Japanese word senses marked with topical category "Typography"
Parent categories: Printing, Writing, Industries, Human behaviour, Language, Business, Human, Communication, Economics, Society, Social sciences, Sciences
Total 134 word senses
- P (Prefix) Initialism of プロポーショナル (puropōshonaru, “proportional”).
- U (Noun) a unit in newspaper typesetting, equal to 11 mils, ¹¹⁄₁₀₀₀ in, ¹⁄₈ 倍 (bai) and ¹⁄₁₂₈ 段 (dan)
- 一の字点 (Noun) each mark of the pairs of iteration marks ゝ/ゞ and ヽ/ヾ, respectively used to repeat 清音 (seion)/濁音 (dakuon) hiragana and katakana
- 上付き (Noun) the state of being superscript
- 上揃え (Noun) flush-top alignment in vertical text
- 上揃え (Noun) alignment of characters to the top side of their 仮想ボディ (kasō bodi, “em squares”) or 平均字面 (heikin jizura, “ideographic character faces”), especially in horizontal text
- 下付き (Noun) the state of being subscript
- 下揃え (Noun) flush-bottom alignment in vertical text
- 下揃え (Noun) alignment of characters to the bottom side of their 仮想ボディ (kasō bodi, “em squares”) or 平均字面 (heikin jizura, “ideographic character faces”), especially in horizontal text
- 両端揃え (Noun) justification
- 中央揃え (Noun) center alignment
- 中央揃え (Noun) alignment of characters to the center of their 仮想ボディ (kasō bodi, “em squares”) or 平均字面 (heikin jizura, “ideographic character faces”)
- 丸ゴシック体 (Noun) rounded sans-serif
- 丸文字 (Noun) a highly rounded feminine handwriting style born in the 1970s
- 亀甲括弧 (Noun) tortoise shell bracket (either of a pair of symbols,〔 〕, sometimes used in Japanese to enclose comments in quoted text)
- 二の字点 (Noun) the iteration mark 〻, used to repeat kanji, historically mostly kanji with kun'yomi
- 五体 (Noun) the five principal East Asian calligraphic/typographic styles of Chinese origin
- 仮想ボディ (Noun) a em-square or em-box, sometimes literally translated as "imaginary body" or "virtual body", whose dimension is 1em, that defines the bounds of a CJK glyph, or that is used for defining font size
- 倍 (Counter) a multiple of 全角 (zenkaku, “fullwidth/-height”) or 1 em in Western typography
- 倍 (Counter) a unit in newspaper typesetting, equal to 88 mils, ⁸⁸⁄₁₀₀₀ in, 8 U (U) and ¹⁄₁₆ 段 (dan)
- 倍角 (Noun) double-width or double-height as compared to 全角 (zenkaku, “fullwidth/-height”)
- 傍 (Character) 3rd person
- 傍点 (Noun) Synonym of 圏点
- 傍線 (Noun) sideline (vertical-text equivalent of the underline)
- 全角 (Noun) the state of being fullwidth and full-height which, in early computer encoding, occupies 2 bytes, and in modern typography, equals 1 em
- 写真植字 (Noun) phototypesetting; photocomposition
- 分注 (Noun) a block of small-sized text, used as a note and placed right next to the word or phrase which it clarifies
- 分離禁止 (Noun) the ban on separating multiple successive instances of certain leading punctuation marks, such as multiple successive em dashes, wavy dashes, two-dot leaders, ellipses, etc., during line breaking
- 割注 (Noun) a block of small-sized text, used as a note and placed right next to the word or phrase which it clarifies
- 勘亭流 (Noun) Kantei-ryū, a type of 江戸文字(えどもじ) (Edo moji) usually associated with kabuki signage and characterized by thick, flowing, and rounded strokes
- 半角 (Noun) the state of being halfwidth which, in early computer encoding, occupies 1 byte, and in modern typography, visually either equals 1 en or proportional
- 古印体 (Noun) a typestyle that mimics the look of 隷書 (reisho, “clerical script”) being stamped (thus, with broken and irregular strokes) rather than handwritten; this "ancient seal" look arose in Nara-period Japan, and has no relation to the original Chinese 篆書 (tensho, “seal script”)
- 右揃え (Noun) flush-right alignment in horizontal text
- 右揃え (Noun) alignment of characters to the right side of their 仮想ボディ (kasō bodi, “em square”) or 平均字面 (heikin jizura, “ideographic character faces”), especially in vertical text
