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Komi-Zyrian inflections

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Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
ид noun 4889 no-table-tags table-tags
noun 4889 kpv-decl inflection-template
noun 4889 идным nominative singular
noun 4889 идъясным nominative plural
noun 4889 идным accusative accusative-i singular
noun 4889 идъясным accusative accusative-i plural
noun 4889 иднымӧ accusative accusative-ii singular
noun 4889 идъяснымӧ accusative accusative-ii plural
noun 4889 иднаным instrumental singular
noun 4889 идъяснаным instrumental plural
ид noun 4889 иднымкӧд comitative singular
noun 4889 идъяснымкӧд comitative plural
noun 4889 идтӧгным caritive singular
noun 4889 идъястӧгным caritive plural
noun 4889 иднымла singular consecutive
noun 4889 идъяснымла plural consecutive
noun 4889 иднымлӧн genitive singular
noun 4889 идъяснымлӧн genitive plural
noun 4889 иднымлысь ablative singular
noun 4889 идъяснымлысь ablative plural
ид noun 4889 иднымлы dative singular
noun 4889 идъяснымлы dative plural
noun 4889 идъяным inessive singular
noun 4889 идъясаным inessive plural
noun 4889 идсьыным elative singular
noun 4889 идъяссьыным elative plural
noun 4889 идъяным illative singular
noun 4889 идъясаным illative plural
noun 4889 идсяньным egressive singular
noun 4889 идъяссяньным egressive plural
ид noun 4889 идланьным approximative singular
noun 4889 идъясланьным approximative plural
noun 4889 идйӧдзным singular terminative
noun 4889 идъясӧдзным plural terminative
noun 4889 идйӧдным prolative prolative-i singular
noun 4889 идъясӧдным prolative prolative-i plural
noun 4889 идтіным prolative prolative-ii singular
noun 4889 идъястіным prolative prolative-ii plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
мыр noun 1084 myr romanization

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
роч adj 456 no-table-tags table-tags
adj 456 kpv-decl inflection-template
adj 456 рочыс nominative singular
adj 456 рочьясыс nominative plural
adj 456 рочсӧ accusative singular
adj 456 рочьяссӧ accusative plural
adj 456 рочнас instrumental singular
adj 456 рочьяснас instrumental plural
adj 456 рочыскӧд comitative singular
adj 456 рочьясыскӧд comitative plural
роч adj 456 рочтӧгыс caritive singular
adj 456 рочьястӧгыс caritive plural
adj 456 рочысла singular consecutive
adj 456 рочьясысла plural consecutive
adj 456 рочыслӧн genitive singular
adj 456 рочьясыслӧн genitive plural
adj 456 рочыслысь ablative singular
adj 456 рочьясыслысь ablative plural
adj 456 рочыслы dative singular
adj 456 рочьясыслы dative plural
роч adj 456 рочяс inessive singular
adj 456 рочьясас inessive plural
adj 456 рочсьыс elative singular
adj 456 рочьяссьыс elative plural
adj 456 рочяс illative singular
adj 456 рочьясас illative plural
adj 456 рочсяньыс egressive singular
adj 456 рочьяссяньыс egressive plural
adj 456 рочланьыс approximative singular
adj 456 рочьясланьыс approximative plural
роч adj 456 рочӧдзыс singular terminative
adj 456 рочьясӧдзыс plural terminative
adj 456 рочӧдыс prolative prolative-i singular
adj 456 рочьясӧдыс prolative prolative-i plural
adj 456 рочтіыс prolative prolative-ii singular
adj 456 рочьястіыс prolative prolative-ii plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
виысь adj 76 no-table-tags table-tags
adj 76 kpv-decl inflection-template
adj 76 виысь error-unrecognized-form
adj 76 виысьӧсь error-unrecognized-form
adj 76 виысь nominative singular
adj 76 виысьяс nominative plural
adj 76 виысьӧ accusative singular
adj 76 виысьясӧ accusative plural
adj 76 виысьӧн instrumental singular
adj 76 виысьясӧн instrumental plural
виысь adj 76 виыськӧд comitative singular
adj 76 виысьяскӧд comitative plural
adj 76 виысьтӧг caritive singular
adj 76 виысьястӧг caritive plural
adj 76 виысьла singular consecutive
adj 76 виысьясла plural consecutive
adj 76 виысьлӧн genitive singular
adj 76 виысьяслӧн genitive plural
adj 76 виысьлысь ablative singular
adj 76 виысьяслысь ablative plural
виысь adj 76 виысьлы dative singular
adj 76 виысьяслы dative plural
adj 76 виысьын inessive singular
adj 76 виысьясын inessive plural
adj 76 виысьысь elative singular
adj 76 виысьясысь elative plural
adj 76 виысьӧ illative singular
adj 76 виысьясӧ illative plural
adj 76 виысьсянь egressive singular
adj 76 виысьяссянь egressive plural
виысь adj 76 виысьлань approximative singular
adj 76 виысьяслань approximative plural
adj 76 виысьӧдз singular terminative
adj 76 виысьясӧдз plural terminative
adj 76 виысьӧд prolative prolative-i singular
adj 76 виысьясӧд prolative prolative-i plural
adj 76 виысьті prolative prolative-ii singular
adj 76 виысьясті prolative prolative-ii plural
adj 76 ^(*)) In attributive constructions error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
adj 76 the predicative singular is used. The non-predicative cases are only used in nominalised constructions. error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
акайтны verb 69 no-table-tags table-tags
verb 69 kpv-conj-reg inflection-template
verb 69 акайтны impersonal nominative
verb 69 акайтным first-person nominative
verb 69 акайтныд second-person nominative
verb 69 акайтныс third-person nominative
verb 69 акайтны impersonal accusative
verb 69 акайтным first-person accusative
verb 69 акайтнытӧ second-person accusative
verb 69 акайтнысӧ third-person accusative

