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Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
prognóza noun 4563 prognózy nominative plural
noun 4563 prognózy genitive singular
noun 4563 prognóz genitive plural
noun 4563 prognóze dative singular
noun 4563 prognózám dative plural
noun 4563 prognózu accusative singular
noun 4563 prognózy accusative plural
noun 4563 prognózo vocative singular
noun 4563 prognózy vocative plural
noun 4563 prognóze locative singular
prognóza noun 4563 prognózách locative plural
noun 4563 prognózou instrumental singular
noun 4563 prognózami instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
šourek noun 3587 šourky nominative plural
noun 3587 šourku genitive singular
noun 3587 šourků genitive plural
noun 3587 šourku dative singular
noun 3587 šourkům dative plural
noun 3587 šourky accusative plural
noun 3587 šourku vocative singular
noun 3587 šourky vocative plural
noun 3587 šourku locative singular
noun 3587 šourcích locative plural
šourek noun 3587 šourkem instrumental singular
noun 3587 šourky instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
pornografie noun 965 pornografií genitive plural
noun 965 pornografii dative singular
noun 965 pornografiím dative plural
noun 965 pornografii accusative singular
noun 965 pornografii locative singular
noun 965 pornografiích locative plural
noun 965 pornografií instrumental singular
noun 965 pornografiemi instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
sako noun 551 saka nominative plural
noun 551 saka genitive singular
noun 551 sak genitive plural
noun 551 saku dative singular
noun 551 sakům dative plural
noun 551 saka accusative plural
noun 551 saka vocative plural
noun 551 saku locative singular
noun 551 sakách locative plural
noun 551 sakem instrumental singular
sako noun 551 saky instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
holení noun 471 holením dative plural
noun 471 holeních locative plural
noun 471 holením instrumental singular
noun 471 holeními instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Spiš noun 199 Spiše genitive singular
noun 199 Spiši dative singular
noun 199 Spiši vocative singular
noun 199 Spiši locative singular
noun 199 Spiší instrumental singular

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
dunění noun 178 duněním dative plural potential rare
noun 178 duněních locative plural potential rare
noun 178 duněním instrumental singular
noun 178 duněními instrumental plural potential rare

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
nedůtklivost noun 148 nedůtklivosti nominative plural potential rare
noun 148 nedůtklivosti genitive singular
noun 148 nedůtklivostí genitive plural potential rare
noun 148 nedůtklivosti dative singular
noun 148 nedůtklivostem dative plural potential rare
noun 148 nedůtklivosti accusative plural potential rare
noun 148 nedůtklivosti vocative singular
noun 148 nedůtklivosti vocative plural potential rare
noun 148 nedůtklivosti locative singular
noun 148 nedůtklivostech locative plural potential rare
nedůtklivost noun 148 nedůtklivostí instrumental singular
noun 148 nedůtklivostmi instrumental plural potential rare

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Bujumbura noun 132 Bujumbury genitive singular
noun 132 Bujumbuře dative singular
noun 132 Bujumburu accusative singular
noun 132 Bujumburo vocative singular
noun 132 Bujumbuře locative singular
noun 132 Bujumburou instrumental singular

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
hyperurikemie noun 122 hyperurikemií genitive plural potential rare
noun 122 hyperurikemii dative singular
noun 122 hyperurikemiím dative plural potential rare
noun 122 hyperurikemii accusative singular
noun 122 hyperurikemii locative singular
noun 122 hyperurikemiích locative plural potential rare
noun 122 hyperurikemií instrumental singular
noun 122 hyperurikemiemi instrumental plural potential rare

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
maorština noun 113 maorštiny nominative plural potential rare
noun 113 maorštiny genitive singular
noun 113 maorštin genitive plural potential rare
noun 113 maorštině dative singular
noun 113 maorštinám dative plural potential rare
noun 113 maorštinu accusative singular
noun 113 maorštiny accusative plural potential rare
noun 113 maorštino vocative singular
noun 113 maorštiny vocative plural potential rare
noun 113 maorštině locative singular
maorština noun 113 maorštinách locative plural potential rare
noun 113 maorštinou instrumental singular
noun 113 maorštinami instrumental plural potential rare

