Chinese Wiktionary data extraction errors and warnings

Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags

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Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺'

霸州 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 霸州

溧陽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 溧陽

琿春 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 琿春

膠州 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 膠州

瓦房店 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 瓦房店

大石橋 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大石橋

乳山 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 乳山

桐鄉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 桐鄉

禹城 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 禹城

榮成 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 榮成

開原 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 開原

高碑店 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 高碑店

文登 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 文登

萊陽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 萊陽

深州 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 深州

太倉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 太倉

萊西 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 萊西

江陰 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 江陰

涿州 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 涿州

臨清 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 臨清

棲霞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 棲霞

寧國 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 寧國

鄒城 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鄒城

滕州 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 滕州

即墨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 即墨

臨江 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 臨江

鳳城 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鳳城

德惠 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 德惠

金壇 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 金壇

張家港 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 張家港

界首 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 界首

吳江 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 吳江

高郵 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 高郵

上虞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 上虞

東港 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 東港

大豐 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大豐

慈谿 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 慈谿

桐城 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 桐城

東臺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 東臺

富陽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 富陽

敦化 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 敦化

膠南 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 膠南

揚中 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 揚中

蘭谿 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蘭谿

靖江 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 靖江

句容 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 句容

嵊州 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 嵊州

武安 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 武安

東陽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 東陽

鴉片鬼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鴉片鬼

遂溪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 遂溪

諸暨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 諸暨

姜堰 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 姜堰

海寧 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 海寧

翁源 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 翁源

儀徵 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 儀徵

平遠 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 平遠

東源 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 東源

陽西 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 陽西

宣威 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 宣威

潞西 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 潞西

懷集 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 懷集

揭西 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 揭西

豐順 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 豐順

陽山 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 陽山

赤水 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 赤水

奉化 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 奉化

陸河 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 陸河

陽東 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 陽東

平湖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 平湖

醴陵 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 醴陵

武岡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 武岡

仁化 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 仁化

連平 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 連平

彭州 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 彭州

江油 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 江油

廣漢 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 廣漢

蕉嶺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蕉嶺

開遠 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 開遠

徐聞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 徐聞

洪江 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 洪江

綿竹 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 綿竹

仁懷 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 仁懷

清鎮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 清鎮

資興 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 資興

瀏陽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 瀏陽

五華 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 五華

惠東 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 惠東

都勻 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 都勻

崇州 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 崇州

襄樊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 襄樊

芒市 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 芒市

吉首 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 吉首

冷水江 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 冷水江

永康 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 永康

韓城 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 韓城

湘鄉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 湘鄉

常寧 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 常寧

枝江 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 枝江

大冶 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大冶

鬱南 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鬱南

簡陽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 簡陽

臨湘 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 臨湘

老河口 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 老河口

韶山 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 韶山

利川 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 利川

丹江口 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 丹江口

新民 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 新民

澄邁 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 澄邁

耒陽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 耒陽

漣源 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 漣源

河津 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 河津

鍾祥 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鍾祥

文昌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 文昌

棗陽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 棗陽

新營 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 新營

泰興 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 泰興

洪湖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 洪湖

永濟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 永濟

潞城 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 潞城

新密 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 新密

宜都 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 宜都

屯昌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 屯昌

霍州 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 霍州

豐城 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 豐城

新鄭 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 新鄭

麻城 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 麻城

廣水 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 廣水

古交 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 古交

汾陽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 汾陽

潛江 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 潛江

登封 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 登封

汝州 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 汝州

德興 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 德興

鞏義 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鞏義

沁陽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 沁陽

貴溪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 貴溪

輝縣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 輝縣

鹿泉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鹿泉

萬寧 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 萬寧

