All languages combined word senses marked with lifeform category "Acacias"
Parent categories: Mimosa subfamily plants, Caesalpinia subfamily plants, Legumes, Fabales order plants, Shrubs, Trees, Plants, Lifeforms, Life, Nature
Total 107 word senses
- Acacia (Proper name) [Translingual] An epithet in a botanical name at the rank between species and genus, a name which applies to a section of the genus Acacia.
- Acacia dictyophleba (Proper name) [Translingual] A taxonomic species within the family Fabaceae – sandhill wattle, of Australia.
- Georgina gidgee (Noun) [English] The plant Acacia georginae.
- Tasmanian blackwood (Noun) [English] A tree, Acacia melanoxylon, native to eastern Australia and Tasmania, or (especially) the dark wood of this tree.
- acacia (Noun) [English] A false acacia; robinia tree (Robinia pseudoacacia).
- acacia (Noun) [Dutch] a shrub or tree of a species that belongs to the genus Acacia
- acàcia (Noun) [Catalan] acacia
- akasya (Noun) [Tagalog] acacia (tree)
- akaċja tax-xewk żgħir (Noun) [Maltese] sweet acacia (Acacia farnesiana)
- akesia (Noun) [Pohnpeian] acacia
- akācija (Noun) [Latvian] acacia
- aroma (Noun) [Cebuano] popinac (Vachellia farnesiana)
- aromer (Noun) [Catalan] popinac (Vachellia farnesiana)
- aromer hòrrid (Noun) [Catalan] sweet thorn (Vachellia karroo)
- bablah (Noun) [English] The rind of the fruit of several East Indian species of acacia, especially Vachellia nilotica, formerly Acacia arabica; neb-neb. It contains gallic acid and tannin, and is used for dyeing drab.
- babul (Noun) [English] A tree native to South Asia, Vachellia nilotica subsp. indica, formerly Acacia nilotica subsp. indica.
- bastard umbrella thorn (Noun) [English] Acacia luederitzii, a tree of Namibia.
- bendee (Noun) [English] Acacia catenulata, a species of acacia tree endemic to some arid areas in Queensland and the Northern Territory, Australia.
- blackwood (Noun) [English] Any of several species of trees yielding a very dark wood.; Australian blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon), of eastern Australia
- boree (Noun) [English] Any of various species of wattle tree (genus Acacia), especially Acacia pendula and Acacia glaucescens.
- brigalow (Noun) [English] Any of various Australian acacia trees, especially Acacia harpophylla of New South Wales and Queensland.
- bugwood (Noun) [English] Acacia verticillata
- camelthorn (Noun) [English] Alhagi, a genus of shrubs native to northern Africa and Asia Minor.
- cassie (Noun) [English] A thorny shrub with fragrant yellow flowers, Vachellia farnesiana; the needle bush.
- cat's claw (Noun) [English] Any of several species of plant having parts resembling the claw of a cat.; Senegalia greggii, formerly Acacia greggii, a tree species native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico
- cat's claw (Noun) [English] Any of several species of plant having parts resembling the claw of a cat.; Mimosa nuttallii (formerly Schrankia nuttalli), a plant native to the Midwestern United States
- catclaw (Noun) [English] An acacia, specifically Acacia greggii, now Senegalia greggii, native to most of the border region of the US and Mexico.
- catechu (Noun) [English] A gummy extract of any of several species of Acacieae, but especially Senegalia catechu, produced by boiling the wood of the tree in water and evaporating the resulting liquid.
- chinchilla wattle (Noun) [English] Acacia chinchillensis, a species of flowering plant native to Australia.
- cinnamon wattle (Noun) [English] Acacia leprosa, a species of acacia.
- coojong (Noun) [English] Acacia saligna, an Australian shrub wattle
- dead finish (Noun) [English] Acacia tetragonophylla, an Australian tree.
- desert oak (Noun) [English] Any of several trees of dry parts of Australia, especially Acacia coriacea, Acacia sericophylla, and Allocasuarina decaisneana.
- devil's claw (Noun) [English] Anything considered ugly or potentially harmful resembling a claw in appearance or behavior:; Particularly plants; Harpagophytum spp., especially Harpagophytum procumbens, native to South Africa.