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
лэбзьыны verb 60 no-table-tags table-tags
verb 60 kpv-conj-reg inflection-template
verb 60 лэбзя first-person singular present
verb 60 ог лэбзьы first-person singular present negative
verb 60 лэбзя first-person singular future
verb 60 ог лэбзьы first-person singular future negative
verb 60 лэбзян second-person singular present
verb 60 он лэбзьы second-person singular present negative
verb 60 лэбзян second-person singular future
verb 60 он лэбзьы second-person singular future negative
лэбзьыны verb 60 лэбзьӧ third-person singular present
verb 60 оз лэбзьы third-person singular present negative
verb 60 лэбзяс third-person singular future
verb 60 оз лэбзьы third-person singular future negative
verb 60 лэбзям first-person plural present
verb 60 ог лэбзьӧй first-person plural present negative
verb 60 лэбзям first-person plural future
verb 60 ог лэбзьӧй first-person plural future negative
verb 60 лэбзянныд second-person plural present
verb 60 лэбзьад second-person plural present
лэбзьыны verb 60 он лэбзьӧй second-person plural present negative
verb 60 лэбзянныд second-person plural future
verb 60 лэбзяд second-person plural future
verb 60 он лэбзьӧй second-person plural future negative
verb 60 лэбзьӧны third-person plural present
verb 60 оз лэбзьӧй third-person plural present negative
verb 60 лэбзясны third-person plural future
verb 60 оз лэбзьӧй third-person plural future negative
verb 60 лэбзи first-person singular past direct
verb 60 эг лэбзьы first-person singular past direct negative
лэбзьыны verb 60 лэбзин second-person singular past direct
verb 60 эн лэбзьы second-person singular past direct negative
verb 60 лэбзьӧмыд second-person singular past reported
verb 60 абу лэбзьӧмыд second-person singular past reported negative
verb 60 лэбзис third-person singular past direct
verb 60 эз лэбзьы third-person singular past direct negative
verb 60 лэбзьӧма third-person singular past reported
verb 60 абу лэбзьӧма third-person singular past reported negative
verb 60 лэбзим first-person plural past direct
verb 60 эг лэбзьӧй first-person plural past direct negative
лэбзьыны verb 60 лэбзинныд second-person plural past direct
verb 60 лэбзид second-person plural past direct
verb 60 эн лэбзьӧй second-person plural past direct negative
verb 60 лэбзьӧмныд second-person plural past reported
verb 60 абу лэбзьӧмныд second-person plural past reported negative
verb 60 лэбзисны third-person plural past direct
verb 60 эз лэбзьӧй third-person plural past direct negative
verb 60 лэбзьӧмаӧсь third-person plural past reported
verb 60 абу лэбзьӧмаӧсь third-person plural past reported negative
verb 60 лэбзьы second-person singular past direct imperative
лэбзьыны verb 60 эн лэбзьы second-person singular past direct imperative negative
verb 60 лэбзьыны past reported imperative infinitive negative
verb 60 лэбзьӧй second-person plural past direct imperative
verb 60 эн лэбзьӧй second-person plural past direct imperative negative
verb 60 лэбзьысь past present reported imperative participle negative
verb 60 лэбзян past imperfect reported imperative participle negative
verb 60 лэбзьӧм past perfect reported imperative participle negative
verb 60 лэбзьытӧм caritive past reported imperative participle negative

