Wiktionary data extraction errors and warnings

Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags

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Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺'

首尾呼應 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 首尾呼應

斗轉星移 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 斗轉星移

二一添作五 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 二一添作五

三一三十一 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 三一三十一

舌脣音 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 舌脣音

不絕如縷 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 不絕如縷

民窮財盡 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 民窮財盡

俄羅斯蘇維埃聯邦社會主義共和國 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 俄羅斯蘇維埃聯邦社會主義共和國

紅包兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 紅包兒

鰓孔 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鰓孔

空燒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 空燒

琉球鼠李 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 琉球鼠李

縣太爺 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 縣太爺

全民公投 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 全民公投

釦兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 釦兒

仙臺 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 仙臺

天青石 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 天青石

薩拉戈薩 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 薩拉戈薩

阿利坎特 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 阿利坎特

按扣兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 按扣兒

按扣 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 按扣

子母扣 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 子母扣

摁扣 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 摁扣

大稻埕 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大稻埕

九蓮寶燈 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 九蓮寶燈

彩虹族群 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 彩虹族群

害己 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 害己

騙話 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 騙話

分佈式 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 分佈式

魂牽夢縈 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 魂牽夢縈

回嗔作喜 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 回嗔作喜

性別分化障礙 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 性別分化障礙

膘爾托闊依 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 膘爾托闊依

納瓦拉 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 納瓦拉

前敵 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 前敵

輸出國 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 輸出國

雖遲但到 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雖遲但到

話音郵件 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 話音郵件

語音信箱 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 語音信箱

梁家河 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 梁家河

洋雞 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 洋雞

瓦拉多利德 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 瓦拉多利德

炮彈休克 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 炮彈休克

輸入國 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 輸入國

腺苷酸環化酶 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 腺苷酸環化酶

線段 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 線段

石油輸出國家組織 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 石油輸出國家組織

戳子 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 戳子

環化酶 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 環化酶

環化 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 環化

電鰻 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 電鰻

玩臭 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 玩臭

海洋性 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 海洋性

辦公自動化 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 辦公自動化

簡裝 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 簡裝

洗滌粉 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 洗滌粉

國家建設 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 國家建設

官方語言 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 官方語言

電子治理 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 電子治理

冷巷 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 冷巷

武川 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 武川

南巡 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 南巡

後巷 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 後巷

布袋澳 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 布袋澳

溜滑梯 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 溜滑梯

鐵鏈 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鐵鏈

社科 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 社科

名廚 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 名廚

福州戲 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 福州戲

法律制裁 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 法律制裁

唯二 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 唯二

豪壯 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 豪壯

對著幹 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 對著幹

生物武器 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 生物武器

轉型正義 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 轉型正義

放射性武器 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 放射性武器

去中國化 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 去中國化

諾維喬克 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 諾維喬克

五重奏 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 五重奏

生化武器 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 生化武器

里正 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 里正

衚衕兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 衚衕兒

標題語 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 標題語

洵南 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 洵南

妙招 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 妙招

懸心 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 懸心

叫法 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 叫法

定做 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 定做

訂做 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 訂做

繁體中文 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 繁體中文

箭豬 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 箭豬

灘頭 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 灘頭

氧化磷酸化 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 氧化磷酸化

草酰乙酸 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 草酰乙酸

草醯乙酸 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 草醯乙酸

當惹雍錯 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 當惹雍錯

歸因 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 歸因

這咱 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 這咱

學科群 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 學科群

洲渚 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 洲渚

艾丁湖 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 艾丁湖

