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Lituanien inflections

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Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Indija name 98 Indijos genitive singular
name 98 Indijai dative singular
name 98 Indiją accusative singular
name 98 Indijoje locative singular

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Senegalas name 58 Senegalo genitive singular
name 58 Senegalui dative singular
name 58 Senegalą accusative singular
name 58 Senegalu instrumental singular
name 58 Senegale locative singular
name 58 Senegale vocative singular

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
dalyvis noun 40 dalyviai nominative plural
noun 40 dalyvio genitive singular
noun 40 dalyvių genitive plural
noun 40 dalyviui dative singular
noun 40 dalyviams dative plural
noun 40 dalyvį accusative singular
noun 40 dalyvius accusative plural
noun 40 dalyviu instrumental singular
noun 40 dalyviais instrumental plural
noun 40 dalyvyje locative singular
dalyvis noun 40 dalyviuose locative plural
noun 40 dalyvi vocative singular
noun 40 dalyviai vocative plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
adata noun 18 adatos nominative plural
noun 18 adatos genitive singular
noun 18 adatų genitive plural
noun 18 adatai dative singular
noun 18 adatoms dative plural
noun 18 adatą accusative singular
noun 18 adatas accusative plural
noun 18 adatomis instrumental plural
noun 18 adatoje locative singular
noun 18 adatose locative plural
adata noun 18 adatos vocative plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
dieve noun 12 dievas nominative singular
noun 12 dievai nominative plural
noun 12 dievo genitive singular
noun 12 dievų genitive plural
noun 12 dievui dative singular
noun 12 dievams dative plural
noun 12 dievą accusative singular
noun 12 dievus accusative plural
noun 12 dievu instrumental singular
noun 12 dievais instrumental plural
dieve noun 12 dievuose locative plural
noun 12 dievai vocative plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
abakus noun 12 abakas nominative singular
noun 12 abakai nominative plural
noun 12 abako genitive singular
noun 12 abakų genitive plural
noun 12 abakui dative singular
noun 12 abakams dative plural
noun 12 abaką accusative singular
noun 12 abaku instrumental singular
noun 12 abakais instrumental plural
noun 12 abake locative singular
abakus noun 12 abakuose locative plural
noun 12 abake vocative singular
noun 12 abakai vocative plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
advokatu noun 12 advokatas nominative singular
noun 12 advokatai nominative plural
noun 12 advokato genitive singular
noun 12 advokatų genitive plural
noun 12 advokatui dative singular
noun 12 advokatams dative plural
noun 12 advokatą accusative singular
noun 12 advokatus accusative plural
noun 12 advokatais instrumental plural
noun 12 advokate locative singular
advokatu noun 12 advokatuose locative plural
noun 12 advokate vocative singular
noun 12 advokatai vocative plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
ministro noun 12 ministras nominative singular
noun 12 ministrai nominative plural
noun 12 ministrų genitive plural
noun 12 ministrui dative singular
noun 12 ministrams dative plural
noun 12 ministrą accusative singular
noun 12 ministrus accusative plural
noun 12 ministru instrumental singular
noun 12 ministrais instrumental plural
noun 12 ministre locative singular
ministro noun 12 ministruose locative plural
noun 12 ministre vocative singular
noun 12 ministrai vocative plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
abakomis noun 11 abaka nominative singular
noun 11 abakos nominative plural
noun 11 abakos genitive singular
noun 11 abakų genitive plural
noun 11 abakai dative singular
noun 11 abakoms dative plural
noun 11 abaką accusative singular
noun 11 abakas accusative plural
noun 11 abaka instrumental singular
noun 11 abakoje locative singular
abakomis noun 11 abakose locative plural
noun 11 abaka vocative singular
noun 11 abakos vocative plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
herbai noun 9 herbas nominative singular
noun 9 herbo genitive singular
noun 9 herbų genitive plural
noun 9 herbui dative singular
noun 9 herbams dative plural
noun 9 herbą accusative singular
noun 9 herbus accusative plural
noun 9 herbu instrumental singular
noun 9 herbais instrumental plural
noun 9 herbe locative singular
herbai noun 9 herbuose locative plural
noun 9 herbe vocative singular

