porcukor (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: porcukor
fejőstehén (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: fejőstehén
fejés (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: fejés
fejő (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: fejő
fejős (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: fejős
fejőszék (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: fejőszék
növendék (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: növendék
nudli (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: nudli
latyak (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: latyak
lakáj (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: lakáj
lajdinánt (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: lajdinánt
intő (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: intő
-itás (Hungarian suffix) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: -itás
kouign (Breton noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: kouign
riporter (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: riporter
kenyérbolt (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kenyérbolt
Enikő (Hungarian proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Enikő
sárgaláz (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: sárgaláz
Rusiya (Azerbaijani proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: Rusiya
izzó (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: izzó
Benedek (Hungarian proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Benedek
Ferkó (Hungarian proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Ferkó
toportyánféreg (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: toportyánféreg
kurázsi (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kurázsi
homár (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: homár
flastrom (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: flastrom
macskaeledel (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: macskaeledel
lurkó (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: lurkó
remekmű (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: remekmű
briliáns (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: briliáns
mestermű (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: mestermű
zöldséges (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: zöldséges
nyél (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: nyél
terpentin (Swedish noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 77, detected on line 77Path: terpentin
rőzse (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: rőzse
pw (Egyptian determiner) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 184, detected on line 184Path: pw
pw (Egyptian determiner) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 115, detected on line 115Path: pw
arszlán (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: arszlán
bodnár (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: bodnár
Lipeck (Hungarian proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Lipeck
lóvé (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: lóvé
apatit (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: apatit
apatit (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 90, detected on line 90Path: apatit
Hokkaidó (Hungarian proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Hokkaidó
csempészet (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: csempészet
moréna (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: moréna
utánégető (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: utánégető
bőrgyulladás (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: bőrgyulladás
narrátor (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: narrátor
mellékutca (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: mellékutca
földteke (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: földteke
fí (Irish noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 5, detected on line 5Path: fí
théta (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: théta
oltvány (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: oltvány
rebellió (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: rebellió
sarokház (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: sarokház
hinduşka (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: hinduşka
seir (Old Irish noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: seir
pluo (Welsh verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 231, detected on line 231Path: pluo
máglyarakás (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: máglyarakás
aranygaluska (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: aranygaluska
aprósütemény (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: aprósütemény
étkező (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: étkező
krémes (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: krémes
franciakrémes (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: franciakrémes
kürtőskalács (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kürtőskalács
misneach (Irish noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: misneach
tabe (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: tabe
segéd (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: segéd
segéd (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 92, detected on line 92Path: segéd
ulti (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: ulti
skopat (Czech verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 90, detected on line 90Path: skopat
egyenlítő (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: egyenlítő
karácsonyeste (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: karácsonyeste
fehérarany (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: fehérarany
hóbagoly (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: hóbagoly
fűrészpor (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: fűrészpor
fagyöngy (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: fagyöngy
panoráma (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: panoráma
hitelszámla (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: hitelszámla
komputerközpont (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: komputerközpont
számítógépközpont (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: számítógépközpont
bankkártya (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: bankkártya
folyószámla (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: folyószámla
devizaszámla (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: devizaszámla
alapkamat (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: alapkamat
betétszámla (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: betétszámla
számlakivonat (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: számlakivonat
poháralátét (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: poháralátét
Csokonai (Hungarian proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Csokonai
gilik (Old Saxon adjective) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 254, detected on line 254Path: gilik
gilik (Old Saxon adjective) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 109, detected on line 109Path: gilik
pulya (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: pulya
szájhős (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: szájhős
számla (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: számla
smaragdvaránusz (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: smaragdvaránusz
veszedelem (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: veszedelem
kozmosz (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kozmosz
büfé (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: büfé
Marci (Hungarian proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Marci
elégtétel (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: elégtétel
ugyanilyen (Hungarian pronoun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 243, detected on line 243Path: ugyanilyen
ugyanolyan (Hungarian pronoun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 243, detected on line 243Path: ugyanolyan
ficsúr (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: ficsúr
fáta (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: fáta
megye (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: megye
lidérc (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: lidérc
némber (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: némber
felcser (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: felcser
szörp (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: szörp
betörő (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: betörő
savad (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: savad
ур (Northern Mansi noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 125, detected on line 125Path: ур
növés (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: növés
keverék (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: keverék
kurafi (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kurafi
𐍅𐌹𐍄 (Gothic pronoun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 3, detected on line 3Path: 𐍅𐌹𐍄
𐌾𐌿𐍄 (Gothic pronoun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: 𐌾𐌿𐍄
𐌼𐌴𐌹𐌽𐍃 (Gothic determiner) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 59, detected on line 59Path: 𐌼𐌴𐌹𐌽𐍃
𐍃𐌴𐌹𐌽𐍃 (Gothic determiner) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: 𐍃𐌴𐌹𐌽𐍃
Reconstruction:Gothic/𐌿𐌲𐌺𐌰𐍂 (Gothic determiner) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: Reconstruction:Gothic/𐌿𐌲𐌺𐌰𐍂
𐌹𐌲𐌵𐌰𐍂 (Gothic determiner) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 59, detected on line 59Path: 𐌹𐌲𐌵𐌰𐍂
𐌿𐌽𐍃𐌰𐍂 (Gothic determiner) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: 𐌿𐌽𐍃𐌰𐍂
𐌹𐌶𐍅𐌰𐍂 (Gothic determiner) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: 𐌹𐌶𐍅𐌰𐍂
