All languages combined word senses marked with topical category "China"
Parent categories: Countries, Countries in Asia, Polities, Places, Asia, Names, Earth, Eurasia, Nature
Subcategories: Chinese fiction, Chinese mythology, Chinese philosophy, Chinese politics, Chinese restaurants, History of China, Places in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Taoism
Words with this category that have not been disambiguated
Word senses with this category
Total 2025 word senses
- Analects … CCDI (17 senses)
- CCP … Dengism (23 senses)
- Dog … Great Leap Forward (16 senses)
- Han … Kiang-Sou (25 senses)
- Kim … Lưu Tống (18 senses)
- Lộc … Nguyên triều (23 senses)
- Nguỵ … Opium War (17 senses)
- Ox … Shanghailander (21 senses)
- Shu … Tam Hoàng Ngũ Đế (15 senses)
- Tang … Thập tam kinh (20 senses)
- Thọ … Tần triều (22 senses)
- Tề … Yelang (26 senses)
- Yin … confucianiste (18 senses)
- côn … fungh (23 senses)
- hio … literary inquisition (18 senses)
- loan … money tree (15 senses)
- muke … nhà Hán (21 senses)
- nhà Hạ … nhà Tống (23 senses)
- nhà Ân … qilin (21 senses)
- quy … thiên nữ (22 senses)
- thánh … yinglong (15 senses)
- Ân … ḥPʻags-pa (21 senses)
- تاؤ مت (Noun) [Urdu] Taoism
- معتقد کنفیوشس (Noun) [Urdu] Confucianist
- کنفیوشس (Proper name) [Urdu] Confucius
- کنفیوشس مت (Noun) [Urdu] Confucianism.
- کنفیوشسی (Adjective) [Urdu] Confucian
- کنفیوشسی (Noun) [Urdu] Confucian
- گلدستۂ تحریر (Proper name) [Urdu] Analects
- 䒌靘 … 三年零八個月 (24 senses)
- 三教 … 中紀委 (33 senses)
- 中統 … 今文 (36 senses)
- 仙 … 儒術 (41 senses)
- 元 … 八九六四 (18 senses)
- 八仙 … 剿總 (32 senses)
- 劉宋 … 吞雲吐霧 (35 senses)
- 吳 … 噶廈 (29 senses)
- 嚥氣 … 壽星公 (33 senses)
- 夏 … 天中節 (33 senses)
- 天仙 … 姮娥 (42 senses)
- 娥 … 學廟 (29 senses)
- 宋 … 崑崙 (25 senses)
- 巴 … 御札 (30 senses)
- 德壽 … 抗美援越 (32 senses)
- 抗聯 … 昌達 (41 senses)
- 明 … 東魏 (35 senses)
- 杼 … 歲幣 (26 senses)
- 殷 … 治經 (27 senses)
- 泄 … 漫畫 (31 senses)
- 澳葡 … 猰貐 (34 senses)
- 猴 … 盧溝橋事變 (38 senses)
- 相 … 禮經 (32 senses)
- 禹 … 罡風 (33 senses)
- 羊 … 良民證 (25 senses)
- 芒 … 虯龍 (32 senses)
- 虺 … 西魏 (30 senses)
- 觀 … 道人 (32 senses)
- 道光 … 金代 (32 senses)
- 金吾 … 陰陽頭 (36 senses)
- 陳 … 饕餮 (33 senses)
- 馬 … 鳳凰 (28 senses)
- 鴆 … 龔工 (39 senses)
- Великий шовковий шлях (Proper name) [Ukrainian] Silk Road
- Желтороссия (Proper name) [Russian] "Zheltorossiya" or "Yellow Russia", a historical plan in the Russian Empire to colonise northern China.
- КПК (Proper name) [Russian] Communist Party of China; CPC; CCP
- Конфуций (Proper name) [Russian] Confucius
- Конфуцій (Proper name) [Russian] Pre-1918 spelling of Конфу́ций (Konfúcij, “Confucius”)
- Конфуцій (Proper name) [Ukrainian] Confucius
- Кун-цзы (Proper name) [Russian] Confucius
- Күнз (Proper name) [Mongolian] Confucius
- Мин (Proper name) [Russian] Ming; the Ming dynasty (Chinese dynasty that lasted from 1368–1644 C.E.)
- Сун (Proper name) [Russian] Song; the Song dynasty (Chinese dynasty that lasted from 960–1279 C.E.)
