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Niederländisch inflections

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Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
zonnestelsel noun 246 het zonnestelsel singular
noun 246 de zonnestelsels plural
noun 246 het singular diminutive
noun 246 de plural diminutive

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
muis noun 151 muisje diminutive
noun 151 de muis singular
noun 151 de muizen plural
noun 151 het muisje singular diminutive
noun 151 de muisjes plural diminutive

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Ges-majeur noun 128 het Ges-majeur singular

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
renten noun 54 rentes variant

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
gaan verb 50 1. Person Singular past
verb 50 ga error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 50 ging error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 50 2. Person Singular past
verb 50 gaat error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 50 ging error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 50 3. Person Singular past
verb 50 gaat error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 50 ging error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 50 Plural past
gaan verb 50 gaan error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 50 gingen error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 50 Konjunktiv Singular past
verb 50 ga error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 50 error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 50 Imperativ Singular past
verb 50 ga!! error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 50 error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 50 Partizip past
verb 50 gaand error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
gaan verb 50 (zijn) gegaan error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
moe adj 41 moe positive
adj 41 moeër comparative
adj 41 moest superlative
adj 41 moeë positive
adj 41 moeëre comparative
adj 41 moeste superlative

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
technologie noun 25 de technologie singular
noun 25 de technologieën plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
courant adj 21 courant positive
adj 21 courante positive

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Fin noun 21 Finse feminine
noun 21 Finnetje diminutive
noun 21 de Fin singular
noun 21 de Finnen plural
noun 21 het Finnetje singular diminutive
noun 21 de Finnetjes plural diminutive

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
aaien verb 21 1. Person Singular past
verb 21 aai error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 21 aaide error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 21 2. Person Singular past
verb 21 aait error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 21 aaide error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 21 3. Person Singular past
verb 21 aait error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 21 aaide error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 21 Plural past
aaien verb 21 aaien error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 21 aaiden error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 21 Konjunktiv Singular past
verb 21 aaie error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 21 error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 21 Imperativ Singular past
verb 21 aai! error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 21 error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 21 Partizip past
verb 21 aaiend error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
aaien verb 21 (hebben) geaaid error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 21 Morphologisch past
verb 21 Basisverb mit ge- error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 21 Schwaches Verb (-d) past
verb 21 Syntaktisch past
verb 21 Transitives Verb error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
vrouw noun 12 man masculine
noun 12 vrouwtje diminutive
noun 12 de vrouw singular
noun 12 de vrouwen plural
noun 12 het vrouwtje singular diminutive
noun 12 de vrouwtjes plural diminutive

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
oma noun 10 opa masculine
noun 10 de oma singular
noun 10 de oma’s plural
noun 10 het singular diminutive
noun 10 de plural diminutive

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
priester noun 9 priesteres feminine
noun 9 de priester singular
noun 9 de priesters plural
noun 9 het priestertje singular diminutive
noun 9 de priestertjes plural diminutive

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
mat adj 9 mat positive
adj 9 matter comparative
adj 9 matst superlative
adj 9 matte positive
adj 9 mattere comparative
adj 9 matste superlative
adj 9 mats positive
adj 9 matters comparative

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
aanbieden verb 9 1. Person Singular past
verb 9 bied aan error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 9 bood aan error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 9 2. Person Singular past
verb 9 biedt aan error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 9 bood aan error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 9 3. Person Singular past
verb 9 biedt aan error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 9 bood aan error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 9 Plural past
aanbieden verb 9 bieden aan error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 9 boden aan error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 9 Konjunktiv Singular past
verb 9 biede aan error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 9 error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 9 Imperativ Singular past
verb 9 bied aan!! error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 9 error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 9 Partizip past
verb 9 aanbiedend error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
aanbieden verb 9 aangeboden error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 9 Morphologisch past
verb 9 Trennbares Verb error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 9 Starkes Verb Klasse 2 past
verb 9 Syntaktisch past
verb 9 Ditransitives Verb error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 9 Vollständige Konjugation past

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
B-groot noun 7 het B-groot singular
noun 7 het singular diminutive
noun 7 de plural diminutive

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Indonesische noun 5 Indonesiër masculine
noun 5 de Indonesische singular
noun 5 de Indonesischen plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
circus noun 4 de circus singular
noun 4 de circussen plural
noun 4 het circusje singular diminutive
noun 4 de circusjes plural diminutive
noun 4 het circus singular
noun 4 de circussen plural
noun 4 het circusje singular diminutive
noun 4 de circusjes plural diminutive

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
wezen verb 3 1. Person Singular past
verb 3 ben error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 3 was error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 3 2. Person Singular past
verb 3 bent error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 3 was error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 3 3. Person Singular past
verb 3 is error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 3 was error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 3 Plural past
wezen verb 3 zijn error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 3 waren error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 3 Konjunktiv Singular past
verb 3 weze error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 3 ware error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 3 Imperativ Singular past
verb 3 wees! error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 3 error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 3 Partizip past
verb 3 wezend error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
wezen verb 3 geweest error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 3 Morphologisch past
verb 3 Basisverb mit ge- error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
verb 3 Unregelmäßiges Verb past
verb 3 Syntaktisch past