骨相學 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 骨相學

美聲 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 美聲

松阿察河 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 松阿察河

孫大炮 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 孫大炮

蔣光頭 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蔣光頭

阿巴該圖洲渚 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 阿巴該圖洲渚

大烏蘇爾卡河 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大烏蘇爾卡河

天差地別 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 天差地別

呼瑪河 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 呼瑪河

珍寶島 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 珍寶島

滆湖 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 滆湖

極圈 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 極圈

脊蛙 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 脊蛙

薩瓦迪卡 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 薩瓦迪卡

聾人 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 聾人

聯邦腔 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 聯邦腔

滅殺 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 滅殺

居庸關 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 居庸關

張垣 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 張垣

韃靼海峽 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 韃靼海峽

宗谷海峽 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 宗谷海峽

比金 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 比金

字框 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 字框

八月炸 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 八月炸

小四喜 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 小四喜

八月瓜 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 八月瓜

鏽斑 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鏽斑

滅種 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 滅種

霧化 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 霧化

市況 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 市況

大四喜 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大四喜

蘇維埃港 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蘇維埃港

康樂棋 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 康樂棋

鄂霍次克 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鄂霍次克

瓜藤 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 瓜藤

羅漢松 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 羅漢松

日麻 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 日麻

比金河 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 比金河

十八羅漢 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 十八羅漢

試煉 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 試煉

四槓子 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 四槓子

忒煞 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 忒煞

內瓤 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 內瓤

𠡒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 𠡒

電馭叛客 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 電馭叛客

流局 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 流局

納霍德卡 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 納霍德卡

大卡緬 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大卡緬

納霍德卡灣 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 納霍德卡灣

倒兒爺 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 倒兒爺

鹿角蟲 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鹿角蟲

肚兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 肚兒

天使魚 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 天使魚

酒肆 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 酒肆

莽莽 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 莽莽

嗝屁著涼 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 嗝屁著涼

千萬富豪 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 千萬富豪

弗拉基米爾 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 弗拉基米爾

伴侶動物 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 伴侶動物

花邊錢 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 花邊錢

強辯 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 強辯

智利人 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 智利人

威卡教 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 威卡教

爛帳 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 爛帳

功夫不負有心人 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 功夫不負有心人

威卡教徒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 威卡教徒

鴨嘴杯 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鴨嘴杯

鬼名堂 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鬼名堂

帶貨 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 帶貨

沙梨 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 沙梨

雨量計 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雨量計

俄羅斯島 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 俄羅斯島

嗝屁朝樑 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 嗝屁朝樑

奉拜 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 奉拜

七對子 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 七對子

清掃車 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 清掃車

海底撈針 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 海底撈針

觀光車 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 觀光車

查清 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 查清

調取 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 調取

東海撈針 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 東海撈針

水底撈針 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 水底撈針

封控 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 封控

半色 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 半色

發熱門診 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 發熱門診

位點 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 位點

載量 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 載量

冷鏈 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 冷鏈

徵訂 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 徵訂

創紀錄 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 創紀錄

漏項 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 漏項

次優 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 次優

工勤 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 工勤

陪護 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 陪護

時間線 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 時間線

抽檢 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 抽檢

話術 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 話術

轉歸 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 轉歸

零號病人 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 零號病人

外包裝 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 外包裝

強陽性 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 強陽性

冷藏車 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 冷藏車

病毒載量 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 病毒載量

普篩 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 普篩

神職 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 神職

受害人 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 受害人

