All languages combined word senses marked with topical category "Cyrillic letter names"
Parent categories: Letter names, Letters, symbols, and punctuation, Names, Orthography, Writing, Human behaviour, Language, Human, Communication
Total 145 word senses
- ayn (Noun) [English] Synonym of ghayn, the letter Ғ, representing the consonant /ʁ/ or /ɣ/, particularly in Kazakh.
- buky (Noun) [English] Name of the letter b in Cyrillic and Glagolitic alphabets.
- che (Noun) [English] The letter Ч, ч.
- dzzhe (Noun) [English] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Ԫ / ԫ.
- em (Noun) [English] The name of the Cyrillic script letter М / м.
- fita (Noun) [English] The obsolete Cyrillic letter Ѳ, ѳ formerly used in Russian to write proper names and loanwords derived from or via Greek.
- ghayn (Noun) [English] The Cyrillic letter Ғ in various Central Asian languages.
- hard sign (Noun) [English] The Cyrillic letter Ъ/ъ, which in modern languages serves to denote a hard (non-palatalized) consonant.
- izhitsa (Noun) [English] The obsolete Cyrillic letter Ѵ, ѵ, formerly used in Russian to represent upsilon in borrowed words.
- palochka (Noun) [English] A Cyrillic letter used in writing several Caucasian languages.
- sha (Noun) [English] Alternative letter-case form of SHA (“cryptographic hash”)
- shcha (Noun) [English] The letter Щ, щ.
- soft sign (Noun) [English] The Cyrillic letter Ь/ь (transliterated in English with an apostrophe (’) or prime (′)), which in modern languages using the Cyrillic alphabet serves to denote a soft (palatized) consonant.
- tse (Noun) [English] The letter Ц, ц.
- ya (Noun) [English] A letter of the Cyrillic alphabet: Я, я.
- yae (Noun) [English] The Cyrillic letter Ԙ (capital), ԙ (lower case), a ligature of Я and Е.
- yat (Noun) [English] A vowel letter of the Cyrillic and Glagolitic alphabet (Cyrillic capital Ѣ, Cyrillic small ѣ, Glagolitic ⱑ), no longer in current use
- ye (Noun) [English] The Cyrillic letter Е, е, featured in various Slavic and Turkic languages.
- yery (Noun) [English] A letter of the Cyrillic alphabet: ы (y), now usually simply called "ы"
- yo (Determiner) [English] Pronunciation spelling of your.
- yu (Pronoun) [English] Eye dialect spelling of you.
- yus (Noun) [English] Either of two letters, little yus (Ѧ) and big yus (Ѫ), representing nasal vowel sounds in the Cyrillic alphabet. The only major Slavic language retaining these sounds is Polish, which is written in the Latin alphabet.
- zhe (Noun) [English] The letter Ж, ж.
- Ё (Character) [Russian] The seventh letter of the Russian alphabet, called ё (jo), and written in the Cyrillic script.
- Е (Noun) [Russian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Е.
- Ж (Character) [Russian] The eighth letter of the Russian alphabet, called же (že), and written in the Cyrillic script.
- З (Character) [Russian] The ninth letter of the Russian alphabet, called зэ (zɛ), and written in the Cyrillic script.
- И (Noun) [Russian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter И.
- Й (Character) [Russian] The eleventh letter of the Russian alphabet, called и краткое (i kratkoje), and written in the Cyrillic script.
- К (Character) [Russian] The twelfth letter of the Russian alphabet, called ка (ka), and written in the Cyrillic script.
- Л (Character) [Russian] The thirteenth letter of the Russian alphabet, called эль (elʹ), and written in the Cyrillic script.
- а (Noun) [Kyrgyz] The name of the Cyrillic script letter А / а.
- а (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter А / а.
- а (Noun) [Russian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter А / а.
- а (Character) [Ukrainian] The first letter of the Ukrainian alphabet, called а (a), and written in the Cyrillic script.
- аз (Noun) [Russian] name of the Cyrillic letter А, а
- бе (Noun) [Ukrainian] The letter б (b), the 2nd letter of the Ukrainian alphabet.
- буки (Noun) [Russian] name of the Cyrillic letter Б, б
- бэ (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Б / б.
- бэ (Noun) [Russian] The Cyrillic letter Б, б.
- ве (Noun) [Ukrainian] The letter в (v), the 3rd letter of the Ukrainian alphabet.
- веди (Noun) [Russian] name of the Cyrillic letter В, в
- вэ (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter В / в.
- вэ (Noun) [Russian] The Cyrillic letter В (V), в (v).
- віди (Noun) [Ukrainian] name of the Cyrillic letter В, в
- ге (Noun) [Ukrainian] The letter г (h), the 4th letter of the Ukrainian alphabet.
- глаголь (Noun) [Russian] The name of the letter Г in old East Slavic alphabets
- гэ (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Г / г.
- гэ (Noun) [Russian] The Cyrillic letter Г, г.
- де (Noun) [Ukrainian] The letter д (d), the 6th letter of the Ukrainian alphabet.
- дэ (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Д / д.
- дэ (Noun) [Russian] The Cyrillic letter Д, д.
- е (Noun) [Kyrgyz] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Е / е.
- е (Noun) [Macedonian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Е / е.
- е (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Е / е.
- е (Noun) [Russian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Е.
- ер (Noun) [Russian] letter "ъ", now called твёрдый знак (tvjórdyj znak)
- еры (Noun) [Russian] Name of the letter Ы, ы, normally called ы (y).
- ерь (Noun) [Russian] letter "ь", now called мя́гкий знак (mjáxkij znak)
- же (Noun) [Russian] zhe: The name of the Cyrillic-script letter Ж.
- жэ (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Ж / ж.
