Japanese word senses marked with topical category "Japanese deities"
Parent categories: Gods, Japanese mythology, Religion, Japan, Mythology, Culture, Asia, Society, Earth, Eurasia, Nature
Total 72 word senses
- 三宝荒神 (Proper name) the Japanese god of fire, the hearth, and the kitchen
- 五伴緒神 (Proper name) the crew of five gods who escorted 瓊瓊杵 (Ninigi) during his 天孫降臨 (Tenson Kōrin, “Heavenly Grandson's Descent”) to rule the earth, including 天児屋 (Ama no Koyane), 太玉 (Futodama), 天鈿女 (Ama no Uzume), 石凝姥 (Ishikoridome) and 玉祖 (Tama no Oya)
- 伊勢大神 (Proper name) Synonym of 天照 (Amaterasu)
- 伊邪那岐 (Proper name) Izanagi, the Japanese creator god, and the father of Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi and Susanoo
- 伊邪那美 (Proper name) Izanami, the Japanese creator goddess, wife of Izanagi, and mother of Kagutsuchi
- 保食 (Proper name) a food goddess; as told in the 日本書紀 (Nihon Shoki), she offered food to 月読 (Tsukuyomi) after he was sent by 天照 (Amaterasu) to see her, by pulling food out of her orifices, which caused him to kill her in disgust, which caused Amaterasu, in anger, to split up with Tsukuyomi, causing the separation of day and night; from her corpse, cattle, horses, grain seeds and silkworms sprouted out, and were col…
- 倉稲魂 (Proper name) a grain goddess, daughter of 素戔嗚 (Susa no O) and 神大市比売 (Kamuōichihime)
- 句句廼馳 (Proper name) the god of trees, child of 伊弉諾 (Izanagi) and 伊弉冉 (Izanami)
- 可美葦牙彦舅 (Proper name) one of the two gods who came into existence from reed shoots on the earth after it was formed, along with 天常立 (Ama no Tokotachi)
- 因幡の白兎 (Proper name) the Hare of Inaba (a hare who got stripped bare of its fur by 鰐 (wani, “crocodiles”), but saved by 大国主 (Ōkuninushi))
- 国常立 (Proper name) the sixth god to come into existence, after 天常立 (Ama no Tokotachi) and before 豊雲野 (Toyokumono)
- 大国主 (Proper name) a kami of nation-building, agriculture, medicine, and protective magic
- 大宜津比売 (Proper name) a food goddess, daughter of 伊弉諾 (Izanagi); as told in the 古事記 (Kojiki), she offered food to 素戔嗚 (Susa no O) after he was expelled from heaven for his transgression against 天照 (Amaterasu), by pulling food out of her orifices, which caused him to kill her in disgust; from her corpse, grain seeds and silkworms sprouted out, and were collected by 神産巣日 (Kamimusuhi)
- 大山祇 (Proper name) the kami of the mountains, brother of Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, and Susanoo
- 大日孁貴 (Proper name) Synonym of 天照 (Amaterasu)
- 大明神 (Noun) an honorific for gods
- 天女 (Noun) a female inhabitant of heaven; a heavenly female
- 天孫 (Noun) a heavenly god's grandchild
- 天孫 (Proper name) Synonym of 瓊瓊杵 (Ninigi) (Amaterasu's grandson)
- 天常立 (Proper name) one of the two gods who came into existence from reed shoots on the earth after it was formed, along with 可美葦牙彦舅 (Umashi Ashikabi Hikoji)
- 天御中主 (Proper name) one of the first three gods who came into existence when heaven and earth began (天地開闢 (tenchi kaibyaku)), along with 高皇産霊 (Takamimusuhi) and 神皇産霊 (Kamimusuhi)
- 天忍穂耳 (Proper name) the first of the sons of 天照 (Amaterasu) (along with 天穂日 (Ama no Hohi), 天津彦根 (Amatsuhikone), 活津彦根 (Ikutsuhikone) and 熊野櫲樟日 (Kumanokusuhi)) who were given birth by 素戔嗚 (Susa no O) by chewing her jewels during the 誓約 (ukei, “oath”) to test his intent seeking refuge in her heavenly domain (the five sons were hers; the three daughters she gave birth to were his); he was sent by his mother to rule the l…
