whatever (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
39 0 13 48
belly flop (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 100
behold (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
100 0
recast (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 6 0 44 50
corporate (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
21 17 32 0 29
interquel (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
52 48
Laurentian (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
49 5 46
turnaround (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
21 2 23 11 1 21 3 3 2 2 10 1
hymn (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 100
third-person singular (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
54 46
epi- (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
1 0 2 1 2 0 3 12 6 0 7 5 3 3 7 0 0 1 0 12 7 0 10 0 14 1 0
ko (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
48 0 52
taker (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
49 5 40 6
leu (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
hydration (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
10 7 21 30 32
lap (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
100 0
baro- (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 0
plain (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 0
two's complement (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
47 53
pansy (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 100
pugilistic (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
45 55
syn- (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 0 50
-plast (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
100 0
occlusal (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
47 53
armature (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
12 2 15 1 20 1 22 6 22
open-source (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
35 26 39
closer (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
51 49
jump seat (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
49 51
nose to the grindstone (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
be there (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 100
matrilocal (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
52 48
Indian red (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
42 46 11
Turner (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
1 2 0 6 6 6 6 6 13 13 6 6 6 16 6 0 1
Frankenstein's monster (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
toponymic (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
52 48
Sayyid (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
51 49
Japanimation (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
gummy (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
53 47 0
talker (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
1 4 0 0 4 26 32 13 0 17 1
escheat (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
47 0 5 48
Schiff (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
surcingle (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
48 45 7
perfect game (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
51 49
zygo- (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 0
Mollusca (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
chalco- (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
alternate angles (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
54 46
disguised (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
40 2 2 6 3 46 0
all the same (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
46 54
nativism (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
28 26 16 23 8
DRM (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
33 33 33
nucleus accumbens (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 1 48
definitional (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 100
outrank (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
100 0
tetrad (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
1 24 16 28 4 22 6
starburst (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
32 10 30 28
idiographic (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
53 47
oxo- (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
confessional (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
45 55
Oompa Loompa (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
47 44 9
all-or-nothing (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
heuristics (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
6 7 44 44
monobasic (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
44 15 41
toric (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
13 32 13 16 27
Rogers (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
1 4 4 4 4 11 11 4 12 4 4 10 12 4 4 4
federate (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
6 50 44
Olympias (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
55 45
clock out (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 5 45 0
orchil (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
48 52
go to Canossa (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 0
Bostonian (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
46 54
melancholia (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
55 45
labellum (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
54 46
polychrome (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
53 47
polyembryony (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
Discordian (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
53 47
sitrep (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
48 52
reeducate (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
75 25
macrolide (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
46 54
longhair (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
24 4 33 39
flexing (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
49 51
overstretch (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 0
like-for-like (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
bougie (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
47 53
symphysis (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
24 37 40
Vance (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
3 2 16 16 12 15 16 15 5
eschatocol (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
fireside (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
1 9 47 43
out of whack (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
32 36 32 0
raphe (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
23 24 28 25
hyperrealistic (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 100
homeroom (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
48 52
recursive function (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
51 49
vicennial (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
48 52
hearer (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
54 46
helplessly (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
2 49 49
merch (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
46 54
grilled (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
54 46
maladaptive (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
51 49
-zoic (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
100 0
nonstarter (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
42 23 35
path length (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
42 24 34
sloppiness (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 100
swing shift (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
wanderjahr (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
47 53
protomer (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
55 45
Amina (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
thuggish (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
45 55
exarch (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
34 42 23
hematocrit (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
51 49
canon law (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 0
diversified (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 54 46
torturous (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
homophony (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
45 55
suprasegmental (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 0
unexcited (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
48 52
emotionalize (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
53 47
crosshair (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
100 0
regimental (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
monkey in the middle (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
49 48 3
go without (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
29 71
terminable (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
49 51
ramp up (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
17 32 16 35
textually (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
53 47
double-dip (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
11 10 15 28 24 5 5 1
pterygium (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
haplo- (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
15 37 0 31 16
rightism (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
53 47
eu- (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 0
physio- (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 0
full marks (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
47 53
Washingtonian (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
35 32 33
unpin (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
5 31 34 30
wisen (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
achromat (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
48 52
hold hostage (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
8 15 40 38
Swiss German (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
51 49
acid-free (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
55 45
Uusimaa (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
35 29 35
aminophenol (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
51 49
dialectician (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
31 37 32
chiro- (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 51 49
bring out (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
18 29 7 3 35 8 0
foldable (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 100
Lancastrian (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
4 53 43
monohydric (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
49 51
offsetting (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
4 48 48
Cariban (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
53 5 43
clandestinity (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
55 45
astika (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
40 42 18
planimetric (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
51 49
myelo- (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
52 48
delegitimize (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
45 55
Doggerland (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
55 45
inferiorly (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
tricuspid (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
53 47
lose out (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
100 0
off one's game (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
48 52
shingler (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
49 51
by definition (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
100 0
swap out (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
54 2 44
salep (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
55 45
cingulum (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
2 37 34 9 19
styleless (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
52 48
plotline (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
49 51
overdeveloped (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
40 35 25
Trudeaumania (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
52 48
Shina (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
37 34 29
poloidal (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
37 21 42
drinkability (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
patrilineality (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
constitutionalize (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
55 45 0
unpersuadable (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
51 49
curb stomp (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
48 52
Maple Leaf (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
48 52
nonanswer (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
49 51
Riemannian (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
52 48
autoloading (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
52 48
go to someone's head (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
47 53
multiton (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
cheki (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
31 33 37
Latinate (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
18 82
in concert (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
40 60
parasynthesis (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
54 46
aminosalicylic acid (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
53 47
inaesthetic (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
