All languages combined word senses marked with topical category "Science fiction"
Parent categories: Fiction, Speculative fiction, Artistic works, Genres, Art, Entertainment, Culture, Society
Subcategories: Anti-gravity, Celestial inhabitants, Doctor Who, Faster-than-light travel, Fictional materials, Lost (TV series), Mass Effect (franchise), SCP Foundation, Star Trek, Star Wars, The Hunger Games, The Matrix, The X-Files, Time travel, Warhammer
Total 2353 word senses
- ARV … CSM (38 senses)
- CT … ER=EPR (43 senses)
- ET … FAFIA (39 senses)
- FTL … Jupiterian (52 senses)
- K/S … ME4 (33 senses)
- MEA … NuWho (44 senses)
- ODP … Skynet (53 senses)
- Sol … TARDIS blue (40 senses)
- TNG … Turkish Star Wars (45 senses)
- UAP … X-ray spectacles (37 senses)
- Xfic … android (42 senses)
- andy … atompunk (58 senses)
- aug … battlesuited (29 senses)
- beam … borganism (39 senses)
- bot … combozine (51 senses)
- comm … cíborg (50 senses)
- dakka … dragonstone (34 senses)
- droid … esper (44 senses)
- euth … femme fan (38 senses)
- fen … graser (51 senses)
- grav … hir (33 senses)
- hirs … humanoidalny (46 senses)
- humie … jovià (54 senses)
- jump … leijuri (30 senses)
- lekku … meatbrain (46 senses)
- mech … moonship (53 senses)
- morph … needler (29 senses)
- neo … overskies (43 senses)
- ovni … podder (52 senses)
- poder … ray-gun (37 senses)
- raygun … rocketpunk (47 senses)
- rod … shuttleport (55 senses)
- sie … solrise (25 senses)
- soma … stefnal (60 senses)
- stf … swamp gas (43 senses)
- synth … telempathy (27 senses)
- telepad … terranium (43 senses)
- terrene … toposophy (50 senses)
- torch … tímavél (42 senses)
- ufo … unbitrium (35 senses)
- unbiuni … viewplate (51 senses)
- virch … worlder (38 senses)
- worm … œcuménopole (51 senses)
- أرضي (Adjective) [Arabic] Earthling
- سايبورغ (Noun) [Arabic] a cyborg
- مريخي (Adjective) [Arabic] Martian
- مريخي (Noun) [Arabic] Martian
- 不明飛行物 (Noun) [Chinese] unidentified flying object; UFO
- 不明飛行物體 (Noun) [Chinese] unidentified flying object; UFO
- 世界線 (Noun) [Chinese] timeline
- 人工智能 (Noun) [Chinese] artificial intelligence
- 仙女座人 (Noun) [Chinese] Andromedan (inhabitant of the Andromeda Galaxy)
- 仮想空間 (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of メタバース (metabāsu, “metaverse”)
- 傳送 (Verb) [Chinese] to teleport
- 元宇宙 (Noun) [Chinese] metaverse
- 光劍 (Noun) [Chinese] lightsaber
- 克林貢 (Noun) [Chinese] Klingon
- 冥王星人 (Noun) [Chinese] Plutonian (inhabitant of Pluto)
- 単眼 (Noun) [Japanese] monoeye, cyclops girl
- 反重力 (Noun) [Japanese] anti-gravity
- 合体 (Noun) [Japanese] combination of multiple entities to become one; combining together and becoming a new, stronger robot
- 合体 (Verb) [Japanese] to combine and become one; to combine together and become a new, stronger robot
- 土星人 (Noun) [Chinese] Saturnian (inhabitant of Saturn)
- 地底人 (Noun) [Japanese] subterranean dweller/inhabitant; person who lives underground
- 地球人 (Noun) [Chinese] Earthling; Terran (inhabitant of Earth)
- 地球人 (Noun) [Japanese] an Earthling; a Terran (inhabitant of Earth)
- 地球化 (Noun) [Chinese] terraforming (planetary engineering)
