"loshaken" meaning in Deutsch

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IPA: ˈloːsˌhaːkn̩
Etymology: gebildet aus der Partikel los als Verbzusatz und dem Verb haken Forms: ich hake los [present], du hakst los [present], er hakt los [present], sie hakt los [present], es hakt los [present], ich hakte los [past], ich hakte los [subjunctive-ii], hak los! [imperative, singular], hake los! [imperative, singular], hakt los! [imperative, plural], losgehakt [participle-2, perfect], haben [auxiliary, perfect], loshaken [active, infinitive, present], losgehakt haben [active, infinitive, perfect], losgehakt werden [processual-passive, infinitive, present], losgehakt worden sein [processual-passive, infinitive, perfect], losgehakt sein [statal-passive, infinitive, present], losgehakt gewesen sein [statal-passive, infinitive, perfect], loszuhaken [active, extended, infinitive], losgehakt zu haben [active, extended, infinitive], losgehakt zu werden [processual-passive, extended, infinitive], losgehakt worden zu sein [processual-passive, extended, infinitive], losgehakt zu sein [statal-passive, extended, infinitive], losgehakt gewesen zu sein [statal-passive, extended, infinitive], loshakend [participle, present, active], losgehakt [participle, perfect, passive], loszuhakender [participle, gerundive], loszuhakende [participle, gerundive], loszuhakendes … [participle, gerundive], hak los! [imperative, second-person, singular, present, active], hake los! [imperative, second-person, singular, present, active], werde losgehakt! [imperative, uncommon, second-person, singular, present, processual-passive], sei losgehakt! [imperative, uncommon, second-person, singular, present, statal-passive], habe losgehakt! [imperative, uncommon, second-person, singular, perfect, active], sei losgehakt worden! [imperative, uncommon, second-person, singular, perfect, processual-passive], sei losgehakt gewesen! [imperative, uncommon, second-person, singular, perfect, statal-passive], hakt los! [imperative, second-person, plural, present, active], werdet losgehakt! [imperative, uncommon, second-person, plural, present, processual-passive], seid losgehakt! [imperative, uncommon, second-person, plural, present, statal-passive], habt losgehakt! [imperative, uncommon, second-person, plural, perfect, active], seid losgehakt worden! [imperative, uncommon, second-person, plural, perfect, processual-passive], seid losgehakt gewesen! [imperative, uncommon, second-person, plural, perfect, statal-passive], haken Sie los! [imperative, honorific, present, active], werden Sie losgehakt! [imperative, uncommon, honorific, present, processual-passive], seien Sie losgehakt! [imperative, uncommon, honorific, present, statal-passive], haben Sie losgehakt! [imperative, uncommon, honorific, perfect, active], seien Sie losgehakt worden! [imperative, uncommon, honorific, perfect, processual-passive], seien Sie losgehakt gewesen! [imperative, uncommon, honorific, perfect, statal-passive], ich hake los [first-person, singular, present, active, main-clause, indicative], ich hake los [first-person, singular, present, active, main-clause, subjunctive-i], ich loshake [first-person, singular, present, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], ich loshake [first-person, singular, present, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-i], ich werde losgehakt [first-person, singular, present, processual-passive, indicative], ich werde losgehakt [first-person, singular, present, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], ich bin losgehakt [first-person, singular, present, statal-passive, indicative], ich sei losgehakt [first-person, singular, present, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], du hakst los [second-person, singular, present, active, main-clause, indicative], du hakest los [second-person, singular, present, active, main-clause, subjunctive-i], du loshakst [second-person, singular, present, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], du loshakest [second-person, singular, present, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-i], du wirst losgehakt [second-person, singular, present, processual-passive, indicative], du werdest losgehakt [second-person, singular, present, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], du bist losgehakt [second-person, singular, present, statal-passive, indicative], du seiest losgehakt [second-person, singular, present, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], du seist losgehakt [second-person, singular, present, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es hakt los [third-person, singular, present, active, main-clause, indicative], er/sie/es hake los [third-person, singular, present, active, main-clause, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es loshakt [third-person, singular, present, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], er/sie/es loshake [third-person, singular, present, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es wird losgehakt [third-person, singular, present, processual-passive, indicative], er/sie/es werde losgehakt [third-person, singular, present, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es ist losgehakt [third-person, singular, present, statal-passive, indicative], er/sie/es sei losgehakt [third-person, singular, present, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], wir haken los [first-person, plural, present, active, main-clause, indicative], wir haken los [first-person, plural, present, active, main-clause, subjunctive-i], wir loshaken [first-person, plural, present, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], wir loshaken [first-person, plural, present, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-i], wir werden losgehakt [first-person, plural, present, processual-passive, indicative], wir werden losgehakt [first-person, plural, present, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], wir sind losgehakt [first-person, plural, present, statal-passive, indicative], wir seien losgehakt [first-person, plural, present, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], ihr hakt los [second-person, plural, present, active, main-clause, indicative], ihr haket los [second-person, plural, present, active, main-clause, subjunctive-i], ihr loshakt [second-person, plural, present, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], ihr