- 合字 (Noun) a typographic ligature
- 同の字点 (Noun) the iteration mark 々, used to repeat kanji
- 圏点 (Noun) an emphasis point, a dot or similar mark attached to a character to display emphasis
- 大文字 (Noun) a capital letter; a majuscule
- 大文字 (Noun) the Chinese character 大
- 字取り (Noun) the distribution of any plural number of CJK characters and whitespaces so that they are justified within a specific number of ems, for example, 2 or 3 characters within 4 ems; typically used for titles and headers
- 字送り (Noun) the distance between the two center points of the advance widths of two successive monospace CJK characters, sometimes mistranslated as "tracking" by Western software localizers
- 字間 (Noun) an intercharacter space, the white space between the bottom/right edge of one character and the top/left edge of the next character, corresponding to "tracking" in Western typography
- 宋朝体 (Noun) Imitation Song typeface
- 小字 (Noun) small text
- 小文字 (Noun) a minuscule (lower-case letter)
- 左揃え (Noun) flush-left alignment in horizontal text
- 左揃え (Noun) alignment of characters to the left side of their 仮想ボディ (kasō bodi, “em squares”) or 平均字面 (heikin jizura, “ideographic character faces”), especially in vertical text
- 平体 (Noun) the form of a glyph whose height is scaled down, originally with a distorting lens in phototypesetting
- 平均字面 (Noun) an ideographic character face (ICF), a square that roughly defines an average bounding box of the contours of CJK glyphs and that is positioned inside an 仮想ボディ (kasō bodi, “em-square”)
- 改刻 (Noun) recutting of a stamp or movable type; (typography, by extension) redesign of lettering
- 改刻 (Verb) to recut a stamp or movable type; (typography, by extension) to redesign lettering
- 教科書体 (Noun) a style reminiscent of 楷(かい)書(しょ)体(たい) (kaishotai) written using a pen, used in pedagogy
- 文字 (Noun) script, writing system
- 文字 (Noun) script, writing system
- 文字揃え (Noun) character alignment
- 文字組み (Noun) character composition (arrangement and spacing of characters so that they are distributed in a body of text correctly, according to typographic rules)
- 文選 (Noun) type picking (historically, the picking of movable type for later typesetting)
- 文選 (Verb) to pick type
- 斜体 (Noun) oblique type
- 明朝体 (Noun) the Ming typographic style of East Asian scripts (Han, hangul, kana), equivalent to the Western serif style
- 書体 (Noun) a typestyle
- 書体 (Noun) a typeface
- 植字 (Noun) typesetting or composition
- 植字 (Verb) to typeset or compose
- 楷書体 (Noun) regular script-style
- 正体 (Noun) the "standard", most recognized form
- 正体 (Noun) the undistorted form (as opposed to a scaled or oblique form, for example, originally in phototypesetting)
- 歯 (Noun) a unit equal to 1 Q (kyū) and 0.25 mm, abbreviated as H; ha is used for spacing, while Q is used for font size
- 段 (Noun) the equivalent to a column in Western layout, but that can be horizontal or vertical depending on the writing direction
- 段 (Suffix) a unit in newspaper typesetting, equal to 1408 mils, ¹⁴⁰⁸⁄₁₀₀₀ in, 128 U (U) and 16 倍 (bai)
- 段間 (Noun) gutter
- 江戸文字 (Noun) "Edo characters", distinctive calligraphic (and later, typographic) styles that were born in the Edo period
- 活字書体 (Noun) a typeface
- 混植 (Noun) typesetting different languages or fonts side-by-side
- 混植 (Verb) to typeset different languages or fonts side-by-side
- 濁り (Noun) dakuten (voicing mark used in Japanese kana writing)
- 禁則処理 (Noun) a set of typographic rules as to how certain characters are not allowed at the start or end of a line during line breaking, for example, a start quote 「 is not allowed at the end of a line, an end quote 」, full stop 。 or small kana ぁ is not allowed at the start, etc.