- 地球化 (Noun) [Japanese] terraforming (planetary engineering)
- 外星人 (Noun) [Chinese] extraterrestrial being; alien
- 天王星人 (Noun) [Chinese] Uranian (inhabitant of Uranus)
- 太空人 (Noun) [Chinese] astronaut (person working abroad away from their family)
- 太空歌劇 (Noun) [Chinese] space opera
- 宇宙人 (Noun) [Chinese] alien; extraterrestrial
- 宇宙人 (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of 宇宙飛行士 (uchū hikōshi, “astronaut”) (member of the crew of a spaceship or other spacecraft, or someone trained for that purpose)
- 小灰人 (Noun) [Chinese] grey alien (archetypical, humanoid alien, usually described as having grey skin, elongated, hairless, sexless features, and large, black eyes)
- 小綠人 (Noun) [Chinese] little green man (space alien)
- 平行宇宙 (Noun) [Chinese] parallel universe
- 幽浮 (Noun) [Chinese] unidentified flying object; UFO
- 怪人 (Noun) [Japanese] distorted human being or humanoid creature, such as a freak or a mutant
- 怪人 (Noun) [Japanese] distorted human being or humanoid creature, such as a freak or a mutant; a supervillain, often being biologically- or genetically-modified by the antagonist camp
- 怪光線 (Noun) [Japanese] mysterious ray / beam
- 時光機 (Noun) [Chinese] time machine (Classifier: 臺/台 m)
- 時間旅行 (Noun) [Chinese] time travel
- 時間旅行 (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of タイムトラベル (taimu toraberu, “time travel”)
- 時間機器 (Noun) [Chinese] time machine
- 暗黒面 (Noun) [Japanese] the dark side of The Force
- 木星人 (Noun) [Chinese] Jovian (inhabitant of Jupiter)
- 未来人 (Noun) [Japanese] time traveller
- 未確認飛行物体 (Noun) [Japanese] an unidentified flying object
- 機器人 (Noun) [Chinese] robot (Classifier: 臺/台 m)
- 機械人 (Noun) [Chinese] robot
- 機甲 (Noun) [Chinese] mecha
- 水星人 (Noun) [Chinese] Mercurian (inhabitant of Mercury)
- 水星人 (Noun) [Japanese] a Mercurian (inhabitant of Mercury)
- 海王星人 (Noun) [Chinese] Neptunian (inhabitant of Neptune)
- 火星人 (Noun) [Chinese] Martian (inhabitant of Mars)
- 火星人 (Noun) [Japanese] a Martian (inhabitant of Mars)
- 牽引光束 (Noun) [Chinese] tractor beam
- 牽引波束 (Noun) [Chinese] tractor beam
- 異星人 (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of 宇宙人 (uchūjin, “alien”) (life form of non-Earth origin)
- 瞬間移動 (Noun) [Chinese] teleportation
- 瞬間移動 (Noun) [Japanese] teleportation
- 科學幻想 (Noun) [Chinese] science fiction; sci-fi
- 科幻 (Noun) [Chinese] science fiction; sci-fi
- 織女星人 (Noun) [Chinese] Vegan (someone from the vicinity of the star Vega)
- 蛀孔 (Noun) [Chinese] wormhole
- 蛀穿 (Noun) [Chinese] wormhole
- 蟲洞 (Noun) [Chinese] wormhole
- 蠹孔 (Noun) [Chinese] wormhole
- 超光速 (Adjective) [Chinese] faster-than-light; superluminal
- 金星人 (Noun) [Chinese] Venusian (inhabitant of Venus)
- 金星人 (Noun) [Japanese] a Venusian (inhabitant of Venus)
- 隨意門 (Noun) [Chinese] teleportation portal
- 飛碟 (Noun) [Chinese] flying saucer; unidentified flying object; UFO
- Јода (Proper name) [Macedonian] Yoda (a wise old Jedi Master in the Star Wars films)
- Војна на ѕвездите (Proper name) [Macedonian] Star Wars (saga)
- Ева (Proper name) [Russian] The "Evangelions", giant artificial humanoids used to fight supernatural monsters.
