All languages combined word senses marked with topical category "Ideologies"
Parent categories: Politics, Society
Subcategories: Alt-right, Anarchism, Capitalism, Communism, Conservatism, Fascism, Feminism, Hindutva, Imperialism, Islamism, Leftism, Liberalism, Libertarianism, Maoism, Marxism, Masculism, Micronationalism, Monarchism, Nationalism, Nazism, Neo-Nazism, Objectivism, Socialism, Theocracy, White supremacist ideology, Zionism
Total 5959 word senses
- AA … Arbeitsplatzwechselverordnung (56 senses)
- Arier … Bloomerist (59 senses)
- BlueAnon … CCF (56 senses)
- CCP … DDBL (63 senses)
- DHV … GAWA (90 senses)
- GC … Guesdism (54 senses)
- H … Hồng bảo thư (70 senses)
- IBEW … JBW (43 senses)
- JI … Kloran (68 senses)
- Klux … LeftTuber (56 senses)
- Lenin … MeToo (75 senses)
- Medb … NazLib (58 senses)
- Nazi … PAS (60 senses)
- PH … Pétainist (50 senses)
- Q … Ruzzia (81 senses)
- SA … Showalterian (40 senses)
- Shoá … TERFy (67 senses)
- TG … Ustashe (68 senses)
- V … Yugoslavism (60 senses)
- Z … althusseriano (53 senses)
- amlóg … anarhizem (88 senses)
- anarki … anprim (34 senses)
- anszlus … archnationalist (69 senses)
- archy … bhagwa (63 senses)
- bhakt … bò vàng (69 senses)
- bò đỏ … choice feminism (53 senses)
- chud … commandism (71 senses)
- commie … conștiință de clasă (59 senses)
- cope … cyfalafiaeth (53 senses)
- cyklon … drochbhean (86 senses)
- duce … endecki (47 senses)
- endek … fascisty (62 senses)
- fash … femmage (77 senses)
- femmie … freedumb (42 senses)
- fren … globohomo (63 senses)
- glow … homocapitalist (70 senses)
- homocon … infraestructura (55 senses)
- inspin … kapitālists (71 senses)
- kapo … kommúnisti (54 senses)
- komouš … kyriarchy (61 senses)
- kápó … libertär (76 senses)
- libfem … male pattern violence (58 senses)
- male- … matrophobia (70 senses)
- maulana … micropatrology (47 senses)
- microwar … muôn năm (67 senses)
- mxn … naționalism (73 senses)
- neg … nicefem (63 senses)
- nigcel … oneitis (35 senses)
- onuca … pick-me girl (85 senses)
- pickme … pravičák (65 senses)
- prawak … pussy pass (61 senses)
- putsch … realizm socjalistyczny (40 senses)
- red … rudefem (67 senses)
- rudoch … she-E-O (68 senses)
- shero … solución final (66 senses)
- songbun … states' rights (55 senses)
- statism … tercermundismo (66 senses)
- terfa … trockizm (64 senses)
- troon … ukomunisti (49 senses)
- ukrop … walka klas (63 senses)
- wall … women's studies (73 senses)
- womin … əməkgün (73 senses)
- اسلامگرایی (Noun) [Persian] Islamism
- اشتراكي (Adjective) [Arabic] socialist
- اشتراكي (Noun) [Arabic] socialist
- اشتراكية (Noun) [Arabic] socialism
- اشتراكية ديمقراطية (Noun) [Arabic] democratic socialism
- اشتراکیت (Noun) [Urdu] socialism, communism
- اشتمالیت (Noun) [Urdu] communism
- انتہا پسندی (Noun) [Urdu] extremism
- خلق (Noun) [Persian] people, folk
- داس و چکش (Noun) [Persian] hammer and sickle
- رأسمالية (Noun) [Arabic] capitalism
- زنانی (Noun) [Punjabi] a woman, female human
- سرمایهداری (Noun) [Persian] capitalism
- سوسیالیست (Noun) [Persian] socialist
- سوسیالیستی (Adjective) [Persian] socialist, socialistic
- سوسیالیسم (Noun) [Persian] socialism
- سوسیالیسم دموکراتیک (Noun) [Persian] democratic socialism
- شيوعي (Adjective) [Arabic] communist
- شيوعي (Adjective) [Arabic] Communist
- شيوعي (Noun) [Arabic] communist
- شيوعي (Noun) [Arabic] Communist
- شيوعية (Noun) [Arabic] communism
- صهیونیسم (Proper name) [Persian] Zionism
- فاشي (Adjective) [Arabic] fascist
- فاشي (Noun) [Arabic] fascist
- فاشية (Noun) [Arabic] fascism
- فاشیسم (Noun) [Persian] fascism
- فمینیسم (Noun) [Persian] feminism
- فوضوية (Noun) [Arabic] anarchism
- فوضوية (Noun) [Egyptian Arabic] anarchism
- فوضوية (Noun) [South Levantine Arabic] anarchy
- قومي (Adjective) [Arabic] nationalist
- قومي (Noun) [Arabic] nationalist
- قومية (Noun) [Arabic] nationalism
- لىبېرال (Adjective) [Uyghur] liberal
- لينينية (Noun) [Arabic] Leninism
- ماركسية (Noun) [Arabic] Marxism
- مارکسیسم (Noun) [Persian] Marxism
- محافظهکاری (Noun) [Persian] conservatism
- من النهر إلى البحر (Phrase) [Arabic] A phrase expressing support for Palestinian self-determination.
