All languages combined word senses marked with topical category "Foods"
Parent categories: Eating, Food and drink, Human behaviour, Human
Subcategories: Breads, Breakfast cereals, Cakes and pastries, Cheeses, Condiments, Desserts, Fats and oils, Ice cream, Meals, Meats, Pasta, Pies, Pizza, Salads, Salted and pickled foods, Sandwiches, Sauces, Seafood, Seasonings, Snacks, Soups, Spices and herbs, Sweets
Words with this category that have not been disambiguated
Word senses with this category
Total 26839 word senses
- A-egg … Kuttel (551 senses)
- Käs … Wähe (513 senses)
- X- … ałkʼíniilgizh (682 senses)
- aş … boczek (560 senses)
- bod … båtpizza (509 senses)
- bè … chyne (754 senses)
- chá … cząber (530 senses)
- cà … estragó (537 senses)
- et … ghém (633 senses)
- ghẹ … hnot (543 senses)
- ho … jużyna (513 senses)
- jwꜣ … kudłacz (825 senses)
- kue … leemi (337 senses)
- leg … mchuzi (697 senses)
- me … määʹrf (509 senses)
- mè … otap (559 senses)
- ou … pihvi (610 senses)
- piik … pxàshikàn (588 senses)
- pye … s'more (592 senses)
- sa … shíipaachi (570 senses)
- shó … sủi cảo (821 senses)
- t … tmakwaiia (411 senses)
- to … virsli (594 senses)
- vis … ꞌúna (806 senses)
- آبگوشت … ئەتمەك (24 senses)
- ات … باقلوا (24 senses)
- بال … بزباش (18 senses)
- بزر … بیفتك (22 senses)
- بینگ … تھوم (23 senses)
- تیل … حمحم (25 senses)
- حمر … دغبوس (22 senses)
- دقس … روغن نارگیل (21 senses)
- روٹی … سبزی خوردن (23 senses)
- سجق … سوزمه (30 senses)
- سوس … شلاضة (23 senses)
- شهد … صير (22 senses)
- ضب … غداء (23 senses)
- غذا … فلافل (17 senses)
- فلفل … كباب (30 senses)
- كبة … كيزر (25 senses)
- كيك … لواشک (15 senses)
- لور … مرقاس (25 senses)
- مري … ملاح (21 senses)
- ملح … نقيع (23 senses)
- نمك … پرونٹھا (23 senses)
- پفک … چلوکباب (23 senses)
- چمن … کلچا (24 senses)
- کما … یوفقه (25 senses)
- Ղարսի խորոված … ապուխտ (13 senses)
- ապուր … բոզբաշ (17 senses)
- բոկ … դհունաղհունար (16 senses)
- դոն … թարխուն (13 senses)
- թթու … լոխում (14 senses)
- լոշ … խորակ (14 senses)
- խորբար … կիսաֆաբրիկատ (15 senses)
- կոգի … ձավարապուր (18 senses)
- ձեթ … մանթապուր (17 senses)
- մանթի … յախնի (13 senses)
- յուղ … ոսպապուր (14 senses)
- ոստրե … պաստեղ (13 senses)
- պարեն … սենդվիչ (20 senses)
- սեռի … սպագետի (10 senses)
- սպաս … ֆրի (26 senses)
- অন্ন … ইলাচি (11 senses)
- ইলিশ … কুকুৰা (14 senses)
- কুফতা … গুড় (13 senses)
- গুৰ … চকলেট (8 senses)
- চাউল … জালুক (16 senses)
- জিকা … ডাইল (9 senses)
- ডাব … তেঁতেলী (11 senses)
- তৈল … নিচলা মাছ (15 senses)
- নুন … পাচলি (8 senses)
- পাণ … বিলাহী (15 senses)
- বুট … মাংস (12 senses)
- মাছ … রূপচাঁদা (14 senses)
- লং … সন্দেশ (9 senses)
- সালন … হুৰুম (12 senses)
- 𑀅𑀁𑀟 (Noun) [Prakrit] egg
- 𑀆𑀳𑀸𑀭 (Noun) [Prakrit] food
- 𑀢𑁂𑀮𑁆𑀮 (Noun) [Prakrit] oil
- 𑀧𑀽𑀭 (Adjective) [Prakrit] full, filled
- 𑀫𑀁𑀰 (Noun) [Prakrit] Magadhi variant of 𑀫𑀁𑀲 (maṃsa)
- 𑀫𑀁𑀲 (Noun) [Prakrit] flesh, meat
- 𑀫𑀸𑀲 (Proper name) [Prakrit] Alternative form of 𑀫𑀁𑀲 (maṃsa)
- ᐃᐛᐃᑭᓐ (Noun) [Naskapi] dried powdered meat
- ᐃᐛᐛᓂᒡ (Noun) [Naskapi] dried, powdered fish
- ᐅᐱᐛᐅᒥᓐ (Noun) [Naskapi] skunk currant, Ribes glandulosum
- ᐊᑈᓐ (Noun) [Naskapi] meat roasted on a stick
- ᐊᔅᒋᒥᓐ (Noun) [Naskapi] crowberry, Empetrum nigrum
- ᐎᓂᒐᐃᑭᓐ (Noun) [Naskapi] mixture of powdered dried meat and caribou marrow
- ᐎᓯᒋᒥᓐ (Noun) [Naskapi] partridgeberry, Mitchella repens
- ᐛᐸᐅᑲᐃᑭᓐ (Noun) [Naskapi] pounded dried meat
- ᐸᒂᓯᑭᓐ (Noun) [Naskapi] bread
- ᐸᔅᒐᐛᓐ (Noun) [Naskapi] dried meat
- ᒥᒋᒻ (Noun) [Naskapi] food
- ᒥᔅᒐᑯᒥᓐ (Noun) [Naskapi] cranberry, Vaccinium vitis-idaea
- ᒧᔅᑭᒥᔾ (Noun) [Naskapi] broth
- ᓂᒪᔅᑕᒄ (Noun) [Naskapi] smoked fish
- ᓂᔅᒋᒥᓐ (Noun) [Naskapi] bog bilberry, Vaccinium uliginosum
- ᓯᑯᒥᓇᓐ (Noun) [Naskapi] cooked flaked fish with berries
- ᓴᐳᒥᓐ (Noun) [Naskapi] gooseberry(Ribes oxyacanthoides)
- ᎠᏂ (Noun) [Cherokee] strawberry (fruit)
- ᎠᏍᏛᎭᏟ (Noun) [Cherokee] sandwich
- ᎠᏑᏴᏗ (Noun) [Cherokee] nutmeg
- ᎣᏍᎨᏫ (Noun) [Cherokee] cabbage (vegetable)
- ᎤᏁᏍᏓᎳᏗᏍᏔᏅᎯᎤᏅᏗ (Noun) [Cherokee] ice cream
- ᎤᏅᏗ (Noun) [Cherokee] milk
- ᎤᏅᏗ ᎤᏁᏍᏓᎳᏛ (Noun) [Cherokee] ice cream
- ᎦᎦᎹ (Noun) [Cherokee] cucumber
- ᎦᏃᎮᏂ (Noun) [Cherokee] hominy, grits
- ᎧᎵᏎᏥ (Noun) [Cherokee] sugar (sucrose used to sweeten food or drink)
- ᎧᏩᏯ (Noun) [Cherokee] huckleberry (fruit)
- ᎧᏴᏎᏆ (Noun) [Cherokee] squash (vegetable)
- ᎨᏒ (Noun) [Cherokee] cheese
- ᎪᏒᎦ (Noun) [Cherokee] elderberry (fruit)
- ᎪᏒᏅ (Noun) [Cherokee] margarine
- ᎭᏫᏯ (Noun) [Cherokee] meat (flesh as food)
- ᎭᏫᏯ ᎠᏍᏛᎭᏟ (Noun) [Cherokee] A meat sandwich, chiefly a hamburger.
