German Wiktionary data extraction errors and warnings

unrecognized head form: language name

Return to ''Unrecognized head form' errors'

unrecognized head form: language name

Russisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Russisch

Kroatisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Kroatisch

Flämisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Flämisch

Norwegisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Norwegisch

Jiddisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Jiddisch

Italienisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Italienisch

Ladinisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Ladinisch

Baskisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Baskisch

Deutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Deutsch

Englisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Englisch

Französisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Französisch

Galicisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Galicisch

Indonesisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Indonesisch

Lettisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Lettisch

Portugiesisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Portugiesisch

Slowenisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Slowenisch

Spanisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Spanisch

Vietnamesisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Vietnamesisch

Windisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Windisch

Türkisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Türkisch

Plattdeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Plattdeutsch

Akkadisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Akkadisch

Griechisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Griechisch

Arabisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Arabisch

Hochdeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Hochdeutsch

Kölsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Kölsch

Katalanisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Katalanisch

Kurdisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Kurdisch

Unserdeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Unserdeutsch

Chinesisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Chinesisch

Fachchinesisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Fachchinesisch

Serbisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Serbisch

Niederländisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Niederländisch

Holländisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Holländisch

Afghanisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Afghanisch

Albanisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Albanisch

Dänisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Dänisch

Schwedisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Schwedisch

Tschechisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Tschechisch

Deutschrussisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Deutschrussisch

Finnisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Finnisch

Polnisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Polnisch

Irisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Irisch

Ungarisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Ungarisch

Rumänisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Rumänisch

Bulgarisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Bulgarisch

Isländisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Isländisch

Aserbaidschanisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Aserbaidschanisch

Sumerisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Sumerisch

Bosnisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Bosnisch

Althochdeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Althochdeutsch

Estnisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Estnisch

Indisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Indisch

Japanisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Japanisch

Walisisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Walisisch

Litauisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Litauisch

Tadschikisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Tadschikisch

Kantonesisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Kantonesisch

Friesisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Friesisch

Tibetisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Tibetisch

Schwäbisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Schwäbisch

Irisch-Gälisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Irisch-Gälisch

Armenisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Armenisch

Lateinisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Lateinisch

Ukrainisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Ukrainisch

Keltisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Keltisch

Schottisch-Gälisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Schottisch-Gälisch

Slowakisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Slowakisch

Iberisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Iberisch

Koreanisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Koreanisch

Bretonisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Bretonisch

Färöisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Färöisch

Avestisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Avestisch

Ripuarisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Ripuarisch

Georgisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Georgisch

Sorbisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Sorbisch

Wallonisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Wallonisch

Klingonisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Klingonisch

Niedersächsisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Niedersächsisch

Persisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Persisch

Amharisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Amharisch

Laotisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Laotisch

Somalisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Somalisch

Karelisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Karelisch

Wotisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Wotisch

Etruskisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Etruskisch

Sächsisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Sächsisch

Niederdeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Niederdeutsch

Mittelhochdeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Mittelhochdeutsch

Niedersorbisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Niedersorbisch

Ägyptisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Ägyptisch

Arisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Arisch

Indogermanisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Indogermanisch

Indoiranisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Indoiranisch

Albanesisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Albanesisch

Maltesisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Maltesisch

Austronesisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Austronesisch

Okzitanisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Okzitanisch

Gallisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Gallisch

Korsisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Korsisch

Kasachisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Kasachisch

Kirgisisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Kirgisisch

Kornisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Kornisch

Aragonesisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Aragonesisch

Tatarisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Tatarisch

Rätoromanisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Rätoromanisch

Usbekisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Usbekisch

Madagassisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Madagassisch

Germanisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Germanisch

Baschkirisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Baschkirisch

Neunorwegisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Neunorwegisch

Limburgisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Limburgisch

Mongolisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Mongolisch

Tokelauisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Tokelauisch

Neugriechisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Neugriechisch

Tongaisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Tongaisch

Hawaiianisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Hawaiianisch

Sizilianisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Sizilianisch

Taiwanisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Taiwanisch

Mazedonisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Mazedonisch

Altnordisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Altnordisch

Tschuktschisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Tschuktschisch

Abchasisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Abchasisch

Tschetschenisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Tschetschenisch

Serbokroatisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Serbokroatisch

Kaschubisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Kaschubisch

Hebräisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Hebräisch

Thailändisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Thailändisch

Birmanisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Birmanisch

Burmesisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Burmesisch

Turkmenisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Turkmenisch

Krimtatarisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Krimtatarisch

Aromunisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Aromunisch

Saterfriesisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Saterfriesisch

Grönländisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Grönländisch

Schweizerdeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Schweizerdeutsch

Luwisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Luwisch

Ugaritisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Ugaritisch

Phönizisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Phönizisch

Langobardisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Langobardisch

Umbrisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Umbrisch

Aramäisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Aramäisch

Baktrisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Baktrisch

Balinesisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Balinesisch

Tschuwaschisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Tschuwaschisch

Ostarmenisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Ostarmenisch

Westarmenisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Westarmenisch

Altarmenisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Altarmenisch

Frankoprovenzalisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Frankoprovenzalisch

Altlateinisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Altlateinisch

Altkatalanisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Altkatalanisch

Altgeorgisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Altgeorgisch

Volskisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Volskisch

Alemannisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Alemannisch

Elsässisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Elsässisch

Altgriechisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Altgriechisch

Anglo-Friesisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Anglo-Friesisch

Anglonormannisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Anglonormannisch

Altenglisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Altenglisch

Burgundisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Burgundisch

Karisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Karisch

Koptisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Koptisch

Eblaitisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Eblaitisch

Edomitisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Edomitisch

Fränkisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Fränkisch

Gagausisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Gagausisch

Gotisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Gotisch

Hethitisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Hethitisch

Javanisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Javanisch

Kabylisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Kabylisch

Lepontisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Lepontisch

Luxemburgisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Luxemburgisch

Ingwäonisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Ingwäonisch

Obersorbisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Obersorbisch

Lydisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Lydisch

Mittelniederländisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Mittelniederländisch

Mittelenglisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Mittelenglisch

Mittelfranzösisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Mittelfranzösisch

Mittelirisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Mittelirisch

Mittelniederdeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Mittelniederdeutsch

Mittelnorwegisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Mittelnorwegisch

Mittelpersisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Mittelpersisch

Böhmisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Böhmisch

Mordwinisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Mordwinisch

Mozarabisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Mozarabisch

Neuhochdeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Neuhochdeutsch

Nordfriesisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Nordfriesisch

Nostratisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Nostratisch

Altkirchenslawisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Altkirchenslawisch

Altostslawisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Altostslawisch

Altfranzösisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Altfranzösisch

Altfriesisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Altfriesisch

Altisländisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Altisländisch

Altirisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Altirisch

Altjapanisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Altjapanisch

Altkoreanisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Altkoreanisch

Altnorwegisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Altnorwegisch

Altpersisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Altpersisch

Altportugiesisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Altportugiesisch

Altpreußisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Altpreußisch

Altsächsisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Altsächsisch

Altniederdeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Altniederdeutsch

Altspanisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Altspanisch

Altschwedisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Altschwedisch

Oskisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Oskisch

Ossetisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Ossetisch

Picardisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Picardisch

Polabisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Polabisch

Urgermanisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Urgermanisch

Urnordisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Urnordisch

Urslawisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Urslawisch

Sardisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Sardisch

Sogdisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Sogdisch

Tocharisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Tocharisch

Udmurtisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Udmurtisch

Uigurisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Uigurisch

Vedisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Vedisch

Venetisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Venetisch

Wepsisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Wepsisch

Jakutisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Jakutisch

Großrussisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Großrussisch

Bündnerromanisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Bündnerromanisch

Plautdietsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Plautdietsch

Kymrisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Kymrisch

Papierdeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Papierdeutsch

Beamtendeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Beamtendeutsch

Amtsdeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Amtsdeutsch

Rotwelsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Rotwelsch

Österreichisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Österreichisch

Weißrussisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Weißrussisch

Hochchinesisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Hochchinesisch

Hunnisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Hunnisch

Awarisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Awarisch

Chasarisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Chasarisch

Hurritisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Hurritisch

Illyrisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Illyrisch

Keltiberisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Keltiberisch

Kumanisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Kumanisch

Kurisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Kurisch

Lemnisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Lemnisch

Lusitanisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Lusitanisch

Zimbrisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Zimbrisch

Schriftdeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Schriftdeutsch

Juristendeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Juristendeutsch

Rheinisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Rheinisch

Standarddeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Standarddeutsch

Ehstnisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Ehstnisch

Dörptisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Dörptisch

Dörptestnisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Dörptestnisch

Altrussisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Altrussisch

Spätangelsächsisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Spätangelsächsisch

Nordsamisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Nordsamisch

Westfriesisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Westfriesisch

Friaulisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Friaulisch

Moldauisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Moldauisch

Bengalisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Bengalisch

Assamesisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Assamesisch

Singhalesisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Singhalesisch

Tuwinisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Tuwinisch

Magyarisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Magyarisch

Madjarisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Madjarisch

Gälisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Gälisch

Tamilisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Tamilisch

Lesgisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Lesgisch

Plodarisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Plodarisch

Denglisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Denglisch

Malaiisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Malaiisch

Asturisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Asturisch

Wolhyniendeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Wolhyniendeutsch

Maledivisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Maledivisch

Nauruisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Nauruisch

Ostgrönländisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Ostgrönländisch

Furlanisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Furlanisch

Paurisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Paurisch

Schlesisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Schlesisch

Kiezdeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Kiezdeutsch

Missingsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Missingsch

Pennsylvaniadeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Pennsylvaniadeutsch

Frühmittelhochdeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Frühmittelhochdeutsch

Frühneuhochdeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Frühneuhochdeutsch

Spätmittelhochdeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Spätmittelhochdeutsch

Schnodderdeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Schnodderdeutsch

Ostmitteldeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Ostmitteldeutsch

Mitteldeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Mitteldeutsch

Zendisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Zendisch

Mauscheldeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Mauscheldeutsch

Türkeitürkisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Türkeitürkisch

Amerikanisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Amerikanisch

Judendeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Judendeutsch

Neuniederländisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Neuniederländisch

Altniederländisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Altniederländisch

Oberdeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Oberdeutsch

Neuenglisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Neuenglisch

Belarusisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Belarusisch

Hochalemannisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Hochalemannisch

Höchstalemannisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Höchstalemannisch

Binnendeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Binnendeutsch

Münsterländisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Münsterländisch

Westmünsterländisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Westmünsterländisch

Bairisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Bairisch

Ostfränkisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Ostfränkisch

Neuirisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Neuirisch

Südniederfränkisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Südniederfränkisch

Reichsaramäisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Reichsaramäisch

Reichstürkisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Reichstürkisch

Rumtürkisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Rumtürkisch

Obersächsisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Obersächsisch

Texasdeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Texasdeutsch

Pfälzisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Pfälzisch

Rheinfränkisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Rheinfränkisch

Westniederdeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Westniederdeutsch

Nordgermanisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Nordgermanisch

Kartoffeldeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Kartoffeldeutsch

McDeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: McDeutsch

Lasisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Lasisch

Mingrelisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Mingrelisch

Swanisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Swanisch

Romanisch (noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Romanisch

Westflämisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Westflämisch

Altniederfränkisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Altniederfränkisch

Mittelniederfränkisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Mittelniederfränkisch

Niederfränkisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Niederfränkisch

Westfälisch (noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Westfälisch

Frühneuenglisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Frühneuenglisch

Thrakisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Thrakisch

Ruhrpottdeutsch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Ruhrpottdeutsch

Kontinentalwestgermanisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Kontinentalwestgermanisch

Provenzalisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Provenzalisch

Altprovenzalisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Altprovenzalisch

Sundanesisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Sundanesisch

Indoeuropäisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Indoeuropäisch

Mutterisch (proper noun) unrecognized head form: language name Path: Mutterisch

This page is a part of the machine-readable German dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-09 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-03-02 using wiktextract (32c88e6 and 633533e). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.