- منحبكجي (Noun) [Arabic] someone perceived to be a supporter of an existing authoritarian regime; a loyalist
- منحبكجي (Adjective) [Arabic] pertaining to someone perceived to be a supporter of an existing authoritarian regime; loyalist
- مىللەتچى (Noun) [Uyghur] nationalist
- مىللەتچىلىك (Noun) [Uyghur] nationalism
- ناتسىست (Noun) [Uyghur] Nazi
- نازي (Adjective) [Arabic] Nazi
- نازي (Noun) [Arabic] Nazi
- نازية (Noun) [Arabic] Nazism
- نازیسم (Noun) [Persian] Nazism
- نسوية (Noun) [Arabic] womanhood
- نسوية (Noun) [Arabic] feminism
- يا عمال العالم اتحدوا (Phrase) [Arabic] workers of the world, unite!
- يولداش (Noun) [Uyghur] comrade
- پٹواری (Noun) [Urdu] a member or supporter of the PML-N party
- پٹواری (Noun) [Urdu] a Tory, or a politically conservative person.
- پٹواری (Noun) [Urdu] a village accountant; patwari
- کمونیست (Noun) [Persian] Communist
- کمونیسم (Noun) [Persian] communism
- ہندوتوا (Noun) [Urdu] Hindutva
- یزیدیت (Noun) [Urdu] fascism, tyranny, oppression
- Կարմիր բանակ (Proper name) [Armenian] Red Army
- ազգային բուրժուազիա (Noun) [Armenian] national bourgeoisie
- անարխիզմ (Noun) [Armenian] anarchism
- բոլշևիկ (Noun) [Armenian] Bolshevik
- բուրժուա (Noun) [Armenian] bourgeois (individual member of bourgeoisie)
- բուրժուազիա (Noun) [Armenian] bourgeoisie
- գեստապո (Noun) [Armenian] Gestapo
- գեստապոյական (Noun) [Armenian] Gestapo policeman, Gestapo agent
- ընկեր (Noun) [Armenian] comrade (form of address)
- ընկերուհի (Noun) [Armenian] female comrade (form of address)
- լենինիզմ (Noun) [Armenian] Leninism
- խորհուրդ (Noun) [Armenian] soviet, a governing body in the USSR
- կապիտալիզմ (Noun) [Armenian] capitalism
- կնատյացություն (Noun) [Armenian] misogyny
- կոմունիզմ (Noun) [Armenian] communism
- կոմունիստ (Noun) [Armenian] communist
- մուրճ և մանգաղ (Noun) [Armenian] hammer and sickle
- նացիզմ (Noun) [Armenian] Nazism
- նեոնացիստ (Noun) [Armenian] neo-Nazi
- պրոլետար (Noun) [Armenian] proletarian
- պրոլետարիատ (Noun) [Armenian] proletariat (working class or lower class)
- պրոլետարներ բոլոր երկրների, միացեք (Phrase) [Armenian] workers of the world, unite
- ռևիզիոնիզմ (Noun) [Armenian] revisionism
- սոցիալիզմ (Noun) [Armenian] socialism
- ստալինիզմ (Noun) [Armenian] Stalinism
- տրոցկիզմ (Noun) [Armenian] Trotskyism
- ֆաշիզմ (Noun) [Armenian] fascism
- ֆյուրեր (Noun) [Armenian] Führer
- কেকেকে (Proper name) [Bengali] Ku Klux Klan (কু ক্লাক্স ক্লান (ku klakśo klan))
- নকশাল (Noun) [Bengali] Naxalite (a member of any of several militant Maoist movements in India)
- ফ্যাসিবাদ (Noun) [Bengali] fascism
- ফ্যাসিবাদী (Adjective) [Bengali] fascist
- বঙ্গভূমি (Proper name) [Bengali] Bangabhumi (A sovereign state proposed by separatists as a homeland for Bengali Hindus)
- বামপন্থা (Noun) [Bengali] leftism
- বামপন্থী (Noun) [Bengali] leftist
- মার্কসবাদ (Noun) [Bengali] Marxism
- লাল সেলাম (Interjection) [Bengali] Used by leftists to greet other leftists.
