All languages combined word senses marked with topical category "Ball games"
Parent categories: Sports, Human activity, Human behaviour, Human
Subcategories: Baseball, Basketball, Basque pelota, Cricket, Croquet, Football, Golf, Handball, Hurling, Lacrosse, Netball, Rugby, Softball, Squash, Table tennis, Tennis, Volleyball
Total 9417 word senses
- A formation … Azzurrini (93 senses)
- B … Busby Babe (82 senses)
- C … Championship (59 senses)
- Chel … EPL (82 senses)
- ER … Fußfehler (88 senses)
- G … Ittihad (92 senses)
- J … Lord's (81 senses)
- M … Novax (75 senses)
- O … Quidditch (81 senses)
- R … SANFL (47 senses)
- SB … Süper Lig (92 senses)
- T … Vuck (98 senses)
- W … XFL (51 senses)
- XI … arbitre de touche (111 senses)
- arc … aṣọle (80 senses)
- b … baffy (48 senses)
- bag … basbalo (83 senses)
- base … batuda (105 senses)
- baza … binh bông (70 senses)
- bior … borrow (96 senses)
- bos … bryde (80 senses)
- bròg … būtbo̧o̧ļ in Aujtōrōlia (59 senses)
- c&b … cazar (101 senses)
- caño … chase (66 senses)
- che … clipping (75 senses)
- clo … cosantóir (79 senses)
- count … culé (79 senses)
- cup … defensive tackle (81 senses)
- defer … dormy (91 senses)
- dot … dryblować (88 senses)
- dub … effet (55 senses)
- ege … exvolante (90 senses)
- face … filme (77 senses)
- find … flutterball (71 senses)
- fly … fotbollsänka (80 senses)
- foul … gambá (111 senses)
- game … glut (53 senses)
- go … golgheter (81 senses)
- goli … główkować (88 senses)
- h … hattrikk (64 senses)
- haul … hog molly (80 senses)
- hoik … imreoir sa chearnóg (83 senses)
- in … islayd (75 senses)
- iso … keskuspuolustaja (99 senses)
- key … kozłować (78 senses)
- koš … laundry (92 senses)
- lav … lentopotku (62 senses)
- les … loaded (71 senses)
- lob … mailapoika (102 senses)
- main … mee-vondeish (66 senses)
- meg … moving screen (82 senses)
- mow … no-score draw (83 senses)
- nod … om̧rawūn (87 senses)
- on … ottavi di finale (68 senses)
- out … paquet (96 senses)
- par … peel (54 senses)
- peg … pimentonero (97 senses)
- pin … poacher (88 senses)
- poc … postsnap (61 senses)
- pot … putty (94 senses)
- puu … rauta (91 senses)
- rb … revés (73 senses)
- rhb … rubber match (80 senses)
- ruck … rẹfiri (67 senses)
- rổ … scorpion volley (85 senses)
- scout … session (92 senses)
- set … shuti (56 senses)
- shy … skvaŝo (77 senses)
- sky … soigneur (86 senses)
- soka … steals (103 senses)
- step … stringere (77 senses)
- strip … sørvar (90 senses)
- sút … tchoukball (75 senses)
- tea … tesoura (67 senses)
- test … times on base (76 senses)
- tin … trey (102 senses)
- tri … tykitys (74 senses)
- té … vazač (74 senses)
- vee … vólei (73 senses)
- w … without troubling the scorers (68 senses)
- wk … șutat (111 senses)
- آفساید (Noun) [Persian] offside
- الكرة الطائرة (Noun) [Arabic] volleyball
- بلہ باز (Noun) [Urdu] batsman
- بلہ باز (Noun) [Urdu] batter
- تسلل (Noun) [Arabic] offside
- تمريرة (Noun) [Arabic] a pass
- تمريرة عرضية (Noun) [Arabic] cross
- تنس (Noun) [Arabic] tennis
- تنیسور (Noun) [Persian] tennis player
- تنیسباز (Noun) [Persian] tennis player
- جام جهانی (Proper name) [Persian] World Cup
- جول (Noun) [South Levantine Arabic] goal (in sports, especially football)
- حارس (Noun) [Arabic] Short for حَارِس مَرْمًى (ḥāris marman, “goalkeeper”).
