"Stand" meaning in Allemand

See Stand in All languages combined, or Wiktionary


IPA: \ʃtant\, ʃtant Audio: De-Stand.ogg , LL-Q188 (deu)-Sebastian Wallroth-Stand.wav
Forms: der Stand [singular, nominative], die Stände [plural, nominative], den Stand [singular, accusative], die Stände [plural, accusative], des Stands [singular, genitive], Standes [singular, genitive], der Stände [plural, genitive], dem Stand [singular, dative], Stande [singular, dative], den Ständen [plural, dative]
  1. Position debout, posture immobile, maintien.
    Sense id: fr-Stand-de-noun-Z~vzyFMj Categories (other): Exemples en allemand
  2. Place, endroit où se tenir.
    Sense id: fr-Stand-de-noun-PTcJiSLT Categories (other): Exemples en allemand
  3. Poste de conduite.
    Sense id: fr-Stand-de-noun-W-bxrbXx Categories (other): Exemples en allemand
  4. Box dans une étable.
    Sense id: fr-Stand-de-noun-fEv90Eza Categories (other): Exemples en allemand
  5. État, situation.
    Sense id: fr-Stand-de-noun-Je9E3o74 Categories (other): Exemples en allemand
  6. État civil, situation familiale.
    Sense id: fr-Stand-de-noun-an5nEBXv Categories (other): Exemples en allemand
  7. Situation professionnelle.
    Sense id: fr-Stand-de-noun-VfEguvJK Categories (other): Exemples en allemand
  8. Ordre, classe, état. Par extension représentant d'un ordre social.
    Sense id: fr-Stand-de-noun-22A33E9D Categories (other): Exemples en allemand, Lexique en allemand de l’histoire Topics: history
  9. Canton.
    Sense id: fr-Stand-de-noun-XyNzSPuD Categories (other): Wiktionnaire:Exemples manquants en allemand, Allemand de Suisse
  10. Cheptel, gibier.
    Sense id: fr-Stand-de-noun-u0asYVYO Categories (other): Exemples en allemand, Lexique en allemand de la chasse Topics: hunting
  11. Étal, stand.
    Sense id: fr-Stand-de-noun-tfXtvAbF Categories (other): Exemples en allemand, Lexique en allemand du commerce Topics: commerce
The following are not (yet) sense-disambiguated
Categories (other): Déverbaux en allemand, Lemmes en allemand, Mots en allemand issus d’un mot en moyen haut-allemand, Mots en allemand issus d’un mot en vieux haut allemand, Noms communs en allemand, Allemand Synonyms (box): Box Synonyms (cabine de conduite): Führerstand Synonyms (canton): Kanton Synonyms (classe): Klasse, Schicht Synonyms (immobilité): Bewegungslosigkeit Synonyms (ordre): Berufsstand Synonyms (position): Stellung Synonyms (position debout): Stehen Synonyms (posture): Haltung Synonyms (profession): Beruf Synonyms (situation familiale): Familienstand Synonyms (stabilité): Bestand Synonyms (statut): Status Synonyms (état): Zustand Derived forms: achselständig, Achsenstand, Achsstand, Adelsstand, Arbeiterstand, Aufstand, Ausbildungsstand, Außenstand, außerstande, Ausstellungsstand, Barometerstand, Bauernstand, Bauernstand, Beamtenstand, Bearbeitungsstand, Befehlsstand, Beistand, Beobachtungsstand, Berufsstand, Beschäftigungsstand, Bettelstand, Bewusstseinsstand, Bezirksschießstand, Bienenstand, Bildungsstand, Blütenstand, bodenständig, Brautstand, Bürgerstand, Datenbankstand, Diskussionsstand, Effektivstand, Ehestand, Ehrenstand, Einstand, Endstand, endständig, Entwicklungsstand, Erfrischungsstand, Erkenntnisstand, Ermittlungsstand, Fahrerstand, Fahrradstand, Familienstand, Flohmarktstand, Forschungsstand, Fruchtstand, Füllstand, Fürstenstand, Gebietsstand, Gefechtsstand, gegenständig, Geistlichkeit, Gemeinschaftsstand, Gemüsestand, Geschützstand, Gleichstand, Grafenstand, Grätschstand, grundständig, Grundwasserstand, Güterstand, Handelsstand, Handwerkerstand, Hauptschießstand, Hausstand, Höchststand, Höchststand, Indexstand, Informationsstand, Infostand, Jungfernstand, Kassenstand, Kilometerstand, Klarstand, Kniestand, Kommandostand, Kontostand, Krankenstand, kreuzständig, Kriegerstand, Landstand, Landstände, Leerstand, Lehrstand, Leistungsstand, Leitstand, Meinungsstand, Melkstand, Messestand, Mitgliederstand, mittelständig, Nackenstand, Oberarmstand, oberständig, Ölstand, ortsständig, Pegelstand, Personalstand, Personenstand, Planungsstand, Postenstand, Prüfstand, Punktestand, Qualifikationsstand, querständig, quirlständig, Radstand, randständig, Reichsstand, Rekordstand, Revisionsstand, Richterstand, Ritterstand, Ruhestand, Saatenstand, Sachstand, Saftstand, Säurestand, Schießbude, Schluss-Stand, Schlussstand, Schuldenstand, Schulterstand, Schützenstand, seitenständig, selbständig, Soldatenstand, Sonnenstand, Spielstand, Standbein, Standbrause, Ständegesellschaft, Ständehaus, Ständekammer, Ständeordnung, Stander, Ständerat, Standesbeamte, standesbedingt, standesbewusst, Standesbewusstsein, Standesdenken, Standesdünkel, Standeserhöhung, Standesethos, Standesfall, Standesgenosse, Standesgenossin, Standesherr, Standeskanzlei, Standesmatrikel, Standesprivileg, Standesrecht, Standesschranke, Standessprache, Ständestaat, Standesunterschied, Standesvertreter, Standesvorrecht, Standesvorurteil, Ständevertretung, Standfestigkeit, Standfläche, Standfoto, Standgas, Standgebühr, Standgeld, Standgerät, Standgericht, Standglas, Standhaube, ständisch, Standkippe, Standlaut, Standleuchte, Standlinie, Standmiete, Standmixer, Standplatz, Standprobe, Standpumpe, Standquartier, Standrohr, Standsäule, Standseilbahn, standsicher, Standsicherheit, Standspiegel, Standstreifen, Standtrockenhaube, Standverbindung, Standvermögen, Standversuch, Standvogel, Standwaage, Standwild, Standzeit, Stillstand, Streckstand, Süßwarenstand, Taxistand, Thermometerstand, Tiefstand, Übelstand, Übergangsstand, überständig, Übungsstand, unterständig, Velostand, Verhandlungsstand, Verkaufsstand, Vermögensstand, Versuchsstand, Vorjahresstand, Vorkriegsstand, Wartestand, wechselständig, Wehrstand, Weltstand, Wurstbude, Würstchenstand, Zahlenstand, Zählerstand, Zehenstand, Zeitungsstand, Zigarettenstand, Zwischenstand Derived forms (abri): Unterstand Derived forms (acquis): Besitzstand Derived forms (affût): Anstand Derived forms (affût perché): Hochstand Derived forms (anomalie): Missstand Derived forms (bande d'arrêt d'urgence): Standspur Derived forms (barre (de tribunal): Zeugenstand Derived forms (cabine de conduite): Führerstand Derived forms (cage de gestation): Kastenstand Derived forms (chauffage auxiliaire): Standheizung Derived forms (circonstance): Umstand Derived forms (classe moyenne): Mittelstand Derived forms (comité directeur): Vorstand Derived forms (conforme à la position sociale): standesgemäß Derived forms (constance): Stanhaftigkeit Derived forms (constant): standhaft Derived forms (continuellement): ständig Derived forms (feu de position): Standlicht Derived forms (grève): Ausstand Derived forms (habile): imstande Derived forms (harangue): Standrede Derived forms (horloge): Standuhr Derived forms (indépendant): selbstständig Derived forms (juridiction): Gerichtsstand Derived forms (ligne directe): Standleitung Derived forms (loi martiale): Standrecht Derived forms (niveau de l'eau): Wasserstand Derived forms (objet): Gegenstand Derived forms (officier d'état civil): Standesbeamter Derived forms (permanence): Ständigkeit Derived forms (personne de qualité): Standesperson Derived forms (personnel(le): eigenständig Derived forms (point de vue): Standpunkt Derived forms (point le plus bas): Tiefststand Derived forms (population de gibier): Wildbestand Derived forms (position du poirier): Handstand Derived forms (position du poirier sur la tête): Kopfstand Derived forms (prospérité): Wohlstand Derived forms (retard): Rückstand Derived forms (résistance): Widerstand Derived forms (savon): Standpauke Derived forms (site): Standort Derived forms (situation d'urgence): Notstand Derived forms (snack-bar): Imbissstand Derived forms (stable): standfest Derived forms (stand de tir): Schießstand Derived forms (statu quo): Gesamtstand Derived forms (statue): Standbild Derived forms (stock): Bestand Derived forms (sérénade): Ständchen Derived forms (tenir le coup): standhalten Derived forms (veuvage): Witwenstand Derived forms (écart): Abstand Derived forms (érection): Ständer Derived forms (étal): Marktstand Derived forms (état): Zustand Derived forms (état civil): Standesamt Derived forms (état des connaissances): Kenntnisstand, Wissensstand

Inflected forms

  "categories": [
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Déverbaux en allemand",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Lemmes en allemand",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Mots en allemand issus d’un mot en moyen haut-allemand",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Mots en allemand issus d’un mot en vieux haut allemand",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Noms communs en allemand",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Allemand",
      "orig": "allemand",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
  "derived": [
      "sense": "écart",
      "word": "Abstand"
      "word": "achselständig"
      "word": "Achsenstand"
      "word": "Achsstand"
      "word": "Adelsstand"
      "sense": "affût",
      "word": "Anstand"
      "word": "Arbeiterstand"
      "word": "Aufstand"
      "word": "Ausbildungsstand"
      "word": "Außenstand"
      "word": "außerstande"
      "sense": "grève",
      "word": "Ausstand"
      "word": "Ausstellungsstand"
      "word": "Barometerstand"
      "word": "Bauernstand"
      "word": "Bauernstand"
      "word": "Beamtenstand"
      "word": "Bearbeitungsstand"
      "word": "Befehlsstand"
      "word": "Beistand"
      "word": "Beobachtungsstand"