- সমাজতন্ত্র (Noun) [Bengali] socialism
- সমাজতান্ত্রিক (Noun) [Bengali] socialist, socialistic
- হিন্দুকরণ (Noun) [Bengali] Hinduization
- 𑀇𑀢𑁆𑀣𑀻 (Noun) [Prakrit] woman
- 𑀯𑁂𑀲𑀺𑀬𑀸 (Noun) [Prakrit] prostitute (woman who engages in sexual activity for payment)
- 𑀯𑁂𑀲𑁆𑀲𑀸 (Noun) [Prakrit] prostitute (woman who engages in sexual activity for payment)
- 万国の労働者よ、団結せよ … 主要矛盾 (16 senses)
- 主體 … 保守主義 (17 senses)
- 保皇黨 … 共産趣味 (22 senses)
- 共運 … 原始積累 (14 senses)
- 厭女 … 国家社会主義 (19 senses)
- 国民党 … 天可汗 (23 senses)
- 天子 … 孤立主義 (14 senses)
- 安人運 … 帝國主義 (22 senses)
- 幹部 … 憤怒青年 (12 senses)
- 憤青 … 新納粹主義 (19 senses)
- 日共 … 民主集中制 (18 senses)
- 民族主義 … 無政府資本主義 (19 senses)
- 無政資 … 白人至上主義 (18 senses)
- 白匪 … 空想社會主義 (16 senses)
- 突撃隊 … 紅心 (17 senses)
- 紅教 … 聯合戰線 (19 senses)
- 肅反 … 資產階級 (23 senses)
- 赤化 … 辯證唯物主義 (13 senses)
- 農工 … 馬克思列寧主義 (22 senses)
- 馬列 … 𨷈𢆥 (9 senses)
- ІДІЛ … Донецька народна республіка (19 senses)
- ЕР … ОРДЛО (23 senses)
- ОУН … Щеневмерла (16 senses)
- аквафреш … большевик (24 senses)
- боёвка … більшовицький (13 senses)
- вата … демократски социјализам (27 senses)
- демшиза … есдек (15 senses)
- есер … капитализм (26 senses)
- капо … колонізація (18 senses)
- колорад … кугыжа (23 senses)
- левак … люмпен-пролетариат (15 senses)
- ліберал … мещанстве (22 senses)
- милләтсе … националистический (20 senses)
- нацист … нерусь (20 senses)
- нөхөр … попутник (19 senses)
- поуех … путлеровец (15 senses)
- путч … святорусский (24 senses)
- сепар … страна 404 (20 senses)
- сіонізм … укронацист (16 senses)
- укроп … царский (29 senses)
- царь … ӕппӕт бӕстӕты пролетартӕ, баиу ут (26 senses)
- ბოლშევიღი (Noun) [Laz] Bolshevik
- კაპიტალიზმი (Noun) [Georgian] capitalism
- კომუნიზმი (Noun) [Georgian] communism
- კომუნისტი (Noun) [Georgian] communist
- ნაციზმი (Noun) [Georgian] Nazism
- პირიმზე (Noun) [Georgian] pagan God of sky and hail
- პროლეტარებო ყველა ქვეყნისა, შეერთდით (Phrase) [Georgian] workers of the world, unite!
- ფაშიზმი (Noun) [Georgian] fascism
- ფემინიზმი (Noun) [Georgian] feminism
- Πολιτιστική Επανάσταση (Proper name) [Greek] Cultural Revolution
- αναρχισμός (Noun) [Greek] anarchism (ideology, philosophy)
- αντιφεμινίστρια (Noun) [Greek] antifeminist
- αστική τάξη (Noun) [Greek] bourgeoisie
- αστός (Noun) [Greek] bourgeois; a member of the capitalist class
- αστός (Noun) [Greek] bourgeois; someone who defends bourgeois ideology and supports the bourgeoisie
- βαΐζω (Noun) [Greek] black woman
- βασίλισσα (Noun) [Greek] queen (ruling female monarch)
- βασίλισσα (Noun) [Greek] queen (reproductive female animal in a hive, such as an ant, bee, termite or wasp)
- βασίλισσα (Noun) [Greek] queen (powerful female figure)
- βασίλισσα (Noun) [Greek] queen
- διαλεκτικός υλισμός (Noun) [Greek] dialectical materialism
- ισλαμισμός (Noun) [Greek] Islamism
- καπιταλισμός (Noun) [Greek] capitalism
- κομμουνίστρια (Noun) [Greek] communist
- κομμουνισμός (Noun) [Greek] communism
- κομμουνιστής (Noun) [Greek] communist
- κομμουνιστικός (Adjective) [Greek] communist
- ναζισμός (Noun) [Greek] Nazism
- νεοναζισμός (Noun) [Greek] neo-Nazism
- νεοφασισμός (Noun) [Greek] neofascism
- σοσιαλισμός (Noun) [Greek] socialism
- τροτσκισμός (Noun) [Greek] Trotskyism (political doctrine/philosophy named after Leon Trosky)
- φεμινίστρια (Noun) [Greek] feminist
- φεμινισμός (Noun) [Greek] feminism
- φεμινιστής (Noun) [Greek] feminist
- φεμινιστικός (Adjective) [Greek] feminist, feministic
- માઓવાદ (Noun) [Gujarati] Maoism
- શરિયત (Noun) [Gujarati] shari'a
- સમાજવાદ (Noun) [Gujarati] socialism
- સર્વહારા (Noun) [Gujarati] the proletariat
- સામ્યવાદ (Noun) [Gujarati] communism
- હિંદુત્વ (Noun) [Gujarati] Hindutva
- ਇਸਲਾਮੀਅਤ (Noun) [Punjabi] Islamism, political Islam
- ਉਪਨਿਵੇਸ਼ (Noun) [Punjabi] colony
- ਕੌਮਪ੍ਰਸਤ (Adjective) [Punjabi] nationalist, patriotic
- ਜ਼ਨਾਨੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] a woman, female human
- ਪੂੰਜੀਵਾਦ (Noun) [Punjabi] capitalism
- ਬੁਨਿਆਦਵਾਦ (Noun) [Punjabi] fundamentalism
- ਸਾਮਰਾਜਵਾਦ (Noun) [Punjabi] imperialism
- ㅌ.ㄷ (Proper name) [Korean] Abbreviation of 타도제국주의동맹 (Tado Jeguk Juui Dongmaeng), the Down-With-Imperialism Union.