全基因組測序 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 全基因組測序

復學 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 復學

大流行病 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大流行病

充電頭 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 充電頭

親兒子 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 親兒子

小相公 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 小相公

大相公 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大相公

成人玩具 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 成人玩具

妃耦 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 妃耦

主城 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 主城

呆傻 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 呆傻

某時 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 某時

蘇白 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蘇白

劑次 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 劑次

橡膠鴨 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 橡膠鴨

聲說 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 聲說

澄碧 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 澄碧

衛健委 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 衛健委

國士無雙 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 國士無雙

屁和 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 屁和

詐和 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 詐和

暗槓 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 暗槓

瓦鄉話 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 瓦鄉話

卌二 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 卌二

觀賞魚 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 觀賞魚

普檢 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 普檢

連莊 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 連莊

退行性 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 退行性

花簇 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 花簇

復課 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 復課

粗放 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 粗放

俄力岡 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 俄力岡

嚴控 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 嚴控

居高不下 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 居高不下

呼吸爆發 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 呼吸爆發

肉桂酸 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 肉桂酸

扦插 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 扦插

組化 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 組化

退行 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 退行

半耐寒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 半耐寒

整合酶 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 整合酶

免疫組化 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 免疫組化

免疫組織化學 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 免疫組織化學

組織化學 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 組織化學

同種異體 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 同種異體

莽草 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 莽草

零物 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 零物

植株 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 植株

蜜蜂花 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蜜蜂花

藥行 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 藥行

鬆獅 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鬆獅

端粒酶 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 端粒酶

迷迭香酸 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 迷迭香酸

活禽 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 活禽

大丹犬 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大丹犬

撕咬 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 撕咬

病毒負荷 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 病毒負荷

吳航 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 吳航

貴賓犬 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 貴賓犬

邊牧 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 邊牧

羅威納 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 羅威納

青皮木 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 青皮木

油罐車 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 油罐車

聚維酮 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 聚維酮

臘腸犬 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 臘腸犬

湖畔梗 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 湖畔梗

邊境牧羊犬 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 邊境牧羊犬

馬鬱蘭 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 馬鬱蘭

北京犬 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 北京犬

法國鬥牛犬 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 法國鬥牛犬

老虎狗 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 老虎狗

羅威納犬 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 羅威納犬

京巴犬 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 京巴犬

英國鬥牛犬 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 英國鬥牛犬

阿富汗獵犬 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 阿富汗獵犬

沙皮犬 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 沙皮犬

鬥牛梗 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鬥牛梗

大白熊 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大白熊

巴哥 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 巴哥

大白熊犬 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大白熊犬

複製酶 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 複製酶

京巴 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 京巴

沙皮狗 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 沙皮狗

鬥牛犬 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鬥牛犬

萬能梗 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 萬能梗

引發酶 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 引發酶

固氮酶 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 固氮酶

引物酶 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 引物酶

沙皮 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 沙皮

還原酶 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 還原酶

引子酶 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 引子酶

水青木 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 水青木

環氧合酶 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 環氧合酶

轉錄酶 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 轉錄酶

羥化酶 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 羥化酶

重組酶 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 重組酶

反轉錄酶 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 反轉錄酶

連環殺人 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 連環殺人

單加氧酶 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 單加氧酶

逆轉錄酶 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 逆轉錄酶

開箱 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 開箱

聚維酮碘 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 聚維酮碘

加氧酶 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 加氧酶

聚糖 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 聚糖

樹不要皮必死無疑,人不要臉天下無敵 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 樹不要皮必死無疑,人不要臉天下無敵

