Wiktionary data extraction errors and warnings

inflection table

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inflection table: empty tags for nominative

hrča (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hrča

mladoženích (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: mladoženích

chajda (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: chajda

trubiroh (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: trubiroh

chmuľo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: chmuľo

Čučo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Čučo

Jelíneková (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Jelíneková

Valentová (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Valentová

Raus (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Raus

Laliková (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Laliková

tácka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: tácka

chujavica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: chujavica

chujava (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: chujava

golierik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: golierik

Kopček (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kopček

Klinec (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Klinec

vankúšik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: vankúšik

Kŕč (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kŕč

kašlík (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kašlík

pagáčik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pagáčik

grúnik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: grúnik

Koterec (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Koterec

nebožiečik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: nebožiečik

Langoš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Langoš

kašlisko (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kašlisko

Štrbová (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Štrbová

pagáčisko (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pagáčisko

motocyklík (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: motocyklík

kŕmidlo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kŕmidlo

Adamecová (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Adamecová

Adámeková (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Adámeková

Hrča (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Hrča

Machová (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Machová

anciáš (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: anciáš

Nerer (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Nerer

baranček (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: baranček

bruchovravec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: bruchovravec

ujko (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: ujko

Slováková (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Slováková

kentaurus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kentaurus

Princ (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Princ

junáčik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: junáčik

Fako (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Fako

kňazík (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kňazík

Kňaz (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kňaz

Kňazík (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kňazík

jazykoveda (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: jazykoveda

Dolné Sasko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Dolné Sasko

nebožtíček (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: nebožtíček

Mučka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Mučka

Hamburgová (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Hamburgová

Botová (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Botová

Botková (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Botková

Zvončeková (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Zvončeková

zámočník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: zámočník

rezeň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: rezeň

paštéta (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: paštéta

Ižipová (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Ižipová

Pavlo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Pavlo

zámočníčka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: zámočníčka

Štefanidesová (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Štefanidesová

Čuvan (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Čuvan

víťazka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: víťazka

rybárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: rybárka

utečenka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: utečenka

smetiarka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: smetiarka

garbiarka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: garbiarka

baníčka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: baníčka

mäsiarka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: mäsiarka

lekárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: lekárka

zubárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: zubárka

riaditeľka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: riaditeľka

chvastúnka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: chvastúnka

diakonka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: diakonka

robotníčka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: robotníčka

pretekárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pretekárka

krajčírka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: krajčírka

súdružka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: súdružka

dejepisárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: dejepisárka

žiačka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: žiačka

eurokomisárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: eurokomisárka

bordelárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: bordelárka

hladovkárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hladovkárka

diskárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: diskárka

advokátka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: advokátka

janičiarka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: janičiarka

výškarka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: výškarka

kamoška (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kamoška

zverolekárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: zverolekárka

nekresťanka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: nekresťanka

archeologička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: archeologička

motorkárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: motorkárka

stípliarka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: stípliarka

povaľačka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: povaľačka

haviarka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: haviarka

rušňovodička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: rušňovodička

colníčka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: colníčka

astrologička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: astrologička

psychologička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: psychologička

politologička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: politologička

geologička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: geologička

filologička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: filologička

etymologička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: etymologička

ekologička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: ekologička

mykologička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: mykologička

tokárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: tokárka

lapajka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: lapajka

gynekologička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: gynekologička

beťárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: beťárka

správkyňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: správkyňa

rozhodkyňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: rozhodkyňa

hádzanárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hádzanárka

futbalistka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: futbalistka

vládkyňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: vládkyňa

huslistka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: huslistka

zradkyňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: zradkyňa

predsedníčka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: predsedníčka

bedmintonistka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: bedmintonistka

sudkyňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: sudkyňa

scenáristka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: scenáristka

gitaristka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: gitaristka

výrobkyňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: výrobkyňa

teroristka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: teroristka

libretistka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: libretistka

vodkyňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: vodkyňa

opátka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: opátka

sociologička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: sociologička

flautistka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: flautistka

baptistka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: baptistka

nefajčiarka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: nefajčiarka

fotografistka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: fotografistka

ostreľovačka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: ostreľovačka

dobrovoľníčka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: dobrovoľníčka

mučiteľka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: mučiteľka

dôstojníčka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: dôstojníčka

súčasníčka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: súčasníčka

Bačovský (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Bačovský

votrelkyňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: votrelkyňa

felčiarka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: felčiarka

žoldnierka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: žoldnierka

páchateľka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: páchateľka

veliteľka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: veliteľka

-kyňa (Slovak suffix) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: -kyňa

spotrebiteľka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: spotrebiteľka

Šuhaj (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Šuhaj

žobráčka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: žobráčka

hrobárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hrobárka

spolužiačka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: spolužiačka

huncútka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: huncútka

spolupáchateľka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: spolupáchateľka

domorodkyňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: domorodkyňa

kacírka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kacírka

Hrobár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Hrobár

Ďurčová (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Ďurčová

Franeková (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Franeková

rukojemníčka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: rukojemníčka

teologička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: teologička

Jelínková (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Jelínková

horská dráha (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: horská dráha

Szobi (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Szobi

altsaxofón (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: altsaxofón

Krajíček (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Krajíček

Michalák (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Michalák

Kvaka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kvaka

Kolega (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kolega

Majer (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Majer

Trabalík (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Trabalík

prímeno (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: prímeno

Pluhár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Pluhár

Goralka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Goralka

Fúzik (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Fúzik

Dúha (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Dúha

jarmok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: jarmok

Kolba (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kolba

Farda (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Farda

oštiepok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: oštiepok

Kolka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kolka

vincúr (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: vincúr

Kukola (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kukola

Vincúr (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Vincúr

Ročkár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Ročkár

Kostolanský (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kostolanský

Kršiak (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kršiak

Tabačiar (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Tabačiar

pandrava (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pandrava

Mlaka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Mlaka

Rehák (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Rehák

Kapuš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kapuš

Mácsai (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Mácsai

Škuta (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Škuta

Kókai (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kókai

Meleg (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Meleg

Ravasz (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Ravasz

chrústik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: chrústik

Pénzes (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Pénzes

Kormoš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kormoš

Vlčko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Vlčko

Ázijka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Ázijka

Varecha (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Varecha

pandúr (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pandúr

Pálinkáš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Pálinkáš

žoch (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: žoch

Mistrík (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Mistrík

žúr (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: žúr

ostrovček (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: ostrovček

Dedina (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Dedina

žižiavka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: žižiavka

Mikolaj (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Mikolaj

Ferenčík (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Ferenčík

Binčík (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Binčík

konzílium (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: konzílium

retuš (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: retuš

luteránstvo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: luteránstvo

svetadiel (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: svetadiel

presbyteriánka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: presbyteriánka

kontajner (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kontajner

konfúzia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: konfúzia

kontráš (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kontráš

konkordát (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: konkordát

kolagén (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kolagén

kólia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kólia

kója (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kója

žufaňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: žufaňa

konfety (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: konfety

Kohút (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kohút

bosniak (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: bosniak

brandža (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: brandža

Brečka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Brečka

špachtľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: špachtľa

brečka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: brečka

Bobor (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Bobor

Cibuľa (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Cibuľa

plávka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: plávka

rádioaparát (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: rádioaparát

kolaudácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kolaudácia

papiernictvo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: papiernictvo

nočná zmena (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: nočná zmena

hobeľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hobeľ

vodičský preukaz (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: vodičský preukaz

posunková reč (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: posunková reč

paštčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: paštčina

izbietka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: izbietka

List Filemonovi (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: List Filemonovi