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
дыш noun 22 no-table-tags table-tags
noun 22 kpv-decl inflection-template
noun 22 дышныс nominative singular
noun 22 дышъясныс nominative plural
noun 22 дышныс accusative accusative-i singular
noun 22 дышъясныс accusative accusative-i plural
noun 22 дышнысӧ accusative accusative-ii singular
noun 22 дышъяснысӧ accusative accusative-ii plural
noun 22 дышнаныс instrumental singular
noun 22 дышъяснаныс instrumental plural
дыш noun 22 дышнымкӧс comitative singular
noun 22 дышъяснымкӧс comitative plural
noun 22 дыштӧгныс caritive singular
noun 22 дышъястӧгныс caritive plural
noun 22 дышнысла singular consecutive
noun 22 дышъяснысла plural consecutive
noun 22 дышныслӧн genitive singular
noun 22 дышъясныслӧн genitive plural
noun 22 дышныслысь ablative singular
noun 22 дышъясныслысь ablative plural
дыш noun 22 дышныслы dative singular
noun 22 дышъясныслы dative plural
noun 22 дышаныс inessive singular
noun 22 дышъясаныс inessive plural
noun 22 дышсьыныс elative singular
noun 22 дышъяссьыныс elative plural
noun 22 дышаныс illative singular
noun 22 дышъясаныс illative plural
noun 22 дышсяньныс egressive singular
noun 22 дышъяссяньныс egressive plural
дыш noun 22 дышланьныс approximative singular
noun 22 дышъясланьныс approximative plural
noun 22 дышӧдзныс singular terminative
noun 22 дышъясӧдзныс plural terminative
noun 22 дышӧдныс prolative prolative-i singular
noun 22 дышъясӧдныс prolative prolative-i plural
noun 22 дыштіныс prolative prolative-ii singular
noun 22 дышъястіныс prolative prolative-ii plural
noun 22 ԁыш alternative