52 48
altimetric (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
54 46
with both hands (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 100
metasomatic (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
52 48
strepto- (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 100
work wonders (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
100 0
gayish (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
go great guns (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 0
net-zero (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
49 51
Vietic (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
52 48
raise eyebrows (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
45 43 11
fooster (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
49 51
Maxwellian (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
49 51
mud bath (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
kerato- (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 0
decarbonization (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
52 48
mechanotherapeutic (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
47 53
gun for (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
100 0
Poconos (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 0
autonymous (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
51 49
mystacial (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
52 48
Jin (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
15 18 21 13 2 5 6 20
antipolitics (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
28 7 34 32
wikitext (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
49 51
check off (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
43 52 3 3
post-op (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
51 49
proportional analogy (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
52 48
chondro- (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
46 54
Outer Manchuria (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
44 7 49
cat-and-mouse (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
sebiferous (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
53 47
winter squash (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
26 22 25 26
countermark (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
47 53
telesatellite (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
100 0
first-class object (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
submethod (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
51 49
Circassia (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 100
Silves (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
overaccumulation (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
45 55
Saïda (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
52 48
Fayum (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
100 0
choana (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
54 46
if not (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
34 32 34
pub. (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
52 48
contraventional (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
47 53
Boileau (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
epigeic (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
51 49
webtoon (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
53 47
Rahim Yar Khan (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 100
two sides of the same coin (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
48 52
in the same breath (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
49 51
Bay of Plenty (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
49 51
Lopez (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
53 46 2
Waswanipi (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
26 26 26 21
Toutatis (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
55 45
Montrose (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 2 0 2 0 1 0 0 7 0 0 1 2 6 7 5 2 2 2 6 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 2 6 2 2 6 2 6 0
commission agent (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
32 34 34
unclefucker (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
4 48 48
barf bag (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 0
southernize (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
chartered accountant (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
38 28 34
pour in (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
31 42 27
Alcmanian (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
55 45
Poo (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
palmaris longus (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
oleography (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
46 54
Gia (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
possibilist (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
42 13 46
radiopharmacy (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
52 48
monotonize (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 0
move along (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
41 34 25
agree with (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 100
Zygentoma (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
53 47
Bayburt (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
54 46
Okazaki (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
45 55
Fukuyama (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
49 51
gen up (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
55 45
Costa (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
MTF (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
14 45 41
state aid (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
55 45
namepiece (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
54 46
republiqueta (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
49 51
unchange (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
52 48
perfect is the enemy of good (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
48 52
slice of the pie (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
100 0
work around (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 100
next level (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
54 46
spirit house (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
14 47 39
Vachon (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
22 30 25 23
sesquilingual (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
51 49
Zwolle (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
46 54
Iga (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
49 51
graphosphere (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
51 49
Muldoon (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
5 50 46
seigneuresse (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
47 53
Tamura (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
45 55
Lisle (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 13 13 14 19 13 15 13
Huot (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
45 55
Laguardia (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
hunting dog (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
51 49
Lelystad (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
45 55
give someone a break (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
47 15 38 0
sideremia (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
McKinnon (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
1 6 12 35 12 33
speedskiing (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
48 52
Seborga (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
36 34 30
compile-time (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
42 39 19
Chinese macaroni (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
46 54
revolve around (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 100
pagoda flower (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
45 55
know how to pick 'em (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 100
Gio (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
Liberal Party (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
10 8 44 38
make an entrance (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
49 51
avianize (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
51 49
backsie (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 36 2 37 25
electric discharge (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
37 24 39
Twin Lakes (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
Chinese virus (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
44 41 15
cissupremacy (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
54 46
Mahia (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
38 31 31
doomscrolling (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
49 51
China virus (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
52 48
Exton (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
16 26 16 25 0 16 1
elective affinity (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
45 6 48
Tempelhof (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
18 23 30 30
Clemenceau (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
51 49
Antiqua (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
46 54
primary tense (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
27 34 39
Kawagoe (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
31 37 32
Sangharama (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
Tsushima (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
44 3 7 46
airgasm (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
42 49 9
Sivas (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
51 49
read into (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
6 49 45
mattress fluffer (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
Black Elk (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
sow dragon's teeth (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
38 62
Ninomiya (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
52 48
high on one's own supply (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
45 55
Idia (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
Puerto Vallarta (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
30 35 35
Najibullah (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
54 46
youth movement (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
47 53
world of difference (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 100
Sumas (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
8 9 6 8 8 8 7 6 6 14 3 14 2
the king is dead, long live the king (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
49 51
God Emperor (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
foodstagram (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
48 8 44
pressure switch (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
51 49
astrovideography (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
54 46
glue sniffer (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
100 0
Fauch (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
53 47
transfer market (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
52 48
Maranao (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
54 46
Mount of Temptation (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
54 46
Korouhanba (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
53 47
Sanamahi (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
44 20 36
Mikhailov (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
49 51
Wankaner (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
Wasit (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
0 0
Novomoskovsk (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
Pristimantis jamescameroni (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
special administrative region (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
risk profile (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
11 3 46 40
dauphinate (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
52 48
world capital (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
100 0
Tirebolu (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
52 48
Chavez Pass (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
use value (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
49 51
Yumurtalik (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
54 46
Arzew (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
52 48
Kashag (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
46 54
Surendranagar (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
takhtrawan (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
49 51
Kaga (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
Ōta (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
Alyona (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
Mimasaka (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
Buzen (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
Aliona (top-level) could not disambiguate sense: Translations
50 50
This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable Yurok dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-13 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-03-02 using wiktextract (f074e77 and 633533e). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.
If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.