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
abakai noun 8 abaka nominative singular
noun 8 abakos nominative plural
noun 8 abakos genitive singular
noun 8 abakų genitive plural
noun 8 abakoms dative plural
noun 8 abaką accusative singular
noun 8 abakas accusative plural
noun 8 abaka instrumental singular
noun 8 abakomis instrumental plural
noun 8 abakoje locative singular
abakai noun 8 abakose locative plural
noun 8 abaka vocative singular
noun 8 abakos vocative plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
dangus noun 8 dangūs nominative plural
noun 8 dangaus genitive singular
noun 8 dangų genitive plural
noun 8 dangui dative singular
noun 8 dangums dative plural
noun 8 dangų accusative singular
noun 8 dangumi instrumental singular
noun 8 dangumis instrumental plural
noun 8 danguje locative singular
noun 8 danguose locative plural
dangus noun 8 dangau vocative singular
noun 8 dangūs vocative plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
abaduose noun 8 abadas nominative singular
noun 8 abadai nominative plural
noun 8 abado genitive singular
noun 8 abadų genitive plural
noun 8 abadui dative singular
noun 8 abadams dative plural
noun 8 abadą accusative singular
noun 8 abadus accusative plural
noun 8 abadu instrumental singular
noun 8 abadais instrumental plural
abaduose noun 8 abade locative singular
noun 8 abade vocative singular
noun 8 abadai vocative plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
abejonėms noun 7 abejonė nominative singular
noun 7 abejonės nominative plural
noun 7 abejonės genitive singular
noun 7 abejonių genitive plural
noun 7 abejonei dative singular
noun 7 abejonę accusative singular
noun 7 abejones accusative plural
noun 7 abejone instrumental singular
noun 7 abejonėmis instrumental plural
noun 7 abejonėje locative singular
abejonėms noun 7 abejonėse locative plural
noun 7 abejone vocative singular
noun 7 abejonės vocative plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
tiltą noun 7 tiltas nominative singular
noun 7 tiltai nominative plural
noun 7 tilto genitive singular
noun 7 tiltų genitive plural
noun 7 tiltui dative singular
noun 7 tiltams dative plural
noun 7 tiltus accusative plural
noun 7 tiltu instrumental singular
noun 7 tiltais instrumental plural
noun 7 tilte locative singular
tiltą noun 7 tiltuose locative plural
noun 7 tilte vocative singular
noun 7 tiltai vocative plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
abadų noun 7 abadas nominative singular
noun 7 abadai nominative plural
noun 7 abado genitive singular
noun 7 abadui dative singular
noun 7 abadams dative plural
noun 7 abadą accusative singular
noun 7 abadus accusative plural
noun 7 abadu instrumental singular
noun 7 abadais instrumental plural
noun 7 abade locative singular
abadų noun 7 abaduose locative plural
noun 7 abade vocative singular
noun 7 abadai vocative plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
abėcėlės noun 3 abėcėlė nominative singular
noun 3 abėcėlių genitive plural
noun 3 abėcėlei dative singular
noun 3 abėcėlėms dative plural
noun 3 abėcėlę accusative singular
noun 3 abėcėles accusative plural
noun 3 abėcėle instrumental singular
noun 3 abėcėlėmis instrumental plural
noun 3 abėcėlėje locative singular
noun 3 abėcėlėse locative plural
abėcėlės noun 3 abėcėle vocative singular

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
abakoje noun 3 abaka nominative singular
noun 3 abakos nominative plural
noun 3 abakos genitive singular
noun 3 abakų genitive plural
noun 3 abakai dative singular
noun 3 abakoms dative plural
noun 3 abaką accusative singular
noun 3 abakas accusative plural
noun 3 abaka instrumental singular
noun 3 abakomis instrumental plural
abakoje noun 3 abakose locative plural
noun 3 abaka vocative singular
noun 3 abakos vocative plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
abejone noun 2 abejonė nominative singular
noun 2 abejonės nominative plural
noun 2 abejonės genitive singular
noun 2 abejonių genitive plural
noun 2 abejonei dative singular
noun 2 abejonėms dative plural
noun 2 abejonę accusative singular
noun 2 abejones accusative plural
noun 2 abejonėmis instrumental plural
noun 2 abejonėje locative singular
abejone noun 2 abejonėse locative plural
noun 2 abejonės vocative plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
autorė noun 1 autorius masculine