- 天津麻羅 (Proper name) Amatsumara, the Japanese god of the forge, metalcraft, and blacksmithing
- 天照らす (Verb) Alternative form of 天照る (amateru, “to shine in heaven”)
- 天照る (Verb) to shine in heaven
- 天照大神 (Proper name) Synonym of 天照
- 天照神 (Proper name) Synonym of 天照 (Amaterasu)
- 天石戸別 (Proper name) the protector god of gateways, such as the imperial gate, and one of 瓊瓊杵 (Ninigi)'s crew during his 天孫降臨 (Tenson Kōrin, “Heavenly Grandson's Descent”) to rule the earth
- 天神 (Noun) all gods in the 高天原 (Takama ga Hara, “Plain of High Heaven”), the heavenly abode ruled by 天照 (Amaterasu)
- 天神七代 (Proper name) the Seven Generations of Heavenly Gods, including 国常立 (Kuni no Tokotachi) of the first, 豊雲野 (Toyokumono) of the second, 埿土煮 (Uijini) and his sister 沙土煮 (Suijini) of the third, 角杙 (Tsunogui) and his sister 活杙 (Ikugui) of the fourth, 大戸之道 (Ōto no Ji) and his sister 大戸之部 (Ōto no Be) of the fifth, 面足 (Omodaru) and his sister 綾惶根 (Ayakashikone) of the sixth, and 伊弉諾 (Izanagi) and his sister 伊弉冉 (Izanam…
- 天神地祇 (Noun) heavenly gods and earthly gods; all the gods
- 天鈿女 (Proper name) a goddess who performed a merry ritual dance to entertain the gods of heaven, to lure 天照 (Amaterasu) out of the cave 天岩戸 (Ama no Iwato)
- 太陰 (Proper name) Clipping of 太陰神 (Taionjin): goddess of the moon and one of the eight central gods in the Onmyōdō religion
- 太陰 (Proper name) Clipping of 太陰神 (Daionjin): goddess of the moon and one of the eight central gods in the Onmyōdō religion
- 奇稲田姫 (Proper name) last daughter of 脚摩乳 (Ashinazuchi) and 手摩乳 (Tenazuchi); she was to be eaten by 八岐大蛇 (Yamata no Orochi), but saved by 素戔嗚 (Susa no O) and became his wife
- 彦火火出見 (Proper name) son of 瓊瓊杵 (Ninigi) and 木花開耶姫 (Ko no Hana no Sakuyabime), younger brother of 火照 (Hoderi), husband of 豊玉姫 (Toyotamabime), father of 鸕鷀草葺不合 (Ugaya Fukiaezu) and grandfather of Emperor Jinmu; he was known to have a conflict with his brother in the myth 海幸山幸 (Umisachi Yamasachi, “Luck of the Sea and Luck of the Mountain”)
- 恵比須 (Proper name) Ebisu, the Japanese god of fishermen, commerce and merchants, and workingmen, as well as the guardian of the health and well-being of small children
- 手摩乳 (Proper name) wife of 脚摩乳 (Ashinazuchi) and mother of 奇稲田姫 (Kushinadahime)
- 日前大神 (Proper name) the deification of the mirror made by 石凝姥 (Ishikoridome) to lure 天照 (Amaterasu) out of 天岩戸 (Ama no Iwato)
- 日孁 (Proper name) Synonym of 天照 (Amaterasu)
- 明神 (Noun) an honorific for gods
- 月読 (Proper name) Short for 月読尊 (Tsukiyomi no mikoto): Tsukuyomi, the moon god in Shinto mythology
- 木花咲耶姫 (Proper name) the goddess of Mount Fuji, the blossom-princess and symbol of delicate earthly life
- 木花開耶姫 (Proper name) the goddess of Mount Fuji, the blossom-princess and symbol of delicate earthly life
- 海神 (Noun) a sea god
- 火遠理 (Proper name) Synonym of 彦火火出見 (Hikohohodemi)
- 玉依姫 (Proper name) daughter of 海神 (Watatsumi), younger sister and daughter-in-law of 豊玉姫 (Toyotamabime), aunt and wife of 鸕鷀草葺不合 (Ugaya Fukiaezu), mother of Emperor Jinmu