Šišila (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Šišila

sihoť (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: sihoť

Zuberec (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Zuberec

srdciar (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: srdciar

stôs (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: stôs

klamárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: klamárka

avestčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: avestčina

Pašeková (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Pašeková

kraviar (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kraviar

štós (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: štós

zvonár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: zvonár

soľnička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: soľnička

Slanička (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Slanička

Šuma (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Šuma

bedrovník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: bedrovník

Kosovčan (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kosovčan

Kosovčanka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kosovčanka

Daxner (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Daxner

Giertl (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Giertl

Pokoš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Pokoš

Godla (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Godla

Ridzoň (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Ridzoň

záporka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: záporka

jelenička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: jelenička

jelenček (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: jelenček

Gunár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Gunár

Beňa (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Beňa

Ozorák (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Ozorák

Dráfi (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Dráfi

Munka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Munka

Smoľak (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Smoľak

Turik (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Turik

Vadkerti (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Vadkerti

Rosič (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Rosič

Kolcun (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kolcun

Salgó (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Salgó

Mitro (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Mitro

Macejka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Macejka

Čulen (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Čulen

Antálek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Antálek

Hačunda (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Hačunda

Dobák (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Dobák

Melko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Melko

Poleč (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Poleč

mladoň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: mladoň

Kresila (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kresila

Pariža (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Pariža

Kvietok (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kvietok

Bačko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Bačko

Bobček (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Bobček

štôs (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: štôs

Jalový (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Jalový

Dzurko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Dzurko

Grundza (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Grundza

Olej (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Olej

Čerman (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Čerman

špička ľadovca (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: špička ľadovca

Gála (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Gála

Gaľa (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Gaľa

Múcska (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Múcska

Papala (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Papala

Šagát (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Šagát

Leška (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Leška

darebáčka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: darebáčka

živôtik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: živôtik

inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks.

raven (Slovene adjective) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: raven

urban (Slovene adjective) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: urban

robot (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: robot

most (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: most

planet (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: planet

os (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: os

San Marino (Slovene proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: San Marino

Malta (Slovene proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: Malta

A (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: A

radar (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: radar

last (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: last

drug (Slovene adjective) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: drug

star (Slovene adjective) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: star

Slovak (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: Slovak

Jupiter (Slovene proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: Jupiter

Jupiter (Slovene proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: Jupiter

be (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: be

tiger (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: tiger

general (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: general

zebra (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: zebra

pi (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: pi

lama (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: lama

lama (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: lama

red (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: red

red (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: red

red (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: red

voz (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: voz

sol (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: sol

car (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: car

del (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: del

bran (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: bran

zima (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: zima

beg (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: beg

beg (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: beg

Sydney (Slovene proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: Sydney

Leon (Slovene proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: Leon

bel (Slovene adjective) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: bel

as (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: as

bled (Slovene adjective) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: bled

met (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: met

met (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: met

kita (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: kita

angel (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: angel

ducat (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: ducat

ran (Slovene adjective) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: ran

let (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: let

penis (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: penis

nit (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: nit

b (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: b

d (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: d

asteroid (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: asteroid

c (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: c

list (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: list

e (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: e

drag (Slovene adjective) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: drag

file (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: file

sir (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: sir

cesta (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: cesta

cesta (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: cesta

ol (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: ol

radon (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: radon

argon (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: argon

argon (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: argon

neon (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: neon

titan (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: titan

krona (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: krona

Verona (Slovene proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: Verona

koper (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: koper

koper (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: koper

ovca (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: ovca

ovca (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: ovca

Milan (Slovene proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: Milan

pianist (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: pianist

nem (Slovene adjective) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: nem

Bask (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: Bask

tok (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: tok

tok (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: tok

tok (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: tok

tok (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: tok

kava (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: kava

sel (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: sel

los (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: los

baba (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: baba

roman (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: roman

lug (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: lug

Egipt (Slovene proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: Egipt

bar (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: bar

bar (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: bar

bar (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: bar

datum (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: datum

ser (Slovene adjective) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: ser

ser (Slovene noun) inflection table: empty tags for please help by adding the tonal marks. Path: ser

inflection table: empty tags for odčítala

odčítať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odčítala Path: odčítať

odčítať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odčítala Path: odčítať

odčítať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odčítala Path: odčítať

inflection table: empty tags for odčítala by

odčítať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odčítala by Path: odčítať

odčítať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odčítala by Path: odčítať

odčítať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odčítala by Path: odčítať

inflection table: empty tags for odčítala si

odčítať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odčítala si Path: odčítať

odčítať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odčítala si Path: odčítať

odčítať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odčítala si Path: odčítať

inflection table: empty tags for odčítala som

odčítať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odčítala som Path: odčítať

odčítať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odčítala som Path: odčítať

odčítať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odčítala som Path: odčítať

inflection table: empty tags for note how the aorist stem is գիտաց-

գիտեմ (Old Armenian verb) inflection table: empty tags for note how the aorist stem is գիտաց- Path: գիտեմ

գիտեմ (Old Armenian verb) inflection table: empty tags for note how the aorist stem is գիտաց- Path: գիտեմ

inflection table: empty tags for note the aorist stem without -եց-

ածեմ (Old Armenian verb) inflection table: empty tags for note the aorist stem without -եց- Path: ածեմ

ածեմ (Old Armenian verb) inflection table: empty tags for note the aorist stem without -եց- Path: ածեմ

inflection table: empty tags for o-type genitive աղքատոյ and instrumental աղքատով (ałkʻatov) are attested in the Bible translation

աղքատ (Old Armenian adjective) inflection table: empty tags for o-type genitive աղքատոյ and instrumental աղքատով (ałkʻatov) are attested in the Bible translation Path: աղքատ

աղքատ (Old Armenian noun) inflection table: empty tags for o-type genitive աղքատոյ and instrumental աղքատով (ałkʻatov) are attested in the Bible translation Path: աղքատ

inflection table: empty tags for otročila

otročiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for otročila Path: otročiť

otročiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for otročila Path: otročiť

inflection table: empty tags for otročila by

otročiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for otročila by Path: otročiť

otročiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for otročila by Path: otročiť

inflection table: empty tags for otročila si

otročiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for otročila si Path: otročiť

otročiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for otročila si Path: otročiť

inflection table: empty tags for otročila som

otročiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for otročila som Path: otročiť

otročiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for otročila som Path: otročiť

inflection table: empty tags for oîepykyba'e

îepyk (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîepykyba'e Path: îepyk

epyk (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîepykyba'e Path: epyk

inflection table: empty tags for pererekaba

pererek (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for pererekaba Path: pererek

pererek (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for pererekaba Path: pererek

inflection table: empty tags for nominative plural can also be թանձրոյք and post-classically թանձրունք (tʻanjrunkʻ)

թանձր (Old Armenian adjective) inflection table: empty tags for nominative plural can also be թանձրոյք and post-classically թանձրունք (tʻanjrunkʻ) Path: թանձր

inflection table: empty tags for nominative plural քեռիք

քոյր (Old Armenian noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative plural քեռիք Path: քոյր

inflection table: empty tags for nominative plurals եղերք and եղերունք (ełerunkʻ) and an alternative singular genitive եղերան (ełeran) are postulated by Nor Baṙgirkʿ Haykazean Lezui without attestation

եղեռն (Old Armenian noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative plurals եղերք and եղերունք (ełerunkʻ) and an alternative singular genitive եղերան (ełeran) are postulated by Nor Baṙgirkʿ Haykazean Lezui without attestation Path: եղեռն

inflection table: empty tags for non-neuter: Third-declension noun.

