S'gaw Karen Wiktionary data extraction errors and warnings

Chinese entries with incorrect language header

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could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

㐱 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

㓎 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

㓖 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

㓡 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

㓠 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

偄 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

偆 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

偗 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

充 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

几 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

刲 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

劐 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

劯 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

勭 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

卭 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

厔 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

吠 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

咴 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

啇 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

啍 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

喓 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

嘾 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

圣 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

埉 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

埏 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

塈 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

墯 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

奋 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

怀 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

媁 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

婿 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

嫭 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

嫚 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

嬛 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

孺 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

宱 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

寷 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

屼 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

崠 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

嶮 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

帷 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

庄 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

廎 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

怋 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

怹 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

悁 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

悘 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

戛 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

戜 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

扉 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

抪 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

挍 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

揃 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

撗 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

晅 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

晙 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

曘 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

杸 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

栯 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

桅 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

梀 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

梃 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

椈 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

榻 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

檘 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

櫖 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

櫪 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

歈 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

歜 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

沟 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

泚 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

涗 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

淔 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

渳 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

澊 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

澨 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

濎 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

灀 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

灹 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

炥 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

炦 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

炬 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

烜 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

烠 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

焝 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

焴 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

煻 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

燀 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

爦 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

爩 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

牊 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

牑 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

牗 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

牬 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

犓 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

狧 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

獝 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

痥 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

皛 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

瞶 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

砱 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

碾 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

禨 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

秳 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

穁 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

窊 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

窖 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

窨 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

箶 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

糎 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

糕 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

紕 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

緵 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

纅 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

罻 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

羍 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

羔 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

耋 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

耡 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

肮 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

胒 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

胮 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

膼 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

舸 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

艫 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

芧 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

荑 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

莓 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

萀 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

萯 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

葝 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

薧 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

虑 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

虷 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

袸 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

覶 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

誏 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

諣 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

謱 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

譨 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

豂 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

豢 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

赯 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

趪 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

跬 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

輴 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

逘 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

鄱 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

鉆 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

銛 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

鍪 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

鐻 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

鑹 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

阝 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

靃 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

鞬 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

鞴 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

頫 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

颩 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

颼 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

餾 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

饎 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

饟 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

馾 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

騦 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

驕 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

鮂 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

鮆 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

鯊 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

鱄 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

鱭 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

鴺 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

鼙 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䶣 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䶃 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䵼 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䵢 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䵥 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䵐 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

㲳 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

𪜶 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

吾人 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

愛爾蘭 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

新西伯利亞 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

㭘 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䀃 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䀅 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

㝽 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

㞀 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

㤿 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

㧦 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

㹀 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

㸯 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

㽎 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

㿃 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䁐 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䈢 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䎧 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䗆 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䝕 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䟓 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䡳 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䣩 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䬞 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䭃 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䭛 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䭩 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䮑 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䮬 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䮵 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䯜 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䯟 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䰢 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䱟 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䱶 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䲁 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䳝 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䳧 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䳴 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䳸 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䳾 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

䴤 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

𦍌 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

𠛒 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

薩馬拉 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

鄂木斯克 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

伏爾加格勒 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

渠儂 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

哪樣 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

秋明 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

加里寧格勒 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

𠄌 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

摩爾曼斯克 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

𦜆 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

霸王硬上弓 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

落肚 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

𣏒 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

我每 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

卒然 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

儂家 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

庫爾干 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

𢏳 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

普斯科夫 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

托木斯克 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

斯摩棱斯克 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

梁贊 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

第聶伯羅彼得羅夫斯克 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

諾夫哥羅德 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

吳牛喘月 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

日托米爾 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

𪄻 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

奧倫堡 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

伊萬諾沃 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

札波羅熱 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

𨂊 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

𠇩 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

𩾗 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

別爾哥羅德 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

阿爾漢格爾斯克 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

𤴙 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

𤼀 (top-level) could not disambiguate other category: Chinese entries with incorrect language header

This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable S'gaw Karen dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-01 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-02-21 using wiktextract (7c21d10 and f2e72e5). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.