zeG6Flexibility, pliancy.
flexEnglishflex-en-noun-X2BKRAxiThe or an act of flexing.
flexEnglishflex-en-noun-buDeDNu8Any flexible insulated electrical wiring.
flexEnglishflex-en-noun-DNvIcS3BFlexible ductwork, typically flexible plastic over a metal wire coil to shape a tube.
flexEnglishflex-en-noun-Ka1BkmTuA point of inflection.
flexEnglishflex-en-noun-s7EcyECPThe act of flaunting something; something one considers impressive.
flexEnglishflex-en-verb-8vFnUTuvTo bend something.
flexEnglishflex-en-verb-P010qs1RTo repeatedly bend one of one's joints.
flexEnglishflex-en-verb-JsB.mtxsTo move part of the body using one's muscles.
flexEnglishflex-en-verb-eTfyghSKTo tighten the muscles for display of size or strength.
flexEnglishflex-en-verb-syvuga3rTo flaunt one's superiority.
knihaCzechkniha-cs-noun-7R8CDgQabook (a collection of sheets of paper bound together to hinge at one edge)
knihaCzechkniha-cs-noun-4yDvhmZhbook (a major division of a published work)
knihaCzechkniha-cs-noun-jX5mtUgsomasum (the third portion in the stomach of a ruminant)
liberLatinliber-la-adj-la:freefree, independent, unrestricted, unchecked
liberLatinliber-la-adj-qtkji2qfopen (not decided or settled)
liberLatinliber-la-adj-Cm64.uFdunbiased (pertains to lawyers)
liberLatinliber-la-adj-xB5NdAiwexempt, void
liberLatinliber-la-noun-ND3o3pWUa child
liberLatinliber-la-noun-la:barkthe inner bark of a tree
liberLatinliber-la-verb--YCH7Uhtfirst-person singular present passive subjunctive of lībō
librarieMiddle Englishlibrarie-enm-noun-LaT3CMtRlibrary, reading room
librarieMiddle Englishlibrarie-enm-noun-mHa5jHNebookshelf, bookcase
librarieMiddle Englishlibrarie-enm-noun-GabDcKZuarchive, collection (of texts)
naaltsoosNavajonaaltsoos-nv-verb-t3WpGkQfSimple passive form of neiłtsoos (“a flat flexible object is being carried around”)
naaltsoosNavajonaaltsoos-nv-noun-wYcdKU2Npapers, documentation, printed material: / book
naaltsoosNavajonaaltsoos-nv-noun-9S6oqoMopapers, documentation, printed material: / encyclopedia
naaltsoosNavajonaaltsoos-nv-noun-ioTnbYMFpapers, documentation, printed material: / mail, letter, paper, page
naaltsoosNavajonaaltsoos-nv-noun-04mbFRNgpapers, documentation, printed material: / chart
naaltsoosNavajonaaltsoos-nv-noun-5bBgpdgXpapers, documentation, printed material: / transcript
naaltsoosNavajonaaltsoos-nv-noun-yDezIQRmpapers, documentation, printed material: / ballot
spineEnglishspine-en-noun-aBsbgrwJA series of bones situated at the back from the head to the pelvis of a human, or from the head to the tail of an animal, enclosing the spinal cord and providing support for the thorax and abdomen.
spineEnglishspine-en-noun-o7rNP2mPCourage or assertiveness.
spineEnglishspine-en-noun-AjZHLxz9Something resembling a backbone, such as a ridge, or a long, central structure from which other structures radiate.
spineEnglishspine-en-noun-DNDXoI9VThe narrow, bound edge of a book that encloses the inner edges of the pages, facing outwards when the book is on a shelf and typically bearing the title and the author's and publisher's name.
spineEnglishspine-en-noun-6FtYDwo0A pointed, fairly rigid protuberance or needlelike structure on an animal, shell, or plant.
spineEnglishspine-en-noun-71l5JA.EThe heartwood of trees.
spineEnglishspine-en-noun-u64Q6EZQEllipsis of dendritic spine.
spineEnglishspine-en-noun-VcsAQAt-A linear payscale operated by some large organizations that allows flexibility for local and specific conditions.
spineEnglishspine-en-noun-Z0FBEY90A tall mass of viscous lava extruded from a volcano.
spineEnglishspine-en-noun-QXqB4S0LThe stiffness of an arrow.
ܕܦܐClassical Syriacܕܦܐ-syc-noun-Qzk6zjFXpole, beam, plank, joist
ܕܦܐClassical Syriacܕܦܐ-syc-noun-S38NJsKgboard, tablet, table
ܕܦܐClassical Syriacܕܦܐ-syc-noun-9O9jR.WIdiptych
ܕܦܐClassical Syriacܕܦܐ-syc-noun-BgEg8Tzgleaf, page, column
ܕܦܐClassical Syriacܕܦܐ-syc-noun-t5YkKEZFbrook
geteeqSemaigeteeq-sea-noun-JBAxdJVdbark (of tree)
花冠Chinese花冠-zh-noun-ngZZM7Rpwreath; garland; crown
Kunigami葉-xug-character-aSXCb6z8Kun: ぱー (phā)
boiGalicianboi-gl-noun-OSXZTMnMox; sometimes bull
boiGalicianboi-gl-noun-hApD.PAubrown crab (Cancer pagurus)
кочанRussianкочан-ru-noun-Nf-EFYanhead of cabbage
кочанRussianкочан-ru-noun-pMy0oyxh(human) head, noggin
CheeriosEnglishCheerios-en-name-ptvOlz-yA toroidal toasted oat cereal made by General Mills.
CheeriosEnglishCheerios-en-noun-yBnHzwoFplural of Cheerio
weaningEnglishweaning-en-verb-vKUYVWoGpresent participle of wean
weaningEnglishweaning-en-noun-yf1dH1thThe (passive) process of a child or animal ceasing to be dependent on the mother for nourishment.
승복Korean승복-ko-noun-KPp64tWeacceptance, acknowledgement, concession (to a verdict, a result, a conclusion)
승복Korean승복-ko-noun-Bs6tViAuBuddhist monk's robes
ܓܦܐClassical Syriacܓܦܐ-syc-noun-EIZwcfqnarm(s), bosom
ܓܦܐClassical Syriacܓܦܐ-syc-noun-2tItZQOQwing, feather; fin
ܓܦܐClassical Syriacܓܦܐ-syc-noun-qcINpN3qarmful
ܓܦܐClassical Syriacܓܦܐ-syc-noun-XkERQ0oFell, fathom
ܓܦܐClassical Syriacܓܦܐ-syc-noun-1urOjRZ8house, hut
brógPolishbróg-pl-noun-hm9e0Dp9hay barrack
brógPolishbróg-pl-noun-xL.0hHXSrick, stack
sepulcroSpanishsepulcro-es-noun-OViK4L00grave, tomb
火葬Japanese火葬-ja-verb-7s7Glhj5to cremate
carobEnglishcarob-en-noun-GlhAK6nKAn evergreen shrub or tree, Ceratonia siliqua, native to the Mediterranean region.
carobEnglishcarob-en-noun-jHhRyI3CThe fruit of that tree.
carobEnglishcarob-en-noun-UZGL7STHA sweet chocolate-like confection made with the pulp of the fruit.
bignèItalianbignè-it-noun-uLPJhi9Ibeignet, fritter
bignèItalianbignè-it-noun-m8s5Rmvipuff (pastry)
bignèItalianbignè-it-noun-4LKLH8Phcream puff
charlotteFrenchcharlotte-fr-noun-La3DLCQRcharlotte (dessert)
charlotteFrenchcharlotte-fr-noun-1D5Sdu8uCharlotte hat, Charlotte bonnet, mob cap
kulørDanishkulør-da-noun-EQMqfY0Ncolor, colour
kulørDanishkulør-da-noun-tk-EtPCisuit (each of the sets of a pack of cards distinguished by color and/or specific emblems)
жандарSerbo-Croatianжандар-sh-noun-49kTYBjDknave, jack in playing cards
छक्काNepaliछक्का-ne-noun-lxZrAY2na male homosexual
छक्काNepaliछक्का-ne-noun-gD5S5dnZany set of six / sixer
छक्काNepaliछक्का-ne-noun-J0bUfklMany set of six / a six
छक्काNepaliछक्का-ne-noun-J0bUfklM1any set of six / a six
पन्जाNepaliपन्जा-ne-noun-JBYMbRykclaw, paw
पन्जाNepaliपन्जा-ne-noun-S28LSmfga five
trapEnglishtrap-en-noun-iW8KtMH9A machine or other device designed to catch (and sometimes kill) animals, either by holding them in a container, or by catching hold of part of the body.
trapEnglishtrap-en-noun-qynLCksMA trick or arrangement designed to catch someone in a more general sense; a snare.
trapEnglishtrap-en-noun-hlRPyTOSA covering over a hole or opening; a trapdoor.
trapEnglishtrap-en-noun-GAtb7PLWA kind of movable stepladder or set of stairs.
trapEnglishtrap-en-noun-ORxEauNXA wooden instrument shaped somewhat like a shoe, used in the game of trapball.
trapEnglishtrap-en-noun-n61AMC3uThe game of trapball itself.
trapEnglishtrap-en-noun-f2qUNBIZAny device used to hold and suddenly release an object.
trapEnglishtrap-en-noun-JYJ36WjEA bend, sag, or other device in a waste-pipe arranged so that the liquid contents form a seal which prevents the escape of noxious gases, but permits the flow of liquids.
trapEnglishtrap-en-noun-aSa9eIHfA place in a water pipe, pump, etc., where air accumulates for lack of an outlet.
trapEnglishtrap-en-noun-Ypg3plFfA successful landing on an aircraft carrier using the carrier's arresting gear.
trapEnglishtrap-en-noun-Bi04z3zAA light two-wheeled carriage with springs.
trapEnglishtrap-en-noun-Ym39mtR7A person's mouth.
trapEnglishtrap-en-noun-RGjDb7H7A cubicle (in a public toilet).
trapEnglishtrap-en-noun-EOb0plX1A geological structure that creates a petroleum reservoir.
trapEnglishtrap-en-noun-sXMck-3SAn exception generated by the processor or by an external event.
trapEnglishtrap-en-noun-0VEEKebxA mining license inspector during the Australian gold rush.
trapEnglishtrap-en-noun-en:AAVE_slangA vehicle, residential building, or sidewalk corner where drugs are manufactured, packaged, or sold.
trapEnglishtrap-en-noun-gG8jIKcpA fictional character from anime, or related media, who is coded as or has qualities typically associated with a gender other than the character's ostensible gender; otokonoko.
trapEnglishtrap-en-noun-8atQBlsSA genre of hip-hop music, with half-time drums and heavy sub-bass.
trapEnglishtrap-en-noun-n6LHjopgThe money earned by a prostitute for a pimp.
trapEnglishtrap-en-verb-N4XrKy-eTo physically capture, to catch in a trap or traps, or something like a trap.
trapEnglishtrap-en-verb-lnkC.SIhTo ensnare; to take by stratagem; to entrap.
trapEnglishtrap-en-verb-EdEAb.qiTo provide with a trap.
trapEnglishtrap-en-verb-sjg1jia1To set traps for game; to make a business of trapping game.
trapEnglishtrap-en-verb-PJB4UWcWTo successfully land an aircraft on an aircraft carrier using the carrier's arresting gear.
trapEnglishtrap-en-verb-ov18jendTo leave suddenly, to flee.
trapEnglishtrap-en-verb-69EKTJrATo sell illegal drugs, especially in a public area.
trapEnglishtrap-en-verb-VpQXU5g1To capture (e.g. an error) in order to handle or process it.
trapEnglishtrap-en-verb-ZoUkR1BKTo attend to and open and close a (trap-)door.
trapEnglishtrap-en-noun-iu-urPMDA dark coloured igneous rock, now used to designate any non-granitic igneous rock; trap rock.
trapEnglishtrap-en-verb-gud3NX8RTo dress with ornaments; to adorn (especially said of horses).
trapEnglishtrap-en-noun-mDSizQzEThe trapezius muscle.
bullheadEnglishbullhead-en-noun-egvErGnGany of a variety of related species of generally dark-colored catfish in the family Ictaluridae. / The black bullhead, Ameiurus melas.
bullheadEnglishbullhead-en-noun-Q9tk8iVVany of a variety of related species of generally dark-colored catfish in the family Ictaluridae. / The brown bullhead, Ameiurus nebulosus.
bullheadEnglishbullhead-en-noun-tgwCLXIfany of a variety of related species of generally dark-colored catfish in the family Ictaluridae. / The yellow bullhead, Ameiurus natalis.
bullheadEnglishbullhead-en-noun-Cvn.pZvgAny of various sculpins of the suborder Scorpaenoidei
bullheadEnglishbullhead-en-noun--ciHKKD4The European bullhead, Cottus gobio.
bullheadEnglishbullhead-en-noun-DLTOqmnPA fish of species Gobiomorphus gobioides.
bullheadEnglishbullhead-en-noun-4oquRWaKAn obstinate person.
bullheadEnglishbullhead-en-noun-bWgy3fLGA bullhead rail.
bullheadEnglishbullhead-en-noun-3pguL3gkA chronograph (watch or stopwatch) with two push buttons arranged like the horns of a bull on the top end of the case, typically with the crown between them.
bœufFrenchbœuf-fr-noun-18tSzn9Ijam session
bœufFrenchbœuf-fr-noun-R8XI.HvxA police officer; a pig.
vacaCatalanvaca-ca-noun-c7Dt2xO3torpedo (ray of the genus Torpedo)
vacaCatalanvaca-ca-noun-JBr9Yl-Fpainted comber (fish of species Serranus scriba)
agoutiEnglishagouti-en-noun-0bWFkiXdA rodent similar in appearance to a guinea pig but having longer legs, of the family Dasyprocta.
agoutiEnglishagouti-en-noun-CGj1KDFVA fur containing a pattern of pigmentation in which individual hairs have several bands of light and dark pigment with black tips; any of several genes responsible for this pigmentation.
branca ursinaPortuguesebranca_ursina-pt-noun-D3Sd-L87hogweed (an umbelliferous plant of the genus Heracleum)
branca ursinaPortuguesebranca_ursina-pt-noun-RpdDZoVVbear's breech (Acanthus mollis)
نوتيArabicنوتي-ar-noun-85wHpw8Qseaman, mariner, sailor
نوتيArabicنوتي-ar-noun-nE4xBFJtnautilus, a marine mollusc of a spiral shell
dauphinFrenchdauphin-fr-noun-QMf3sa1Tdolphin; the animal used as a charge
dauphinFrenchdauphin-fr-noun-m5xvSp.tsuccessor, dauphin
sireneEnglishsirene-en-noun-9mDQXExuA slightly crumbly brine cheese made of cow, sheep, and/or goat milk, similar to feta; popular in the Balkan peninsula.
sireneEnglishsirene-en-noun-V7KDdF2yAlternative spelling of siren
cadmioItaliancadmio-it-verb-UTfFK9OBfirst-person singular present indicative of cadmiare
neutraleItalianneutrale-it-noun-aQadYh.ha neutral
kingMiddle Englishking-enm-noun-c-N3gyAPking (monarch)
kingMiddle Englishking-enm-noun-yAEZgUUrking (chess piece)
петлеBulgarianпетле-bg-noun-IwAmTUbGDiminutive of пете́л (petél, “rooster”)
петлеBulgarianпетле-bg-noun-YugCKEuUmale chicken
петлеBulgarianпетле-bg-noun-1.lIKKtnfiring cock, hammer, striker (of firearms)
chamacoSpanishchamaco-es-noun-gjGPKVKPa boy or teenager; a male youth
chamacoSpanishchamaco-es-noun-MKzRblc0a kid (in general)
中文Chinese中文-zh-noun-vbbZigrLChinese (language) / written Chinese
中文Chinese中文-zh-noun-WLle36GWChinese (language) / spoken Chinese, including all dialects and varieties
PentarchieGermanPentarchie-de-name-DaBGLd-2the Pentarchy
popericheMiddle Englishpoperiche-enm-noun-iUZ5Gygbpapacy, position of a pope
popericheMiddle Englishpoperiche-enm-noun-2y7Xxs9npontificate, term of a pope
sermounMiddle Englishsermoun-enm-noun-phlP8kDSA (generally long and as a monologue) talk or speech by one person.
sermounMiddle Englishsermoun-enm-noun-H-kZ0teAA sermon; a religious speech (especially one by early Christians)
sermounMiddle Englishsermoun-enm-noun-Cuxo13LeThe religious sermons and proselytising done by early Christians.
sermounMiddle Englishsermoun-enm-noun-dOi8XLpjConversation, chatter; talking or conversing in general.
sermounMiddle Englishsermoun-enm-noun-S7wBp27COne's manner or way of talking or writing; the hallmarks of one's prose.
sermounMiddle Englishsermoun-enm-noun-Uu6wvy7fA text or piece of literature, especially one related to religion.
sermounMiddle Englishsermoun-enm-noun-GDsgi3ryA portion of a text devoted to a certain topic or domain.
sermounMiddle Englishsermoun-enm-noun-sch5DB6tA language; a form of speech used by a speech community.
یرمیاہUrduیرمیاہ-ur-name-6moch6.IBook of Jeremiah
یرمیاہUrduیرمیاہ-ur-name-MZQ5AaPaJeremiah, a prophet; author of the Book of Jeremiah and the Lamentations
यहेज़क़ेलHindiयहेज़क़ेल-hi-name-CSRxmC64Book of Ezekiel
यहेज़क़ेलHindiयहेज़क़ेल-hi-name-1WomWNPXEzekiel (Biblical prophet)
kerstboomDutchkerstboom-nl-noun-Kl4aKh7YA Christmas tree, a decorated tree set up during the Christmas holiday season.
kerstboomDutchkerstboom-nl-noun-EPaIL65wA species or variety of conifer that is usually decorated in this way.
ApsorusLatinApsorus-la-name-1fKHjbX-Lussino, an island situated off the Croatian coast
ApsorusLatinApsorus-la-name-Ckb3D23na city situated in this island, now Osor or Ossero
coteMiddle Englishcote-enm-noun-enm:coatA coat, especially one worn as an undergarment or a base layer.
coteMiddle Englishcote-enm-noun-pt1jvoTGA coat or gown bearing somebody's heraldic symbols.
coteMiddle Englishcote-enm-noun-G8b7lwMyA coating or external layer; that which surrounds the outside of something.
coteMiddle Englishcote-enm-noun-enm:cootcoot (Fulica atra)
coteMiddle Englishcote-enm-noun-eSOv.5YZseagull (bird of the family Laridae)
eaddeeynManxeaddeeyn-gv-noun-4eBOtQfVplural of eaddagh
eaddeeynManxeaddeeyn-gv-noun-dlvTcfZ0apparel, clothing
ensembleEnglishensemble-en-noun-092TQv2GA group of separate things that contribute to a coordinated whole.
ensembleEnglishensemble-en-noun-0xxRJ9RJA coordinated costume or outfit; a suit.
ensembleEnglishensemble-en-noun-en:Q2088357A group of musicians, dancers, actors, etc who perform together; e.g. the chorus of a ballet company.
ensembleEnglishensemble-en-noun-JRcCJrU6A piece for several instrumentalists or vocalists.
ensembleEnglishensemble-en-noun-en:Q898535A probability distribution for the state of the system.
ensembleEnglishensemble-en-noun-en:Q245652A supervised learning algorithm combining multiple hypotheses.
ensembleEnglishensemble-en-verb-SnF95mWTTo put together in a coordinated whole.
ensembleEnglishensemble-en-verb-5xpZ6ZJGTo perform in a musical ensemble.
full dressEnglishfull_dress-en-noun-yx7399rpClothing worn on formal occasions.
full dressEnglishfull_dress-en-adj-mXcvV3iiRequiring a full-scale operation with attention to every minute detail.
kötőHungariankötő-hu-verb--ENC6Qy4present participle of köt
kötőHungariankötő-hu-noun-lDRkRh0Fknitter (a person who knits; a self-employed person who knits using a machine)
kötőHungariankötő-hu-noun-GB-H98Mabinder (something that is used to tie things up or together)
kötőHungariankötő-hu-noun-Qtrf4CvNapron (an article of clothing worn over the front of the torso and/or legs for protection from spills)
sobretudoPortuguesesobretudo-pt-adv-GKgqvxeTespecially, above all
vestNorwegian Bokmålvest-nb-noun-nb:westwest (compass point)
vestNorwegian Bokmålvest-nb-noun-nb:waistcoata waistcoat
wristerEnglishwrister-en-noun-Ln.zyzHHA wrist shot, a shot made primarily with a wrist motion
wristerEnglishwrister-en-noun-su2IUHVuA knitted wrist covering
рукавицаRussianрукавица-ru-noun-3mrhndMsglove (covering four fingers together), mitten, mitt
բաճկոնArmenianբաճկոն-hy-noun-ec-bsduSvest, waistcoat
تيابSouth Levantine Arabicتياب-ajp-noun-o36nk0yMplural of توب‎ (tōb)
تيابSouth Levantine Arabicتياب-ajp-noun-XF-bh3eMclothes
druhákCzechdruhák-cs-noun-ONsNOt8Zpupil or student attending second year (generic for any type of school), sophomore
druhákCzechdruhák-cs-noun-rSLXGDOicast swarm
druhákCzechdruhák-cs-noun--cgTCJnbpomace wine, marc (alcoholic spirit)
kahvinruskeaFinnishkahvinruskea-fi-adj-t3kjYdB8coffee brown
kahvinruskeaFinnishkahvinruskea-fi-noun-q4OseET7coffee brown (color)
choirEnglishchoir-en-noun-XgOAYb1FSinging group; group of people who sing together; company of people who are trained to sing together.
choirEnglishchoir-en-noun-4mkty8yFThe part of a church where the choir assembles for song.
choirEnglishchoir-en-noun-xQM16TDJOne of the nine ranks or orders of angels.
choirEnglishchoir-en-noun-BGpWITzsSet of strings (one per note) for a harpsichord.
choirEnglishchoir-en-verb-Je4zRgudTo sing in concert.
poczetPolishpoczet-pl-noun-WkWOR3zZfellowship, retinue
poczetPolishpoczet-pl-noun-.-bff4jYA gallery (collection) of portraits.
poczetPolishpoczet-pl-noun-.C4imNQ5A unit of soldiers.
poczetPolishpoczet-pl-noun-d76GiYtXcount, enumeration
zrzeszeniePolishzrzeszenie-pl-noun-mnsvpjNtverbal noun of zrzeszyć
zrzeszeniePolishzrzeszenie-pl-noun-7-xSqOf6affiliation, organisation, association
人丁Chinese人丁-zh-noun-qDYrW6ujadult males
人丁Chinese人丁-zh-noun-A5vJSrTIpeople; population (people living within a political or geographical boundary)
人丁Chinese人丁-zh-noun-VdRWX.Ulmale servants
警察Chinese警察-zh-noun-3M40j..2police; police force
警察Chinese警察-zh-noun-llcmHwDfpolice officer (Classifier: 名; 位)
警察Chinese警察-zh-verb-WbxkfYu6to be vigilant; to be alert; to watch out
警察Chinese警察-zh-verb-mY4KJ.qdto examine oneself critically; to examine one's thoughts and conduct
警察Chinese警察-zh-verb-V0VEj6-5to supervise; to monitor
サンタフェJapaneseサンタフェ-ja-name-hS9gF6mwSanta Fe
サンタフェJapaneseサンタフェ-ja-name-D6.ELtQKSanta Fé (a municipality of Paraná, Brazil)
blancFrenchblanc-fr-adj-Fyqbht6Mwhite color
blancFrenchblanc-fr-adj-pEs9TjFbblank, unused
blancFrenchblanc-fr-adj-Rt9zRZ5vblank, without expression
blancFrenchblanc-fr-noun-8IP5OZFbwhite (color)
blancFrenchblanc-fr-noun-heKwmOLUsilence while in a dialog.
blancFrenchblanc-fr-noun-pxodg8YDempty space, on a leaf of paper or in a form.
blancFrenchblanc-fr-noun-Ak5iXRRewhite wine.
blancFrenchblanc-fr-noun-IdJqOf28white person, person with a white complexion.
blancFrenchblanc-fr-noun-QPEk-EVpwhite, egg white
blancFrenchblanc-fr-noun-w3ONNjQwwhite meat
blancFrenchblanc-fr-noun-1SYm49rtcorrection fluid, whiteout, Tippex
encarnáuAsturianencarnáu-ast-verb-ISBmA.Aumasculine singular past participle of encarnar
magentaFinnishmagenta-fi-noun-hlWiacCHmagenta (pinkish purple colour)
magentaFinnishmagenta-fi-adj-3MkIlaHemagenta (being of the magenta colour)
pirauMalaypirau-ms-adj-58HQMPfTgrey (colour)
pirauMalaypirau-ms-noun-58HQMPfTgrey (colour)
quilpalliClassical Nahuatlquilpalli-nci-noun-8360lNqxthe color of verdigris; blue green, turquoise, aquamarine.
quilpalliClassical Nahuatlquilpalli-nci-noun-2qKjsW4Dthe color of plants and verdure; bright green, leaf green, emerald.
rosaItalianrosa-it-noun-72AYnWEiteam members
rosaItalianrosa-it-noun-oKJdEjyfpink, rose
rosaItalianrosa-it-adj-LKr8uI9Mromantic (of movies, books, etc)
rosaItalianrosa-it-adj-9GEpaQ9Vgossip (of news, magazines, etc)
rosaItalianrosa-it-verb-tLlEgnctfeminine singular of roso
rosaItalianrosa-it-noun-xUXwHKxMitch, itching
verdoEsperantoverdo-eo-noun-Qx7qw1xethe color green
انگوریUrduانگوری-ur-noun-CQhifft-grape wine
انگوریUrduانگوری-ur-adj-Q-ntXlQZcolored of green grapes; light lime (color)
अरुणSanskritअरुण-sa-noun-U0BjrF-oa name for the sun
अरुणSanskritअरुण-sa-noun-fRU5DkTMalso of his charioteer, or the dawn personified as the son of Kashyapa by Vinata
अरुणSanskritअरुण-sa-noun-laCqNRYethe colour of the dawn, dark red, or the mixture of red and black
अरुणSanskritअरुण-sa-noun-ipc0R5eatawny (the colour)
अरुणSanskritअरुण-sa-noun-cz3D42sUthe redness of sunset
अरुणSanskritअरुण-sa-noun-d2MGvhJoa kind of leprosy, with red spots and insensibility of the skin
अरुणSanskritअरुण-sa-noun-c7EgVMlddumb man
afAfaraf-aa-noun-hnf8vaM9cutting edge
przekręcaćPolishprzekręcać-pl-verb-OUv3DBWZto turn (to change the direction or orientation of, especially by rotation)
przekręcaćPolishprzekręcać-pl-verb-d0I.to7Lto distort (to bring something out of shape)
przekręcaćPolishprzekręcać-pl-verb-BxqT7rjuto corrupt (to debase or make impure by alterations or additions; to falsify)
przekręcaćPolishprzekręcać-pl-verb-zw5h1254to call (to contact by telephone)
przekręcaćPolishprzekręcać-pl-verb-26CC0lP4to turn around (to physically rotate horizontally 360 degrees)
przekręcaćPolishprzekręcać-pl-verb-km26FjU3to die (to stop living)
majjistralMaltesemajjistral-mt-noun-Tq3iqeUMthe northwest
majjistralMaltesemajjistral-mt-noun-Ip9wogOdnorthwesterly wind, mistral
emailEnglishemail-en-noun-DvtWzzn7A system for transferring messages from one computer to another, usually through a network.
emailEnglishemail-en-noun-vjHUlyfqA quantity of messages sent through an email system.
emailEnglishemail-en-noun-m8jxMJyyA message sent through an email system.
emailEnglishemail-en-noun-5x25RnB7An email address.
emailEnglishemail-en-verb-HScIv8-HTo send an email or emails to.
emailEnglishemail-en-verb-KpDHr78LTo send (something) through email.
emailEnglishemail-en-verb-YPn0BVP8To send, or compose and send, an email or emails.
emailEnglishemail-en-noun-9jR0fjF.Enamel (“an opaque, glossy coating”).
tablaSpanishtabla-es-noun-i-F6dFQNboard, plank
tablaSpanishtabla-es-noun-e1bN-ndltable (grid or matrix, in a book)
tablaSpanishtabla-es-noun-vhOMvrc0table (furniture)
tablaSpanishtabla-es-noun-tqV8a5fbskirt pleat
tablaSpanishtabla-es-noun-cEmv0Y2-ability on stage, ability as a public speaker
борBulgarianбор-bg-noun-NHlLks6Qpine, pine tree
елаBulgarianела-bg-noun-H4HIMB.6fir tree
елаBulgarianела-bg-verb-npi61b0Ssingular imperative of до́йда (dójda): come
morterMiddle Englishmorter-enm-noun-bdkTOolSA mortar (bowl which a pestle is used in)
morterMiddle Englishmorter-enm-noun-JawEDu8kGrout or mortar (that which holds bricks together)
morterMiddle Englishmorter-enm-noun-N40CmalHA bowl with fuel inside used for a light source.
morterMiddle Englishmorter-enm-noun-6tHK-xGxAny kind of bowl, vessel, or indentation.
morterMiddle Englishmorter-enm-noun-Vrub8DN9A bowl that wrongdoers are forced to carry.
kazettaHungariankazetta-hu-noun-EeZHZGVecassette (small flat case containing magnetic tape)
kazettaHungariankazetta-hu-noun-uTjVwBHGcase (a small ornamental box)
kazettaHungariankazetta-hu-noun-56jdjXl8coffer (an ornamental sunken panel in a ceiling or dome)
kazettaHungariankazetta-hu-noun-ZOi45H0wcartridge, film cassette (film holder for 35 mm or sheet film)
житницаRussianжитница-ru-noun-Q6Tz9jNKgranary (storage facility)
житницаRussianжитница-ru-noun-kUgUkXAbbreadbasket, food bowl
pestoItalianpesto-it-adj-HYPVS66ccrushed, ground, beaten
pestoItalianpesto-it-adj-5TF6arwMlivid, bluish, black
pestoItalianpesto-it-adj-qNVSzM3Opitch-dark, pitch-black
pestoItalianpesto-it-verb-DmGC3Ug8first-person singular present indicative of pestare
salpebrarCatalansalpebrar-ca-verb-L05grfLtto season with salt and pepper
stir-fryEnglishstir-fry-en-verb-cy5mEMALTo fry quickly in hot oil whilst constantly stirring, especially in a wok or similar pan.
stir-fryEnglishstir-fry-en-noun-tI021d7mFood cooked in this manner.
vařitCzechvařit-cs-verb-qUY3OFDpto cook
vařitCzechvařit-cs-verb-OX-xw5HPto brew (about beer)
vařitCzechvařit-cs-verb-yG.NxbN7to boil
grillNorwegian Bokmålgrill-nb-noun-J4-Bro4pa grill
grillNorwegian Bokmålgrill-nb-noun-5QWGe01Ja radiator grille
grillNorwegian Bokmålgrill-nb-verb-vDqeshpSimperative of grille
stay-at-homeEnglishstay-at-home-en-adj-yOYSHEBiOf a parent, not employed, and rather devoting more time to one's children.
stay-at-homeEnglishstay-at-home-en-adj-293PYqAwOf rules or regulations, forbidding the populace to leave their domicile except under emergency or other special circumstances, especially for purposes of quarantine.
stay-at-homeEnglishstay-at-home-en-adj-L-KpzkgROf or relating to quarantine in the home.
stay-at-homeEnglishstay-at-home-en-adj-Wuorl-nDNot ever travelling or moving far from home.
kruczekPolishkruczek-pl-noun-zktitVr-Diminutive of kruk
kruczekPolishkruczek-pl-noun-LNBTt7ozloophole; ambiguity or exception in a rule
лосьонRussianлосьон-ru-noun-29pz.o-8makeup remover
лосьонRussianлосьон-ru-noun-8Dw2GCOlaftershave, shaving lotion
互助Chinese互助-zh-verb-5DcLMm-Ato help one another; to help each other
互助Chinese互助-zh-name-kJtFKi7OHuzhu Tuzu Autonomous County (county in Haidong, Qinghai province, China)
江陵Chinese江陵-zh-name-tiUNrQmiJiangling (a county of Jingzhou, Hubei, China)
江陵Chinese江陵-zh-name-WMDsy1DwAlternative name for 荊州/荆州 (Jīngzhōu, “Jingzhou”).
江陵Chinese江陵-zh-name-N.5Dl6qyGangneung (a city in South Korea)
ܐܠܡܢܝܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicܐܠܡܢܝܐ-aii-name-aii:Q1028Germany (a country in Europe; official name: Federal Republic of Germany)
ܐܠܡܢܝܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicܐܠܡܢܝܐ-aii-adj-plm2DSRtGerman
ドイツ連邦共和国Japaneseドイツ連邦共和国-ja-name-sOLafkXAthe Federal Republic of Germany (official name of former West Germany)
ドイツ連邦共和国Japaneseドイツ連邦共和国-ja-name-ilD6ZR1Gthe Federal Republic of Germany (official name of current Germany)
ワイJapaneseワイ-ja-noun-LcrX4W-xThe name of the Latin-script letter Y .
