All languages combined word senses marked with lifeform category "Mint family plants"
Parent categories: Lamiales order plants, Spices and herbs, Plants, Shrubs, Trees, Foods, Lifeforms, Eating, Food and drink, Life, Human behaviour, Nature, Human
Subcategories: Ajugoideae subfamily plants, Lamioideae subfamily plants, Menthinae subtribe plants, Mints, Nepetinae subtribe plants, Sages
Total 1347 word senses
- Ajugoideae … Gundelrebe (22 senses)
- Günsel … Russian sage (29 senses)
- Salbei … agnus castus (28 senses)
- ajuga … asuwangay (33 senses)
- awoy … bawing (22 senses)
- bawm … bosiljak (32 senses)
- boþen … calament (23 senses)
- calamint … citromfű (32 senses)
- clais … cząber (27 senses)
- dagga … espígol retallat (29 senses)
- ezzl … glory tree (24 senses)
- gmelina … hisop (37 senses)
- hofe … húng quế (25 senses)
- hīoi … kivikkokäenminttu (31 senses)
- klin … lapunaya (20 senses)
- lavanda … maciorka (30 senses)
- madeera … marrubium (25 senses)
- marum … mintbush (31 senses)
- minte … motherwort (27 senses)
- moud … niittyhumala (30 senses)
- nukula … patchuli (30 senses)
- peippi … pollegie (27 senses)
- poly … romerillo (33 senses)
- ros … safri'r haf (19 senses)
- sage … shellflower (39 senses)
- shiso … suchowierzch (16 senses)
- suga … thistle sage (28 senses)
- thym … té de Java (32 senses)
- tíkfa … zaatar (35 senses)
- é … žalfija (11 senses)
- آرسلان قویروغی (Noun) [Ottoman Turkish] motherwort, any of several perennial plants of the genus Leonurus
- آطه چایی (Noun) [Ottoman Turkish] sage, any perennial, evergreen plant of the species Salvia officinalis
- آویشن (Noun) [Persian] thyme
- أسطوخودوس (Noun) [Arabic] French lavender, Lavandula stoechas
- إكليل الجبل (Noun) [Arabic] rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus, syn. Rosmarinus officinalis)
- إكليل الغار (Noun) [Arabic] rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus, syn. Rosmarinus officinalis)
- اسطوخودوس (Noun) [Urdu] French lavender, Lavandula stoechas
- اوغل اوتی (Noun) [Ottoman Turkish] lemon balm, a perennial herb of the species Melissa officinalis, predominantly found in southern Europe
- باذروج (Noun) [Arabic] sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum), or lemon basil (Ocimum × citriodorum)
- بلنجمشک (Noun) [Persian] lemon balm
- بنجنكشت (Noun) [Arabic] chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus)
- ترنجان (Noun) [Arabic] lemon balm (Melissa gen. et spp.)
- تلسی (Noun) [Punjabi] holy basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum)
- جعدة (Noun) [Arabic] carpet bugle (Ajuga gen. et spp.)
- حاشا (Particle) [Arabic] far be it, God forbid
- حب الفقد (Noun) [Arabic] chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus)
- حبق (Verb) [Arabic] to flatulate
- حبق (Noun) [Arabic] a general name for aromatic Lamiaceae; basil (Ocimum gen. et spp.)
- حبق (Noun) [Arabic] a general name for aromatic Lamiaceae; mint (Mentha spp.), when without any qualifier then usually pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium)
- خرنباش (Noun) [Arabic] Origanum syriacum syn. Origanum maru
- خزامى (Noun) [Arabic] lavender (Lavandula spp.)
- درقة (Noun) [Arabic] skullcap, Scutellaria barbata
- رعي الأيل (Noun) [Arabic] sage (Salvia officinalis)
- ريحان (Noun) [Arabic] fragrant plant, aromatic herb
- ریحان (Noun) [Ottoman Turkish] fragrant plant, aromatic herb
- ریحان (Noun) [Persian] basil
- زعتر (Noun) [Arabic] zaatar, wild thyme
- زعتر (Noun) [Moroccan Arabic] thyme
- زوفا (Noun) [Arabic] hyssop
- ساج (Noun) [Arabic] teak tree and wood (Tectona gen. et spp.)
