JSON data structure browser terminal node: n

This terminal node was reached 141988 times. "n" elsewhere

Seen withthese sibling nodes
1 38477 times
10 293 times
11 19165 times
11_abl 749 times
11_inst 749 times
11s 18879 times
12 290 times
13 19164 times
13s 18879 times
14 289 times
15 19120 times
15_abl 749 times
15_inst 749 times
15s 18879 times
16 245 times
17 19118 times
17s 18131 times
18 243 times
19 19099 times
19s 18131 times
1pl_pl 18637 times
1pl_sg 18637 times
1s 18879 times
1sg_pl 18637 times
1sg_sg 18637 times
2 15733 times
20 224 times
21 19097 times
21s 18879 times
22 85 times
23 18960 times
23s 18879 times
24 85 times
25 18174 times
25s 18879 times
26 47 times
27 18174 times
27s 18879 times
28 4 times
29s 18879 times
2pl_pl 18637 times
2pl_sg 18637 times
2sg_pl 18637 times
2sg_sg 18637 times
3 24671 times
31s 18879 times
33s 18879 times
35s 18879 times
37s 18131 times
39s 18131 times
3pl_pl 18637 times
3pl_sg 18637 times
3s 18879 times
3sg_pl 18637 times
3sg_sg 18637 times
3sg_sg_suff 792 times
4 4435 times
5 20089 times
5s 18879 times
6 527 times
7 19240 times
7s 18879 times
8 328 times
9 19193 times
9s 18879 times
TAO 1 times
a 146 times
abe_s 2 times
abe_s2 2 times
abl_p 3 times
abl_pl 1347 times
abl_sg 1347 times
abs 1 times
ac 53 times
acc2 3 times
acc_d 1 times
acc_du 1391 times
acc_du2 1282 times
acc_du3 1282 times
acc_du4 129 times
acc_p 4 times
acc_pl 2745 times
acc_pl2 1283 times
acc_pl3 1282 times
acc_pl4 21 times
acc_pl_f_st 4 times
acc_pl_m_st 7 times
acc_pl_n_st 4 times
acc_s 2 times
acc_sg 2765 times
acc_sg2 1298 times
acc_sg3 1285 times
acc_sg4 55 times
acc_sg5 55 times
acc_sg_f_st 4 times
acc_sg_m_st 4 times
acc_sg_n_st 4 times
accel-gender 6775 times
accent 197 times
accm 1 times
accp 1 times
accpd 1 times
accpl 18 times
accs 1 times
accsd 1 times
acd 1 times
acp 1 times
acs 1 times
ade_pl 1347 times
ade_sg 1347 times
ain 3 times
all_pl 1347 times
all_pl2 6 times
all_pl3 1 times
all_pl4 1 times
all_sg 1347 times
alwayspl2 1 times
an 5 times
animate? 19 times
aor 1 times
ap 14 times
ap1 1 times
ap2 1 times
asnm 91 times
aux 14 times
base 4 times
below 16 times
cfi_pl 1347 times
cfi_sg 1347 times
class 1412 times
class2 1 times
col 4 times
col_pl 11316 times
col_pl2 11316 times
col_sg 11329 times
col_sg2 11329 times
coll 34 times
coll2 34 times
coll_loc 34 times
com_s 2 times
converb 16 times
count 7238 times
d 39 times
dat_du 1391 times
dat_du2 1282 times
dat_du3 1282 times
dat_p 3 times
dat_pl 2745 times
dat_pl2 1282 times
dat_pl3 1282 times
dat_pl_f_st 4 times
dat_pl_m_st 4 times
dat_pl_n_st 4 times
dat_sg 2796 times
dat_sg1 1 times
dat_sg2 1305 times
dat_sg3 1287 times
dat_sg4 142 times
dat_sg5 55 times
dat_sg6 54 times
dat_sg_f_st 4 times
dat_sg_m_st 4 times
dat_sg_n_st 4 times
datp 1 times
datpd 1 times
dats 1 times
datsd 1 times