      "word": "Berufsstand"
      "word": "Beschäftigungsstand"
      "sense": "acquis",
      "word": "Besitzstand"
      "sense": "stock",
      "word": "Bestand"
      "word": "Bettelstand"
      "word": "Bewusstseinsstand"
      "word": "Bezirksschießstand"
      "word": "Bienenstand"
      "word": "Bildungsstand"
      "word": "Blütenstand"
      "word": "bodenständig"
      "word": "Brautstand"
      "word": "Bürgerstand"
      "word": "Datenbankstand"
      "word": "Diskussionsstand"
      "word": "Effektivstand"
      "word": "Ehestand"
      "word": "Ehrenstand"
      "sense": "personnel(le",
      "word": "eigenständig"
      "word": "Einstand"
      "word": "Endstand"
      "word": "endständig"
      "word": "Entwicklungsstand"
      "word": "Erfrischungsstand"
      "word": "Erkenntnisstand"
      "word": "Ermittlungsstand"
      "word": "Fahrerstand"
      "word": "Fahrradstand"
      "word": "Familienstand"
      "word": "Flohmarktstand"
      "word": "Forschungsstand"
      "word": "Fruchtstand"
      "sense": "cabine de conduite",
      "word": "Führerstand"
      "word": "Füllstand"
      "word": "Fürstenstand"
      "word": "Gebietsstand"
      "word": "Gefechtsstand"
      "sense": "objet",
      "word": "Gegenstand"
      "word": "gegenständig"
      "word": "Geistlichkeit"
      "word": "Gemeinschaftsstand"
      "word": "Gemüsestand"
      "sense": "juridiction",
      "word": "Gerichtsstand"
      "sense": "statu quo",
      "word": "Gesamtstand"
      "word": "Geschützstand"
      "word": "Gleichstand"
      "word": "Grafenstand"
      "word": "Grätschstand"
      "word": "grundständig"
      "word": "Grundwasserstand"
      "word": "Güterstand"
      "word": "Handelsstand"
      "sense": "position du poirier",
      "word": "Handstand"
      "word": "Handwerkerstand"
      "word": "Hauptschießstand"
      "word": "Hausstand"
      "sense": "affût perché",
      "word": "Hochstand"
      "word": "Höchststand"
      "word": "Höchststand"
      "sense": "snack-bar",
      "word": "Imbissstand"
      "sense": "habile",
      "word": "imstande"
      "word": "Indexstand"
      "word": "Informationsstand"
      "word": "Infostand"
      "word": "Jungfernstand"
      "word": "Kassenstand"
      "sense": "cage de gestation",
      "word": "Kastenstand"
      "sense": "état des connaissances",
      "word": "Kenntnisstand"
      "word": "Kilometerstand"
      "word": "Klarstand"
      "word": "Kniestand"
      "word": "Kommandostand"
      "word": "Kontostand"
      "sense": "position du poirier sur la tête",
      "word": "Kopfstand"
      "word": "Krankenstand"
      "word": "kreuzständig"
      "word": "Kriegerstand"
      "word": "Landstand"
      "word": "Landstände"
      "word": "Leerstand"
      "word": "Lehrstand"
      "word": "Leistungsstand"
      "word": "Leitstand"
      "sense": "étal",
      "word": "Marktstand"
      "word": "Meinungsstand"
      "word": "Melkstand"
      "word": "Messestand"
      "sense": "anomalie",
      "word": "Missstand"
      "word": "Mitgliederstand"
      "sense": "classe moyenne",
      "word": "Mittelstand"
      "word": "mittelständig"
      "word": "Nackenstand"
      "sense": "situation d'urgence",
      "word": "Notstand"
      "word": "Oberarmstand"
      "word": "oberständig"
      "word": "Ölstand"
      "word": "ortsständig"
      "word": "Pegelstand"
      "word": "Personalstand"
      "word": "Personenstand"
      "word": "Planungsstand"
      "word": "Postenstand"
      "word": "Prüfstand"
      "word": "Punktestand"
      "word": "Qualifikationsstand"
      "word": "querständig"
      "word": "quirlständig"
      "word": "Radstand"
      "word": "randständig"
      "word": "Reichsstand"
      "word": "Rekordstand"
      "word": "Revisionsstand"
      "word": "Richterstand"
      "word": "Ritterstand"
      "sense": "retard",
      "word": "Rückstand"
      "word": "Ruhestand"
      "word": "Saatenstand"
      "word": "Sachstand"
      "word": "Saftstand"
      "word": "Säurestand"
      "word": "Schießbude"
      "sense": "stand de tir",
      "word": "Schießstand"
      "word": "Schluss-Stand"
      "word": "Schlussstand"
      "word": "Schuldenstand"
      "word": "Schulterstand"
      "word": "Schützenstand"
      "word": "seitenständig"
      "word": "selbständig"
      "sense": "indépendant",
      "word": "selbstständig"
      "word": "Soldatenstand"
      "word": "Sonnenstand"
      "word": "Spielstand"
      "word": "Standbein"
      "sense": "statue",
      "word": "Standbild"
      "word": "Standbrause"
      "sense": "sérénade",
      "word": "Ständchen"
      "word": "Ständegesellschaft"
      "word": "Ständehaus"
      "word": "Ständekammer"
      "word": "Ständeordnung"
