All languages combined word senses marked with lifeform category "Lamioideae subfamily plants"
Parent categories: Mint family plants, Lamiales order plants, Spices and herbs, Plants, Shrubs, Trees, Foods, Lifeforms, Eating, Food and drink, Life, Human behaviour, Nature, Human
Total 126 word senses
- Hohlzahn (Noun) [German] hemp-nettle
- Jerusalem sage (Noun) [English] Phlomis fruticosa, a lamiaceous flowering plant with yellow tubular flowers and aromatic leaves.
- Molucca palm (Noun) [English] The nipa palm (Nypa fruticans)
- Taubnessel (Noun) [German] deadnettle
- alfabregueta (Noun) [Catalan] Italian hedgenettle (Stachys ocymastrum)
- allheal (Noun) [English] Any of several plants supposed to have broad healing powers.; Prunella vulgaris, a species in the mint family.
- allheal (Noun) [English] Any of several plants supposed to have broad healing powers.; Stachys, a genus of plants in the mint family, heal-all, self-heal, woundwort, betony, lamb's ears, hedgenettle.
- allheal (Noun) [English] Any of several plants supposed to have broad healing powers.; Valeriana officinalis, a species in the valerian family.
- ballote (Noun) [French] black horehound
- bells of Ireland (Noun) [English] A plant in the mint family grown for its distinctive green cup-like circular calyxes, Moluccella laevis
- betony (Noun) [English] Any plant of the genus Stachys.
- betony (Noun) [English] Any plant of the genus Stachys.; Stachys officinalis (syn. Betonica officinalis, an herb used in traditional European medicine.
- betony (Noun) [English] Any plant of the genus Pedicularis (louseworts).
- betònica (Noun) [Catalan] betony (any plant of the genus Stachys, especially Stachys officinalis)
- betónica (Noun) [Spanish] betony, woundwort
- bishop's-wort (Noun) [English] fennel flower or devil-in-the-bush (Nigella damascena)
- black horehound (Noun) [English] The plant Ballota nigra possessing a disagreeable odor. Traditionally used as a medicinal herb as an antispasmodic, stimulant and vermifuge.
- caochneantóg (Noun) [Irish] deadnettle
- cardíaca (Noun) [Catalan] motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca)
- chorogi (Noun) [English] The Chinese artichoke or crosne, Stachys affinis or S. sieboldii, an herbaceous plant of the family Lamiaceae.
- clochette d'Irlande (Noun) [French] bells of Ireland (Moluccella laevis) L.
- clownheal (Noun) [English] The herb Stachys palustris, supposedly used to heal wounds to the feet made with a scythe
- crapaudine (Noun) [French] Several types of precious stones
- crapaudine (Noun) [French] Several types of precious stones; toadstone
- crapaudine (Noun) [French] ironwort (Sideritis)
- crapaudine à feuilles d'hysope (Noun) [French] hyssop-leaved mountain ironwort (Sideritis hyssopifolia)
- crosne (Noun) [English] A vegetable, of species Stachys affinis; a Chinese artichoke.
- dagga (Noun) [English] Cement.
- deadnettle (Noun) [English] Any plant of a species in genus Lamium, which closely resembles the nettle, but does not possess stinging hairs.
- fer à cheval (Noun) [French] horseshoe
- fer à cheval (Noun) [French] horseshoe bat (the monotypic family Rhinolophidae)
- fer à cheval (Noun) [French] ironwort (Sideritis gen. and spp.)
- fer à cheval (Noun) [French] horseshoe vetch (Hippocrepis gen. and spp.)
- gălbiniță (Noun) [Romanian] yellow archangel (Lamium galeobdolon)
- harhune (Noun) [Old English] horehound (herb)
- hedgenettle (Noun) [English] Any of certain plants of the genus Stachys.
- hemp-nettle (Noun) [English] Any weed of the genus Galeopsis in the Lamiaceae family.
- henbit (Noun) [English] Lamium amplexicaule, an annual plant with pink or purple flowers and deeply crenate leaves.
- horehound (Noun) [English] Any plant of the genus Marrubium.
- horehound (Noun) [English] Any plant of the genus Marrubium.; especially, a herb of species (Marrubium vulgare, of the mint family, traditionally used as a cough remedy and to make a type of hard candy.
- horehound (Noun) [English] Any plant of the genus Ballota.