獵兔犬 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 獵兔犬

明槓 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 明槓

杜賓犬 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 杜賓犬

施策 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 施策

指示犬 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 指示犬

歧化酶 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 歧化酶

氧氣瓶 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 氧氣瓶

肽聚糖 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 肽聚糖

烏魯克恰提 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 烏魯克恰提

運載火箭 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 運載火箭

單吊 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 單吊

油罐 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 油罐

海馬回 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 海馬回

拉薩犬 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 拉薩犬

卡斯羅 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 卡斯羅

全酶 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 全酶

婆心 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 婆心

道爾頓 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 道爾頓

連環殺人犯 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 連環殺人犯

貴婦犬 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 貴婦犬

腎機 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 腎機

床鈴 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 床鈴

探空火箭 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 探空火箭

槓上開花 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 槓上開花

趨化因子 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 趨化因子

摸牌 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 摸牌

游泳圈 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 游泳圈

手搖鈴 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 手搖鈴

青發 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 青發

韓圓 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 韓圓

姜水 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 姜水

補花 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 補花

韓幣 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 韓幣

越南盾 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 越南盾

日幣 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 日幣

羅茲 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 羅茲

印度盧比 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 印度盧比

腎小球病 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 腎小球病

腎病 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 腎病

花牌 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 花牌

印尼盾 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 印尼盾

對對和 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 對對和

比亞維斯托克 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 比亞維斯托克

越幣 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 越幣

河底撈魚 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 河底撈魚

港圓 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 港圓

黃金大米 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 黃金大米

海底撈月 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 海底撈月

考評 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 考評

禁酒令 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 禁酒令

擁槍權 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 擁槍權

持槍權 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 持槍權

腹白線 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 腹白線

泰幣 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 泰幣

浪得虛名 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 浪得虛名

名不虛傳 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 名不虛傳

搶槓 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 搶槓

男工 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 男工

咋整 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 咋整

咋辦 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 咋辦

打工妹 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 打工妹

禁槍 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 禁槍

飯票 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 飯票

襻兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 襻兒

堂姐妹 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 堂姐妹

翻繩 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 翻繩

漲水 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 漲水

鏨子 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鏨子

半月線 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 半月線

長袍 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 長袍

兩次三番 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 兩次三番

清幺九 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 清幺九

抗美援朝 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 抗美援朝

吾合沙魯 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 吾合沙魯

政俗 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 政俗

委會 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 委會

三番兩次 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 三番兩次

先漢 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 先漢

畋獵 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 畋獵

白線 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 白線

單褲 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 單褲

和尚摸得,我摸不得 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 和尚摸得,我摸不得

居民委員會 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 居民委員會

胃小彎 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 胃小彎

出題 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 出題

發水 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 發水

願望清單 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 願望清單

阿尼瑪卿山 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 阿尼瑪卿山

寫家 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 寫家

居委會 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 居委會

腦袋瓜兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 腦袋瓜兒

腦瓜子 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 腦瓜子

四哥 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 四哥

比爛主義 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 比爛主義

頭婚 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 頭婚

沙雞 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 沙雞

母兔子 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 母兔子

理性自然人 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 理性自然人

和尚動得,我動不得 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 和尚動得,我動不得

碧藍 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 碧藍

岔口 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 岔口

抗鋸齒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 抗鋸齒

插音 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 插音

獨腳跳 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 獨腳跳

雙頭龍 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雙頭龍

單腳跳 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 單腳跳

教門 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 教門

去腥 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 去腥

間性人 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 間性人

雙性人 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雙性人

巨佬 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 巨佬

粿汁 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 粿汁

中醫師 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 中醫師

性吸引 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 性吸引

沃羅涅日河 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 沃羅涅日河

比羅比詹 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 比羅比詹

沃羅涅日 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 沃羅涅日

前腸 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 前腸

牛腱 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 牛腱

性定向 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 性定向

後腸 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 後腸

烏敏島 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 烏敏島

八仙過海 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 八仙過海

合併號 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 合併號

添油箱 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 添油箱

戶家 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 戶家

瓦全 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 瓦全

答白 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 答白

牛犢兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 牛犢兒

後口動物 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 後口動物

加州人 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 加州人

艾滋病毒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 艾滋病毒

芋頭扣肉 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 芋頭扣肉

舊聞 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 舊聞

新西蘭人 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 新西蘭人

愛滋病毒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 愛滋病毒

梅菜扣肉 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 梅菜扣肉

戒指兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 戒指兒