quadrupes (Latin noun) inflection table: empty tags for non-neuter: Third-declension noun. Path: quadrupes

inflection table: empty tags for non-personal moods

фи (Romanian verb) inflection table: empty tags for non-personal moods Path: фи

inflection table: empty tags for nosila

nosiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for nosila Path: nosiť

inflection table: empty tags for nosila by

nosiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for nosila by Path: nosiť

inflection table: empty tags for nosila si

nosiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for nosila si Path: nosiť

inflection table: empty tags for nosila som

nosiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for nosila som Path: nosiť

inflection table: empty tags for note how the aorist stem is մարթաց-

մարթեմ (Old Armenian verb) inflection table: empty tags for note how the aorist stem is մարթաց- Path: մարթեմ

inflection table: empty tags for note the irregular imperative լուա՛

լուանալ (Armenian verb) inflection table: empty tags for note the irregular imperative լուա՛ Path: լուանալ

inflection table: empty tags for note the irregular imperative կե՛ր

ուտել (Armenian verb) inflection table: empty tags for note the irregular imperative կե՛ր Path: ուտել

inflection table: empty tags for note the irregularity in aorist

լուանալ (Armenian verb) inflection table: empty tags for note the irregularity in aorist Path: լուանալ

inflection table: empty tags for note the unusual dative

երեսներորդ (Old Armenian numeral) inflection table: empty tags for note the unusual dative Path: երեսներորդ

inflection table: empty tags for nuen

izan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for nuen Path: izan

inflection table: empty tags for nuke

izan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for nuke Path: izan

inflection table: empty tags for nukeen

izan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for nukeen Path: izan

inflection table: empty tags for nupãana/nupãsara

nupã (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for nupãana/nupãsara Path: nupã

inflection table: empty tags for nupãsaba

nupã (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for nupãsaba Path: nupã

inflection table: empty tags for nupãukar

nupã (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for nupãukar Path: nupã

inflection table: empty tags for nurlanabilerek

nurlanmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for nurlanabilerek Path: nurlanmak

inflection table: empty tags for nurlanabilirken

nurlanmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for nurlanabilirken Path: nurlanmak

inflection table: empty tags for nurlanamayarak

nurlanmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for nurlanamayarak Path: nurlanmak

inflection table: empty tags for nurlanamazken

nurlanmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for nurlanamazken Path: nurlanmak

inflection table: empty tags for nurlanarak

nurlanmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for nurlanarak Path: nurlanmak

inflection table: empty tags for nurlanmayarak

nurlanmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for nurlanmayarak Path: nurlanmak

inflection table: empty tags for nurlanmazken

nurlanmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for nurlanmazken Path: nurlanmak

inflection table: empty tags for nurlanırken

nurlanmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for nurlanırken Path: nurlanmak

inflection table: empty tags for nÁdam

Ádam (Old Irish proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nÁdam Path: Ádam

inflection table: empty tags for nÁed

Áed (Old Irish proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nÁed Path: Áed

inflection table: empty tags for nÁedacán

Áedacán (Old Irish proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nÁedacán Path: Áedacán

inflection table: empty tags for nÉgept

Égept (Old Irish proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nÉgept Path: Égept

inflection table: empty tags for nÉgiptacdae

Égiptacdae (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for nÉgiptacdae Path: Égiptacdae

inflection table: empty tags for nÉgiptda

Égiptda (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for nÉgiptda Path: Égiptda

inflection table: empty tags for nÉriu

Ériu (Old Irish proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nÉriu Path: Ériu

inflection table: empty tags for nÍ

Í (Old Irish proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nÍ Path: Í

inflection table: empty tags for nÍssu

Íssu (Old Irish proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nÍssu Path: Íssu

inflection table: empty tags for nÍsu

Ísu (Old Irish proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nÍsu Path: Ísu

inflection table: empty tags for nÓengus

Óengus (Old Irish proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nÓengus Path: Óengus

inflection table: empty tags for náhlila

náhliť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for náhlila Path: náhliť

inflection table: empty tags for náhlila by

náhliť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for náhlila by Path: náhliť

inflection table: empty tags for náhlila si

náhliť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for náhlila si Path: náhliť

inflection table: empty tags for náhlila som

náhliť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for náhlila som Path: náhliť

inflection table: empty tags for níeme

níeme (Saterland Frisian verb) inflection table: empty tags for níeme Path: níeme

inflection table: empty tags for nǼgeptacdae

Ǽgeptacdae (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for nǼgeptacdae Path: Ǽgeptacdae

inflection table: empty tags for nǼgeptacdu

Ǽgeptacdu (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for nǼgeptacdu Path: Ǽgeptacdu

inflection table: empty tags for o'amyba'e

'am (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for o'amyba'e Path: 'am

inflection table: empty tags for o'aryba'e

'ar (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for o'aryba'e Path: 'ar

inflection table: empty tags for o'ypîasoba'e

'ypîasó (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for o'ypîasoba'e Path: 'ypîasó

inflection table: empty tags for o-type instrumentals կամով and կամովք (kamovkʻ) are also attested

կամք (Old Armenian noun) inflection table: empty tags for o-type instrumentals կամով and կամովք (kamovkʻ) are also attested Path: կամք

inflection table: empty tags for obebeba'e

bebé (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for obebeba'e Path: bebé

inflection table: empty tags for oberaba'e

berab (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oberaba'e Path: berab

inflection table: empty tags for obj

aspalto (Cebuano verb) inflection table: empty tags for obj Path: aspalto

inflection table: empty tags for objala

objať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for objala Path: objať

inflection table: empty tags for objala by

objať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for objala by Path: objať

inflection table: empty tags for objala si

objať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for objala si Path: objať

inflection table: empty tags for objala som

objať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for objala som Path: objať

inflection table: empty tags for object

kuha (Cebuano verb) inflection table: empty tags for object Path: kuha

inflection table: empty tags for objímala

objímať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for objímala Path: objímať

inflection table: empty tags for objímala by

objímať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for objímala by Path: objímať

inflection table: empty tags for objímala si

objímať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for objímala si Path: objímať

inflection table: empty tags for objímala som

objímať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for objímala som Path: objímať

inflection table: empty tags for obobokyba'e

bobok (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for obobokyba'e Path: bobok

inflection table: empty tags for obrobila

obrobiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for obrobila Path: obrobiť

inflection table: empty tags for obrobila by

obrobiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for obrobila by Path: obrobiť

inflection table: empty tags for obrobila si

obrobiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for obrobila si Path: obrobiť

inflection table: empty tags for obrobila som

obrobiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for obrobila som Path: obrobiť

inflection table: empty tags for obrábala

obrábať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for obrábala Path: obrábať

inflection table: empty tags for obrábala by

obrábať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for obrábala by Path: obrábať

inflection table: empty tags for obrábala si

obrábať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for obrábala si Path: obrábať

inflection table: empty tags for obrábala som

obrábať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for obrábala som Path: obrábať

inflection table: empty tags for obsadila

obsadiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for obsadila Path: obsadiť

inflection table: empty tags for obsadila by

obsadiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for obsadila by Path: obsadiť

inflection table: empty tags for obsadila si

obsadiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for obsadila si Path: obsadiť

inflection table: empty tags for obsadila som

obsadiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for obsadila som Path: obsadiť

inflection table: empty tags for obyeteaba/obyetesaba

obyeté (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for obyeteaba/obyetesaba Path: obyeté

inflection table: empty tags for obŷaba/obysaba

oby (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for obŷaba/obysaba Path: oby

inflection table: empty tags for ocu·mbether

ocubether (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for ocu·mbether Path: ocubether

inflection table: empty tags for ocu·mbí

ocubí (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for ocu·mbí Path: ocubí

inflection table: empty tags for oddala

oddať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for oddala Path: oddať

inflection table: empty tags for oddala by

oddať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for oddala by Path: oddať

inflection table: empty tags for oddala si

oddať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for oddala si Path: oddať

inflection table: empty tags for oddala som

oddať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for oddala som Path: oddať

inflection table: empty tags for odopäla

odopäť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odopäla Path: odopäť

inflection table: empty tags for odopäla by

odopäť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odopäla by Path: odopäť

inflection table: empty tags for odopäla si

odopäť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odopäla si Path: odopäť

inflection table: empty tags for odopäla som

odopäť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odopäla som Path: odopäť

inflection table: empty tags for odrobila

odrobiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odrobila Path: odrobiť

inflection table: empty tags for odrobila by

odrobiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odrobila by Path: odrobiť

inflection table: empty tags for odrobila si

odrobiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odrobila si Path: odrobiť

inflection table: empty tags for odrobila som

odrobiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odrobila som Path: odrobiť

inflection table: empty tags for odrábala

odrábať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odrábala Path: odrábať

inflection table: empty tags for odrábala by

odrábať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odrábala by Path: odrábať

inflection table: empty tags for odrábala si

odrábať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odrábala si Path: odrábať

inflection table: empty tags for odrábala som

odrábať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odrábala som Path: odrábať

inflection table: empty tags for odunlaşabilerek

odunlaşmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for odunlaşabilerek Path: odunlaşmak