ワイJapaneseワイ-ja-pron-QtscG1ebI, me
fiddlerEnglishfiddler-en-noun-pKuqrHuiOne who plays the fiddle.
fiddlerEnglishfiddler-en-noun-PFxFeJA4One who fiddles.
fiddlerEnglishfiddler-en-noun-3lByDJDBA burrowing crab of the genus Gelasimus, of many species. The male has one claw very much enlarged, and often holds it in a position similar to that in which a musician holds a fiddle.
fiddlerEnglishfiddler-en-noun-VhsSNeOmThe common European sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos); so called because it habitually wags its tail up and down resembling the back and forth movement of a fiddler.
fiddlerEnglishfiddler-en-noun-EkwbkxmiA large species of cicada, Macrotristria angularis, of eastern Australia; cherry nose.
mũrũaruKikuyumũrũaru-ki-noun-M9LnE9ywsick person, patient
mũrũaruKikuyumũrũaru-ki-noun-Tlgynrwlcrowned crane, golden crested crane, Kavirondo crane (Balearica sp.)
filchEnglishfilch-en-verb-xUb-a1XrTo illegally take possession of (especially items of low value); to pilfer, to steal.
filchEnglishfilch-en-noun-5p8iQ7chSomething which has been filched or stolen.
filchEnglishfilch-en-noun-Sc-WtaHZAn act of filching; larceny, theft.
filchEnglishfilch-en-noun-dfsjQbsJA person who filches; a filcher, a pilferer, a thief.
filchEnglishfilch-en-noun-8VkPfDU-A hooked stick used to filch objects.
lugosCebuanolugos-ceb-verb-.78BYkfyto force (oneself upon someone)
lugosCebuanolugos-ceb-verb-QTG-a68nto rape; to force sexual intercourse or other sexual activity upon (someone) without their consent
nuthookEnglishnuthook-en-noun-TchFU8tVA hook on a pole to pull down boughs for gathering nuts.
nuthookEnglishnuthook-en-noun-3huiIYvMA thief who steals by means of a hook.
nuthookEnglishnuthook-en-noun-cPU4PnBaA bailiff who metaphorically hooks or seizes malefactors; a policeman; a constable.
outlawEnglishoutlaw-en-noun-NljVye.OA fugitive from the law.
outlawEnglishoutlaw-en-noun-73tadiUNA criminal who is excluded from normal legal rights; one who can be killed at will without legal penalty.
outlawEnglishoutlaw-en-noun-3OxVYAc3A person who operates outside established norms.
outlawEnglishoutlaw-en-noun-uiC9U4k.A wild horse.
outlawEnglishoutlaw-en-noun-lm1ghNizAn in-law: a relative by marriage.
outlawEnglishoutlaw-en-noun-la2bE.oGOne who would be an in-law except that the marriage-like relationship is unofficial.
outlawEnglishoutlaw-en-noun-nHiDb1rcA prostitute who works alone, without a pimp.
outlawEnglishoutlaw-en-verb-7pHUTK.zTo declare illegal.
outlawEnglishoutlaw-en-verb-nu6BysGPTo place a ban upon.
outlawEnglishoutlaw-en-verb-U5pcFV5PTo remove from legal jurisdiction or enforcement.
outlawEnglishoutlaw-en-verb-bLIOTkx5To deprive of legal force.
reincidentePortuguesereincidente-pt-noun-kUDA.kGSrecidivist; repeat offender (one who falls back into prior habits, especially crime)
reincidentePortuguesereincidente-pt-adj-LjGt6JLLwho is a repeat offender
rouboPortugueseroubo-pt-noun-KMTWCTNctheft (act of stealing property)
rouboPortugueseroubo-pt-noun-1wPGIslJrobbery (the practice of robbing)
rouboPortugueseroubo-pt-noun-xSJhgQNQloot; swag (burglar’s or thief’s booty)
rouboPortugueseroubo-pt-noun-yPZH0XC6a price which is too expensive
łupieżPolishłupież-pl-noun-DJ3CBVG-plunder, robbery (act of plundering or robbing)
łupieżPolishłupież-pl-noun-IQXXk0ovplunder, loot (proceeds of acts of plundering or robbing)
yellowfinEnglishyellowfin-en-noun-goVvXzQjAny of various fish with yellow fins. / especially, yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares, in family Scombridae)
yellowfinEnglishyellowfin-en-noun-dmLbycJcAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin bream, any of several species in family Sparidae
yellowfinEnglishyellowfin-en-noun-a-lwh91uAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin croaker (Umbrina roncador, in family Sciaenidae)
yellowfinEnglishyellowfin-en-noun-82PgeL70Any of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin cutthroat trout (†Oncorhynchus clarkii macdonaldi, in the family Salmonidae)
yellowfinEnglishyellowfin-en-noun-VkLzMMj6Any of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin fairy wrasse (Cirrhilabrus flavidorsalis, in family Labridae)
yellowfinEnglishyellowfin-en-noun-sDBrvj7hAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin grouper (Mycteroperca venenosa, in family Serranidae)
yellowfinEnglishyellowfin-en-noun-7fOfyG1zAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin madtom (Noturus flavipinnis, in family Ictaluridae)
yellowfinEnglishyellowfin-en-noun-YQURGoH9Any of various fish with yellow fins. / yellow-fin perchlet (Ambassis elongatus, in family Ambassidae)
yellowfinEnglishyellowfin-en-noun-f9HiGEr5Any of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin pike (Dinolestes lewini, in family Dinolestidae)
yellowfinEnglishyellowfin-en-noun-NOIhyGt.Any of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin sea bream, any of several species in family Sparidae
yellowfinEnglishyellowfin-en-noun-S0h5GTdZAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin surgeon (Acanthurus xanthopterus, in family Acanthuridae)
yellowfinEnglishyellowfin-en-noun-JVo3zpBEAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin whiting (Sillago schomburgkii, in family Sillaginidae)
ulangCebuanoulang-ceb-noun-oveXwVGzthe giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) howl
ulangCebuanoulang-ceb-verb-upb04gifto break off or break up a fight
uyapCebuanouyap-ceb-noun-PIfaH5Kzany of several tiny shrimps in the genus Acetes: / the tsivakihini paste shrimp (Acetes erythraeus)
uyapCebuanouyap-ceb-noun-RCkwXVO2any of several tiny shrimps in the genus Acetes: / the Taiwan mauxia shrimp (Acetes intermedius)
uyapCebuanouyap-ceb-noun-0Ypm.D7Iany of several tiny shrimps in the genus Acetes: / the alamang shrimp (Acetes sibogae)
oqaluttuaqGreenlandicoqaluttuaq-kl-noun-Y.UDRs1Kmyth, story, legend, narrative
आनाHindiआना-hi-verb-InxwJN6Gto come
आनाHindiआना-hi-verb-go2ie9zuto have knowledge of a language; to be fluent
आनाHindiआना-hi-noun-X6SECy7gan anna (¹⁄₁₆ of an Indian rupee)
आनाHindiआना-hi-noun-p9bg1CJlone sixteenth of any item
vilicaSerbo-Croatianvilica-sh-noun--9ieGNPffork (for eating)
uklejkaPolishuklejka-pl-noun-1HSGqi1GDiminutive of ukleja.
uklejkaPolishuklejka-pl-noun-3QL802k4genitive/accusative singular of uklejek
junketEnglishjunket-en-noun-8eFvAmWOA basket.
junketEnglishjunket-en-noun-CimAbbv0A type of cream cheese, originally made in a rush basket; later, a food made of sweetened curds or rennet.
junketEnglishjunket-en-noun-777gE69UA delicacy.
junketEnglishjunket-en-noun-h6WRvv7mA feast or banquet.
junketEnglishjunket-en-noun-DJvPhomCA pleasure-trip; a journey made for feasting or enjoyment, now especially a trip made ostensibly for business but which entails merrymaking or entertainment.
junketEnglishjunket-en-noun-hzsbgWeDA press junket.
junketEnglishjunket-en-noun-GB97RBFbA gaming room for which the capacity and limits change daily, often rented out to private vendors who run tour groups through them and give a portion of the proceeds to the main casino.
junketEnglishjunket-en-verb-Hf1BEfN1To attend a junket; to feast.
junketEnglishjunket-en-verb-p-Vzu-FWTo go on a junket; to travel.
junketEnglishjunket-en-verb-nIYg4EWwTo regale or entertain with a feast.
మీగడTeluguమీగడ-te-noun-J.JtTUhQcream (the fat part of milk which rises to the top; this part when separated from the remainder)
మీగడTeluguమీగడ-te-noun-xWQRral1A yellowish white colour of cream.
hagadCebuanohagad-ceb-noun-nRVMoX91the narra tree (Pterocarpus indicus)
hagadCebuanohagad-ceb-noun-3QJBk9sqthe wood from this tree
ditch weedEnglishditch_weed-en-noun-Dyp4lCyQDatura stramonium (jimson weed).
ditch weedEnglishditch_weed-en-noun-LDm9EIGQwild marijuana, usually a type used for hemp production, eg, Cannabis sativa var. sativa.
SabadoCebuanoSabado-ceb-name-GhCcGHAca surname, from Hebrew
lobiiniKlamath-Modoclobiini-kla-noun-TfZSohJxthe first one
death sentenceEnglishdeath_sentence-en-noun-ztTIwhgEA decree that someone be put to death as a punishment for a crime; a sentence of execution.
death sentenceEnglishdeath_sentence-en-noun-dpFMEzafAnything that spells death.
necropolisEnglishnecropolis-en-noun-Zk0wO15XA cemetery; especially a large one in or near a city.
necropolisEnglishnecropolis-en-noun-4IJc.5LpAn ancient site used for burying the dead, particularly if consisting of elaborate grave monuments.
roadkillEnglishroadkill-en-noun-7aqDhlydthe killing of an animal by a road vehicle
roadkillEnglishroadkill-en-noun-ZX7FzNclthe animal(s) so killed
roadkillEnglishroadkill-en-noun-ph2m03cCa helpless victim
underworldEnglishunderworld-en-noun-FQL4lbrCThe world of the dead, located underneath the world of the living; the afterlife.
underworldEnglishunderworld-en-noun-4weSfrhGThat part of society that is engaged in crime or vice.
underworldEnglishunderworld-en-noun-a63xg8yDThe portion of a game that is set below ground.
قتلArabicقتل-ar-verb-bgzlS8aDto kill, to slay, to murder
قتلArabicقتل-ar-verb-H.wbD-g7to mitigate, to alleviate
قتلArabicقتل mix, to dilute
قتلArabicقتل-ar-verb-XftWEU0-to know, to master
قتلArabicقتل-ar-verb-ngQkToJVto be killed
قتلArabicقتل-ar-verb-y3PYoT41to be cursed
قتلArabicقتل-ar-verb-8-q.jcPdto kill, to massacre, to cause carnage
قتلArabicقتل-ar-verb-mVYBK-DdRare form of اِقْتَتَلَ‎ (iqtatala).
قتلArabicقتل-ar-noun-Petm3O9xverbal noun of قَتَلَ‎ (qatala) (form I)
قتلArabicقتل-ar-noun-qQPGvkWgverbal noun of قُتِلَ‎ (qutila) (form I)
قتلArabicقتل-ar-noun-4CHZ1f8Wkilling, manslaughter, homicide, murder
قتلArabicقتل-ar-noun-5dFctI8.enemy, adversary, foe, opponent
FriesDutchFries-nl-noun-LH3JrR66a Frisian, member of a Germanic people; a speaker of one of the Frisian languages
FriesDutchFries-nl-noun-lFq35aXSa West Frisian specifically; a speaker of the West Frisian language
FriesDutchFries-nl-noun-rw.E-eVoShort form for various names relating to Friesland or Frisians, such as the bovine race.
FriesDutchFries-nl-adj-ZrMCSbMOFrisian (any member of the Frisian people)
FriesDutchFries-nl-adj-O-ana7UyWest Frisian specifically (of the Frisian part of the Netherlands)
FriesDutchFries-nl-name-Y8xFzTlMFrisian (any of the Frisian languages)
FriesDutchFries-nl-name-xajn0PiAspecifically, West Frisian
NumidianEnglishNumidian-en-adj-BAAnjjdpOf or pertaining to Numidia or its inhabitants.
NumidianEnglishNumidian-en-noun-AMJdUZ-Ran inhabitant of Numidia
NumidianEnglishNumidian-en-name-mixUXqvKa variety of Berber spoken by the people of Numidia
canberranoSpanishcanberrano-es-adj-jX1e09xDof Canberra; Canberran (of or relating to Canberra, Australia)
canberranoSpanishcanberrano-es-noun-2khTA2xbCanberran (native or resident of Canberra, Australia)
casentineseItaliancasentinese-it-adj-UaeG0Lr.of or pertaining to Casentino
casentineseItaliancasentinese-it-noun-pKduM2dNnative or inhabitant of Casentino
cerdàCatalancerdà-ca-adj-CekZ0mOcOf or pertaining to Cerdanya.
cerdàCatalancerdà-ca-noun-UFqnP28TSomeone from Cerdanya.
ceutíCatalanceutí-ca-adj-DiEqlmp3Of or pertaining to Ceuta.
ceutíCatalanceutí-ca-noun-easj7qOySomeone from Ceuta.
liparotaItalianliparota-it-adj-VF9W2eXWof or relating to Lipari or the Lipari people
liparotaItalianliparota-it-noun-I5tyhnKTa native or inhabitant of Lipari
monfortinoSpanishmonfortino-es-adj-NuHFG-pjof Monforte
monfortinoSpanishmonfortino-es-noun-vErH0tQDsomeone from Monforte
ñublenseSpanishñublense-es-adj-YD0TAlNfof Ñuble
ñublenseSpanishñublense-es-noun-URyQ6rsssomeone from Ñuble
RandersDanishRanders-da-name-kmL2KUE8Randers, a port on the River Guden. The second-largest city in Region Midtjylland and sixth-largest city in Denmark.
RandersDanishRanders-da-name-zh1fZDVsThe capital of the eponymous municipality in which it is located.
AriègeFrenchAriège-fr-name-opDQU5OYAriège (a department of Occitanie, France)
AriègeFrenchAriège-fr-name-KqEbkHwCAriège (river)
gyümölcsízHungariangyümölcsíz-hu-noun-NO5zKkk9fruit taste
gyümölcsízHungariangyümölcsíz-hu-noun-SAsxUs0jjam, jelly, marmalade
strawberries and creamEnglishstrawberries_and_cream-en-noun-QqVLtApDA dish consisting of strawberries and whipped cream, often served with sugar on top.
strawberries and creamEnglishstrawberries_and_cream-en-noun-pAmhvat1The fungus Hydnellum peckii.
最中Japanese最中-ja-noun-3AtsGincmost active state, in progress, at one's best
最中Japanese最中-ja-noun-S.hg7zBRthe middle, midst, during
最中Japanese最中-ja-noun-7iJ1EuHOin one's prime
最中Japanese最中-ja-noun-DdGY5531at its prime, midst
最中Japanese最中-ja-name-44it7l9BA female given name
最中Japanese最中-ja-noun-RshyuKD.wafer cake filled with bean jam
värmländskaSwedishvärmländska-sv-adj-6dx0aM2wabsolute singular definite and plural form of värmländsk.
värmländskaSwedishvärmländska-sv-noun--V63dnOzdialect of the Swedish province Värmland
värmländskaSwedishvärmländska-sv-noun-fIZCWkAIwoman from Värmland
Chinese yamEnglishChinese_yam-en-noun-AwDwXst6Dioscorea polystachya, the cinnamon vine
Chinese yamEnglishChinese_yam-en-noun-dvrHTL0pThe tuber of the vine, used for food; nagaimo, Chinese potato.
czerwPolishczerw-pl-noun-XVrDzuHuThe larva of certain hymenopterans, dipterans, and beetles, e.g. a maggot or woodworm.
czerwPolishczerw-pl-noun-DHROsmjVAny parasitic larva or worm affecting trees, fruit, or intestines.
bridelMiddle Englishbridel-enm-noun-AMCB5.VIThe bridle; the set of headwear for directing a horse.
bridelMiddle Englishbridel-enm-noun-dsKWEXfTThe reins; the piece of headwear used to direct a horse.
bridelMiddle Englishbridel-enm-noun-MfXBidzTThe bit; a mouthpiece for a horse that is attached to the reins.
bridelMiddle Englishbridel-enm-noun-upAgjX7-Supervision, monitoring, constraint, direction.
bridelMiddle Englishbridel-enm-noun-8kGhxS9dSomething that constrains or directs; a guideline.
bridelMiddle Englishbridel-enm-noun-pp1ocVRsA strip or band of fabric.
chesenMiddle Englishchesen-enm-verb-xHzd6-GsTo choose; to select. / To elect; to choose for an office.
chesenMiddle Englishchesen-enm-verb-Kcrzl9b.To choose; to select. / To choose to do.
chesenMiddle Englishchesen-enm-verb-zhxdHp2pTo prefer; to desire.
chesenMiddle Englishchesen-enm-verb-pXKzc8l3To pick up; to acquire: / To adopt (an orphan)
chesenMiddle Englishchesen-enm-verb-IW06DPEsTo pick up; to acquire: / To pick out; to distinguish.
chesenMiddle Englishchesen-enm-verb-gY6LRN74To travel; to go.
detteMiddle Englishdette-enm-noun-tOhuTCGNGoods or possessions owed to or due to another person; a debt.
detteMiddle Englishdette-enm-noun-qpG8gOkVThe state of debt; the condition one is when one has a debt or monetary obligation.
detteMiddle Englishdette-enm-noun-B9zR4W8eSomething which one is obliged to do (by law, society, or belief): / Sex (i.e. as something which one's partner requires of oneself).
detteMiddle Englishdette-enm-noun-shZhA0s9Something which one is obliged to do (by law, society, or belief): / Death (i.e. as something which the nature of humanity requires of oneself)
detteMiddle Englishdette-enm-noun-PMNgP2m.Something which one is obliged to do (by law, society, or belief): / The requirement to fight back against one who has hurt oneself.
detteMiddle Englishdette-enm-noun-mxMGUy6qSomething that one deserves (negatively); one's fate or punishment.
detteMiddle Englishdette-enm-noun-7aHoiiP5Sin; acts which go against the dictates of a higher power.
detteMiddle Englishdette-enm-noun-2lWWGtVVAn legal action in order to collect a money owed to one.
detteMiddle Englishdette-enm-adj-mpgSelc5Having a debt or monetary obligation or having people owe debt towards you.
detteMiddle Englishdette-enm-adj-OhP-CNAqAppropriate, fitting, seemly; meshing with societal standards.
detteMiddle Englishdette-enm-adj-8IiPM3BfRequired, needful, necessary; not optional.
detteMiddle Englishdette-enm-adj-8IGDAs.SFitting, fair or deserving; according to justice.
deweMiddle Englishdewe-enm-noun-Vn5zjNGdAlternative form of dew
deweMiddle Englishdewe-enm-verb-MKuyHi4GAlternative form of dewyn
deweMiddle Englishdewe-enm-adj-arYnimFSFitting, correct, suitable; enough for some end: / Expected or promoted by legislation or tradition.
deweMiddle Englishdewe-enm-adj-gGhkS4KBFitting, correct, suitable; enough for some end: / Required, obligated or necessary (especially as custom)
deweMiddle Englishdewe-enm-adj-PX2YBApWFitting, correct, suitable; enough for some end: / Required or obligated to pay; owed or indebted.
deweMiddle Englishdewe-enm-adj-DM56BdQfFitting, correct, suitable; enough for some end: / Morally correct or justified; moral, ethical.
deweMiddle Englishdewe-enm-adj-qPsll9U.Fitting, correct, suitable; enough for some end: / Authentic, genuine, lawful; not fake.
deweMiddle Englishdewe-enm-adj-XjhtXOUtFitting, correct, suitable; enough for some end: / Worthy of (a given) penalty, acclamation, or reward.
deweMiddle Englishdewe-enm-adj-ajwDKIDjPredictable, unavoidable, unpreventable.
deweMiddle Englishdewe-enm-adj-LxAEbZCqDone with care; meticulously or cautiously done.
deweMiddle Englishdewe-enm-adj-2yUPYTK9Inherent, respective, appertaining to.
deweMiddle Englishdewe-enm-noun--SsWdVK5Something which is fitting or appropriate for one's deeds.
deweMiddle Englishdewe-enm-noun-izN8I1VYSomething which is expected, customary or suitable.
deweMiddle Englishdewe-enm-noun-9CMX1V1gSomething which one is obligated or duty-bound to do.
deweMiddle Englishdewe-enm-noun-u87SZqN6A charge, levy, tax, payment, or due.
fiatEnglishfiat-en-noun-dqVPxBC4An arbitrary or authoritative command or order to do something; an effectual decree.
fiatEnglishfiat-en-noun-BWa7GID5Authorization, permission or (official) sanction.
fiatEnglishfiat-en-noun-jzPi-gEsA warrant of a judge for certain processes.
fiatEnglishfiat-en-noun-ztf74qJfAn authority for certain proceedings given by the Lord Chancellor's signature.
fiatEnglishfiat-en-verb-KnIvNu-GTo make (something) happen.
信號燈Chinese信號燈-zh-noun-NNc5ljV3traffic light
信號燈Chinese信號燈-zh-noun-QR5uugtasignal light; car indicator
chipereChichewachipere-ny-noun-jyg03OfPa meal made of cooked, mashed beans
kʼáakʼYucatec Mayakʼáakʼ-yua-noun-3J8osS3Rfire
kʼáakʼYucatec Mayakʼáakʼ-yua-noun-jvgQi6tNsmallpox
kʼáakʼYucatec Mayakʼáakʼ-yua-noun-g.sTXWtxmeasles
kʼáakʼYucatec Mayakʼáakʼ-yua-noun-BRDwHYpLcold sores
kʼáakʼYucatec Mayakʼáakʼ-yua-verb-UrXNJ3-8roast
KerberosCzechKerberos-cs-name-cs:Q83496Cerberus, three-headed dog guarding the entrance to Hades
KerberosCzechKerberos-cs-name-en:Q105636Kerberos, a moon of Pluto
KerberosCzechKerberos-cs-name-en:Q506053Kerberos, a computer network authentication protocol
собачкаUkrainianсобачка-uk-noun-8qolsoCWDiminutive of соба́ка (sobáka): / puppy
собачкаUkrainianсобачка-uk-noun-UpH3XNYgDiminutive of соба́ка (sobáka): / doggy
собачкаUkrainianсобачка-uk-noun-hSWEJZVWBlennius (genus of combtooth blenny in the family Blenniidae)
собачкаUkrainianсобачка-uk-noun-fXTDweQ2trigger (lever used to activate a firearm)
собачкаUkrainianсобачка-uk-noun-Ku7uSE3-catch, pawl (mechanism which prevents reverse movement of a gear)
comharraichScottish Gaeliccomharraich-gd-verb-YgHrTczJmark
comharraichScottish Gaeliccomharraich-gd-verb-90Ccz3HCcorrect (e.g. teacher)
comharraichScottish Gaeliccomharraich-gd-verb-OCCoHvUhobserve (e.g. anniversary)
comharraichScottish Gaeliccomharraich-gd-verb-bg.ST0bfcharacterize, distinguish, identify
comharraichScottish Gaeliccomharraich-gd-verb-hFJYyAqhdial (on a phone)
cátedraSpanishcátedra-es-noun-FK3i1iTmseminar room
scoilIrishscoil-ga-noun-1y9KzaGXschool (educational institution)
scoilIrishscoil-ga-noun-1BjE4tHQschool (followers of a particular doctrine)
scoilIrishscoil-ga-noun-mfQtFn6Cassembly, body
undergraduateEnglishundergraduate-en-noun-DUKPIgeKA student at a university who has not yet received a degree.
undergraduateEnglishundergraduate-en-adj-HnU3bX.MOf, relating to, or being an undergraduate.
éducationFrenchéducation-fr-noun-qVz4w.eAeducation (all meanings)
notopodEnglishnotopod-en-noun-5.APcaeVIn Latreille's system, a brachyurous decapod crustacean, such as a crab of the genera Homola, Dorippe, Dromia, Dynomene, Ranina.
notopodEnglishnotopod-en-noun-78wqHSdQAn elaterid; a click beetle.
ECCEnglishECC-en-noun-TXXqI4ddInitialism of error correcting code.
ECCEnglishECC-en-noun-Thv2vdTGInitialism of elliptic curve cryptography.
ECCEnglishECC-en-noun-cedSqH6OInitialism of export control and customs.
ECCEnglishECC-en-noun-NxGEePWYInitialism of emergency cardiovascular care.
ECCEnglishECC-en-noun-vb.VDZm.Initialism of electronic camera coverage.
antoilIrishantoil-ga-noun-08M0iAfSevil inclination
chaSwahilicha-sw-verb-r7VbjDG8to dawn, (of the sun) to rise
chaSwahilicha-sw-verb-G0UmcPW8to fear, be afraid
chaSwahilicha-sw-particle-MDJnYDIjKi class inflected form of -a.
collywobblesEnglishcollywobbles-en-noun--0PqnjsxStomachache or stomach upset.
collywobblesEnglishcollywobbles-en-noun-ArMJyPbZAnxiety, fear, uneasiness.
cumhaIrishcumha-ga-noun-cyW8OaU7sadness, sorrow
cumhaIrishcumha-ga-noun-tpz.rictlonging, homesickness
febleMiddle Englishfeble-enm-adj-PAB4jAfEFeeble, weak, or strengthless: / Infirm, weak, or frail; lacking physical strength or capability.
febleMiddle Englishfeble-enm-adj-octOg-kPFeeble, weak, or strengthless: / Cowardly, nervous, overcautious; lacking willpower.
febleMiddle Englishfeble-enm-adj-bY4p6uqYFeeble, weak, or strengthless: / Unfaithful, unbelieving; lacking religious confidence.
febleMiddle Englishfeble-enm-adj-LkAdSucBFeeble, weak, or strengthless: / Unthinking, unwise; lacking mental acuity.
febleMiddle Englishfeble-enm-adj-s4C61.6zFeeble, weak, or strengthless: / Ineffective, weak; lacking power, strength, or magnitude.
febleMiddle Englishfeble-enm-adj-XYnfKrwdFeeble, weak, or strengthless: / Easily damaged, broken, or bent; lacking sturdiness or robustness.
febleMiddle Englishfeble-enm-adj-MHSwdx66Insidious, iniquitous; morally wrong or erroneous.
febleMiddle Englishfeble-enm-adj-sKA3ujiiOf bad quality, design, or keeping; shoddily constructed or maintained.
febleMiddle Englishfeble-enm-adj-aG1bZt-ySad, grieving (because of misfortune or bad luck)
febleMiddle Englishfeble-enm-adj-y.GIlEOoHaving a low precious metal content.
febleMiddle Englishfeble-enm-verb-s2OxtmatAlternative form of feblen
maerorLatinmaeror-la-noun-BzAqf.AMmourning, grief, lamentation
woebegoneEnglishwoebegone-en-adj-fiYf1zr8In a deplorable state.
woebegoneEnglishwoebegone-en-adj-ZMJgcbvTFilled with or deeply affected by woe.
कोपSanskritकोप-sa-noun-Gd1uDynzanger, fury, rage
कोपSanskritकोप-sa-noun-.vyG62rxire, wrath
कोपSanskritकोप-sa-noun-6efRx.ncdispleasure, umbrage
激動Chinese激動-zh-verb-UkAfspHfto become excited; to be emotional
激動Chinese激動-zh-verb-72b8LWi3to excite; to stir; to agitate
激動Chinese激動-zh-adj-9mLjEICbexcited; emotional; nervous
鬧心Chinese鬧心-zh-adj-kg5I0Ahuagitated; troubled; annoyed; vexed
鬧心Chinese鬧心-zh-adj-A7esmhdaqueasy; sick
BlissEnglishBliss-en-name-iWXuvj7NAn English surname, from nicknames originating as a nickname.
BlissEnglishBliss-en-name-NM8lzWaDA unisex given name from English.
BlissEnglishBliss-en-name-ykAA.VFHa programming language used for systems programming primarily on computers produced by Digital Equipment Corporation. Bliss is a parallel language to C, both being derived from B and BCPL
BlissEnglishBliss-en-name-eWzDwYCCA ghost town in California.
BlissEnglishBliss-en-name-Kuen8qCGA city and town in Idaho.
GlennEnglishGlenn-en-name-6oDHNwCRA surname, from Scottish Gaelic, variant of Glen.
GlennEnglishGlenn-en-name-X9sdT-hSA male given name transferred from the surname, fairly popular in the middle of the 20th century.
GlennEnglishGlenn-en-name-GFKC6xuKA female given name transferred from the surname.
KimberleyEnglishKimberley-en-name-J2oOc8QTAny of several places: / The capital city of Northern Cape, South Africa, noted for diamond mining.
KimberleyEnglishKimberley-en-name-6Pr.L-KLAny of several places: / The northernmost region in Western Australia.
KimberleyEnglishKimberley-en-name-4IdZ0Tn9Any of several places: / A locality in Meander Valley Council, Tasmania, Australia.
KimberleyEnglishKimberley-en-name-FVZ4shSJAny of several places: / A city in southeast British Columbia, Canada.
KimberleyEnglishKimberley-en-name-w2Bx3OT-Any of several places: / A small village and civil parish of South Norfolk district, Norfolk, England (OS grid ref TG0704).
KimberleyEnglishKimberley-en-name-4rL5GpcUAny of several places: / A town in Broxtowe borough, Nottinghamshire, England (OS grid ref SK4944).
KimberleyEnglishKimberley-en-name-xPK0X5f9Any of several places: / A rural area in the Selwyn District, in central Canterbury, New Zealand.
KimberleyEnglishKimberley-en-name-MPaCvm.yAny of several places: / A city in Jefferson County, Alabama, United States.
KimberleyEnglishKimberley-en-name-5kdden-JAny of several places: / A sparsely populated incorporated town in Pike County, Arkansas, United States.
KimberleyEnglishKimberley-en-name-EQbG7wlaAny of several places: / A city in Twin Falls County, Idaho, United States.
KimberleyEnglishKimberley-en-name-d.lhV0qsAny of several places: / An unincorporated community in Aitkin County, Minnesota, United States.
KimberleyEnglishKimberley-en-name-fkFDXQeuAny of several places: / An unincorporated community in Randolph County, Missouri, United States.
KimberleyEnglishKimberley-en-name-KsrKPrvWAny of several places: / A ghost town in White Pine County, Nevada, United States.
KimberleyEnglishKimberley-en-name-F3WUkr0hAny of several places: / An unincorporated community in Grant County, Oregon, United States.
KimberleyEnglishKimberley-en-name-jQjj5sJVAny of several places: / A ghost town in Piute County, Utah, United States.
KimberleyEnglishKimberley-en-name-7gbPcB5aAny of several places: / A census-designated place in Fayette County, West Virginia, United States.
KimberleyEnglishKimberley-en-name-H20YUZ8fAny of several places: / An unincorporated community in Monongalia County, West Virginia, United States.
KimberleyEnglishKimberley-en-name-IsQNDguwAny of several places: / A village in Outagamie County, Wisconsin, United States.
KimberleyEnglishKimberley-en-name-iZlASsWXA habitational surname, from Old English​.
KimberleyEnglishKimberley-en-name-mkZcuJKvA male given name transferred from the surname or place name (site of a battle in the Boer Wars).
KimberleyEnglishKimberley-en-name-ESVNF17nA female given name transferred from the surname, variant of Kimberly, popular in the 1960s and the 1970s.
TempleEnglishTemple-en-name-XC4.mcw6A male given name from Latin.
TempleEnglishTemple-en-name-gQoJTTk-A female given name from Latin.
TempleEnglishTemple-en-name-Jt5m.83JA surname​.
TempleEnglishTemple-en-name-BKycZ9nyPlaces in the United Kingdom: / A suburb of Glasgow, Scotland (OS grid ref NS5469).
TempleEnglishTemple-en-name-1jNTnN17Places in the United Kingdom: / A village in Midlothian council area, Scotland (OS grid ref NT3158).
TempleEnglishTemple-en-name-lGbBW5IcPlaces in the United Kingdom: / A village on Bodmin Moor, Cornwall, England (OS grid ref SX1473).
TempleEnglishTemple-en-name-au9XfdYFPlaces in the United States: / A city in Carroll County and Haralson County, Georgia, United States.
TempleEnglishTemple-en-name-uPgBQ6-3Places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Crawford County, Indiana, United States.
TempleEnglishTemple-en-name-8VZWWN5WPlaces in the United States: / A town in Franklin County, Maine, United States.
TempleEnglishTemple-en-name-9lfzVyToPlaces in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Clare County, Michigan, United States.
TempleEnglishTemple-en-name-X1WfUSYRPlaces in the United States: / A town in Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, United States.
TempleEnglishTemple-en-name-.IkGSZ0rPlaces in the United States: / A ghost town in Williams County, North Dakota, United States.
TempleEnglishTemple-en-name-Lk851OrsPlaces in the United States: / A town in Cotton County, Oklahoma, United States.
TempleEnglishTemple-en-name-O2BzrgVSPlaces in the United States: / A census-designated place in Berks County, Pennsylvania, United States.
TempleEnglishTemple-en-name-.K5Z7Eq9Places in the United States: / A city in Bell County, Texas, United States.
TempleEnglishTemple-en-name-bQUN66q6A neighbourhood of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
TempleEnglishTemple-en-name-gcHsXwsaAny of the former chief temples to YHWH in Jerusalem, particularly Solomon's Temple.
TempleEnglishTemple-en-name-aRFLmU5FEither of two of the Inns of Court in London (the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple), built on a site once occupied by the Knights Templar.
blackfaceEnglishblackface-en-noun-v9On5xTpA style of makeup in which a non-black person blackens their face, usually in order to portray a black person.
blackfaceEnglishblackface-en-noun-n1Nx96tYA sheep of the Scottish Blackface breed.
էշOld Armenianէշ-xcl-noun-6CvJovbAdonkey, ass
էշOld Armenianէշ-xcl-noun-6z0bJmvGbattering ram
էշOld Armenianէշ-xcl-noun-hbS-NWI.bridge of a violin or other musical instrument
էշOld Armenianէշ-xcl-noun-JVkhlXfKtwo stars in the constellation of Cancer (Asellus Borealis and Asellus Australis)
حصانArabicحصان-ar-noun-stdVQNv1stallion, stud, sire
vertuleesMiddle Englishvertulees-enm-adj-b-5A.5ymPowerless, ineffective (in an occultic or astrological context)
vertuleesMiddle Englishvertulees-enm-adj-YuHoSij7Immoral; lacking a sense of ethics or morality.
tautībaLatviantautība-lv-noun-sNh5nylJethnicity, nation (the essence of a given nation or people, of a group with historically developed common features such as culture, language, psychology, a territory, etc.)
tautībaLatviantautība-lv-noun-1clV0j5Eethnicity, nationality (membership in a certain people, nation, or country)
tiaMaoritia-mi-noun-ur.Y78tEabdomen, stomach
tiaMaoritia-mi-noun-3le.lYjbumbilical cord
tiaMaoritia-mi-verb-RXXxQEqSto steer
bunny hopEnglishbunny_hop-en-noun-99R8wxCXA dance from the big band era, a variation of the conga.
bunny hopEnglishbunny_hop-en-noun-qJVkkd1SA jump made where both wheels leave the ground.
bunny hopEnglishbunny_hop-en-noun-mzK2y0G-A ground ball that hops along the field instead of rolling.
bunny hopEnglishbunny_hop-en-noun-VxMOY0CxAn exercise whereby the person crouches on their haunches and then extends their legs and springs up, jumping vertically into the air like a rabbit hopping.
bunny hopEnglishbunny_hop-en-verb-qWDSxuy6to jump repeatedly to avoid enemy fire, especially in first-person shooters
Douar an TanBretonDouar_an_Tan-br-name-GfHM9-NdTierra del Fuego (island between Chile and Argentina)
Douar an TanBretonDouar_an_Tan-br-name-ziYvAz6PTierra del Fuego (archipelago between Chile and Argentina)
FlandersEnglishFlanders-en-name-tEJPnJ9oThe County of Flanders, of varying extent.
FlandersEnglishFlanders-en-name-Uk0XgzJHA subnational state in the north of federal Belgium, the institutional merger of a territorial region and the Dutch language 'community' which also has/shares some authority in the capital region Brussels.
FlandersEnglishFlanders-en-name-zd8gtrcpTwo provinces in Belgian Flanders: (West-Flanders and East-Flanders).
FlandersEnglishFlanders-en-name-nFTUmqG4Short for French Flanders, a former province of the French kingdom on territory taken from the above countship, now constituting the French department Nord.
FlandersEnglishFlanders-en-name-NKAoOWaMThe principal railway station in Lille, capital of the above.
FlandersEnglishFlanders-en-name-Jt5m.83JA surname​.
FriburgoItalianFriburgo-it-name-FWD9nKk9Fribourg (a canton of Switzerland)
FriburgoItalianFriburgo-it-name-YxYWSsgpFribourg (the capital city of Fribourg canton, Switzerland)
GenoaEnglishGenoa-en-name-SBB8hCDjA province of Liguria, Italy.
GenoaEnglishGenoa-en-name-wUUXTzt5The capital city of Liguria, Italy, and also of the province of Genoa.
GenoaEnglishGenoa-en-name-8I-C-g9SA town in the Shire of Eastern Gippsland, Victoria, Australia.
GenoaEnglishGenoa-en-name-.gWzRRoJAn unincorporated community in Miller County, Arkansas, United States.
