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北 (Chinese character) 北/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Hong-Kong not in or uppercase_tags: {"categories": ["Beginning Mandarin", "Chinese adjectives", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese nouns", "Chinese terms derived from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms inherited from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms spelled with 北", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Eastern Min adjectives", "Eastern Min hanzi", "Eastern Min lemmas", "Eastern Min nouns", "Middle Chinese adjectives", "Middle Chinese hanzi", "Middle Chinese lemmas", "Middle Chinese nouns", "Northern Min adjectives", "Northern Min hanzi", "Northern Min lemmas", "Northern Min nouns", "Old Chinese adjectives", "Old Chinese hanzi", "Old Chinese lemmas", "Old Chinese nouns", "Pages using lite templates", "Pages with 10 entries", "Pages with entries", "Southern Pinghua adjectives", "Southern Pinghua hanzi", "Southern Pinghua lemmas", "Southern 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"j3": "", "j3t": "", "j4": "", "j4t": "", "jdesc": "", "jje2": "", "jje2t": "", "jje3": "", "jje3t": "", "jje4": "", "jje4t": "", "jjedesc": "", "jjet": "", "jt": "", "k2": "", "k2t": "", "k3": "", "k3t": "", "k4": "", "k4t": "", "kdesc": "", "kt": "", "o": "北", "o2": "", "o2t": "", "o3": "", "o3t": "", "o4": "", "o4t": "", "odesc": "", "ot": "", "s": "北", "v": "北", "v2": "", "v2t": "", "v3": "", "v3t": "", "v4": "", "v4t": "", "vdesc": "", "vt": ""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "ほく", "3": "북", "4": "bắc"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)"}, {"depth": 1, "templates": [{"args": {"1": "ja", "2": "-", "bor": "1"}, "expansion": "→ Japanese:", "name": "desc"}, {"args": 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{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*ba", "4": "", "5": "to carry (on back), shoulder"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "inh-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back (of body)"}, "expansion": "“back (of body)”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back"}, "expansion": "“back”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "to turn the back to; to retreat"}, "expansion": "“to turn the back to; to retreat”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "南", "gloss": "south"}, "expansion": "南 (OC *nuːm, “south”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Sagart, 1988"}, "expansion": "Sagart, 1988", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)\nIdeogrammic compound (會意 /会意) – two men back to back. Originally meaning “back”; the character 背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs) refers to the original word.\nCompare 化, 比, 卬, and 尼.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”).\nThe sense of “north” is derived from “back (of body)”: “back” → “to turn the back to; to retreat” → “north”.\nThe ancient Chinese value the southern direction and houses are traditionally oriented along a north–south axis, as evident in the fengshui theory and in the orientation of buildings in Chinese Neolithic sites. North is the direction the back is oriented to when the person is facing south.\nCompare the graphical origin of 南 (OC *nuːm, “south”) (Sagart, 1988).", "forms": [{"form": "业"}, {"form": "𧉥"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "北", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to move north", "roman": "běi yí", "text": "北移"}, {"text": "北京 ― Běijīng ― Beijing (literally, “northern capital”)"}], "glosses": ["north; northern"], "links": [["north", "north"], ["northern", "northern"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to suffer defeat", "roman": "bàiběi", "text": "敗北/败北"}], "glosses": ["to be defeated; to fail"], "links": [["defeat", "defeat"], ["fail", "fail"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "bò"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "bei³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "bo⁴"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄅㄟˇ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄅㄛˋ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "be²"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Xi'an"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "be̊q"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "бый"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bɨy"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "bak¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Dongguan"], "zh-pron": "bak⁷"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bak²"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Yangjiang"], "zh-pron": "bak³"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bet⁶"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "pet"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "bed^ˊ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "bêd⁵"}, {"tags": ["Changting", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "be²"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bei²"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bieh⁴"}, {"zh-pron": "bă̤"}, {"zh-pron": "báe̤k"}, {"zh-pron": "bah⁶"}, {"zh-pron": "bor⁵"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "pak"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "pok"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "bag⁴"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "bag⁴"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "beg⁴"}, {"zh-pron": "bak²"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷poq"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷peq"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "be⁶"}, {"tags": ["Loudi", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "be²"}, {"tags": ["Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "be⁶"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄅㄟˇ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "pei³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "beei"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "бэй"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "bɛj"}, {"ipa": "/peɪ̯²¹⁴/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "bò"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄅㄛˋ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bò"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "po⁴"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "bwò"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "boh"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "бо"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "bo"}, {"ipa": "/pu̯ɔ⁵¹/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "be"}, {"ipa": "/pɛ²¹/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"ipa": "/pei²¹/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "be̊q"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "beq⁵"}, {"ipa": "/pəʔ⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/pei²⁴/", "tags": ["Dungan", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "bāk"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bak⁷"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "beg¹"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚⁵/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "bak⁷"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bak²"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "bak³"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚²⁴/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bet⁶"}, {"ipa": "/pɛt̚⁵/", "tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Phak-fa-su"], "zh-pron": "pet"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "bed^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Hagfa-Pinyim", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "bed⁵"}, {"ipa": "/pet̚²/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "bed^ˊ"}, {"ipa": "/pet/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/pɛt̚¹/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka"], "zh-pron": "be²"}, {"ipa": "/pe²⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bei²"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bieh⁴"}, {"ipa": "/pei⁵³/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"ipa": "/piəʔ²/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Jian'ou", "Kienning-Colloquial-Romanized"], "zh-pron": "bă̤"}, {"ipa": "/pɛ²⁴/", "tags": ["Jian'ou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Foochow-Romanized", "Fuzhou"], "zh-pron": "báe̤k"}, {"ipa": "/pɔyʔ²⁴/", "tags": ["Fuzhou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Puxian-Min"], "zh-pron": "bah⁶"}, {"ipa": "/paʔ¹/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/paʔ²/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Puxian-Min"], "zh-pron": "bor⁵"}, {"ipa": "/pɒ²¹/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "pak"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "pok"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "pag"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "pog"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen"]}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen"]}, {"ipa": "/pak̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/pak̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/pak̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Taipei"]}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Taipei"]}, {"ipa": "/pak̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung"]}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung"]}, {"tags": ["POJ", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "pak"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚²/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Teochew"]}, {"zh-pron": "bag⁴"}, {"zh-pron": "beg⁴"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚⁵/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/pek̚⁵/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Southern-Pinghua"], "zh-pron": "bak²"}, {"ipa": "/pək̚³³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Southern-Pinghua"]}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷poq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "poh^入"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁴poq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/poʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/ɓoʔ⁴⁴/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/poʔ⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/poʔ⁴³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/poʔ⁴⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷peq"}, {"tags": ["Wu"], "zh-pron": "/pəʔ⁴⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/pɤ̞²⁴/", "tags": ["Changsha", "Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"tags": ["Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "be²"}, {"ipa": "/pe̞¹³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"ipa": "/pe²²/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"tags": ["Middle-Chinese"], "zh-pron": "pok"}, {"tags": ["Baxter-Sagart", "Old-Chinese"], "zh-pron": "/*pˤək/"}, {"tags": ["Old-Chinese", "Zhengzhang"], "zh-pron": "/*pɯːɡ/"}, {"ipa": "/peɪ̯²¹⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/pu̯ɔ⁵¹/"}, {"ipa": "/pɛ²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/pei²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/pəʔ⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/pei²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚⁴⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/pɛt̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": 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北 (Chinese character) 北/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Hong-Kong not in or uppercase_tags: {"categories": ["Beginning Mandarin", "Chinese adjectives", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese nouns", "Chinese terms derived from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms inherited from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms spelled with 北", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Eastern Min adjectives", "Eastern Min hanzi", "Eastern Min lemmas", "Eastern Min nouns", "Middle Chinese adjectives", "Middle Chinese hanzi", "Middle Chinese lemmas", "Middle Chinese nouns", "Northern Min adjectives", "Northern Min hanzi", "Northern Min lemmas", "Northern Min nouns", "Old Chinese adjectives", "Old Chinese hanzi", "Old Chinese lemmas", "Old Chinese nouns", "Pages using lite templates", "Pages with 10 entries", "Pages with entries", "Southern Pinghua adjectives", "Southern Pinghua hanzi", "Southern Pinghua lemmas", "Southern 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"j3": "", "j3t": "", "j4": "", "j4t": "", "jdesc": "", "jje2": "", "jje2t": "", "jje3": "", "jje3t": "", "jje4": "", "jje4t": "", "jjedesc": "", "jjet": "", "jt": "", "k2": "", "k2t": "", "k3": "", "k3t": "", "k4": "", "k4t": "", "kdesc": "", "kt": "", "o": "北", "o2": "", "o2t": "", "o3": "", "o3t": "", "o4": "", "o4t": "", "odesc": "", "ot": "", "s": "北", "v": "北", "v2": "", "v2t": "", "v3": "", "v3t": "", "v4": "", "v4t": "", "vdesc": "", "vt": ""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "ほく", "3": "북", "4": "bắc"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)"}, {"depth": 1, "templates": [{"args": {"1": "ja", "2": "-", "bor": "1"}, "expansion": "→ Japanese:", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "北", "2": "ペー", "3": "north wind (mahjong tile)"}, "expansion": "北(ペー) (pē, “north wind (mahjong tile)”)", "name": "ja-r"}], "text": "→ Japanese: 北(ペー) (pē, “north wind (mahjong tile)”)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {}, "expansion": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)", "name": "Han etyl"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "背"}, "expansion": "背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "inherited", "sort": ""}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "name": "der-lite/lang"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": 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"expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "sit-pro", "2": "*ba", "3": "", "4": "to carry (on back), shoulder", "g": "", "g2": "", "g3": "", "id": "", "lit": "", "pos": "", "sc": "", "tr": "", "ts": ""}, "expansion": "*ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "m-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*ba", "4": "", "5": "to carry (on back), shoulder"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "inh-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back (of body)"}, "expansion": "“back (of body)”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back"}, "expansion": "“back”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "to turn the back to; to retreat"}, "expansion": "“to turn the back to; to retreat”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "南", "gloss": "south"}, "expansion": "南 (OC *nuːm, “south”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Sagart, 1988"}, "expansion": "Sagart, 1988", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)\nIdeogrammic compound (會意 /会意) – two men back to back. Originally meaning “back”; the character 背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs) refers to the original word.\nCompare 化, 比, 卬, and 尼.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”).\nThe sense of “north” is derived from “back (of body)”: “back” → “to turn the back to; to retreat” → “north”.\nThe ancient Chinese value the southern direction and houses are traditionally oriented along a north–south axis, as evident in the fengshui theory and in the orientation of buildings in Chinese Neolithic sites. North is the direction the back is oriented to when the person is facing south.