All languages combined word senses marked with topical category "Mathematics"
Parent categories: Formal sciences, Sciences
Subcategories: Algebra, Applied mathematics, Arithmetic, Category theory, Cellular automata, Combinatorics, Complex analysis, Cryptography, Game theory, Geometry, Graph theory, Mathematical analysis, Measure theory, Number theory, Potential theory, Quantity, Set theory, Statistics, Topology, Trigonometry
Words with this category that have not been disambiguated
Word senses with this category
Total 36543 word senses
- A … Gδ (1003 senses)
- H … Lösungsmenge (494 senses)
- M … Sⁿ (829 senses)
- T … akó (791 senses)
- al … arššina (856 senses)
- as … bội số chung nhỏ nhất (1063 senses)
- c … clé publique (591 senses)
- cm … c₀ (1192 senses)
- d … değişken (496 senses)
- dg … eje (900 senses)
- ek … ffwythiant pŵer (876 senses)
- fg … h.x. (995 senses)
- hA … hữu tỉ (884 senses)
- i … işlem (762 senses)
- j … kkat (583 senses)
- kl … lluosogi (976 senses)
- lm … mfm (718 senses)
- mg … mệnh đề (767 senses)
- n … olvatium (896 senses)
- om … pfunt (955 senses)
- pg … průsečík (1001 senses)
- ps … qüvvət (537 senses)
- r … rətl (834 senses)
- s … směrodatná odchylka (916 senses)
- sn … sulung (757 senses)
- sum … teğet (845 senses)
- tg … těžiště (845 senses)
- tő … wḏꜣ (908 senses)
- x … ọpa (689 senses)
- ؈ … إحصائية (16 senses)
- إردب … اکائی (25 senses)
- باع … بیرکاری (14 senses)
- بیضی … تليس (22 senses)
- تن … حاصل (24 senses)
- حد … دقيقة (22 senses)
- دمت … رياضيات (14 senses)
- رِکھ … سالب (19 senses)
- سان … شیء (19 senses)
- صاع … عشوائي (26 senses)
- عضو … فشقار (20 senses)
- فضا … قضیه (17 senses)
- قطع … كەسىر (24 senses)
- لتر … متحيز (14 senses)
- متر … مخمس (25 senses)
- مد … مشارة (15 senses)
- مشتق … مىنۇس (24 senses)
- ميل … نىسبەت (19 senses)
- نکر … ويبة (21 senses)
- يد … کانون (17 senses)
- کسر … ہندسہ (15 senses)
- ածանցել … ասպարէզ (11 senses)
- ար … բանաձև (13 senses)
- բարձ … գրադիենտ (17 senses)
- գրամ … զուգաբարձ (13 senses)
- զուգահեռ … թիզ (8 senses)
- թիվ … կանգուն (14 senses)
- կապիճ … կոնաձև (12 senses)
- կոտ … հեկտար (15 senses)
- հիմք … մեծություն (15 senses)
- մետր … ներքնաձիգ (12 senses)
- նիստ … պայուսակ (14 senses)
- պատկեր … սեղան (9 senses)
- սիկղ … փոթոր (15 senses)
- փութ … ֆունտ (10 senses)
- ᬳᬸᬓᬸᬃ (Verb) [Balinese] to measure (ascertain the quantity of a unit)
- অংশ (Noun) [Bengali] 1/360th part of the circumference of a circle
- অংশক (Noun) [Bengali] mantissa, the fractional part of a logarithm
- অকরণী (Noun) [Bengali] rational number, a quantity which can be commensurate with another natural number
- অক্ষ (Noun) [Bengali] the centre of a circular object
- অক্ষ (Noun) [Bengali] an axis, an imaginary line around which an object spins or is symmetrical
- অক্ষ (Noun) [Bengali] a fixed one-dimentional line used to locate a point or position in a graph, specifically, in co-ordinate axis system
- অক্ষরেখা (Noun) [Bengali] an axis, an imaginary line around which an object spins or is symmetrical
- অক্ষরেখা (Noun) [Bengali] a fixed one-dimentional line used to locate a point or position in a graph, specifically, in co-ordinate axis system
- অক্ষীয় (Adjective) [Bengali] axial, axile
- অখণ্ড (Adjective) [Bengali] integer number
- অঙ্ক (Noun) [Bengali] a number, digit or figure
- অঙ্ক (Noun) [Bengali] mathematics, an arithmetic problem that is to be solved
- অঙ্কন (Noun) [Bengali] plotting, construction
- অঙ্কনীয় (Adjective) [Bengali] what is to plotted or constructed
- অঙ্কপাত (Noun) [Bengali] placing numbers or figures
- অঙ্কপাতন (Noun) [Bengali] algebric notation, system to represent signs or symbols and numbers in algebra
- অঙ্কবিদ (Noun) [Bengali] a mathematician
- অঙ্কবিদ্যা (Noun) [Bengali] mathematics
- অঙ্কবেত্তা (Noun) [Bengali] a mathematician
- অঙ্কশাস্ত্র (Noun) [Bengali] mathematics
- অঙ্কশাস্ত্রবিদ (Noun) [Bengali] a mathematician
- অঙ্কশাস্ত্রবেত্তা (Noun) [Bengali] a mathematician
- অঙ্কিত (Adjective) [Bengali] plotted, constructed
- অঙ্ক্য (Adjective) [Bengali] what is to plotted or constructed
- কম্পাস (Noun) [Bengali] compass
- কর্ণ (Noun) [Bengali] diagonal
- কিলোগ্রাম (Noun) [Bengali] kilogram
- কিলোমিটার (Noun) [Bengali] kilometre, kilometer
- কোশ (Noun) [Bengali] coss: a measure of length or farness equal to about eight thousand cubits or two miles
- ক্রোশ (Noun) [Bengali] synonym of কোশ (kōś)
- ক্ষেত্র (Noun) [Bengali] surface
- গণিত (Noun) [Assamese] mathematics
- গণিত (Noun) [Bengali] mathematics
- গণিতজ্ঞ (Noun) [Assamese] mathematician
- গসাগু (Noun) [Bengali] Acronym of গরিষ্ঠ সাধারণ গুণনীয়ক (goriśṭho śadharon gunoniẏok, “greatest common divisor”).