őrnagy (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: őrnagy
hozó (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: hozó
baakʼ (Yucatec Maya verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 5, detected on line 5Path: baakʼ
baakʼ (Yucatec Maya verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 3, detected on line 5Path: baakʼ
baats' (Yucatec Maya verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 5, detected on line 5Path: baats'
baats' (Yucatec Maya verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 3, detected on line 5Path: baats'
baax (Yucatec Maya verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 5, detected on line 5Path: baax
baax (Yucatec Maya verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 3, detected on line 5Path: baax
Ó (Hungarian letter) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Ó
Ü (Hungarian letter) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Ü
zendülés (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: zendülés
szerelő (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: szerelő
A-dúr (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: A-dúr
vonzat (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: vonzat
ihlet (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: ihlet
mosdó (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: mosdó
milícia (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: milícia
şir (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: şir
memóriakártya (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: memóriakártya
péló (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: péló
színpompa (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: színpompa
mérce (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: mérce
kettősség (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kettősség
kettőshangzó (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kettőshangzó
telep (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: telep
hópárduc (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: hópárduc
szelídgesztenye (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: szelídgesztenye
szelídgesztenyefa (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: szelídgesztenyefa
kréta (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kréta
kimenetel (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kimenetel
bojár (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: bojár
szende (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: szende
szemérem (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: szemérem
vandalizmus (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: vandalizmus
nyilvánosház (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: nyilvánosház
γεροντότερος (Greek adjective) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: γεροντότερος
topánka (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: topánka
vádli (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: vádli
osztályzat (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: osztályzat
féleszű (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: féleszű
minbər (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: minbər
mehrab (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: mehrab
moş (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: moş
műemlék (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: műemlék
geci (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: geci
bandikut (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: bandikut
гол (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: гол
parallaxis (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: parallaxis
mohóság (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: mohóság
-naðr (Old Norse suffix) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 5Path: -naðr
kőpad (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kőpad
-aðr (Old Norse suffix) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 5Path: -aðr
jätkänsakki (Finnish noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 3Path: jätkänsakki
verőfény (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: verőfény
kerékzörgés (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kerékzörgés
humorérzék (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: humorérzék
haneru (Welsh verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 231, detected on line 231Path: haneru
dugipénz (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: dugipénz
sintó (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: sintó
գոհացնել (Armenian verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 528, detected on line 528Path: գոհացնել
գոհացնել (Armenian verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 77, detected on line 77Path: գոհացնել
գոհացնել (Armenian verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 500, detected on line 500Path: գոհացնել
lelkiismeret-furdalás (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: lelkiismeret-furdalás
nüfuz (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: nüfuz
qılınc (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: qılınc
шамшер (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: шамшер
ovçu (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: ovçu
tanonc (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: tanonc
cənnət (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: cənnət
həqiqət (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: həqiqət
szaruhártya (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: szaruhártya
recehártya (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: recehártya
szivárványhártya (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: szivárványhártya
szemlencse (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: szemlencse
cəsəd (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: cəsəd
dindar (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: dindar
fecskesirály (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: fecskesirály
partifecske (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: partifecske
molnárfecske (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: molnárfecske
sarlósfecske (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: sarlósfecske
karvalybagoly (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: karvalybagoly
portéka (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: portéka
hajgumi (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: hajgumi
bakir (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: bakir
qardaşlıq (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: qardaşlıq
minik (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: minik
boszorka (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: boszorka
qismət (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: qismət
felkar (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: felkar
trolibusz (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: trolibusz
vasvilla (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: vasvilla
محافظ (Urdu noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 57, detected on line 57Path: محافظ
rétesliszt (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: rétesliszt
kazal (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 92, detected on line 92Path: kazal
kazal (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kazal
műveltség (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: műveltség
műcsarnok (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: műcsarnok
asbeir (Old Irish verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 41, detected on line 41Path: asbeir
ҷустуҷӯ (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: ҷустуҷӯ
ҳамҷинсгаро (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 128, detected on line 128Path: ҳамҷинсгаро
дигарҷинсгаро (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 128, detected on line 128Path: дигарҷинсгаро
дуҷинсгаро (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 128, detected on line 128Path: дуҷинсгаро
ҷавон (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 128, detected on line 128Path: ҷавон
hódolat (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: hódolat
одат (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 128, detected on line 128Path: одат
gőzhajó (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: gőzhajó
türkiz (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: türkiz
tárgyalóterem (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: tárgyalóterem
tárgyaló (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: tárgyaló
mellékcselekmény (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: mellékcselekmény
faragás (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: faragás
jegyzettömb (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: jegyzettömb
зиндагӣ (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: зиндагӣ
dóthain (Irish noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 5, detected on line 5Path: dóthain
jnk (Egyptian pronoun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 265, detected on line 265Path: jnk
jnk (Egyptian pronoun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 264, detected on line 264Path: jnk
alça (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: alça
kegy (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kegy
kegyenc (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kegyenc
párkány (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: párkány
könyöklő (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: könyöklő
alattvaló (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: alattvaló
kicsoda (Hungarian pronoun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kicsoda
söröző (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: söröző
