látka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: látka
potrat (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: potrat
výbušnina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: výbušnina
výbuch (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: výbuch
anatómia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: anatómia
ústava (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: ústava
voňavka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: voňavka
atmosféra (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: atmosféra
hovno (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: hovno
brokát (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: brokát
ruch (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: ruch
žezlo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: žezlo
konzul (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: konzul
bocian (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bocian
babona (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: babona
cysta (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: cysta
chabina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: chabina
génius (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: génius
vestibul (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: vestibul
učeň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: učeň
svetlo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: svetlo
inštrumentál (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: inštrumentál
flautista (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: flautista
psica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: psica
jamka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: jamka
bambus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bambus
poklad (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: poklad
ohňostroj (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: ohňostroj
akvárium (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: akvárium
zoznam (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: zoznam
vysoká škola (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: vysoká škola
Eugen (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Eugen
rituál (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: rituál
pätica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: pätica
zástrčka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: zástrčka
žeriav (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: žeriav
žeriav (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: žeriav
čmeľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: čmeľ
orol (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: orol
Eder (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Eder
kolibrík (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kolibrík
lastovička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: lastovička
mašina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: mašina
hranica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: hranica
sólista (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: sólista
palác (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: palác
matrac (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: matrac
bylina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bylina
Albrecht (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Albrecht
osciloskop (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: osciloskop
syr (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: syr
tyrkys (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: tyrkys
podnikateľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: podnikateľ
cukrová vata (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: cukrová vata
píla (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: píla
protihráč (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: protihráč
leanbh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: leanbh
déanamh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: déanamh
déanamh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: déanamh
Jacko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Jacko
sérum (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: sérum
baptista (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: baptista
koreň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: koreň
rúno (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: rúno
choroba (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: choroba
dcéra (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: dcéra
steh (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: steh
díol (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: díol
volavka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: volavka
úžas (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: úžas
Baran (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Baran
Rak (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Rak
rozpor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: rozpor
ceruza (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: ceruza
pravica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: pravica
maslo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: maslo
monarcha (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: monarcha
kofa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kofa
návrh (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: návrh
mäta (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: mäta
raňajky (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: raňajky
obratník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: obratník
pýcha (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: pýcha
džíp (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: džíp
lutécium (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: lutécium
alkoholizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: alkoholizmus
úpal (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: úpal
eugenika (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: eugenika
harmonogram (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: harmonogram
perspektíva (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: perspektíva
azbest (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: azbest
fotka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: fotka
onomastika (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: onomastika
Zeman (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Zeman
Novák (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Novák
Šimek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Šimek
Nováková (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Nováková
Pokorný (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Pokorný
Svoboda (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Svoboda
Novotný (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Novotný
Veselý (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Veselý
Horák (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Horák
Pospíšil (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Pospíšil
Hájek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Hájek
Jelínek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Jelínek
Beneš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Beneš
Fiala (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Fiala
Sedláček (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Sedláček
Čapek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Čapek
Musil (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Musil
Matoušek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Matoušek
unca (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: unca
sadra (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: sadra
aperitív (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: aperitív
sadza (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: sadza
geológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: geológia
chalan (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: chalan
priorita (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: priorita
buddhizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: buddhizmus
láma (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: láma
Jirka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Jirka
láva (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: láva
korzet (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: korzet
producent (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: producent
lieska (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: lieska
hrivna (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: hrivna
kaldera (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kaldera
diskografia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: diskografia
filantropia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: filantropia
kipa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kipa
azyl (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: azyl
frenológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: frenológia
meteorológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: meteorológia
radža (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: radža
azimut (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: azimut
marhuľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: marhuľa
plagiát (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: plagiát
plagiátor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: plagiátor
hurka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: hurka
biodiverzita (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: biodiverzita
archeológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: archeológia
antropológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: antropológia
tieň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: tieň
basista (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: basista