- গুণ (Noun) [Bengali] multiplication
- গুণ (Postposition) [Bengali] times
- গ্রাম (Noun) [Bengali] gram
- ঘণ্টা (Noun) [Bengali] hour
- ঘণ্টা (Noun) [Bengali] bell
- চাপ (Noun) [Bengali] arc
- জনশুমারি (Noun) [Bengali] census
- জ্যামিতি (Noun) [Assamese] geometry (branch of mathematics)
- জ্যামিতি (Noun) [Bengali] geometry (branch of mathematics)
- ত্রিকোণমিতি (Noun) [Bengali] trigonometry (branch of mathematics)
- ত্রিভুজ (Noun) [Bengali] triangle
- পদ (Noun) [Bengali] algebraic term
- পরাবৃত্ত (Noun) [Bengali] parabola
- প্রতিজ্ঞা (Noun) [Bengali] theorem, proposition
- ফলন (Noun) [Assamese] function
- বহুভুজ (Noun) [Bengali] polygon
- বিয়োগ (Noun) [Bengali] subtraction
- ব্যাস (Noun) [Bengali] radius
- ভাগ (Noun) [Bengali] section, part
- ভাগ (Noun) [Bengali] division
- মান (Noun) [Bengali] value, magnitude
- মান (Noun) [Bengali] degree
- মিটার (Noun) [Bengali] metre, meter
- মিনিট (Noun) [Bengali] minute (unit of time)
- মিলিমিটার (Noun) [Bengali] millimetre, millimeter
- যোগ (Noun) [Bengali] addition
- রাশি (Noun) [Bengali] number, quantity
- রেখাংশ (Noun) [Bengali] line segment
- লসাগু (Noun) [Bengali] Acronym of লঘিষ্ঠ সাধারণ গুণিতক (lôghiṣṭhô sadharôn guṇitôk, “lowest common multiple”).
- সিদ্ধান্ত (Noun) [Bengali] deduction
- সীমা (Noun) [Bengali] limit
- সেকেন্ড (Noun) [Bengali] second (unit of time)
- সেন্টিমিটার (Noun) [Bengali] centimetre, centimeter
- স্থান (Noun) [Bengali] space
- হন্দর (Noun) [Bengali] hundredweight (British)
- হিচাপ (Noun) [Assamese] calculation; arithmetic
- হিচাপ (Noun) [Assamese] bill (a list of items needed to paid for)
- 𑀅𑀁𑀕𑀼𑀮 (Noun) [Prakrit] fingerbreadth
- 𑀢𑀸𑀟𑀇 (Verb) [Prakrit] to multiply
- 𑀫𑀁𑀟𑀮 (Noun) [Prakrit] group, gathering
- 𑀯𑀺𑀳𑀢𑁆𑀣𑀺 (Noun) [Prakrit] a measure of length
- ⠈⠌ (Symbol) [English] the because sign, ∵
- ⠈⠡ (Symbol) [English] the multiplication sign, ×
- ⠈⠤ (Symbol) [English] the minus sign, −
- ⠈⠬ (Symbol) [English] the plus sign, +
- ⠈⠬⠤ (Symbol) [English] the plus-minus sign, ±
- ⠌⠨⠅ (Symbol) [English] the not-equal sign, ≠
- ⠐⠂ (Symbol) [English] the ratio sign, ∶
- ⠐⠅ (Symbol) [English] the lesser-than sign, <
- ⠘⠍ (Symbol) [French] μ
- ⠘⠏ (Symbol) [French] π
- ⠘⠜ (Symbol) [French] ≥
- ⠘⠣ (Symbol) [French] ≤
- ⠠⠡ (Symbol) [English] the therefore sign, ∴
- ⠨⠂ (Symbol) [English] the greater-than sign, >
- ⠨⠅ (Symbol) [English] the equal sign, =
- ⠨⠌ (Symbol) [English] the division sign, ÷
- ⠰⠆ (Symbol) [English] the proportionality sign, ∷
- ⠸⠴ (Symbol) [English] the null set, ∅
- ⢀⣆ (Symbol) [Translingual] perpendicular, ⊥.
- ⢀⣔ (Symbol) [Translingual] angle, ∠.
- ⢚ (Symbol) [Translingual] a circle, ⟨○⟩
- ⢰⡆ (Symbol) [Translingual] parallel, ∥.
- ⢰⣄ (Symbol) [Translingual] triangle, ⊿.
- ⢰⣲ (Symbol) [Translingual] open square, ◻.
- 一一對應 … 上極限 (36 senses)
- 上界 … 乘法表 (42 senses)
- 乘積 … 介米 (58 senses)
- 代 … 低階 (34 senses)
- 体 … 傾角 (51 senses)
- 像 … 八面體 (34 senses)
- 公丈 … 内角 (47 senses)
- 円 … 分鐘 (49 senses)
- 切 … 動態規劃 (45 senses)
- 勢 … 千赫茲 (33 senses)
- 升 … 取整 (62 senses)
- 句 … 同餘 (34 senses)
- 名 … 單項式 (36 senses)
- 噸 … 圖靈測試 (54 senses)
- 團 … 外接圓 (36 senses)
- 外推 … 定點 (57 senses)
- 実 … 対角行列 (29 senses)
- 対辺 … 市升 (44 senses)
- 市合 … 平面幾何 (51 senses)
- 幺 … 引理 (41 senses)
- 弦 … 情報理論 (41 senses)
- 愛格 … 摩爾 (46 senses)
- 撮 … 斜邊 (52 senses)
- 斤 … 最佳化 (35 senses)
- 最優 … 柯西序列 (44 senses)
- 柱 … 標量 (47 senses)
- 模 … 正五胞体 (41 senses)
- 正交 … 比特幣 (47 senses)
- 毫 … 減函數 (40 senses)
- 減数 … 猜想 (45 senses)
- 率 … 皮米 (44 senses)
- 盎 … 科學記法 (53 senses)
- 秒 … 立體角 (38 senses)
- 竏 … 簽名 (49 senses)
- 米 … 統計學 (46 senses)
- 絲 … 美噸 (33 senses)
- 群 … 虛部 (47 senses)
- 號 … 角錐體 (43 senses)
- 解 … 負負得正 (41 senses)
- 貫 … 逆定理 (44 senses)
- 逆数 … 量級 (47 senses)
- 釐 … 降冪 (55 senses)
- 除 … 非負 (49 senses)
- 面 … 齊次性 (47 senses)
- ⲁⲓⲡⲓ (Noun) [Coptic] oipe, a dry measure of volume equivalent to 4 heqat (about 19.2 litres).
- ⲁⲡⲁⲧ (Noun) [Coptic] cup, drinking vessel
- ⲁⲡⲟⲧ (Noun) [Coptic] cup, drinking vessel
- ⲁⲫⲟⲧ (Noun) [Coptic] cup
- ⲟⲉⲓⲡⲉ (Noun) [Coptic] oipe, a dry measure of volume equivalent to 4 heqat (about 19.2 litres).
- 𒀀𒊮 (Noun) [Sumerian] surface
- 𒁹 (Noun) [Sumerian] triangle
- 𒃷 (Noun) [Sumerian] area (of a geometric figure)
- 𒄀 (Noun) [Sumerian] a unit of length equal to 6 𒌑 (kuš₃, “cubits”).