datsg2 1 times
datsg3 1 times
dc 54 times
decl 137 times
declension type 60 times
def 1 times
def_dist_pl 25547 times
def_dist_sg 25504 times
def_prox_pl 25547 times
def_prox_sg 25504 times
def_unsp_pl 25547 times
def_unsp_sg 25504 times
del_pl 1347 times
del_sg 1347 times
dialect 87 times
ds 1 times
ela_pl 1347 times
ela_sg 1347 times
els 41 times
epenth1 6 times
epenth2 6 times
esf_pl 1347 times
esf_sg 1350 times
esm_pl 1347 times
esm_sg 6059 times
ess 2 times
extra_1p_stem 2 times
f 10 times
fpl 1 times
g 54225 times
g-o 2 times
g-t 28 times
ga 1 times
gen-pl-def 7 times
gen-pl-indef 7 times
gen-sg-def 7 times
gen-sg-indef 7 times
gen_d 1 times
gen_du 1391 times
gen_du2 1282 times
gen_du3 1282 times
gen_du4 277 times
gen_du5 87 times
gen_p 6 times
gen_pl 1398 times
gen_pl2 1286 times
gen_pl3 1282 times
gen_pl4 298 times
gen_pl_f_st 4 times
gen_pl_m_st 4 times
gen_pl_n_st 4 times
gen_s 2 times
gen_sg 1456 times
gen_sg1 1 times
gen_sg2 1318 times
gen_sg3 1298 times
gen_sg4 256 times
gen_sg5 87 times
gen_sg_f_st 4 times
gen_sg_m_st 4 times
gen_sg_n_st 4 times
gender 59 times
genp 1 times
genpd 1 times
gens 1 times
gensd 1 times
gensg 1 times
gpd 53938 times
gpi 53945 times
gs 1 times
gsd 53958 times
gsi 53958 times
has_no_nom 5 times
head 10 times
high1 5 times
high2 5 times
i 358 times
i1 1 times
ill_pl 1347 times
ill_pl2 16 times
ill_pl3 2 times
ill_pl4 2 times
ill_s 2 times
ill_sg 1348 times
ill_sg2 8 times
ill_sg_vowel 6 times
imper_av_2_d 1 times
imper_av_2_p 4 times
imper_av_2_s 7 times
imper_av_3_d 1 times
imper_av_3_p 1 times
imper_mv_2_p 1 times
imper_mv_2_s 1 times
ind_pl 25547 times
ind_sg 25547 times
indef 1 times
indic_av_1_d 4 times
indic_av_1_p 4 times
indic_av_1_s 1 times
indic_av_2_d 3 times
indic_av_2_p 4 times
indic_av_2_s 3 times
indic_av_3_d 3 times
indic_av_3_p 3 times
indic_av_3_s 2 times
indic_mv_1_d 1 times
indic_mv_1_p 1 times
indic_mv_1_s 1 times
indic_mv_2_d 1 times
indic_mv_2_p 3 times
indic_mv_2_s 2 times
indic_mv_3_d 1 times
indic_mv_3_p 1 times
indic_mv_3_s 3 times
ine_pl 1347 times
ine_sg 1347 times
inf 2580 times
infix 139 times
inftr 1 times
ins_p 3 times
ins_pl 1347 times
ins_sg 1347 times
ip2 1 times
ipr1 1 times
ipr2 1 times
ipr3 1 times
ipr4 1 times
ipr5 1 times
ipr6 1 times
irregtitle 162 times
itdatsg3 1 times
itl2 3 times
itlocsg3 1 times
itn 4 times
itš 3 times
iu 5 times
j 48 times
ji 2 times
k 6 times
ki 1 times
ku 1 times
l 32 times
l-f 18 times
l-f2 8 times
l-m 32 times
l-m2 7 times
l1 6 times
l2 15 times
lemma 90 times
linf 32 times
loc_d 1 times
loc_p 3 times
loc_s 2 times
loc_sg 8 times
locsg 1 times
locsg2 1 times
locsg3 1 times
low1 5 times
low2 5 times
ls 1 times
m 6 times
ma 1 times
mf 2 times
mi 1 times
mpl 2 times
mu 2 times
n 141988 times
n-m 8 times
n2 1 times
n4 1 times
n5 1 times
n6 1 times
nd 1 times
noacc 3 times
nocat 9 times
