îasy (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: îasy
îasy (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: îasy
tupi (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: tupi
uru (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: uru
tatu (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: tatu
musu (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: musu
arara (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: arara
abati (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: abati
siri (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: siri
panema (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: panema
paka (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: paka
ananá (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: ananá
kaba (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: kaba
parati (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: parati
kapibara (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: kapibara
naná (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: naná
itá (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: itá
panama (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: panama
kunhã (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: kunhã
urubu (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: urubu
urubu (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: urubu
tapeti (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: tapeti
sapé (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: sapé
ka'a (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: ka'a
matamatá (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: matamatá
irara (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: irara
ybytu (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: ybytu
kûarasy (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: kûarasy
ybyrá (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: ybyrá
pirá (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: pirá
gûyrá (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: gûyrá
mboîa (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: mboîa
akuti (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: akuti
abá (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: abá
marakaîá (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: marakaîá
nhandu (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: nhandu
nhandu (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: nhandu
kururu (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: kururu
îakaré (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: îakaré
ybaka (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: ybaka
apekũ (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: apekũ
kaá (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: kaá
ybaté (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: ybaté
syry (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: syry
îaboti (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: îaboti
usá (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: usá
pirãîagûara (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: pirãîagûara
peró (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: peró
pindá (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: pindá
upaba (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: upaba
tapiti (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: tapiti
kûara (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: kûara
tupinambá (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: tupinambá
tataûrana (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: tataûrana
tamandûá (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: tamandûá
anũ (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: anũ
îagûara (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: îagûara
pirãia (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: pirãia
ybatinga (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: ybatinga
îasytatá (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: îasytatá
kaûã (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: kaûã
kûá (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: kûá
gûyratinga (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: gûyratinga
baîaku (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: baîaku
samambaîa (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: samambaîa
sagûi (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: sagûi
îararaka (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: îararaka
ka'atinga (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: ka'atinga
pytanga (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: pytanga
tukana (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: tukana
surukuku (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: surukuku
gûabiraba (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: gûabiraba
îyboîa (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: îyboîa
mandubi (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: mandubi
meriti'yba (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: meriti'yba
sabîá (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: sabîá
eîrara (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: eîrara
kapi'i (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: kapi'i
gûanhumũ (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: gûanhumũ
tapi'ira (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: tapi'ira
'ybakamusi (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: 'ybakamusi
arasá (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: arasá
komixã (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: komixã
aratiku (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: aratiku
'ybapytanga (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: 'ybapytanga
tare'ira (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: tare'ira
'ybá (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: 'ybá
îabyru (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: îabyru
îuriti (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: îuriti
uruku (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: uruku
kupu'yûasu (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: kupu'yûasu
migûá (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: migûá
mokyrana (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: mokyrana
îaûara (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: îaûara
kapi'iûara (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: kapi'iûara
pindoba (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: pindoba
andyrá (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: andyrá
eíra (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: eíra
pa'i (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: pa'i
a'y (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: a'y
so'o (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: so'o
araraúna (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: araraúna
kanindé (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: kanindé
marakanã-arara (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: marakanã-arara
ararakanga (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: ararakanga
araruna (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: araruna
marakanã (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: marakanã
tapi'irapé (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: tapi'irapé
tukanusu (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: tukanusu
agûarausá (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: agûarausá
tuindara (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: tuindara
gûaîá (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: gûaîá
ka'aataîa (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: ka'aataîa
kûatimundé (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: kûatimundé
gûasunĩ (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: gûasunĩ
kûati (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: kûati
gûyrapunga (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: gûyrapunga
gûará (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: gûará
gûará (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: gûará
îagûasinĩ (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: îagûasinĩ
gûariba (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: gûariba
kabará (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: kabará
kabaru (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: kabaru
abaré (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: abaré
poraké (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: poraké
yperu (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: yperu
karaíba (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: karaíba
îagûareté (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: îagûareté
pirauruku (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: pirauruku
sygûasumẽ (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: sygûasumẽ
marigûi (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: marigûi
taîyby (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: taîyby
sûasu (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: sûasu