GenoaEnglishGenoa-en-name-5cSRe6dJA small statutory town in Lincoln County, Colorado, United States.
GenoaEnglishGenoa-en-name-bS2j3sw8A city in DeKalb County, Illinois, United States.
GenoaEnglishGenoa-en-name-21tSdhadAn unincorporated community in Olmsted County, Minnesota, United States.
GenoaEnglishGenoa-en-name-50ZsZixHA small city in Nance County, Nebraska, United States.
GenoaEnglishGenoa-en-name-evbrqm22An unincorporated town in Douglas County, Nevada, United States.
GenoaEnglishGenoa-en-name-hXKnw9XsA town in Cayuga County, New York, United States.
GenoaEnglishGenoa-en-name-tKOjTW8lA village in Ottawa County, Ohio, United States.
GenoaEnglishGenoa-en-name-NWPCfdLYThe former name of Perry Heights, an unincorporated community in Stark County, Ohio, United States.
GenoaEnglishGenoa-en-name-O7mdCcrZA village and town in Vernon County, Wisconsin, United States.
GenoaEnglishGenoa-en-name-he9jLhRVa maritime republic in northwestern Italy that existed from the 11th century until its disestablishment in 1797 when Napoleon formed the Ligurian Republic, a client state; Genoa briefly regained independence in 1814 before becoming quickly annexed by the Kingdom of Sardinia in 1815.
MườngVietnameseMường-vi-name-nNiKqqGrthe Muong people, a minority ethnic group in mountainous regions of Vietnam
MườngVietnameseMường-vi-name-Aso3gu4Lthe name of the various dialects, which is closely related to the Vietnamese language, spoken by the Muong people
WarsawEnglishWarsaw-en-name-zZhUpCYiThe capital city of Poland; capital city of the Masovian Voivodeship.
WarsawEnglishWarsaw-en-name-Mt7STgVMThe Polish government.
WarsawEnglishWarsaw-en-name-7BZvCx7kA city, the county seat of Kosciusko County, Indiana, United States.
WarsawEnglishWarsaw-en-name-OdlF3riZA home rule city, the county seat of Gallatin County, Kentucky, United States.
WarsawEnglishWarsaw-en-name-UAf44ApRA city, the county seat of Benton County, Missouri, United States.
WarsawEnglishWarsaw-en-name-fXIQVVyhA village, the county seat of Wyoming County, New York, United States.
WarsawEnglishWarsaw-en-name-IB8aG94KA town, the county seat of Richmond County, Virginia, United States.
ThracianEnglishThracian-en-adj-Nt8dhChSof or pertaining to Thrace or the Thracians or the extinct Thracian language.
ThracianEnglishThracian-en-noun-OJ3lxvt6An inhabitant of Thrace, regardless of ethnicity.
ThracianEnglishThracian-en-noun-jbYITST0A member of a group of tribes who spoke the language Thracian. (See Wikipedia's article on the Thracians.)
ThracianEnglishThracian-en-name-TKRYgscXthe extinct language formerly spoken in Thrace.
gealacánIrishgealacán-ga-noun-RQoLZTdwwhite (of egg, of eye)
greynMiddle Englishgreyn-enm-noun-PVwUqIM6Any kind of seed or planting body: / A grain of any kind of grain or cereal, especially used as food.
greynMiddle Englishgreyn-enm-noun-LS4eovuRAny kind of seed or planting body: / A seed or stone of a fruit, corn, or nut; a pepper corn.
greynMiddle Englishgreyn-enm-noun-78nvJtHaAny kind of seed or planting body: / A seed or germ of a plant that is not a grain or fruit.
greynMiddle Englishgreyn-enm-noun-JpUnDCgWAny kind of seed or planting body: / A grain or seed used as a unit of weight.
greynMiddle Englishgreyn-enm-noun-YWE5NdtWAny plant that bears grain, especially wheat; a field planted with such plants.
greynMiddle Englishgreyn-enm-noun-FlzaNcWwA small mote or speckle of dust; especially of valuable substances: / Any kind of spice or condiment; especially grains of paradise.
greynMiddle Englishgreyn-enm-noun-5rWiWZf1A small mote or speckle of dust; especially of valuable substances: / A mole, bole or boil; a bodily imperfection.
greynMiddle Englishgreyn-enm-noun-8DHC0kijgrain (die made with crushed insects, or a similar long-lasting dye)
greynMiddle Englishgreyn-enm-noun-AGhGaH9DAn article of fabric dyed with grain.
greynMiddle Englishgreyn-enm-noun-BeGwuRPuAlternative form of grayn
purpuraPolishpurpura-pl-noun-o4A2GCxXpurple color
purpuraPolishpurpura-pl-noun-gWnFrHQxpurple cloth
purpuraPolishpurpura-pl-noun-VhhMOT-Epurple raiment
purpuraPolishpurpura-pl-noun-EhL0vo1jpurple dye
yacatlClassical Nahuatlyacatl-nci-noun-134iEj5knose
yacatlClassical Nahuatlyacatl-nci-noun-JR.s1ZLlpoint
yacatlClassical Nahuatlyacatl-nci-noun-rRzM9Sfmfront, lead
smile from ear to earEnglishsmile_from_ear_to_ear-en-noun-EG7hagvdA large smile.
smile from ear to earEnglishsmile_from_ear_to_ear-en-verb-47DEQpj8
RumpelstiltskinEnglishRumpelstiltskin-en-name-.zGJuNC0A fairy tale about a dwarf who saves the miller’s daughter by spinning straw into gold in exchange for her first-born child, but is foiled when she guesses his name.
RumpelstiltskinEnglishRumpelstiltskin-en-name-t.rcUiX-The fictional dwarf who is the title character of that story.
ThumbelinaEnglishThumbelina-en-name-8iMgOZYCA fairy tale about a thumb-sized girl.
ThumbelinaEnglishThumbelina-en-name-hZl-QnVGThe main character in this story.
falcoItalianfalco-it-noun-8J.cGnwkhawk, falcon
falcoItalianfalco-it-noun-aUvtQOp8fierce and astute person
falcoItalianfalco-it-noun-24XX4dv7warmonger, bellicist, hawk, war hawk
sororalEnglishsororal-en-adj-d2bcGWxwOf or pertaining to a sister.
sororalEnglishsororal-en-adj-S92DZtGeRelated through someone's sister.
umagadCebuanoumagad-ceb-noun-Ce0vHr01the husband of one's sister
umagadCebuanoumagad-ceb-noun-x2mzFtCWthe husband of one's daughter; a son-in-law
μητέραGreekμητέρα-el-noun-0OjGwg0wmother (the first example of something)
μητέραGreekμητέρα-el-noun-f.9quGXwmother (something that is the greatest of its kind)
հարսArmenianհարս-hy-noun-ZXhvc9KBa newlywed woman
հարսArmenianհարս-hy-noun-x1NrbPaYdaughter-in-law, sister-in-law (the woman in relation to her husband's family)
आजोबाMarathiआजोबा-mr-noun-dFFouFP9grandfather, paternal or maternal
आजोबाMarathiआजोबा-mr-noun-DKUym1yxold man
皇家Chinese皇家-zh-noun-6NbHmpk.royal family; imperial household
皇家Chinese皇家-zh-noun-KzLppWNkimperial court
TolkienistEnglishTolkienist-en-noun-X-h3h6LXA Tolkienite or Tolkienologist.
美人魚Chinese美人魚-zh-noun-lqasgqHsmermaid; merperson; merfolk
baffsEnglishbaffs-en-verb-mDfVjlAdThird-person singular simple present indicative form of baff
baffsEnglishbaffs-en-noun-s9mcYNtAfashionable clothes
زيArabicزي-ar-noun-ijIXp7wnverbal noun of زَوَى‎ (zawā) (form I)
زيArabicزي-ar-noun-N6YFWPuXcostume, uniform, suit, dress
زيArabicزي-ar-noun-frQyv08mfashion, vogue
barretteEnglishbarrette-en-noun-Rv5hK7bOA clasp or clip for gathering and holding the hair.
barretteEnglishbarrette-en-noun-xRxhKz7PSynonym of katepimeron.
barretteEnglishbarrette-en-verb-SXo1Uz2LTo put (hair) into a barrette.
شجبArabicشجب-ar-verb-BpaDM-uJto perish, to pass away, to fret
شجبArabicشجب-ar-verb-yUCZQGByto grieve, to mourn, to fret
شجبArabicشجب-ar-verb-YfQZYcckto let perish, to make vanish, to fret
شجبArabicشجب-ar-verb-rVambvqHto affect with sadness, to grieve, to ail, to fret
شجبArabicشجب-ar-verb-3LZ6uFrTto reprehend, to deplore, to berate
شجبArabicشجب-ar-noun-uakkpnWcverbal noun of شَجَبَ‎ (šajaba) (form I)
شجبArabicشجب-ar-noun-9VWOCbskwant, need
شجبArabicشجب-ar-noun-s8f9Ak5nverbal noun of شَجِبَ‎ (šajiba) (form I) / perishment
شجبArabicشجب-ar-noun-iXgSOAIAverbal noun of شَجِبَ‎ (šajiba) (form I) / anxiety, grief, sorrow
شجبArabicشجب-ar-noun-kisTT1viplural of شِجَاب‎ (šijāb, “rack pole, hanger”)
شجبArabicشجب-ar-adj-EJnSpfregrieving, mourning, sorrowful, fretful
AaGermanAa-de-noun-Tb85TI8xpoo, poop (faeces)
AaGermanAa-de-name-Z8w4C004any of several rivers in Germany
AaGermanAa-de-name-Jt5m.83JA surname​.
калRussianкал-ru-noun-cphxeXYZdung, excrement, feces, poo
калRussianкал-ru-noun-XBaoPpEmcal, calorie
Japanese雌-ja-noun-jX.gWxxxa female (plant or animal)
Japanese雌-ja-noun-WWN7sLaWa female person; bitch
Japanese雌-ja-noun-RrG4JPMYan internal socket
Japanese雌-ja-noun-jX.gWxxx1a female (plant or animal)
Japanese雌-ja-noun-jX.gWxxx1a female (plant or animal)
Japanese雌-ja-affix-5HP0qItQfemale (plant or animal)
damEnglishdam-en-noun-n4z5me8cA structure placed across a flowing body of water to stop the flow or part of the flow, generally for purposes such as retaining or diverting some of the water or retarding the release of accumulated water to avoid abrupt flooding.
damEnglishdam-en-noun-ce6Pvh1-The water reservoir resulting from placing such structure.
damEnglishdam-en-noun-kvxsiWvfA device to prevent a tooth from getting wet during dental work, consisting of a rubber sheet held with a band.
damEnglishdam-en-noun-7vs41uHkA reservoir.
damEnglishdam-en-noun-6WllwBdzA firebrick wall, or a stone, which forms the front of the hearth of a blast furnace.
damEnglishdam-en-verb-GfLHTH.BTo block the flow of water.
damEnglishdam-en-noun-en:motherFemale parent, mother, generally regarding breeding of animals.
damEnglishdam-en-noun-xSquVQAPA kind of crowned piece in the game of draughts.
damEnglishdam-en-noun-X2kdqCacAn obsolete Indian copper coin, equal to a fortieth of a rupee.
damEnglishdam-en-noun-2SlpM-GIA former coin of Nepal, 128 of which were worth one mohar.
porcaLatinporca-la-noun-fQc3DzPusow (female pig)
porcaLatinporca-la-noun-QK9k-Npythe ridge between two furrows; a balk
курочкаRussianкурочка-ru-noun-jdbQ.lRWDiminutive of ку́рица (kúrica): (small) hen
курочкаRussianкурочка-ru-noun-nAxbbWOXendearing diminutive of ку́ра (kúra): (small) hen
курочкаRussianкурочка-ru-noun-8qthje4kfemale of any fowl (quail, pheasant, chicken, etc.)
blood sisterEnglishblood_sister-en-noun-cskaDFv4A sister by birth.
blood sisterEnglishblood_sister-en-noun-7cEjoJzbA female bound to another one in commitment and friendship by a ceremonial mingling of blood.
Vietnamesecô-vi-noun-94VZDxTga paternal aunt (father's sister)
Vietnamesecô-vi-pron-IOG9thD3I/me, your paternal aunt
Vietnamesecô-vi-pron-TeMynanAI/me, a woman who's (presumably) slightly younger than either of your parents
Vietnamesecô-vi-pron-WkiGh5-myou, my paternal aunt
Vietnamesecô-vi-pron-v0fXd4iFyou, a woman who's (presumably) slightly younger than either of my parents
Vietnamesecô-vi-pron-w0a6.hgAyou, a female who's (presumably) slightly younger than me
Vietnamesecô-vi-pron-7izeA8ehyou, my young mistress, my old master's daughter
Vietnamesecô-vi-pron-l6NoG45qyou, a young adult woman
Vietnamesecô-vi-pron-gz3cCG67you, my wife with whom I'm not happy
Vietnamesecô-vi-pron-GQeOmKW4you, Missy or young lady
Vietnamesecô-vi-pron-3N5KxEECshe/her, that young adult woman
Vietnamesecô-vi-noun-xmk1jyMeShort for cô giáo (“female teacher”).
Vietnamesecô-vi-pron-D8uFSgdgI/me, your older female teacher
Vietnamesecô-vi-pron-5P5CoOoWyou, my older female teacher
Vietnamesecô-vi-pron-YRH3DejLyou, my or my child's female teacher who's (presumably) as old as or younger than me
Vietnamesecô-vi-pron-dm7j.IHLyou, my child's female teacher who's (presumably) slightly older than me
Vietnamesecô-vi-pron-W3gF41H-she/her, my/your/our female teacher
grandauntEnglishgrandaunt-en-noun-KcV3Q2MnSynonym of great-aunt
grandauntEnglishgrandaunt-en-noun-LRjAv9PxA sister of grandparent
swatkaPolishswatka-pl-noun-68I0CVZNA matchmaker.
swatkaPolishswatka-pl-noun-HR77IHw1The mother of one's child-in-law.
бабуляRussianбабуля-ru-noun-tuMBhP8ygranny (grandmother)
бабуляRussianбабуля-ru-noun-GEa-fFUFgranny (old lady)
võ sĩ đạoVietnamesevõ_sĩ_đạo-vi-noun-DdIsu-g3bushido
võ sĩ đạoVietnamesevõ_sĩ_đạo-vi-noun-.sBxGEHCa samurai; a bushi
abacáPortugueseabacá-pt-noun-HdpgJtj.abaca (Musa textilis, a species of banana)
abacáPortugueseabacá-pt-noun-L7AyPoS4Manila hemp (a fibre extracted from the abaca)
teereMiddle Englishteere-enm-adj-enm:goodOf good quality or manners.
teereMiddle Englishteere-enm-noun-naUY6hRKAlternative form of tere (“tear”)
teereMiddle Englishteere-enm-verb-6c-2X1w-Alternative form of teren (“to ruin by removing or splitting”)
小熊Chinese小熊-zh-noun-OICXP8VGlittle bear
хлопушкаRussianхлопушка-ru-noun-BNINXbQGplopper, pop gun, flapper
fillipEnglishfillip-en-noun-s7NG7GjDThe action of holding the tip of a finger against the thumb and then releasing it with a snap; a flick.
fillipEnglishfillip-en-noun-nBG4QNyDA sharp strike or tap made using this action, or (by extension) by other means.
fillipEnglishfillip-en-noun-hc5cGD3BSomething unimportant, a trifle; also, the brief time it takes to flick one's finger (see noun sense 1); a jiffy.
fillipEnglishfillip-en-noun-NDweB7URSomething that excites or stimulates.
fillipEnglishfillip-en-verb-PkTIx42aTo strike, project, or propel with a fillip (that is, a finger released quickly after being pressed against the thumb); to flick.
fillipEnglishfillip-en-verb-yy6wQOHiTo project quickly; to snap.
fillipEnglishfillip-en-verb-syVa6glHTo strike or tap smartly.
fillipEnglishfillip-en-verb-5Kb80ZuMTo drive as if by a fillip (noun sense 1); to excite, stimulate, whet.
fillipEnglishfillip-en-verb-DQwckHiXTo make a fillip (noun sense 1) (with the fingers).
blazeEnglishblaze-en-noun-dOMRqum4A fire, especially a fast-burning fire producing a lot of flames and light.
blazeEnglishblaze-en-noun-PJYicAwUIntense, direct light accompanied with heat.
blazeEnglishblaze-en-noun-sZCsks-2The white or lighter-coloured markings on a horse's face.
blazeEnglishblaze-en-noun-R4ZIsO2oA high-visibility orange colour, typically used in warning signs and hunters' clothing.
blazeEnglishblaze-en-noun-0BMyT1Z5A bursting out, or active display of any quality.
blazeEnglishblaze-en-noun-dUMeHL2lA spot made on trees by chipping off a piece of the bark, usually as a surveyor's mark.
blazeEnglishblaze-en-noun-g8OwZI1PA hand consisting of five face cards.
blazeEnglishblaze-en-verb-o2AfbtT0To be on fire, especially producing bright flames.
blazeEnglishblaze-en-verb-qr3ZEHaPTo send forth or reflect a bright light; shine like a flame.
blazeEnglishblaze-en-verb-BmmDrwLLTo be conspicuous; shine brightly a brilliancy (of talents, deeds, etc.).
blazeEnglishblaze-en-verb-CnxzPIpbTo set in a blaze; burn.
blazeEnglishblaze-en-verb-FPS-UZPbTo cause to shine forth; exhibit vividly; be resplendent with.
blazeEnglishblaze-en-verb-2FN4NSemTo mark with a white spot on the face (as a horse).
blazeEnglishblaze-en-verb-q8euBoPZTo set a mark on (as a tree, usually by cutting off a piece of its bark).
blazeEnglishblaze-en-verb-Io0xvklWTo indicate or mark out (a trail, especially through vegetation) by a series of blazes.
blazeEnglishblaze-en-verb-A8FMVzwBTo set a precedent for the taking-on of a challenge; lead by example.
blazeEnglishblaze-en-verb-JfScpf7ATo be furiously angry; to speak or write in a rage.
blazeEnglishblaze-en-verb-6ZZlfmn5To smoke marijuana.
blazeEnglishblaze-en-verb-TPkXobppTo blow, as from a trumpet
blazeEnglishblaze-en-verb-et2itbQuTo publish; announce publicly
blazeEnglishblaze-en-verb-u7qiR7QjTo disclose; bewray; defame
blazeEnglishblaze-en-verb-uv45KrUmTo blazon
blazeEnglishblaze-en-noun-iAYyuUgnPublication; the act of spreading widely by report
pogorzelPolishpogorzel-pl-noun-zaUS7n6TA place where a fire has occurred.
pogorzelPolishpogorzel-pl-noun-A0xwSzvGBurnt remnants or ruins after a fire.
pogorzelPolishpogorzel-pl-noun-8SA3pipRA fire; a conflagration.
ræscettanOld Englishræscettan-ang-verb-Oz-E4BZBto crackle as a fire
ræscettanOld Englishræscettan-ang-verb-dOR31kN6to sparkle
naselloItaliannasello-it-noun-kJp8atNyhake (Merluccius merluccius)
stubbiFaroesestubbi-fo-noun-rC0yw-FTgoby (Gobiidae)
γαλέηAncient Greekγαλέη-grc-noun-rlNnflaMname given to various animals of the Mustelidae family, like martens, weasels and polecats
γαλέηAncient Greekγαλέη-grc-noun-NQf2Odyhkind of small fish
δράκαιναGreekδράκαινα-el-noun-fJXfARw9dragon (legendary serpentine or reptilian creature)
δράκαιναGreekδράκαινα-el-noun-x2pizxeBdragon, harridan, shrew (an unpleasant woman)
δράκαιναGreekδράκαινα-el-noun-UX7LF9JJdragonet (any of the fish in the family Callionymidae)
трескаBulgarianтреска-bg-noun-jLvH3q68fever (disease)
трескаBulgarianтреска-bg-noun-w5wrmCkrhigh excitation, excitement
трескаBulgarianтреска-bg-noun-dU9Sj.pxcentaury (Centaurium erythraea)
трескаBulgarianтреска-bg-noun-11mQcbO1sliver, chip
трескаBulgarianтреска-bg-noun-9yHxpyMhsmall defect, imperfection
sidewinderEnglishsidewinder-en-noun-Hdrd1aT8A North American rattlesnake, Crotalus cerastes, that inhabits lowland deserts.
sidewinderEnglishsidewinder-en-noun-mrgiTJLwA person who is untrustworthy and dangerous.
sidewinderEnglishsidewinder-en-noun-Ln7oo4VeA heavy swinging blow from the side which disables an adversary.
sidewinderEnglishsidewinder-en-noun-yAc3s4KMA pitcher who throws sidearm.
sidewinderEnglishsidewinder-en-noun--AgbGRt4A type of middle-distance deep-sea trawler widely used during the 1960s and 1970s.
quinaryEnglishquinary-en-adj-AnRODAbCOf fifth rank or order.
quinaryEnglishquinary-en-adj-sESh8nO1Consisting of five things; arranged in fives.
quinaryEnglishquinary-en-adj-QNGeyunvTo the base of five; represented by the numerals 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4.
quinaryEnglishquinary-en-noun-pO0DhwkRAny of 72 rays associated with the Sun, six for each of the 12 houses of the Zodiac.
plaiceEnglishplaice-en-noun-CBbET98bSeveral similar marine flatfish of the righteye flounder family Pleuronectidae: / Pleuronectes platessa (European plaice), commonly found in the North Sea and Irish Sea, with smooth brown skin and red or orange spots.
plaiceEnglishplaice-en-noun-irDe7deqSeveral similar marine flatfish of the righteye flounder family Pleuronectidae: / Hippoglossoides platessoides ( American plaice), of the North American Atlantic.
plaiceEnglishplaice-en-noun-P.Z39xtDSeveral similar marine flatfish of the righteye flounder family Pleuronectidae: / Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus ( Alaska plaice), of the eastern North Pacific.
plaiceEnglishplaice-en-noun-cVrJeTpSSeveral similar marine flatfish of the righteye flounder family Pleuronectidae: / Acanthopsetta nadeshnyi ( scale-eye plaice), of the western North Pacific.
plaiceEnglishplaice-en-noun-STNF968MSeveral similar marine flatfish of the righteye flounder family Pleuronectidae: / Liopsetta glacialis ( polar plaice)
plásIrishplás-ga-noun-p38VnFkMa place (open space; group of houses)
plásIrishplás-ga-noun-tklKO-Hoa plaza
FLEnglishFL-en-noun-XIaHKt0.Abbreviation of foreign language.
FLEnglishFL-en-noun-WYl4fmHjAbbreviation of flight level.
FLEnglishFL-en-noun-M6TmzlbBAbbreviation of French letter.
FLEnglishFL-en-name-blYdG5cTFlorida, a state of the United States of America.
FLEnglishFL-en-name-kMS.giCSFlevoland, a province of the Netherlands.
nebáncsvirágHungariannebáncsvirág-hu-noun-AoIBdpceimpatiens, touch-me-not, jewelweed (any of various ornamental plants of the genus Impatiens)
nebáncsvirágHungariannebáncsvirág-hu-noun-NswlkY5ta sensitive, easily offendable person
nebáncsvirágHungariannebáncsvirág-hu-noun-voG0AsAia bashful, shy person who blushes easily
نیلوفرPersianنیلوفر-fa-name-.dehDsqOwater lily
نیلوفرPersianنیلوفر-fa-name-4HeCAMW.A female given name, Nilufar or Niloofar, from Middle Persian.
紅花Japanese紅花-ja-noun-pFsNRyj4safflower (Carthamus tinctorius)
紅花Japanese紅花-ja-noun-mD2GfmTpred- or crimson-colored flower
紅花Japanese紅花-ja-noun-pFsNRyj41safflower (Carthamus tinctorius)
紅花Japanese紅花-ja-name-44it7l9BA female given name
紅花Japanese紅花-ja-name-44it7l9B1A female given name
gluten-freeEnglishgluten-free-en-adj-0mhnS.IQContaining no gluten.
gluten-freeEnglishgluten-free-en-adj-ejyG3srHnot eating gluten
FrittenGermanFritten-de-noun-gOGPFwITfries, french fries, chips (UK)
FrittenGermanFritten-de-noun-8iZZt7LJplural of Fritte (“a single fry”)
dosaEnglishdosa-en-noun-JQtZiO23A type of thin south Indian pancake made from fermented lentils and rice blended with water, typically served with chutney or sambar.
dosaEnglishdosa-en-noun-C1gx3H9UAlternative spelling of dosha
giardinieraItaliangiardiniera-it-noun-UMgpfzvSdiced, mixed vegetables cooked and then pickled
giardinieraItaliangiardiniera-it-noun-EcxMYEkRfemale equivalent of giardiniere (“gardener”)
goodyEnglishgoody-en-intj-xDci-d0AUsed to indicate pleasure or delight.
goodyEnglishgoody-en-noun-iFkHw59MA small amount of something good to eat.
goodyEnglishgoody-en-noun-5t3QVpxzAny small, usually free, item.
goodyEnglishgoody-en-noun-eSOkhjSBPudding made by boiling bread in milk with sugar and spices.
goodyEnglishgoody-en-noun-Xq4hwQxMGoodwife, a 17th-century puritan honorific.
goodyEnglishgoody-en-noun-YCFYyCa1Alternative form of goodie (“hero, good character in a story”)
goodyEnglishgoody-en-noun-pBP1sEm6That which is good, the good part of something, which one desires to extract or use up.
goodyEnglishgoody-en-noun-8FsSKRGoAn American fish, the lafayette or spot.
goodyEnglishgoody-en-adj-zuoJIle.Synonym of goody-goody (“mawkishly good; weakly benevolent or pious”)
icingEnglishicing-en-noun-WnfcXpdyA sweet, often creamy and thick glaze made primarily of sugar, often enriched with ingredients like butter, egg whites, or flavorings, typically used for baked goods.
icingEnglishicing-en-noun-LzUnDjZUA minor violation of ice hockey rules, occurring when a player shoots the puck from his/her side of the red line so that it crosses the goal line on the opponent's side. A team playing short-handed is not penalized for this.
icingEnglishicing-en-noun-uh.WfD3GThe process of forming a layer of ice on a surface.
icingEnglishicing-en-noun-R3RgFjgRConditions conducive to the formation of ice on aircraft surfaces.
icingEnglishicing-en-verb-3Jr4o0MYpresent participle of ice
panRomanschpan-rm-noun-svYBt2SNloaf of bread
sotilenMiddle Englishsotilen-enm-verb-LbGpkCgkTo be insidious or deceptive; to collude towards wrong.
sotilenMiddle Englishsotilen-enm-verb-Z7vvfAHOTo create or design; to come up with an idea.
sotilenMiddle Englishsotilen-enm-verb-5B3NI4dWTo make fluidic or airy; to reduce something's density.
sotilenMiddle Englishsotilen-enm-verb-Ny2YFDHQTo lessen someone's food intake.
sotilenMiddle Englishsotilen-enm-verb-XH7Wf3PcTo think about the effects of an event.
sotilenMiddle Englishsotilen-enm-verb-VGMNGNnqTo increase in mental acuity.
sotilenMiddle Englishsotilen-enm-verb-vosYqLNfTo become airy or refined.
tendieEnglishtendie-en-noun-BNjg.DkQA chicken tender.
tendieEnglishtendie-en-noun-nFcedScPThe money or financial instruments that are gained by independent currency or securities traders following a successful wager or risk.
хъурмэAdygheхъурмэ-ady-noun-JjJewlBudate palm
хъурмэAdygheхъурмэ-ady-noun-B2O8qIjJdate palm tree
ప్రసాదముTeluguప్రసాదము-te-noun-u-y44Ey8Favour, kindness, grace.
ప్రసాదముTeluguప్రసాదము-te-noun-9rm0axS3Food presented to a god or blest by a priest and then distributed in a temple. The remains of an offering thus presented.
സദ്യMalayalamസദ്യ-ml-noun-ShEXXhaLKerala feast consisting of rice and numerous dishes, usually served in banana leaf
സദ്യMalayalamസദ്യ-ml-noun-Fku41EX-a heavy rice meal with many dishes
ข้าวต้มThaiข้าวต้ม-th-noun-7siNihP2Teochew-style rice porridge.
ข้าวต้มThaiข้าวต้ม-th-noun-f.RcWUr1a dessert of glutinous rice with a filling, wrapped with leaves and steamed or boiled.
ἐλατήρAncient Greekἐλατήρ-grc-noun-08HX0bCzdriver, especially of horses, charioteer
ἐλατήρAncient Greekἐλατήρ-grc-noun-oWJy4Grvrower, oarsman
ἐλατήρAncient Greekἐλατήρ-grc-noun-awLiTa55one that drives away
ἐλατήρAncient Greekἐλατήρ-grc-noun-91DcgUYFkind of broad, flat cake
醃魚Chinese醃魚-zh-noun-OLfta550kipper; salted fish
醃魚Chinese醃魚-zh-verb-MejmeOODto prepare kipper; to salt fish
キックオフJapaneseキックオフ-ja-noun-I-.Yzziikick-off (opening kick of a game)
キックオフJapaneseキックオフ-ja-noun-Ofgyv5Qoopening stage of something
キックオフJapaneseキックオフ-ja-verb-kpcggderkick off (make the first kick of a game)
キックオフJapaneseキックオフ-ja-verb-oTRkzFROstart something
thongEnglishthong-en-noun-UNHP5xMOA strip of leather.
thongEnglishthong-en-noun-Cy3M7QTiAn item of footwear, usually of rubber, secured by two straps which join to pass between the big toe and its neighbour.
thongEnglishthong-en-noun-FOhSJT4PAn undergarment or swimwear consisting of very narrow strips designed to cover just the genitals and nothing more.
thongEnglishthong-en-noun-w6HM8mClThe largest section of a bullwhip constructed of many straps of braided leather.
tàcEmiliantàc-egl-noun-Q3dJOtvRthe back of a shoe
tàcEmiliantàc-egl-noun-l-vAUwCFheel of a shoe
ageistEnglishageist-en-adj-rZ9BRSMCUnfairly discriminatory against someone based on their age.
ageistEnglishageist-en-noun-lxzt-Y.GA person who behaves in an ageist manner.
BundesrepublikGermanBundesrepublik-de-noun-ygK.My4mfederal republic
BundesrepublikGermanBundesrepublik-de-name-8cdKSYgQFederal Republic of Germany
民主Chinese民主-zh-noun-982ICzGDfunctionary; official
民主Chinese民主-zh-name-gvPnsaJqMinzhu (a village in Zhonglu, Lichuan, Enshi prefecture, Hubei, China)
roufEnglishrouf-en-noun-0UDTteurThe number four. / A prison sentence of four years.
roufEnglishrouf-en-noun-5bzRTeYYThe number four. / Four shillings.
roufEnglishrouf-en-noun-Abos6wjLThe number four. / Four pounds sterling.
roufEnglishrouf-en-noun-5OF0zijLThe number four. / Odds of four to one.
soixante-neufFrenchsoixante-neuf-fr-noun-6Oh5yFE4sixty-nine (sex position)
naranjillaSpanishnaranjilla-es-noun-EAM.dP69a naranjilla (subtropical plant)
naranjillaSpanishnaranjilla-es-noun-O0OHQDK3a naranjilla (fruit)
passaPortuguesepassa-pt-verb--JBW3idaThird-person singular (ele, ela, also used with tu and você) present indicative of passar
passaPortuguesepassa-pt-verb-UVhatB1tSecond-person singular (tu) affirmative imperative of passar
passaPortuguesepassa-pt-intj-CnOJhn.oshoo!; get away!; clear off! (said to an animal)
passaPortuguesepassa-pt-noun-zPv1ShYwdried fruit
passaPortuguesepassa-pt-noun-KX87ZMswraisin (dried grape)
thơmVietnamesethơm-vi-adj-uSHt.59mfragrant, sweet-smelling; of a pleasant aroma
thơmVietnamesethơm-vi-noun-xZpmDB-6a species of pineapple commonly found in southern Vietnam
thơmVietnamesethơm-vi-verb-CQf0AzEzto kiss
խնձորOld Armenianխնձոր-xcl-noun-goQPea4Japple (fruit)
խնձորOld Armenianխնձոր-xcl-noun-usod2lXZapple tree
խնձորOld Armenianխնձոր-xcl-noun-XzStZ3suthe round part of the dome under the cross
JanazahEnglishJanazah-en-noun-xwftfQ8fA Muslim funeral prayer, part of the Islamic funeral ritual.
JanazahEnglishJanazah-en-noun-mniUp6wwA bier or a coffin used to transport and bury the body of a dead person.
cabinetEnglishcabinet-en-noun-js9z-RZ3A storage closet either separate from, or built into, a wall.
cabinetEnglishcabinet-en-noun-vYJ-SlGOA cupboard.
cabinetEnglishcabinet-en-noun-i42d33AzThe upright assembly that houses a coin-operated arcade game, a cab.
cabinetEnglishcabinet-en-noun-U32euBvxA size of photograph, specifically one measuring 3⅞" by 5½".
cabinetEnglishcabinet-en-noun-5zQG5lgjA group of advisors to a government or business entity.
cabinetEnglishcabinet-en-noun-stnHEJhEIn parliamentary and some other systems of government, the group of ministers responsible for creating government policy and for overseeing the departments comprising the executive branch.
cabinetEnglishcabinet-en-noun-HmZniRz-A cabinet-level agency in the executive branch; that is, an agency headed by a member of the governor's cabinet.
cabinetEnglishcabinet-en-noun-Eo7dC21vA small chamber or private room.
cabinetEnglishcabinet-en-noun-qBYq.RkcA collection of art or ethnographic objects.
cabinetEnglishcabinet-en-noun-hXNCS6lLA hut; a cottage; a small house.
cabinetEnglishcabinet-en-noun-Q2nVgiHPAn enclosure for mechanical or electrical equipment.
clósetSpanishclóset-es-noun-rkBVsTGdcloset (the state of being secretly gay)
mecedorSpanishmecedor-es-adj-9VYfagMsrocking (that rocks, swings)
mecedorSpanishmecedor-es-noun-Hx8bdbFXrocking chair
tavolinoItaliantavolino-it-noun-HBSKPYMDa small table, an occasional table, a card table
tavolinoItaliantavolino-it-noun-Sawg2zaostage of a microscope
toolEstoniantool-et-noun-okucSRlkA seat with four legs and a backrest for one person.
