"Kohle" meaning in All languages combined

See Kohle on Wiktionary

Noun [Allemand]

IPA: \koːlə\, ˈkoːlə Audio: De-Kohle.ogg Forms: die Kohle [singular, nominative], die Kohlen [plural, nominative], die Kohle [singular, accusative], die Kohlen [plural, accusative], der Kohle [singular, genitive], der Kohlen [plural, genitive], der Kohle [singular, dative], den Kohlen [plural, dative]
  1. Charbon.
    Sense id: fr-Kohle-de-noun-YKdh0O1b Categories (other): Exemples en allemand, Lexique en allemand de la géologie Topics: geology
  2. Fric, tune. Tags: familiar
    Sense id: fr-Kohle-de-noun-J3CmI-hl Categories (other): Exemples en allemand, Termes familiers en allemand
The following are not (yet) sense-disambiguated
Categories (other): Lemmes en allemand, Mots en allemand issus d’un mot en moyen haut-allemand, Mots en allemand issus d’un mot en vieux haut allemand, Noms communs en allemand, Allemand Derived forms: Bunkerkohle, Deputatkohle, Feinkohle, Flammkohle, Gasflammkohle, Gaskohle, Generatorkohle, Glanzkohle, Grobkohle, Gruskohle, Hausbrandkohle, Haushaltkohle, Haushaltskohle, Klarkohle, Kohleausfuhr, Kohlebahnhof, Kohlebanse, Kohlenbanse, Kohlebaron, Kohlenbaron, Kohlebedarf, Kohlenbedarf, Kohlebefeuerung, Kohlebeheizung, Kohlenbeheizung, Kohlebergbau, Kohlebergwerk, Kohlebügeleisen, Kohlenbügeleisen, Kohlebunker, Kohlenbunker, Kohlebürste, Kohleeinfuhr, Kohleexport, Kohlefaden, Kohlefaser, Kohlefeuer, Kohlenfeuer, Kohleförderung, kohleführend, Kohleführer, Kohlenführer, Kohlegabel, Kohlegrube, kohlehaltig, Kohlehändler, Kohleheizung, Kohleherd, Kohlehydrat, Kohlehydrierung, Kohleindustrie, Kohlekartell, Kohlenkartell, Kohleklumpen, Kohlenklumpen, Kohlekombine, Kohlenkombine, Kohlekommission, Kohlekraftwerk, Kohlekrise, Kohlenkrise, Kohlelagerstätte, Kohlenlagerstätte, Kohlemangel, Kohlemeiler, Kohlenmeiler, Kohlenbank, Kohlenbrocken, Kohlendioxid, Kohlenferien, Kohlenfeuerung, Kohlenfrachter, Kohlengas, Kohlenglut, Kohlengreifer, Kohlengrus, Kohlenhandlung, Kohlenladung, Kohlenlager, Kohlenmann, Kohlenmonoxyd, Kohlenniederlage, Kohlenofen, Kohlenoxid, Kohlenpfeiler, Kohlenplätteisen, Kohlenplatz, Kohlenproblem, Kohlenrevier, Kohlerevier, Kohlenruß, Kohlenrutsche, Kohlenschacht, Kohlenschicht, Kohlenschlacke, Kohlenschute, Kohlenschütte, Kohlenstapel, Kohlenstation, Kohlenstift, Kohlentender, Kohletender, Kohlenträger, Kohlentransport, Kohlentrimmer, Kohlevorkommen, Kohlenvorrat, Kohlevorrat, Kohlenwaggon, Kohlenwagon, Kohlewaggon, Kohlewagon, Kohlenwäsche, Kohlenzange, Kohlepfennig, Kohlepräparat, Kohlepreis, Kohlerechnung, Kohleschacht, Kohlestrom, Kohlesubvention, Kohletablette, Kohleveredlung, Kohleverflüssigung, Kohlevergasung, Kohlevorkommen, Kohlezug, Kohlplatte, Kohlwald, Kokskohle, Magerkohle, Nusskohle, Palmkohl, Pechkohle, Pflanzenkohle, Presskohle, Reinkohle, Rohkohle, Ruhrgebietskohle, Ruhrkohle, Rußkohle, Schwefelkohle, Schwelkohle, Siebkohle, Waschkohle, Wirbelschichtkohle, Würfelkohle Derived forms (Sac à Charbon): Kohlensack Derived forms (abandon du charbon): Kohleausstieg Derived forms (acide carbonique): Kohlensäure Derived forms (allume-feu): Kohlenanzünder Derived forms (anthracite): Anthrazitkohle, Fettkohle Derived forms (balai de charbon): Kohlenbürste Derived forms (bassin minier): Kohlengebiet Derived forms (boulet de charbon): Eierkohle Derived forms (caisse à charbon): Kohlenkasten, Kohlenkiste Derived forms (carbochimie): Kohlechemie Derived forms (carbonate): Kohlensauer Derived forms (carbone): Kohlenstoff Derived forms (cave à charbon): Kohlenkeller Derived forms (cendre de charbon): Kohlenasche Derived forms (centrale thermique au charbon): Kohlenkraftwerk Derived forms (charbon activé): Aktivkohle Derived forms (charbon de bois): Grillkohle, Holzkohle Derived forms (charbon de poussière): Staubkohle Derived forms (charbon de tourbe): Torfkohle Derived forms (charbon en morceaux): Stückkohle Derived forms (charbon importé): Importkohle Derived forms (charbonnages): Kohlenbergbau Derived forms (charbonner): kohlen Derived forms (charbonnier): Köhlener Derived forms (charbonnière): Kohlenbrenner, Köhlerei Derived forms (chauffage au charbon): Kohlenheizung Derived forms (coaltar): Kohlenteer Derived forms (consommation de charbon): Kohleverbrauch Derived forms (cuisinière au charbon): Kohlenherd Derived forms (dioxyde de carbone): Kohlendioxyd Derived forms (excavatrice à charbon): Kohlebagger Derived forms (exportation de charbon): Kohlenexport, Kohlenausfuhr Derived forms (extraction du charbon): Kohleabbau, Kohlenförderung, Kohlengewinnung Derived forms (feu de charbon): Kohlenfeuer Derived forms (feu de mine de charbon): Kohlenbrand Derived forms (filament de carbone): Kohlenfaden Derived forms (filtre à charbon): Kohlefilter Derived forms (fourche à charbon): Kohlengabel Derived forms (fusain): Kohlestift, Kohlezeichnung, Zeichenkohle Derived forms (gare à charbon): Kohlenbahnhof Derived forms (gisement de charbon): Kohlenvorkommen Derived forms (glucide): Kohlenhydrat Derived forms (houille): Steinkohle Derived forms (houillère): Kohlenzeche Derived forms (hydrocarbure): Kohlenwasserstoff Derived forms (importateur de charbon): Kohleimporteur Derived forms (importation de charbon): Kohleneinfuhr Derived forms (impression charbon): Kohledruck Derived forms (industrie du charbon): Kohlenindustrie Derived forms (lampe à arc): Kohlebogenlampe Derived forms (lieu noir): Köhler