- ساج (Noun) [Ottoman Turkish] teak tree and wood (Tectona gen. et spp.)
- ساج (Noun) [Persian] teak tree and wood (Tectona gen. et spp.)
- سالمية (Noun) [Moroccan Arabic] sage (Salvia and especially Salvia officinalis)
- سوسنبر (Noun) [Persian] Thymus serpyllum, wild thyme
- شاهسفرم (Noun) [Arabic] basil
- شنار (Noun) [Arabic] horehound
- شنار (Noun) [Persian] Obsolete form of شنا (šinā, “swimming”).
- شندقورة (Noun) [Arabic] carpet bugle (Ajuga gen. et spp., or particularly Ajuga iva and Ajuga reptans)
- ضرم (Verb) [Arabic] to burn, to blaze, to flare
- غبيراء (Noun) [Arabic] pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium)
- فراسيون (Noun) [Arabic] horehound (Marrubium gen. et spp.)
- فسلكن (Noun) [Ottoman Turkish] basil
- فليو (Noun) [Arabic] pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium)
- فوذنج (Noun) [Arabic] Origanum spp.
- قسطران (Noun) [Arabic] hedge nettle (Stachys spp., especially the betony (Stachys officinalis))
- قصعين (Noun) [Arabic] sage (Salvia officinalis)
- قلاع (Noun) [Arabic] self-heal (Prunella)
- كدی اوتی (Noun) [Ottoman Turkish] valerian, any perennial flowering plant of the species Valeriana officinalis
- كستره (Noun) [Ottoman Turkish] wood betony (Stachys officinalis syn. Betonica officinalis)
- ككلیك اوتی (Noun) [Ottoman Turkish] marjoram, any aromatic plant of the genus Origanum majorana
- ككیك (Noun) [Ottoman Turkish] thyme; Thymus vulgaris
- لاوانطه (Noun) [Ottoman Turkish] lavender
- لسان الأيل (Noun) [Arabic] by similar look hart's tongue, hemionite (Asplenium hemionitis and Hemionitis)
- ليقامة (Noun) [Moroccan Arabic] mix of coriander and parsley
- مردقوش (Noun) [Arabic] marjoram
- مرزه (Noun) [Persian] savory, summer savory
- مرماخور (Noun) [Arabic] Origanum syriacum syn. Origanum maru
- مرمية (Noun) [South Levantine Arabic] sage, salvia
- مريمية (Noun) [Arabic] sage (Salvia and especially Salvia officinalis)
- نانه (Noun) [Ottoman Turkish] mint, any plant in the genus Mentha, typically aromatic with square stems
- ندغ (Noun) [Arabic] savory (Satureja spp.)