\nCompare the graphical origin of 南 (OC *nuːm, “south”) (Sagart, 1988).", "forms": [{"form": "业"}, {"form": "𧉥"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "北", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to move north", "roman": "běi yí", "text": "北移"}, {"text": "北京 ― Běijīng ― Beijing (literally, “northern capital”)"}], "glosses": ["north; northern"], "links": [["north", "north"], ["northern", "northern"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to suffer defeat", "roman": "bàiběi", "text": "敗北/败北"}], "glosses": ["to be defeated; to fail"], "links": [["defeat", "defeat"], ["fail", "fail"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], 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"j3": "", "j3t": "", "j4": "", "j4t": "", "jdesc": "", "jje2": "", "jje2t": "", "jje3": "", "jje3t": "", "jje4": "", "jje4t": "", "jjedesc": "", "jjet": "", "jt": "", "k2": "", "k2t": "", "k3": "", "k3t": "", "k4": "", "k4t": "", "kdesc": "", "kt": "", "o": "北", "o2": "", "o2t": "", "o3": "", "o3t": "", "o4": "", "o4t": "", "odesc": "", "ot": "", "s": "北", "v": "北", "v2": "", "v2t": "", "v3": "", "v3t": "", "v4": "", "v4t": "", "vdesc": "", "vt": ""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "ほく", "3": "북", "4": "bắc"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)"}, {"depth": 1, "templates": [{"args": {"1": "ja", "2": "-", "bor": "1"}, "expansion": "→ Japanese:", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "北", "2": "ペー", "3": "north wind (mahjong tile)"}, "expansion": "北(ペー) (pē, “north wind (mahjong tile)”)", "name": "ja-r"}], "text": "→ Japanese: 北(ペー) (pē, “north wind (mahjong tile)”)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {}, "expansion": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)", "name": "Han etyl"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "背"}, "expansion": "背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "inherited", "sort": ""}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "name": "der-lite/lang"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "sit-pro", "2": "*ba", "3": "", "4": "to carry (on back), shoulder", "g": "", "g2": "", "g3": "", "id": "", "lit": "", "pos": "", "sc": "", "tr": "", "ts": ""}, "expansion": "*ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "m-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*ba", "4": "", "5": "to carry (on back), shoulder"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "inh-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back (of body)"}, "expansion": "“back (of body)”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back"}, "expansion": "“back”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "to turn the back to; to retreat"}, "expansion": "“to turn the back to; to retreat”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "南", "gloss": "south"}, "expansion": "南 (OC *nuːm, “south”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Sagart, 1988"}, "expansion": "Sagart, 1988", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)\nIdeogrammic compound (會意 /会意) – two men back to back. Originally meaning “back”; the character 背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs) refers to the original word.\nCompare 化, 比, 卬, and 尼.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”).\nThe sense of “north” is derived from “back (of body)”: “back” → “to turn the back to; to retreat” → “north”.\nThe ancient Chinese value the southern direction and houses are traditionally oriented along a north–south axis, as evident in the fengshui theory and in the orientation of buildings in Chinese Neolithic sites. North is the direction the back is oriented to when the person is facing south.\nCompare the graphical origin of 南 (OC *nuːm, “south”) (Sagart, 1988).", "forms": [{"form": "业"}, {"form": "𧉥"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "北", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to move north", "roman": "běi yí", "text": "北移"}, {"text": "北京 ― Běijīng ― Beijing (literally, “northern capital”)"}], "glosses": ["north; northern"], "links": [["north", "north"], ["northern", "northern"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to suffer defeat", "roman": "bàiběi", "text": "敗北/败北"}], "glosses": ["to be defeated; to fail"], "links": [["defeat", "defeat"], ["fail", "fail"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], 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"j3": "", "j3t": "", "j4": "", "j4t": "", "jdesc": "", "jje2": "", "jje2t": "", "jje3": "", "jje3t": "", "jje4": "", "jje4t": "", "jjedesc": "", "jjet": "", "jt": "", "k2": "", "k2t": "", "k3": "", "k3t": "", "k4": "", "k4t": "", "kdesc": "", "kt": "", "o": "北", "o2": "", "o2t": "", "o3": "", "o3t": "", "o4": "", "o4t": "", "odesc": "", "ot": "", "s": "北", "v": "北", "v2": "", "v2t": "", "v3": "", "v3t": "", "v4": "", "v4t": "", "vdesc": "", "vt": ""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "ほく", "3": "북", "4": "bắc"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)"}, {"depth": 1, "templates": [{"args": {"1": "ja", "2": "-", "bor": "1"}, "expansion": "→ Japanese:", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "北", "2": "ペー", "3": "north wind (mahjong tile)"}, "expansion": "北(ペー) (pē, “north wind (mahjong tile)”)", "name": "ja-r"}], "text": "→ Japanese: 北(ペー) (pē, “north wind (mahjong tile)”)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {}, "expansion": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)", "name": "Han etyl"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "背"}, "expansion": "背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "inherited", "sort": ""}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "name": "der-lite/lang"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "sit-pro", "2": "*ba", "3": "", "4": "to carry (on back), shoulder", "g": "", "g2": "", "g3": "", "id": "", "lit": "", "pos": "", "sc": "", "tr": "", "ts": ""}, "expansion": "*ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "m-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*ba", "4": "", "5": "to carry (on back), shoulder"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "inh-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back (of body)"}, "expansion": "“back (of body)”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back"}, "expansion": "“back”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "to turn the back to; to retreat"}, "expansion": "“to turn the back to; to retreat”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "南", "gloss": "south"}, "expansion": "南 (OC *nuːm, “south”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Sagart, 1988"}, "expansion": "Sagart, 1988", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)\nIdeogrammic compound (會意 /会意) – two men back to back. Originally meaning “back”; the character 背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs) refers to the original word.\nCompare 化, 比, 卬, and 尼.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”).\nThe sense of “north” is derived from “back (of body)”: “back” → “to turn the back to; to retreat” → “north”.\nThe ancient Chinese value the southern direction and houses are traditionally oriented along a north–south axis, as evident in the fengshui theory and in the orientation of buildings in Chinese Neolithic sites. North is the direction the back is oriented to when the person is facing south.\nCompare the graphical origin of 南 (OC *nuːm, “south”) (Sagart, 1988).", "forms": [{"form": "业"}, {"form": "𧉥"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "北", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to move north", "roman": "běi yí", "text": "北移"}, {"text": "北京 ― Běijīng ― Beijing (literally, “northern capital”)"}], "glosses": ["north; northern"], "links": [["north", "north"], ["northern", "northern"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to suffer defeat", "roman": "bàiběi", "text": "敗北/败北"}], "glosses": ["to be defeated; to fail"], "links": [["defeat", "defeat"], ["fail", "fail"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], 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"expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "sit-pro", "2": "*ba", "3": "", "4": "to carry (on back), shoulder", "g": "", "g2": "", "g3": "", "id": "", "lit": "", "pos": "", "sc": "", "tr": "", "ts": ""}, "expansion": "*ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "m-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*ba", "4": "", "5": "to carry (on back), shoulder"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "inh-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back (of body)"}, "expansion": "“back (of body)”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back"}, "expansion": "“back”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "to turn the back to; to retreat"}, "expansion": "“to turn the back to; to retreat”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "南", "gloss": "south"}, "expansion": "南 (OC *nuːm, “south”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Sagart, 1988"}, "expansion": "Sagart, 1988", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)\nIdeogrammic compound (會意 /会意) – two men back to back. Originally meaning “back”; the character 背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs) refers to the original word.\nCompare 化, 比, 卬, and 尼.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”).\nThe sense of “north” is derived from “back (of body)”: “back” → “to turn the back to; to retreat” → “north”.\nThe ancient Chinese value the southern direction and houses are traditionally oriented along a north–south axis, as evident in the fengshui theory and in the orientation of buildings in Chinese Neolithic sites. North is the direction the back is oriented to when the person is facing south.\nCompare the graphical origin of 南 (OC *nuːm, “south”) (Sagart, 1988).", "forms": [{"form": "业"}, {"form": "𧉥"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "北", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to move north", "roman": "běi yí", "text": "北移"}, {"text": "北京 ― Běijīng ― Beijing (literally, “northern capital”)"}], "glosses": ["north; northern"], "links": [["north", "north"], ["northern", "northern"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to suffer defeat", "roman": "bàiběi", "text": "敗北/败北"}], "glosses": ["to be defeated; to fail"], "links": [["defeat", "defeat"], ["fail", "fail"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "bò"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "bei³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "bo⁴"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄅㄟˇ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄅㄛˋ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "be²"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Xi'an"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "be̊q"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "бый"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bɨy"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "bak¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Dongguan"], "zh-pron": "bak⁷"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bak²"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Yangjiang"], "zh-pron": "bak³"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bet⁶"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "pet"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "bed^ˊ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "bêd⁵"}, {"tags": ["Changting", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "be²"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bei²"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bieh⁴"}, {"zh-pron": "bă̤"}, {"zh-pron": "báe̤k"}, {"zh-pron": "bah⁶"}, {"zh-pron": "bor⁵"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "pak"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "pok"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "bag⁴"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "bag⁴"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "beg⁴"}, {"zh-pron": "bak²"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷poq"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷peq"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "be⁶"}, {"tags": ["Loudi", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "be²"}, {"tags": ["Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "be⁶"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄅㄟˇ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "pei³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "beei"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "бэй"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "bɛj"}, {"ipa": "/peɪ̯²¹⁴/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "bò"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄅㄛˋ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bò"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "po⁴"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "bwò"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "boh"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "бо"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "bo"}, {"ipa": "/pu̯ɔ⁵¹/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "be"}, {"ipa": "/pɛ²¹/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"ipa": "/pei²¹/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "be̊q"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "beq⁵"}, {"ipa": "/pəʔ⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/pei²⁴/", "tags": ["Dungan", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "bāk"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bak⁷"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "beg¹"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚⁵/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "bak⁷"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bak²"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "bak³"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚²⁴/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bet⁶"}, {"ipa": "/pɛt̚⁵/", "tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Phak-fa-su"], "zh-pron": "pet"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "bed^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Hagfa-Pinyim", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "bed⁵"}, {"ipa": "/pet̚²/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "bed^ˊ"}, {"ipa": "/pet/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/pɛt̚¹/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka"], "zh-pron": "be²"}, {"ipa": "/pe²⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bei²"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bieh⁴"}, {"ipa": "/pei⁵³/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"ipa": "/piəʔ²/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Jian'ou", "Kienning-Colloquial-Romanized"], "zh-pron": "bă̤"}, {"ipa": "/pɛ²⁴/", "tags": ["Jian'ou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Foochow-Romanized", "Fuzhou"], "zh-pron": "báe̤k"}, {"ipa": "/pɔyʔ²⁴/", "tags": ["Fuzhou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Puxian-Min"], "zh-pron": "bah⁶"}, {"ipa": "/paʔ¹/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/paʔ²/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Puxian-Min"], "zh-pron": "bor⁵"}, {"ipa": "/pɒ²¹/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "pak"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "pok"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "pag"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "pog"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen"]}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen"]}, {"ipa": "/pak̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/pak̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/pak̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Taipei"]}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Taipei"]}, {"ipa": "/pak̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung"]}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung"]}, {"tags": ["POJ", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "pak"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚²/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Teochew"]}, {"zh-pron": "bag⁴"}, {"zh-pron": "beg⁴"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚⁵/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/pek̚⁵/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Southern-Pinghua"], "zh-pron": "bak²"}, {"ipa": "/pək̚³³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Southern-Pinghua"]}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷poq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "poh^入"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁴poq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/poʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/ɓoʔ⁴⁴/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/poʔ⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/poʔ⁴³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/poʔ⁴⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷peq"}, {"tags": ["Wu"], "zh-pron": "/pəʔ⁴⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/pɤ̞²⁴/", "tags": ["Changsha", "Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"tags": ["Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "be²"}, {"ipa": "/pe̞¹³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"ipa": "/pe²²/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"tags": ["Middle-Chinese"], "zh-pron": "pok"}, {"tags": ["Baxter-Sagart", "Old-Chinese"], "zh-pron": "/*pˤək/"}, {"tags": ["Old-Chinese", "Zhengzhang"], "zh-pron": "/*pɯːɡ/"}, {"ipa": "/peɪ̯²¹⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/pu̯ɔ⁵¹/"}, {"ipa": "/pɛ²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/pei²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/pəʔ⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/pei²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚⁴⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/pɛt̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/pet̚²/"}, {"ipa": "/pet/"}, {"ipa": "/pɛt̚¹/"}, {"ipa": "/pe²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/pei⁵³/"}, {"ipa": "/piəʔ²/"}, {"ipa": "/pɛ²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/pɔyʔ²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/paʔ¹/"}, {"ipa": "/paʔ²/"}, {"ipa": "/pɒ²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚²/"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/pek̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/pək̚³³/"}, {"ipa": "/poʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/poʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/ɓoʔ⁴⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/poʔ⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/poʔ⁴³/"}, {"ipa": "/poʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/poʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/poʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/poʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/poʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/poʔ⁴⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/poʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/poʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/pəʔ⁴⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/pɤ̞²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/pe̞¹³/"}, {"ipa": "/pe²²/"}, {"other": "/*pˤək/"}, {"other": "/*pɯːɡ/"}], "wikipedia": ["Proto-Sino-Tibetan language"], "word": "北"}