- حارس مرمى (Noun) [Arabic] goalkeeper
- داربی (Noun) [Persian] derby (a sports match between local rival teams)
- دروازهبان (Noun) [Persian] gate-keeper
- دوسرا (Noun) [Urdu] doosra
- ركلة ازدواجية (Noun) [Arabic] bicycle kick, scissor kick
- ركلة جزاء (Noun) [Arabic] a penalty kick
- ركلة حرة (Noun) [Arabic] free kick
- ركلة حرة غير مباشرة (Noun) [Arabic] indirect free kick
- ركلة حرة مباشرة (Noun) [Arabic] direct free kick
- ركلة ركنية (Noun) [Arabic] corner kick
- ركلة مرمى (Noun) [Arabic] goal kick
- ركنية (Noun) [Arabic] corner kick
- رمية تماس (Noun) [Arabic] throw-in
- رمية حرة (Noun) [Arabic] free throw
- شاط (Verb) [Arabic] to shoot, to kick (a ball) (to kick the ball towards the goal)
- شتک (Noun) [Urdu] a century
- شوت (Noun) [Persian] shot, kick
- فوتبالیست (Noun) [Persian] footballer (British); football player (Britain), soccer player (US, Canada, Australia)
- فوتبول (Noun) [Ottoman Turkish] football (soccer)
- فوتسال (Noun) [Persian] futsal (a form of football played indoors)
- كرة السلة (Noun) [Arabic] basketball
- كرة القدم (Noun) [Arabic] football, soccer
- كرة اليد (Noun) [Arabic] handball
- كرة بينية (Noun) [Arabic] through ball
- كرة رأسية (Noun) [Arabic] header
- كرة فوقية (Noun) [Arabic] chip shot
- كرة يد (Noun) [Arabic] handball.
- لیگ قهرمانان (Proper name) [Persian] Champions League
- مرمى (Noun) [Arabic] place thrown to or shot at, target, goal post, crosspoint; goal, area into which the players attempt to put an object
- مهاجم (Noun) [Arabic] a forward
- هجمة مرتدة (Noun) [Arabic] counter-attack
- هدف (Verb) [Arabic] to score a goal
- پاس گل (Noun) [Persian] assist
- پانہ (Noun) [Urdu] nutmeg
- پنالتی (Noun) [Persian] penalty
- پۇتبول (Noun) [Uyghur] association football, soccer
- چوکا (Noun) [Urdu] any set of fours; four
- چوگان (Noun) [Persian] polo-stick
- چھکا (Noun) [Urdu] any set of six; sixer
- کارت قرمز (Noun) [Persian] red card
- گل (Noun) [Persian] goal
- گولکیپر (Noun) [Persian] goalkeeper
- گیند (Noun) [Urdu] ball
- ամերիկյան ֆուտբոլ (Noun) [Armenian] American football
- անկյունային հարված (Noun) [Armenian] corner kick
- ավելացված ժամանակ (Noun) [Armenian] injury time
- բասկետբոլիստ (Noun) [Armenian] basketball player, basketballer
- բասկետբոլիստուհի (Noun) [Armenian] female basketball player
- գոլ (Noun) [Armenian] goal (act of placing the object into the goal)
- դարպասապահ (Noun) [Armenian] goalkeeper
- դեղին քարտ (Noun) [Armenian] yellow card
- թենիս (Noun) [Armenian] tennis
- թենիսի կորտ (Noun) [Armenian] tennis court
- թենիսիստ (Noun) [Armenian] tennis player
- թենիսիստուհի (Noun) [Armenian] female tennis player
- լրացուցիչ ժամանակ (Noun) [Armenian] extra time
- խփել (Verb) [Armenian] to score
- կանադական ֆուտբոլ (Noun) [Armenian] Canadian football
- կարմիր քարտ (Noun) [Armenian] red card
- կիսապաշտպան (Noun) [Armenian] midfielder
- կիսապաշտպանություն (Noun) [Armenian] the midfield (the collective group of midfielders)