loshaket [second-person, plural, present, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-i], ihr werdet losgehakt [second-person, plural, present, processual-passive, indicative], ihr werdet losgehakt [second-person, plural, present, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], ihr seid losgehakt [second-person, plural, present, statal-passive, indicative], ihr seiet losgehakt [second-person, plural, present, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], sie haken los [third-person, plural, present, active, main-clause, indicative], sie haken los [third-person, plural, present, active, main-clause, subjunctive-i], sie loshaken [third-person, plural, present, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], sie loshaken [third-person, plural, present, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-i], sie werden losgehakt [third-person, plural, present, processual-passive, indicative], sie werden losgehakt [third-person, plural, present, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], sie sind losgehakt [third-person, plural, present, statal-passive, indicative], sie seien losgehakt [third-person, plural, present, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], ich hakte los [first-person, singular, past, active, main-clause, indicative], ich hakte los [first-person, singular, past, active, main-clause, subjunctive-ii], ich loshakte [first-person, singular, past, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], ich loshakte [first-person, singular, past, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-ii], ich wurde losgehakt [first-person, singular, past, processual-passive, indicative], ich würde losgehakt [first-person, singular, past, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], ich war losgehakt [first-person, singular, past, statal-passive, indicative], ich wäre losgehakt [first-person, singular, past, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], du haktest los [second-person, singular, past, active, main-clause, indicative], du haktest los [second-person, singular, past, active, main-clause, subjunctive-ii], du loshaktest [second-person, singular, past, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], du loshaktest [second-person, singular, past, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-ii], du wurdest losgehakt [second-person, singular, past, processual-passive, indicative], du würdest losgehakt [second-person, singular, past, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], du warst losgehakt [second-person, singular, past, statal-passive, indicative], du wärest losgehakt [second-person, singular, past, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], du wärst losgehakt [second-person, singular, past, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es hakte los [third-person, singular, past, active, main-clause, indicative], er/sie/es hakte los [third-person, singular, past, active, main-clause, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es loshakte [third-person, singular, past, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], er/sie/es loshakte [third-person, singular, past, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es wurde losgehakt [third-person, singular, past, processual-passive, indicative], er/sie/es würde losgehakt [third-person, singular, past, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es war losgehakt [third-person, singular, past, statal-passive, indicative], er/sie/es wäre losgehakt [third-person, singular, past, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], wir hakten los [first-person, plural, past, active, main-clause, indicative], wir hakten los [first-person, plural, past, active, main-clause, subjunctive-ii], wir loshakten [first-person, plural, past, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], wir loshakten [first-person, plural, past, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-ii], wir wurden losgehakt [first-person, plural, past, processual-passive, indicative], wir würden losgehakt [first-person, plural, past, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], wir waren losgehakt [first-person, plural, past, statal-passive, indicative], wir wären losgehakt [first-person, plural, past, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], ihr haktet los [second-person, plural, past, active, main-clause, indicative], ihr haktet los [second-person, plural, past, active, main-clause, subjunctive-ii], ihr loshaktet [second-person, plural, past, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], ihr loshaktet [second-person, plural, past, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-ii], ihr wurdet losgehakt [second-person, plural, past, processual-passive, indicative], ihr würdet losgehakt [second-person, plural, past, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], ihr wart losgehakt [second-person, plural, past, statal-passive, indicative], ihr wäret losgehakt [second-person, plural, past, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], ihr wärt losgehakt [second-person, plural, past, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], sie hakten los [third-person, plural, past, active, main-clause, indicative], sie hakten los [third-person, plural, past, active, main-clause, subjunctive-ii], sie loshakten [third-person, plural, past, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], sie loshakten [third-person, plural, past, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-ii], sie wurden losgehakt [third-person, plural, past, processual-passive, indicative], sie würden losgehakt [third-person, plural, past, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], sie waren losgehakt [third-person, plural, past, statal-passive, indicative], sie wären losgehakt [third-person, plural, past, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], ich habe losgehakt [first-person, singular, perfect, active, indicative], ich habe losgehakt [first-person, singular, perfect, active, subjunctive-i], ich bin losgehakt worden [first-person, singular, perfect, processual-passive, indicative], ich sei losgehakt worden [first-person, singular, perfect, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], ich bin losgehakt gewesen [first-person, singular, perfect, statal-passive, indicative], ich sei losgehakt gewesen [first-person, singular, perfect, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], du hast losgehakt [second-person, singular, perfect, active, indicative], du habest losgehakt [second-person, singular, perfect, active, subjunctive-i], du bist losgehakt worden [second-person, singular, perfect, processual-passive, indicative], du seiest losgehakt worden [second-person, singular, perfect, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], du seist losgehakt worden [second-person, singular, perfect, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], du bist losgehakt gewesen [second-person, singular, perfect, statal-passive, indicative], du seiest losgehakt gewesen [second-person, singular, perfect, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], du seist losgehakt gewesen [second-person, singular, perfect, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es hat losgehakt [third-person, singular, perfect, active, indicative], er/sie/es habe losgehakt [third-person, singular, perfect, active, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es ist losgehakt worden [third-person, singular, perfect, processual-passive, indicative], er/sie/es sei losgehakt worden [third-person, singular, perfect, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es ist losgehakt gewesen [third-person, singular, perfect, statal-passive, indicative], er/sie/es sei losgehakt gewesen [third-person, singular, perfect, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], wir haben losgehakt [first-person, plural, perfect, active, indicative], wir haben losgehakt [first-person, plural, perfect, active, subjunctive-i], wir sind losgehakt worden [first-person, plural, perfect, processual-passive, indicative], wir seien losgehakt worden [first-person, plural, perfect, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], wir sind losgehakt gewesen [first-person, plural, perfect, statal-passive, indicative], wir seien losgehakt gewesen [first-person, plural, perfect, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], ihr habt losgehakt [second-person, plural, perfect, active, indicative], ihr habet losgehakt [second-person, plural, perfect, active, subjunctive-i], ihr seid losgehakt worden [second-person, plural, perfect, processual-passive, indicative], ihr seiet losgehakt worden [second-person, plural, perfect, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], ihr seid losgehakt gewesen [second-person, plural, perfect, statal-passive, indicative], ihr seiet losgehakt gewesen [second-person, plural, perfect, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], sie haben losgehakt [third-person, plural, perfect, active, indicative], sie haben losgehakt [third-person, plural, perfect, active, subjunctive-i], sie sind losgehakt worden [third-person, plural, perfect, processual-passive, indicative], sie seien losgehakt worden [third-person, plural, perfect, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], sie sind losgehakt gewesen [third-person, plural, perfect, statal-passive, indicative], sie seien losgehakt gewesen [third-person, plural, perfect, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], ich hatte losgehakt [first-person, singular, pluperfect, active, indicative], ich hätte losgehakt [first-person, singular, pluperfect, active, subjunctive-ii], ich war losgehakt worden [first-person, singular, pluperfect, processual-passive, indicative], ich wäre losgehakt worden [first-person, singular, pluperfect, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], ich war losgehakt gewesen [first-person, singular, pluperfect, statal-passive, indicative], ich wäre losgehakt gewesen [first-person, singular, pluperfect, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], du hattest losgehakt [second-person, singular, pluperfect, active, indicative], du hättest losgehakt [second-person, singular, pluperfect, active, subjunctive-ii], du warst losgehakt worden [second-person, singular, pluperfect, processual-passive, indicative], du wärest losgehakt worden [second-person, singular, pluperfect, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], du wärst losgehakt worden [second-person, singular, pluperfect, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], du warst losgehakt gewesen [second-person, singular, pluperfect, statal-passive, indicative], du wärest losgehakt gewesen [second-person, singular, pluperfect, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], du wärst losgehakt gewesen [second-person, singular, pluperfect, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es hatte losgehakt [third-person, singular, pluperfect, active, indicative], er/sie/es hätte losgehakt [third-person, singular, pluperfect, active, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es war losgehakt worden [third-person, singular, pluperfect, processual-passive, indicative], er/sie/es wäre losgehakt worden [third-person, singular, pluperfect, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es war losgehakt gewesen [third-person, singular, pluperfect, statal-passive, indicative], er/sie/es wäre losgehakt gewesen [third-person, singular, pluperfect, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], wir hatten losgehakt [first-person, plural, pluperfect, active, indicative], wir hätten losgehakt [first-person, plural, pluperfect, active, subjunctive-ii], wir waren losgehakt worden [first-person, plural, pluperfect, processual-passive, indicative], wir wären losgehakt worden [first-person, plural, pluperfect, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], wir waren losgehakt gewesen [first-person, plural, pluperfect, statal-passive, indicative], wir wären losgehakt gewesen [first-person, plural, pluperfect, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], ihr hattet losgehakt [second-person, plural, pluperfect, active, indicative], ihr hättet losgehakt [second-person, plural, pluperfect, active, subjunctive-ii], ihr wart losgehakt worden [second-person, plural, pluperfect, processual-passive, indicative], ihr wäret losgehakt worden [second-person, plural, pluperfect, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], ihr wärt losgehakt worden [second-person, plural, pluperfect, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], ihr wart losgehakt gewesen [second-person, plural, pluperfect, statal-passive, indicative], ihr wäret losgehakt gewesen [second-person, plural, pluperfect, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], ihr wärt losgehakt gewesen [second-person, plural, pluperfect, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], sie hatten losgehakt [third-person, plural, pluperfect, active, indicative], sie hätten losgehakt [third-person, plural, pluperfect, active, subjunctive-ii], sie waren losgehakt worden [third-person, plural, pluperfect, processual-passive, indicative], sie wären losgehakt worden [third-person, plural, pluperfect, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], sie waren losgehakt gewesen [third-person, plural, pluperfect, statal-passive, indicative], sie wären losgehakt gewesen [third-person, plural, pluperfect, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], ich werde loshaken [first-person, singular, future-i, active, indicative], ich werde loshaken [first-person, singular, future-i, active, subjunctive-i], ich würde loshaken [first-person, singular, future-i, active, subjunctive-ii], ich werde losgehakt werden [first-person, singular, future-i, processual-passive, indicative], ich werde losgehakt werden [first-person, singular, future-i, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], ich würde losgehakt werden [first-person, singular, future-i, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], ich werde losgehakt sein [first-person, singular, future-i, statal-passive, indicative], ich werde losgehakt sein [first-person, singular, future-i, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], ich würde losgehakt sein [first-person, singular, future-i, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], du wirst loshaken [second-person, singular, future-i, active, indicative], du werdest loshaken [second-person, singular, future-i, active, subjunctive-i], du würdest loshaken [second-person, singular, future-i, active, subjunctive-ii], du wirst losgehakt werden [second-person, singular, future-i, processual-passive, indicative], du werdest losgehakt werden [second-person, singular, future-i, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], du würdest losgehakt werden [second-person, singular, future-i, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], du wirst losgehakt sein [second-person, singular, future-i, statal-passive, indicative], du werdest losgehakt sein [second-person, singular, future-i, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], du würdest losgehakt sein [second-person, singular, future-i, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es wird loshaken [third-person, singular, future-i, active, indicative], er/sie/es werde loshaken [third-person, singular, future-i, active, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es würde loshaken [third-person, singular, future-i, active, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es wird losgehakt werden [third-person, singular, future-i, processual-passive, indicative], er/sie/es werde losgehakt werden [third-person, singular, future-i, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es würde losgehakt werden [third-person, singular, future-i, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es wird losgehakt sein [third-person, singular, future-i, statal-passive, indicative], er/sie/es werde losgehakt sein [third-person, singular, future-i, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es würde losgehakt sein [third-person, singular, future-i, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], wir werden loshaken [first-person, plural, future-i, active, indicative], wir werden loshaken [first-person, plural, future-i, active, subjunctive-i], wir würden loshaken [first-person, plural, future-i, active, subjunctive-ii], wir werden losgehakt werden [first-person, plural, future-i, processual-passive, indicative], wir werden losgehakt werden [first-person, plural, future-i, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], wir würden losgehakt werden [first-person, plural, future-i, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], wir werden losgehakt sein [first-person, plural, future-i, statal-passive, indicative], wir werden losgehakt sein [first-person, plural, future-i, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], wir würden losgehakt sein [first-person, plural, future-i, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], ihr werdet loshaken [second-person, plural, future-i, active, indicative], ihr werdet loshaken [second-person, plural, future-i, active, subjunctive-i], ihr würdet loshaken [second-person, plural, future-i, active, subjunctive-ii], ihr werdet losgehakt werden [second-person, plural, future-i, processual-passive, indicative], ihr werdet losgehakt werden [second-person, plural, future-i, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], ihr würdet losgehakt werden [second-person, plural, future-i, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], ihr werdet losgehakt sein [second-person, plural, future-i, statal-passive, indicative], ihr werdet losgehakt sein [second-person, plural, future-i, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], ihr würdet losgehakt sein [second-person, plural, future-i, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], sie werden loshaken [third-person, plural, future-i, active, indicative], sie werden loshaken [third-person, plural, future-i, active, subjunctive-i], sie würden loshaken [third-person, plural, future-i, active, subjunctive-ii], sie werden losgehakt werden [third-person, plural, future-i, processual-passive, indicative], sie werden losgehakt werden [third-person, plural, future-i, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], sie würden losgehakt werden [third-person, plural, future-i, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], sie werden losgehakt sein [third-person, plural, future-i, statal-passive, indicative], sie werden losgehakt sein [third-person, plural, future-i, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], sie würden losgehakt sein [third-person, plural, future-i, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], ich werde losgehakt haben [first-person, singular, future-ii, active, indicative], ich werde losgehakt haben [first-person, singular, future-ii, active, subjunctive-i], ich würde losgehakt haben [first-person, singular, future-ii, active, subjunctive-ii], ich werde losgehakt worden sein [first-person, singular, future-ii, processual-passive, indicative], ich werde losgehakt worden sein [first-person, singular, future-ii, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], ich würde losgehakt worden sein [first-person, singular, future-ii, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], ich werde losgehakt gewesen sein [first-person, singular, future-ii, statal-passive, indicative], ich werde losgehakt gewesen sein [first-person, singular, future-ii, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], ich würde losgehakt gewesen sein [first-person, singular, future-ii, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], du wirst losgehakt haben [second-person, singular, future-ii, active, indicative], du werdest losgehakt haben [second-person, singular, future-ii, active, subjunctive-i], du würdest losgehakt haben [second-person, singular, future-ii, active, subjunctive-ii], du wirst losgehakt worden sein [second-person, singular, future-ii, processual-passive, indicative], du werdest losgehakt worden sein [second-person, singular, future-ii, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], du würdest losgehakt worden sein [second-person, singular, future-ii, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], du wirst losgehakt gewesen sein [second-person, singular, future-ii, statal-passive, indicative], du werdest losgehakt gewesen sein [second-person, singular, future-ii, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], du würdest losgehakt gewesen sein [second-person, singular, future-ii, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es wird losgehakt haben [third-person, singular, future-ii, active, indicative], er/sie/es werde losgehakt haben [third-person, singular, future-ii, active, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es würde losgehakt haben [third-person, singular, future-ii, active, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es wird losgehakt worden sein [third-person, singular, future-ii, processual-passive, indicative], er/sie/es werde losgehakt worden sein [third-person, singular, future-ii, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es würde losgehakt worden sein [third-person, singular, future-ii, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es wird losgehakt gewesen sein [third-person, singular, future-ii, statal-passive, indicative], er/sie/es werde losgehakt gewesen sein [third-person, singular, future-ii, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es würde losgehakt gewesen sein [third-person, singular, future-ii, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], wir werden losgehakt haben [first-person, plural, future-ii, active, indicative], wir werden losgehakt haben [first-person, plural, future-ii, active, subjunctive-i], wir würden losgehakt haben [first-person, plural, future-ii, active, subjunctive-ii], wir werden losgehakt worden sein [first-person, plural, future-ii, processual-passive, indicative], wir werden losgehakt worden sein [first-person, plural, future-ii, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], wir würden losgehakt worden sein [first-person, plural, future-ii, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], wir werden losgehakt gewesen sein [first-person, plural, future-ii, statal-passive, indicative], wir werden losgehakt gewesen sein [first-person, plural, future-ii, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], wir würden losgehakt gewesen sein [first-person, plural, future-ii, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], ihr werdet losgehakt haben [second-person, plural, future-ii, active, indicative], ihr werdet losgehakt haben [second-person, plural, future-ii, active, subjunctive-i], ihr würdet losgehakt haben [second-person, plural, future-ii, active, subjunctive-ii], ihr werdet losgehakt worden sein [second-person, plural, future-ii, processual-passive, indicative], ihr werdet losgehakt worden sein [second-person, plural, future-ii, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], ihr würdet losgehakt worden sein [second-person, plural, future-ii, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], ihr werdet losgehakt gewesen sein [second-person, plural, future-ii, statal-passive, indicative], ihr werdet losgehakt gewesen sein [second-person, plural, future-ii, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], ihr würdet losgehakt gewesen sein [second-person, plural, future-ii, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], sie werden losgehakt haben [third-person, plural, future-ii, active, indicative], sie werden losgehakt haben [third-person, plural, future-ii, active, subjunctive-i], sie würden losgehakt haben [third-person, plural, future-ii, active, subjunctive-ii], sie werden losgehakt worden sein [third-person, plural, future-ii, processual-passive, indicative], sie werden losgehakt worden sein [third-person, plural, future-ii, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], sie würden losgehakt worden sein [third-person, plural, future-ii, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], sie werden losgehakt gewesen sein [third-person, plural, future-ii, statal-passive, indicative], sie werden losgehakt gewesen sein [third-person, plural, future-ii, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], sie würden losgehakt gewesen sein [third-person, plural, future-ii, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii]
  1. etwas vom Haken lösen Tags: figurative, transitive
    Sense id: de-loshaken-de-verb-q0jtYmjq
The following are not (yet) sense-disambiguated
Synonyms: aushaken, ausklinken Hypernyms: lösen Derived forms: losgehakt, Loshaken, loshakend Translations (auch übertragen: etwas vom Haken lösen): unhook (Englisch), décrocher (Französisch), sganciare (Italienisch), loshaken (Niederländisch), rozpinać (Polnisch), rozpiąć (Polnisch), расцепля́ть (rascepljátʹ) (Russisch), desenganchar (Spanisch)

Inflected forms

  "antonyms": [
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "einhaken"
  "categories": [
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Anagramm sortiert (Deutsch)",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Deutsch",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Grundformeintrag (Deutsch)",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Rückläufige Wörterliste (Deutsch)",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Rückläufige Wörterliste Grundformeintrag (Deutsch)",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Verb (Deutsch)",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Siehe auch",
