All languages combined word senses marked with lifeform category "Shrubs"
Parent categories: Plants, Lifeforms, Life, Nature
Subcategories: Apiales order plants, Barberry family plants, Bignonia family plants, Buckthorn family plants, Buxales order plants, Caltrop family plants, Citrus subfamily plants, Combretum family plants, Conifers, Cornales order plants, Custard apple family plants, Ericales order plants, Fagales order plants, Hollies, Honeysuckle family plants, Lamiales order plants, Laurel family plants, Legumes, Madder family plants, Mallow family plants, Malvales order plants, Moschatel family plants, Myrtales order plants, Myrtle family plants, Pome fruits, Proteales order plants, Rue family plants, Sapindales order plants, Saxifragales order plants, Soapberry family plants, Staff vine family plants, Stone fruits, Sumac family plants
Words with this category that have not been disambiguated
Word senses with this category
Total 19447 word senses
- Aalbeere … Good Friday plant (398 senses)
- Goos … abōļ (679 senses)
- ac … apụl (522 senses)
- ar … bdellium (442 senses)
- be … bujor (517 senses)
- buk … centranto (476 senses)
- cer … corissum (429 senses)
- cork … dầu (551 senses)
- dẻ … fuksja (533 senses)
- ful … gyűszűvirág (479 senses)
- gáo … ihličnan (458 senses)
- iil … kevätlinnunherne (528 senses)
- keř … liquorice (618 senses)
- lis … maustemeirami (520 senses)
- may … mædere (451 senses)
- mè … orjašica (435 senses)
- orl … plucot (573 senses)
- plum … rohtosalkoruusu (534 senses)
- roi … silín (542 senses)
- sim … tchênelle (595 senses)
- te … tæsl (349 senses)
- tè … węgierka (512 senses)
- wī … ọyẹyẹ (405 senses)
- آبانوز … آویشن (21 senses)
- آچ … ئەرخەوان (34 senses)
- ارس … انیسون (19 senses)
- اوز … برتقان (31 senses)
- برس … بوعويد (23 senses)
- بوی … جار الماء (22 senses)
- جام … حشيشة الملاك (34 senses)
- حل … خطمی (23 senses)
- خلة … دغموس (25 senses)
- دلب … رمان (23 senses)
- رند … زیزفون (30 senses)
- ساج … سماق (23 senses)
- سمر … شاي (24 senses)
- شبث … صنوبر (34 senses)
- ضرم … عصا الراعي (20 senses)
- عطب … فصفص (29 senses)
- فل … قرصعنة (22 senses)
- قرط … قلاع (25 senses)
- قنة … كستناء (29 senses)
- كشر … لسان العصفور (29 senses)
- لك … مدرة (23 senses)
- مدس … مهوا (28 senses)
- مو … نخوے (22 senses)
- نخي … ينبوت (27 senses)
- ٻٻر … چاغلا (25 senses)
- چام … یونجه (41 senses)
- աբեղախոտ … արքայանարինջ (12 senses)
- բալ … գերմաստի (15 senses)
- գի … եղջիւր (12 senses)
- եղրի … թխկի (14 senses)
- ժախ … լեռնավարդ (9 senses)
- լոբի … կաղնի (17 senses)
- կասկ … կորնգան (11 senses)
- հագնի … ձագի դեղ (12 senses)
- ձէթ … մայր (12 senses)
- մայրի … նեխուր (14 senses)
- նոճ … ուրց (15 senses)
- ոփի … սերկևիլ (15 senses)
- սին … տօսախ (13 senses)
- ցաք … ֆստըխ (11 senses)
- ᬲᬕ (Noun) [Balinese] jequirity (Abrus precatorius)
- অঁকোল (Noun) [Bengali] a kind of flowering tree, Alangium salviifolium, the sage-leaved alangium
- অতিমঙ্গল্য (Adjective) [Bengali] surpassingly auspicious
- আম (Noun) [Assamese] mango
- আম (Noun) [Bengali] mango
- আমড়া (Noun) [Bengali] hog plum (Spondias pinnata, syn. S. mangifera)
- ইয়ংচাক (Noun) [Assamese] stink bean, bitter bean (Parkia speciosa).
- ইসবগুল (Noun) [Bengali] psyllium
- কদম (Noun) [Bengali] kadam, common bur-flower tree (Neolamarckia cadamba, syn. Nauclea cadamba)
- কনকচাঁপা (Noun) [Bengali] dinner plate tree (Pterospermum acerifolium)
- কপিত্থ (Noun) [Bengali] wood apple, elephant apple (Limonia acidissima, syn. Feronia elephantum)
- কয়থ (Noun) [Bengali] Alternative form of কয়েথ (koẏeth, “wood apple, elephant apple (Limonia acidissima)”)
- কয়েথ (Noun) [Bengali] wood apple, elephant apple (Limonia acidissima, syn. Feronia elephantum)
- করঞ্জ (Noun) [Bengali] poonga oil tree, Indian beech, seashore mempari (Pongamia pinnata, syn. Galedupa arborea, Pongamia glabra)
- করবী (Noun) [Bengali] oleander (Nerium oleander, syn. N. odorum)
- কুঁচি (Noun) [Assamese] jequirity bean, rosary pea, crab's eye (Abrus precatorius)
- কৃষ্ণচূড়া (Noun) [Bengali] dwarf poinciana (Caesalpinia pulcherrima, syn. Poinciana pulcherrima); originally from Southeastern Mexico to Central America and introduced into Bangladesh and India.
- কৎবেল (Noun) [Bengali] wood apple, elephant apple (Limonia acidissima, syn. Feronia elephantum)
- খয়ের (Noun) [Bengali] catechu tree (Senegalia catechu, syn. Mimosa catechu)
- গন্ধভাদাল (Noun) [Bengali] skunk vine (Paederia foetida)
- গুঞ্জা (Noun) [Bengali] jequirity bean, rosary pea, crab's eye (Abrus precatorius)
- গুলাল (Noun) [Bengali] sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum)
- ডাইল (Noun) [Bengali] pigeon pea, pulse, lentil, dal
- ঢেঁড়স (Noun) [Bengali] okra (Abelmoschus esculentus, syn. Hibiscus esculentus, H. longifolius)
- তুলসী (Noun) [Bengali] holy basil, Ocimum tenuiflorum
- তেঁতুল (Noun) [Bengali] tamarind (Tamarindus indica)
- ত্রিপত্র (Noun) [Bengali] bael fruit tree (Aegle marmelos)
- থানকুনি (Noun) [Bengali] pennywort, gotu kola (Centella asiatica, syn. Hydrocotyle asiatica)
- দারচিনি (Noun) [Bengali] cinnamon
- দুলাল তুলসী (Noun) [Bengali] sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum)
- ধনিয়া (Noun) [Assamese] coriander, Coriandrum sativum
- ধনিয়া (Noun) [Bengali] coriander (Coriandrum sativum)
- ধনে (Noun) [Bengali] coriander (Coriandrum sativum)
- পুদিনা (Noun) [Bengali] mint, spearmint
- পূতিবাত (Noun) [Bengali] bael fruit tree (Aegle marmelos)
- ফলসা (Noun) [Bengali] phalsa (Grewia asiatica)
- বকুল (Noun) [Bengali] Spanish cherry, bulletwood tree, tanjong tree, (Indian) medlar (Mimusops elengi); flower 1.2 cm across, whitish and fragrant.