Derived forms (lignite): Braunkohle Derived forms (magnat du charbon): Kohlenmagnat Derived forms (marchand de charbon): Kohlenhändler Derived forms (mine de charbon): Kohlenbergwerk, Kohlengrube, Kohlemine Derived forms (mineuse): Kohlenarbeiter Derived forms (monoxyde de carbone): Kohlenmonoxid, Kohlenoxyd Derived forms (navire charbonnier): Kohlenschiff Derived forms (noir animal): Tierkohle Derived forms (négoce de charbon): Kohlenhandel Derived forms (papier carbone): Kohlepapier Derived forms (pelle à charbon): Kohlenschaufel, Kohlenschippe Derived forms (pièce de stockage du charbon): Kohlenkammer Derived forms (poussière de charbon): Kohlenstaub Derived forms (poêle à charbon): Kohleofen Derived forms (prix du charbon): Kohlenpreis Derived forms (production d'électricité à partir de charbon): Kohleverstromung Derived forms (production de charbon): Kohlenproduktion Derived forms (pénurie de charbon): Kohlenmangel, Kohlenknappheit Derived forms (qui contient du charbon): kohlenhaltig Derived forms (rendement du charbon): Kohlenausbeute Derived forms (réchaud): Kohlenbecken, Kohlenpfanne Derived forms (région charbonnière): Kohleregion Derived forms (région de la Rhur): Kohlenpott Derived forms (réserve de charbon): Kohlenbevorratung, Kohlevorrat Derived forms (réservoir de charbon): Kohlenbehälter Derived forms (seau à charbon): Kohleneimer Derived forms (terril): Kohlenhalde Derived forms (ticket de rationnement de charbon): Kohlenkarte Derived forms (train de charbon): Kohlenzug Derived forms (transport du charbon): Kohletransport Derived forms (veine de charbon): Kohlenflöz Derived forms (vol de charbon): Kohlenklau Derived forms (wagonnet de mine): Kohlenhund

Noun [Allemand]

IPA: \ˈkoːlə\, ˈkoːlə Audio: De-Kohle.ogg
Forms: der Kohl [singular, nominative], die Kohle [plural, nominative], den Kohl [singular, accusative], die Kohle [plural, accusative], des Kohls [singular, genitive], Kohles [singular, genitive], der Kohle [plural, genitive], dem Kohl [singular, dative], Kohle [singular, dative], den Kohlen [plural, dative], Kohl
  1. Accusatif pluriel de Kohl. Form of: Kohl
    Sense id: fr-Kohle-de-noun-2~QJ3tI1
  2. Génitif pluriel de Kohl. Form of: Kohl
    Sense id: fr-Kohle-de-noun-kQVD3-sr
  3. Nominatif pluriel de Kohl. Form of: Kohl
    Sense id: fr-Kohle-de-noun-3fN7poGC
  4. Variante du datif singulier de Kohl. Form of: Kohl
    Sense id: fr-Kohle-de-noun-fS7uuKE~
The following are not (yet) sense-disambiguated

Inflected forms

  "categories": [
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Lemmes en allemand",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Mots en allemand issus d’un mot en moyen haut-allemand",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Mots en allemand issus d’un mot en vieux haut allemand",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Noms communs en allemand",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Allemand",
      "orig": "allemand",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
  "derived": [
      "sense": "charbon activé",
      "word": "Aktivkohle"
      "sense": "anthracite",
      "word": "Anthrazitkohle"
      "sense": "lignite",
      "word": "Braunkohle"
      "word": "Bunkerkohle"
      "word": "Deputatkohle"
      "sense": "boulet de charbon",
      "word": "Eierkohle"
      "word": "Feinkohle"
      "sense": "anthracite",
      "word": "Fettkohle"
      "word": "Flammkohle"
      "word": "Gasflammkohle"
      "word": "Gaskohle"
      "word": "Generatorkohle"
      "word": "Glanzkohle"
      "sense": "charbon de bois",
      "word": "Grillkohle"
      "word": "Grobkohle"
      "word": "Gruskohle"
      "word": "Hausbrandkohle"
      "word": "Haushaltkohle"
      "word": "Haushaltskohle"
      "sense": "charbon de bois",
      "word": "Holzkohle"
      "sense": "charbon importé",
      "word": "Importkohle"
      "word": "Klarkohle"
      "sense": "extraction du charbon",
      "word": "Kohleabbau"
      "word": "Kohleausfuhr"
      "sense": "abandon du charbon",
      "word": "Kohleausstieg"
      "sense": "excavatrice à charbon",
      "word": "Kohlebagger"
      "word": "Kohlebahnhof"
      "sense": "gare à charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenbahnhof"
      "word": "Kohlebanse"
      "word": "Kohlenbanse"
      "word": "Kohlebaron"
      "word": "Kohlenbaron"
      "word": "Kohlebedarf"
      "word": "Kohlenbedarf"
      "word": "Kohlebefeuerung"
      "word": "Kohlebeheizung"
      "word": "Kohlenbeheizung"
      "word": "Kohlebergbau"
      "sense": "charbonnages",
      "word": "Kohlenbergbau"
      "word": "Kohlebergwerk"
      "sense": "mine de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenbergwerk"
      "sense": "lampe à arc",
      "word": "Kohlebogenlampe"
      "word": "Kohlebügeleisen"
      "word": "Kohlenbügeleisen"
      "word": "Kohlebunker"
      "word": "Kohlenbunker"
      "word": "Kohlebürste"
      "sense": "balai de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenbürste"
      "sense": "carbochimie",
      "word": "Kohlechemie"
      "sense": "impression charbon",
      "word": "Kohledruck"
      "word": "Kohleeinfuhr"
      "sense": "importation de charbon",
      "word": "Kohleneinfuhr"
      "word": "Kohleexport"
      "sense": "exportation de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenexport"
      "word": "Kohlefaden"
      "sense": "filament de carbone",