豬腳醋 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 豬腳醋

愛它死 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 愛它死

忌刻 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 忌刻

希則克雅 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 希則克雅

希西家 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 希西家

荷葉飯 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 荷葉飯

心形 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 心形

月牙形 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 月牙形

匉訇 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 匉訇

堂客 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 堂客

和牛 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 和牛

交至 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 交至

校監 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 校監

蜂毒素 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蜂毒素

一損俱損,一榮俱榮 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 一損俱損,一榮俱榮

逼上梁山 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 逼上梁山

一榮俱榮,一損俱損 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 一榮俱榮,一損俱損

簡餐 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 簡餐

分支學科 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 分支學科

閒居 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 閒居

田徑運動 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 田徑運動

水晶包 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 水晶包

欄杆兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 欄杆兒

蓮蓉包 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蓮蓉包

拜帖 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 拜帖

九層糕 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 九層糕

緬甸人 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 緬甸人

萬般皆下品,惟有讀書高 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 萬般皆下品,惟有讀書高

番薯蛋 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 番薯蛋

紙包雞 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 紙包雞

認屍 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 認屍

英制 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 英制

以華制華 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 以華制華

以戰養戰 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 以戰養戰

公制 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 公制

豆沙包 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 豆沙包

地瓜球 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 地瓜球

蝦醬雞 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蝦醬雞

客家麵 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 客家麵

溪床 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 溪床

生肉麵 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 生肉麵

稠稠 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 稠稠

福建麵 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 福建麵

腹股溝管 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 腹股溝管

皖南事變 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 皖南事變

雲埠 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雲埠

見好就收 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 見好就收

漏單 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 漏單

托雷翁 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 托雷翁

碴兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 碴兒

路牌 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 路牌

鶻嘲 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鶻嘲

豉汁 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 豉汁

鶻鳩 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鶻鳩

鶻鵃 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鶻鵃

蝦棗 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蝦棗

南蠻子 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 南蠻子

嬉皮笑臉 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 嬉皮笑臉

濱藜 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 濱藜

中分 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 中分

神仙打架,小鬼遭殃 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 神仙打架,小鬼遭殃

記名 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 記名

眉目傳情 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 眉目傳情

足垢 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 足垢

無核區 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 無核區

轉站 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 轉站

舞市阻 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 舞市阻

熒光幕 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 熒光幕

褲腳管 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 褲腳管

非二元性別 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 非二元性別

冒警 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 冒警

螢光幕 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 螢光幕

收監 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 收監

急進主義 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 急進主義

住店 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 住店

實然 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 實然

應然 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 應然

盜名 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 盜名

沉滓 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 沉滓

沉渣 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 沉渣

精濕 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 精濕

除邪 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 除邪

無線網路 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 無線網路

化學物 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 化學物

代管 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 代管

矢追 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 矢追

芒刺在背 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 芒刺在背

勞逸結合 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 勞逸結合

道明 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 道明

金剛山 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 金剛山

已知 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 已知

糖果店 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 糖果店

燃耗 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 燃耗

訟案 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 訟案

水澇 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 水澇

權利法案 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 權利法案

紀念物 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 紀念物

縱臾 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 縱臾

科沙林 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 科沙林

振翮 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 振翮

縱縱 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 縱縱

蠻針瞎灸 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蠻針瞎灸

針灸銅人 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 針灸銅人

碳循環 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 碳循環

優選理論 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 優選理論

二氧化碳稅 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 二氧化碳稅

生物地理學 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 生物地理學

婞直 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 婞直

外強中乾 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 外強中乾

色厲內荏 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 色厲內荏

再生能源 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 再生能源

逼良為娼 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 逼良為娼

埃爾布隆格 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 埃爾布隆格

和碩特 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 和碩特

奧爾什丁 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 奧爾什丁

豕牢 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 豕牢

優選論 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 優選論

私生兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 私生兒

一氣之下 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 一氣之下

佛體 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 佛體

必由之路 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 必由之路

故君 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 故君

勒熱夫 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 勒熱夫

男女有別 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 男女有別

贏面 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 贏面

半路殺出個程咬金 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 半路殺出個程咬金

懷藏 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 懷藏

中試 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 中試

公平合理 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 公平合理

貝桑松 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 貝桑松

馬孔 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 馬孔

雄勁 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雄勁

藤牌 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 藤牌

朋輩 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 朋輩

互借 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 互借

𣡾 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 𣡾

𣛕 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 𣛕

館際 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 館際

