JSON data structure browser terminal node: imp

This terminal node was reached 3025 times. "imp" elsewhere

Seen withthese sibling nodes
1 1573 times
1-pl 302 times
1-sg 302 times
10 31 times
11 10 times
12 10 times
13 10 times
14 10 times
15 10 times
16 10 times
17 10 times
18 10 times
19 10 times
1p 70 times
1s 94 times
2 751 times
2-pl 302 times
2-sg-f 302 times
2-sg-m 302 times
20 10 times
21 10 times
22 10 times
23 10 times
24 10 times
25 10 times
26 10 times
27 10 times
28 10 times
29 10 times
2imp 81 times
2p 70 times
2plaffectiononly 10 times
2s 108 times
2ssubj 2 times
3 1325 times
3-pl 302 times
3-sg-f 302 times
3-sg-m 302 times
30 1 times
31 1 times
32 1 times
33 1 times
34 1 times
35 1 times
36 1 times
37 1 times
38 1 times
39 1 times
3alt 8 times
3fut 1 times
3imp 68 times
3p 81 times
3perf 70 times
3pl 4 times
3s 99 times
3sub 81 times
4 33 times
40 1 times
41 1 times
42 1 times
43 1 times
44 1 times
45 1 times
46 1 times
47 1 times
48 1 times
49 1 times
5 33 times
50 1 times
51 1 times
52 1 times
53 1 times
54 1 times
55 1 times
6 16 times
7 16 times
8 11 times
9 19 times
II 302 times
a 3 times
a2 3 times
act 10 times
adj-decl-type 295 times
alt_stem 1 times
aor-1-pl 302 times
aor-1-sg 302 times
aor-2-pl 302 times
aor-2-sg-f 302 times
aor-2-sg-m 302 times
aor-3-pl 302 times
aor-3-sg-f 302 times
aor-3-sg-m 302 times
aor-circ-neg-nom 16 times
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aor-neg-1-sg 302 times
aor-neg-2-pl 302 times
aor-neg-2-sg-f 302 times
aor-neg-2-sg-m 302 times
aor-neg-3-pl 302 times
aor-neg-3-sg-f 302 times
aor-neg-3-sg-m 302 times
aor-neg-nom 302 times
aor-nom 302 times
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aor-rel 130 times
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ap 1 times
as 1 times
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circ 302 times
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class 5 times
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cnjv-2-sg-m 302 times
cnjv-3-pl 302 times
cnjv-3-sg-f 302 times
cnjv-3-sg-m 302 times
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cnjv-fut-2-sg-f 302 times
cnjv-fut-2-sg-m 302 times
cnjv-fut-3-pl 302 times
cnjv-fut-3-sg-f 302 times
cnjv-fut-3-sg-m 302 times
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dialect 302 times
dialect-wiki-page 302 times
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doubling_impcond 10 times
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e 15 times
e1 3 times
ei 23 times
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expv-3-sg-m 302 times
expv-nom 302 times
final 7 times
fut 346 times
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fut-II-2-sg-m 188 times
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fut-circ-2-sg-m 172 times
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fut-rel-2-sg-f 87 times
fut-rel-2-sg-m 181 times
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fut-rel-3-sg-m 9 times
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fut3 8 times
fut_1p 2 times
fut_1s 2 times
fut_2p 2 times
fut_2s 2 times
fut_3p 2 times
fut_3s 2 times
fut_char 1 times
gem 723 times
ger 70 times
head 1159 times
hless 9 times
ie 9 times
imp 3025 times
imp-neg 302 times
imp-p 202 times
imp2 5 times
imp3 1 times
imperf 34 times
imperf2 16 times
impf2 1 times
impsub 10 times
impsub2 10 times
inf 871 times
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intr 751 times
ipfv 858 times
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ipfv-pass 858 times
ipfv-ptcp 858 times
ipfv-ptcp-pass 858 times
ipfv-rel 858 times
ipfv-ḥr 858 times
itč2 4 times
j 1 times
jus-1-pl 302 times
jus-1-sg 302 times
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jus-3-sg-f 302 times
jus-3-sg-m 302 times
jus-neg-1-pl 302 times
jus-neg-1-sg 302 times
jus-neg-3-pl 302 times
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jus-neg-3-sg-m 302 times
jus-neg-nom 302 times
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lim-2-sg-f 302 times
lim-2-sg-m 302 times
lim-3-pl 302 times
lim-3-sg-f 302 times
lim-3-sg-m 302 times
lim-nom 302 times
mp 10 times
neg-comp 858 times
noa 1 times
nochataf 1 times
nolong 226 times
nop 11 times
nopp 10 times
noprepart 5 times
notes 858 times
noun 3 times
obl 2 times
oblv 858 times
oblv-pass 858 times
old 37 times
opt-1-pl 302 times
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opt-2-sg-m 302 times