libretista (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: libretista
saxofonista (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: saxofonista
Kratochvíl (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Kratochvíl
cepín (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: cepín
Slovan (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Slovan
sluch (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: sluch
gril (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: gril
Szabó (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Szabó
oligarchia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: oligarchia
plukovník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: plukovník
pluk (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: pluk
brigáda (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: brigáda
jezuita (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: jezuita
gladiátor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: gladiátor
Fabián (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Fabián
klamár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: klamár
kábel (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kábel
oje (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: oje
lesbička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: lesbička
fakt (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: fakt
Duna (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Duna
Antal (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Antal
chrt (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: chrt
temnota (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: temnota
gréčtina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: gréčtina
starogréčtina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: starogréčtina
neuróza (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: neuróza
kandidóza (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kandidóza
nobélium (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: nobélium
faraón (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: faraón
dna (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: dna
urda (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: urda
krivda (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: krivda
etnológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: etnológia
barina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: barina
kalkulačka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kalkulačka
kapsula (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kapsula
dula (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: dula
breo (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: breo
kečup (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kečup
jelša (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: jelša
zápal (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: zápal
hystéria (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: hystéria
mozaika (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: mozaika
kremácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kremácia
nozdra (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: nozdra
opar (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: opar
poduška (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: poduška
kóma (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kóma
mykóza (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: mykóza
bachor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bachor
pastier (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: pastier
chromozóm (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: chromozóm
celofán (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: celofán
rebro (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: rebro
nôž (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: nôž
divák (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: divák
žumpa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: žumpa
faktoriál (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: faktoriál
vrah (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: vrah
ostroh (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: ostroh
srna (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: srna
chrup (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: chrup
bradavka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bradavka
oligarcha (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: oligarcha
vodca (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: vodca
klenba (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: klenba
gejzír (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: gejzír
krematórium (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: krematórium
eutanázia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: eutanázia
basketbal (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: basketbal
črevo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: črevo
škótština (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: škótština
konzerva (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: konzerva
Klimeš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Klimeš
Jakeš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Jakeš
Mikeš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Mikeš
kolba (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kolba
fön (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: fön
dojka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: dojka
slad (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: slad
altruizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: altruizmus
šampión (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: šampión
kobza (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kobza
dužina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: dužina
hradba (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: hradba
nehoda (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: nehoda
klus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: klus
Dostál (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Dostál
Hruška (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Hruška
Polanský (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Polanský
Kadlec (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Kadlec
Navrátil (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Navrátil
Doležal (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Doležal
Mareš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Mareš
Bláha (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Bláha
Ševčík (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Ševčík
Kopecký (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Kopecký
Bartoš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Bartoš
Čermák (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Čermák
Valenta (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Valenta
Šťastný (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Šťastný
Konečný (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Konečný
Vlček (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Vlček
Holub (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Holub
Soukup (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Soukup
Tichý (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Tichý
Vávra (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Vávra
Sýkora (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Sýkora
Blažek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Blažek
sloj (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: sloj
xenofóbia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: xenofóbia
detská obrna (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: detská obrna
almanach (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: almanach
celebrita (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: celebrita
apokalypsa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: apokalypsa
Bálint (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Bálint
Žid (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Žid
čína (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: čína
filozofia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: filozofia
partok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: partok
autizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: autizmus
burina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: burina
narkomanka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: narkomanka
zlomenina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: zlomenina
kameraman (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kameraman
prť (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: prť
chvat (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: chvat
bavlna (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bavlna
bojovník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bojovník
zbor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: zbor
livrej (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: livrej
črta (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: črta
pointa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: pointa
Horský (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Horský
popol (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: popol
Brož (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Brož
gymnastika (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: gymnastika
artritída (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: artritída
laň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: laň
kávovar (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kávovar
zmrd (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: zmrd
fajka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: fajka
léno (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: léno
Málek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Málek
