Japanese word senses marked with topical category "Linguistics"
Parent categories: Language, Social sciences, Communication, Sciences, Society
Subcategories: Grammar, Indo-European studies, Lexicography, Linguistic morphology, Onomastics, Phonetics, Phonology, Pragmatics, Prosody, Semantics, Semiotics, Sociolinguistics, Translation studies
Total 719 word senses
- KWIC (Noun) KWIC; keyword in context
- 一人称 … 不定詞 (22 senses)
- 与格 … 人工言語 (20 senses)
- 人称 … 働き詞 (23 senses)
- 働く … 助字 (22 senses)
- 助辞 … 口蓋音化 (27 senses)
- 口語 … 命令法 (24 senses)
- 和訳 … 国名 (18 senses)
- 国訓 … 奪格 (23 senses)
- 女性 … 属格 (23 senses)
- 已然 … 意訳 (25 senses)
- 感 … 接尾辞 (24 senses)
- 接格 … 敬語 (20 senses)
- 文 … 村名 (32 senses)
- 格 … 比較級 (17 senses)
- 法 … 無声音 (21 senses)
- 熟語 … 直音 (28 senses)
- 相 … 絶対格 (17 senses)
- 繋辞 … 舌頂音 (23 senses)
- 芝 … 詰まる (29 senses)
- 語 … 調音音声学 (18 senses)
- 談話 … 連体格 (24 senses)
- 連声 … 除外形 (26 senses)
- 集韻 … 鼻音 (34 senses)
- あ段 (Noun) the first and highest-graded column of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”), consisting of the ten kana あ/ア (a), か/カ (ka), さ/サ (sa), た/タ (ta), な/ナ (na), は/ハ (ha), ま/マ (ma), や/ヤ (ya), ら/ラ (ra) and わ/ワ (wa)
- あ行 (Noun) the first row of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”), consisting of the five kana あ/ア (a), い/イ (i), う/ウ (u), え/エ (e) and お/オ (o)
- い段 (Noun) the second and second-highest-graded column of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”), consisting of the nine kana い/イ (i), き/キ (ki), し/シ (shi), ち/チ (chi), に/ニ (ni), ひ/ヒ (hi), み/ミ (mi), り/リ (ri) and ゐ/ヰ (wi), and sometimes additionally 𛀆/𛄠 (yi)
- う段 (Noun) the third and middle-graded column of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”), consisting of the nine kana う/ウ (u), く/ク (ku), す/ス (su), つ/ツ (tsu), ぬ/ヌ (nu), ふ/フ (fu), む/ム (mu), ゆ/ユ (yu) and る/ル (ru), and sometimes additionally 𛄟 (𛄟)/𛄢 (wu)
- え段 (Noun) the fourth and second-lowest-graded column of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”), consisting of the nine kana え/エ (e), け/ケ (ke), せ/セ (se), て/テ (te), ね/ネ (ne), へ/ヘ (he), め/メ (me), れ/レ (re) and ゑ/ヱ (we), and sometimes additionally 𛀁/𛄡 (ye)
- おんせいきごう (Noun) 音声記号: (phonetics) phonetic symbol
- お段 (Noun) the fifth and lowest-graded column of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”), consisting of the ten kana お/オ (o), こ/コ (ko), そ/ソ (so), と/ト (to), の/ノ (no), ほ/ホ (ho), も/モ (mo), よ/ヨ (yo), ろ/ロ (ro) and を/ヲ (wo)
- かかりむすび (Noun) kakarimusubi, a phenomenon in classical Japanese where certain words (a subset of 係助詞 (kakari-joshi)) provoke the usage of different verbal inflexion at the end of the sentence (呼応 (koō))
- かんりょう (Noun) 完了: (linguistics) perfect (tense etc.)
- か゚ (Syllable) The hiragana syllable か゚ (nga). Its equivalent in katakana is カ゚ (nga).
- か行 (Noun) the second row of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”), consisting of the five kana か/カ (ka), き/キ (ki), く/ク (ku), け/ケ (ke) and こ/コ (ko)
- がいこくご (Noun) 外国語: (linguistics) foreign language
- き゚ (Syllable) The hiragana syllable き゚ (ngi). Its equivalent in katakana is キ゚ (ngi).