- বহেড়া (Noun) [Bengali] beleric myrobalan, bastard myrobalan, bedda nut, Siamese terminalia (Terminalia bellirica)
- বাবুই তুলসী (Noun) [Bengali] sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum)
- বিল্ব (Noun) [Bengali] bael fruit tree, bel, Bengal quince (Aegle marmelos)
- বেল (Noun) [Bengali] bael fruit, bel, Bengal quince, wood apple (Aegle marmelos)
- মউল (Noun) [Bengali] mowra butter tree (Madhuca longifolia)
- মালূর (Noun) [Bengali] bael fruit tree, bel, Bengal quince (Aegle marmelos)
- মেথী (Noun) [Bengali] fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum)
- মৌল (Noun) [Bengali] mahwa tree, butter tree (Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia, syn. Bassia latifolia)
- লক্ষ্মীফল (Noun) [Bengali] bael fruit tree (Aegle marmelos)
- শাণ্ডিল্য (Noun) [Bengali] bael fruit tree (Aegle marmelos)
- শাণ্ডিল্য (Noun) [Bengali] a certain form of fire or Agni (অগ্নি (ogni))
- শাণ্ডিল্য (Proper name) [Bengali] Shandilya, a rishi and the progenitor of the Śāṇḍilya gotra.
- শিবদ্রুম (Noun) [Bengali] bael fruit tree (Aegle marmelos)
- শিমলু (Noun) [Assamese] red cotton tree, kapok tree (Bombax ceiba)
- শিরীষ (Noun) [Bengali] lebbeck, koko (Albizia lebbeck, syn. Acacia lebbeck, Mimosa sirissa)
- শুলফা (Noun) [Bengali] dill (Anethum graveolens, syn. A. sowa)
- শ্রীফল (Noun) [Bengali] bael fruit tree, bel, Bengal quince (Aegle marmelos); regarded as sacred tree in Hinduism.
- শ্রীবৃক্ষ (Noun) [Bengali] bo tree (Ficus religiosa)
- সত্যফল (Noun) [Bengali] bael fruit tree (Aegle marmelos)
- সফুৰি আম (Noun) [Assamese] guava
- সাদা তুলসী (Noun) [Bengali] sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum)
- সুন্দরী (Noun) [Bengali] sundri (Heritiera fomes, syn. H. minor Roxb.)
- সুভদ্রক (Noun) [Bengali] bael fruit tree (Aegle marmelos)
- হরীতকী (Noun) [Bengali] myrobalan (Terminalia chebula)
- হিং (Noun) [Bengali] asafoetida (Ferula assa-foetida)
- 𑀉𑀟𑀺𑀤 (Noun) [Prakrit] urad, Vigna mungo
- 𑀤𑀸𑀟𑀺𑀫 (Noun) [Prakrit] pomegranate
- 𑀧𑀽𑀇𑀯𑀸𑀅 (Noun) [Prakrit] fart
- 𑀧𑀽𑀇𑀯𑀸𑀅 (Noun) [Prakrit] bael
- 𑀫𑀝𑁆𑀝𑀭 (Noun) [Prakrit] pea (Pisum sativum)
- 𑀫𑀼𑀕𑁆𑀕 (Noun) [Prakrit] mung bean (Vigna radiata)
- 𑀫𑁄𑀝𑁆𑀞 (Noun) [Prakrit] moth bean, Vigna aconitifolia
- 𑀭𑀼𑀧𑁆𑀧 (Adjective) [Prakrit] made of silver
- 𑀮𑀯𑀁𑀕 (Noun) [Prakrit] clove, Syzygium aromaticum
- ᎠᏓᏯᎯ (Noun) [Cherokee] oak
- ᎫᎴ (Noun) [Cherokee] acorn (fruit of an oak-like tree)
- ᎬᎴ (Noun) [Cherokee] acorn
- ᏔᎳ (Noun) [Cherokee] oak (tree of the genus Quercus)
- 一位 … 人参 (24 senses)
- 人參 … 刀欛豆 (32 senses)
- 刀芹 … 含羞草 (32 senses)
- 吸葛 … 夏枯草 (32 senses)
- 夏椿 … 山核桃 (35 senses)
- 山桃 … 庭漆 (29 senses)
- 庭藤 … 景天 (32 senses)
- 月桂 … 杜鵑花 (35 senses)
- 杤 … 林菝仔 (40 senses)
- 枠 … 柿の木 (22 senses)
- 栂 … 梅花 (35 senses)
- 梓 … 楝樹 (29 senses)
- 楢 … 橡子 (33 senses)
- 檜 … 水蜜桃 (30 senses)
- 水錦 … 滇刺棗 (35 senses)
- 漆 … 狗鬚仔 (36 senses)
- 独活 … 甜豆 (25 senses)
- 田七 … 皇の花 (33 senses)
- 益智 … 篝火草 (33 senses)
- 米松 … 綠豆兒 (34 senses)
- 綿 … 臘梅 (28 senses)
- 臭椿 … 茘枝 (45 senses)
- 茜 … 荊豆 (20 senses)
- 荏 … 蒼松 (32 senses)
- 蓍 … 蘋果樹 (34 senses)
- 蘭 … 西芹 (33 senses)
- 要 … 越橘 (28 senses)
- 跤生 … 金瘡小草 (34 senses)
- 金豆 … 開心果 (32 senses)
- 防風 … 香桃木 (33 senses)
- 香椿 … 鷹嘴豆 (34 senses)
- 鹹梅 … 龍草樹 (42 senses)
- ⲁⲣϣⲓⲛ (Noun) [Coptic] lentil
- ⲉⲣϣⲓϣ (Noun) [Coptic] chickpea
- ⲕⲓⲕⲓⲍⲱⲛ (Noun) [Coptic] licorice
- 𒇷 (Noun) [Sumerian] juniper
- абанос … анасон (33 senses)
- анис … аҟәылмиҭа (20 senses)
- аҳа … благун (28 senses)
- боб … бузок (37 senses)
- бук … вертикордия (25 senses)
- вех … гелиамфора (19 senses)
- глек … грејпфрут (27 senses)
- грм … дрян (33 senses)
- дуб … елша (23 senses)
- ель … жөтелшай (34 senses)
- заг … каприфоль (29 senses)
- кат … клён (24 senses)
- коз … крыжовник (33 senses)
- кріп … лимун (27 senses)
- липа … маслињак (33 senses)
- мате … мирођија (20 senses)
- мирта … ноңных (36 senses)
- нут … остролист (18 senses)
- падуб … прнар (33 senses)
- пув … рузмарин (23 senses)
- руй … сирень (28 senses)
- сирть … сужидек (28 senses)
- сумак … трпутац (32 senses)
- трње … хна (23 senses)
- хо … чъыгай (40 senses)
- чӧд … шолпаншаш (17 senses)
- шоми … японский тис (27 senses)
- ясен … өрік (46 senses)
- ሆመር (Noun) [Amharic] tamarind (fruit and tree)
- ሆርች (Noun) [Amharic] Abyssinian coral tree
- ለውዝ (Noun) [Amharic] almond
- ለውዝ (Noun) [Ge'ez] almond
- ለውዝ (Noun) [Tigre] almond
- ለውዝ (Noun) [Tigrinya] almond
- ልባን (Noun) [Tigre] incense
- ልብን (Noun) [Amharic] storax (Styrax officinalis), in particular the resin thereof)
- ልብን (Noun) [Ge'ez] storax (Styrax officinalis, in particular the resin thereof)
- ሎሚን (Noun) [Tigre] lemon
- ሕና (Noun) [Tigre] henna
- ሕዳ (Noun) [Tigre] Grewia tenax syn. Grewia populifolia