- 𒄑𒉼 (Noun) [Sumerian] bow
- 𒊕𒆕 (Noun) [Sumerian] triangle
- Ева … алтыбұрыш (43 senses)
- алу … аршин (24 senses)
- ас … бинарлық (41 senses)
- бит … връх (42 senses)
- вт … гвт/ч (25 senses)
- гвтч … гігапаскаль (48 senses)
- д … делитель (28 senses)
- делити … доказательство (44 senses)
- доля … жигд тасралтгүй (35 senses)
- жиын … зэрэг (24 senses)
- и … йәйә (41 senses)
- к … кибернетика (31 senses)
- киин … контраварианттық (36 senses)
- конус … кръгъл (40 senses)
- куб … көҕүрэтии (41 senses)
- л … лїст (27 senses)
- м … микрометър (41 senses)
- мил … модульный (41 senses)
- мол … нечётное число (40 senses)
- нигеҙ … октаэдр (35 senses)
- ом … основание (21 senses)
- остар … петерокут (41 senses)
- пи … полуштоф (34 senses)
- полюс … производная (45 senses)
- прост … пѧдь (32 senses)
- пұт … регрессия (39 senses)
- ред … сажень (24 senses)
- сандық … сложение (37 senses)
- см … субмартингал (44 senses)
- сума … сүөм (27 senses)
- т … тонна (42 senses)
- топ … тура (32 senses)
- тут … усреднять (37 senses)
- уста … хектометър (35 senses)
- херц … шамаластық (51 senses)
- шар … шкала (27 senses)
- шор … ҡарыш (44 senses)
- ҡыр … өсмөйөш (19 senses)
- ℂ (Symbol) [Translingual] The set of complex numbers.
- ℂ (Symbol) [Translingual] This set, equipped with any of its standard structure.
- ℍ (Symbol) [Translingual] The symbol for the set of quaternions.
- ℕ (Symbol) [Translingual] The set of natural numbers, which may either include zero or not.
- ℕ₀ (Symbol) [Translingual] The set of natural numbers, including zero.
- ℕ₊ (Symbol) [Translingual] The set of positive integers, i.e. natural numbers excluding zero.
- ℙ (Symbol) [Translingual] The set of prime numbers.
- ℙ (Symbol) [Translingual] A symbol used to denote the probability of an event.
- ℚ (Symbol) [Translingual] The set of rational numbers.
- ℝ (Noun) [Translingual] The set of real numbers.
- ℝ (Noun) [Translingual] This set, equipped with any of its standard structure; the real line.
- ℝ-order tree (Noun) [English] An order tree whose segments are homeomorphic to segments of the real line and that is the union of countably many segments.
- ℤ (Symbol) [Translingual] The set of integers.
- ℤ (Symbol) [Translingual] That set, with some usual structure.
- ℼ (Symbol) [Translingual] A double-struck lowercase Greek letter pi
- ℽ (Symbol) [Translingual] A double-struck lowercase Greek letter gamma
- ℾ (Symbol) [Translingual] A double-struck uppercase Greek letter gamma
- ℿ (Symbol) [Translingual] A double-struck uppercase Greek letter pi
- ⅅ (Symbol) [Translingual] A double-struck uppercase letter D in an italic typeface
- ⅆ (Symbol) [Translingual] A double-struck lowercase letter d in an italic typeface
- ⅇ (Symbol) [Translingual] A double-struck lowercase letter e in an italic typeface
- ⅈ (Symbol) [Translingual] A double-struck lowercase letter i in an italic typeface
- መካን (Noun) [Ge'ez] number place
- ምክላት (Noun) [Tigre] unit of measure for corn used to pay tribute to the chieftain of about 72 litres and among the Beni Amer about 18 litres
- ቤት (Noun) [Amharic] period
- ገቦ (Noun) [Ge'ez] side, flank of the body and other things
- ገቦ (Noun) [Tigre] a small dry measure of about ³⁄₄ of a litre
- ጽዋእ (Noun) [Tigre] a cubic measure
- ამოზნექილი (Adjective) [Georgian] convex
- ბიოსტატისტიკა (Noun) [Georgian] biostatistics
- ბლაგვი (Adjective) [Georgian] obtuse
- გამოკლება (Noun) [Georgian] subtraction
- გაშლილი (Adjective) [Georgian] straight
- გეგმილი (Noun) [Georgian] projection
- გენერაციული ხელოვნური ინტელექტი (Noun) [Georgian] generative artificial intelligence
- გვერდი (Noun) [Georgian] edge
- დამალული შრე (Noun) [Georgian] hidden layer
- დიფერენციალი (Noun) [Georgian] differential
- ეკლიპტიკა (Noun) [Georgian] ecliptic
- ექვსკუთხედი (Noun) [Georgian] hexagon
- ექსპონენციალური ზრდა (Noun) [Georgian] exponential growth
- კენტი რიცხვი (Noun) [Georgian] odd number
- კილომეტრი (Noun) [Georgian] kilometre
- კოდი (Noun) [Georgian] source
- კუბი (Noun) [Georgian] cube
- ლემა (Noun) [Georgian] lemma
- ლოგარითმი (Noun) [Georgian] logarithm
- ლუწი რიცხვი (Noun) [Georgian] even number
- მაგენერირებელი ხელოვნური ინტელექტი (Noun) [Georgian] generative artificial intelligence
- მართი (Adjective) [Georgian] right
- მარტივი რიცხვი (Noun) [Georgian] prime number
- მატრიცა (Noun) [Georgian] matrix
- მახვილი (Adjective) [Georgian] acute
- მილიმეტრი (Noun) [Georgian] millimeter/millimetre
- მიმატება (Noun) [Georgian] addition
- მოქმედება (Noun) [Georgian] operation
- მურუნცხი (Noun) [Laz] star; a shape consisting of many short lines or triangles drawn from a point to the periphery, and what is in this shape
- მწკრივი (Noun) [Georgian] series
