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Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
йаблакх noun 140 jablakʰ romanization

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
кхугуй noun 90 no-table-tags table-tags
noun 90 xas-decl inflection-template
noun 90 кхугуй nominative singular
noun 90 кхугуйәйәʼ nominative plural
noun 90 кхугуйзаӈ nominative plural
noun 90 кхугуйән genitive singular
noun 90 кхугуйәйән genitive plural
noun 90 кхугуйзан genitive plural
noun 90 кхугуйәм accusative singular
noun 90 кхугуйәйәм accusative plural
кхугуй noun 90 кхугуйзаӈәм accusative plural
noun 90 кхугуйдә allative singular
noun 90 кхугуйәйәнә allative plural
noun 90 кхугуйзаӈдә allative plural
noun 90 кхугуйгән locative singular
noun 90 кхугуйәйәгән locative plural
noun 90 кхугуйзаӈгән locative plural
noun 90 кхугуйгәʼ ablative singular
noun 90 кхугуйәйәгәʼ ablative plural
noun 90 кхугуйзаӈгәʼ ablative plural
кхугуй noun 90 кхугуйзьәʼ instrumental singular
noun 90 кхугуйәйәзьәʼ instrumental plural
noun 90 кхугуйзаӈзьәʼ instrumental plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
аджа noun 90 no-table-tags table-tags
noun 90 xas-poss inflection-template
noun 90 аджам first-person singular possessive
noun 90 аджал second-person singular possessive
noun 90 аджат third-person singular possessive
noun 90 аджабәй first-person dual possessive
noun 90 аджаләй second-person dual possessive
noun 90 аджадәй third-person dual possessive
noun 90 аджабаʼ first-person plural possessive
noun 90 аджалаʼ second-person plural possessive
аджа noun 90 аджадаʼ third-person plural possessive

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
мозьәт verb 9 no-table-tags table-tags
verb 9 xas-conj-1 inflection-template
verb 9 мобйам first-person singular past indicative
verb 9 mobjam first-person singular past indicative
verb 9 ей мобйам first-person singular past indicative negative
verb 9 ej mobjam first-person singular past indicative negative
verb 9 мольам first-person singular present indicative
verb 9 moĺam first-person singular present indicative
verb 9 ей мольам first-person singular present indicative negative
verb 9 ej moĺam first-person singular present indicative negative
мозьәт verb 9 молам first-person singular future indicative
verb 9 molam first-person singular future indicative
verb 9 еләм моʼ first-person singular future indicative negative
verb 9 eləm moʔ first-person singular future indicative negative
verb 9 мобйал second-person singular past indicative
verb 9 mobjal second-person singular past indicative
verb 9 ей мобйал second-person singular past indicative negative
verb 9 ej mobjal second-person singular past indicative negative
verb 9 мольал second-person singular present indicative
verb 9 moĺal second-person singular present indicative
мозьәт verb 9 ей мольал second-person singular present indicative negative
verb 9 ej moĺal second-person singular present indicative negative
verb 9 молал second-person singular future indicative
verb 9 molal second-person singular future indicative
verb 9 еллә моʼ second-person singular future indicative negative
verb 9 ellə moʔ second-person singular future indicative negative
verb 9 моби third-person singular past indicative
verb 9 mobi third-person singular past indicative
verb 9 ей моби third-person singular past indicative negative
verb 9 ej mobi third-person singular past indicative negative
мозьәт verb 9 мольа third-person singular present indicative
verb 9 moĺa third-person singular present indicative
verb 9 ей мольа third-person singular present indicative negative
verb 9 ej moĺa third-person singular present indicative negative
verb 9 моләй third-person singular future indicative
verb 9 moləj third-person singular future indicative
verb 9 ел моʼ third-person singular future indicative negative
verb 9 el moʔ third-person singular future indicative negative
verb 9 мобибәй first-person dual past indicative
verb 9 mobibəj first-person dual past indicative
мозьәт verb 9 ей мобибәй first-person dual past indicative negative
verb 9 ej mobibəj first-person dual past indicative negative
verb 9 мольабәй first-person dual present indicative
verb 9 moĺabəj first-person dual present indicative
verb 9 ей мольабәй first-person dual present indicative negative
verb 9 ej moĺabəj first-person dual present indicative negative
verb 9 моләбәй first-person dual future indicative
verb 9 moləbəj first-person dual future indicative
verb 9 елбәй моʼ first-person dual future indicative negative
verb 9 elbəj moʔ first-person dual future indicative negative
мозьәт verb 9 мобиләй second-person dual past indicative
verb 9 mobiləj second-person dual past indicative
