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Kabardian inflections

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Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
сын noun 911 sən romanization

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
натӏэ noun 263 no-table-tags table-tags
noun 263 ady-decl-noun2 inflection-template
noun 263 натӏэ indefinite singular
noun 263 натӏэхэ indefinite plural
noun 263 натӏэр nominative singular
noun 263 натӏэхэр nominative plural
noun 263 натӏэм singular ergative
noun 263 натӏэхэмэ plural ergative
noun 263 натӏэкӏэ instrumental singular
noun 263 натӏэкӏэ instrumental singular
натӏэ noun 263 натӏэмɛkʼɛ) instrumental singular
noun 263 натӏэмɛmkʼɛ) instrumental singular
noun 263 натӏэхэкӏэ instrumental plural
noun 263 натӏэхэкӏэ instrumental plural
noun 263 натӏэхэмɛkʼɛ) instrumental plural
noun 263 натӏэхэмɛmkʼɛ) instrumental plural
noun 263 натӏэу invertive singular
noun 263 натӏэхыу invertive plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
х character 52 x romanization
character 52 Х uppercase

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
гьэгу noun 33 gʲɛgʷu romanization
noun 33 джэгу alternative

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
дзыгъуэ noun 20 no-table-tags table-tags
noun 20 ady-decl-noun2 inflection-template
noun 20 дзыгъуэ indefinite singular
noun 20 дзыгъуэхэ indefinite plural
noun 20 дзыгъуэр nominative singular
noun 20 дзыгъуэхэр nominative plural
noun 20 дзыгъуэм singular ergative
noun 20 дзыгъуэхэмэ plural ergative
noun 20 дзыгъуэкӏэ instrumental singular
noun 20 дзыгъуэкӏэ instrumental singular
дзыгъуэ noun 20 дзыгъуэмɛkʼɛ) instrumental singular
noun 20 дзыгъуэмɛmkʼɛ) instrumental singular
noun 20 дзыгъуэхэкӏэ instrumental plural
noun 20 дзыгъуэхэкӏэ instrumental plural
noun 20 дзыгъуэхэмɛkʼɛ) instrumental plural
noun 20 дзыгъуэхэмɛmkʼɛ) instrumental plural
noun 20 дзыгъуэу invertive singular
noun 20 дзыгъуэхыу invertive plural
noun 20 дзыгъо alternative

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
н character 7 Н uppercase

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
тӀамыгъуэ noun 3 тӏамыгъуэ canonical
noun 3 tʼaməğʷɛ romanization

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
жэн verb 3 no-table-tags table-tags
verb 3 kbd-conj-intr inflection-template
verb 3 сожэ singular present affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 уожэ singular present affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 мажэ singular present affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 дожэ plural present affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 фожэ plural present affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 мажэха plural present affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 сыжaщ singular past affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 ужaщ singular past affirmative error-unrecognized-form
жэн verb 3 жaщ singular past affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 дыжaщ plural past affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 фыжaщ plural past affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 жaхащ plural past affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 сыжэну singular future affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 ужэну singular future affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 жэну singular future affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 дыжэну plural future affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 фыжэну plural future affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 жэхану plural future affirmative error-unrecognized-form
жэн verb 3 сыжэркъым singular present negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 ужэркъым singular present negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 жэркъым singular present negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 дыжэркъым plural present negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 фыжэркъым plural present negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 жэркъым plural present negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 сыжакъым singular past negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 ужакъым singular past negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 жакъым singular past negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 дыжакъым plural past negative error-unrecognized-form
жэн verb 3 фыжакъым plural past negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 жакъым plural past negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 сыжэнyкъым singular future negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 ужэнyкъым singular future negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 жэнyкъым singular future negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 дыжэнyкъым plural future negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 фыжэнyкъым plural future negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 3 жэнyкъым plural future negative error-unrecognized-form

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
таж noun 2 taž romanization
noun 2 тажэхэр plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Ӏ character 1 ӏ canonical
character 1 ӏ lowercase

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
Ӏу character 1 ӏу canonical
character 1 ʼwu romanization
character 1 ӏу lowercase
character 1 ӏу uppercase