opt-3-pl 302 times
opt-3-sg-f 302 times
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opt-neg-2-pl 302 times
opt-neg-2-sg-f 302 times
opt-neg-2-sg-m 302 times
opt-neg-3-pl 302 times
opt-neg-3-sg-f 302 times
opt-neg-3-sg-m 302 times
opt-neg-nom 302 times
opt-nom 302 times
particle 5 times
pass 858 times
past 106 times
past2 1 times
past_pre_stem 1 times
pastp 57 times
perf 70 times
pfv 860 times
pfv-adj-base 5 times
pfv-pass 858 times
pfv-ptcp 858 times
pfv-ptcp-pass 858 times
pfv-rel 858 times
pfv_fp 2 times
pfv_fs 2 times
pfv_mp 2 times
pfv_ms 2 times
plperf 4 times
plup 4 times
pot 858 times
pot-pass 858 times
pp 11 times
ppl 16 times
prec-1-pl 130 times
prec-1-sg 130 times
prec-2-pl 130 times
prec-2-sg-f 130 times
prec-2-sg-m 130 times
prec-3-pl 130 times
prec-3-sg-f 130 times
prec-3-sg-m 130 times
prec-nom 130 times
prec-pst-II-syncretism 172 times
prefix 57 times
pres 124 times
pres1s 20 times
pres2 11 times
pres2s 3 times
pres3s 4 times
pres_pre_stem 1 times
prese 12 times
presp 42 times
prespn 4 times
press 26 times
pret 330 times
pret1s0 4 times
pret2 21 times
pret3p 11 times
pret3p1 4 times
pret3s1 4 times
pret4 4 times
prets 18 times
prettype 55 times
prettype2 21 times
prettype3 4 times
prettype4 4 times
pretu 18 times
prf 858 times
prf-pass 858 times
prf-rel 858 times
pros 858 times
pros-pass 858 times
pros-pass-tw 858 times
pros-ptcp 858 times
pros-r 858 times
pros-rel 858 times
prs-1-pl 302 times
prs-1-sg 302 times
prs-2-pl 302 times
prs-2-sg-f 302 times
prs-2-sg-m 302 times
prs-3-pl 302 times
prs-3-sg-f 302 times
prs-3-sg-m 302 times
prs-II-1-pl 231 times
prs-II-1-sg 231 times
prs-II-2-pl 231 times
prs-II-2-sg-f 231 times
prs-II-2-sg-m 231 times
prs-II-3-pl 231 times
prs-II-3-sg-f 231 times
prs-II-3-sg-m 231 times
prs-II-nom 231 times
prs-circ-1-pl 302 times
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prs-circ-2-pl 302 times
prs-circ-2-sg-f 302 times
prs-circ-2-sg-m 302 times
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prs-circ-3-sg-f 302 times
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prs-rel-3-sg-m 302 times
prs-rel-nom 302 times
prs_fp 2 times
prs_fs 2 times
prs_mp 2 times
prs_ms 2 times
pst-1-pl 302 times
pst-1-sg 302 times
pst-2-pl 302 times
pst-2-sg-f 302 times
pst-2-sg-m 302 times
pst-3-pl 302 times
pst-3-sg-f 302 times
pst-3-sg-m 302 times
pst-II 302 times
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pst-II-2-sg-f 62 times
pst-circ-2-sg-f 62 times
pst-circ-neg-1-pl 9 times
pst-circ-neg-1-sg 9 times
pst-circ-neg-2-pl 9 times
pst-circ-neg-2-sg-f 87 times
pst-circ-neg-2-sg-m 9 times
pst-circ-neg-3-pl 9 times
pst-circ-neg-3-sg-f 9 times
pst-circ-neg-3-sg-m 9 times
pst-circ-neg-nom 9 times
pst-neg-1-pl 302 times
pst-neg-1-sg 302 times
pst-neg-2-pl 302 times
pst-neg-2-sg-f 302 times
pst-neg-2-sg-m 302 times
pst-neg-3-pl 302 times
pst-neg-3-sg-f 302 times
pst-neg-3-sg-m 302 times
pst-neg-nom 302 times
pst-nom 302 times
pst-pret 215 times
pst-pret-2-sg-f 62 times
pst-pret-neg-1-pl 9 times
pst-pret-neg-1-sg 9 times
pst-pret-neg-2-pl 9 times
pst-pret-neg-2-sg-f 87 times
pst-pret-neg-2-sg-m 9 times
pst-pret-neg-3-pl 9 times
pst-pret-neg-3-sg-f 9 times
pst-pret-neg-3-sg-m 9 times
pst-pret-neg-nom 9 times
pst-rel 302 times
pst-rel-2-pl 215 times
pst-rel-2-sg-f 71 times
pst-rel-neg-1-pl 9 times
pst-rel-neg-1-sg 9 times
pst-rel-neg-2-pl 9 times
pst-rel-neg-2-sg-f 87 times
pst-rel-neg-2-sg-m 9 times
pst-rel-neg-3-pl 9 times
pst-rel-neg-3-sg-f 9 times
pst-rel-neg-3-sg-m 9 times
pst-rel-neg-nom 9 times
pst-rel2 71 times
r 3 times
refl 17 times
rel 302 times
repl 42 times
sbj 15 times
sbjv 858 times
sbjv-pass 858 times
sonorant 48 times
stat 858 times
stem 885 times
stem2 29 times
sub 50 times
sub2 28 times
sub3s 1 times
subier 41 times
subs 11 times
subs2 15 times
suffix 38 times
sup 21 times
t 4 times
term 858 times
title 5 times
type 930 times
verbadj 53 times
verbadj1 36 times
verbadj2 40 times
vn 2 times
wide 68 times
č 36 times
č-a 4 times
č-e 3 times
č-m 36 times
č-m2 6 times
č-o 8 times
č-o2 1 times
č2 6 times
Seen in these languages
Example wordLanguage
desfaireOld French
gå i ettSwedish

This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2024-07-01 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2024-06-20 using wiktextract (e79c026 and b863ecc). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.