- կորտ (Noun) [Armenian] tennis court, court
- պաշտպան (Noun) [Armenian] defender
- պենալ (Noun) [Armenian] penalty
- վոլեյբոլիստ (Noun) [Armenian] volleyball player, volleyballer
- վոլեյբոլիստուհի (Noun) [Armenian] female volleyball player
- տասնմեկ մետրանոց (Noun) [Armenian] penalty kick
- ֆուտբոլ (Noun) [Armenian] association football
- ֆուտբոլիստ (Noun) [Armenian] footballer (British); football player (Britain), soccer player (US, Canada, Australia)
- দোছোৰা (Noun) [Assamese] doosra
- দোসরা (Noun) [Bengali] doosra
- 一塁 … 三遊間 (14 senses)
- 上壘 … 二壘 (18 senses)
- 亞冠 … 刺す (19 senses)
- 削 … 四球 (20 senses)
- 回 … 壁球 (15 senses)
- 壘 … 完投 (18 senses)
- 小鳥 … 扣籃 (25 senses)
- 投 … 插花 (11 senses)
- 搓 … 果嶺 (18 senses)
- 染紅 … 沙灘排球 (21 senses)
- 法乙 … 狭い (21 senses)
- 猁 … 球門球 (12 senses)
- 男排 … 紅不讓 (19 senses)
- 紅軍 … 芝を読む (19 senses)
- 英乙 … 越位 (20 senses)
- 足 … 通渠 (14 senses)
- 速球 … 開球 (20 senses)
- 閘 … 𢱟 (22 senses)
- Спартак … бадминтон (10 senses)
- бакборд … бейсболист (11 senses)
- бейсболка … волейболіст (13 senses)
- гандбаліст … гробар (11 senses)
- замах … корнер (9 senses)
- корт … луза (10 senses)
- мясо … подрезать (11 senses)
- покер … симуляція (12 senses)
- соккер … тобџија (11 senses)
- тъч … футбаліст (11 senses)
- футбол … қол добы (13 senses)
- აუტი (Noun) [Georgian] throw-in
- გოლი (Noun) [Georgian] goal
- თავდამსხმელი (Noun) [Georgian] forward, striker, attacker
- კალათბურთი (Noun) [Georgian] basketball
- მეკარე (Noun) [Georgian] goalkeeper
- მცველი (Noun) [Georgian] back, defender
- ნახევარმცველი (Noun) [Georgian] midfielder
- საფეხბურთო კლუბი (Noun) [Georgian] football club
- სკ (Noun) [Georgian] Initialism of საფეხბურთო კლუბი (sapexburto ḳlubi, “football club”).
- ფეხბურთი (Noun) [Georgian] association football
- შერკინება (Noun) [Georgian] scrum
- ჩოგბურთი (Noun) [Georgian] tennis
- ცენტრალური მცველი (Noun) [Georgian] central defender, centre-back
- Α.Π.Ο. (Proper name) [Greek] Athletic Football Club (Αθλητικός Ποδοσφαιρικός Όμιλος (Athlitikós Podosfairikós Ómilos)
- άλμπατρος (Noun) [Greek] albatros (a hole in 3 under par)
- γκολ (Noun) [Greek] goal
- γκολφ (Noun) [Greek] golf
- δεκάλεπτο (Noun) [Greek] quarter (a period into which a game is divided)
- καλάθι (Noun) [Greek] goal
- καλάθι (Noun) [Greek] a target area for the ball
- καλαθοσφαίριση (Noun) [Greek] basketball (formal, rare)
- καρφί (Noun) [Greek] spike
- καρφώνω (Verb) [Greek] to dunk
- κεφαλιά (Noun) [Greek] header (act of hitting the ball with the head)
- κλάδεμα (Noun) [Greek] aggressive tackle
- μέσος (Noun) [Greek] midfielder
- μουντιάλ (Noun) [Greek] world cup, World Cup
- μπάσκετ (Noun) [Greek] basketball (the less formal, but much more common term)
- μπάσκετ-μπολ (Noun) [Greek] basketball (the shortened form is more usual)
- μπασκέτα (Noun) [Greek] basket
- ποδόσφαιρο (Noun) [Greek] football, soccer, association football
- ράγκμπυ (Noun) [Greek] rugby, rugby football