- ሖመር (Noun) [Ge'ez] tamarind (fruit and tree)
- ሖመር (Noun) [Tigre] tamarind (fruit and tree)
- ሖመር (Noun) [Tigrinya] tamarind (fruit and tree)
- ሙሉክዬ (Noun) [Amharic] mulukhiyah (Corchorus olitorius and the vegetable thereof)
- ምስር (Noun) [Amharic] lentil
- ሮማን (Noun) [Amharic] pomegranate
- ሮማን (Noun) [Ge'ez] pomegranate
- ሮማን (Noun) [Tigre] pomegranate
- ሮማን (Noun) [Tigrinya] pomegranate
- ሰሊካ (Noun) [Ge'ez] cassia, Cinnamomum cassia syn. Cinnamomum aromaticum
- ሰበሬ (Noun) [Tigre] chickling vetch (Lathyrus sativus)
- ሰብካን (Noun) [Tigre] bitter false-thorn (Albizia amara)
- ሰና (Noun) [Tigre] Port Royal senna (Senna italica syn. Cassia obovata)
- ሲላን (Noun) [Ge'ez] dill (Anethum graveolens)
- ስምዕዛ (Noun) [Tigre] Justicia schimperiana
- ስዋርያ (Noun) [Tigre] false assegai (Maesa lanceolata)
- ስግድ (Noun) [Ge'ez] almond tree
- ሺላን (Noun) [Tigre] dill (Anethum graveolens)
- ሻይ (Noun) [Amharic] tea plant (Camellia sinensis)
- ሽላን (Noun) [Amharic] anise (Pimpinella anisum)
- ሽላን (Noun) [Tigrinya] dill (Anethum graveolens)
- ሽምብራ (Noun) [Amharic] chickpea (Cicer arietinum)
- ቀንአት (Noun) [Ge'ez] galbanum or stacta
- ቅናጦል (Noun) [Tigre] Any of various shrubs in the mallow family:; Hibiscus micranthus
- ቅናጦል (Noun) [Tigre] Any of various shrubs in the mallow family:; Grewia tenax, syn. Grewia populifolia
- ቅናጦል (Noun) [Tigre] Any of various shrubs in the mallow family:; Pavonia zeylanica
- ቅጠብ (Noun) [Tigre] caltrop (Tribulus terrestris)
- ባሚያ (Noun) [Amharic] okra
- ባቄላ (Noun) [Amharic] broad bean (Vicia faba)
- ባቄላ (Noun) [Ge'ez] broad bean (Vicia faba)
- ባቄላ (Noun) [Harari] broad bean (Vicia faba)
- ባቄላ (Noun) [Tigre] broad bean (Vicia faba)
- ብርስን (Noun) [Ge'ez] lentil
- ብርስን (Noun) [Tigre] lentil
- ብርስን (Noun) [Tigrinya] lentil
- ትርንጎ (Noun) [Amharic] citron (Citrus medica)
- ትርንጎ (Noun) [Tigre] citron (Citrus medica)
- አርዝ (Noun) [Ge'ez] cedar
- አደንገል (Noun) [Tigre] bean
- ኣዳጉራ (Noun) [Tigrinya] cowpea; beans
- ከርካዕ (Noun) [Ge'ez] almond (fruit and tree)
- ከርካዕ (Noun) [Ge'ez] walnut (fruit and tree)
- ከሰረት (Noun) [Amharic] basil (plant of the genus Ocimum)
- ኩኽ (Noun) [Tigrinya] peach, apricot
- ክርክራ (Noun) [Amharic] African birch
- ኮክ (Noun) [Amharic] peach
- ኮክ (Noun) [Ge'ez] peach, plum
- ኮክ (Noun) [Tigre] peach
- ወይራ (Noun) [Amharic] wild olive, brown olive (Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata)
- ወይባ (Noun) [Tigrinya] Terminalia brownii
- ዐባይ (Noun) [Tigre] asafoetida
- ዕጥብ (Noun) [Tigre] cotton
- ዘይት (Noun) [Ge'ez] olive tree
- ገውዝ (Noun) [Ge'ez] walnut
- ጓያ (Noun) [Amharic] chickling vetch (Lathyrus sativus)
- ጸሐት (Noun) [Tigre] Terminalia brownii
- ጸጾ (Noun) [Tigre] African boxwood (Myrsine africana)
- ጸጾ (Noun) [Tigrinya] African boxwood (Myrsine africana)
- ጽሕዲ (Noun) [Tigre] African pencil cedar (Juniperus procera)
- ጽሕዲ (Noun) [Tigrinya] African pencil cedar (Juniperus procera)
- ጽሕዲ (Noun) [Tigrinya] modernly reused to translate the Western concept of a Christmas tree and fir, which does not occur in Africa south of the 30th parallel north
- ავოკადო … არანძი (12 senses)
- არყი … ბიკენჩხა̈ლ (16 senses)
- ბიჲა … გჷგიბ (12 senses)
- დეკა … ინჭირი (18 senses)
- იფ … კატაბალახა (10 senses)
- კენკრა … ლეფონი (14 senses)
- ლობიო … მწკოლი (18 senses)
- მწუ … ომბალო (10 senses)
- ოსპი … სუმჸუჯა (16 senses)
- სურო … ფიჭვი (11 senses)
- ფიჭჳ … ქუნჯუტი (15 senses)
- ღვია … ცაცხვი (14 senses)
- ცაცხო … ცხუ̂იმრა (15 senses)
- ცხუმ … წიფური (12 senses)
- წორო … ჸომური (21 senses)
- 𐌰𐌻𐌴𐍅𐌰𐌱𐌰𐌲𐌼𐍃 (Noun) [Gothic] olive tree
- 𐌽𐌰𐍂𐌳𐌿𐍃 (Noun) [Gothic] nard (Nardostachys jatamansi)
- 𐍄𐌰𐌹𐌽𐍃 (Noun) [Gothic] twig or branch of a bush
- αβοκάντο … βεττονική (19 senses)
- βλήχων … γόργιλον (23 senses)
- δάφνη … δόλιχος (13 senses)
- δῆμος … κήλαστρος (24 senses)
- κίνα … κισσόφυλλον (24 senses)
- κιττώ … κρίτανος (18 senses)
- κριός … κύμινον (16 senses)
- κύνωψ … λύτρον (20 senses)
- λῆδον … μᾶρον (26 senses)
- μῆον … πευκέδανον (19 senses)
- πεύκη … πύανος (21 senses)
- πύξος … σανδαράκη (14 senses)
- σαπάνα … στρόβιλος (22 senses)
- στύραξ … φάσηλος (24 senses)
- φακή … φλόμος (14 senses)
- φοῦ … ψωρανθεμίς (19 senses)
- ψύλλιον … ἀράχνης (24 senses)
- ἀρία … ἄλυσσον (23 senses)
- ἄμι … ἐλάτη (12 senses)
- ἐλαία … ἴφυον (25 senses)
- ἴψος … ὑποκιστίς (22 senses)
- ὕσγη … ῥόα (10 senses)
- અજમુ (Noun) [Kachchi] ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi), or its seeds
- અજમો (Noun) [Gujarati] ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi), or its seeds
- અડદ (Noun) [Gujarati] urad
- આફૂસ (Noun) [Gujarati] Alphonso mango, a mango cultivar cultivated in Valsad and Navsari of Southern Gujarat and other Indian regions.