- ნაწევარი (Noun) [Georgian] fraction
- ნეირონული ქსელი (Noun) [Georgian] neural network
- პირამიდა (Noun) [Georgian] pyramid
- საკონტროლო ჯგუფი (Noun) [Georgian] control group
- სანტიმეტრი (Noun) [Georgian] centimetre
- სიგრძე (Noun) [Georgian] length
- სიგრძჱ (Noun) [Old Georgian] length
- სიმრავლე (Noun) [Georgian] set
- სხვაობა (Noun) [Georgian] remainder, arithmetical difference
- ტოლობა (Noun) [Georgian] equality
- ტრაპეცია (Noun) [Georgian] trapezium
- უდიდესი საერთო გამყოფი (Noun) [Georgian] greatest common divisor
- უდრის (Verb) [Georgian] It equals
- უმცირესი საერთო ჯერადი (Noun) [Georgian] least common multiple
- უსასრულობა (Noun) [Georgian] infinity
- უტევანი (Noun) [Old Georgian] stadium (measure of distance)
- უტოლობა (Noun) [Georgian] inequality
- ფარდობითი (Adjective) [Georgian] relative
- ფესვი (Noun) [Georgian] root
- ფესვი (Noun) [Georgian] square root
- ფესვი (Noun) [Georgian] root
- ქჲოშე (Noun) [Laz] corner, edge
- შეკრება (Noun) [Georgian] addition
- ჩატბოტი (Noun) [Georgian] chatbot
- ცვლადი (Noun) [Georgian] variable
- ციფრული (Adjective) [Georgian] digital, numeral, numeric
- წარმოებული (Noun) [Georgian] derivative
- წუთი (Noun) [Georgian] minute (one-sixtieth of an hour)
- წუთი (Noun) [Georgian] second (one-sixtieth of a minute)
- წყვეტილი (Adjective) [Georgian] having at least one discontinuity, discontinuous
- წყობა (Noun) [Georgian] permutation
- ხაზოვანი პროგრამირება (Noun) [Georgian] linear programming
- ხარისხი (Noun) [Georgian] exponent, degree
- ხელოვნური გენერალური ინტელექტი (Noun) [Georgian] artificial general intelligence
- ხელოვნური ზოგადი ინტელექტი (Noun) [Georgian] artificial general intelligence
- ხელოვნური ინტელექტი (Noun) [Georgian] artificial intelligence
- ხოლი (Noun) [Laz] unit of length; metre
- ჯინის კოეფიციენტი (Noun) [Georgian] Gini coefficient
- ჯუფთება (Noun) [Georgian] number of combinations, equal to the binomial coefficient
- ჴა̈ლ (Noun) [Svan] the length of two outstretched arms
- 𐌰𐌻𐌴𐌹𐌽𐌰 (Noun) [Gothic] ell, cubit
- 𐌼𐌴𐌻𐌰 (Noun) [Gothic] a measure of grain, perhaps equivalent to the Roman modius
- 𐌿𐌽𐌺𐌾𐌰 (Noun) [Gothic] an uncia (unit of area measure equivalent to roughly 2,400 square ft.)
- 𐍀𐌿𐌽𐌳 (Noun) [Gothic] pound
- 𐍂𐌰𐍃𐍄𐌰 (Noun) [Gothic] mile
- 𐍃𐍀𐌰𐌿𐍂𐌳𐍃 (Noun) [Gothic] stade, furlong
- Ό.Έ.Δ. … άνυσμα (20 senses)
- άριο … ακτίνιο (21 senses)
- ακτίς … απόκλιση (27 senses)
- απόλ. … βῖκος (28 senses)
- γ … γωνία (17 senses)
- δ … δύναμις (28 senses)
- ε … εξαγόμενο (17 senses)
- επί … ημικύκλιο (24 senses)
- θ … κιλοτζάουλ (28 senses)
- κιλό … κῶνος (21 senses)
- λ … μC (17 senses)
- μF … μms (26 senses)
- μs … μειονότητα (20 senses)
- μειωτέος … ολοκληρωτικός (27 senses)
- οξεία … πεντάγωνος (26 senses)
- περί … πολύγωνον (21 senses)
- πράξη … πῆχυς (20 senses)
- ρ … συμπέρασμα (29 senses)
- συν … σῶσσος (18 senses)
- τ … τζάουλ (20 senses)
- τιμή … φορμός (27 senses)
- χ … ύψος (20 senses)
- ϖ … ἔλλειψις (24 senses)
- ἕδρα … ῥόμβος (19 senses)
- અતિવલય (Noun) [Gujarati] hyperbola
- અવયવીકરણ (Noun) [Gujarati] factorization
- અવિભાજ્ય (Adjective) [Gujarati] prime
- આંકડાશાસ્ત્ર (Noun) [Gujarati] statistics
- ઉપવલય (Noun) [Gujarati] ellipse
- કંપાસ (Noun) [Gujarati] magnetic compass
- ક્રમગુણિત (Noun) [Gujarati] factorial
- ક્ષેત્ર (Noun) [Gujarati] geometry
- ગજ (Noun) [Gujarati] guz
- ગણિત (Noun) [Gujarati] mathematics
- ગુણોત્તર (Noun) [Gujarati] ratio
- જ્યા (Noun) [Gujarati] sine
- ત્રિજ્યા (Noun) [Gujarati] radius
- નિષ્પક્ષતા (Noun) [Gujarati] unbiasedness
- પરિઘ (Noun) [Gujarati] circumference
- પૂર્ણાંક (Noun) [Gujarati] integer
- પ્રમેય (Noun) [Gujarati] theorem
- ફળ (Noun) [Gujarati] function
- ભાગાકાર (Noun) [Gujarati] division
- વિભાજ્ય (Adjective) [Gujarati] composite
- શેષ (Noun) [Gujarati] remainder
- સંકલન (Noun) [Gujarati] integration
- સદિશ (Noun) [Gujarati] vector
- સમીકરણ (Noun) [Gujarati] equation
- સ્પર્શજ્યા (Noun) [Gujarati] tangent
- ਅੰਕੜਾ ਵਿਗਿਆਨ (Noun) [Punjabi] statistics
- ਅੰਸ਼ (Noun) [Punjabi] numerator
- ਆਇਤ (Noun) [Punjabi] rectangle
- ਉਪਸਮੂਹ (Noun) [Punjabi] subset
- ਕਸਰ (Noun) [Punjabi] fraction
- ਕੋਹ (Noun) [Punjabi] coss (a unit of measurement equivalent to about 2.4 km)
- ਖਗੋਲੀ ਇਕਾਈ (Noun) [Punjabi] astronomical unit
- ਗਣਿਤ (Noun) [Punjabi] mathematics, arithmetic
- ਗਿਣਤੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] roll call, muster
- ਗ੍ਰਾਮ (Noun) [Punjabi] gram (unit of mass)
- ਘਾਤ (Noun) [Punjabi] power, index
- ਤਿਕੋਣ (Noun) [Punjabi] triangle
- ਧਨ (Adjective) [Punjabi] positive, plus
- ਧਨ (Preposition) [Punjabi] plus
- ਧਨਾਤਮਿਕ (Adjective) [Punjabi] positive
- ਬੀਜ ਗਣਿਤ (Noun) [Punjabi] algebra
- ਭਾੜਾ (Noun) [Punjabi] fare, freightage, cartage (transportation charges)