- ᏄᎦᎵ (Noun) [Cherokee] blackberry (fruit)
- ᏄᎾ (Noun) [Cherokee] potato
- ᏄᎾ ᏗᏍᏔᎦᏔᏅ (Noun) [Cherokee] potato chip
- ᏆᏅ (Noun) [Cherokee] peach (fruit)
- ᏌᎵ (Noun) [Cherokee] persimmon (fruit)
- ᏒᎦᏔ (Noun) [Cherokee] apple
- ᏒᎩ (Noun) [Cherokee] onion
- ᏒᏗᏩᎵ (Noun) [Cherokee] raspberry (fruit)
- ᏓᏆᏌᏅ (Noun) [Cherokee] turnip (vegetable)
- ᏔᏯ (Noun) [Cherokee] cherry (fruit)
- ᏖᎸᎳᏗ (Noun) [Cherokee] grape (fruit)
- ᏙᏌᎾ (Noun) [Cherokee] turnip (vegetable)
- ᏚᏯ (Noun) [Cherokee] bean(s) (vegetable)
- ᏧᎦᎾᏕᎾ (Noun) [Cherokee] cabbage
- ᏩᎦᎭᏫᏯ (Noun) [Cherokee] beef
- ᏩᎦᎭᏫᏯ (Noun) [Cherokee] steak
- ᏩᎧ ᎠᏍᏛᎭᏟ (Noun) [Cherokee] A beef sandwich, chiefly a hamburger.
- 㾪肉 … 主菜 (35 senses)
- 主食 … 份飯 (46 senses)
- 伊麵 … 冰品 (46 senses)
- 冰棍 … 北仔餅 (47 senses)
- 北蔥 … 名小吃 (47 senses)
- 名點 … 回鍋肉 (47 senses)
- 団子 … 多香果 (44 senses)
- 夜宵 … 奶油製品 (48 senses)
- 奶肉 … 山山葵 (44 senses)
- 山椒 … 德國結 (47 senses)
- 心太 … 振り掛け (44 senses)
- 挽肉 … 明太子 (47 senses)
- 明油 … 杜松子 (47 senses)
- 束砂 … 桜肉 (44 senses)
- 桜餅 … 毛血旺 (47 senses)
- 水圓 … 油絞條 (51 senses)
- 油肉 … 海菜 (40 senses)
- 海藻 … 滷肉飯 (46 senses)
- 滷菜 … 炸豬排 (47 senses)
- 炸醬 … 照り焼き (46 senses)
- 照燒 … 牛奶油 (48 senses)
- 牛尾 … 玫瑰鹽 (46 senses)
- 珍味 … 生煎包 (43 senses)
- 生肉 … 白糖糕 (46 senses)
- 白肉 … 窩窩頭 (46 senses)
- 窩頭 … 粢飯糰 (47 senses)
- 粥 … 糜菜 (45 senses)
- 糜飯 … 綠色食品 (46 senses)
- 綠豆 … 聖誕節蛋糕 (50 senses)
- 肉 … 肉餅 (42 senses)
- 肉餡 … 臘汁 (46 senses)
- 臘腸 … 芹菜 (46 senses)
- 芻豢 … 菜粽 (46 senses)
- 菜脯 … 蓮蓬子 (47 senses)
- 蔥仔 … 蘹香 (45 senses)
- 蘿蔔 … 蟹棗 (46 senses)
- 蠔 … 豌豆黃 (63 senses)
- 豚 … 豬食 (29 senses)
- 貓乳 … 酒宴 (46 senses)
- 酒席 … 金錢肚 (49 senses)
- 金鍔 … 雞麵 (52 senses)
- 雪 … 食鹽 (51 senses)
- 飯 … 餺飥 (44 senses)
- 餼 … 駄菓子 (37 senses)
- 駅弁 … 鮟肝 (52 senses)
- 鮨 … 鹹牛肉 (42 senses)
- 鹹肉 … 麵薄 (41 senses)
- 麵食 … 𰻞𰻞麵 (46 senses)
- ϩⲁⲗⲱⲙ (Noun) [Coptic] cheese
- ϫⲱϫ (Noun) [Coptic] unleavened bread
- ⲁⲉⲓⲕ (Noun) [Coptic] a loaf of bread
- ⲁⲓⲕ (Noun) [Coptic] a loaf of bread
- ⲁⲗⲱⲙ (Noun) [Coptic] cheese
- ⲁⲧⲕⲱⲃ (Noun) [Coptic] unleavened bread
- ⲕⲉⲛⲉⲫⲓⲧⲉⲛ (Noun) [Coptic] a kind of pastry
- ⲕⲓⲕⲓⲍⲱⲛ (Noun) [Coptic] licorice
- ⲟⲉⲓⲕ (Noun) [Coptic] a loaf of bread
- ⲥⲁⲉⲓⲣ (Noun) [Coptic] cheese
- ⲥⲁⲓⲣⲉ (Noun) [Coptic] butter
- ⲱⲓⲕ (Noun) [Coptic] a loaf of bread
- 𒃻 (Noun) [Sumerian] food
- 𒃻𒀸 (Noun) [Hittite] bread
- 𒄠𒈪𒅀𒀭𒋼𒌍𒊬 (Noun) [Hittite] miniature bread
- 𒄩 (Noun) [Hittite] an animal whose meat was dried and eaten, possibly a fish
- 𒈠𒀠𒇷 (Noun) [Luwian] honey
- Біг Мак … баклава (37 senses)
- бал … бзыуцыф (38 senses)
- бигос … брынза (24 senses)
- булка … васаби (33 senses)
- васабі … гогаль-могаль (44 senses)
- гозба … дагња (36 senses)
- дае … дәмқосар (25 senses)
- дән … истии (47 senses)
- ит … кардамон (27 senses)
- карп … кильиэп (32 senses)
- ким … копар (39 senses)
- кора … крупник (32 senses)
- крух … къэбкӏэ (38 senses)
- къэбы … лутеница (42 senses)
- лы … мамалиґа (29 senses)
- манду … мильым (43 senses)
- мин … муштарда (22 senses)
- мые … нишкъатӏ (35 senses)
- нори … оцет (46 senses)
- ош … пахлава (25 senses)
- пача … пишија (37 senses)
- пиҳ … профитроли (37 senses)
- пршут … пӑрӑҫ (34 senses)
- пӧк … салат (39 senses)
- сало … силхаркэ (26 senses)
- сир … солоноватый (46 senses)
- соль … суджук (25 senses)
- суп … тоаӈӈьк (48 senses)
- тоз … тхъурыжъ (25 senses)
- тшӧг … фриштик (31 senses)
- фу … хэтэрыкӏ (46 senses)
- хљеб … человечина (30 senses)
- чено … шаньга (29 senses)
- шапран … щерба (45 senses)
- щи … ікра (35 senses)
- їда … өмлет (44 senses)
- ሆመር (Noun) [Amharic] tamarind (fruit and tree)
- ለበት (Noun) [Tigre] fillet (the middle part of the meat of the back of a beast)
- ሖመር (Noun) [Ge'ez] tamarind (fruit and tree)
- ሖመር (Noun) [Tigre] tamarind (fruit and tree)
- ሖመር (Noun) [Tigrinya] tamarind (fruit and tree)
- ሚጥሚጣ (Noun) [Amharic] mitmita (a spice mixture based on hot crushed pepper that is added while eating)
- ማር (Noun) [Amharic] honey
- ሰሊካ (Noun) [Ge'ez] cassia, Cinnamomum cassia syn. Cinnamomum aromaticum
- ሰላጣ (Noun) [Amharic] salad
- ሱሺ (Noun) [Amharic] sushi
