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Avestan inflections

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𐬯π¬₯π¬€π¬‰π¬²π¬€π¬Œπ¬™π¬Œβ“¦ verb 337 snaΔ“ΕΎaⁱti romanization

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
π¬“π¬€π¬Ÿπ¬₯𐬀ⓦ noun 84 no-table-tags table-tags
noun 84 π¬“π¬€π¬Ÿπ¬₯𐬋 nominative singular
noun 84 π¬“π¬€π¬Ÿπ¬₯𐬁 nominative dual
noun 84 π¬“π¬€π¬Ÿπ¬₯𐬁 nominative plural
noun 84 π¬“π¬€π¬Ÿπ¬₯𐬁 vocative singular
noun 84 π¬“π¬€π¬Ÿπ¬₯𐬁 vocative dual
noun 84 π¬“π¬€π¬Ÿπ¬₯𐬁 vocative plural
noun 84 π¬“π¬€π¬Ÿπ¬₯𐬆𐬨 accusative singular
noun 84 π¬“π¬€π¬Ÿπ¬₯𐬁 accusative dual
noun 84 π¬“π¬€π¬Ÿπ¬₯𐬇𐬧𐬔 accusative plural
π¬“π¬€π¬Ÿπ¬₯𐬀ⓦ noun 84 π¬“π¬€π¬Ÿπ¬₯𐬁 instrumental singular
noun 84 π¬“π¬€π¬Ÿπ¬₯π¬‹π¬Œπ¬ π¬Œπ¬Œπ¬ instrumental dual
noun 84 π¬“π¬€π¬Ÿπ¬₯𐬁𐬌𐬱 instrumental plural
noun 84 π¬“π¬€π¬Ÿπ¬₯𐬁𐬌 dative singular
noun 84 π¬“π¬€π¬Ÿπ¬₯π¬‹π¬Œπ¬ π¬Œπ¬Œπ¬ dative dual
noun 84 π¬“π¬€π¬Ÿπ¬₯π¬€π¬‰π¬Œπ¬ π¬Œπ¬Œπ¬‹ dative plural
noun 84 π¬“π¬€π¬Ÿπ¬₯𐬁𐬝 ablative singular
noun 84 π¬“π¬€π¬Ÿπ¬₯π¬‹π¬Œπ¬ π¬Œπ¬Œπ¬ ablative dual
noun 84 π¬“π¬€π¬Ÿπ¬₯π¬€π¬‰π¬Œπ¬ π¬Œπ¬Œπ¬‹ ablative plural
noun 84 π¬“π¬€π¬Ÿπ¬₯π¬€π¬΅π¬Œπ¬Œπ¬ genitive singular
π¬“π¬€π¬Ÿπ¬₯𐬀ⓦ noun 84 π¬“π¬€π¬Ÿπ¬₯π¬€π¬Œπ¬Œπ¬ƒ genitive dual
noun 84 π¬“π¬€π¬Ÿπ¬₯𐬀π¬₯𐬄𐬨 genitive plural
noun 84 π¬“π¬€π¬Ÿπ¬₯𐬉 locative singular
noun 84 π¬“π¬€π¬Ÿπ¬₯π¬€π¬Œπ¬Œπ¬‹ locative dual
noun 84 π¬“π¬€π¬Ÿπ¬₯𐬀𐬉𐬱𐬏 locative plural

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π¬“π¬€π¬Ÿπ¬†π¬₯𐬀ⓦ noun 11 xα΅›afΙ™na romanization
noun 11 π¬“π¬€π¬Ÿπ¬₯𐬀 alternative

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𐬔𐬏π¬₯π¬€π¬Šπ¬™π¬Œβ“¦ verb 8 gΕ«naoti romanization
verb 8 π¬™π¬Œ root

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
𐬀𐬉𐬱𐬆𐬨𐬀ⓦ noun 4 no-table-tags table-tags
noun 4 𐬀𐬉𐬱𐬆𐬨𐬋 nominative singular
noun 4 𐬀𐬉𐬱𐬆𐬨𐬁 nominative dual
noun 4 𐬀𐬉𐬱𐬆𐬨𐬁 nominative plural
noun 4 𐬀𐬉𐬱𐬆𐬨𐬁 vocative singular
noun 4 𐬀𐬉𐬱𐬆𐬨𐬁 vocative dual
noun 4 𐬀𐬉𐬱𐬆𐬨𐬁 vocative plural
noun 4 𐬀𐬉𐬱𐬆𐬨𐬆𐬨 accusative singular
noun 4 𐬀𐬉𐬱𐬆𐬨𐬁 accusative dual
noun 4 𐬀𐬉𐬱𐬆𐬨𐬇𐬧𐬔 accusative plural
𐬀𐬉𐬱𐬆𐬨𐬀ⓦ noun 4 𐬀𐬉𐬱𐬆𐬨𐬁 instrumental singular
noun 4 π¬€π¬‰π¬±π¬†π¬¨π¬‹π¬Œπ¬ π¬Œπ¬Œπ¬ instrumental dual
noun 4 π¬€π¬‰π¬±π¬†π¬¨π¬π¬Œπ¬± instrumental plural
noun 4 π¬€π¬‰π¬±π¬†π¬¨π¬π¬Œ dative singular
noun 4 π¬€π¬‰π¬±π¬†π¬¨π¬‹π¬Œπ¬ π¬Œπ¬Œπ¬ dative dual
noun 4 π¬€π¬‰π¬±π¬†π¬¨π¬€π¬‰π¬Œπ¬ π¬Œπ¬Œπ¬‹ dative plural
noun 4 𐬀𐬉𐬱𐬆𐬨𐬁𐬝 ablative singular
noun 4 π¬€π¬‰π¬±π¬†π¬¨π¬‹π¬Œπ¬ π¬Œπ¬Œπ¬ ablative dual
noun 4 π¬€π¬‰π¬±π¬†π¬¨π¬€π¬‰π¬Œπ¬ π¬Œπ¬Œπ¬‹ ablative plural
noun 4 π¬€π¬‰π¬±π¬†π¬¨π¬€π¬΅π¬Œπ¬Œπ¬ genitive singular
𐬀𐬉𐬱𐬆𐬨𐬀ⓦ noun 4 π¬€π¬‰π¬±π¬†π¬¨π¬€π¬Œπ¬Œπ¬ƒ genitive dual
noun 4 𐬀𐬉𐬱𐬆𐬨𐬀π¬₯𐬄𐬨 genitive plural
noun 4 𐬀𐬉𐬱𐬆𐬨𐬉 locative singular
noun 4 π¬€π¬‰π¬±π¬†π¬¨π¬€π¬Œπ¬Œπ¬‹ locative dual
noun 4 𐬀𐬉𐬱𐬆𐬨𐬀𐬉𐬱𐬏 locative plural
noun 4 𐬀𐬉𐬴𐬨𐬀 alternative