Kaňa (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Kaňa
metajazyk (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: metajazyk
hodža (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: hodža
terorista (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: terorista
maol (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: maol
atóm (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: atóm
šikana (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: šikana
charakter (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: charakter
bankomat (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bankomat
bulharčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bulharčina
dánčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: dánčina
estónčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: estónčina
-dlo (Slovak suffix) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: -dlo
holandčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: holandčina
fínčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: fínčina
francúzština (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: francúzština
nemčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: nemčina
maďarčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: maďarčina
írčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: írčina
taliančina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: taliančina
litovčina (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: litovčina
maltčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: maltčina
poľština (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: poľština
portugalčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: portugalčina
rumunčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: rumunčina
španielčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: španielčina
švédčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: švédčina
mandarínka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: mandarínka
mandarínkovník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: mandarínkovník
Jurga (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Jurga
dovolenka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: dovolenka
latrína (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: latrína
katapult (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: katapult
bábika (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bábika
káča (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: káča
disonancia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: disonancia
skanzen (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: skanzen
fašista (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: fašista
nokturno (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: nokturno
sprcha (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: sprcha
uillinn (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: uillinn
Jaroš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Jaroš
drahokam (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: drahokam
jazda (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: jazda
nížina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: nížina
riad (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: riad
výskum (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: výskum
baktéria (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: baktéria
Dekan (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Dekan
Aljaška (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Aljaška
entomológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: entomológia
cefalalgia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: cefalalgia
sabotáž (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: sabotáž
átrium (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: átrium
vlnolam (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: vlnolam
etymológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: etymológia
barikáda (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: barikáda
rabín (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: rabín
sultán (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: sultán
sultanát (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: sultanát
Rigan (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Rigan
repica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: repica
yzop (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: yzop
sirka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: sirka
doklad (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: doklad
napätie (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: napätie
biológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: biológia
Medo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Medo
členok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: členok
mäso (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: mäso
myšlienka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: myšlienka
smiech (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: smiech
vôľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: vôľa
dielo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: dielo
súd (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: súd
miazga (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: miazga
tŕň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: tŕň
vetva (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: vetva
peň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: peň
papaláš (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: papaláš
konár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: konár
sústava (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: sústava
čučoriedka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: čučoriedka
vtákopysk (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: vtákopysk
vták (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: vták
Homola (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Homola
Petro (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Petro
cytoplazma (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: cytoplazma
blokáda (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: blokáda
kocúr (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kocúr
kocúr (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kocúr
fľaša (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: fľaša
spôsob (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: spôsob
vlkolak (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: vlkolak
pôvod (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: pôvod
anjel (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: anjel
kapilára (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kapilára
zámeno (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: zámeno
častica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: častica
hebrejčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: hebrejčina
konvergencia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: konvergencia
meteorit (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: meteorit
anarchizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: anarchizmus
batyskaf (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: batyskaf
milenec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: milenec
-grafia (Slovak suffix) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: -grafia
Adámek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Adámek
síneadh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: síneadh
síneadh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: síneadh
Ábel (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Ábel
charakteristika (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: charakteristika
hroch (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: hroch
hangár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: hangár
vdovec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: vdovec
pravačka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: pravačka
pravák (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: pravák
Simonides (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Simonides
Miko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Miko
žiletka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: žiletka
gyroskop (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: gyroskop
frajer (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: frajer
mrzák (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: mrzák
gníomh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: gníomh
Čada (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Čada
blatník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: blatník
basistka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: basistka
dair (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: dair
Sicília (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Sicília
cnámh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: cnámh
železnica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: železnica
oltár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: oltár
-lógia (Slovak suffix) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: -lógia
barok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: barok
plomba (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: plomba
dynamit (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: dynamit
rukola (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: rukola
fujara (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: fujara
používateľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: používateľ
užívateľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: užívateľ
chmeľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: chmeľ
paša (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: paša
paša (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: paša
vesna (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: vesna