- Тан (Proper name) [Russian] Tang; the Tang dynasty (Chinese dynasty that lasted from 618–907 C.E.)
- Цин (Proper name) [Russian] Qing; the Qing dynasty (the last dynasty of China, lasting from 1644 to 1912 C.E.)
- Юань (Proper name) [Russian] Yuan; the Yuan dynasty (Chinese dynasty that lasted from 1271–1368 C.E.)
- давньокитайський (Adjective) [Ukrainian] ancient Chinese
- даосизм (Noun) [Kazakh] Taoism
- даосизм (Noun) [Russian] Taoism (Chinese philosophy)
- даосизм (Noun) [Ukrainian] Taoism
- конфуцианство (Noun) [Russian] Confucianism (philosophy)
- маньхва (Noun) [Ukrainian] manhua (Chinese comic)
- маньхуа (Noun) [Russian] manhua (Chinese comic)
- маньхуа (Noun) [Ukrainian] manhua (Chinese comic)
- ёгуэ (Noun) [Dungan] supernatural being; monster; devil; goblin
- માઓવાદ (Noun) [Gujarati] Maoism
- 교의 (Noun) [Korean] a ceremonial chair on which the spirit tablet is placed during ancestor commemoration
- 국민당 (Noun) [Korean] nationalist party
- 기 (Noun) [Korean] qi, the vital force engendering the cosmos
- 기린 (Noun) [Korean] a qilin
- 노 (Proper name) [Korean] the Lu, an ancient vassal state of China
- 노나라 (Proper name) [Korean] the Lu, an ancient vassal state of China
- 능지 (Noun) [Korean] slow slicing; lingchi
- 당나라 (Proper name) [Korean] Tang dynasty (Chinese empire between 618 and 907)
- 도 (Noun) [Korean] principle, reason; morals; (philosophy, Confucianism) the Way, the Tao
- 도덕경 (Proper name) [Korean] Tao Te Ching (ancient classic Chinese text whose authorship is attributed to Laozi)
- 도사 (Noun) [Korean] In the Three Kingdoms of Korea, a regional governor in charge of individual towns and fortifications
- 리 (Noun) [Korean] li, the underlying ordering principle of the cosmos
- 마고 (Proper name) [Korean] Magu, an immortal woman
- 마오쩌둥 사상 (Noun) [Korean] Maoism
- 문묘 (Noun) [Korean] Confucian temple; temple honoring Confucius and housing schools and testing facilities.
- 문혁 (Proper name) [Korean] Short for 문화대혁명 (Munhwa Daehyeongmyeong, “Cultural Revolution”).
- 문화대혁명 (Proper name) [Korean] Cultural Revolution (period of social turmoil in Maoist China)
- 미르 (Noun) [Korean] dragon
- 백년국치 (Proper name) [Korean] the Century of Humiliation (period of Chinese history between 1839 and 1949 during which Western powers and Japan intervened with China; 1839 refers to the First Opium War, and 1949 refers to the establishment of the People's Republic of China)
- 백련교 (Proper name) [Korean] White Lotus (a religious and political movement that originated in China in the late 13th century)
- 백일재 (Noun) [Korean] a Buddhist memorial service held on the hundredth day after someone's death
- 복희 (Proper name) [Korean] Fuxi (a legendary ancient Chinese ruler and culture hero)
- 봉신연의 (Proper name) [Korean] Investiture of the Gods (16th-century Chinese novel)
- 부상 (Proper name) [Korean] Fusang, legendary land to the East commonly assumed to be Japan
- 비휴 (Noun) [Korean] pixiu
- 사단 (Noun) [Korean] the four universal emotions that reveal the fundamental goodness of humanity:; 측은지심 (惻隱之心, cheugeunjisim, “compassion and sympathy”)
- 사단 (Noun) [Korean] the four universal emotions that reveal the fundamental goodness of humanity:; 수오지심 (羞惡之心, suojisim, “shame and dislike [of wrongdoing]”)
- 사단 (Noun) [Korean] the four universal emotions that reveal the fundamental goodness of humanity:; 사양지심 (辭讓之心, sayangjisim, “modesty and politeness”)
- 사단 (Noun) [Korean] the four universal emotions that reveal the fundamental goodness of humanity:; 시비지심 (是非之心, sibijisim, “discrimination between good and bad”)