- зе (Noun) [Ukrainian] The letter з (z), the 10th letter of the Ukrainian alphabet.
- зэ (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter З / з.
- зэ (Noun) [Russian] the Cyrillic letter З (Z), з (z)
- зөөлний тэмдэг (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Ь / ь.
- и (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter И / и.
- и (Noun) [Russian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter И.
- и краткое (Noun) [Russian] Name of the letter Й (J), й (j), also called ий (ij)
- иже (Noun) [Russian] izhe, Church Slavonic name of the Cyrillic letter и
- ижица (Noun) [Russian] izhitsa (obsolete Cyrillic letter Ѵ)
- ий (Noun) [Russian] Name of the letter Й (J), й (j), normally called и́ кра́ткое (í krátkoje)
- йори (Noun) [Ukrainian] name of the Cyrillic letter Ы, ы; or yery.
- ка (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter К / к.
- ка (Noun) [Russian] the Cyrillic letter К, к
- коппа (Noun) [Russian] koppa (the early Cyrillic letter Ҁ/ҁ, used as a numeric symbol)
- кси (Noun) [Russian] ksi (early Cyrillic letter Ѯ/ѯ)
- мягкий знак (Noun) [Russian] Name of the letter Ь, ь, the soft sign
- наш (Noun) [Russian] the name of the letter н in the Old Russian alphabet.
- о (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter О / о.
- о (Noun) [Russian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter О.
- о (Noun) [Ukrainian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter О.
- омега (Noun) [Russian] omega (the old Cyrillic letter Ѡ/ѡ, used in Church Slavonic)
- палочка (Noun) [Russian] palochka, the Caucasian Cyrillic letter Ӏ/ӏ
- покой (Noun) [Russian] old name of the letter п in the early Cyrillic alphabet
- пси (Noun) [Russian] psi (the old Cyrillic letter Ѱ/ѱ, used in Church Slavonic)
- пушкыдемдыше пале (Noun) [Eastern Mari] soft sign, ь (the thirty-third letter of the Eastern Mari alphabet)
- пэ (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter П / п.
- пэ (Noun) [Russian] The Cyrillic letter П, п.
- рцы (Noun) [Russian] name of the Cyrillic letter Р, р, called эр (er) in modern Russian
- твёрдый знак (Noun) [Russian] Name of the letter Ъ, ъ, the hard sign
- тэ (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Т / т.
- тэ (Noun) [Russian] The Cyrillic letter Т, т.
- у (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter У / у.
- у (Noun) [Russian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter У.
- урт ы (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Ы / ы.
- фита (Noun) [Russian] fita (obsolete Cyrillic letter Ѳ, ѳ)
- ха (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Х / х.
- ха (Noun) [Russian] The Cyrillic letter Х, х.
- хагас и (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Й / й.
- хатуугийн тэмдэг (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Ъ / ъ.
- хер (Noun) [Russian] the name of the letter Х, х
- цапля (Noun) [Russian] С, ts (in the Russian spelling alphabet)
- цы (Noun) [Russian] Name of the Cyrillic letter Ц, ц, called цэ (cɛ) in modern Russian.
- цэ (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Ц / ц.
- цэ (Noun) [Russian] The Cyrillic letter Ц, ц.
- че (Noun) [Russian] The Cyrillic letter Ч, ч.
- чэ (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Ч / ч.
- ша (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Ш / ш.
- ша (Noun) [Russian] The Cyrillic letter Ш, ш.
- ща (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Щ / щ.
- ща (Noun) [Russian] The Cyrillic letter Щ, щ.
- ы (Noun) [Russian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter ы.
- э (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Э / э.
- э (Noun) [Russian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Э.
- э оборотное (Noun) [Russian] Name of the letter Э, э, also called э
- эл (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Л / л.
- эл (Noun) [Russian] The Cyrillic letter Л, л.
- эль (Noun) [Russian] The Cyrillic letter Л, л.
- эм (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter М / м.
- эм (Noun) [Russian] The Cyrillic letter М, м.
- эн (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Н / н.
- эн (Noun) [Russian] The Cyrillic letter Н, н.
- эр (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Р / р.
- эр (Noun) [Russian] The Cyrillic letter Р, р.
- эс (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter С / с.
- эс (Noun) [Russian] The Cyrillic letter С, с.
- эф (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Ф / ф.
- эф (Noun) [Russian] The Cyrillic letter Ф, ф.
- ю (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Ю / ю.
- ю (Noun) [Russian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Ю.
- юс (Noun) [Russian] yus, either of two letters, little yus (Ѧ) and big yus (Ѫ), representing nasal vowel sounds in the old Cyrillic alphabet.
- я (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Я / я.
- я (Noun) [Russian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Я.
- ять (Noun) [Russian] The archaic letter yat (Cyrillic capital Ѣ, Cyrillic small ѣ, Glagolitic ⱑ).
- ё (Noun) [Kyrgyz] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Ё / ё.
- ё (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Ё / ё.
- ё (Noun) [Russian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Ё.
- ђе (Noun) [Serbo-Croatian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Ђ / ђ.
- єр (Noun) [Ukrainian] letter "ъ", now called тверди́й знак (tverdýj znak)
- єри (Noun) [Ukrainian] letter "ы" or yery, especially as a letter used in the Russian language
- єрь (Noun) [Ukrainian] letter "ь", now called мягки́й знак (mjahkýj znak)
- ґе (Noun) [Ukrainian] The letter ґ (g), the 5th letter of the Ukrainian alphabet.
- ү (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Ү / ү.
- ө (Noun) [Mongolian] The name of the Cyrillic script letter Ө / ө.
- ゲー (Noun) [Japanese] ghe (Cyrillic letter Г)
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