      "orig": "siehe auch",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
  "derived": [
      "word": "losgehakt"
      "word": "Loshaken"
      "word": "loshakend"
  "etymology_text": "gebildet aus der Partikel los als Verbzusatz und dem Verb haken",
  "forms": [
      "form": "ich hake los",
      "tags": [
      "form": "du hakst los",
      "tags": [
      "form": "er hakt los",
      "tags": [
      "form": "sie hakt los",
      "tags": [
      "form": "es hakt los",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ich hakte los",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ich hakte los",
      "tags": [
      "form": "hak los!",
      "tags": [
      "form": "hake los!",
      "tags": [
      "form": "hakt los!",
      "tags": [
      "form": "losgehakt",
      "tags": [
      "form": "haben",
      "tags": [
      "form": "loshaken",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "losgehakt haben",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "losgehakt werden",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "losgehakt worden sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "losgehakt sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "losgehakt gewesen sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "loszuhaken",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "losgehakt zu haben",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "losgehakt zu werden",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "losgehakt worden zu sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "losgehakt zu sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "losgehakt gewesen zu sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "loshakend",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "losgehakt",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
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        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
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      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "loszuhakendes …",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
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        "Finite Formen"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
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        "Finite Formen"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
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      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
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      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
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      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
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      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
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      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
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      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
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        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
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      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
  "hypernyms": [
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "lösen"
  "hyphenation": "los·ha·ken",
  "lang": "Deutsch",
  "lang_code": "de",
  "pos": "verb",
  "pos_title": "Verb",
  "senses": [
      "examples": [
          "ref": "Georg Ebers: Die Nilbraut. In: Projekt Gutenberg-DE. Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1887, Zwölftes Kapitel (URL, abgerufen am 3. Mai 2024) .",
          "text": "Sie hing an dem sorgfältig gearbeiteten Schmuck; sie loshaken und zu sich stecken war das Werk eines Augenblicks."
          "accessdate": "2024-05-03",
          "author": "Friedrich Gerstäcker et alii",
          "publisher": "Good Press",
          "ref": "Friedrich Gerstäcker et alii: Weihnachten im Wilden Westen. Sammelband: 100 Westernromane. Good Press, 2023 (zitiert nach Google Books, abgerufen am 3. Mai 2024) .",
          "text": "Eh' einer die Hand umdrehn konnte, hatten sie schon zwei von den gesattelten Pferden losgehakt und saßen im Sattel.",
          "title": "Weihnachten im Wilden Westen",
          "title_complement": "Sammelband: 100 Westernromane",
          "url": "zitiert nachGoogle Books",
          "year": "2023"
          "accessdate": "2024-05-03",
          "author": "Lionel Davidson",
          "isbn": "9783641206918",
          "publisher": "Verlagsgruppe Random House",
          "ref": "Lionel Davidson: Der Rabe. Thriller. Verlagsgruppe Random House, 2016 (übersetzt von Walter Ahlers, Christian Spiel), ISBN 9783641206918 (zitiert nach Google Books, abgerufen am 3. Mai 2024) .",
          "text": "»Matsuda, geh mal ein Weilchen nach unten, ich rufe dich wieder«, sagte der Bootsmann und begann sich loszuhaken.",
          "title": "Der Rabe",
          "title_complement": "Thriller",
          "translator": "Walter Ahlers, Christian Spiel",
          "url": "zitiert nachGoogle Books",
          "year": "2016"
          "accessdate": "2024-05-03",
          "author": "George Payne Rainsford James",
          "pages": "207",
          "place": "Leipzig",
          "publisher": "Christian Ernst Kollmann",
          "ref": "George Payne Rainsford James: Arrah Neil. Roman. Band 2, Christian Ernst Kollmann, Leipzig 1845, Seite 207 (zitiert nach Google Books, abgerufen am 3. Mai 2024) .",
          "text": "Während Wilhelm und der alte Diron die Ketten der Zugbrücke von den Pfosten loshakten und sie langsam niederließen, kehrte Miß Walton zu dem Zimmer zurück, …",
          "title": "Arrah Neil",
          "title_complement": "Roman",
          "url": "zitiert nachGoogle Books",
          "volume": "Band 2",
          "year": "1845"
          "ref": "dpa, Reuters: Griechische Sozialisten sehen Chance für Koalition. In: Zeit Online. 10. Mai 2012, ISSN 0044-2070 (URL, abgerufen am 3. Mai 2024) .",
          "text": "Erstens müsse das Land im Euro bleiben und zweite[n]s stufenweise vom Sparprogramm „losgehakt werden“, sagte Kouvelis."