衛輝 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 衛輝

舞鋼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 舞鋼

禹州 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 禹州

孟州 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 孟州

龍口 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 龍口

永城 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 永城

濟源 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 濟源

井岡山 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 井岡山

項城 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 項城

南康 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 南康

靈寶 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 靈寶

豐原 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 豐原

蝮蛇 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蝮蛇

鳳山 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鳳山

鄧州 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鄧州

黑鯛 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 黑鯛

日本鯷 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 日本鯷

長葛 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 長葛

定安 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 定安

調兵山 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 調兵山

打喳喳 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 打喳喳

大安 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大安

黃糖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 黃糖

當陽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 當陽

義馬 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 義馬

博羅 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 博羅

溫嶺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 溫嶺

汨羅 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 汨羅

安丘 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 安丘

章丘 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 章丘

那哈兒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 那哈兒

邛崍 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 邛崍

福泉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 福泉

林州 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 林州

萬源 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 萬源

樂陵 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 樂陵

偃師 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 偃師

佛岡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 佛岡

華鎣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 華鎣

瑞昌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 瑞昌

婚介 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 婚介

蝦虎魚 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蝦虎魚

侯馬 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 侯馬

樂平 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 樂平

始興 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 始興

胖頭魚 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 胖頭魚

鱅魚 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鱅魚

蝦虎 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蝦虎

興義 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 興義

喳喳 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 喳喳

喳喳 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 喳喳

高安 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 高安

黑超 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 黑超

無地自容 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 無地自容

如虎添翼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 如虎添翼

航天局 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 航天局

雙層公共汽車 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雙層公共汽車

雙層巴士 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雙層巴士

恨入骨髓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 恨入骨髓

切骨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 切骨

煙油子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 煙油子

恨之切骨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 恨之切骨

心髓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 心髓

簧樂器 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 簧樂器

雙層 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雙層

銅管 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 銅管

鳥撞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鳥撞

殷店 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 殷店

高城 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 高城

虐童 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 虐童

蜸蚕 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蜸蚕

煙油 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 煙油

厲山 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 厲山

越南煎餅 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 越南煎餅

圖論 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 圖論

恨入心髓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 恨入心髓

默書 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 默書

尚市 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 尚市

萬和 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 萬和

吳山 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 吳山

澴潭 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 澴潭

草店 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 草店

大型遊戲機 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大型遊戲機

均川 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 均川

衝直條 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 衝直條

新街 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 新街

唐縣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 唐縣

柳林 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 柳林

眨巴 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 眨巴

登徒子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 登徒子

勤娘子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 勤娘子

撥火棍 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 撥火棍

楊佔 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 楊佔

費馬 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 費馬

焦弦 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 焦弦

週天 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 週天

通項 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 通項

一般項 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 一般項

末項 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 末項

萬福店 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 萬福店

焦半徑 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 焦半徑

虛圓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 虛圓

瞬時速度 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 瞬時速度

中項 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 中項

尤拉公式 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 尤拉公式

容斥 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 容斥

逆矩 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 逆矩

分位數 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 分位數

次法距 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 次法距

次切距 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 次切距

反函 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 反函

因式分解 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 因式分解

反矩陣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 反矩陣

實根 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 實根

虛根 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 虛根

尤拉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 尤拉

切距 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 切距

公因式 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 公因式

單位方陣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 單位方陣

實部 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 實部

百分位數 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 百分位數

逆矩陣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 逆矩陣

薛丁格的貓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 薛丁格的貓

正焦弦 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 正焦弦

虛部 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 虛部

外角 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 外角

單位矩陣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 單位矩陣

費馬小定理 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 費馬小定理

極小值 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 極小值

因式 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 因式

測不準原理 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 測不準原理

薛丁格 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 薛丁格

要衝 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 要衝

最簡分數 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 最簡分數

排容 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 排容

髮蠟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 髮蠟

歐拉公式 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 歐拉公式

直方圖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 直方圖

線性函數 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 線性函數

始點 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 始點

極大值 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 極大值

瞬時 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 瞬時