      "word": "Kohlenfaden"
      "word": "Kohlefaser"
      "word": "Kohlefeuer"
      "word": "Kohlenfeuer"
      "sense": "filtre à charbon",
      "word": "Kohlefilter"
      "word": "Kohleförderung"
      "sense": "extraction du charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenförderung"
      "word": "kohleführend"
      "word": "Kohleführer"
      "word": "Kohlenführer"
      "word": "Kohlegabel"
      "sense": "fourche à charbon",
      "word": "Kohlengabel"
      "word": "Kohlegrube"
      "sense": "mine de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlengrube"
      "word": "kohlehaltig"
      "sense": "qui contient du charbon",
      "word": "kohlenhaltig"
      "word": "Kohlehändler"
      "sense": "marchand de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenhändler"
      "word": "Kohleheizung"
      "sense": "chauffage au charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenheizung"
      "word": "Kohleherd"
      "sense": "cuisinière au charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenherd"
      "word": "Kohlehydrat"
      "sense": "glucide",
      "word": "Kohlenhydrat"
      "word": "Kohlehydrierung"
      "sense": "importateur de charbon",
      "word": "Kohleimporteur"
      "word": "Kohleindustrie"
      "sense": "industrie du charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenindustrie"
      "word": "Kohlekartell"
      "word": "Kohlenkartell"
      "word": "Kohleklumpen"
      "word": "Kohlenklumpen"
      "word": "Kohlekombine"
      "word": "Kohlenkombine"
      "word": "Kohlekommission"
      "word": "Kohlekraftwerk"
      "sense": "centrale thermique au charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenkraftwerk"
      "word": "Kohlekrise"
      "word": "Kohlenkrise"
      "word": "Kohlelagerstätte"
      "word": "Kohlenlagerstätte"
      "word": "Kohlemangel"
      "sense": "pénurie de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenmangel"
      "word": "Kohlemeiler"
      "word": "Kohlenmeiler"
      "sense": "mine de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlemine"
      "sense": "charbonner",
      "word": "kohlen"
      "sense": "allume-feu",
      "word": "Kohlenanzünder"
      "sense": "mineuse",
      "word": "Kohlenarbeiter"
      "sense": "cendre de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenasche"
      "sense": "rendement du charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenausbeute"
      "sense": "exportation de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenausfuhr"
      "word": "Kohlenbank"
      "sense": "réchaud",
      "word": "Kohlenbecken"
      "sense": "réservoir de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenbehälter"
      "sense": "réserve de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenbevorratung"
      "sense": "feu de mine de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenbrand"
      "sense": "charbonnière",
      "word": "Kohlenbrenner"
      "word": "Kohlenbrocken"
      "word": "Kohlendioxid"
      "sense": "dioxyde de carbone",
      "word": "Kohlendioxyd"
      "sense": "seau à charbon",
      "word": "Kohleneimer"
      "sense": "charbonnier",
      "word": "Köhlener"
      "word": "Kohlenferien"
      "sense": "feu de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenfeuer"
      "word": "Kohlenfeuerung"
      "sense": "veine de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenflöz"
      "word": "Kohlenfrachter"
      "word": "Kohlengas"
      "sense": "bassin minier",
      "word": "Kohlengebiet"
      "sense": "extraction du charbon",
      "word": "Kohlengewinnung"
      "word": "Kohlenglut"
      "word": "Kohlengreifer"
      "word": "Kohlengrus"
      "sense": "terril",
      "word": "Kohlenhalde"
      "sense": "négoce de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenhandel"
      "word": "Kohlenhandlung"
      "sense": "wagonnet de mine",
      "word": "Kohlenhund"
      "sense": "pièce de stockage du charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenkammer"
      "sense": "ticket de rationnement de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenkarte"
      "sense": "caisse à charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenkasten"
      "sense": "cave à charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenkeller"
      "sense": "caisse à charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenkiste"
      "sense": "vol de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenklau"
      "sense": "pénurie de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenknappheit"
      "word": "Kohlenladung"
      "word": "Kohlenlager"
      "sense": "magnat du charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenmagnat"
      "word": "Kohlenmann"
      "sense": "monoxyde de carbone",
      "word": "Kohlenmonoxid"
      "word": "Kohlenmonoxyd"
      "word": "Kohlenniederlage"
      "word": "Kohlenofen"
      "word": "Kohlenoxid"
      "sense": "monoxyde de carbone",
      "word": "Kohlenoxyd"
      "sense": "réchaud",
      "word": "Kohlenpfanne"
      "word": "Kohlenpfeiler"
      "word": "Kohlenplätteisen"
      "word": "Kohlenplatz"
      "sense": "région de la Rhur",
      "word": "Kohlenpott"
      "word": "Kohlenproblem"
      "sense": "production de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenproduktion"
      "word": "Kohlenrevier"