nocheck 1 times
nom_d 1 times
nom_du 1391 times
nom_du2 1282 times
nom_du3 1282 times
nom_du4 129 times
nom_p 5 times
nom_pl 2744 times
nom_pl2 1283 times
nom_pl3 1282 times
nom_pl4 190 times
nom_pl_f_st 4 times
nom_pl_m_st 4 times
nom_pl_n_st 4 times
nom_s 2 times
nom_sg 2768 times
nom_sg2 1293 times
nom_sg3 1285 times
nom_sg4 55 times
nom_sg_f_st 4 times
nom_sg_m_st 4 times
nom_sg_n_st 4 times
nomp 1 times
nompd 1 times
nompl 18 times
noms 1 times
nomsd 1 times
nomsg 3 times
nopl 2 times
noposs 117 times
note 18852 times
notonel2 1 times
novedic 7 times
novowel 1 times
np1_pl 1296 times
np1_sg 1296 times
np2_pl 1296 times
np2_sg 1296 times
npd 53938 times
npi 53945 times
ns 2 times
nsd 53958 times
nsi 53958 times
nsnm 91 times
ntr 1 times
o 1 times
oa 1 times
openmid? 1 times
optat_av_1_d 1 times
optat_av_1_p 1 times
optat_av_2_p 1 times
optat_mv_3_p 1 times
ox 1 times
p 1 times
pa 1 times
par 2 times
par_nom_sg2 1 times
par_pl2 2 times
par_sg_a 45 times
par_sg_a2 3 times
part_av 3 times
part_mv 2 times
past 23 times
perspron 18627 times
pl 7 times
pl-def 7 times
pl-indef 7 times
pos 7 times
pos1 40 times
poss 30 times
pov 3 times
pred 90 times
pres 3 times
r 90 times
r_stem_a 2 times
sbl_pl 1347 times
sbl_sg 1347 times
sc 7 times
set 2 times
sg 19 times
sg-def 7 times
sg-def-2 17 times
sg-indef 7 times
sinf 32 times
sinfs 2 times
soft? 1 times
space 9 times
spe_pl 1347 times
spe_sg 1347 times
spe_sg_stem 23 times
stem 18921 times
stem2 33 times
stemtone 59 times
strong_pred 90 times
subtype? 29 times
suffix 36 times
sup 1 times
supimp 4 times
supine 25 times
supperf 4 times
t 7 times
ter_pl 1347 times
ter_sg 1347 times
title 25 times
tr 1 times
tra_pl 1347 times
tra_sg 1347 times
tt 6 times
type 39 times
u 1 times
v 851 times
vd 1 times
vi 1 times
voc_d 1 times
voc_du 1391 times
voc_du2 1282 times
voc_du3 1282 times
voc_du4 129 times
voc_e 2 times
voc_p 5 times
voc_pl 26916 times
voc_pl2 1283 times
voc_pl3 1282 times
voc_pl4 21 times
voc_sg 26926 times
voc_sg2 8073 times
voc_sg3 1282 times
voc_sg4 54 times
vocpl 18 times
vp 53938 times
vs 53953 times
vs2 43438 times
width 1 times
š 2 times
š-a 9 times
Seen in these languages
Example wordLanguage
ӱпEastern Mari
anarâškielâInari Sami
SábmeLule Sami
еняMariupol Greek
ջրիմուռMiddle Armenian
aerdeMiddle Dutch
túathachMiddle Irish
ла̄пантыNorthern Mansi
MalediivvatNorthern Sami
փաստOld Armenian
вратаOld Church Slavonic
СимъOld East Slavic
airégemOld Irish
ÁrjepluovvePite Sami
RīnProto-West Germanic
HeʹlssenSkolt Sami
jåvlhSouthern Sami
иборSouthern Yukaghir
яTundra Nenets
asetilsalisilik asitTurkish

This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2024-07-01 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2024-06-20 using wiktextract (e79c026 and b863ecc). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.