      "word": "Stander"
      "sense": "érection",
      "word": "Ständer"
      "word": "Ständerat"
      "sense": "état civil",
      "word": "Standesamt"
      "word": "Standesbeamte"
      "sense": "officier d'état civil",
      "word": "Standesbeamter"
      "word": "standesbedingt"
      "word": "standesbewusst"
      "word": "Standesbewusstsein"
      "word": "Standesdenken"
      "word": "Standesdünkel"
      "word": "Standeserhöhung"
      "word": "Standesethos"
      "word": "Standesfall"
      "sense": "conforme à la position sociale",
      "word": "standesgemäß"
      "word": "Standesgenosse"
      "word": "Standesgenossin"
      "word": "Standesherr"
      "word": "Standeskanzlei"
      "word": "Standesmatrikel"
      "sense": "personne de qualité",
      "word": "Standesperson"
      "word": "Standesprivileg"
      "word": "Standesrecht"
      "word": "Standesschranke"
      "word": "Standessprache"
      "word": "Ständestaat"
      "word": "Standesunterschied"
      "word": "Standesvertreter"
      "word": "Standesvorrecht"
      "word": "Standesvorurteil"
      "word": "Ständevertretung"
      "sense": "stable",
      "word": "standfest"
      "word": "Standfestigkeit"
      "word": "Standfläche"
      "word": "Standfoto"
      "word": "Standgas"
      "word": "Standgebühr"
      "word": "Standgeld"
      "word": "Standgerät"
      "word": "Standgericht"
      "word": "Standglas"
      "sense": "constant",
      "word": "standhaft"
      "sense": "constance",
      "word": "Stanhaftigkeit"
      "sense": "tenir le coup",
      "word": "standhalten"
      "word": "Standhaube"
      "sense": "chauffage auxiliaire",
      "word": "Standheizung"
      "sense": "continuellement",
      "word": "ständig"
      "sense": "permanence",
      "word": "Ständigkeit"
      "word": "ständisch"
      "word": "Standkippe"
      "word": "Standlaut"
      "sense": "ligne directe",
      "word": "Standleitung"
      "word": "Standleuchte"
      "sense": "feu de position",
      "word": "Standlicht"
      "word": "Standlinie"
      "word": "Standmiete"
      "word": "Standmixer"
      "sense": "site",
      "word": "Standort"
      "sense": "savon",
      "word": "Standpauke"
      "word": "Standplatz"
      "word": "Standprobe"
      "word": "Standpumpe"
      "sense": "point de vue",
      "word": "Standpunkt"
      "word": "Standquartier"
      "sense": "loi martiale",
      "word": "Standrecht"
      "sense": "harangue",
      "word": "Standrede"
      "word": "Standrohr"
      "word": "Standsäule"
      "word": "Standseilbahn"
      "word": "standsicher"
      "word": "Standsicherheit"
      "word": "Standspiegel"
      "sense": "bande d'arrêt d'urgence",
      "word": "Standspur"
      "word": "Standstreifen"
      "word": "Standtrockenhaube"
      "sense": "horloge",
      "word": "Standuhr"
      "word": "Standverbindung"
      "word": "Standvermögen"
      "word": "Standversuch"
      "word": "Standvogel"
      "word": "Standwaage"
      "word": "Standwild"
      "word": "Standzeit"
      "word": "Stillstand"
      "word": "Streckstand"
      "word": "Süßwarenstand"
      "word": "Taxistand"
      "word": "Thermometerstand"
      "word": "Tiefstand"
      "sense": "point le plus bas",
      "word": "Tiefststand"
      "word": "Übelstand"
      "word": "Übergangsstand"
      "word": "überständig"
      "word": "Übungsstand"
      "sense": "circonstance",
      "word": "Umstand"
      "sense": "abri",
      "word": "Unterstand"
      "word": "unterständig"
      "word": "Velostand"
      "word": "Verhandlungsstand"
      "word": "Verkaufsstand"
      "word": "Vermögensstand"
      "word": "Versuchsstand"
      "word": "Vorjahresstand"
      "word": "Vorkriegsstand"
      "sense": "comité directeur",
      "word": "Vorstand"
      "word": "Wartestand"
      "sense": "niveau de l'eau",
      "word": "Wasserstand"
      "word": "wechselständig"
      "word": "Wehrstand"
      "word": "Weltstand"
      "sense": "résistance",
      "word": "Widerstand"
      "sense": "population de gibier",
      "word": "Wildbestand"
      "sense": "état des connaissances",
      "word": "Wissensstand"
      "sense": "veuvage",
      "word": "Witwenstand"
      "sense": "prospérité",
      "word": "Wohlstand"
      "word": "Wurstbude"
      "word": "Würstchenstand"
      "word": "Zahlenstand"
      "word": "Zählerstand"
      "word": "Zehenstand"
      "word": "Zeitungsstand"
      "sense": "barre (de tribunal",
      "word": "Zeugenstand"
      "word": "Zigarettenstand"
      "sense": "état",
      "word": "Zustand"
      "word": "Zwischenstand"
  "etymology_texts": [
    "Déverbal de stehen (« être debout»).",
    "(VIIIᵉ siècle). Du moyen haut-allemand stant, du vieux haut allemand stand."