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
-ӧдны suffix 10 no-table-tags table-tags
suffix 10 kpv-conj-reg inflection-template
suffix 10 -ӧда positive first-person singular present
suffix 10 ог -ӧд first-person singular present negative
suffix 10 -ӧда positive first-person singular future
suffix 10 ог -ӧд first-person singular future negative
suffix 10 -ӧдан positive second-person singular present
suffix 10 он -ӧд second-person singular present negative
suffix 10 -ӧдан positive second-person singular future
suffix 10 он -ӧд second-person singular future negative
-ӧдны suffix 10 -ӧдӧ positive third-person singular present
suffix 10 оз -ӧд third-person singular present negative
suffix 10 -ӧдас positive third-person singular future
suffix 10 оз -ӧд third-person singular future negative
suffix 10 -ӧдам positive first-person plural present
suffix 10 ог -ӧдӧй first-person plural present negative
suffix 10 -ӧдам positive first-person plural future
suffix 10 ог -ӧдӧй first-person plural future negative
suffix 10 -ӧданныд positive second-person plural present
suffix 10 -ӧдад positive second-person plural present
-ӧдны suffix 10 он -ӧдӧй second-person plural present negative
suffix 10 -ӧданныд positive second-person plural future
suffix 10 -ӧдад positive second-person plural future
suffix 10 он -ӧдӧй second-person plural future negative
suffix 10 -ӧдӧны positive third-person plural present
suffix 10 оз -ӧдӧй third-person plural present negative
suffix 10 -ӧдасны positive third-person plural future
suffix 10 оз -ӧдӧй third-person plural future negative
suffix 10 -ӧді positive first-person singular past direct
suffix 10 эг -ӧд first-person singular past direct negative
-ӧдны suffix 10 -ӧдін positive second-person singular past direct
suffix 10 эн -ӧд second-person singular past direct negative
suffix 10 -ӧдӧмыд positive second-person singular past reported
suffix 10 абу -ӧдӧмыд second-person singular past reported negative
suffix 10 -ӧдіс positive third-person singular past direct
suffix 10 эз -ӧд third-person singular past direct negative
suffix 10 -ӧдӧма positive third-person singular past reported
suffix 10 абу -ӧдӧма third-person singular past reported negative
suffix 10 -ӧдім positive first-person plural past direct
suffix 10 эг -ӧдӧй first-person plural past direct negative
-ӧдны suffix 10 -ӧдінныд positive second-person plural past direct
suffix 10 -ӧдід positive second-person plural past direct
suffix 10 эн -ӧдӧй second-person plural past direct negative
suffix 10 -ӧдӧмныд positive second-person plural past reported
suffix 10 абу -ӧдӧмныд second-person plural past reported negative
suffix 10 -ӧдісны positive third-person plural past direct
suffix 10 эз -ӧдӧй third-person plural past direct negative
suffix 10 -ӧдӧмаӧсь positive third-person plural past reported
suffix 10 абу -ӧдӧмаӧсь third-person plural past reported negative
suffix 10 -ӧд positive second-person singular past direct imperative
-ӧдны suffix 10 эн -ӧд second-person singular past direct imperative negative
suffix 10 -ӧдны past reported imperative infinitive negative
suffix 10 -ӧдӧй positive second-person plural past direct imperative
suffix 10 эн -ӧдӧй second-person plural past direct imperative negative
suffix 10 -ӧдысь past present reported imperative participle negative
suffix 10 -ӧдан past imperfect reported imperative participle negative
suffix 10 -ӧдӧм past perfect reported imperative participle negative
suffix 10 -ӧдтӧм caritive past reported imperative participle negative

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
ԅ character 8 romanization
character 8 Ԏ uppercase

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Ԏ character 7 romanization
character 7 ԏ lowercase