- Марсовец (Noun) [Macedonian] Martian
- Марсовка (Noun) [Macedonian] Martian woman
- НЛО (Noun) [Macedonian] UFO
- НЛО (Noun) [Russian] UFO
- НЛО (Noun) [Ukrainian] UFO
- Эльдар (Proper name) [Russian] a male given name, Eldar
- Эльдар (Proper name) [Russian] Eldar, a race of elves from the writings of Tolkien.
- Эльдар (Proper name) [Russian] Eldar, a race of elf-like aliens from Warhammer 40,000 now known as "Aeldari".
- апокалиптика (Noun) [Russian] apocalyptic (genre of literature set in an apocalypse)
- ваха (Proper name) [Russian] Warhammer Fantasy, a British tabletop military game set in a dystopian mediaeval fantasy world.
- вонземјанин (Noun) [Macedonian] extraterrestrial, alien
- вонземјанка (Noun) [Macedonian] extraterrestrial/alien woman
- гіперпростір (Noun) [Ukrainian] hyperspace
- зараплавец (Noun) [Belarusian] spacefarer (one who travels in space)
- звездоплаватель (Noun) [Russian] spacefarer (one who travels in space)
- ковёр-самолёт (Noun) [Russian] flying carpet, magic carpet (carpet capable of magical flight)
- космодесант (Noun) [Russian] space marine
- криптонианец (Noun) [Russian] a (male) Kryptonian (a native of Krypton)
- кротовая нора (Noun) [Russian] a wormhole
- летающая тарелка (Noun) [Russian] flying saucer
- летечка чинија (Noun) [Macedonian] flying saucer
- метавселенная (Noun) [Russian] metaverse
- наукова фантастика (Noun) [Ukrainian] science fiction
- орк (Noun) [Russian] orc (humanoid monster warrior)
- прибулець (Noun) [Ukrainian] space alien, extraterrestrial
- силове поле (Noun) [Ukrainian] force field
- тахион (Noun) [Russian] tachyon
- терранец (Noun) [Russian] a Terran (an Earthling, someone from Earth)
- терранка (Noun) [Russian] a Terran woman or girl (a female Earthling)
- уфолог (Noun) [Macedonian] ufologist
- уфологија (Noun) [Macedonian] ufology
- хаос (Noun) [Russian] Chaos, demonic entities, their monsters, and armies from the Warhammer franchises by Games Workshop
- червоточина (Noun) [Russian] wormhole
- чужопланетянин (Noun) [Ukrainian] alien, extraterrestrial
- інопланетянин (Noun) [Ukrainian] alien, extraterrestrial
- კრიოკინეზი (Noun) [Georgian] cryokinesis
- პიროკინეზი (Noun) [Georgian] pyrokinesis
- სუპერბოროტმოქმედი (Noun) [Georgian] supervillain
- სუპერგმირი (Noun) [Georgian] superhero
- ტელეკინეზი (Noun) [Georgian] telekinesis
- ტელეპათია (Noun) [Georgian] telepathy
- εξωγήινος (Noun) [Greek] alien, extraterrestrial being
- επιστημονική φαντασία (Noun) [Greek] science fiction
- φωτόσπαθο (Noun) [Greek] lightsaber (sword having a blade made of a powerful beam of light)
- 광검 (Noun) [Korean] lightsaber (sword having a blade made of a powerful beam of light)
- 나비 효과 (Noun) [Korean] butterfly effect
- 라이트세이버 (Noun) [Korean] lightsaber (sword having a blade made of a powerful beam of light)
- 미확인비행물체 (Noun) [Korean] unidentified flying object; UFO
- 순간이동 (Noun) [Korean] teleportation
- 시간여행 (Noun) [Korean] time travel
- 외계인 (Noun) [Korean] alien; extraterrestrial
- 우주인 (Noun) [Korean] astronaut
- 웜홀 (Noun) [Korean] wormhole
- 유에프오 (Noun) [Korean] unidentified flying object; UFO
- 지구인 (Noun) [Korean] Earthling, Terran
- 타임머신 (Noun) [Korean] time machine
- 타임슬립 (Noun) [Korean] time travel
- 타키온 (Noun) [Korean] tachyon
- 텔레포테이션 (Noun) [Korean] teleportation
- 텔레포트 (Noun) [Korean] teleportation
- 화성인 (Noun) [Korean] Martian (inhabitant of Mars)
- エイリアン (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of 宇宙人 (uchūjin, “alien”) (life form of non-Earth origin)
- グレイ (Noun) [Japanese] Grey alien
- サイエンス・フィクション (Noun) [Japanese] science fiction
- サイボーグ (Noun) [Japanese] a cyborg
- シールド (Noun) [Japanese] shield
- ジェダイ (Noun) [Japanese] Jedi (follower of Jediism)
- スタートレック (Proper name) [Japanese] Star Trek, a popular sci-fi series.