- 계급투쟁 (Noun) [Korean] class struggle
- 고립주의 (Noun) [Korean] isolationism
- 공산당 (Noun) [Korean] communist party
- 광명성절 (Proper name) [Korean] Day of the Shining Star, a public holiday in North Korea falling on 16 February, in commemoration of the birth of the country's second leader, Kim Jong-il.
- 괴뢰 (Noun) [Korean] A puppet regime; especially used in North Korea to refer to South Korea.
- 국민당 (Noun) [Korean] nationalist party
- 국뽕 (Noun) [Korean] ultra-nationalism; ultra-nationalist
- 급진적 여성주의 (Noun) [Korean] radical feminism
- 나치즘 (Noun) [Korean] Nazism
- 남로당 (Proper name) [Korean] Short for 남조선로동당 (namjoseollodongdang, “Workers' Party of South Korea”).
- 당중앙 (Noun) [Korean] party central committee
- 대안우파 (Noun) [Korean] alt-right
- 대원수 (Noun) [Korean] generalissimo, grand marshall
- 돌격대 (Proper name) [Korean] the Sturmabteilung
- 동무 (Pronoun) [Korean] second person singular plain pronoun; you
- 동무들 (Noun) [Korean] comrades (plural of comrade)
- 마오쩌둥 사상 (Noun) [Korean] Maoism
- 맑스주의 (Noun) [Korean] Marxism
- 민족주의 (Noun) [Korean] nationalism
- 민족주의 (Noun) [Korean] racial nationalism
- 민족주의 (Noun) [Korean] ethnic nationalism
- 백년국치 (Proper name) [Korean] the Century of Humiliation (period of Chinese history between 1839 and 1949 during which Western powers and Japan intervened with China; 1839 refers to the First Opium War, and 1949 refers to the establishment of the People's Republic of China)
- 보수주의 (Noun) [Korean] conservatism
- 볼셰비키 (Noun) [Korean] Bolshevik
- 북괴 (Proper name) [Korean] the north puppet regime, i.e. North Korea
- 빨갱이 (Noun) [Korean] commie
- 사대주의 (Noun) [Korean] Koreans' historical reverence of the Chinese empire, in which China was honored as the most civilized country on earth and the source of Korea's political legitimacy
- 사대주의 (Noun) [Korean] a subservient, self-disparaging, or self-negating attitude towards one's own country, culture, or society (especially by a Korean) in favor of a more powerful or dominant one
- 선군 (Noun) [Korean] Songun
- 성분 (Proper name) [Korean] Caste system of North Korea
- 성진국 (Noun) [Korean] any country whose culture is perceived to be sexually open
- 식민주의 (Noun) [Korean] colonialism
- 신나치주의 (Noun) [Korean] neo-Nazism
- 신식민주의 (Noun) [Korean] neocolonialism
- 쏘비에트 (Noun) [Korean] a form of governing council in the former Soviet Union
- 아나키즘 (Noun) [Korean] anarchism
- 아우슈비츠 (Proper name) [Korean] Auschwitz (Nazi concentration camp)
- 여군 (Noun) [Korean] servicewoman
- 여성주의 (Noun) [Korean] feminism
- 원수 (Noun) [Korean] marshal
- 이대남 (Noun) [Korean] a South Korean young man, usually in his twenties, holding negative sentiment against feminism
- 이슬람주의 (Noun) [Korean] Islamism (Islamic fundamentalism)
- 일민주의 (Proper name) [Korean] Ilminism; the far-right, anticommunist and ultranationalist ideology of Syngman Rhee
- 일제 (Noun) [Korean] Short for 일본 제국주의(日本帝國主義) (Ilbon jegukjuui, “Japanese imperialism”).
