JSON data structure browser terminal node: aux

This terminal node was reached 4862 times. "aux" elsewhere

Seen withthese sibling nodes
1 3136 times
10 2722 times
11 2722 times
12 2722 times
13 2722 times
14 2685 times
15 2685 times
16 2685 times
17 2685 times
18 2685 times
19 2685 times
1_p_cond 58 times
1_p_futr_indc 58 times
1_p_impf_indc 58 times
1_p_impf_subj 58 times
1_p_impr 58 times
1_p_pres_indc 58 times
1_p_pres_subj 58 times
1_p_pret_indc 58 times
1_s_cond 58 times
1_s_futr_indc 58 times
1_s_impf_indc 58 times
1_s_impf_subj 58 times
1_s_pres_indc 58 times
1_s_pres_subj 58 times
1_s_pret_indc 58 times
2 2967 times
20 2685 times
21 2685 times
22 2683 times
23 2683 times
24 2683 times
25 2683 times
26 2683 times
27 2683 times
28 2683 times
29 2683 times
2_p_cond 58 times
2_p_futr_indc 58 times
2_p_impf_indc 58 times
2_p_impf_subj 58 times
2_p_impr 58 times
2_p_pres_indc 58 times
2_p_pres_subj 58 times
2_p_pret_indc 58 times
2_s_cond 58 times
2_s_futr_indc 58 times
2_s_impf_indc 58 times
2_s_impf_subj 58 times
2_s_impr 58 times
2_s_pres_indc 58 times
2_s_pres_subj 58 times
2_s_pret_indc 58 times
3 2924 times
30 2683 times
31 2683 times
32 2683 times
33 2683 times
34 2683 times
35 2683 times
36 2683 times
37 2683 times
38 2683 times
39 2683 times
3_p_cond 58 times
3_p_futr_indc 58 times
3_p_impf_indc 58 times
3_p_impf_subj 58 times
3_p_pres_indc 58 times
3_p_pres_subj 58 times
3_p_pret_indc 58 times
3_s_cond 58 times
3_s_futr_indc 58 times
3_s_impf_indc 58 times
3_s_impf_subj 58 times
3_s_pres_indc 58 times
3_s_pres_subj 58 times
3_s_pret_indc 58 times
4 2888 times
40 2683 times
41 2683 times
42 2664 times
43 2664 times
44 2664 times
45 2642 times
46 2639 times
47 2639 times
48 2639 times
49 2632 times
5 2833 times
50 2632 times
51 2632 times
52 2556 times
53 2556 times
54 2556 times
55 3 times
56 3 times
57 3 times
6 2758 times
7 2723 times
8 2722 times
9 2722 times
an 13 times
aux 4862 times
aux.ger 79 times
aux2 1 times
auxger 1 times
bar-ii 2 times
bar-pres 5 times
class 170 times
comment 54 times
cond.p.1p 10 times
cond.p.1s 10 times
cond.p.2p 10 times
cond.p.2s 10 times
cond.p.3p 10 times
cond.p.3s 10 times
cond1p 82 times
cond1p2 3 times
cond1s 82 times
cond1s2 4 times
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cond2p2 3 times
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cond2s2 3 times
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cond3p2 3 times
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cond3s2 3 times
cond_1p 12 times
cond_1s 12 times
cond_2p 12 times
cond_2s 12 times
cond_3p 13 times
cond_3s 13 times
conj 80 times
converb 31 times
dial 2040 times
dialcoat 2040 times
du-ii 2 times
du-imp 20 times
du-pres 4 times
ear-ii 2 times
ear-imp 2 times
ear-pres 4 times
ei 224 times
f_p_past_ptcp 58 times
f_s_past_ptcp 58 times
fut 130 times
fut1p 65 times
fut1p2 2 times
fut1s 65 times
fut1s2 2 times
fut2 37 times
fut2p 65 times
fut2p2 2 times
fut2s 65 times
fut2s2 2 times
fut3 15 times
fut3p 65 times
fut3p2 2 times
fut3s 65 times
fut3s2 2 times
fut_1p 12 times
fut_1s 12 times
fut_2p 12 times