- 사서 (Proper name) [Korean] the Four Books (Chinese classic texts illustrating the core value and belief systems in Confucianism)
- 사서오경 (Proper name) [Korean] Four Books and Five Classics (chinese texts that serve as the authoritative works of Confucianism)
- 삼강 (Noun) [Korean] the three bonds:; 군위신강 (君爲臣綱, gunwisin'gang, “relationship between ruler and subject”)
- 삼강 (Noun) [Korean] the three bonds:; 부위자강 (父爲子綱, buwijagang, “relationship between father and son”)
- 삼강 (Noun) [Korean] the three bonds:; 부위부강 (夫爲婦綱, buwibugang, “relationship between husband and wife”)
- 삼강오륜 (Noun) [Korean] the three fundamental bonds and five cardinal relationships
- 삼강오상 (Noun) [Korean] the three fundamental bonds and five constant virtues
- 삼교 (Noun) [Korean] the three principal philosophies originated from China:; 유교 (儒教, yugyo, “Confucianism”)
- 삼교 (Noun) [Korean] the three principal philosophies originated from China:; 도교 (道教, dogyo, “Taoism”)
- 삼교 (Noun) [Korean] the three principal philosophies originated from China:; 불교 (佛教, bulgyo, “Buddhism”)
- 삼황오제 (Proper name) [Korean] the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors
- 서경 (Proper name) [Korean] the Book of Documents (a collection of documents and speeches alleged to have been written by rulers and officials of the early Zhou Dynasty and before)
- 서왕모 (Proper name) [Korean] Queen Mother of the West (goddess)
- 서하 (Proper name) [Korean] Western Xia dynasty (1038–1227); the Tangut Empire
- 선남 (Noun) [Korean] fairy man
- 선녀 (Noun) [Korean] fairy
- 성화 (Noun) [Korean] making or becoming holy:; the monarch's moral transformation of his subjects towards virtue
- 송나라 (Proper name) [Korean] various Chinese polities named 송 (宋, Song), notably:; the Song state, a small ancient kingdom in central China that was destroyed in 286 BCE
- 송나라 (Proper name) [Korean] various Chinese polities named 송 (宋, Song), notably:; the Liu Song, a dynasty that ruled southern China from 420 to 479 CE
- 송나라 (Proper name) [Korean] various Chinese polities named 송 (宋, Song), notably:; the Song, an empire known for its scientific and cultural achievements that ruled most of China between 960 and 1127 and its southern half between 1127 and 1276; this is the usual referent of the term.
- 시경 (Proper name) [Korean] the Classic of Poetry (the oldest existing collection of Chinese poetry)
- 신농 (Proper name) [Korean] Shennong
- 십삼경 (Proper name) [Korean] the Thirteen Classics (thirteen classics of Confucian tradition)
- 아편전쟁 (Proper name) [Korean] Opium War
- 악경 (Proper name) [Korean] Classic of Music (Confucian classic text lost by the time of the Han dynasty)
- 어질다 (Adjective) [Korean] to be benevolent
- 여와 (Proper name) [Korean] Nüwa, the goddess who repaired heaven and created mankind
- 역경 (Proper name) [Korean] I Ching
- 염라 (Proper name) [Korean] [~왕(王), 대왕(大王)] Yama (god of the underworld)
- 예 (Noun) [Korean] decorum, ceremonial (code of decorous behavior that all people ought to follow)
- 예기 (Proper name) [Korean] The Book of Rites or Classic of Rites (a classic Confucian text describing the social forms, administration, and ceremonial rites of the Zhou dynasty)
- 오경 (Proper name) [Korean] the Five Classics (pre-Qin Chinese books that form part of the traditional Confucian canon)
- 오륜 (Noun) [Korean] five cardinal relationships:; 부자유친 (父子有親, bujayuchin, “relationship between father and son”)
- 오륜 (Noun) [Korean] five cardinal relationships:; 군신유의 (君臣有義, gunsinyuui, “relationship between ruler and subject”)
- 오륜 (Noun) [Korean] five cardinal relationships:; 부부유별 (夫婦有別, bubuyubyeol, “relationship between husband and wife”)