      "word": "Kohlerevier"
      "word": "Kohlenruß"
      "word": "Kohlenrutsche"
      "sense": "Sac à Charbon",
      "word": "Kohlensack"
      "sense": "carbonate",
      "word": "Kohlensauer"
      "sense": "acide carbonique",
      "word": "Kohlensäure"
      "word": "Kohlenschacht"
      "sense": "pelle à charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenschaufel"
      "word": "Kohlenschicht"
      "sense": "navire charbonnier",
      "word": "Kohlenschiff"
      "sense": "pelle à charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenschippe"
      "word": "Kohlenschlacke"
      "word": "Kohlenschute"
      "word": "Kohlenschütte"
      "word": "Kohlenstapel"
      "word": "Kohlenstation"
      "sense": "poussière de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenstaub"
      "word": "Kohlenstift"
      "sense": "carbone",
      "word": "Kohlenstoff"
      "sense": "coaltar",
      "word": "Kohlenteer"
      "word": "Kohlentender"
      "word": "Kohletender"
      "word": "Kohlenträger"
      "word": "Kohlentransport"
      "sense": "transport du charbon",
      "word": "Kohletransport"
      "word": "Kohlentrimmer"
      "word": "Kohlevorkommen"
      "word": "Kohlenvorrat"
      "word": "Kohlevorrat"
      "word": "Kohlenwaggon"
      "word": "Kohlenwagon"
      "word": "Kohlewaggon"
      "word": "Kohlewagon"
      "word": "Kohlenwäsche"
      "sense": "hydrocarbure",
      "word": "Kohlenwasserstoff"
      "word": "Kohlenzange"
      "sense": "houillère",
      "word": "Kohlenzeche"
      "sense": "poêle à charbon",
      "word": "Kohleofen"
      "sense": "papier carbone",
      "word": "Kohlepapier"
      "word": "Kohlepfennig"
      "word": "Kohlepräparat"
      "word": "Kohlepreis"
      "sense": "prix du charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenpreis"
      "sense": "lieu noir",
      "word": "Köhler"
      "word": "Kohlerechnung"
      "sense": "région charbonnière",
      "word": "Kohleregion"
      "sense": "charbonnière",
      "word": "Köhlerei"
      "word": "Kohleschacht"
      "sense": "fusain",
      "word": "Kohlestift"
      "word": "Kohlestrom"
      "word": "Kohlesubvention"
      "word": "Kohletablette"
      "sense": "consommation de charbon",
      "word": "Kohleverbrauch"
      "word": "Kohleveredlung"
      "word": "Kohleverflüssigung"
      "word": "Kohlevergasung"
      "sense": "production d'électricité à partir de charbon",
      "word": "Kohleverstromung"
      "word": "Kohlevorkommen"
      "sense": "gisement de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenvorkommen"
      "sense": "réserve de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlevorrat"
      "sense": "fusain",
      "word": "Kohlezeichnung"
      "word": "Kohlezug"
      "sense": "train de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenzug"
      "word": "Kohlplatte"
      "word": "Kohlwald"
      "word": "Kokskohle"
      "word": "Magerkohle"
      "word": "Nusskohle"
      "word": "Palmkohl"
      "word": "Pechkohle"
      "word": "Pflanzenkohle"
      "word": "Presskohle"
      "word": "Reinkohle"
      "word": "Rohkohle"
      "word": "Ruhrgebietskohle"
      "word": "Ruhrkohle"
      "word": "Rußkohle"
      "word": "Schwefelkohle"
      "word": "Schwelkohle"
      "word": "Siebkohle"
      "sense": "charbon de poussière",
      "word": "Staubkohle"
      "sense": "houille",
      "word": "Steinkohle"
      "sense": "charbon en morceaux",
      "word": "Stückkohle"
      "sense": "noir animal",
      "word": "Tierkohle"
      "sense": "charbon de tourbe",
      "word": "Torfkohle"
      "word": "Waschkohle"
      "word": "Wirbelschichtkohle"
      "word": "Würfelkohle"
      "sense": "fusain",
      "word": "Zeichenkohle"
  "etymology_texts": [
    "(VIIIᵉ siècle). Du moyen haut-allemand kol et du vieux haut allemand kolo. Voir aussi le germain *kula, *kulon, l’ancien français kole, l’anglo-saxon col, l’ancien nordique kol ou kul. Signifie au départ (« charbon de bois »), le sens a ensuite dérivé vers (« charbon ») et (« lignite »)."
  "forms": [
      "form": "die Kohle",
      "tags": [
      "form": "die Kohlen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "die Kohle",
      "tags": [
      "form": "die Kohlen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "der Kohle",
      "tags": [
      "form": "der Kohlen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "der Kohle",
      "tags": [
      "form": "den Kohlen",
      "tags": [
  "lang": "Allemand",
  "lang_code": "de",
  "pos": "noun",
  "pos_title": "Nom commun",
  "proverbs": [
      "sense": "être sur des charbons ardents",
      "word": "auf glühenden Kohlen sitzen"
      "sense": "être sur des charbons ardents",
      "word": "auf heißen Kohlen sitzen"
      "word": "feurige Kohlen auf dem Haupt sammeln"
      "word": "glühende Kohlen auf dem Haupt sammeln"
      "sense": "être sur des charbons ardents",
      "word": "wie auf glühenden Kohlen sitzen"
  "senses": [
      "categories": [
          "kind": "other",
          "name": "Exemples en allemand",
          "parents": [],
          "source": "w"
          "kind": "other",
          "name": "Lexique en allemand de la géologie",
          "parents": [],
          "source": "w"
      "examples": [
          "text": "Leg noch etwas mehr Kohle in den Grill!",
          "translation": "Mets un peu plus de charbon dans le barbecue."
