Japanese word senses marked with topical category "Writing"
Parent categories: Human behaviour, Language, Human, Communication
Subcategories: Calligraphy, Journalism, Literature, Orthography, Palaeography, Typography, Writing instruments, Writing systems
Words with this category that have not been disambiguated
Word senses with this category
Total 1192 word senses
- ABC (Noun) ABC(s) (alphabet)
- BL (Noun) Initialism of ボーイズラブ (bōizu rabu, “boys' love”).
- GL (Noun) Initialism of ガールズラブ (gāruzu rabu, “girls' love”).
- P (Prefix) Initialism of プロポーショナル (puropōshonaru, “proportional”).
- U (Noun) a unit in newspaper typesetting, equal to 11 mils, ¹¹⁄₁₀₀₀ in, ¹⁄₈ 倍 (bai) and ¹⁄₁₂₈ 段 (dan)
- v (Punctuation) <3
- w (Punctuation) LOL; an expression of amusement or laughter.
- 一 … 三国志演義 (27 senses)
- 三水 … 之繞 (18 senses)
- 九 … 五十音順 (34 senses)
- 五経 … 俳諧 (26 senses)
- 倍 … 写真植字 (25 senses)
- 冠 … 勅撰和歌集 (16 senses)
- 勒 … 古文書 (26 senses)
- 句会 … 四つ仮名 (23 senses)
- 四十 … 埃 (24 senses)
- 塵 … 字取り (26 senses)
- 字引 … 小説家 (24 senses)
- 尚書 … 後漢書 (28 senses)
- 徒 … 拾遺和歌集 (23 senses)
- 指事 … 斜体 (24 senses)
- 新刊 … 書写体 (26 senses)
- 書司 … 欽定訳聖書 (26 senses)
- 歌 … 活字書体 (24 senses)
- 海 … 爪冠 (24 senses)
- 爪繞 … 私小説 (35 senses)
- 秭 … 簡易慣用字体 (19 senses)
- 米 … 耳垂れ (22 senses)
- 聖書 … 蟹行文字 (25 senses)
- 行 … 記紀 (24 senses)
- 詩 … 通覧 (30 senses)
- 連 … 阿僧祇 (29 senses)
- 陸 … 𥝱 (28 senses)
- あ段 (Noun) the first and highest-graded column of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”), consisting of the ten kana あ/ア (a), か/カ (ka), さ/サ (sa), た/タ (ta), な/ナ (na), は/ハ (ha), ま/マ (ma), や/ヤ (ya), ら/ラ (ra) and わ/ワ (wa)
- あ行 (Noun) the first row of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”), consisting of the five kana あ/ア (a), い/イ (i), う/ウ (u), え/エ (e) and お/オ (o)
- いけ (Noun) 池: (calligraphy) part of an inkstone where water is stored
- いちたへん (Noun) the kanji component 歹
- い段 (Noun) the second and second-highest-graded column of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”), consisting of the nine kana い/イ (i), き/キ (ki), し/シ (shi), ち/チ (chi), に/ニ (ni), ひ/ヒ (hi), み/ミ (mi), り/リ (ri) and ゐ/ヰ (wi), and sometimes additionally 𛀆/𛄠 (yi)
- うかんむり (Noun) the kanji component 宀, known as the “roof” radical in English, found in 宇, 字, etc.