- hune (Noun) [Old English] horehound (herb)
- ironwort (Noun) [English] A herb of several species in the genus Sideritis, formerly believed to heal sword cuts.
- kirjopillike (Noun) [Finnish] large-flowered hemp-nettle, Galeopsis speciosa.
- knotroot (Noun) [English] Collinsonia canadensis, a perennial medicinal herb in the mint family, Lamiaceae.
- lamb's ears (Noun) [English] Stachys byzantina, an ornamental low-growing perennial related to betony with soft, silky hairs on the leaves which give it an attractive silvery-gray color.
- lamier (Noun) [French] deadnettle
- lion's ear (Noun) [English] Any of various plants with shaggy tomentose leaves; species of Culcitium and Espeletia in Western South America
- lion's ear (Noun) [English] Any of various plants with shaggy tomentose leaves; Leonurus cardiaca and Leonotis nepetifolia, both native to Africa, but grown widely as herbal remedies.
- lion's tail (Noun) [English] Leonotis leonurus, a broadleaf evergreen shrub with medicinal and psychoactive properties.
- malrubí (Noun) [Catalan] horehound
- malrubí negre (Noun) [Catalan] black horehound
- marddanadl (Noun) [Welsh] deadnettles (Lamium)
- marrube (Noun) [French] horehound
- marrubium (Noun) [English] Any of the genus Marrubium of bitter aromatic plants; horehound.
- motherwort (Noun) [English] Any of several perennial plants of the genus Leonurus, especially Leonurus cardiaca, used in traditional medicine to help with childbirth or treat uterine disorders.
- mountain tea (Noun) [English] The ironwort plant (of genus Sideritis)
- mursalski (Noun) [English] The ironwood plant Sideritis scardica or the Bulgarian mountain tea made from it
- mélisse (Noun) [French] melissa (Melissa officinalis)
- mélissot (Noun) [French] bastard balm (Melittis melissophyllum)
- nukula (Noun) [Finnish] Synonym of rohtonukula (“Leonurus cardiaca”).
- obedient plant (Noun) [English] A flowering plant in the mint family, Physostegia virginiana, native to eastern North America and known for the way that individual flowers stay in the position they're moved to when pushed to one side or the other.
- oreille d'ours (Noun) [French] Synonym of primevère auricule (“mountain cowslip”) (Primula auricula (L.)
- oreja de liebre (Noun) [Spanish] The Iberian lampwick, Phlomis lychnitis.
- ortiga mansa (Noun) [Spanish] henbit
- ortiga morta (Noun) [Catalan] deadnettle
- pachulí (Noun) [Spanish] patchouli (fragrance produced from this plant)
- paczulka (Noun) [Polish] patchouli (any of several East Indian plants in the genus Pogostemon, especially Pogostemon cablin, which yield a highly fragrant oil)
- paitsiúlaí (Noun) [Irish] patchouli (plant, oil derived from plant)
- patchouli (Noun) [English] Any of several East Indian plants in the genus Pogostemon, especially Pogostemon cablin, which yield a highly fragrant oil.
- patchuli (Noun) [Portuguese] patchouli (fragrance produced from this plant)
- peippi (Noun) [Finnish] the genus Lamium
- peixinho-da-horta (Noun) [Portuguese] lamb's ears (Stachys byzantina)
- pengoch (Noun) [Welsh] Lamioideae (deadnettles and horehounds)
- phlomis (Noun) [English] Any of the genus Phlomis of herbaceous plants
- phlomis (Noun) [French] phlomis (Phlomis) L.
- phlomis de Russell (Noun) [French] Turkish sage (Phlomis russeliana)
- phlomis de Turquie (Noun) [French] Turkish sage (Phlomis russeliana) (Sims.) Benth.
- pillike (Noun) [Finnish] hemp-nettle (any plant of the genus Galeopsis)
- porro (Noun) [Finnish] the genus Ballota
- punapeippi (Noun) [Finnish] red dead-nettle (Lamium purpureum)
- rattlesnake weed (Noun) [English] Any of several plants used in folk medicine to treat snakebites.; Daucus pusillus.
- rattlesnake weed (Noun) [English] Any of several plants used in folk medicine to treat snakebites.; Euphorbia albomarginata.
- rattlesnake weed (Noun) [English] Any of several plants used in folk medicine to treat snakebites.; Hieracium venosum.