          "text": "Im Ruhrgebiet wurde früher in großem Stil Kohle abgebaut.",
          "translation": "Dans la région de la Ruhr, on extrayait autrefois du charbon à grande échelle."
      "glosses": [
      "id": "fr-Kohle-de-noun-YKdh0O1b",
      "topics": [
      "categories": [
          "kind": "other",
          "name": "Exemples en allemand",
          "parents": [],
          "source": "w"
          "kind": "other",
          "name": "Termes familiers en allemand",
          "parents": [],
          "source": "w"
      "examples": [
          "text": "Ich hab keine Kohle mit, kannst du mir etwas leihen?",
          "translation": "J'ai pas de tune, tu peux m'en prêter ?"
          "ref": "Hervé Le Tellier, traduit par Romy Ritte et Jürgen Ritte, Die Anomalie, Rowohlt Verlag, 2021",
          "text": "Eines Abends erklärt ihm ein ziemlich betrunkener Typ in einer Bar, dass er jemand anderen umbringen lassen will. Er hat gewiss einen guten Grund dafür, irgendwas mit dem Job, mit einer Frau, aber Blake schert sich nicht drum. – Würdest du das machen, für Kohle?",
          "translation": "Un soir, dans un bar, un type, bien saoul, lui dit vouloir en faire tuer un autre. Il a sans doute une bonne raison pour ça, un truc de boulot, de femme, mais Blake, ça lui est égal. — Tu le ferais, toi, pour du fric ?"
      "glosses": [
        "Fric, tune."
      "id": "fr-Kohle-de-noun-J3CmI-hl",
      "tags": [
  "sounds": [
      "ipa": "\\koːlə\\"
      "audio": "De-Kohle.ogg",
      "ipa": "ˈkoːlə",
      "mp3_url": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/transcoded/f/f8/De-Kohle.ogg/De-Kohle.ogg.mp3",
      "ogg_url": "https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/De-Kohle.ogg",
      "raw_tags": [
  "tags": [
  "word": "Kohle"

  "categories": [
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Formes de noms communs en allemand",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Mots en allemand issus d’un mot en moyen haut-allemand",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Mots en allemand issus d’un mot en vieux haut allemand",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Allemand",
      "orig": "allemand",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
  "etymology_texts": [
    "(VIIIᵉ siècle). Du moyen haut-allemand kol et du vieux haut allemand kolo. Voir aussi le germain *kula, *kulon, l’ancien français kole, l’anglo-saxon col, l’ancien nordique kol ou kul. Signifie au départ (« charbon de bois »), le sens a ensuite dérivé vers (« charbon ») et (« lignite »)."
  "forms": [
      "form": "der Kohl",
      "tags": [
      "form": "die Kohle",
      "tags": [
      "form": "den Kohl",
      "tags": [
      "form": "die Kohle",
      "tags": [
      "form": "des Kohls",
      "tags": [
      "form": "Kohles",
      "tags": [
      "form": "der Kohle",
      "tags": [
      "form": "dem Kohl",
      "tags": [
      "form": "Kohle",
      "tags": [
      "form": "den Kohlen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "Kohl",
      "raw_tags": [
        "datif singulier"
  "lang": "Allemand",
  "lang_code": "de",
  "notes": [
    "Le datif singulier en « -e » (Dativ-e) désigne une variante pour le datif qui était fréquemment utilisée dans la langue écrite jusqu’au milieu du 20ᵉ siècle. Depuis, elle a été de moins en moins employée, bien qu’elle subsiste dans certaines expressions et tournures."
  "pos": "noun",
  "pos_title": "Forme de nom commun",
  "senses": [
      "form_of": [
          "word": "Kohl"
      "glosses": [
        "Accusatif pluriel de Kohl."
      "id": "fr-Kohle-de-noun-2~QJ3tI1"
      "form_of": [
          "word": "Kohl"
      "glosses": [
        "Génitif pluriel de Kohl."
      "id": "fr-Kohle-de-noun-kQVD3-sr"
      "form_of": [
          "word": "Kohl"
      "glosses": [
        "Nominatif pluriel de Kohl."
      "id": "fr-Kohle-de-noun-3fN7poGC"
      "form_of": [
          "word": "Kohl"
      "glosses": [
        "Variante du datif singulier de Kohl."