- ስጋ (Noun) [Amharic] pulp
- ስጋ (Noun) [Tigrinya] meat
- ሸርቤ (Noun) [Tigre] soup
- ሸርቤ (Noun) [Tigre] a kind of hairdress wherein one part is shaved or at least thinner whereas another protrudes, plaits
- ሽኰር (Noun) [Tigrinya] sugar
- ቀረፋ (Noun) [Amharic] cinnamon
- ቀንአት (Noun) [Ge'ez] galbanum or stacta
- ቁንዶ በርበሬ (Noun) [Amharic] pepper
- ቍርስ (Noun) [Amharic] breakfast
- በርበሬ (Noun) [Amharic] berbere (a spice mixture based on crushed red pepper)
- ተድዕ (Noun) [Tigre] sirloin (part of meat towards the back where the rips are on a beast)
- ነጭ ሽንኩርት (Noun) [Amharic] garlic
- አይብ (Noun) [Amharic] cheese
- እርድ (Noun) [Amharic] turmeric
- እርድ (Noun) [Amharic] saffron
- እርጎ (Noun) [Amharic] yogurt
- እንጀራ (Noun) [Amharic] injera
- እንጀራ (Noun) [Tigrinya] injera
- እከለት (Noun) [Tigre] polenta, porridge, grain pap
- እክል (Noun) [Ge'ez] food
- ዐባይ (Noun) [Tigre] asafoetida
- ዕሽቢሎ (Noun) [Tigre] sausage
- ዘይት (Noun) [Amharic] oil
- ዘይት (Noun) [Ge'ez] oil
- ዘይት (Noun) [Harari] olive oil
- ዝበድ (Noun) [Tigre] butter, fresh butter
- ዝንጅብል (Noun) [Amharic] ginger
- ዝንጅብል (Noun) [Tigre] ginger
- ድንች (Noun) [Argobba] potato
- ገብስ (Noun) [Amharic] barley
- ጋኣት (Noun) [Tigrinya] Stiff porridge.
- ጤፍ (Noun) [Amharic] teff, Eragrostis tef
- ጨው (Noun) [Amharic] salt
- ፎርማጆ (Noun) [Amharic] cheese
- აბზინდა … ბაჰარი (8 senses)
- ბორში … თათარიახნი (10 senses)
- თაფლი … კინამოჲ (11 senses)
- კუპატი … მწვადი (10 senses)
- მჭადი … პაიოკი (9 senses)
- პური … ფენოვანი (13 senses)
- ფექ … ქინძი (7 senses)
- ქოვალი … შქმერული (12 senses)
- ჩირი … ხარჩო (8 senses)
- ხაში … ჸომური (13 senses)
- 𐌰𐌶𐍅𐌼𐌿𐍃 (Noun) [Gothic] unleavened bread
- 𐌰𐍂𐍉𐌼𐌰𐍄𐌰 (Noun) [Gothic] sweet spices
- 𐌳𐌰𐌿𐌷𐍄𐍃 (Noun) [Gothic] feast, banquet
- 𐌼𐌹𐌻𐌹𐌸 (Noun) [Gothic] honey (sweet substance produced by bees)
- 𐌽𐌰𐌷𐍄𐌰𐌼𐌰𐍄𐍃 (Noun) [Gothic] supper
- 𐌿𐌽𐌳𐌰𐌿𐍂𐌽𐌹𐌼𐌰𐍄𐍃 (Noun) [Gothic] a midday meal, noonmeat; lunch
- άγριο κύμινο … αλεύρι (15 senses)
- αλιάδα … βάλσαμον (21 senses)
- βάφλα … γκλάσο (26 senses)
- γλάσο … εβαπορέ (20 senses)
- εκλέρ … θύμον (21 senses)
- θύος … καρύκη (16 senses)
- καρώ … κοτυλίσκος (21 senses)
- κοτόπιτα … κόλλαβος (22 senses)
- κόλλιξ … μάραθο (21 senses)
- μέλι … μαρμελάδα (19 senses)
- μασίς … μοσχοκάρυδο (13 senses)
- μοτώ … μόσυλον (25 senses)
- μύδι … πέμμα (19 senses)
- πίτα … πατατάκι (17 senses)
- πατσάς … πυραμοῦς (20 senses)
- πόλτος … σαλάμι (19 senses)
- σαλάτα … σταφιδόψωμο (24 senses)
- σταῖς … τρόφιμα (22 senses)
- τσίλι … φυλλίς (18 senses)
- φυστή … ψωμάκι (22 senses)
- ψωμί … ἄρτυμα (19 senses)
- ἅλς … ὑπότριμμα (19 senses)
- અજમુ (Noun) [Kachchi] ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi), or its seeds
- અજમો (Noun) [Gujarati] ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi), or its seeds
- અથાણું (Noun) [Gujarati] achar (a spicy and salty pickle of Indian cuisine)
- આટો (Noun) [Gujarati] flour
- ઇફતાર (Noun) [Gujarati] iftar
- ઈડલી (Noun) [Gujarati] idli; a South Indian dish made with steamed rice
- ઓમલેટ (Noun) [Gujarati] omelette
- કચોરી (Noun) [Gujarati] kachori
- કબાબ (Noun) [Gujarati] kebab
- કુલ્ફી (Noun) [Gujarati] kulfi (kind of ice cream)
- ખમણ (Noun) [Gujarati] khaman
- ખાવસા (Noun) [Gujarati] khow suey (a noodle soup made of egg noodles and curried beef or chicken with coconut milk originating in Burma)
- ખાવાનું (Noun) [Gujarati] food, aliment
- ખીચડી (Noun) [Gujarati] khichdi
- ખીમો (Noun) [Gujarati] mincemeat, ground meat
- ખીર (Noun) [Gujarati] Any Indian pudding, often eaten as a dessert; kheer.
- ગુલાબજાંબુ (Noun) [Gujarati] gulab jamun
- ગોમાંસ (Noun) [Gujarati] beef
- ચા પાણી (Noun) [Gujarati] breakfast
- ચોકલેટ (Noun) [Gujarati] hot chocolate
- છૂંદો (Noun) [Gujarati] chhundo (a type of sweet achar)
- જીરું (Noun) [Gujarati] cumin
- ઢેબરું (Noun) [Gujarati] dhebra
- ઢોસા (Noun) [Gujarati] dosa
- તેલ (Noun) [Gujarati] oil
- થાળી (Noun) [Gujarati] thali (a meal served on a platter, typically comprising a selection of different dishes presented in small bowls.)
