Uzbek Wiktionary data extraction errors and warnings

inflection table

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inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses:

sikmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: sikmoq

uchmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: uchmoq

yashamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: yashamoq

yemoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: yemoq

bilmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: bilmoq

qilmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: qilmoq

qoʻrimoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: qoʻrimoq

yozmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: yozmoq

sotmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: sotmoq

yotmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: yotmoq

eshitmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: eshitmoq

uygʻonmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: uygʻonmoq

koʻrmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: koʻrmoq

oʻlmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: oʻlmoq

olmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: olmoq

tashimoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: tashimoq

kichiklashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: kichiklashmoq

kulmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: kulmoq

kelmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: kelmoq

qaynamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: qaynamoq

bosmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: bosmoq

qoʻrqmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: qoʻrqmoq

aksirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: aksirmoq

boshlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: boshlamoq

bajarmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: bajarmoq

tushmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: tushmoq

choʻmmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: choʻmmoq

tugʻmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: tugʻmoq

anglamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: anglamoq

bogʻlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: bogʻlamoq

buyurmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: buyurmoq

boʻlmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: boʻlmoq

boʻlmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: boʻlmoq

qilishmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: qilishmoq

kelishmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: kelishmoq

ayirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: ayirmoq

joylashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: joylashmoq

birlashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: birlashmoq

bastalamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: bastalamoq

qoʻshilmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: qoʻshilmoq

yaratmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: yaratmoq

joʻnatmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: joʻnatmoq

ishontirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: ishontirmoq

oʻrnatmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: oʻrnatmoq

yubormoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: yubormoq

taramoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: taramoq

ichmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: ichmoq

ogʻrimoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: ogʻrimoq

ishlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: ishlamoq

bermoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: bermoq

tayyorlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: tayyorlamoq

ajratmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: ajratmoq

sarflamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: sarflamoq

uchramoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: uchramoq

xohlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: xohlamoq

bormoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: bormoq

osmonlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: osmonlamoq

koʻtarilmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: koʻtarilmoq

oʻynamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: oʻynamoq

adashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: adashmoq

aytmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: aytmoq

oʻylamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: oʻylamoq

oʻqimoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: oʻqimoq

demoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: demoq

ketmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: ketmoq

oshmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: oshmoq

yoqmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: yoqmoq

ermoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: ermoq

emoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: emoq

tushunmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: tushunmoq

tutmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: tutmoq

topmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: topmoq

tushuntirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: tushuntirmoq

ishlatmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: ishlatmoq

sezmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: sezmoq

chalkashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: chalkashmoq

gapirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: gapirmoq

tashvishlanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: tashvishlanmoq

tegmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: tegmoq

oʻrganmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: oʻrganmoq

qolmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: qolmoq

uxlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: uxlamoq

kechirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: kechirmoq

qoʻymoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: qoʻymoq

tilamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: tilamoq

yangilanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: yangilanmoq

koʻmmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: koʻmmoq

kirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: kirmoq

harakatlanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: harakatlanmoq

tasdiqlashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: tasdiqlashmoq

oqmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: oqmoq

gʻiloflamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: gʻiloflamoq

qiyoslamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: qiyoslamoq

yakunlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: yakunlamoq

murakkablashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: murakkablashmoq

farqlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: farqlamoq

muvofiqlashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: muvofiqlashmoq

uymoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: uymoq

shakllantirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: shakllantirmoq

muvofiqlashtirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: muvofiqlashtirmoq

murakkablashtirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: murakkablashtirmoq

jamlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: jamlamoq

umumlashtirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: umumlashtirmoq

shakllanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: shakllanmoq

kifoyalanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: kifoyalanmoq

odatlanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: odatlanmoq

farqlanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: farqlanmoq

taqsimlanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: taqsimlanmoq

taqsimlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: taqsimlamoq

hisoblamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: hisoblamoq

markazlashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: markazlashmoq

tamomlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: tamomlamoq

markazlashtirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: markazlashtirmoq

zaiflashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: zaiflashmoq

jadallamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: jadallamoq

mustahkamlanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: mustahkamlanmoq

taraqqiylashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: taraqqiylashmoq

quvvatlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: quvvatlamoq

abadiylashtirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: abadiylashtirmoq

takrorlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: takrorlamoq

termoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: termoq

mustahkamlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: mustahkamlamoq

takrorlanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: takrorlanmoq

kasallanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: kasallanmoq

fahmlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: fahmlamoq

shishirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: shishirmoq

ochmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: ochmoq

shishmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: shishmoq

soʻramoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: soʻramoq

koʻrsatmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: koʻrsatmoq

chekmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: chekmoq

taqmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: taqmoq

urmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: urmoq

sevmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: sevmoq

otmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: otmoq

chiqmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: chiqmoq

osmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: osmoq

qozonmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: qozonmoq

tortmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Compound tenses: Path: tortmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: boʻlar/boʻlmas + edi + person suffix

boʻlmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: boʻlar/boʻlmas + edi + person suffix Path: boʻlmoq

boʻlmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: boʻlar/boʻlmas + edi + person suffix Path: boʻlmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: boʻlmoqchi + edi + person suffix

boʻlmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: boʻlmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: boʻlmoq

boʻlmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: boʻlmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: boʻlmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: boʻlgan/boʻlmagan + edi + person suffix

boʻlmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: boʻlgan/boʻlmagan + edi + person suffix Path: boʻlmoq

boʻlmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: boʻlgan/boʻlmagan + edi + person suffix Path: boʻlmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of boʻlmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

boʻlmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of boʻlmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: boʻlmoq

boʻlmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of boʻlmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: boʻlmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: abadiylashtirar/abadiylashtirmas + edi + person suffix

abadiylashtirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: abadiylashtirar/abadiylashtirmas + edi + person suffix Path: abadiylashtirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: adashar/adashmas + edi + person suffix

adashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: adashar/adashmas + edi + person suffix Path: adashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: ajratar/ajratmas + edi + person suffix

ajratmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: ajratar/ajratmas + edi + person suffix Path: ajratmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: aksirar/aksirmas + edi + person suffix

aksirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: aksirar/aksirmas + edi + person suffix Path: aksirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: anglar/anglamas + edi + person suffix

anglamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: anglar/anglamas + edi + person suffix Path: anglamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: ayirar/ayirmas + edi + person suffix

ayirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: ayirar/ayirmas + edi + person suffix Path: ayirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: aytar/aytmas + edi + person suffix

aytmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: aytar/aytmas + edi + person suffix Path: aytmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: bajarar/bajarmas + edi + person suffix

bajarmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: bajarar/bajarmas + edi + person suffix Path: bajarmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: bastalar/bastalamas + edi + person suffix

bastalamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: bastalar/bastalamas + edi + person suffix Path: bastalamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: berar/bermas + edi + person suffix

bermoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: berar/bermas + edi + person suffix Path: bermoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: bilar/bilmas + edi + person suffix

bilmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: bilar/bilmas + edi + person suffix Path: bilmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: birlashar/birlashmas + edi + person suffix

birlashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: birlashar/birlashmas + edi + person suffix Path: birlashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: bogʻlar/bogʻlamas + edi + person suffix

bogʻlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: bogʻlar/bogʻlamas + edi + person suffix Path: bogʻlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: borar/bormas + edi + person suffix

bormoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: borar/bormas + edi + person suffix Path: bormoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: bosar/bosmas + edi + person suffix

bosmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: bosar/bosmas + edi + person suffix Path: bosmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: boshlar/boshlamas + edi + person suffix

boshlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: boshlar/boshlamas + edi + person suffix Path: boshlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: buyurar/buyurmas + edi + person suffix

buyurmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: buyurar/buyurmas + edi + person suffix Path: buyurmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: chalkashar/chalkashmas + edi + person suffix

chalkashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: chalkashar/chalkashmas + edi + person suffix Path: chalkashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: chekar/chekmas + edi + person suffix

chekmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: chekar/chekmas + edi + person suffix Path: chekmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: chiqar/chiqmas + edi + person suffix

chiqmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: chiqar/chiqmas + edi + person suffix Path: chiqmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: choʻmar/choʻmmas + edi + person suffix

choʻmmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: choʻmar/choʻmmas + edi + person suffix Path: choʻmmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: der/demas + edi + person suffix

demoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: der/demas + edi + person suffix Path: demoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: er/emas + edi + person suffix

emoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: er/emas + edi + person suffix Path: emoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: erar/ermas + edi + person suffix

ermoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: erar/ermas + edi + person suffix Path: ermoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: eshitar/eshitmas + edi + person suffix

eshitmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: eshitar/eshitmas + edi + person suffix Path: eshitmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: fahmlar/fahmlamas + edi + person suffix

fahmlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: fahmlar/fahmlamas + edi + person suffix Path: fahmlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: farqlanar/farqlanmas + edi + person suffix

farqlanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: farqlanar/farqlanmas + edi + person suffix Path: farqlanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: farqlar/farqlamas + edi + person suffix

farqlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: farqlar/farqlamas + edi + person suffix Path: farqlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: gapirar/gapirmas + edi + person suffix

gapirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: gapirar/gapirmas + edi + person suffix Path: gapirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: gʻiloflar/gʻiloflamas + edi + person suffix

gʻiloflamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: gʻiloflar/gʻiloflamas + edi + person suffix Path: gʻiloflamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: harakatlanar/harakatlanmas + edi + person suffix

harakatlanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: harakatlanar/harakatlanmas + edi + person suffix Path: harakatlanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: hisoblar/hisoblamas + edi + person suffix

hisoblamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: hisoblar/hisoblamas + edi + person suffix Path: hisoblamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: ichar/ichmas + edi + person suffix

ichmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: ichar/ichmas + edi + person suffix Path: ichmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: ishlar/ishlamas + edi + person suffix

ishlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: ishlar/ishlamas + edi + person suffix Path: ishlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: ishlatar/ishlatmas + edi + person suffix

ishlatmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: ishlatar/ishlatmas + edi + person suffix Path: ishlatmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: ishontirar/ishontirmas + edi + person suffix

ishontirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: ishontirar/ishontirmas + edi + person suffix Path: ishontirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: jadallar/jadallamas + edi + person suffix

jadallamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: jadallar/jadallamas + edi + person suffix Path: jadallamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: jamlar/jamlamas + edi + person suffix

jamlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: jamlar/jamlamas + edi + person suffix Path: jamlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: joylashar/joylashmas + edi + person suffix

joylashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: joylashar/joylashmas + edi + person suffix Path: joylashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: joʻnatar/joʻnatmas + edi + person suffix

joʻnatmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: joʻnatar/joʻnatmas + edi + person suffix Path: joʻnatmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: kasallanar/kasallanmas + edi + person suffix

kasallanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: kasallanar/kasallanmas + edi + person suffix Path: kasallanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: kechirar/kechirmas + edi + person suffix

kechirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: kechirar/kechirmas + edi + person suffix Path: kechirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: kelar/kelmas + edi + person suffix

kelmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: kelar/kelmas + edi + person suffix Path: kelmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: kelishar/kelishmas + edi + person suffix

kelishmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: kelishar/kelishmas + edi + person suffix Path: kelishmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: ketar/ketmas + edi + person suffix

ketmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: ketar/ketmas + edi + person suffix Path: ketmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: kichiklashar/kichiklashmas + edi + person suffix

kichiklashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: kichiklashar/kichiklashmas + edi + person suffix Path: kichiklashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: kifoyalanar/kifoyalanmas + edi + person suffix

kifoyalanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: kifoyalanar/kifoyalanmas + edi + person suffix Path: kifoyalanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: kirar/kirmas + edi + person suffix

kirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: kirar/kirmas + edi + person suffix Path: kirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: koʻmar/koʻmmas + edi + person suffix

koʻmmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: koʻmar/koʻmmas + edi + person suffix Path: koʻmmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: koʻrar/koʻrmas + edi + person suffix

koʻrmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: koʻrar/koʻrmas + edi + person suffix Path: koʻrmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: koʻrsatar/koʻrsatmas + edi + person suffix

koʻrsatmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: koʻrsatar/koʻrsatmas + edi + person suffix Path: koʻrsatmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: koʻtarilar/koʻtarilmas + edi + person suffix

koʻtarilmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: koʻtarilar/koʻtarilmas + edi + person suffix Path: koʻtarilmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: kular/kulmas + edi + person suffix

kulmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: kular/kulmas + edi + person suffix Path: kulmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: markazlashar/markazlashmas + edi + person suffix

markazlashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: markazlashar/markazlashmas + edi + person suffix Path: markazlashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: markazlashtirar/markazlashtirmas + edi + person suffix

markazlashtirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: markazlashtirar/markazlashtirmas + edi + person suffix Path: markazlashtirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: murakkablashar/murakkablashmas + edi + person suffix

murakkablashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: murakkablashar/murakkablashmas + edi + person suffix Path: murakkablashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: murakkablashtirar/murakkablashtirmas + edi + person suffix

murakkablashtirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: murakkablashtirar/murakkablashtirmas + edi + person suffix Path: murakkablashtirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: mustahkamlanar/mustahkamlanmas + edi + person suffix

mustahkamlanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: mustahkamlanar/mustahkamlanmas + edi + person suffix Path: mustahkamlanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: mustahkamlar/mustahkamlamas + edi + person suffix

mustahkamlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: mustahkamlar/mustahkamlamas + edi + person suffix Path: mustahkamlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: muvofiqlashar/muvofiqlashmas + edi + person suffix

muvofiqlashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: muvofiqlashar/muvofiqlashmas + edi + person suffix Path: muvofiqlashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: muvofiqlashtirar/muvofiqlashtirmas + edi + person suffix

muvofiqlashtirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: muvofiqlashtirar/muvofiqlashtirmas + edi + person suffix Path: muvofiqlashtirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: ochar/ochmas + edi + person suffix

ochmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: ochar/ochmas + edi + person suffix Path: ochmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: odatlanar/odatlanmas + edi + person suffix

odatlanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: odatlanar/odatlanmas + edi + person suffix Path: odatlanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: ogʻrir/ogʻrimas + edi + person suffix

ogʻrimoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: ogʻrir/ogʻrimas + edi + person suffix Path: ogʻrimoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: olar/olmas + edi + person suffix

olmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: olar/olmas + edi + person suffix Path: olmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: oqar/oqmas + edi + person suffix

oqmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: oqar/oqmas + edi + person suffix Path: oqmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: osar/osmas + edi + person suffix

osmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: osar/osmas + edi + person suffix Path: osmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: oshar/oshmas + edi + person suffix

oshmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: oshar/oshmas + edi + person suffix Path: oshmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: osmonlar/osmonlamas + edi + person suffix

osmonlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: osmonlar/osmonlamas + edi + person suffix Path: osmonlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: otar/otmas + edi + person suffix

otmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: otar/otmas + edi + person suffix Path: otmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: oʻlar/oʻlmas + edi + person suffix

oʻlmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: oʻlar/oʻlmas + edi + person suffix Path: oʻlmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: oʻqir/oʻqimas + edi + person suffix

oʻqimoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: oʻqir/oʻqimas + edi + person suffix Path: oʻqimoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: oʻrganar/oʻrganmas + edi + person suffix

oʻrganmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: oʻrganar/oʻrganmas + edi + person suffix Path: oʻrganmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: oʻrnatar/oʻrnatmas + edi + person suffix

oʻrnatmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: oʻrnatar/oʻrnatmas + edi + person suffix Path: oʻrnatmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: oʻylar/oʻylamas + edi + person suffix

oʻylamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: oʻylar/oʻylamas + edi + person suffix Path: oʻylamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: oʻynar/oʻynamas + edi + person suffix

oʻynamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: oʻynar/oʻynamas + edi + person suffix Path: oʻynamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: qaynar/qaynamas + edi + person suffix

qaynamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: qaynar/qaynamas + edi + person suffix Path: qaynamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: qilar/qilmas + edi + person suffix

qilmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: qilar/qilmas + edi + person suffix Path: qilmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: qilishar/qilishmas + edi + person suffix

qilishmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: qilishar/qilishmas + edi + person suffix Path: qilishmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: qiyoslar/qiyoslamas + edi + person suffix

qiyoslamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: qiyoslar/qiyoslamas + edi + person suffix Path: qiyoslamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: qolar/qolmas + edi + person suffix

qolmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: qolar/qolmas + edi + person suffix Path: qolmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: qozonar/qozonmas + edi + person suffix

qozonmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: qozonar/qozonmas + edi + person suffix Path: qozonmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: qoʻrir/qoʻrimas + edi + person suffix

qoʻrimoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: qoʻrir/qoʻrimas + edi + person suffix Path: qoʻrimoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: qoʻrqar/qoʻrqmas + edi + person suffix

qoʻrqmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: qoʻrqar/qoʻrqmas + edi + person suffix Path: qoʻrqmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: qoʻshilar/qoʻshilmas + edi + person suffix

qoʻshilmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: qoʻshilar/qoʻshilmas + edi + person suffix Path: qoʻshilmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: qoʻyar/qoʻymas + edi + person suffix

qoʻymoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: qoʻyar/qoʻymas + edi + person suffix Path: qoʻymoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: quvvatlar/quvvatlamas + edi + person suffix

quvvatlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: quvvatlar/quvvatlamas + edi + person suffix Path: quvvatlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: sarflar/sarflamas + edi + person suffix

sarflamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: sarflar/sarflamas + edi + person suffix Path: sarflamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: sevar/sevmas + edi + person suffix

sevmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: sevar/sevmas + edi + person suffix Path: sevmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: sezar/sezmas + edi + person suffix

sezmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: sezar/sezmas + edi + person suffix Path: sezmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: shakllanar/shakllanmas + edi + person suffix

shakllanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: shakllanar/shakllanmas + edi + person suffix Path: shakllanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: shakllantirar/shakllantirmas + edi + person suffix

shakllantirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: shakllantirar/shakllantirmas + edi + person suffix Path: shakllantirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: shishar/shishmas + edi + person suffix

shishmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: shishar/shishmas + edi + person suffix Path: shishmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: shishirar/shishirmas + edi + person suffix

shishirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: shishirar/shishirmas + edi + person suffix Path: shishirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: sikar/sikmas + edi + person suffix

sikmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: sikar/sikmas + edi + person suffix Path: sikmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: sotar/sotmas + edi + person suffix

sotmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: sotar/sotmas + edi + person suffix Path: sotmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: soʻrar/soʻramas + edi + person suffix

soʻramoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: soʻrar/soʻramas + edi + person suffix Path: soʻramoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: takrorlanar/takrorlanmas + edi + person suffix

takrorlanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: takrorlanar/takrorlanmas + edi + person suffix Path: takrorlanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: takrorlar/takrorlamas + edi + person suffix

takrorlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: takrorlar/takrorlamas + edi + person suffix Path: takrorlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: tamomlar/tamomlamas + edi + person suffix

tamomlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: tamomlar/tamomlamas + edi + person suffix Path: tamomlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: taqar/taqmas + edi + person suffix

taqmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: taqar/taqmas + edi + person suffix Path: taqmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: taqsimlanar/taqsimlanmas + edi + person suffix

taqsimlanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: taqsimlanar/taqsimlanmas + edi + person suffix Path: taqsimlanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: taqsimlar/taqsimlamas + edi + person suffix

taqsimlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: taqsimlar/taqsimlamas + edi + person suffix Path: taqsimlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: taraqqiylashar/taraqqiylashmas + edi + person suffix

taraqqiylashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: taraqqiylashar/taraqqiylashmas + edi + person suffix Path: taraqqiylashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: tarar/taramas + edi + person suffix

taramoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: tarar/taramas + edi + person suffix Path: taramoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: tasdiqlashar/tasdiqlashmas + edi + person suffix

tasdiqlashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: tasdiqlashar/tasdiqlashmas + edi + person suffix Path: tasdiqlashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: tashir/tashimas + edi + person suffix

tashimoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: tashir/tashimas + edi + person suffix Path: tashimoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: tashvishlanar/tashvishlanmas + edi + person suffix

tashvishlanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: tashvishlanar/tashvishlanmas + edi + person suffix Path: tashvishlanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: tayyorlar/tayyorlamas + edi + person suffix

tayyorlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: tayyorlar/tayyorlamas + edi + person suffix Path: tayyorlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: tegar/tegmas + edi + person suffix

tegmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: tegar/tegmas + edi + person suffix Path: tegmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: terar/termas + edi + person suffix

termoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: terar/termas + edi + person suffix Path: termoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: tilar/tilamas + edi + person suffix

tilamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: tilar/tilamas + edi + person suffix Path: tilamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: topar/topmas + edi + person suffix

topmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: topar/topmas + edi + person suffix Path: topmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: tortar/tortmas + edi + person suffix

tortmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: tortar/tortmas + edi + person suffix Path: tortmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: tugʻar/tugʻmas + edi + person suffix

tugʻmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: tugʻar/tugʻmas + edi + person suffix Path: tugʻmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: tushar/tushmas + edi + person suffix

tushmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: tushar/tushmas + edi + person suffix Path: tushmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: tushunar/tushunmas + edi + person suffix

tushunmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: tushunar/tushunmas + edi + person suffix Path: tushunmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: tushuntirar/tushuntirmas + edi + person suffix

tushuntirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: tushuntirar/tushuntirmas + edi + person suffix Path: tushuntirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: tutar/tutmas + edi + person suffix

tutmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: tutar/tutmas + edi + person suffix Path: tutmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: uchar/uchmas + edi + person suffix

uchmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: uchar/uchmas + edi + person suffix Path: uchmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: uchrar/uchramas + edi + person suffix

uchramoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: uchrar/uchramas + edi + person suffix Path: uchramoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: umumlashtirar/umumlashtirmas + edi + person suffix

umumlashtirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: umumlashtirar/umumlashtirmas + edi + person suffix Path: umumlashtirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: urar/urmas + edi + person suffix

urmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: urar/urmas + edi + person suffix Path: urmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: uxlar/uxlamas + edi + person suffix

uxlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: uxlar/uxlamas + edi + person suffix Path: uxlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: uyar/uymas + edi + person suffix

uymoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: uyar/uymas + edi + person suffix Path: uymoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: uygʻonar/uygʻonmas + edi + person suffix

uygʻonmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: uygʻonar/uygʻonmas + edi + person suffix Path: uygʻonmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: xohlar/xohlamas + edi + person suffix

xohlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: xohlar/xohlamas + edi + person suffix Path: xohlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: yakunlar/yakunlamas + edi + person suffix

yakunlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: yakunlar/yakunlamas + edi + person suffix Path: yakunlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: yangilanar/yangilanmas + edi + person suffix

yangilanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: yangilanar/yangilanmas + edi + person suffix Path: yangilanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: yaratar/yaratmas + edi + person suffix

yaratmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: yaratar/yaratmas + edi + person suffix Path: yaratmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: yashar/yashamas + edi + person suffix

yashamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: yashar/yashamas + edi + person suffix Path: yashamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: yer/yemas + edi + person suffix

yemoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: yer/yemas + edi + person suffix Path: yemoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: yoqar/yoqmas + edi + person suffix

yoqmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: yoqar/yoqmas + edi + person suffix Path: yoqmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: yotar/yotmas + edi + person suffix

yotmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: yotar/yotmas + edi + person suffix Path: yotmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: yozar/yozmas + edi + person suffix

yozmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: yozar/yozmas + edi + person suffix Path: yozmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: yuborar/yubormas + edi + person suffix

yubormoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: yuborar/yubormas + edi + person suffix Path: yubormoq

inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: zaiflashar/zaiflashmas + edi + person suffix

zaiflashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Continuous past: zaiflashar/zaiflashmas + edi + person suffix Path: zaiflashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: abadiylashtirmoqchi + edi + person suffix

abadiylashtirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: abadiylashtirmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: abadiylashtirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: adashmoqchi + edi + person suffix

adashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: adashmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: adashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: ajratmoqchi + edi + person suffix

ajratmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: ajratmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: ajratmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: aksirmoqchi + edi + person suffix

aksirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: aksirmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: aksirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: anglamoqchi + edi + person suffix

anglamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: anglamoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: anglamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: ayirmoqchi + edi + person suffix

ayirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: ayirmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: ayirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: aytmoqchi + edi + person suffix

aytmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: aytmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: aytmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: bajarmoqchi + edi + person suffix

bajarmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: bajarmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: bajarmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: bastalamoqchi + edi + person suffix

bastalamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: bastalamoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: bastalamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: bermoqchi + edi + person suffix

bermoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: bermoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: bermoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: bilmoqchi + edi + person suffix

bilmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: bilmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: bilmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: birlashmoqchi + edi + person suffix

birlashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: birlashmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: birlashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: bogʻlamoqchi + edi + person suffix

bogʻlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: bogʻlamoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: bogʻlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: bormoqchi + edi + person suffix

bormoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: bormoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: bormoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: boshlamoqchi + edi + person suffix

boshlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: boshlamoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: boshlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: bosmoqchi + edi + person suffix

bosmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: bosmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: bosmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: buyurmoqchi + edi + person suffix

buyurmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: buyurmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: buyurmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: chalkashmoqchi + edi + person suffix

chalkashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: chalkashmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: chalkashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: chekmoqchi + edi + person suffix

chekmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: chekmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: chekmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: chiqmoqchi + edi + person suffix

chiqmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: chiqmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: chiqmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: choʻmmoqchi + edi + person suffix

choʻmmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: choʻmmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: choʻmmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: demoqchi + edi + person suffix

demoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: demoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: demoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: emoqchi + edi + person suffix

emoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: emoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: emoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: ermoqchi + edi + person suffix

ermoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: ermoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: ermoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: eshitmoqchi + edi + person suffix

eshitmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: eshitmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: eshitmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: fahmlamoqchi + edi + person suffix

fahmlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: fahmlamoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: fahmlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: farqlamoqchi + edi + person suffix

farqlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: farqlamoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: farqlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: farqlanmoqchi + edi + person suffix

farqlanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: farqlanmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: farqlanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: gapirmoqchi + edi + person suffix

gapirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: gapirmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: gapirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: gʻiloflamoqchi + edi + person suffix

gʻiloflamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: gʻiloflamoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: gʻiloflamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: harakatlanmoqchi + edi + person suffix

harakatlanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: harakatlanmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: harakatlanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: hisoblamoqchi + edi + person suffix

hisoblamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: hisoblamoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: hisoblamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: ichmoqchi + edi + person suffix

ichmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: ichmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: ichmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: ishlamoqchi + edi + person suffix

ishlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: ishlamoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: ishlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: ishlatmoqchi + edi + person suffix

ishlatmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: ishlatmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: ishlatmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: ishontirmoqchi + edi + person suffix

ishontirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: ishontirmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: ishontirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: jadallamoqchi + edi + person suffix

jadallamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: jadallamoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: jadallamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: jamlamoqchi + edi + person suffix

jamlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: jamlamoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: jamlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: joylashmoqchi + edi + person suffix

joylashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: joylashmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: joylashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: joʻnatmoqchi + edi + person suffix

joʻnatmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: joʻnatmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: joʻnatmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: kasallanmoqchi + edi + person suffix

kasallanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: kasallanmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: kasallanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: kechirmoqchi + edi + person suffix

kechirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: kechirmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: kechirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: kelishmoqchi + edi + person suffix

kelishmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: kelishmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: kelishmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: kelmoqchi + edi + person suffix

kelmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: kelmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: kelmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: ketmoqchi + edi + person suffix

ketmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: ketmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: ketmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: kichiklashmoqchi + edi + person suffix

kichiklashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: kichiklashmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: kichiklashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: kifoyalanmoqchi + edi + person suffix

kifoyalanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: kifoyalanmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: kifoyalanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: kirmoqchi + edi + person suffix

kirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: kirmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: kirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: koʻmmoqchi + edi + person suffix

koʻmmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: koʻmmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: koʻmmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: koʻrmoqchi + edi + person suffix

koʻrmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: koʻrmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: koʻrmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: koʻrsatmoqchi + edi + person suffix

koʻrsatmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: koʻrsatmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: koʻrsatmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: koʻtarilmoqchi + edi + person suffix

koʻtarilmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: koʻtarilmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: koʻtarilmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: kulmoqchi + edi + person suffix

kulmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: kulmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: kulmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: markazlashmoqchi + edi + person suffix

markazlashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: markazlashmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: markazlashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: markazlashtirmoqchi + edi + person suffix

markazlashtirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: markazlashtirmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: markazlashtirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: murakkablashmoqchi + edi + person suffix

murakkablashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: murakkablashmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: murakkablashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: murakkablashtirmoqchi + edi + person suffix

murakkablashtirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: murakkablashtirmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: murakkablashtirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: mustahkamlamoqchi + edi + person suffix

mustahkamlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: mustahkamlamoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: mustahkamlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: mustahkamlanmoqchi + edi + person suffix

mustahkamlanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: mustahkamlanmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: mustahkamlanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: muvofiqlashmoqchi + edi + person suffix

muvofiqlashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: muvofiqlashmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: muvofiqlashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: muvofiqlashtirmoqchi + edi + person suffix

muvofiqlashtirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: muvofiqlashtirmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: muvofiqlashtirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: ochmoqchi + edi + person suffix

ochmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: ochmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: ochmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: odatlanmoqchi + edi + person suffix

odatlanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: odatlanmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: odatlanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: ogʻrimoqchi + edi + person suffix

ogʻrimoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: ogʻrimoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: ogʻrimoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: olmoqchi + edi + person suffix

olmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: olmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: olmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: oqmoqchi + edi + person suffix

oqmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: oqmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: oqmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: oshmoqchi + edi + person suffix

oshmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: oshmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: oshmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: osmonlamoqchi + edi + person suffix

osmonlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: osmonlamoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: osmonlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: osmoqchi + edi + person suffix

osmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: osmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: osmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: otmoqchi + edi + person suffix

otmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: otmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: otmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: oʻlmoqchi + edi + person suffix

oʻlmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: oʻlmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: oʻlmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: oʻqimoqchi + edi + person suffix

oʻqimoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: oʻqimoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: oʻqimoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: oʻrganmoqchi + edi + person suffix

oʻrganmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: oʻrganmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: oʻrganmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: oʻrnatmoqchi + edi + person suffix

oʻrnatmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: oʻrnatmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: oʻrnatmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: oʻylamoqchi + edi + person suffix

oʻylamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: oʻylamoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: oʻylamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: oʻynamoqchi + edi + person suffix

oʻynamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: oʻynamoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: oʻynamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: qaynamoqchi + edi + person suffix

qaynamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: qaynamoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: qaynamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: qilishmoqchi + edi + person suffix

qilishmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: qilishmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: qilishmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: qilmoqchi + edi + person suffix

qilmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: qilmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: qilmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: qiyoslamoqchi + edi + person suffix

qiyoslamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: qiyoslamoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: qiyoslamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: qolmoqchi + edi + person suffix

qolmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: qolmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: qolmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: qozonmoqchi + edi + person suffix

qozonmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: qozonmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: qozonmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: qoʻrimoqchi + edi + person suffix

qoʻrimoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: qoʻrimoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: qoʻrimoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: qoʻrqmoqchi + edi + person suffix

qoʻrqmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: qoʻrqmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: qoʻrqmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: qoʻshilmoqchi + edi + person suffix

qoʻshilmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: qoʻshilmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: qoʻshilmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: qoʻymoqchi + edi + person suffix

qoʻymoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: qoʻymoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: qoʻymoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: quvvatlamoqchi + edi + person suffix

quvvatlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: quvvatlamoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: quvvatlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: sarflamoqchi + edi + person suffix

sarflamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: sarflamoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: sarflamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: sevmoqchi + edi + person suffix

sevmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: sevmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: sevmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: sezmoqchi + edi + person suffix

sezmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: sezmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: sezmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: shakllanmoqchi + edi + person suffix

shakllanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: shakllanmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: shakllanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: shakllantirmoqchi + edi + person suffix

shakllantirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: shakllantirmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: shakllantirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: shishirmoqchi + edi + person suffix

shishirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: shishirmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: shishirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: shishmoqchi + edi + person suffix

shishmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: shishmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: shishmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: sikmoqchi + edi + person suffix

sikmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: sikmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: sikmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: sotmoqchi + edi + person suffix

sotmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: sotmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: sotmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: soʻramoqchi + edi + person suffix

soʻramoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: soʻramoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: soʻramoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: takrorlamoqchi + edi + person suffix

takrorlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: takrorlamoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: takrorlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: takrorlanmoqchi + edi + person suffix

takrorlanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: takrorlanmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: takrorlanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: tamomlamoqchi + edi + person suffix

tamomlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: tamomlamoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: tamomlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: taqmoqchi + edi + person suffix

taqmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: taqmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: taqmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: taqsimlamoqchi + edi + person suffix

taqsimlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: taqsimlamoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: taqsimlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: taqsimlanmoqchi + edi + person suffix

taqsimlanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: taqsimlanmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: taqsimlanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: taramoqchi + edi + person suffix

taramoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: taramoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: taramoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: taraqqiylashmoqchi + edi + person suffix

taraqqiylashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: taraqqiylashmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: taraqqiylashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: tasdiqlashmoqchi + edi + person suffix

tasdiqlashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: tasdiqlashmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: tasdiqlashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: tashimoqchi + edi + person suffix

tashimoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: tashimoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: tashimoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: tashvishlanmoqchi + edi + person suffix

tashvishlanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: tashvishlanmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: tashvishlanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: tayyorlamoqchi + edi + person suffix

tayyorlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: tayyorlamoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: tayyorlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: tegmoqchi + edi + person suffix

tegmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: tegmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: tegmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: termoqchi + edi + person suffix

termoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: termoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: termoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: tilamoqchi + edi + person suffix

tilamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: tilamoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: tilamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: topmoqchi + edi + person suffix

topmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: topmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: topmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: tortmoqchi + edi + person suffix

tortmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: tortmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: tortmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: tugʻmoqchi + edi + person suffix

tugʻmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: tugʻmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: tugʻmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: tushmoqchi + edi + person suffix

tushmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: tushmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: tushmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: tushunmoqchi + edi + person suffix

tushunmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: tushunmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: tushunmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: tushuntirmoqchi + edi + person suffix

tushuntirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: tushuntirmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: tushuntirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: tutmoqchi + edi + person suffix

tutmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: tutmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: tutmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: uchmoqchi + edi + person suffix

uchmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: uchmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: uchmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: uchramoqchi + edi + person suffix

uchramoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: uchramoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: uchramoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: umumlashtirmoqchi + edi + person suffix

umumlashtirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: umumlashtirmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: umumlashtirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: urmoqchi + edi + person suffix

urmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: urmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: urmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: uxlamoqchi + edi + person suffix

uxlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: uxlamoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: uxlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: uygʻonmoqchi + edi + person suffix

uygʻonmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: uygʻonmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: uygʻonmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: uymoqchi + edi + person suffix

uymoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: uymoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: uymoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: xohlamoqchi + edi + person suffix

xohlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: xohlamoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: xohlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: yakunlamoqchi + edi + person suffix

yakunlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: yakunlamoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: yakunlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: yangilanmoqchi + edi + person suffix

yangilanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: yangilanmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: yangilanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: yaratmoqchi + edi + person suffix

yaratmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: yaratmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: yaratmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: yashamoqchi + edi + person suffix

yashamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: yashamoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: yashamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: yemoqchi + edi + person suffix

yemoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: yemoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: yemoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: yoqmoqchi + edi + person suffix

yoqmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: yoqmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: yoqmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: yotmoqchi + edi + person suffix

yotmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: yotmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: yotmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: yozmoqchi + edi + person suffix

yozmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: yozmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: yozmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: yubormoqchi + edi + person suffix

yubormoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: yubormoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: yubormoq

inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: zaiflashmoqchi + edi + person suffix

zaiflashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Intentional past: zaiflashmoqchi + edi + person suffix Path: zaiflashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: abadiylashtirgan/abadiylashtirmagan + edi + person suffix

abadiylashtirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: abadiylashtirgan/abadiylashtirmagan + edi + person suffix Path: abadiylashtirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: adashgan/adashmagan + edi + person suffix

adashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: adashgan/adashmagan + edi + person suffix Path: adashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: ajratgan/ajratmagan + edi + person suffix

ajratmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: ajratgan/ajratmagan + edi + person suffix Path: ajratmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: aksirgan/aksirmagan + edi + person suffix

aksirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: aksirgan/aksirmagan + edi + person suffix Path: aksirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: anglagan/anglamagan + edi + person suffix

anglamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: anglagan/anglamagan + edi + person suffix Path: anglamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: ayirgan/ayirmagan + edi + person suffix

ayirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: ayirgan/ayirmagan + edi + person suffix Path: ayirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: aytgan/aytmagan + edi + person suffix

aytmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: aytgan/aytmagan + edi + person suffix Path: aytmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: bajargan/bajarmagan + edi + person suffix

bajarmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: bajargan/bajarmagan + edi + person suffix Path: bajarmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: bastalagan/bastalamagan + edi + person suffix

bastalamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: bastalagan/bastalamagan + edi + person suffix Path: bastalamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: bergan/bermagan + edi + person suffix

bermoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: bergan/bermagan + edi + person suffix Path: bermoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: bilgan/bilmagan + edi + person suffix

bilmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: bilgan/bilmagan + edi + person suffix Path: bilmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: birlashgan/birlashmagan + edi + person suffix

birlashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: birlashgan/birlashmagan + edi + person suffix Path: birlashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: bogʻlagan/bogʻlamagan + edi + person suffix

bogʻlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: bogʻlagan/bogʻlamagan + edi + person suffix Path: bogʻlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: borgan/bormagan + edi + person suffix

bormoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: borgan/bormagan + edi + person suffix Path: bormoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: bosgan/bosmagan + edi + person suffix

bosmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: bosgan/bosmagan + edi + person suffix Path: bosmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: boshlagan/boshlamagan + edi + person suffix

boshlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: boshlagan/boshlamagan + edi + person suffix Path: boshlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: buyurgan/buyurmagan + edi + person suffix

buyurmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: buyurgan/buyurmagan + edi + person suffix Path: buyurmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: chalkashgan/chalkashmagan + edi + person suffix

chalkashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: chalkashgan/chalkashmagan + edi + person suffix Path: chalkashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: chekkan/chekmagan + edi + person suffix

chekmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: chekkan/chekmagan + edi + person suffix Path: chekmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: chiqqan/chiqmagan + edi + person suffix

chiqmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: chiqqan/chiqmagan + edi + person suffix Path: chiqmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: choʻmgan/choʻmmagan + edi + person suffix

choʻmmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: choʻmgan/choʻmmagan + edi + person suffix Path: choʻmmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: degan/demagan + edi + person suffix

demoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: degan/demagan + edi + person suffix Path: demoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: egan/emagan + edi + person suffix

emoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: egan/emagan + edi + person suffix Path: emoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: ergan/ermagan + edi + person suffix

ermoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: ergan/ermagan + edi + person suffix Path: ermoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: eshitgan/eshitmagan + edi + person suffix

eshitmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: eshitgan/eshitmagan + edi + person suffix Path: eshitmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: fahmlagan/fahmlamagan + edi + person suffix

fahmlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: fahmlagan/fahmlamagan + edi + person suffix Path: fahmlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: farqlagan/farqlamagan + edi + person suffix

farqlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: farqlagan/farqlamagan + edi + person suffix Path: farqlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: farqlangan/farqlanmagan + edi + person suffix

farqlanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: farqlangan/farqlanmagan + edi + person suffix Path: farqlanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: gapirgan/gapirmagan + edi + person suffix

gapirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: gapirgan/gapirmagan + edi + person suffix Path: gapirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: gʻiloflagan/gʻiloflamagan + edi + person suffix

gʻiloflamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: gʻiloflagan/gʻiloflamagan + edi + person suffix Path: gʻiloflamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: harakatlangan/harakatlanmagan + edi + person suffix

harakatlanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: harakatlangan/harakatlanmagan + edi + person suffix Path: harakatlanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: hisoblagan/hisoblamagan + edi + person suffix

hisoblamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: hisoblagan/hisoblamagan + edi + person suffix Path: hisoblamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: ichgan/ichmagan + edi + person suffix

ichmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: ichgan/ichmagan + edi + person suffix Path: ichmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: ishlagan/ishlamagan + edi + person suffix

ishlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: ishlagan/ishlamagan + edi + person suffix Path: ishlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: ishlatgan/ishlatmagan + edi + person suffix

ishlatmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: ishlatgan/ishlatmagan + edi + person suffix Path: ishlatmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: ishontirgan/ishontirmagan + edi + person suffix

ishontirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: ishontirgan/ishontirmagan + edi + person suffix Path: ishontirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: jadallagan/jadallamagan + edi + person suffix

jadallamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: jadallagan/jadallamagan + edi + person suffix Path: jadallamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: jamlagan/jamlamagan + edi + person suffix

jamlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: jamlagan/jamlamagan + edi + person suffix Path: jamlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: joylashgan/joylashmagan + edi + person suffix

joylashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: joylashgan/joylashmagan + edi + person suffix Path: joylashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: joʻnatgan/joʻnatmagan + edi + person suffix

joʻnatmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: joʻnatgan/joʻnatmagan + edi + person suffix Path: joʻnatmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: kasallangan/kasallanmagan + edi + person suffix

kasallanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: kasallangan/kasallanmagan + edi + person suffix Path: kasallanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: kechirgan/kechirmagan + edi + person suffix

kechirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: kechirgan/kechirmagan + edi + person suffix Path: kechirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: kelgan/kelmagan + edi + person suffix

kelmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: kelgan/kelmagan + edi + person suffix Path: kelmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: kelishgan/kelishmagan + edi + person suffix

kelishmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: kelishgan/kelishmagan + edi + person suffix Path: kelishmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: ketgan/ketmagan + edi + person suffix

ketmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: ketgan/ketmagan + edi + person suffix Path: ketmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: kichiklashgan/kichiklashmagan + edi + person suffix

kichiklashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: kichiklashgan/kichiklashmagan + edi + person suffix Path: kichiklashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: kifoyalangan/kifoyalanmagan + edi + person suffix

kifoyalanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: kifoyalangan/kifoyalanmagan + edi + person suffix Path: kifoyalanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: kirgan/kirmagan + edi + person suffix

kirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: kirgan/kirmagan + edi + person suffix Path: kirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: koʻmgan/koʻmmagan + edi + person suffix

koʻmmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: koʻmgan/koʻmmagan + edi + person suffix Path: koʻmmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: koʻrgan/koʻrmagan + edi + person suffix

koʻrmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: koʻrgan/koʻrmagan + edi + person suffix Path: koʻrmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: koʻrsatgan/koʻrsatmagan + edi + person suffix

koʻrsatmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: koʻrsatgan/koʻrsatmagan + edi + person suffix Path: koʻrsatmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: koʻtarilgan/koʻtarilmagan + edi + person suffix

koʻtarilmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: koʻtarilgan/koʻtarilmagan + edi + person suffix Path: koʻtarilmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: kulgan/kulmagan + edi + person suffix

kulmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: kulgan/kulmagan + edi + person suffix Path: kulmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: markazlashgan/markazlashmagan + edi + person suffix

markazlashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: markazlashgan/markazlashmagan + edi + person suffix Path: markazlashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: markazlashtirgan/markazlashtirmagan + edi + person suffix

markazlashtirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: markazlashtirgan/markazlashtirmagan + edi + person suffix Path: markazlashtirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: murakkablashgan/murakkablashmagan + edi + person suffix

murakkablashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: murakkablashgan/murakkablashmagan + edi + person suffix Path: murakkablashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: murakkablashtirgan/murakkablashtirmagan + edi + person suffix

murakkablashtirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: murakkablashtirgan/murakkablashtirmagan + edi + person suffix Path: murakkablashtirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: mustahkamlagan/mustahkamlamagan + edi + person suffix

mustahkamlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: mustahkamlagan/mustahkamlamagan + edi + person suffix Path: mustahkamlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: mustahkamlangan/mustahkamlanmagan + edi + person suffix

mustahkamlanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: mustahkamlangan/mustahkamlanmagan + edi + person suffix Path: mustahkamlanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: muvofiqlashgan/muvofiqlashmagan + edi + person suffix

muvofiqlashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: muvofiqlashgan/muvofiqlashmagan + edi + person suffix Path: muvofiqlashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: muvofiqlashtirgan/muvofiqlashtirmagan + edi + person suffix

muvofiqlashtirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: muvofiqlashtirgan/muvofiqlashtirmagan + edi + person suffix Path: muvofiqlashtirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: ochgan/ochmagan + edi + person suffix

ochmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: ochgan/ochmagan + edi + person suffix Path: ochmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: odatlangan/odatlanmagan + edi + person suffix

odatlanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: odatlangan/odatlanmagan + edi + person suffix Path: odatlanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: ogʻrigan/ogʻrimagan + edi + person suffix

ogʻrimoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: ogʻrigan/ogʻrimagan + edi + person suffix Path: ogʻrimoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: olgan/olmagan + edi + person suffix

olmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: olgan/olmagan + edi + person suffix Path: olmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: oqqan/oqmagan + edi + person suffix

oqmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: oqqan/oqmagan + edi + person suffix Path: oqmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: osgan/osmagan + edi + person suffix

osmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: osgan/osmagan + edi + person suffix Path: osmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: oshgan/oshmagan + edi + person suffix

oshmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: oshgan/oshmagan + edi + person suffix Path: oshmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: osmonlagan/osmonlamagan + edi + person suffix

osmonlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: osmonlagan/osmonlamagan + edi + person suffix Path: osmonlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: otgan/otmagan + edi + person suffix

otmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: otgan/otmagan + edi + person suffix Path: otmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: oʻlgan/oʻlmagan + edi + person suffix

oʻlmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: oʻlgan/oʻlmagan + edi + person suffix Path: oʻlmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: oʻqigan/oʻqimagan + edi + person suffix

oʻqimoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: oʻqigan/oʻqimagan + edi + person suffix Path: oʻqimoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: oʻrgangan/oʻrganmagan + edi + person suffix

oʻrganmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: oʻrgangan/oʻrganmagan + edi + person suffix Path: oʻrganmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: oʻrnatgan/oʻrnatmagan + edi + person suffix

oʻrnatmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: oʻrnatgan/oʻrnatmagan + edi + person suffix Path: oʻrnatmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: oʻylagan/oʻylamagan + edi + person suffix

oʻylamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: oʻylagan/oʻylamagan + edi + person suffix Path: oʻylamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: oʻynagan/oʻynamagan + edi + person suffix

oʻynamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: oʻynagan/oʻynamagan + edi + person suffix Path: oʻynamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: qaynagan/qaynamagan + edi + person suffix

qaynamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: qaynagan/qaynamagan + edi + person suffix Path: qaynamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: qilgan/qilmagan + edi + person suffix

qilmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: qilgan/qilmagan + edi + person suffix Path: qilmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: qilishgan/qilishmagan + edi + person suffix

qilishmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: qilishgan/qilishmagan + edi + person suffix Path: qilishmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: qiyoslagan/qiyoslamagan + edi + person suffix

qiyoslamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: qiyoslagan/qiyoslamagan + edi + person suffix Path: qiyoslamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: qolgan/qolmagan + edi + person suffix

qolmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: qolgan/qolmagan + edi + person suffix Path: qolmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: qozongan/qozonmagan + edi + person suffix

qozonmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: qozongan/qozonmagan + edi + person suffix Path: qozonmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: qoʻrigan/qoʻrimagan + edi + person suffix

qoʻrimoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: qoʻrigan/qoʻrimagan + edi + person suffix Path: qoʻrimoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: qoʻrqqan/qoʻrqmagan + edi + person suffix

qoʻrqmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: qoʻrqqan/qoʻrqmagan + edi + person suffix Path: qoʻrqmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: qoʻshilgan/qoʻshilmagan + edi + person suffix

qoʻshilmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: qoʻshilgan/qoʻshilmagan + edi + person suffix Path: qoʻshilmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: qoʻygan/qoʻymagan + edi + person suffix

qoʻymoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: qoʻygan/qoʻymagan + edi + person suffix Path: qoʻymoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: quvvatlagan/quvvatlamagan + edi + person suffix

quvvatlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: quvvatlagan/quvvatlamagan + edi + person suffix Path: quvvatlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: sarflagan/sarflamagan + edi + person suffix

sarflamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: sarflagan/sarflamagan + edi + person suffix Path: sarflamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: sevgan/sevmagan + edi + person suffix

sevmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: sevgan/sevmagan + edi + person suffix Path: sevmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: sezgan/sezmagan + edi + person suffix

sezmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: sezgan/sezmagan + edi + person suffix Path: sezmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: shakllangan/shakllanmagan + edi + person suffix

shakllanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: shakllangan/shakllanmagan + edi + person suffix Path: shakllanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: shakllantirgan/shakllantirmagan + edi + person suffix

shakllantirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: shakllantirgan/shakllantirmagan + edi + person suffix Path: shakllantirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: shishgan/shishmagan + edi + person suffix

shishmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: shishgan/shishmagan + edi + person suffix Path: shishmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: shishirgan/shishirmagan + edi + person suffix

shishirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: shishirgan/shishirmagan + edi + person suffix Path: shishirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: sikkan/sikmagan + edi + person suffix

sikmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: sikkan/sikmagan + edi + person suffix Path: sikmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: sotgan/sotmagan + edi + person suffix

sotmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: sotgan/sotmagan + edi + person suffix Path: sotmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: soʻragan/soʻramagan + edi + person suffix

soʻramoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: soʻragan/soʻramagan + edi + person suffix Path: soʻramoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: takrorlagan/takrorlamagan + edi + person suffix

takrorlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: takrorlagan/takrorlamagan + edi + person suffix Path: takrorlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: takrorlangan/takrorlanmagan + edi + person suffix

takrorlanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: takrorlangan/takrorlanmagan + edi + person suffix Path: takrorlanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: tamomlagan/tamomlamagan + edi + person suffix

tamomlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: tamomlagan/tamomlamagan + edi + person suffix Path: tamomlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: taqqan/taqmagan + edi + person suffix

taqmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: taqqan/taqmagan + edi + person suffix Path: taqmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: taqsimlagan/taqsimlamagan + edi + person suffix

taqsimlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: taqsimlagan/taqsimlamagan + edi + person suffix Path: taqsimlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: taqsimlangan/taqsimlanmagan + edi + person suffix

taqsimlanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: taqsimlangan/taqsimlanmagan + edi + person suffix Path: taqsimlanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: taragan/taramagan + edi + person suffix

taramoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: taragan/taramagan + edi + person suffix Path: taramoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: taraqqiylashgan/taraqqiylashmagan + edi + person suffix

taraqqiylashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: taraqqiylashgan/taraqqiylashmagan + edi + person suffix Path: taraqqiylashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: tasdiqlashgan/tasdiqlashmagan + edi + person suffix

tasdiqlashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: tasdiqlashgan/tasdiqlashmagan + edi + person suffix Path: tasdiqlashmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: tashigan/tashimagan + edi + person suffix

tashimoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: tashigan/tashimagan + edi + person suffix Path: tashimoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: tashvishlangan/tashvishlanmagan + edi + person suffix

tashvishlanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: tashvishlangan/tashvishlanmagan + edi + person suffix Path: tashvishlanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: tayyorlagan/tayyorlamagan + edi + person suffix

tayyorlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: tayyorlagan/tayyorlamagan + edi + person suffix Path: tayyorlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: tegkan/tegmagan + edi + person suffix

tegmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: tegkan/tegmagan + edi + person suffix Path: tegmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: tergan/termagan + edi + person suffix

termoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: tergan/termagan + edi + person suffix Path: termoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: tilagan/tilamagan + edi + person suffix

tilamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: tilagan/tilamagan + edi + person suffix Path: tilamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: topgan/topmagan + edi + person suffix

topmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: topgan/topmagan + edi + person suffix Path: topmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: tortgan/tortmagan + edi + person suffix

tortmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: tortgan/tortmagan + edi + person suffix Path: tortmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: tugʻqan/tugʻmagan + edi + person suffix

tugʻmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: tugʻqan/tugʻmagan + edi + person suffix Path: tugʻmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: tushgan/tushmagan + edi + person suffix

tushmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: tushgan/tushmagan + edi + person suffix Path: tushmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: tushungan/tushunmagan + edi + person suffix

tushunmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: tushungan/tushunmagan + edi + person suffix Path: tushunmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: tushuntirgan/tushuntirmagan + edi + person suffix

tushuntirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: tushuntirgan/tushuntirmagan + edi + person suffix Path: tushuntirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: tutgan/tutmagan + edi + person suffix

tutmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: tutgan/tutmagan + edi + person suffix Path: tutmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: uchgan/uchmagan + edi + person suffix

uchmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: uchgan/uchmagan + edi + person suffix Path: uchmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: uchragan/uchramagan + edi + person suffix

uchramoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: uchragan/uchramagan + edi + person suffix Path: uchramoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: umumlashtirgan/umumlashtirmagan + edi + person suffix

umumlashtirmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: umumlashtirgan/umumlashtirmagan + edi + person suffix Path: umumlashtirmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: urgan/urmagan + edi + person suffix

urmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: urgan/urmagan + edi + person suffix Path: urmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: uxlagan/uxlamagan + edi + person suffix

uxlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: uxlagan/uxlamagan + edi + person suffix Path: uxlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: uygan/uymagan + edi + person suffix

uymoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: uygan/uymagan + edi + person suffix Path: uymoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: uygʻongan/uygʻonmagan + edi + person suffix

uygʻonmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: uygʻongan/uygʻonmagan + edi + person suffix Path: uygʻonmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: xohlagan/xohlamagan + edi + person suffix

xohlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: xohlagan/xohlamagan + edi + person suffix Path: xohlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: yakunlagan/yakunlamagan + edi + person suffix

yakunlamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: yakunlagan/yakunlamagan + edi + person suffix Path: yakunlamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: yangilangan/yangilanmagan + edi + person suffix

yangilanmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: yangilangan/yangilanmagan + edi + person suffix Path: yangilanmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: yaratgan/yaratmagan + edi + person suffix

yaratmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: yaratgan/yaratmagan + edi + person suffix Path: yaratmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: yashagan/yashamagan + edi + person suffix

yashamoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: yashagan/yashamagan + edi + person suffix Path: yashamoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: yegan/yemagan + edi + person suffix

yemoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: yegan/yemagan + edi + person suffix Path: yemoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: yoqqan/yoqmagan + edi + person suffix

yoqmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: yoqqan/yoqmagan + edi + person suffix Path: yoqmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: yotgan/yotmagan + edi + person suffix

yotmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: yotgan/yotmagan + edi + person suffix Path: yotmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: yozgan/yozmagan + edi + person suffix

yozmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: yozgan/yozmagan + edi + person suffix Path: yozmoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: yuborgan/yubormagan + edi + person suffix

yubormoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: yuborgan/yubormagan + edi + person suffix Path: yubormoq

inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: zaiflashgan/zaiflashmagan + edi + person suffix

zaiflashmoq (verb) inflection table: empty tags for Past perfect: zaiflashgan/zaiflashmagan + edi + person suffix Path: zaiflashmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of abadiylashtirmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

abadiylashtirmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of abadiylashtirmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: abadiylashtirmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of adashmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

adashmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of adashmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: adashmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of ajratmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

ajratmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of ajratmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: ajratmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of aksirmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

aksirmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of aksirmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: aksirmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of anglamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

anglamoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of anglamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: anglamoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of ayirmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

ayirmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of ayirmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: ayirmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of aytmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

aytmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of aytmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: aytmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of bajarmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

bajarmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of bajarmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: bajarmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of bastalamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

bastalamoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of bastalamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: bastalamoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of bermoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

bermoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of bermoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: bermoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of bilmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

bilmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of bilmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: bilmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of birlashmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

birlashmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of birlashmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: birlashmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of bogʻlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

bogʻlamoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of bogʻlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: bogʻlamoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of bormoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

bormoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of bormoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: bormoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of boshlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

boshlamoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of boshlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: boshlamoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of bosmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

bosmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of bosmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: bosmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of buyurmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

buyurmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of buyurmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: buyurmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of chalkashmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

chalkashmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of chalkashmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: chalkashmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of chekmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

chekmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of chekmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: chekmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of chiqmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

chiqmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of chiqmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: chiqmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of choʻmmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

choʻmmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of choʻmmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: choʻmmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of demoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

demoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of demoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: demoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of emoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

emoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of emoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: emoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of ermoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

ermoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of ermoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: ermoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of eshitmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

eshitmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of eshitmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: eshitmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of fahmlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

fahmlamoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of fahmlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: fahmlamoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of farqlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

farqlamoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of farqlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: farqlamoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of farqlanmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

farqlanmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of farqlanmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: farqlanmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of gapirmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

gapirmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of gapirmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: gapirmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of gʻiloflamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

gʻiloflamoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of gʻiloflamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: gʻiloflamoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of harakatlanmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

harakatlanmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of harakatlanmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: harakatlanmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of hisoblamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

hisoblamoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of hisoblamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: hisoblamoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of ichmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

ichmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of ichmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: ichmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of ishlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

ishlamoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of ishlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: ishlamoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of ishlatmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

ishlatmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of ishlatmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: ishlatmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of ishontirmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

ishontirmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of ishontirmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: ishontirmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of jadallamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

jadallamoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of jadallamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: jadallamoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of jamlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

jamlamoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of jamlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: jamlamoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of joylashmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

joylashmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of joylashmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: joylashmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of joʻnatmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

joʻnatmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of joʻnatmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: joʻnatmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of kasallanmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

kasallanmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of kasallanmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: kasallanmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of kechirmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

kechirmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of kechirmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: kechirmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of kelishmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

kelishmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of kelishmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: kelishmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of kelmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

kelmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of kelmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: kelmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of ketmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

ketmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of ketmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: ketmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of kichiklashmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

kichiklashmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of kichiklashmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: kichiklashmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of kifoyalanmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

kifoyalanmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of kifoyalanmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: kifoyalanmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of kirmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

kirmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of kirmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: kirmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of koʻmmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

koʻmmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of koʻmmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: koʻmmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of koʻrmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

koʻrmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of koʻrmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: koʻrmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of koʻrsatmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

koʻrsatmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of koʻrsatmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: koʻrsatmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of koʻtarilmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

koʻtarilmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of koʻtarilmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: koʻtarilmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of kulmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

kulmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of kulmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: kulmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of markazlashmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

markazlashmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of markazlashmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: markazlashmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of markazlashtirmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

markazlashtirmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of markazlashtirmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: markazlashtirmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of murakkablashmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

murakkablashmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of murakkablashmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: murakkablashmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of murakkablashtirmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

murakkablashtirmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of murakkablashtirmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: murakkablashtirmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of mustahkamlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

mustahkamlamoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of mustahkamlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: mustahkamlamoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of mustahkamlanmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

mustahkamlanmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of mustahkamlanmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: mustahkamlanmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of muvofiqlashmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

muvofiqlashmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of muvofiqlashmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: muvofiqlashmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of muvofiqlashtirmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

muvofiqlashtirmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of muvofiqlashtirmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: muvofiqlashtirmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of ochmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

ochmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of ochmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: ochmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of odatlanmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

odatlanmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of odatlanmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: odatlanmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of ogʻrimoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

ogʻrimoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of ogʻrimoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: ogʻrimoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of olmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

olmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of olmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: olmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of oqmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

oqmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of oqmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: oqmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of oshmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

oshmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of oshmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: oshmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of osmonlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

osmonlamoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of osmonlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: osmonlamoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of osmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

osmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of osmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: osmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of otmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

otmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of otmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: otmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of oʻlmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

oʻlmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of oʻlmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: oʻlmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of oʻqimoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

oʻqimoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of oʻqimoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: oʻqimoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of oʻrganmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

oʻrganmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of oʻrganmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: oʻrganmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of oʻrnatmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

oʻrnatmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of oʻrnatmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: oʻrnatmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of oʻylamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

oʻylamoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of oʻylamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: oʻylamoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of oʻynamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

oʻynamoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of oʻynamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: oʻynamoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of qaynamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

qaynamoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of qaynamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: qaynamoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of qilishmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

qilishmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of qilishmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: qilishmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of qilmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

qilmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of qilmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: qilmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of qiyoslamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

qiyoslamoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of qiyoslamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: qiyoslamoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of qolmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

qolmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of qolmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: qolmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of qozonmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

qozonmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of qozonmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: qozonmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of qoʻrimoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

qoʻrimoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of qoʻrimoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: qoʻrimoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of qoʻrqmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

qoʻrqmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of qoʻrqmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: qoʻrqmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of qoʻshilmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

qoʻshilmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of qoʻshilmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: qoʻshilmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of qoʻymoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

qoʻymoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of qoʻymoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: qoʻymoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of quvvatlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

quvvatlamoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of quvvatlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: quvvatlamoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of sarflamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

sarflamoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of sarflamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: sarflamoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of sevmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

sevmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of sevmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: sevmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of sezmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

sezmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of sezmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: sezmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of shakllanmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

shakllanmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of shakllanmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: shakllanmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of shakllantirmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

shakllantirmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of shakllantirmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: shakllantirmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of shishirmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

shishirmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of shishirmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: shishirmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of shishmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

shishmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of shishmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: shishmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of sikmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

sikmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of sikmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: sikmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of sotmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

sotmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of sotmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: sotmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of soʻramoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

soʻramoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of soʻramoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: soʻramoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of takrorlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

takrorlamoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of takrorlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: takrorlamoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of takrorlanmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

takrorlanmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of takrorlanmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: takrorlanmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of tamomlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

tamomlamoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of tamomlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: tamomlamoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of taqmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

taqmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of taqmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: taqmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of taqsimlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

taqsimlamoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of taqsimlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: taqsimlamoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of taqsimlanmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

taqsimlanmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of taqsimlanmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: taqsimlanmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of taramoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

taramoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of taramoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: taramoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of taraqqiylashmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

taraqqiylashmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of taraqqiylashmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: taraqqiylashmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of tasdiqlashmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

tasdiqlashmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of tasdiqlashmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: tasdiqlashmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of tashimoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

tashimoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of tashimoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: tashimoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of tashvishlanmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

tashvishlanmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of tashvishlanmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: tashvishlanmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of tayyorlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

tayyorlamoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of tayyorlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: tayyorlamoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of tegmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

tegmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of tegmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: tegmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of termoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

termoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of termoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: termoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of tilamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

tilamoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of tilamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: tilamoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of topmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

topmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of topmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: topmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of tortmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

tortmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of tortmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: tortmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of tugʻmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

tugʻmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of tugʻmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: tugʻmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of tushmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

tushmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of tushmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: tushmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of tushunmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

tushunmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of tushunmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: tushunmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of tushuntirmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

tushuntirmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of tushuntirmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: tushuntirmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of tutmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

tutmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of tutmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: tutmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of uchmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

uchmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of uchmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: uchmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of uchramoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

uchramoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of uchramoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: uchramoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of umumlashtirmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

umumlashtirmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of umumlashtirmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: umumlashtirmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of urmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

urmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of urmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: urmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of uxlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

uxlamoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of uxlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: uxlamoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of uygʻonmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

uygʻonmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of uygʻonmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: uygʻonmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of uymoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

uymoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of uymoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: uymoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of xohlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

xohlamoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of xohlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: xohlamoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of yakunlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

yakunlamoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of yakunlamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: yakunlamoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of yangilanmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

yangilanmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of yangilanmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: yangilanmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of yaratmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

yaratmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of yaratmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: yaratmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of yashamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

yashamoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of yashamoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: yashamoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of yemoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

yemoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of yemoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: yemoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of yoqmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

yoqmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of yoqmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: yoqmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of yotmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

yotmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of yotmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: yotmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of yozmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

yozmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of yozmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: yozmoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of yubormoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

yubormoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of yubormoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: yubormoq

inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of zaiflashmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)'

zaiflashmoq (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Conjugation of zaiflashmoq (see also Appendix:Uzbek verbs)' Path: zaiflashmoq

This page is a part of the machine-readable Uzbek dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2024-09-22 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2024-09-20 using wiktextract (af5c55c and 66545a6). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.