مكتبSouth Levantine Arabicمكتب-ajp-noun-XMP4KDi6office
مكتبSouth Levantine Arabicمكتب-ajp-noun-Sb5BetdAdesk
yiffyEnglishyiffy-en-adj-eyPOmkCAOf or pertaining to yiff (sexual intercourse among furries).
yiffyEnglishyiffy-en-adj-UPl9AOFZSexually aroused
まだらJapaneseまだら-ja-noun-OV4rlUTubeing variegated
まだらJapaneseまだら-ja-noun-Lx7Bfehwpacific cod, Gadus macrocephalus
troopEnglishtroop-en-noun-REYMpqqsA collection of people; a number; a multitude (in general).
troopEnglishtroop-en-noun-gaD4ZUACA small unit of cavalry or armour commanded by a captain, corresponding to a platoon or company of infantry.
troopEnglishtroop-en-noun-U1oMNhqNA detachment of soldiers or police, especially horse artillery, armour, or state troopers.
troopEnglishtroop-en-noun-cjKDISFbA group of soldiers; military forces.
troopEnglishtroop-en-noun-tdlmQYDnA company of actors; a troupe.
troopEnglishtroop-en-noun-xSCUs.OiA chapter of a national girl or boy scouts organization, consisting of one or more patrols of 6 to 8 youngsters each.
troopEnglishtroop-en-noun-6280BSzMA group of baboons.
troopEnglishtroop-en-noun-Ena45giGA group of meerkat families living together.
troopEnglishtroop-en-noun-wj2YkKs7A particular roll of the drum; a quick march.
troopEnglishtroop-en-noun-e3Su6WXEMushrooms that are in a close group but not close enough to be called a cluster.
troopEnglishtroop-en-verb-tL53wmjDTo move in numbers; to come or gather in crowds or troops.
troopEnglishtroop-en-verb-1nrV9JkMTo march on; to go forward in haste.
troopEnglishtroop-en-verb-Fw60jzUNTo move or march as if in a crowd.
graPolishgra-pl-verb-4wzipSHrthird-person singular present indicative of grać
baineannachIrishbaineannach-ga-adj-6OF2g1OHhaving female offspring
yellow broomEnglishyellow_broom-en-noun-4V0DfMbhAny yellow-blooming plant of tribe Genisteae: subfamily Faboideae, especially
yellow broomEnglishyellow_broom-en-noun-NOY.iivKCytisus scoparius
yellow broomEnglishyellow_broom-en-noun-Y8ppyfgbBaptisia tinctoria, of tribe Thermopsideae: subfamily Faboideae.
Lähi-itäFinnishLähi-itä-fi-name-N5RAEgY3Middle East
Lähi-itäFinnishLähi-itä-fi-name-GUYyOhLWNear East
mpakaSwahilimpaka-sw-prep-Yrxtzm3Euntil (up to the time of (something happening))
mpakaSwahilimpaka-sw-noun-SD3NBW2rborder, boundary (dividing line or location between two areas)
hyperspatialEnglishhyperspatial-en-adj-SYqduFhPPertaining to hyperspace.
hyperspatialEnglishhyperspatial-en-adj-.3k.a3i3Of or pertaining to multi-dimensional geometry.
hyperspatialEnglishhyperspatial-en-adj-XNyQFQeROf or with a spatial resolution below 1 meter remote sensing.
iglicaPolishiglica-pl-noun-Tp1j2cwrAny plant of the genus Erodium, particularly the redstem filaree (Erodium cicutarium).
iglicaPolishiglica-pl-noun-N34Ar-9Zdamselfly of the genus Nehalennia
iglicaPolishiglica-pl-noun-Lg3GgwtSneedle (sharp pinnacle of rock)
iglicaPolishiglica-pl-noun-q.7ALhL7firing pin
iglicaPolishiglica-pl-noun-FMjzkB63part of a railroad switch
iglicaPolishiglica-pl-noun-p4aIKebRneedle (leaf of conifers)
iglicaPolishiglica-pl-noun-8Fc9Smgxneedle (indicator)
iglicaPolishiglica-pl-noun-uChH90tmnet needle
iglicaPolishiglica-pl-noun-2j4wfBwRA hairpin or a type of brooch.
RenoItalianReno-it-name-9lfa3kpSRhine (river)
RenoItalianReno-it-name-Z8QGPal.Reno (river)
ܥܙܐClassical Syriacܥܙܐ-syc-noun-4cqf1Q9Vgoat, she-goat
ܥܙܐClassical Syriacܥܙܐ-syc-name-SY1xPFg-Capella
JehovahEnglishJehovah-en-name-h3qp.APkThe personal name of God in the Hebrew Scriptures; in Hebrew, יהוה‎ (YHVH)
JehovahEnglishJehovah-en-noun-h.j.NMbkA Jehovah's Witness.
divinitasLatindivinitas-la-noun-zOJUzKlidivinity, Godhead, godhood
divinitasLatindivinitas-la-noun-WIjLL3s-the power of divination
bučaSlovenebuča-sl-noun-oNwiqeBSpumpkin, squash
cantaloupeEnglishcantaloupe-en-noun-gvJ60xOyA melon of species Cucumis melo subsp. melo with sweet orange flesh, with numerous cultivars in several cultivar groups. / Smooth-skinned, also known as true cantaloupe, found in the Middle East and also grown in Europe.
cantaloupeEnglishcantaloupe-en-noun-FLuMQX7mA melon of species Cucumis melo subsp. melo with sweet orange flesh, with numerous cultivars in several cultivar groups. / Having a rough skin resembling netting; also known as muskmelon or rockmelon.
cantaloupeEnglishcantaloupe-en-noun-w85E9rP8An orange colour, like that of cantaloupe flesh.
ministerialEnglishministerial-en-adj-lfmnwSGxRelated to a religious minister or ministry.
ministerialEnglishministerial-en-adj-8EEPrVcURelated to a governmental minister or ministry.
ministerialEnglishministerial-en-adj-e45MdL5DHaving the power to wield delegated executive authority.
ministerialEnglishministerial-en-adj-k.wYW6YhServing as an instrument or means (i.e., procedural or ancillary, not substantive).
ministerialEnglishministerial-en-noun-6Vyc5SnoA member of the mediaeval estate or caste of unfree nobles.
grâuRomaniangrâu-ro-noun-.CrBHm2Ngrain, cereal, corn
grãoPortuguesegrão-pt-noun-LqKeDOqYgrain (harvested seeds of various grass-related food crops)
grãoPortuguesegrão-pt-noun-MFENGE8ngrain (single particle of a substance)
grãoPortuguesegrão-pt-noun-fR6Skxkngrain (unit of measure)
grãoPortuguesegrão-pt-adj-KYXwkX.Agrand; great; grand-
ܚܛܬܐClassical Syriacܚܛܬܐ-syc-noun-3mwzQzmswheat
ܚܛܬܐClassical Syriacܚܛܬܐ-syc-noun-wle-3xVXcollyrium
ܚܛܬܐClassical Syriacܚܛܬܐ-syc-noun-2E9pH8SYnipple
小米Chinese小米-zh-noun-JJXRxOUfhulled grain of foxtail millet (Setaria italica)
小米Chinese小米-zh-noun-CFpOZJ3Efoxtail millet (the plant Setaria italica or its unhulled grain)
小米Chinese小米-zh-name-5AXKvpooXiaomi (Chinese electronics company)
subgrammaticalEnglishsubgrammatical-en-adj-gfxPzziKUsing substandard grammar; less than grammatically correct.
subgrammaticalEnglishsubgrammatical-en-adj-ifp3QlvYRelating to a subgrammar.
arcoItalianarco-it-noun-mT6VxyaRbow (weapon)
arcoItalianarco-it-noun-FTp-ww6Qbow (used to play string instruments)
needlegrassEnglishneedlegrass-en-noun-FDpAcNc5Any of several genera of Poaceae grasses: / Achnatherum spp.
needlegrassEnglishneedlegrass-en-noun-4TwwGYADAny of several genera of Poaceae grasses: / Aristida (threeawns)
needlegrassEnglishneedlegrass-en-noun-ukvQeWkzAny of several genera of Poaceae grasses: / Hesperostipa
needlegrassEnglishneedlegrass-en-noun-mfP11ryWAny of several genera of Poaceae grasses: / Nassella
needlegrassEnglishneedlegrass-en-noun-kegBznTtAny of several genera of Poaceae grasses: / Stipa (feathergrasses)
needlegrassEnglishneedlegrass-en-noun-EoMUAx8kAny of several genera of Poaceae grasses: / Triraphis
قامشOttoman Turkishقامش-ota-noun-NP5idT23reed; phragmites
قامشOttoman Turkishقامش-ota-noun-rdF0Pq5bbamboo
قامشOttoman Turkishقامش-ota-noun-osLtQSY-a piece of reed, or something made of reed
قامشOttoman Turkishقامش-ota-noun-9pUtbu9Vpenis
ThyridesLatinThyrides-la-name-0BIwYHUHA promontory of Laconia
ThyridesLatinThyrides-la-name-VLtMtHRnAn island of the Ionian Sea mentioned by Pliny
ArtemisaSpanishArtemisa-es-name-oj2Geh6YA province of Cuba
jotaDutchjota-nl-noun-JAU.DIcQiota (Greek letter)
jotaDutchjota-nl-noun-V.sHRT3iiota (small amount)
CaronteSpanishCaronte-es-name-LPZpari1Charon (moon of Pluto)
CaronteSpanishCaronte-es-name-bbmVVQbQCharon (mythical ferryman of the dead)
tlacamazatlClassical Nahuatltlacamazatl-nci-noun-urVpmE35A rabid person.
tlacamazatlClassical Nahuatltlacamazatl-nci-noun-CF2mtzDXA centaur (in descriptions of the sign of Sagittarius).
ῬοδόπηAncient GreekῬοδόπη-grc-name-fAerhvFNRhodope, a woman in Greek mythology
ῬοδόπηAncient GreekῬοδόπη-grc-name-foqzP8-lRhodope Mountains
pelēksLatvianpelēks-lv-adj-gN6cAerVgray (having the color of, e.g., ash; white with low brightness)
pelēksLatvianpelēks-lv-adj-.F8FxLLAgray (having a tone or hue similar to gray when compared to other related elements)
pelēksLatvianpelēks-lv-adj-aw0RCOhxgray, cloudy
pelēksLatvianpelēks-lv-adj-h7C6KNOxcolorless, commonplace, uninteresting, unhealthy
battered savEnglishbattered_sav-en-noun-Eyp79SJsA saveloy that has been coated in batter and deep fried.
battered savEnglishbattered_sav-en-noun-MKsiaSESA men's gymnastic move where the gymnast leaps into the air, landing in a push-up position in which his groin touches the floor, or, by extension, any maneuver that results in crushing the male groin.
barber chairEnglishbarber_chair-en-noun-p6J2I8lNAn articulating chair used in barbershops and salons to facilitate hair-cutting and styling or face-shaving.
barber chairEnglishbarber_chair-en-noun-nBsOdb.XA tree which splits vertically while being felled, causing part of the tree to remain upright while the remainder of the tree falls.
barber chairEnglishbarber_chair-en-verb-5I3q5axtAlternative form of barber-chair
herlEnglishherl-en-noun-sQsk2h2Va strand of hair
herlEnglishherl-en-noun-D6uvw22mthe fibrous shaft or barb of a feather (especially that of the ostrich or peacock) used to make artificial flies for angling
herlEnglishherl-en-noun-hB36kTPman artificial fly made with this barb
kapperDutchkapper-nl-noun-9qG-q.0Jbarber, hairdresser
kapperDutchkapper-nl-noun-UR4HLMWpcaper bush, Capparis spinosa
растительностьRussianрастительность-ru-noun-2LhQwI6Evegetation, verdure
clywWelshclyw-cy-noun-yVi.-4Rehearing (sense used to perceive sound)
clywWelshclyw-cy-verb-vgop7QA9third-person singular present/future of clywed
clywWelshclyw-cy-verb-8T4elksFsecond-person singular imperative of clywed
süketHungariansüket-hu-adj-ISRLjVnxdeaf (unable to hear)
süketHungariansüket-hu-adj-xoWrOEObdeaf (unwilling to listen or be persuaded)
partridgeberryEnglishpartridgeberry-en-noun-Ypo17pEYAny of various plants, including / squaw vine, Mitchella repens
partridgeberryEnglishpartridgeberry-en-noun-bHDPzXwNAny of various plants, including / teaberry, Gaultheria procumbens
partridgeberryEnglishpartridgeberry-en-noun-HzFIfCwxAny of various plants, including / lingonberry, Vaccinium vitis-idaea
partridgeberryEnglishpartridgeberry-en-noun-MqmZXMZcThe berry of such a plant.
saugeMiddle Englishsauge-enm-noun-x.Q9D9p1sage (Salvia officinalis or its product)
saugeMiddle Englishsauge-enm-noun-YdRv0hrrAny plant of the genus Salvia.
saugeMiddle Englishsauge-enm-noun-QFB8vjxWAlternative form of sage
saugeMiddle Englishsauge-enm-adj-QFB8vjxWAlternative form of sage
weldEnglishweld-en-noun-djPiAQMwA herb (Reseda luteola) related to mignonette, growing in Europe, and to some extent in America, used to make a yellow dye.
weldEnglishweld-en-noun-Vz.TyZZRThe yellow coloring matter or dye extracted from this plant.
weldEnglishweld-en-verb-BGoGdSeSTo join two materials (especially two metals) together by applying heat, pressure and filler, either separately or in any combination.
weldEnglishweld-en-verb-IDGaIGAPTo bind together inseparably; to unite closely or intimately.
weldEnglishweld-en-noun-Eg9i6RQHThe joint made by welding.
weldEnglishweld-en-verb-JM4G4UHmTo wield.
fleeceEnglishfleece-en-noun-LWxe9XsnHair or wool of a sheep or similar animal
fleeceEnglishfleece-en-noun-NyNAEXmvInsulating skin with the wool attached
fleeceEnglishfleece-en-noun-foRv88yWA textile similar to velvet, but with a longer pile that gives it a softness and a higher sheen.
fleeceEnglishfleece-en-noun-o3So7wAUAn insulating wooly jacket
fleeceEnglishfleece-en-noun-47oUpfnMMat or felts composed of fibers, sometimes used as a membrane backer.
fleeceEnglishfleece-en-noun-okEAxXE1Any soft woolly covering resembling a fleece.
fleeceEnglishfleece-en-noun-5CC0LI1UThe fine web of cotton or wool removed by the doffing knife from the cylinder of a carding machine.
fleeceEnglishfleece-en-verb-.tSshEEiTo con or trick (someone) out of money.
fleeceEnglishfleece-en-verb-X8Z7ZH0wTo shear the fleece from (a sheep or other animal).
fleeceEnglishfleece-en-verb-QJECDL7DTo cover with, or as if with, wool.
षष्ठीHindiषष्ठी-hi-noun-mZ8aqO-6the possessive case, genitive case
JagannathEnglishJagannath-en-name-dcIox8ZPThe name of Lord Krishna and Vishnu.
JagannathEnglishJagannath-en-name-zRtNz7miA male given name from Sanskrit used commonly in India.
Dark AgesEnglishDark_Ages-en-name-HJWMscEMThe period of European history encompassing (roughly) 476–1000 C.E..
Dark AgesEnglishDark_Ages-en-name-K-ndHJzYGreek Dark Ages (c. 1100–750 B.C.E.)
Dark AgesEnglishDark_Ages-en-name-CvQL2Sx7Dark ages of Cambodia (c. 1450–1863)
Dark AgesEnglishDark_Ages-en-name-NTKJNIlRDark ages of Laos (c. 1707–1893)
Dark AgesEnglishDark_Ages-en-name-4ErSqG5YDark Ages, 380 thousand to about 1 billion years after the Big Bang.
Dark AgesEnglishDark_Ages-en-name-oDuan83eAny relatively primitive period of time.
BontocCebuanoBontoc-ceb-name-RxO9xpp0Bontoc (a municipality and capital of Mountain Province, Philippines)
BontocCebuanoBontoc-ceb-name-tR5ja3Mta former Spanish commandancy
BontocCebuanoBontoc-ceb-name-iATZ6dqYthe subprovince of Kalinga
IustinusLatinIustinus-la-name-fmENOE51A male given name, feminine equivalent Iūstīna, equivalent to Koine Greek Ἰουστῖνος (Ioustînos) or English Justin.
archaeologyEnglisharchaeology-en-noun-ZfuByi6CThe study of the past by excavation and analysis of its material remains: / the actual excavation, examination, analysis and interpretation.
archaeologyEnglisharchaeology-en-noun-kbgNzbdDThe study of the past by excavation and analysis of its material remains: / the actual remains together with their location in the stratigraphy.
archaeologyEnglisharchaeology-en-noun-Aws2TgxEThe study of the past by excavation and analysis of its material remains: / the academic subject; in the USA: one of the four sub-disciplines of anthropology.
ZiemassvētkiLatvianZiemassvētki-lv-name-gK0R4cXBChristmas (holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ)
ZiemassvētkiLatvianZiemassvētki-lv-name-Mac2G7tbold winter solstice celebration
leatherheadEnglishleatherhead-en-noun-XgvaPvN0The friarbird.
leatherheadEnglishleatherhead-en-noun-BiCxIb0iA city watchman who wore a leather helmet.
chomątkoPolishchomątko-pl-noun-9cCk1nhLDiminutive of chomąto.
chomątkoPolishchomątko-pl-noun-vujCcQlOthimble (metal ring which a cable or rope intended for attaching to other things is looped around as a protection against chafing)
cinchaSpanishcincha-es-noun-ADefjKf2girth (for horses or similar animals)
κεκρύφαλοςAncient Greekκεκρύφαλος-grc-noun-0a.ptAXVhairnet for women, snood
κεκρύφαλοςAncient Greekκεκρύφαλος-grc-noun-OWtZu4B1part of the headstall of a bridle
κεκρύφαλοςAncient Greekκεκρύφαλος-grc-noun-gbOn4s6.reticulum, the second stomach of ruminants
κεκρύφαλοςAncient Greekκεκρύφαλος-grc-noun-m-mdguc6pouch or belly of a hunting net
geldingEnglishgelding-en-noun-mlv311eBA castrated male horse.
geldingEnglishgelding-en-noun-PWGr4GXMAny castrated male animal.
geldingEnglishgelding-en-noun-VeLk7vZDA eunuch.
geldingEnglishgelding-en-verb-f2bbZ-w2present participle of geld
mountureMiddle Englishmounture-enm-noun-npmMzeDoA mount; a mounture.
mountureMiddle Englishmounture-enm-noun-IlHnlR5XA podium or support for mounting.
αλογατάρηςGreekαλογατάρης-el-noun-RAQ9dOGchorseman, ostler, stableman
αλογατάρηςGreekαλογατάρης-el-noun-Lutwpzh6horse dealer
פֿערדYiddishפֿערד-yi-noun-SmdJRXEafool, imbecile
توسنPersianتوسن-fa-adj-MyhgmUtXuntamed (of horses)
توسنPersianتوسن-fa-noun-laimC2Upwild horse
kompostNorwegian Bokmålkompost-nb-noun-EPPtWmArcompost
kompostNorwegian Bokmålkompost-nb-noun-3dnBGufaa compost heap
penatiItalianpenati-it-noun-jmdfgCBbhousehold gods
penatiItalianpenati-it-noun-FBQue5.Khousehold deities
penatiItalianpenati-it-verb-uOWX2b4vplural of penato
unwashedEnglishunwashed-en-adj-oPc7JGkmNot having been washed.
unwashedEnglishunwashed-en-adj-Zf7tcoOYVulgar, plebeian, lowbrow.
アナポリスJapaneseアナポリス-ja-name-SlU1tuI6Anápolis (a municipality of Goiás, Brazil)
AchillesCebuanoAchilles-ceb-name-h7EARqYRa male given name from Ancient Greek
AdamEnglishAdam-en-name-WWOlXj4NThe first man and the progenitor of the human race.
AdamEnglishAdam-en-name-xvbLEMNEA male given name from Hebrew.
AdamEnglishAdam-en-name-47VtwmgsOriginal sin or human frailty.
AdamEnglishAdam-en-name-67JRAaLWJesus Christ, whose sacrifice, in Christian theology, makes possible the forgiveness of Adam's original sin.
AdamEnglishAdam-en-name-.y9lOsxVDesignating a neoclassical style of furniture and architecture in the style of Robert and James Adam.
AdamEnglishAdam-en-name-3-Dpy86.An English patronymic surname, from given names​.
AdamEnglishAdam-en-name-RK5b0UToA Scottish patronymic surname, from given names​.
AdamEnglishAdam-en-name-M3WUQBS2A French patronymic surname, from given names​.
AdamEnglishAdam-en-name-z763oTZ9A German patronymic surname, from given names​.
ArtemisiaLatinArtemisia-la-name-9zBomwWyArtemisia I of Caria (Queen of Halicarnassus, Cos, Nisyros, and Calyndos circa 480 BC; daughter of Lygdamis and mother of Pisindelis; commander-in-person of her forces at the naval battles of Artemisium and Salamis during the Greco-Persian Wars)
ArtemisiaLatinArtemisia-la-name-G--ZNuwEArtemisia II of Caria (sister, wife, and successor [353–351 BC] of King Mausolus of Caria, after whose death and in whose honour she ordered the building of the renowned Mausoleum at Halicarnassus)
ArtemisiaLatinArtemisia-la-name-cL2VUZlnIsle of Palmaiola (an islet of the Tuscan Archipelago, on the Tyrrhenian Sea)
ErmogeneItalianErmogene-it-name-YXBLU7xdA male given name
HuldaGermanHulda-de-name-LOxo-OPPHuldah (biblical figure)
HuldaGermanHulda-de-name-CGGbiqVcA female given name, popular in the 19th century
JamesMiddle EnglishJames-enm-name-jEN.2KprJames the Greater or James the Less (apostles)
JamesMiddle EnglishJames-enm-name-UpFSd0EJJames (a male given name from Old French)
JamesMiddle EnglishJames-enm-name-K-c7kMJkJames (a surname)
ManzoniItalianManzoni-it-name-Jt5m.83JA surname​.
ManzoniItalianManzoni-it-name-uVzRbU-dAlessandro Manzoni (1785–1873), Italian poet and novelist
NoemiItalianNoemi-it-name-wMt8SljjNaomi (biblical character)
NoemiItalianNoemi-it-name-44it7l9BA female given name
NoéFrenchNoé-fr-name-IPqvmLthNoah (biblical character)
NoéFrenchNoé-fr-name--4mS8rsrA male given name of biblical origin.
PaavaliFinnishPaavali-fi-name-uu31ooQiPaul (biblical character).
PaavaliFinnishPaavali-fi-name-IqjAVJwyA male given name, rather rare in this biblical spelling.
PicassoSpanishPicasso-es-name-Jt5m.83JA surname​.
PicassoSpanishPicasso-es-name-0wBEsxGQPablo Picasso, Spanish artist
PicassoSpanishPicasso-es-noun-aV7UPFmRPicasso (work of art by Pablo Picasso)
ΠήδασοςAncient GreekΠήδασος-grc-name-6RlVXzGtPedasus, the name of two different towns mentioned in the Iliad
ΠήδασοςAncient GreekΠήδασος-grc-name-Y5Bst3ytPedasus, the name of a Trojan soldier mentioned in the Iliad
ΠήδασοςAncient GreekΠήδασος-grc-name-XB45XzhsPedasus, the name of a horse mentioned in the Iliad
AcehEnglishAceh-en-name-DOYiPnAeA special territory (province) of Indonesia, located on the northern tip of the island of Sumatra.
AcehEnglishAceh-en-name-Sc1f-JQoThe Acehnese language.
balangTagalogbalang-tl-det-o80jYp1Xevery; each; everyone
balangTagalogbalang-tl-det-mIULYtN-any; anyone; some
balangTagalogbalang-tl-det-p6kKXDCawhoever; whichever; whatever
kipepeoSwahilikipepeo-sw-noun-Ndi-SqsUbutterfly (insect)
kipepeoSwahilikipepeo-sw-noun-XOKWmaDsfan (of the African type)
բլոճArmenianբլոճ-hy-noun-8xeCR7.Ra bug, small insect of any kind
բլոճArmenianբլոճ-hy-noun-uTwPyV9cinsignificant person
ต่อThaiต่อ-th-verb-64Nwu9tMto fight; to strike; to attack; to combat; to war; to battle.
ต่อThaiต่อ-th-verb-ZBIFiO8vto negotiate; to bargain.
ต่อThaiต่อ-th-verb-bmp3O.j5to ask for reduction.
ต่อThaiต่อ-th-prep-B0tS5fLmper: for each; for every.
ต่อThaiต่อ-th-prep-ctL09BHvto: used for expressing comparison or opposition.
ต่อThaiต่อ-th-prep-SJQQ9yqCto: used for expressing motion or direction towards someone or something.
ต่อThaiต่อ-th-prep-gE5BgaDEuntil; once.
ต่อThaiต่อ-th-prep-7LVUbssEbefore; against.
ต่อThaiต่อ-th-verb-YATKfgl2to extend; to prolong.
ต่อThaiต่อ-th-verb-ICsIlG2nto connect; to join.
ต่อThaiต่อ-th-verb-h1l3IeKMto build, construct, or create, especially by assembling certain materials.
ต่อThaiต่อ-th-verb-3c45iiOYto entice or lure (as into a trap, danger, etc); to decoy; to bait.
ต่อThaiต่อ-th-verb-BQjtzgOYto transfer (from one to another).
ต่อThaiต่อ-th-verb-8KZ2BppVto transfer or pass on (as from a teacher to a student).
ต่อThaiต่อ-th-adj-MAC2tUMpnext; further
ต่อThaiต่อ-th-classifier-SyICTSlytime: used for expressing multiplication.
螳螂Japanese螳螂-ja-noun-5SXw.xJMa mantis (any of various large insects of the order Mantodea)
螳螂Japanese螳螂-ja-noun-42VaNwBMa skinny person or horse
螳螂Japanese螳螂-ja-noun-rHu7DmH7a fourspine sculpin, a fish of species Cottus kazika.
螳螂Japanese螳螂-ja-noun-1z9UghADa mantis
保單Chinese保單-zh-noun-Gg57n-Hswarranty slip
保單Chinese保單-zh-noun-b0sBY5K7insurance policy
保單Chinese保單-zh-noun-0tUITVzrguarantee slip
SabaItalianSaba-it-name-k07yqwQVA male given name of historical usage, equivalent to English Sheba
SabaItalianSaba-it-name-dAXpV0GUSaba, an island in the Caribbean Netherlands
ΧίοςGreekΧίος-el-name-V6aByhTXChios (an island, and its capital, in the northeast Aegaean Sea)
ΧίοςGreekΧίος-el-noun-7gnb-PoOa man from the island of Chios
centoquindicesimoItaliancentoquindicesimo-it-adj-NJNAr7zmone hundred and fifteenth
centoquindicesimoItaliancentoquindicesimo-it-noun-NJNAr7zmone hundred and fifteenth
ItalianEnglishItalian-en-adj-h0YICb6YPertaining to Italy, its people or its language.
ItalianEnglishItalian-en-adj-9bs6jM-SUsing an italic style; italic.
ItalianEnglishItalian-en-noun-lbSpt6JlAn inhabitant of Italy, or a person of Italian descent.
ItalianEnglishItalian-en-noun-cdPgU.UpThe official language of Italy, also spoken in San Marino, the Vatican, and parts of Switzerland.
ItalianEnglishItalian-en-noun-rvaEISpKA style of cuisine or individual dishes of or associated with Italy or Italian people.
ItalianEnglishItalian-en-noun-GTHi6U7GA type of linen or cotton cloth with satin finish used primarily for linings, Italian cloth.
ItalianEnglishItalian-en-noun-vmZTsTPNItalian vermouth, a dark-colored, sweet or mildly bitter vermouth.
ItalianEnglishItalian-en-noun-feU60i4lAn Italian sandwich.
𥝱Japanese𥝱-ja-num-MIzAFmRKA trillion trillion, 10²⁴, or a septillion of modern English in modern Japanese since 17th century.
अंगदSanskritअंगद-sa-noun-1mi4GbQua bracelet worn on the upper arm, armband
अंगदSanskritअंगद-sa-name-le5aq2Cdname of a brother of राम (rāma)
अंगदSanskritअंगद-sa-name-Oi6-f.5Mname of a son of गद (gada)
अंगदSanskritअंगद-sa-name-uqx4HMGRname of an ape, son of बालिन् (bālin)
פֿרוםYiddishפֿרום-yi-adj-UK.aCUVyreligious; pious
פֿרוםYiddishפֿרום-yi-adj-TF3fcUyiobservant, Orthodox, frum
cniotáilIrishcniotáil-ga-noun-DIQmDsn.verbal noun of cniotáil
cniotáilIrishcniotáil-ga-noun-y.E34vE-knitting; knitted material
cniotáilIrishcniotáil-ga-noun-xSdMDouYintricacy, complexity
كوريArabicكوري-ar-verb-e9NwD1hFsecond-person feminine singular active imperative of كَوَّرَ‎ (kawwara)
bayotTagalogbayot-tl-noun-2cMtx.kQmale homosexual
gayelleEnglishgayelle-en-noun-p3ROIGjrAn informal stage or arena, as for cockfighting or stickfighting.
gayelleEnglishgayelle-en-noun-GLjU.WJ5A lesbian.
moffieAfrikaansmoffie-af-noun-f3K.w5l4homosexual man
sarasaSpanishsarasa-es-noun-rRZhAN6Deffeminate man or homosexual
sarasaSpanishsarasa-es-noun-ufYBDmA8queerboy; fag; faggot; poofter
slash fictionEnglishslash_fiction-en-noun-15YZt3KjA genre of fan fiction focusing on romantic and/or sexual relationships between characters of the same sex (typically men).
slash fictionEnglishslash_fiction-en-noun-qwqELly1A work in the genre of slash fiction
pikaFinnishpika-fi-noun-cujqZkwRthe taxonomic family Ochotonidae
ušákCzechušák-cs-noun-OOIpwCHbarmchair with ears
ušákCzechušák-cs-noun-sOFVXtW0hare or rabbit
黑海Chinese黑海-zh-name-8ccV1iE1Black Sea (sea between Europe and Asia)
黑海Chinese黑海-zh-name-1ZYg.ze4Lake Heihai (a lake in Golmud, Haixi prefecture, Qinghai, China)
mackerel sharkEnglishmackerel_shark-en-noun-HIl1Aky0Any shark of the order Lamniformes, having two dorsal fins an anal fin, five gill slits and eyes without nictitating membrane
mackerel sharkEnglishmackerel_shark-en-noun-AIhRD4CJAny shark of the family Lamnidae.
obniżeniePolishobniżenie-pl-noun-voYvJk4Sverbal noun of obniżyć
obniżeniePolishobniżenie-pl-noun-M199INmXdecrease, dip, drop, decline
obniżeniePolishobniżenie-pl-noun-Kv1WeNO0depression, hollow
slewEnglishslew-en-noun-TCL-bPnJThe act, or process of slewing.
slewEnglishslew-en-noun-cpahBkhbA device used for slewing.
slewEnglishslew-en-noun-DfIm2ltNA change of position.
slewEnglishslew-en-verb-ku5lBTEPTo rotate or turn something about its axis.
slewEnglishslew-en-verb-7QcudbOKTo veer a vehicle.
slewEnglishslew-en-verb-2V6uEBWbTo insert extra ticks or skip some ticks of a clock to slowly correct its time.
slewEnglishslew-en-verb-o7EwM6FbTo pivot.
slewEnglishslew-en-verb-dAwENnZFTo skid.
slewEnglishslew-en-verb-Xw5siwLkto move something (usually a railway line) sideways
slewEnglishslew-en-verb-lD3q4PoVTo make a public mockery of someone through insult or wit.
slewEnglishslew-en-noun-hxE4CPQPA wet place; a river inlet.
slewEnglishslew-en-verb-caJ7eSv5simple past tense of slay
slewEnglishslew-en-noun-bHaDYSA0A large amount.
CelticEnglishCeltic-en-name-HNXEAYKbA branch of the Indo-European languages that was spread widely over western and central Europe in the pre-Christian era.
CelticEnglishCeltic-en-name-dcgHcdRrAny of several sports teams. See Wikipedia for a list.
CelticEnglishCeltic-en-adj-DRnOn9SjOf or relating to the Celts.
Indo-IranianEnglishIndo-Iranian-en-name-2dqXQbJdA branch of the Indo-European language family, including the Indic and Iranian languages.
Indo-IranianEnglishIndo-Iranian-en-noun-shf8U6sIA member of any peoples speaking such a language.
Indo-IranianEnglishIndo-Iranian-en-adj-CNJdP7xQOf or relating to such a language or member.
TurksDutchTurks-nl-name-pH7umnRkTurkish language
AramaeanEnglishAramaean-en-noun-SqNcqXyAAny member of a West Semitic semi-nomadic and pastoralist people who lived in the Levant and later also in upper Mesopotamia (Biblical Aram) during the Late Bronze Age and the Iron Age. They spoke Aramaic.
AramaeanEnglishAramaean-en-adj-Y51C6xT6Of or pertaining to Aramaeans or Aram.
AramaeanEnglishAramaean-en-name-cfxka1qEThe Aramaic language.
HuaoraniEnglishHuaorani-en-noun-VuZHdIeQA member of a Native American people from the Amazonian Region of Ecuador.
HuaoraniEnglishHuaorani-en-name-nmvMi3oQThe language, a language isolate, which is spoken by these people.
KabardianEnglishKabardian-en-noun-Y7dKFcoGA member of a Circassian tribe of the Northwest Caucasus.
KabardianEnglishKabardian-en-adj-IlOkzYZhOf or relating to this tribe.
KabardianEnglishKabardian-en-name-Sw3bm65eA North Caucasian language spoken in Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia, Russia, also known as East Circassian.
LinduEnglishLindu-en-noun-PF1UL8IDA certain ethnic group of Indonesia.
LinduEnglishLindu-en-name-cG2XvDj5The Austronesian language of these people.
PunjabiDutchPunjabi-nl-adj-RAbzxxvMPunjabi, of, pertaining to, descended from the people or culture of the Punjab, or written in the Punjabi language.
PunjabiDutchPunjabi-nl-noun-u7mvWIHAPunjabi (person)
PunjabiDutchPunjabi-nl-name-DaaOPaEqPunjabi (language)
SyeEnglishSye-en-name-oISPIiAAThe Erromangan language.
SyeEnglishSye-en-name-vBITaX5pA male or female given name
TewaEnglishTewa-en-noun-F1xZ2E8AA member of an indigenous people of New Mexico and Arizona.
TewaEnglishTewa-en-name-wifohrs9The traditional language of the Tewa people.
TewaEnglishTewa-en-name-qIiZlJ0nA Trans-New Guinea language of Indonesia.
YawuruEnglishYawuru-en-name-dkuucWMAA Nyulnyulan language of the indigenous people of Western Australia.