- દાબેલી (Noun) [Gujarati] dabeli (a type of burger originally from the Kutch region of Gujarat)
- ધાણા (Noun) [Gujarati] coriander (UK), cilantro (US) (Coriandrum sativum)
- નાન (Noun) [Gujarati] naan (a type of round, flat bread baked in a tandoor popular in South and Central Asian cuisine)
- નાસ્તો (Noun) [Gujarati] breakfast
- પનીર (Noun) [Gujarati] paneer
- પનીર (Noun) [Gujarati] cheese
- પરાંઠું (Noun) [Gujarati] paratha
- પાઉં (Noun) [Gujarati] bread, loaf (European style)
- પાપડ (Noun) [Gujarati] poppadom
- પીપી (Noun) [Gujarati] peppermint (a circular sweet containing extract of the peppermint herb)
- પુરણપોળી (Noun) [Gujarati] puran poli
- પૂરી (Noun) [Gujarati] puri (a type of deep-fried bread, made from unleavened whole-wheat flour)
- પેંડો (Noun) [Gujarati] peda
- પ્રસાદ (Noun) [Gujarati] prasada (a type of food that is served as a religious offering)
- મગ (Noun) [Gujarati] mung, mung bean (Vigna radiata)
- મસાલો (Noun) [Gujarati] spice, seasoning
- માખણ (Noun) [Gujarati] butter
- મેવો (Noun) [Gujarati] dried fruit
- મોદક (Noun) [Gujarati] modak
- મોહનથાળ (Noun) [Gujarati] mohanthal
- રાઈતું (Noun) [Gujarati] raita (an Indian dish made with yogurt and occasionally vegetables)
- રોટલી (Noun) [Gujarati] roti (flat bread, especially chapati and naan)
- લંચ (Noun) [Gujarati] lunch
- લવિંગ (Noun) [Gujarati] clove
- વાળુ (Noun) [Gujarati] the evening meal, supper
- સમોસું (Noun) [Gujarati] samosa
- સરકો (Noun) [Gujarati] vinegar
- સરગી (Noun) [Gujarati] suhoor, suhur (meal eaten before dawn during Ramadan)
- સૂતરફેણી (Noun) [Gujarati] sutarfeni
- હલવો (Noun) [Gujarati] halva
- હળદર (Noun) [Gujarati] turmeric (Curcuma longa)
- હળદર (Noun) [Gujarati] turmeric
- ਅਚਾਰ … ਉੱਤਪਮ (10 senses)
- ਕਬਾਬ … ਕੁਲਫ਼ੀ (7 senses)
- ਕੁੰਗੂ … ਗੁਲਾਬ ਜਾਮਨ (9 senses)
- ਗੁੜ … ਜੀਰਾ (11 senses)
- ਟਾਪ … ਨਮਕ (6 senses)
- ਨਾਨ … ਪੁਲਾਉ (9 senses)
- ਪੂਰੀ … ਬੂੰਦੀ (10 senses)
- ਬੰਦ … ਮੁੰਗੀ (10 senses)
- ਮੇਥੀ … ਲੂਣ (7 senses)
- ਲੌਂਗ … ਹਲੀਮ (13 senses)
- ᄀᆞᆫ장 … 감자편튀기 (22 senses)
- 강정 … 고낭귀국 (23 senses)
- 고다 … 국 (21 senses)
- 국밥 … 꽃빵 (30 senses)
- 꿀 … 단무지 (19 senses)
- 단묵 … 돼지고기 (26 senses)
- 된장 … 라자냐 (23 senses)
- 락사 … 멜론빵 (32 senses)
- 면 … 미역냉국 (16 senses)
- 미음 … 보신탕 (31 senses)
- 보쌈 … 빠다 (23 senses)
- 빵 … 생선회 (26 senses)
- 서과 … 소시지 야채 볶음 (15 senses)
- 솔 … 스테이크 (26 senses)
- 스튜 … 아이스크림 (22 senses)
- 알밥 … 연육 (28 senses)
- 염 … 완두 (19 senses)
- 완자 … 장수 (28 senses)
- 잼 … 주먹밥 (22 senses)
- 죽 … 체다 치즈 (23 senses)
- 초코 … 카라멜 애플 (26 senses)
- 카레 … 콩나물 (26 senses)
- 콩묵 … 토하젓 (27 senses)
- 통닭 … 펠메니 (17 senses)
- 편육 … 훈툰 (40 senses)
- אַלף־בית־זופּ … איריסקע (16 senses)
- אליה … בולקע (19 senses)
- בורקס … גולאַש (24 senses)
- גולש … דאָנאַט (18 senses)
- דבש … וואָנטאָנזופּ (24 senses)
- וווּרשט … חטיף (22 senses)
- חלב … טונפֿיש־שניטקע מיט צעלאָזטן קעז (20 senses)
- טוסט … יאַיִטשניצע (18 senses)
- יויך … לביבה (19 senses)
- לחם … מאָקאַ (22 senses)
- מאפה … מסטיק (16 senses)
- מצה … סיציליאַנער פּיצע (25 senses)
- סלט … עוגת גבינה (12 senses)
- עמבה … פּוטערברויט (27 senses)
- פּיצע … פֿיליערוואַרג (16 senses)
- פֿילע … פלפל שחור (21 senses)
- פרג … קאַרדעמאָן (19 senses)
- קאַרי … קאָרנברויט (17 senses)
- קוגל … קרופּניק (23 senses)
- קרעפּ … שווייצער קעז (26 senses)
- שומן … תבלין (16 senses)
- あぶら (Noun) [Japanese] 油: petroleum
- あんだ (Noun) [Okinawan] 油: oil; petroleum; fuel
- あんだー (Noun) [Okinawan] 油: oil; petroleum; fuel
- うどん (Noun) [Japanese] udon (a type of Japanese wheat noodle)
- えびチリ (Noun) [Japanese] stir-fried shrimp in chili sauce, a Chinese dish
- おかべ (Noun) [Japanese] tofu, bean curd
- おこげ (Noun) [Japanese] fag hag
- おこのみやき (Noun) [Japanese] お好み焼き: okonomiyaki, a type of pan-fried batter cake including a mixture of vegetable and beef, pork, or seafood
- おこわ (Noun) [Japanese] steamed glutinous rice
- おはぎ (Noun) [Japanese] botamochi (sweet)
- お団子 (Noun) [Japanese] 団子: a traditional Japanese sweet round dumpling
- お好み焼き (Noun) [Japanese] okonomiyaki: a Japanese style of savoury pan-fried thick pancake including a mixture of vegetables and beef, pork, or seafood
- お子様ランチ (Noun) [Japanese] children's meal
- お握り (Noun) [Japanese] a rice ball (from the way the ball is formed by squeezing a handful of rice in one's hands)
- かいひも (Noun) [Japanese] scallop mantle (as a food)
- かきあげ (Noun) [Japanese] kakiage (type of tempura)
- かきピー (Noun) [Japanese] snack mix of kaki no tane (柿の種) and peanuts
- かき氷 (Noun) [Japanese] shaved ice, usually topped with ingredients such as honey, syrup, etc.
- かちぐり (Noun) [Japanese] dried chestnut
- かにかま (Noun) [Japanese] crab stick
- がり (Noun) [Japanese] pickled ginger
- きぬごしどうふ (Noun) [Japanese] silken tofu
- くろパン (Noun) [Japanese] rye bread
- げそ (Noun) [Japanese] cuttlefish tentacle
- ごーやーちゃんぷるー (Noun) [Okinawan] A bitter melon chanpuru
- さけとば (Noun) [Japanese] Hokkaidō salmon jerky
- さーたーあんだぎー (Noun) [Okinawan] 砂糖油揚ぎー: an Sata andagi: an Okinawan doughnut.
- さーたーあんだーぎー (Noun) [Okinawan] 砂糖油揚ぎー: Alternative form of さーたーあんだぎー (sātā andagī)
- したつづみ (Noun) [Japanese] clicking one's tongue in satisfaction with a good meal
- したつづみをうつ (Verb) [Japanese] to click one's tongue in satisfaction with a good meal; or, (in general) to enjoy a good meal
- しゃぶしゃぶ (Noun) [Japanese] shabu-shabu (a Japanese dish)
- しらかゆ (Noun) [Japanese] plain congee
- じゃがバター (Noun) [Japanese] buttered potatoes
- す (Syllable) [Japanese] The hiragana syllable す (su). Its equivalent in katakana is ス (su). It is the thirteenth syllable in the gojūon order; its position is さ行う段 (sa-gyō u-dan, “row sa, section u”).