- ριμπάουντ (Noun) [Greek] rebound
- σέντερ (Noun) [Greek] centre (player position in centre of field)
- σέντερ μπακ (Noun) [Greek] centre-back (player who plays in the centre of defence)
- σέντερ φορ (Noun) [Greek] centre forward (most central of the strikers)
- σετ (Noun) [Greek] set
- σκοτώστρα (Noun) [Greek] unsportsmanlike, dangerous player (usually of a defender)
- τέρμα (Noun) [Greek] goal (the physical entity and what is scored)
- ταμπλό (Noun) [Greek] backboard (board supporting basket)
- τείχος (Noun) [Greek] wall (line of defenders)
- τενίστας (Noun) [Greek] tennis player
- τερματοφύλακας (Noun) [Greek] goalkeeper
- τρίποντο (Noun) [Greek] three-pointer (a basket made from beyond the three-point line)
- υποδοχή (Noun) [Greek] pass, reception (any form of attack)
- χέρι (Noun) [Greek] handball (offence of touching the ball with the hands)
- ક્રિકેટ (Noun) [Gujarati] cricket
- ગોલંદાજ (Noun) [Gujarati] bowler
- ફૂટબોલ (Noun) [Gujarati] association football
- ਕ੍ਰਿਕਟ (Noun) [Punjabi] cricket (sport)
- 강속구 … 구석차기 (12 senses)
- 구속 … 대주자 (13 senses)
- 대타 … 만루 (19 senses)
- 말 … 방어율 (11 senses)
- 배구 … 본루 (13 senses)
- 볼 … 새가슴 (13 senses)
- 선구 … 스트레이트 (17 senses)
- 스플리터 … 야구하다 (12 senses)
- 야수 … 유격수 (14 senses)
- 이닝 … 진루 (16 senses)
- 초 … 캐나디안 풋볼 리그 (11 senses)
- 커브 … 타자 (14 senses)
- 타점 … 퍼펙트 게임 (14 senses)
- 펑고 … 호수비 (18 senses)
- 홀 … 히트 (7 senses)
- גולף (Noun) [Hebrew] golf
- חלוץ (Noun) [Hebrew] pioneer, halutz, chalutz
- חלוץ (Noun) [Hebrew] forward (in association football)
- יד (Noun) [Hebrew] hand foul
- כדור סל (Noun) [Hebrew] basketball
- כדור רגל (Noun) [Hebrew] soccer ball
- כדורגלן (Noun) [Hebrew] A (male) soccer player, a (male) footballer: a (male) person who plays soccer (football).
- כדורסל (Noun) [Hebrew] basketball
- כדורסלן (Noun) [Hebrew] basketball player (male)
- כדורעף (Noun) [Hebrew] volleyball
- כדורעף חופים (Noun) [Hebrew] beach volleyball
- כובע מצחייה (Noun) [Hebrew] baseball cap
- פנדל (Noun) [Hebrew] penalty kick
- קשר (Noun) [Hebrew] midfielder
- うちっぱなし (Noun) [Japanese] abandoning (a ball) after a hit
- くさやきゅう (Noun) [Japanese] casual amateur baseball
- ごっつぁんゴール (Noun) [Japanese] easy goal
- たますじ (Noun) [Japanese] the course or direction of a pitched or hit ball
- たまひろい (Noun) [Japanese] ball person
- ほきゅう (Noun) [Japanese] 捕球: (baseball) catch
- ほんるい (Noun) [Japanese] 本塁: (baseball) home base
- ಅಸ್ಸೋಸಿಯೆಷನ್ ಫುಟ್ಬಾಲ್ (Noun) [Kannada] association football (in Britain)
- アイアン … イレブン (16 senses)
- イン … カレッジフットボール (14 senses)
- カーブ … グレイ・カップ (13 senses)
- グローブ … サッカルーズ (14 senses)
- サッカー … スクイズプレー (10 senses)
- スクラム … ソフトボール (18 senses)
- ソロ … ツーシーム (11 senses)
- ティー … ナイター (13 senses)
- ナイン … バッテリー (18 senses)
- バット … パーフェクトゲーム (10 senses)
- ヒット … フォールト (15 senses)
- フック … ホームラン (17 senses)
- ホール … ユーティリティー (13 senses)
- ライ … ワールドシリーズ (21 senses)
- បាល់ទាត់ (Verb) [Khmer] football
- സമനില (Noun) [Malayalam] a tie
- ကရစ်ကက် (Noun) [Burmese] cricket (game)