- き゚ぇ (Syllable) The hiragana syllable き゚ぇ (ngye). Its equivalent in katakana is キ゚ェ (ngye).
- き゚ゃ (Syllable) The hiragana syllable き゚ゃ (ngya). Its equivalent in katakana is キ゚ャ (ngya).
- き゚ゅ (Syllable) The hiragana syllable き゚ゅ (ngyu). Its equivalent in katakana is キ゚ュ (ngyu).
- き゚ょ (Syllable) The hiragana syllable き゚ょ (ngyo). Its equivalent in katakana is キ゚ョ (ngyo).
- く゚ (Syllable) The hiragana syllable く゚ (ngu). Its equivalent in katakana is ク゚ (ngu).
- く゚ぃ (Syllable) The hiragana syllable く゚ぃ (ngwi). Its equivalent in katakana is ク゚ィ (ngwi).
- く゚ゎ (Syllable) The hiragana syllable く゚ゎ (ngwa). Its equivalent in katakana is ク゚ヮ (ngwa).
- けいたいそ (Noun) 形態素: (linguistics) morpheme
- け゚ (Syllable) The hiragana syllable け゚ (nge). Its equivalent in katakana is ケ゚ (nge).
- こそあど (Noun) Japanese demonstratives
- ごげんがく (Noun) 語源学: etymology (study of the historical development of languages, particularly of individual words)
- さ行 (Noun) the third row of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”), consisting of the five kana さ/サ (sa), し/シ (shi), す/ス (su), せ/セ (se) and そ/ソ (so)
- しざま (Noun) 芝: (grammar, obsolete) “shi-type”, referring to the i adjective in Japanese grammar, specifically the ク活用 (ku katsuyō, “ku inflection”), corresponding to modern Japanese adjectives ending in -i but not -shii
- しぜんげんご (Noun) 自然言語: (linguistics) natural language
- じょどうし (Noun) 助動詞: (grammar) auxiliary verb
- ぜんちし (Noun) 前置詞: (grammar) preposition
- たいげんどめ (Noun) ending a sentence with a 体言 (taigen), instead of verbs (including だ (da))
- た行 (Noun) the fourth row of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”), consisting of the five kana た/タ (ta), ち/チ (chi), つ/ツ (tsu), て/テ (te) and と/ト (to)
- ちゅうしょうめいし (Noun) 抽象名詞: (grammar) abstract noun (a noun that denotes an abstract concept)
- つづりじはつおん (Noun) spelling pronunciation
- てにをは (Noun) particle, postposition (part of speech)
- なのり (Proper name) 奈乃李: Nanori, a female Japanese given name
- な行 (Noun) the fifth row of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”), consisting of the five kana な/ナ (na), に/ニ (ni), ぬ/ヌ (nu), ね/ネ (ne) and の/ノ (no)
- のうき (Noun) 能記: (linguistics) signifier
- はつおんきごう (Noun) 発音記号: (phonetics) phonetic symbol
- は行 (Noun) the sixth row of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”), consisting of the five kana は/ハ (ha), ひ/ヒ (hi), ふ/フ (fu), へ/ヘ (he) and ほ/ホ (ho)
- ば行 (Noun) a row derived from the は行 (“ha-row”) of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”) (but not included in the table) by adding the diacritical mark ゛, consisting of the five kana ば/バ (ba), び/ビ (bi), ぶ/ブ (bu), べ/ベ (be) and ぼ/ボ (bo)
- ぱ行 (Noun) a row derived from the は行 (“ha-row”) of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”) (but not included in the table) by adding the diacritical mark ゜, consisting of the five kana ぱ/パ (pa), ぴ/ピ (pi), ぷ/プ (pu), ぺ/ペ (pe) and ぽ/ポ (po)
- へんかく (Noun) 変格: (grammar) irregular conjugation
- へんかく (Noun) 変格: (grammar) translative case
- ま行 (Noun) the sixth row of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”), consisting of the five kana ま/マ (ma), み/ミ (mi), む/ム (mu), め/メ (me) and も/モ (mo)
- むせいおん (Noun) 無声音: (phonetics) voiceless sound
- や行 (Noun) the eighth row of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”), consisting of the five kana や/ヤ (ya), い/イ (i) (alternatively, 𛀆/𛄠 (yi)), ゆ/ユ (yu), え/エ (e) (alternatively, 𛀁/𛄡 (ye)) and よ/ヨ (yo), two of which are taken from the あ行 (“a-row”) to represent classical grammatical inflection in modern text
- ゆとうよみ (Noun) 湯桶読み: A reading pattern for certain kanji compound words, using the native Japanese kun'yomi for the first kanji, and the Chinese-derived on'yomi for the second kanji.