瀟瀟 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 瀟瀟

慣伎 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 慣伎

三不時 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 三不時

曼絨 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 曼絨

神經心理學 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 神經心理學

非二元性別者 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 非二元性別者

特維爾 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 特維爾

坐館 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 坐館

戎行 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 戎行

乳糜池 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 乳糜池

單推 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 單推

圓臺 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 圓臺

老丈 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 老丈

好賭 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 好賭

羅賈瓦 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 羅賈瓦

起手 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 起手

姨娘 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 姨娘

龍彌你 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 龍彌你

僑港 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 僑港

蛾眉月 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蛾眉月

紫杉醇 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 紫杉醇

排風 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 排風

柯因內語 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 柯因內語

柯因內化 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 柯因內化

狼牙月 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 狼牙月

盤辮子 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 盤辮子

旋繞 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 旋繞

小辮子 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 小辮子

健美運動 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 健美運動

心尖 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 心尖

掃帚眉 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 掃帚眉

侉子 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 侉子

州份 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 州份

西底家 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 西底家

雒邑 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雒邑

默納舍 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 默納舍

東甌 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 東甌

烏力格爾 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 烏力格爾

蹲坑 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蹲坑

約坦 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 約坦

烏齊雅 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 烏齊雅

阿哈次 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 阿哈次

漆德克雅 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 漆德克雅

日帝 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 日帝

約堂 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 約堂

駱越 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 駱越

諸靈節 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 諸靈節

追思已亡節 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 追思已亡節

獨來獨往 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 獨來獨往

獨行俠 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 獨行俠

洛邑 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 洛邑

蹣跼 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蹣跼

三歲定八十 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 三歲定八十

步態蹣跚 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 步態蹣跚

舒曼 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 舒曼

得意忘形 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 得意忘形

藥枕 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 藥枕

一拍兩散 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 一拍兩散

烏西雅 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 烏西雅

熱舒夫 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 熱舒夫

雙頭鷹 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雙頭鷹

垣墉 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 垣墉

迦克墩 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 迦克墩

虎跳峽 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 虎跳峽

蠻王 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蠻王

下雪天 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 下雪天

吃勁 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 吃勁

奧氮平 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 奧氮平

阿立哌唑 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 阿立哌唑

奉教人 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 奉教人

嗜酸性粒細胞 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 嗜酸性粒細胞

伊伊穌斯合利斯托斯 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 伊伊穌斯合利斯托斯

喹硫平 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 喹硫平

利培酮 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 利培酮

娘們兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 娘們兒

新羅西斯克 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 新羅西斯克

情投意合 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 情投意合

半死半活 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 半死半活

鬆解 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鬆解

神經炎 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 神經炎

百粵 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 百粵

張牙舞爪 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 張牙舞爪

唐狗 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 唐狗

金樽 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 金樽

熱水爐 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 熱水爐

胞與 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 胞與

宣傳品 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 宣傳品

宣傳車 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 宣傳車

宣傳畫 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 宣傳畫

不定代名詞 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 不定代名詞

關係代名詞 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 關係代名詞

羊入虎口 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 羊入虎口

長人 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 長人

臺蛙 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 臺蛙

宣傳片 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 宣傳片

關係形容詞 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 關係形容詞

杭愛山 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 杭愛山

祿馬 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 祿馬

無鹽女 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 無鹽女

霍爾果斯 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 霍爾果斯

鸚歌 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鸚歌

祿命 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 祿命

萊豬 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 萊豬

瓊樓 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 瓊樓

玉宇 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 玉宇

支共 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 支共

乾兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 乾兒

乾兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 乾兒

嘉禮 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 嘉禮

羅省枝利 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 羅省枝利

顏狗 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 顏狗

民胞物與 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 民胞物與

二甲雙胍 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 二甲雙胍

孤鸞 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 孤鸞

恭祝 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 恭祝

合利斯托斯 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 合利斯托斯

雙胍 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雙胍

滅火筒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 滅火筒

字素 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 字素

絕收 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 絕收

票匯 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 票匯

家庭事務 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 家庭事務

納卡 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 納卡

胃輕癱 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 胃輕癱

天主堂 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 天主堂

慥慥 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 慥慥

樂學 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 樂學

樂學 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 樂學

包乾制 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 包乾制

中國性 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 中國性

水閥 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 水閥

水發 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 水發

毛團 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 毛團

磕打 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 磕打

水法 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 水法

伊伊穌斯 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 伊伊穌斯

豬肚 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 豬肚

對得住 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 對得住

排燈節 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 排燈節