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
inedita noun 98 inedit genitive plural
noun 98 ineditům dative plural
noun 98 ineditech locative plural
noun 98 inedity instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Džibutsko noun 95 Džibutska genitive singular
noun 95 Džibutsku dative singular
noun 95 Džibutsku locative singular
noun 95 Džibutskem instrumental singular

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Brazílie noun 50 Brazílii dative singular
noun 50 Brazílii accusative singular
noun 50 Brazílii locative singular
noun 50 Brazílií instrumental singular

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
smetiště noun 47 smetišť genitive plural
noun 47 smetišti dative singular
noun 47 smetištím dative plural
noun 47 smetišti locative singular
noun 47 smetištích locative plural
noun 47 smetištěm instrumental singular
noun 47 smetišti instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
infúze noun 34 infůze nominative singular
noun 34 infůze nominative plural
noun 34 infůze genitive singular
noun 34 infůzí genitive plural
noun 34 infůzi dative singular
noun 34 infůzím dative plural
noun 34 infůzi accusative singular
noun 34 infůze accusative plural
noun 34 infůze vocative singular
noun 34 infůze vocative plural
infúze noun 34 infůzi locative singular
noun 34 infůzích locative plural
noun 34 infůzí instrumental singular
noun 34 infůzemi instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
dingo noun 33 dingové nominative plural
noun 33 dinga genitive singular
noun 33 dingů genitive plural
noun 33 dingovi dative singular
noun 33 dingu dative singular
noun 33 dingům dative plural
noun 33 dinga accusative singular
noun 33 dingy accusative plural
noun 33 dingové vocative plural
noun 33 dingovi locative singular
dingo noun 33 dingu locative singular
noun 33 dinzích locative plural
noun 33 dingem instrumental singular
noun 33 dingy instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
výrobce noun 31 výrobci nominative plural
noun 31 výrobcové nominative plural
noun 31 výrobců genitive plural
noun 31 výrobci dative singular
noun 31 výrobcovi dative singular
noun 31 výrobcům dative plural
noun 31 výrobci vocative plural
noun 31 výrobcové vocative plural
noun 31 výrobci locative singular
noun 31 výrobcovi locative singular
výrobce noun 31 výrobcích locative plural
noun 31 výrobcem instrumental singular
noun 31 výrobci instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
manichejství noun 17 manichejstvím instrumental singular

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
droby noun 16 drobů genitive plural
noun 16 drobům dative plural
noun 16 drobech locative plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
věřící noun 15 věřícího genitive singular
noun 15 věřících genitive plural
noun 15 věřícímu dative singular
noun 15 věřícím dative plural
noun 15 věřícího accusative singular
noun 15 věřícím locative singular
noun 15 věřících locative plural
noun 15 věřícím instrumental singular
noun 15 věřícími instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
boudař noun 7 boudaře genitive singular
noun 7 boudaři dative singular
noun 7 boudařovi dative singular
noun 7 boudaře accusative singular
noun 7 boudaři vocative singular
noun 7 boudaři locative singular
noun 7 boudařovi locative singular
noun 7 boudařem instrumental singular
noun 7 boudaři nominative plural
noun 7 boudařů genitive plural
boudař noun 7 boudařům dative plural
noun 7 boudařů accusative plural
noun 7 boudaři vocative plural
noun 7 boudařích locative plural
noun 7 boudaři instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
dželada noun 6 dželady nominative plural
noun 6 dželad genitive plural
noun 6 dželadě dative singular
noun 6 dželadám dative plural
noun 6 dželadu accusative singular
noun 6 dželady accusative plural
noun 6 dželado vocative singular
noun 6 dželady vocative plural
noun 6 dželadě locative singular
noun 6 dželadách locative plural
dželada noun 6 dželadou instrumental singular
noun 6 dželadách instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
sranda noun 6 srandy genitive singular
noun 6 srandě dative singular
noun 6 srandu accusative singular
noun 6 srandou instrumental singular
noun 6 srandě locative singular
noun 6 srando vocative singular
noun 6 srandy nominative plural
noun 6 srand genitive plural
noun 6 srandám dative plural
noun 6 srandy accusative plural
sranda noun 6 srandami instrumental plural
noun 6 srandách locative plural
noun 6 srandy vocative plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
seance noun 6 seancí genitive plural
noun 6 seanci dative singular
noun 6 seancím dative plural
noun 6 seanci accusative singular
noun 6 seancích locative plural
noun 6 seancí instrumental singular
noun 6 seancemi instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
paže noun 5 paží genitive plural
noun 5 paži dative singular
noun 5 pažím dative plural
noun 5 paži vocative singular
noun 5 paži locative singular
noun 5 pažích locative plural
noun 5 paží instrumental singular
noun 5 pažemi instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Svazijsko noun 5 Suazijsko nominative singular
noun 5 Suazijska genitive singular
noun 5 Suazijsku dative singular
noun 5 Suazijsko accusative singular
noun 5 Suazijsko vocative singular
noun 5 Suazijsku locative singular
noun 5 Suazijskem instrumental singular