- ਭਾੜਾ (Noun) [Punjabi] incentive, stimulus, stimulant
- ਭਾੜਾ (Noun) [Punjabi] bribe
- ਭਾੜਾ (Noun) [Punjabi] multiplication table
- ਮੁਸਤਤੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] rectangle
- ਮੁਸਤਤੀਲ (Noun) [Punjabi] rectangle
- ਰੇਖਾ ਗਣਿਤ (Noun) [Punjabi] geometry
- ਵਰਗ (Noun) [Punjabi] square
- ਵਰਗਮੂਲ (Noun) [Punjabi] square root
- ਸਦਿਸ਼ ਰਾਸ਼ੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] vector quantity
- ਸਮੂਹ (Noun) [Punjabi] set
- ਸ਼ੁਮਾਰ (Noun) [Punjabi] counting, enumeration,
- 가감 … 게임 이론 (12 senses)
- 계수 … 그램 (18 senses)
- 근 … 내접원 (15 senses)
- 냥 … 동그라미 (16 senses)
- 되 … 무향 그래프 (15 senses)
- 미분 … 발진기 (17 senses)
- 방심 … 부족수 (16 senses)
- 분 … 상대적 (19 senses)
- 섬 … 수심 (12 senses)
- 승 … 우도 (21 senses)
- 원 … 인수분해 (15 senses)
- 인치 … 점대칭 (15 senses)
- 접선 … 제수 (19 senses)
- 줄 … 천문단위 (16 senses)
- 초 … 칸델라 (10 senses)
- 켈빈 … 팔각형 (17 senses)
- 평각 … 합집합 (16 senses)
- 항 … 활꼴 (13 senses)
- א … אוקלידי (11 senses)
- אחוז … אסימפטוטה (13 senses)
- ב־ … גראַם (16 senses)
- גרם … ווינקל (9 senses)
- וולט … חיבור (14 senses)
- חיבר … יחס (12 senses)
- יתר … מחלקה (15 senses)
- מטר … מעטער (15 senses)
- מעלה … משתנה (11 senses)
- מײַל … עומר (11 senses)
- עיגל … קאָנוס (17 senses)
- קבוצה … קרײַז (13 senses)
- קשת … תת־סדרה (16 senses)
- いとこ素数 (Noun) [Japanese] cousin prime, a prime number that is either 4 less or 4 more than another prime number, such as 3 and 7
- かっせん (Noun) [Japanese] 割線: (trigonometry) secant
- きりあげ (Noun) [Japanese] rounding up
- くらい (Noun) [Japanese] place, position
- せんけい (Noun) [Japanese] 線形, 線型: (mathematics) being linear; straight alignment
- たいすう (Noun) [Japanese] 対数: (mathematics) logarithm
- たすき掛け (Noun) [Japanese] cross-multiplication
- つうやく (Noun) [Japanese] 通約: (mathematics) fractional reduction, reduction of a fraction to its lowest denominator
- つうやく (Verb) [Japanese] 通約: (mathematics) to reduce a fraction to its lowest denominator
- ど (Suffix) [Japanese] 度: (geometry) degree of an angle; degree in temperature; number of times; percentage of alcohol concentration
- ねじれ双角錐 (Noun) [Japanese] trapezohedron, deltohedron
- ばあいのかず (Noun) [Japanese] number of possible outcomes
- へいほう (Noun) [Japanese] 平方: (mathematics) The second power of a number etc.; square
- へいほう (Noun) [Japanese] 閉包: (mathematics) closure
- まるい (Adjective) [Japanese] with a gentle personality
- むすびいと (Noun) [Japanese] knot
- よ (Symbol) [Translingual] Yoneda embedding
- よかく (Noun) [Japanese] 余角: (mathematics) a complementary angle
- ꦏꦕꦼꦥꦼꦠꦤ꧀ (Noun) [Javanese] velocity
- ꦕꦕꦃꦗꦶꦮ (Noun) [Javanese] census
- ꦲꦸꦏꦸꦂ (Verb) [Javanese] to measure (ascertain the quantity of a unit)
- ಅಡಿ (Noun) [Kannada] foot (unit of measurement)
- ವರ್ಗ (Noun) [Kannada] the square of a number
- ಹರಿ (Noun) [Kannada] the number eight (8)
- アト … エクスビバイト (13 senses)
- エル … キュリー (14 senses)
- キロ … クーロン (16 senses)
- グラフ … サイボーグ (15 senses)
- サイン … セクシー素数 (10 senses)
- セル … テビバイト (14 senses)
- テラ … ドラム (13 senses)
- ナノ … ピクル (19 senses)
- ピコ … ヘクタール (13 senses)
- ヘクト … ベン図 (10 senses)
- ペタ … ミクロン (19 senses)
- ミリ … メガジュール (9 senses)
- メガトン … ヨクト (14 senses)
- ヨタ … ワット (19 senses)
- កន្តាំង … ក្រាម (10 senses)
- ខែ … ចតុកោណព្នាយ (12 senses)
- ចតុមុខ … ឆ្នាំ (10 senses)
- ជី … ត្រីកោណកែង (13 senses)
- ថាំង … នានត្ត (8 senses)
- នាលិ … ពីជគណិត (12 senses)
- ព្យាម … ម៉ែត្រ (11 senses)
- ម៉ោង … វិធីចែក (12 senses)
- វិធីដក … សមីការ (9 senses)
- សិន … ហិកតា (12 senses)
- ហឺត … អាំងតេក្រាល (12 senses)
- អូម … ឯកតា (10 senses)
- ກະລາມ (Noun) [Lao] gram
- ຊົ່ວໂມງ (Noun) [Lao] hour
- ນາທີ (Noun) [Lao] minute
- ປີ (Noun) [Lao] year
- ມື້ (Noun) [Lao] day.
- ວັນ (Noun) [Lao] day
- ວິນາທີ (Noun) [Lao] second (unit of time)
- ອາທິດ (Noun) [Lao] week
- ອາທິດ (Noun) [Lao] sun; Sunday
- ຮູບສີ່ແຈສາກ (Noun) [Lao] rectangle (quadrilateral)
- ເດືອນ (Noun) [Lao] month
- ເດືອນ (Noun) [Lao] moon
- ແມັດ (Noun) [Lao] metre
- ໜ່ວຍ (Noun) [Lao] unit
- അങ്കഗണിതം (Noun) [Malayalam] arithmetic
- അഭാജ്യസംഖ്യ (Noun) [Malayalam] prime number
- അവകലജം (Noun) [Malayalam] derivative
- ഏകദം (Noun) [Malayalam] function
- കണക്ക് (Noun) [Malayalam] mathematics; math
- കർണ്ണം (Noun) [Malayalam] hypotenuse of a triangle
- ഗണന (Noun) [Malayalam] taking into consideration
- ഗണിക്കുക (Verb) [Malayalam] take into consideration
- ഗണിതം (Noun) [Malayalam] mathematics
- ഗുണനം (Noun) [Malayalam] multiplication
- ഗോളം (Noun) [Malayalam] sphere
- ഘനം (Noun) [Malayalam] cube of a number
- ചതുരം (Noun) [Malayalam] quadrilateral
- ചതുരം (Noun) [Malayalam] square
- ചതുരം (Noun) [Malayalam] rectangle
- ചതുർഭുജം (Noun) [Malayalam] quadrilateral
- ചരം (Noun) [Malayalam] variable
- ചാപം (Noun) [Malayalam] arc
- തോത് (Noun) [Malayalam] measure, scale, standard, rate, criterion.