  "forms": [
      "form": "der Stand",
      "tags": [
      "form": "die Stände",
      "tags": [
      "form": "den Stand",
      "tags": [
      "form": "die Stände",
      "tags": [
      "form": "des Stands",
      "tags": [
      "form": "Standes",
      "tags": [
      "form": "der Stände",
      "tags": [
      "form": "dem Stand",
      "tags": [
      "form": "Stande",
      "tags": [
      "form": "den Ständen",
      "tags": [
  "lang": "Allemand",
  "lang_code": "de",
  "pos": "noun",
  "pos_title": "Nom commun",
  "proverbs": [
      "word": "einen guten Stand haben"
      "word": "einen schlechten Stand haben"
      "word": "einen schweren Stand haben"
      "word": "in Stand setzen"
      "word": "keinen leichten Stand haben"
      "sense": "état de l'art",
      "word": "Stand der Technik"
  "senses": [
      "categories": [
          "kind": "other",
          "name": "Exemples en allemand",
          "parents": [],
          "source": "w"
      "examples": [
          "text": "Die nächste Übung beginnen wir im Stand.",
          "translation": "Le prochain exercice commence en position debout."
          "text": "Der Wankelmotor verbraucht sogar im Stand Benzin.",
          "translation": "Le moteur de Wankel consomme de l'essence même à l'arrêt."
      "glosses": [
        "Position debout, posture immobile, maintien."
      "id": "fr-Stand-de-noun-Z~vzyFMj"
      "categories": [
          "kind": "other",
          "name": "Exemples en allemand",
          "parents": [],
          "source": "w"
      "examples": [
          "text": "Er suchte sich einen geschützten Stand.",
          "translation": "Il se cherche une position à couvert."
      "glosses": [
        "Place, endroit où se tenir."
      "id": "fr-Stand-de-noun-PTcJiSLT"
      "categories": [
          "kind": "other",
          "name": "Exemples en allemand",
          "parents": [],
          "source": "w"
      "examples": [
          "text": "in den Stand steigen.",
          "translation": "Prendre le volant."
      "glosses": [
        "Poste de conduite."
      "id": "fr-Stand-de-noun-W-bxrbXx"
      "categories": [
          "kind": "other",
          "name": "Exemples en allemand",
          "parents": [],
          "source": "w"
      "examples": [
          "text": "Im ersten Stand befanden sich ein Esel und ein Ochse.",
          "translation": "Dans le premier box il y avait un âne et un bœuf."
      "glosses": [
        "Box dans une étable."
      "id": "fr-Stand-de-noun-fEv90Eza"
      "categories": [
          "kind": "other",
          "name": "Exemples en allemand",
          "parents": [],
          "source": "w"
      "examples": [
          "text": "Stand der Technik.",
          "translation": "L'état de l'art."
          "text": "der finanzielle Stand der Firma.",
          "translation": "La situation financière de l'entreprise."
      "glosses": [
        "État, situation."
      "id": "fr-Stand-de-noun-Je9E3o74"
      "categories": [
          "kind": "other",
          "name": "Exemples en allemand",
          "parents": [],
          "source": "w"
      "examples": [
          "text": "lediger Stand.",
          "translation": "situation : célibataire."
      "glosses": [
        "État civil, situation familiale."
      "id": "fr-Stand-de-noun-an5nEBXv"
      "categories": [
          "kind": "other",
          "name": "Exemples en allemand",
          "parents": [],
          "source": "w"
      "examples": [
          "text": "dem Stand der Kaufleute angehören.",
          "translation": "Faire partie des commerciaux."
      "glosses": [
        "Situation professionnelle."
      "id": "fr-Stand-de-noun-VfEguvJK"
      "categories": [
          "kind": "other",
          "name": "Exemples en allemand",
          "parents": [],
          "source": "w"
          "kind": "other",
          "name": "Lexique en allemand de l’histoire",
          "parents": [],
          "source": "w"
      "examples": [
          "text": "Im Mittelalter war die Gesellschaft in drei Stände unterteilt.",
          "translation": "Au Moyen-âge, la société était divisée en trois ordres."
          "text": "Dritter Stand.",
          "translation": "Tiers état."
      "glosses": [
        "Ordre, classe, état. Par extension représentant d'un ordre social."
      "id": "fr-Stand-de-noun-22A33E9D",
      "topics": [
      "categories": [
          "kind": "other",
          "name": "Wiktionnaire:Exemples manquants en allemand",
          "parents": [],
          "source": "w"
          "kind": "other",
          "name": "Allemand de Suisse",
          "orig": "allemand de Suisse",
          "parents": [],
          "source": "w"
      "glosses": [
      "id": "fr-Stand-de-noun-XyNzSPuD",
      "raw_tags": [
      "categories": [
          "kind": "other",
          "name": "Exemples en allemand",
          "parents": [],
          "source": "w"
          "kind": "other",
          "name": "Lexique en allemand de la chasse",
          "parents": [],
          "source": "w"
      "examples": [
          "text": "Diese Jagdzeit hat der Stand sich wieder erweitert.",
          "translation": "Cette saison, le gibier est plus nombreux."
      "glosses": [
        "Cheptel, gibier."
      "id": "fr-Stand-de-noun-u0asYVYO",
      "topics": [
      "categories": [
          "kind": "other",
          "name": "Exemples en allemand",
          "parents": [],
          "source": "w"
          "kind": "other",
          "name": "Lexique en allemand du commerce",
          "parents": [],
          "source": "w"
      "examples": [
          "text": "kommen Sie auf der Messe zu unserem Stand.",
          "translation": "Venez à la foire sur notre stand."
      "glosses": [
        "Étal, stand."