      "id": "fr-Kohle-de-noun-fS7uuKE~"
  "sounds": [
      "ipa": "\\ˈkoːlə\\"
      "audio": "De-Kohle.ogg",
      "ipa": "ˈkoːlə",
      "mp3_url": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/transcoded/f/f8/De-Kohle.ogg/De-Kohle.ogg.mp3",
      "ogg_url": "https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/De-Kohle.ogg",
      "raw_tags": [
  "tags": [
  "word": "Kohle"
  "categories": [
    "Lemmes en allemand",
    "Mots en allemand issus d’un mot en moyen haut-allemand",
    "Mots en allemand issus d’un mot en vieux haut allemand",
    "Noms communs en allemand",
  "derived": [
      "sense": "charbon activé",
      "word": "Aktivkohle"
      "sense": "anthracite",
      "word": "Anthrazitkohle"
      "sense": "lignite",
      "word": "Braunkohle"
      "word": "Bunkerkohle"
      "word": "Deputatkohle"
      "sense": "boulet de charbon",
      "word": "Eierkohle"
      "word": "Feinkohle"
      "sense": "anthracite",
      "word": "Fettkohle"
      "word": "Flammkohle"
      "word": "Gasflammkohle"
      "word": "Gaskohle"
      "word": "Generatorkohle"
      "word": "Glanzkohle"
      "sense": "charbon de bois",
      "word": "Grillkohle"
      "word": "Grobkohle"
      "word": "Gruskohle"
      "word": "Hausbrandkohle"
      "word": "Haushaltkohle"
      "word": "Haushaltskohle"
      "sense": "charbon de bois",
      "word": "Holzkohle"
      "sense": "charbon importé",
      "word": "Importkohle"
      "word": "Klarkohle"
      "sense": "extraction du charbon",
      "word": "Kohleabbau"
      "word": "Kohleausfuhr"
      "sense": "abandon du charbon",
      "word": "Kohleausstieg"
      "sense": "excavatrice à charbon",
      "word": "Kohlebagger"
      "word": "Kohlebahnhof"
      "sense": "gare à charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenbahnhof"
      "word": "Kohlebanse"
      "word": "Kohlenbanse"
      "word": "Kohlebaron"
      "word": "Kohlenbaron"
      "word": "Kohlebedarf"
      "word": "Kohlenbedarf"
      "word": "Kohlebefeuerung"
      "word": "Kohlebeheizung"
      "word": "Kohlenbeheizung"
      "word": "Kohlebergbau"
      "sense": "charbonnages",
      "word": "Kohlenbergbau"
      "word": "Kohlebergwerk"
      "sense": "mine de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenbergwerk"
      "sense": "lampe à arc",
      "word": "Kohlebogenlampe"
      "word": "Kohlebügeleisen"
      "word": "Kohlenbügeleisen"
      "word": "Kohlebunker"
      "word": "Kohlenbunker"
      "word": "Kohlebürste"
      "sense": "balai de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenbürste"
      "sense": "carbochimie",
      "word": "Kohlechemie"
      "sense": "impression charbon",
      "word": "Kohledruck"
      "word": "Kohleeinfuhr"
      "sense": "importation de charbon",
      "word": "Kohleneinfuhr"
      "word": "Kohleexport"
      "sense": "exportation de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenexport"
      "word": "Kohlefaden"
      "sense": "filament de carbone",
      "word": "Kohlenfaden"
      "word": "Kohlefaser"
      "word": "Kohlefeuer"
      "word": "Kohlenfeuer"
      "sense": "filtre à charbon",
      "word": "Kohlefilter"
      "word": "Kohleförderung"
      "sense": "extraction du charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenförderung"
      "word": "kohleführend"
      "word": "Kohleführer"
      "word": "Kohlenführer"
      "word": "Kohlegabel"
      "sense": "fourche à charbon",
      "word": "Kohlengabel"
      "word": "Kohlegrube"
      "sense": "mine de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlengrube"
      "word": "kohlehaltig"
      "sense": "qui contient du charbon",
      "word": "kohlenhaltig"
      "word": "Kohlehändler"
      "sense": "marchand de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenhändler"
      "word": "Kohleheizung"
      "sense": "chauffage au charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenheizung"
      "word": "Kohleherd"
      "sense": "cuisinière au charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenherd"
      "word": "Kohlehydrat"
      "sense": "glucide",
      "word": "Kohlenhydrat"
      "word": "Kohlehydrierung"
      "sense": "importateur de charbon",
      "word": "Kohleimporteur"
      "word": "Kohleindustrie"
      "sense": "industrie du charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenindustrie"
      "word": "Kohlekartell"
      "word": "Kohlenkartell"
      "word": "Kohleklumpen"
      "word": "Kohlenklumpen"
      "word": "Kohlekombine"
      "word": "Kohlenkombine"
      "word": "Kohlekommission"
      "word": "Kohlekraftwerk"
      "sense": "centrale thermique au charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenkraftwerk"
      "word": "Kohlekrise"
      "word": "Kohlenkrise"
      "word": "Kohlelagerstätte"
      "word": "Kohlenlagerstätte"
      "word": "Kohlemangel"
      "sense": "pénurie de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenmangel"
      "word": "Kohlemeiler"
      "word": "Kohlenmeiler"
      "sense": "mine de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlemine"
      "sense": "charbonner",
      "word": "kohlen"
      "sense": "allume-feu",
      "word": "Kohlenanzünder"
      "sense": "mineuse",
      "word": "Kohlenarbeiter"
      "sense": "cendre de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenasche"
      "sense": "rendement du charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenausbeute"
      "sense": "exportation de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenausfuhr"
      "word": "Kohlenbank"
      "sense": "réchaud",
      "word": "Kohlenbecken"
      "sense": "réservoir de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenbehälter"
      "sense": "réserve de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenbevorratung"
      "sense": "feu de mine de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenbrand"
      "sense": "charbonnière",
      "word": "Kohlenbrenner"
      "word": "Kohlenbrocken"
      "word": "Kohlendioxid"
      "sense": "dioxyde de carbone",
      "word": "Kohlendioxyd"
      "sense": "seau à charbon",
      "word": "Kohleneimer"
      "sense": "charbonnier",
      "word": "Köhlener"