- نعناع (Noun) [Arabic] mint
- نعناع (Noun) [Moroccan Arabic] mint
- نعناع (Noun) [Persian] mint
- نمام (Noun) [Arabic] tale-bearer, tattletale
- نمام (Noun) [Arabic] denouncer, informant
- نمام (Noun) [Arabic] slanderer, calumniator
- نمام (Noun) [Arabic] wild thyme, Thymus serpyllum
- يالپۇز (Noun) [Uyghur] field mint, peppermint
- پاموق اوتی (Noun) [Ottoman Turkish] white horehound (Marrubium vulgare)
- پودنه (Noun) [Persian] mint
- پودینه (Noun) [Persian] thyme
- پونه (Noun) [Persian] pennyroyal
- پیدم (Noun) [Persian] pennyroyal
- کاکوتی (Noun) [Persian] Ziziphora of various species
- աբեղախոտ (Noun) [Armenian] woundwort, hedge nettle (Stachys)
- անանուխ (Noun) [Armenian] mint
- եղեսպակ (Noun) [Armenian] sage, Salvia; common sage, Salvia officinalis
- հագնի (Noun) [Armenian] chaste tree, Vitex agnus-castus
- ձագի դեղ (Noun) [Old Armenian] lemon balm, Melissa officinalis
- ուրց (Noun) [Armenian] thyme, Thymus
- պանրխոտ (Noun) [Armenian] headed thyme, Thymus capitatus
- պատրանճպուէ (Noun) [Middle Armenian] lemon balm, Melissa officinalis
- պատրինջ (Noun) [Armenian] lemon balm, Melissa officinalis
- গুলাল (Noun) [Bengali] sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum)
- তুলসী (Noun) [Bengali] holy basil, Ocimum tenuiflorum
- দুলাল তুলসী (Noun) [Bengali] sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum)
- পুদিনা (Noun) [Bengali] mint, spearmint
- বাবুই তুলসী (Noun) [Bengali] sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum)
- সাদা তুলসী (Noun) [Bengali] sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum)
- 七層塔 (Noun) [Chinese] basil (Ocimum basilicum)
- 丹参 (Noun) [Japanese] red sage (Salvia miltiorrhiza)
- 丹參 (Noun) [Chinese] Salvia miltiorrhiza (red sage) (herb used in traditional Chinese medicine)
- 仏の座 (Noun) [Japanese] common henbit, Lamium amplexicaule
- 十二単 (Noun) [Japanese] Ajuga nipponensis, a perennial plant in the mint family and native to Japan
- 垣通 (Noun) [Japanese] Glechoma grandis
- 塔花 (Noun) [Japanese] slender wild basil, Clinopodium gracile
- 夏枯草 (Noun) [Chinese] common selfheal (Prunella vulgaris)
- 夏枯草 (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of 靫草 (utsubogusa, “common self-heal, Prunella vulgaris subsp. asiatica”)
- 天人草 (Noun) [Japanese] Leucosceptrum japonicum
- 奇亞籽 (Noun) [Chinese] chia seed
- 延命草 (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of 引起 (hiki-okoshi, “Isodon japonicus”)
- 延命草 (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of 延齢草 (enreisō, “Trillium smallii, a species of trillium”)
- 延命草 (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of 艾 (yomogi, “mugwort, Artemisia princeps”)
- 扇葛 (Noun) [Japanese] Ajuga japonica
- 日本紫珠 (Noun) [Chinese] Japanese beautyberry (Callicarpa japonica)
- 日本薄荷 (Noun) [Japanese] Japanese mint (Mentha canadensis)
- 柊草 (Noun) [Japanese] Ajuga incisa
- 水虎の尾 (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of 沢虎の尾 (sawa tora no o, “Lysimachia leucantha”)
- 浜栲 (Noun) [Japanese] beach vitex, Vitex rotundifolia
- 源平臭木 (Noun) [Japanese] Clerodendrum thomsoniae a species of glory tree
- 溝香薷 (Noun) [Japanese] Salvia plebeia
- 牛膝草 (Noun) [Chinese] hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis)
- 牛至 (Noun) [Chinese] oregano
- 牛舌癀 (Noun) [Chinese] long-leaved beautyberry (Callicarpa longifolia)
- 犬薄荷 (Noun) [Japanese] catmint
- 白根 (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of 葱 (negi, “scallion, leek”)
- 白根 (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of 沢鵯 (sawa hiyodori, “Eupatorium lindleyanum”)
- 白蘇 (Noun) [Chinese] perilla (Perilla frutescens)
- 百里香 (Noun) [Chinese] thyme (Thymus vulgaris)
- 益母草 (Noun) [Chinese] motherwort (Leonurus, a genus of flowering plant that is used in traditional Chinese medicine)
- 益母草 (Noun) [Japanese] dried Leonurus japonicus used in medicine
- 神目箒 (Noun) [Japanese] holy basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum)