pirãîa (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: pirãîa
yby (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: yby
ybyku'i (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: ybyku'i
kûandu (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: kûandu
arabé (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: arabé
'ybaremusu (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: 'ybaremusu
ybytinga (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: ybytinga
apere'a (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: apere'a
'ybotyra (Old Tupi proper noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: 'ybotyra
amba'yba (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: amba'yba
kunhãmuku (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: kunhãmuku
kunhataĩ (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: kunhataĩ
akaîueté (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: akaîueté
nhe'enge'yma (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: nhe'enge'yma
tupã (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: tupã
angaturama (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: angaturama
anhanga ratá (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: anhanga ratá
Anhanga ratá (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: Anhanga ratá
anhanga (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: anhanga
potĩ (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: potĩ
agûaragûasu (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: agûaragûasu
îu'iperereka (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: îu'iperereka
tatuûasu (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: tatuûasu
sebo'i (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: sebo'i
îasanã (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: îasanã
teîugûasu (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: teîugûasu
kaûĩ'a (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: kaûĩ'a
teîú (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: teîú
moretĩ (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: moretĩ
'yba (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: 'yba
'yba (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: 'yba
marakanãarara (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: marakanãarara
puraké (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: puraké
ybyrapytanga (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: ybyrapytanga
nhanduabiîu (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: nhanduabiîu
pinda'yba (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: pinda'yba
pinda'yba (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: pinda'yba
aîurueté (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: aîurueté
aîuru (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: aîuru
'ara (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: 'ara
aîká (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: aîká
tapuîa (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: tapuîa
sygûasu (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: sygûasu
tabaîara (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: tabaîara
mboîpeba (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: mboîpeba
tatupeba (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: tatupeba
tatueté (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: tatueté
tatu'i (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: tatu'i
tatugûaxima (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: tatugûaxima
gûamaîakugûará (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: gûamaîakugûará
tatuapara (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: tatuapara
taturama (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: taturama
eirapu'a (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: eirapu'a
tataeíra (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: tataeíra
ysaúba (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: ysaúba
ysá (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: ysá
potigûara (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: potigûara
kabobaîuba (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: kabobaîuba
îate'i (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: îate'i
'ybarema (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: 'ybarema
taîasu (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: taîasu
mboîoby (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: mboîoby
sûasuapara (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: sûasuapara
sûasupytanga (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: sûasupytanga
sûasuarana (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: sûasuarana
sûasutinga (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: sûasutinga
îagûapytanga (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: îagûapytanga
miaratakaka (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: miaratakaka
îagûapopeba (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: îagûapopeba
sarigûeîa (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: sarigûeîa
îaku (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: îaku
îupará (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: îupará
kereîûá (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: kereîûá
pororoka (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: pororoka
aruanã (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: aruanã
tupinikĩ (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: tupinikĩ
tupinakyîa (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: tupinakyîa
pirapu'ã (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: pirapu'ã
tuîuîu (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: tuîuîu
nhandugûasu (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: nhandugûasu
nhandugûasu (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: nhandugûasu
pirapu'ama (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: pirapu'ama
kabatã (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: kabatã
arasari (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: arasari
kurumĩ (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: kurumĩ
ypeka (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: ypeka
gûyrasapukaîa (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: gûyrasapukaîa
sapukaîa (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: sapukaîa
mbyryki (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: mbyryki
îakurutu (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: îakurutu
syûasu (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: syûasu
sygûasuapara (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: sygûasuapara
sugûasuapara (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: sugûasuapara
sygûasupytanga (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: sygûasupytanga
sugûasueté (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: sugûasueté
sygûasueté (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: sygûasueté
sygûasutinga (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: sygûasutinga
sûasueté (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: sûasueté
marakaîagûasu (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: marakaîagûasu
sugûasuarana (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: sugûasuarana
susuarana (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: susuarana
susurana (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: susurana
sygûasuarana (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: sygûasuarana
arerãîa (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: arerãîa
manema (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: manema
abaeté (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: abaeté
itaîngapema (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: itaîngapema
tamûatá (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: tamûatá
îakutinga (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: îakutinga
araryboîa (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: araryboîa
pitaûã (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: pitaûã
pitangûagûasu (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: pitangûagûasu
sapaîu (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: sapaîu
agûará (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: agûará
akará (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: akará
kuriboka (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: kuriboka
amyîu (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: amyîu
amoré (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: amoré
karakará (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: karakará
îabutikaba (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: îabutikaba
sukuriîu (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: sukuriîu
kaninana (Old Tupi noun) unrecognized head form: unpossessable Path: kaninana
This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2024-12-21 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2024-12-04 using wiktextract (d8cb2f3 and 4e554ae). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.
If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.