- 空き (Noun) whitespace before or after a character, especially a punctuation mark, such as the space after 。 、 」 』 ) etc. or before 「 『 ( etc., used for monospace typesettings (often spelled in katakana as アキ)
- 筆押さえ (Noun) flourish at the beginning or end of a stroke
- 等幅 (Noun) being monospaced
- 級 (Noun) a unit equal to 1 H (ha) and 0.25 mm, abbreviated as Q, which happens to be the initial of English quarter; Q is used for font size, while ha is used for spacing
- 組文字 (Noun) a block of multiple characters arranged in a space equivalent to that of a single character (an imaginary square), usually containing katakana, used to save space
- 組版 (Noun) typesetting or composition
- 組版 (Verb) to typeset or compose
- 縦中横 (Noun) a block of horizontal type laid out within vertical type lines, usually containing halfwidth characters, especially numbers
- 脇点 (Noun) Synonym of 圏点
- 蟹行文字 (Noun) character set written horizontally, especially Roman alphabet
- 行取り (Noun) the distribution of any plural number of lines and leads so that they fit a specific number of ems, for example, 2 or 3 lines within 4 ems
- 行末揃え (Noun) alignment of characters toward the end (right or bottom) of a line
- 行送り (Noun) line height, the distance between the center points of the advance heights (in horizontal text) or advance widths (in vertical text) of glyphs in two successive lines, often called "leading" in modern Western typography
- 行間 (Noun) a line gap, the white space between the left/bottom of one line and the right/top of the next line, corresponding to the original "leading" in letterpress printing
- 行頭揃え (Noun) alignment of characters toward the start (left or top) of a line
- 親文字 (Noun) parent or base character (main text character, as opposed to ruby character)
- 詰め (Noun) spacing of glyphs based on a percentage of their sidebearings, rather than a fixed unit or amount as used for kerning and tracking, which allows for proportional spacing of multiple glyphs at once
- 起こし (Noun) the state of being a mark with an 空き (aki) before it, such as the opening parenthesis ( or the opening quotation mark 「
- 踊り字 (Noun) an iteration mark
- 込め物 (Noun) an interglyph or interline space, or a physical object used to make such space
- 連数字 (Noun) the ban on separating multiple successive digits during line breaking
- 長体 (Noun) the form of a glyph whose width is scaled down, originally with a distorting lens in phototypesetting
- 間隔 (Noun) space (a piece of type used to separate words)
- 隅付き括弧 (Noun) lenticular bracket (either of a pair of symbols,【 】, generally used in Chinese and Japanese dictionaries to enclose headwords, and sometimes for other purposes)
- 電算写植 (Noun) electronic phototypesetting
- 電算写植機 (Noun) electronic phototypesetter
- 骨格 (Noun) in type design, the "skeleton" of a glyph, very thin lines that rough out the general stroke position, orientation and curvature, around which the actual outlines will be drawn
- 鱗 (Noun) serif (on Chinese characters)
- うけ (Noun) 受け: (typography, of a punctuation mark) the state of being a mark with an 空き (aki) after it, such as the closing parenthesis ), the closing quotation mark 」, the ideographic comma 、 or the ideographic full stop 。
- くの字点 (Noun) either of the iteration marks 〱 and 〲, respectively used to repeat more than one 清音 (seion) and 濁音 (dakuon) in vertical text, as well as their decomposed counterparts, 〳, 〴 and 〵
- つめぐみ (Noun) tight kerning / tracking
- ぶら下がり (Noun) the deliberate "hanging" of certain punctuation marks outside the invisible bounding box of a body of text whenever they occur at the start or end of a line
- べた組み (Noun) solid composition (text composition with no spacing)
- アメリカ式ポイント (Noun) an American point
- アンチック (Noun) antique: a typeface featuring kana in serif Mincho type (with slightly heavier weight) and kanji in sans serif Gothic type, typically used for normal dialog in manga
- インテル (Noun) a lead
- オーバーシュート (Noun) an overshoot, the extension of a character higher or lower than other comparably sized characters
- カーニング (Noun) kerning
- クワタ (Noun) a quad: a spacer used in metal typesetting
- ゲバ字 (Noun) A style of written kanji, encompassing an angular form and a set of ryakuji. It is politically associated with leftist student activism.
- ゴシック体 (Noun) the gothic typographic style of East Asian scripts (Han, hangul, kana), equivalent to the Western sans serif style
- スペース (Noun) space (a piece of type used to separate words)
- スペース (Noun) an interglyph space (space between glyphs)
- スラッシュ (Noun) slash character ("/")
- セリフ (Noun) a serif
- タイプフェイス (Noun) Synonym of 書体 (shotai, “typeface”)
- タイポグラフィ (Noun) typography (art and technique)
- デザイン書体 (Noun) a typestyle or typeface that is more design-oriented and graphical, and that deviates significantly from traditional styles such as the 五体 (gotai, “five styles”), the 明朝体 (Minchōtai, “Ming style”), the ゴシック体 (Goshikku-tai, “Gothic style”), etc.
- トラッキング (Noun) tracking
- ノマ点 (Noun) Synonym of 同の字点 (dō no jiten)
- ハイフネーション (Noun) hyphenation
- パイカ (Noun) pica
- ボールド体 (Noun) bold typeface
- ポイント (Noun) a point (unit of size)
- リーダー (Noun) a leader (a row of dots, periods, or hyphens, used in tables of contents, etc., to lead the eye across a space to the right word or number)
- ルビ (Noun) ruby (pronunciation guide)
- ワードマーク (Noun) wordmark
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This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable Japanese dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-09 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-03-02 using wiktextract (32c88e6 and 633533e).
The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.
If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.