內角 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 內角

𠿓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 𠿓

喇叭花 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 喇叭花

七寸金 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 七寸金

詩文 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 詩文

上極限 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 上極限

下極限 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 下極限

方陣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 方陣

小賣店 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 小賣店

最大公因式 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 最大公因式

地耳草 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 地耳草

四分位數 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 四分位數

費馬大定理 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 費馬大定理

狀態詞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 狀態詞

毛呢 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 毛呢

呢子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 呢子

無傷 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 無傷

香林投 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 香林投

香蘭 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 香蘭

你媽的 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 你媽的

料子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 料子

至人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 至人

雷家祠 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雷家祠

通神 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 通神

梅子溝 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 梅子溝

三清觀 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 三清觀

七姑店 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 七姑店

羅家橋 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 羅家橋

七里塔 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 七里塔

高黃 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 高黃

聊生 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 聊生

卸甲店 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 卸甲店

雄鷹 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雄鷹

槓槓的 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 槓槓的

柔曼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 柔曼

龍王廟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 龍王廟

輕紗 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 輕紗

咖椰 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 咖椰

正交性 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 正交性

填空題 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 填空題

主使 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 主使

客觀題 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 客觀題

勻出 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 勻出

府河 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 府河

北郊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 北郊

曾都 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 曾都

萬店 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 萬店

何店 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 何店

淅河 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 淅河

阿什利 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 阿什利

空間群 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 空間群

點群 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 點群

晶胞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 晶胞

倒晶格 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 倒晶格

種歧 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 種歧

準晶體 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 準晶體

準晶 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 準晶

玻色 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 玻色

雜交軌道 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雜交軌道

口愛 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 口愛

右心房 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 右心房

奇點 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 奇點

左心房 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 左心房

及齡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 及齡

正交 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 正交

主觀題 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 主觀題

持票 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 持票

暖心 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 暖心

愛黨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 愛黨

棒槌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 棒槌

出入境 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 出入境

位錯 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 位錯

青字頭 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 青字頭

天旱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 天旱

兌取 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 兌取

夜鷹 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 夜鷹

足字旁 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 足字旁

飛餅 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 飛餅

版畫店 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 版畫店

印度煎餅 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 印度煎餅

輿論調查 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 輿論調查

印刷所 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 印刷所

能效 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 能效

隔音符號 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 隔音符號

瘡疤 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 瘡疤

白淨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 白淨

婚變 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 婚變

幻方 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 幻方

社評 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 社評

季候 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 季候

鐵勒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鐵勒

牌樓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 牌樓

武勝關 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 武勝關

十里 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 十里

馬坪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 馬坪

楊寨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 楊寨

應山 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 應山

後母 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 後母

蔡河 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蔡河

陳巷 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 陳巷

吳店 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 吳店

駱店 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 駱店

逐疫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 逐疫

三潭 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 三潭

耐寒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 耐寒

中華山 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 中華山

李店 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 李店

治裝 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 治裝

時評 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 時評

浠水 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 浠水

郝店 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 郝店

束裝 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 束裝

整裝 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 整裝

𠙶山 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 𠙶山

關廟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 關廟

氣合 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 氣合

違誤 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 違誤

清士 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 清士

海燕 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 海燕

石火 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 石火

雪茄煙 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雪茄煙

阿吽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 阿吽

長嶺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 長嶺

人精 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 人精

字音 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 字音

湯溝 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 湯溝

白柳 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 白柳

錢橋 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 錢橋

橫埠 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 橫埠

周潭 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 周潭

官埠橋 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 官埠橋

白梅 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 白梅

老洲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 老洲

陳瑤湖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 陳瑤湖

會宮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 會宮

鐵銅 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鐵銅

雨壇 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雨壇

金社 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 金社

浮山 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 浮山

醉貌咕咚 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 醉貌咕咚

義津 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 義津

吐真劑 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 吐真劑