YawuruEnglishYawuru-en-name-SbFq03ypAn indigenous people of the area around Broome in Western Australia, who formerly used the Yawuru language.
babiloniCatalanbabiloni-ca-noun-VNAtQsO1Babylonian (inhabitant of Babylon)
babiloniCatalanbabiloni-ca-noun-tw7Bv-QbBabylonian (language)
baszkHungarianbaszk-hu-adj-fSoSORKdBasque (of or relating to Basque Country, its people or language)
baszkHungarianbaszk-hu-noun-0P2KKfYJBasque (person)
baszkHungarianbaszk-hu-noun-vcx.ib.RBasque (language)
bosniskNorwegian Nynorskbosnisk-nn-adj-6NBbZX3CBosnian (as above)
bosniskNorwegian Nynorskbosnisk-nn-noun-B3vkAf7mBosnian (the language)
catalanăRomaniancatalană-ro-adj-eFVxhZqhnominative feminine singular of catalan
catalanăRomaniancatalană-ro-adj-O7SYe9vNaccusative feminine singular of catalan
catalanăRomaniancatalană-ro-noun-zAd-HXxma Catalan woman
catalanăRomaniancatalană-ro-noun-21qoFr0Fthe Catalan language
eslovacoGalicianeslovaco-gl-adj-C5KzLvsQSlovak (of Slovakia)
eslovacoGalicianeslovaco-gl-noun-xEPKDEQVSlovak (person from Slovakia)
estońskiPolishestoński-pl-noun-VsvegVZREstonian (language)
heettiFinnishheetti-fi-noun-XcHzL-I-The Hittite language.
heettiFinnishheetti-fi-noun-NmqACKuwA Hittite person.
jiddischCatalanjiddisch-ca-adj-v-soXHNMYiddish (of or pertaining to the Yiddish language)
jiddischCatalanjiddisch-ca-noun-KbiNn0gqYiddish language
malaiàlamCatalanmalaiàlam-ca-adj-Fo2OQvzmOf or pertaining to Malayalam.
nenetsiFinnishnenetsi-fi-noun-yznPqHlsNenets (person)
nenetsiFinnishnenetsi-fi-noun-5CWfQRkuNenets (language)
nepáliHungariannepáli-hu-adj-mHAA4I2gNepalese (of or relating to Nepal, its people or language)
nepáliHungariannepáli-hu-noun-FSVONAOiNepalese (person)
nepáliHungariannepáli-hu-noun-N-xCzoMANepalese (language)
otomíSpanishotomí-es-noun-r-NeVbS4a member of the Otomi people
otomíSpanishotomí-es-adj-lZxV8Eyrof the Otomi people and their language
otomíSpanishotomí-es-noun-LDK2i9kLthe Otomi language
yupikPortugueseyupik-pt-noun-sjMVK1BwYup'ik (a language of the Eskimo-Aleut family)
yupikPortugueseyupik-pt-noun-B7uM5ltHYup'ik (a group of native peoples of Alaska and Chukotka)
αγγλικήGreekαγγλική-el-adj-gzEiEOLFNominative singular feminine form of αγγλικός (anglikós).
αγγλικήGreekαγγλική-el-adj-pPJ.SWL-Accusative singular feminine form of αγγλικός (anglikós).
αγγλικήGreekαγγλική-el-adj-kuPD7gO1Vocative singular feminine form of αγγλικός (anglikós).
αγγλικήGreekαγγλική-el-noun-retsnzQDEnglish (language)
इतालियनHindiइतालियन-hi-adj-.gjUUJQmItalian, of or pertaining to Italy
इतालियनHindiइतालियन-hi-noun-UZsxFSgoItalian person
इतालियनHindiइतालियन-hi-name-7s8pEAxVItalian (language)
uCatalanu-ca-noun-n7SdbJD4The Latin letter U (lowercase u).
deviņiLatviandeviņi-lv-num-tGaCKv7Tnine (the cipher, the cardinal number nine)
deviņiLatviandeviņi-lv-num-1dZMlXHOnine (an amount equal to nine)
deviņiLatviandeviņi-lv-num-wXFBEbP2nine o'clock (a moment in time; nine hours after midnight, or after noon)
crease upEnglishcrease_up-en-verb-h9drdT3GTo become creased.
crease upEnglishcrease_up-en-verb-vVD41K7NTo laugh (or make someone laugh) uncontrollably.
laughterEnglishlaughter-en-noun-jVkm2n40The sound of laughing, produced by air so expelled; any similar sound.
laughterEnglishlaughter-en-noun-qZJoXWFbA movement (usually involuntary) of the muscles of the laughing face, particularly of the lips, and of the whole body, with a peculiar expression of the eyes, indicating merriment, satisfaction or derision, and usually attended by a sonorous and interrupted expulsion of air from the lungs.
laughterEnglishlaughter-en-noun-JfJ237iQA reason for merriment.
smieklīgsLatviansmieklīgs-lv-adj-s9itpvEqfunny, humorous, amusing (such that it causes laughter, cheerfulness)
smieklīgsLatviansmieklīgs-lv-adj-EeAirxSIfunny, ridiculous, laughable (deserving mockery)
smieklīgsLatviansmieklīgs-lv-adj-sIXHtd-efunny, ridiculous, strange, unusual, bizarre
smieklīgsLatviansmieklīgs-lv-adj-1NBxrXdvridiculously, very
forsweryngeMiddle Englishforswerynge-enm-noun-On1M6i2dThe act of perjuring oneself; false testimony.
forsweryngeMiddle Englishforswerynge-enm-noun-mQ0iu.6NRejecting or denying.
toilenMiddle Englishtoilen-enm-verb-enm:to_fightTo fight, war, attack; to participate in a conflict.
toilenMiddle Englishtoilen-enm-verb-V2DtoVwpTo enter into a legal case; to debate or promote a view.
toilenMiddle Englishtoilen-enm-verb-lxn6m-jITo toil, exert oneself; to perform agricultural work.
toilenMiddle Englishtoilen-enm-verb-ug.tx6JGTo drag, draw; to forcibly move towards oneself.
toilenMiddle Englishtoilen-enm-verb-KFS-4BhXTo combine the components of a meal.
toilenMiddle Englishtoilen-enm-verb-YIq0.fyvTo promote anguish or distraughtness; to taunt or bully.
正法Chinese正法-zh-verb-XeHZlHtHto execute a criminal
正法Chinese正法-zh-noun-n085bW6vthe proper law or rule
正法Chinese正法-zh-noun-UObpLN.-execution of a criminal
constableEnglishconstable-en-noun-U20r1iuGOne holding the lowest rank in most Commonwealth police forces. (See also chief constable.)
constableEnglishconstable-en-noun-5DWJGgTPA police officer or an officer with equivalent powers.
constableEnglishconstable-en-noun-WhwjYB.1An officer of a noble court in the Middle Ages, usually a senior army commander. (See also marshal).
constableEnglishconstable-en-noun-pwiFDl6GThe warden of a castle.
constableEnglishconstable-en-noun-VKBrhZEBA public officer, usually at municipal level, responsible for maintaining order or serving writs and court orders.
constableEnglishconstable-en-noun-BXk6h.s7An elected head of a parish (also known as a connétable)
constableEnglishconstable-en-noun-t051yFmmA large butterfly, Dichorragia nesimachus, family Nymphalidae, of Asia.
constableEnglishconstable-en-verb-Y68hjSWMTo act as a constable or policeman.
directorEnglishdirector-en-noun-dMpFdEHOOne who directs; the person in charge of managing a department or directorate (e.g., director of engineering), project, or production (as in a show or film, e.g., film director).
directorEnglishdirector-en-noun-aamKbTVHA counselor, confessor, or spiritual guide.
directorEnglishdirector-en-noun-0t9SlOdZThat which directs or orientates something.
directorEnglishdirector-en-noun-pVWXhsn7A device that displays graphical information concerning the targets of a weapons system in real time.
directorEnglishdirector-en-noun-AiCDdcc9The common axis of symmetry of the molecules of a liquid crystal.
attorneyEnglishattorney-en-noun-o6MGglhNA lawyer; one who advises or represents others in legal matters as a profession.
attorneyEnglishattorney-en-noun-i44IcNbNOne such who practised in the courts of the common law (cf solicitor, proctor).
attorneyEnglishattorney-en-noun-SElnB7BWA solicitor.
attorneyEnglishattorney-en-noun-Awr6w.QMAn agent or representative authorized to act on someone else's behalf.
attorneyEnglishattorney-en-noun-XWOAqFZnA title given to lawyers and notaries public, or those holders by profession who also do other jobs. Usually capitalized or abbreviated as Atty.
attorneyEnglishattorney-en-verb-DutJUTO8To work as a legal attorney.
attorneyEnglishattorney-en-verb-DZFEo8hoTo provide with a legal attorney.
lady's fingerEnglishlady's_finger-en-noun-e7JTZeRbOkra; the edible capsules of Abelmoschus esculentus.
lady's fingerEnglishlady's_finger-en-noun-8IKTaYf.The kidney vetch.
lady's fingerEnglishlady's_finger-en-noun-mTBEzaJjA small cake of about the dimensions of a finger.
lady's fingerEnglishlady's_finger-en-noun-K7bUUElFA long, slender variety of potato.
lady's fingerEnglishlady's_finger-en-noun-j7PL2q6xOne of the branchiae of the lobster.
θερμόςAncient Greekθερμός-grc-adj-SS97u1oVwarm, hot, boiling, glowing
θερμόςAncient Greekθερμός-grc-adj-u1lebBYZhotheaded, hasty, rash, headstrong
θερμόςAncient Greekθερμός-grc-adj-8B8hsaV4eager, active, fresh
θερμόςAncient Greekθερμός-grc-noun-QQLyNao0lupine, especially Lupinus albus
điện tửVietnameseđiện_tử-vi-noun-iLHe6moYelectron
điện tửVietnameseđiện_tử-vi-adj-c-TFFFbCelectronic
նուArmenianնու-hy-noun-bt4d3mRgthe name of the Armenian letter ն (n)
նուArmenianնու-hy-noun-HHMermRRsister-in-law (brother's wife)
eadar-sholasachScottish Gaeliceadar-sholasach-gd-adj-Utfq-ydhhaving twilight
eadar-sholasachScottish Gaeliceadar-sholasach-gd-adj-R3j79nG.glimmering (as twilight)
HMIEnglishHMI-en-noun-tY4A8GupInitialism of human-machine interface.
HMIEnglishHMI-en-noun-mNjTLT1nInitialism of hydrargyrum medium-arc iodide. (a kind of lamp)
candelabroPortuguesecandelabro-pt-noun-CByQtS8xcandelabrum, branched candlestick
ܫܡܫܐClassical Syriacܫܡܫܐ-syc-noun-lTyUHmbTsun, star
ܫܡܫܐClassical Syriacܫܡܫܐ-syc-noun-JNfwPY3Dgold
ܫܡܫܐClassical Syriacܫܡܫܐ-syc-noun-n.XbGAygkind of lizard
ܫܡܫܐClassical Syriacܫܡܫܐ-syc-name-2xjxf-UySun
ܫܡܫܐClassical Syriacܫܡܫܐ-syc-noun-FvKi3iSDservant, attendant
ܫܡܫܐClassical Syriacܫܡܫܐ-syc-noun-ftu.Jv2fminister, deacon, (rare) priest
زنبقOttoman Turkishزنبق-ota-noun-QJA8WdGflily
زنبقOttoman Turkishزنبق-ota-noun-R2ErMXX-iris
limbEnglishlimb-en-noun-lsFq2eBlA major appendage of human or animal, used for locomotion (such as an arm, leg or wing).
limbEnglishlimb-en-noun-zXWsUyqsA branch of a tree.
limbEnglishlimb-en-noun-Uz9OTXK5The part of the bow, from the handle to the tip.
limbEnglishlimb-en-noun-BcPcrQGbAn elementary piece of the mechanism of a lock.
limbEnglishlimb-en-noun-plhHfQNDA thing or person regarded as a part or member of, or attachment to, something else.
limbEnglishlimb-en-noun-r6V-53j-The part of a corolla beyond the throat.
limbEnglishlimb-en-noun-6fn.GLDyShort for limb of Satan (“a wicked or mischievous child”).
limbEnglishlimb-en-verb-80KrIqg.To remove the limbs from (an animal or tree).
limbEnglishlimb-en-verb-wCLY0M.MTo supply with limbs.
limbEnglishlimb-en-noun-WqojVZOEThe apparent visual edge of a celestial body.
limbEnglishlimb-en-noun-UMafbFUZThe graduated edge of a circle or arc.
limbEnglishlimb-en-noun-GPY9CFXGThe border or upper spreading part of a monopetalous corolla, or of a petal or sepal; blade.
口語Japanese口語-ja-noun-h0PxyOk-colloquial language
口語Japanese口語-ja-noun-1L1N-kuythe vernacular language (as opposed to the classical language); (in Japanese contexts) modern Japanese (as opposed to Classical Japanese)
затечьRussianзатечь-ru-verb-0CXSOpHxto flow (in), to pour (into), to leak (into)
затечьRussianзатечь-ru-verb-JXoJcB-mto swell, to swell up
затечьRussianзатечь-ru-verb-HzuFZSMTto go numb, to fall asleep
fantasyPolishfantasy-pl-noun-UOCf-tAtfantasy (genre)
fantasyPolishfantasy-pl-adj-BJZdcgPMfantastical (of or pertaining to fantasy)
novelEnglishnovel-en-adj-ZhhL1W4bNewly made, formed or evolved; having no precedent; of recent origin; new.
novelEnglishnovel-en-adj-hr6yFVguOriginal, especially in an interesting way; new and striking; not of the typical or ordinary type.
novelEnglishnovel-en-noun-xZwCIZs7A work of prose fiction, longer than a novella.
novelEnglishnovel-en-noun-lweBhRZAA fable; a short tale, especially one of many making up a larger work.
novelEnglishnovel-en-noun-Gp8TKyQTA novelty; something new.
novelEnglishnovel-en-noun-OhiUcUJSA new legal constitution in ancient Rome.
作品Chinese作品-zh-noun-.cqxU5UHwork (literary, artistic or intellectual production); composition
作品Chinese作品-zh-noun-Znsc.uFBwork of art; art piece; artwork
խլուրդArmenianխլուրդ-hy-noun-UtTzmg8Jmole (animal)
խլուրդArmenianխլուրդ-hy-noun-xJuoO0Xfsmall lizard
խլուրդArmenianխլուրդ-hy-noun-hy3pg3Fmwooden lock
խլուրդArmenianխլուրդ-hy-noun-Jzo3NHizgangrene, canker
apaixonarPortugueseapaixonar-pt-verb-Whxsgycmto fall in love (to come to have feelings of love towards each other)
apaixonarPortugueseapaixonar-pt-verb-knVXmP7cto fall in love with (to come to have feelings of love towards)
apaixonarPortugueseapaixonar-pt-verb-qS4HM9Fwto make someone fall in love
チッスJapaneseチッス-ja-verb-CQf0AzEzto kiss
గొంతిTeluguగొంతి-te-noun-4BmJEEJsA woman.
గొంతిTeluguగొంతి-te-name-eouYJAziKunti: The mother of the Pandavas.
rểVietnameserể-vi-noun-tjq8oqitShort for chú rể (“groom”). (man about to be married)
seanduineIrishseanduine-ga-noun-Hblk7iLBold person; old man; ancient, sage
seanduineIrishseanduine-ga-noun-cpHdBlEyold age, old appearance
老的Chinese老的-zh-noun-c4cryAwtfather (non-face-to-face)
老的Chinese老的-zh-noun-vF8XXo-dfather (face-to-face)
老的Chinese老的-zh-noun-t9Ty9LA4parents; mother and father; mum and dad
bocScottish Gaelicboc-gd-noun-pQx4UN8cbuck, roebuck
bocScottish Gaelicboc-gd-noun-zhK5H03Nbillygoat, male goat
bocScottish Gaelicboc-gd-verb-sZmekMVQbounce, leap/jump (up and down), skip
bocScottish Gaelicboc-gd-verb-WTxGl-rkprance
bocScottish Gaelicboc-gd-verb-vhOWGgqwflutter
bocScottish Gaelicboc-gd-noun-5cnd7MjCdeceit, fraud
bocScottish Gaelicboc-gd-noun-xp8cG-fRblow, box, stroke
demAlbaniandem-sq-noun-Yjj0roG.main load-bearing beam in a floor
sorMiddle Englishsor-enm-adj-WmMgiM8BAlternative form of sore
sorMiddle Englishsor-enm-noun-WmMgiM8BAlternative form of sore
sorMiddle Englishsor-enm-adv-WmMgiM8BAlternative form of sore
sorMiddle Englishsor-enm-adj-enm:sorrelsorrel (red-brown; used to describe animals)
sorMiddle Englishsor-enm-noun-ZNOhpDDyA sorrel horse.
sorMiddle Englishsor-enm-noun-CKMOi910A four-year-old male deer.
kopáčCzechkopáč-cs-noun-duMpxu-ddigger, navvy
kopáčCzechkopáč-cs-noun-c5xZzsnIgroundbreaker (hand tool for breaking ground)
chłodnikPolishchłodnik-pl-noun-yn4fM2vccold soup, summer soup; any soup served chilled
chłodnikPolishchłodnik-pl-noun-qSvaZRS8cooling specialist
hajdukPolishhajduk-pl-noun-a69yQYYRhajduk (outlaw, highwayman or freedom fighter in the Balkans)
hajdukPolishhajduk-pl-noun-u6wyFNYshajduk (mercenary foot soldier in Hungary)
hajdukPolishhajduk-pl-noun-gBXzcC-Jhajduk (attendant in German or Hungarian courts)
hajdukPolishhajduk-pl-noun-eO-uJX.ghajdútánc (traditional Hungarian male dance, akin to war dances)
rachmistrzPolishrachmistrz-pl-noun-dfT9jQldcomputer (person)
rachmistrzPolishrachmistrz-pl-noun-E7jNh9pyaccountant (one whose profession includes organizing, maintaining and auditing the records of another)
badylarzPolishbadylarz-pl-noun-MHvZxHTnflorist (person who cultivates flowers as a profession)
badylarzPolishbadylarz-pl-noun-D5mHaGpdA wealthy, private entrepreneur.
badylarzPolishbadylarz-pl-noun-lxncWX8mA male deer or elk.
prowokatorPolishprowokator-pl-noun-DgBJwRp7provocateur, provoker
prowokatorPolishprowokator-pl-noun-Mni6Ggvyagent provocateur
siromahSerbo-Croatiansiromah-sh-noun-VVCmH.typauper, poor man
siromahSerbo-Croatiansiromah-sh-noun-dwzJJ9Evpoor, wretched man
učeňCzechučeň-cs-noun-n4PGuFJ1student in a vocational school
ślepyPolishślepy-pl-noun-eJraa9esa blind person
борецRussianборец-ru-noun-zZLUFqNDfighter, champion
борецRussianборец-ru-noun-e8I3Y6tTmonkshood, wolfsbane, aconitum
bamiyəAzerbaijanibamiyə-az-noun-SurQk85vokra, ladies' fingers
bamiyəAzerbaijanibamiyə-az-noun-HJ--hXIwa kind of sweet fried pastry in finger form, identical to the one known from Turkish as tulumba tatlısı and Arabic as دَاطْلِيّ‎ (dāṭliyy), بَلَح الشَام‎ (balaḥ aš-šām)
amlaEnglishamla-en-noun-UEkqY85JPhyllanthus emblica, a deciduous tree.
amlaEnglishamla-en-noun-.kA.D5hPthe bitter yellow-green fruit of this tree.
ericiusLatinericius-la-noun-95okON0HA beam armed with sharp spikes.
këlyshAlbaniankëlysh-sq-noun-Cz9zFNGjanimal young, baby animal (of a guadruped mammal)
këlyshAlbaniankëlysh-sq-noun-u2RQU5SWchild of despicable parents
këlyshAlbaniankëlysh-sq-noun-JYvkUOAfyoung sprout, offshoot
këlyshAlbaniankëlysh-sq-noun-9veEAyhnsmall pustule that forms around an abscess
këlyshAlbaniankëlysh-sq-noun-.OlF98Lda branch of a waterway or canal
mazatlClassical Nahuatlmazatl-nci-noun-rPW.2Ybedeer
mazatlClassical Nahuatlmazatl-nci-noun-qx7-yTC7beast, wild animal
mazatlClassical Nahuatlmazatl-nci-noun-.WKGK23Chorse
mazatlClassical Nahuatlmazatl-nci-noun-OwNrj3cdThe seventh day sign of the Aztec tōnalpōhualli, a deer's head.
mëzatAlbanianmëzat-sq-noun-4nvgedDYmale stirk, yearling calf
mëzatAlbanianmëzat-sq-noun-zVrH9EPMbullock (young bull)
سنہUrduسنہ-ur-noun-xq.jsMaeThe constellation Leo
سنہUrduسنہ-ur-noun-htt2azOTA Leo
غنمSouth Levantine Arabicغنم-ajp-noun-XFmWFqxQsheep
غنمSouth Levantine Arabicغنم-ajp-noun-LhXIaJUqsheep and goats
สุนัขThaiสุนัข-th-adj-iRWYhXCFSynonym of หมา (mǎa)
สุนัขThaiสุนัข-th-adv-iRWYhXCFSynonym of หมา (mǎa)
สุนัขThaiสุนัข-th-noun-xRKpMRG9Synonym of หมา (mǎa, “dog”)
เสือThaiเสือ-th-noun-3kA.LOAzbandit; outlaw.
鹿Japanese鹿-ja-noun--u2he3Eudeer meat: venison
鹿Japanese鹿-ja-noun-sbd.Knfra beast (used for its meat, such as a boar or a deer)
鹿Japanese鹿-ja-noun-HVkIWXdOshort for 猪武者 (inoshishi musha): a reckless warrior
鹿Japanese鹿-ja-noun-nLtMGVp9short for 鹿狩り (shishi-gari): a deer hunter
鹿Japanese鹿-ja-noun-Kno7dLpba female attendant at a bathhouse or hot spring
鹿Japanese鹿-ja-noun-S8oQZcMFa female prostitute at a bathhouse or hot spring
鹿Japanese鹿-ja-noun-GvqVSHw3venison or wild boar meat
grondaiaItaliangrondaia-it-noun-pm1k58nmgutter (to collect rain from a roof)
akvopipoEsperantoakvopipo-eo-noun-JzYZi8O1water pipe / hookah, shisha, narghile
akvopipoEsperantoakvopipo-eo-noun-7cWZY5kOwater pipe / bong
coupleEnglishcouple-en-noun-qWBhm6KjTwo partners in a romantic or sexual relationship.
coupleEnglishcouple-en-noun-wRyQ9c22Two of the same kind connected or considered together.
coupleEnglishcouple-en-noun-cgAkYNGEA small number.
coupleEnglishcouple-en-noun-ckMGnls7One of the pairs of plates of two metals which compose a voltaic battery, called a voltaic couple or galvanic couple.
coupleEnglishcouple-en-noun-tWLp4y8eTwo forces that are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction (and acting along parallel lines), thus creating the turning effect of a torque or moment.
coupleEnglishcouple-en-noun-ZfSmXukgA couple-close.
coupleEnglishcouple-en-noun-Y2WdwNNXThat which joins or links two things together; a bond or tie; a coupler.
coupleEnglishcouple-en-adj-TBNe3kZvTwo or (a) small number of.
coupleEnglishcouple-en-det-.aNzDeSwTwo or a few, a small number of.
coupleEnglishcouple-en-verb-l5BD9zunTo join (two things) together, or (one thing) to (another).
coupleEnglishcouple-en-verb-rW9xBUSdTo join in wedlock; to marry.
coupleEnglishcouple-en-verb-rj7bVTpKTo join in sexual intercourse; to copulate.
esküvőHungarianesküvő-hu-verb-RHmS8vhHpresent participle of esküszik
groomdomEnglishgroomdom-en-noun-2xbaYcISThe state, quality, or condition of being a groom; groomhood.
groomdomEnglishgroomdom-en-noun-mrAfBii4Grooms collectively.
lordlesMiddle Englishlordles-enm-adj-JWPibAWTlordless, leaderless
lordlesMiddle Englishlordles-enm-adj-GT.JNYyMunmarried (of a woman)
ᒪᓯᓇᐦᐃᑲᐣPlains Creeᒪᓯᓇᐦᐃᑲᐣ-crk-noun-OCY1yTJbpaper
ᒪᓯᓇᐦᐃᑲᐣPlains Creeᒪᓯᓇᐦᐃᑲᐣ-crk-noun--AEF76ttletter
ᒪᓯᓇᐦᐃᑲᐣPlains Creeᒪᓯᓇᐦᐃᑲᐣ-crk-noun-knGf4M-Mbook
delMiddle Englishdel-enm-noun-EP3xDidpA part, proportion or section of something.
delMiddle Englishdel-enm-noun-t09.TvhLThe part or proportion that one is assigned or entitled to.
delMiddle Englishdel-enm-noun-xqk1dT1BOne's fate, inevitability or luck; what is ordained to occur.
delMiddle Englishdel-enm-noun-B98e-a83A quantity or number of something; a deal or lot.
delMiddle Englishdel-enm-noun-NtZ2WCzkIntensity, severity, degree.
delMiddle Englishdel-enm-noun-GhG-MDgJA thing; a small amount.
delMiddle Englishdel-enm-noun-vl9MDhEiAlternative form of delle (“dell”)
ปรอทThaiปรอท-th-noun-0gNssZPPmercury; quicksilver.
ปรอทThaiปรอท-th-noun-uPlEWRhj(พระ~) fever.
ปรอทThaiปรอท-th-noun-VJ2jGwQ5used to describe a very quick movement.
braciolaItalianbraciola-it-noun-B3d6HKmHsteak (with no bone)
chitterlingsEnglishchitterlings-en-noun-dcZdC.Z1Small intestine, boiled and fried, usually of a pig. Sometimes prepared with hog maws.
chitterlingsEnglishchitterlings-en-noun-fk2rlvrVplural of chitterling
weightEnglishweight-en-noun-CbTWQetPThe force on an object due to the gravitational attraction between it and the Earth (or whatever astronomical object it is primarily influenced by).
weightEnglishweight-en-noun-brBA.y5-An object used to make something heavier.
weightEnglishweight-en-noun-0AdBsVwXA standardized block of metal used in a balance to measure the mass of another object.
weightEnglishweight-en-noun-sDuI-RspImportance or influence.
weightEnglishweight-en-noun-vIynGTXQAn object, such as a weight plate or barbell, used for strength training.
weightEnglishweight-en-noun-74xEIvGtviscosity rating.
weightEnglishweight-en-noun-en:molecular_weightMass (atomic weight, molecular weight, etc.) (in restricted circumstances)
weightEnglishweight-en-noun-1fncft7RSynonym of mass (in general circumstances)
weightEnglishweight-en-noun-Y-8Kz9mTMass (net weight, troy weight, carat weight, etc.).
weightEnglishweight-en-noun-G-EOP3b2A variable which multiplies a value for ease of statistical manipulation.
weightEnglishweight-en-noun-vACy64AiThe smallest cardinality of a base.
weightEnglishweight-en-noun-fDOyabMlThe boldness of a font; the relative thickness of its strokes.
weightEnglishweight-en-noun-dB56IRkLThe relative thickness of a drawn rule or painted brushstroke, line weight.
weightEnglishweight-en-noun-IUh3haqXThe illusion of mass.
weightEnglishweight-en-noun-yN7fFAzCThe thickness and opacity of paint.
weightEnglishweight-en-noun-HID6ibRuPressure; burden.
weightEnglishweight-en-noun-ikT6W9zeThe resistance against which a machine acts, as opposed to the power which moves it.
weightEnglishweight-en-noun-Vu6-uOgtShipments of (often illegal) drugs.
weightEnglishweight-en-noun-HQ6C3khxOne pound of drugs, especially cannabis.
weightEnglishweight-en-verb-6od7Yu9QTo add weight to something; to make something heavier.
weightEnglishweight-en-verb-h8m2uSzETo load (fabrics) with barite, etc. to increase the weight.
weightEnglishweight-en-verb-hof4Flt-To load, burden or oppress someone.
weightEnglishweight-en-verb-UJhHPXF0To assign weights to individual statistics.
weightEnglishweight-en-verb-T3zphZ6UTo bias something; to slant.
weightEnglishweight-en-verb-k9Ty16nHTo handicap a horse with a specified weight.
weightEnglishweight-en-verb-Ot5iQzGZTo give a certain amount of force to a throw, kick, hit, etc.
medicinSwedishmedicin-sv-noun-wgPimT.smedicine (the art of curing illness)
medicinSwedishmedicin-sv-noun-.zdk3oxZmedicine, drug (a substance which promotes healing)
argentumLatinargentum-la-noun-lUDQpDxnsilver (metal, element)
argentumLatinargentum-la-noun-gufPjKGTa silver thing
pilakCebuanopilak-ceb-noun-zfMgr5RTsilver; a lustrous, white, metallic element
pilakCebuanopilak-ceb-noun-.RM5jyVgthe color silver
ICAEnglishICA-en-name-Is3wQpMdInitialism of Innovative Communications Alliance, an alliance formed by Microsoft and Nortel to develop unified communications products.
ICAEnglishICA-en-name-Ogf6rppaInitialism of Irish Citizen Army.
ICAEnglishICA-en-name-6xJgTfGIInitialism of International Contract Agency.
ICAEnglishICA-en-noun-5GKDc7oQInitialism of image compression artifact.
MicrosoftEnglishMicrosoft-en-name-TxopPrQUMicrosoft Corporation.
MicrosoftEnglishMicrosoft-en-noun-IMlSuBB7A company whose products are widespread.
MicrosoftEnglishMicrosoft-en-verb-mvoluE-Uto Microsoftify.
MicrosoftEnglishMicrosoft-en-verb-58YR7dGVto make more like Microsoft with regards to perceived business practices and tactics.
ܚܠܒܐClassical Syriacܚܠܒܐ-syc-noun-iCXnZTD4milk
ܚܠܒܐClassical Syriacܚܠܒܐ-syc-noun-xSmMm0Vwjuice, sap
ܚܠܒܐClassical Syriacܚܠܒܐ-syc-noun-vgf1E5phfat
ܚܠܒܐClassical Syriacܚܠܒܐ-syc-noun-1oauA9mjmembrane
ܚܠܒܐClassical Syriacܚܠܒܐ-syc-noun-TVCsjpBbpeel, rind, shell
ܚܠܒܐClassical Syriacܚܠܒܐ-syc-noun-5z2sZ.O2peritoneum, omentum, epiploon, diaphragm
ܚܠܒܐClassical Syriacܚܠܒܐ-syc-noun-pEpnOoxmretina
heedMiddle Englishheed-enm-noun-Y5B3sTIWThe head (top portion of a human or animal): / A headrest; a place for the head.
heedMiddle Englishheed-enm-noun-Y6Bb7SUPThe head (top portion of a human or animal): / A head-covering; headwear or hair.
heedMiddle Englishheed-enm-noun-xIGhkmm3The head (top portion of a human or animal): / The head as the origin of thought; intellect or one's brain.
heedMiddle Englishheed-enm-noun-1YgdRJ-9The head (top portion of a human or animal): / The horns or antlers of a cervid.
heedMiddle Englishheed-enm-noun-smoQ0d4OA principal thing or person: / A boss, leader, or executive.
heedMiddle Englishheed-enm-noun-afCa-R8DA principal thing or person: / A capital city.
heedMiddle Englishheed-enm-noun-iG7H105lA start or origin: / The top of a waterbody or geographical feature.
heedMiddle Englishheed-enm-noun-l-U67NNpA start or origin: / One of the lengthwise ends of a geographical feature.
heedMiddle Englishheed-enm-noun-5XyS-TqJA start or origin: / The source of a river; the headwater.
heedMiddle Englishheed-enm-noun-hWk0YpJWA start or origin: / The uppermost point of something; the top.
heedMiddle Englishheed-enm-noun-MYXqQYRzA start or origin: / The outermost extremity of something.
heedMiddle Englishheed-enm-noun-uMUbxNDAThe useful end of a tool.
heedMiddle Englishheed-enm-noun-KjwmkgO8A rounded bump or boil.
heedMiddle Englishheed-enm-noun-1VHyA3C8One's ability to survive.
heedMiddle Englishheed-enm-noun-f0mdUMkHLack of consideration; impetuousness, rashness.
heedMiddle Englishheed-enm-noun-665RGKK5An individual; someone or somebody
heedMiddle Englishheed-enm-noun-OYXK78oGA military force or troop.
heedMiddle Englishheed-enm-adj-ny5tM6Nxhead
heedMiddle Englishheed-enm-noun-i04Qg87RAlternative form of hed (“heed”)
heedMiddle Englishheed-enm-verb-WrOkxCvOAlternative form of hadde: simple past/past participle of haven (“to have”)
accrochageFrenchaccrochage-fr-noun-mlcw3Bgacollision, bump
accrochageFrenchaccrochage-fr-noun-otPf2rO9the area of a coalmine where full tubs are loaded into the cage for hoisting to the surface; pit bottom, pit eye
muunjuga-iriaKikuyumuunjuga-iria-ki-noun-lr9-0gZkbutterfly bush (Rotheca myricoides, syn. Clerodendrum myricoides); recently reported that decoction of a shoot or roots used for treating STDs, including syphilis and gonorrhea.
muunjuga-iriaKikuyumuunjuga-iria-ki-noun-XOIzHASjPavetta elliottii
muunjuga-iriaKikuyumuunjuga-iria-ki-noun-emfo3ahKjammy mouth (Ruttya fruticosa)
ریحانOttoman Turkishریحان-ota-noun-fyJu2xY4fragrant plant, aromatic herb
ریحانOttoman Turkishریحان-ota-noun-V5ZRsNV0basil
moldāvietisLatvianmoldāvietis-lv-noun-bUZbYeula (male) Moldovan or Moldavian, a man from Moldova
moldāvietisLatvianmoldāvietis-lv-noun-krf1GGUmMoldovan, Moldavian; pertaining to Moldova and its people
mäkkýšSlovakmäkkýš-sk-noun-jaWTuzzwweakling, wimp, sissy
KroneGermanKrone-de-noun-fj46pRrUcrown (currency of Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Iceland)
KroneGermanKrone-de-noun-qLY7Eem4head (of beer or other carbonated beverages)
príncipeSpanishpríncipe-es-noun-yWRBLdc8sovereign, ruler
príncipeSpanishpríncipe-es-adj-ChYVAd9Dfirst (edition of a publication)
realPortuguesereal-pt-adj-wbHAKNTetrue, real
realPortuguesereal-pt-adj-aXa0tt5rthat has physical existence; real
realPortuguesereal-pt-adj-zxyJRXgWbeing a member of the set of real numbers; real
realPortuguesereal-pt-noun-Wnl1puXUa real number
realPortuguesereal-pt-adj-RVNJVccgof or relating to the monarchy; royal; regal
realPortuguesereal-pt-adj-mV9G4shQhaving the air or demeanour of a monarch; regal
realPortuguesereal-pt-noun-ZEfNSjwja former Spanish currency
realPortuguesereal-pt-noun-FH5diGy-the current Brazilian currency
realPortuguesereal-pt-noun-SjTl1l2Na former currency of Portugal and its colonies (the plural later became réis)
regentPolishregent-pl-noun-T7jsDxyAregent (one who rules in place of the monarch)
regentPolishregent-pl-noun-M.8vRFhKAn official in charge of a royal chancellery, a secretary to the chancellor or the sub-chancellor; also: an official looking after the chancellery and court archives.
թագավորArmenianթագավոր-hy-noun-t3eYgAxybridegroom (because he carries a crown during the wedding)
황제Korean황제-ko-name-.QDWO6lIthe Yellow Emperor
pocket moneyEnglishpocket_money-en-noun-AZUWUtQxA small sum of money given to a child, by a parent or guardian.
pocket moneyEnglishpocket_money-en-noun-A1UVAKOnA small sum of cash, carried on the person, for small, daily expenses.