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
odraz noun 4 odrazu genitive singular
noun 4 odrazu dative singular
noun 4 odrazem instrumental singular
noun 4 odrazu locative singular
noun 4 odraze vocative singular
noun 4 odrazy nominative plural
noun 4 odrazů genitive plural
noun 4 odrazům dative plural
noun 4 odrazy accusative plural
noun 4 odrazy instrumental plural
odraz noun 4 odrazech locative plural
noun 4 odrazy vocative plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
výzkumnice noun 4 výzkumnic genitive plural
noun 4 výzkumnici dative singular
noun 4 výzkumnicím dative plural
noun 4 výzkumnici accusative singular
noun 4 výzkumnici vocative singular
noun 4 výzkumnici locative singular
noun 4 výzkumnicích locative plural
noun 4 výzkumnicí instrumental singular
noun 4 výzkumnicemi instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
nehodovost noun 4 nehodovovost nominative singular
noun 4 nehodovovosti nominative plural potential rare
noun 4 nehodovovosti genitive singular
noun 4 nehodovovostí genitive plural potential rare
noun 4 nehodovovosti dative singular
noun 4 nehodovovostem dative plural potential rare
noun 4 nehodovovost accusative singular
noun 4 nehodovovosti accusative plural potential rare
noun 4 nehodovovosti vocative singular
noun 4 nehodovovosti vocative plural potential rare
nehodovost noun 4 nehodovovosti locative singular
noun 4 nehodovovostech locative plural potential rare
noun 4 nehodovovostí instrumental singular
noun 4 nehodovovostmi instrumental plural potential rare

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Evropská unie noun 4 Evropské unie genitive singular
noun 4 Evropské unii dative singular
noun 4 Evropskou unii accusative singular
noun 4 Evropské unii locative singular
noun 4 Evropskou unií instrumental singular

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
kůl noun 3 kůlu genitive singular
noun 3 kůlu dative singular
noun 3 kůle vocative singular
noun 3 kůlu locative singular
noun 3 kůlem instrumental singular
noun 3 kůly nominative plural
noun 3 kůlů genitive plural
noun 3 kůlům dative plural
noun 3 kůly accusative plural
noun 3 kůly vocative plural
kůl noun 3 kůlech locative plural
noun 3 kůly instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
okostice noun 3 okostic genitive plural
noun 3 okosticím dative plural
noun 3 okostici accusative singular
noun 3 okostici locative singular
noun 3 okosticích locative plural
noun 3 okosticí instrumental singular
noun 3 okosticemi instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
sliznice noun 3 sliznici genitive singular
noun 3 sliznicí genitive plural
noun 3 sliznici dative singular
noun 3 sliznicím dative plural
noun 3 sliznici vocative singular
noun 3 sliznici locative singular
noun 3 sliznicích locative plural
noun 3 sliznicí instrumental singular
noun 3 sliznicemi instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
esperanto noun 3 esperanta nominative plural potential rare
noun 3 esperanta genitive singular
noun 3 esperant genitive plural potential rare
noun 3 esperantu dative singular
noun 3 esperantům dative plural potential rare
noun 3 esperanta accusative plural potential rare
noun 3 esperanta vocative plural potential rare
noun 3 esperantě locative singular
noun 3 esperantu locative singular
noun 3 esperantech locative plural potential rare
esperanto noun 3 esperantem instrumental singular
noun 3 esperanty instrumental plural potential rare