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
асьныд pron 6 no-table-tags table-tags
pron 6 kpv-decl-epron inflection-template
pron 6 ачыд nominative singular
pron 6 асьныд nominative plural
pron 6 асьтӧ accusative singular
pron 6 асьнытӧ accusative plural
pron 6 аснад instrumental singular
pron 6 аснаныд instrumental plural
pron 6 асыдкӧд comitative singular
pron 6 асныдкӧд comitative plural
асьныд pron 6 астӧгыд caritive singular
pron 6 астӧгныд caritive plural
pron 6 асыдла singular consecutive
pron 6 асныдла plural consecutive
pron 6 аслад genitive singular
pron 6 асланыд genitive plural
pron 6 асыдлысь ablative singular
pron 6 асныдлысь ablative plural
pron 6 аслыд dative singular
pron 6 аслыныд dative plural
асьныд pron 6 асад inessive singular
pron 6 асаныд inessive plural
pron 6 ассьыд elative singular
pron 6 ассьыныд elative plural
pron 6 асад illative singular
pron 6 асаныд illative plural
pron 6 ассяньыд egressive singular
pron 6 ассяньыныд egressive plural
pron 6 асланьыд approximative singular
pron 6 асланьыныд approximative plural
асьныд pron 6 асӧдзыд singular terminative
pron 6 асӧдзыныд plural terminative
pron 6 асӧдыд prolative singular
pron 6 асӧдыныд prolative plural
pron 6 астіыд prolative singular
pron 6 астіыныд prolative plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
койны verb 6 no-table-tags table-tags
verb 6 kpv-conj-reg inflection-template
verb 6 койна first-person singular present
verb 6 ог койн first-person singular present negative
verb 6 койна first-person singular future
verb 6 ог койн first-person singular future negative
verb 6 койнан second-person singular present
verb 6 он койн second-person singular present negative
verb 6 койнан second-person singular future
verb 6 он койн second-person singular future negative
койны verb 6 койнӧ third-person singular present
verb 6 оз койн third-person singular present negative
verb 6 койнас third-person singular future
verb 6 оз койн third-person singular future negative
verb 6 койнам first-person plural present
verb 6 ог койнӧй first-person plural present negative
verb 6 койнам first-person plural future
verb 6 ог койнӧй first-person plural future negative
verb 6 койнанныд second-person plural present
verb 6 койнад second-person plural present
койны verb 6 он койнӧй second-person plural present negative
verb 6 койнанныд second-person plural future
verb 6 койнад second-person plural future
verb 6 он койнӧй second-person plural future negative
verb 6 койнӧны third-person plural present
verb 6 оз койнӧй third-person plural present negative
verb 6 койнасны third-person plural future
verb 6 оз койнӧй third-person plural future negative
verb 6 койні first-person singular past direct
verb 6 эг койн first-person singular past direct negative
койны verb 6 койнін second-person singular past direct
verb 6 эн койн second-person singular past direct negative
verb 6 койнӧмыд second-person singular past reported
verb 6 абу койнӧмыд second-person singular past reported negative
verb 6 койніс third-person singular past direct
verb 6 эз койн third-person singular past direct negative
verb 6 койнӧма third-person singular past reported
verb 6 абу койнӧма third-person singular past reported negative
verb 6 койнім first-person plural past direct
verb 6 эг койнӧй first-person plural past direct negative
койны verb 6 койнінныд second-person plural past direct
verb 6 койнід second-person plural past direct
verb 6 эн койнӧй second-person plural past direct negative
verb 6 койнӧмныд second-person plural past reported
verb 6 абу койнӧмныд second-person plural past reported negative
verb 6 койнісны third-person plural past direct
verb 6 эз койнӧй third-person plural past direct negative
verb 6 койнӧмаӧсь third-person plural past reported
verb 6 абу койнӧмаӧсь third-person plural past reported negative
verb 6 койн second-person singular past direct imperative
койны verb 6 эн койн second-person singular past direct imperative negative
verb 6 койнны past reported imperative infinitive negative
verb 6 койнӧй second-person plural past direct imperative
verb 6 эн койнӧй second-person plural past direct imperative negative
verb 6 койнысь past present reported imperative participle negative
verb 6 койнан past imperfect reported imperative participle negative
verb 6 койнӧм past perfect reported imperative participle negative
verb 6 койнтӧм caritive past reported imperative participle negative

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
мед conj 5 med romanization
conj 5 меԁ alternative

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
ті pron 4 no-table-tags table-tags
pron 4 kpv-decl-ppron inflection-template
pron 4 тэ nominative singular
pron 4 ті nominative plural
pron 4 тэнӧ accusative singular
pron 4 тіянӧс accusative plural
pron 4 тэӧн instrumental singular
pron 4 тіянӧн instrumental plural
pron 4 тэкӧд comitative singular
pron 4 тіянкӧд comitative plural
ті pron 4 тэтӧг caritive singular
pron 4 тіянтӧг caritive plural
pron 4 тэла singular consecutive
pron 4 тіянла plural consecutive
pron 4 тэнад genitive singular
pron 4 тіян genitive plural
pron 4 тэнсьым ablative singular
pron 4 тіянлысь ablative plural
pron 4 тэныд dative singular
pron 4 тіянлы dative plural
ті pron 4 тэд dative singular
pron 4 тэын inessive singular
pron 4 тіянын inessive plural
pron 4 тэысь elative singular
pron 4 тіянысь elative plural
pron 4 тэӧ illative singular
pron 4 тіянӧ illative plural
pron 4 тэсянь egressive singular
pron 4 тіянсянь egressive plural
pron 4 тэлань approximative singular
ті pron 4 тіянлань approximative plural
pron 4 тэӧдз singular terminative
pron 4 тіянӧдз plural terminative
pron 4 тэӧд prolative singular
pron 4 тіянӧд prolative plural
pron 4 тэті prolative singular
pron 4 тіянті prolative plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
-ач suffix 4 -ać romanization
suffix 4 -яч stem soft variant