北 (Chinese character) 北/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Hong-Kong not in or uppercase_tags: {"categories": ["Beginning Mandarin", "Chinese adjectives", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese nouns", "Chinese terms derived from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms inherited from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms spelled with 北", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Eastern Min adjectives", "Eastern Min hanzi", "Eastern Min lemmas", "Eastern Min nouns", "Middle Chinese adjectives", "Middle Chinese hanzi", "Middle Chinese lemmas", "Middle Chinese nouns", "Northern Min adjectives", "Northern Min hanzi", "Northern Min lemmas", "Northern Min nouns", "Old Chinese adjectives", "Old Chinese hanzi", "Old Chinese lemmas", "Old Chinese nouns", "Pages using lite templates", "Pages with 10 entries", "Pages with entries", "Southern Pinghua adjectives", "Southern Pinghua hanzi", "Southern Pinghua lemmas", "Southern Pinghua nouns", "zh:Compass points"], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {}, "expansion": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)", "name": "Han etyl"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "背"}, "expansion": "背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "inherited", "sort": ""}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "name": "der-lite/lang"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "sit-pro", "2": "*ba", "3": "", "4": "to carry (on back), shoulder", "g": "", "g2": "", "g3": "", "id": "", "lit": "", "pos": "", "sc": "", "tr": "", "ts": ""}, "expansion": "*ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "m-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*ba", "4": "", "5": "to carry (on back), shoulder"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "inh-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back (of body)"}, "expansion": "“back (of body)”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back"}, "expansion": "“back”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "to turn the back to; to retreat"}, "expansion": "“to turn the back to; to retreat”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "南", "gloss": "south"}, "expansion": "南 (OC *nuːm, “south”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Sagart, 1988"}, "expansion": "Sagart, 1988", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)\nIdeogrammic compound (會意 /会意) – two men back to back. Originally meaning “back”; the character 背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs) refers to the original word.\nCompare 化, 比, 卬, and 尼.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”).\nThe sense of “north” is derived from “back (of body)”: “back” → “to turn the back to; to retreat” → “north”.\nThe ancient Chinese value the southern direction and houses are traditionally oriented along a north–south axis, as evident in the fengshui theory and in the orientation of buildings in Chinese Neolithic sites. North is the direction the back is oriented to when the person is facing south.\nCompare the graphical origin of 南 (OC *nuːm, “south”) (Sagart, 1988).", "forms": [{"form": "业"}, {"form": "𧉥"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "北", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses"], "glosses": ["Original form of 背 (bèi, “back; to betray”)."], "links": [["背", "背#Chinese"]], "qualifier": "obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese", "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese) Original form of 背 (bèi, “back; to betray”)."]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bèi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bei⁴"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄅㄟˋ"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "bui³"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "bèi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bèi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "pei⁴"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "bèi"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "bey"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "бэй"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "bɛj"}, {"ipa": "/peɪ̯⁵¹/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "bui³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "bui"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bui³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "bui³"}, {"ipa": "/puːi̯³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/peɪ̯⁵¹/"}, {"ipa": "/puːi̯³³/"}], "wikipedia": ["Proto-Sino-Tibetan language"], "word": "北"}

北 (Chinese character) 北/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Hong-Kong not in or uppercase_tags: {"categories": ["Beginning Mandarin", "Chinese adjectives", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese nouns", "Chinese terms derived from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms inherited from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms spelled with 北", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Eastern Min adjectives", "Eastern Min hanzi", "Eastern Min lemmas", "Eastern Min nouns", "Middle Chinese adjectives", "Middle Chinese hanzi", "Middle Chinese lemmas", "Middle Chinese nouns", "Northern Min adjectives", "Northern Min hanzi", "Northern Min lemmas", "Northern Min nouns", "Old Chinese adjectives", "Old Chinese hanzi", "Old Chinese lemmas", "Old Chinese nouns", "Pages using lite templates", "Pages with 10 entries", "Pages with entries", "Southern Pinghua adjectives", "Southern Pinghua hanzi", "Southern Pinghua lemmas", "Southern Pinghua nouns", "zh:Compass points"], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {}, "expansion": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)", "name": "Han etyl"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "背"}, "expansion": "背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "inherited", "sort": ""}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "name": "der-lite/lang"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "sit-pro", "2": "*ba", "3": "", "4": "to carry (on back), shoulder", "g": "", "g2": "", "g3": "", "id": "", "lit": "", "pos": "", "sc": "", "tr": "", "ts": ""}, "expansion": "*ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "m-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*ba", "4": "", "5": "to carry (on back), shoulder"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "inh-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back (of body)"}, "expansion": "“back (of body)”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back"}, "expansion": "“back”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "to turn the back to; to retreat"}, "expansion": "“to turn the back to; to retreat”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "南", "gloss": "south"}, "expansion": "南 (OC *nuːm, “south”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Sagart, 1988"}, "expansion": "Sagart, 1988", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)\nIdeogrammic compound (會意 /会意) – two men back to back. Originally meaning “back”; the character 背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs) refers to the original word.\nCompare 化, 比, 卬, and 尼.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”).\nThe sense of “north” is derived from “back (of body)”: “back” → “to turn the back to; to retreat” → “north”.\nThe ancient Chinese value the southern direction and houses are traditionally oriented along a north–south axis, as evident in the fengshui theory and in the orientation of buildings in Chinese Neolithic sites. North is the direction the back is oriented to when the person is facing south.\nCompare the graphical origin of 南 (OC *nuːm, “south”) (Sagart, 1988).", "forms": [{"form": "业"}, {"form": "𧉥"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "北", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses"], "glosses": ["Original form of 背 (bèi, “back; to betray”)."], "links": [["背", "背#Chinese"]], "qualifier": "obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese", "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese) Original form of 背 (bèi, “back; to betray”)."]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bèi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bei⁴"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄅㄟˋ"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "bui³"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "bèi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bèi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "pei⁴"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "bèi"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "bey"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "бэй"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "bɛj"}, {"ipa": "/peɪ̯⁵¹/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "bui³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "bui"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bui³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "bui³"}, {"ipa": "/puːi̯³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/peɪ̯⁵¹/"}, {"ipa": "/puːi̯³³/"}], "wikipedia": ["Proto-Sino-Tibetan language"], "word": "北"}

北 (Chinese character) 北/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Hong-Kong not in or uppercase_tags: {"categories": ["Beginning Mandarin", "Chinese adjectives", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese nouns", "Chinese terms derived from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms inherited from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms spelled with 北", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Eastern Min adjectives", "Eastern Min hanzi", "Eastern Min lemmas", "Eastern Min nouns", "Middle Chinese adjectives", "Middle Chinese hanzi", "Middle Chinese lemmas", "Middle Chinese nouns", "Northern Min adjectives", "Northern Min hanzi", "Northern Min lemmas", "Northern Min nouns", "Old Chinese adjectives", "Old Chinese hanzi", "Old Chinese lemmas", "Old Chinese nouns", "Pages using lite templates", "Pages with 10 entries", "Pages with entries", "Southern Pinghua adjectives", "Southern Pinghua hanzi", "Southern Pinghua lemmas", "Southern Pinghua nouns", "zh:Compass points"], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {}, "expansion": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)", "name": "Han etyl"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "背"}, "expansion": "背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "inherited", "sort": ""}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "name": "der-lite/lang"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "sit-pro", "2": "*ba", "3": "", "4": "to carry (on back), shoulder", "g": "", "g2": "", "g3": "", "id": "", "lit": "", "pos": "", "sc": "", "tr": "", "ts": ""}, "expansion": "*ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "m-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*ba", "4": "", "5": "to carry (on back), shoulder"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "inh-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back (of body)"}, "expansion": "“back (of body)”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back"}, "expansion": "“back”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "to turn the back to; to retreat"}, "expansion": "“to turn the back to; to retreat”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "南", "gloss": "south"}, "expansion": "南 (OC *nuːm, “south”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Sagart, 1988"}, "expansion": "Sagart, 1988", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)\nIdeogrammic compound (會意 /会意) – two men back to back. Originally meaning “back”; the character 背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs) refers to the original word.\nCompare 化, 比, 卬, and 尼.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”).\nThe sense of “north” is derived from “back (of body)”: “back” → “to turn the back to; to retreat” → “north”.\nThe ancient Chinese value the southern direction and houses are traditionally oriented along a north–south axis, as evident in the fengshui theory and in the orientation of buildings in Chinese Neolithic sites. North is the direction the back is oriented to when the person is facing south.\nCompare the graphical origin of 南 (OC *nuːm, “south”) (Sagart, 1988).", "forms": [{"form": "业"}, {"form": "𧉥"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "北", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses"], "glosses": ["Original form of 背 (bèi, “back; to betray”)."], "links": [["背", "背#Chinese"]], "qualifier": "obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese", "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese) Original form of 背 (bèi, “back; to betray”)."]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bèi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bei⁴"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄅㄟˋ"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "bui³"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "bèi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bèi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "pei⁴"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "bèi"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "bey"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "бэй"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "bɛj"}, {"ipa": "/peɪ̯⁵¹/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "bui³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "bui"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bui³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "bui³"}, {"ipa": "/puːi̯³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/peɪ̯⁵¹/"}, {"ipa": "/puːi̯³³/"}], "wikipedia": ["Proto-Sino-Tibetan language"], "word": "北"}