- ത്രികോണം (Noun) [Malayalam] triangle
- ത്രികോണമിതി (Noun) [Malayalam] trigonometry
- നക്ഷത്രം (Noun) [Malayalam] star shaped polygon
- നേർരേഖ (Noun) [Malayalam] line
- പൈ (Noun) [Malayalam] pi
- ഫലനം (Noun) [Malayalam] function
- ബഹുപദം (Noun) [Malayalam] polynomial
- ബഹുഭുജം (Noun) [Malayalam] polygon
- ബീജഗണിതം (Noun) [Malayalam] algebra
- ഭിന്നം (Noun) [Malayalam] Fraction
- ഭിന്നസംഖ്യ (Noun) [Malayalam] Fraction
- മട്ടത്രികോണം (Noun) [Malayalam] right-angled triangle
- രംഗം (Noun) [Malayalam] domain
- രേഖീയ ബീജഗണിതം (Noun) [Malayalam] linear algebra
- വിസ്തീർണ്ണം (Noun) [Malayalam] area
- വൃത്തം (Noun) [Malayalam] circle
- വ്യവകലനം (Noun) [Malayalam] subtraction
- വർഗ്ഗം (Noun) [Malayalam] square power
- ശിഷ്ടം (Noun) [Malayalam] remainder; amount left over after repeatedly subtracting the divisor
- സംഖ്യ (Noun) [Malayalam] number
- സംഭാവ്യത (Noun) [Malayalam] probability
- സങ്കലനം (Noun) [Malayalam] addition
- സങ്കലനസംഖ്യ (Noun) [Malayalam] addend
- സങ്കീർണ്ണ സംഖ്യകൾ (Noun) [Malayalam] complex number
- സദിശം (Noun) [Malayalam] vector
- സമചതുരക്കട്ട (Noun) [Malayalam] cube
- സമവക്രം (Noun) [Malayalam] parabola
- സമാകലനം (Noun) [Malayalam] integration
- ഹരണം (Noun) [Malayalam] division
- ൘ (Numeral) [Malayalam] ¹⁄₁₆₀, fraction one divided by one-hundred-and-sixtieth.
- ൙ (Numeral) [Malayalam] ¹⁄₄₀, one fortieth.
- ൚ (Numeral) [Malayalam] ³⁄₈₀, three eightieths. (archaic)
- ൛ (Numeral) [Malayalam] ¹⁄₂₀ (one-twentieth). The fraction one twentieth.
- ൜ (Numeral) [Malayalam] ⅒, one tenth.
- ൝ (Numeral) [Malayalam] ³⁄₂₀, three twentieths.
- ൞ (Numeral) [Malayalam] one fifth, ⅕.
- ကိန်း (Noun) [Burmese] number
- ကိန်းရှင် (Noun) [Burmese] variable
- ကိုက် (Verb) [Burmese] to come up to (expectations, etc.), agree, equal, correspond
- ကိုက် (Noun) [Burmese] cross-beam bearing against a pair of longitudinal boards lining a sailboat
- ကိုက် (Noun) [Burmese] can opener
- ကီလိုဂရမ် (Noun) [Burmese] kilogram
- ကီလိုမီတာ (Noun) [Burmese] kilometre
- ကုဗ (Noun) [Burmese] cube
- ကူးလောင်း (Noun) [Burmese] coulomb
- ကဲကုလ (Noun) [Burmese] calculus
- ကျဉ်း (Verb) [Burmese] to cancel out
- ကျပ် (Noun) [Burmese] tical
- ကျပ်သား (Noun) [Burmese] A Burmese measurement of weight, the tical (kyattha), approximately 16.3293 grams (0.576 ounces).
- ခဏ (Noun) [Burmese] a moment (very brief period of time), a short while
- ခွဲ (Noun) [Burmese] a traditional Burmese unit of volume equivalent to 2+¹⁄₄ imperial pecks or approximately 20.4574 liters
- ဂဏန်း (Noun) [Burmese] number, numeral
- ဂရမ် (Noun) [Burmese] gram
- ဂံ (Noun) [Burmese] angle, corner (used in compounds only)
- ဂျိုး (Noun) [Burmese] joule
- ဂျီဩမေတြီ (Noun) [Burmese] geometry
- စကြာ (Noun) [Burmese] circle
- စင်တီမီတာ (Noun) [Burmese] centimetre
- စတုဂံ (Noun) [Burmese] rectangle, quadrilateral
- စတုရန်း (Noun) [Burmese] square
- စား (Verb) [Burmese] to divide
- စားလဒ် (Noun) [Burmese] quotient
- စိတ် (Noun) [Burmese] a traditional Burmese unit of volume equivalent to 2¼ imperial gallons or approximately 10.2287 liters
- ဆက္ကဂံ (Noun) [Burmese] hexagon
- ဆဋ္ဌဂံ (Noun) [Burmese] hexagon
- ဆလင်ဒါ (Noun) [Burmese] cylinder
- ဆိုင်း (Noun) [Burmese] sine
- ဆံခြည် (Noun) [Burmese] a unit of measure equal to 79.375 µm or 0.003125 inch
- ညီမျှခြင်း (Noun) [Burmese] equation
- တောင် (Noun) [Burmese] a cubit (18 inches; 45.72 cm)
- တောင် (Verb) [Burmese] to measure by the cubit
- တောင် (Adverb) [Burmese] not even (after a negated verb)
- တြိဂံ (Noun) [Burmese] triangle
- ထောင့် (Noun) [Burmese] angle
- ဒသဂံ (Noun) [Burmese] decagon
- နဝဂံ (Noun) [Burmese] nonagon
- နာရီ (Noun) [Burmese] A traditional Burmese measure of time equivalent to four ပါဒ် (pad) or 24 minutes
- နေ့ (Noun) [Burmese] day (twenty-four hours)
- နှစ် (Noun) [Burmese] year
- နှမ်း (Noun) [Burmese] sesame (Sesamum indicum)
- နှမ်း (Noun) [Burmese] a traditional Burmese unit of length equal to 0.03125 inches (0.79375 mm)
- ပဉ္စဂံ (Noun) [Burmese] pentagon
- ပရစ်ဇမ် (Noun) [Burmese] prism
- ပိုင် (Noun) [Burmese] pi
- ပိဿာ (Noun) [Burmese] A Burmese measurement of weight, the viss (peittha), approximately 1.63293 kilograms (3.6 pounds).