- 일제 (Proper name) [Korean] Short for 일본 제국(日本帝國) (Ilbon Jeguk, “Empire of Japan”).
- 적화 (Noun) [Korean] communization
- 정치국 (Noun) [Korean] politburo
- 제국주의 (Noun) [Korean] imperialism
- 제삼제국 (Proper name) [Korean] the Third Reich
- 조중동 (Proper name) [Korean] The Chosun Ilbo, JoongAng Ilbo and Dong-a Ilbo; 3 conservative South Korean national newspapers that achieve near monopoly in South Korean mass media.
- 주체 (Noun) [Korean] Juche (the state ideology of North Korea)
- 중국공산당 (Proper name) [Korean] Communist Party of China
- 총통 (Noun) [Korean] Führer, the chancellor of Nazi Germany.
- 태양상 (Noun) [Korean] the smiling portraits of the Supreme Leaders (Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un) of North Korea
- 태양절 (Proper name) [Korean] Day of the Sun, an annual public holiday in North Korea on 15 April, the birth anniversary of the country's founder Kim Il-sung.
- 트페미 (Noun) [Korean] a feminist on Twitter.
- 파시즘 (Noun) [Korean] fascism
- 파쑈 (Noun) [Korean] fascism
- 파쑈적 (Noun) [Korean] being fascist
- 페미니즘 (Noun) [Korean] feminism
- 할멈 (Noun) [Korean] an old woman
- 혁명가극 (Noun) [Korean] revolutionary opera
- 홍위병 (Noun) [Korean] hongweibing, red guard of China
- 히틀러 (Proper name) [Korean] Hitler
- אַנאַרכיזם (Noun) [Yiddish] anarchism (belief that proposes the absence and abolition of government in all forms)
- אחד במאי (Proper name) [Hebrew] May Day (Labour Day, the first day of May, a worldwide workers' holiday)
- באָלשעוויזם (Noun) [Yiddish] Bolshevism
- באָלשעוויסט (Noun) [Yiddish] Bolshevik
- באָלשעוויק (Noun) [Yiddish] Bolshevik
- ברקזיט (Noun) [Hebrew] Brexit
- השבתה (Noun) [Hebrew] lockout
- התאגד (Verb) [Hebrew] to unionize: to form a labor union
- ווײַב (Noun) [Yiddish] woman
- חבֿר (Noun) [Yiddish] (male) comrade
- חבֿרטע (Noun) [Yiddish] (female) comrade
- חבר (Noun) [Hebrew] comrade (male)
- חברה (Noun) [Hebrew] A female comrade.
- חורבן אייראָפּע (Proper name) [Yiddish] Holocaust
- טראָצקיזם (Noun) [Yiddish] Trotskyism (the political philosophy named after Leon Trotsky)
- יעווסעקציע (Noun) [Yiddish] yevsektsiya (a Jewish section of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union)
- לעניניזם (Noun) [Yiddish] Leninism (the political philosophy named after Vladimir Lenin)
- מאַרקסיזם (Noun) [Yiddish] Marxism (Marxist ideology)
- מאַרקסיזם־לעניניזם (Proper name) [Yiddish] Marxism-Leninism (communist ideological stream)
- מערווערט (Noun) [Yiddish] surplus value
- נאַצי (Noun) [Yiddish] Nazi (member of the Nazi party)
- נאַציאָנאַל־סאָציאַליזם (Noun) [Yiddish] National Socialism (ideology of Adolf Hitler's NSDAP)
- נאַציאָנאַליזם (Noun) [Yiddish] nationalism (idea of supporting one's country and culture)
- נאַציזם (Noun) [Yiddish] Nazism
- סאָציאַליזם (Noun) [Yiddish] socialism (political philosophy of social and economic equality)
- סוציאליזם (Noun) [Hebrew] Socialism: an economic system wherein the government owns the means of production.
- סטאַליניזם (Noun) [Yiddish] Stalinism (Communist philosophies espoused by Josef Stalin)
- פֿאַשיזם (Noun) [Yiddish] fascism (extreme totalitarian political regime)
- פֿעמיניזם (Noun) [Yiddish] feminism (the social theory or political movement)
- פועלי כל העולם התאחדו (Phrase) [Hebrew] workers of the world, unite!
- פמיניזם (Noun) [Hebrew] feminism (the social theory or political movement)
- פשיזם (Noun) [Hebrew] fascism (extreme totalitarian political regime)
- קאַפּאָ (Noun) [Yiddish] kapo (prisoner in a concentration camp with special rights)
- קאַפּיטאַליזם (Noun) [Yiddish] capitalism (socio-economic system based on private property rights)
- קאָמוניזם (Noun) [Yiddish] communism (philosophy)
- קאָמוניסט (Noun) [Yiddish] communist (male or of unspecified sex) (person who follows a communist philosophy)
- קאָמוניסטקע (Noun) [Yiddish] communist (female) (person who follows a communist philosophy)
- קומוניזם (Noun) [Hebrew] communism (any far-left political ideology or philosophy advocating holding the production of resources collectively, especially by seizing it through revolution)
- קומוניסט (Noun) [Hebrew] communist
- קלאַסנקאַמף (Noun) [Yiddish] class struggle
- קפיטליזם (Noun) [Hebrew] capitalism
- רויט (Adjective) [Yiddish] red (Communist)
- かちぐみ (Noun) [Japanese] winners
- アジる (Verb) [Japanese] to agitate
- アナキスト (Noun) [Japanese] an anarchist
- アナキズム (Noun) [Japanese] anarchism
- アメポチ (Noun) [Japanese] A politician who submissively subscribes to the interests and policies of the United States; an American puppet.