pimasz (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: pimasz
verdummen (Low German verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 3, detected on line 3Path: verdummen
stíl (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: stíl
غوول (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 80, detected on line 81Path: غوول
غوول (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 79, detected on line 79Path: غوول
غوول (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 78, detected on line 79Path: غوول
غوول (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: غوول
غوول (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 61, detected on line 61Path: غوول
غوول (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 61Path: غوول
غوول (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: غوول
javasasszony (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: javasasszony
láncfűrész (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: láncfűrész
vízvezeték-szerelő (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: vízvezeték-szerelő
ҳашара (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 128, detected on line 128Path: ҳашара
шимол (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: шимол
hűség (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: hűség
cigánypecsenye (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: cigánypecsenye
pecsenye (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: pecsenye
ipartelep (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: ipartelep
bozbaş (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: bozbaş
kaláka (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kaláka
kéró (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kéró
քարշել (Armenian verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 528, detected on line 528Path: քարշել
քարոզել (Armenian verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 528, detected on line 528Path: քարոզել
robotos (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: robotos
talko (Swedish noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 32, detected on line 32Path: talko
sokadalom (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: sokadalom
քծնել (Armenian verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 528, detected on line 528Path: քծնել
քննադատել (Armenian verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 528, detected on line 528Path: քննադատել
քննարկել (Armenian verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 528, detected on line 528Path: քննարկել
kálvária (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kálvária
heverő (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: heverő
tocio (Welsh verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 81, detected on line 81Path: tocio
sizį́ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: sizį́
tövis (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: tövis
csokoládéfagylalt (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: csokoládéfagylalt
diótorta (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: diótorta
áireamh (Irish noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 3, detected on line 3Path: áireamh
aireamh (Irish noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: aireamh
dobostorta (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: dobostorta
berakás (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: berakás
küldöttség (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: küldöttség
maródi (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 243, detected on line 243Path: maródi
kacor (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kacor
kacor (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kacor
фарҳанг (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: фарҳанг
քոչել (Armenian verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 528, detected on line 528Path: քոչել
kikerics (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kikerics
paxlava (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: paxlava
փլել (Armenian verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 528, detected on line 528Path: փլել
փոխարինել (Armenian verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 528, detected on line 528Path: փոխարինել
bulaq (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: bulaq
ösztöndíj (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: ösztöndíj
jurnal (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: jurnal
pok (Breton noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: pok
szótag (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: szótag
biciklis (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: biciklis
pinyata (Turkish noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 1, detected on line 1Path: pinyata
orsó (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: orsó
orsócsont (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: orsócsont
utcalány (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: utcalány
sarkantyú (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: sarkantyú
málé (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: málé
málé (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: málé
mamuz (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: mamuz
tarlatán (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: tarlatán
körlinq (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: körlinq
xəncər (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: xəncər
ováció (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: ováció
adattípus (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: adattípus
nizam (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: nizam
майдон (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: майдон
Dél-Szudán (Hungarian proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Dél-Szudán
Szudán (Hungarian proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Szudán
ródlidomb (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: ródlidomb
ródli (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: ródli
iudiņs (Latgalian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 101, detected on line 101Path: iudiņs
peç (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: peç
sparhelt (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: sparhelt
Papp (Hungarian proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Papp
Vas (Hungarian proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Vas
macar (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: macar
ապաշխարել (Armenian verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 528, detected on line 528Path: ապաշխարել
արհամարհել (Armenian verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 528, detected on line 528Path: արհամարհել
áradat (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: áradat
mezventi (Breton noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: mezventi
հեղեղել (Armenian verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 528, detected on line 528Path: հեղեղել
գիշատել (Armenian verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 528, detected on line 528Path: գիշատել
saiget (top-level) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 26, detected on line 27Path: saiget
warg (Elfdalian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: warg
гуноҳ (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: гуноҳ
тақсир (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: тақсир
хабар (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 128, detected on line 128Path: хабар
ранг (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: ранг
munkanap (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: munkanap
kegin (Breton noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: kegin
szülőváros (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: szülőváros
gyomorégés (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: gyomorégés
modernizáció (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: modernizáció
objektivitás (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: objektivitás
ajánlólevél (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: ajánlólevél
agyrázkódás (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: agyrázkódás
ravatal (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: ravatal
hűtőtáska (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: hűtőtáska
hil (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: hil
fejlődésregény (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: fejlődésregény
recenzió (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: recenzió
padlódeszka (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: padlódeszka
könyvklub (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: könyvklub
véna (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: véna
sapan (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: sapan
csevegés (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: csevegés
csicsergés (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: csicsergés
csontkollekció (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: csontkollekció
csoportelmélet (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: csoportelmélet
Lilla (Hungarian proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Lilla
çavuş (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: çavuş
sağrı (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: sağrı
magyartanár (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: magyartanár
çizgili (Turkish adjective) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 228, detected on line 228Path: çizgili
Polinézia (Hungarian proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Polinézia
eskü (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: eskü
orrnyereg (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: orrnyereg