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
giraffe noun 3 giraf variant
noun 3 de giraffe singular
noun 3 de giraffen plural
noun 3 de giraffes plural
noun 3 het giraffetje singular diminutive
noun 3 het girafje singular diminutive
noun 3 de giraffetjes plural diminutive
noun 3 de girafjes plural diminutive

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Aart noun 2 Aartina feminine
noun 2 Aartje feminine

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
plat adj 2 plat positive
adj 2 platter comparative
adj 2 platst superlative

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
derde noun 2 het derde singular
noun 2 de derden plural
noun 2 de derdes plural
noun 2 de derde singular
noun 2 de derden plural
noun 2 de derdes plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Liechtensteiner noun 1 Liechtensteinse feminine
noun 1 Liechtensteinertje diminutive
noun 1 de Liechtensteiner singular
noun 1 de Liechtensteiners plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Dick noun 1 Dikkie diminutive
noun 1 Dickie diminutive
noun 1 Dicky diminutive
noun 1 Dickie feminine
noun 1 Dicky feminine

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
duin noun 1 duintje diminutive
noun 1 de duin singular
noun 1 de duinen plural
noun 1 het duintje singular diminutive
noun 1 de duintjes plural diminutive
noun 1 het duin singular
noun 1 de duinen plural
noun 1 het duintje singular diminutive
noun 1 de duintjes plural diminutive

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Aafke noun 1 Aafkelina feminine
noun 1 Aafkeline feminine
noun 1 Aafkje feminine
noun 1 Aafko masculine

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Hendrik noun 1 Hendry affective
noun 1 Henk affective
noun 1 Henke affective
noun 1 Henri affective
noun 1 Henrie affective
noun 1 Hendrickus variant
noun 1 Hendricus variant
noun 1 Hendriekus variant
noun 1 Hendrikus variant
noun 1 Hendrinus variant
Hendrik noun 1 Henricus variant
noun 1 Hendrekien feminine
noun 1 Hendrica feminine
noun 1 Hendriek feminine
noun 1 Hendriekje feminine
noun 1 Hendriënne feminine
noun 1 Hendrietta feminine
noun 1 Hendrika feminine
noun 1 Hendrike feminine
noun 1 Hendrikien feminine
Hendrik noun 1 Hendrikje feminine
noun 1 Hendrikjen feminine
noun 1 Hendrikkien feminine
noun 1 Hendriktje feminine
noun 1 Hendrina feminine
noun 1 Hendrine feminine
noun 1 Henrica feminine
noun 1 Henrice feminine
noun 1 Henrieke feminine
noun 1 Henriet feminine
Hendrik noun 1 Henriëtte feminine
noun 1 Henrike feminine
noun 1 Henrikke feminine
noun 1 Hendrick masculine
noun 1 Hendrikes masculine
noun 1 Henrik masculine
noun 1 Henrick masculine

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
april noun 1 de april singular
noun 1 het aprilletje singular diminutive

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Portugees noun 1 Portugese feminine
noun 1 Portugeesje diminutive
noun 1 de Portugees singular
noun 1 de Portugezen plural
noun 1 het Portugeesje singular diminutive
noun 1 de Portugeesjes plural diminutive
noun 1 het Portugees singular

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
alcoholisch adj 1 alcoholisch positive
adj 1 alcoholischer comparative
adj 1 alcoholische positive
adj 1 alcoholischere comparative
adj 1 alcoholisch positive
adj 1 alcoholischers comparative

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
xenon noun 1 Xe symbol

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Zon name 1 Zonnetje diminutive

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
vis noun 1 visje diminutive
noun 1 de vis singular
noun 1 de vissen plural
noun 1 het visje singular diminutive
noun 1 de visjes plural diminutive
noun 1 de vis singular

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Caraïben noun 1 de Caraïben plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Frans noun 1 Franziska feminine
noun 1 de Frans singular

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
kleermaakster noun 1 kleermaker masculine
noun 1 kleermaakstertje diminutive
noun 1 de kleermaakster singular
noun 1 de kleermaaksters plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Amerikaans adj 1 Amerikaans positive
adj 1 Amerikaanser comparative
adj 1 Amerikaanst superlative
adj 1 Amerikaanse positive
adj 1 Amerikaansere comparative
adj 1 Amerikaanste superlative
adj 1 Amerikaans positive

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
leugens hebben korte benen phrase 1 leugens hebben schone benen rare variant

This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-01-30 from the dewiktionary dump dated 2025-01-20 using wiktextract (bcd5c38 and 9dbd323). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.