verb 9 ей мобиләй second-person dual past indicative negative
verb 9 ej mobiləj second-person dual past indicative negative
verb 9 мольаләй second-person dual present indicative
verb 9 moĺaləj second-person dual present indicative
verb 9 ей мольаләй second-person dual present indicative negative
verb 9 ej moĺaləj second-person dual present indicative negative
verb 9 моләләй second-person dual future indicative
verb 9 molələj second-person dual future indicative
мозьәт verb 9 елләй моʼ second-person dual future indicative negative
verb 9 elləj moʔ second-person dual future indicative negative
verb 9 мобигәй third-person dual past indicative
verb 9 mobigəj third-person dual past indicative
verb 9 ей мобигәй third-person dual past indicative negative
verb 9 ej mobigəj third-person dual past indicative negative
verb 9 мольагәй third-person dual present indicative
verb 9 moĺagəj third-person dual present indicative
verb 9 ей мольагәй third-person dual present indicative negative
verb 9 ej moĺagəj third-person dual present indicative negative
мозьәт verb 9 моләгәй third-person dual future indicative
verb 9 moləgəj third-person dual future indicative
verb 9 елгәй моʼ third-person dual future indicative negative
verb 9 elgəj moʔ third-person dual future indicative negative
verb 9 мобибаʼ first-person plural past indicative
verb 9 mobibaʔ first-person plural past indicative
verb 9 ей мобибаʼ first-person plural past indicative negative
verb 9 ej mobibaʔ first-person plural past indicative negative
verb 9 молйабаʼ first-person plural present indicative
verb 9 moljabaʔ first-person plural present indicative
мозьәт verb 9 ей молйабаʼ first-person plural present indicative negative
verb 9 ej moljabaʔ first-person plural present indicative negative
verb 9 моләбаʼ first-person plural future indicative
verb 9 moləbaʔ first-person plural future indicative
verb 9 елбеʼ моʼ first-person plural future indicative negative
verb 9 elbeʔ moʔ first-person plural future indicative negative
verb 9 мобилаʼ second-person plural past indicative
verb 9 mobilaʔ second-person plural past indicative
verb 9 ей мобилаʼ second-person plural past indicative negative
verb 9 ej mobilaʔ second-person plural past indicative negative
мозьәт verb 9 молйалаʼ second-person plural present indicative
verb 9 moljalaʔ second-person plural present indicative
verb 9 ей молйалаʼ second-person plural present indicative negative
verb 9 ej moljalaʔ second-person plural present indicative negative
verb 9 моләлаʼ second-person plural future indicative
verb 9 moləlaʔ second-person plural future indicative
verb 9 еллеʼ моʼ second-person plural future indicative negative
verb 9 elleʔ moʔ second-person plural future indicative negative
verb 9 мобийәʼ third-person plural past indicative
verb 9 mobijəʔ third-person plural past indicative
мозьәт verb 9 ей мобийәʼ third-person plural past indicative negative
verb 9 ej mobijəʔ third-person plural past indicative negative
verb 9 мольайәʼ third-person plural present indicative
verb 9 moĺajəʔ third-person plural present indicative
verb 9 ей мольайәʼ third-person plural present indicative negative
verb 9 ej moĺajəʔ third-person plural present indicative negative
verb 9 моләйәʼ third-person plural future indicative
verb 9 moləjəʔ third-person plural future indicative
verb 9 еләйә моʼ third-person plural future indicative negative
verb 9 eləjə moʔ third-person plural future indicative negative
мозьәт verb 9 моштим first-person singular imperative
verb 9 moštim first-person singular imperative
verb 9 иштим моʼ first-person singular imperative negative
verb 9 ištim moʔ first-person singular imperative negative
verb 9 монамзе first-person singular present indicative conjunctive
verb 9 monamze first-person singular present indicative conjunctive
verb 9 енем моʼзе first-person singular present indicative conjunctive negative
verb 9 enem moʔze first-person singular present indicative conjunctive negative
verb 9 мозьәт future indicative conjunctive infinitive negative
verb 9 moźət future indicative conjunctive infinitive negative
мозьәт verb 9 моʼ second-person singular imperative
verb 9 moʔ second-person singular imperative
verb 9 иʼ моʼ second-person singular imperative negative
verb 9 iʔ moʔ second-person singular imperative negative
verb 9 моналзе second-person singular present indicative conjunctive
verb 9 monalze second-person singular present indicative conjunctive
verb 9 енел моʼзе second-person singular present indicative conjunctive negative
verb 9 enel moʔze second-person singular present indicative conjunctive negative
verb 9 мозьәттә future indicative conjunctive supine negative