      "word": "Kohlenferien"
      "sense": "feu de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenfeuer"
      "word": "Kohlenfeuerung"
      "sense": "veine de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenflöz"
      "word": "Kohlenfrachter"
      "word": "Kohlengas"
      "sense": "bassin minier",
      "word": "Kohlengebiet"
      "sense": "extraction du charbon",
      "word": "Kohlengewinnung"
      "word": "Kohlenglut"
      "word": "Kohlengreifer"
      "word": "Kohlengrus"
      "sense": "terril",
      "word": "Kohlenhalde"
      "sense": "négoce de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenhandel"
      "word": "Kohlenhandlung"
      "sense": "wagonnet de mine",
      "word": "Kohlenhund"
      "sense": "pièce de stockage du charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenkammer"
      "sense": "ticket de rationnement de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenkarte"
      "sense": "caisse à charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenkasten"
      "sense": "cave à charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenkeller"
      "sense": "caisse à charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenkiste"
      "sense": "vol de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenklau"
      "sense": "pénurie de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenknappheit"
      "word": "Kohlenladung"
      "word": "Kohlenlager"
      "sense": "magnat du charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenmagnat"
      "word": "Kohlenmann"
      "sense": "monoxyde de carbone",
      "word": "Kohlenmonoxid"
      "word": "Kohlenmonoxyd"
      "word": "Kohlenniederlage"
      "word": "Kohlenofen"
      "word": "Kohlenoxid"
      "sense": "monoxyde de carbone",
      "word": "Kohlenoxyd"
      "sense": "réchaud",
      "word": "Kohlenpfanne"
      "word": "Kohlenpfeiler"
      "word": "Kohlenplätteisen"
      "word": "Kohlenplatz"
      "sense": "région de la Rhur",
      "word": "Kohlenpott"
      "word": "Kohlenproblem"
      "sense": "production de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenproduktion"
      "word": "Kohlenrevier"
      "word": "Kohlerevier"
      "word": "Kohlenruß"
      "word": "Kohlenrutsche"
      "sense": "Sac à Charbon",
      "word": "Kohlensack"
      "sense": "carbonate",
      "word": "Kohlensauer"
      "sense": "acide carbonique",
      "word": "Kohlensäure"
      "word": "Kohlenschacht"
      "sense": "pelle à charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenschaufel"
      "word": "Kohlenschicht"
      "sense": "navire charbonnier",
      "word": "Kohlenschiff"
      "sense": "pelle à charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenschippe"
      "word": "Kohlenschlacke"
      "word": "Kohlenschute"
      "word": "Kohlenschütte"
      "word": "Kohlenstapel"
      "word": "Kohlenstation"
      "sense": "poussière de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenstaub"
      "word": "Kohlenstift"
      "sense": "carbone",
      "word": "Kohlenstoff"
      "sense": "coaltar",
      "word": "Kohlenteer"
      "word": "Kohlentender"
      "word": "Kohletender"
      "word": "Kohlenträger"
      "word": "Kohlentransport"
      "sense": "transport du charbon",
      "word": "Kohletransport"
      "word": "Kohlentrimmer"
      "word": "Kohlevorkommen"
      "word": "Kohlenvorrat"
      "word": "Kohlevorrat"
      "word": "Kohlenwaggon"
      "word": "Kohlenwagon"
      "word": "Kohlewaggon"
      "word": "Kohlewagon"
      "word": "Kohlenwäsche"
      "sense": "hydrocarbure",
      "word": "Kohlenwasserstoff"
      "word": "Kohlenzange"
      "sense": "houillère",
      "word": "Kohlenzeche"
      "sense": "poêle à charbon",
      "word": "Kohleofen"
      "sense": "papier carbone",
      "word": "Kohlepapier"
      "word": "Kohlepfennig"
      "word": "Kohlepräparat"
      "word": "Kohlepreis"
      "sense": "prix du charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenpreis"
      "sense": "lieu noir",
      "word": "Köhler"
      "word": "Kohlerechnung"
      "sense": "région charbonnière",
      "word": "Kohleregion"
      "sense": "charbonnière",
      "word": "Köhlerei"
      "word": "Kohleschacht"
      "sense": "fusain",
      "word": "Kohlestift"
      "word": "Kohlestrom"
      "word": "Kohlesubvention"
      "word": "Kohletablette"
      "sense": "consommation de charbon",
      "word": "Kohleverbrauch"
      "word": "Kohleveredlung"
      "word": "Kohleverflüssigung"
      "word": "Kohlevergasung"
      "sense": "production d'électricité à partir de charbon",
      "word": "Kohleverstromung"
      "word": "Kohlevorkommen"
      "sense": "gisement de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenvorkommen"
      "sense": "réserve de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlevorrat"
      "sense": "fusain",
      "word": "Kohlezeichnung"
      "word": "Kohlezug"
      "sense": "train de charbon",
      "word": "Kohlenzug"
      "word": "Kohlplatte"
      "word": "Kohlwald"
      "word": "Kokskohle"
      "word": "Magerkohle"
      "word": "Nusskohle"
      "word": "Palmkohl"
      "word": "Pechkohle"
      "word": "Pflanzenkohle"
      "word": "Presskohle"
      "word": "Reinkohle"
      "word": "Rohkohle"
      "word": "Ruhrgebietskohle"
      "word": "Ruhrkohle"
      "word": "Rußkohle"
      "word": "Schwefelkohle"
      "word": "Schwelkohle"
      "word": "Siebkohle"
      "sense": "charbon de poussière",
      "word": "Staubkohle"
      "sense": "houille",
      "word": "Steinkohle"
      "sense": "charbon en morceaux",
      "word": "Stückkohle"
      "sense": "noir animal",
      "word": "Tierkohle"
      "sense": "charbon de tourbe",
      "word": "Torfkohle"
      "word": "Waschkohle"
      "word": "Wirbelschichtkohle"
      "word": "Würfelkohle"
      "sense": "fusain",
      "word": "Zeichenkohle"
  "etymology_texts": [
    "(VIIIᵉ siècle). Du moyen haut-allemand kol et du vieux haut allemand kolo. Voir aussi le germain *kula, *kulon, l’ancien français kole, l’anglo-saxon col, l’ancien nordique kol ou kul. Signifie au départ (« charbon de bois »), le sens a ensuite dérivé vers (« charbon ») et (« lignite »)."