三六九等 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 三六九等

觀光學 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 觀光學

汗顏 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 汗顏

邊際成本 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 邊際成本

均值定理 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 均值定理

減號 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 減號

球門 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 球門

被減式 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 被減式

均值 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 均值

被加式 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 被加式

行政學 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 行政學

被乘式 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 被乘式

乘號 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 乘號

加號 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 加號

多項 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 多項

負號 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 負號

單項式 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 單項式

法向量 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 法向量

森林圖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 森林圖

走勢圖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 走勢圖

棒形圖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 棒形圖

餅圖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 餅圖

數線 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 數線

盒狀圖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 盒狀圖

箱線圖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 箱線圖

雙標圖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雙標圖

巴斯卡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 巴斯卡

條狀圖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 條狀圖

參變量 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 參變量

圓形圖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 圓形圖

圓餅圖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 圓餅圖

正號 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 正號

基準點 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 基準點

雙鄉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雙鄉

樓子灣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 樓子灣

東門樓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 東門樓

泉口 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 泉口

作圖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 作圖

反曲點 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 反曲點

演繹法 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 演繹法

數學歸納法 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 數學歸納法

圖文 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 圖文

自然對數 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 自然對數

撮要 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 撮要

全球暖化 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 全球暖化

柱狀圖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 柱狀圖

雙崗 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雙崗

內插 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 內插

臨帖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 臨帖

相除 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 相除

共變異數 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 共變異數

次方根 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 次方根

氯化氫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 氯化氫

竊喜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 竊喜

骨利幹 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 骨利幹

辛幾何 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 辛幾何

泛函分析 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 泛函分析

統計力學 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 統計力學

李群 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 李群

幺正群 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 幺正群

同胚 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 同胚

弧線 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 弧線

泛函 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 泛函

同態 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 同態

殆複流形 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 殆複流形

相空間 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 相空間

態射 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 態射

柱體 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 柱體

酉群 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 酉群

仿射 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 仿射

緊致 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 緊致

不動點 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 不動點

稜錐 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 稜錐

拉格朗日 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 拉格朗日

幺正 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 幺正

柱形 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 柱形

相減 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 相減

椎體 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 椎體

黎曼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 黎曼

子空間 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 子空間

鳶形 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鳶形

全距 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 全距

箏形 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 箏形

糅合 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 糅合

巫教 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 巫教

柴米油鹽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 柴米油鹽

縱線 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 縱線

冪函數 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 冪函數

弳度 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 弳度

共點 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 共點

疊合 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 疊合

扶風 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 扶風

轉向點 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 轉向點

稜柱體 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 稜柱體

天度 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 天度

召公 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 召公

絳帳 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 絳帳

餘項 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 餘項

有效數字 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 有效數字

貫軸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 貫軸

代入法 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 代入法

單位長 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 單位長

斜截式 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 斜截式

段家 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 段家

遞迴 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 遞迴

等比中項 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 等比中項

遞歸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 遞歸

科學記法 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 科學記法

鉛直線 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鉛直線

三一律 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 三一律

交叉相乘 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 交叉相乘

開獎 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 開獎

反稜柱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 反稜柱

變異數 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 變異數

波峰 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 波峰

鉛垂線 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鉛垂線

三項式 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 三項式

餘式 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 餘式

旋轉體 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 旋轉體

波谷 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 波谷

共圓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 共圓

單位圓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 單位圓

立體角 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 立體角

加權平均數 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 加權平均數

概形 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 概形

算術平均數 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 算術平均數

文氏圖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 文氏圖

巷口 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 巷口

橫線 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 橫線

幾何平均數 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 幾何平均數

計分 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 計分

整數分解 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 整數分解

循循善誘 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 循循善誘

等差中項 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 等差中項

共線 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 共線

扇形 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 扇形

變項 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 變項

稜錐體 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 稜錐體

緋紅 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 緋紅

賠率 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 賠率