inflection table: empty tags for odunlaşabilirken

odunlaşmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for odunlaşabilirken Path: odunlaşmak

inflection table: empty tags for odunlaşamayarak

odunlaşmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for odunlaşamayarak Path: odunlaşmak

inflection table: empty tags for odunlaşamazken

odunlaşmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for odunlaşamazken Path: odunlaşmak

inflection table: empty tags for odunlaşarak

odunlaşmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for odunlaşarak Path: odunlaşmak

inflection table: empty tags for odunlaşmayarak

odunlaşmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for odunlaşmayarak Path: odunlaşmak

inflection table: empty tags for odunlaşmazken

odunlaşmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for odunlaşmazken Path: odunlaşmak

inflection table: empty tags for odunlaşırken

odunlaşmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for odunlaşırken Path: odunlaşmak

inflection table: empty tags for odčinila

odčiniť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odčinila Path: odčiniť

inflection table: empty tags for odčinila by

odčiniť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odčinila by Path: odčiniť

inflection table: empty tags for odčinila si

odčiniť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odčinila si Path: odčiniť

inflection table: empty tags for odčinila som

odčiniť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odčinila som Path: odčiniť

inflection table: empty tags for odčitovala

odčitovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odčitovala Path: odčitovať

inflection table: empty tags for odčitovala by

odčitovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odčitovala by Path: odčitovať

inflection table: empty tags for odčitovala si

odčitovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odčitovala si Path: odčitovať

inflection table: empty tags for odčitovala som

odčitovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odčitovala som Path: odčitovať

inflection table: empty tags for odčítavala

odčítavať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odčítavala Path: odčítavať

inflection table: empty tags for odčítavala by

odčítavať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odčítavala by Path: odčítavať

inflection table: empty tags for odčítavala si

odčítavať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odčítavala si Path: odčítavať

inflection table: empty tags for odčítavala som

odčítavať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for odčítavala som Path: odčítavať

inflection table: empty tags for of the oblique cases only genitive singular համարակարի is attested

համարակար (Old Armenian noun) inflection table: empty tags for of the oblique cases only genitive singular համարակարի is attested Path: համարակար

inflection table: empty tags for ogûapykyba'e

gûapyk (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for ogûapykyba'e Path: gûapyk

inflection table: empty tags for ogûarinĩba'e

gûarinĩ (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for ogûarinĩba'e Path: gûarinĩ

inflection table: empty tags for ogûasemyba'e

gûasem (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for ogûasemyba'e Path: gûasem

inflection table: empty tags for ogûataba'e

gûatá (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for ogûataba'e Path: gûatá

inflection table: empty tags for ohovárala

ohovárať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for ohovárala Path: ohovárať

inflection table: empty tags for ohovárala by

ohovárať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for ohovárala by Path: ohovárať

inflection table: empty tags for ohovárala si

ohovárať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for ohovárala si Path: ohovárať

inflection table: empty tags for ohovárala som

ohovárať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for ohovárala som Path: ohovárať

inflection table: empty tags for ohúrila

ohúriť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for ohúrila Path: ohúriť

inflection table: empty tags for ohúrila by

ohúriť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for ohúrila by Path: ohúriť

inflection table: empty tags for ohúrila si

ohúriť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for ohúrila si Path: ohúriť

inflection table: empty tags for ohúrila som

ohúriť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for ohúrila som Path: ohúriť

inflection table: empty tags for oka'apîasoba'e

ka'apîasó (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oka'apîasoba'e Path: ka'apîasó

inflection table: empty tags for okabátila

okabátiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for okabátila Path: okabátiť

inflection table: empty tags for okabátila by

okabátiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for okabátila by Path: okabátiť

inflection table: empty tags for okabátila si

okabátiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for okabátila si Path: okabátiť

inflection table: empty tags for okabátila som

okabátiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for okabátila som Path: okabátiť

inflection table: empty tags for okaruba'e

karu (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for okaruba'e Path: karu

inflection table: empty tags for okeryba'e

ker (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for okeryba'e Path: ker

inflection table: empty tags for okopîasoba'e

kopîasó (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for okopîasoba'e Path: kopîasó

inflection table: empty tags for okuîba'e

kuî (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for okuîba'e Path: kuî

inflection table: empty tags for okyryba'e

kyr (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for okyryba'e Path: kyr

inflection table: empty tags for okysyîeba'e

kysyîé (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for okysyîeba'e Path: kysyîé

inflection table: empty tags for okûaba'e

kûab (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for okûaba'e Path: kûab

inflection table: empty tags for olabilerek

olmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for olabilerek Path: olmak

inflection table: empty tags for olabilirken

olmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for olabilirken Path: olmak

inflection table: empty tags for olamayarak

olmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for olamayarak Path: olmak

inflection table: empty tags for olamazken

olmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for olamazken Path: olmak

inflection table: empty tags for olarak

olmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for olarak Path: olmak

inflection table: empty tags for olmayarak

olmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for olmayarak Path: olmak

inflection table: empty tags for olmazken

olmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for olmazken Path: olmak

inflection table: empty tags for olurken

olmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for olurken Path: olmak

inflection table: empty tags for omembekyba'e

membek (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for omembekyba'e Path: membek

inflection table: empty tags for omid-vâr bud

امیدوار بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for omid-vâr bud Path: امیدوار بودن

inflection table: empty tags for omid-vâr bud'án

امیدوار بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for omid-vâr bud'án Path: امیدوار بودن

inflection table: empty tags for omid-vâr bud'ím

امیدوار بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for omid-vâr bud'ím Path: امیدوار بودن

inflection table: empty tags for omid-vâr bud'ín

امیدوار بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for omid-vâr bud'ín Path: امیدوار بودن

inflection table: empty tags for omid-vâr budán

امیدوار بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for omid-vâr budán Path: امیدوار بودن

inflection table: empty tags for omid-vâr búdan

امیدوار بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for omid-vâr búdan Path: امیدوار بودن

inflection table: empty tags for omid-vâr búdim

امیدوار بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for omid-vâr búdim Path: امیدوار بودن

inflection table: empty tags for omid-vâr búdin

امیدوار بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for omid-vâr búdin Path: امیدوار بودن

inflection table: empty tags for omid-vâran

امیدوار بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for omid-vâran Path: امیدوار بودن

inflection table: empty tags for omid-vârim

امیدوار بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for omid-vârim Path: امیدوار بودن

inflection table: empty tags for omid-vârin

امیدوار بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for omid-vârin Path: امیدوار بودن

inflection table: empty tags for ommid-vâr bud

امیدوار بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for ommid-vâr bud Path: امیدوار بودن

inflection table: empty tags for ommid-vâr budán

امیدوار بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for ommid-vâr budán Path: امیدوار بودن

inflection table: empty tags for ommid-vâr budé-and

امیدوار بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for ommid-vâr budé-and Path: امیدوار بودن

inflection table: empty tags for ommid-vâr budé-id

امیدوار بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for ommid-vâr budé-id Path: امیدوار بودن

inflection table: empty tags for ommid-vâr budé-im

امیدوار بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for ommid-vâr budé-im Path: امیدوار بودن

inflection table: empty tags for ommid-vâr búdand

امیدوار بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for ommid-vâr búdand Path: امیدوار بودن

inflection table: empty tags for ommid-vâr búdid

امیدوار بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for ommid-vâr búdid Path: امیدوار بودن

inflection table: empty tags for ommid-vâr búdim

امیدوار بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for ommid-vâr búdim Path: امیدوار بودن

inflection table: empty tags for ommid-vâr bấšid

امیدوار بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for ommid-vâr bấšid Path: امیدوار بودن

inflection table: empty tags for ommid-vârand

امیدوار بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for ommid-vârand Path: امیدوار بودن

inflection table: empty tags for ommid-vârid

امیدوار بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for ommid-vârid Path: امیدوار بودن

inflection table: empty tags for ommid-vârim

امیدوار بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for ommid-vârim Path: امیدوار بودن

inflection table: empty tags for ongelje

ongelje (Saterland Frisian verb) inflection table: empty tags for ongelje Path: ongelje

inflection table: empty tags for onhanyba'e

nhan (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for onhanyba'e Path: nhan

inflection table: empty tags for onhe'engatuba'e

nhe'engatu (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for onhe'engatuba'e Path: nhe'engatu

inflection table: empty tags for onhe'engyba'e

nhe'eng (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for onhe'engyba'e Path: nhe'eng

inflection table: empty tags for only ablative plural ի յարաստոյց is attested post-classically.