      "glosses": [
        "etwas vom Haken lösen"
      "id": "de-loshaken-de-verb-q0jtYmjq",
      "raw_tags": [
      "sense_index": "1",
      "tags": [
  "sounds": [
      "ipa": "ˈloːsˌhaːkn̩"
  "synonyms": [
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "aushaken"
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "ausklinken"
  "translations": [
      "lang": "Englisch",
      "lang_code": "en",
      "sense": "auch übertragen: etwas vom Haken lösen",
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "unhook"
      "lang": "Französisch",
      "lang_code": "fr",
      "sense": "auch übertragen: etwas vom Haken lösen",
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "décrocher"
      "lang": "Italienisch",
      "lang_code": "it",
      "sense": "auch übertragen: etwas vom Haken lösen",
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "sganciare"
      "lang": "Niederländisch",
      "lang_code": "nl",
      "sense": "auch übertragen: etwas vom Haken lösen",
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "loshaken"
      "lang": "Polnisch",
      "lang_code": "pl",
      "sense": "auch übertragen: etwas vom Haken lösen",
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "rozpinać"
      "lang": "Polnisch",
      "lang_code": "pl",
      "raw_tags": [
      "sense": "auch übertragen: etwas vom Haken lösen",
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "rozpiąć"
      "lang": "Russisch",
      "lang_code": "ru",
      "roman": "rascepljátʹ",
      "sense": "auch übertragen: etwas vom Haken lösen",
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "расцепля́ть"
      "lang": "Spanisch",
      "lang_code": "es",
      "sense": "auch übertragen: etwas vom Haken lösen",
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "desenganchar"
  "word": "loshaken"
  "antonyms": [
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "einhaken"
  "categories": [
    "Anagramm sortiert (Deutsch)",
    "Grundformeintrag (Deutsch)",
    "Rückläufige Wörterliste (Deutsch)",
    "Rückläufige Wörterliste Grundformeintrag (Deutsch)",
    "Verb (Deutsch)",
    "siehe auch"
  "derived": [
      "word": "losgehakt"
      "word": "Loshaken"
      "word": "loshakend"
  "etymology_text": "gebildet aus der Partikel los als Verbzusatz und dem Verb haken",
  "forms": [
      "form": "ich hake los",
      "tags": [
      "form": "du hakst los",
      "tags": [
      "form": "er hakt los",
      "tags": [
      "form": "sie hakt los",
      "tags": [
      "form": "es hakt los",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ich hakte los",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ich hakte los",
      "tags": [
      "form": "hak los!",
      "tags": [
      "form": "hake los!",
      "tags": [
      "form": "hakt los!",
      "tags": [
      "form": "losgehakt",
      "tags": [
      "form": "haben",
      "tags": [
      "form": "loshaken",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "losgehakt haben",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "losgehakt werden",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "losgehakt worden sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "losgehakt sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "losgehakt gewesen sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "loszuhaken",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "losgehakt zu haben",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "losgehakt zu werden",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "losgehakt worden zu sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "losgehakt zu sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "losgehakt gewesen zu sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "loshakend",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "losgehakt",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "loszuhakender",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "loszuhakende",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "loszuhakendes …",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "hak los!",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "hake los!",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
      "form": "werde losgehakt!",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen"
      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
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      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
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      "source": "Flexion:loshaken",
      "tags": [
  "hypernyms": [
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "lösen"
  "hyphenation": "los·ha·ken",
  "lang": "Deutsch",
  "lang_code": "de",
  "pos": "verb",
  "pos_title": "Verb",
  "senses": [
      "examples": [
          "ref": "Georg Ebers: Die Nilbraut. In: Projekt Gutenberg-DE. Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1887, Zwölftes Kapitel (URL, abgerufen am 3. Mai 2024) .",
          "text": "Sie hing an dem sorgfältig gearbeiteten Schmuck; sie loshaken und zu sich stecken war das Werk eines Augenblicks."