- 瓊瓊杵 (Proper name) son of 天忍穂耳 (Ama no Oshihomimi), husband of 木花開耶姫 (Ko no Hana no Sakuyabime), father of 火照 (Hoderi) and 彦火火出見 (Hikohohodemi); he was sent by his grandmother 天照 (Amaterasu) in his father's stead to rule the land of 葦原の中つ国 (Ashihara no Nakatsukuni) surrended by 大国主 (Ōkuninushi), bringing with him the 三種の神器 (Sanshu no Jingi), and eventually became great-grandfather of Emperor Jinmu
- 産霊 (Proper name) the Creator
- 石凝姥 (Proper name) the goddess who made the mirror that was used to lure 天照 (Amaterasu) out of 天岩戸 (Ama no Iwato)
- 神世七代 (Proper name) Synonym of 天神七代 (Tenjin Shichidai)
- 神漏伎 (Noun) a male creator, progenitor or ancestor god, such as 高皇産霊 (Takamimusuhi) or 伊弉諾 (Izanaki)
- 神漏美 (Noun) a creator, progenitor or ancestor goddess, such as 神皇産霊 (Kamimusuhi), 伊弉冉 (Izanami) or 天照 (Amaterasu)
- 神皇産霊 (Proper name) possibly a goddess, one of the first three gods who came into existence when heaven and earth began (天地開闢 (tenchi kaibyaku)), along with 天御中主 (Ama no Minakanushi) and 高皇産霊 (Takamimusuhi)
- 稲荷 (Proper name) god of harvests, fertility, rice, agriculture, foxes, industry, and worldly success
- 級長戸辺 (Proper name) either synonym of 級長津彦 (Shinatsuhiko), a male god, or a different obscure wind goddess
- 級長津彦 (Proper name) the wind god, son of 伊弉諾 (Izanagi) and 伊弉冉 (Izanami)
- 結びの神 (Proper name) one of the Japanese gods of creation
- 脚摩乳 (Proper name) son of 大山祇 (Ōyamatsumi), husband of 手摩乳 (Tenazuchi), father of 奇稲田姫 (Kushinadahime); he offered his last daughter to 素戔嗚 (Susa no O) so that he would save her from the serpent 八岐大蛇 (Yamata no Orochi)
- 蛭子 (Proper name) son of 伊弉諾 (Izanagi) and 伊弉冉 (Izanami), born either before or after 淡路島 (Awajishima, “Awaji Island”) during his parents' nation birthing process (his "siblings" included islands), considered a deformed failure, disowned by his parents, and sent adrift on reed boat
- 豊受 (Proper name) a goddess of grain, daughter of 和久産巣日 (Wakumusubi) and granddaughter of 伊弉諾 (Izanagi)
- 豊受大神 (Proper name) Synonym of 豊受 (Toyouke)
- 豊宇気毘売 (Proper name) Synonym of 豊受 (Toyouke)
- 豊玉姫 (Proper name) daughter of 海神 (Watatsumi), elder sister and mother-in-law of 玉依姫 (Tamayoribime), wife of 彦火火出見 (Hikohohodemi); she went into labor before her parturition hut was done and gave birth to 鸕鷀草葺不合 (Ugaya Fukiaezu) in it, but retreated in shame after her husband, out of curiosity, saw her true serpentine form during the birth
- 迦具土 (Proper name) Kagutsuchi (the fire god, who, when he was born, burnt his mother 伊弉冉 (Izanami)'s genitals, injured her, caused her to spontaneously birth more gods from her vomit, and eventually killed her, which then caused him to be killed by his father 伊弉諾 (Izanagi))
- 野槌 (Proper name) the goddess of grass and plains, daughter of 伊弉諾 (Izanagi) and 伊弉冉 (Izanami)
- 鍛冶神 (Proper name) Kajishin, the Japanese god of the forge, metalcraft, and blacksmithing
- 須佐之男 (Proper name) Susanoo, the Japanese god of storms
- 須勢理毘売 (Proper name) daughter of 素戔嗚 (Susa no O); she helped her husband 大国主 (Ōkuninushi) escape death ordeals put forth by her father
- 風神 (Proper name) the Japanese god of the wind
- 高皇産霊 (Proper name) one of the first three gods who came into existence when heaven and earth began (天地開闢 (tenchi kaibyaku)), along with 天御中主 (Ama no Minakanushi) and 神皇産霊 (Kamimusuhi)
- 鸕鷀草葺不合 (Proper name) son of 彦火火出見 (Hikohohodemi) and 豊玉姫 (Toyotamabime), nephew and husband of 玉依姫 (Tamayoribime), father of Emperor Jinmu
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