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
mazivo noun 3 maziva nominative plural
noun 3 maziv genitive plural
noun 3 mazivu dative singular
noun 3 mazivům dative plural
noun 3 maziva accusative plural
noun 3 maziva vocative plural
noun 3 mazivu locative singular
noun 3 mazivech locative plural
noun 3 mazivem instrumental singular
noun 3 mazivy instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
precedens noun 3 precedencia nominative plural
noun 3 precedencií genitive plural
noun 3 precedenciím dative plural
noun 3 precedencia accusative plural
noun 3 precedencia vocative plural
noun 3 precedenciích locative plural
noun 3 precedencii instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
chleba noun 2 chleby nominative plural
noun 2 chlebů genitive plural
noun 2 chlebu dative singular
noun 2 chlebům dative plural
noun 2 chleby accusative plural
noun 2 chlebe vocative singular
noun 2 chleby vocative plural
noun 2 chlebě locative singular
noun 2 chlebu locative singular
noun 2 chlebech locative plural
chleba noun 2 chlebem instrumental singular
noun 2 chleby instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
složka noun 2 složky nominative plural
noun 2 složky genitive singular
noun 2 složek genitive plural
noun 2 složce dative singular
noun 2 složkám dative plural
noun 2 složku accusative singular
noun 2 složky accusative plural
noun 2 složkou instrumental singular
noun 2 složkami instrumental plural
noun 2 složce locative singular
složka noun 2 složkách locative plural
noun 2 složko vocative singular
noun 2 složky vocative plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
míle noun 2 míli dative singular
noun 2 míli accusative singular
noun 2 míli locative singular
noun 2 mílí instrumental singular
noun 2 mil genitive plural
noun 2 mílím dative plural
noun 2 mílích locative plural
noun 2 mílemi instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
ves noun 2 vs nominative singular
noun 2 vsi nominative plural
noun 2 vsi genitive singular
noun 2 vsí genitive plural
noun 2 vsi dative singular
noun 2 vsím dative plural
noun 2 vsi accusative plural
noun 2 vsi vocative singular
noun 2 vsi vocative plural
noun 2 vsi locative singular
ves noun 2 vsích locative plural
noun 2 vsí instrumental singular
noun 2 vsemi instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Amazonka noun 2 Amazonky genitive singular
noun 2 Amazonce dative singular
noun 2 Amazonku accusative singular
noun 2 Amazonko vocative singular
noun 2 Amazonce locative singular
noun 2 Amazonkou instrumental singular
noun 2 Amazonky nominative plural
noun 2 Amazonky genitive singular
noun 2 Amazonek genitive plural
noun 2 Amazonce dative singular
Amazonka noun 2 Amazonkám dative plural
noun 2 Amazonku accusative singular
noun 2 Amazonkám accusative plural
noun 2 Amazonko vocative singular
noun 2 Amazonky vocative plural
noun 2 Amazonce locative singular
noun 2 Amazonkách locative plural
noun 2 Amazonkou instrumental singular
noun 2 Amazonkami instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
ganglion noun 2 ganglia nominative plural
noun 2 ganglia genitive singular
noun 2 ganglií genitive plural
noun 2 gangliu dative singular
noun 2 gangliím dative plural
noun 2 ganglia accusative plural
noun 2 ganglia vocative plural
noun 2 gangliích locative plural
noun 2 gangliem instrumental singular
noun 2 ganglii instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
advent noun 2 adventy nominative plural
noun 2 adventu genitive singular
noun 2 adventů genitive plural
noun 2 adventu dative singular
noun 2 adventům dative plural
noun 2 adventy accusative plural
noun 2 advente vocative singular
noun 2 adventy vocative plural
noun 2 adventu locative singular
noun 2 adventě locative singular rare
advent noun 2 adventech locative plural
noun 2 adventem instrumental singular
noun 2 adventy instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
varle noun 2 varlete genitive singular
noun 2 varleti dative singular
noun 2 varleti locative singular
noun 2 varletem instrumental singular
noun 2 varlata nominative plural
noun 2 varlat genitive plural
noun 2 varlatům dative plural
noun 2 varlata accusative plural
noun 2 varlata vocative plural
noun 2 varlatech locative plural
varle noun 2 varlaty instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Františkovy Lázně noun 1 Františkových Lázní genitive plural
noun 1 Františkovým Lázním dative plural
noun 1 Františkovými Lázněmi instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
kout noun 1 kouty nominative plural
noun 1 kouta koutu genitive singular obsolete
noun 1 koutů genitive plural
noun 1 koutu dative singular
noun 1 koutům dative plural
noun 1 kouty accusative plural
noun 1 koute vocative singular
noun 1 kouty vocative plural
noun 1 koutě locative singular
noun 1 koutech locative plural
kout noun 1 koutem instrumental singular
noun 1 kouty instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
svině noun 1 sviň genitive plural
noun 1 sviní genitive plural
noun 1 svini dative singular
noun 1 sviním dative plural
noun 1 svini accusative singular
noun 1 svine accusative plural
noun 1 svine vocative singular
noun 1 svine vocative plural
noun 1 svini locative singular
noun 1 sviních locative plural
svině noun 1 sviní instrumental singular
noun 1 sviněmi instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
koleno noun 1 kolena nominative plural
noun 1 kolena genitive singular
noun 1 kolene genitive singular
noun 1 kolenou genitive plural
noun 1 kolenu dative singular
noun 1 kolenům dative plural
noun 1 kolena accusative plural
noun 1 kolena vocative plural
noun 1 koleně locative singular
noun 1 koleni / kolenu locative singular
koleno noun 1 kolenou locative plural
noun 1 kolenem instrumental singular
noun 1 koleny instrumental plural
noun 1 kolena nominative plural
noun 1 kolena genitive singular
noun 1 kolene genitive singular
noun 1 kolen genitive plural
noun 1 kolenu dative singular
noun 1 kolenům dative plural
noun 1 kolena accusative plural
koleno noun 1 kolena vocative plural
noun 1 koleně locative singular
noun 1 koleni / kolenu locative singular
noun 1 kolenech locative plural
noun 1 kolenem instrumental singular
noun 1 koleny instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
paní noun 1 paním dative plural
noun 1 paních locative plural
noun 1 paními instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Zeus noun 1 Dia genitive singular
noun 1 Diovi dative singular
noun 1 Dia accusative singular
noun 1 Diem instrumental singular
noun 1 Diovi locative singular
noun 1 Die vocative singular