- ပေါင် (Noun) [Burmese] framework, frame
- ပေါင် (Noun) [Burmese] edge, border
- ပေါင် (Verb) [Burmese] to add on, attach, append, affix (something to make something else stronger, complete, fuller, etc.)
- ပေါင် (Verb) [Burmese] to pawn, mortgage
- ပြချက် (Noun) [Burmese] proof
- ပြန် (Noun) [Burmese] A Myanmar measure of time equivalent to four seconds or ten ခရာ (hka.ra)
- ဘိုက် (Noun) [Burmese] byte
- မိုင် (Noun) [Burmese] mile (measure of length)
- မီတာ (Noun) [Burmese] metre (unit of measurement)
- မီလီမီတာ (Noun) [Burmese] millimetre
- မီလီလီတာ (Noun) [Burmese] millilitre
- မြှောက် (Verb) [Burmese] to multiply
- မြှောက်ရကိန်း (Noun) [Burmese] product
- ရတီ (Proper name) [Burmese] a female given name from Pali
- ရလဒ် (Noun) [Burmese] result
- ရေတွက် (Verb) [Burmese] to count (enumerate or determine number)
- လ (Noun) [Burmese] symbol for ellipsis (see also ပေယျာလ (peyyala.))
- လက်ဖက် (Noun) [Burmese] pickled tea leaves
- လက်ဖက် (Noun) [Burmese] pickled tea leaves mixed with other ingredients and served as a local delicacy, lahpet
- လက်ဖက် (Noun) [Burmese] unit of dry measure for the amount contained in a cupped hand
- လက်ဖက် (Noun) [Burmese] unit of measure for girth of trees, pillars; equivalent to what can be encircled in both arms
- လဒ် (Noun) [Burmese] result
- လီတာ (Noun) [Burmese] litre
- လေးထောင့် (Noun) [Burmese] rectangle
- ဝပ် (Verb) [Burmese] to crouch
- သင်္ချာ (Noun) [Burmese] mathematics
- သတ္တဂံ (Noun) [Burmese] heptagon
- သုဒ္ဒကိန်း (Noun) [Burmese] prime number
- ဟတ်ဇ် (Noun) [Burmese] hertz
- အက္ခရာသင်္ချာ (Noun) [Burmese] algebra
- အချင်း (Noun) [Burmese] diameter
- အချင်းဝက် (Noun) [Burmese] radius
- အစား (Noun) [Burmese] division
- အစားလက္ခဏာ (Noun) [Burmese] division sign
- အစု (Noun) [Burmese] set
- အဋ္ဌဂံ (Noun) [Burmese] octagon
- အတွက် (Noun) [Burmese] arithmetic
- အနန္တ (Noun) [Burmese] infinity
- အနုတ် (Noun) [Burmese] subtraction
- အနုတ်လက္ခဏာ (Noun) [Burmese] minus sign
- အပတ် (Noun) [Burmese] week (unit of time)
- အပိုင်းဂဏန်း (Noun) [Burmese] fraction
- အပေါင်းလက္ခဏာ (Noun) [Burmese] plus sign
- အမြှောက်လက္ခဏာ (Noun) [Burmese] multiplication sign
- အလီ (Noun) [Burmese] multiplication table
- ဧက (Numeral) [Burmese] one (typically used in compound words)
- ၵုၼ်း (Verb) [Shan] to multiply
- ᦅᦳᧃ (Verb) [Lü] to multiply
- ᦵᦛᧀᧈᦵᦌᦲᧃᧈᦋᦴᦋᦹᧉ (Noun) [Lü] statistics; data
- ᱮᱞᱠᱷᱟ (Noun) [Santali] mathematics
- 𐎠𐎼𐏁𐎴𐎡 (Noun) [Old Persian] cubit
- 𐎣𐎼𐏁 (Noun) [Old Persian] unit of weight (83.30 grams)
- 𐎣𐎼𐏁𐎹𐎠 (Noun) [Old Persian] unit of weight (83.30 grams)
- ଅଂଶ (Noun) [Odia] fraction
- ଅଂଶ (Noun) [Odia] denominator of a fraction
- ଅଂଶ (Noun) [Odia] ¹/₉₀ of a right angle; a degree.