- よかく (Noun) 与格: (grammar) the dative case
- ら゚ (Syllable) The hiragana syllable ら゚ (la). Its equivalent in katakana is ラ゚ (la).
- ら抜き (Noun) Synonym of ら抜き言葉 (ra-nuki kotoba)
- ら抜き言葉 (Noun) dropping the ら (ra) in the potential form of verbs formed with られる (-rareru)
- ら行 (Noun) the ninth row of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”), consisting of the five kana ら/ラ (ra), り/リ (ri), る/ル (ru), れ/レ (re) and ろ/ロ (ro)
- りょうしんおん (Noun) 両唇音: (phonetics) a speech sound articulated with both lips; bilabial
- り゚ (Syllable) The hiragana syllable り゚ (li). Its equivalent in katakana is リ゚ (li).
- る゚ (Syllable) The hiragana syllable る゚ (lu). Its equivalent in katakana is ル゚ (lu).
- れ゚ (Syllable) The hiragana syllable れ゚ (le). Its equivalent in katakana is レ゚ (le).
- ろ゚ (Syllable) The hiragana syllable ろ゚ (lo). Its equivalent in katakana is ロ゚ (lo).
- わ行 (Noun) the tenth and last row of the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”), consisting of the five kana わ/ワ (wa), ゐ/ヰ (wi), う/ウ (u) (alternatively, 𛄟 (𛄟)/𛄢 (wu)), ゑ/ヱ (we) and を/ヲ (wo), one of which is taken from the あ行 (“a-row”) to represent classical grammatical inflection in modern text
- アオリスト (Noun) aorist (aspect)
- アクセント (Noun) accent (stronger articulation)
- アクセント (Noun) intonation
- アクセント (Noun) accent (regional pronunciation)
- アクセント句 (Noun) accent phrase; a unit in Japanese phonology distinguished by it containing at most one accent kernel (アクセント核(かく) (akusento-kaku))
- アクセント核 (Noun) an accent kernel/nucleus/locus (the so-called "accented" mora of an utterance, which singly occurs for each utterance and which immediately precedes a drop in pitch from high to low)
- インド・ヨーロッパ語族 (Proper name) the Indo-European languages
- イ音便 (Noun) a form of euphony whereby certain historical morae became い (i)
- ウィクショナリー (Proper name) Wiktionary
- ウ音便 (Noun) a form of euphony whereby certain historical morae became う (u)
- オリゴ (Noun) origo
- カ゚ (Syllable) The katakana syllable カ゚ (nga). Its equivalent in hiragana is か゚ (nga).
- カ変 (Noun) Short for カ行変格活用 (ka-gyō henkaku katsuyō): k-irregular conjugation
- カ行変格活用 (Noun) a verbal conjugation class in which the verb stem ends in k-, with minor historical changes
- キ゚ (Syllable) The katakana syllable キ゚ (ngi). Its equivalent in hiragana is き゚ (ngi).
- キ゚ャ (Syllable) The katakana syllable キ゚ャ (ngya). Its equivalent in hiragana is き゚ゃ (ngya).
- キリシタン版 (Noun) prose, grammar and vocabulary literature written and printed by Portuguese Jesuits in Japan during the late 16th and early 17th century
- ク゚ (Syllable) The katakana syllable ク゚ (ngu). Its equivalent in hiragana is く゚ (ngu).
- ク゚ヮ (Syllable) The katakana syllable ク゚ヮ (ngwa). Its equivalent in hiragana is く゚ゎ (ngwa).