արաստոյ (Old Armenian adjective) inflection table: empty tags for only ablative plural ի յարաստոյց is attested post-classically. Path: արաստոյ

inflection table: empty tags for only plural genitive դադարոց is attested (and only for the last sense)

դադար (Old Armenian noun) inflection table: empty tags for only plural genitive դադարոց is attested (and only for the last sense) Path: դադար

inflection table: empty tags for only քքով is attested

քուք (Old Armenian noun) inflection table: empty tags for only քքով is attested Path: քուք

inflection table: empty tags for opererekyba'e

pererek (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for opererekyba'e Path: pererek

inflection table: empty tags for opila

opiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for opila Path: opiť

inflection table: empty tags for opila by

opiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for opila by Path: opiť

inflection table: empty tags for opila si

opiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for opila si Path: opiť

inflection table: empty tags for opila som

opiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for opila som Path: opiť

inflection table: empty tags for oponovala

oponovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for oponovala Path: oponovať

inflection table: empty tags for oponovala by

oponovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for oponovala by Path: oponovať

inflection table: empty tags for oponovala si

oponovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for oponovala si Path: oponovať

inflection table: empty tags for oponovala som

oponovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for oponovala som Path: oponovať

inflection table: empty tags for oporabykyba'e

porabyky (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oporabykyba'e Path: porabyky

inflection table: empty tags for oporuba'e

poru (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oporuba'e Path: poru

inflection table: empty tags for opotyrõba'e

potyrõ (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for opotyrõba'e Path: potyrõ

inflection table: empty tags for opu'amyba'e

pu'am (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for opu'amyba'e Path: pu'am

inflection table: empty tags for opukyba'e

puk (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for opukyba'e Path: puk

inflection table: empty tags for opustila

opustiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for opustila Path: opustiť

inflection table: empty tags for opustila by

opustiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for opustila by Path: opustiť

inflection table: empty tags for opustila si

opustiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for opustila si Path: opustiť

inflection table: empty tags for opustila som

opustiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for opustila som Path: opustiť

inflection table: empty tags for opytaba'e

pytá (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for opytaba'e Path: pytá

inflection table: empty tags for opúšťala

opúšťať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for opúšťala Path: opúšťať

inflection table: empty tags for opúšťala by

opúšťať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for opúšťala by Path: opúšťať

inflection table: empty tags for opúšťala si

opúšťať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for opúšťala si Path: opúšťať

inflection table: empty tags for opúšťala som

opúšťať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for opúšťala som Path: opúšťať

inflection table: empty tags for opûeraba'e

pûerab (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for opûeraba'e Path: pûerab

inflection table: empty tags for orala

orať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for orala Path: orať

inflection table: empty tags for orala by

orať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for orala by Path: orať

inflection table: empty tags for orala si

orať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for orala si Path: orať

inflection table: empty tags for orala som

orať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for orala som Path: orať

inflection table: empty tags for osapekyba'e

apek (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for osapekyba'e Path: apek

inflection table: empty tags for osasaba'e

asab (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for osasaba'e Path: asab

inflection table: empty tags for osaûsuba'e

aûsub (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for osaûsuba'e Path: aûsub

inflection table: empty tags for osemyba'e

sem (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for osemyba'e Path: sem

inflection table: empty tags for osendyba'e

endy (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for osendyba'e Path: endy

inflection table: empty tags for osepîakukaryba'e

epîakukar (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for osepîakukaryba'e Path: epîakukar

inflection table: empty tags for osepîakyba'e

epîak (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for osepîakyba'e Path: epîak

inflection table: empty tags for oslobodila

oslobodiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for oslobodila Path: oslobodiť

inflection table: empty tags for oslobodila by

oslobodiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for oslobodila by Path: oslobodiť

inflection table: empty tags for oslobodila si

oslobodiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for oslobodila si Path: oslobodiť

inflection table: empty tags for oslobodila som

oslobodiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for oslobodila som Path: oslobodiť

inflection table: empty tags for oslobodzovala

oslobodzovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for oslobodzovala Path: oslobodzovať

inflection table: empty tags for oslobodzovala by

oslobodzovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for oslobodzovala by Path: oslobodzovať

inflection table: empty tags for oslobodzovala si

oslobodzovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for oslobodzovala si Path: oslobodzovať

inflection table: empty tags for oslobodzovala som

oslobodzovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for oslobodzovala som Path: oslobodzovať

inflection table: empty tags for osoba'e

só (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for osoba'e Path: só

inflection table: empty tags for osykyba'e

syk (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for osykyba'e Path: syk

inflection table: empty tags for osykyîeba'e

sykyîé (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for osykyîeba'e Path: sykyîé

inflection table: empty tags for otrávila

otráviť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for otrávila Path: otráviť

inflection table: empty tags for otrávila by

otráviť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for otrávila by Path: otráviť

inflection table: empty tags for otrávila si

otráviť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for otrávila si Path: otráviť

inflection table: empty tags for otrávila som

otráviť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for otrávila som Path: otráviť

inflection table: empty tags for ott is felejt.

ottfelejt (Hungarian verb) inflection table: empty tags for ott is felejt. Path: ottfelejt

inflection table: empty tags for ott is felejthet.

ottfelejt (Hungarian verb) inflection table: empty tags for ott is felejthet. Path: ottfelejt

inflection table: empty tags for ott is marad.

ottmarad (Hungarian verb) inflection table: empty tags for ott is marad. Path: ottmarad

inflection table: empty tags for ott is maradhat.

ottmarad (Hungarian verb) inflection table: empty tags for ott is maradhat. Path: ottmarad

inflection table: empty tags for otuîukyba'e

tuîuk (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for otuîukyba'e Path: tuîuk

inflection table: empty tags for otvorila

otvoriť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for otvorila Path: otvoriť

inflection table: empty tags for otvorila by

otvoriť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for otvorila by Path: otvoriť

inflection table: empty tags for otvorila by sa

otvoriť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for otvorila by sa Path: otvoriť

inflection table: empty tags for otvorila sa

otvoriť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for otvorila sa Path: otvoriť

inflection table: empty tags for otvorila si

otvoriť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for otvorila si Path: otvoriť

inflection table: empty tags for otvorila si sa

otvoriť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for otvorila si sa Path: otvoriť

inflection table: empty tags for otvorila som

otvoriť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for otvorila som Path: otvoriť

inflection table: empty tags for otvorila som sa

otvoriť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for otvorila som sa Path: otvoriť

inflection table: empty tags for otvárala

otvárať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for otvárala Path: otvárať

inflection table: empty tags for otvárala by

otvárať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for otvárala by Path: otvárať

inflection table: empty tags for otvárala si

otvárať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for otvárala si Path: otvárať

inflection table: empty tags for otvárala som

otvárať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for otvárala som Path: otvárať

inflection table: empty tags for ouannerje

ouannerje (Saterland Frisian verb) inflection table: empty tags for ouannerje Path: ouannerje

inflection table: empty tags for oubaanje

oubaanje (Saterland Frisian verb) inflection table: empty tags for oubaanje Path: oubaanje

inflection table: empty tags for oubadenje

oubadenje (Saterland Frisian verb) inflection table: empty tags for oubadenje Path: oubadenje

inflection table: empty tags for oubaue

oubaue (Saterland Frisian verb) inflection table: empty tags for oubaue Path: oubaue

inflection table: empty tags for oubiete

oubiete (Saterland Frisian verb) inflection table: empty tags for oubiete Path: oubiete

inflection table: empty tags for oublederje

oublederje (Saterland Frisian verb) inflection table: empty tags for oublederje Path: oublederje

inflection table: empty tags for oubleedje

oubleedje (Saterland Frisian verb) inflection table: empty tags for oubleedje Path: oubleedje