- うけ (Noun) 受け: (typography, of a punctuation mark) the state of being a mark with an 空き (aki) after it, such as the closing parenthesis ), the closing quotation mark 」, the ideographic comma 、 or the ideographic full stop 。
- うけばこ (Noun) 凵: the kanji component 凵
- う段 (Noun) the third and middle-graded column of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”), consisting of the nine kana う/ウ (u), く/ク (ku), す/ス (su), つ/ツ (tsu), ぬ/ヌ (nu), ふ/フ (fu), む/ム (mu), ゆ/ユ (yu) and る/ル (ru), and sometimes additionally 𛄟 (𛄟)/𛄢 (wu)
- え段 (Noun) the fourth and second-lowest-graded column of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”), consisting of the nine kana え/エ (e), け/ケ (ke), せ/セ (se), て/テ (te), ね/ネ (ne), へ/ヘ (he), め/メ (me), れ/レ (re) and ゑ/ヱ (we), and sometimes additionally 𛀁/𛄡 (ye)
- お化け (Noun) apparition, specter, ghost
- お段 (Noun) the fifth and lowest-graded column of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”), consisting of the ten kana お/オ (o), こ/コ (ko), そ/ソ (so), と/ト (to), の/ノ (no), ほ/ホ (ho), も/モ (mo), よ/ヨ (yo), ろ/ロ (ro) and を/ヲ (wo)
- か行 (Noun) the second row of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”), consisting of the five kana か/カ (ka), き/キ (ki), く/ク (ku), け/ケ (ke) and こ/コ (ko)
- くの字点 (Noun) either of the iteration marks 〱 and 〲, respectively used to repeat more than one 清音 (seion) and 濁音 (dakuon) in vertical text, as well as their decomposed counterparts, 〳, 〴 and 〵
- くるわ (Noun) in 俳諧 (haikai, “vulgar haiku”), the general realm of subject matter used for the opening line
- この (adnominal) this ... I am talking about (only the speaker knows)
- この (adnominal) used before words for insults to add emphasis; compare Chinese 這/这 (zhè, “this”) and Vietnamese này (“this”)
- この (adnominal) I, me: used before one's own name to refer to oneself arrogantly
- この (Numeral) nine
- さんずい (Noun) 三水, 氵: (orthography) the "water" radical, namely 氵
- さ行 (Noun) the third row of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”), consisting of the five kana さ/サ (sa), し/シ (shi), す/ス (su), せ/セ (se) and そ/ソ (so)
- してんし (Noun) 熾天使: (biblical) a seraph
- しとぎょうでん (Proper name) 使徒行伝: (biblical) Acts
- すずり (Noun) inkstone
- すずりばこ (Noun) box for holding calligraphy tools
- せんみょうがき (Noun) A historical form of Japanese writing. Text is written entirely in kanji, with functional morphemes written in smaller-sized man'yōgana.
- た行 (Noun) the fourth row of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”), consisting of the five kana た/タ (ta), ち/チ (chi), つ/ツ (tsu), て/テ (te) and と/ト (to)
- つめぐみ (Noun) tight kerning / tracking
- つんどく (Verb) 積んどく: (informal) to leave piled up
- な行 (Noun) the fifth row of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”), consisting of the five kana な/ナ (na), に/ニ (ni), ぬ/ヌ (nu), ね/ネ (ne) and の/ノ (no)
- のぎへん (Noun) the kanji component 禾
- はしご高 (Noun) a nickname for the 髙 character, a variant of 高
- はち (Noun) 鉢, 鈸: Buddhist cymbals
- はてな (Noun) a question mark
- はてなマーク (Noun) a question mark
- は行 (Noun) the sixth row of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”), consisting of the five kana は/ハ (ha), ひ/ヒ (hi), ふ/フ (fu), へ/ヘ (he) and ほ/ホ (ho)
- ば行 (Noun) a row derived from the は行 (“ha-row”) of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”) (but not included in the table) by adding the diacritical mark ゛, consisting of the five kana ば/バ (ba), び/ビ (bi), ぶ/ブ (bu), べ/ベ (be) and ぼ/ボ (bo)
- ぱ行 (Noun) a row derived from the は行 (“ha-row”) of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”) (but not included in the table) by adding the diacritical mark ゜, consisting of the five kana ぱ/パ (pa), ぴ/ピ (pi), ぷ/プ (pu), ぺ/ペ (pe) and ぽ/ポ (po)
- ぶら下がり (Noun) the deliberate "hanging" of certain punctuation marks outside the invisible bounding box of a body of text whenever they occur at the start or end of a line
- へのへのもへ (Noun) a face drawn using the hiragana characters he (へ), no (の), he (へ), no (の), mo (も), and he (へ)
- へのへのもへじ (Noun) a face drawn using the hiragana characters へ (he), の (no), も (mo), and じ (ji)
- へへののもへじ (Noun) Synonym of へのへのもへじ (henohenomoheji)
- べた組み (Noun) solid composition (text composition with no spacing)
- ほ (Noun) tip of a brush
- まぜがき (Noun) Writing certain kanji of a Sino-Japanese word in kana instead. This may be motivated by reasons such as a kanji being excluded from the list of 常用漢字 (jōyō kanji).