北 (Chinese character) 北/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Hong-Kong not in or uppercase_tags: {"categories": ["Beginning Mandarin", "Chinese adjectives", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese nouns", "Chinese terms derived from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms inherited from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms spelled with 北", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Eastern Min adjectives", "Eastern Min hanzi", "Eastern Min lemmas", "Eastern Min nouns", "Middle Chinese adjectives", "Middle Chinese hanzi", "Middle Chinese lemmas", "Middle Chinese nouns", "Northern Min adjectives", "Northern Min hanzi", "Northern Min lemmas", "Northern Min nouns", "Old Chinese adjectives", "Old Chinese hanzi", "Old Chinese lemmas", "Old Chinese nouns", "Pages using lite templates", "Pages with 10 entries", "Pages with entries", "Southern Pinghua adjectives", "Southern Pinghua hanzi", "Southern Pinghua lemmas", "Southern Pinghua nouns", "zh:Compass points"], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {}, "expansion": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)", "name": "Han etyl"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "背"}, "expansion": "背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "inherited", "sort": ""}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "name": "der-lite/lang"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "sit-pro", "2": "*ba", "3": "", "4": "to carry (on back), shoulder", "g": "", "g2": "", "g3": "", "id": "", "lit": "", "pos": "", "sc": "", "tr": "", "ts": ""}, "expansion": "*ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "m-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*ba", "4": "", "5": "to carry (on back), shoulder"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "inh-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back (of body)"}, "expansion": "“back (of body)”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back"}, "expansion": "“back”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "to turn the back to; to retreat"}, "expansion": "“to turn the back to; to retreat”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "南", "gloss": "south"}, "expansion": "南 (OC *nuːm, “south”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Sagart, 1988"}, "expansion": "Sagart, 1988", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)\nIdeogrammic compound (會意 /会意) – two men back to back. Originally meaning “back”; the character 背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs) refers to the original word.\nCompare 化, 比, 卬, and 尼.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”).\nThe sense of “north” is derived from “back (of body)”: “back” → “to turn the back to; to retreat” → “north”.\nThe ancient Chinese value the southern direction and houses are traditionally oriented along a north–south axis, as evident in the fengshui theory and in the orientation of buildings in Chinese Neolithic sites. North is the direction the back is oriented to when the person is facing south.\nCompare the graphical origin of 南 (OC *nuːm, “south”) (Sagart, 1988).", "forms": [{"form": "业"}, {"form": "𧉥"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "北", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses"], "glosses": ["Original form of 背 (bèi, “back; to betray”)."], "links": [["背", "背#Chinese"]], "qualifier": "obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese", "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese) Original form of 背 (bèi, “back; to betray”)."]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bèi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bei⁴"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄅㄟˋ"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "bui³"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "bèi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bèi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "pei⁴"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "bèi"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "bey"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "бэй"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "bɛj"}, {"ipa": "/peɪ̯⁵¹/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "bui³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "bui"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bui³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "bui³"}, {"ipa": "/puːi̯³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/peɪ̯⁵¹/"}, {"ipa": "/puːi̯³³/"}], "wikipedia": ["Proto-Sino-Tibetan language"], "word": "北"}

北 (Chinese character) 北/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Hong-Kong not in or uppercase_tags: {"categories": ["Beginning Mandarin", "Chinese adjectives", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese nouns", "Chinese terms derived from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms inherited from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms spelled with 北", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Eastern Min adjectives", "Eastern Min hanzi", "Eastern Min lemmas", "Eastern Min nouns", "Middle Chinese adjectives", "Middle Chinese hanzi", "Middle Chinese lemmas", "Middle Chinese nouns", "Northern Min adjectives", "Northern Min hanzi", "Northern Min lemmas", "Northern Min nouns", "Old Chinese adjectives", "Old Chinese hanzi", "Old Chinese lemmas", "Old Chinese nouns", "Pages using lite templates", "Pages with 10 entries", "Pages with entries", "Southern Pinghua adjectives", "Southern Pinghua hanzi", "Southern Pinghua lemmas", "Southern Pinghua nouns", "zh:Compass points"], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {}, "expansion": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)", "name": "Han etyl"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "背"}, "expansion": "背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "inherited", "sort": ""}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "name": "der-lite/lang"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "sit-pro", "2": "*ba", "3": "", "4": "to carry (on back), shoulder", "g": "", "g2": "", "g3": "", "id": "", "lit": "", "pos": "", "sc": "", "tr": "", "ts": ""}, "expansion": "*ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "m-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*ba", "4": "", "5": "to carry (on back), shoulder"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "inh-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back (of body)"}, "expansion": "“back (of body)”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back"}, "expansion": "“back”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "to turn the back to; to retreat"}, "expansion": "“to turn the back to; to retreat”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "南", "gloss": "south"}, "expansion": "南 (OC *nuːm, “south”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Sagart, 1988"}, "expansion": "Sagart, 1988", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)\nIdeogrammic compound (會意 /会意) – two men back to back. Originally meaning “back”; the character 背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs) refers to the original word.\nCompare 化, 比, 卬, and 尼.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”).\nThe sense of “north” is derived from “back (of body)”: “back” → “to turn the back to; to retreat” → “north”.\nThe ancient Chinese value the southern direction and houses are traditionally oriented along a north–south axis, as evident in the fengshui theory and in the orientation of buildings in Chinese Neolithic sites. North is the direction the back is oriented to when the person is facing south.\nCompare the graphical origin of 南 (OC *nuːm, “south”) (Sagart, 1988).", "forms": [{"form": "业"}, {"form": "𧉥"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "北", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses"], "glosses": ["Original form of 背 (bèi, “back; to betray”)."], "links": [["背", "背#Chinese"]], "qualifier": "obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese", "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese) Original form of 背 (bèi, “back; to betray”)."]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bèi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bei⁴"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄅㄟˋ"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "bui³"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "bèi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bèi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "pei⁴"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "bèi"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "bey"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "бэй"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "bɛj"}, {"ipa": "/peɪ̯⁵¹/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "bui³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "bui"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bui³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "bui³"}, {"ipa": "/puːi̯³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/peɪ̯⁵¹/"}, {"ipa": "/puːi̯³³/"}], "wikipedia": ["Proto-Sino-Tibetan language"], "word": "北"}

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"j3": "", "j3t": "", "j4": "", "j4t": "", "jdesc": "", "jje2": "", "jje2t": "", "jje3": "", "jje3t": "", "jje4": "", "jje4t": "", "jjedesc": "", "jjet": "", "jt": "", "k2": "", "k2t": "", "k3": "", "k3t": "", "k4": "", "k4t": "", "kdesc": "", "kt": "", "o": "北", "o2": "", "o2t": "", "o3": "", "o3t": "", "o4": "", "o4t": "", "odesc": "", "ot": "", "s": "北", "v": "北", "v2": "", "v2t": "", "v3": "", "v3t": "", "v4": "", "v4t": "", "vdesc": "", "vt": ""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "ほく", "3": "북", "4": "bắc"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)"}, {"depth": 1, "templates": [{"args": {"1": "ja", "2": "-", "bor": "1"}, "expansion": "→ Japanese:", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "北", "2": "ペー", "3": "north wind (mahjong tile)"}, "expansion": "北(ペー) (pē, “north wind (mahjong tile)”)", "name": "ja-r"}], "text": "→ Japanese: 北(ペー) (pē, “north wind (mahjong tile)”)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {}, "expansion": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)", "name": "Han etyl"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "背"}, "expansion": "背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "inherited", "sort": ""}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "name": "der-lite/lang"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "sit-pro", "2": "*ba", "3": "", "4": "to carry (on back), shoulder", "g": "", "g2": "", "g3": "", "id": "", "lit": "", "pos": "", "sc": "", "tr": "", "ts": ""}, "expansion": "*ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "m-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*ba", "4": "", "5": "to carry (on back), shoulder"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "inh-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back (of body)"}, "expansion": "“back (of body)”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back"}, "expansion": "“back”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "to turn the back to; to retreat"}, "expansion": "“to turn the back to; to retreat”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "南", "gloss": "south"}, "expansion": "南 (OC *nuːm, “south”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Sagart, 1988"}, "expansion": "Sagart, 1988", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)\nIdeogrammic compound (會意 /会意) – two men back to back. Originally meaning “back”; the character 背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs) refers to the original word.\nCompare 化, 比, 卬, and 尼.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”).\nThe sense of “north” is derived from “back (of body)”: “back” → “to turn the back to; to retreat” → “north”.\nThe ancient Chinese value the southern direction and houses are traditionally oriented along a north–south axis, as evident in the fengshui theory and in the orientation of buildings in Chinese Neolithic sites. North is the direction the back is oriented to when the person is facing south.\nCompare the graphical origin of 南 (OC *nuːm, “south”) (Sagart, 1988).", "forms": [{"form": "业"}, {"form": "𧉥"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "北", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to move north", "roman": "běi yí", "text": "北移"}, {"text": "北京 ― Běijīng ― Beijing (literally, “northern capital”)"}], "glosses": ["north; northern"], "links": [["north", "north"], ["northern", "northern"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to suffer defeat", "roman": "bàiběi", "text": "敗北/败北"}], "glosses": ["to be defeated; to fail"], "links": [["defeat", "defeat"], ["fail", "fail"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], 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{"1": "北", "2": "ペー", "3": "north wind (mahjong tile)"}, "expansion": "北(ペー) (pē, “north wind (mahjong tile)”)", "name": "ja-r"}], "text": "→ Japanese: 北(ペー) (pē, “north wind (mahjong tile)”)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {}, "expansion": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)", "name": "Han etyl"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "背"}, "expansion": "背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "inherited", "sort": ""}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "name": "der-lite/lang"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "sit-pro", "2": "*ba", "3": "", "4": "to carry (on back), shoulder", "g": "", "g2": "", "g3": "", "id": "", "lit": "", "pos": "", "sc": "", "tr": "", "ts": ""}, "expansion": "*ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "m-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*ba", "4": "", "5": "to carry (on back), shoulder"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "inh-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back (of body)"}, "expansion": "“back (of body)”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back"}, "expansion": "“back”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "to turn the back to; to retreat"}, "expansion": "“to turn the back to; to retreat”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "南", "gloss": "south"}, "expansion": "南 (OC *nuːm, “south”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Sagart, 1988"}, "expansion": "Sagart, 1988", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)\nIdeogrammic compound (會意 /会意) – two men back to back. Originally meaning “back”; the character 背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs) refers to the original word.\nCompare 化, 比, 卬, and 尼.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”).\nThe sense of “north” is derived from “back (of body)”: “back” → “to turn the back to; to retreat” → “north”.\nThe ancient Chinese value the southern direction and houses are traditionally oriented along a north–south axis, as evident in the fengshui theory and in the orientation of buildings in Chinese Neolithic sites. North is the direction the back is oriented to when the person is facing south.