lagúna (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: lagúna
vasmacska (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: vasmacska
negyedfél (Hungarian numeral) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: negyedfél
lomb (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: lomb
gödi (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: gödi
Győr (Hungarian proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Győr
Szeged (Hungarian proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Szeged
Nyíregyháza (Hungarian proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Nyíregyháza
Miskolc (Hungarian proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Miskolc
Tatabánya (Hungarian proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Tatabánya
Sopron (Hungarian proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Sopron
Kecskemét (Hungarian proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Kecskemét
frjór (Old Norse adjective) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 5Path: frjór
նազել (Armenian verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 528, detected on line 528Path: նազել
պաշտել (Armenian verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 528, detected on line 528Path: պաշտել
morva (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: morva
aoibhneas (Irish noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: aoibhneas
cala goeg (Welsh noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 3Path: cala goeg
leagan (Irish noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 5, detected on line 5Path: leagan
parodista (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: parodista
aisné (Old French noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: aisné
psixoterapiya (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: psixoterapiya
stimuláció (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: stimuláció
volvox (English noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 5Path: volvox
volvox (English noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 5Path: volvox
маърифат (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: маърифат
Monqolustan (Azerbaijani proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: Monqolustan
Qırğızıstan (Azerbaijani proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: Qırğızıstan
Özbəkistan (Azerbaijani proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: Özbəkistan
Türkmənistan (Azerbaijani proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: Türkmənistan
tejtermék (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: tejtermék
kravátli (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kravátli
uzsora (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: uzsora
uzsorás (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: uzsorás
segély (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: segély
pántlika (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: pántlika
pántli (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: pántli
kéregető (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kéregető
kéregetés (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kéregetés
tacskó (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: tacskó
fogadós (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: fogadós
fogadósné (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: fogadósné
lóversenypálya (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: lóversenypálya
rongyszedő (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: rongyszedő
rongyrázás (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: rongyrázás
vásárfia (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: vásárfia
szedő (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: szedő
hangszedő (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: hangszedő
rázás (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: rázás
eilit (Irish noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: eilit
küll (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: küll
tangó (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: tangó
tb (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: tb
ószeres (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: ószeres
ószer (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: ószer
zsib (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: zsib
uçurum (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: uçurum
lestyán (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: lestyán
dajka (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: dajka
dagonya (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: dagonya
dagonyázás (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: dagonyázás
𐍄𐍅𐌰𐌹 (Gothic numeral) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 3, detected on line 3Path: 𐍄𐍅𐌰𐌹
búvár (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: búvár
Erk (Hungarian proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Erk
Tura (Hungarian proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Tura
шаҷар (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 128, detected on line 128Path: шаҷар
disznóság (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: disznóság
kérdőív (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kérdőív
szerencsesüti (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: szerencsesüti
hərf (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: hərf
személyjel (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: személyjel
trapp (Swedish noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 34, detected on line 34Path: trapp
poliszémia (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: poliszémia
tátika (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: tátika
Tregeriad (Breton noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: Tregeriad
Tregeriadez (Breton noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: Tregeriadez
goprad (Breton noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: goprad
Kernevad (Breton noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: Kernevad
Gwenedad (Breton noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: Gwenedad
Gwenedadez (Breton noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: Gwenedadez
Kernevadez (Breton noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: Kernevadez
oszét (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: oszét
oszét (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 90, detected on line 90Path: oszét
Szókratész (Hungarian proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Szókratész
főpap (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: főpap
papság (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: papság
feltöltés (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: feltöltés
soilse (Irish noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 3, detected on line 3Path: soilse
lókupec (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: lókupec
Arif (Azerbaijani proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: Arif
lakhelyváltoztatás (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: lakhelyváltoztatás
változtatás (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: változtatás
angolnyelv-tudás (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: angolnyelv-tudás
nyelvtudás (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: nyelvtudás
szüfrazsett (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: szüfrazsett
választójog (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: választójog
jégsaláta (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: jégsaláta
fejes (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: fejes
útlevélkép (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: útlevélkép
feszítés (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: feszítés
munkavállalás (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: munkavállalás
kibrit (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: kibrit
aranylakodalom (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: aranylakodalom
aranyfüst (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: aranyfüst
ártány (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: ártány
tantestület (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: tantestület
eabhar (Irish noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: eabhar
eabhar (Irish noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 3, detected on line 3Path: eabhar
харита (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: харита
dolcsi (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: dolcsi
қисса (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 128, detected on line 128Path: қисса
достон (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: достон
малах (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: малах
üzümlü (Turkish adjective) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: üzümlü
kimlik (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: kimlik
гӯр (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: гӯр
қабристон (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: қабристон
қабр (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 128, detected on line 128Path: қабр
canlı (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: canlı
canlı (Turkish adjective) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: canlı
yenilik (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: yenilik
бараҳнагӣ (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: бараҳнагӣ
хонавода (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: хонавода
дилбастагӣ (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: дилбастагӣ
вижагӣ (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: вижагӣ