關係式 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 關係式

割線 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 割線

角柱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 角柱

相加 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 相加

富浪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 富浪

等比 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 等比

午井 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 午井

散布圖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 散布圖

極差 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 極差

極差 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 極差

王子店 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 王子店

塘畈 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 塘畈

楊家坳 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 楊家坳

漿溪店 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 漿溪店

芝麻灣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 芝麻灣

算子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 算子

徐家山 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 徐家山

東灣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 東灣

致病性 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 致病性

𠆮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 𠆮

病毒性 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 病毒性

勤苦 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 勤苦

三土門 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 三土門

面兒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 面兒

洗手池 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 洗手池

齋戒月 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 齋戒月

較真兒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 較真兒

式子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 式子

受寒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 受寒

足證 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 足證

失衡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 失衡

鴟吻 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鴟吻

大頭菜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大頭菜

番椒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 番椒

暖化 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 暖化

勞力士 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 勞力士

哈希樹 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 哈希樹

正常財 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 正常財

正常物品 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 正常物品

電漿 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 電漿

孜孜不倦 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 孜孜不倦

古柏帶 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 古柏帶

默克爾樹 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 默克爾樹

震波 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 震波

副省級 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 副省級

冶遊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 冶遊

殭屍網絡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 殭屍網絡

片皮鴨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 片皮鴨

環渤海 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 環渤海

朱賓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 朱賓

黑草羊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 黑草羊

土生 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 土生

狂牛症 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 狂牛症

蘭卡威 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蘭卡威

生活圈 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 生活圈

新馬泰 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 新馬泰

咖央 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 咖央

閉卷 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 閉卷

瘋牛症 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 瘋牛症

買點 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 買點

揚抑 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 揚抑

齊截 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 齊截

順境 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 順境

熱乾麵 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 熱乾麵

黃河三角洲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 黃河三角洲

黃三角 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 黃三角

土生華人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 土生華人

牛樟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 牛樟

接送機 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 接送機

至理 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 至理

教科文 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 教科文

冬水 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 冬水

德智體美勞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 德智體美勞

牛樟芝 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 牛樟芝

青豆 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 青豆

王公 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 王公

防風林 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 防風林

加央 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 加央

新馬 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 新馬

坦米爾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 坦米爾

淡米爾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 淡米爾

泰米爾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 泰米爾

德古西加巴 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 德古西加巴

坦米爾語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 坦米爾語

史特拉斯堡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 史特拉斯堡

淡米爾語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 淡米爾語

打槍 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 打槍

肚臍眼兒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 肚臍眼兒

非典型 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 非典型

腦水腫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 腦水腫

水腦症 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 水腦症

走走停停 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 走走停停

天使島 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 天使島

葷素 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 葷素

存廢 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 存廢

笑哭 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 笑哭

聚散 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 聚散

購物狂 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 購物狂

上合 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 上合

暄妍 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 暄妍

化毒丸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 化毒丸

功過 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 功過

正簡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 正簡

哭笑 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 哭笑

句柄 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 句柄

原始人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 原始人

供暖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 供暖

腦積水 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 腦積水

主客 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 主客

裡外 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 裡外

建模 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 建模

供貨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 供貨

河口英語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 河口英語

宣認 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 宣認

供熱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 供熱

走心 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 走心

供稱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 供稱

供果 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 供果

拱衛 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 拱衛

供桌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 供桌

供案 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 供案

供職 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 供職

港灣英語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 港灣英語

坤厚 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 坤厚

同福 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 同福

原人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 原人

同興 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 同興

三陽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 三陽

代幣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 代幣

日界線 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 日界線

江岸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 江岸

國際日界線 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 國際日界線

遍滿 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 遍滿

空空如也 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 空空如也

膩子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 膩子

母嬰 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 母嬰

布爾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 布爾

供認不諱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 供認不諱

複用 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 複用

槓鈴般的笑聲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 槓鈴般的笑聲

翻身不忘共產黨,幸福不忘毛主席 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 翻身不忘共產黨,幸福不忘毛主席