- 오륜 (Noun) [Korean] five cardinal relationships:; 장유유서 (長幼有序, jang'yuyuseo, “relationship between elder and younger”)
- 오륜 (Noun) [Korean] five cardinal relationships:; 붕우유신 (朋友有信, bung'uyusin, “relationship between friends”)
- 오상 (Noun) [Korean] the five virtues:; 인 (仁, in, “benevolence”)
- 오상 (Noun) [Korean] the five virtues:; 의 (義, ui, “righteousness”)
- 오상 (Noun) [Korean] the five virtues:; 예 (禮, ye, “propriety”)
- 오상 (Noun) [Korean] the five virtues:; 지 (智, ji, “wisdom”)
- 오상 (Noun) [Korean] the five virtues:; 신 (信, sin, “trustworthiness”)
- 옥황상제 (Proper name) [Korean] Jade Emperor
- 유명 (Noun) [Korean] last will and testament; dying wishes; an order issued upon one's death, usually by a father or king, telling one's children or servants to do something
- 의화단 (Proper name) [Korean] Boxer (a Chinese anti-imperial and xenophobic rebel of the early 1900s)
- 이 (Noun) [Korean] li, the underlying ordering principle of the cosmos
- 이조 (Noun) [Korean] two of the temple names, especially 고조(高祖) (Gojo) and 세조(世祖) (Sejo) of the Han dynasty of China
- 인 (Noun) [Korean] ren: benevolence (the fundamental virtue of Confucianism)
- 조사 (Noun) [Korean] founder (of a school of learning, or sect of Buddhism or Daoism)
- 중용 (Proper name) [Korean] Doctrine of the Mean
- 천지신명 (Noun) [Korean] all the gods
- 청나라 (Proper name) [Korean] Qing dynasty
- 춘추 (Proper name) [Korean] the Spring and Autumn Annals (the chronicle of the state of Lu)
- 치우 (Proper name) [Korean] Chiyou (tribal leader of the ancient Nine Li tribe)
- 풍 (Proper name) [Korean] a surname, with the major clan located in Linqu County, Shandong, China
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 풍 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 바람 풍 (baram pung))
(MC reading: 風 (MC pjuwng|pjuwngH))(eumhun reading: 풍년/부들 풍 (pungnyeon/budeul pung))
(MC reading: 豐 (MC phjuwng))(eumhun reading: 성씨 풍 (seongssi pung))
(MC reading: 馮 (MC bjuwng|bing))(eumhun reading: 단풍 풍 (danpung pung))
(MC reading: 楓 (MC pjuwng))(eumhun reading: 풍채 풍 (pungchae pung))
(MC reading: 丰 (MC phjowng))(eumhun reading: 풍자할 풍 (pungjaha…
- 하늘 (Noun) [Korean] heaven
- 한나라 (Proper name) [Korean] Han, a major kingdom in the Central Plain during the Warring States period from 403 BCE to 230 BCE
- 혼돈 (Noun) [Korean] Hundun
- 황제 (Proper name) [Korean] the Yellow Emperor
- せんにん (Noun) [Japanese] 仙人:; immortal mountain fairy or wizard.
- カシャグ (Proper name) [Japanese] Kashag (the governing council of Tibet from 1721 to 1959)
- カシャグ (Proper name) [Japanese] Kashag (the governing council of the Tibetan government in exile)
- កុរ (Noun) [Khmer] the Pig, one of the twelve lunar zodiac signs.
- ខាល (Noun) [Khmer] the Tiger, one of the twelve lunar zodiac signs.
- ខុងជឺ (Proper name) [Khmer] Confucius
- ច (Noun) [Khmer] the Dog, one of the twelve lunar zodiac signs.
- ឆ្លូវ (Noun) [Khmer] the Ox, one of the twelve lunar zodiac signs.
- ជូត (Noun) [Khmer] the Rat, one of the twelve lunar zodiac signs.
- ថោះ (Noun) [Khmer] the Rabbit, one of the twelve lunar zodiac signs.
- មមី (Noun) [Khmer] the Horse, one of the twelve lunar zodiac signs.
- មមែ (Noun) [Khmer] the Goat, one of the twelve lunar zodiac signs.
- ម្សាញ់ (Noun) [Khmer] the Snake, one of the twelve lunar zodiac signs.
- រកា (Noun) [Khmer] the Rooster, one of the twelve lunar zodiac signs.
- រាសីចក្រ (Noun) [Khmer] zodiac, especially the Chinese 12-year lunar cycle.
- រោង (Noun) [Khmer] the Dragon, one of the twelve lunar zodiac signs.
- វក (Noun) [Khmer] the Monkey, one of the twelve lunar zodiac signs.