      "id": "fr-Stand-de-noun-tfXtvAbF",
      "topics": [
  "sounds": [
      "ipa": "\\ʃtant\\"
      "audio": "De-Stand.ogg",
      "ipa": "ʃtant",
      "mp3_url": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/transcoded/f/f3/De-Stand.ogg/De-Stand.ogg.mp3",
      "ogg_url": "https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/De-Stand.ogg"
      "audio": "LL-Q188 (deu)-Sebastian Wallroth-Stand.wav",
      "mp3_url": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/transcoded/4/44/LL-Q188_(deu)-Sebastian_Wallroth-Stand.wav/LL-Q188_(deu)-Sebastian_Wallroth-Stand.wav.mp3",
      "ogg_url": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/transcoded/4/44/LL-Q188_(deu)-Sebastian_Wallroth-Stand.wav/LL-Q188_(deu)-Sebastian_Wallroth-Stand.wav.ogg",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Allemagne (Berlin)"
      "wav_url": "https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/LL-Q188 (deu)-Sebastian Wallroth-Stand.wav"
  "synonyms": [
      "sense": "profession",
      "word": "Beruf"
      "sense": "ordre",
      "word": "Berufsstand"
      "sense": "stabilité",
      "word": "Bestand"
      "sense": "immobilité",
      "word": "Bewegungslosigkeit"
      "sense": "box",
      "word": "Box"
      "sense": "situation familiale",
      "word": "Familienstand"
      "sense": "cabine de conduite",
      "word": "Führerstand"
      "sense": "posture",
      "word": "Haltung"
      "sense": "canton",
      "word": "Kanton"
      "sense": "classe",
      "word": "Klasse"
      "sense": "classe",
      "word": "Schicht"
      "sense": "statut",
      "word": "Status"
      "sense": "position debout",
      "word": "Stehen"
      "sense": "position",
      "word": "Stellung"
      "sense": "état",
      "word": "Zustand"
  "tags": [
  "word": "Stand"
  "categories": [
    "Déverbaux en allemand",
    "Lemmes en allemand",
    "Mots en allemand issus d’un mot en moyen haut-allemand",
    "Mots en allemand issus d’un mot en vieux haut allemand",
    "Noms communs en allemand",
  "derived": [
      "sense": "écart",
      "word": "Abstand"
      "word": "achselständig"
      "word": "Achsenstand"
      "word": "Achsstand"
      "word": "Adelsstand"
      "sense": "affût",
      "word": "Anstand"
      "word": "Arbeiterstand"
      "word": "Aufstand"
      "word": "Ausbildungsstand"
      "word": "Außenstand"
      "word": "außerstande"
      "sense": "grève",
      "word": "Ausstand"
      "word": "Ausstellungsstand"
      "word": "Barometerstand"
      "word": "Bauernstand"
      "word": "Bauernstand"
      "word": "Beamtenstand"
      "word": "Bearbeitungsstand"
      "word": "Befehlsstand"
      "word": "Beistand"
      "word": "Beobachtungsstand"
      "word": "Berufsstand"
      "word": "Beschäftigungsstand"
      "sense": "acquis",
      "word": "Besitzstand"
      "sense": "stock",
      "word": "Bestand"
      "word": "Bettelstand"
      "word": "Bewusstseinsstand"
      "word": "Bezirksschießstand"
      "word": "Bienenstand"
      "word": "Bildungsstand"
      "word": "Blütenstand"
      "word": "bodenständig"
      "word": "Brautstand"
      "word": "Bürgerstand"
      "word": "Datenbankstand"
      "word": "Diskussionsstand"
      "word": "Effektivstand"
      "word": "Ehestand"
      "word": "Ehrenstand"
      "sense": "personnel(le",
      "word": "eigenständig"
      "word": "Einstand"
      "word": "Endstand"
      "word": "endständig"
      "word": "Entwicklungsstand"
      "word": "Erfrischungsstand"
      "word": "Erkenntnisstand"
      "word": "Ermittlungsstand"
      "word": "Fahrerstand"
      "word": "Fahrradstand"
      "word": "Familienstand"
      "word": "Flohmarktstand"
      "word": "Forschungsstand"
      "word": "Fruchtstand"
      "sense": "cabine de conduite",
      "word": "Führerstand"
      "word": "Füllstand"
      "word": "Fürstenstand"
      "word": "Gebietsstand"
      "word": "Gefechtsstand"
      "sense": "objet",
      "word": "Gegenstand"
      "word": "gegenständig"
      "word": "Geistlichkeit"
      "word": "Gemeinschaftsstand"
      "word": "Gemüsestand"
      "sense": "juridiction",
      "word": "Gerichtsstand"
      "sense": "statu quo",
      "word": "Gesamtstand"
      "word": "Geschützstand"
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      "word": "Grätschstand"
      "word": "grundständig"
      "word": "Grundwasserstand"
      "word": "Güterstand"
      "word": "Handelsstand"
      "sense": "position du poirier",
      "word": "Handstand"
      "word": "Handwerkerstand"
      "word": "Hauptschießstand"
      "word": "Hausstand"
      "sense": "affût perché",
      "word": "Hochstand"
      "word": "Höchststand"
      "word": "Höchststand"
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      "word": "Imbissstand"
      "sense": "habile",
      "word": "imstande"
      "word": "Indexstand"
      "word": "Informationsstand"
      "word": "Infostand"
      "word": "Jungfernstand"
      "word": "Kassenstand"
      "sense": "cage de gestation",
      "word": "Kastenstand"
      "sense": "état des connaissances",
      "word": "Kenntnisstand"
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      "word": "Notstand"
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      "word": "Pegelstand"
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      "word": "Prüfstand"
      "word": "Punktestand"
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      "word": "quirlständig"
      "word": "Radstand"
      "word": "randständig"
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      "word": "Ritterstand"
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      "word": "Saatenstand"
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      "word": "Schießbude"