揚子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 揚子

缺如 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 缺如

散兵 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 散兵

巷道 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 巷道

巷道 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 巷道

歌者 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 歌者

闕如 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 闕如

欽犯 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 欽犯

直臣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 直臣

德教 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 德教

壓傷 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 壓傷

蠶月 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蠶月

新新人類 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 新新人類

文運 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 文運

仁德 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 仁德

拖船 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 拖船

可移 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 可移

鹽基 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鹽基

篷子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 篷子

僦居 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 僦居

大洪水 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大洪水

忽閃 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 忽閃

忽閃 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 忽閃

表表 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 表表

陰上 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 陰上

陰去 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 陰去

陽去 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 陽去

陽上 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 陽上

陽入 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 陽入

陰入 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 陰入

溪澗 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 溪澗

搌布 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 搌布

肥滿 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 肥滿

看淡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 看淡

三錄儀 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 三錄儀

岳飛 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 岳飛

嘴炮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 嘴炮

彌市 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 彌市

李埠 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 李埠

菱角湖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 菱角湖

太湖港 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 太湖港

郢城 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 郢城

八嶺山 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 八嶺山

川店 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 川店

七七事變 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 七七事變

警世 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 警世

轉瞬即逝 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 轉瞬即逝

舊貨攤 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 舊貨攤

警世故事 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 警世故事

男子組合 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 男子組合

紀南 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 紀南

伏地挺身 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 伏地挺身

合劑 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 合劑

掌上壓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 掌上壓

戲眼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 戲眼

想頭 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 想頭

工細 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 工細

畫卷 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 畫卷

看房 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 看房

核計 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 核計

虹橋 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 虹橋

搶婚 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 搶婚

找碴 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 找碴

楚王 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 楚王

看上去 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 看上去

倱伅 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 倱伅

奪舍 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 奪舍

岱宗 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 岱宗

大戲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大戲

權當 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 權當

𦨖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 𦨖

女子組合 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 女子組合

分音符 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 分音符

榕語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 榕語

太陽地 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 太陽地

神出鬼沒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 神出鬼沒

骨灰級 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 骨灰級

表面上 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 表面上

玉子豆腐 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 玉子豆腐

背陰 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 背陰

像是 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 像是

風痴 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 風痴

風掃 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 風掃

泉城 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 泉城

案首 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 案首

娥皇 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 娥皇

解元 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 解元

附生 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 附生

廩生 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 廩生

夜闌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 夜闌

聞風而動 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 聞風而動

肥膩 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 肥膩

泥工 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 泥工

承讓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 承讓

女英 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 女英

夜闌人靜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 夜闌人靜

內雙 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 內雙

外雙 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 外雙

維管 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 維管

自絕於人民 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 自絕於人民

篩管 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 篩管

又紅又專 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 又紅又專

外雙眼皮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 外雙眼皮

胃管 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 胃管

關沮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 關沮

岑河 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 岑河

鼻胃管 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鼻胃管

經管 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 經管

觀音壋 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 觀音壋

摯愛 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 摯愛

黑馬壋 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 黑馬壋

內雙眼皮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 內雙眼皮

多金 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 多金

物神 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 物神

命苦不能怨政府,點背不能怨社會 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 命苦不能怨政府,點背不能怨社會