chuligán (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: chuligán
ambivalencia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: ambivalencia
medvedica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: medvedica
jazykolam (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: jazykolam
hastrman (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: hastrman
hormón (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: hormón
cenzúra (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: cenzúra
koliba (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: koliba
calta (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: calta
džber (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: džber
eskalátor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: eskalátor
frigidita (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: frigidita
faolchú (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: faolchú
tringelt (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: tringelt
turečtina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: turečtina
cnó (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: cnó
sasanka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: sasanka
Prokeš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Prokeš
bankár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bankár
boháč (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: boháč
arbhar (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: arbhar
skibob (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: skibob
kupola (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kupola
struk (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: struk
gigabajt (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: gigabajt
earra (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: earra
dážď (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: dážď
kraul (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kraul
levica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: levica
tomhas (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: tomhas
dúha (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: dúha
bruith (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bruith
konfirmácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: konfirmácia
vietor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: vietor
biatlon (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: biatlon
prozódia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: prozódia
cukrová trstina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: cukrová trstina
škvrna (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: škvrna
filleadh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: filleadh
filleadh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: filleadh
škrt (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: škrt
praded (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: praded
borec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: borec
základná interakcia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: základná interakcia
kvisling (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kvisling
boršč (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: boršč
Newyorčan (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Newyorčan
albánčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: albánčina
arménčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: arménčina
bieloruština (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bieloruština
islandčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: islandčina
arabčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: arabčina
ukrajinčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: ukrajinčina
japončina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: japončina
kórejčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kórejčina
tibetčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: tibetčina
Matuška (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Matuška
aiteann (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: aiteann
aiteann (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: aiteann
Sep (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Sep
skalpel (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: skalpel
íomhá (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: íomhá
akupunktúra (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: akupunktúra
maliar (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: maliar
fidil (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: fidil
bauxit (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bauxit
ornitológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: ornitológia
Milo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Milo
zvratné sloveso (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: zvratné sloveso
antagonizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: antagonizmus
anémia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: anémia
antológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: antológia
eklekticizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: eklekticizmus
alpinizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: alpinizmus
feminizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: feminizmus
autonómia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: autonómia
individualizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: individualizmus
imperializmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: imperializmus
eufemizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: eufemizmus
formalizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: formalizmus
marxizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: marxizmus
amerikanizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: amerikanizmus
anglicizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: anglicizmus
atavizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: atavizmus
centralizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: centralizmus
dadaizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: dadaizmus
dogmatizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: dogmatizmus
dualizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: dualizmus
egocentrizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: egocentrizmus
fundamentalizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: fundamentalizmus
futurizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: futurizmus
hedonizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: hedonizmus
kolonializmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kolonializmus
konformizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: konformizmus
konzervativizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: konzervativizmus
povraz (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: povraz
chvost (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: chvost
slnko (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: slnko
kameň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kameň
piesok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: piesok
názov (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: názov
Filo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Filo
filológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: filológia
tržnica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: tržnica
leninizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: leninizmus
patriotizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: patriotizmus
elégia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: elégia
dekadencia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: dekadencia
generátor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: generátor
hierarchia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: hierarchia
Artúr (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Artúr
trajekt (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: trajekt
zeler (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: zeler
klada (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: klada
caile (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: caile
roľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: roľa
vineta (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: vineta
insint (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: insint
insint (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: insint
bubon (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bubon
fako (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: fako
astronautika (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: astronautika
fonograf (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: fonograf
Nemecko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Nemecko
Spojené kráľovstvo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Spojené kráľovstvo
Luxembursko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Luxembursko
Macedónsko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Macedónsko
Nórsko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Nórsko
cré (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: cré
Juris (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Juris
Andris (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Andris
Bukovina (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Bukovina
kozák (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kozák
kozák (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kozák
kamža (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kamža
Dubaj (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Dubaj
plást (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: plást
riar (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: riar
riar (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: riar
buntáiste (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: buntáiste