- આલૂબુખારા (Noun) [Gujarati] plum
- આલૂબુખારા (Noun) [Gujarati] damson
- કરોળિયો (Noun) [Gujarati] balloon vine (Cardiospermum halicacabum)
- કાજુ (Noun) [Gujarati] cashew (tree)
- કાજુ (Noun) [Gujarati] cashew nut
- ખયારસંબર (Noun) [Gujarati] golden shower, golden rain tree (Cassia fistula)
- ખીજડો (Noun) [Gujarati] jand (Prosopis cineraria)
- ચણો (Noun) [Gujarati] chickpea (Cicer arietinum)
- ચા (Noun) [Gujarati] tea plant, any bush of the species Camellia sinensis whose leaves are picked to make a beverage
- તલ (Noun) [Gujarati] sesame (Sesamum indicum); sesame seed
- તુલસી (Noun) [Gujarati] tulsi
- ધાણા (Noun) [Gujarati] coriander (UK), cilantro (US) (Coriandrum sativum)
- નાગપુર (Noun) [Gujarati] Short for નાગપુરી સંતરું (nāgpurī santrũ, “Nagpur Orange”).
- પદૌક (Noun) [Gujarati] padauk, Pterocarpus
- બદર (Adverb) [Gujarati] outside, out of doors, without
- બાવળ (Noun) [Gujarati] the babul tree, Vachellia nilotica subsp. indica
- મગ (Noun) [Gujarati] mung, mung bean (Vigna radiata)
- માખણફળ (Noun) [Gujarati] avocado
- યુકેલિપ્ટસ (Noun) [Gujarati] eucalyptus
- હિંગ (Noun) [Gujarati] asafoetida (Ferula assa-foetida)
- ਅਮਲਤਾਸ (Noun) [Punjabi] golden shower tree (Cassia fistula)
- ਅਰਹਰ (Noun) [Punjabi] pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan)
- ਅਲੂਚਾ (Noun) [Punjabi] plum
- ਅਸ਼ੋਕ (Proper name) [Punjabi] a male given name
- ਆਲ (Noun) [Punjabi] Indian mulberry (Morinda citrifolia)
- ਆੜੂ (Noun) [Punjabi] peach (fruit)
- ਇਮਲੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] tamarind (fruit and tree)
- ਈਸਬਗੋਲ (Noun) [Punjabi] ispaghula
- ਕਪਾਹ (Noun) [Punjabi] cotton (material and plant)
- ਕਪੂਰ (Proper name) [Punjabi] a kshatriya surname, Kapoor, used by Khattrīs.
- ਕਮਲ (Noun) [Punjabi] A lotus, particularly the sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera).
- ਕਿੱਕਰ (Noun) [Punjabi] babul (Vachellia nilotica)
- ਕੁਲਥੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] horse gram
- ਕੇਸੂ (Noun) [Punjabi] The dhak tree or its showy blossom.
- ਖਤਮੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] marsh mallow (plant)
- ਖ਼ੁਰਮਾਨੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] apricot
- ਖੈਰ (Noun) [Punjabi] catechu (Senegalia catechu)
- ਖੱਟਾ (Adjective) [Punjabi] yellow, pale
- ਗੁਲਮੋਹਰ (Noun) [Punjabi] royal poinciana, flamboyant
- ਗੁੱਗਲ (Noun) [Punjabi] bdellium
- ਗੁੱਗਲ (Noun) [Punjabi] Commiphora wightii, the Indian bdellium tree.
- ਗੋਕੁਲਕਾਂਟਾ (Noun) [Punjabi] Hygrophila auriculata (medicinal herb)
- ਚਕੋਤਰਾ (Noun) [Punjabi] settled rent
- ਚਿਕੜੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] boxwood (Buxus sempervirens)
- ਚਿਨਾਰ (Noun) [Punjabi] oriental plane (Platanus orientalis)
- ਚੀਲ (Noun) [Punjabi] chirpine (Pinus roxburghii)
- ਚੰਬੇਲੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] jasmine (plant and flower)
- ਛੋਲਾ (Noun) [Punjabi] chickpea
- ਜਵਾਂਹ (Noun) [Punjabi] camelthorn (plant of the genus Alhagi)
- ਤਿਲ਼ (Noun) [Punjabi] mole
- ਤੁਲਸੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] holy basil, tulsi
- ਧਨੀਆ (Noun) [Punjabi] coriander (plant and seed)
- ਧਾਵਾ (Noun) [Punjabi] Woodfordia fruticosa
- ਨਾਖ (Noun) [Punjabi] pear (fruit)
- ਨਾਖ (Noun) [Punjabi] pear tree
- ਨਾਸ਼ਪਾਤੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] pear (fruit)
- ਨਾਸ਼ਪਾਤੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] pear tree
- ਨਿੰਮ (Noun) [Punjabi] neem (Azadirachta indica)
- ਨੀਲ (Noun) [Punjabi] bruise
- ਪਟਸਨ (Noun) [Punjabi] nalta jute
- ਪਿਸਤਾ (Noun) [Punjabi] pistachio (tree and fruit)
- ਬਦਾਮ (Noun) [Punjabi] almond (tree and fruit)
- ਬਬੂਲ (Noun) [Punjabi] babul (Acacia arabica)
- ਬਲੂਤ (Noun) [Punjabi] oak
- ਬਿਲ (Noun) [Punjabi] bael (Aegle marmelos)
- ਬਿਹੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] quince (tree and fruit)
- ਬ੍ਰਾਹਮੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] Brahmi (script)
- ਭਿੰਡੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] okra
- ਮਰੂਆ (Noun) [Punjabi] virgate wormwood (Artemisia scoparia)
- ਮਰੂਆ (Noun) [Punjabi] sweet basil
- ਮਲੱਠੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] licorice root
- ਮਹਿੰਦੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] henna (plant and dye)
- ਮਹੂਆ (Noun) [Punjabi] mahua
- ਮਾਂਹ (Noun) [Punjabi] urad
- ਮੁਸੰਮੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] sweet lemon (Citrus limetta)
- ਮੁੰਗਫਲੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] peanut, groundnut
- ਮੁੰਗੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] mung bean
- ਮੇਥੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] fenugreek
- ਰਾਜਮਾਂਹ (Noun) [Punjabi] kidney bean
- ਰੱਤੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] jequirity bean