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      "word": "selbstständig"
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      "word": "Spielstand"
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      "word": "Ständehaus"
      "word": "Ständekammer"
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      "word": "Ständer"
      "word": "Ständerat"
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      "word": "Standesbeamter"
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      "word": "Standesdenken"
      "word": "Standesdünkel"
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      "word": "Standesfall"
      "sense": "conforme à la position sociale",
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      "word": "Standesgenossin"
      "word": "Standesherr"
      "word": "Standeskanzlei"
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      "sense": "personne de qualité",
      "word": "Standesperson"
      "word": "Standesprivileg"
      "word": "Standesrecht"
      "word": "Standesschranke"
      "word": "Standessprache"
      "word": "Ständestaat"
      "word": "Standesunterschied"
      "word": "Standesvertreter"
      "word": "Standesvorrecht"
      "word": "Standesvorurteil"
      "word": "Ständevertretung"
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      "word": "Standfoto"
      "word": "Standgas"
      "word": "Standgebühr"
      "word": "Standgeld"
      "word": "Standgerät"
      "word": "Standgericht"
      "word": "Standglas"
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      "word": "Stanhaftigkeit"
      "sense": "tenir le coup",
      "word": "standhalten"
      "word": "Standhaube"
      "sense": "chauffage auxiliaire",
      "word": "Standheizung"
      "sense": "continuellement",
      "word": "ständig"
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      "word": "Ständigkeit"
      "word": "ständisch"
      "word": "Standkippe"
      "word": "Standlaut"
      "sense": "ligne directe",
      "word": "Standleitung"
      "word": "Standleuchte"
      "sense": "feu de position",
      "word": "Standlicht"
      "word": "Standlinie"
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      "word": "Standmixer"
      "sense": "site",
      "word": "Standort"
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      "sense": "point de vue",
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      "word": "Standrecht"
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      "word": "Standseilbahn"
      "word": "standsicher"
      "word": "Standsicherheit"
      "word": "Standspiegel"
      "sense": "bande d'arrêt d'urgence",
      "word": "Standspur"
      "word": "Standstreifen"
      "word": "Standtrockenhaube"
      "sense": "horloge",
      "word": "Standuhr"
      "word": "Standverbindung"
      "word": "Standvermögen"
      "word": "Standversuch"
      "word": "Standvogel"
      "word": "Standwaage"
      "word": "Standwild"
      "word": "Standzeit"
      "word": "Stillstand"
      "word": "Streckstand"
      "word": "Süßwarenstand"
      "word": "Taxistand"
      "word": "Thermometerstand"
      "word": "Tiefstand"
      "sense": "point le plus bas",
      "word": "Tiefststand"
      "word": "Übelstand"
      "word": "Übergangsstand"
      "word": "überständig"
      "word": "Übungsstand"
      "sense": "circonstance",
      "word": "Umstand"
      "sense": "abri",
      "word": "Unterstand"
      "word": "unterständig"
      "word": "Velostand"
      "word": "Verhandlungsstand"
      "word": "Verkaufsstand"
      "word": "Vermögensstand"
      "word": "Versuchsstand"
      "word": "Vorjahresstand"
      "word": "Vorkriegsstand"
      "sense": "comité directeur",
      "word": "Vorstand"
      "word": "Wartestand"
      "sense": "niveau de l'eau",
      "word": "Wasserstand"
      "word": "wechselständig"
      "word": "Wehrstand"
      "word": "Weltstand"
      "sense": "résistance",
      "word": "Widerstand"
      "sense": "population de gibier",
      "word": "Wildbestand"
      "sense": "état des connaissances",
      "word": "Wissensstand"
      "sense": "veuvage",
      "word": "Witwenstand"
      "sense": "prospérité",
      "word": "Wohlstand"
      "word": "Wurstbude"
      "word": "Würstchenstand"
      "word": "Zahlenstand"
      "word": "Zählerstand"
      "word": "Zehenstand"
      "word": "Zeitungsstand"
      "sense": "barre (de tribunal",
      "word": "Zeugenstand"
      "word": "Zigarettenstand"
      "sense": "état",
      "word": "Zustand"
      "word": "Zwischenstand"
  "etymology_texts": [
    "Déverbal de stehen (« être debout»).",
    "(VIIIᵉ siècle). Du moyen haut-allemand stant, du vieux haut allemand stand."
  "forms": [
      "form": "der Stand",
      "tags": [
      "form": "die Stände",
      "tags": [
      "form": "den Stand",
      "tags": [
      "form": "die Stände",
      "tags": [
      "form": "des Stands",
      "tags": [
      "form": "Standes",
      "tags": [
      "form": "der Stände",
      "tags": [
      "form": "dem Stand",
      "tags": [
      "form": "Stande",
      "tags": [
      "form": "den Ständen",
      "tags": [
  "lang": "Allemand",
  "lang_code": "de",
  "pos": "noun",
  "pos_title": "Nom commun",
  "proverbs": [
      "word": "einen guten Stand haben"
      "word": "einen schlechten Stand haben"
      "word": "einen schweren Stand haben"
      "word": "in Stand setzen"
      "word": "keinen leichten Stand haben"
      "sense": "état de l'art",
      "word": "Stand der Technik"
  "senses": [
      "categories": [
        "Exemples en allemand"
      "examples": [
          "text": "Die nächste Übung beginnen wir im Stand.",
          "translation": "Le prochain exercice commence en position debout."