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Abchaziją name 1 Abchazija nominative singular
name 1 Abchazijos genitive singular
name 1 Abchazijai dative singular
name 1 Abchazija instrumental singular
name 1 Abchazijoje locative singular
name 1 Abchazija vocative singular

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Abchazijos name 1 Abchazija nominative singular
name 1 Abchazijai dative singular
name 1 Abchaziją accusative singular
name 1 Abchazija instrumental singular
name 1 Abchazijoje locative singular
name 1 Abchazija vocative singular

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
aiškinti verb 1 aš aiškinu present indicative
verb 1 tu aiškini present indicative
verb 1 jis/ji aiškina present indicative
verb 1 mes ou aiškiname aiškinam present indicative
verb 1 jūs ou aiškinate aiškinat present indicative
verb 1 jie/jos aiškina present indicative
verb 1 aš aiškinau past indicative
verb 1 tu aiškinai past indicative
verb 1 jis/ji aiškino past indicative
verb 1 mes ou aiškinome aiškinom past indicative
aiškinti verb 1 jūs ou aiškinote aiškinot past indicative
verb 1 jie/jos aiškino past indicative
verb 1 aš aiškindavau indicative
verb 1 tu aiškindavai indicative
verb 1 jis/ji aiškindavo indicative
verb 1 mes ou aiškindavome aiškindavom indicative
verb 1 jūs ou aiškindavote aiškindavot indicative
verb 1 jie/jos aiškindavo indicative
verb 1 aš aiškinsiu future indicative
verb 1 tu aiškinsi future indicative
aiškinti verb 1 jis/ji aiškins future indicative
verb 1 mes ou aiškinsime aiškinsim future indicative
verb 1 jūs ou aiškinsite aiškinsit future indicative
verb 1 jie/jos aiškins future indicative
verb 1 aš aiškinčiau subjunctive
verb 1 tu ou aiškintum aiškintumei subjunctive
verb 1 jis/ji aiškintų subjunctive
verb 1 mes ou aiškintumėme aiškintumėm subjunctive
verb 1 jūs ou aiškintumėte aiškintumėt subjunctive
verb 1 jie/jos aiškintų subjunctive
aiškinti verb 1 imperative
verb 1 tu aiškini imperative
verb 1 jis/ji teaiškina imperative
verb 1 mes ou aiškiname aiškinam imperative
verb 1 jūs ou aiškinate aiškinat imperative
verb 1 jie/jos teaiškina imperative

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Abu Dabi name 1 Abu Dabis nominative singular
name 1 Abu Dabio genitive singular
name 1 Abu Dabiui dative singular
name 1 Abu Dabį accusative singular
name 1 Abu Dabiu instrumental singular
name 1 Abu Dabyje locative singular

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Mauritanija name 1 Mauretanija nominative singular
name 1 Mauretanijos genitive singular
name 1 Mauretanijai dative singular
name 1 Mauretaniją accusative singular
name 1 Mauretanija instrumental singular
name 1 Mauretanijoje locative singular
name 1 Mauretanija vocative singular

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Abchazijoje name 1 Abchazija nominative singular
name 1 Abchazijos genitive singular
name 1 Abchazijai dative singular
name 1 Abchaziją accusative singular
name 1 Abchazija instrumental singular
name 1 Abchazija vocative singular

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
abejoti verb 1 aš abejoju present indicative
verb 1 tu abejoji present indicative
verb 1 jis/ji abejoja present indicative
verb 1 mes ou abejojame abejojam present indicative
verb 1 jūs ou abejojate abejojat present indicative
verb 1 jie/jos abejoja present indicative
verb 1 aš abejojau past indicative
verb 1 tu abejojai past indicative
verb 1 jis/ji abejojo past indicative
verb 1 mes ou abejojome abejojom past indicative
abejoti verb 1 jūs ou abejojote abejojot past indicative
verb 1 jie/jos abejojo past indicative
verb 1 aš abejodavau indicative
verb 1 tu abejodavai indicative
verb 1 jis/ji abejodavo indicative
verb 1 mes ou abejodavome abejodavom indicative
verb 1 jūs ou abejodavote abejodavot indicative
verb 1 jie/jos abejodavo indicative
verb 1 aš abejosiu future indicative
verb 1 tu abejosi future indicative
abejoti verb 1 jis/ji abejos future indicative
verb 1 mes ou abejosime abejosim future indicative
verb 1 jūs ou abejosite abejosit future indicative
verb 1 jie/jos abejos future indicative
verb 1 aš abejočiau subjunctive
verb 1 tu ou abejotum abejotumei subjunctive
verb 1 jis/ji abejotų subjunctive
verb 1 mes ou abejotumėme abejotumėm subjunctive
verb 1 jūs ou abejotumėte abejotumėt subjunctive
verb 1 jie/jos abejotų subjunctive
abejoti verb 1 imperative
verb 1 tu abejoji imperative
verb 1 jis/ji teabejoja imperative
verb 1 mes ou abejojame abejojam imperative
verb 1 jūs ou abejojate abejojat imperative
verb 1 jie/jos teabejoja imperative