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
konkláve noun 1 konklávech locative plural
noun 1 konklávem instrumental singular
noun 1 konklávy instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
zbohatlík noun 1 zbohatlíka genitive singular
noun 1 zbohatlíků genitive plural
noun 1 zbohatlíku dative singular
noun 1 zbohatlíkovi dative singular
noun 1 zbohatlíkům dative plural
noun 1 zbohatlíka accusative singular
noun 1 zbohatlíky accusative plural
noun 1 zbohatlíku locative singular
noun 1 zbohatlíkovi locative singular
noun 1 zbohatlících locative plural
zbohatlík noun 1 zbohatlíkem instrumental singular
noun 1 zbohatlíky instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
máti noun 1 mateře genitive singular obsolete
noun 1 mateři dative singular obsolete
noun 1 máť accusative singular obsolete
noun 1 máteř accusative singular
noun 1 mateři locative singular obsolete
noun 1 mátí instrumental singular
noun 1 máti / mateří instrumental singular obsolete

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Hromnice noun 1 Hromnic genitive plural
noun 1 Hromnicím dative plural
noun 1 Hromnicům dative plural rare
noun 1 Hromnicích locative plural
noun 1 Hromnicemi instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
kolej noun 1 koleje nominative plural
noun 1 koleje genitive singular
noun 1 kolejí genitive plural
noun 1 koleji dative singular
noun 1 kolejím dative plural
noun 1 koleje accusative plural
noun 1 koleji instrumental singular
noun 1 koleje instrumental plural
noun 1 koleji locative singular
noun 1 kolejích locative plural
kolej noun 1 kolejí vocative singular
noun 1 kolejemi vocative plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
neštovice noun 1 neštovic genitive plural
noun 1 neštovici dative singular
noun 1 neštovicím dative plural
noun 1 neštovici accusative singular
noun 1 neštovici locative singular
noun 1 neštovicích locative plural
noun 1 neštovicí instrumental singular
noun 1 neštovicemi instrumental plural
noun 1 neštovic genitive plural
noun 1 neštovicím dative plural
neštovice noun 1 neštovicích locative plural
noun 1 neštovicemi instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
pron 1 genitive singular
pron 1 mne genitive singular literary
pron 1 mně dative singular
pron 1 mi dative singular
pron 1 accusative singular
pron 1 mne accusative singular literary
pron 1 mně locative singular
pron 1 mnou instrumental singular