百利甜酒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 百利甜酒

稅法 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 稅法

延延 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 延延

閒扯 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 閒扯

啄木 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 啄木

生殺與奪 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 生殺與奪

卓爾不群 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 卓爾不群

千奇百怪 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 千奇百怪

豬大腸 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 豬大腸

蛅蟖 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蛅蟖

偛㑳 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 偛㑳

乾女兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 乾女兒

薩瓦娜 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 薩瓦娜

仯偳 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 仯偳

表達方式 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 表達方式

薩瓦納 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 薩瓦納

控疫 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 控疫

峰迴路轉 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 峰迴路轉

熱帶病 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 熱帶病

稀樹草原 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 稀樹草原

神鷹 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 神鷹

鵝蛋形 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鵝蛋形

降糖藥 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 降糖藥

炮戰 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 炮戰

降糖 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 降糖

壽帶 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 壽帶

雪人兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雪人兒

身體健康 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 身體健康

雅司病 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雅司病

禮賓 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 禮賓

病恥感 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 病恥感

龍線蟲 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 龍線蟲

低齡 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 低齡

路線圖 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 路線圖

速效 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 速效

螺旋體 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 螺旋體

單另 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 單另

多西環素 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 多西環素

非性病性梅毒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 非性病性梅毒

韓元 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 韓元

首都圈 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 首都圈

病損 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 病損

硬化性苔蘚 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 硬化性苔蘚

蒼白密螺旋體 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蒼白密螺旋體

低齡化 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 低齡化

程序正義 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 程序正義

精講 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 精講

外陰炎 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 外陰炎

程序公義 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 程序公義

硬化性 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 硬化性

環素 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 環素

鱗狀 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鱗狀

外防輸入,內防反彈 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 外防輸入,內防反彈

心耳 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 心耳

綬帶 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 綬帶

持平 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 持平

四平街 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 四平街

表達法 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 表達法

義女 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 義女

半奇靜脈 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 半奇靜脈

密螺旋體 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 密螺旋體

雞胗 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雞胗

檢票口 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 檢票口

回民 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 回民

避匿 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 避匿

切牙 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 切牙

苄星青黴素 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 苄星青黴素

司譯院 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 司譯院

扯線公仔 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 扯線公仔

眼白兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 眼白兒

死亡金屬 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 死亡金屬

噹噹兒車 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 噹噹兒車

引水道 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 引水道

撲癇酮 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 撲癇酮

沙班 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 沙班

媚藥 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 媚藥

阿哌沙班 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 阿哌沙班

臉膛兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 臉膛兒

牛字旁 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 牛字旁

神經節苷脂 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 神經節苷脂

不安腿 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 不安腿

賽球 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 賽球

不寧腿 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 不寧腿

春方兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 春方兒

因由兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 因由兒

唑吡坦 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 唑吡坦

偏廠兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 偏廠兒

苯妥英 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 苯妥英

阿羅訶 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 阿羅訶

瘦皮猴兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 瘦皮猴兒

可可兒粉 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 可可兒粉

水煮嫩蛋 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 水煮嫩蛋

水波蛋 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 水波蛋

光化門 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 光化門

立馬兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 立馬兒

月份牌兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 月份牌兒

春方 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 春方

春方 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 春方

人在屋檐下,不得不低頭 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 人在屋檐下,不得不低頭

胃竇 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 胃竇

乍出猛兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 乍出猛兒

胃體 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 胃體

做題家 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 做題家

瘦猴兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 瘦猴兒

牙床子 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 牙床子

腹直肌鞘 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 腹直肌鞘

賺頭兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 賺頭兒

鵝子 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鵝子

犬猶兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 犬猶兒

原矛頭蝮 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 原矛頭蝮

胡康河谷 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 胡康河谷

臺灣相思 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 臺灣相思

哈巴狗兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 哈巴狗兒

堆放 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 堆放

奶狗兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 奶狗兒

酒吧間 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 酒吧間

摩爾多瓦人 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 摩爾多瓦人

猴腦 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 猴腦

結關 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 結關

雞骨草 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雞骨草

末豔 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 末豔

隧洞 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 隧洞

從善如流 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 從善如流

圖畫兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 圖畫兒

小喇叭兒吹了 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 小喇叭兒吹了

天冷 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 天冷

天熱 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 天熱

移鼠 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 移鼠

投水 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 投水

兩口兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 兩口兒

後蹬兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 後蹬兒

細葉榕 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 細葉榕

清關 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 清關

病廠兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 病廠兒

宣德 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 宣德

母猴 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 母猴

母猴 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 母猴

提手兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 提手兒