\nCompare the graphical origin of 南 (OC *nuːm, “south”) (Sagart, 1988).", "forms": [{"form": "业"}, {"form": "𧉥"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "北", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to move north", "roman": "běi yí", "text": "北移"}, {"text": "北京 ― Běijīng ― Beijing (literally, “northern capital”)"}], "glosses": ["north; northern"], "links": [["north", "north"], ["northern", "northern"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to suffer defeat", "roman": "bàiběi", "text": "敗北/败北"}], "glosses": ["to be defeated; to fail"], "links": [["defeat", "defeat"], ["fail", "fail"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "bò"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "bei³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "bo⁴"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄅㄟˇ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄅㄛˋ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "be²"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Xi'an"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "be̊q"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "бый"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bɨy"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "bak¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Dongguan"], "zh-pron": "bak⁷"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bak²"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Yangjiang"], "zh-pron": "bak³"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bet⁶"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "pet"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "bed^ˊ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "bêd⁵"}, {"tags": ["Changting", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "be²"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bei²"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bieh⁴"}, {"zh-pron": "bă̤"}, {"zh-pron": "báe̤k"}, {"zh-pron": "bah⁶"}, {"zh-pron": "bor⁵"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "pak"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "pok"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "bag⁴"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "bag⁴"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "beg⁴"}, {"zh-pron": "bak²"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷poq"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷peq"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "be⁶"}, {"tags": ["Loudi", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "be²"}, {"tags": ["Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "be⁶"}, 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["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "be"}, {"ipa": "/pɛ²¹/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"ipa": "/pei²¹/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "be̊q"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "beq⁵"}, {"ipa": "/pəʔ⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/pei²⁴/", "tags": ["Dungan", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "bāk"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bak⁷"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "beg¹"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚⁵/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "bak⁷"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bak²"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "bak³"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚²⁴/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bet⁶"}, {"ipa": "/pɛt̚⁵/", "tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Phak-fa-su"], "zh-pron": "pet"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "bed^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Hagfa-Pinyim", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "bed⁵"}, {"ipa": "/pet̚²/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "bed^ˊ"}, {"ipa": "/pet/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/pɛt̚¹/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka"], "zh-pron": "be²"}, {"ipa": "/pe²⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bei²"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bieh⁴"}, {"ipa": "/pei⁵³/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"ipa": "/piəʔ²/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Jian'ou", "Kienning-Colloquial-Romanized"], "zh-pron": "bă̤"}, {"ipa": "/pɛ²⁴/", "tags": ["Jian'ou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Foochow-Romanized", "Fuzhou"], "zh-pron": "báe̤k"}, {"ipa": "/pɔyʔ²⁴/", "tags": ["Fuzhou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Puxian-Min"], "zh-pron": "bah⁶"}, {"ipa": "/paʔ¹/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/paʔ²/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Puxian-Min"], "zh-pron": "bor⁵"}, {"ipa": "/pɒ²¹/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "pak"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "pok"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "pag"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "pog"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen"]}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen"]}, {"ipa": "/pak̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/pak̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/pak̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Taipei"]}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Taipei"]}, {"ipa": "/pak̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung"]}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung"]}, {"tags": ["POJ", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "pak"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚²/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Teochew"]}, {"zh-pron": "bag⁴"}, {"zh-pron": "beg⁴"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚⁵/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/pek̚⁵/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Southern-Pinghua"], "zh-pron": "bak²"}, {"ipa": "/pək̚³³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Southern-Pinghua"]}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷poq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "poh^入"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁴poq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/poʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/ɓoʔ⁴⁴/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/poʔ⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/poʔ⁴³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/poʔ⁴⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷peq"}, {"tags": ["Wu"], "zh-pron": "/pəʔ⁴⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/pɤ̞²⁴/", "tags": ["Changsha", "Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"tags": ["Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "be²"}, {"ipa": "/pe̞¹³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"ipa": "/pe²²/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"tags": ["Middle-Chinese"], "zh-pron": "pok"}, {"tags": ["Baxter-Sagart", "Old-Chinese"], "zh-pron": "/*pˤək/"}, {"tags": ["Old-Chinese", "Zhengzhang"], "zh-pron": "/*pɯːɡ/"}, {"ipa": "/peɪ̯²¹⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/pu̯ɔ⁵¹/"}, {"ipa": "/pɛ²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/pei²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/pəʔ⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/pei²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚⁴⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/pɛt̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": 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北 (Chinese character) 北/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Puxian-Min not in or uppercase_tags: {"categories": ["Beginning Mandarin", "Chinese adjectives", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese nouns", "Chinese terms derived from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms inherited from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms spelled with 北", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Eastern Min adjectives", "Eastern Min hanzi", "Eastern Min lemmas", "Eastern Min nouns", "Middle Chinese adjectives", "Middle Chinese hanzi", "Middle Chinese lemmas", "Middle Chinese nouns", "Northern Min adjectives", "Northern Min hanzi", "Northern Min lemmas", "Northern Min nouns", "Old Chinese adjectives", "Old Chinese hanzi", "Old Chinese lemmas", "Old Chinese nouns", "Pages using lite templates", "Pages with 10 entries", "Pages with entries", "Southern Pinghua adjectives", "Southern Pinghua hanzi", "Southern Pinghua lemmas", "Southern 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"j3": "", "j3t": "", "j4": "", "j4t": "", "jdesc": "", "jje2": "", "jje2t": "", "jje3": "", "jje3t": "", "jje4": "", "jje4t": "", "jjedesc": "", "jjet": "", "jt": "", "k2": "", "k2t": "", "k3": "", "k3t": "", "k4": "", "k4t": "", "kdesc": "", "kt": "", "o": "北", "o2": "", "o2t": "", "o3": "", "o3t": "", "o4": "", "o4t": "", "odesc": "", "ot": "", "s": "北", "v": "北", "v2": "", "v2t": "", "v3": "", "v3t": "", "v4": "", "v4t": "", "vdesc": "", "vt": ""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "ほく", "3": "북", "4": "bắc"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)"}, {"depth": 1, "templates": [{"args": {"1": "ja", "2": "-", "bor": "1"}, "expansion": "→ Japanese:", "name": "desc"}, {"args": 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{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*ba", "4": "", "5": "to carry (on back), shoulder"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "inh-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back (of body)"}, "expansion": "“back (of body)”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back"}, "expansion": "“back”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "to turn the back to; to retreat"}, "expansion": "“to turn the back to; to retreat”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "南", "gloss": "south"}, "expansion": "南 (OC *nuːm, “south”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Sagart, 1988"}, "expansion": "Sagart, 1988", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)\nIdeogrammic compound (會意 /会意) – two men back to back. Originally meaning “back”; the character 背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs) refers to the original word.\nCompare 化, 比, 卬, and 尼.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”).\nThe sense of “north” is derived from “back (of body)”: “back” → “to turn the back to; to retreat” → “north”.\nThe ancient Chinese value the southern direction and houses are traditionally oriented along a north–south axis, as evident in the fengshui theory and in the orientation of buildings in Chinese Neolithic sites. North is the direction the back is oriented to when the person is facing south.\nCompare the graphical origin of 南 (OC *nuːm, “south”) (Sagart, 1988).", "forms": [{"form": "业"}, {"form": "𧉥"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "北", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to move north", "roman": "běi yí", "text": "北移"}, {"text": "北京 ― Běijīng ― Beijing (literally, “northern capital”)"}], "glosses": ["north; northern"], "links": [["north", "north"], ["northern", "northern"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to suffer defeat", "roman": "bàiběi", "text": "敗北/败北"}], "glosses": ["to be defeated; to fail"], "links": [["defeat", "defeat"], ["fail", "fail"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "bò"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "bei³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "bo⁴"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄅㄟˇ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄅㄛˋ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "be²"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Xi'an"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "be̊q"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "бый"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bɨy"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "bak¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Dongguan"], "zh-pron": "bak⁷"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bak²"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Yangjiang"], "zh-pron": "bak³"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bet⁶"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "pet"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "bed^ˊ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "bêd⁵"}, {"tags": ["Changting", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "be²"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bei²"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bieh⁴"}, {"zh-pron": "bă̤"}, {"zh-pron": "báe̤k"}, {"zh-pron": "bah⁶"}, {"zh-pron": "bor⁵"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "pak"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "pok"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "bag⁴"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "bag⁴"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "beg⁴"}, {"zh-pron": "bak²"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷poq"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷peq"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "be⁶"}, {"tags": ["Loudi", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "be²"}, {"tags": ["Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "be⁶"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄅㄟˇ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "pei³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "beei"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "бэй"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "bɛj"}, {"ipa": "/peɪ̯²¹⁴/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "bò"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄅㄛˋ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bò"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "po⁴"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "bwò"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "boh"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "бо"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "bo"}, {"ipa": "/pu̯ɔ⁵¹/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "be"}, {"ipa": "/pɛ²¹/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"ipa": "/pei²¹/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "be̊q"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "beq⁵"}, {"ipa": "/pəʔ⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/pei²⁴/", "tags": ["Dungan", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "bāk"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bak⁷"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "beg¹"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚⁵/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "bak⁷"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bak²"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "bak³"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚²⁴/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bet⁶"}, {"ipa": "/pɛt̚⁵/", "tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Phak-fa-su"], "zh-pron": "pet"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "bed^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Hagfa-Pinyim", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "bed⁵"}, {"ipa": "/pet̚²/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "bed^ˊ"}, {"ipa": "/pet/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/pɛt̚¹/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka"], "zh-pron": "be²"}, {"ipa": "/pe²⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bei²"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bieh⁴"}, {"ipa": "/pei⁵³/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"ipa": "/piəʔ²/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Jian'ou", "Kienning-Colloquial-Romanized"], "zh-pron": "bă̤"}, {"ipa": "/pɛ²⁴/", "tags": ["Jian'ou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Foochow-Romanized", "Fuzhou"], "zh-pron": "báe̤k"}, {"ipa": "/pɔyʔ²⁴/", "tags": ["Fuzhou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Puxian-Min"], "zh-pron": "bah⁶"}, {"ipa": "/paʔ¹/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/paʔ²/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Puxian-Min"], "zh-pron": "bor⁵"}, {"ipa": "/pɒ²¹/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "pak"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "pok"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "pag"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "pog"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen"]}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen"]}, {"ipa": "/pak̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/pak̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/pak̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Taipei"]}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Taipei"]}, {"ipa": "/pak̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung"]}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung"]}, {"tags": ["POJ", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "pak"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚²/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Teochew"]}, {"zh-pron": "bag⁴"}, {"zh-pron": "beg⁴"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚⁵/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/pek̚⁵/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Southern-Pinghua"], "zh-pron": "bak²"}, {"ipa": "/pək̚³³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Southern-Pinghua"]}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷poq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "poh^入"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁴poq"}, 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北 (Chinese character) 北/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Puxian-Min not in or uppercase_tags: {"categories": ["Beginning Mandarin", "Chinese adjectives", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese nouns", "Chinese terms derived from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms inherited from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms spelled with 北", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Eastern Min adjectives", "Eastern Min hanzi", "Eastern Min lemmas", "Eastern Min nouns", "Middle Chinese adjectives", "Middle Chinese hanzi", "Middle Chinese lemmas", "Middle Chinese nouns", "Northern Min adjectives", "Northern Min hanzi", "Northern Min lemmas", "Northern Min nouns", "Old Chinese adjectives", "Old Chinese hanzi", "Old Chinese lemmas", "Old Chinese nouns", "Pages using lite templates", "Pages with 10 entries", "Pages with entries", "Southern Pinghua adjectives", "Southern Pinghua hanzi", "Southern Pinghua lemmas", "Southern 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"j3": "", "j3t": "", "j4": "", "j4t": "", "jdesc": "", "jje2": "", "jje2t": "", "jje3": "", "jje3t": "", "jje4": "", "jje4t": "", "jjedesc": "", "jjet": "", "jt": "", "k2": "", "k2t": "", "k3": "", "k3t": "", "k4": "", "k4t": "", "kdesc": "", "kt": "", "o": "北", "o2": "", "o2t": "", "o3": "", "o3t": "", "o4": "", "o4t": "", "odesc": "", "ot": "", "s": "北", "v": "北", "v2": "", "v2t": "", "v3": "", "v3t": "", "v4": "", "v4t": "", "vdesc": "", "vt": ""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "ほく", "3": "북", "4": "bắc"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)"}, {"depth": 1, "templates": [{"args": {"1": "ja", "2": "-", "bor": "1"}, "expansion": "→ Japanese:", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "北", "2": "ペー", "3": "north wind (mahjong tile)"}, "expansion": "北(ペー) (pē, “north wind (mahjong tile)”)", "name": "ja-r"}], "text": "→ Japanese: 北(ペー) (pē, “north wind (mahjong tile)”)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {}, "expansion": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)", "name": "Han etyl"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "背"}, "expansion": "背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "inherited", "sort": ""}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "name": "der-lite/lang"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": 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"expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "sit-pro", "2": "*ba", "3": "", "4": "to carry (on back), shoulder", "g": "", "g2": "", "g3": "", "id": "", "lit": "", "pos": "", "sc": "", "tr": "", "ts": ""}, "expansion": "*ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "m-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*ba", "4": "", "5": "to carry (on back), shoulder"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "inh-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back (of body)"}, "expansion": "“back (of body)”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back"}, "expansion": "“back”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "to turn the back to; to retreat"}, "expansion": "“to turn the back to; to retreat”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "南", "gloss": "south"}, "expansion": "南 (OC *nuːm, “south”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Sagart, 1988"}, "expansion": "Sagart, 1988", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)\nIdeogrammic compound (會意 /会意) – two men back to back. Originally meaning “back”; the character 背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs) refers to the original word.