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Provence noun 1 Provenci dative singular
noun 1 Provenci vocative singular
noun 1 Provenci locative singular
noun 1 Provencí instrumental singular

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
sokol noun 1 sokoli nominative plural
noun 1 sokolové nominative plural
noun 1 sokola genitive singular
noun 1 sokolů genitive plural
noun 1 sokolovi dative singular
noun 1 sokolu dative singular
noun 1 sokolům dative plural
noun 1 sokola accusative singular
noun 1 sokoly accusative plural
noun 1 sokole vocative singular
sokol noun 1 sokoli vocative plural
noun 1 sokolové vocative plural
noun 1 sokolovi locative singular
noun 1 sokolu locative singular
noun 1 sokolech locative plural
noun 1 sokolem instrumental singular
noun 1 sokoly instrumental plural
noun 1 sokoli nominative plural
noun 1 sokolové nominative plural
noun 1 sokola genitive singular
sokol noun 1 sokolů genitive plural
noun 1 sokolu dative singular
noun 1 sokolovi dative singular
noun 1 sokolům dative plural
noun 1 sokola accusative singular
noun 1 sokoly accusative plural
noun 1 sokole vocative singular
noun 1 sokoli vocative plural
noun 1 sokolové vocative plural
noun 1 sokolu locative singular
sokol noun 1 sokolovi locative singular
noun 1 sokolech locative plural
noun 1 sokolem instrumental singular
noun 1 sokoly instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
tympanon noun 1 tympanony nominative plural
noun 1 tympanonu genitive singular
noun 1 tympanonů genitive plural
noun 1 tympanonu dative singular
noun 1 tympanonům dative plural
noun 1 tympanony accusative plural
noun 1 tympanone vocative singular
noun 1 tympanony vocative plural
noun 1 tympanonu locative singular
noun 1 tympanonech locative plural
tympanon noun 1 tympanonem instrumental singular
noun 1 tympanony instrumental plural
noun 1 tympana nominative plural
noun 1 tympana genitive singular
noun 1 tympan genitive plural
noun 1 tympanu dative singular
noun 1 tympanům dative plural
noun 1 tympana accusative plural
noun 1 tympana vocative plural
noun 1 tympanu locative singular
tympanon noun 1 tympanech locative plural
noun 1 tympanem instrumental singular
noun 1 tympany instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Labe noun 1 Labi dative singular
noun 1 Labi locative singular
noun 1 Labem instrumental singular

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
fabule noun 1 fabulí genitive plural
noun 1 fabuli dative singular
noun 1 fabulím dative plural
noun 1 fabuli accusative singular
noun 1 fabulím accusative plural
noun 1 fabuli locative singular
noun 1 fabulích locative plural
noun 1 fabulí instrumental singular
noun 1 fabulemi instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
drabař noun 1 drabaře genitive singular
noun 1 drabařů genitive plural
noun 1 drabaři dative singular
noun 1 drabařovi dative singular
noun 1 drabařům dative plural
noun 1 drabaře accusative singular
noun 1 drabaře accusative plural
noun 1 drabaři vocative singular
noun 1 drabaři vocative plural
noun 1 drabaři locative singular
drabař noun 1 drabařovi locative singular
noun 1 drabařích locative plural
noun 1 drabařem instrumental singular
noun 1 drabaři instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
datle noun 1 datlí genitive plural
noun 1 datli dative singular
noun 1 datlím dative plural
noun 1 datli accusative singular
noun 1 datli locative singular
noun 1 datlích locative plural
noun 1 datlem instrumental singular