մոնղոլերենArmenianմոնղոլերեն-hy-noun-KNVMAVWJMongolian (language)
մոնղոլերենArmenianմոնղոլերեն-hy-adv-zHu31V1ein Mongolian
մոնղոլերենArmenianմոնղոլերեն-hy-adj-48zch31JMongolian (of or pertaining to the language)
bagniakPolishbagniak-pl-noun-FbOCB2CXAny moss of the genus Philonotis.
bagniakPolishbagniak-pl-noun-xBmjrb9oA species of fungus, Suillus variegatus.
interyorCebuanointeryor-ceb-adj-gCbGqoR0interior; within any limits, enclosure, or substance; inside
interyorCebuanointeryor-ceb-noun-G7XfUwh9the inside of a building, container, cavern, or other enclosed structure
interyorCebuanointeryor-ceb-noun-YeKu.vnqthe inner tube; the tire interior
mozambikiHungarianmozambiki-hu-adj-9NNh1tq0Mozambican (of, from, or relating to Mozambique, its people or language)
mozambikiHungarianmozambiki-hu-noun-.epDwGmRMozambican (a person from Mozambique or of Mozambican descent)
San AgustinCebuanoSan_Agustin-ceb-name-ZgQSAgzaSaint Augustine
San AgustinCebuanoSan_Agustin-ceb-name-Slh.oUtfA municipality of Surigao del Sur, Philippines
San AgustinCebuanoSan_Agustin-ceb-name-RCzaqM97A municipality of Romblon
San AgustinCebuanoSan_Agustin-ceb-name-cW82QHJAA municipality of Isabela
hedgehogEnglishhedgehog-en-noun-AXnW3Xk8A small mammal, of the family Erinaceidae or subfamily Erinaceinae ( spiny hedgehogs, the latter characterized by their spiny back and often by the habit of rolling up into a ball when attacked.)
hedgehogEnglishhedgehog-en-noun-VL7bfE.DAny of several spiny mammals, such as the porcupine, that are similar to the hedgehog.
hedgehogEnglishhedgehog-en-noun-0DUcu1K-A type of moveable military barricade made from crossed logs or steel bars, laced with barbed wire, used to damage or impede tanks and vehicles; Czech hedgehog.
hedgehogEnglishhedgehog-en-noun-Oiu.35wZA spigot mortar-type of depth charge weapon from World War II that simultaneously fires a number of explosives into the water to create a pattern of underwater explosions intended to attack submerged submarines.
hedgehogEnglishhedgehog-en-noun-.rfi1s6QA type of chocolate cake (or slice), somewhat similar to an American brownie.
hedgehogEnglishhedgehog-en-noun-SYu.hvSEA form of dredging machine.
hedgehogEnglishhedgehog-en-noun-FHJ.knj2Certain flowering plants with parts resembling a member of family Erinaceidae / Medicago intertexta, the pods of which are armed with short spines.
hedgehogEnglishhedgehog-en-noun-V5I9sTqgCertain flowering plants with parts resembling a member of family Erinaceidae / Retzia capensis of South Africa.
hedgehogEnglishhedgehog-en-noun-99l2ykOZThe edible fungus Hydnum repandum.
hedgehogEnglishhedgehog-en-noun-Q9-fHAcjA kind of electrical transformer with open magnetic circuit, the ends of the iron wire core being turned outward and presenting a bristling appearance.
hedgehogEnglishhedgehog-en-noun-UpGx3ewUA way of serving food at a party, consisting of a half melon or potato etc. with individual cocktail sticks of cheese and pineapple stuck into it.
hedgehogEnglishhedgehog-en-verb-tgCxXSPOTo make use of a hedgehog barricade as a defensive maneuver.
hedgehogEnglishhedgehog-en-verb-hXgqXjX2To array with spiky projections like the quills of a hedgehog.
hedgehogEnglishhedgehog-en-verb-B7Z-rRZZTo curl up into a defensive ball.
MamboGermanMambo-de-noun-za.8BVoDmambo (music)
MamboGermanMambo-de-noun-udm8OUoVmambo (dance)
goombayEnglishgoombay-en-noun-cSS51yNQA type of traditional Bahamian drum.
goombayEnglishgoombay-en-noun-zn1nhzVFA genre of folk music played with this drum.
goombayEnglishgoombay-en-noun-cS6ah4pGA dance associated with this music genre.
طنبورArabicطنبور-ar-noun-4TJn5W0iArchimedes' screw
Chinese鐸-zh-character-8ZKzskTxa type of bell
Chinese鐸-zh-character-Jt5m.83JA surname​.
bluseroSpanishblusero-es-noun-GG-1BwBQbluesman (blues artist; blues aficionado)
cruittOld Irishcruitt-sga-noun-XVRXbMR2harpist
cruittOld Irishcruitt-sga-noun-sTGme4aRAlternative form of crott
näätäFinnishnäätä-fi-noun-NRaLGFGTpine marten (Martes martes)
näätäFinnishnäätä-fi-noun-CQ0ephaimarten (any member of the taxonomic genus Martes)
water caltropEnglishwater_caltrop-en-noun-iOc4Lz8IAn East Asian water plant with a horn-like nut, Trapa bicornis.
water caltropEnglishwater_caltrop-en-noun-WS4cLj7ZThe nut from this plant.
duvelMiddle Dutchduvel-dum-noun-eggatd-5devil, demon
duvelMiddle Dutchduvel-dum-noun-dCy2X0m0Devil, Satan
upiórPolishupiór-pl-noun-69ngoE1-Any sheath-tailed bat of the genus Emballonura.
敵役Japanese敵役-ja-noun-1D7qKslPan antagonist (one who antagonizes)
敵役Japanese敵役-ja-noun-1D7qKslP1an antagonist (one who antagonizes)
ArgentineEnglishArgentine-en-adj-42.nPiAjOf, from, or pertaining to Argentina or its people.
ArgentineEnglishArgentine-en-noun-1fi08G4DA citizen or descendant abroad of Argentina.
CanadierGermanCanadier-de-noun-OMs-FV1zCanadian (person from Canada)
CanadierGermanCanadier-de-noun-7eyrluTrCanadian canoe, canoe
MongólachIrishMongólach-ga-noun-eazOpqzUMongolian, Mongol
búlgaroGalicianbúlgaro-gl-noun-4r6jAgFgBulgarian person
khmerskiPolishkhmerski-pl-noun-GWcobxMDKhmer (language)
persanRomanianpersan-ro-noun-VOUJgkKla Persian man
tadžikkiFinnishtadžikki-fi-noun-9ye2f1g-Tajik (person)
tadžikkiFinnishtadžikki-fi-noun--AOAKrBmTajik (language)
𐎶𐎠𐏃Old Persian𐎶𐎠𐏃-peo-noun-pcfRcZ4omonth
𐎶𐎠𐏃Old Persian𐎶𐎠𐏃-peo-noun-nni0PqAOmoon
bulatiTagalogbulati-tl-noun-cjM06GXbintestinal worm; roundworm; any parasitic worm of the Ascaris genus
黑天Chinese黑天-zh-noun-ikk-bjh3night; nightfall
DanishmendEnglishDanishmend-en-adj-NMlpF6yzOf or pertaining to the Danishmend dynasty: a Turkish dynasty that ruled in north-central and eastern Anatolia in the 11th and 12th centuries.
DanishmendEnglishDanishmend-en-noun-l4DbOdWyA member of the Danishmend dynasty.
atomówkaPolishatomówka-pl-noun-H8qd2u1hnuclear power plant
atomówkaPolishatomówka-pl-noun-9lbZElTLatomic bomb
fizzleEnglishfizzle-en-verb-vH-YCoSyTo sputter or hiss.
fizzleEnglishfizzle-en-verb-syuVe1N2To decay or die off to nothing; to burn out; to end less successfully than previously hoped.
fizzleEnglishfizzle-en-verb-osX1VahJTo fail to generate the expected yield when exploded during testing.
fizzleEnglishfizzle-en-noun-4PZv23TxA spluttering or hissing sound.
fizzleEnglishfizzle-en-noun-xr64Kgb9Failure of an exploding nuclear bomb to meet its expected yield during testing.
fizzleEnglishfizzle-en-noun-ewytQ75bAn abortive effort; a flop or dud.
fizzleEnglishfizzle-en-noun-LOgrqY.UA state of agitation or worry.
lapsivuodeFinnishlapsivuode-fi-noun-HOX4kvPdchildbed (the bed in which a baby is delivered)
lapsivuodeFinnishlapsivuode-fi-noun-oV0JrQsdshort for lapsivuodeaika: childbed (the period immediately before giving birth, when the mother is confined in bed)
lapsivuodeFinnishlapsivuode-fi-noun--8YrPWQNshort for lapsivuodeaika: puerperium (the period immediately after giving birth, when the mother's body is returning to the prenatal state)
encantarSpanishencantar-es-verb-Gtc97Gggto delight, be delighting to, to charm, enchant
encantarSpanishencantar-es-verb-VCJemZbRto please
encantarSpanishencantar-es-verb-R5px6Wroto like very much, love, enjoy
encantarSpanishencantar-es-verb-TBifEcSQto bewitch
kalipayCebuanokalipay-ceb-noun-h1Auv5Ymthe Ming aralia (Polyscias fruticosa)
kalipayCebuanokalipay-ceb-noun-bp1z0tL9bathwater prepared by soaking leaves of this plant in water, supposed to bring happiness to a child who is bathed in it
kalipayCebuanokalipay-ceb-noun-tM-UNzFoa drink made by boiling the leaves of this plant, served to a couple before the wedding supposedly to promote a happy marriage
ܚܪܫܘܬܐClassical Syriacܚܪܫܘܬܐ-syc-noun-Dr5fEVdrdeafness, dumbness
ܚܪܫܘܬܐClassical Syriacܚܪܫܘܬܐ-syc-noun-u.iAzCgrmagic, sorcery, wizardry, witchcraft
Fils du CielFrenchFils_du_Ciel-fr-noun-eLR2tiDQSon of Heaven (Emperor of China)
Fils du CielFrenchFils_du_Ciel-fr-noun-zVe0a-bsCitizen of the Chinese Empire
WirtinGermanWirtin-de-noun-nMOibItvfemale host
WirtinGermanWirtin-de-noun--vQSMIWafemale innkeeper
aoghaireScottish Gaelicaoghaire-gd-noun-Ip9ZxJZiherdsman, pastor, shepherd
aoghaireScottish Gaelicaoghaire-gd-noun-KUxnpIShpastor (ecclesiastical)
border guardEnglishborder_guard-en-noun-9KBwwe8zA national agency that enforces the security of the country's national borders.
border guardEnglishborder_guard-en-noun-a9uhHrLxA person assigned to watch, protect or control the frontier between two sovereign states.
búistéaraIrishbúistéara-ga-noun-9gxRIJWygenitive singular of búistéir
búistéaraIrishbúistéara-ga-noun-pBfbDvrDCois Fharraige form of búistéir (“butcher”)
clickerEnglishclicker-en-noun-VOZA0u29The remote-control device used to change settings on a television set, VCR, or other electronic equipment.
clickerEnglishclicker-en-noun-vxbxQyi6An electronic device used by individual students in the classroom to respond to multiple-choice questions, etc.
clickerEnglishclicker-en-noun-EEjo3SxAA person who cuts out the uppers of shoes from pieces of leather using a flexible knife that clicks as it changes direction.
clickerEnglishclicker-en-noun-FBD7BjvuA machine that cuts materials using a steel rule die. The name comes from the sound (click) when the material is cut. May be hand, pneumatic, or hydraulic powered.
clickerEnglishclicker-en-noun-wQaA-3rCA signalling device used by military forces. Pressed between thumb and fingers, it makes a small but distinctive click understood by other members of a unit.
clickerEnglishclicker-en-noun-oU953emmA small mechanical device that produces a clicking sound, used in dog training.
clickerEnglishclicker-en-noun-mv3vJk7NSomeone who clicks, for example using a computer mouse.
clickerEnglishclicker-en-noun-vfqrZHGSOne who stands before a shop door to invite people to buy.
clickerEnglishclicker-en-noun-jd.0d7lCOne who has charge of the work of a companionship.
clickerEnglishclicker-en-noun-KvybbAkIAn employee who locks the type in the form to make it ready for printing.
cofiadurWelshcofiadur-cy-noun-7k2Vw1GIone who remembers, one who reminds
cofiadurWelshcofiadur-cy-noun-aimGo39None who keeps records, registrar, secretary, clerk
cofiadurWelshcofiadur-cy-noun-h2E1n6PGhistorian, chronicler
cofiadurWelshcofiadur-cy-noun-mkw2KgsHrecorder, councillor, officer
cofiadurWelshcofiadur-cy-adj-r4o9jbhihaving a good memory
cofiadurWelshcofiadur-cy-adj-1nJKPI7frelating to the memory
előadóHungarianelőadó-hu-verb-HSXld0aapresent participle of előad
előadóHungarianelőadó-hu-noun-7eoAfy.nspeaker (one who makes a speech to an audience)
előadóHungarianelőadó-hu-noun-DS4n5wC4lecturer, instructor (one who gives lectures, especially as a profession)
előadóHungarianelőadó-hu-noun-hKNSYbGcperformer, artist (one who performs for, or entertains, an audience)
előadóHungarianelőadó-hu-noun-iJhRgztGlecture hall, lecture theatre, auditorium (a room in a university with many seats and a sloped floor, used to hold lectures)
előadóHungarianelőadó-hu-noun-vb6ME9bZclerk, administrator, official, (desk) officer, customer service agent/representative (an official qualified to prepare administrative decisions and usually present them to a higher level executive)
kniferEnglishknifer-en-noun-ZCtnoB5ISomeone who sells knives.
kniferEnglishknifer-en-noun-rj0aufMSSomeone who stabs another with a knife.
pastorSpanishpastor-es-noun-i6q1Jxflpastor, priest
pezevenkTurkishpezevenk-tr-noun-kne.ns33pimp, procurer
pezevenkTurkishpezevenk-tr-noun-39ZiV3koa worthless, obnoxious person, usually male, without honor, morals or virtue
pigmanEnglishpigman-en-noun-o2ALyVzUA farm worker who looks after pigs.
pigmanEnglishpigman-en-noun-LV.1UMr4A dealer in crockery.
rocketmanEnglishrocketman-en-noun-pn7J67OYastronaut; spaceman
ܡܟܣܐClassical Syriacܡܟܣܐ-syc-noun-zMiflAT3impost, tribute, toll, tax
ܡܟܣܐClassical Syriacܡܟܣܐ-syc-noun-lUgrolt7auction
ܡܟܣܐClassical Syriacܡܟܣܐ-syc-noun-2lmn-DTAcustom house officer, tax collector, publican
བཟོ་པTibetanབཟོ་པ-bo-noun-uASkZ.PVcraftsman, artist
བཟོ་པTibetanབཟོ་པ-bo-noun-FEyZYQG.worker, laborer
漫畫家Chinese漫畫家-zh-noun-EePVqhivmangaka; manga or manhua artist
ファーストJapaneseファースト-ja-noun-dcd4gs6gSynonym of 一塁 (ichirui, “first base”)
ファーストJapaneseファースト-ja-noun-LcCI8GVnSynonym of 一塁手 (ichiruishu, “first baseperson”)
ファーストJapaneseファースト-ja-noun-S6sxxqLtClipping of ファーストフード (fāsuto fūdo, “fast food”).
kulitBrunei Malaykulit-kxd-noun-iiAUWdC0skin (outer covering of the body of a person)
kulitBrunei Malaykulit-kxd-noun-bq3-fs4Uskin (protective outer layer of a plant or fruit)
kulitBrunei Malaykulit-kxd-noun-hHu3y7i7leather (material produced by tanning animal skin)
kulitBrunei Malaykulit-kxd-noun-C1R5voltshell (covering of a nut)
skynMiddle Englishskyn-enm-noun-ycT81DL-The skin (outer layer of the body or a portion of it) / A hide, fur or skin of an animal, especially used as a garment.
skynMiddle Englishskyn-enm-noun-t03hrn0AThe skin (outer layer of the body or a portion of it) / A prepared hide; e.g. parchment, leather, etc.
skynMiddle Englishskyn-enm-noun-sKClPck0A layer or cover located in the inside of the body.
skynMiddle Englishskyn-enm-noun-xFuMZjksAny kind of rind or external layer; often referring to plants.
skynMiddle Englishskyn-enm-noun-p5J5ztMHPart of a the material composing a tent.
горлоRussianгорло-ru-noun-F5zXD.Uwneck (of a vessel)
كبدArabicكبد-ar-verb-wcaxMEXwto charge with, to incur
كبدArabicكبد-ar-verb-t22mu0.ato place a weight or burden on
كبدArabicكبد-ar-noun-uSRHtARoliver (“organ”)
గూడుTeluguగూడు-te-noun-mjx4fxa3A niche in a wall for a light.
reverse spellingEnglishreverse_spelling-en-noun-K1LOB4amThe spelling or writing of a word in reverse or from back to front.
reverse spellingEnglishreverse_spelling-en-noun-imaP0z7rA specific spelling of a word representing a phonetic feature never present in it, but present in other words in the same phonetic environment (and later lost); an inverse spelling.
boleníCzechbolení-cs-noun-ivp-iwIyverbal noun of bolet
date treeEnglishdate_tree-en-noun-hsBJfHoKA palm tree, Phoenix dactylifera, whose fruit is the date.
date treeEnglishdate_tree-en-noun-47DEQpj8
humayCebuanohumay-ceb-noun-CUpz.0ddthe grass, Oryza sativa; rice
humayCebuanohumay-ceb-noun-1hi9h76wthe seed of this plant used as food
листокRussianлисток-ru-noun-g02jmtjLDiminutive of лист (list): small leaf, small sheet (of paper)
листокRussianлисток-ru-noun-nyzjsKHsslip, sheet, paper
листокRussianлисток-ru-noun-KJSHidNOwall newspaper, document, poster
octodecimoEnglishoctodecimo-en-noun-23e3K7ajA size of a sheet of paper resulting from folding and cutting a sheet of paper into eighteenths (3.5"-4.5" x 4.9"-5.9").
octodecimoEnglishoctodecimo-en-noun-NUIgcCVtA book consisting of pages of that size.
ángVietnameseáng-vi-noun-oP73P1-Obeautiful piece
przyjęciePolishprzyjęcie-pl-noun-.bqx2n-jparty (social gathering)
przyjęciePolishprzyjęcie-pl-noun-Vxwy4fsPverbal noun of przyjąć
yesternightEnglishyesternight-en-adv-mDfLCjCnLast night.
yesternightEnglishyesternight-en-noun-vis5HbBzA preceding night.
càlculCatalancàlcul-ca-noun-WwrGePY0calculus (stony concretion)
hlízaCzechhlíza-cs-noun-KsWiZhuXHymenogaster, genus of fungi from the family Strophariaceae
hlízaCzechhlíza-cs-noun-L9v79vMTWakefieldia, genus of fungi
zarażaćPolishzarażać-pl-verb-CxrYdbpGto infect
zarażaćPolishzarażać-pl-verb-ldYD07Mrto contract, to catch
BettseicherAlemannic GermanBettseicher-gsw-noun-ZUEno7Mmbedwetter
BettseicherAlemannic GermanBettseicher-gsw-noun-B3.4wkW.dandelion
WodnikPolishWodnik-pl-name-LCk2bbZSAquarius, a constellation
WodnikPolishWodnik-pl-name-8hsCXgk-Aquarius, an astrological sign
WodnikPolishWodnik-pl-name--.PihN9NA masculine surname​.
WodnikPolishWodnik-pl-name-GSAgP4.qA feminine surname​.
WodnikPolishWodnik-pl-noun-mO7G00fOAquarius (someone with an Aquarius star sign)
anti-agnosticEnglishanti-agnostic-en-noun-eqcCxg2OA person who opposes agnosticism.
anti-agnosticEnglishanti-agnostic-en-adj-Oii8y.RiOpposed to agnosticism.
armpieceEnglisharmpiece-en-noun-xDTz9S3rA piece of armour that protects the arm.
armpieceEnglisharmpiece-en-noun-dQWxeIwYA decorative companion.
automatonEnglishautomaton-en-noun-SPKKlL9gA machine or robot designed to follow a precise sequence of instructions.
automatonEnglishautomaton-en-noun-XjFm-lYZA person who acts like a machine or robot, often defined as having a monotonous lifestyle and lacking in emotion.
automatonEnglishautomaton-en-noun-0euBvAchA formal system, such as a finite-state machine or cellular automaton.
automatonEnglishautomaton-en-noun-le0tVKKnA toy in the form of a mechanical figure.
automatonEnglishautomaton-en-noun-7tL42s6IThe self-acting power of the muscular and nervous systems, by which movement is effected without intelligent determination.
banyagaTagalogbanyaga-tl-adj-7nX1dTTpforeign; alien
banyagaTagalogbanyaga-tl-noun-JizJQtUCforeigner; alien
bien pensantEnglishbien_pensant-en-adj-8uoOs0NtRight-thinking, orthodox, conformist.
bien pensantEnglishbien_pensant-en-noun-a2BzykbPA person who is bien pensant.
bien pensantEnglishbien_pensant-en-noun-Z62QljJXSomeone who accepts and/or espouses a fashionable idea after it has been established and maintains it without a great amount of critical thought.
brusherEnglishbrusher-en-noun-rl7RGWHxSomeone who brushes (any of the meanings).
brusherEnglishbrusher-en-noun-4ZWYAXqaA person employed to cut or blast the roof or floor of a roadway and so give more height.
brusherEnglishbrusher-en-noun-uaiSJedxA person who gets the mineral down by blasting in the working face after it has been "holed".
cosmopoliteEnglishcosmopolite-en-noun-nSMIzEb8One who is at home in every place; a citizen of the world; a cosmopolitan person.
cosmopoliteEnglishcosmopolite-en-noun-HXG5bG7jThe butterfly painted lady (Vanessa cardui).
cosmopoliteEnglishcosmopolite-en-adj-HW7dQhg0Of or relating to cosmopolites; cosmopolitan.
cosmopoliteEnglishcosmopolite-en-adj-.8CtOyK8Oriented, exposed to or open to ideas and influences outside one's own social system or group.
cosmopoliteEnglishcosmopolite-en-adj-HiFmOK8TDistributed throughout the world; having a wide geographical distribution.
daredevilEnglishdaredevil-en-noun-zCRZYHQnA person who engages in very risky behavior, especially one who is motivated by a craving for excitement or attention.
daredevilEnglishdaredevil-en-adj-6G3NNmyYRecklessly bold; adventurous.
daredevilEnglishdaredevil-en-verb-N9VPu.K4To behave in a reckless, adventurous, or physically risky manner
dirkEnglishdirk-en-noun-l7YjPtUUA long Scottish dagger with a straight blade.
dirkEnglishdirk-en-noun-kPnXF013A penis; dork.
dirkEnglishdirk-en-noun-SAv0pYpPA socially unacceptable person; an oddball.
dirkEnglishdirk-en-verb-uZLb3JRQTo stab with a dirk.
dirkEnglishdirk-en-verb-s2MklnSpTo darken.
guardsmanEnglishguardsman-en-noun-P96oBKDlA person, especially a soldier, who is on guard.
guardsmanEnglishguardsman-en-noun-ySoimTBfA member of the National Guard.
guardsmanEnglishguardsman-en-noun-MWuNlfXJA member of a Guards regiment.
hystericEnglishhysteric-en-adj-nto-tfkyHysterical; relating to hysteria.
hystericEnglishhysteric-en-noun-hF6b0ZuiA hysterical person.
ladroneItalianladrone-it-noun-LERsJnAGthief; robber (especially a highwayman)
ladroneItalianladrone-it-noun-6TVDth4Fplural of ladrona
ladyEnglishlady-en-noun-CEkhb75-The mistress of a household.
ladyEnglishlady-en-noun-hxD6NyYAA woman of breeding or higher class, a woman of authority.
ladyEnglishlady-en-noun-F7jV7jafThe feminine of lord.
ladyEnglishlady-en-noun-S2aXW5OmA title for someone married to a lord or gentleman.
ladyEnglishlady-en-noun-BzjVd9hLA title that can be used instead of the formal terms of marchioness, countess, viscountess, or baroness.
ladyEnglishlady-en-noun-ZQGJgxNRA woman: an adult female human.
ladyEnglishlady-en-noun-e-lsR8mtA polite reference or form of address to women.
ladyEnglishlady-en-noun-eUggLyfzUsed to address a female.
ladyEnglishlady-en-noun-BBy4.wycToilets intended for use by women.
ladyEnglishlady-en-noun--vh9qfc0A wife or girlfriend; a sweetheart.
ladyEnglishlady-en-noun-taNf.vRHA woman to whom the particular homage of a knight was paid; a woman to whom one is devoted or bound.
ladyEnglishlady-en-noun-HqmZCIJsA queen (the playing card).
ladyEnglishlady-en-noun-q1MXheAGWho is a woman.
ladyEnglishlady-en-noun-7Ry64NjMAlternative form of Lady.
ladyEnglishlady-en-noun-Pfxp51jeThe triturating apparatus in the stomach of a lobster, consisting of calcareous plates; so called from a fancied resemblance to a seated female figure.
ladyEnglishlady-en-noun-8cj4OA7eA five-pound note. (Rhyming slang, Lady Godiva for fiver.)
ladyEnglishlady-en-noun-XgbO2U3NA woman’s breast.
ladyEnglishlady-en-verb-TR76onaOTo address as “lady”.
magdidilaCebuanomagdidila-ceb-noun-WxWY3sY7one who studies linguistics
magdidilaCebuanomagdidila-ceb-noun-KhbLDNUNa person skilled in languages
mandoLatinmando-la-verb-la:orderI order, command, enjoin
mandoLatinmando-la-verb-3ewSQPXSI put in hand; deliver over
mandoLatinmando-la-verb-cjngXsANI commit, consign
mandoLatinmando-la-verb-jDp87Uw6I confide
mandoLatinmando-la-verb-7Z5jT3gmI commission
mandoLatinmando-la-verb-GaijvNWoI put in writing
mandoLatinmando-la-verb-hT3NcXUII send word to
mandoLatinmando-la-verb-QSl4nkymI entrust
mandoLatinmando-la-verb-la:chewI chew, masticate
mandoLatinmando-la-verb-nXwTn9uUI bite, gnaw
mandoLatinmando-la-noun-kyanhzEZglutton, gormandizer
manggagantsoTagalogmanggagantso-tl-noun-edOj41EGfraudster; scammer; swindler
manggagantsoTagalogmanggagantso-tl-verb-CVzEQ4gicontemplative aspect of manggantso
munkatársHungarianmunkatárs-hu-noun-YCWZgw2tworker, contributor
nonconformistEnglishnonconformist-en-noun-vpCURE-qA member of a church separated from the Church of England; a Protestant dissenter.
nonconformistEnglishnonconformist-en-noun-cTntO8GkLoosely, a Christian who does not conform to the doctrines of an established church.
nonconformistEnglishnonconformist-en-noun-khPGurEnSomeone who does not conform to accepted beliefs, customs or practices.
nonconformistEnglishnonconformist-en-adj-Q39hMfP.Not conforming to established customs etc.
postgradEnglishpostgrad-en-noun-Hyjq6UCGAbbreviation of postgraduate.
postgradEnglishpostgrad-en-adj-Hyjq6UCGAbbreviation of postgraduate.
résidentFrenchrésident-fr-verb-vK9vH1zzthird-person plural present indicative of résider
résidentFrenchrésident-fr-verb-0uX4vPYzthird-person plural present subjunctive of résider
scurraLatinscurra-la-noun-fiLml3zUelegant man about town, dandy, rake
scurraLatinscurra-la-noun-1kKbXZCRjester, joker, wit, clown
unpersonEnglishunperson-en-noun-5K-2HhzFA human who has been stripped of rights, identity or humanity.
unpersonEnglishunperson-en-verb-kQK60YQ4To strip (a human being) of rights, identity or humanity.
vaîsînNormanvaîsîn-nrf-noun-I1kREx.G(male) neighbor
zurdoSpanishzurdo-es-noun-2O0ZHBiWleft-handed person, lefty
zurdoSpanishzurdo-es-noun-PfjiSMkPleft-winger, leftist, lefty
Đức Quốc XãVietnameseĐức_Quốc_Xã-vi-name-8Qt1Dqb6Nazi Germany
Đức Quốc XãVietnameseĐức_Quốc_Xã-vi-name-xSDbTPczthe Nazis
مدربArabicمدرب-ar-adj-wqj7i74kactive participle of دَرَّبَ‎ (darraba, “to train”)
مدربArabicمدرب-ar-noun-ojdev1rAtrainer, coach
مدربArabicمدرب-ar-adj-ecAYeEGKpassive participle of دَرَّبَ‎ (darraba, “to train”)
嚴師Chinese嚴師-zh-noun-f9xHPyt7strict teacher
嚴師Chinese嚴師-zh-verb-b6Zvc9qGto respect teachers
batwanonCebuanobatwanon-ceb-noun-9AHGMiuFthe deep-bodied mojarra (Gerres erythrourus)
batwanonCebuanobatwanon-ceb-noun-Ck7VjNajthe whipfin silver-biddy (Gerres filamentosus)
snakeheadEnglishsnakehead-en-noun-blULsNSbA family of perciform fish native to Africa and Asia, Channidae.
snakeheadEnglishsnakehead-en-noun-YprYI5f1A Chinese smuggler, especially one who smuggles people
snakeheadEnglishsnakehead-en-noun--X-ks5gcA showy perennial plant, Chelone glabra, found in North American marshlands; the turtlehead
snakeheadEnglishsnakehead-en-noun-z7G.k9XDA loose, bent-up end of one of the strap rails, or flat rails, formerly used on American railroads. It was sometimes so bent by the passage of a train as to slip over a wheel and pierce the bottom of a car.
snakeheadEnglishsnakehead-en-noun-NzuHweTsThe guinea-hen flower, Fritillaria meleagris.
ժուռնալArmenianժուռնալ-hy-noun-M88VPi3wmagazine, periodical, journal
friendlyEnglishfriendly-en-adj-aigx9fSUGenerally warm, approachable and easy to relate with in character.
friendlyEnglishfriendly-en-adj-.jCRW00pInviting, characteristic of friendliness.
friendlyEnglishfriendly-en-adj-bR.PDRmNHaving an easy or accepting relationship with something.
friendlyEnglishfriendly-en-adj-4CGhL3VhWithout any hostility.
friendlyEnglishfriendly-en-adj-78Zef2ipPromoting the good of any person; favourable; propitious.
friendlyEnglishfriendly-en-adj-GX1EaP2cOf or pertaining to friendlies (friendly noun sense 2, below). Also applied to other bipolar confrontations, such as team sports
friendlyEnglishfriendly-en-adj-CTU5Sdz7Being or relating to two or more natural numbers with a common abundancy.
friendlyEnglishfriendly-en-adj-0rqO7RndCompatible with, or not damaging to (the compounded noun).
friendlyEnglishfriendly-en-noun-A89SLAaCA game which is of no consequence in terms of ranking, betting etc.
friendlyEnglishfriendly-en-noun-J6fzbjisA person or entity on the same side in a conflict.
friendlyEnglishfriendly-en-adv-zdPjiS2nIn a friendly manner, like a friend.
mellowEnglishmellow-en-adj-5WeuTsvlSoft or tender by reason of ripeness; having a tender pulp.
mellowEnglishmellow-en-adj-34i7QvTYEasily worked or penetrated; not hard or rigid.
mellowEnglishmellow-en-adj-OJAWtFioNot coarse, rough, or harsh; subdued, soft, rich, delicate; said of sound, color, flavor, style, etc.
mellowEnglishmellow-en-adj-fzQxHE8QWell matured; softened by years; genial; jovial.
mellowEnglishmellow-en-adj-bK0dPyLCRelaxed; calm; easygoing; laid-back.
mellowEnglishmellow-en-adj-Ok.vzGVOWarmed by liquor, slightly intoxicated, stoned, or high.
mellowEnglishmellow-en-noun-vTbw3plVA relaxed mood.
mellowEnglishmellow-en-verb-JxAAzT7mTo make mellow; to relax or soften.
mellowEnglishmellow-en-verb-stJYfP3.To become mellow.
ColumbianEnglishColumbian-en-adj-aiqs59YdOf or pertaining to Christopher Columbus, the discoverer of America, or his life or time.
ColumbianEnglishColumbian-en-adj-NqShSl5iOf or from any of the places called Columbia.
ColumbianEnglishColumbian-en-adj-Ht0yJPQbAmerican, from the United States of America
ColumbianEnglishColumbian-en-adj-9HW5ZZBqMisspelling of Colombian.
ColumbianEnglishColumbian-en-noun-peIwF-MOAn inhabitant of any place called Columbia.
ColumbianEnglishColumbian-en-noun-l.OJTssFAn American, a person from the United States of America.
ColumbianEnglishColumbian-en-noun-GHfJlQoBA stamp from the Columbian Issue stamps.
ColumbianEnglishColumbian-en-noun-dfG93QLNA size of type between English and great primer, standardized as 16-point.
ColumbianEnglishColumbian-en-noun-9HW5ZZBqMisspelling of Colombian.
農家Chinese農家-zh-noun-dRw26Rrzfarming family
農家Chinese農家-zh-noun-GKBBU22magriculturalism (Chinese philosophy prevalent during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods that advocated peasant utopian communalism and egalitarianism)
xenophobiaEnglishxenophobia-en-noun-Pvkqof6MA fear of strangers or foreigners.
xenophobiaEnglishxenophobia-en-noun-CRhJg8gjA fear of aliens.
xenophobiaEnglishxenophobia-en-noun-3gnSJ0i4A strong antipathy or aversion to strangers or foreigners.