\nCompare 化, 比, 卬, and 尼.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”).\nThe sense of “north” is derived from “back (of body)”: “back” → “to turn the back to; to retreat” → “north”.\nThe ancient Chinese value the southern direction and houses are traditionally oriented along a north–south axis, as evident in the fengshui theory and in the orientation of buildings in Chinese Neolithic sites. North is the direction the back is oriented to when the person is facing south.\nCompare the graphical origin of 南 (OC *nuːm, “south”) (Sagart, 1988).", "forms": [{"form": "业"}, {"form": "𧉥"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "北", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to move north", "roman": "běi yí", "text": "北移"}, {"text": "北京 ― Běijīng ― Beijing (literally, “northern capital”)"}], "glosses": ["north; northern"], "links": [["north", "north"], ["northern", "northern"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to suffer defeat", "roman": "bàiběi", "text": "敗北/败北"}], "glosses": ["to be defeated; to fail"], "links": [["defeat", "defeat"], ["fail", "fail"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], 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"j3": "", "j3t": "", "j4": "", "j4t": "", "jdesc": "", "jje2": "", "jje2t": "", "jje3": "", "jje3t": "", "jje4": "", "jje4t": "", "jjedesc": "", "jjet": "", "jt": "", "k2": "", "k2t": "", "k3": "", "k3t": "", "k4": "", "k4t": "", "kdesc": "", "kt": "", "o": "北", "o2": "", "o2t": "", "o3": "", "o3t": "", "o4": "", "o4t": "", "odesc": "", "ot": "", "s": "北", "v": "北", "v2": "", "v2t": "", "v3": "", "v3t": "", "v4": "", "v4t": "", "vdesc": "", "vt": ""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "ほく", "3": "북", "4": "bắc"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)"}, {"depth": 1, "templates": [{"args": {"1": "ja", "2": "-", "bor": "1"}, "expansion": "→ Japanese:", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "北", "2": "ペー", "3": "north wind (mahjong tile)"}, "expansion": "北(ペー) (pē, “north wind (mahjong tile)”)", "name": "ja-r"}], "text": "→ Japanese: 北(ペー) (pē, “north wind (mahjong tile)”)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {}, "expansion": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)", "name": "Han etyl"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "背"}, "expansion": "背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "inherited", "sort": ""}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "name": "der-lite/lang"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "sit-pro", "2": "*ba", "3": "", "4": "to carry (on back), shoulder", "g": "", "g2": "", "g3": "", "id": "", "lit": "", "pos": "", "sc": "", "tr": "", "ts": ""}, "expansion": "*ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "m-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*ba", "4": "", "5": "to carry (on back), shoulder"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "inh-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back (of body)"}, "expansion": "“back (of body)”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back"}, "expansion": "“back”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "to turn the back to; to retreat"}, "expansion": "“to turn the back to; to retreat”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "南", "gloss": "south"}, "expansion": "南 (OC *nuːm, “south”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Sagart, 1988"}, "expansion": "Sagart, 1988", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)\nIdeogrammic compound (會意 /会意) – two men back to back. Originally meaning “back”; the character 背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs) refers to the original word.\nCompare 化, 比, 卬, and 尼.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”).\nThe sense of “north” is derived from “back (of body)”: “back” → “to turn the back to; to retreat” → “north”.\nThe ancient Chinese value the southern direction and houses are traditionally oriented along a north–south axis, as evident in the fengshui theory and in the orientation of buildings in Chinese Neolithic sites. North is the direction the back is oriented to when the person is facing south.\nCompare the graphical origin of 南 (OC *nuːm, “south”) (Sagart, 1988).", "forms": [{"form": "业"}, {"form": "𧉥"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "北", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to move north", "roman": "běi yí", "text": "北移"}, {"text": "北京 ― Běijīng ― Beijing (literally, “northern capital”)"}], "glosses": ["north; northern"], "links": [["north", "north"], ["northern", "northern"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to suffer defeat", "roman": "bàiběi", "text": "敗北/败北"}], "glosses": ["to be defeated; to fail"], "links": [["defeat", "defeat"], ["fail", "fail"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], 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"j3": "", "j3t": "", "j4": "", "j4t": "", "jdesc": "", "jje2": "", "jje2t": "", "jje3": "", "jje3t": "", "jje4": "", "jje4t": "", "jjedesc": "", "jjet": "", "jt": "", "k2": "", "k2t": "", "k3": "", "k3t": "", "k4": "", "k4t": "", "kdesc": "", "kt": "", "o": "北", "o2": "", "o2t": "", "o3": "", "o3t": "", "o4": "", "o4t": "", "odesc": "", "ot": "", "s": "北", "v": "北", "v2": "", "v2t": "", "v3": "", "v3t": "", "v4": "", "v4t": "", "vdesc": "", "vt": ""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "ほく", "3": "북", "4": "bắc"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)"}, {"depth": 1, "templates": [{"args": {"1": "ja", "2": "-", "bor": "1"}, "expansion": "→ Japanese:", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "北", "2": "ペー", "3": "north wind (mahjong tile)"}, "expansion": "北(ペー) (pē, “north wind (mahjong tile)”)", "name": "ja-r"}], "text": "→ Japanese: 北(ペー) (pē, “north wind (mahjong tile)”)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {}, "expansion": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)", "name": "Han etyl"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "背"}, "expansion": "背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "inherited", "sort": ""}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "name": "der-lite/lang"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "sit-pro", "2": "*ba", "3": "", "4": "to carry (on back), shoulder", "g": "", "g2": "", "g3": "", "id": "", "lit": "", "pos": "", "sc": "", "tr": "", "ts": ""}, "expansion": "*ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "m-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*ba", "4": "", "5": "to carry (on back), shoulder"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "inh-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back (of body)"}, "expansion": "“back (of body)”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back"}, "expansion": "“back”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "to turn the back to; to retreat"}, "expansion": "“to turn the back to; to retreat”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "南", "gloss": "south"}, "expansion": "南 (OC *nuːm, “south”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Sagart, 1988"}, "expansion": "Sagart, 1988", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)\nIdeogrammic compound (會意 /会意) – two men back to back. Originally meaning “back”; the character 背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs) refers to the original word.\nCompare 化, 比, 卬, and 尼.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”).\nThe sense of “north” is derived from “back (of body)”: “back” → “to turn the back to; to retreat” → “north”.\nThe ancient Chinese value the southern direction and houses are traditionally oriented along a north–south axis, as evident in the fengshui theory and in the orientation of buildings in Chinese Neolithic sites. North is the direction the back is oriented to when the person is facing south.\nCompare the graphical origin of 南 (OC *nuːm, “south”) (Sagart, 1988).", "forms": [{"form": "业"}, {"form": "𧉥"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "北", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to move north", "roman": "běi yí", "text": "北移"}, {"text": "北京 ― Běijīng ― Beijing (literally, “northern capital”)"}], "glosses": ["north; northern"], "links": [["north", "north"], ["northern", "northern"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to suffer defeat", "roman": "bàiběi", "text": "敗北/败北"}], "glosses": ["to be defeated; to fail"], "links": [["defeat", "defeat"], ["fail", "fail"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], 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"expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "sit-pro", "2": "*ba", "3": "", "4": "to carry (on back), shoulder", "g": "", "g2": "", "g3": "", "id": "", "lit": "", "pos": "", "sc": "", "tr": "", "ts": ""}, "expansion": "*ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "m-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*ba", "4": "", "5": "to carry (on back), shoulder"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "inh-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back (of body)"}, "expansion": "“back (of body)”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back"}, "expansion": "“back”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "to turn the back to; to retreat"}, "expansion": "“to turn the back to; to retreat”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "南", "gloss": "south"}, "expansion": "南 (OC *nuːm, “south”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Sagart, 1988"}, "expansion": "Sagart, 1988", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)\nIdeogrammic compound (會意 /会意) – two men back to back. Originally meaning “back”; the character 背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs) refers to the original word.\nCompare 化, 比, 卬, and 尼.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”).\nThe sense of “north” is derived from “back (of body)”: “back” → “to turn the back to; to retreat” → “north”.\nThe ancient Chinese value the southern direction and houses are traditionally oriented along a north–south axis, as evident in the fengshui theory and in the orientation of buildings in Chinese Neolithic sites. North is the direction the back is oriented to when the person is facing south.\nCompare the graphical origin of 南 (OC *nuːm, “south”) (Sagart, 1988).", "forms": [{"form": "业"}, {"form": "𧉥"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "北", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to move north", "roman": "běi yí", "text": "北移"}, {"text": "北京 ― Běijīng ― Beijing (literally, “northern capital”)"}], "glosses": ["north; northern"], "links": [["north", "north"], ["northern", "northern"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to suffer defeat", "roman": "bàiběi", "text": "敗北/败北"}], "glosses": ["to be defeated; to fail"], "links": [["defeat", "defeat"], ["fail", "fail"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "bò"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "bei³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "bo⁴"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄅㄟˇ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄅㄛˋ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "be²"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Xi'an"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "be̊q"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "бый"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bɨy"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "bak¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Dongguan"], "zh-pron": "bak⁷"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bak²"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Yangjiang"], "zh-pron": "bak³"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bet⁶"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "pet"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "bed^ˊ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "bêd⁵"}, {"tags": ["Changting", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "be²"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bei²"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bieh⁴"}, {"zh-pron": "bă̤"}, {"zh-pron": "báe̤k"}, {"zh-pron": "bah⁶"}, {"zh-pron": "bor⁵"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "pak"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "pok"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "bag⁴"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "bag⁴"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "beg⁴"}, {"zh-pron": "bak²"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷poq"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷peq"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "be⁶"}, {"tags": ["Loudi", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "be²"}, {"tags": ["Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "be⁶"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄅㄟˇ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "pei³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "beei"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "бэй"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "bɛj"}, {"ipa": "/peɪ̯²¹⁴/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "bò"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄅㄛˋ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bò"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "po⁴"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "bwò"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "boh"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "бо"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "bo"}, {"ipa": "/pu̯ɔ⁵¹/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "be"}, {"ipa": "/pɛ²¹/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"ipa": "/pei²¹/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "be̊q"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "beq⁵"}, {"ipa": "/pəʔ⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/pei²⁴/", "tags": ["Dungan", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "bāk"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bak⁷"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "beg¹