          "text": "Der Wankelmotor verbraucht sogar im Stand Benzin.",
          "translation": "Le moteur de Wankel consomme de l'essence même à l'arrêt."
      "glosses": [
        "Position debout, posture immobile, maintien."
      "categories": [
        "Exemples en allemand"
      "examples": [
          "text": "Er suchte sich einen geschützten Stand.",
          "translation": "Il se cherche une position à couvert."
      "glosses": [
        "Place, endroit où se tenir."
      "categories": [
        "Exemples en allemand"
      "examples": [
          "text": "in den Stand steigen.",
          "translation": "Prendre le volant."
      "glosses": [
        "Poste de conduite."
      "categories": [
        "Exemples en allemand"
      "examples": [
          "text": "Im ersten Stand befanden sich ein Esel und ein Ochse.",
          "translation": "Dans le premier box il y avait un âne et un bœuf."
      "glosses": [
        "Box dans une étable."
      "categories": [
        "Exemples en allemand"
      "examples": [
          "text": "Stand der Technik.",
          "translation": "L'état de l'art."
          "text": "der finanzielle Stand der Firma.",
          "translation": "La situation financière de l'entreprise."
      "glosses": [
        "État, situation."
      "categories": [
        "Exemples en allemand"
      "examples": [
          "text": "lediger Stand.",
          "translation": "situation : célibataire."
      "glosses": [
        "État civil, situation familiale."
      "categories": [
        "Exemples en allemand"
      "examples": [
          "text": "dem Stand der Kaufleute angehören.",
          "translation": "Faire partie des commerciaux."
      "glosses": [
        "Situation professionnelle."
      "categories": [
        "Exemples en allemand",
        "Lexique en allemand de l’histoire"
      "examples": [
          "text": "Im Mittelalter war die Gesellschaft in drei Stände unterteilt.",
          "translation": "Au Moyen-âge, la société était divisée en trois ordres."
          "text": "Dritter Stand.",
          "translation": "Tiers état."
      "glosses": [
        "Ordre, classe, état. Par extension représentant d'un ordre social."
      "topics": [
      "categories": [
        "Wiktionnaire:Exemples manquants en allemand",
        "allemand de Suisse"
      "glosses": [
      "raw_tags": [
      "categories": [
        "Exemples en allemand",
        "Lexique en allemand de la chasse"
      "examples": [
          "text": "Diese Jagdzeit hat der Stand sich wieder erweitert.",
          "translation": "Cette saison, le gibier est plus nombreux."
      "glosses": [
        "Cheptel, gibier."
      "topics": [
      "categories": [
        "Exemples en allemand",
        "Lexique en allemand du commerce"
      "examples": [
          "text": "kommen Sie auf der Messe zu unserem Stand.",
          "translation": "Venez à la foire sur notre stand."
      "glosses": [
        "Étal, stand."
      "topics": [
  "sounds": [
      "ipa": "\\ʃtant\\"
      "audio": "De-Stand.ogg",
      "ipa": "ʃtant",
      "mp3_url": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/transcoded/f/f3/De-Stand.ogg/De-Stand.ogg.mp3",
      "ogg_url": "https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/De-Stand.ogg"
      "audio": "LL-Q188 (deu)-Sebastian Wallroth-Stand.wav",
      "mp3_url": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/transcoded/4/44/LL-Q188_(deu)-Sebastian_Wallroth-Stand.wav/LL-Q188_(deu)-Sebastian_Wallroth-Stand.wav.mp3",
      "ogg_url": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/transcoded/4/44/LL-Q188_(deu)-Sebastian_Wallroth-Stand.wav/LL-Q188_(deu)-Sebastian_Wallroth-Stand.wav.ogg",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Allemagne (Berlin)"
      "wav_url": "https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/LL-Q188 (deu)-Sebastian Wallroth-Stand.wav"
  "synonyms": [
      "sense": "profession",
      "word": "Beruf"
      "sense": "ordre",
      "word": "Berufsstand"
      "sense": "stabilité",
      "word": "Bestand"
      "sense": "immobilité",
      "word": "Bewegungslosigkeit"
      "sense": "box",
      "word": "Box"
      "sense": "situation familiale",
      "word": "Familienstand"
      "sense": "cabine de conduite",
      "word": "Führerstand"
      "sense": "posture",
      "word": "Haltung"
      "sense": "canton",
      "word": "Kanton"
      "sense": "classe",
      "word": "Klasse"
      "sense": "classe",
      "word": "Schicht"
      "sense": "statut",
      "word": "Status"
      "sense": "position debout",
      "word": "Stehen"
      "sense": "position",
      "word": "Stellung"
      "sense": "état",
      "word": "Zustand"
  "tags": [
  "word": "Stand"

Download raw JSONL data for Stand meaning in Allemand (14.1kB)

This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable Allemand dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-25 from the frwiktionary dump dated 2025-03-21 using wiktextract (fef8596 and 633533e). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.