洪熙 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 洪熙

鑰匙兒童 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鑰匙兒童

忠孝兩全 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 忠孝兩全

牙床兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 牙床兒

物盡其用 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 物盡其用

小中華 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 小中華

快熟麵 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 快熟麵

球兒鞋 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 球兒鞋

日頭打西出來 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 日頭打西出來

白刀子進去,紅刀子出來 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 白刀子進去,紅刀子出來

蘇祿 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蘇祿

有極 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 有極

說不出話來 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 說不出話來

捏出水兒來的 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 捏出水兒來的

說不出 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 說不出

水晶之夜 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 水晶之夜

強尼 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 強尼

帶路黨 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 帶路黨

富甲一方 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 富甲一方

肚裡 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 肚裡

米尺 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 米尺

跆籍 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 跆籍

急救員 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 急救員

評論人 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 評論人

論人 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 論人

救護員 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 救護員

論者 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 論者

平方呎 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 平方呎

舵工 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 舵工

拿大 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 拿大

肚裡說不出來的苦 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 肚裡說不出來的苦

俾路支斯坦 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 俾路支斯坦

清門 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 清門

名手 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 名手

喜蛋 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 喜蛋

喜果 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 喜果

剪片 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 剪片

梅森素數 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 梅森素數

練字 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 練字

獄門 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 獄門

擺譜 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 擺譜

方呎 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 方呎

小摳兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 小摳兒

開背 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 開背

聯合國軍 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 聯合國軍

腸泥 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 腸泥

錄屏 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 錄屏

生產環境 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 生產環境

鮮蝦 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鮮蝦

速遞 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 速遞

紅火蟻 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 紅火蟻

七代 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 七代

夷數 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 夷數

彌施訶 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 彌施訶

死摳兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 死摳兒

野豬河 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 野豬河

龍樹 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 龍樹

達利涅戈爾斯克 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 達利涅戈爾斯克

出金 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 出金

痴子 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 痴子

老客 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 老客

鑿鑿 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鑿鑿

太陽公公 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 太陽公公

全陰 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 全陰

全陽 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 全陽

打工人 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 打工人

取消文化 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 取消文化

雙陰 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雙陰

反法 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 反法

養胸 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 養胸

滿以為 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 滿以為

再野化 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 再野化

套子 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 套子

公理化集合論 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 公理化集合論

半個人 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 半個人

生技 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 生技

藥盒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 藥盒

婚齡 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 婚齡

疫疾 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 疫疾

蟹蟹 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蟹蟹

輪候 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 輪候

霍士 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 霍士

疾疫 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 疾疫

管道工 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 管道工

水管工 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 水管工

怨女 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 怨女

奴爾干 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 奴爾干

垂足 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 垂足

總膽管 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 總膽管

藝專 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 藝專

反法西斯主義 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 反法西斯主義

懸峙 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 懸峙

治下 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 治下

跛腳鴨 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 跛腳鴨

經濟體 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 經濟體

愈演愈烈 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 愈演愈烈

雙料 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雙料

雞娃 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雞娃

壽星公 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 壽星公

經緯線 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 經緯線

越演越烈 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 越演越烈

搞黃色 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 搞黃色

奴兒干 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 奴兒干

另類右派 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 另類右派

龍蝨 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 龍蝨

龜子 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 龜子

水龜子 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 水龜子

水蟑螂 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 水蟑螂

黑暴 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 黑暴

經緯 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 經緯

獅鳥 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 獅鳥

修例 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 修例

𪛙 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 𪛙

竄港 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 竄港

和理非非 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 和理非非

打蛇打七寸 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 打蛇打七寸

車水路 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 車水路

巴巴罾兒 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 巴巴罾兒

古動物學 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 古動物學

古生態學 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 古生態學

警總 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 警總

古地理學 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 古地理學

白冷 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 白冷

煽暴 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 煽暴

全因 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 全因

欽北防 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 欽北防

髒髒包 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 髒髒包

曠夫 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 曠夫

草木樨 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 草木樨

利未人 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 利未人

總肝管 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 總肝管

哈巴河 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 哈巴河

伊洛卡諾語 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 伊洛卡諾語

犟嘴 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 犟嘴

加略人猶大 (Chinese top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 加略人猶大

This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2024-11-06 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2024-10-02 using wiktextract (fbeafe8 and 7f03c9b). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.