- ਲੋਬੀਆ (Noun) [Punjabi] cowpea, black-eyed pea
- ਸਣ (Noun) [Punjabi] brown hemp (Crotalaria juncea)
- ਸਰੂ (Noun) [Punjabi] fir, cypress, larch
- ਸ਼ਰੀਂਹ (Noun) [Punjabi] lebbek
- ਸ਼ਾਹ ਬਲੂਤ (Noun) [Punjabi] chestnut tree
- ਸਾਲ (Noun) [Punjabi] sal (Shorea robusta)
- ਸਿਆਲੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] Indian kudzu (Pueraria tuberosa)
- ਸੁਖਚੈਨ (Noun) [Punjabi] Indian beech (Millettia pinnata)
- ਸੇਬ (Noun) [Punjabi] apple (fruit)
- ਸੋਆ (Noun) [Punjabi] dill (Anethum graveolens)
- ਸੌਂਫ (Noun) [Punjabi] fennel (plant and seed)
- ਸੰਘਾੜਾ (Noun) [Punjabi] water caltrop
- ਹਿਨਾ (Noun) [Punjabi] henna (plant and dye)
- ᄆᆞᆯ망쉬 … 감탕나무 (13 senses)
- 강활 … 고수 (14 senses)
- 곰솔 … 꿀풀 (15 senses)
- 낑깡 … 독미나리 (20 senses)
- 동백 … 레몬 (10 senses)
- 리치 … 무두붉나무 (15 senses)
- 무환자 … 백량금 (18 senses)
- 백송 … 분비나무 (12 senses)
- 불수감 … 산초나무 (15 senses)
- 삼나무 … 소방목 (15 senses)
- 솔 … 오크라 (18 senses)
- 옻 … 자두나무 (17 senses)
- 자밀 … 종가시나무 (13 senses)
- 주목 … 칠엽수 (17 senses)
- 칡 … 파슬리 (12 senses)
- 팥 … 히어리 (23 senses)
- אַבוטילאָן … אבוקדו (12 senses)
- אגס … אפרסק (9 senses)
- ארז … ברותא (13 senses)
- גד … ויסטריה (11 senses)
- זאַלבע … יאָדלע (11 senses)
- כמונא … מילגרוים (11 senses)
- מינץ … נאָרדמאַן־יאָדלע (10 senses)
- נעגעלע … ענגלישער פֿעפֿער (9 senses)
- ענעס … פֿרייזער־יאָדלע (11 senses)
- פומלה … קיוויפֿרוכט (13 senses)
- קימל … ריזן־יאָדלע (9 senses)
- ריחן … תפוח (12 senses)
- かぼす (Noun) [Japanese] kabosu (citrus)
- まき (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of 高野槇 (kōyamaki, “Japanese umbrella-pine (Sciadopitys verticillata)”) or 犬槇 (inumaki, “yew plum pine (Podocarpus macrophyllus)”)
- ꦗꦼꦫꦸꦏ꧀ (Noun) [Javanese] citrus, lemon, orange
- ꦱꦒ (Noun) [Javanese] jequirity (Abrus precatorius)
- ಅಂಟವಾಳ (Noun) [Sholaga] soapnut tree
- ಕದಂಬ (Noun) [Kannada] kadam, common bur-flower tree (Neolamarckia cadamba, syn. Anthocephalus cadamba, Nauclea cadamba)
- ಕದಮ್ಬ (Noun) [Kannada] Alternative spelling of ಕದಂಬ (kadamba).
- ಕೊತ್ತಂಬರಿ (Noun) [Kannada] coriander
- ಬೆಲ್ಲೊಟ್ಟಿ (Noun) [Kannada] dhobi tree (Mussaenda frondosa)
- アカシア (Noun) [Japanese] acacia
- アテモヤ (Noun) [Japanese] atemoya
- アニス (Noun) [Japanese] anise, Pimpinella anisum
- アボカド (Noun) [Japanese] avocado
- インジゴ (Noun) [Japanese] indigo (dye)
- オクラ (Noun) [Japanese] okra (Abelmoschus esculentus), used as vegetable
- オリーブ (Noun) [Japanese] an olive (fruit)
- オレガノ (Noun) [Japanese] oregano
- オーク (Noun) [Japanese] oak (tree or shrub of the genus Quercus)
- カカオ (Noun) [Japanese] cacao (cacao tree or bean)
- カシュー (Noun) [Japanese] cashew (tree)
- カシューナッツ (Noun) [Japanese] cashew nut
- カムカム (Noun) [Japanese] camucamu (Myrciaria dubia)
- ガラナ (Noun) [Japanese] guarana
- キウイ (Noun) [Japanese] Alternative form of キーウィ (kīwi, “kiwi”)
- キウイフルーツ (Noun) [Japanese] a kiwi fruit
- キーウィ (Noun) [Japanese] a kiwi (bird)
- キーウィ (Noun) [Japanese] a kiwi fruit
- クランベリー (Noun) [Japanese] cranberry
- クローバー (Noun) [Japanese] clover, a member of genus Trifolium
- グアバ (Noun) [Japanese] guava, Psidium guajava (the fruit or the tree)
- グリーンピース (Proper name) [Japanese] Greenpeace
- ケネ (Noun) [Ainu] Alnus japonica (Japanese alder)
- コルク (Noun) [Japanese] cork (bark of the cork oak)
- コーヒーの木 (Noun) [Japanese] coffee plant, plant of genus Coffea
- サポジラ (Noun) [Japanese] sapodilla
- シクラメン (Noun) [Japanese] cyclamen
- シャムロック (Noun) [Japanese] shamrock
- ジャボチカバ (Noun) [Japanese] jaboticaba
- スイートピー (Noun) [Japanese] sweet pea
- セコイア (Noun) [Japanese] redwood tree, Sequoia sempervirens
- セロリ (Noun) [Japanese] celery
- タイム (Noun) [Japanese] time
- タイム (Noun) [Japanese] thyme, plants of genus Thymus
- タマリンド (Noun) [Japanese] tamarind
- チェリモヤ (Noun) [Japanese] the cherimoya tree: a subtropical tree, Annona cherimola, native to mountainous areas of South America
- ディル (Noun) [Japanese] dill (herb of the species Anethum graveolens)
- バオバブ (Noun) [Japanese] baobab
- バジル (Noun) [Japanese] basil (Ocimum basilicum)
- ヒマラヤ杉 (Noun) [Japanese] deodar, Cedrus deodara
- ピスタチオ (Noun) [Japanese] pistachio
- ピーナッツ (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of 落花生 (rakkasei, “peanut”)
- ピーナツ (Noun) [Japanese] Alternative form of ピーナッツ (pīnattsu, “peanut”)
- フクシア (Noun) [Japanese] fuchsia (plant)
- フクシア (Noun) [Japanese] fuchsia (color)
- フゲンゾウ (Noun) [Japanese] a cultivar of Prunus lannesiana
- フレアタネ (Noun) [Ainu] carrot
- ブルーベリー (Noun) [Japanese] blueberry
- ペパーミント (Noun) [Japanese] peppermint
- ポーポー (Noun) [Japanese] pawpaw (Asimina triloba)
- マンゴー (Noun) [Japanese] mango (fruit)
- ミント (Noun) [Japanese] mint (plant)
- メラルーカ (Noun) [Japanese] melaleuca
- モロヘイヤ (Noun) [Japanese] mulukhiyah, Corchorus olitorius