ünsüzTurkishünsüz-tr-noun-MXMXCD1gconsonant (abbreviated)
הילוך איטיHebrewהילוך_איטי-he-noun-XsoEejSMslow motion
הילוך איטיHebrewהילוך_איטי-he-noun-xYpY7d59low gear
өтKazakhөт-kk-noun-130Zt6eTfocus (wind, sun, etc.)
pinoPortuguesepino-pt-noun-V-9Ym4-Ntop (uppermost part)
pinoPortuguesepino-pt-noun-tAxWddERpin (cylinder of wood or metal used to fasten or as a bearing between two parts) / pin (slender object specially designed for use in bowling)
pinoPortuguesepino-pt-noun-2f7c.7dDpin (cylinder of wood or metal used to fasten or as a bearing between two parts) / pin (any of the individual connecting elements of a multi-pole electrical connector)
pinoPortuguesepino-pt-verb--6eAMhWafirst-person singular (eu) present indicative of pinar
моржRussianморж-ru-noun-ab9S.oy7winter swimmer, ice swimmer
wild gingerEnglishwild_ginger-en-noun-KJIhJK1XAny of the many plants similar to ginger in appearance or aroma. / Any of several species of Asarum, especially Asarum caudatum and Asarum canadense.
wild gingerEnglishwild_ginger-en-noun-L6pD8rQaAny of the many plants similar to ginger in appearance or aroma. / Any of the Alpinia species, especially Alpinia caerulea.
wild gingerEnglishwild_ginger-en-noun-EkuxLKB2Any of the many plants similar to ginger in appearance or aroma. / Curcuma australasica
wild gingerEnglishwild_ginger-en-noun-vDyW149vAny of the many plants similar to ginger in appearance or aroma. / Hedychium gardnerianum
wild gingerEnglishwild_ginger-en-noun-99iDgoQGAny of the many plants similar to ginger in appearance or aroma. / Asiasarum sieboldi
wild gingerEnglishwild_ginger-en-noun-3TFfzVeUAny of the many plants similar to ginger in appearance or aroma. / Siphonochilus aethiopicus
wild gingerEnglishwild_ginger-en-noun-L5kfHqUqAny of the many plants similar to ginger in appearance or aroma. / Any of the numerous Zingiber species
רעמססHebrewרעמסס-he-name-uua0unCQRamesses (pharaoh of Ancient Egypt)
רעמססHebrewרעמסס-he-name-IG.3BNIHA place in Egypt.
pagodePortuguesepagode-pt-noun-ppIUMRIsa subgenre of samba music
pagodePortuguesepagode-pt-noun-gsAqsOJzpagoda (a tiered tower with multiple eaves)
pagodePortuguesepagode-pt-noun-A-Ir1ya9pagoda (Indian unit of currency)
santuárioPortuguesesantuário-pt-noun-EVfvXFFashrine (a place that is holy)
santuárioPortuguesesantuário-pt-noun-KspyadEAsanctuary (place of safety, refuge or protection)
santuárioPortuguesesantuário-pt-noun-amep0gCwa room where relics are kept
ErdeGermanErde-de-noun-ol-oL5adthe ground
ErdeGermanErde-de-noun-a0tKuQoua world; a space to live in
ErdeGermanErde-de-name-de:Q2the planet Earth
boubínGalicianboubín-gl-noun-UcNKVUtvwhite stonecrop (Sedum album)
boubínGalicianboubín-gl-noun-pi.xVqDja certain pigs' illness
caeciliaLatincaecilia-la-noun-ZfA4NOspA kind of lizard
caeciliaLatincaecilia-la-noun-KnPNLnCMA kind of lettuce
plîseNormanplîse-nrf-noun-2lI7JtGHgrass-wrack, sea-wrack, eelgrass (Zostera marina)
plîseNormanplîse-nrf-noun-MS-Mx5Wqsmall vraic washed up
thistelMiddle Englishthistel-enm-noun-mttxLIkdthistle (a plant belonging to the genus Carduus)
thistelMiddle Englishthistel-enm-noun-kTty3oq7thistle (any spiky or prickly perennial composite plant)
шөрилэSouthern Yukaghirшөрилэ-yux-noun-wGsM.gzFflower
шөрилэSouthern Yukaghirшөрилэ-yux-noun-dChNncvMcolor
шөрилэSouthern Yukaghirшөрилэ-yux-noun-KX5hnbXupaint
クローバーJapaneseクローバー-ja-noun-R3mVr0wyclub; clover
ꦱꦼꦩ꧀ꦥꦿꦺꦴꦁJavaneseꦱꦼꦩ꧀ꦥꦿꦺꦴꦁ-jv-noun-wuNBDBcqhollow bamboo used to blow upon fire
ꦱꦼꦩ꧀ꦥꦿꦺꦴꦁJavaneseꦱꦼꦩ꧀ꦥꦿꦺꦴꦁ-jv-noun-ia7I8dCvglass chimney of a lamp
ꦱꦼꦩ꧀ꦥꦿꦺꦴꦁJavaneseꦱꦼꦩ꧀ꦥꦿꦺꦴꦁ-jv-noun-QjqTWOzXegg rolls
詞曲Chinese詞曲-zh-noun-NO.JDQjici and qu poetry
詞曲Chinese詞曲-zh-noun-XrV7e9KXwords and music (of a song)
polonaisFrenchpolonais-fr-noun-BVZW0PO8Polish, the Polish language
matriarchateEnglishmatriarchate-en-noun-B3nxQSrjA matriarchal system or community.
matriarchateEnglishmatriarchate-en-noun-mC3jXWhKThe position of a matriarch.
debateEnglishdebate-en-noun-DGkW38k4An argument, or discussion, usually in an ordered or formal setting, often with more than two people, generally ending with a vote or other decision.
debateEnglishdebate-en-noun-JZClZLcbAn informal and spirited but generally civil discussion of opposing views.
debateEnglishdebate-en-noun-aOfS-5VJDiscussion of opposing views.
debateEnglishdebate-en-noun-tsecaNuEA type of literary composition, taking the form of a discussion or disputation, commonly found in the vernacular medieval poetry of many European countries, as well as in medieval Latin.
debateEnglishdebate-en-noun-GJ-QSA2WStrife, discord.
debateEnglishdebate-en-verb-mrtixOf2To participate in a debate; to dispute, argue, especially in a public arena.
debateEnglishdebate-en-verb-C-5.8dtbTo fight.
debateEnglishdebate-en-verb-X8Jsb.4VTo engage in combat for; to strive for.
debateEnglishdebate-en-verb-6mkhed61To consider (to oneself), to think over, to attempt to decide
crabappleEnglishcrabapple-en-noun-8cA2ig90Any of the wild species of apple tree, genus Malus, which generally yield small, bitter fruit (in comparison to domestic apples, Malus domestica).
crabappleEnglishcrabapple-en-noun-XdpJAk1ZThe fruit of this tree.
crabappleEnglishcrabapple-en-noun-XUjBFsgmAn unpleasant person; a person who is crabby.
mountain ashEnglishmountain_ash-en-noun-36eY8XwdThe European species Sorbus aucuparia, commonly known as rowan or more specifically European rowan.
mountain ashEnglishmountain_ash-en-noun-oe981fweAny of several trees in the genus Sorbus in North America.
mountain ashEnglishmountain_ash-en-noun-0N.9BsyfA tree native to southeastern Australia, Eucalyptus regnans, the tallest of all flowering plants.
mountain ashEnglishmountain_ash-en-noun-f6z9bP5HA Texan ash tree species, Fraxinus texensis.
POPEnglishPOP-en-noun--eSEZhQOAcronym of point of presence.
POPEnglishPOP-en-noun-bNTpdrPRAcronym of Point of Purchase.
POPEnglishPOP-en-noun-E1lV-ausAcronym of probability of precipitation.
POPEnglishPOP-en-noun-rsqSTSSVAcronym of picture outside of picture.
POPEnglishPOP-en-noun-hfiDns-9Acronym of persistent organic pollutant.
POPEnglishPOP-en-name-iWhynjqgAcronym of Post Office Protocol.
POPEnglishPOP-en-adj-r3m8o6KIAcronym of post office preferred. (denoting a standard envelope size)
whelpyngeMiddle Englishwhelpynge-enm-noun-XNL.oJWiThe process of bearing young.
whelpyngeMiddle Englishwhelpynge-enm-noun-lkoh43kcThe process of exiting the womb.
猴三兒Chinese猴三兒-zh-noun-GnvaS1xamischievous boy
klawiszPolishklawisz-pl-noun-57KUY0N0key (a button on the keyboard of a musical instrument, on a typewriter or on a computer keyboard)
klawiszPolishklawisz-pl-noun-B9hwNTSJprison guard
prigioneItalianprigione-it-noun-pl-jg0gDjail, prison
prigioneItalianprigione-it-noun-x9DRl-Riimprisonment, incarceration, detention
prigioneItalianprigione-it-noun-YCD8gFZWprisoner, captive
chicoSpanishchico-es-noun-yBK2RLJ2boy; kid
chicoSpanishchico-es-noun-h9-WLTUawhite-nosed coati (Nasua Narica)
chicoSpanishchico-es-noun-1FmlX82draccoon (Procyon lotor)
iambusLatiniambus-la-noun-lv.VSqE7iamb, iambus
iambusLatiniambus-la-noun-9oqjorrLiambic verse
бабочкаRussianбабочка-ru-noun-Q9UfwW2nfeisty, spirited woman
бабочкаRussianбабочка-ru-noun-VpnxXxP4prostitute, hooker
gamma globulinEnglishgamma_globulin-en-noun-wKqteoSFA fraction of blood serum containing the most antibodies.
gamma globulinEnglishgamma_globulin-en-noun-tTs1doPqA class of proteins in the blood, identified by their position after serum protein electrophoresis. The most significant gamma globulins are antibodies.
L'AquilaEnglishL'Aquila-en-name-Ru8bdCq1Province of Abruzzo, Italy.
L'AquilaEnglishL'Aquila-en-name-IsVwDCRLTown and capital of L'Aquila.
PunjabEnglishPunjab-en-name-UKV.W2cEA geographical region of South Asia, divided (by the Radcliffe Line) between India and Pakistan. Pakistani Punjab includes the (West) Punjab Province and parts of the Islamabad Capital Territory; Indian Punjab includes (East) Punjab State and some other territories.
PunjabEnglishPunjab-en-name-Qw5E2hw1State in northern India which has union territory Chandigarh as its capital; its biggest city is Ludhiana.
PunjabEnglishPunjab-en-name-F8A5chETProvince in Pakistan which has Lahore as its capital.
abnoyCebuanoabnoy-ceb-adj-HY9RbWbiretarded; having mental retardation; mentally deficient
abnoyCebuanoabnoy-ceb-noun-wl6PD-Nha retard
petrol pumpEnglishpetrol_pump-en-noun-uKQQfFC0A device at a petrol station that dispenses petrol.
petrol pumpEnglishpetrol_pump-en-noun-tFcak33BA filling station.
скобкаRussianскобка-ru-noun-GB0tNbjvparenthesis, bracket
ramliceCzechramlice-cs-noun-h0eRzsmFfemale rabbit
ramliceCzechramlice-cs-noun-5Y65uKYjfemale hare
vô tuyếnVietnamesevô_tuyến-vi-adj-QRLt7CSwrelated to radio; wireless
vô tuyếnVietnamesevô_tuyến-vi-noun-S7GrbtZ4television; televisor
ropniakPolishropniak-pl-noun-q5BlrmiTdiesel car
ropniakPolishropniak-pl-noun-DRjx1UEmdiesel locomotive
ropniakPolishropniak-pl-noun-LAxgAdoLdiesel engine
vykolejeníCzechvykolejení-cs-noun-RJg73D5vverbal noun of vykolejit
wachaPolishwacha-pl-noun-p63pk.Jifuel, petrol, gasoline
wachaPolishwacha-pl-noun-PALM-PM7sea or seawater
wachaPolishwacha-pl-noun-w4J83JfSwatch, guard duty
wachaPolishwacha-pl-noun-69VEOA6hwahoo (Acanthocybium solandri)
ortolanEnglishortolan-en-noun-wcY.ITwTA small European migratory bunting (Emberiza hortulana), once eaten whole as a delicacy.
ortolanEnglishortolan-en-noun-gD3jIu7LAny of various similar birds, especially the bobolink, sora, or snow bunting.
鴕鳥Chinese鴕鳥-zh-noun-PVZbGAd5ostrich (Classifier: 隻/只 m c)
鴕鳥Chinese鴕鳥-zh-noun-6nUou1bUone who ignores problems as if they don't exist; head-in-the-sand; ostrich
atlasSpanishatlas-es-noun-9cpWSgMratlas (a bound collection of maps often including tables, illustrations or other text)
atlasSpanishatlas-es-noun-1hGdaCa6atlas (the uppermost vertebra of the neck)
NorthumbriaEnglishNorthumbria-en-name-hsWwStM7North East England
NorthumbriaEnglishNorthumbria-en-name-APjR0QQbAn Anglo-Saxon kingdom in the Northeast of England.
vaadinFinnishvaadin-fi-noun-.5KHoN53reindeer doe
vaadinFinnishvaadin-fi-verb-dYsBWB1pFirst-person singular indicative present form of vaatia.
vaadinFinnishvaadin-fi-verb-mA1d4BfBFirst-person singular indicative past form of vaatia.
conventicleEnglishconventicle-en-noun-WA6vRVMNA secret, unauthorized or illegal religious meeting.
conventicleEnglishconventicle-en-noun-dHerUyLyThe place where such a meeting is held.
conventicleEnglishconventicle-en-noun-x8WZiwh8A Quaker meetinghouse.
conventicleEnglishconventicle-en-verb-mA9E7ITXTo hold a secret, unauthorized or illegal religious meeting.
secteMiddle Englishsecte-enm-noun-ruMbc8tXA variety or sort; a category with a distinguishing feature.
secteMiddle Englishsecte-enm-noun-M5TbaOGOA religion or religious organisation (usually not referring to Christianity)
secteMiddle Englishsecte-enm-noun-B6PlUS3yA division within a religion (either doctrinal or administrative)
secteMiddle Englishsecte-enm-noun-7rD4PeHYA sect; a smaller offshoot of a religion with unorthodox belief.
secteMiddle Englishsecte-enm-noun-PToFRkeOPeople who behave or think in a specified manner (either as a group or in general).
secteMiddle Englishsecte-enm-noun-s2BSXhQuA school of philosophical or medical thought.
secteMiddle Englishsecte-enm-noun-a-HdHo2yOne's physical composition or existence.
venquysshenMiddle Englishvenquysshen-enm-verb-jjktxeysTo triumph over a rival military force; to win in battle.
venquysshenMiddle Englishvenquysshen-enm-verb-K6xEHTvjTo eliminate immorality or malice (within oneself or within others)
venquysshenMiddle Englishvenquysshen-enm-verb-2Ya6jTn6To triumph over evil or malign forces; to achieve a moral victory.
venquysshenMiddle Englishvenquysshen-enm-verb-z-pSnXMFTo turn to sorrow; to destroy one's morale.
venquysshenMiddle Englishvenquysshen-enm-verb-HH.pLkqvTo become better or greater than; to render meaningless.
venquysshenMiddle Englishvenquysshen-enm-verb-hi9WzUi7To achieve victory in a verbal dispute.
ܟܦܘܪܬܐClassical Syriacܟܦܘܪܬܐ-syc-noun-6H7XE.Ampagan, heathen
ܟܦܘܪܬܐClassical Syriacܟܦܘܪܬܐ-syc-noun-GK8VWYt.unbeliever, infidel
ܟܦܘܪܬܐClassical Syriacܟܦܘܪܬܐ-syc-noun-LIdPq.7enegator, denier, apostate
弟子Japanese弟子-ja-noun-NwkBhxVaa disciple, an apprentice
弟子Japanese弟子-ja-noun-XUCLjeARon a mala or Buddhist rosary, the ten small beads closest to the end of the portion that hangs free from the largest bead
弟子Japanese弟子-ja-noun--lTY0Mqpan apprentice, a disciple
弟子Japanese弟子-ja-noun-3CuoQKcJthe youngest child
弟子Japanese弟子-ja-noun-huUp.l.Oshort for 弟子月 (otogo-zuki, “December” in the lunar calendar)
聖化Chinese聖化-zh-noun-QP9hq61Xteachings of a sage (specifically Confucius) or of the emperor
聖化Chinese聖化-zh-noun-oPqoCXd.beatification; sanctification
聖化Chinese聖化-zh-verb-jUn3NB1qto sanctify
chalcisLatinchalcis-la-noun-CTFoJqKkA type of fish, possibly a sardine or herring.
chalcisLatinchalcis-la-noun-OLQkgrCaA type of lizard or snake.
parvipelvianEnglishparvipelvian-en-adj-ro4Y2etdRelating to ichthyosaurs of the clade Parvipelvia
parvipelvianEnglishparvipelvian-en-noun-KylJrx6YAny ichthyosaur of the clade Parvipelvia
parableEnglishparable-en-noun-ibysDMjGA short narrative illustrating a lesson (usually religious/moral) by comparison or analogy.
parableEnglishparable-en-verb-07kx22IyTo represent by parable.
parableEnglishparable-en-adj-Fi5cC9QnThat can easily be prepared or procured; obtainable.
RIEnglishRI-en-name-TNuF5Em5Initialism of Rhode Island, a state of the United States of America.
RIEnglishRI-en-name-NwIhTkW6Abbreviation of Riau, a province of Indonesia.
RIEnglishRI-en-noun-qaO61XySInitialism of radioisotope.
RIEnglishRI-en-noun-Ll56H-rPInitialism of radio interference.
RIEnglishRI-en-noun-hjlJLQJwrex imperator (“king-emperor”) or regina imperatrix (“queen-empress”); the initials by which a British monarch signed documents after his or her name from 1877 until 1947.
bypassEnglishbypass-en-noun-iRxNbwIxa road that passes around something, such as a residential area
bypassEnglishbypass-en-noun-2OlNDbrqa circumvention
bypassEnglishbypass-en-noun-GYtUakwTa section of pipe that conducts a fluid around some other fixture
bypassEnglishbypass-en-noun-hasREEXqan electrical shunt
bypassEnglishbypass-en-noun-3MTk0foean alternative passage created to divert a bodily fluid around a damaged organ; the surgical procedure to construct such a bypass
bypassEnglishbypass-en-verb-pXgtPmFkto avoid an obstacle etc, by constructing or using a bypass
bypassEnglishbypass-en-verb-fXQ2-PHJto ignore the usual channels or procedures
dráhaCzechdráha-cs-noun-n9fNe85Utrack (for a race or exercise)
dráhaCzechdráha-cs-noun-Fs5a2qjRlane (a division of a racetrack)
dráhaCzechdráha-cs-noun-Odvkg-3jrailway (a transport system), railroad (the transportation system)
fast laneEnglishfast_lane-en-noun-s0RqY5uvOn a multilane road, the lane intended or reserved for vehicles moving at faster speeds.
fast laneEnglishfast_lane-en-noun-RdOwMoHIAny situation or activity where the pace is very rapid.
osmákCzechosmák-cs-noun-xr6mM1AxAn eighth‐grader
osmákCzechosmák-cs-noun-aPQP5FE5common degu
καστόριονAncient Greekκαστόριον-grc-noun-v5-ExgBicastoreum
καστόριονAncient Greekκαστόριον-grc-noun-cdokjGBJbeaver
καστόριονAncient Greekκαστόριον-grc-noun-5CP9-ioBthe fur of the beaver
ConstantineEnglishConstantine-en-name-XC4.mcw6A male given name from Latin.
ConstantineEnglishConstantine-en-name-VMMuWqVqA city and province of Algeria
ambienteSpanishambiente-es-noun-qe5JI1c1environment (used with medio when talking about nature)
ambienteSpanishambiente-es-verb-8oZWTTfUFormal second-person singular (usted) imperative form of ambientar.
ambienteSpanishambiente-es-verb-nKKobAizFirst-person singular (yo) present subjunctive form of ambientar.
ambienteSpanishambiente-es-verb-phXlEytzFormal second-person singular (usted) present subjunctive form of ambientar.
ambienteSpanishambiente-es-verb-PSZ37f..Third-person singular (él, ella, also used with usted) present subjunctive form of ambientar.
cafeteriaEnglishcafeteria-en-noun-xp-Jmsn2A restaurant in which customers select their food at a counter then carry it on a tray to a table to eat
cafeteriaEnglishcafeteria-en-noun--MDPy.uvA dining area in an institution where meals may be purchased (as above), provided, or brought in from elsewhere
chambroIdochambro-io-noun-AtNL.Xjwroom, chamber
chambroIdochambro-io-noun-A2SvLtW7house of parliament
cofaOld Englishcofa-ang-noun-DhY38DKxchamber
cofaOld Englishcofa-ang-noun-AEs3LLVHark
cofaOld Englishcofa-ang-noun-uJoZnqgbcave
cofaOld Englishcofa-ang-noun-iooan-hWden
клетьRussianклеть-ru-noun-rGzsHTYMcloset, storeroom
нораRussianнора-ru-noun-qNqHE5Vahole, burrow, form (burrowed animal dwelling)
нораRussianнора-ru-noun-ujvu2uv6foxhole, dugout
нораRussianнора-ru-noun--q2N-rTVsmall, dark room; hole, diggings
сарайRussianсарай-ru-noun-9m9tdgeUshed, storage building (small wooden construction)
сарайRussianсарай-ru-noun-NSJiqVIeuncomfortable, untidy room, pigsty
ատեանOld Armenianատեան-xcl-noun-wF46NWM7assembly, council; assembly of judges, tribunal; session of an assembly
ատեանOld Armenianատեան-xcl-noun-cEZNqvaNassembly hall, court hall
ատեանOld Armenianատեան-xcl-noun-HECnvqPUtribunal, seat
ատեանOld Armenianատեան-xcl-noun-NrhMyx.Ytrial before a court
ատեանOld Armenianատեան-xcl-noun-gBrs.tGXthe space in front of the sanctuary in temples
ատեանOld Armenianատեան-xcl-noun-M2B0gF.Itime
buffaloberryEnglishbuffaloberry-en-noun-ELZDw5RCAny of several shrubs, of the genus Shepherdia, native to North America.
buffaloberryEnglishbuffaloberry-en-noun-kj51ilWxThe edible berry of these plants.
သစ်ပုပ်Burmeseသစ်ပုပ်-my-noun-2qQw.NS7Dalbergia kurzii
သစ်ပုပ်Burmeseသစ်ပုပ်-my-noun-C7DQIUqKNilgiri elm, Eastern nettle tree (Celtis tetrandra)
သစ်ပုပ်Burmeseသစ်ပုပ်-my-noun-kTRq0D-LTetrameles nudiflora
බෙලිSinhaleseබෙලි-si-noun-lChSWADlbael fruit tree, bel, Bengal quince (Aegle marmelos); also its fruit.
බෙලිSinhaleseබෙලි-si-noun-djaVdrdYplural of බෙල්ල (bella).
බෙලිSinhaleseබෙලි-si-adj-.ggbDPw2belonging to
´Russian´-ru-character-DPGJ-xEHacute accent
´Russian´-ru-character-PYsrQ3H6stressed-syllable indicator used in East Slavic languages
áreaSpanishárea-es-noun-aVwkby.warea (a particular geographic region)
áreaSpanishárea-es-noun-uO44aZ49are (SI unit of area equal to 100 square metres)
áreaSpanishárea-es-noun--7oM2pDGarea, field (the extent, scope, or range of an object or concept)
áreaSpanishárea-es-noun-icUzE8zOarea (a measure of the extent of a surface)
smoltEnglishsmolt-en-adj-FbPdfVyHBright; serene.
smoltEnglishsmolt-en-adj-ux5ek6t4Calm; fine; fair.
smoltEnglishsmolt-en-adj-ut2xGPKFSmooth and shining.
smoltEnglishsmolt-en-noun-Zp4p9t5lA young salmon two or three years old, when it has acquired its silvery color.
focacciaEnglishfocaccia-en-noun-XjPkyQy8A flatbread similar in style, composition, and texture to modern pizza doughs and topped with herbs, cheese and other products. Focaccia typically consists of high-gluten flour, oil, water, sugar, salt and yeast.
focacciaEnglishfocaccia-en-noun-L.HwOFPJA sandwich made with this type of bread.
lanipgaCebuanolanipga-ceb-noun-QM5uUJKsthe Philippine cedar (Toona calantas)
lanipgaCebuanolanipga-ceb-noun-3QJBk9sqthe wood from this tree
肉汁Japanese肉汁-ja-noun-F58slrDmmeat broth
肉汁Japanese肉汁-ja-noun-b27wgJKwmeat juice
scarabEnglishscarab-en-noun-0NOz.OcXA beetle of the species Scarabaeus sacer, sacred to the ancient Egyptians.
scarabEnglishscarab-en-noun-5PZhXbTXAny species of beetle belonging to the family Scarabaeidae.
scarabEnglishscarab-en-noun-3vr0zW4XA symbol, seal, amulet, or gem fashioned to resemble the sacred beetle.
テレポートJapaneseテレポート-ja-noun-zz.hk69Ca telecommunications port (telecommunications hub for satellite or other transmission)
テレポートJapaneseテレポート-ja-noun-ZNL2LsmKa facility, region, or city with sophisticated telecommunications infrastructure
テレポートJapaneseテレポート-ja-noun-RPAyYC-ySynonym of 瞬間移動 (shunkan idō, “teleportation”)
テレポートJapaneseテレポート-ja-verb-osF71tNOto teleport
addictologyEnglishaddictology-en-noun--GmVGQPvThe study of addictions.
addictologyEnglishaddictology-en-noun-TaPMK8d4The practice of treating addictions.
理学Japanese理学-ja-noun-EgMEyABIShort for 宋明理学 (Sō-Min rigaku, “Neo-Confucianism”).
理学Japanese理学-ja-noun-6LLn2xW1Synonym of 哲学 (tetsugaku, “philosophy”)
理学Japanese理学-ja-noun-4eB.yoLVClipping of 物理学 (butsurigaku, “physics”).
理学Japanese理学-ja-noun-52SoYXbiSynonym of 自然科学 (shizen kagaku, “natural science”)
TerekEnglishTerek-en-name-oSAZgh.-A river that flows in Georgia and Russia.
TerekEnglishTerek-en-noun-y0Hq1AodA Terek sandpiper.
edimburguésSpanishedimburgués-es-adj-Kb3t6wA6of Edinburgh, Scotland; Edinburgher (of or relating to Edinburgh, Scotland)
edimburguésSpanishedimburgués-es-noun-ZHDG6M8UEdinburgher (native or resident of Edinburgh, Scotland)
escocêsPortugueseescocês-pt-adj-lu1VBu3hScottish (of, from or relating to Scotland)
escocêsPortugueseescocês-pt-adj-IEGwv76vtartan (of cloth and clothing: having a pattern of coloured stripes that intersect at right angles)
escocêsPortugueseescocês-pt-noun-EhTg7sC5Scot; Scotsman (someone from Scotland)
escocêsPortugueseescocês-pt-noun-szF0ehrGScottish (ambiguous term for any of a number of languages spoken in Scotland)
春冰Chinese春冰-zh-noun-cWud1MwWfragile and thin ice in spring
春冰Chinese春冰-zh-adj-hFWlJ.PKfragile; dangerous
𒌓Sumerian𒌓-sux-verb-RGyUpFLpto be white
𒌓Sumerian𒌓-sux-noun-EZG6MrQOa fever
𒌓Sumerian𒌓-sux-name-.v2sY2OnAlternative form of 𒀭𒌓 (ᵈutu /Utu/)
𒌓Sumerian𒌓-sux-verb-w5StglYLto be pure
𒌓Sumerian𒌓-sux-verb-0wwVwZuwto be bright, shine
gate rapeEnglishgate_rape-en-noun-qLakBNiPAggressive security screening prior to aircraft boarding.
gate rapeEnglishgate_rape-en-verb-NPFypSx1To screen (someone) aggressively prior to allowing them to board an aircraft.
aftershockEnglishaftershock-en-noun-lrqsTld1An earthquake that follows in the same vicinity as another, usually larger, earthquake (the "mainshock").
aftershockEnglishaftershock-en-noun-79H.0vy2By extension, any result or consequence following a major event.
aftershockEnglishaftershock-en-noun-vLBPYqn1Emotional and physical distress following a traumatic event.
céadfaIrishcéadfa-ga-noun-.aAga-Zhsense (bodily faculty)
céadfaIrishcéadfa-ga-noun-DUQuF5G.perception, understanding
snáthaid bheagIrishsnáthaid_bheag-ga-noun-CZN2UzxBfine needle
snáthaid bheagIrishsnáthaid_bheag-ga-noun-KRIHSIo-hour hand (of clock)
butt plugEnglishbutt_plug-en-noun-FxBLt2kiA sex toy designed for insertion into the anus and rectum.
butt plugEnglishbutt_plug-en-noun-ciIJhJM4A rubber cap fitted to the end of the pole in pole vaulting.
淫水Chinese淫水-zh-noun-BhOlh5VYoverflowing floodwater
淫水Chinese淫水-zh-noun-DtTlTkO3sexual secretions (especially from a female); cum
runkaNorwegian Nynorskrunka-nn-verb-iRM7wA6bwank
runkaNorwegian Nynorskrunka-nn-verb-Cc34eWB8roll, sway, rock
runkaNorwegian Nynorskrunka-nn-verb-A5.9Z6TCwalk heavily and slowly, typically by oneself
owalPolishowal-pl-noun-1c3k5l-joval (in a projective plane, a set of points, no three collinear, such that there is a unique tangent line at each point)
owalPolishowal-pl-noun-WUT6FwF9oval (shape like an egg or ellipse)
trapezoideCatalantrapezoide-ca-noun-PpavaCwxtrapezium (irregular quadrilateral)
trapezoideCatalantrapezoide-ca-noun-c78E7M7Mtrapezoid (bone)
շրջանArmenianշրջան-hy-noun-XtKJRcx9region, area, oblast
շրջանArmenianշրջան-hy-noun-hCebZPjzsphere, realm
շրջանArmenianշրջան-hy-noun-A7-W7p01period, epoch
دائرهOttoman Turkishدائره-ota-noun-KIrCworZthat goes round or surrounds; circle; circumference, ring
دائرهOttoman Turkishدائره-ota-noun-hzOctncFdepartment or subdivision of administration
دائرهOttoman Turkishدائره-ota-noun-P.IWEjkSsuite of apartments or offices
دائرهOttoman Turkishدائره-ota-noun-FGRN.m-Afigurative point or degree (of greatness, etc.)
دائرهOttoman Turkishدائره-ota-noun-FPOzbrT5dayereh, tambourine
دائرهOttoman Turkishدائره-ota-noun-2FqcZqopschedule of metres arranged in circular form
دائرهOttoman Turkishدائره-ota-noun-p3b7oa2fcalamity
مسدسArabicمسدس-ar-noun-HiMLFBfzany handgun, especially a revolver
borregoSpanishborrego-es-noun-0BghMRmwa sheep around its second year of age
borregoSpanishborrego-es-noun-i05xdMz6sheep (person)
borregoSpanishborrego-es-noun-I5gTa-mTa woolly, white cloud reminiscent of a sheep
կայմOld Armenianկայմ-xcl-noun-XcdAtIYkmast
կայմOld Armenianկայմ-xcl-noun-0DUKYGTesail
կայմOld Armenianկայմ-xcl-noun-rkuGfPLubeam
surpriseDutchsurprise-nl-noun-JyfJd.oaa gift wrapped in an ingenious or creative manner; often given anonymously during Sinterklaas celebrations in a similar way to secret Santa
surpriseDutchsurprise-nl-noun-9nfV3k-ba surprise gift
surpriseDutchsurprise-nl-noun-Eq1mg-S0a surprise
smallEnglishsmall-en-adj-gzBYf9nZNot large or big; insignificant; few in number.
smallEnglishsmall-en-adj-h8vNEsXLYoung, as a child.
smallEnglishsmall-en-adj-TXacF.FIMinuscule or lowercase, referring to written or printed letters.
smallEnglishsmall-en-adj-GjFvP2UXEvincing little worth or ability; not large-minded; paltry; mean.
smallEnglishsmall-en-adj-nEo-jwr.Not prolonged in duration; not extended in time; short.
smallEnglishsmall-en-adj-R9-zsevISynonym of little (“of an industry or institution(s) therein: operating on a small scale, unlike larger counterparts”)
smallEnglishsmall-en-adj-f-VXzuXeSlender, gracefully slim.
smallEnglishsmall-en-adv-V.MgphNMIn a small fashion
smallEnglishsmall-en-adv-nHpMadsJIn or into small pieces.
smallEnglishsmall-en-adv-MO.WAqQJTo a small extent.
smallEnglishsmall-en-adv-d.Zi.LdeIn a low tone; softly.
smallEnglishsmall-en-noun-kqVWj0LcAny part of something that is smaller or slimmer than the rest, now usually with anatomical reference to the back.
smallEnglishsmall-en-verb-6SAdJBs7To make little or less.
smallEnglishsmall-en-verb-wGiXLQVNTo become small; to dwindle.
drømNorwegian Bokmåldrøm-nb-noun-nHWpoEvha dream
drømNorwegian Bokmåldrøm-nb-verb-LcKKCU0Vimperative of drømme
ospałośćPolishospałość-pl-noun-Hid3ngbLsleepiness, drowsiness
ospałośćPolishospałość-pl-noun-16SfP1V2sluggishness, languor
лежанкаRussianлежанка-ru-noun-G2LnDLGpsleeping ledge above a Russian chimney stove
лежанкаRussianлежанка-ru-noun-TySKejGCsleeping place or couch
лежанкаRussianлежанка-ru-noun-pJ8otTkLniche in the stone wall of a crypt, where the deceased is placed
amëzAlbanianamëz-sq-noun-IcPP-VFNfood aroma
smokyEnglishsmoky-en-adj-KY8jgkQJFilled with smoke.
smokyEnglishsmoky-en-adj-aSS0fgLwFilled with or enveloped in tobacco smoke.
smokyEnglishsmoky-en-adj-FXGuu0FUGiving off smoke.
smokyEnglishsmoky-en-adj--8XUve8TOf a colour or colour pattern similar to that of smoke.
smokyEnglishsmoky-en-adj-K0qeRkfVHaving a flavour or odour like smoke; flavoured with smoke.
smokyEnglishsmoky-en-adj-KeF9ZfYQResembling or composed of smoke.
smokyEnglishsmoky-en-adj-92FD-NcIBlackened by smoke.
smokyEnglishsmoky-en-adj-sXb874b3Having a deep, raspy quality, often as a result of smoking tobacco.
smokyEnglishsmoky-en-adj-8rAo3lI1Attractive in a sensual way; sultry.
smokyEnglishsmoky-en-adj-FB5N7xjXHaving a dark, thick, bass sound.
smokyEnglishsmoky-en-adj-o3BhOPZBGiving off steam or vapour.
smokyEnglishsmoky-en-adj-Jy3KQkGpObscuring or insubstantial like smoke.
smokyEnglishsmoky-en-adj-GjmZvc3ASuspicious; open to suspicion; jealous.