- ကျား (Noun) [Burmese] tiger
- ကြက် (Noun) [Burmese] chicken, fowl
- ကြွက် (Noun) [Burmese] mouse, rat
- ကွန်ဖြူးရှပ် (Proper name) [Burmese] Confucius
- ခွေး (Noun) [Burmese] dog
- ဆိတ် (Noun) [Burmese] goat (animal)
- နဂါး (Noun) [Burmese] naga
- နွား (Noun) [Burmese] cleat supporting the wall plate of a frame house
- မြင်း (Noun) [Burmese] knight (both in Western chess and in Burmese chess, also known as sittuyin)
- မြွေ (Noun) [Burmese] snake
- ယုန် (Noun) [Burmese] rabbit, hare
- ဝက် (Noun) [Burmese] pig
- การเวก (Noun) [Thai] (นก~) fenghuang: Chinese phoenix.
- กุน (Proper name) [Thai] Pig, one of the twelve zodiac signs under the lunar calendar.
- ขงจื๊อ (Proper name) [Thai] Confucianism
- ขาล (Proper name) [Thai] Tiger, one of the twelve zodiac signs under the lunar calendar.
- จอ (Proper name) [Thai] Dog, one of the twelve zodiac signs under the lunar calendar.
- ฉลู (Proper name) [Thai] Ox, one of the twelve zodiac signs under the lunar calendar.
- ชวด (Proper name) [Thai] Rat, one of the twelve zodiac signs under the lunar calendar.
- มะเมีย (Proper name) [Thai] Horse, one of the twelve zodiac signs under the lunar calendar.
- มะเส็ง (Proper name) [Thai] the Snake, one of the twelve lunar zodiac signs.
- มะแม (Proper name) [Thai] the Goat, one of the twelve lunar zodiac signs.
- มะโรง (Proper name) [Thai] Dragon, one of the twelve zodiac signs under the lunar calendar.
- ระกา (Proper name) [Thai] Rooster, one of the twelve zodiac signs under the lunar calendar.
- วอก (Proper name) [Thai] Monkey, one of the twelve zodiac signs under the lunar calendar.
- เซียน (Noun) [Thai] immortal.
- เต๋า (Noun) [Thai] (ลัทธิ~) Taoism.
- เถาะ (Proper name) [Thai] Rabbit, one of the twelve zodiac signs under the lunar calendar.
- โป๊ยเซียน (Proper name) [Thai] Eight Immortals.
- པ་ལུའུ་ཅུན (Proper name) [Tibetan] Eighth Route Army
- 'Phags-pa (Proper name) [English] An alphabet designed in the 1200s by the Tibetan monk and State Preceptor Drogön Chögyal Phagpa for Kublai Khan, the founder of the Yuan dynasty.
- 0T (Noun) [Chinese] lemon tea
- ᠠᠪᡴᠠᡳ ᠸᡝᡥᡳᠶᡝᡥᡝ (Proper name) [Manchu] Qianlong (an era name of Qing, used in 1736 – 1795)
- ᠠᠪᡴᠠᡳ ᡶᡠᠯᡳᠩᡤᠠ (Proper name) [Manchu] Tianming (an era name of Later Jin, used in 1616 – 1626)
- ᠪᠠᡩᠠᡵᠠᠩᡤᠠ ᡩᠣᡵᠣ (Proper name) [Manchu] Guangxu (an era name of Qing, used in 1875 – 1908)
- ᠮᡳᠩ ᡤᡠᡵᡠᠨ (Proper name) [Manchu] Ming dynasty
- ᠰᠠᡳᠴᡠᠩᡤᠠ ᡶᡝᠩᡧᡝᠨ (Proper name) [Manchu] Jiaqing (an era name of Qing, used in 1796 – 1820)
- ᠰᡠᡵᡝ ᡥᠠᠨ (Proper name) [Manchu] Tiancong (an era name of Later Jin, used in 1627 – 1636)
- ᠶᠣᠣᠨᡳᠩᡤᠠ ᡩᠠᠰᠠᠨ (Proper name) [Manchu] Tongzhi (an era name of Qing, used in 1862 – 1874)
- ᠸᡝᠰᡳᡥᡠᠨ ᡝᡵᡩᡝᠮᡠᠩᡤᡝ (Proper name) [Manchu] Chongde (an era name of Qing, used in 1636 – 1643)
- ᡝᠯᡥᡝ ᡨᠠᡳᡶᡳᠨ (Proper name) [Manchu] Kangxi (an era name of Qing, used in 1662 – 1722)
- ᡤᠠᡵᡠᡩᠠᡳ (Noun) [Manchu] male fenghuang
- ᡤᡝᡥᡠᠩᡤᡝ ᠶᠣᠰᠣ (Proper name) [Manchu] Xuantong (an era name of Qing, used in 1909 – 1911)