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
сы pron 4 no-table-tags table-tags
pron 4 kpv-decl-dpron inflection-template
pron 4 сійӧ nominative singular
pron 4 сійӧяс nominative plural
pron 4 сы nominative singular
pron 4 сійӧс accusative singular
pron 4 сійӧясӧс accusative plural
pron 4 сыӧн instrumental singular
pron 4 сійӧясӧн instrumental plural
pron 4 сыкӧд comitative singular
сы pron 4 сійӧяскӧд comitative plural
pron 4 сыла singular consecutive
pron 4 сійӧясла plural consecutive
pron 4 сытӧг caritive singular
pron 4 сійӧястӧг caritive plural
pron 4 сылӧн genitive singular
pron 4 сійӧяслӧн genitive plural
pron 4 сылысь ablative singular
pron 4 сійӧяслысь ablative plural
pron 4 сылы dative singular
сы pron 4 сійӧяслы dative plural
pron 4 сылысь dative singular
pron 4 сійӧяслысь dative plural
pron 4 сыын inessive singular
pron 4 сійӧясын inessive plural
pron 4 сыысь elative singular
pron 4 сійӧясысь elative plural
pron 4 сыӧ illative singular
pron 4 сійӧясӧ illative plural
pron 4 сысянь egressive singular
сы pron 4 сійӧяссянь egressive plural
pron 4 сылань approximative singular
pron 4 сійӧяслань approximative plural
pron 4 сыӧдз singular terminative
pron 4 сійӧясӧдз plural terminative
pron 4 сыӧд prolative singular
pron 4 сійӧясӧд prolative plural
pron 4 сыті prolative singular
pron 4 сійӧясті prolative plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
на pron 4 no-table-tags table-tags
pron 4 kpv-decl-ppron inflection-template
pron 4 сійӧ nominative singular
pron 4 найӧ nominative plural
pron 4 сы nominative singular
pron 4 на nominative plural
pron 4 сійӧс accusative singular
pron 4 найӧс accusative plural
pron 4 сыӧн instrumental singular
pron 4 наӧн instrumental plural
на pron 4 сыкӧд comitative singular
pron 4 накӧд comitative plural
pron 4 сытӧг caritive singular
pron 4 натӧг caritive plural
pron 4 сыла singular consecutive
pron 4 нала plural consecutive
pron 4 сылӧн genitive singular
pron 4 налӧн genitive plural
pron 4 сылысь ablative singular
pron 4 налысь ablative plural
на pron 4 сылы dative singular
pron 4 налы dative plural
pron 4 сыын inessive singular
pron 4 наын inessive plural
pron 4 сыысь elative singular
pron 4 наысь elative plural
pron 4 сыӧ illative singular
pron 4 наӧ illative plural
pron 4 сысянь egressive singular
pron 4 насянь egressive plural
на pron 4 сылань approximative singular
pron 4 налань approximative plural
pron 4 сыӧдз singular terminative
pron 4 наӧдз plural terminative
pron 4 сыӧд prolative singular
pron 4 наӧд prolative plural
pron 4 сыті prolative singular
pron 4 наті prolative plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
койны verb 4 no-table-tags table-tags
verb 4 kpv-conj-reg inflection-template
verb 4 койнны impersonal nominative
verb 4 койнным first-person nominative
verb 4 койнныд second-person nominative
verb 4 койнныс third-person nominative
verb 4 койнны impersonal accusative
verb 4 койнным first-person accusative
verb 4 койннытӧ second-person accusative
verb 4 койннысӧ third-person accusative
койны verb 4 којны alternative