- ク活用 (Noun) an adjective inflection class for some classical adjectives ending in -shi
- ク語法 (Noun) the use of the Classical Japanese nominalizer く (ku)
- グロットグラム (Noun) glottogram (table showing dialectal features correlated with age and location)
- ケ゚ (Syllable) The katakana syllable ケ゚ (nge). Its equivalent in hiragana is け゚ (nge).
- ケース (Noun) grammatical case
- コ゚ (Syllable) The katakana syllable コ゚ (ngo). Its equivalent in hiragana is こ゚ (ngo).
- コピュラ (Noun) copula
- コプラ (Noun) copula
- コロケーション (Noun) collocation
- コーパス (Noun) corpus
- サ変 (Noun) an abbreviation for サ行変格活用; s-irregular conjugation
- サ行変格活用 (Noun) a verbal conjugation class in which the verb stem ends in s-
- シク活用 (Noun) an adjective inflection class for some classical adjectives ending in -shi
- シノニム (Noun) synonym
- センテンス (Noun) sentence
- ソネット (Noun) a sonnet
- タリ活用 (Noun) an adjective inflection class with the following inflections: -tara/-tari (or to)/-tari/-taru/-tare/-tare
- トークン (Noun) a token (lexeme)
- ナリ活用 (Noun) an adjective inflection class with the following inflections: -nara/-nari (or ni)/-nari/-naru/-nare/-nare
- ナ行変格活用 (Noun) a verbal conjugation class in which the verb stem ends in n-
- ニックネーム (Noun) nickname
- ネーム (Noun) Synonym of 名前 (namae): a name (word or phrase indicating a particular person, place, class or thing)
- ネーム (Noun) a manga storyboard, focusing on the words in the speech or thought bubbles to help determine the drawing and frame layout
- ハ行転呼 (Noun) a specific historical consonantal shift of the Japanese language during the Heian Period, wherein many word-medial /f/ sounds changed to /w/ sounds
- ハ行転呼音 (Noun) a historical consonantal shift of the Japanese language involving the kana は/ハ (ha), ひ/ヒ (hi), ふ/フ (fu), へ/ヘ (he), and ほ/ホ (ho)
- パロール (Noun) parole
- ペンネーム (Noun) a pen name
- マーカー (Noun) a marker
- ムード (Noun) mood
- メタ言語 (Noun) metalanguage
- モーラ (Noun) a mora
- ラ゚ (Syllable) The katakana syllable ラ゚ (la). Its equivalent in hiragana is ら゚ (la).
- ラング (Noun) langue
- ラ変 (Noun) Clipping of ラ行変格活用 (ra-gyō henkaku katsuyō): r-irregular conjugation
- ラ行変格活用 (Noun) a verbal conjugation class in which the verb stem ends in r- with four irregular bases: -a, -i, -u, and -e
- リ゚ (Syllable) The katakana syllable リ゚ (li). Its equivalent in hiragana is り゚ (li).
- リエゾン (Noun) liaison: the pronunciation of a word-final consonant due to a following vowel sound in French
- リンキング (Noun) linking; connected speech (esp. in the context of English phonology; see linking r)
- リンキング (Verb) to get linked (esp. in the context of English phonology; see linking r)
- ル゚ (Syllable) The katakana syllable ル゚ (lu). Its equivalent in hiragana is る゚ (lu).
- ルート (Noun) an etymological root
- レ゚ (Syllable) The katakana syllable レ゚ (le). Its equivalent in hiragana is れ゚ (le).
- ロ゚ (Syllable) The katakana syllable ロ゚ (lo). Its equivalent in hiragana is ろ゚ (lo).
- ・ (Punctuation) used to separate furigana from okurigana when giving kanji readings in some dictionaries
- ・ (Punctuation) used to denote accent phrase boundaries (アクセント句(く) (akusento-ku))
- \ (Punctuation) used to denote pitch accent drops (下(さ)がり目(め) (sagarime))
- 𛀆 (Syllable) The hiragana syllable 𛀆 (yi). Its equivalent in katakana is 𛄠 (yi).
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This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable Japanese dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-01 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-02-21 using wiktextract (7c21d10 and f2e72e5).
The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.
If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.