fut_2s 12 times
fut_3p 13 times
fut_3s 13 times
futsub_1p 12 times
futsub_1s 12 times
futsub_2p 12 times
futsub_2s 12 times
futsub_3p 13 times
futsub_3s 13 times
ger 147 times
ger2 1 times
gerund 71 times
group 4 times
iart-ii 2 times
iart-imp 17 times
iart-pres 4 times
ich-i 13 times
ich-ii 2 times
ich-pres 4 times
ier 36 times
ier2 10 times
ii2 7 times
imp 17 times
imp.1p 27 times
imp.2p 27 times
imp.2s 27 times
imp.3p 27 times
imp.3s 27 times
imp.p.1p 10 times
imp.p.2p 10 times
imp.p.2s 10 times
imp1p 125 times
imp1p2 1 times
imp2p 125 times
imp2p2 1 times
imp2pn 16 times
imp2s 148 times
imp2s0 3 times
imp2s2 1 times
imp2s3 1 times
imp2sn 5 times
imp3p 55 times
imp3p2 1 times
imp3s 133 times
imp3s2 1 times
imp_2p 12 times
imp_2s 12 times
imperf 7 times
imperf1p 118 times
imperf1p2 1 times
imperf1s 118 times
imperf1s2 1 times
imperf2 8 times
imperf2p 118 times
imperf2p2 1 times
imperf2s 118 times
imperf2s2 1 times
imperf3p 118 times
imperf3p2 1 times
imperf3s 118 times
imperf3s0 1 times
imperf3s2 1 times
impers 7 times
impf1p 2 times
impf1s 2 times
impf2p 2 times
impf2s 2 times
impf3p 2 times
impf3s 2 times
impf_1p 12 times
impf_1s 12 times
impf_2p 12 times
impf_2s 12 times
impf_3p 13 times
impf_3s 13 times
impfsub1p 5 times
impfsub1p2 1 times
impfsub1s 5 times
impfsub1s2 1 times
impfsub2p 5 times
impfsub2p2 1 times
impfsub2s 5 times
impfsub3p 5 times
impfsub3p2 1 times
impfsub3s 5 times
impfsub3s2 1 times
impfsub_1p 12 times
impfsub_1s 12 times
impfsub_2p 12 times
impfsub_2s 12 times
impfsub_3p 13 times
impfsub_3s 13 times
impp 3 times
impptr 1 times
imps 3 times
impstr 1 times
impsub123s 79 times
impsub13s 38 times
impsub1p 118 times
impsub1p2 1 times
impsub1s 1 times
impsub1s2 1 times
impsub2p 118 times
impsub2p2 1 times
impsub2s 39 times
impsub2s2 1 times
impsub3p 118 times
impsub3p2 1 times
impsub3s 1 times
impsub3s2 1 times
ind.cond.1p 27 times
ind.cond.1s 27 times
ind.cond.2p 27 times
ind.cond.2s 27 times
ind.cond.3p 27 times
ind.cond.3s 27 times
ind.f.1p 10 times
ind.f.1s 10 times
ind.f.2p 10 times
ind.f.2s 10 times
ind.f.3p 10 times
ind.f.3s 10 times
ind.futr.1p 27 times
ind.futr.1s 27 times
ind.futr.2p 27 times
ind.futr.2s 27 times
ind.futr.3p 27 times
ind.futr.3s 27 times
ind.i.1p 10 times
ind.i.1s 10 times
ind.i.2p 10 times
ind.i.2s 10 times
ind.i.3p 10 times
ind.i.3s 10 times
ind.impf.1p 27 times
ind.impf.1s 27 times
ind.impf.2p 27 times
ind.impf.2s 27 times
ind.impf.3p 27 times
ind.impf.3s 27 times
ind.p.1p 10 times
ind.p.1s 10 times
ind.p.2p 10 times
ind.p.2s 10 times
ind.p.3p 10 times
ind.p.3s 10 times
ind.past.1p 27 times
ind.past.1s 27 times
ind.past.2p 27 times
ind.past.2s 27 times
ind.past.3p 27 times
ind.past.3s 27 times
ind.pres.1p 27 times
ind.pres.1s 27 times
ind.pres.2p 27 times
ind.pres.2s 27 times
ind.pres.3p 27 times
ind.pres.3s 27 times
ind.ps.1p 10 times
ind.ps.1s 10 times
ind.ps.2p 10 times
ind.ps.2s 10 times
ind.ps.3p 10 times
ind.ps.3s 10 times
inf 217 times
infinitive 13 times
inftr 1 times
ir 22 times
m_p_past_ptcp 58 times
m_s_past_ptcp 58 times
n 14 times
noimp 1 times
note 8 times