- 神羅勒 (Noun) [Chinese] holy basil, tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum)
- 秋桐 (Noun) [Japanese] Salvia glabrescens
- 立浪草 (Noun) [Japanese] Scutellaria indica, a species of skullcap
- 筋骨草 (Noun) [Chinese] bugle, bugleweed (Ajuga)
- 紫式部 (Noun) [Japanese] the Japanese or East Asian beautyberry, Callicarpa japonica
- 紫蘇 (Noun) [Chinese] perilla; shiso
- 紫蘇 (Noun) [Japanese] shiso, Perilla frutescens var. crispa
- 羅勒 (Noun) [Chinese] basil (Ocimum basilicum)
- 羅生門葛 (Noun) [Japanese] Meehania urticifolia
- 美國薄荷 (Noun) [Chinese] bee balm, Monarda
- 聖羅勒 (Noun) [Chinese] holy basil, tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum)
- 花薄荷 (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of オレガノ (“oregano”)
- 苦草 (Noun) [Japanese] Teucrium japonicum, a species of germander
- 草石蚕 (Noun) [Japanese] Chinese artichoke, Stachys affinis, a perennial plant originating from China
- 草石蚕 (Noun) [Japanese] the rhizome of S. affinis, eaten as a vegetable
- 草石蚕 (Noun) [Japanese] the rhizome pickled and dyed red, served as a traditional New Year dish
- 荊芥 (Noun) [Japanese] flower spikes of Schizonepeta tenuifolia used in medicine
- 荏 (Character) [Chinese] perilla (Perilla frutescens)
- 荏胡麻 (Noun) [Japanese] perilla, Perilla frutescens
- 薄荷 (Noun) [Chinese] mint (Mentha spp., especially Mentha canadensis) or mint-like plant
- 薄荷 (Noun) [Japanese] Short for 日本薄荷 (Nihon hakka, “Japanese mint”).
- 薄荷 (Noun) [Okinawan] mint
- 薄荷腦 (Noun) [Chinese] menthol
- 薙刀香薷 (Noun) [Japanese] Vietnamese balm, Elsholtzia ciliata
- 薰衣草 (Noun) [Chinese] lavender
- 藪紫 (Noun) [Japanese] Callicarpa mollis, species of beautyberry
- 西洋薄荷 (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of ペパーミント (pepāminto, “peppermint”)
- 見返草 (Noun) [Japanese] Comanthosphace stellipila
- 貓薄荷 (Noun) [Chinese] catnip (Nepeta cataria and Nepeta grandiflora)
- 踊子草 (Noun) [Japanese] white deadnettle, Lamium album var. barbatum
- 車花 (Noun) [Japanese] Clinopodium chinense subsp. grandiflorum
- 迷迭 (Noun) [Chinese] rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus, syn. Rosmarinus officinalis)
- 迷迭香 (Noun) [Chinese] rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus, syn. Rosmarinus officinalis)
- 金瘡小草 (Noun) [Japanese] Ajuga decumbens, a species of bugle
- 鈴香薷 (Noun) [Japanese] Perillula reptans
- 錦衣 (Noun) [Japanese] Ajuga yesoensis, a species of bugle
- 雁金草 (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of 錨草 (ikarisō, “large flowered barrenwort, Epimedium grandiflorum”)
- 霜柱 (Noun) [Japanese] ice needle
- 靫草 (Noun) [Japanese] common self-heal, Prunella vulgaris subsp. asiatica
- 香茹 (Noun) [Chinese] Elsholtzia ciliata, Vietnamese balm
- 香薷 (Noun) [Chinese] Elsholtzia ciliata; Vietnamese balm
- 香薷 (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of 薙刀香薷 (naginata kōju, “Vietnamese balm, Elsholtzia ciliata”)
- 香薷 (Noun) [Japanese] dried Vietnamese balm flower stems
- 魚腥菜 (Noun) [Chinese] basil (Ocimum basilicum)
- 魚齋菜 (Noun) [Chinese] basil (Ocimum basilicum)
- 麒麟草 (Noun) [Japanese] Phedimus aizoon var. floribundus
- 麝香草 (Noun) [Chinese] thyme (Thymus)
- 麝香草 (Noun) [Japanese] Chelonopsis moschata
- 黄金花 (Noun) [Japanese] Chinese skullcap, Scutellaria baicalensis
- 鼠尾草 (Noun) [Chinese] sage (Salvia officinalis)
- альбаака (Noun) [Russian] basil, sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum)
- аҟәылмиҭа (Noun) [Abkhaz] horsemint (Mentha longifolia)
- базилик (Noun) [Russian] basil (plant)
- босилек (Noun) [Bulgarian] basil (Ocimum basilicum) (plant and herb)
- босилек (Noun) [Macedonian] basil (herb)
- босилок (Noun) [Macedonian] basil (herb)
- босиљак (Noun) [Serbo-Croatian] basil (plant and seasoning)
- буквица (Noun) [Serbo-Croatian] betony (Stachys officinalis))
- гүлбуын (Noun) [Kazakh] Leonurus
- душица (Noun) [Russian] oregano (Origanum gen. et spp.)