részesedés (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: részesedés
saller (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: saller
kraliça (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: kraliça
тасвир (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 128, detected on line 128Path: тасвир
soirnéis (Irish noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: soirnéis
афсона (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: афсона
гов (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 128, detected on line 128Path: гов
څېړل (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 80, detected on line 80Path: څېړل
څېړل (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 79, detected on line 80Path: څېړل
څېړل (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: څېړل
څېړل (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 61, detected on line 61Path: څېړل
څېړل (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 61Path: څېړل
څېړل (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: څېړل
hilal (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: hilal
vackor (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: vackor
vircsaft (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: vircsaft
kamuka (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kamuka
fenevad (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: fenevad
csemelet (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: csemelet
rejtekhely (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: rejtekhely
rejtek (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: rejtek
kamelot (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kamelot
szószedet (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: szószedet
nagyestélyi (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: nagyestélyi
szemer (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: szemer
vőfély (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: vőfély
-patach (Irish suffix) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 117, detected on line 117Path: -patach
sátorfa (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: sátorfa
kaikdzsi (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kaikdzsi
gőzös (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: gőzös
csónakos (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: csónakos
csiriz (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: csiriz
dzsumbuj (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: dzsumbuj
dzsentri (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: dzsentri
karnis (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: karnis
poeni (Welsh verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 231, detected on line 231Path: poeni
þaim (Old Gutnish pronoun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 113, detected on line 113Path: þaim
kánság (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kánság
veríték (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: veríték
dzsömper (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: dzsömper
baur (Elfdalian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: baur
матн (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: матн
bordásfal (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: bordásfal
ugrószekrény (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: ugrószekrény
ásaaʼ (Navajo noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 80, detected on line 80Path: ásaaʼ
gelda (Faroese verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: gelda
oszlopfő (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: oszlopfő
kondor (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kondor
сабр (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: сабр
kafeinli (Turkish adjective) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: kafeinli
sünnət (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: sünnət
cib (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: cib
főzet (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: főzet
romantika (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: romantika
romantika (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: romantika
арра (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: арра
миншор (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 128, detected on line 128Path: миншор
дастарра (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: дастарра
чой (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: чой
шодӣ (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: шодӣ
çılpaqlıq (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: çılpaqlıq
ösztrogén (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: ösztrogén
kajmakám (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kajmakám
kormányzó (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kormányzó
szafari (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: szafari
szociáldemokrácia (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: szociáldemokrácia
ballonkabát (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: ballonkabát
billenőkapcsoló (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: billenőkapcsoló
kapcsoló (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kapcsoló
törés (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: törés
tanóra (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: tanóra
ótvar (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: ótvar
diota (Welsh verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 231, detected on line 231Path: diota
tudatlanság (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: tudatlanság
császárzsemle (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: császárzsemle
frufru (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: frufru
alsószoknya (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: alsószoknya
krinolin (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: krinolin
kapca (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kapca
Í (Hungarian letter) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Í
muzsik (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: muzsik
tímár (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: tímár
elnyomó (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: elnyomó
gondolkodó (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: gondolkodó
Potemkin-falu (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Potemkin-falu
Potemkin-falu (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 92, detected on line 92Path: Potemkin-falu
gwreg (Breton noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: gwreg
preñv (Breton noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: preñv
gwrizienn (Breton noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: gwrizienn
gwelt (Breton noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: gwelt
gweltenn (Breton noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: gweltenn
geot (Breton noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: geot
geotenn (Breton noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: geotenn
kordenn (Breton noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: kordenn
gwad (Breton noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: gwad
gwadgi (Breton noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: gwadgi
genoù (Breton noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: genoù
kof (Breton noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: kof
bouzellenn (Breton noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: bouzellenn
gouzoug (Breton noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: gouzoug
панир (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: панир
varkocs (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: varkocs
sümük (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: sümük
codi (Welsh verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 231, detected on line 231Path: codi
tüstü (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: tüstü
hiánygazdaság (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: hiánygazdaság
MTK (Hungarian proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: MTK
pengés (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: pengés
folyótorkolat (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: folyótorkolat
gondviselés (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: gondviselés
kevredigezh (Breton noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: kevredigezh
eshetőség (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: eshetőség
lenvászon (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: lenvászon
boncolás (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: boncolás
nagymise (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: nagymise
szakszervezet (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: szakszervezet
galw (Welsh verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 81, detected on line 81Path: galw
határozó (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: határozó
morio (Welsh verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 81, detected on line 81Path: morio
irón (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: irón
neft (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: neft
perszóna (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: perszóna
kocsis (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kocsis
girland (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: girland
szajha (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: szajha
stéig (Irish noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 3, detected on line 3Path: stéig
ਚਾਹ (Punjabi noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 3, detected on line 3Path: ਚਾਹ
muszkli (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: muszkli