inflection table: empty tags for oubreke

oubreke (Saterland Frisian verb) inflection table: empty tags for oubreke Path: oubreke

inflection table: empty tags for oufertjoonje

oufertjoonje (Saterland Frisian verb) inflection table: empty tags for oufertjoonje Path: oufertjoonje

inflection table: empty tags for oulegerje

oulegerje (Saterland Frisian verb) inflection table: empty tags for oulegerje Path: oulegerje

inflection table: empty tags for ousoange

ousoange (Saterland Frisian verb) inflection table: empty tags for ousoange Path: ousoange

inflection table: empty tags for ovdovela

ovdovieť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for ovdovela Path: ovdovieť

inflection table: empty tags for ovdovela by

ovdovieť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for ovdovela by Path: ovdovieť

inflection table: empty tags for ovdovela si

ovdovieť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for ovdovela si Path: ovdovieť

inflection table: empty tags for ovdovela som

ovdovieť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for ovdovela som Path: ovdovieť

inflection table: empty tags for ozvala

ozvať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for ozvala Path: ozvať

inflection table: empty tags for ozvala by

ozvať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for ozvala by Path: ozvať

inflection table: empty tags for ozvala si

ozvať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for ozvala si Path: ozvať

inflection table: empty tags for ozvala som

ozvať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for ozvala som Path: ozvať

inflection table: empty tags for ozývala

ozývať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for ozývala Path: ozývať

inflection table: empty tags for ozývala by

ozývať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for ozývala by Path: ozývať

inflection table: empty tags for ozývala si

ozývať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for ozývala si Path: ozývať

inflection table: empty tags for ozývala som

ozývať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for ozývala som Path: ozývať

inflection table: empty tags for oîaoba'e

aob (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîaoba'e Path: aob

inflection table: empty tags for oîaparyba'e

apar (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîaparyba'e Path: apar

inflection table: empty tags for oîapoba'e

apó (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîapoba'e Path: apó

inflection table: empty tags for oîasukyba'e

îasuk (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîasukyba'e Path: îasuk

inflection table: empty tags for oîegûakyba'e

îegûak (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîegûakyba'e Path: îegûak

inflection table: empty tags for oîemopirangyba'e

îemopirang (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîemopirangyba'e Path: îemopirang

inflection table: empty tags for oîemounyba'e

îemoún (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîemounyba'e Path: îemoún

inflection table: empty tags for oîepotaryba'e

îepotar (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîepotaryba'e Path: îepotar

inflection table: empty tags for oîkuaba'e

kuab (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîkuaba'e Path: kuab

inflection table: empty tags for oîkutukyba'e

kutuk (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîkutukyba'e Path: kutuk

inflection table: empty tags for oîkytykyba'e

kytyk (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîkytykyba'e Path: kytyk

inflection table: empty tags for oîme'engyba'e

me'eng (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîme'engyba'e Path: me'eng

inflection table: empty tags for oîmimbyba'e

mimby (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîmimbyba'e Path: mimby

inflection table: empty tags for oîmoasyba'e

moasy (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîmoasyba'e Path: moasy

inflection table: empty tags for oîmoatãba'e

moatã (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîmoatãba'e Path: moatã

inflection table: empty tags for oîmogûeîyba'e

mogûeîyb (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîmogûeîyba'e Path: mogûeîyb

inflection table: empty tags for oîmoka'ẽba'e

moka'ẽ (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîmoka'ẽba'e Path: moka'ẽ

inflection table: empty tags for oîmondoba'e

mondó (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîmondoba'e Path: mondó

inflection table: empty tags for oîmongaraiba'e

mongaraíb (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîmongaraiba'e Path: mongaraíb

inflection table: empty tags for oîmongaraûba'e

mongaraû (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîmongaraûba'e Path: mongaraû

inflection table: empty tags for oîmongaruba'e

mongaru (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîmongaruba'e Path: mongaru

inflection table: empty tags for oîmonhangyba'e

monhang (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîmonhangyba'e Path: monhang

inflection table: empty tags for oîmoporangyba'e

moporang (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîmoporangyba'e Path: moporang

inflection table: empty tags for oîmotingyba'e

moting (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîmotingyba'e Path: moting

inflection table: empty tags for oîmotyba'e

motyb (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîmotyba'e Path: motyb

inflection table: empty tags for oîmounyba'e

moún (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîmounyba'e Path: moún

inflection table: empty tags for oîmoîuba'e

moîub (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîmoîuba'e Path: moîub

inflection table: empty tags for oînupãba'e

nupã (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oînupãba'e Path: nupã

inflection table: empty tags for oîo'okyba'e

'ok (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîo'okyba'e Path: 'ok

inflection table: empty tags for oîopeba'e

pé (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîopeba'e Path: pé

inflection table: empty tags for oîopyba'e

py (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîopyba'e Path: py

inflection table: empty tags for oîosuba'e

sub (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîosuba'e Path: sub

inflection table: empty tags for oîotymyba'e

tym (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîotymyba'e Path: tym

inflection table: empty tags for oîpetekyba'e

petek (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîpetekyba'e Path: petek

inflection table: empty tags for oîporuba'e

poru (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîporuba'e Path: poru

inflection table: empty tags for oîpotaryba'e

potar (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîpotaryba'e Path: potar

inflection table: empty tags for oîpysyrõba'e

pysyrõ (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîpysyrõba'e Path: pysyrõ

inflection table: empty tags for oîukaba'e

îuká (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîukaba'e Path: îuká

inflection table: empty tags for oîukaryba'e

ukar (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîukaryba'e Path: ukar

inflection table: empty tags for oîxo'oba'e

so'o (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîxo'oba'e Path: so'o

inflection table: empty tags for oîypyba'e

ypy (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for oîypyba'e Path: ypy

inflection table: empty tags for ošetrila

ošetriť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for ošetrila Path: ošetriť

inflection table: empty tags for ošetrila by

ošetriť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for ošetrila by Path: ošetriť

inflection table: empty tags for ošetrila si

ošetriť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for ošetrila si Path: ošetriť

inflection table: empty tags for ošetrila som

ošetriť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for ošetrila som Path: ošetriť

inflection table: empty tags for ošetrovala

ošetrovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for ošetrovala Path: ošetrovať

inflection table: empty tags for ošetrovala by

ošetrovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for ošetrovala by Path: ošetrovať

inflection table: empty tags for ošetrovala si

ošetrovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for ošetrovala si Path: ošetrovať

inflection table: empty tags for ošetrovala som

ošetrovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for ošetrovala som Path: ošetrovať

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:baicedön ön

baicedön ko (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:baicedön ön Path: baicedön ko

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bailön

bailön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bailön Path: bailön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:baiodön ön

baiodön ko (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:baiodön ön Path: baiodön ko

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:baitonükön

baitonükön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:baitonükön Path: baitonükön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:baivögön

baivögön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:baivögön Path: baivögön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:baiädön

baiädön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:baiädön Path: baiädön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:baiädön bön

baiädön bai (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:baiädön bön Path: baiädön bai