- rattlesnake weed (Noun) [English] Any of several plants used in folk medicine to treat snakebites.; Stachys floridana.
- raudakki (Noun) [Finnish] the genus Sideritis
- sauge de Jérusalem (Noun) [French] Jerusalem sage (Phlomis fruticosa) L.
- sauge de Turquie (Noun) [French] Turkish sage (Phlomis russeliana) (Sims.) Benth.
- sepiväpeippi (Noun) [Finnish] common henbit (Lamium amplexicaule)
- shellflower (Noun) [English] A floating aquatic plant, Pistia stratiotes, with green rosettes of leaves and inconspicuous flowers.
- shellflower (Noun) [English] A plant in the mint family grown for its distinctive circular green calyxes.
- stachide (Noun) [French] Synonym of épiaire (Stachys)
- staggerweed (Noun) [English] A flowering plant of species Stachys arvensis, which causes staggers in livestock that consume it.
- staggerweed (Noun) [English] A plant of other species, for similar reasons:; Corydalis cava
- staggerweed (Noun) [English] A plant of other species, for similar reasons:; Dicentra spp. (bleeding hearts); Dicentra cucullaria (Dutchman's breeches)
- staggerweed (Noun) [English] A plant of other species, for similar reasons:; Jacobaea vulgaris (syn. Senecio jacobaea, staggerwort)
- sugel (Noun) [Romanian] deadnettle
- szanta (Noun) [Polish] horehound (any plant of the genus Marrubium)
- teanga mhín (Noun) [Irish] white dead-nettle (Lamium album)
- tinya negra (Noun) [Catalan] henbit
- tàrrec blanc (Noun) [Catalan] hairy ironwort (Sideritis hirsuta)
- woundwort (Noun) [English] Any of several plants formerly used in poultices for wounds.; Any of several plants of the genus Stachys
- woundwort (Noun) [English] Any of several plants formerly used in poultices for wounds.; Achillea millefolium (soldier's woundwort)
- woundwort (Noun) [English] Any of several plants formerly used in poultices for wounds.; Anthyllis vulneraria (kidney vetch)
- woundwort (Noun) [English] Any of several plants formerly used in poultices for wounds.; Solidago virgaurea (European golden-rod)
- woundwort (Noun) [English] Any of several plants formerly used in poultices for wounds.; Bellis perennis (English daisy)
- woundwort (Noun) [English] Any of several plants formerly used in poultices for wounds.; Prunella vulgaris (common self-heal)
- épiaire (Noun) [French] betony, woundwort (Stachys)
- épiaire de Byzance (Noun) [French] lamb's ears (Stachys byzantina K. Koch)
- épiaire laineuse (Noun) [French] lamb's ears (Stachys byzantina K. Koch)
- 仏の座 (Noun) [Japanese] common henbit, Lamium amplexicaule
- 天人草 (Noun) [Japanese] Leucosceptrum japonicum
- 水虎の尾 (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of 沢虎の尾 (sawa tora no o, “Lysimachia leucantha”)
- 益母草 (Noun) [Chinese] motherwort (Leonurus, a genus of flowering plant that is used in traditional Chinese medicine)
- 益母草 (Noun) [Japanese] dried Leonurus japonicus used in medicine
- 草石蚕 (Noun) [Japanese] Chinese artichoke, Stachys affinis, a perennial plant originating from China
- 草石蚕 (Noun) [Japanese] the rhizome of S. affinis, eaten as a vegetable
- 草石蚕 (Noun) [Japanese] the rhizome pickled and dyed red, served as a traditional New Year dish
- 見返草 (Noun) [Japanese] Comanthosphace stellipila
- 踊子草 (Noun) [Japanese] white deadnettle, Lamium album var. barbatum
- 麝香草 (Noun) [Chinese] thyme (Thymus)
- 麝香草 (Noun) [Japanese] Chelonopsis moschata
- 석잠풀 (Noun) [Korean] betony (plant of the genus Stachys)
- 초석잠 (Noun) [Korean] crosne
- פּאַטשולי (Noun) [Yiddish] patchouli (any of several East Indian plants in the genus Pogostemon, especially Pogostemon cablin, which yield a highly fragrant oil)
- פֿלאָמיס (Noun) [Yiddish] Jerusalem sage (Phlomis fruticosa)
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