See vara in All languages combined, or Wiktionary
{ "derived": [ { "_dis1": "0 0", "word": "vöruheiti" }, { "_dis1": "0 0", "english": "non-food product", "word": "aðrar neytendavörur en matvæli" }, { "_dis1": "0 0", "english": "reprographic supplies", "word": "afritunarvörur" }, { "_dis1": "0 0", "english": "International Dairy Agreement", "word": "alþjóðasamningur um viðskipti með mjólkurvörur" }, { "_dis1": "0 0", "english": "Community goods", "word": "Bandalagsvörur" }, { "_dis1": "0 0", "english": "ink products", "word": "blekvörur" }, { "_dis1": "0 0", "english": "bakery products, bread products, baker's wares", "word": "brauðvörur" }, { "_dis1": "0 0", "english": "goods-handling equipment", "word": "búnaður til að meðhöndla vörur" }, { "_dis1": "0 0", "english": "tangible capital goods", "word": "efnislegar fjárfestingarvörur" }, { "_dis1": "0 0", "english": "tangible goods", "word": "efnislegar vörur" }, { "_dis1": "0 0", "english": "disposable articles", "word": "einnota vörur" }, { "_dis1": "0 0", "english": "returned 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"text": "Og fyrr en mig varði\nhver strákur á mig starði", "type": "quotation" }, { "english": "The guests arrived earlier than expected.", "text": "Gestirnir komu fyrr en mig varði.", "type": "example" } ], "glosses": [ "to expect" ], "id": "en-vara-is-verb-bbaRxNrr", "links": [ [ "expect", "expect" ] ], "raw_glosses": [ "(impersonal) to expect" ], "tags": [ "impersonal", "weak" ] } ], "sounds": [ { "ipa": "/ˈvaːra/" }, { "rhymes": "-aːra" } ], "word": "vara" } { "etymology_number": 5, "etymology_templates": [ { "args": {}, "expansion": "See the etymology of the corresponding lemma form.", "name": "nonlemma" } ], "etymology_text": "See the etymology of the corresponding lemma form.", "head_templates": [ { "args": { "1": "is", "2": "noun form" }, "expansion": "vara", "name": "head" } ], "lang": "Icelandic", "lang_code": "is", "pos": "noun", "senses": [ { "categories": [ { "_dis": "19 22 18 13 2 8 4 14", "kind": "other", "name": "Icelandic entries with incorrect language header", 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waren (whence also Swedish vara, Norwegian vare, Danish vare), from Proto-West Germanic *waʀōn.", "forms": [ { "form": "varði", "tags": [ "indicative", "past", "singular", "third-person" ] }, { "form": "varað", "tags": [ "supine" ] } ], "head_templates": [ { "args": { "1": "is", "10": "varað", "11": "", "12": "{{{33}}}", "2": "verb", "3": "weak verb", "4": "", "5": "third-person singular past indicative", "6": "varði", "7": "", "8": "{{{22}}}", "9": "supine", "cat2": "weak verbs", "head": "" }, "expansion": "vara (weak verb, third-person singular past indicative varði, supine varað)", "name": "head" } ], "lang": "Icelandic", "lang_code": "is", "pos": "verb", "senses": [ { "categories": [ "Icelandic intransitive verbs", "Icelandic terms with usage examples" ], "examples": [ { "english": "How long will this last?", "text": "Hvað varir þetta lengi?", "type": "example" } ], "glosses": [ "to last, to continue, to go on" ], "links": [ [ "last", "last" ], [ "continue", "continue" ], [ "go 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{ "form": "varði", "tags": [ "indicative", "past", "singular", "third-person" ] }, { "form": "varað", "tags": [ "supine" ] } ], "head_templates": [ { "args": { "1": "is", "10": "varað", "11": "", "12": "{{{33}}}", "2": "verb", "3": "weak verb", "4": "", "5": "third-person singular past indicative", "6": "varði", "7": "", "8": "{{{22}}}", "9": "supine", "cat2": "weak verbs", "head": "" }, "expansion": "vara (weak verb, third-person singular past indicative varði, supine varað)", "name": "head" } ], "lang": "Icelandic", "lang_code": "is", "pos": "verb", "senses": [ { "categories": [ "Icelandic impersonal verbs", "Icelandic terms with quotations", "Icelandic terms with usage examples" ], "examples": [ { "english": "Before I would know it\nevery boy would stare at me\nthe way girls do at forget-me-nots", "ref": "1990, the song Það sést ekki sætari mey (\"None sweeter than me can be seen\") from the album Gling-Gló by Björk Guðmundsdóttir & tríó Guðmundar Ingólfssonar (Lyrics)", "roman": "eins og stelpur á gleym-mér-ei", "text": "Og fyrr en mig varði\nhver strákur á mig starði", "type": "quotation" }, { "english": "The guests arrived earlier than expected.", "text": "Gestirnir komu fyrr en mig varði.", "type": "example" } ], "glosses": [ "to expect" ], "links": [ [ "expect", "expect" ] ], "raw_glosses": [ "(impersonal) to expect" ], "tags": [ "impersonal", "weak" ] } ], "sounds": [ { "ipa": "/ˈvaːra/" }, { "rhymes": "-aːra" } ], "word": "vara" } { "categories": [ "Icelandic entries with incorrect language header", "Icelandic non-lemma forms", "Icelandic noun forms", "Pages with 28 entries", "Pages with entries", "Rhymes:Icelandic/aːra", "Rhymes:Icelandic/aːra/2 syllables" ], "etymology_number": 5, "etymology_templates": [ { "args": {}, "expansion": "See the etymology of the corresponding lemma form.", "name": "nonlemma" } ], "etymology_text": "See the etymology of the corresponding lemma form.", "head_templates": [ { "args": { "1": "is", "2": "noun form" }, "expansion": "vara", "name": "head" } ], "lang": "Icelandic", "lang_code": "is", "pos": "noun", "senses": [ { "form_of": [ { "word": "var" } ], "glosses": [ "indefinite genitive plural of var" ], "links": [ [ "var", "var#Icelandic" ] ], "tags": [ "form-of", "genitive", "indefinite", "plural" ] } ], "sounds": [ { "ipa": "/ˈvaːra/" }, { "rhymes": "-aːra" } ], "word": "vara" } { "categories": [ "Icelandic entries with incorrect language header", "Icelandic non-lemma forms", "Icelandic noun forms", "Pages with 28 entries", "Pages with entries", "Rhymes:Icelandic/aːra", "Rhymes:Icelandic/aːra/2 syllables" ], "etymology_number": 6, "etymology_templates": [ { "args": {}, "expansion": "See the etymology of the corresponding lemma form.", "name": "nonlemma" } ], "etymology_text": "See the etymology of the corresponding lemma form.", "head_templates": [ { "args": { "1": "is", "2": "noun form" }, "expansion": "vara", "name": "head" } ], "lang": "Icelandic", "lang_code": "is", "pos": "noun", "senses": [ { "form_of": [ { "word": "vör" } ], "glosses": [ "indefinite genitive plural of vör" ], "links": [ [ "vör", "vör#Icelandic" ] ], "tags": [ "form-of", "genitive", "indefinite", "plural" ] } ], "sounds": [ { "ipa": "/ˈvaːra/" }, { "rhymes": "-aːra" } ], "word": "vara" }
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This page is a part of the machine-readable Icelandic dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-01-10 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-01-01 using wiktextract (df33d17 and 4ed51a5). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.
If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.