- ဂေါက် (Noun) [Burmese] golf
- ဂေါက်ကွင်း (Noun) [Burmese] golf course
- ဂေါက်သီး (Noun) [Burmese] golf ball
- ဂေါက်သီးရိုက် (Verb) [Burmese] to play golf
- စားပွဲတင်တင်းနစ် (Noun) [Burmese] table tennis
- တင်းနစ် (Noun) [Burmese] tennis
- ဘတ်စကက်ဘော (Noun) [Burmese] basketball
- அடிபந்தாட்டம் (Noun) [Tamil] baseball
- கூடைப்பந்து (Noun) [Tamil] basketball
- பந்து (Noun) [Tamil] ball, sphere
- క్రికెట్ (Noun) [Telugu] cricket
- టెన్నిసు (Noun) [Telugu] tennis
- డ్యూసు (Noun) [Telugu] deuce (a tie, where both players have the same number of points)
- బౌండరీ (Noun) [Telugu] boundary (an event whereby the ball is struck and either touches or passes over a boundary line, usually resulting in an award of 4 (a four) runs for the batting team)
- బౌలింగు (Noun) [Telugu] bowling (The action of propelling the ball towards the batsman)
- సిక్సరు (Noun) [Telugu] sixer (six runs)
- సెంచరీ (Noun) [Telugu] century (hundred runs)
- พูนสวัสดิ์ (Noun) [Thai] a score in which one participant obtains certain points and the other only obtains zero, as 3–0, 4–0, etc.
- ฟาดแข้ง (Verb) [Thai] to play football.
- สิงโต (Proper name) [Thai] England national football team, whose emblem contains three lions.
- หอย (Proper name) [Thai] Chelsea Football Club.
- เทคบอล (Noun) [Thai] teqball
- เป็ด (Proper name) [Thai] Liverpool Football Club.
- 'keeper (Noun) [English] Alternative form of keeper (i.e. goalkeeper or wicketkeeper).
- * (Punctuation) [Translingual] Used to marks a score or statistic that is incomplete, such as the score of a batsman who is (or was) not out.
- 1-1-8 (Noun) [English] A football formation with 1 defender, 1 midfielder and 8 strikers sometimes played in the 19th and early 20th centuries, now a derogatory reference to a team with poor defence.
- 11 (Noun) [English] A cricket team of eleven players.
- 11 (Noun) [English] A football team of eleven players.
- 15 (Symbol) [Translingual] score after a player has scored one point in a game
- 163rd game (Noun) [English] A one-game playoff between two teams for a playoff spot.
- 18 holes (Noun) [English] A round of golf.
- 18-yard box (Noun) [English] penalty box
- 18-yard line (Noun) [English] The line on the pitch, 18 yards from the goal line, marking the outside of the penalty box
- 1B (Noun) [English] The baseball statistic of one-base hits or singles.
- 1B (Noun) [English] Initialism of first base.
- 1B (Noun) [English] Initialism of first baseman.
- 1BH (Noun) [English] Initialism of one-base hit.
- 1D (Noun) [English] Initialism of first down.
- 1루 (Noun) [Korean] first base
- 1루수 (Noun) [Korean] first baseman
- 2-2-6 (Noun) [English] A soccer formation with 2 defenders, 2 midfielders and 6 strikers.
- 22 (Noun) [English] The 22-metre line.
- 2B (Noun) [English] second base, second baseman.
- 2B (Noun) [English] Double, a baseball statistic indicating a runner has safely advanced to second base.