- ерінгүл (Noun) [Kazakh] hemp-nettle, Galeopsis
- жалфија (Noun) [Macedonian] sage (plant)
- жалфија (Noun) [Serbo-Croatian] sage (plant)
- жебір (Noun) [Kazakh] thyme, Thymus
- железница (Noun) [Russian] ironwort (Sideritis gen. et spp.)
- железница (Noun) [Russian] face mite (Demodex gen. et spp.)
- жұпаргүл (Noun) [Kazakh] Origanum
- зизифора (Noun) [Russian] ziziphora (Ziziphora sp.)
- иссоп (Noun) [Russian] hyssop (any of several aromatic bushy herbs, of the genus Hyssopus)
- иістішөп (Noun) [Kazakh] bugleweed, Ajuga
- колеус (Noun) [Russian] coleus (Coleus sp.)
- котовник (Noun) [Russian] nepeta (any plant of the genus Nepeta)
- лаванда (Noun) [Macedonian] lavender
- лаванда (Noun) [Russian] lavender
- лаванда (Noun) [Ukrainian] lavender (plant of the genus Lavandula)
- м'ята (Noun) [Ukrainian] mint infusion, mint tea
- майоран (Noun) [Russian] marjoram
- материнка (Noun) [Ukrainian] origanum (any herbaceous plant of the genus Origanum)
- матерка (Noun) [Macedonian] thyme
- мащерка (Noun) [Bulgarian] thyme, any member of the genus Thymus
- мајчина душичка (Noun) [Macedonian] wild thyme
- мента (Noun) [Bulgarian] mint (Mentha gen. et spp.)
- мента (Noun) [Macedonian] mint
- метва (Noun) [Bulgarian] mint (herb of genus Mentha, within the Lamiaceae family)
- метвица (Noun) [Serbo-Croatian] mint
- мята (Noun) [Russian] mint (Mentha)
- нана (Noun) [Macedonian] mint
- нана (Noun) [Serbo-Croatian] mint
- нане (Noun) [Macedonian] mint
- райҳон (Noun) [Tajik] basil
- риган (Noun) [Bulgarian] oregano (herb of genus Origanum, within the Lamiaceae family)
- розмарин (Noun) [Bulgarian] rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus, syn. Rosmarinus officinalis)
- розмарин (Noun) [Macedonian] Nonstandard form of рузмарин (ruzmarin).
- розмарин (Noun) [Russian] rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus, syn. Rosmarinus officinalis)
- ружмарин (Noun) [Serbo-Croatian] rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus, syn. Rosmarinus officinalis)
- рузмарин (Noun) [Macedonian] rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus, syn. Rosmarinus officinalis)
- рузмарин (Noun) [Serbo-Croatian] rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus, syn. Rosmarinus officinalis)
- сайсағыз (Noun) [Kazakh] hyssop, Hyssopus
- сәлбен (Noun) [Kazakh] sage, Salvia
- тик (Noun) [Russian] teak (tree; timber)
- тимьян (Noun) [Russian] thyme
- чабер (Noun) [Russian] savory (Satureja gen. et spp.)
- чабер (Noun) [Ukrainian] savory (Satureja gen. et spp.)