- ユーカリ (Noun) [Japanese] eucalyptus (any of many trees of genus Eucalyptus)
- ライム (Noun) [Japanese] rhyming; rhyme
- ライラック (Noun) [Japanese] lilac
- ライ豆 (Noun) [Japanese] lima bean
- ラベンダー (Noun) [Japanese] lavender (plant)
- ランブータン (Noun) [Japanese] rambutan
- リマビーン (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of ライ豆 (raimame, “lima bean”)
- リマ豆 (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of ライ豆 (raimame, “lima bean”)
- リラ (Noun) [Japanese] lilac (shrub)
- ルイボス (Noun) [Japanese] rooibos (Aspalathus linearis)
- レハムㇱ (Noun) [Ainu] crackerberry (Cornus canadensis)
- レモン (Noun) [Japanese] lemon
- レモンバーム (Noun) [Japanese] lemon balm
- កញ្ចុះ (Noun) [Khmer] a type of tree, Litsea umbellata, whose leaves are used medicinally
- កញ្ឆែត (Noun) [Khmer] the water mimosa, Neptunia oleracea
- កណិការ (Noun) [Khmer] a type of plant, Pterospermum acerifolium
- កណ្ដោល (Noun) [Khmer] the freshwater mangrove (Barringtonia acutangula)
- កំញាន (Noun) [Khmer] a kind of tree that produces aromatic resin (probably Styrax tonkinensis)
- កំពីងពួយ (Noun) [Khmer] the water primrose, Ludwigia adscendens
- ក្ទម្ព (Noun) [Khmer] kratom
- ក្រចាប់ (Noun) [Khmer] spur (horse prod attached to rider's heel)
- ក្រចេះ (Proper name) [Khmer] Kratié (a city, the capital city of Kratié, Cambodia)
- ក្រញូង (Noun) [Khmer] rosewood (Dalbergia cochinchinensis)
- ក្រសាំង (Noun) [Khmer] a type of tree, Feroniella lucida
- ក្រស្នា (Noun) [Khmer] a type of tree, Aquilaria agallorha, a source of agarwood
- ក្រឡាញ់ (Noun) [Khmer] velvet tamarind (Dialium cochinchinense)
- ខ្វិត (Noun) [Khmer] wood apple (Limonia acidissima)
- គ (Noun) [Khmer] kapok (Ceiba pentandra)
- គគីរ (Noun) [Khmer] A kind of tree that is a member of genera Hopea or Shorea, used for construction
- ឃ្លង់ (Noun) [Khmer] a type of tree, Dipterocarpus tuberculatus
- ចន្ទគិរី (Noun) [Khmer] rain tree, Samanea saman
- ច្បា (Noun) [Khmer] the red hibiscus, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
- ជន្លូស (Noun) [Khmer] a type of tree, Erioglossum rubiginosum or Lepisanthes rubiginosa
- ជើងគោ (Noun) [Khmer] ~ the Malabar orchid tree (Piliostigma malabaricum)
- ឈូក (Noun) [Khmer] lotus (Nelumbo nucifera)
- ឈើអែម (Noun) [Khmer] licorice tree (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
- ញ (Noun) [Khmer] the noni (Morinda citrifolia)
- ដកខិម (Noun) [Khmer] ixora
- ដង្ហិត (Noun) [Khmer] a kind of medicinal plant having yellow flowers, Senna alata
- ដើមប្រេងខ្យល់ (Noun) [Khmer] eucalyptus
- ត្រចៀកក្រាញ់ (Noun) [Khmer] Asiatic pennywort (Centella asiatica)
- ត្រាច (Noun) [Khmer] A kind of tree used for shipbuilding and for its flammable resin, Dipterocarpus intricatus
- ត្អូ (Noun) [Khmer] a type of tree, Terminalia chebula
- ថ្កូវ (Noun) [Khmer] kadam (Neolamarckia cadamba)
- ទាល (Noun) [Khmer] the resin tree (Dipterocarpus alatus)
- ទៀប (Noun) [Khmer] custard apple (Annona squamosa)
- បេង (Noun) [Khmer] A type of hardwood, (Afzelia xylocarpa)
- ព្កុល (Noun) [Khmer] the bulletwood tree (Mimusops elengi)
- ព្នៅ (Noun) [Khmer] bael (Aegle marmelos)
- ព្រីង (Noun) [Khmer] the jambul (Syzygium cumini) and its fruit
- ភ្លាំង (Noun) [Khmer] a small fruit tree of species Glycosmis pentaphylla
- មក្លឿ (Noun) [Khmer] a kind of tree, Diospyros mollis, which has fruit that produce a black dye
- មាក់បាត (Noun) [Khmer] custard apple (Annona reticulata)
- មៀន (Noun) [Khmer] longan
- ម៉ៃស័ក (Noun) [Khmer] teak
- ម្កាក់ (Noun) [Khmer] June plum (Spondias dulcis)
- ម្លិះ (Noun) [Khmer] jasmine (Jasminum sambac)
- រលួស (Noun) [Khmer] the coral tree (Erythrina orientalis)
- រាំងភ្នំ (Noun) [Khmer] A type of tree (Shorea siamensis)
- ល្ង (Noun) [Khmer] sesame (Sesamum indicum)
- ល្ហុង (Noun) [Khmer] papaya (Carica papaya)
- ល្ហុង (Noun) [Khmer] castor oil plant (Ricinus communis)
- ល្ហុង (Noun) [Khmer] kind of mango
- សម្រក (Noun) [Khmer] the swamp phalsa (Grewia urenaefolia)
- សាល (Noun) [Khmer] sal tree or its wood (a hardwood tree, Shorea robusta)
- សាវម៉ាវ (Noun) [Khmer] rambutan
- សេដា (Noun) [Khmer] canistel
- សំបួរ (Noun) [Khmer] soap acacia, also known as shikakai (Acacia concinna)
- សំរង (Noun) [Khmer] Scaphium affine
- ស្ដៅ (Noun) [Khmer] neem tree (Azadirachta indica)
- ស្នោ (Noun) [Khmer] the sasbania pea, Sesbania javanica
- ស្រល់ (Noun) [Khmer] pine tree (either Pinus roxburghii or Pinus merkusii)
- ស្រឡៅ (Noun) [Khmer] sralao (Lagerstroemia calyculata, a species of crape myrtle)
- ស្វាយ (Noun) [Khmer] mango
- ឡាវេនឌឺ (Noun) [Khmer] lavender
- អង្គញ់ (Noun) [Khmer] a type of vine (Entada phaseoloides) from which pods containing large black or maroon seeds are obtained. These seeds are used in playing a popular children's game.