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
ӧ intj 3 ӧ! canonical
intj 3 ö! romanization

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
ԫ character 2 ԫ alternative
character 2 Ԫ uppercase

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
энлы intj 2 enly romanization
intj 2 энлӧй plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
А character 2 а lowercase

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
тайӧ pron 2 tajö romanization
pron 2 этайӧ emphatic

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
уткаавны verb 2 no-table-tags table-tags
verb 2 kpv-conj-reg inflection-template
verb 2 уткаавны impersonal nominative
verb 2 уткаавным first-person nominative
verb 2 уткаавныд second-person nominative
verb 2 уткаавныс third-person nominative
verb 2 уткаавны impersonal accusative
verb 2 уткаавным first-person accusative
verb 2 уткаавнытӧ second-person accusative
verb 2 уткаавнысӧ third-person accusative

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
character 2 uppercase

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
-иль suffix 1 -iľ romanization
suffix 1 -іль hard stem variant

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
мый Тіян нимныд phrase 1 myj Tijan ńimnyd? romanization
phrase 1 мый тэнад нимыд informal

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
мый налӧн нимъясныс phrase 1 myj nalön ńimjasnys? romanization
phrase 1 мый сылӧн нимыс singular

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
оз verb 1 no-table-tags table-tags
verb 1 kpv-conj-оз inflection-template
verb 1 ог first-person singular non-past
verb 1 эг first-person singular past
verb 1 он second-person singular non-past
verb 1 эн second-person singular past
verb 1 оз third-person singular non-past
verb 1 эз third-person singular past

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
suffix 1 -a alternative
suffix 1 stem soft variant

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Ԭ character 1 Ԭ alternative
character 1 ԭ lowercase

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Ті pron 1 no-table-tags table-tags
pron 1 kpv-decl-ppron inflection-template
pron 1 - nominative singular
pron 1 Ті nominative plural
pron 1 - accusative singular
pron 1 Тіянӧс accusative plural
pron 1 - instrumental singular
pron 1 Тіянӧн instrumental plural
pron 1 - comitative singular
pron 1 Тіянкӧд comitative plural
Ті pron 1 - caritive singular
pron 1 Тіянтӧг caritive plural
pron 1 - singular consecutive
pron 1 Тіянла plural consecutive
pron 1 - genitive singular
pron 1 Тіян genitive plural
pron 1 - ablative singular
pron 1 Тіянлысь ablative plural
pron 1 - dative singular
pron 1 Тіянлы dative plural
Ті pron 1 - inessive singular
pron 1 Тіянын inessive plural
pron 1 - elative singular
pron 1 Тіянысь elative plural
pron 1 - illative singular
pron 1 Тіянӧ illative plural
pron 1 - egressive singular
pron 1 Тіянсянь egressive plural
pron 1 - approximative singular
pron 1 Тіянлань approximative plural
Ті pron 1 - singular terminative
pron 1 Тіянӧдз plural terminative
pron 1 - prolative singular
pron 1 Тіянӧд prolative plural
pron 1 Тіянті prolative plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
мый тэнад нимыд phrase 1 myj tenad ńimyd? romanization
phrase 1 мый Тіян нимныд formal

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
тявгыны verb 1 no-table-tags table-tags
verb 1 kpv-conj-reg inflection-template
verb 1 тявгыны impersonal nominative
verb 1 тявгыным first-person nominative
verb 1 тявгыныд second-person nominative
verb 1 тявгыныс third-person nominative
verb 1 тявгыны impersonal accusative
verb 1 тявгыным first-person accusative
verb 1 тявгынытӧ second-person accusative
verb 1 тявгынысӧ third-person accusative
тявгыны verb 1 тявзыны alternative

This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-09 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-03-02 using wiktextract (32c88e6 and 633533e). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.