- ᡤᡝᡵᡠᡩᡝᡳ (Noun) [Manchu] female fenghuang
- ᡤᡠᠪᠴᡳ ᡝᠯᡤᡳᠶᡝᠩᡤᡝ (Proper name) [Manchu] Xianfeng (an era name of Qing, used in 1851 – 1861)
- ᡥᡡᠸᠠᠯᡳᠶᠠᠰᡠᠨ ᡨᠣᠪ (Proper name) [Manchu] Yongzheng (an era name of Qing, used in 1723 – 1735)
- ᡩᠠᡳ᠌ᠴᡳᠩ (Proper name) [Manchu] Qing dynasty
- ᡩᠠᡳ᠌ᠴᡳᠩ ᡤᡠᡵᡠᠨ (Proper name) [Manchu] Qing dynasty
- ᡩᠠᡳᡳᠮᡳᠩ (Proper name) [Manchu] Ming dynasty
- ᡩᠠᡳᡳᠮᡳᠩ ᡤᡠᡵᡠᠨ (Proper name) [Manchu] Ming dynasty
- ᡩᠣᠣᠰᡝ (Noun) [Manchu] Taoist priest
- ᡩᠣᡵᠣ ᡝᠯᡩᡝᠩᡤᡝ (Proper name) [Manchu] Daoguang (an era name of Qing, used in 1821 – 1850)
- ᡳᠵᡳᠰᡥᡡᠨ ᡩᠠᠰᠠᠨ (Proper name) [Manchu] Shunzhi (an era name of Qing, used in 1644 – 1661)
- ᡶᡝᠩᡧᡝᠩᡤᡝ ᠰᠠᠪᡳᠩᡤᠠ (Proper name) [Manchu] Qixiang (a proposed era name of Qing, later replaced by Tongzhi)
- ☯ (Symbol) [Translingual] Represents Taoism.; Represents An aspect of Taoism, such as Taoist beliefs, culture or the Taoist community.
- ☯ (Symbol) [Translingual] Represents Taoism.; Indicates that one is a Taoist; a person who subscribes to Taoist philosophy.
- ☯ (Symbol) [Translingual] Represents Taoism.; On a map, marks a Taoist shrine.
- ☯ (Symbol) [Translingual] Represents space and the universe in the context of astrology; cosmic energy, horoscopes, mysticism.; Used to indicate that one is a spiritualist or a New Ager; a person who believes in spirituality, astrology, New Age philosophy or holism.
- 𑜉𑜢𑜤𑜂𑜫 𑜇𑜣 (Noun) [Ahom] Heaven, Tian
- 𗀋 (Character) [Tangut] the Snake, the sixth of the twelve Earthly Branches (Chinese 巳 (sì))
- 𗍍 (Character) [Tangut] the Rabbit, the fourth of the twelve Earthly Branches (Chinese 卯 (mǎo)).
- 𗗻 (Noun) [Tangut] the Dog, the eleventh of the twelve Earthly Branches (Chinese 戌).
- 𗘅 (Noun) [Tangut] the Pig, the twelfth of the twelve Earthly Branches (Chinese 亥 (hài)).
- 𗱈 (Character) [Tangut] the Tiger, the third of the twelve Earthly Branches (Chinese 寅 (yín)).
- 𗵃 (Character) [Tangut] the Dragon, the fifth of the twelve Earthly Branches (Chinese 辰 (chén)).
- 𗵊 (Character) [Tangut] the Ox, the second of the twelve Earthly Branches (Chinese 丑 (chǒu)).
- 𗿼 (Noun) [Tangut] the Rooster, the tenth of the twelve Earthly Branches (Chinese 酉 (yǒu)).
- 𘂶 (Noun) [Tangut] the Monkey, the ninth of the twelve Earthly Branches (Chinese 申 (shēn)).
- 𘆽 (Character) [Tangut] the Horse, the seventh of the twelve Earthly Branches (Chinese 午 (wǔ)).
- 𘋇 (Character) [Tangut] the Rat, the first of the twelve Earthly Branches (Chinese 子)
- 𘍂 (Character) [Tangut] the Goat, the eighth of the twelve Earthly Branches (Chinese 未 (wèi)).
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This page is a part of the machine-readable All languages combined dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-06 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-03-02 using wiktextract (b81b832 and 633533e).
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If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.