- អង្គាដី (Noun) [Khmer] the vegetable hummingbird, Sesbania grandiflora
- អាវ៉ូកាត៍ (Noun) [Khmer] lawyer
- អាវ៉ូកាត៍ (Noun) [Khmer] avocado
- ឥន្ទនេល (Noun) [Khmer] the banaba tree, Lagerstroemia speciosa
- അമ്പഴം (Noun) [Malayalam] common hog plum (Spondias pinnata, syn. S. mangifera)
- അമ്പാഴം (Noun) [Malayalam] Alternative form of അമ്പഴം (ampaḻaṁ)
- ഇരുപ്പ (Noun) [Malayalam] mahwa tree, butter tree (Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia, syn. Bassia latifolia)
- ഇലിപ്പ (Noun) [Malayalam] mahwa tree, butter tree (Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia, syn. Bassia latifolia)
- എള്ള് (Noun) [Malayalam] sesame, Sesamum indicum, a plant bearing small black seeds used as food and as a source of oil
- ഓർമോസിയ (Noun) [Malayalam] ormosia (Ormosia spp.) (certain trees)
- കടമ്പു (Noun) [Malayalam] kadam, common bur-flower tree (Neolamarckia cadamba, syn. Nauclea cadamba)
- ചതകുപ്പ (Noun) [Malayalam] dill (Anethum graveolens)
- ചെറുനാരങ്ങ (Noun) [Malayalam] lemon (citrus fruit)
- ചെറുപയർ (Noun) [Malayalam] mung bean
- ജോവെല്ലാന (Noun) [Malayalam] jovellana (Jovellana species plants)
- നാരങ്ങ (Noun) [Malayalam] citrus fruit
- നൂവ് (Noun) [Malayalam] sesame, Sesamum indicum, a plant bearing small flat seeds used as food and as a source of oil
- പയർ (Noun) [Malayalam] beans
- പാലികുരിയ (Noun) [Malayalam] palicourea (Palicourea genus plants)
- പാവട്ട (Noun) [Malayalam] white pavetta (Pavetta indica)
- മുസംബി (Noun) [Malayalam] mousambi, sweet lime
- റോഡഡെൻഡ്രൺ (Noun) [Malayalam] rhododendron (Rhododendron species plants)
- വച്ചേലിയ (Noun) [Malayalam] vachellia (Vachellia genus plants)
- വെള്ളില (Noun) [Malayalam] dhobi tree (Mussaenda frondosa)
- ကနခို … ကြောင်လျှာ (9 senses)
- ခရေ … ဆင်ခေါင်းပဲ (10 senses)
- ဆီး … ထနောင်း (9 senses)
- ထိမ် … ပဲကျပ်ပျဉ် (10 senses)
- ပဲကျား … ပဲထောပတ် (10 senses)
- ပဲဒလက် … ပျဉ်းကတိုး (10 senses)
- ပျဉ်းမ … မန်ကျည်း (11 senses)
- မယ်ဇယ် … ယင်းမာ (11 senses)
- ယမနေ … လေးညှင်းပွင့် (10 senses)
- သင်ပန်း … သစ်ဆိမ့် (9 senses)
- သစ်တို … ၜဝ်ကဒါတ် (15 senses)
- ᦷᦏᧈ (Noun) [Lü] bean
- କଇଥ (Noun) [Odia] wood apple, elephant apple (Limonia acidissima syn. Feronia elephantum)
- କପିତ (Noun) [Odia] wood apple, elephant apple (Limonia acidissima syn. Feronia elephantum)
- ଗୁଇଁଜ୍ (Noun) [Odia] jequirity bean, rosary pea, crab's eye (Abrus precatorius)
- ଜମ୍ବୁ (Noun) [Odia] rose apple, Syzygium jambos
- ଦେବଦାରୁ (Noun) [Odia] deodar (Cedrus deodara)
- ବବୁର (Noun) [Odia] babul (Acacia arabica)
- ବେଲ (Noun) [Odia] bael fruit tree, bel, Bengal quince (Aegle marmelos)
- ହିଙ୍ଗୁ (Noun) [Odia] asafoetida
- ହେଙ୍ଗୁ (Noun) [Odia] alternative form of ହିଙ୍ଗୁ (hiṅgu)
- 𐤂𐤃 (Noun) [Punic] coriander
- 𐤂𐤆𐤓 (Noun) [Punic] earthnut, kippernut
- 𐤊𐤌𐤍 (Noun) [Punic] cumin
- අවරිය (Noun) [Sinhalese] indigo
- කුරුඳු (Noun) [Sinhalese] cinnamon, Ceylon cinnamon tree (Cinnamomum verum J.Presl, syn. C. zeylanicum Blume)
- කොත්තමල්ලි (Noun) [Sinhalese] coriander
- ගොටුකොල (Noun) [Sinhalese] pennywort, gotu kola (Centella asiatica, syn. Hydrocotyle asiatica)
- දිවුල් (Noun) [Sinhalese] wood apple, elephant apple (Limonia acidissima, syn. Feronia elephantum)
- පාවට්ටා (Noun) [Sinhalese] Pavetta indica
- පෙරුංකායම් (Noun) [Sinhalese] asafoetida
- බණ්ඩක්කා (Noun) [Sinhalese] okra (Abelmoschus esculentus, syn. Hibiscus esculentus)
- බෙලි (Noun) [Sinhalese] bael fruit tree, bel, Bengal quince (Aegle marmelos); also its fruit.
- මුස්සැන්ද (Noun) [Sinhalese] dhobi tree (Mussaenda frondosa L.); the first Mussaenda species described by C. Linnaeus in Species Plantarum, which is the origin of modern botanical nomenclature.
- හණ (Noun) [Sinhalese] hemp, sunn
- හල්මිල්ල (Noun) [Sinhalese] Trincomalee wood (Berrya cordifolia, syn. B. ammonilla)
- හීන් ගොටුකොල (Noun) [Sinhalese] pennywort, gotu kola (Centella asiatica, syn. Hydrocotyle asiatica)
- ꠀꠖꠣ ꠎꠣꠝꠤꠞ (Noun) [Sylheti] a citrus native to Sylhet region of Bangladesh and India.
- ꠇꠝ꠆ꠟꠣ (Noun) [Sylheti] mandarin orange (the fruit)
- ꠇꠦꠅꠟꠣ (Noun) [Sylheti] a citrus that is not as sweet as mandarin orange and not as bitter as amla.
- ꠎꠣꠞꠣ (Noun) [Sylheti] a citrus native to Sylhet region of Bangladesh and India.
- ꠝꠣꠔ꠆ꠔꠥ (Noun) [Sylheti] a citrus native to Sylhet region of Bangladesh and India.
- ꠝꠣꠟ꠆ꠐꠣ (Noun) [Sylheti] a citrus fruit
- ꠟꠦꠝ꠆ꠛꠥ (Noun) [Sylheti] citrus
- ꠡꠣꠍꠘꠤ (Noun) [Sylheti] a citrus native to Sylhet region of Bangladesh and India.