запалкаBulgarianзапалка-bg-noun-n0uIb9Twlighter, strike a light
запалкаBulgarianзапалка-bg-noun-8bcdAmJLfuse, squib
蝓螺Chinese蝓螺-zh-noun-UBNDLMG2land snail
snowfallEnglishsnowfall-en-noun-GeKGbteMAn instance of falling of snow.
snowfallEnglishsnowfall-en-noun-K.kJuMEpThe amount of snow that falls on one occasion.
snowmobileEnglishsnowmobile-en-noun-39-ToAU9A vehicle with skis at the front and a caterpillar track at the rear, used for travelling over snow, sometimes as sport
snowmobileEnglishsnowmobile-en-verb-1iuNj6lITo ride or race in a snowmobile.
audioEnglishaudio-en-adj-fD7usYpRFocused on audible sound, as opposed to sight.
audioEnglishaudio-en-noun-at3q5757A sound, or a sound signal
chillarSpanishchillar-es-verb-hNt1hI.2to shriek, to screech, to scream
chillarSpanishchillar-es-verb-1TbZWwpRto creak
chillarSpanishchillar-es-verb--eGfeXe1to sizzle, to hiss
chillarSpanishchillar-es-verb-9BKsPmNQto speak; say a word
füttyHungarianfütty-hu-noun-eWMPj8hiwhistle (a shrill, high-pitched sound made by whistling)
füttyHungarianfütty-hu-noun-TZ88W7hNsong, call (a melodious sound made by a bird)
weykMiddle Englishweyk-enm-noun-M2IHfZfhAlternative form of weke (“wick”)
weykMiddle Englishweyk-enm-adj-cgryA6tJweak (feeble; lacking bodily strength, might, or energy): / Weak or feeble due to illness, affliction or aging.
weykMiddle Englishweyk-enm-adj-hcMLMaPWweak (feeble; lacking bodily strength, might, or energy): / Tired; weak or feeble due to overexertion (physical or not)
weykMiddle Englishweyk-enm-adj-X4gPCnCSweak (feeble; lacking bodily strength, might, or energy): / Vulnerable, inflexible, frail.
weykMiddle Englishweyk-enm-adj-XRXqQCSVweak (feeble; lacking bodily strength, might, or energy): / Lacking competency in combat or on the battlefield.
weykMiddle Englishweyk-enm-adj-wPt5tXv0Lacking mental strength, force, power or endurance: / Weak religiously; in danger of sinning or moral failure.
weykMiddle Englishweyk-enm-adj-Q.BXHL3vLacking mental strength, force, power or endurance: / Fearing, afraid; lacking bravery, heart, or courage.
weykMiddle Englishweyk-enm-adj-KD3uAvFHLacking mental strength, force, power or endurance: / Unintelligent; lacking intelligence or mental willpower.
weykMiddle Englishweyk-enm-adj-dQ72BfedLacking mental strength, force, power or endurance: / Lazy, indolent, slothful; unwilling to exert.
weykMiddle Englishweyk-enm-adj-GFqRBO0Rweak (lacking force or strength otherwise): / Lacking military force or might; militarily weak.
weykMiddle Englishweyk-enm-adj-8a2syRPOweak (lacking force or strength otherwise): / Useless or ineffectual; lacking effect, utility or power.
weykMiddle Englishweyk-enm-adj-7r7StAjQweak (lacking force or strength otherwise): / Helpless; lacking authority or control.
weykMiddle Englishweyk-enm-adj-jeZ-M4fCweak (lacking force or strength otherwise): / Weakened; lacking presence or magnitude.
weykMiddle Englishweyk-enm-adj-YJb1G5Esweak (lacking force or strength otherwise): / Hard to hear or detect; quiet.
weykMiddle Englishweyk-enm-adj-WC86xRJaLacking physical rigidity, permanence, or solidness. / Bendable; able to be plied or flexed.
weykMiddle Englishweyk-enm-adj-HUw3txvXLacking physical rigidity, permanence, or solidness. / Easily damaged, attacked, or destroyed; fragile.
weykMiddle Englishweyk-enm-adj-Lh8HNJ1lHaving a tendency to be ill or sick; infirm or frail.
plumpEnglishplump-en-adj-WUWDPENbHaving a full and rounded shape; chubby, somewhat overweight.
plumpEnglishplump-en-adj-MH4Rall2Sudden and without reservation; blunt; direct; downright.
plumpEnglishplump-en-verb-9bEbkeUxTo grow plump; to swell out.
plumpEnglishplump-en-verb-z9jYFDduTo make plump; to fill (out) or support; often with up.
plumpEnglishplump-en-verb-pDZ.-1KqTo cast or let drop all at once, suddenly and heavily.
plumpEnglishplump-en-verb-QJywR6TxTo give a plumper (kind of vote).
plumpEnglishplump-en-verb-t2un1qtcTo give (a vote), as a plumper.
plumpEnglishplump-en-verb-FCZVWoAeTo favor or decide in favor of something.
plumpEnglishplump-en-verb-55UkxQXqTo drop or fall suddenly or heavily, all at once.
plumpEnglishplump-en-adv-OLtsmgcgDirectly; suddenly; perpendicularly.
plumpEnglishplump-en-noun-ac972WDMThe sound of a sudden heavy fall.
plumpEnglishplump-en-noun-7hI3vP-yA knot or cluster; a group; a crowd.
raspEnglishrasp-en-noun-BZSOPYUnA coarse file, on which the cutting prominences are distinct points raised by the oblique stroke of a sharp punch, instead of lines raised by a chisel, as on the true file.
raspEnglishrasp-en-noun-LAXzI8bZThe sound made by this tool when used, or any similar sound.
raspEnglishrasp-en-verb-0zZITOcLTo use a rasp.
raspEnglishrasp-en-verb-D-S5hnRITo make a noise similar to the one a rasp makes in use; to utter rasps.
raspEnglishrasp-en-verb-eDEyiMkXTo work something with a rasp.
raspEnglishrasp-en-verb-MU3LCw0fTo grate harshly upon; to offend by coarse or rough treatment or language.
raspEnglishrasp-en-noun-mYyxv5CRThe raspberry.
scrapingEnglishscraping-en-noun-0Jl9yXB7The sound or action of something being scraped.
scrapingEnglishscraping-en-noun-22eToaRgWhat has been removed when something has been scraped.
scrapingEnglishscraping-en-verb-cRn12zQQpresent participle of scrape
skrzypPolishskrzyp-pl-noun-CDNqGYPDcreak (sound)
skrzypPolishskrzyp-pl-noun-nQ078KAtAny plant of the genus Equisetum – horsetail.
skrzypPolishskrzyp-pl-verb-q4ajXWgksecond-person singular imperative of skrzypieć
thudEnglishthud-en-noun-PiZvkUBsThe sound of a dull impact.
thudEnglishthud-en-verb-oW5IT0u.To make the sound of a dull impact.
στρατσιατέλαGreekστρατσιατέλα-el-noun-aijRC9WVstracciatella (soup)
στρατσιατέλαGreekστρατσιατέλα-el-noun-LhqytPS7stracciatella (ice cream)
火鍋Chinese火鍋-zh-noun-2v3kBcs8pot used for hot pot
火鍋Chinese火鍋-zh-noun-fLLMn0XEhot pot
nomenklaturaEnglishnomenklatura-en-noun-wvq991y0A list of bureaucratic posts in government and industry in the former Soviet Union (or other communist countries), filled by those appointed by the Party.
nomenklaturaEnglishnomenklatura-en-noun-SJYAahyhThe people on such lists; (by extension), any privileged class, a social or political elite.
CastileEnglishCastile-en-name-qYjY8liLA medieval kingdom (and previously a county) in the Iberian Peninsula.
CastileEnglishCastile-en-name-oLXCyJR.A vaguely defined region of central Spain generally corresponding to the regions of Old and New Castile.
MundaLatinMunda-la-name-KKDXzl4QAn ancient town in Hispania Baetica, famous for its battle
MundaLatinMunda-la-name-7MLkgBDdA river in Lusitania, now Mondego
肉果Chinese肉果-zh-noun-T3CbdS24fleshy fruit; sarcocarp
wolf's milkEnglishwolf's_milk-en-noun-pl-mydiJEuphorbia esula (leafy spurge)
wolf's milkEnglishwolf's_milk-en-noun-A-eTS7CaLycogala epidendrum, ( toothpaste slime)
wolf's milkEnglishwolf's_milk-en-noun-JbTPxfOTLactuca maritima
wiewiórPolishwiewiór-pl-noun-lo45TP5hA male squirrel.
wiewiórPolishwiewiór-pl-noun-M3qfzDpsgenitive plural of wiewióra
pasterzPolishpasterz-pl-noun-P64X7RNUrosy starling (Pastor roseus)
zaludnieniePolishzaludnienie-pl-noun-COB0VWpGverbal noun of zaludnić
zaludnieniePolishzaludnienie-pl-noun-zVY.lvQbpopulation (all people living within a political or geographical boundary)
hulkEnglishhulk-en-noun-UDXmB.AYA large ship used for transportation; (more generally) a large ship that is difficult to manoeuvre.
hulkEnglishhulk-en-noun-UiP-BwGBA non-functional but floating ship, usually stripped of equipment and rigging, and often put to other uses such as accommodation or storage.
hulkEnglishhulk-en-noun-isddCrW6A large structure with a dominating presence.
hulkEnglishhulk-en-noun-lOhAmhzSA big (and possibly clumsy) person.
hulkEnglishhulk-en-noun-GznVzK1FAn excessively muscled person.
hulkEnglishhulk-en-verb-rMzI3SksTo reduce (a ship) to a non-functional hulk.
hulkEnglishhulk-en-verb-szhSRQDFTo temporarily house (goods, people, etc.) in such a hulk.
hulkEnglishhulk-en-verb-UFkS6jMSTo move (a large, hulking body).
hulkEnglishhulk-en-verb-QzuAQHbnTo be a hulk, that is, a large, hulking, and often imposing presence.
hulkEnglishhulk-en-verb-BDLFkeSuOf a (large) person: to act or move slowly and clumsily.
hulkEnglishhulk-en-verb-LbGGmBbeTo remove the entrails of; to disembowel.
only childEnglishonly_child-en-noun-8OPil6-VA person who has no siblings.
only childEnglishonly_child-en-noun-dpNHI7uOA person raised as the sole child in a household.
tomboyEnglishtomboy-en-noun-yBCuq4peA girl who behaves in a typically boyish manner.
tomboyEnglishtomboy-en-noun-GLjU.WJ5A lesbian.
ספסראAramaicספסרא-arc-noun-4t0Dy6rUsword, blade
ספסראAramaicספסרא-arc-noun-cr3iHBMIbroker, agent
ספסראAramaicספסרא-arc-noun-2-6yt-Oofable, fiction
baragouinerFrenchbaragouiner-fr-verb-FF15YY4Hto gibber, jabber, garble, muddle one's words
baragouinerFrenchbaragouiner-fr-verb-p2kn.Eykto speak (a language) badly
burczećPolishburczeć-pl-verb-LGt.iOfTto mutter, to grumble, to say something with a bad mood
burczećPolishburczeć-pl-verb-S3TSOxcwto rumble (about a stomach)
ramblingEnglishrambling-en-verb-wKX.5b3ypresent participle of ramble
ramblingEnglishrambling-en-adj-OCuwBdaLOf a speech: meandering, long and digressing.
ramblingEnglishrambling-en-adj-lGAQegFSConfused and irregular; awkward.
ramblingEnglishrambling-en-noun-mnBb2QSdA long meandering talk with no specific topic or direction.
ramblingEnglishrambling-en-noun-0sB2lKusA gentle hike.
演說Chinese演說-zh-verb-TX7Sesk2to make a speech; to address
演說Chinese演說-zh-verb-pObPEW4Kto deduce; to infer; to derive
演說Chinese演說-zh-noun-it24jr.yspeech; address
seconneTarantinoseconne-roa-tar-noun-W9Vhn-QPsecond (unit of time)
egernesseMiddle Englishegernesse-enm-noun-t8.J-b.AViolentness, ferocity; wrath, strength.
egernesseMiddle Englishegernesse-enm-noun-I1ukTbFnAcidity; the quality of being sour.
egernesseMiddle Englishegernesse-enm-noun-RkOAWV76Rapacity; greediness.
çaýTurkmençaý-tk-noun-.kbRO-bqtea (the plant, the dried leaves or buds of the plant, the drink made by infusing these dried leaves or buds in hot water)
çaýTurkmençaý-tk-noun--zC80T.ra small river
umuTokelauanumu-tkl-noun-yF2NZEuftitan triggerfish (Balistoides viridescens)
umuTokelauanumu-tkl-noun-zA4LsrjPcooking house
十三Chinese十三-zh-num-yXbqWKF5thirteen; 13
十三Chinese十三-zh-name-pYNPIx2rShisan (a village in Huilong, Fang, Shiyan, Hubei, China)
trifunctionalEnglishtrifunctional-en-adj-wikhyqyUHaving three functions
trifunctionalEnglishtrifunctional-en-adj-qj4em28yHaving three functional groups
Japanese三-ja-num-7rxlabyrthree, 3
三河Japanese三河-ja-name-sfXpkLToMikawa Province, an old province of Japan
三河Japanese三河-ja-name-2OW.9fzqA region in modern Aichi Prefecture where the province was located
theileriosisEnglishtheileriosis-en-noun-3g2CIt0zAny disease caused by Theileria parasites, transmitted by species of ticks. / East Coast fever, a disease of cattle, sheep, and goats caused by the parasite Theileria parva, transmitted by Rhipicephalus appendiculatus
theileriosisEnglishtheileriosis-en-noun-z8at1XkIAny disease caused by Theileria parasites, transmitted by species of ticks. / Human theileriosis, caused by Theileria microti, transmitted by deer ticks.
theileriosisEnglishtheileriosis-en-noun-KpjEXMAqAny disease caused by Theileria parasites, transmitted by species of ticks. / Tropical theileriosis, a theileriosis of cattle from the Mediterranean and Middle East area, from Morocco to Western parts of India and China, caused by Theileria annulata, transmitted by ticks of Hyalomma.
childhoodEnglishchildhood-en-noun-e42I3zrKThe state of being a child.
childhoodEnglishchildhood-en-noun-B1W6JBsZThe time during which one is a child, from between infancy and puberty.
childhoodEnglishchildhood-en-noun-TJgS.VJ5The early stages of development of something.
chronologicalEnglishchronological-en-adj-IxlZawEWRelating to time, or units of time.
chronologicalEnglishchronological-en-adj-0S8hps7hIn order of time from the earliest to the latest.
continuousEnglishcontinuous-en-adj-SKl3MiGLWithout stopping; without a break, cessation, or interruption.
continuousEnglishcontinuous-en-adj-a7e6FjE7Without intervening space; continued.
continuousEnglishcontinuous-en-adj-Ber3fra2Not deviating or varying from uniformity; not interrupted; not joined or articulated.
continuousEnglishcontinuous-en-adj-qHAWpWetSuch that, for every x in the domain, for each small open interval D about f(x), there's an interval containing x whose image is in D.
continuousEnglishcontinuous-en-adj-Tzyct03jSuch that each open set in the target space has an open preimage (in the domain space, with respect to the given function).
continuousEnglishcontinuous-en-adj-o7bakXBoExpressing an ongoing action or state.
jornadaSpanishjornada-es-noun-BFGzH0vJworking day
jornadaSpanishjornada-es-noun-73nmwJ9Gshort hike or journey
jornadaSpanishjornada-es-noun-V9VQZo5pday trip (especially a trip that must be completed in one day, for example due to lack of water en route)
jornadaSpanishjornada-es-noun-66u3XdKXarduous trail
lawKhumi Chinlaw-cnk-noun-nni0PqAOmoon
lawKhumi Chinlaw-cnk-noun-pcfRcZ4omonth
madrugadaPortuguesemadrugada-pt-noun-pt:early_morningthe period between midnight and sunrise; early morning
madrugadaPortuguesemadrugada-pt-noun-pt:first_stagesdawn (the first stages of a process)
madrugadaPortuguesemadrugada-pt-verb-y7z-b0-Xfeminine singular past participle of madrugar
maleństwoPolishmaleństwo-pl-noun-sHp5lh3alittle one; tot; little thing (small child or young animal)
maleństwoPolishmaleństwo-pl-noun-y62DkCbAtrinket; trifle; something very small, of little importance or value
metztliEastern Huasteca Nahuatlmetztli-nhe-noun-nni0PqAOmoon
metztliEastern Huasteca Nahuatlmetztli-nhe-noun-pcfRcZ4omonth
metztliEastern Huasteca Nahuatlmetztli-nhe-noun-x8j8kau4leg
měsacUpper Sorbianměsac-hsb-noun-nni0PqAOmoon
měsacUpper Sorbianměsac-hsb-noun-pcfRcZ4omonth
postmodernEnglishpostmodern-en-adj-ZqlpM66wOf, relating to, or having the characteristics of postmodernism, especially as represented in art, architecture, literature, science, or philosophy that reacts against an earlier modernism.
postmodernEnglishpostmodern-en-noun-ekxIAi0RA postmodernist.
сегодняRussianсегодня-ru-noun-27NskNiRtoday, this day
صباحArabicصباح-ar-adj-B0EwL1pEpretty, comely, handsome, graceful
صباحArabicصباح-ar-adj-KPJqvC9qmasculine plural of صَبِيح‎ (ṣabīḥ)
分分鐘Chinese分分鐘-zh-adv-xsqCaYnjalways; constantly; at all times
分分鐘Chinese分分鐘-zh-adv-FYvhWJnqat any time
頂日Chinese頂日-zh-noun-cgxsjAEEday before yesterday
timeslipEnglishtimeslip-en-noun-JwatZrzQA timesheet.
timeslipEnglishtimeslip-en-noun-DYiZ3w5sA phenomenon that causes unexpected time travel.
yli-intendenttiFinnishyli-intendentti-fi-noun-K6XJGELFan honorary title of the ninth rank granted by the President of Finland to superintendents
abakasLithuanianabakas-lt-noun-NQ4K9r8rabacus (device for performing calculations)
abakasLithuanianabakas-lt-noun-hnigWNSzabacus (part of a column)
fregonaSpanishfregona-es-adj--3qq6Y0rfeminine singular of fregón
fregonaSpanishfregona-es-noun-RlxNI-iIdishwasher (person); kitchen maid
рубанокRussianрубанок-ru-noun-ikhYrq0.plane (a tool)
рубанокRussianрубанок-ru-noun-zJN03V.Ijack plane
ブイJapaneseブイ-ja-noun-wQfgOEY-The name of the Latin-script letter V .
ブイJapaneseブイ-ja-noun-BYIzRKY4a buoy
ブイJapaneseブイ-ja-name-O7tabEdNBuy (town in Kostroma Oblast, Russia)
transsexEnglishtranssex-en-verb-QwN0ry1iTo transition (to undergo a transition) from being one sex/gender to being another (especially by sex reassignment surgery). (Compare transgender.)
transsexEnglishtranssex-en-verb-aq3geb-mTo transgender; to (cause something to) change from being sexed/gendered in one way to being sexed/gendered in another way.
transsexEnglishtranssex-en-noun-QKm4QehYTranssexuality, transsexualism; the state of being transsexual. (Compare transgender.)
makopaCebuanomakopa-ceb-noun-KNh8Npwbwax apple (Syzygium samarangense)
makopaCebuanomakopa-ceb-noun-AuCzh4cSthe fruit of this tree
paazaSeripaaza-sei-noun-TlXyDMrQGila monster (Heloderma suspectum)
paazaSeripaaza-sei-noun-h5Zuerywa type of tree, Sideroxylon occidentale
wheel treeEnglishwheel_tree-en-noun-cGz53DuoAspidosperma excelsum, a tree native to Peru.
wheel treeEnglishwheel_tree-en-noun-V7XsUc1cTrochodendron aralioides, a tree or large shrub native to Japan, Taiwan, and southern Korea.
ziarnojadPolishziarnojad-pl-noun-wA75F4vrfinch (bird of the family Fringillidae), fringillid
ziarnojadPolishziarnojad-pl-noun-8AdVDzwFgranivorous bird
duetEnglishduet-en-noun-pE0D5UZtA musical composition in two parts, each performed by a single voice (singer, instrument or univoce ensemble).
duetEnglishduet-en-noun-wtJvyFv2A song composed for and/or performed by a duo.
duetEnglishduet-en-noun-u1id3gJEA pair or couple, especially one that is harmonious or elegant.
duetEnglishduet-en-verb-p4pZwtkRTo perform a duet.
duetEnglishduet-en-verb-OXoDEY1LTo communicate (warnings, mating calls, etc.) through song.
duetEnglishduet-en-verb-2xBlADjnTo perform (sing, play, etc.) as a duet.
duetEnglishduet-en-verb-GgQ5oLyk(of two people) To say at the same time, to chorus.
columnEnglishcolumn-en-noun-AI9NJnu5A solid upright structure designed usually to support a larger structure above it, such as a roof or horizontal beam, but sometimes for decoration.
columnEnglishcolumn-en-noun--p8zS.QCA vertical line of entries in a table, usually read from top to bottom.
columnEnglishcolumn-en-noun-jGCJ9wDmA body of troops or army vehicles, usually strung out along a road.
columnEnglishcolumn-en-noun-MshKVzfCA body of text meant to be read line by line, especially in printed material that has multiple adjacent such on a single page.
columnEnglishcolumn-en-noun-NyrhTHxvA unit of width, especially of advertisements, in a periodical, equivalent to the width of a usual column of text.
columnEnglishcolumn-en-noun-pE5-VUY6A recurring feature in a periodical, especially an opinion piece, especially by a single author or small rotating group of authors, or on a single theme.
columnEnglishcolumn-en-noun-VENqVO2DSomething having similar vertical form or structure to the things mentioned above, such as a spinal column.
columnEnglishcolumn-en-noun--IwK82V5The gynostemium
columnEnglishcolumn-en-noun-uX-cDIrvAn object used to separate the different components of a liquid or to purify chemical compounds.
hontMiddle Dutchhont-dum-noun-zWNX792Wdog
hontMiddle Dutchhont-dum-noun-tMBlY2gadespicable, worthless person
hontMiddle Dutchhont-dum-noun-gQsSpEQyan area of 100 square rods, approximately 0.14 hectares or 1400 m²
knopSwedishknop-sv-noun-6kF6PF8Da knot (looping)
knopSwedishknop-sv-noun-6GktPL3kknot (speed unit)
πρόχοοςAncient Greekπρόχοος-grc-noun--yPVoS9yewer for pouring water upon the hands of guests
πρόχοοςAncient Greekπρόχοος-grc-noun-XvpP6YwQwine-jug from which the cupbearer pours into the cups
πρόχοοςAncient Greekπρόχοος-grc-noun-5HpvWNrTunit of measure for liquids used in Tauromenium
ասպարէզOld Armenianասպարէզ-xcl-noun-v3z.pkURhippodrome, racecourse
ասպարէզOld Armenianասպարէզ-xcl-noun-fHnBX-xlstadion (a unit of length equal to 184.97 meters)
ասպարէզOld Armenianասպարէզ-xcl-noun-8KFb2XOjfield, place, area, arena
ܓܘܡܐClassical Syriacܓܘܡܐ-syc-noun-s.pV-Y.Pbean
ܓܘܡܐClassical Syriacܓܘܡܐ-syc-noun-2rj6iBzPkind of grain measure
နှမ်းBurmeseနှမ်း-my-noun-riyBqWYwsesame (Sesamum indicum)
နှမ်းBurmeseနှမ်း-my-noun-cSsBC1oya traditional Burmese unit of length equal to 0.03125 inches (0.79375 mm)
နှမ်းBurmeseနှမ်း-my-adj-8TOdt8Kiidiotic, crazy
BamaEnglishBama-en-name-ZAJkj9UKThe University of Alabama.
collegeEnglishcollege-en-noun-wifCdOvfA corporate group; a group of colleagues.
collegeEnglishcollege-en-noun--sbNB8BIA group sharing common purposes or goals.
collegeEnglishcollege-en-noun-d3alplZdAn electoral college.
collegeEnglishcollege-en-noun-DplODifeAn academic institution. / A specialized division of a university.
collegeEnglishcollege-en-noun-s-htqig.An academic institution. / An institution of higher education teaching undergraduates.
collegeEnglishcollege-en-noun-eNB41ROMAn academic institution. / A university.
collegeEnglishcollege-en-noun-bxll99BXAn academic institution. / Attendance at an institution of higher education.
collegeEnglishcollege-en-noun-H1bhfJSNAn academic institution. / A postsecondary institution that offers vocational training and/or associate's degrees.
collegeEnglishcollege-en-noun-exbPuOLzAn academic institution. / A non-specialized, semi-autonomous division of a university, with its own faculty, departments, library, etc.
collegeEnglishcollege-en-noun-ha6RcmtwAn academic institution. / An institution of further education at an intermediate level; sixth form.
collegeEnglishcollege-en-noun-xrAcKs7qAn academic institution. / An institution for adult education at a basic or intermediate level (teaching those of any age).
collegeEnglishcollege-en-noun-hRyw1HPqAn academic institution. / A high school or secondary school.
collegeEnglishcollege-en-noun-LKCUZCMNAn academic institution. / A private (non-government) primary or high school.
collegeEnglishcollege-en-noun-RsOCOqwlAn academic institution. / A residential hall associated with a university, possibly having its own tutors.
collegeEnglishcollege-en-noun-nq7tt7JZAn academic institution. / A government high school, short for junior college.
collegeEnglishcollege-en-noun-DvHpPgWNAn academic institution. / A bilingual school.
finocchioItalianfinocchio-it-noun-LyEFMmsNqueer, poof, nancyboy, faggot
finocchioItalianfinocchio-it-noun-Jtu52G78bungler (incompetent or worthless person)
kuyotCebuanokuyot-ceb-noun-vHk2Uai0the intoxicating yam (Dioscorea hispida)
kuyotCebuanokuyot-ceb-noun-svJ6kMhIthe root of this plant
pazıTurkishpazı-tr-noun-KVuxFhqkchard (type of a beet)
pazıTurkishpazı-tr-noun-T-QZPxXXbiceps, the biceps brachii muscle
salaattisipuliFinnishsalaattisipuli-fi-noun-hA679BtQSpanish onion (large and sweet-tasting cultivar of onion chiefly consumed fresh in salads)
salaattisipuliFinnishsalaattisipuli-fi-noun-qHrEOLrKSynonym of kevätsipuli.
당근Korean당근-ko-adv-VQgBSxSeAlternative form of 당연(當然) (dang'yeon, “of course”)
당근Korean당근-ko-intj-VQgBSxSeAlternative form of 당연(當然) (dang'yeon, “of course”)
당근Korean당근-ko-noun-88gtnOtRsomething as a matter of course
WagenGermanWagen-de-noun-RsPYS5Lma wheeled vehicle for transporting anything / a car, an automobile, a vehicle
WagenGermanWagen-de-noun-fQRxbLdla wheeled vehicle for transporting anything / a railroad car
WagenGermanWagen-de-noun-oFyXnpt4a wheeled vehicle for transporting anything / a wagon, a cart (drawn by a person, by horses, by oxen, etc)
WagenGermanWagen-de-noun-g0p6OUelDipper: either the Großer Wagen (“Ursa Major”) or Kleiner Wagen (“Ursa Minor”)
WagenGermanWagen-de-noun-YZ7LZtfegerund of wagen
spryteEnglishspryte-en-noun-H.y8HTebAlternative spelling of sprite
spryteEnglishspryte-en-noun-bWxmVWvwArchaic or pseudo-archaic spelling of spirit.
spryteEnglishspryte-en-noun-.fppDfWSAn off-road vehicle moving on tracks, which is used in amphibious and polar travel.
spryteEnglishspryte-en-noun-MAphUhZWAlternative spelling of sprite (small image representing an entity in a video game)
ܡܩܘܪܐClassical Syriacܡܩܘܪܐ-syc-noun-1lYgdD52beak
ܡܩܘܪܐClassical Syriacܡܩܘܪܐ-syc-noun-xX2SShTpcanal, aqueduct; cistern
SaariFinnishSaari-fi-name-sbZxuHPWA surname, from landscape​.
SaariFinnishSaari-fi-name-btfLZMvtAny of a number of small places in Finland.
CoatesEnglishCoates-en-name-Jt5m.83JA surname​.
CoatesEnglishCoates-en-name-Mn8e0sWAA placename / A village in England, United Kingdom, any of several villages
CoatesEnglishCoates-en-name-2vPaDe4OA placename / A city and town in Minnesota, United States.
CoatesEnglishCoates-en-name-ungRgpT7plural of Coate
defenestrationEnglishdefenestration-en-noun-uT74YfEsThe act of throwing something or someone out of a window.
defenestrationEnglishdefenestration-en-noun-S7GCGsFmThe high-profile removal of a person from an organization.
defenestrationEnglishdefenestration-en-noun-SVTOvUANThe act of removing the Microsoft Windows operating system from a computer in order to install an alternative one.
szarpaninaPolishszarpanina-pl-noun-.KhUr821grapple, struggle
ballaIlocanoballa-ilo-noun-Q8g57Bvdwhite fish
caochIrishcaoch-ga-noun-5jzzrbmwblind, purblind person, creature
caochIrishcaoch-ga-adj-JnPvCFloblind, purblind
caochIrishcaoch-ga-adj-9Tl2NFLMblind, empty; (of place) blind, closed up
caochIrishcaoch-ga-verb-8ln1Uanqblind; daze, dazzle
caochIrishcaoch-ga-verb-R4BEn71Tbecome empty, wither
caochIrishcaoch-ga-verb-ccsGHwRPclose, become blocked
caochIrishcaoch-ga-verb-DQeXwKLtwink (ar (“at”)); flicker
ܒܘܓܪܐClassical Syriacܒܘܓܪܐ-syc-noun-MbzwDlQUpalisade
ܒܘܓܪܐClassical Syriacܒܘܓܪܐ-syc-noun-Vr9-tUlUpebble, small building stone
aberWelshaber-cy-noun-zZnTYfocestuary, mouth of a river
aberWelshaber-cy-noun-cHF9bYiHconfluence, joining of two or more rivers
damAfrikaansdam-af-noun-jByrnCeupond, basin
eddyEnglisheddy-en-noun-g.iGu6hhA current of air or water running back, or in an opposite direction to the main current.
eddyEnglisheddy-en-noun-aoWhBV2NA circular current; a whirlpool.
eddyEnglisheddy-en-verb-AwzMeUI0To form an eddy; to move in, or as if in, an eddy; to move in a circle.
luggerEnglishlugger-en-noun-CmCEaO.aThat which lugs in either literal or figurative senses.
luggerEnglishlugger-en-noun--FBL6mlTOne who lugs, especially one whose job entails pulling or moving heavy objects.
luggerEnglishlugger-en-noun-HAdW1dmrA conman.
luggerEnglishlugger-en-noun-2w-MVBL5A person hired by a gambling establishment to locate potential customers and bring them in.
luggerEnglishlugger-en-noun-2IPdL9ESA small vessel having two or three masts, and a running bowsprit, and carrying lugsails.
luggerEnglishlugger-en-noun-LBqW-v-4An Indian falcon (Falco jugger), similar to the European lanner and the American prairie falcon.
whaleboatEnglishwhaleboat-en-noun-8G7WZNg-A long narrow rowing boat, formerly used in whaling, which is pointed at both ends so that it can move either forwards or backwards equally well.
whaleboatEnglishwhaleboat-en-noun-C05hjljOA boat resembling this and carried on a warship or other ship.
kulkaCzechkulka-cs-noun-ZkSztVz8bullet (projectile)
kulkaCzechkulka-cs-noun-SpvxpPUpsmall ball
kulkaCzechkulka-cs-noun-AGU2o02cball (testicle)
సుదర్శనముTeluguసుదర్శనము-te-noun-K7XS4TimThe city of the gods.
సుదర్శనముTeluguసుదర్శనము-te-noun-wUHgyKBWThe discus or missile weapon of Vishnu.
సుదర్శనముTeluguసుదర్శనము-te-noun-AzEx0uQCThe Salagram, a species of ammonite, worshipped as a representation of Vishnu.
炮彈Chinese炮彈-zh-noun-l7VIFbADartillery shell
tumultusLatintumultus-la-noun-yIThHkviAn uproar; bustle, violent commotion, disturbance, tumult; turmoil, panic.
tumultusLatintumultus-la-noun-n2zkUXrCA storm, tempest, thunderclap.
tumultusLatintumultus-la-noun-h7tCpHqcA sudden outbreak of violence or an impending war; civil war; insurrection, riot, rebellion, sedition, tumult.
tumultusLatintumultus-la-noun-TKkSqccrDisturbance, disquietude, agitation; excitement, anxiety; fear, panic.
tumultusLatintumultus-la-noun-7H6FyZcxConfusion, muddle, disorder.
ओलाHindiओला-hi-noun-qsNkx8mwhail (as weather)
pioppoItalianpioppo-it-noun-SXUmPHmepoplar (tree of the genus Populus)
pioppoItalianpioppo-it-noun-Oj21Fb..the wood of such tree
ventoPortuguesevento-pt-noun-WwSKrHr6wind (moving air)
ventoPortuguesevento-pt-noun-4o1WLDQ2air (gases of the atmosphere)
ventoPortuguesevento-pt-noun-yg6VkURVnothingness; nothing (the lack of something)
windfallEnglishwindfall-en-noun-wLlrK-Y4Something that has been blown down by the wind.
windfallEnglishwindfall-en-noun-bSqBWmI3A fruit that has fallen from a tree naturally, as from wind.
windfallEnglishwindfall-en-noun-b-LIsT9dA sudden large benefit; especially, a sudden or unexpected large amount of money, as from lottery or sweepstakes winnings or an unexpected inheritance or gift.
βοριάςGreekβοριάς-el-noun-iMjmUHJgnorth wind
βοριάςGreekβοριάς-el-noun-dghzkSO0cold weather
cavaCatalancava-ca-noun--uU8U7jjwine cellar
cavaCatalancava-ca-noun-VMxyVk1gcigar box
cavaCatalancava-ca-noun-0ElrKOomcava (wine)
tappit henEnglishtappit_hen-en-noun-41ecaZXVA bottle of wine in the port wine trade containing 2.25 liters of fluid, three times the volume of a standard bottle.
tappit henEnglishtappit_hen-en-noun-yh6a6UKbA hen with a tuft of feathers on her head.
冬頭Chinese冬頭-zh-noun-ShOt9aWhearly winter
冬頭Chinese冬頭-zh-noun--v1K.kaIearly period of the school term
ክታብAmharicክታብ-am-noun-ruSe7czXamulet, talisman, fetish, charm particularly wrapped in parchment or with medicinal herbs
ክታብAmharicክታብ-am-noun-4t5f.bsvbook, document
twardzielPolishtwardziel-pl-noun-XVfY7UpDtough guy
twardzielPolishtwardziel-pl-noun-LO29WDiKhard disk
twardzielPolishtwardziel-pl-noun--wXyLKKOinselberg, monadnock
twardzielPolishtwardziel-pl-noun-UEtIhIrxheartwood, duramen
червьRussianчервь-ru-noun-3kZ05TCYworm (invertebrate)
червьRussianчервь-ru-noun-SMei4jHdcaterpillar, maggot, helminth, grub, larva
червьRussianчервь-ru-noun-tRmTlDeAworm (a feeling)
червьRussianчервь-ru-noun-QYOwjKaEworm (a person)
червьRussianчервь-ru-noun-b51UbJlcworm (a computer program)
червьRussianчервь-ru-noun-PhzzUNb7name of the letter Ч.
chryjaPolishchryja-pl-noun-.IO-KAD.brawl (disorderly argument or fight)
chryjaPolishchryja-pl-noun-QKdDUx5Tscreed (piece of writing or speech, especially if long)
letraPortugueseletra-pt-noun-wLGcFOshletter (letter of the alphabet)
letraPortugueseletra-pt-noun-ddt1qeyYcalligraphy (style of handwriting of a person), handwriting
letraPortugueseletra-pt-noun-4pmwqmKdlyrics (words of a song)
letraPortugueseletra-pt-noun-Y2yztwGsa kind of kick, in which the player kicks with the leg opposite to the ball
μέλανAncient Greekμέλαν-grc-noun-tyi353X3ink
μέλανAncient Greekμέλαν-grc-adj-Y54Rfslqneuter nominative/accusative/vocative singular of μέλᾱς (mélās)
SchreibfederGermanSchreibfeder-de-noun-3lonsJY8quill (pen)
mustardEnglishmustard-en-noun-OCFOUWKaA plant of certain species of the genus Brassica, or of related genera (especially Sinapis alba, in the family Brassicaceae, with yellow flowers, and linear seed pods).
mustardEnglishmustard-en-noun-gC6HPFcsPowder or paste made from seeds of the mustard plant, and used as a condiment or a spice.
mustardEnglishmustard-en-noun-K52kXugWThe leaves of the mustard plant, used as a salad.
mustardEnglishmustard-en-noun-9WX5J5JhDark yellow colour, the colour of mustard.
mustardEnglishmustard-en-noun-pvRQDOi-One of a family of vesicants containing one or more 2-chloroethyl (C₂H₄Cl) groups, commonly used in chemical warfare and cancer chemotherapy.
mustardEnglishmustard-en-noun-Y941D2jkThe tomalley of a crab, which resembles the condiment.
mustardEnglishmustard-en-adj-F1E4NQBJOf a dark yellow colour.
zero-rateEnglishzero-rate-en-verb-tFJIECDBTo subject (a good) to no value-added tax when sold (but the supplier can still recover VAT attributable to it).
zero-rateEnglishzero-rate-en-verb-GaBVUM0uTo provide Internet access without financial cost under certain conditions, such as by permitting access to only certain websites, by subsidizing the service with advertising, or by exempting certain websites from data allowances.
AalquappeGermanAalquappe-de-noun-yJCLoQa7burbot (Lota lota)
AalquappeGermanAalquappe-de-noun-cb2RNIEkeelpout (Zoarces viviparus)

This page is a part of the machine-readable język grenlandzki dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2024-10-15 from the plwiktionary dump dated 2024-10-02 using wiktextract (2de260d and c8c706e). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.