- чабрец (Noun) [Russian] thyme
- чебрець (Noun) [Ukrainian] thyme
- чубрика (Noun) [Macedonian] savory (herb of genus Satureja)
- чубрица (Noun) [Bulgarian] summer savory (Satureja hortensis)
- шалвия (Noun) [Pannonian Rusyn] sage (Salvia officinalis)
- шалфей (Noun) [Russian] sage (plant)
- ከሰረት (Noun) [Amharic] basil (plant of the genus Ocimum)
- მინთა (Noun) [Mingrelian] mint
- მინთა (Noun) [Laz] mint (Mentha spp.)
- მინთუ̂ (Noun) [Svan] mint (esp. Mentha longifolia)
- ომბალო (Noun) [Georgian] Mentha pulegium: pennyroyal
- პიტნა (Noun) [Georgian] mint, spearmint
- ურცი (Noun) [Georgian] sweet-scented ziziphora, Ziziphora serpyllacea
- ურცი (Noun) [Georgian] wild thyme, Thymus serpyllum
- ქონდარი (Noun) [Georgian] savory (herb of genus Satureja)
- ქონდარი (Noun) [Old Georgian] savory (herb of genus Satureja)
- ჸვალმინთა (Noun) [Mingrelian] mint, esp. horse mint (Mentha longifolia)
- αἰθιοπίς (Noun) [Ancient Greek] Mediterranean sage (Salvia aethiopis)
- βαλλωτή (Noun) [Ancient Greek] black horehound (Ballota nigra)
- βασιλικόν (Noun) [Ancient Greek] name for various remedies, including: plaster and eyesalve
- βεττονική (Noun) [Ancient Greek] ironwort of subspecies Sideritis romana subsp. purpurea (syn. Sideritis purpurea)
- βλήχων (Noun) [Ancient Greek] pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium)
- γλήχων (Noun) [Ancient Greek] pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium)
- γνοτέρα (Noun) [Ancient Greek] black horehound (Ballota nigra)
- δίκταμνον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] dittany (Origanum dictamnus)
- δίκταμο (Noun) [Greek] dittany (Origanum dictamnus)
- δενδρολίβανον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus, syn. Rosmarinus officinalis)
- ζυγίς (Noun) [Ancient Greek] wild thyme (Thymus serpyllum)
- ζωπύρα (Noun) [Ancient Greek] lesser calamint (Clinopodium nepeta)
- θύμβρα (Noun) [Ancient Greek] savory of Crete (Satureja thymbra)
- θύμον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] thyme (plant of the genus Thymus)
- κέστρον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] ironwort of species Sideritis romana subsp. purpurea (syn. Sideritis purpurea)
- καιέτα (Noun) [Ancient Greek] Hesychius' gives the definition as: καλαμίνθη (kalamínthē, “catmint”), as they say in Boeotia.
- καλαμίνθη (Noun) [Ancient Greek] catmint (Nepeta cataria)
- καμηλοπόδιον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] white horehound (Marrubium vulgare)
- κλινοπόδιον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] lesser calamint (Clinopodium nepeta)
- κονίλη (Noun) [Ancient Greek] marjoram (Origanum majorana)
- κονίλη (Noun) [Ancient Greek] oregano (Origanum vulgare)
- μίνθη (Noun) [Ancient Greek] mint (Mentha viridis)
- μελαμπράσιον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] black horehound (Ballota nigra)
- μελισσόφυλλον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] lemon balm (Melissa officinalis)
- μᾶρον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] The meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include:; Syrian oregano (Origanum syriacum)
- μᾶρον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] The meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include:; showy pink oregano (Origanum sipyleum syns. Thymus sipyleus, Sideritis sipylea, Amaracus sipyleus)
- μᾶρον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] The meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include:; cat thyme (Teucrium marum)
- νέπετος (Noun) [Ancient Greek] catmint (Nepeta cataria)
- πολύκνημον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] field basil (Ziziphora capitata)
- πράσιον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] white horehound (Marrubium vulgare)
- πριονῖτις (Noun) [Ancient Greek] betony (Betonica officinalis)