- スター・ウォーズ (Proper name) [Japanese] Star Wars
- タイムスリップ (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of タイムトラベル (taimu toraberu, “time travel”); Especially, Traveling in time without using a device such as a time machine.
- タイムトラベラー (Noun) [Japanese] a time traveller
- タイムトラベル (Noun) [Japanese] time travel (Requires a device like a time machine and that the traveler is status quo.)
- タイムトリップ (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of タイムトラベル (taimu toraberu, “time travel”)
- タイムマシン (Noun) [Japanese] time machine
- タイムマシーン (Noun) [Japanese] time machine
- タイムリープ (Verb) [Japanese] to time travel
- タキオン (Noun) [Japanese] tachyon
- テレポーテーション (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of 瞬間移動 (shunkan idō, “teleportation”)
- テレポート (Verb) [Japanese] to teleport
- バタフライエフェクト (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of バタフライ効果 (batafurai kōka, “butterfly effect”)
- バタフライ効果 (Noun) [Japanese] butterfly effect
- バリア (Noun) [Japanese] barrier
- パラレルワールド (Noun) [Japanese] a parallel world
- ベム (Noun) [Japanese] BEM
- メカ (Noun) [Japanese] a robot; a mecha
- メタバース (Noun) [Japanese] metaverse
- モノアイ (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of 単眼 (tangan, “cyclops girl”)
- モンスター娘 (Noun) [Japanese] monster girl
- ヨーダ (Proper name) [Japanese] Yoda
- ライトセーバー (Noun) [Japanese] a lightsaber
- ワームホール (Noun) [Japanese] a wormhole
- அயலான் (Noun) [Tamil] stranger
- வேற்றுகிரகவாசி (Noun) [Tamil] alien, extraterrestrial being
- 'saur (Noun) [English] A dinosaur.
- 'vator (Noun) [English] Abbreviation of elevator.
- -con (Suffix) [English] Used to form the names of conventions.
- -vac (Suffix) [English] Used in the naming of computer systems and computer models, due to the use of vacuum tubes as the functional elements of computers of the time.
- 3D (Noun) [English] A system capable of recording or displaying three-dimensional video.
- 3D (Noun) [English] A three-dimensional video.
- 40k (Proper name) [English] Warhammer 40,000, a British tabletop military game set in a dystopian future Galaxy torn by war.
- 51區 (Noun) [Chinese] Area 51
- 51구역 (Proper name) [Korean] Area 51
- `lt` `gt` (Punctuation) [Translingual] Encloses translated text, including from nonhuman speakers.
- उड़न तश्तरी (Noun) [Hindi] flying saucer, UFO
- परग्रही (Noun) [Hindi] extraterrestrial
- 𝡣𝪜 (Interjection) [Translingual] used to imitate Star Trek's Spock
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This page is a part of the machine-readable All languages combined dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-06 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-03-02 using wiktextract (b81b832 and 633533e).
The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.
If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.