Svetlana (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Svetlana
Nadežda (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Nadežda
podmet (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: podmet
Augustín (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Augustín
basketbalista (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: basketbalista
volejbalista (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: volejbalista
homár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: homár
Havaj (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Havaj
gangréna (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: gangréna
Lipsko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Lipsko
abcházština (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: abcházština
Nové Mexiko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Nové Mexiko
Belgičanka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Belgičanka
luterán (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: luterán
moréna (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: moréna
nacista (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: nacista
patizón (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: patizón
prelát (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: prelát
škuner (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: škuner
šógun (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: šógun
vojsko (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: vojsko
chiralita (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: chiralita
chiméra (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: chiméra
krmelec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: krmelec
kamzík (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kamzík
kefír (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kefír
špajza (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: špajza
dezertér (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: dezertér
vandalizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: vandalizmus
topánka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: topánka
masla (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: masla
-oba (Slovak suffix) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: -oba
Halo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Halo
kolchoz (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kolchoz
slota (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: slota
áireamh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: áireamh
týždeň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: týždeň
čajka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: čajka
čajka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: čajka
Auer (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Auer
Kato (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Kato
Sas (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Sas
Zajac (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Zajac
Taraba (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Taraba
Kraus (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Kraus
marena (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: marena
leagan (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: leagan
nebožtík (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: nebožtík
ejakulácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: ejakulácia
réal (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: réal
Hamza (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Hamza
Pek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Pek
iarsma (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: iarsma
béaloideas (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: béaloideas
Rigo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Rigo
kamelot (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kamelot
kamelot (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kamelot
extravagancia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: extravagancia
bunka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bunka
anáil (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: anáil
lýra (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: lýra
zombia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: zombia
elektrika (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: elektrika
hosť (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: hosť
móin (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: móin
prsteň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: prsteň
Loja (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Loja
mäkčeň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: mäkčeň
minúta (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: minúta
kostol (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kostol
aiseag (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: aiseag
džihád (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: džihád
búrka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: búrka
jeleň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: jeleň
stoirm (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: stoirm
Milica (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Milica
gardénia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: gardénia
méta (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: méta
lemeš (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: lemeš
dĺžeň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: dĺžeň
lož (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: lož
líška (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: líška
dĺžka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: dĺžka
kefa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kefa
hŕstka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: hŕstka
grinda (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: grinda
Kráľ (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Kráľ
angström (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: angström
stĺp (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: stĺp
kôš (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kôš
priečinok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: priečinok
oireacht (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: oireacht
borradh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: borradh
darebák (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: darebák
princezná (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: princezná
kráľovná (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kráľovná
džihádista (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: džihádista
tarchur (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: tarchur
kolegyňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kolegyňa
predseda (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: predseda
granátomet (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: granátomet
tŕnie (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: tŕnie
ďasno (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: ďasno
Tanka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Tanka
jastrab (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: jastrab
mŕtvola (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: mŕtvola
žiak (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: žiak
učiteľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: učiteľ
učiteľka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: učiteľka
nôžka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: nôžka
hniezdo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: hniezdo
breh (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: breh
vlčica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: vlčica
junák (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: junák
chyža (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: chyža
milisekunda (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: milisekunda
Vianoce (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Vianoce
čižma (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: čižma
cenník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: cenník
denník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: denník
jazva (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: jazva
fruštik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: fruštik
Juraj (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Juraj
Klimas (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Klimas
vres (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: vres
sága (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: sága
giúiré (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: giúiré
čemer (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: čemer
téacs (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: téacs
kohút (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kohút
Kráľová (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Kráľová
žlna (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: žlna
kríž (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kríž
bohyňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bohyňa
oblečenie (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: oblečenie
palacinka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: palacinka
kňaz (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kňaz
zať (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: zať
pápež (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: pápež
drôt (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: drôt
výcvik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: výcvik
acetát (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: acetát
astroláb (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: astroláb
maskot (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: maskot
maskot (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: maskot