"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚⁵/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "bak⁷"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bak²"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "bak³"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚²⁴/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bet⁶"}, {"ipa": "/pɛt̚⁵/", "tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Phak-fa-su"], "zh-pron": "pet"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "bed^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Hagfa-Pinyim", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "bed⁵"}, {"ipa": "/pet̚²/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "bed^ˊ"}, {"ipa": "/pet/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/pɛt̚¹/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka"], "zh-pron": "be²"}, {"ipa": "/pe²⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bei²"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bieh⁴"}, {"ipa": "/pei⁵³/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"ipa": "/piəʔ²/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Jian'ou", "Kienning-Colloquial-Romanized"], "zh-pron": "bă̤"}, {"ipa": "/pɛ²⁴/", "tags": ["Jian'ou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Foochow-Romanized", "Fuzhou"], "zh-pron": "báe̤k"}, {"ipa": "/pɔyʔ²⁴/", "tags": ["Fuzhou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Puxian-Min"], "zh-pron": "bah⁶"}, {"ipa": "/paʔ¹/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/paʔ²/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Puxian-Min"], "zh-pron": "bor⁵"}, {"ipa": "/pɒ²¹/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "pak"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "pok"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "pag"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "pog"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen"]}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen"]}, {"ipa": "/pak̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/pak̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/pak̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Taipei"]}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Taipei"]}, {"ipa": "/pak̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung"]}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung"]}, {"tags": ["POJ", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "pak"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚²/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Teochew"]}, {"zh-pron": "bag⁴"}, {"zh-pron": "beg⁴"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚⁵/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/pek̚⁵/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Southern-Pinghua"], "zh-pron": "bak²"}, {"ipa": "/pək̚³³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Southern-Pinghua"]}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷poq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "poh^入"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁴poq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/poʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/ɓoʔ⁴⁴/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/poʔ⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/poʔ⁴³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/poʔ⁴⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷peq"}, {"tags": ["Wu"], "zh-pron": "/pəʔ⁴⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/pɤ̞²⁴/", "tags": ["Changsha", "Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"tags": ["Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "be²"}, {"ipa": "/pe̞¹³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"ipa": "/pe²²/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"tags": ["Middle-Chinese"], "zh-pron": "pok"}, {"tags": ["Baxter-Sagart", "Old-Chinese"], "zh-pron": "/*pˤək/"}, {"tags": ["Old-Chinese", "Zhengzhang"], "zh-pron": "/*pɯːɡ/"}, {"ipa": "/peɪ̯²¹⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/pu̯ɔ⁵¹/"}, {"ipa": "/pɛ²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/pei²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/pəʔ⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/pei²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚⁴⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/pɛt̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": 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北 (Chinese character) 北/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Old-Chinese not in or uppercase_tags: {"categories": ["Beginning Mandarin", "Chinese adjectives", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese nouns", "Chinese terms derived from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms inherited from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms spelled with 北", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Eastern Min adjectives", "Eastern Min hanzi", "Eastern Min lemmas", "Eastern Min nouns", "Middle Chinese adjectives", "Middle Chinese hanzi", "Middle Chinese lemmas", "Middle Chinese nouns", "Northern Min adjectives", "Northern Min hanzi", "Northern Min lemmas", "Northern Min nouns", "Old Chinese adjectives", "Old Chinese hanzi", "Old Chinese lemmas", "Old Chinese nouns", "Pages using lite templates", "Pages with 10 entries", "Pages with entries", "Southern Pinghua adjectives", "Southern Pinghua hanzi", "Southern Pinghua lemmas", "Southern 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"j3": "", "j3t": "", "j4": "", "j4t": "", "jdesc": "", "jje2": "", "jje2t": "", "jje3": "", "jje3t": "", "jje4": "", "jje4t": "", "jjedesc": "", "jjet": "", "jt": "", "k2": "", "k2t": "", "k3": "", "k3t": "", "k4": "", "k4t": "", "kdesc": "", "kt": "", "o": "北", "o2": "", "o2t": "", "o3": "", "o3t": "", "o4": "", "o4t": "", "odesc": "", "ot": "", "s": "北", "v": "北", "v2": "", "v2t": "", "v3": "", "v3t": "", "v4": "", "v4t": "", "vdesc": "", "vt": ""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "ほく", "3": "북", "4": "bắc"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)"}, {"depth": 1, "templates": [{"args": {"1": "ja", "2": "-", "bor": "1"}, "expansion": "→ Japanese:", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "北", "2": "ペー", "3": "north wind (mahjong tile)"}, "expansion": "北(ペー) (pē, “north wind (mahjong tile)”)", "name": "ja-r"}], "text": "→ Japanese: 北(ペー) (pē, “north wind (mahjong tile)”)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {}, "expansion": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)", "name": "Han etyl"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "背"}, "expansion": "背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "inherited", "sort": ""}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "name": "der-lite/lang"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": 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{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*ba", "4": "", "5": "to carry (on back), shoulder"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "inh-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back (of body)"}, "expansion": "“back (of body)”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back"}, "expansion": "“back”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "to turn the back to; to retreat"}, "expansion": "“to turn the back to; to retreat”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "南", "gloss": "south"}, "expansion": "南 (OC *nuːm, “south”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Sagart, 1988"}, "expansion": "Sagart, 1988", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)\nIdeogrammic compound (會意 /会意) – two men back to back. Originally meaning “back”; the character 背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs) refers to the original word.\nCompare 化, 比, 卬, and 尼.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”).\nThe sense of “north” is derived from “back (of body)”: “back” → “to turn the back to; to retreat” → “north”.\nThe ancient Chinese value the southern direction and houses are traditionally oriented along a north–south axis, as evident in the fengshui theory and in the orientation of buildings in Chinese Neolithic sites. North is the direction the back is oriented to when the person is facing south.\nCompare the graphical origin of 南 (OC *nuːm, “south”) (Sagart, 1988).", "forms": [{"form": "业"}, {"form": "𧉥"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "北", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to move north", "roman": "běi yí", "text": "北移"}, {"text": "北京 ― Běijīng ― Beijing (literally, “northern capital”)"}], "glosses": ["north; northern"], "links": [["north", "north"], ["northern", "northern"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to suffer defeat", "roman": "bàiběi", "text": "敗北/败北"}], "glosses": ["to be defeated; to fail"], "links": [["defeat", "defeat"], ["fail", "fail"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], 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["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "be"}, {"ipa": "/pɛ²¹/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"ipa": "/pei²¹/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "be̊q"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "beq⁵"}, {"ipa": "/pəʔ⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/pei²⁴/", "tags": ["Dungan", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "bāk"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bak⁷"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "beg¹"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚⁵/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "bak⁷"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taicheng", "Taishanese", 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北 (Chinese character) 北/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Old-Chinese not in or uppercase_tags: {"categories": ["Beginning Mandarin", "Chinese adjectives", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese nouns", "Chinese terms derived from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms inherited from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms spelled with 北", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Eastern Min adjectives", "Eastern Min hanzi", "Eastern Min lemmas", "Eastern Min nouns", "Middle Chinese adjectives", "Middle Chinese hanzi", "Middle Chinese lemmas", "Middle Chinese nouns", "Northern Min adjectives", "Northern Min hanzi", "Northern Min lemmas", "Northern Min nouns", "Old Chinese adjectives", "Old Chinese hanzi", "Old Chinese lemmas", "Old Chinese nouns", "Pages using lite templates", "Pages with 10 entries", "Pages with entries", "Southern Pinghua adjectives", "Southern Pinghua hanzi", "Southern Pinghua lemmas", "Southern 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"j3": "", "j3t": "", "j4": "", "j4t": "", "jdesc": "", "jje2": "", "jje2t": "", "jje3": "", "jje3t": "", "jje4": "", "jje4t": "", "jjedesc": "", "jjet": "", "jt": "", "k2": "", "k2t": "", "k3": "", "k3t": "", "k4": "", "k4t": "", "kdesc": "", "kt": "", "o": "北", "o2": "", "o2t": "", "o3": "", "o3t": "", "o4": "", "o4t": "", "odesc": "", "ot": "", "s": "北", "v": "北", "v2": "", "v2t": "", "v3": "", "v3t": "", "v4": "", "v4t": "", "vdesc": "", "vt": ""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "ほく", "3": "북", "4": "bắc"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)"}, {"depth": 1, "templates": [{"args": {"1": "ja", "2": "-", "bor": "1"}, "expansion": "→ Japanese:", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "北", "2": "ペー", "3": "north wind (mahjong tile)"}, "expansion": "北(ペー) (pē, “north wind (mahjong tile)”)", "name": "ja-r"}], "text": "→ Japanese: 北(ペー) (pē, “north wind (mahjong tile)”)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {}, "expansion": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)", "name": "Han etyl"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "背"}, "expansion": "背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "inherited", "sort": ""}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "name": "der-lite/lang"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "sit-pro", "2": "*ba", "3": "", "4": "to carry (on back), shoulder", "g": "", "g2": "", "g3": "", "id": "", "lit": "", "pos": "", "sc": "", "tr": "", "ts": ""}, "expansion": "*ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "m-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*ba", "4": "", "5": "to carry (on back), shoulder"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "inh-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back (of body)"}, "expansion": "“back (of body)”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back"}, "expansion": "“back”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "to turn the back to; to retreat"}, "expansion": "“to turn the back to; to retreat”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "南", "gloss": "south"}, "expansion": "南 (OC *nuːm, “south”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Sagart, 1988"}, "expansion": "Sagart, 1988", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)\nIdeogrammic compound (會意 /会意) – two men back to back. Originally meaning “back”; the character 背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs) refers to the original word.\nCompare 化, 比, 卬, and 尼.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”).\nThe sense of “north” is derived from “back (of body)”: “back” → “to turn the back to; to retreat” → “north”.\nThe ancient Chinese value the southern direction and houses are traditionally oriented along a north–south axis, as evident in the fengshui theory and in the orientation of buildings in Chinese Neolithic sites. North is the direction the back is oriented to when the person is facing south.\nCompare the graphical origin of 南 (OC *nuːm, “south”) (Sagart, 1988).", "forms": [{"form": "业"}, {"form": "𧉥"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "北", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to move north", "roman": "běi yí", "text": "北移"}, {"text": "北京 ― Běijīng ― Beijing (literally, “northern capital”)"}], "glosses": ["north; northern"], "links": [["north", "north"], ["northern", "northern"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to suffer defeat", "roman": "bàiběi", "text": "敗北/败北"}], "glosses": ["to be defeated; to fail"], "links": [["defeat", "defeat"], ["fail", "fail"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], 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"j3": "", "j3t": "", "j4": "", "j4t": "", "jdesc": "", "jje2": "", "jje2t": "", "jje3": "", "jje3t": "", "jje4": "", "jje4t": "", "jjedesc": "", "jjet": "", "jt": "", "k2": "", "k2t": "", "k3": "", "k3t": "", "k4": "", "k4t": "", "kdesc": "", "kt": "", "o": "北", "o2": "", "o2t": "", "o3": "", "o3t": "", "o4": "", "o4t": "", "odesc": "", "ot": "", "s": "北", "v": "北", "v2": "", "v2t": "", "v3": "", "v3t": "", "v4": "", "v4t": "", "vdesc": "", "vt": ""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "ほく", "3": "북", "4": "bắc"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)"}, {"depth": 1, "templates": [{"args": {"1": "ja", "2": "-", "bor": "1"}, "expansion": "→ Japanese:", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "北", "2": "ペー", "3": "north wind (mahjong tile)"}, "expansion": "北(ペー) (pē, “north wind (mahjong tile)”)", "name": "ja-r"}], "text": "→ Japanese: 北(ペー) (pē, “north wind (mahjong tile)”)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {}, "expansion": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)", "name": "Han etyl"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "背"}, "expansion": "背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "inherited", "sort": ""}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "name": "der-lite/lang"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "sit-pro", "2": "*ba", "3": "", "4": "to carry (on back), shoulder", "g": "", "g2": "", "g3": "", "id": "", "lit": "", "pos": "", "sc": "", "tr": "", "ts": ""}, "expansion": "*ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "m-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*ba", "4": "", "5": "to carry (on back), shoulder"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "inh-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back (of body)"}, "expansion": "“back (of body)”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back"}, "expansion": "“back”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "to turn the back to; to retreat"}, "expansion": "“to turn the back to; to retreat”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "南", "gloss": "south"}, "expansion": "南 (OC *nuːm, “south”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Sagart, 1988"}, "expansion": "Sagart, 1988", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)\nIdeogrammic compound (會意 /会意) – two men back to back. Originally meaning “back”; the character 背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs) refers to the original word.