- す (Noun) [Japanese] 酢, 醋, 酸: vinegar (condiment)
- すき焼き (Noun) [Japanese] sukiyaki
- すしめし (Noun) [Japanese] sushi rice
- すだれ麩 (Noun) [Japanese] a type of wheat gluten foodstuff fashioned into narrow strands
- すり身 (Noun) [Japanese] fish meat pounded into a paste; surimi
- ずんだ (Noun) [Japanese] zunda, boiled and mashed edamame
- ずんだもち (Noun) [Japanese] mochi with zunda filling, a specialty of the Tōhoku region
- たこさんウインナー (Noun) [Japanese] octopus sausage (wiener sausage with cuts in the base that cause the sausage to curl when cooked, resembling an octopus' limbs)
- たこわさび (Noun) [Japanese] octopus with wasabi
- たこウインナー (Noun) [Japanese] octopus sausage (wiener sausage with cuts in the base that cause the sausage to curl when cooked, resembling an octopus' limbs)
- だんご (Proper name) [Japanese] 団吾: a male given name
- ちあい (Noun) [Japanese] dark red fish meat
- ちゃんぷるー (Noun) [Okinawan] chanpuru: an Okinawan stir-fried dish consisting of tofu, vegetables, and cooking oil
- ちゃんぽん (Noun) [Japanese] champon (Japanese noodle dish)
- ちらがー (Noun) [Japanese] pig's face, as food
- ちんすこう (Noun) [Japanese] chinsuko, a traditional Okinawan baked sweet made from flour, sugar, and lard
- つくね (Noun) [Japanese] tsukune (Japanese chicken or fish meatball)
- てばさき (Noun) [Japanese] tip of a chicken wing
- てんつゆ (Noun) [Japanese] tempura dipping sauce
- とりがら (Noun) [Japanese] chicken bones
- なまにく (Noun) [Japanese] raw meat
- なまもの (Noun) [Japanese] raw / unprocessed food
- にたまご (Noun) [Japanese] boiled egg
- にもの (Noun) [Japanese] nimono (Japanese stewed dish)
- ねりてん (Noun) [Japanese] surimi (fish paste) tempura; eomuk
- はわさび (Noun) [Japanese] wasabi leaf
- ふくろめん (Noun) [Japanese] instant noodles that are packaged in a plastic packet
- ほしいも (Noun) [Japanese] hoshi-imo, dried potato
- まん腸 (Noun) [Japanese] sunfish intestine
- もつ (Noun) [Japanese] Short for 臓物 (zōmotsu), offal
- もんじゃやき (Noun) [Japanese] monjayaki (Japanese pan-fried batter)
- よだれとり (Noun) [Japanese] koushuiji, Sichuanese chicken dish
- よりより (Noun) [Japanese] mahua, a Chinese snack also associated with Japanese Chinatowns
- わさびいも (Noun) [Japanese] whole wasabi root
- ꦲꦸꦫꦁ (Noun) [Javanese] prawn
- ಅಕ್ಕಿ (Noun) [Kannada] raw rice
- ಅಣ್ಣ (Noun) [Sholaga] food
- ಅರಸಿನ (Noun) [Kannada] turmeric
- ಅವಲಕ್ಕಿ (Noun) [Kannada] flattened rice, poha; rice which has first been scalded in hot water, then partly dried, then fried, and lastly flattened by beating it in a mortar
- ಆರೋಗಣೆ (Noun) [Kannada] meal, repast
- ಇಂಗು (Noun) [Kannada] asafoetida
- ಇಡ್ಲಿ (Noun) [Kannada] idli
- ಉಪ್ಪು (Noun) [Kannada] salt
- ಉಪ್ಪು (Noun) [Kodava] salt
- ಉಪ್ಪು (Noun) [Tulu] salt
- ಉಲುವೆ (Noun) [Kodava] fenugreek
- ಎಳ್ಳು (Noun) [Kannada] sesame
- ಏಲಕ್ಕಿ (Noun) [Kannada] cardamom plant
- ಕಂಡ (Noun) [Kannada] flesh, meat
- ಕಂಧಮುಣ್ಚಿ (Noun) [Tulu] cubeb (Piper cubeba)
- ಕಡಲೆನೆಲ (Noun) [Tulu] peanut
- ಕೊತ್ತಂಬರಿ (Noun) [Kannada] coriander
- ಕೊಬ್ಬು (Verb) [Kannada] to become proud, presumptuous, insolent
- ಗೊಂಚೆ (Noun) [Kannada] grape
- ತರಕಾರಿ (Noun) [Tulu] vegetables (collective)
- ತೆಕ್ಕರೆ (Noun) [Tulu] cucumber
- ತೆಲ್ಲ (Noun) [Kannada] sesamum oil; edible oil
- ತೈಲ (Noun) [Kannada] oil
- ದೋಸೆ (Noun) [Kannada] dosa; a type of thin south Indian food made from fermented lentils and rice blended with water, typically served with chutney or sambar.
- ಪನ್ನೀರ್ (Noun) [Tulu] rose water
- ಪಪ್ಪಳ (Noun) [Kannada] poppadom
- ಬೆಲ್ಲ (Noun) [Kannada] jaggery
- ಬೆಲ್ಲ (Noun) [Kodava] jaggery
- ಬೆಲ್ಲ (Noun) [Tulu] jaggery
- ಭತ್ತ (Noun) [Kannada] unhusked rice
- ಮಜ್ಜಿಗೆ (Noun) [Kannada] buttermilk
- ಮೆಂತೆ (Noun) [Kannada] fenugreek
- ಮೆತ್ತೆ (Noun) [Tulu] fenugreek
- ಮೊಸರು (Noun) [Kannada] yoghurt
- ಯಾಲಕ್ಕಿ (Noun) [Kannada] large cardamom
- ಯೆಂಣೆ (Noun) [Tulu] oil
- ಲವಂಗ (Noun) [Kannada] clove
- ಲವಂಗ (Noun) [Kodava] cloves
- ಲವಂಗ (Noun) [Tulu] cloves
- ಹಪ್ಪಳ (Noun) [Kannada] papad
- ಹುರುಳಿ (Noun) [Kannada] horse gram
- アイシング … エンチラーダ (23 senses)
- エㇷ゚ … カカオマス (18 senses)
- カクテキ … カルパス (15 senses)
- カルビ … キーライムパイ (21 senses)
- ギー … グラタン (18 senses)
- グラニテ … サグカレー (26 senses)
- サハラ … シチュー (21 senses)
- シト … ジェラート (13 senses)
- ジャム … セミフレッド (20 senses)
- セロリ … チキンバーガー (23 senses)
- チゲ … チリソース (23 senses)
- チーズ … トムヤムクン (15 senses)
- トルテ … ハニー (21 senses)
- ハム … パエーリャ (20 senses)
- パスタ … ピクルス (22 senses)
- ピザ … フライドポテト (18 senses)
- フラン … ベーコン (24 senses)
- ペスト … ポルペッティーネ (15 senses)
- ポン酢 … モッツァレラ (26 senses)
- モモ … ランチドレッシング (15 senses)
- ランプ … ヴィネグレット (24 senses)
- កាពិ … គុយទាវ (11 senses)
- គួង … ឈើអែម (10 senses)
- ញ … ត្រប៉ែ (8 senses)
- ត្វា … ទឹកប្រេងខ្យង (10 senses)
- នំគម … បាក់យ៉ុង (12 senses)
- បាញ់ … បុកល្ហុង (8 senses)
- បោប … ភីហ្សា (10 senses)
- មី … វ៉ាសាប៊ី (11 senses)
- វ៉ោយ … ស៊ុកូឡា (10 senses)
- ស៊ុប … អំបុក (11 senses)
- ຂີງ (Noun) [Lao] ginger
- ຂ່າ (Noun) [Lao] galangal
- ປາແດກ (Noun) [Lao] padaek, Lao fish sauce (condiment made from pickled or fermented fish that has been cured; found in Lao and Isan cuisine)
- ພິກ (Noun) [Lao] pepper, chili pepper, Capsicum annuum
- ພິກໄທ (Noun) [Lao] black pepper
- ລາບ (Noun) [Lao] larb, meat salad (a national specialty of Laos)
- ເກືອ (Noun) [Lao] salt
- ເຂົ້າຕັງ (Noun) [Lao] scorched rice (crust of rice sticking to the bottom of the pot)
- ເຂົ້າຜັດ (Noun) [Lao] fried rice
- ເຂົ້າຫລາມ (Noun) [Lao] Cylinder of glutinous rice baked in joint of thorny bamboo.