- イスラム主義 (Noun) [Japanese] Islamism (Islamic fundamentalism)
- イデオロギー (Noun) [Japanese] ideology
- ウスタシャ (Proper name) [Japanese] Ustashe (historical Croatian fascist ultranationalist group)
- ウリナラ (Proper name) [Japanese] South Korea (used to express dissatisfication with the "Korea invented everything" theory)
- オルタナ右翼 (Noun) [Japanese] alternative right; alt-right
- オルト・ライト (Noun) [Japanese] alt-right
- クメール・ルージュ (Proper name) [Japanese] the Khmer Rouge
- ゲシュタポ (Proper name) [Japanese] the Gestapo
- ゲバルト (Noun) [Japanese] "violence", used in reference to Japanese leftist student activism of the 50s and 60s
- ゲバ字 (Noun) [Japanese] A style of written kanji, encompassing an angular form and a set of ryakuji. It is politically associated with leftist student activism.
- ゲバ棒 (Noun) [Japanese] piece of lumber (角材) carried by left-wing student protestors as an intimidating weapon
- コミンテルン (Proper name) [Japanese] the Comintern
- ツイフェミ (Noun) [Japanese] a feminist on Twitter.
- ナチス式敬礼 (Noun) [Japanese] Nazi salute
- ナチズム (Proper name) [Japanese] Nazism
- ネオ・ナチズム (Noun) [Japanese] neo-Nazism
- ネット右翼 (Noun) [Japanese] netizen who espouses right-wing (nationalistic and xenophobic) ideologies
- ネトウヨ (Noun) [Japanese] netizen who espouses extreme right-wing (nationalistic and xenophobic) ideologies
- ネトサヨ (Noun) [Japanese] left-wing Internet user
- ハーケンクロイツ (Noun) [Japanese] hakenkreuz; Nazi swastika
- パヨク (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of ネトサヨ
- ヒトラー (Proper name) [Japanese] Hitler
- ファシズム (Noun) [Japanese] fascism
- フェミ (Noun) [Japanese] Short for フェミニスト (feminisuto, “feminist”).
- フェミニスト (Noun) [Japanese] a feminist
- フェミニズム (Noun) [Japanese] feminism (the social theory or political movement)
- プロレタリアート (Noun) [Japanese] the proletariat
- プロレタリア文学 (Noun) [Japanese] proletarian literature
- ヘイトスピーチ (Noun) [Japanese] hate speech
- ベトコン (Proper name) [Japanese] Vietnamese people
- ボリシェヴィキ (Noun) [Japanese] Bolshevik
- マルクス・レーニン主義 (Noun) [Japanese] Marxism-Leninism
- マルクス主義 (Noun) [Japanese] Marxism
- ルクセンブルク主義 (Noun) [Japanese] Luxemburgism
- レーニン主義 (Noun) [Japanese] Leninism
- កម្ពុជាប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ (Proper name) [Khmer] Democratic Kampuchea (the state run by the Khmer Rouge from 1975 to 1979)
- កលាបនិយម (Noun) [Khmer] fascism
- កសាង (Verb) [Khmer] to reeducate a person
- កុម្មុយនិស្ត (Adjective) [Khmer] of, relating to, supporting, or advocating communism
- កុម្មុយនិស្តនិយម (Noun) [Khmer] communism
- ខ្មែរក្រហម (Proper name) [Khmer] Khmer Rouge
- ណាស៊ី (Noun) [Khmer] Nazi
- ណាស៊ីនិយម (Noun) [Khmer] Nazism
- មូលធននិយម (Noun) [Khmer] capitalism
- ម៉ាក្សនិយម (Noun) [Khmer] Marxism
- លទ្ធិកុម្មុយនិស្ត (Noun) [Khmer] communism
- លទ្ធិម៉ាក្ស-លេនីន (Proper name) [Khmer] Marxism-Leninism
- លេនីននិយម (Noun) [Khmer] Leninism
- សង្គមនិយម (Noun) [Khmer] socialism
- ស្តាលីននិយម (Noun) [Khmer] Stalinism
- អង្គការ (Noun) [Khmer] The Angkar (the Khmer Rouge party organization)
- ລັດທິຄອມມູນິດ (Noun) [Lao] communism
- ສັງຄົມນິຍົມ (Noun) [Lao] socialism
- ഇങ്കിലാബ് സിന്ദാബാദ് (Phrase) [Malayalam] long live the revolution
- കമ്യൂണിസം (Noun) [Malayalam] communism
- ബൂർഷ്വാസി (Noun) [Malayalam] bourgeoisie
- മൂരാച്ചി (Noun) [Malayalam] bourgeois
- ലാൽ സലാം (Proper name) [Malayalam] viva revolution
- സഖാവ് (Noun) [Malayalam] comrade; fellow socialist or communist