- πυκνόκομον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca)
- πόλιον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] felty germander (Teucrium polium)
- σάμψουχον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] marjoram (Origanum majorana)
- σελινῖτις (Noun) [Ancient Greek] ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea)
- σιδηρῖτις (Noun) [Ancient Greek] ironwort (Sideritis romana)
- σισύμβριον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] watercress (Nasturtium officinale)
- στάχυς (Noun) [Ancient Greek] Spica, a star in the constellation Virgo
- στοιχάς (Noun) [Ancient Greek] an aromatic plant, Lavandula stoechas
- σφάγνος (Noun) [Ancient Greek] Greek sage (Salvia fruticosa)
- σφάκος (Noun) [Ancient Greek] apple sage (Salvia pomifera)
- τεύθριον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] madder (Rubia tinctorum)
- τεύκριον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] tree germander (Teucrium fruticans)
- τρυγόνιον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] gypsywort (Lycopus europaeus)
- φιλτροδότης (Noun) [Ancient Greek] gypsywort (Lycopus europaeus)
- χαμαίδρυς (Noun) [Ancient Greek] wall germander (Teucrium chamaedrys)
- χαμαίκισσος (Noun) [Ancient Greek] ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea)
- χαμαίπιτυς (Noun) [Ancient Greek] herb-ivy (Ajuga iva)
- ψυχότροφον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] betony (Betonica officinalis)
- ψωρανθεμίς (Noun) [Ancient Greek] rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus, syn. Rosmarinus officinalis)
- ἀγριόπρασον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] wild thyme (Thymus serpyllum)
- ἀμάρακον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] marjoram (Origanum majorana)
- ἀχαιμενίς (Noun) [Ancient Greek] felty germander (Teucrium polium)
- ἀχαιμενίς (Noun) [Ancient Greek] antique spurge (Euphorbia antiquorum)
- ἄκινος (Noun) [Ancient Greek] wild basil (Acinos rotundifolius)
- ἄλυσσον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] the name of a certain plant used for curing madness; according to LSJ, specifically madwort (Farsetia clypeata → Fibigia clypeata) and Galen's madwort (Sideritis romana)
- ἐβενῖτις (Noun) [Ancient Greek] felty germander (Teucrium polium)
- ἐλελίσφακος (Noun) [Ancient Greek] Greek sage, Salvia triloba
- ἐλλύχνιον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] lampwick plant (Phlomis lychnitis)
- ἕρπυλλος (Noun) [Ancient Greek] wild thyme (Thymus serpyllum)
- ἡδύοσμον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] spearmint (Mentha spicata)
- ἴφυον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] spike lavender (Lavandula latifolia)
- ὀνῖτις (Noun) [Ancient Greek] pot marjoram (Origanum onites)
- ὀρίγανον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] sourness, bitterness
- ὅρμινον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] orval (Salvia viridis)
- ὕσσωπος (Noun) [Ancient Greek] A species of Origanum
- ὤκιμον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] basil (Ocimum basilicum)
- તુલસી (Noun) [Gujarati] tulsi
- ਤੁਲਸੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] holy basil, tulsi
- ਮਰੂਆ (Noun) [Punjabi] virgate wormwood (Artemisia scoparia)
- ਮਰੂਆ (Noun) [Punjabi] sweet basil
- 개박하 (Noun) [Korean] catnip (Nepeta cataria)
- 꿀풀 (Noun) [Korean] all-heal (Prunella vulgaris)
- 단삼 (Noun) [Korean] tan shen, red sage, or Chinese sage (Salvia miltiorrhiza)
- 민트 (Noun) [Korean] mint (plant of the genus Mentha)
- 박하 (Noun) [Korean] In particular, the East Asian wild mint (Mentha canadensis).
- 박화 (Noun) [Jeju] mint
- 배초향 (Noun) [Korean] Korean mint (Agastache rugosa)
- 새비나무 (Noun) [Korean] Callicarpa mollis, a species of beautyberry native to Korea and Japan.