- ເຂົ້າໜຽວ (Noun) [Lao] sticky rice
- ເນີຍແຂງ (Noun) [Lao] cheese
- ເບີແຂງ (Noun) [Lao] cheese
- ໂຊໂກລາ (Noun) [Lao] chocolate
- ໄຂ່ຍ່ຽວມ້າ (Noun) [Lao] century egg
- ໄສ້ອົ່ວ (Noun) [Lao] sai ua: Northern Thai sausage made from chopped meat mixed with spices and herbs and stuffed into intestinal casings, often served grilled or fried.
- അത്താഴം (Noun) [Malayalam] dinner, supper, food at night
- അയമോദകം (Noun) [Malayalam] caraway seed
- ആഹാരം (Noun) [Malayalam] food
- ഇടിയപ്പം (Noun) [Malayalam] idiyappam (a South Indian and Sri Lankan dish of rice vermicelli)
- ഇഡലി (Noun) [Malayalam] idli
- ഇണർ (Noun) [Malayalam] roe, fish eggs.
- ഉണ്ടമ്പൊരി (Noun) [Malayalam] undampori; an Indian round afternoon sweet snack
- ഉണ്ണിയപ്പം (Noun) [Malayalam] unniyappam; an Indian round afternoon sweet snack
- ഉപ്പു (Noun) [Tulu] salt
- ഉപ്പ് (Noun) [Malayalam] rocksalt
- ഉലുവ (Noun) [Malayalam] fenugreek
- ഊണ് (Noun) [Malayalam] meals
- എണ്ണ (Noun) [Malayalam] oil
- ഏല (Noun) [Malayalam] cardamom
- ഏലം (Noun) [Malayalam] cardamom plant.
- ഏലക്ക (Noun) [Malayalam] cardamom
- കഞ്ഞി (Noun) [Malayalam] congee, gruel, rice porridge
- കടുക് (Noun) [Malayalam] mustard; an oilseed derived from certain species of the genus Brassica.
- കരയാമ്പ് (Noun) [Malayalam] clove
- കരിഞ്ചീരകം (Noun) [Malayalam] caraway
- കായം (Noun) [Malayalam] asafoetida
- കുബ്ബൂസ് (Noun) [Malayalam] pita bread, khubz
- കുരുമുളക് (Noun) [Malayalam] pepper
- കൊഞ്ച് (Noun) [Malayalam] lobster, large crustaceans in the family Nephropidae used as seafood.
- കോഴിക്കറി (Noun) [Malayalam] chicken meat
- ഗ്രാമ്പൂ (Noun) [Malayalam] clove
- ചട്ടിണി (Noun) [Malayalam] chutney
- ചട്ണി (Noun) [Malayalam] chutney
- ചപ്പാത്തി (Noun) [Malayalam] chapatti
- ചാറ് (Noun) [Malayalam] broth, sauce
- ചുക്ക് (Noun) [Malayalam] dry ginger
- ചെറുപയർ (Noun) [Malayalam] mung bean
- ചോറ് (Noun) [Malayalam] cooked rice
- ജാതിക്ക (Noun) [Malayalam] nutmeg
- ജീരകം (Noun) [Malayalam] cumin
- ഞണ്ട് (Noun) [Malayalam] crab, a crustacean belonging to the infraorder Brachyura with a carapace and five pairs of legs, two of which serve as claws.
- തേൻ (Noun) [Malayalam] honey
- ദോശ (Noun) [Malayalam] dosa; a type of thin South Indian food made from fermented lentils and rice blended with water, typically served with chutney or sambar.
- പച്ചക്കറി (Noun) [Malayalam] vegetable
- പഞ്ഞിമിഠായി (Noun) [Malayalam] cotton candy; Candy made from melted sugar spun into thin threads and collected into a mass, usually on a stick.
- പന്നിയിറച്ചി (Noun) [Malayalam] pork
- പന്നീര് (Noun) [Tulu] rose water
- പപ്പടം (Noun) [Malayalam] papad; poppadom
- പരിപ്പ് (Noun) [Malayalam] dal curry, a dish
- പരിപ്പ് (Noun) [Malayalam] cotyledon of plants
- പരിപ്പ് (Noun) [Malayalam] edible part of nuts
- പുട്ട് (Noun) [Malayalam] puttu, a South Indian breakfast dish of steamed ground rice and coconut shavings
- പെരുംജീരകം (Noun) [Malayalam] fennel
- പേട (Noun) [Malayalam] peda; A South Asian sweet made from milk khoa and sugar.
- പ്രാതൽ (Noun) [Malayalam] breakfast, morning food
- ബജ്ജി (Noun) [Malayalam] name of various types of local fried snacks of India
- ബിരിയാണി (Noun) [Malayalam] biryani
- ബോണ്ട (Noun) [Malayalam] bonda; an Indian round afternoon snack made with potato
- ഭക്ഷണം (Noun) [Malayalam] food
- ഭോജനം (Noun) [Malayalam] food
- മഞ്ഞൾ (Noun) [Malayalam] turmeric, Curcuma longa, a tropical plant in the ginger family which yields a rhizome with yellow insides.
- മഞ്ഞൾ (Noun) [Malayalam] turmeric spice, obtained by pulverizing the rhizome of turmeric plant, used widely in India for flavoring food or as an auspicious spice.
- മന്ന (Noun) [Malayalam] manna
- മല്ലി (Noun) [Malayalam] coriander
- മസാല (Noun) [Malayalam] masala
- മാംസം (Noun) [Malayalam] meat
- മാങ്ങാക്കറി (Noun) [Malayalam] pickled mango
- മുട്ട (Noun) [Malayalam] egg; An oval or round structure produced by birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and some other animals that usually contains an embryo.