- devil's claw (Noun) [English] Anything considered ugly or potentially harmful resembling a claw in appearance or behavior:; Particularly plants; Proboscidea spp. (mule grab, unicorn plant)
- devil's claw (Noun) [English] Anything considered ugly or potentially harmful resembling a claw in appearance or behavior:; Particularly plants; Ibicella lutea (yellow unicorn plant)
- devil's claw (Noun) [English] Anything considered ugly or potentially harmful resembling a claw in appearance or behavior:; Particularly plants; Pisonia spp. (catchbird trees)
- devil's claw (Noun) [English] Anything considered ugly or potentially harmful resembling a claw in appearance or behavior:; Particularly plants; Senegalia greggii (catclaw acacia, formerly Acacia greggii)
- fever tree (Noun) [English] An acacia tree, Vachellia xanthophloea, native to eastern and southern Africa, with fragrant yellow flowers.
- gaggia (Noun) [Italian] sweet acacia (Vachellia farnesiana)
- gidgee (Noun) [English] Any of various trees of the genus Acacia, especially Acacia cambagei.
- golden wattle (Noun) [English] A small flowering tree, Acacia pycnantha, of southeastern Australia.
- gonakie (Noun) [English] An African timber tree, Vachellia nilotica subsp. adstringens, formerly Acacia adansonii.
- guajillo (Noun) [English] A huajillo, a shrub of species Senegalia berlandieri (syn. Acacia berlandieri).
- haak-en-steek (Noun) [English] The plant Acacia tortilis.
- huajillo (Noun) [English] The shrub Senegalia berlandieri, formerly Acacia berlandieri.
- huisache (Noun) [Spanish] the needle bush or sweet acacia (Vachellia farnesiana), a thorny tree of the genus Vachellia, native to Mexico and Central America
- ironwood (Noun) [English] Any of numerous tree species known locally for having a particularly solid wood, or the wood of such species itself.; Acacia esthrophiolata, Acacia excelsa, Acacia melanoxylon, Acacia stenophylla, or Erythrophleum chlorostachys.
- jamwood (Noun) [English] The hard timber of the jam tree (Acacia acuminata).
- juwansa (Noun) [English] camelthorn (Vachellia eriloba, formerly Acacia erioloba)
- kameeldoring (Noun) [Afrikaans] camelthorn
- knobthorn (Noun) [English] Senegalia nigrescens, a deciduous African tree found in savanna regions.
- koa (Noun) [English] A large tree of species Acacia koa (family Fabaceae) which is endemic to and common on the islands of Hawaii; or the wood of this tree.
- lightwood (Noun) [English] Any of various trees with pale-coloured wood, especially the Australian tree Acacia melanoxylon.
- marblewood (Noun) [English] The Australian tree Acacia bakeri.
- minnerichi (Noun) [English] Acacia cyperophylla, a fabaceous tree of Australia.
- monkey thorn (Noun) [English] Senegalia galpinii.
- monkeypod (Noun) [English] Albizia saman, a flowering tree in the pea family, native to the neotropics.
- monkeypod (Noun) [English] Couroupita nicaraguarensis (syn. Lecythis nicaraguarensis) (coco de mono)
- monkeypod (Noun) [English] Lecythis ollaria (coco de mono)
- monkeypod (Noun) [English] Pithecellobium dulce (blackbead)
- monkeypod (Noun) [English] Senna petersiana (dwarf cassia)
- mulga (Noun) [English] Any of a number of small acacia trees, especially Acacia aneura, forming dense scrub in dry inland areas of Australia.
- mulga apple (Noun) [English] A gall on the mulga tree Acacia aneura, said to taste like an apple.
- myall (Noun) [English] Any of various Australian acacias, especially the weeping myall, Acacia pendula, or the wood of such trees.
- needle bush (Noun) [English] Any of certain shrubs with needle-like leaves.; Of genus Hakea, especially of species Hakea lissosperma and Hakea preissii, native to Australia.
- popinac (Noun) [English] Vachellia farnesiana (syn. Acacia farnesiana), a widely cultivated thorny shrubby acacia of the southern U.S. and tropical America with fragrant ball-shaped yellow flowers.
- poponax (Noun) [English] A thorny tree native to the Americas, Vachellia tortuosa.
- saaduakatsia (Noun) [Ingrian] needle bush
- sallee wattle (Noun) [English] Any of various Australian acacias, especially Acacia longifolia of southeastern Australia and Tasmania.
