See guld in All languages combined, or Wiktionary
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from New Delhi to Moscow, when we dig for gold in the USA.", "ref": "1994, “När vi gräver guld i USA [When we dig for gold in the USA]”performed by GES:", "text": "Världen tittar på, ändå från New Delhi till Moskva, när vi gräver guld i USA.", "type": "quote" } ], "glosses": [ "gold (metal)" ], "id": "en-guld-sv-noun--9kx~gSp", "links": [ [ "gold", "gold" ] ], "synonyms": [ { "word": "Frejas tår" } ], "tags": [ "neuter" ] }, { "categories": [ { "_dis": "3 3 12 12 3 56 10", "kind": "other", "name": "Pages with 2 entries", "parents": [], "source": "w+disamb" }, { "_dis": "2 2 8 8 2 69 7", "kind": "other", "name": "Pages with entries", "parents": [], "source": "w+disamb" }, { "_dis": "2 85 13", "kind": "other", "name": "Swedish entries with incorrect language header", "parents": [ "Entries with incorrect language header", "Entry maintenance" ], "source": "w+disamb" }, { "_dis": "5 74 21", "kind": "topical", "langcode": "sv", "name": "Chemical elements", "orig": "sv:Chemical elements", 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{ "categories": [ "Pages with 2 entries", "Pages with entries", "Rhymes:Swedish/ɵld", "Rhymes:Swedish/ɵld/1 syllable", "Swedish entries with incorrect language header", "Swedish lemmas", "Swedish neuter nouns", "Swedish nouns", "Swedish terms derived from Old Norse", "Swedish terms derived from Proto-Germanic", "Swedish terms derived from Proto-Indo-European", "Swedish terms derived from the Proto-Indo-European root *ǵʰelh₃-", "sv:Chemical elements", "sv:Metals" ], "derived": [ { "word": "bladguld" }, { "word": "fotbollsguld" }, { "word": "förgylla" }, { "word": "gul" }, { "word": "guldallergi" }, { "word": "guldarmband" }, { "word": "guldbad" }, { "word": "guldbagge" }, { "word": "guldband" }, { "word": "guldbelagd" }, { "word": "guldblad" }, { "word": "guldblond" }, { "word": "guldboett" }, { "word": "guldbokstav" }, { "word": "guldbroderad" }, { "word": "guldbroderi" }, { "word": "guldbrokad" }, { "word": "guldbrons" }, { "word": "guldbronsera" }, { "word": "guldbrun" }, { "word": 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"3": "*ǵʰelh₃-" }, "expansion": "", "name": "root" }, { "args": { "1": "sv", "2": "non", "3": "gull" }, "expansion": "Old Norse gull", "name": "der" }, { "args": { "1": "sv", "2": "gem-pro", "3": "*gulþą" }, "expansion": "Proto-Germanic *gulþą", "name": "der" }, { "args": { "1": "sv", "2": "ine-pro", "3": "*ǵʰelh₃-", "t": "green, yellow" }, "expansion": "Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰelh₃- (“green, yellow”)", "name": "der" } ], "etymology_text": "From Old Norse gull, from Proto-Germanic *gulþą, ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰelh₃- (“green, yellow”).", "forms": [ { "form": "no-table-tags", "source": "declension", "tags": [ "table-tags" ] }, { "form": "sv-infl-noun-n-zero", "source": "declension", "tags": [ "inflection-template" ] }, { "form": "guld", "source": "declension", "tags": [ "indefinite", "nominative", "singular" ] }, { "form": "gulds", "source": "declension", "tags": [ "genitive", "indefinite", "singular" ] }, { "form": "guldet", "source": "declension", "tags": [ "definite", "nominative", "singular" ] }, { "form": "guldets", "source": "declension", "tags": [ "definite", "genitive", "singular" ] }, { "form": "guld", "source": "declension", "tags": [ "indefinite", "nominative", "plural" ] }, { "form": "gulds", "source": "declension", "tags": [ "genitive", "indefinite", "plural" ] }, { "form": "gulden", "source": "declension", "tags": [ "definite", "nominative", "plural" ] }, { "form": "guldens", "source": "declension", "tags": [ "definite", "genitive", "plural" ] } ], "head_templates": [ { "args": { "1": "sv", "2": "nouns", "3": "", "g": "n", "g2": "", "head": "", "sort": "" }, "expansion": "guld n", "name": "head" }, { "args": { "1": "n" }, "expansion": "guld n", "name": "sv-noun" } ], "inflection_templates": [ { "args": {}, "name": "sv-infl-noun-n-zero" } ], "lang": "Swedish", "lang_code": "sv", "pos": "noun", "senses": [ { "categories": [ "Swedish terms with quotations", "Swedish terms with usage examples" ], "examples": [ { "english": "Gold and chlorine immediately form auric chloride, AuCl₃", "text": "Guld och klor förenas direkt till guldklorid, AuCl₃", "type": "example" }, { "english": "(The price of) gold reaches new record levels for the third day in a row", "text": "Guldet når nya rekordnivåer för tredje dagen i rad", "type": "example" }, { "english": "The world looks on, all the way from New Delhi to Moscow, when we dig for gold in the USA.", "ref": "1994, “När vi gräver guld i USA [When we dig for gold in the USA]”performed by GES:", "text": "Världen tittar på, ändå från New Delhi till Moskva, när vi gräver guld i USA.", "type": "quote" } ], "glosses": [ "gold (metal)" ], "links": [ [ "gold", "gold" ] ], "synonyms": [ { "word": "Frejas tår" } ], "tags": [ "neuter" ] }, { "categories": [ "Swedish terms with usage examples" ], "examples": [ { "english": "All that glitters is not gold", "text": "Allt är inte guld som glimmar", "type": "example" }, { "english": "Morning hour has gold in its mouth (The early bird catches the worm)", "text": "Morgonstund har guld i mund", "type": "example" }, { "english": "Speech is silver, silence is golden", "text": "Tala är silver, tiga är guld", "type": "example" } ], "glosses": [ "gold as a symbol of money, wealth, fortune or luck, often together with silver; see also the archaic-poetic gull" ], "links": [ [ "gold", "gold" ], [ "money", "money" ], [ "wealth", "wealth" ], [ "fortune", "fortune" ], [ "luck", "luck" ], [ "silver", "silver" ], [ "gull", "gull" ] ], "tags": [ "neuter" ] }, { "categories": [ "Swedish terms with usage examples" ], "examples": [ { "english": "The only Swedish gold medals were those won by the canoeists", "text": "De enda svenska gulden svarade kanotisterna för", "type": "example" } ], "glosses": [ "short form of guldmedalj; a gold medal or trophy, a victory in a competition" ], "links": [ [ "guldmedalj", "guldmedalj" ], [ "gold medal", "gold medal" ], [ "victory", "victory" ] ], "tags": [ "neuter" ] } ], "sounds": [ { "ipa": "/ɡɵld/" }, { "audio": "Sv-guld.ogg", "mp3_url": "", "ogg_url": "" }, { "rhymes": "-ɵld" } ], "wikipedia": [ "sv:guld" ], "word": "guld" }
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This page is a part of the machine-readable Swedish dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-26 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-03-21 using wiktextract (fef8596 and 633533e). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.
If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.