- സോഷ്യലിസം (Noun) [Malayalam] socialism
- ကူကလပ်ကလန် (Proper name) [Burmese] Ku Klux Klan
- ကွန်မြူနစ် (Noun) [Burmese] communist
- ကွန်မြူနစ်ဝါဒ (Noun) [Burmese] communism
- ဆိုရှယ်လစ်ဝါဒ (Noun) [Burmese] socialism
- နာဇီဝါဒ (Noun) [Burmese] Nazism
- ဖက်ဆစ်ဝါဒ (Noun) [Burmese] fascism
- ရှေးရိုးစွဲဝါဒ (Noun) [Burmese] conservatism
- လူမျိုးရေးဝါဒ (Noun) [Burmese] nationalism
- အမျိုးသမီးဝါဒ (Noun) [Burmese] feminism
- အရင်းရှင်ဝါဒ (Noun) [Burmese] capitalism
- ᦷᦂᧂᧈᦌᦱᧃᦑᦱᧂ (Proper name) [Lü] Communist Party of China
- பாட்டாளி வருக்கம் (Proper name) [Tamil] the Proletariat
- సామ్యవాదము (Noun) [Telugu] communism
- คอมมิวนิสต์ (Noun) [Thai] communist
- คอมมิวนิสต์ (Adjective) [Thai] communist
- คูคลักซ์แคลน (Proper name) [Thai] Ku Klux Klan
- ชาตินิยม (Noun) [Thai] nationalism
- ตลาดเสรี (Noun) [Thai] free market.
- ทุนนิยม (Noun) [Thai] (ลัทธิ~) capitalism.
- บอลเชวิค (Noun) [Thai] Bolshevik
- ประเทศจำลอง (Noun) [Thai] micronation
- ระบอบนาซี (Noun) [Thai] Nazism
- ลัทธิคอมมิวนิสต์ (Noun) [Thai] communism
- ลัทธิมาร์กซ (Noun) [Thai] Marxism
- ลัทธิสตาลิน (Noun) [Thai] Stalinism
- ลัทธิเลนิน (Noun) [Thai] Leninism
- สตรีนิยม (Noun) [Thai] feminism
- สหาย (Noun) [Thai] comrade
- สังคมนิยม (Noun) [Thai] socialism.
- อนุรักษนิยม (Noun) [Thai] conservatism.
- ฮิตเลอร์ (Proper name) [Thai] Hitler
- གུང་ཁྲན་རིང་ལུགས (Noun) [Tibetan] communism
- དམར་པོའི་རིང་ལུགས (Noun) [Tibetan] communism
- ཧྥ་ཤི་སིའི་རིང་ལུགས (Noun) [Tibetan] fascism
- ((( ))) (Symbol) [Translingual] Encloses the name of somebody or something of Jewish background, or by extension anything thought to be insidiously controlled by Jews.
- (A) (Symbol) [Translingual] An ASCII representation of the enclosed capital A or circle-A, Ⓐ.
- ))) ((( (Symbol) [Translingual] Indicates somebody or something of pure non-Jewish background.
- -cel (Suffix) [English] Denoting a type of incel (often through a stereotype).
- /pol/lack (Noun) [English] A habitual poster on the /pol/ - Politically Incorrect board on 4chan; a member of the /pol/ community.
- /pol/tard (Noun) [English] A habitual poster on the /pol/ - Politically Incorrect board on 4chan; a member of the /pol/ community.
- 12 (Noun) [English] Collectively, police or law enforcement.
See also: fuck 12; See also: fuck 12
- 12 (Symbol) [English] Alphanumeric code for "AB", referring to the Aryan Brotherhood.
- 14 (Symbol) [Translingual] The 'fourteen words': we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
- 1488 (Symbol) [English] A neo-Nazi symbol or dog whistle, used to signal one's support for Nazism, or as a greeting or expression of praise.
- 1488er (Noun) [English] A neo-Nazi or white supremacist.
- 50501 (Proper name) [English] A grassroots movement opposing the second Donald Trump administration.
- 88 (Symbol) [Translingual] Heil Hitler (H is the eighth letter of the alphabet.)
- `num`MeJew (Proper name) [English] A feminist movement against antisemitic sexual assault, harassment, and violence.
- `num`MeToo (Proper name) [English] A feminist movement against sexual harassment and sexual assault.
- · (Punctuation) [French] Used in certain forms of gender-neutral writing either before or around the feminine suffix, to avoid both the use of the masculine as the default form and the verbosity of writing out both the masculine and feminine forms.