- shittah (Noun) [English] A tree said in the Bible to have furnished the precious wood of which the ark, tables, altars, boards, etc., of the Jewish tabernacle were made; now believed to have been red acacia, of species Vachellia seyal (formerly Acacia seyal).
- silver wattle (Noun) [English] Any of various shrubs of the genus Acacia having silvery foliage, especially Acacia dealbata of southeastern Australia and Tasmania.
- snakewood (Noun) [English] Any of various North American shrubs of the genus Colubrina (family Rhamnaceae), often specifically Colubrina texensis.
- soap acacia (Noun) [English] A plant of species Senegalia rugata (syn. Acacia concinna).
- sompoi (Noun) [English] Senegalia rugata (syn. Acacia concinna), a species of acacia which holds importance in several Southeast Asian traditional medicines.
- spearwood (Noun) [English] The shrub Acacia doratoxylon.
- spurwing wattle (Noun) [English] The Australian shrub Acacia triptera.
- swarthaak (Noun) [English] An African thorn tree, Senegalia mellifera.
- sweet acacia (Noun) [English] Acacia suaveolens (sweet wattle), a shrub endemic to Australia.
- sweet acacia (Noun) [English] Vachellia farnesiana (needle bush, popinac), native to Mexico and Central America, and widely introduced.
- thorn tree (Noun) [English] Any tree with thorn-like leaves, especially the acacia.
- umbrella thorn (Noun) [English] The acacia tree Vachellia tortilis heteracantha
- umbrella tree (Noun) [English] An umbrella thorn (Vachellia tortilis).
- wait-a-while (Noun) [English] Any of several thorny Australian vines or shrubs which impede passage, especially Acacia cuspidifolia of Western Australia, Smilax australis of eastern Australia and the Northern Territory, and lawyer vine.
- wattle (Noun) [English] Any of several Australian trees and shrubs of the genus Acacia, or their bark, used in tanning, seen as a national emblem of Australia.
- whitethorn (Noun) [English] Crataegus monogyna, a hawthorn species native to Europe, northwest Africa and western Asia.
- whitethorn (Noun) [English] Bursaria spinosa, a small Australian shrub.
- whitethorn (Noun) [English] Vachellia constricta, formerly Acacia constricta, whitethorn acacia, a shrub in the family Fabaceae.
- whitethorn (Noun) [English] Senegalia polyacantha, of India
- whitethorn (Noun) [English] Ceanothus leucodermis, chaparral whitethorn, a shrub in the family Rhamnaceae.
- wirilda (Noun) [English] An Australian acacia tree, Acacia retinodes, which has edible seeds.
- yarran (Noun) [English] Acacia homalophylla, a species of acacia tree found commonly in Australia.
- yellow acacia (Noun) [English] A tall, fast-growing acacia, of species Acacia auriculiformis, native to Indonesia, Australia, and Papua New Guinea.
- 金合歡 (Noun) [Chinese] Any species of Acacia sensu lato.
- акаций (Noun) [Eastern Mari] acacia, thorn tree, whistling thorn, wattle (Acacia)
- акацыя (Noun) [Belarusian] acacia
- აკაცია (Noun) [Georgian] acacia
- വച്ചേലിയ (Noun) [Malayalam] vachellia (Vachellia genus plants)
- తుమ్మ (Noun) [Telugu] The babul tree, Vachellia nilotica, formerly Acacia arabica, which produces gum arabic.
- తెల్లతుమ్మ (Noun) [Telugu] kind of babul tree: Acasia leucoploea.
- నల్లతుమ్మ (Noun) [Telugu] type of babul tree: Vachellia nilotica, formerly Acacia arabica.
- నాగతుమ్మ (Noun) [Telugu] a kind of babul tree (Vachellia farnesiana, syn. Acacia farnesiana).
- ส้มป่อย (Noun) [Thai] Senegalia rugata (syn. Acacia concinna)
- खदिरक (Noun) [Sanskrit] catechu
- दृढबीज (Noun) [Sanskrit] gum arabic tree (Vachellia nilotica, syn. Acacia arabica)
- दृढबीज (Noun) [Sanskrit] jujube (Ziziphus jujuba)
- दृढबीज (Noun) [Sanskrit] sickle senna (Senna tora, syn. Cassia tora)
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