neoprén (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: neoprén
kolovrat (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kolovrat
pastvina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: pastvina
majonéza (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: majonéza
stehlík (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: stehlík
dvojhláska (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: dvojhláska
komplic (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: komplic
policajt (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: policajt
magor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: magor
Grék (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Grék
Novak (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Novak
Horvat (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Horvat
žĺtok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: žĺtok
pomaranč (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: pomaranč
baňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: baňa
sudca (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: sudca
jalovica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: jalovica
obyvateľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: obyvateľ
polabčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: polabčina
ligean (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: ligean
ligean (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: ligean
striebro (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: striebro
maitheamh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: maitheamh
mäkkýš (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: mäkkýš
mäkkýš (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: mäkkýš
škatuľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: škatuľa
destilát (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: destilát
medúza (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: medúza
cathach (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: cathach
fluorid (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: fluorid
hriva (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: hriva
tlmočník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: tlmočník
bobona (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bobona
švihadlo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: švihadlo
gitarista (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: gitarista
iompar (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: iompar
iompar (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: iompar
trs (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: trs
nactiutŕhač (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: nactiutŕhač
džungľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: džungľa
hlahol (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: hlahol
jabĺčko (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: jabĺčko
šos (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: šos
Žilina (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Žilina
starec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: starec
bodkočiarka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bodkočiarka
bozk (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bozk
chren (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: chren
fajčenie (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: fajčenie
fajčiar (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: fajčiar
jaseň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: jaseň
košeľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: košeľa
lakeť (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: lakeť
obdĺžnik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: obdĺžnik
rušeň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: rušeň
lokomotíva (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: lokomotíva
šálka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: šálka
škorica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: škorica
škovránok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: škovránok
spálňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: spálňa
vaňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: vaňa
zemiak (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: zemiak
cencúľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: cencúľ
cintorín (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: cintorín
kaštieľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kaštieľ
gombík (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: gombík
ponuka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: ponuka
dopyt (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: dopyt
dunčo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: dunčo
lievik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: lievik
pečiatka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: pečiatka
murár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: murár
kŕdeľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kŕdeľ
lienka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: lienka
korytnačka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: korytnačka
kaleráb (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kaleráb
pŕhľava (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: pŕhľava
žihľava (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: žihľava
oblička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: oblička
ľadvina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: ľadvina
srvátka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: srvátka
bicykel (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bicykel
bezpečnosť (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bezpečnosť
bosorák (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bosorák
ceruzka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: ceruzka
chrípka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: chrípka
chrúst (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: chrúst
astronómia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: astronómia
chvastúň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: chvastúň
básnik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: básnik
debna (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: debna
bedňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bedňa
betón (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: betón
bodliak (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bodliak
bolesť (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bolesť
chlp (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: chlp
broskyňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: broskyňa
dráždec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: dráždec
dvojbodka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: dvojbodka
fakľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: fakľa
fazuľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: fazuľa
golier (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: golier
elektrina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: elektrina
cieľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: cieľ
cól (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: cól
diabol (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: diabol
gunár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: gunár
hodváb (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: hodváb
ihrisko (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: ihrisko
jarabica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: jarabica
kaderníčka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kaderníčka
kaderník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kaderník
korbáč (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: korbáč
krajčír (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: krajčír
krokodíl (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: krokodíl
pach (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: pach
radlo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: radlo
prípad (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: prípad
práca (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: práca
štát (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: štát
informácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: informácia
zmena (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: zmena
akcia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: akcia
úrad (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: úrad
obdobie (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: obdobie
priestor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: priestor
začiatok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: začiatok
väčšina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: väčšina
víťazstvo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: víťazstvo
pohľad (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: pohľad
riaditeľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: riaditeľ
dumhach (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: dumhach
dumhach (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: dumhach
astát (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: astát
priehlavok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: priehlavok
bôľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bôľ
bruchomluvec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bruchomluvec
akuzatív (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: akuzatív
pĺž (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: pĺž
spléachadh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: spléachadh
spléachadh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: spléachadh
vďaka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: vďaka
Dej (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Dej
frazeológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: frazeológia