old 227 times
onlythird 1 times
past 61 times
pastp 303 times
pastp2 1 times
pastp3 1 times
pastp4 1 times
pasttr 1 times
perf1p 38 times
perf1s 38 times
perf2p 38 times
perf2s 38 times
perf3p 38 times
perf3s 38 times
persinf_1p 12 times
persinf_1s 12 times
persinf_2p 12 times
persinf_2s 12 times
persinf_3p 13 times
persinf_3s 13 times
phis1p 2 times
phis1s 2 times
phis2p 2 times
phis2s 2 times
phis3p 2 times
phis3s 2 times
plsuf 1 times
plup_1p 12 times
plup_1s 12 times
plup_2p 12 times
plup_2s 12 times
plup_3p 13 times
plup_3s 13 times
pp 37 times
pp_fp 8 times
pp_fs 8 times
pp_mp 8 times
pp_ms 11 times
ppr 10 times
pref 65 times
prefix 205 times
prem1p 79 times
prem1s 79 times
prem2p 79 times
prem2s 79 times
prem3p 79 times
prem3s 79 times
pres 209 times
pres-part 1 times
pres1p 126 times
pres1p2 1 times
pres1ptr 1 times
pres1s 200 times
pres1s0 9 times
pres1s2 1 times
pres1sn 14 times
pres1str 1 times
pres2 61 times
pres2p 125 times
pres2p2 1 times
pres2pn 2 times
pres2ptr 1 times
pres2s 173 times
pres2s2 1 times
pres2sn 3 times
pres2str 1 times
pres3p 138 times
pres3p0 1 times
pres3p2 1 times
pres3ptr 1 times
pres3s 132 times
pres3s0 1 times
pres3s2 1 times
pres3sn 13 times
pres3str 1 times
pres_1p 12 times
pres_1s 12 times
pres_2p 12 times
pres_2s 12 times
pres_3p 13 times
pres_3s 13 times
prese 7 times
presp 41 times
presp_p 13 times
presp_s 13 times
prespn 2 times
press 166 times
press2 10 times
prestr 1 times
pret 80 times
pret2 36 times
pret3 3 times
pret3sn 5 times
pret4 3 times
pret_1p 12 times
pret_1s 12 times
pret_2p 12 times
pret_2s 12 times
pret_3p 13 times
pret_3s 13 times
prets 75 times
prets2 9 times
prettype 189 times
prettype2 47 times
prettype3 6 times
prettype4 3 times
pretu 75 times
pretu2 9 times
pron 5 times
prp 27 times
refl 286 times
repl 241 times
sep 145 times
sub 78 times
sub.impf.1p 27 times
sub.impf.1s 27 times
sub.impf.2p 27 times
sub.impf.2s 27 times
sub.impf.3p 27 times
sub.impf.3s 27 times
sub.p.1p 10 times
sub.p.1s 10 times
sub.p.2p 10 times
sub.p.2s 10 times
sub.p.3p 10 times
sub.p.3s 10 times
sub.pa.1p 10 times
sub.pa.1s 10 times
sub.pa.2p 10 times
sub.pa.2s 10 times
sub.pa.3p 10 times
sub.pa.3s 10 times
sub13s 38 times
sub1p 69 times
sub1p2 1 times
sub1s 34 times
sub1s2 4 times
sub2 79 times
sub2p 69 times
sub2p2 1 times
sub2s 68 times
sub2s2 1 times
sub3 7 times
sub3p 72 times
sub3p2 1 times
sub3s 36 times
sub3s2 1 times
sub3sn 5 times
sub4 2 times
sub_1p 12 times
sub_1s 12 times
sub_2p 12 times
sub_2s 12 times
sub_3p 13 times
sub_3s 13 times
subier 59 times
subier2 37 times
subier3 3 times
subier4 2 times
subj1s 1 times
subj2s 1 times
subj3p 1 times
subj3s 1 times
subs 15 times
subs2 10 times
suf 11 times
tablenote 2 times
type 96 times
ze-ii 2 times
ze-pres 4 times
Seen in these languages
Example wordLanguage
rompreOld French
bannarOld Galician-Portuguese
wiekeSaterland Frisian

This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-01-25 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-01-20 using wiktextract (c15a5ce and 5c11237). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.