典鬻 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 典鬻

守拙 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 守拙

立新 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 立新

災劫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 災劫

狸貓換太子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 狸貓換太子

肌骨系統 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 肌骨系統

肌肉系統 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 肌肉系統

聽覺系統 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 聽覺系統

泌尿系統 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 泌尿系統

膩味 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 膩味

膩味 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 膩味

排泄系統 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 排泄系統

八十壋 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 八十壋

羅湖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 羅湖

盤古壋 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 盤古壋

斑竹壋 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 斑竹壋

圪壋店 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 圪壋店

丁司壋 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 丁司壋

梅川 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 梅川

深水埗 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 深水埗

官壋 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 官壋

蘇家壋 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蘇家壋

武陟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 武陟

骨骼系統 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 骨骼系統

大堰壋 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大堰壋

鍾靈毓秀 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鍾靈毓秀

邾城 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 邾城

侏張 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 侏張

雞子兒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雞子兒

邾嶧山 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 邾嶧山

真個 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 真個

朱紅 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 朱紅

誅心之論 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 誅心之論

嶧山 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 嶧山

集韻 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 集韻

豐饒之角 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 豐饒之角

翖侯 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 翖侯

夫妻相 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 夫妻相

上議員 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 上議員

冷藏箱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 冷藏箱

財政年度 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 財政年度

財年 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 財年

票選 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 票選

耳旁 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 耳旁

存續 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 存續

工簽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 工簽

旅簽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 旅簽

公所 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 公所

點映 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 點映

駱畈 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 駱畈

巧手 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 巧手

眼裡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 眼裡

倉埠 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 倉埠

婚房 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 婚房

圖鑒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 圖鑒

耳旁風 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 耳旁風

聚少離多 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 聚少離多

填鴨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 填鴨

李集 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 李集

果粒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 果粒

三店 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 三店

汪集 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 汪集

躍然 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 躍然

漲渡湖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 漲渡湖

舊街 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 舊街

雙柳 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雙柳

徐古 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 徐古

陽邏 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 陽邏

三生有幸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 三生有幸

叫屈 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 叫屈

剁椒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 剁椒

法國砂鍋 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 法國砂鍋

潘塘 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 潘塘

奶爸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 奶爸

鴆鳥 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鴆鳥

杜瓦瓶 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 杜瓦瓶

底夸克 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 底夸克

頂夸克 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 頂夸克

下夸克 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 下夸克

奇異夸克 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 奇異夸克

上夸克 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 上夸克

粲夸克 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 粲夸克

浿水 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 浿水

架利吉打 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 架利吉打

奇夸克 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 奇夸克

側臉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 側臉

總角 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 總角

膝關節 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 膝關節

併道 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 併道

行車線 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 行車線

雙閃 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雙閃

警崗 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 警崗

打燈 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 打燈

大燈 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大燈

治鹼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 治鹼

套接字 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 套接字

爾來 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 爾來

看清 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 看清

肥實 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 肥實

腰裡橫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 腰裡橫

姥娘 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 姥娘

蔡濠 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 蔡濠

鮮見 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鮮見

武吉班讓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 武吉班讓

觀球 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 觀球

球類 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 球類

看球 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 看球

巽他群島 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 巽他群島

犯賤 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 犯賤

福袋 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 福袋

轒轀 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 轒轀

少民 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 少民

故作 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 故作

同理心 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 同理心

天造地設 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 天造地設

菇涼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 菇涼

感同身受 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 感同身受

小命 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 小命

娶妻生子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 娶妻生子

發賤 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 發賤

打拚 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 打拚

撰稿 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 撰稿

手包 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 手包

熱話 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 熱話

北影 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 北影

主打曲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 主打曲

一帶一路 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 一帶一路

玄幻 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 玄幻

海上絲綢之路 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 海上絲綢之路

劇名 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 劇名

愛情片 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 愛情片

到爆 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 到爆

科幻片 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 科幻片

悲劇片 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 悲劇片

喜劇片 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 喜劇片

劇情片 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 劇情片

偵探片 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 偵探片

開襠褲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 開襠褲

懸疑片 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 懸疑片

共商 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 共商

戰爭片 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 戰爭片

枕邊人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 枕邊人

驚悚片 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 驚悚片

私密 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 私密

色情片 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 色情片

如約而至 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 如約而至

耍花槍 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 耍花槍

戈爾巴喬夫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 戈爾巴喬夫

亂彈琴 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 亂彈琴

陽文 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 陽文

陰文 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 陰文

中控臺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 中控臺

征夫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 征夫

正字通 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 正字通

姑冼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 姑冼

連襠褲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 連襠褲

灰心喪氣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 灰心喪氣

洗眼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 洗眼

神傷 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 神傷

言值 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 言值

知情權 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 知情權

初老族 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 初老族

雞湯文 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 雞湯文

同意書 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 同意書

力武 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 力武

邪惡軸心 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 邪惡軸心

有權 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 有權

夜夜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 夜夜

赫赫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 赫赫

萌萌噠 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 萌萌噠

鋼山 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鋼山

千泉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 千泉

鳧山 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 鳧山

中心店 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 中心店

大束 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 大束

唐村 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 唐村

北宿 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 北宿

城前 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 城前

公舉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 公舉

公舉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese)⁺' Path: 公舉

This page is a part of the machine-readable Chinese dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2024-09-01 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2024-08-20 using wiktextract (8e41825 and f99c758). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.