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bakön

bakön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bakön Path: bakön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:balädükön

balädükön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:balädükön Path: balädükön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:balön

balön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:balön Path: balön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:banön

banön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:banön Path: banön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bapükön

bapükön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bapükön Path: bapükön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bataflapön

bataflapön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bataflapön Path: bataflapön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:batön

batön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:batön Path: batön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:befeilön

befeilön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:befeilön Path: befeilön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:befoön

befoön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:befoön Path: befoön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:begesagön

begesagön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:begesagön Path: begesagön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:begön

begön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:begön Path: begön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:beigolön

beigolön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:beigolön Path: beigolön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:beitön

beitön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:beitön Path: beitön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:beivegön

beivegön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:beivegön Path: beivegön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bejedön

bejedön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bejedön Path: bejedön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bejäfön

bejäfön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bejäfön Path: bejäfön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bekipön

bekipön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bekipön Path: bekipön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bekomön

bekomön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bekomön Path: bekomön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bekön

bekön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bekön Path: bekön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:belegivön

belegivön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:belegivön Path: belegivön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:beleseatön

beleseatön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:beleseatön Path: beleseatön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:beletävön

beletävön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:beletävön Path: beletävön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:belodön

belodön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:belodön Path: belodön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:belügön

belügön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:belügön Path: belügön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bemagivön

bemagivön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bemagivön Path: bemagivön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bemastikön

bemastikön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bemastikön Path: bemastikön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bemastön

bemastön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bemastön Path: bemastön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bemekädön

bemekädön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bemekädön Path: bemekädön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:benedön

benedön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:benedön Path: benedön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:benobläfön

benobläfön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:benobläfön Path: benobläfön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:benodistükön

benodistükön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:benodistükön Path: benodistükön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:benokömaglidön

benokömaglidön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:benokömaglidön Path: benokömaglidön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:benovipön

benovipön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:benovipön Path: benovipön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:benükön

benükön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:benükön Path: benükön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:benüpenön

benüpenön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:benüpenön Path: benüpenön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bepenön

bepenön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bepenön Path: bepenön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bepladön

bepladön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bepladön Path: bepladön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:beravön

beravön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:beravön Path: beravön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:beseidön

beseidön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:beseidön Path: beseidön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:beseitön

beseitön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:beseitön Path: beseitön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:besepedön

besepedön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:besepedön Path: besepedön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:besepön vitidabälön

besepön vitidabälis (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:besepön vitidabälön Path: besepön vitidabälis

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:besmilön

besmilön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:besmilön Path: besmilön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bespikön

bespikön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bespikön Path: bespikön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bestepön

bestepön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bestepön Path: bestepön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bestürülön

bestürülön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bestürülön Path: bestürülön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:betikön

betikön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:betikön Path: betikön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:betävön

betävön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:betävön Path: betävön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bevegön

bevegön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bevegön Path: bevegön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bevobön

bevobön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bevobön Path: bevobön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bexänön

bexänön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bexänön Path: bexänön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:biegädön

biegädön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:biegädön Path: biegädön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:biegön

biegön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:biegön Path: biegön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bietälükön

bietälükön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bietälükön Path: bietälükön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:binädön

binädön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:binädön Path: binädön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bleibön

bleibön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bleibön Path: bleibön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bligidön

bligidön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bligidön Path: bligidön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:blinön

blinön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:blinön Path: blinön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bludön

bludön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bludön Path: bludön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bradön

bradön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bradön Path: bradön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:brefükön

brefükön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:brefükön Path: brefükön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:brodön

brodön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:brodön Path: brodön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bäldikön

bäldikön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bäldikön Path: bäldikön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bükön

bükön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:bükön Path: bükön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:cedön

cedön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:cedön Path: cedön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:citön

citön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:citön Path: citön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:cälön

cälön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:cälön Path: cälön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:cütön

cütön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:cütön Path: cütön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:dalabön

dalabön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:dalabön Path: dalabön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:deibludön

deibludön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:deibludön Path: deibludön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:deidön

deidön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:deidön Path: deidön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:demön

demön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:demön Path: demön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:desinön

desinön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:desinön Path: desinön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:dunön

dunön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:dunön Path: dunön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:fidön

fidön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:fidön Path: fidön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:filetön

filetön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:filetön Path: filetön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:flapön

flapön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:flapön Path: flapön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:flekön

flekön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:flekön Path: flekön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:fulükön

fulükön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:fulükön Path: fulükön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:fölön

fölön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:fölön Path: fölön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:gebön

gebön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:gebön Path: gebön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:getön

getön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:getön Path: getön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:glidön

glidön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:glidön Path: glidön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:glömön

glömön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:glömön Path: glömön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:gudükumön

gudükumön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:gudükumön Path: gudükumön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:hetön

hetön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:hetön Path: hetön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:jeifön

jeifön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:jeifön Path: jeifön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:jelön

jelön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:jelön Path: jelön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:kanitön

kanitön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:kanitön Path: kanitön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:kofön

kofön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:kofön Path: kofön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:koitön

koitön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:koitön Path: koitön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:konletön

konletön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:konletön Path: konletön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:konyugön

konyugön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:konyugön Path: konyugön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:konön

konön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:konön Path: konön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:kredön

kredön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:kredön Path: kredön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:kronön

kronön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:kronön Path: kronön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:köbön

köbön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:köbön Path: köbön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:küpön

küpön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:küpön Path: küpön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:labön

labön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:labön Path: labön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:ladetön

ladetön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:ladetön Path: ladetön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:lebonedön

lebonedön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:lebonedön Path: lebonedön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:lenpükön

lenpükön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:lenpükön Path: lenpükön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:liegükön

liegükön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:liegükön Path: liegükön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:lifön

lifön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:lifön Path: lifön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:lilön

lilön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:lilön Path: lilön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:lobön

lobön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:lobön Path: lobön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:logön

logön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:logön Path: logön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:löfön

löfön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:löfön Path: löfön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:matükön

matükön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:matükön Path: matükön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:mekön

mekön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:mekön Path: mekön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:mipugön

mipugön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:mipugön Path: mipugön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:mogolön

mogolön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:mogolön Path: mogolön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:pardön

pardön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:pardön Path: pardön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:pelön

pelön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:pelön Path: pelön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:penön

penön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:penön Path: penön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:planön

planön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:planön Path: planön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:plidön

plidön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:plidön Path: plidön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:plonön

plonön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:plonön Path: plonön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:plökön

plökön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:plökön Path: plökön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:potön

potön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:potön Path: potön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:pugön

pugön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:pugön Path: pugön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:pöfükön

pöfükön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:pöfükön Path: pöfükön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:pönön

pönön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:pönön Path: pönön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:ravön

ravön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:ravön Path: ravön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:reidön

reidön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:reidön Path: reidön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:remön

remön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:remön Path: remön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:sagön

sagön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:sagön Path: sagön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:sedön

sedön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:sedön Path: sedön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:selön

selön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:selön Path: selön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:sludön

sludön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:sludön Path: sludön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:spikön

spikön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:spikön Path: spikön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:studön

studön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:studön Path: studön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:stunidön

stunidön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:stunidön Path: stunidön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:suemön

suemön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:suemön Path: suemön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:säkön

säkön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:säkön Path: säkön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:tidön

tidön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:tidön Path: tidön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:tradutön

tradutön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:tradutön Path: tradutön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:tädön

tädön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:tädön Path: tädön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:vilön

vilön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:vilön Path: vilön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:vipön

vipön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:vipön Path: vipön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:votükön

votükön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:votükön Path: votükön

inflection table: empty tags for paMain:zütävön

zütävön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for paMain:zütävön Path: zütävön

inflection table: empty tags for paiter

paiter (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for paiter Path: paiter

inflection table: empty tags for pamätala

pamätať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for pamätala Path: pamätať

inflection table: empty tags for pamätala by

pamätať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for pamätala by Path: pamätať

inflection table: empty tags for pamätala si

pamätať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for pamätala si Path: pamätať

inflection table: empty tags for pamätala som

pamätať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for pamätala som Path: pamätať

inflection table: empty tags for panemön

panemön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for panemön Path: panemön

inflection table: empty tags for panâhandé

پناهنده (Persian noun) inflection table: empty tags for panâhandé Path: پناهنده

inflection table: empty tags for pardön

pardön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for pardön Path: pardön

inflection table: empty tags for past: 가까우셨냐

가깝다 (Korean adjective) inflection table: empty tags for past: 가까우셨냐 Path: 가깝다

inflection table: empty tags for past: 가까웠냐

가깝다 (Korean adjective) inflection table: empty tags for past: 가까웠냐 Path: 가깝다

inflection table: empty tags for past: 가까웠어

가깝다 (Korean adjective) inflection table: empty tags for past: 가까웠어 Path: 가깝다

inflection table: empty tags for past: 가졌느냐

갖다 (Korean verb) inflection table: empty tags for past: 가졌느냐 Path: 갖다

inflection table: empty tags for past: 가졌어

갖다 (Korean verb) inflection table: empty tags for past: 가졌어 Path: 갖다

inflection table: empty tags for past: 가지셨느냐

갖다 (Korean verb) inflection table: empty tags for past: 가지셨느냐 Path: 갖다

inflection table: empty tags for past: 가지셨어

갖다 (Korean verb) inflection table: empty tags for past: 가지셨어 Path: 갖다

inflection table: empty tags for past: 고마왔냐

고맙다 (Korean adjective) inflection table: empty tags for past: 고마왔냐 Path: 고맙다

inflection table: empty tags for past: 고마왔어

고맙다 (Korean adjective) inflection table: empty tags for past: 고마왔어 Path: 고맙다

inflection table: empty tags for past: 고마우셨냐

고맙다 (Korean adjective) inflection table: empty tags for past: 고마우셨냐 Path: 고맙다

inflection table: empty tags for patrila

patriť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for patrila Path: patriť