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
mumie noun 1 mumií nominative plural
noun 1 mumií genitive plural
noun 1 mumii dative singular
noun 1 mumiím dative plural
noun 1 mumii accusative singular
noun 1 mumii locative singular
noun 1 mumiích locative plural
noun 1 mumií instrumental singular
noun 1 mumiemi instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
lyžování noun 1 lyžováním dative plural
noun 1 lyžováním accusative plural
noun 1 lyžováních locative plural
noun 1 lyžováním instrumental singular
noun 1 lyžováními instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
nádraží noun 1 nádražím instrumental singular
noun 1 nádražím dative plural
noun 1 nádražích locative plural
noun 1 nádražími instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
nedbalky noun 1 nedbalek genitive plural
noun 1 nedbalkám dative plural
noun 1 nedbalkám accusative plural
noun 1 nedbalkách locative plural
noun 1 nedbalkami instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
kočí noun 1 kočové nominative plural
noun 1 kočího genitive singular
noun 1 kočích genitive plural
noun 1 kočímu dative singular
noun 1 kočím dative plural
noun 1 kočího accusative singular
noun 1 kočové accusative plural
noun 1 kočím locative singular
noun 1 kočích locative plural
noun 1 kočím instrumental singular
kočí noun 1 kočími instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
strejda noun 1 strejdové nominative plural
noun 1 strejdy genitive singular
noun 1 strejdů genitive plural
noun 1 strejdovi dative singular
noun 1 strejdům dative plural
noun 1 strejdu accusative singular
noun 1 strejdy accusative plural
noun 1 strejdo vocative singular
noun 1 strejdové vocative plural
noun 1 strejdovi locative singular
strejda noun 1 strejdech locative plural
noun 1 strejdy instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
líce noun 1 líci nominative plural
noun 1 líci genitive singular
noun 1 lící genitive plural
noun 1 líci dative singular
noun 1 lícím dative plural
noun 1 líci locative singular
noun 1 lících locative plural
noun 1 lícem instrumental singular
noun 1 líci instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Amazonie noun 1 Amazonii dative singular
noun 1 Amazonii accusative singular
noun 1 Amazonií instrumental singular

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
fluktuace noun 1 fluktuací genitive plural
noun 1 fluktuaci dative singular
noun 1 fluktuacím dative plural
noun 1 fluktuaci accusative singular
noun 1 fluktuacím accusative plural
noun 1 fluktuacích locative plural
noun 1 fluktuací instrumental singular
noun 1 fluktuacemi instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
zpěvák noun 1 zpěváci nominative plural
noun 1 zpěváka genitive singular
noun 1 zpěváků genitive plural
noun 1 zpěváku dative singular
noun 1 zpěvákovi dative singular
noun 1 zpěvákům dative plural
noun 1 zpěváka accusative singular
noun 1 zpěváky accusative plural
noun 1 zpěváku vocative singular
noun 1 zpěváci vocative plural
zpěvák noun 1 zpěváku locative singular
noun 1 zpěvákovi locative singular
noun 1 zpěvácích locative plural
noun 1 zpěvákem instrumental singular

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
dovolení noun 1 dovolením dative plural
noun 1 dovolením instrumental singular
noun 1 dovoleními instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
tlumočnice noun 1 tlumočnic genitive plural
noun 1 tlumočnici dative singular
noun 1 tlumočnicím dative plural
noun 1 tlumočnici accusative singular
noun 1 tlumočnici locative singular
noun 1 tlumočnicí instrumental singular
noun 1 tlumočnicemi instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
úplatkářství noun 1 úplatkářstvím dative plural
noun 1 úplatkářstvími instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
řetěz noun 1 řetězy nominative plural
noun 1 řetězu řetěze genitive singular obsolete
noun 1 řetězů genitive plural
noun 1 řetězu dative singular
noun 1 řetězům dative plural
noun 1 řetězy accusative plural
noun 1 řetěze vocative singular
noun 1 řetězy vocative plural
noun 1 řetěze locative singular
noun 1 řetězu řetězi locative singular obsolete
řetěz noun 1 řetězech locative plural
noun 1 řetězem instrumental singular
noun 1 řetězy instrumental plural

This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2024-10-15 from the plwiktionary dump dated 2024-10-02 using wiktextract (2de260d and c8c706e). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.