- മുത്താഴം (Noun) [Malayalam] lunch, meals eaten at noon, food eaten earlier than അത്താഴം (attāḻaṁ)
- മുളക് (Noun) [Malayalam] chilli pepper
- മെത്തെ (Noun) [Tulu] fenugreek
- റൊട്ടി (Noun) [Malayalam] bread
- വട (Noun) [Malayalam] vada; an Indian torus shaped afternoon snack commonly made with urad dal
- വറ (Noun) [Malayalam] fries, chips, fritters
- വാളൻപുളി (Noun) [Malayalam] tamarind fruit
- വാളൻപുളി (Noun) [Malayalam] tamarind tree
- വെന്തയം (Noun) [Malayalam] fenugreek seed (a spice)
- വെളുത്തുള്ളി (Noun) [Malayalam] garlic
- ശാപ്പാട് (Noun) [Malayalam] food
- സദ്യ (Noun) [Malayalam] Kerala feast consisting of rice and numerous dishes, usually served in banana leaf
- സമോസ (Noun) [Malayalam] samosa
- സാമ്പാർ (Noun) [Malayalam] sambar
- സുഖിയൻ (Noun) [Malayalam] sukhiyan; an Indian round afternoon snack made with green gram and sugar
- സേമിയ (Noun) [Malayalam] vermicelli
- സൈത്ത് (Noun) [Malayalam] olive, Olea europaea, an evergreen tree native to the Mediterranean region, cultivated for its fruit and oil.
- ꯀꯕꯣꯛ (Noun) [Manipuri] kabok, parched rice
- ꯁꯣꯏꯕꯨꯝ (Noun) [Manipuri] A dish made of fermented bamboo shoots.
- ꯁꯤꯡ (Noun) [Manipuri] ginger
- ꯁꯤꯡ (Noun) [Manipuri] firewood
- ꯁꯤꯡꯖꯨ (Noun) [Manipuri] singju
- ꯂꯣꯡꯄꯥꯟ (Noun) [Manipuri] clove
- ꯃꯡꯒ꯭ꯔꯥ (Noun) [Manipuri] sweet potato
- ꯃꯥꯏꯔꯦꯟ (Noun) [Manipuri] pumpkin
- ꯆꯅꯥꯟ (Noun) [Manipuri] oats
- ꯆꯦꯡ (Noun) [Manipuri] uncooked rice
- ꯌꯥꯏꯉꯡ (Noun) [Manipuri] turmeric
- ꯐꯛꯄꯥꯢ (Noun) [Manipuri] Vietnamese coriander (Persicaria odorata)
- ꯑꯦꯂꯥꯏꯆꯤ (Noun) [Manipuri] cardamom
- ကတ်ကြေးကိုက် … ကောက်ညှင်းမှုန့် (15 senses)
- ကောလိသိန် … ခနုံထုပ် (24 senses)
- ခနုံအီ … ဂျုံမှုန့် (16 senses)
- ငရုတ် … စပျစ်စေ့ဆီ (20 senses)
- စမုန် … ဆန် (11 senses)
- ဆန်ကွဲ … ဇီရာစေ့ (25 senses)
- ညစာ … တိုဟူးသုပ် (11 senses)
- တီကေ့ … ထေႃးပၢတ်ႈ (20 senses)
- ဒိန်ခဲ … နန်းသေး (16 senses)
- နနွင်း … ပိန်းဥမုန့် (23 senses)
- ပီဇာ … ပေါ်ဆန်းမွှေး (14 senses)
- ပဲ … ဘိန်းမုန့် (18 senses)
- မဆလာ … မုန့်တိုဇံ (19 senses)
- မုန့်တီ … ယောက်သွား (21 senses)
- ယး … လေးညှင်းပွင့် (19 senses)
- ဝက်ဆီ … သာဂူပြင် (19 senses)
- သား … အန်ကူးမုန့် (17 senses)
- အနှစ် … အီကြာကွေး (15 senses)
- အုန်း … ဦးချ (15 senses)
- ၜဵု … ၽွင်ၶဝ်ႈ (15 senses)
- ᦃᧁᧉᦓᦳᧄᦔᧂ (Noun) [Lü] bread
- ᦎᧁᧉᦠᦴᧉ (Noun) [Lü] tofu
- ᦶᦖᧃᧈᦗᧁᧈ (Noun) [Lü] bread
- ᦷᦏᧈᦝᦴ (Noun) [Lü] tofu
- ᱛᱚᱣᱟ (Noun) [Santali] milk
- ᱛᱳᱚ (Noun) [Santali] milk
- ᱢᱚᱥᱞᱟ (Noun) [Santali] masala
- ᱯᱤᱴᱷᱟ (Noun) [Santali] flour
- 𐩩𐩣𐩧 (Noun) [Minaean] dates
- 𐩩𐩣𐩧 (Noun) [Sabaean] dates
- 𐩱𐩫𐩡 (Noun) [Minaean] food
- 𐩱𐩫𐩡 (Noun) [Sabaean] cereal, grain
- ଅଳାଇଚ (Noun) [Odia] cardamom
- ଆଳୁ (Noun) [Odia] potato
- କେଟ (Noun) [Kuvi] cardamom
- ଖଜା (Noun) [Odia] churner
- ଖଜା (Noun) [Odia] ladle
- ଖଜା (Noun) [Odia] sugarplum
- ଚାଉଳ (Noun) [Odia] rice (Oryza sativa)
- ଜାଇଫଳ (Noun) [Odia] nutmeg
- ଡାଲମା (Noun) [Odia] A curry prepared by the Odia people. The main ingredients are dal and different varieties of vegetables.
- ତରକାରି (Noun) [Odia] greens
- ତିଅଣ (Noun) [Odia] curry
- ତେଲ (Noun) [Odia] oil
- ତୈଳ (Noun) [Odia] oil
- ପାପଡ଼ (Noun) [Odia] papri, poppadom
- ପିଆଜ (Noun) [Odia] onion
- ପିଠା (Noun) [Odia] cake
- ହିଙ୍ଗୁ (Noun) [Odia] asafoetida
- ହେଙ୍ଗୁ (Noun) [Odia] alternative form of ହିଙ୍ଗୁ (hiṅgu)
- 𐤀𐤂𐤆 (Noun) [Punic] walnut
- 𐤂𐤃 (Noun) [Punic] coriander
- 𐤆𐤉𐤕 (Noun) [Phoenician] either olives or their oil
- 𐤇𐤋𐤁 (Noun) [Phoenician] fat
- 𐤊𐤌𐤍 (Noun) [Phoenician] cumin
- 𐤊𐤌𐤍 (Noun) [Punic] cumin
- 𐤔𐤒𐤃 (Noun) [Phoenician] almond (fruit and tree)
- 𐤔𐤔𐤌𐤍 (Noun) [Phoenician] sesame
- ඉඟුරු (Noun) [Sinhalese] ginger
- කුරුඳු (Noun) [Sinhalese] cinnamon, Ceylon cinnamon tree (Cinnamomum verum J.Presl, syn. C. zeylanicum Blume)
- කොකුම් (Noun) [Sinhalese] saffron
- කොත්තමල්ලි (Noun) [Sinhalese] coriander
- ගිතෙල් (Noun) [Sinhalese] ghee
- තෛලය (Noun) [Sinhalese] oil, ointment
- දුරු (Noun) [Sinhalese] cummin seed
- පාන් (Noun) [Sinhalese] bread
- පැණි (Noun) [Sinhalese] sweet juice, syrup, honey, molasses
- පෙරුංකායම් (Noun) [Sinhalese] asafoetida
- මධු (Noun) [Sinhalese] honey
- මධු (Noun) [Sinhalese] liquorice
- මස් (Noun) [Sinhalese] meat
- මේදය (Noun) [Sinhalese] marrow
- ලුණු (Noun) [Sinhalese] saline taste
- ꠇꠣꠇꠠꠣ (Noun) [Sylheti] crab
- ꠎꠄꠔꠤꠞꠤ (Noun) [Sylheti] mace (spice)
- ꠎꠄꠚꠟ (Noun) [Sylheti] nutmeg
- ᨠᩋᩯ᩠ᨶ (Noun) [Northern Thai] fingerroot (Boesenbergia rotunda).