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
neabejoti verb 1 aš neabejoju present indicative
verb 1 tu neabejoji present indicative
verb 1 jis/ji neabejoja present indicative
verb 1 mes ou neabejojame neabejojam present indicative
verb 1 jūs ou neabejojate neabejojat present indicative
verb 1 jie/jos neabejoja present indicative
verb 1 aš neabejojau past indicative
verb 1 tu neabejojai past indicative
verb 1 jis/ji neabejojo past indicative
verb 1 mes ou neabejojome neabejojom past indicative
neabejoti verb 1 jūs ou neabejojote neabejojot past indicative
verb 1 jie/jos neabejojo past indicative
verb 1 aš neabejodavau indicative
verb 1 tu neabejodavai indicative
verb 1 jis/ji neabejodavo indicative
verb 1 mes ou neabejodavome neabejodavom indicative
verb 1 jūs ou neabejodavote neabejodavot indicative
verb 1 jie/jos neabejodavo indicative
verb 1 aš neabejosiu future indicative
verb 1 tu neabejosi future indicative
neabejoti verb 1 jis/ji neabejos future indicative
verb 1 mes ou neabejosime neabejosim future indicative
verb 1 jūs ou neabejosite neabejosit future indicative
verb 1 jie/jos neabejos future indicative
verb 1 aš neabejočiau subjunctive
verb 1 tu ou neabejotum neabejotumei subjunctive
verb 1 jis/ji neabejotų subjunctive
verb 1 mes ou neabejotumėme neabejotumėm subjunctive
verb 1 jūs ou neabejotumėte neabejotumėt subjunctive
verb 1 jie/jos neabejotų subjunctive
neabejoti verb 1 imperative
verb 1 tu neabejoji imperative
verb 1 jis/ji teneabejoja imperative
verb 1 mes ou neabejojame neabejojam imperative
verb 1 jūs ou neabejojate neabejojat imperative
verb 1 jie/jos teneabejoja imperative

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
abejingai adv 1 abejingiau comparative
adv 1 - comparative
adv 1 abejingiausiai superlative

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
ministras noun 1 ministrai nominative plural
noun 1 ministro genitive singular
noun 1 ministrų genitive plural
noun 1 ministrui dative singular
noun 1 ministrams dative plural
noun 1 ministrą accusative singular
noun 1 ministrus accusative plural
noun 1 ministru instrumental singular
noun 1 ministrais instrumental plural
noun 1 ministre locative singular
ministras noun 1 ministruose locative plural
noun 1 ministre vocative singular
noun 1 ministrai vocative plural
noun 1 ministrė feminine

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Abchazijai name 1 Abchazija nominative singular
name 1 Abchazijos genitive singular
name 1 Abchaziją accusative singular
name 1 Abchazija instrumental singular
name 1 Abchazijoje locative singular
name 1 Abchazija vocative singular

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
abejingiausiai adv 1 abejingai error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
adv 1 abejingiau comparative
adv 1 - comparative

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Afganistanu name 1 Afganistanas nominative singular
name 1 Afganistano genitive singular
name 1 Afganistanui dative singular
name 1 Afganistaną accusative singular
name 1 Afganistane locative singular
name 1 Afganistane vocative singular

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
abejingiau adv 1 abejingai error-NO-TAGS-REPORT-THIS
adv 1 - comparative
adv 1 abejingiausiai superlative

This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2024-09-17 from the frwiktionary dump dated 2024-09-01 using wiktextract (b0047e8 and 1e6c2e2). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.