inflection table: empty tags for patrila by

patriť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for patrila by Path: patriť

inflection table: empty tags for patrila si

patriť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for patrila si Path: patriť

inflection table: empty tags for patrila som

patriť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for patrila som Path: patriť

inflection table: empty tags for pašimun bud

پشیمان بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for pašimun bud Path: پشیمان بودن

inflection table: empty tags for pašimun bud'án

پشیمان بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for pašimun bud'án Path: پشیمان بودن

inflection table: empty tags for pašimun bud'ím

پشیمان بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for pašimun bud'ím Path: پشیمان بودن

inflection table: empty tags for pašimun bud'ín

پشیمان بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for pašimun bud'ín Path: پشیمان بودن

inflection table: empty tags for pašimun budán

پشیمان بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for pašimun budán Path: پشیمان بودن

inflection table: empty tags for pašimun búdan

پشیمان بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for pašimun búdan Path: پشیمان بودن

inflection table: empty tags for pašimun búdim

پشیمان بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for pašimun búdim Path: پشیمان بودن

inflection table: empty tags for pašimun búdin

پشیمان بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for pašimun búdin Path: پشیمان بودن

inflection table: empty tags for pašimunan

پشیمان بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for pašimunan Path: پشیمان بودن

inflection table: empty tags for pašimunim

پشیمان بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for pašimunim Path: پشیمان بودن

inflection table: empty tags for pašimunin

پشیمان بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for pašimunin Path: پشیمان بودن

inflection table: empty tags for pašimân bud

پشیمان بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for pašimân bud Path: پشیمان بودن

inflection table: empty tags for pašimân budán

پشیمان بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for pašimân budán Path: پشیمان بودن

inflection table: empty tags for pašimân budé-and

پشیمان بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for pašimân budé-and Path: پشیمان بودن

inflection table: empty tags for pašimân budé-id

پشیمان بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for pašimân budé-id Path: پشیمان بودن

inflection table: empty tags for pašimân budé-im

پشیمان بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for pašimân budé-im Path: پشیمان بودن

inflection table: empty tags for pašimân búdand

پشیمان بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for pašimân búdand Path: پشیمان بودن

inflection table: empty tags for pašimân búdid

پشیمان بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for pašimân búdid Path: پشیمان بودن

inflection table: empty tags for pašimân búdim

پشیمان بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for pašimân búdim Path: پشیمان بودن

inflection table: empty tags for pašimân bấšid

پشیمان بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for pašimân bấšid Path: پشیمان بودن

inflection table: empty tags for pašimânand

پشیمان بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for pašimânand Path: پشیمان بودن

inflection table: empty tags for pašimânid

پشیمان بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for pašimânid Path: پشیمان بودن

inflection table: empty tags for pašimânim

پشیمان بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for pašimânim Path: پشیمان بودن

inflection table: empty tags for pchala

pchať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for pchala Path: pchať

inflection table: empty tags for pchala by

pchať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for pchala by Path: pchať

inflection table: empty tags for pchala by sa

pchať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for pchala by sa Path: pchať

inflection table: empty tags for pchala sa

pchať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for pchala sa Path: pchať

inflection table: empty tags for pchala si

pchať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for pchala si Path: pchať

inflection table: empty tags for pchala si sa

pchať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for pchala si sa Path: pchať

inflection table: empty tags for pchala som

pchať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for pchala som Path: pchať

inflection table: empty tags for pchala som sa

pchať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for pchala som sa Path: pchať

inflection table: empty tags for peaba/pesaba

pé (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for peaba/pesaba Path: pé

inflection table: empty tags for peara/pesara

pé (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for peara/pesara Path: pé

inflection table: empty tags for pecad

pecad (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for pecad Path: pecad

inflection table: empty tags for peccad

peccad (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for peccad Path: peccad

inflection table: empty tags for pecdæ

pecdæ (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for pecdæ Path: pecdæ

inflection table: empty tags for pectha

pectha (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for pectha Path: pectha

inflection table: empty tags for pecthach

pecthach (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for pecthach Path: pecthach

inflection table: empty tags for pecthae

pecthae (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for pecthae Path: pecthae

inflection table: empty tags for pecthaig

pecthaig (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for pecthaig Path: pecthaig

inflection table: empty tags for pecthe

pecthe (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for pecthe Path: pecthe

inflection table: empty tags for pecthi

pecthi (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for pecthi Path: pecthi

inflection table: empty tags for pecthu

pecthu (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for pecthu Path: pecthu

inflection table: empty tags for pelön

pelön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for pelön Path: pelön

inflection table: empty tags for penön

penön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for penön Path: penön

inflection table: empty tags for pepaba

peb (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for pepaba Path: peb

inflection table: empty tags for pererekara

pererek (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for pererekara Path: pererek

inflection table: empty tags for persan

persan (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for persan Path: persan

inflection table: empty tags for persin

persin (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for persin Path: persin

inflection table: empty tags for petekaba

petek (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for petekaba Path: petek

inflection table: empty tags for petekara

petek (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for petekara Path: petek

inflection table: empty tags for petekukar

petek (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for petekukar Path: petek

inflection table: empty tags for peukar

pé (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for peukar Path: pé

inflection table: empty tags for pichala

pichať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for pichala Path: pichať

inflection table: empty tags for pichala by

pichať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for pichala by Path: pichať

inflection table: empty tags for pichala si

pichať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for pichala si Path: pichať

inflection table: empty tags for pichala som

pichať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for pichala som Path: pichať

inflection table: empty tags for piekla

piecť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for piekla Path: piecť

inflection table: empty tags for piekla by

piecť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for piekla by Path: piecť

inflection table: empty tags for piekla si

piecť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for piekla si Path: piecť

inflection table: empty tags for piekla som

piecť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for piekla som Path: piecť

inflection table: empty tags for pila

piť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for pila Path: piť

inflection table: empty tags for pila by

piť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for pila by Path: piť

inflection table: empty tags for pila si

piť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for pila si Path: piť

inflection table: empty tags for pila som

piť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for pila som Path: piť

inflection table: empty tags for pinimbaba

pinim (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for pinimbaba Path: pinim

inflection table: empty tags for pir

پیر (Persian adjective) inflection table: empty tags for pir Path: پیر

inflection table: empty tags for pirangaba

pirang (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for pirangaba Path: pirang

inflection table: empty tags for pitingaba

piting (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for pitingaba Path: piting

inflection table: empty tags for piš raft

پیش رفتن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for piš raft Path: پیش رفتن

inflection table: empty tags for piš raftán

پیش رفتن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for piš raftán Path: پیش رفتن

inflection table: empty tags for piš rafté

پیش رفتن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for piš rafté Path: پیش رفتن

inflection table: empty tags for plakala

plakať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for plakala Path: plakať

inflection table: empty tags for plakala by

plakať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for plakala by Path: plakať

inflection table: empty tags for plakala si

plakať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for plakala si Path: plakať

inflection table: empty tags for plakala som

plakať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for plakala som Path: plakať

inflection table: empty tags for planön

planön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for planön Path: planön

inflection table: empty tags for platila

platiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for platila Path: platiť

inflection table: empty tags for platila by

platiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for platila by Path: platiť

inflection table: empty tags for platila si

platiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for platila si Path: platiť

inflection table: empty tags for platila som

platiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for platila som Path: platiť

This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2024-12-21 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2024-12-04 using wiktextract (d8cb2f3 and 4e554ae). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.