Mário (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Mário
glg (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: glg
Valéria (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Valéria
hŕba (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: hŕba
klk (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: klk
kŕč (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kŕč
sklz (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: sklz
strk (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: strk
šprt (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: šprt
tĺk (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: tĺk
tvrdza (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: tvrdza
vlha (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: vlha
vrš (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: vrš
kľuka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kľuka
vrecko (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: vrecko
kengura (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kengura
náter (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: náter
ľadoborec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: ľadoborec
žbrnda (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: žbrnda
Jóna (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Jóna
chrbtica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: chrbtica
Böhm (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Böhm
Pap (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Pap
päta (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: päta
Hampel (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Hampel
bruneta (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bruneta
Moder (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Moder
nárečie (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: nárečie
Tóth (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Tóth
eorna (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: eorna
cruimh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: cruimh
Bernát (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Bernát
Meda (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Meda
divergencia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: divergencia
Bot (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Bot
darvinista (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: darvinista
deunamh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: deunamh
deunamh (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: deunamh
gubernia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: gubernia
capina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: capina
súdruh (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: súdruh
chýr (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: chýr
jarok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: jarok
diakon (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: diakon
cibuľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: cibuľa
diaľnica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: diaľnica
vplyv (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: vplyv
klobúk (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: klobúk
bystrica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bystrica
svedomie (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: svedomie
černica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: černica
električka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: električka
klinec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: klinec
sobáš (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: sobáš
svokor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: svokor
vidiek (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: vidiek
vankúš (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: vankúš
hrianka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: hrianka
rúž (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: rúž
bábka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: bábka
cmar (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: cmar
garbiar (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: garbiar
baník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: baník
ďatelina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: ďatelina
jesienka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: jesienka
sliepka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: sliepka
Charvát (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Charvát
žuvačka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: žuvačka
špargľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: špargľa
vretenica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: vretenica
zubáč (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: zubáč
žerucha (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: žerucha
žmýkačka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: žmýkačka
tlačová konferencia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: tlačová konferencia
štopeľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: štopeľ
žreb (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: žreb
šťúr (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: šťúr
škorpión (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: škorpión
vrkoč (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: vrkoč
zápražka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: zápražka
plecniak (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: plecniak
pokrievka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: pokrievka
Rusin (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Rusin
zubár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: zubár
infantka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: infantka
zväz (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: zväz
tigriňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: tigriňa
diéta (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: diéta
xylofón (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: xylofón
orgován (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: orgován
hovädo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: hovädo
atriail (Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: atriail
fonéma (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: fonéma
chemička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: chemička
pecivál (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: pecivál
víťaz (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: víťaz
rybár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: rybár
rybár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: rybár
dukát (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: dukát
Horváth (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Horváth
moľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: moľ
kotol (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kotol
mlyn (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: mlyn
Kálmán (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: Kálmán
robotník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: robotník
íver (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: íver
pásavka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: pásavka
rozsobáš (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: rozsobáš
smetiar (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: smetiar
smrekovec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: smrekovec
skorocel (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: skorocel
kvapeľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kvapeľ
ligurček (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: ligurček
prežúvavec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: prežúvavec
škrečok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: škrečok
chrček (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: chrček
svokra (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: svokra
prezývka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: prezývka
preteky (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: preteky
pretekár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: pretekár
parochňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: parochňa
ostriež (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: ostriež
nezábudka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: nezábudka
nevädza (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: nevädza
mravec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: mravec
mäsiar (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: mäsiar
lúč (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: lúč
kôstka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: kôstka
klietka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: klietka
králik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: králik
králik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: králik
machuľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: machuľa
lastúrnik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: lastúrnik
modlivka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: modlivka
morka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: morka
moriak (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: moriak
moriak (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: moriak
nepárnokopytník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: nepárnokopytník
párnokopytník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for genitive Path: párnokopytník
This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable All languages combined dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-02-12 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-02-02 using wiktextract (1c4b89b and 9dbd323). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.
If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.