  "forms": [
      "form": "die Kohle",
      "tags": [
      "form": "die Kohlen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "die Kohle",
      "tags": [
      "form": "die Kohlen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "der Kohle",
      "tags": [
      "form": "der Kohlen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "der Kohle",
      "tags": [
      "form": "den Kohlen",
      "tags": [
  "lang": "Allemand",
  "lang_code": "de",
  "pos": "noun",
  "pos_title": "Nom commun",
  "proverbs": [
      "sense": "être sur des charbons ardents",
      "word": "auf glühenden Kohlen sitzen"
      "sense": "être sur des charbons ardents",
      "word": "auf heißen Kohlen sitzen"
      "word": "feurige Kohlen auf dem Haupt sammeln"
      "word": "glühende Kohlen auf dem Haupt sammeln"
      "sense": "être sur des charbons ardents",
      "word": "wie auf glühenden Kohlen sitzen"
  "senses": [
      "categories": [
        "Exemples en allemand",
        "Lexique en allemand de la géologie"
      "examples": [
          "text": "Leg noch etwas mehr Kohle in den Grill!",
          "translation": "Mets un peu plus de charbon dans le barbecue."
          "text": "Im Ruhrgebiet wurde früher in großem Stil Kohle abgebaut.",
          "translation": "Dans la région de la Ruhr, on extrayait autrefois du charbon à grande échelle."
      "glosses": [
      "topics": [
      "categories": [
        "Exemples en allemand",
        "Termes familiers en allemand"
      "examples": [
          "text": "Ich hab keine Kohle mit, kannst du mir etwas leihen?",
          "translation": "J'ai pas de tune, tu peux m'en prêter ?"
          "ref": "Hervé Le Tellier, traduit par Romy Ritte et Jürgen Ritte, Die Anomalie, Rowohlt Verlag, 2021",
          "text": "Eines Abends erklärt ihm ein ziemlich betrunkener Typ in einer Bar, dass er jemand anderen umbringen lassen will. Er hat gewiss einen guten Grund dafür, irgendwas mit dem Job, mit einer Frau, aber Blake schert sich nicht drum. – Würdest du das machen, für Kohle?",
          "translation": "Un soir, dans un bar, un type, bien saoul, lui dit vouloir en faire tuer un autre. Il a sans doute une bonne raison pour ça, un truc de boulot, de femme, mais Blake, ça lui est égal. — Tu le ferais, toi, pour du fric ?"
      "glosses": [
        "Fric, tune."
      "tags": [
  "sounds": [
      "ipa": "\\koːlə\\"
      "audio": "De-Kohle.ogg",
      "ipa": "ˈkoːlə",
      "mp3_url": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/transcoded/f/f8/De-Kohle.ogg/De-Kohle.ogg.mp3",
      "ogg_url": "https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/De-Kohle.ogg",
      "raw_tags": [
  "tags": [
  "word": "Kohle"

  "categories": [
    "Formes de noms communs en allemand",
    "Mots en allemand issus d’un mot en moyen haut-allemand",
    "Mots en allemand issus d’un mot en vieux haut allemand",
  "etymology_texts": [
    "(VIIIᵉ siècle). Du moyen haut-allemand kol et du vieux haut allemand kolo. Voir aussi le germain *kula, *kulon, l’ancien français kole, l’anglo-saxon col, l’ancien nordique kol ou kul. Signifie au départ (« charbon de bois »), le sens a ensuite dérivé vers (« charbon ») et (« lignite »)."
  "forms": [
      "form": "der Kohl",
      "tags": [
      "form": "die Kohle",
      "tags": [
      "form": "den Kohl",
      "tags": [
      "form": "die Kohle",
      "tags": [
      "form": "des Kohls",
      "tags": [
      "form": "Kohles",
      "tags": [
      "form": "der Kohle",
      "tags": [
      "form": "dem Kohl",
      "tags": [
      "form": "Kohle",
      "tags": [
      "form": "den Kohlen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "Kohl",
      "raw_tags": [
        "datif singulier"
  "lang": "Allemand",
  "lang_code": "de",
  "notes": [
    "Le datif singulier en « -e » (Dativ-e) désigne une variante pour le datif qui était fréquemment utilisée dans la langue écrite jusqu’au milieu du 20ᵉ siècle. Depuis, elle a été de moins en moins employée, bien qu’elle subsiste dans certaines expressions et tournures."
  "pos": "noun",
  "pos_title": "Forme de nom commun",
  "senses": [
      "form_of": [
          "word": "Kohl"
      "glosses": [
        "Accusatif pluriel de Kohl."
      "form_of": [
          "word": "Kohl"
      "glosses": [
        "Génitif pluriel de Kohl."
      "form_of": [
          "word": "Kohl"
      "glosses": [
        "Nominatif pluriel de Kohl."
      "form_of": [
          "word": "Kohl"
      "glosses": [
        "Variante du datif singulier de Kohl."
  "sounds": [
      "ipa": "\\ˈkoːlə\\"
      "audio": "De-Kohle.ogg",
      "ipa": "ˈkoːlə",
      "mp3_url": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/transcoded/f/f8/De-Kohle.ogg/De-Kohle.ogg.mp3",
      "ogg_url": "https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/De-Kohle.ogg",
      "raw_tags": [
  "tags": [
  "word": "Kohle"

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This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable All languages combined dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-08 from the frwiktionary dump dated 2025-03-02 using wiktextract (32c88e6 and 633533e). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.