- ᩉᩖᩋᩯ᩠ᨶ (Noun) [Northern Thai] fingerroot (Boesenbergia rotunda).
- அக்கி … இடியாப்பம் (12 senses)
- இட்லி … உழுந்து (8 senses)
- ஊண் … கறிவேப்பிலை (12 senses)
- கறுவா … கூழ் (10 senses)
- கேதுரு … சர்க்கரை (12 senses)
- சல்லி … சுகந்தவர்க்கம் (11 senses)
- சுக்கு … தமரத்தை (10 senses)
- தயிர் … நென்மா (11 senses)
- பஜ்ஜி … பிலிம்பி (12 senses)
- புதினா … மோர் (13 senses)
- ரவை … வெள்ளுள்ளி (10 senses)
- అంబలి … ఆముదము (9 senses)
- ఆవకాయ … ఊరగాయ (10 senses)
- ఎరచి … కుసుమనూనె (9 senses)
- కూర … క్షీరాన్నము (6 senses)
- గంజి … తైలము (10 senses)
- తోప … నూకలకూడు (9 senses)
- నూనె … పప్ప (8 senses)
- పసుపు … భోజ్యము (11 senses)
- మజ్జిగ … వంకాయ పచ్చడి (10 senses)
- వడ … హరిద్ర (9 senses)
- ކަޅުދިރި (Noun) [Dhivehi] black caraway
- ކުކުން (Noun) [Dhivehi] saffron
- ކޭކު (Noun) [Dhivehi] cake
- އައިސް ކުރީމު (Noun) [Dhivehi] ice cream
- އާނެއި (Noun) [Dhivehi] oil, fat
- އިނގުރު (Noun) [Dhivehi] ginger
- މާފުށް (Noun) [Dhivehi] maafuh (a powdery mixture of millet flour and spices)
- މިރުސް (Noun) [Dhivehi] pepper, chili, capsicum
- ފަނި (Noun) [Dhivehi] maggot
- ފަނި (Noun) [Dhivehi] sweet juice, juice, syrup, treacle, nectar
- ފުންނާކު (Noun) [Dhivehi] oil cake
- ދިރި (Noun) [Dhivehi] cummin
- ތެޔޮ (Noun) [Dhivehi] oil
- ލަޑި (Noun) [Dhivehi] gruel, porridge
- ގިތެއު (Noun) [Dhivehi] ghee
- ސެވޫނަރު (Noun) [Dhivehi] vermicelli
- ޕާން (Noun) [Dhivehi] bread
- กระยาหาร … ก๋วยเตี๋ยว (16 senses)
- ขนม … ของหวาน (14 senses)
- ขิง … ข้าวหมกไก่ (11 senses)
- ข้าวหลาม … จันอับ (15 senses)
- ชี … ซีโปยจ (13 senses)
- ซุป … ทอดมัน (13 senses)
- นาซี … ปลาร้า (17 senses)
- ปัง … พริกไทย (15 senses)
- พะแนง … ม้าห้อ (12 senses)
- ยอ … สังขยา (15 senses)
- สำรับ … หัวหอม (14 senses)
- อบเชย … เขียวหวาน (15 senses)
- เคก … เบอร์เกอร์ (13 senses)
- เปา … เห็ดหอม (10 senses)
- แกง … แฮมเบอร์เกอร์ (14 senses)
- โกย … ไอศกรีม (16 senses)
- ཀྲིན་མོག (Noun) [Tibetan] tingmo (a kind of steamed bread)
- ཁྲེ (Noun) [Tibetan] millet
- གཡེར་མ (Noun) [Tibetan] Sichuan pepper, spice derived from Zanthoxylum species
- གསོལ་མར (Noun) [Tibetan] butter
- གུར་གུམ (Noun) [Tibetan] saffron
- གོ་རེ (Noun) [Tibetan] steamed bread
- གོ་སྙོད (Noun) [Tibetan] caraway; cumin
- ཆུ་ཆུ (Noun) [Tibetan] rhubarb
- ཐུག་པ (Noun) [Tibetan] Tibetan-style soup, broth, gruel, porridge
- པཱ (Noun) [Kurtöp] slice of meat
- ཕིང (Noun) [Tibetan] vermicelli
- ཕྱུར་ཕྱུར (Noun) [Tibetan] rhubarb
- བག་ལེབ (Noun) [Tibetan] a kind of flat bread
- བྱ་ཤ (Noun) [Tibetan] chicken (meat)
- མོ་མོ (Noun) [Dzongkha] a kind of dumpling; momo
- མོག་མོག (Noun) [Tibetan] momo, Tibetan stuffed dumplings
- ཚོདམ (Noun) [Dzongkha] curry
- ཚྭ (Noun) [Tibetan] salt
- ཞོ (Noun) [Tibetan] yogurt, curds (fermented milk product)
- ཞོ་ཁོག (Noun) [Tibetan] potato
- ཞོག་གོག (Noun) [Tibetan] potato
- ཟ (Noun) [Kurtöp] fruit
- འཐེན་ཐུག (Noun) [Tibetan] thenthuk (traditional hand-pulled noodle soup)
- འབྲས (Noun) [Tibetan] rice
- འབྲས (Noun) [Tibetan] fruit
- རྩམ་པ (Noun) [Tibetan] tsamba (roasted barley porridge)
- ལི་ཤི (Noun) [Tibetan] clove
- ལི་ཤི་མཚོན་འཁོར (Noun) [Tibetan] star anise
- ཤ (Noun) [Kurtöp] meat
- ཤ་བག་ལེབ (Noun) [Tibetan] shapale (a Tibetan dish consisting of fried bread containing beef)
- ཤིང་ཀུན (Noun) [Tibetan] asafoetida, hing (Ferula assa-foetida)
- ཤིང་ཚ (Noun) [Tibetan] cinnamon; specifically Indian cassia (Cinnamomum tamala)
- སི་པན (Noun) [Tibetan] chili pepper, cayenne
- སྲུངས་སྨན (Noun) [Tibetan] cardamom
- ⴰⴽⵙⵓⵎ (Noun) [Central Atlas Tamazight] meat, flesh
- ⵜⵉⴼⵉⵢⵢⵉ (Noun) [Tashelhit] meat
- 𐎒𐎁𐎁𐎊𐎐 (Noun) [Ugaritic] black cumin
- $100 hamburger … 7 Up cake (17 senses)
- 99 … ܕܪܨܝܢܝ (21 senses)
- ܙܘܡܐ … ܝܪܘܪܐ (16 senses)
- ܝܪܩܐ … ܡܠܚܐ (18 senses)
- ܡܣܬܐ … ܩܡܪܕܝܢ (20 senses)
- ܩܪܢܐ … अदरक (18 senses)
- अनस् … कढ़ी पत्ता (21 senses)
- कढी … क्षीरान्न (24 senses)
- खण्ड … गोश्त (15 senses)
- गौर … छोले भटूरे (16 senses)
- जङ्गल … तेलु (21 senses)
- तैल … पकौडा (20 senses)
- पनीर … पूरी (17 senses)
- पेज … भेलपूरी (25 senses)
- भेळ … मिसळ (15 senses)
- मीठ … लड्डू (16 senses)
- लवंग … सांबार (25 senses)
- सुप् … ᠪᠣᠣᠰᡝ (14 senses)
- ᠪᡠᡩᠠ … 𖼷𖽑𖽙 (23 senses)
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