bróker (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: bróker
üzenetrögzítő (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: üzenetrögzítő
roham (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: roham
mellhártya (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: mellhártya
hidrográfia (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: hidrográfia
víztan (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: víztan
hidrológia (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: hidrológia
-óideach (Irish suffix) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 117, detected on line 117Path: -óideach
нал (Northern Mansi noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 125, detected on line 125Path: нал
usánka (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: usánka
istisna (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: istisna
napkelet (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: napkelet
technikus (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: technikus
valag (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: valag
kőomlás (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kőomlás
coróin (Irish noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: coróin
coróin (Irish noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: coróin
móin (Irish noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 3, detected on line 3Path: móin
indonéz (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: indonéz
karima (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: karima
haʼaʼaah (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 3, detected on line 3Path: haʼaʼaah
eʼeʼaah (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 3, detected on line 3Path: eʼeʼaah
naaghá (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: naaghá
naaghá (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 80, detected on line 80Path: naaghá
naaghá (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 80, detected on line 80Path: naaghá
naaghá (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 80, detected on line 80Path: naaghá
naaghá (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 80, detected on line 80Path: naaghá
naalzheeh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: naalzheeh
naalzheeh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: naalzheeh
naalzheeh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: naalzheeh
naabé (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: naabé
naabé (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: naabé
naabé (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: naabé
yidleesh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yidleesh
yidleesh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yidleesh
yidleesh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yidleesh
ánéeltʼeʼ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: ánéeltʼeʼ
ayęęzhii (Navajo noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 87, detected on line 87Path: ayęęzhii
sezlon (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: sezlon
naaʼeeł (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: naaʼeeł
naaʼeeł (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: naaʼeeł
naaʼeeł (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: naaʼeeł
qaranquş (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: qaranquş
kincstárnok (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kincstárnok
kincstár (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kincstár
képtár (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: képtár
hullamerevség (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: hullamerevség
naamaas (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: naamaas
naamaas (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: naamaas
naamaas (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: naamaas
yiyą́ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yiyą́
yiyą́ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiyą́
yiyą́ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiyą́
neitłeeh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: neitłeeh
neitłeeh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: neitłeeh
neitłeeh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: neitłeeh
fertőzés (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: fertőzés
zsebes (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: zsebes
kardoskodás (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kardoskodás
հալածել (Armenian verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 528, detected on line 528Path: հալածել
konyhakert (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: konyhakert
mosdóállvány (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: mosdóállvány
nineez (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: nineez
neiʼá (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: neiʼá
neiʼá (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: neiʼá
neiʼá (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: neiʼá
neiłtsoos (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: neiłtsoos
neiłtsoos (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: neiłtsoos
neiłtsoos (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: neiłtsoos
neijaah (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: neijaah
neijaah (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: neijaah
neijaah (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: neijaah
veterán (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: veterán
neilé (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: neilé
neilé (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: neilé
neilé (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: neilé
neiyé (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: neiyé
neiyé (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: neiyé
neiyé (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: neiyé
neiłjid (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: neiłjid
neiłjid (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: neiłjid
neiłjid (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: neiłjid
neiłjooł (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: neiłjooł
neiłjooł (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: neiłjooł
neiłjooł (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: neiłjooł
qarışqa (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: qarışqa
писар (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 128, detected on line 128Path: писар
ҳавопаймо (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: ҳавопаймо
serbli (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: serbli
felszabadító (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: felszabadító
felszabadítás (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: felszabadítás
Rijád (Hungarian proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Rijád
díszpinty (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: díszpinty
łitsxo (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: łitsxo
yiłneʼ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yiłneʼ
yiłneʼ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiłneʼ
yasəmən (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: yasəmən
yiłchin (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yiłchin
yiłchin (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiłchin
yiłchin (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiłchin
yiłchin (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiłchin
yiłchin (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiłchin
yiłtin (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yiłtin
yiłtin (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiłtin
озодӣ (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: озодӣ
dobhártya (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: dobhártya
мардонагӣ (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: мардонагӣ
yiichííh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yiichííh
yiichííh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiichííh
вожа (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 128, detected on line 128Path: вожа
уқоб (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 128, detected on line 128Path: уқоб
фурӯшанда (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 128, detected on line 128Path: фурӯшанда
yiłhį́į́h (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yiłhį́į́h
yiłhį́į́h (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiłhį́į́h
képjel (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: képjel
ҳамсоя (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 128, detected on line 128Path: ҳамсоя
фоҳиша (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: фоҳиша
iomramh (Irish noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: iomramh
iomramh (Irish noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 3, detected on line 3Path: iomramh
yiitsóóh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yiitsóóh
yiitsóóh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiitsóóh
diitłʼíísh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: diitłʼíísh
diitłʼíísh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: diitłʼíísh
yitin (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yitin
yitin (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yitin
yiʼaał (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yiʼaał
yiʼaał (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiʼaał
yiʼaał (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiʼaał
muineál (Irish noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: muineál
łigai (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: łigai
łizhin (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: łizhin