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
ефэн verb 1 no-table-tags table-tags
verb 1 kbd-conj-intr-di inflection-template
verb 1 сынофэ singular present affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 софэ singular present affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 сыдофэ plural present affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 сывофэ plural present affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 софэ plural present affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 сынофaщ singular past affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 сефaщ singular past affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 сыдэфaщ plural past affirmative error-unrecognized-form
ефэн verb 1 сывэфaщ plural past affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 сефащ plural past affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 сынофэну singular future affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 сефэну singular future affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 сыдэфэну plural future affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 сывэфэну plural future affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 сефэну plural future affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 сынофэркъым singular present negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 сефэркъым singular present negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 сыдэфэркъым plural present negative error-unrecognized-form
ефэн verb 1 сывэфэркъым plural present negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 сефэркъым plural present negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 сынофакъым singular past negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 сефакъым singular past negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 сыдэфакъым plural past negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 сывэфакъым plural past negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 сефакъым plural past negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 сынофэнyкъым singular future negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 сефэнyкъым singular future negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 сыдэфэнyкъым plural future negative error-unrecognized-form
ефэн verb 1 сывэфэнyкъым plural future negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 сефэнyкъым plural future negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 укъысофэ singular present affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 уофэ singular present affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 укъыдофэ plural present affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 укъывофэ plural present affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 уофэ plural present affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 укъэзэфaщ singular past affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 уефaщ singular past affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 укъдэфaщ plural past affirmative error-unrecognized-form
ефэн verb 1 укыъвэфaщ plural past affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 уефащ plural past affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 укъэзэфэну singular future affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 уефэну singular future affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 укъдэфэну plural future affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 укъывэфэну plural future affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 уефэну plural future affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 укъэзэфэркъым singular present negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 уефэркъым singular present negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 удэфэркъым plural present negative error-unrecognized-form
ефэн verb 1 увэфэркъым plural present negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 уефэркъым plural present negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 укъэзэфакъым singular past negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 уефакъым singular past negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 удэфакъым plural past negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 увэфакъым plural past negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 уефакъым plural past negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 укъэзэфэнyкъым singular future negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 уефэнyкъым singular future negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 удэфэнyкъым plural future negative error-unrecognized-form
ефэн verb 1 увэфэнyкъым plural future negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 уефэнyкъым plural future negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 къэсофэ singular present affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 къофэ singular present affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 йофэ singular present affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 къэдофэ plural present affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 къэвофэ plural present affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 йофэ plural present affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 къызэфaщ singular past affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 къофaщ singular past affirmative error-unrecognized-form
ефэн verb 1 ефaщ singular past affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 къыдэфaщ plural past affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 къывэфaщ plural past affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 яфащ plural past affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 къэзэфэну singular future affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 къофэну singular future affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 ефэну singular future affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 къыдэфэну plural future affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 къывэфэну plural future affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 ефэну plural future affirmative error-unrecognized-form
ефэн verb 1 къэсофэркъым singular present negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 къофэркъым singular present negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 ефэркъым singular present negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 къыдэфэркъым plural present negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 къывэфэркъым plural present negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 ефэркъым plural present negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 ефэркъым singular past negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 къэсофакъым singular past negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 къофакъым singular past negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 ефакъым plural past negative error-unrecognized-form
ефэн verb 1 къыдэфакъым plural past negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 къывэфакъым plural past negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 ефакъым singular future negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 къэсофэнyкъым singular future negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 къофэнyкъым singular future negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 ефэнyкъым plural future negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 къыдэфэнyкъым plural future negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 къывэфэнyкъым plural future negative error-unrecognized-form

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
кӏуэн verb 1 no-table-tags table-tags
verb 1 kbd-conj-intr inflection-template
verb 1 сокӏуэ singular present affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 уокӏуэ singular present affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 макӏуэ singular present affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 докӏуэ plural present affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 фокӏуэ plural present affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 макӏуэха plural present affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 сыкӏуaщ singular past affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 укӏуaщ singular past affirmative error-unrecognized-form
кӏуэн verb 1 кӏуaщ singular past affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 дыкӏуaщ plural past affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 фыкӏуaщ plural past affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 кӏуaхащ plural past affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 сыкӏуэну singular future affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 укӏуэну singular future affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 кӏуэну singular future affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 дыкӏуэну plural future affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 фыкӏуэну plural future affirmative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 кӏуэхану plural future affirmative error-unrecognized-form
кӏуэн verb 1 сыкӏуэркъым singular present negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 укӏуэркъым singular present negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 кӏуэркъым singular present negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 дыкӏуэркъым plural present negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 фыкӏуэркъым plural present negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 кӏуэркъым plural present negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 сыкӏуакъым singular past negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 укӏуакъым singular past negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 кӏуакъым singular past negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 дыкӏуакъым plural past negative error-unrecognized-form
кӏуэн verb 1 фыкӏуакъым plural past negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 кӏуакъым plural past negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 сыкӏуэнyкъым singular future negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 укӏуэнyкъым singular future negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 кӏуэнyкъым singular future negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 дыкӏуэнyкъым plural future negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 фыкӏуэнyкъым plural future negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 кӏуэнyкъым plural future negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 1 кӏон alternative

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
А character 1 а lowercase

This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-13 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-03-02 using wiktextract (f074e77 and 633533e). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.