Icelandic Wiktionary data extraction errors and warnings


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INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative]

mega (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: mega > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

toga (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: toga > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

toga (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: toga > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

bora (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: bora > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

vista (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: vista > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

vista (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: vista > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

afsaka (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: afsaka > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

drekka (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: drekka > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

drepa (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: drepa > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

drepa (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: drepa > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

elda (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: elda > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

elska (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: elska > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

heyra (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: heyra > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

heyra (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: heyra > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

hugsa (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: hugsa > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

lesa (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: lesa > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

lesa (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: lesa > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

lifa (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: lifa > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

reikna (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: reikna > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

syngja (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: syngja > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

stinga (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: stinga > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

stinga (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: stinga > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

telja (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: telja > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

telja (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: telja > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

éta (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: éta > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

éta (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: éta > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

hrífa (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: hrífa > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

kroppa (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: kroppa > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

kroppa (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: kroppa > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

kroppa (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: kroppa > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

stíga (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: stíga > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

slíta (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: slíta > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

kitla (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: kitla > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

mjólka (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: mjólka > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

plægja (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: plægja > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

ræða (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: ræða > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

skora (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: skora > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

kaupa inn (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: kaupa inn > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

þegja (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: þegja > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

leggja á (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: leggja á > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

blístra (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: blístra > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

játa (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: játa > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

knipla (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: knipla > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

knega (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: knega > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

svæla (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: svæla > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

afskrá (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative] Path: afskrá > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with dative]

drepa (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with dative] Path: drepa > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

hætta (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with dative] Path: hætta > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

leggja (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with dative] Path: leggja > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

líða (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with dative] Path: líða > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

ljúga (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with dative] Path: ljúga > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

ríða (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with dative] Path: ríða > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

skyrpa (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with dative] Path: skyrpa > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

verpa (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with dative] Path: verpa > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

bjóða (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with dative] Path: bjóða > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

kasta (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with dative] Path: kasta > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

æla (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with dative] Path: æla > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

gjósa (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with dative] Path: gjósa > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

gjósa (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with dative] Path: gjósa > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

þjóna (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with dative] Path: þjóna > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

þjóna (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with dative] Path: þjóna > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

hlýða (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with dative] Path: hlýða > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

svara í sömu mynt (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with dative] Path: svara í sömu mynt > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

svara í sömu mynt (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with dative] Path: svara í sömu mynt > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

svara í sömu mynt (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with dative] Path: svara í sömu mynt > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

vatna (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with dative] Path: vatna > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

hefla (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with dative] Path: hefla > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

spúa (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with dative] Path: spúa > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

spúa (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with dative] Path: spúa > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

spúa (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with dative] Path: spúa > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

miða (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with dative] Path: miða > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [(optionally) with dative ‘bad weather or unfortunate conditions such as fever’]

létta (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [(optionally) with dative ‘bad weather or unfortunate conditions such as fever’] Path: létta > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [(sometimes omitted) with dative]

vera með (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [(sometimes omitted) with dative] Path: vera með > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransiive or with dative]

rugga (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransiive or with dative] Path: rugga > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative or dative]

slá (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative or dative] Path: slá > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative ‘for someone’]

kjósa (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative ‘for someone’] Path: kjósa > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative ‘someone’]

skara fram úr (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with accusative ‘someone’] Path: skara fram úr > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with dative ‘a vehicle’]

aka (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with dative ‘a vehicle’] Path: aka > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with dative ‘something’]

kjafta (verb) INFO-TEMPLATES: `Template:+obj` expansion does not match regex: [intransitive or with dative ‘something’] Path: kjafta > Template:+obj > TEMPLATE_FN

This page is a part of the machine-readable Icelandic dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-26 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-03-21 using wiktextract (fef8596 and 633533e). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.