- କିଲୋମିଟର (Noun) [Odia] kilometer, kilometre
- କୁଶ (Noun) [Odia] coss (2 miles)
- ଖଣ୍ଡ (Noun) [Odia] one of the terms in equation
- ଗଗନ (Noun) [Odia] zero
- ଘନ (Noun) [Odia] cube
- ବିସ୍ତୃତି (Noun) [Odia] diameter
- ଭାଗ କରିବା (Verb) [Odia] to divide
- ମଣ୍ଡଳ (Noun) [Odia] circumference
- ମାଇଲ୍ (Noun) [Odia] mile
- ମିଶାଣ (Noun) [Odia] addition
- ମୂଳ (Noun) [Odia] root
- ରାଶି (Noun) [Odia] number
- ଲବ୍ଧ (Noun) [Odia] quotient
- 𑆫𑆴𑆒𑇀 (Noun) [Kashmiri] line
- මිනිත්තුව (Noun) [Sinhalese] minute (60 seconds; 1/60 of an hour)
- රියන් (Noun) [Sinhalese] cubis (12 inches)
- ᮜᮍᮣᮚᮍᮔ᮪ (Noun) [Sundanese] kite
- ᮝᮤᮜᮍᮔ᮪ (Noun) [Sundanese] number
- ᮝᮤᮜᮍᮔ᮪ ᮘᮥᮜᮩᮓ᮪ (Noun) [Sundanese] integer
- அட்சர கணிதம் (Noun) [Tamil] algebra
- அணு (Noun) [Tamil] atom, minute particle of matter
- இயற்கணிதம் (Noun) [Tamil] algebra
- ஒளியாண்டு (Noun) [Tamil] light year
- கணிதம் (Noun) [Tamil] mathematics
- கூட்டல் (Noun) [Tamil] addition
- கூட்டுக்கணக்கு (Noun) [Tamil] addition
- கோணவியல் (Noun) [Tamil] trigonometry
- சூத்திரம் (Noun) [Tamil] thread, yarn
- தராசு (Noun) [Tamil] Libra
- தானம் (Noun) [Tamil] place, position of a figure in a series of notation, as indicating its value
- தொகுதியெண் (Noun) [Tamil] numerator
- தொகை (Noun) [Tamil] addition
- பகுத்தல் (Noun) [Tamil] division
- பங்கீடு (Noun) [Tamil] division
- பாகம் (Noun) [Tamil] degree
- பின்னம் (Noun) [Tamil] fraction
- பிரிவு (Noun) [Tamil] division
- பெருக்கல் (Noun) [Tamil] multiplication
- மட்டுக்கோணம் (Noun) [Tamil] right angle
- முடிவிலி (Noun) [Tamil] infinity ⟨∞⟩
- முந்திரி (Noun) [Tamil] cashew tree, Anacardium occidentales
- முழம் (Noun) [Tamil] cubit; measure from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger (~2 span)
- வகுத்தல் (Noun) [Tamil] division
- விட்டம் (Noun) [Tamil] diameter
- விரிகோணம் (Noun) [Tamil] obtuse angle
- 𑿀 (Numeral) [Tamil] The fraction Symbol of ¹⁄₃₂₀
- 𑿁 (Numeral) [Tamil] The fraction symbol of 1/160
- 𑿂 (Numeral) [Tamil] The fraction symbol of 1/80
- 𑿄 (Numeral) [Tamil] The fraction symbol of 1/40
- 𑿋 (Numeral) [Tamil] The fraction symbol of 1/10
- 𑿍 (Numeral) [Tamil] The fraction symbol of 8/20
- అంకగణితము … ఋణసంజ్ఞ (12 senses)
- ఎకరము … కుంచము (11 senses)
- కుంట … గజము (11 senses)
- గణన … చుట్టుకొలత (15 senses)
- జాన … డెసీలీటరు (10 senses)
- తవ్వ … ద్రోణము (11 senses)
- ధనము … ఫలము (15 senses)
- బార … భాగహారము (8 senses)
- మణుగు … మైక్రోలీటరు (16 senses)
- రతి … వలయము (11 senses)
- వార … సంఖ్య (11 senses)
- సగటు … హెక్టారు (14 senses)
- ހަންދަރު (Noun) [Dhivehi] hundredweight
- ނާޅި (Noun) [Dhivehi] 1 kilogram (4 laahi)
- ރާތާ (Noun) [Dhivehi] measure of weight equal to one pound
- ރިޔަން (Noun) [Dhivehi] a unit of measure similar to the cubit, measuring from the elbow to the tip of the little finger
- ރިޔާޟިއްޔާތު (Noun) [Dhivehi] mathematics
- ބަމަ (Noun) [Dhivehi] fathom
- ކަނޑަނީ (Verb) [Dhivehi] to dehusk grain
- ކައިވަތް (Noun) [Dhivehi] span (a length of nine inches)
- ކުޅަނދު (Noun) [Dhivehi] measure of weight equal to 90 grains or 0.20565 ounces
- ކޮއްޓެ (Noun) [Dhivehi] 4 kilograms (4 naalhi)
- އަދަދު (Noun) [Dhivehi] number
- އަޑުބަ (Noun) [Dhivehi] aduba, a unit of wet measure
- މުށް (Noun) [Dhivehi] cubit (unit of measurement)
- ފައުލަ (Noun) [Dhivehi] a unit of weight, twenty-four pounds
- ލާހި (Noun) [Dhivehi] a unit of dry measure, 250 gigameters
- ގައު (Noun) [Dhivehi] a unit of weight, four ounces
- ގަވި (Noun) [Dhivehi] league
- ޓަނު (Noun) [Dhivehi] ton
- กรณฑ์ … ข้อมูล (11 senses)
- คืบ … ชั่วโมง (9 senses)
- ฐาน … บวก (11 senses)
- บาท … พิลิปดา (11 senses)
- พื้น … ฤๅษีแปลงสาร (14 senses)
- ลบ … วัน (9 senses)
- วา … สอดคล้อง (10 senses)
- สัจพจน์ … สิบเหลี่ยม (11 senses)
- สี่เหลี่ยม … หลายเหลี่ยม (11 senses)
- หัก … เซลเซียส (13 senses)
- เดือน … เส้นรอบวง (9 senses)
- เอไอ … ไฮเพอร์โบลา (12 senses)
- གྲུ་གསུམ (Noun) [Tibetan] triangle
- གྲུ་བཞི (Adjective) [Tibetan] four-cornered, rectangular, square
- བྲེ (Noun) [Kurtöp] A traditional unit of volume, equal to the volume of a measuring cup.
- མེ་ལེ (Noun) [Tibetan] mile
- ⴰⵍⴰⵖⵎⵓ (Noun) [Central Atlas Tamazight] exercise
- ⴰⵎⴹⴰⵏ (Noun) [Central Atlas Tamazight] number
- ⴰⵎⴽⵔⴰⴹ (Noun) [Central Atlas Tamazight] triangle
- ⴰⵙⵓⵎⵔ (Noun) [Central Atlas Tamazight] proposition
- ⵜⴰⴳⴷⴰ (Noun) [Central Atlas Tamazight] equation
- ꃬꇁꁍꎐꈢ (Noun) [Nuosu] central angle
- ! … -èdre (32 senses)
- / … 1차원 (27 senses)
- 2 … 46-gon (27 senses)
- 4D … :≠ (23 senses)
- = … ܒܝܥܬܢܐ (38 senses)
- ܓܒܐ … ܚܘܦܢܐ (22 senses)
- ܚܩܠܐ … ܡܝܠܐ (27 senses)
- ܡܟܢܫ … ܦܣܬܐ (41 senses)
- ܦܪܐ … ܫܥܬܐ (22 senses)
- ܫܩܐ … आव्यूह (37 senses)
- आस … कर्ण (16 senses)
- कलन … घटाना (38 senses)
- घन … तिकोन (26 senses)
- तोला … धुरी (25 senses)
- धूर … प्रायिकता (39 senses)
- फल … मण्डल (28 senses)
- मन … रुंदी (19 senses)
- रूप … शून्य (35 senses)
- शेष … सांख्यिकी (32 senses)
- साल … ‖ ‖ (19 senses)
- • … ℶ (29 senses)
- ℷ … ∂ (29 senses)
- ∃ … ∡ (29 senses)
- ∢ … ≆ (29 senses)
- ≇ … ⊂ (29 senses)
- ⊃ … ⊩ (29 senses)
- ⊪ … ⋎ (29 senses)
- ⋏ … ⋽ (29 senses)
- ⋾ … ⟖ (29 senses)
- ⟗ … 🚀🌕 (35 senses)
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If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.