- 석잠풀 (Noun) [Korean] betony (plant of the genus Stachys)
- 작살나무 (Noun) [Korean] Japanese beautyberry
- 조개나물 (Noun) [Korean] Korean pyramid bugle (Ajuga multiflora)
- 초석잠 (Noun) [Korean] crosne
- 층층이꽃 (Noun) [Korean] Clinopodium chinense var. parviflorum
- 향유 (Noun) [Korean] Vietnamese balm
- אָריגאַן (Noun) [Yiddish] oregano (Origanum vulgare)
- אזוב (Noun) [Hebrew] hyssop
- בזיליקום (Noun) [Hebrew] basil (a plant (Ocimum basilicum)); basil (the leaves of this plant used as a herb)
- זאַלבע (Noun) [Yiddish] sage (Salvia officinalis)
- טימיאַן (Noun) [Yiddish] thyme (any plant of the genus Thymus)
- טימיאַן (Noun) [Yiddish] wild thyme (Thymus serpyllum)
- מאַיאָראַן (Noun) [Yiddish] marjoram (Origanum majorana)
- מיאַטע (Noun) [Yiddish] mint (plant)
- מינץ (Noun) [Yiddish] change, spare change
- מיענטע (Noun) [Yiddish] mint (plant)
- מענטע (Noun) [Yiddish] mint
- מרווה (Noun) [Hebrew] salvia (a plant in the genus Salvia, such as sage)
- מײַראַן (Noun) [Yiddish] Alternative form of מאַיאָראַן (mayoran)
- ענגלישע מענטע (Noun) [Yiddish] peppermint
- פּאַטשולי (Noun) [Yiddish] patchouli (any of several East Indian plants in the genus Pogostemon, especially Pogostemon cablin, which yield a highly fragrant oil)
- פֿלאָמיס (Noun) [Yiddish] Jerusalem sage (Phlomis fruticosa)
- פֿעפֿערמינץ (Noun) [Yiddish] peppermint
- ראָזמאַרין (Noun) [Yiddish] rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus, Rosmarinus officinalis)
- ראָזמאַרין (Noun) [Yiddish] walrus (Odobenus rosmarus)
- ריחן (Noun) [Hebrew] basil (a plant (Ocimum basilicum))
- שאַלוויִע (Noun) [Yiddish] sage (Salvia officinalis)
- שאַלפּיי (Noun) [Yiddish] sage (Salvia officinalis)
- オレガノ (Noun) [Japanese] oregano
- タイム (Noun) [Japanese] time
- タイム (Noun) [Japanese] thyme, plants of genus Thymus
- バジル (Noun) [Japanese] basil (Ocimum basilicum)
- ペパーミント (Noun) [Japanese] peppermint
- ミント (Noun) [Japanese] mint (plant)
- ラベンダー (Noun) [Japanese] lavender (plant)
- レモンバーム (Noun) [Japanese] lemon balm
- ម៉ៃស័ក (Noun) [Khmer] teak
- ឡាវេនឌឺ (Noun) [Khmer] lavender
- ပူဒီနာ (Noun) [Burmese] mint
- ယမနေ (Noun) [Burmese] Indian bulang, Malay bush-beech, coomb teak, Kashmir tree, white teak (Gmelina arborea); yields timber.
- திருநீற்றுப்பச்சை (Noun) [Tamil] basil plant (Ocimum basilicum)
- புதினா (Noun) [Tamil] mint
- ན́མ (Noun) [Kurtöp] perilla
- ܐܘܓܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] sumac (tree and fruit)
- ܙܘܦܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] hyssop
- ܚܐܫܐ (Noun) [Assyrian Neo-Aramaic] thyme
- ܚܘܟܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] basil
- ܚܫܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] Passion
- ܢܢܚܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] mint
- ܢܢܥܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] mint
- ܢܥܢܥ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] mint
- ܨܬܪܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] savory; wild thyme
- ܩܘܪܢܝܬܐ (Noun) [Assyrian Neo-Aramaic] corner
- ܩܘܪܢܝܬܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] oregano, marjoram, mint
- ܫܘܢܝܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] leaving, parting
- ਨਿਆਜ਼ਬੋ (Noun) [Punjabi] sweet basil
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