- ꠢꠣꠔꠇꠞꠣ (Noun) [Sylheti] Cabuyao, Melanesian papeda, wild orange
- அகரு … ஆடாதோடை (7 senses)
- ஆத்தி … கடம்பு (12 senses)
- கடு … கிராம்பு (6 senses)
- கும்பி … கோடகசாலை (11 senses)
- சகசரி … சல்லரி (8 senses)
- சல்லி … செஞ்சந்தனம் (9 senses)
- செம்முள்ளி … நறுவல்லி (10 senses)
- நாவல் … பஞ்சு (7 senses)
- பலாசம் … மலைக்கொய்யா (12 senses)
- மல்லி … வல்லாரை (7 senses)
- வாகை … வெள்ளைப்போளம் (7 senses)
- అడివిమామిడి (Noun) [Telugu] common hog plum, wild mango (Spondias pinnata, syn. S. mangifera)
- ఇప్ప (Noun) [Telugu] mahua tree, butter tree (Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia, syn. Bassia latifolia)
- ఇప్పచెట్టు (Noun) [Telugu] the butter tree, or mahwa tree (Madhuca longifolia)
- కదంబము (Noun) [Telugu] kadam, common bur-flower tree (Neolamarckia cadamba, syn. Nauclea cadamba)
- కొండమామిడి (Noun) [Telugu] common hog plum (Spondias pinnata, syn. S. mangifera) (lit. hill mango)
- గిరిసెము (Noun) [Telugu] lebbeck (Albizia lebbeck)
- జమ్మి (Noun) [Telugu] a tree of the species Acacia polyacantha (syn. Mimosa suma) or Prosopis cineraria (syn. Prosopis spicigera)
- జమ్మిచెట్టు (Noun) [Telugu] a tree called Prosopis cineraria
- జామచెట్టు (Noun) [Telugu] guava tree
- తుమ్మ (Noun) [Telugu] the babul tree, Vachellia nilotica, formerly Acacia arabica, which produces gum arabic
- తెల్లతుమ్మ (Noun) [Telugu] kind of babul tree, Acasia leucoploea
- తొగరు (Noun) [Telugu] Indian mulberry called Morinda citrifolia
- దేవదారువు (Noun) [Telugu] Cedrus deodara
- దేవదారువు (Noun) [Telugu] dealwood
- నల్లతుమ్మ (Noun) [Telugu] type of babul tree: Vachellia nilotica, formerly Acacia arabica
- నవమల్లిక (Noun) [Telugu] double jasmine
- నాగతుమ్మ (Noun) [Telugu] a kind of babul tree (Vachellia farnesiana, syn. Acacia farnesiana)
- నింబము (Noun) [Telugu] the margosa tree
- పొగడ (Noun) [Telugu] the tree called bulletwood (Mimusops elengi)
- మల్లిక (Proper name) [Telugu] a female given name
- మామిడిచెట్టు (Noun) [Telugu] mango tree
- లవంగము (Noun) [Telugu] a clove (Syzygium aromaticum)
- వకుళము (Noun) [Telugu] Spanish cherry, bulletwood, tanjong tree, (Indian) medlar (Mimusops elengi)
- వేప (Noun) [Telugu] neem
- వేపచెట్టు (Noun) [Telugu] the margosa tree
- శిరీషము (Noun) [Telugu] lebbeck (Albizia lebbeck)
- ނިޔަނދުރު (Noun) [Dhivehi] citrus fruit
- ރަންބުސްތާނު (Noun) [Dhivehi] rambutan
- ބަނބުޅަބޮސް (Noun) [Dhivehi] shaddock, pomelo, pompelmous
- ކޮތަނބިރި (Noun) [Dhivehi] coriander, Chinese parsley
- އާޑައްތޮޑަ (Noun) [Dhivehi] Malabar nut
- އޮށަނި (Noun) [Dhivehi] thorn apple
- މަދޮށި (Noun) [Dhivehi] coralwood
- ފޭރު (Noun) [Dhivehi] weaver
- กระถิน (Noun) [Thai] white leadtree (Leucaena leucocephala)
- กระเจี๊ยบ (Noun) [Thai] okra.
- กระเจี๊ยบมอญ (Noun) [Thai] okra (Abelmoschus esculentus, syn. Hibiscus esculentus)
- ขจร (Noun) [Thai] Chinese violet the plant Telosma cordata of the family Apocynaceae.
- ตะเคียน (Noun) [Thai] Hopea odorata.
- ถั่วฝักยาว (Noun) [Thai] yardlong bean (Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis).
- ถุงมือจิ้งจอก (Noun) [Thai] foxglove
- ประดู่ (Noun) [Thai] Pterocarpus macrocarpus
- ผลต้นโอ๊ก (Noun) [Thai] acorn.
- มะตูม (Noun) [Thai] bael, Aegle marmelos.
- มือ (Noun) [Thai] (ส้ม~) fingered citron, the plant Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis of the family Rutaceae; the fruit of this plant.
- ลัดวิเจีย (Noun) [Thai] Any plant of the genus Ludwigia.
- ลูพิน (Noun) [Thai] lupin (plant of the genus Lupinus)
- สมอ (Noun) [Thai] Terminalia.
- สมอพิเภก (Noun) [Thai] beleric myrobalan, Siamese terminalia, Terminalia bellirica.
- สะตอ (Noun) [Thai] stink bean; bitter bean (Parkia speciosa).
- สันดาน (Noun) [Thai] (ส้ม~) Any of species Cissus hastata, certain orange treebines of the family Vitaceae, known for their acid-tasting leaves, which are used in traditional medicine.
- ส้มป่อย (Noun) [Thai] Senegalia rugata (syn. Acacia concinna)
- ส้มเช้ง (Noun) [Thai] sweet orange.
- หูกวาง (Noun) [Thai] Indian almond.
- อาโวคาโด (Noun) [Thai] avocado.
- เขียวหวาน (Noun) [Thai] a cultivar of the mandarin orange whose fruits have green, flat skin with sweet, orange flesh inside.
- เช้ง (Noun) [Thai] sweet orange.
- โอ (Noun) [Thai] pomelo: Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merr. of the family Rutaceae.
- ไม้พุ่ม (Noun) [Thai] bush, shrub.
- ཏིལ (Noun) [Tibetan] sesame, sesame seed
- ཏོང་ཕུ (Noun) [Kurtöp] pine
- ན́མ (Noun) [Kurtöp] perilla
- རྒྱ་ཤུག (Noun) [Tibetan] jujube, Chinese date (Ziziphus jujuba)
- ⴰⴱⴰⵖⵓⵔ (Noun) [Moroccan Amazigh] fennel
- ⴰⴱⴰⵡ (Noun) [Moroccan Amazigh] fava beans
- ⴰⵡⵔⵎⵉ (Noun) [Tashelhit] rue (a plant, Ruta spp.)
- ⴰⵣⵉⵔ (Noun) [Tashelhit] rosemary (an herb, (Salvia rosmarinus, syn. Rosmarinus officinalis))
- ⴰⵣⵓⴽⵏⵏⵉ (Noun) [Tashelhit] wild thyme (Thymus serpyllum)
- 𐎀𐎍𐎐 (Noun) [Ugaritic] oak
- 𐎍𐎗𐎎𐎐 (Noun) [Ugaritic] pomegranate
- 𑢮𑣉𑣎𑣉 (Noun) [Ho] tamarind.
- 'akawat … ܐܣܦܪܓܠܐ (12 senses)
- ܐܪܙܐ … ܚܒܨܐ (16 senses)
- ܚܓܐ … ܟܘܣܒܪܬܐ (8 senses)
- ܟܢܪܐ … ܦܝܓܢܐ (15 senses)
- ܦܥܪܐ … अग्नि (15 senses)
- अजमो … आम्र (13 senses)
- आलू … कपित्थ (9 senses)
- कळंब … ग्वार (16 senses)
- चणक … तेजपत्ता (14 senses)
- दलहन … नेत्रोपम (10 senses)
- परुषक … बेदीना (15 senses)
- बेर … मातुलुंग (12 senses)
- माष … लोबिया (12 senses)
- वज्र … 🍁 (17 senses)
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