          "accessdate": "2024-05-03",
          "author": "Friedrich Gerstäcker et alii",
          "publisher": "Good Press",
          "ref": "Friedrich Gerstäcker et alii: Weihnachten im Wilden Westen. Sammelband: 100 Westernromane. Good Press, 2023 (zitiert nach Google Books, abgerufen am 3. Mai 2024) .",
          "text": "Eh' einer die Hand umdrehn konnte, hatten sie schon zwei von den gesattelten Pferden losgehakt und saßen im Sattel.",
          "title": "Weihnachten im Wilden Westen",
          "title_complement": "Sammelband: 100 Westernromane",
          "url": "zitiert nachGoogle Books",
          "year": "2023"
          "accessdate": "2024-05-03",
          "author": "Lionel Davidson",
          "isbn": "9783641206918",
          "publisher": "Verlagsgruppe Random House",
          "ref": "Lionel Davidson: Der Rabe. Thriller. Verlagsgruppe Random House, 2016 (übersetzt von Walter Ahlers, Christian Spiel), ISBN 9783641206918 (zitiert nach Google Books, abgerufen am 3. Mai 2024) .",
          "text": "»Matsuda, geh mal ein Weilchen nach unten, ich rufe dich wieder«, sagte der Bootsmann und begann sich loszuhaken.",
          "title": "Der Rabe",
          "title_complement": "Thriller",
          "translator": "Walter Ahlers, Christian Spiel",
          "url": "zitiert nachGoogle Books",
          "year": "2016"
          "accessdate": "2024-05-03",
          "author": "George Payne Rainsford James",
          "pages": "207",
          "place": "Leipzig",
          "publisher": "Christian Ernst Kollmann",
          "ref": "George Payne Rainsford James: Arrah Neil. Roman. Band 2, Christian Ernst Kollmann, Leipzig 1845, Seite 207 (zitiert nach Google Books, abgerufen am 3. Mai 2024) .",
          "text": "Während Wilhelm und der alte Diron die Ketten der Zugbrücke von den Pfosten loshakten und sie langsam niederließen, kehrte Miß Walton zu dem Zimmer zurück, …",
          "title": "Arrah Neil",
          "title_complement": "Roman",
          "url": "zitiert nachGoogle Books",
          "volume": "Band 2",
          "year": "1845"
          "ref": "dpa, Reuters: Griechische Sozialisten sehen Chance für Koalition. In: Zeit Online. 10. Mai 2012, ISSN 0044-2070 (URL, abgerufen am 3. Mai 2024) .",
          "text": "Erstens müsse das Land im Euro bleiben und zweite[n]s stufenweise vom Sparprogramm „losgehakt werden“, sagte Kouvelis."
      "glosses": [
        "etwas vom Haken lösen"
      "raw_tags": [
      "sense_index": "1",
      "tags": [
  "sounds": [
      "ipa": "ˈloːsˌhaːkn̩"
  "synonyms": [
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "aushaken"
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "ausklinken"
  "translations": [
      "lang": "Englisch",
      "lang_code": "en",
      "sense": "auch übertragen: etwas vom Haken lösen",
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "unhook"
      "lang": "Französisch",
      "lang_code": "fr",
      "sense": "auch übertragen: etwas vom Haken lösen",
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "décrocher"
      "lang": "Italienisch",
      "lang_code": "it",
      "sense": "auch übertragen: etwas vom Haken lösen",
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "sganciare"
      "lang": "Niederländisch",
      "lang_code": "nl",
      "sense": "auch übertragen: etwas vom Haken lösen",
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "loshaken"
      "lang": "Polnisch",
      "lang_code": "pl",
      "sense": "auch übertragen: etwas vom Haken lösen",
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "rozpinać"
      "lang": "Polnisch",
      "lang_code": "pl",
      "raw_tags": [
      "sense": "auch übertragen: etwas vom Haken lösen",
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "rozpiąć"
      "lang": "Russisch",
      "lang_code": "ru",
      "roman": "rascepljátʹ",
      "sense": "auch übertragen: etwas vom Haken lösen",
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "расцепля́ть"
      "lang": "Spanisch",
      "lang_code": "es",
      "sense": "auch übertragen: etwas vom Haken lösen",
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "desenganchar"
  "word": "loshaken"

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This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable Deutsch dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-12 from the dewiktionary dump dated 2025-03-02 using wiktextract (f074e77 and 633533e). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.