\nCompare 化, 比, 卬, and 尼.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”).\nThe sense of “north” is derived from “back (of body)”: “back” → “to turn the back to; to retreat” → “north”.\nThe ancient Chinese value the southern direction and houses are traditionally oriented along a north–south axis, as evident in the fengshui theory and in the orientation of buildings in Chinese Neolithic sites. North is the direction the back is oriented to when the person is facing south.\nCompare the graphical origin of 南 (OC *nuːm, “south”) (Sagart, 1988).", "forms": [{"form": "业"}, {"form": "𧉥"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "北", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to move north", "roman": "běi yí", "text": "北移"}, {"text": "北京 ― Běijīng ― Beijing (literally, “northern capital”)"}], "glosses": ["north; northern"], "links": [["north", "north"], ["northern", "northern"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to suffer defeat", "roman": "bàiběi", "text": "敗北/败北"}], "glosses": ["to be defeated; to fail"], "links": [["defeat", "defeat"], ["fail", "fail"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], 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北 (Chinese character) 北/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Hanyu-Pinyin not in or uppercase_tags: {"categories": ["Beginning Mandarin", "Chinese adjectives", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese nouns", "Chinese terms derived from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms inherited from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms spelled with 北", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Eastern Min adjectives", "Eastern Min hanzi", "Eastern Min lemmas", "Eastern Min nouns", "Middle Chinese adjectives", "Middle Chinese hanzi", "Middle Chinese lemmas", "Middle Chinese nouns", "Northern Min adjectives", "Northern Min hanzi", "Northern Min lemmas", "Northern Min nouns", "Old Chinese adjectives", "Old Chinese hanzi", "Old Chinese lemmas", "Old Chinese nouns", "Pages using lite templates", "Pages with 10 entries", "Pages with entries", "Southern Pinghua adjectives", "Southern Pinghua hanzi", "Southern Pinghua lemmas", "Southern Pinghua nouns", "zh:Compass points"], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {}, "expansion": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)", "name": "Han etyl"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "背"}, "expansion": "背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "inherited", "sort": ""}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "name": "der-lite/lang"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "sit-pro", "2": "*ba", "3": "", "4": "to carry (on back), shoulder", "g": "", "g2": "", "g3": "", "id": "", "lit": "", "pos": "", "sc": "", "tr": "", "ts": ""}, "expansion": "*ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "m-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*ba", "4": "", "5": "to carry (on back), shoulder"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "inh-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back (of body)"}, "expansion": "“back (of body)”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back"}, "expansion": "“back”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "to turn the back to; to retreat"}, "expansion": "“to turn the back to; to retreat”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "南", "gloss": "south"}, "expansion": "南 (OC *nuːm, “south”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Sagart, 1988"}, "expansion": "Sagart, 1988", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)\nIdeogrammic compound (會意 /会意) – two men back to back. Originally meaning “back”; the character 背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs) refers to the original word.\nCompare 化, 比, 卬, and 尼.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”).\nThe sense of “north” is derived from “back (of body)”: “back” → “to turn the back to; to retreat” → “north”.\nThe ancient Chinese value the southern direction and houses are traditionally oriented along a north–south axis, as evident in the fengshui theory and in the orientation of buildings in Chinese Neolithic sites. North is the direction the back is oriented to when the person is facing south.\nCompare the graphical origin of 南 (OC *nuːm, “south”) (Sagart, 1988).", "forms": [{"form": "业"}, {"form": "𧉥"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "北", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses"], "glosses": ["Original form of 背 (bèi, “back; to betray”)."], "links": [["背", "背#Chinese"]], "qualifier": "obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese", "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese) Original form of 背 (bèi, “back; to betray”)."]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bèi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bei⁴"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄅㄟˋ"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "bui³"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "bèi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bèi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "pei⁴"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "bèi"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "bey"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "бэй"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "bɛj"}, {"ipa": "/peɪ̯⁵¹/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "bui³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "bui"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bui³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "bui³"}, {"ipa": "/puːi̯³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/peɪ̯⁵¹/"}, {"ipa": "/puːi̯³³/"}], "wikipedia": ["Proto-Sino-Tibetan language"], "word": "北"}

北 (Chinese character) 北/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Middle-Chinese not in or uppercase_tags: {"categories": ["Beginning Mandarin", "Chinese adjectives", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese nouns", "Chinese terms derived from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms inherited from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms spelled with 北", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Eastern Min adjectives", "Eastern Min hanzi", "Eastern Min lemmas", "Eastern Min nouns", "Middle Chinese adjectives", "Middle Chinese hanzi", "Middle Chinese lemmas", "Middle Chinese nouns", "Northern Min adjectives", "Northern Min hanzi", "Northern Min lemmas", "Northern Min nouns", "Old Chinese adjectives", "Old Chinese hanzi", "Old Chinese lemmas", "Old Chinese nouns", "Pages using lite templates", "Pages with 10 entries", "Pages with entries", "Southern Pinghua adjectives", "Southern Pinghua hanzi", "Southern Pinghua lemmas", 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"j3": "", "j3t": "", "j4": "", "j4t": "", "jdesc": "", "jje2": "", "jje2t": "", "jje3": "", "jje3t": "", "jje4": "", "jje4t": "", "jjedesc": "", "jjet": "", "jt": "", "k2": "", "k2t": "", "k3": "", "k3t": "", "k4": "", "k4t": "", "kdesc": "", "kt": "", "o": "北", "o2": "", "o2t": "", "o3": "", "o3t": "", "o4": "", "o4t": "", "odesc": "", "ot": "", "s": "北", "v": "北", "v2": "", "v2t": "", "v3": "", "v3t": "", "v4": "", "v4t": "", "vdesc": "", "vt": ""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "ほく", "3": "북", "4": "bắc"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (北):\n* → Japanese: 北(ほく) (hoku)\n* → Korean: 북(北) (buk)\n* → Vietnamese: bắc (北)"}, {"depth": 1, "templates": [{"args": {"1": "ja", "2": "-", "bor": "1"}, "expansion": "→ Japanese:", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "北", "2": "ペー", "3": "north wind (mahjong tile)"}, "expansion": "北(ペー) (pē, “north wind (mahjong tile)”)", "name": "ja-r"}], "text": "→ Japanese: 北(ペー) (pē, “north wind (mahjong tile)”)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {}, "expansion": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)", "name": "Han etyl"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "背"}, "expansion": "背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "inherited", "sort": ""}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "name": "der-lite/lang"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "", "3": "ones"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite/core"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba"}, "expansion": "3", "name": "str len-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "1"}, "expansion": "*", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*b*", "2": "*"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "b", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "*ba", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "*b", "name": "str left"}, {"args": {"1": "*\n*ba*", "2": "*b"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str index-lite/logic"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "a", "name": "str_index-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "3"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite/2"}, {"args": {"1": "*ba", "2": "2"}, "expansion": "ba", "name": "str sub-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "sit-pro", "2": "*ba", "3": "", "4": "to carry (on back), shoulder", "g": "", "g2": "", "g3": "", "id": "", "lit": "", "pos": "", "sc": "", "tr": "", "ts": ""}, "expansion": "*ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "m-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*ba", "4": "", "5": "to carry (on back), shoulder"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”)", "name": "inh-lite"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back (of body)"}, "expansion": "“back (of body)”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "back"}, "expansion": "“back”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "to turn the back to; to retreat"}, "expansion": "“to turn the back to; to retreat”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "north"}, "expansion": "“north”", "name": "m-g"}, {"args": {"1": "南", "gloss": "south"}, "expansion": "南 (OC *nuːm, “south”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Sagart, 1988"}, "expansion": "Sagart, 1988", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Characters in the same phonetic series (北) (Zhengzhang, 2003)\nIdeogrammic compound (會意 /会意) – two men back to back. Originally meaning “back”; the character 背 (OC *pɯːɡs, *bɯːɡs) refers to the original word.\nCompare 化, 比, 卬, and 尼.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *ba (“to carry (on back), shoulder”).\nThe sense of “north” is derived from “back (of body)”: “back” → “to turn the back to; to retreat” → “north”.\nThe ancient Chinese value the southern direction and houses are traditionally oriented along a north–south axis, as evident in the fengshui theory and in the orientation of buildings in Chinese Neolithic sites. North is the direction the back is oriented to when the person is facing south.\nCompare the graphical origin of 南 (OC *nuːm, “south”) (Sagart, 1988).", "forms": [{"form": "业"}, {"form": "𧉥"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "北", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to move north", "roman": "běi yí", "text": "北移"}, {"text": "北京 ― Běijīng ― Beijing (literally, “northern capital”)"}], "glosses": ["north; northern"], "links": [["north", "north"], ["northern", "northern"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to suffer defeat", "roman": "bàiběi", "text": "敗北/败北"}], "glosses": ["to be defeated; to fail"], "links": [["defeat", "defeat"], ["fail", "fail"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], 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["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "be"}, {"ipa": "/pɛ²¹/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "běi"}, {"ipa": "/pei²¹/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "be̊q"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "beq⁵"}, {"ipa": "/pəʔ⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/pei²⁴/", "tags": ["Dungan", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "bāk"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "bak⁷"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "beg¹"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚⁵/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "bak⁷"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taicheng", "Taishanese", 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"Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "bieh⁴"}, {"ipa": "/pei⁵³/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"ipa": "/piəʔ²/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Jian'ou", "Kienning-Colloquial-Romanized"], "zh-pron": "bă̤"}, {"ipa": "/pɛ²⁴/", "tags": ["Jian'ou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Foochow-Romanized", "Fuzhou"], "zh-pron": "báe̤k"}, {"ipa": "/pɔyʔ²⁴/", "tags": ["Fuzhou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Puxian-Min"], "zh-pron": "bah⁶"}, {"ipa": "/paʔ¹/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/paʔ²/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Puxian-Min"], "zh-pron": "bor⁵"}, {"ipa": "/pɒ²¹/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "pak"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "pok"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "pag"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "pog"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen"]}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen"]}, {"ipa": "/pak̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/pak̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/pak̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Taipei"]}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Taipei"]}, {"ipa": "/pak̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung"]}, {"ipa": "/pɔk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung"]}, {"tags": ["POJ", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "pak"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚²/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Teochew"]}, {"zh-pron": "bag⁴"}, {"zh-pron": "beg⁴"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚⁵/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/pek̚⁵/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Southern-Pinghua"], "zh-pron": "bak²"}, {"ipa": "/pək̚³³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Southern-Pinghua"]}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷poq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "poh^入"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁴poq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/poʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/ɓoʔ⁴⁴/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/poʔ⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/poʔ⁴³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/poʔ⁴⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷peq"}, {"tags": ["Wu"], "zh-pron": "/pəʔ⁴⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/pɤ̞²⁴/", "tags": ["Changsha", "Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"tags": ["Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "be²"}, {"ipa": "/pe̞¹³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"ipa": "/pe²²/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"tags": ["Middle-Chinese"], "zh-pron": "pok"}, {"tags": ["Baxter-Sagart", "Old-Chinese"], "zh-pron": "/*pˤək/"}, {"tags": ["Old-Chinese", "Zhengzhang"], "zh-pron": "/*pɯːɡ/"}, {"ipa": "/peɪ̯²¹⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/pu̯ɔ⁵¹/"}, {"ipa": "/pɛ²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/pei²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/pəʔ⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/pei²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚⁴⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/pak̚⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/pɐk̚²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/pɛt̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": 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This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-02-17 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-02-02 using wiktextract (ca09fec and c40eb85). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.