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
𐬐𐬆𐬭𐬆𐬙𐬀ⓦ verb 2 𐬐𐬀𐬭 root

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𐬨𐬆𐬭𐬆𐬙𐬀ⓦ adj 2 𐬨𐬆𐬴𐬀 alternative

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π¬—π¬€π¬šπ¬‘π¬€π¬­β“¦ num 2 caΞΈΞ²ar romanization
num 2 π¬—π¬€π¬šπ¬‘π¬π¬­π¬‹ masculine nominative
num 2 𐬗𐬀𐬙𐬀𐬒𐬭𐬋 feminine nominative
num 2 π¬—π¬€π¬™π¬Žπ¬­π¬€ neuter nominative

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π¬ π¬€π¬­π¬€π¬Œπ¬™π¬Œβ“¦ verb 2 no-table-tags table-tags
verb 2 ae-conj-pres inflection-template
verb 2 π¬ π¬€π¬­π¬π¬¨π¬Œ singular
verb 2 π¬ π¬€π¬­π¬€π¬Žπ¬Žπ¬€π¬΅π¬Œ dual
verb 2 π¬ π¬€π¬­π¬€π¬¨π¬π¬΅π¬Œ plural
verb 2 π¬ π¬€π¬­π¬€π¬΅π¬Œ singular
verb 2 π¬ π¬€π¬­π¬€π¬šπ¬‹ dual
verb 2 π¬ π¬€π¬­π¬€π¬šπ¬ plural
verb 2 π¬ π¬€π¬­π¬€π¬Œπ¬™π¬Œ third-person singular
verb 2 𐬠𐬀𐬭𐬀𐬙𐬋 third-person dual
π¬ π¬€π¬­π¬€π¬Œπ¬™π¬Œβ“¦ verb 2 π¬ π¬€π¬­π¬†π¬§π¬™π¬Œ third-person plural

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π¬šπ¬­π¬Œβ“¦ num 1 π¬šπ¬­π¬π¬Œπ¬Œπ¬‹ masculine nominative
num 1 π¬™π¬Œπ¬±π¬­π¬‹ feminine nominative
num 1 𐬚𐬭𐬍 neuter nominative

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
𐬀𐬉𐬙𐬍ⓦ verb 1 aΔ“tΔ« romanization
verb 1 𐬀𐬉 root
verb 1 π¬π¬Œπ¬™π¬ alternative
verb 1 π¬€π¬ˆπ¬™π¬ alternative

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
𐬀𐬯𐬙𐬍ⓦ verb 1 no-table-tags table-tags
verb 1 ae-conj-pres inflection-template
verb 1 𐬀𐬡𐬨𐬍 singular
verb 1 - dual
verb 1 𐬨𐬀𐬡𐬍 plural
verb 1 𐬀𐬡𐬍 singular
verb 1 𐬯𐬙𐬁 plural
verb 1 𐬀𐬯𐬙𐬍 third-person singular
verb 1 𐬯𐬙𐬋 third-person dual
verb 1 𐬡𐬆𐬧𐬙𐬍 third-person plural

Word Part of speech Count Form Tags Other examples (may be other parts of speech)
𐬐𐬆𐬭𐬆π¬₯π¬€π¬Šπ¬Œπ¬™π¬Œβ“¦ verb 1 no-table-tags table-tags
verb 1 ae-conj-pres inflection-template
verb 1 𐬐𐬆𐬭𐬆π¬₯π¬€π¬Šπ¬¨π¬Œ (kΙ™r^Ι™naomi) singular
verb 1 - dual
verb 1 - plural
verb 1 𐬐𐬆𐬭𐬆π¬₯π¬€π¬Šπ¬΅π¬Œ (kΙ™r^Ι™naohi) singular
verb 1 𐬐𐬆𐬭𐬆π¬₯π¬€π¬Šπ¬Œπ¬™π¬Œ (kΙ™r^Ι™naoⁱti) third-person singular
verb 1 - third-person dual
verb 1 - third-person plural

This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-09 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-03-02 using wiktextract (32c88e6 and 633533e). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.