- ܐܡܦܪܛܘܪܘܬܐ (Noun) [Assyrian Neo-Aramaic] empire
- अराजकता (Noun) [Hindi] anarchy
- अराजकवाद (Noun) [Hindi] anarchism
- अलगाववाद (Noun) [Hindi] separatism, separationism
- आदर्शवाद (Noun) [Hindi] idealism, perfectionism
- आदर्शवाद (Noun) [Marathi] idealism, perfectionism
- इंक़िलाब ज़िंदाबाद (Phrase) [Hindi] long live the revolution
- उग्रवाद (Noun) [Hindi] radicalism; extremism
- उदारवाद (Noun) [Hindi] liberalism
- कम्युनिज़म (Noun) [Hindi] communism
- टुकड़े टुकड़े गैंग (Proper name) [Hindi] Tukde Tukde Gang (leftist groups and companies that oppose Narendra Modi's administration and Hindutva)
- तटस्थेश्वरवाद (Noun) [Hindi] deism (ideology believing in a non-intervening creator God)
- दक्षिणपंथ (Noun) [Hindi] rightism, right-wing
- धर्मनिरपेक्षता (Noun) [Hindi] secularism
- नाज़ीवाद (Noun) [Hindi] Nazism
- नारीवाद (Noun) [Hindi] feminism
- नारीवादी (Noun) [Hindi] a feminist
- नारीवादी (Adjective) [Hindi] feminist, pertaining to feminism
- निरंकुशवाद (Noun) [Hindi] absolutism
- पूंजीपति (Noun) [Hindi] capitalist
- पूंजीवाद (Noun) [Hindi] capitalism
- प्रगतिवाद (Noun) [Hindi] progressivism
- प्रजातंत्रवाद (Noun) [Hindi] republicanism
- फ़ासीवाद (Noun) [Hindi] fascism
- बंदी (Noun) [Hindi] girlfriend
- बंदी (Noun) [Hindi] a female servant, slave; sometimes used to refer to oneself humbly
- बंदी (Noun) [Hindi] bard, one who praises or extols
- बुर्जुआ (Adjective) [Hindi] bourgeois
- महिलावाद (Noun) [Hindi] feminism
- महिलावादी (Noun) [Hindi] a feminist
- महिलावादी (Adjective) [Hindi] feminist, pertaining to feminism
- माओवाद (Noun) [Hindi] Maoism
- मार्क्सवाद (Noun) [Hindi] Marxism
- मार्क्सवादी (Noun) [Hindi] Marxist
- राष्ट्रवाद (Noun) [Hindi] nationalism
- राष्ट्रवाद (Noun) [Marathi] nationalism
- रूढ़िवाद (Noun) [Hindi] conservatism; traditionalism
- लेनिनवाद (Noun) [Hindi] Leninism
- वंशवाद (Noun) [Hindi] dynasticism; maintenance of a dynasty
- विचारधारा (Noun) [Hindi] view, ideology
- विचारधारा (Noun) [Marathi] ideology
- सत्तावाद (Noun) [Hindi] authoritarianism
- समाजवाद (Noun) [Hindi] socialism
- समाजवादी (Noun) [Hindi] a socialist
- सर्वहारा (Noun) [Hindi] the proletariat
- साम्यवाद (Noun) [Hindi] communism
- साम्राज्यवाद (Noun) [Hindi] imperialism
- साम्राज्यवाद (Noun) [Marathi] imperialism
- सुश्रोणी (Noun) [Sanskrit] a woman with nice hips
- सोशलिस्ट (Adjective) [Hindi] socialist
- सोशलिस्ट (Noun) [Hindi] a socialist
- स्त्रीवाद (Noun) [Hindi] feminism
- स्त्रीवाद (Noun) [Marathi] feminism
- हिंदुत्व (Noun) [Hindi] Hindutva
- ᛉ (Symbol) [German] born (replacing *)
- ᛦ (Symbol) [German] died, dead (replacing †)
- Ⓐ (Symbol) [Translingual] Circle-A, a substitute for a symbol for anarchy or anarchism.
- ☭ (Symbol) [Translingual] The hammer and sickle, a symbol of communism.
- ⚡⚡ (Symbol) [Translingual] A neo-Nazi symbol.
- ✋ (Symbol) [Translingual] Represents the Roman salute.
- ⿰男疾⿰男戶 (Verb) [Chinese] Alternative form of 嫉妒 (jídù, “to be jealous; to envy; to be envious”)
- 𐱅𐰃𐰤𐰾𐰃 (Noun) [Old Turkic] Son of Heaven
- 🌹 (Symbol) [Translingual] socialism, specifically of the Democratic Socialists of America
- 👌 (Symbol) [Translingual] A dog whistle for or reference to white supremacy.
- 🤡🌏 (Symbol) [Translingual] Alternative form of clown world.
- 🥄 (Noun) [Portuguese] Filter-avoidance spelling of mulher (“woman”).
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