See jegy on Wiktionary
{ "derived": [ { "_dis1": "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0", "word": "jegybeli" }, { "_dis1": "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0", "word": "jegyes → jegyespár" }, { "_dis1": "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0", "word": "jegyesség" }, { "_dis1": "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0", "word": "jegyez → jegyezget" }, { "_dis1": "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0", "word": "jegyző and prefixed forms of the verb" }, { "_dis1": "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0", "word": "jegyű → egyjegyű" }, { "_dis1": "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0", "word": "kétjegyű" }, { "_dis1": "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0", "word": "háromjegyű" }, { "_dis1": "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0", "word": "jegyzet → jegyzetel" }, { "_dis1": "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0", "word": "jegyzetes" }, { "_dis1": "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0", "word": "jegyzék" }, { "_dis1": "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0", "word": "jegyajándék" }, { "_dis1": "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0", "word": "jegyautomata" }, { "_dis1": "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0", "word": "jegyárusítás" }, { "_dis1": "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0", "word": "jegyárusító" }, { "_dis1": "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 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"grade" ], [ "mark", "mark" ] ], "raw_glosses": [ "(education) grade, mark" ], "synonyms": [ { "word": "osztályzat" }, { "word": "érdemjegy" } ], "topics": [ "education" ] }, { "glosses": [ "engagement, betrothal (only used in certain terms and phrases)" ], "id": "en-jegy-hu-noun-MnWiyN3a", "links": [ [ "engagement", "engagement" ], [ "betrothal", "betrothal" ] ], "qualifier": "marriage", "raw_glosses": [ "(marriage) engagement, betrothal (only used in certain terms and phrases)" ], "synonyms": [ { "word": "jegyesség" }, { "word": "eljegyzés" } ] }, { "categories": [ { "kind": "topical", "langcode": "hu", "name": "Astrology", "orig": "hu:Astrology", "parents": [ "Divination", "Obsolete scientific theories", "Pseudoscience", "Occult", "History of science", "Sciences", "Forteana", "Supernatural", "History", "All topics", "Folklore", "Fundamental", "Culture", "Society" ], "source": "w" } ], "glosses": [ "sign, zodiac" ], "id": "en-jegy-hu-noun-w1CdEn1h", "links": [ [ "astrology", "astrology" ], [ "sign", "sign" ], [ "zodiac", "zodiac" ] ], "raw_glosses": [ "(astrology) sign, zodiac" ], "synonyms": [ { "word": "csillagjegy" }, { "word": "csillagkép" }, { "word": "állatövi jegy" }, { "word": "zodiákus" } ], "topics": [ "astrology", "human-sciences", "mysticism", "philosophy", "sciences" ] }, { "alt_of": [ { "extra": "character, glyph", "word": "írásjegy" } ], "categories": [ { "kind": "other", "name": "Hungarian ellipses", "parents": [], "source": "w" } ], "glosses": [ "Ellipsis of írásjegy (“character, glyph”)." ], "id": "en-jegy-hu-noun-V5r0f0~4", "links": [ [ "írásjegy", "írásjegy#Hungarian" ] ], "tags": [ "abbreviation", "alt-of", "ellipsis" ] }, { "categories": [], "examples": [ { "english": "in the spirit of solidarity", "text": "a szolidaritás jegyében", "type": "example" } ], "glosses": [ "as a token of, in the spirit of, as a gesture of" ], "id": "en-jegy-hu-noun-s8baa5fN", "links": [ [ "token", "token" ], [ "spirit", "spirit" ], [ "gesture", "gesture" ] 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{ "categories": [ "Hungarian 3-letter words", "Hungarian entries with incorrect language header", "Hungarian lemmas", "Hungarian links with redundant alt parameters", "Hungarian links with redundant wikilinks", "Hungarian nouns", "Hungarian terms with IPA pronunciation", "Pages with 1 entry", "Pages with entries", "Rhymes:Hungarian/ɛɟ", "Rhymes:Hungarian/ɛɟ/1 syllable" ], "derived": [ { "word": "jegybeli" }, { "word": "jegyes → jegyespár" }, { "word": "jegyesség" }, { "word": "jegyez → jegyezget" }, { "word": "jegyző and prefixed forms of the verb" }, { "word": "jegyű → egyjegyű" }, { "word": "kétjegyű" }, { "word": "háromjegyű" }, { "word": "jegyzet → jegyzetel" }, { "word": "jegyzetes" }, { "word": "jegyzék" }, { "word": "jegyajándék" }, { "word": "jegyautomata" }, { "word": "jegyárusítás" }, { "word": "jegyárusító" }, { "word": "jegybank" }, { "word": "jegycsalás" }, { "word": "jegyellenőr" }, { "word": "jegyellenőrzés" }, { "word": "jegyelővétel" }, { "word": "jegyfüzet" }, { 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"declension", "tags": [ "inflection-template" ] }, { "form": "jegy", "source": "declension", "tags": [ "nominative", "singular" ] }, { "form": "jegyek", "source": "declension", "tags": [ "nominative", "plural" ] }, { "form": "jegyet", "source": "declension", "tags": [ "accusative", "singular" ] }, { "form": "jegyeket", "source": "declension", "tags": [ "accusative", "plural" ] }, { "form": "jegynek", "source": "declension", "tags": [ "dative", "singular" ] }, { "form": "jegyeknek", "source": "declension", "tags": [ "dative", "plural" ] }, { "form": "jeggyel", "source": "declension", "tags": [ "instrumental", "singular" ] }, { "form": "jegyekkel", "source": "declension", "tags": [ "instrumental", "plural" ] }, { "form": "jegyért", "source": "declension", "tags": [ "causal-final", "singular" ] }, { "form": "jegyekért", "source": "declension", "tags": [ "causal-final", "plural" ] }, { "form": "jeggyé", "source": "declension", "tags": [ "singular", "translative" ] }, { "form": "jegyekké", 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], "glosses": [ "a piece of paper attesting entitlement", "ticket" ], "links": [ [ "transport", "transport" ], [ "ticket", "ticket" ] ], "raw_glosses": [ "a piece of paper attesting entitlement", "(transport) ticket" ], "topics": [ "transport" ] }, { "glosses": [ "a piece of paper attesting entitlement", "ticket" ], "links": [ [ "ticket", "ticket" ] ], "raw_glosses": [ "a piece of paper attesting entitlement", "(entertainment) ticket" ], "synonyms": [ { "word": "belépőjegy" }, { "word": "belépő" } ], "topics": [ "entertainment", "lifestyle" ] }, { "glosses": [ "a piece of paper attesting entitlement", "food stamp, ration book, ration card (for food)" ], "links": [ [ "food stamp", "food stamp" ], [ "ration", "ration" ], [ "book", "book" ], [ "card", "card" ] ], "synonyms": [ { "word": "élelmiszerjegy" } ] }, { "glosses": [ "a piece of paper attesting entitlement", "coupon, voucher (in certain phrases)" ], "links": [ [ "coupon", "coupon" ], [ "voucher", "voucher" ] ], "synonyms": [ { "word": "utalvány" }, { "word": "kupon" }, { "word": "szelvény" } ] }, { "glosses": [ "a piece of paper attesting entitlement", "stamp, certificate (in certain phrases)" ], "links": [ [ "stamp", "stamp" ], [ "certificate", "certificate" ] ], "synonyms": [ { "word": "tanúsítvány" }, { "word": "igazolás" } ] }, { "categories": [ "hu:Education" ], "glosses": [ "grade, mark" ], "links": [ [ "education", "education" ], [ "grade", "grade" ], [ "mark", "mark" ] ], "raw_glosses": [ "(education) grade, mark" ], "synonyms": [ { "word": "osztályzat" }, { "word": "érdemjegy" } ], "topics": [ "education" ] }, { "glosses": [ "engagement, betrothal (only used in certain terms and phrases)" ], "links": [ [ "engagement", "engagement" ], [ "betrothal", "betrothal" ] ], "qualifier": "marriage", "raw_glosses": [ "(marriage) engagement, betrothal (only used in certain terms and phrases)" ], "synonyms": [ { "word": "jegyesség" }, { "word": "eljegyzés" } ] }, { "categories": [ "hu:Astrology" ], "glosses": [ "sign, zodiac" ], "links": [ [ "astrology", "astrology" ], [ "sign", "sign" ], [ "zodiac", "zodiac" ] ], "raw_glosses": [ "(astrology) sign, zodiac" ], "synonyms": [ { "word": "csillagjegy" }, { "word": "csillagkép" }, { "word": "állatövi jegy" }, { "word": "zodiákus" } ], "topics": [ "astrology", "human-sciences", "mysticism", "philosophy", "sciences" ] }, { "alt_of": [ { "extra": "character, glyph", "word": "írásjegy" } ], "categories": [ "Hungarian ellipses" ], "glosses": [ "Ellipsis of írásjegy (“character, glyph”)." ], "links": [ [ "írásjegy", "írásjegy#Hungarian" ] ], "tags": [ "abbreviation", "alt-of", "ellipsis" ] }, { "categories": [ "Hungarian noun senses formed with possessive suffixes", "Hungarian terms with usage examples" ], "examples": [ { "english": "in the spirit of solidarity", "text": "a szolidaritás jegyében", "type": "example" } ], "glosses": [ "as a token of, in the spirit of, as a gesture of" ], "links": [ [ "token", "token" ], [ "spirit", "spirit" ], [ "gesture", "gesture" ] ], "raw_glosses": [ "(figuratively, with a possessive suffix and the inessive suffix) as a token of, in the spirit of, as a gesture of" ], "raw_tags": [ "with a possessive suffix and the inessive suffix" ], "synonyms": [ { "word": "szellemében" } ], "tags": [ "figuratively" ] } ], "sounds": [ { "ipa": "[ˈjɛɟ]" }, { "audio": "Hu-jegy.ogg", "mp3_url": "", "ogg_url": "" }, { "rhymes": "-ɛɟ" } ], "word": "jegy" }
Download raw JSONL data for jegy meaning in All languages combined (12.7kB)
{ "called_from": "parser/304", "msg": "HTML tag <div> not properly closed", "path": [ "jegy" ], "section": "Hungarian", "subsection": "noun", "title": "jegy", "trace": "started on line 91, detected on line 91" } { "called_from": "inflection/735", "msg": "inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular'", "path": [ "jegy" ], "section": "Hungarian", "subsection": "noun", "title": "jegy", "trace": "" } { "called_from": "inflection/735", "msg": "inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural'", "path": [ "jegy" ], "section": "Hungarian", "subsection": "noun", "title": "jegy", "trace": "" } { "called_from": "parser/1336", "msg": "no corresponding start tag found for </div>", "path": [ "jegy" ], "section": "Hungarian", "subsection": "noun", "title": "jegy", "trace": "" }
This page is a part of the machine-readable All languages combined dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-06 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-03-02 using wiktextract (b81b832 and 633533e). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.
If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.