- 2루 (Noun) [Korean] second base
- 2루수 (Noun) [Korean] second baseman
- 3B (Noun) [English] Third base, third baseman
- 3B (Noun) [English] triple, a baseball statistic indicating a runner has safely advanced to third base
- 3F (Proper name) [French] Initialism of Fédération Française de Football, the governing body of football (soccer) in France
- 3루 (Noun) [Korean] third base
- 3루수 (Noun) [Korean] third baseman
- 4-2-4 (Noun) [English] A popular football formation with 4 defenders, 2 midfielders and 4 strikers
- 4-3-3 (Noun) [English] A popular soccer formation with 4 defenders, 3 midfielders and 3 strikers
- 4-4-2 (Noun) [English] A popular football formation with 4 defenders, 4 midfielders and 2 strikers.
- 4-5-1 (Noun) [English] A popular soccer formation with 4 defenders, 5 midfielders and 1 striker
- 40 (Symbol) [Translingual] A score after a player has scored three points in a game, one point away from winning the game.
- 49er (Noun) [English] A player for the San Francisco 49ers, an NFL team.
- 4BBB (Noun) [English] Abbreviation of fourball better ball.
- 7 metros (Noun) [Spanish] penalty throw
- 7-meterskast (Noun) [Swedish] penalty throw, 7-meter throw
- `period` (Punctuation) [Translingual] Used to separate a team’s number of goals from its number of behinds, and sometimes from its total score.
- ܐܝܕܐ (Noun) [Assyrian Neo-Aramaic] hand foul
- ܓܘܬܬ ܛܘܣܐ (Noun) [Assyrian Neo-Aramaic] volleyball
- ܓܘܬܬ ܛܘܣܐ (Noun) [Assyrian Neo-Aramaic] a volleyball
- ܓܘܬܬ ܣܠܐ (Noun) [Assyrian Neo-Aramaic] basketball
- ܓܘܬܬ ܣܠܐ (Noun) [Assyrian Neo-Aramaic] a basketball
- ܓܘܬܬ ܥܩܠܐ (Noun) [Assyrian Neo-Aramaic] soccer, football
- ܓܘܬܬ ܫܬܐܣܬܐ (Noun) [Assyrian Neo-Aramaic] baseball
- ܓܘܬܬ ܫܬܐܣܬܐ (Noun) [Assyrian Neo-Aramaic] a baseball
- आउट (Adjective) [Hindi] out
- क्रिकेट (Noun) [Hindi] cricket
- क्रिकेट (Noun) [Marathi] cricket
- क्रिकेटर (Noun) [Hindi] cricketer
- क्रिकेटर (Noun) [Marathi] cricketer
- क्षेत्ररक्षण (Noun) [Hindi] fielding
- गेंदबाज़ (Noun) [Hindi] bowler
- चौका (Noun) [Hindi] set of four; a four
- चौका (Noun) [Nepali] set of four; a four
- छक्का (Noun) [Hindi] any set of six; sixer
- छक्का (Noun) [Nepali] any set of six; sixer
- दूसरा (Noun) [Hindi] doosra
- नाबाद (Noun) [Hindi] not out
- पारी (Noun) [Hindi] an innings
- बल्लेबाज (Noun) [Awadhi] batter
- बल्लेबाज़ (Noun) [Hindi] batter
- रन (Noun) [Hindi] run
- शतक (Noun) [Hindi] a century
- शतक (Noun) [Marathi] a century
- शतकवीर (Noun) [Hindi] one who scores a century
- सॉकरूओस (Noun) [Hindi] The Socceroos
- † (Symbol) [Translingual] Used in scorecards to indicate the wicketkeeper.
- ↉ (Numeral) [Translingual] zero-thirds
- ★ (Symbol) [Translingual] A victory; a win.; On a kit, indicates a tournament or championship victory.
- ⚽ (Symbol) [Translingual] A football pitch.
- ⛳ (Symbol) [Translingual] Golf.
- ꓘ (Noun) [Translingual] Represents a strikeout in which the batter did not swing at the final pitch.
- 🈯 (Symbol) [Japanese] designated hitter
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