verb 9 moźəttə future indicative conjunctive supine negative
мозьәт verb 9 могәй third-person singular imperative
verb 9 mogəj third-person singular imperative
verb 9 игәй моʼ third-person singular imperative negative
verb 9 igəj moʔ third-person singular imperative negative
verb 9 моназе third-person singular present indicative conjunctive
verb 9 monaze third-person singular present indicative conjunctive
verb 9 ене моʼзе third-person singular present indicative conjunctive negative
verb 9 ene moʔze third-person singular present indicative conjunctive negative
verb 9 мосьтә future indicative conjunctive supine negative
verb 9 mośtə future indicative conjunctive supine negative
мозьәт verb 9 можәбәй first-person dual imperative
verb 9 možəbəj first-person dual imperative
verb 9 ижәбәй моʼ first-person dual imperative negative
verb 9 ižəbəj moʔ first-person dual imperative negative
verb 9 монабәйзе first-person dual present indicative conjunctive
verb 9 monabəjze first-person dual present indicative conjunctive
verb 9 енебәй моʼзе first-person dual present indicative conjunctive negative
verb 9 enebəj moʔze first-person dual present indicative conjunctive negative
verb 9 мона future indicative conjunctive participle negative
verb 9 mona future indicative conjunctive participle negative
мозьәт verb 9 могәләй second-person dual imperative
verb 9 mogələj second-person dual imperative
verb 9 игәләй моʼ second-person dual imperative negative
verb 9 igələj moʔ second-person dual imperative negative
verb 9 моналәйзе second-person dual present indicative conjunctive
verb 9 monaləjze second-person dual present indicative conjunctive
verb 9 енеләй моʼзе second-person dual present indicative conjunctive negative
verb 9 eneləj moʔze second-person dual present indicative conjunctive negative
verb 9 мога future indicative conjunctive participle negative
verb 9 moga future indicative conjunctive participle negative
мозьәт verb 9 могәйгәй third-person dual imperative
verb 9 mogəjgəj third-person dual imperative
verb 9 игәгәй моʼ third-person dual imperative negative
verb 9 igəgəj moʔ third-person dual imperative negative
verb 9 монагәйзе third-person dual present indicative conjunctive
verb 9 monagəjze third-person dual present indicative conjunctive
verb 9 енәгәй моʼзе third-person dual present indicative conjunctive negative
verb 9 enəgəj moʔze third-person dual present indicative conjunctive negative
verb 9 молаʼ future indicative conjunctive negative error-unrecognized-form
verb 9 molaʔ future indicative conjunctive negative error-unrecognized-form
мозьәт verb 9 можәбаʼ first-person plural imperative
verb 9 možəbaʔ first-person plural imperative
verb 9 ижәбеʼ моʼ first-person plural imperative negative
verb 9 ižəbeʔ moʔ first-person plural imperative negative
verb 9 монабаʼзе first-person plural present indicative conjunctive
verb 9 monabaʔze first-person plural present indicative conjunctive
verb 9 енебеʼ моʼзе first-person plural present indicative conjunctive negative
verb 9 enebeʔ moʔze first-person plural present indicative conjunctive negative
verb 9 мой future indicative conjunctive gerund negative
verb 9 moj future indicative conjunctive gerund negative
мозьәт verb 9 могаʼ second-person plural imperative
verb 9 mogaʔ second-person plural imperative
verb 9 игеʼ моʼ second-person plural imperative negative
verb 9 igeʔ moʔ second-person plural imperative negative
verb 9 моналаʼзе second-person plural present indicative conjunctive
verb 9 monalaʔze second-person plural present indicative conjunctive
verb 9 енебеʼ моʼзе second-person plural present indicative conjunctive negative
verb 9 enebeʔ moʔze second-person plural present indicative conjunctive negative
verb 9 ^(*)) Some rare second-person plural gerund
verb 9 unproductive forms are not shown. second-person plural gerund
мозьәт verb 9 могәйәʼ third-person plural imperative
verb 9 mogəjəʔ third-person plural imperative
verb 9 игәйәʼ моʼ third-person plural imperative negative
verb 9 igəjəʔ moʔ third-person plural imperative negative
verb 9 монайәʼзе third-person plural present indicative conjunctive
verb 9 monajəʔze third-person plural present indicative conjunctive
verb 9 енейәʼ моʼзе third-person plural present indicative conjunctive negative
verb 9 enejəʔ moʔze third-person plural present indicative conjunctive negative
verb 9 ^(*)) Some rare third-person plural gerund
verb 9 unproductive forms are not shown. third-person plural gerund

This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-02-03 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-01-20 using wiktextract (05fdf6b and 9dbd323). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.