- まぜがき (Verb) to write certain kanji of a Sino-Japanese word in kana instead
- まま (Particle) Expressing the intention of explaining a reason; because
- ま行 (Noun) the sixth row of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”), consisting of the five kana ま/マ (ma), み/ミ (mi), む/ム (mu), め/メ (me) and も/モ (mo)
- みずいれ (Noun) tray for holding water that will be used on an inkstone
- むき (Noun) 無季: not belonging to any particular season; (poetry) not including any seasonal terms or allusions
- や行 (Noun) the eighth row of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”), consisting of the five kana や/ヤ (ya), い/イ (i) (alternatively, 𛀆/𛄠 (yi)), ゆ/ユ (yu), え/エ (e) (alternatively, 𛀁/𛄡 (ye)) and よ/ヨ (yo), two of which are taken from the あ行 (“a-row”) to represent classical grammatical inflection in modern text
- ゆめおち (Noun) Revealing that the a story was all part of a dream; the "it was all a dream" ending.
- ら行 (Noun) the ninth row of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”), consisting of the five kana ら/ラ (ra), り/リ (ri), る/ル (ru), れ/レ (re) and ろ/ロ (ro)
- るまた (Noun) the kanji component 殳
- わかちがき (Noun) writing as separate words, found for example in Japanese children's books or video games, or the modern orthography for the Korean language
- わかんむり (Noun) the kanji component 冖
- わ行 (Noun) the tenth and last row of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”), consisting of the five kana わ/ワ (wa), ゐ/ヰ (wi), う/ウ (u) (alternatively, 𛄟 (𛄟)/𛄢 (wu)), ゑ/ヱ (we) and を/ヲ (wo), one of which is taken from the あ行 (“a-row”) to represent classical grammatical inflection in modern text
- アイ … アメリカ式ポイント (12 senses)
- アラム … インマヌエル (19 senses)
- イヴ … エニェ (17 senses)
- エヌ … エータ (13 senses)
- オウ … キリル文字 (20 senses)
- キー … コミック (11 senses)
- コロン … ショートストーリー (19 senses)
- シー … セミコロン (14 senses)
- セム … ダニエル (17 senses)
- ダビデ … デザイン書体 (14 senses)
- デスク … ハッピーエンド (20 senses)
- ハム … ヒーロー (16 senses)
- ビー … ベルゼブブ (16 senses)
- ベータ … マグダラのマリア (13 senses)
- マタイ … ユプシロン (16 senses)
- ユー … ラブレター (16 senses)
- ラムダ … ・・・ (26 senses)
- (Punctuation)
- ( (Punctuation) Used in ( ).
- ( ) (Punctuation) Used as a plaintext fallback of ruby: encloses a regular or traditional pronunciation to kanji (sometimes other types of words, e.g. katakana in parentheses following an English word) that the readers may not necessarily know how to read.
- ( ) (Punctuation) Used as a plaintext fallback of ruby: encloses an invented reading or a pronunciation borrowed from another language, which follows usually but not necessarily a kanji word, to conveys the word's deeper or second meaning (see 義(ぎ)訓(くん) (gikun)).
- ( ) (Punctuation) Used to censor vulgar, profane or sensitive words or characters. A formal way to censor words in Japanese is using × or ○ instead. Compare 自主規制 in Japanese and x in Latin alphabet.