yiigááh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yiigááh
yiigááh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiigááh
yiłdeeł (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yiłdeeł
yiłdeeł (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiłdeeł
yiłdeeł (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiłdeeł
óolyé (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: óolyé
óolyé (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: óolyé
uşaqlıq (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: uşaqlıq
ereksiya (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: ereksiya
yidiłhį́į́h (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yidiłhį́į́h
yidiłhį́į́h (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yidiłhį́į́h
yiłchozh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yiłchozh
yiłchozh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiłchozh
yiłchozh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiłchozh
mələk (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: mələk
yiijį́į́h (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yiijį́į́h
yiijį́į́h (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiijį́į́h
yiibááh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yiibááh
yiibááh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiibááh
yimal (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yimal
yimal (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yimal
yildeeł (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yildeeł
yildeeł (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yildeeł
yildeeł (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yildeeł
cyfuno (Welsh verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 231, detected on line 231Path: cyfuno
perfformio (Welsh verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 81, detected on line 81Path: perfformio
diddanu (Welsh verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 231, detected on line 231Path: diddanu
gweld (Welsh verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 82, detected on line 82Path: gweld
hedfan (Welsh verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 231, detected on line 231Path: hedfan
nyelvérzék (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: nyelvérzék
yilghał (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yilghał
yilghał (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yilghał
yilghał (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yilghał
hizlaló (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: hizlaló
yidlą́ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yidlą́
yidlą́ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yidlą́
yidlą́ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yidlą́
uhu (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: uhu
yiłjįzh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yiłjįzh
yiłjįzh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiłjįzh
yiłjįzh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiłjįzh
yiłtʼeʼ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yiłtʼeʼ
yiłtʼeʼ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiłtʼeʼ
topçu (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: topçu
cigánykerék (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: cigánykerék
móðr (Old Norse adjective) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 5Path: móðr
Nóra (Hungarian proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Nóra
yiłtsʼééh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yiłtsʼééh
yiłtsʼééh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiłtsʼééh
hoffi (Welsh verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 231, detected on line 231Path: hoffi
bombardman (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: bombardman
ծանոթացնել (Armenian verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 528, detected on line 528Path: ծանոթացնել
ahigą́ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: ahigą́
ahigą́ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: ahigą́
dijool (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: dijool
diłhił (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: diłhił
diniih (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: diniih
dinilchííʼ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: dinilchííʼ
yigháázh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yigháázh
yigháázh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yigháázh
բացականչել (Armenian verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 528, detected on line 528Path: բացականչել
edrych (Welsh verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 231, detected on line 231Path: edrych
edrych (Welsh verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 137, detected on line 137Path: edrych
gobeithio (Welsh verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 81, detected on line 81Path: gobeithio
վերլուծել (Armenian verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 528, detected on line 528Path: վերլուծել
raklap (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: raklap
gwella (Welsh verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 231, detected on line 231Path: gwella
i mewn i (Welsh preposition) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 57, detected on line 57Path: i mewn i
yn ôl (Welsh preposition) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 57, detected on line 57Path: yn ôl
ymddiddan (Welsh verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 231, detected on line 231Path: ymddiddan
yiʼáád (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yiʼáád
yiʼáád (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiʼáád
yiʼáád (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiʼáád
yitʼį́ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yitʼį́
yitʼį́ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yitʼį́
yitʼį́ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yitʼį́
yitʼį́ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yitʼį́
alizh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: alizh
alizh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: alizh
yigháʼdíłdlaad (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yigháʼdíłdlaad
yigháʼdíłdlaad (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yigháʼdíłdlaad
Ú (Hungarian letter) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Ú
yiłjooł (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yiłjooł
yiłjooł (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiłjooł
yiyiitsʼǫs (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yiyiitsʼǫs
yiyiitsʼǫs (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiyiitsʼǫs
yiyiitsʼǫs (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiyiitsʼǫs
ákótʼé (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: ákótʼé
ałhosh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: ałhosh
wolyé (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: wolyé
wolyé (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 107, detected on line 107Path: wolyé
iiłháásh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: iiłháásh
iiłháásh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: iiłháásh
iiłháásh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: iiłháásh
hátrány (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: hátrány
áłtsʼózí (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: áłtsʼózí
niteel (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: niteel
názhah (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: názhah
názhah (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: názhah
raponc (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: raponc
yiłkaad (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yiłkaad
yiłkaad (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiłkaad
pasáiste (Irish noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 3, detected on line 3Path: pasáiste
tánéígis (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: tánéígis
tánéígis (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: tánéígis
dizééh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: dizééh
dizééh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: dizééh
chʼínéísííd (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: chʼínéísííd
chʼínéísííd (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: chʼínéísííd
chʼínéísííd (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: chʼínéísííd
joobaah (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: joobaah
joobaah (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: joobaah
yiyiiłtsóóh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yiyiiłtsóóh
yiyiiłtsóóh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiyiiłtsóóh
jiilgéésh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 3, detected on line 3Path: jiilgéésh
hashké (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: hashké
hashké (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: hashké
nahachaʼ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: nahachaʼ
nahachaʼ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: nahachaʼ
nahachaʼ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: nahachaʼ
nahałtin (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 3, detected on line 3Path: nahałtin
náhádleeh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 3, detected on line 3Path: náhádleeh
hasįįh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 3, detected on line 3Path: hasįįh
náhidizííd (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 3, detected on line 3Path: náhidizííd
nináháhááh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 3, detected on line 3Path: nináháhááh
pipereasztal (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: pipereasztal
yilkeed (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yilkeed
yilkeed (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yilkeed
kifőzde (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: kifőzde
szegénynegyed (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: szegénynegyed
nyomor (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: nyomor
fattyú (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: fattyú
fattyú (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 90, detected on line 90Path: fattyú
tincs (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: tincs
ałhą́ą́ʼ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: ałhą́ą́ʼ
ałhą́ą́ʼ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: ałhą́ą́ʼ
yizéés (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yizéés
yizéés (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yizéés
Amu-darja (Hungarian proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Amu-darja
Szir-darja (Hungarian proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Szir-darja
pészah (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: pészah
izomláz (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: izomláz
yishóóh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yishóóh
yishóóh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yishóóh
yishóóh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yishóóh
yiyiiłchííh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yiyiiłchííh
yiyiiłchííh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiyiiłchííh
nitʼą́ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 3, detected on line 3Path: nitʼą́
jaf (Maltese verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: jaf
tároló (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: tároló
karbantartás (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: karbantartás
hullámvasút (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: hullámvasút
ösztöndíjas (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: ösztöndíjas
fővállalkozó (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: fővállalkozó
yileeh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 6, detected on line 6Path: yileeh
yileeh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 107, detected on line 107Path: yileeh
yileeh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 107, detected on line 107Path: yileeh
yileeh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 107, detected on line 107Path: yileeh
yileeh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yileeh
nilį́ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: nilį́
nilį́ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 3, detected on line 3Path: nilį́
nilį́ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: nilį́
könyvszekrény (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: könyvszekrény
csili (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: csili
talizmán (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: talizmán
varázsige (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: varázsige
Nádja (Hungarian proper noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: Nádja
noodǫ́ǫ́z (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: noodǫ́ǫ́z
iiłʼá (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: iiłʼá
iiłʼá (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: iiłʼá
карм (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: карм
csipet (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: csipet
yiyiiłgááh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yiyiiłgááh
yiyiiłgááh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiyiiłgááh
łikan (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: łikan
hidra (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: hidra
siłtsooz (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: siłtsooz
łeʼdilchʼííł (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 3, detected on line 3Path: łeʼdilchʼííł
yiyiiłtsóód (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yiyiiłtsóód
yiyiiłtsóód (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiyiiłtsóód
vri (Middle Low German adjective) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 149, detected on line 149Path: vri
կարմրանալ (Armenian verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 528, detected on line 528Path: կարմրանալ
կարմրանալ (Armenian verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 77, detected on line 77Path: կարմրանալ
կարմրանալ (Armenian verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 527, detected on line 527Path: կարմրանալ
կարմրել (Armenian verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 528, detected on line 528Path: կարմրել
կարմրել (Armenian verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 77, detected on line 77Path: կարմրել
կարմրել (Armenian verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 527, detected on line 527Path: կարմրել
xan (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: xan
iinééh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: iinééh
iinééh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: iinééh
аломат (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 128, detected on line 128Path: аломат
қудрат (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: қудрат
zug (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: zug
tüsszentés (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: tüsszentés
резбин (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: резбин
gwezh (Breton noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: gwezh
adókulcs (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: adókulcs
adóbevallás (Hungarian noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 91, detected on line 91Path: adóbevallás
haidizóóh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: haidizóóh
haidizóóh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: haidizóóh
achįʼ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: achįʼ
achįʼ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: achįʼ
achįʼ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: achįʼ
yinízin (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yinízin
nízin (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: nízin
маротиба (Tajik noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 126, detected on line 126Path: маротиба
néíshoh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: néíshoh
néíshoh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: néíshoh
ايستل (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 80, detected on line 81Path: ايستل
ايستل (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 79, detected on line 79Path: ايستل
ايستل (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 78, detected on line 79Path: ايستل
ايستل (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: ايستل
ايستل (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 61, detected on line 61Path: ايستل
ايستل (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 61Path: ايستل
ايستل (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: ايستل
بايلل (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 80, detected on line 80Path: بايلل
بايلل (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 79, detected on line 80Path: بايلل
بايلل (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: بايلل
بايلل (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 61, detected on line 61Path: بايلل
بايلل (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 61Path: بايلل
بايلل (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: بايلل
dizheeh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: dizheeh
dizheeh (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: dizheeh
yiyiighas (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yiyiighas
yiyiighas (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: yiyiighas
sengi (Welsh verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 231, detected on line 231Path: sengi
haatih (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: haatih
haatih (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 74, detected on line 74Path: haatih
راکول (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 80, detected on line 81Path: راکول
راکول (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 79, detected on line 79Path: راکول
راکول (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 78, detected on line 79Path: راکول
راکول (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: راکول
راکول (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 61, detected on line 61Path: راکول
راکول (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 61Path: راکول
راکول (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: راکول
اوبدل (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 80, detected on line 81Path: اوبدل
اوبدل (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 79, detected on line 79Path: اوبدل
اوبدل (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 78, detected on line 79Path: اوبدل
اوبدل (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: اوبدل
اوبدل (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 61, detected on line 61Path: اوبدل
اوبدل (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 61Path: اوبدل
اوبدل (Pashto verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 2, detected on line 2Path: اوبدل
yooʼį́ (Navajo verb) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 4, detected on line 4Path: yooʼį́
menyu (Azerbaijani noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 60, detected on line 60Path: menyu
aiseag (Irish noun) HTML tag <div> not properly closed
started on line 5, detected on line 5Path: aiseag
This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-09 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-03-02 using wiktextract (32c88e6 and 633533e). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.
If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.