- ( ) (Punctuation) Added to the end of a message, with short text inside (the right parenthesis is optional), as a sort of tone indicator.
- ( ) (Punctuation) Added to the end of a message to indicate a lighthearted or joking tone (the right parenthesis is optional),.
- (ry (Punctuation) Used to abbreviate words or sentences when the rest is implicitly known.
- (ぉ (Punctuation) Used at the end of a statement to riposte it oneself.
- (棒) (Punctuation) Used at the end of a phrase to indicate flat or deadpan intonation.
- (笑) (Punctuation) Used at the end of a phrase to indicate that the speaker is laughing.
- (笑) (Punctuation) Used at the end of a phrase to indicate that the audience is laughing.
- (震え声) (Punctuation) Used at the end of a phrase to indicate that the speaker is speaking with a trembling voice.
- ) (Punctuation) Used in ( ).
- - (Punctuation) A romanization of the ー (long vowel mark).
- .-.-.- (Punctuation) Visual rendering of Morse code for 、 (ideographic comma).
- .-.-.. (Punctuation) Visual rendering of Morse code for 。 (“ideographic full stop”).
- 4コマ漫画 (Noun) a four-frame comic strip
- \ (Punctuation) used to denote pitch accent drops (下(さ)がり目(め) (sagarime))
- ~ (Punctuation) Indicating the lengthening of a pronunciation.
- ‥ (Punctuation) An ellipsis comprising two dots.
- …… (Punctuation) ellipsis (…)
- ※ (Punctuation) similar in function to an asterisk or bullet point
- ◌̂ (Character) A diacritical mark of the Latin script, called サーカムフレックス (“circumflex”) in Japanese, and found on Â/â, Ê/ê, Î/î, Ô/ô and Û/û.
- ◌̄ (Character) A diacritical mark of the Latin script, called マクロン (“macron”) in Japanese, and found on Ā/ā, Ē/ē, Ī/ī, Ō/ō and Ū/ū.
- ♪ (Punctuation) An emoticon indicating a singsong tone of voice or playful attitude.
- 、 (Punctuation) comma
- 。 (Punctuation) . (full stop or period, marking the end of a sentence)
- 。。。 (Punctuation) Indicates a pause.
- 〇 (Symbol) Used to write zero in kanji positional notation.
- 〈 〉 (Punctuation) Encloses titles of books.
- 「 」 (Punctuation) In kanji-katakana mixed writing before World War II, encloses 外来語 (gairaigo, “foreign loanwords”) written in katakana to mark them apart from ordinary katakana portions of the text.
- 『 』 (Punctuation) Encloses an embedded quotation.
- 【 】 (Punctuation) Lenticular brackets.
- 〔 〕 (Punctuation) Encloses comments inside quoted text.
- 〜 (Punctuation) Indicates the subtitle of a book, manga, video game, etc.
- 〝 〞 (Punctuation) used for emphasis, or to set off metaphors, neologisms and the like.
- 〝 〟 (Punctuation) used for emphasis, or to set off metaphors, neologisms and the like.
- 〽 (Punctuation) Indicating the start of a part in a song.
- ゛ (Character) The dakuten, which indicates voicing (i.e. ka with a dakuten is pronounced as ga).
- ゛ (Character) The dakuten, which indicates voicing (i.e. ka with a dakuten is pronounced as ga).; It is also sometimes colloquially used to indicate a strained or shouting vocalization.
- ゜ (Character) The handakuten, which indicates that a kana with an initial of h- should be pronounced with p- (i.e. ha with a handakuten is pronounced as pa). It is also sometimes used with k- kana to indicate ng- (a phoneme that is usually an allophone of /g/).
- ゠ (Punctuation) used in transcriptions of Western proper names, as a "space" (similar to a middle dot ・), a "hyphen" or an "en dash"; usually substituted by the more accessible fullwidth equal sign
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This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable Japanese dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-09 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-03-02 using wiktextract (32c88e6 and 633533e).
The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.
If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.